THE 3IOMLXG OREGOMAX, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1923 16 KEAL ESTATE. For Sale -Uoaftes. SEE FRANK L. McGUTRtf To Buy Your Home. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 1200 Photographs of Homes For Sale. YOU CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO OWN your Home! When you can buy one oa uch easy terms as the hundreds which we have listed with us tor sale! PAY RENT TO YOURSELF! Choose your home! Lay the foundation for your happiness and the future of your chil dren. We'll help you make your down payment If necessary. Upon ail day Saturday and Sunday. Open evenings until 9. 76 Salesmen with autos. LAST DAT OF "HOME BEAUTIFUL' show at the Auditorium! Visit out booth, there, where many of our best buy &re on display! Courteous sales men always at your service. NO RENT TO PAY! $3390 MAiCE AN OFFER! Neat 6 room bungalow type home on east aide. close in. a few minutes' walk to town! Just newly and completely renovated! tapestry and Ivory finish, radio fumeless pas-heating system, artistic ugnt fixtures, paved street. E. 11th, close to Washington high, gram mar schools and churches. SEE THIS TODAY! 3490 -5600 down! FURNISHED Penln aula home of 8 rooms, substantial and neat: 5 bedrooms, electricity. large lot; A REAL SNAP! Princeton st. riOoO $300 down! Neat cosy little Mt. Scott home; 3 rooms, with eom built-in conveniences; electricity, new linoleum, etc. Woodstock avenue. 11990 COMPLETELY FURNISHED I Easy terms will make you the owner of this comfortable large 4-room Mt Scott cottage that Is one of the biggest buys in our office! Chicken house, piano, sew ing machine, etc.; 87th st.; $300 down! $3990 $500 down! ANOTHER REAL SNAP! Comfortable 5-room prac tical Sunnyside home right on carbine on Belmont et. ; CLEAN and attractive; $MM down. $-1790 $600 down! KENTON; Neat lit tle 3-room cottage, with bath, gas, full lot. W. Kilpatrick st. $4350 JUST 150 ft. off Union ave., on Eugene t.; a wonderful buy in a good, comfortable, attractive mod ern 7-room home; furnace and laundry trays. hard surfaced street; can arrange terms. $2650 IN WOODSTOCK! Here's a pretty little 6-room bungalow in good condition: has every modern convenience; 2 nice bedrooms and white enamel bath; very easy terms. Schiller st. $2590 SUNNYSIDE home! 6 rooms. In best conditio.!, being newly reno vated and painted; old-fashioned and homey. E. Salmon St.; can arrange terms. $1190 $400 down! FURNISHED quaint white cottage in Mt. Scott; com pletely furnished; WHITE, CLEAN AND KOZY! 41st ave. $2390 DON'T MISS THIS ! ACTUALLY ONE OF THE BIGGEST BAR GAINS among all our listings! A money saver! Here it Is: On a full lot, close to Jefferson high school. Peninsula park and car barns, a very attractive, substan tial 5-room bungalow type home, with lots of built-in conveniences, white enamel plumbing, electri city, gas. etc. SEE THIS TO DAY! Missouri ave. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE ; 3.0 Buy lour Home, I REALTOR, Abfngton BIdg. Bdwy. 7171. SWISS CHALET TYPE. Snuggled in the hills of Willam ette heights and occupying a part of very beautiful private grounds, small building suitable for remod eling for those who can visualize the possibilities and appreciate the surroundings; entrance from two paved streets and unsurpassed views of city, mountains, etc., sev eral dogwood trees. MRS, HARRY PRICE PALMER. Main 1780. 421 N. W. Bank BIdg. CHARMING HOME: $500 DOWN. 1 lovely, bright, sunny rooms, Haw thorne district., corner. 150 ft., oavine. sidewalk and sewer paid; double garage rentea oy montn 1U), Hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, laundry trays; price only $5350; $30 mo., 7 per cent mortgage; holder says prop erty Is worth over $6000. He cheerfully loaned us $3000, which you assume and pay balance $30 per month (or more), 7 per cent Interest. Will sell elegant furniture if desired. 934 E. MAIN.. CORNER 31ST. ROSE CITY PARK. 75x100 CORNER. $3750 Can you imagine a new bunga low with an exceptionally large living room, iirepiace, nardwood xioors, tapes t ry paper, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement porch, cement basement. launary trays, on a beautiful corner with lots of trees, in this district for so little money, $750 down? Investigate mis. CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO., 1111 Sandy Blvd (on. Viaduct). 315-44. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW CHEAP. New, modern 4-room apartment bun galow, living room finished in hard wood, bedrooms finished in ivory with hardwood floors: kitchen and bath in white enamel with linoleum; fireplace, Gasco furnace with thermostat control, electric water heater, electric range, set tubs: located corner 33d and Tillamook sts. AU assessments paid. Price for quick sale only $4500 cash. Mr. Smith. Main 2164. SOLDIER'S BONUS ACCEPTED. Five-room bungalow with large floored attic, full basement, furnace, wash trays, fireplace, built-in buffet in paneled din ing room, Dutch kitchen, two airy bed rooms and bath; many closets; fruit trees; close to car and school; price $4500; easy terms. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. Bdwy. 7522. "TEN-SHUN." EX-SERVICE MEN. Beautiful five-room modern bungalow In Hawthorne district, hardwood floors, fireplace, beautiful built-ins, Dutch kitchen, etc.; will accept small payment down and accept bonus. NO AGENTS WANTED. 844 E, 49th at. S. or Tabor 4360. GOLNO TO BUILD? We design and build residence or any building, assist In financing same; 12 years' continuous and complete building service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, contract lng architect. 924 N. W. Bank bldg. A HIGH-CLASS modern home, beauti fully furnished, on Westover terraces, including Gasco furnace. Radiant fire place, electric and gas ranges, gas and electric water beaters, garage; $200 a month; reference required. Phone Main 9186. BY OWNER Strictly , modern 7-roora new bungalow, 2 rooms upstairs. 5 down; hardwood floors throughout lower floor; garage; lot 52xlK: house must be seen Inside to be appreciated; $8500. 427 E. 38th st. N. Tabor 8944. BEAUTIFUL home residence, WtllametU Heights, valued at $11,000; this prop erty Is very desirable and is offered for pale in order to close an estate. For further Information call Main 6374. FOR SALE By owner; best buy in Port land; 7 rooms, modern; 4 bedrooms and bath up- hardwood floors: furnace; ga rage ; corner lot. 850 Belmont ; best street on east side; $4600; $2000 cash, balance mortgage. WILL SACRIFICE. Commodious dwelling, choice section, high location. Nob Hill district, suitable for upper-class residence or for room renting : near both hospitals. AJ 663. Oregonian. 6-ROOM bungalow in Walnut Park; owner leaving city desires to sell quickly; terms if desired but liberal discount for cash. Phone Woodlawn 3264 for ap pointment. NEARLY complete 6-room bungalow, double constructed, all kinds built-lns, full basement. For terms, owner, 6306 49th st. S. E. ACRE, 4-ROOM HOUSE. $3250. Small barn, fruit, spring branch, this side Reed college, $50O cash, $20 month. Kogcr w. cary, i.m .-n. vv . .ttantc bldg. FOR SALE: Willamette Heights, modern 7-roora - home, fine view: must be seen to be appreciated; being handled by owner. Call Broadway 290, week days. DON'T look any farther than the GREAT WESTERN INV VESTMENT CO... 230 Chamber of Commerce bldg. We will help you make your down payment. $40$0 $500 DOWN, 5-room bungalow, brand new, absolutely modern; 1324 E. Flanders; Laurelhurst; come out today; a bargain. - 2 LOTS, 6-room house; $5000, $500 down; or house. $3500. 948 Clinton. East 1223. Owner. . 100x100 ON paved street with 5-room bun galow, gara ge and f ru it, $3150. Sel 1 wood 814. MODERN' 4-roorn bungalow, new. Alberta district. $3250. $500 down, balance terms. AB rft2. Oregonian. FOR SALE 7-room house, 4 acres, location for hotel. Phone 619-54. good ROSE CITY modern bungalow, sacrifice, : 6-ROOM bungalow, corner lot; good inveat from owner; terms. Tabor S02&. t mcnt 1193 E. Taylor. REAL ESTATE. $4050 ROSE CITY $4050. NEW 4 ROOMS AND SLEEP ING PORCH. 1 BLOCK TO SAN DY BLVD. FIREPLACE, HD WD. FLOORS, CEMENT BASEMENT, BUILT-IN WASH TRAYS, LOT 50x100. THIS IS A BARGAIN AND YOU WILL NEED TO HUB Kr TO GET IT. G. C. ULRICH CO., INC?., 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. MAIN 4354. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9. HOME BARGAINS. $3000 6-room house on Kerby street, near Thompson school; $1000 cash. $2500 5-room house, corner lot, on Missouri avenue; $500 cash. $3650 5-room bungalow, fireplace, fur nace, built-in buffet, full basement; Mis sissippi avenue, near Peninsula park; $1500 cash. $2400 i-room house with furniture, Michigan avenue, near, Patton Home; $500 or more cash. $1800 1-room house, full lot, Ganten bein avenue, near Beech; $525 c&sP, bal ance $25 a month. M. E. THOMPSON, Realtor, 848 Mississippi Ave. Woodlawn 1733. TODAY'S SPECIAL. $1475 BUYS YOU A HOME. WILL TAKE PAYMENT DOWN. LET US SHOW YOU. G. C. ULRICH CO., INC., 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. MAIN 4354. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9. ROSE CITY PARK. . S4750. Just off Sandy, a very cleverly ar ranged 5-room bungalow, with cement porch, large living room, r rencn aoors, plate-glass windows, hardwood floors. tanestrv Daoer. fireplace, all built-ms, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, furnace. exceptionally large lot; easy terms. CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO.. 1111 Sandy Blvd. (on Viaduct). 315-44. , ALAMEDA. $3250. " $3250. . A new 4-room bungalow, double con structed, hardwood floors, all modern built-lns. Terms. A cosy home. See it today. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO., REALTORS. Bdwy. 518. Auto. 512-13. Wilcox bldg. $5500. IRVINGTON PARK. 1180 E. 30TH ST. NORTH. By owner, exceptionally good buy, new 5-npom bungalow, fireplace, hard wood floors, extra fine fixtures, buffet, built-ins, ivory finish, breakfast nook; furnace, cement basement; lot 50x100, 14-foot alley; on car line, hear school. Open for inspection Sundays and after 7 P. M. weekdays; terms. Phone Broadway 74io. SOLDIERS: W now have a modern o- roora bungalow with hardwooa noors, fireplace, cabinet kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays and ,on a paved street near Columbia park, that we can sell for $4100, $100 down, $40 per month until loan comes, then $15 per month on balance at 6 per cent interest. When can you go with us and see this bar gain? Pleasa phone Main 7141, Ralph Ackley, at 527 Corbett building. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF BEAUTI FUL HOMES IN THE BEST DIS TRICTS OF THE CITY WHICH WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW BY APPOINTMENT. WE ALSO HAVE BUYERS FOR HOMES THAT A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT WILL HANDLE. FOR RESULTS CALL MRS. SNOW, BDWY. 7031 4664. . 320 LUMBERMBNS BLDQ. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW SNAP. 7 rooms and s. p., strictly modern; corner lot, paved streets, hardwood, enamel finish, linoleum, fireplace, fur nace and all built-lns. 432 E. 41st st. N 2 blocks north of Sandy. Owner forced to sell at once and will sacrifice for quick sale; now priced at $5100, about i cash, bal. time at Call owner. Wdln. 55, from 10 A. M. until 10 P. M. A GREAT SACRIFICE. $500 DOWN AND $2000 on very easy payments for corner lot 60x60 ft., corner Gibbs and Water sts. Just think, only $25O0 for a corner lot and an 8-room house, right close in. First come can have it ail Improvements paid. Goldsmith & CoH 266 Stark et. y IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A HOME AT A PRICE THAT IS RIGHT. EITHER IN LAURELHURST, IRVINGTON. AL AMEDA OR THE WEST SIDE. WE HAVE WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. J. R. HAIGHT, REALTOR. . 327 BOARD OF TRADE. BDWY. 2045. EVENINGS WDLN. 6260. MODERN HOME. 8 rooms, lot 54x3 75, garage for 3 cars, 203 East 53d N. Price S50O0. $500 cash, $35 per month on balance. Call Tabor 2032 or East 243 9. Owner. 90 Union ave. You must see this - to appreciate it. ALB1NA district For Sale at once, 6-room house, good condition, bath, gas, elec tric, full basement, nice lot fruit trees, str. paid; near O.-W. R. & N. shops and grain docks; for $3000, terms. See the owner. 161 Paige st. Take Mississippi car, get oft at Albina ave. ONCE ONLY. 5-room bungalow, large attic, full basement, fruit, lot 110x13 i, hard sur face, large garage, all conveniences: $300 down, balance easy; might consider light car, good lot or 4-room house. Auto matic 612-23. TAKE IT QUICK. Alberta, paved street, 5-room, sleep ing porcn. tun basement, laundry trays, $2700, small payment down, immediate pt ssession. R. HOARD, 50T STOCK EX. BLDG., Main 52t7. COSY little home, solidly built, double constructed house, 2 nice rooms, 1 block from car line, in good district, good snea; owner ount nouse to live in; cir cumstances force sale; is sacrificing good money at $1050; $200 down. Robinson, oua selling oiag. Main L'557. $0500 .100x100 CORNIER. 7-room modern well-built house, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, large living and dining room, all Improvements paid; 20 choice fruit trees, near schools. 5(4 East 33d st. S. Part cash and. liberal terms. Phone MUST be sold, make offer; pretty 5-room bungalow, bath, gas, electricity, Dutch kitchen, buffet, bookcases and linen closet; garage, and plenty of berries: 1 or 2 lots, close to car and good school. 7804 62d ave., Mt. Scott car, at 77th St. READ THIS. List your property with a live firm. We will sell it. CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO.. Ill Sandy Blvd (on Viaduct). Automatic 315-44. PENINSULA PARK DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow, fireplace, basement, 1 block to car, 2 blocks to park; a real substantial home; $4200, $750 cash, bal ance easy terms. W, L. Erwin. Wood lawn 6714. IRVINGTON. New. classy bungalow with every modern convenience, well built of first class material;, located on Knott, be tween 25th and 26th st. East 22. FOR SALE BY OWNER My home in Irvlngton, partly furnished or unfur nished; 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch garage, fine location. Phone Broad -way 5184. THE AUDITORIUM THIS WEEK SEE US BOOTH NO. 35. . J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY.' PENINSULA PARK DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow basement, fireplace, built-ins, hardwood floors, garage and full lot; $4400, $750 cash, balance easy terms. W. L. Erwin, w oooiawn 6714. BY OWNER. Modern bungalow, hot-water heat, block from Irvington. 1 block from Broadway carlines, furnished or unfur nished. Call East 1714. SELLWOOD MODERN HO M E. CH E A P. o rooms. strictly moaern. Maiden ave. : fireplace, large living room with fireplace. Make me an offer. Owner, B, road way 6011 or SeMwood 2706 eves. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. " Cosy 4-room house on 75x100 corner good plumbing, full cement basement' garage; $?800, $500 cash, balance easi' W. L. Erwin. Woodlawn 6714 KENTON BARGAIN; B-room bungalow, garage 12x28- all new, property 125x100. $3500. Or 50x 100 with bldg., $2500. Owner. Wdln, 4'VT' ROSE CITY PARK. By owner, 5-room bungalow, garage elow the hill" on 63d st. $475. Ta- "be bor 2215 laurelhurst; 7-room colonial bungalow, all modern conveniences, near park. See it Sunday IQ05 E. Burnslde. Woodlawn 6017 IRVINGTON PARK Six-room bungalow" 100x100; will take auto and cash first payment. Owner. Woodlawn 5325. $ 1 1 ft PORTABLE two-room house suit able for shop or dwelling. 20 th and Love.loy. IF YOU WANT A HOME BUILT Let me show you how to build, save time, money and worry. A 623-1 7. 10 ROOMS. 631 Ladd ave.; doubie garage Call st 124 5th st. 6 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Honnes. LAURELHURST. One of those lovely bungalows near the park and usually found in the class which are not for sale. Most beautiful living room, com plete kitchen and breakfast nook, 2 large sleeping rooms and tile bathroom on first floor, 3 rooms on second floor, also large storage space (and arrangement made for second bath), hardwood floors en tire first floor, Gasco furnace, ga rage, appointments and furnish ings excellent in quality and taste. Can be purchased entirely fur nished if so desired, and at most attractive figure. Inspection ar ranged only by appointment. 1201 East Ankeny. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. 4111 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 178C. ALMOST A GIVE-AWAY. SEE THIS BEFORE BUYING. TOO LARGE FOR TWO OF US. ROSE CITY PARK. 51t X., between Alameda drive and Stanton st. 7 rooms, 2 sleeping porches, full base mpnt. laundrv'trava. sras tIate. Fox fur nace, large fireplace, -hardwood floors downstairs: kitchen and upstairs whit enamel. Beautiful lot, 50x100. $3500 down and easy terms. Call Tabor 3662 for particulars and appointment. Owner. IRVINGTON HOMES. WE SPECIALIZE IN IRVING TON HOMES AND HAVE SOME FINE BUYS, FROM $5250; COLO NIALS FROM $7500 TO $12,000; ALSO 2 FINE STUCCO HOMES, ONE $13,000. THE OTHER $18, $500; ALL IN THE HEART OF THIS DISTRICT. SEE US BE FORE BUYING. McDONELL, 500 EAST 14TH ST. N. EAST 419. BEAUMONT. $750 DOWN. $4650. A real bargain ; a look will convince you. - Five-room weii-constructea jan fornla bunealow. Combination livin and dining room, finished In old ivory and tapestry paper. Fireplace, built-in buffet, hardwood floors. Dutch Kitchen den, bath, cement basement, floored attlo, all Improvements in and paid; one block from car line; some furniture for sale, owner leaving city: worth inves tlgating. 1189 Stanton street. Head of Forty-first street. Six blocks north of Sa n d y blvd. FORCED partnership settlement causes us to dispose of our beautixui 8-room ir vington home at a great sacrifice. Sell ' wood 814. ALBERTA SNAP. 4-room house in Alberta dlstr: $1600; will trade or sell. A BARGAIN. 5-room house and attic adjoining Walnut Park, sewers and paving paid full lot; some furniture goes with place $3250 ; $250 down ; terms. McGEE AND DENNIS. 969 Union Ave. Wdln. 5684. WONDERFUL BUY $5000 TERMS. Tn Sunnyside; beautiful shady corner with fruit, roses, garage; improvements in, paid ; lull cement oasemem ana floor; 4 bedrooms, 1 downstairs; fire Dlace. furnace, built-ins: must be im mediately sold. , If you want safe buy, home-like home, handy to stores, good car service and school, don t miss this. 1163 E. Salmon. Tabor 8234 or 1113 STRICTLY MODERN CORNER. Splendid home with income; 10 rooms; 2 5-room flats; owner lives in lower. rents uDoer : beautiful surroundings. basements, furnace, 2 fireplaces. One o Portland's most attractive buys; a sur prise. Hawthorne district; 2 car lines. We have a $7000 offer. Owner must have $7500; $3000 cash. Robinson, 603 Selling bldg. Alain 2oo t. SIT UP AND LISTEN. Modern home In R se City Park, with car thrown in. for $4850. 6-room bun galow, fireplace, furnace, garage, full cement basement, all improvements in and paid, lot 50x110, late 1920 - Ford coupe. Owner leaving city. $1500 down payment Phone Tabor 8690. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. 5-room bungalow, east front; oak floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, rurnace, ga rage: st. imp. in and paid: shade trees fine location; $4700; easy terms. Tabor 4-ROOM cottage, lot 40x100; lights, toilet, basement, including oea, chairs, dresser, table, range, eleven fruit trees, berries, grapes, roses, potatoes planted ; wood shed, chicken house ; Hawthorne car. $1300. $900 cash payment. Owner, BC 5ol. Oregonian. ROSE CITY PARK, $4800. New 5-room bungalow, combination living and dining room, Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors throughout built-ins. Will take good car for part or small cash payment and soldier's bonus. 1 abor ostb. $4200 TERMS $4200. 15 min, walk to town, 1 blk. car, 6 rms. and sleeping porch, cem. basement. rurnace, gooa condition. , a snap! To see is to buy this one! G. C. GOLDENBBRG. Bdwy. 4003. Tabor 8104 BIGGEST SNAP IN PORTLAND. 5 rooms, attic, corner lot, between Hawthorne and Sunnyside car, west of 18th st. Some bargain, $28oO. Very easy terms. See this at once. Aut. 623-17. FOR SALE Modern four-room bungalow just completed. In north Jonesmore. size of house, zexs, lot ouxlOO, price $3275. Either call, or phone Umbden- stocK e kso., iioor, uregon ouiiding. r'none uroaa way jtna. MOUNT TABOR DISTRICT. Circumstances require immediate sale srood 6-room house, atxioo lot. nice yard garage, paved street, close to car; price $3500; terms. Inquire room 202 Alisky Diag. AUIO. Di-OV. ALAMEDA DISTRICT. New 4-room bungalow, 2 bedrooms, breakfast nook. Dutch kitchen, fire place, bookcase, 50x100 lot; small cash payment, ksslii w am. boo. BARGAIN. BY OWNER. 5-ROOM ' MODERN HOUSE Hard wood floors, insiae remoaeied; some fur niture; fruit trees; best car service In city: $2800; terms. 1182 E. Salmon st. THE AUDITORIUM THIS WEEK SEE VS BOOTH NO. 35. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. FIVE-ROOM house with one and three fourths acres of land, near Meldrum station. Oregon City car. $5000. One- half cash. H. G. Starkweather, 602 Broaaway nuiiaing. THE AUDITORIUM THIS WEEK SEE US BOOTH NO. 35. J. L, HARTMAN COMPANY. SAVE $150. Buvinff from owner. A new 4-room. modern bungalow, with garage, corner Willamette blvd. and van Ho-uten st. Price $3850. 1285 Willamette blvd. FOR SALE) BY OWNER. Beautiful 10-room Laurelhurst home. TABOR 4921. SUNNYSIDE HOME OF 9 ROOMS Close to school and, 2 blocks from car line; in gouu an yiacticany new plumbing; 2 garages. Owner. East 735. BONUS men, attention: New four-room modern bungalow: close in on acre, 2 bedrooms, near school; $3000, terms. Owner. Woodlawn 5325. W I LL accept soldier's bonus on my strictly modern bungalow; street im provements In; close to park; must be seen 10 De appreciaiea. uau Mar. 1504. IF you want to sell your house and your price is rignt, we can get results. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 405-6 Panama Bldg.. 3d and, Alder. $4200 $2700 CASH; 5-room up-to-date bvr.gaiow: ounnysiae; pave a street; an ideal home and worth more money SCOTT & BERRY, 1038 Belrnon t. FOR SALE by owner, 7-room house, full basement, trays, aouoie constructed all through, fine lawn, flowers and fruit trees. Sell wood 2205. $52i50 .IRVINOTON. New 1 4 -story bungalow. Just finished, on E. 14th st. N.. between Stanton and Siskiyou; terms. Owner. East 2185. HOUSE PLANS, 100 designs. $10 to $15, or specially designed at reasonable fee. L. R. BAILEY CO.. 924 X. W. Bank Bldg. 6-ROOM house, 2 blocks from center of Gresham, full basement, 50x200. JSasy terms. Address owner. 227 Mill. OR SALE At once, six-room modern house with garage. In restricted inter urban district. Call Sell. 3342. , ALBERTA, 6-room, modern, for sale by owner; no agents; rnona .Main 3516. LADD ADDITION, rooms, den, sleeping pwruii, (tarage, irun irees. oy owner. 575 Mulberry streetJ 6-ROOM house and 3 acres on E. 46th st. ; j. acre rruic. irice auuu; caan suou. Wdln. 2375. REAL ESTATE. $5250 ROSE CITY $5250. Vi BLOCK FROM SANDY, ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN AND PAID FOR. DANDY 5-ROOM BUN GALOW AND SLEEPING PORCH. BUILT-INS. FIREPLACE, FUR NACE, GARAGE. OWNER LEAV ING CITY. REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE. G. C. ULRICH CO., INC.. 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. MAIN 4354. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9. ROSE. CITY PARK. $5500, There is nothing you can add to this o-room bungalow located below trie mu in this sterling district. It is new and complete. The rooms are large, has a big attic, plate-class windows, hard wood floors throughout, fireplace and a Deauty, tapestry paper, built-in Duirei ana dook cases, iimshed in oia ivory, kitchen and bath enameled, full cement runway and garage, furnace, beautiful lot; $1000 down. CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO., 1111 Sandy Blvd (on Viaduct). 315-44. $4350 TERMS. 386 EAST 53D ST. N., NR. BDWY. NEW! NEW! ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. STRICTLY MODERN 5-ROOM; ALSO GLASSED SLEEPING- PORCH: HARD WOOD FLOORS, FURNACE. DUTCH KITCHEN. NOOK, FINE PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES: FULL BASEMENT; FULL LOT; BELOW THE HILL; SEWERS, ETC., PAID; CLOSE TO CAR. SEE THIS TODAY. FROM 1 TO 5. ROSE CITY CAR TO 53D, THEN GO SOUTH. AUTOS. OUT BROADWAY TO 63D. OWNER. WOODLAWN 1550. LAURELHURST. $4850. We conscientiously believe that we are oriering an exceptionally good value in this new bungalow, which is complete in every detail, for so little money, in this district, it has a large living room, two nice bedrooms, , attic, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, fireplace, hardwood floors, tapestry paper, finished in old ivory; furnace and garage ; $750 down. 1111 Ranv I t VIqiM 315-44. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. . I must sell to raise money. If you want a home for $2500 less than real value, located in the very heart of Irvington, call me; house has 42-ft. living and dining room, 6 rooms on first floor and 2 fin ished rooms upstairs, fireplace, furnace and garage; less than 2 years old. Call owner at Bdwy. 3364 before 10 o'clock. $2950 READIMADE ACRE FRUIT FARM and new Readimade bungalow, near city car line. Tabor 2678, except Sunday Suburban Homes. MULTNOMAH'S most beautiful and com plete bungalow, with every conven ience, ' hardwood floors, furnace, im mense fireplace, big enough to hold 5 foot logs, all built-ins; in fact, there is nothing like it in our whole district: still this magnificent home, located on a choice tract of ground in the curve of the highway, is being offered at a fraction of its value on terms of $1000 cash ; you must see this to appreciate it; I will be glad to take you out over the boulevard in mv machine. BEN RIESLAND. Exclusive Sales Agent, 404 Piatt BIdg., 127 Park St. Tel. Main 880. AMONG THE TREES ON THE WILLAMETTE. Cozy bungalow, modern plumbing, gas and electricity, 100x100 ft. lot, with river frontage, fine view, close to car and highway; one of the beauty spots on the river. Price $3700. ONLY $500 CASH. X L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. NEWLY WEDS. A nifty city bungalow, Just outside of town, on paved highway, large living and dining room, fireplace, all built-ins, modern plumbing; very attractive ex terior, cement porcn es, r lower Doxes, good garage and half acre of ground ; nice grove of firs: a new place and ready to move into. Price $3750; $1000 cash. J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. BEAUTIFUL suburban home, east of city. near Hucklev ave.. mod. i -room nouse. concrete basement, garage, fall kinds of bearing fruit and berries; 2hi acres of rich soil, rock road, near school and car. Owner forced to sell at once ; no reasonable offer refused ; about $2000 cash required. Drive out to 53.0 113th st. S. E.. near B5th a'e., and look this over. Owner, Auto. 633-55, or Wdln. 5r. FOR SALE: A 5-acre home, half mile elec tric station, store ana scnooi. iturai route. Choice level garden land. An acre of loganberries, half acre straw berries. Good- barn, chicken houses and a comfortable 4-room house, thickly settled District, 30 miles from Port land. This Is a chance. Price only $1450. Some terms. Address E. Courand, owner, Hubbard. Or. 9 ACRES, new, modern, double con structed e-room nouse. completely xur nished, or unfurnished ; berries, elec tricity, cement basement, wood, milk and mail route, 2 minutes Oregon Elec tric car, Trece station, rocked road. Just off highway; owner on place; chicken house, barn; terms. Mrs. Moylan, Main 6710. RIVER-FRONT HOME. Small bungalow, nicely furnished, beautifully located on Willamette river, 30 minutes' drive to town; Oregon City car, Rothe station; every modern con venience; -all ready to move into; price $ 2 700. Phone Oak Grove 174-N. LET US show you these cute" places: $150 cash, 3-T. new bungalow, 5i4oO a. $150 cash, 3-r. new cottage, $1500 acre. $200 cash, bungalow, "a peach," $1800. $200 cash, 4-r. bungalow, Y acre, $2200. McFARLAND. Realtor. Failing Bldg. 1 ACRES 7-room modern home, berries. irutt, cniCKens; an iaeai no me on mac adamized road, close in, , $4000; terms; owner 402 Artisans bldg. Phone Broad way 4890. 1, ACRES on 92d St., 3-r. house, barn. hennery, iruir, Derries, water, gas, no rocks, $2800; $800 cash. McFarland, .Realtor. Failing bldg. FOR SALE 2 acres, cleared, buildings, fruit; also 3 acres adjoining; l mile east of Courtney station. Fellows, Milwaukie, Or.. Route 1, Box 195. LOVELY corner In Park Rose; H acre with bungalow; Craig road, owner East 2299. ; . $350 CASH, acre, fine soil, 3-r. shacit, H grits, water, ncitr eieuii ij aiauuu, McFarla n d. Realtor. Failing b ldg. ONE ACRE Parkrose, modern bungalow. fine orchard. Terms. xapor zpid. FOR SALE Beautiful suburban home, $25,000. Main 880. For Sale Business Property. FOR SALE A good business corner on El Sixth and E. Bumside. on good terms. Phone owner. East 2704. For Sale Acreage. 1NE FOR CHICKENS, BERRIES AND FRUIT. Splendid tract of 2.41 acres on good macadam road, small amount of clear ing, few old fruit trees; total price $800, $37.50 down, $12.50 monthly. Fred W. German Co., realtors. 732 Cham, of Com CHEAP CLOSE-IN ACRE. City water, 1 block from pavement; 2 miles city limits, only $450. $100 down, $10 month Rich soiL Cleared and plow ed. D. McChesney, 626 Henry bldg., Bdwy. 2505. Sunday and evenings. Main 7844. . ACRES BEAUTIFUL WOODED. 1 to 10-acre tracts on beautiful river drive at the edge of Portland: lovely summer home sites: $500 and up. 433 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5276. y- ACRES near Oswego lake on red elec tric line, -minute waiK to station; iaeai land for chickens or filbert nuts; 3 room house; price $4750.. terms. Pbon T a bor 5428, Qg address G 646. Oregonian. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low prices ana easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. 74 ACRES in one of Oregon's leading truit aistricia, iw acres in Deanng prunes and walnuts,-5 acres In open field; $6000. terms; sickness forcing sale. Address Box 198-A, Route 3. Vancouver. Wash. 14 ACRES, acres, acres, inside or out side city; city water, city scnooi ; elec tricity: $10 payments. Roger W. Carey, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. , ACRES, wire fenced, near Portland, all in cultivation, at $100 per or $1250 cash, balance trade or time Bill Gay, Ohio Hotel. Main 5861. WO ACRES timber, 14 lots. 1 blocks north St. Johns car line on Buchanan st. ; reasonable terms. Owner,. W. C Reed, 361 Larrabee et. 2 ACRES, BARR ROAD, $875. Fine soil, $3 down, $10 per month. Strong & Co., 606 Cham, of Com, bldg. BEAUTIFUL -acre contract to 3 acres. Improvements, block from station, red car line. Owner, Main 8380. 0 ACRES timber for wood, $300 cash. balance as you cut tne wooa. McFar land. Realtor. Failing bldg-. FOR GARDEN Home or Capitol high way acreage, see- Geo. Milan Smith at 537 Pittock block. Broadway 1676. SEVEN ACRES, CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN. 9131 82U bi', & . 619-4. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. SUNDERLAND ACRES. CLOSE IN ON COLUMBIA BOULEVARD. 3 to 20-acre tracts, rich silt soil, all plowed and ready for planting ; several excellent oonortunitiea for small dairies, fruit and vegetable gardens and general Intensive diversified farming; several good buys left at from $400 to $600 per .acre; 10 per cent down, balance annually. C. H. Nay lor, agent, office East 29th st. isortn and Columbia blvd. J. O. ELROD. OWNER. 283 Stark St. Broadway 1183. 440 ACRES stump land in Beaver creek valley, clcse to school and church, 4 V miles west of Rainier, Or., on Colum bia river highway, for sale in tracts or as a whole. Land is practically level but well drained. Practically every 40 has a live spring or running water. Choice location for dairying and berries. No rock or gravel. For further informa tion write Chas. Alston, P. O. Box 441, Kainier. tr., agent, or unas. 5. Lamoen, 430 Drumheller bldg., Walla Walla, Wash., owner. 160 ACRES DIRT CHEAP $3250. Fair house, barn, several outbuildings, orchard, spring creek, flume, lots of big first-growth timber for wood, zy miles of R. R. town, stores, boat landing. You can pay for this place with the wood that 3 on it. Easy terms. McFARLAND, REALTOR. Failing Bldg. 5-ACRE CITY TRACT, LOWER TER- WTT.T.TflER. NATIIRAT. PARK. MAG NIFICENT VIEW OF MOUNTAINS AND RIVER. SUITABLE FOR PALA TIAL HOME. ORGANIZATION. SECT, T MSTTTUTTON! HRAI.TH RESORT : $18,000. APPLY ON PREMISES. 1164 SECOND ST. FIRST HOUSE SLAVIN ROAD. 70 ACRES of land, partly improved, some buildings; 3 head horses, harness, wagon, 7 cows, chickens, hogs, farm Imple ments, household furniture; also lease of 260 acres; price for all $3400; will sell on easy terms or trade for car and cash; city property, acreage or small business in Portland. F 40, orego nian. 5-ROOM HOUSE. Good orchard; 8 acres good soil; gravel road; close in; near Portland; schools and stores: considered to be star buy. Inspect place in, our cars. $-?uuu, iuuu aown. FRANK C. ROBINSON, 503 Selling bldg. Main 2557. FOR SALE. 40 acres fine land, burned over, seeded to grass and fenced; all tillable when cleared: 1 miles from electric car line mile from Mt. Hood loop road; about 21 miles southeast of Portland; prie $4000; cash. Write or call Frank Herz. Boring. Or.. R. F. D. 2, box 18 THREE ACRES. CITY WATER CLOSE IN. Fine soil, faces pavement; has sunny south slope, is cleared 'and plowed. $1400, terms. Two miles from city lim its. D. McChesney, 626 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2505. Sunday and evenings, Main 7844. 10 ACRES CITY WATER. Close In on pavement. All In cultiva tion and rich, free working soil. 2 acres lozanberr'es. 1 strawberries, rest is plow ed ready to plant; a bargain at $4000. terms. D. McChesney, 626 Hen ry bldg. Bdwy. 2505. Evenings, Main 7844. . 152x221 $925. Big piece of rich garden soil, equal to nearly i city lots, lacing a graveieu road, with Bull Run water In the street. for only S92o. on easy monthly pay. ments. ' See Mr. Rogers, 418 Spalding bldg. Bdwy. 6550. $20 DOWN takes a fine wooded acre near Oswego jaae. juccanaaa, neauor, r aai ing bldg. TWO ACRFS, good soil, macadam road, near station. 7ua ueKum oiag. Irrigated Lands. MUNICIPAL LANDS FOR SALE. A real opportunity to get Irrigated land. Situated along the Columbia river with the best railroad facilities and longest growing season in the north west. Soil and climate especially adap ted to gardening, chicken raising, bee culture, dairying, to growing grapes, strawberries and fruit in general. The main state highway passes through the project. Our schools are the best. One accredited, high school and two grade schools. Write for our most attractive terms and folder. The district, and not agents Is selling this land; there will be no commission to pay. We are interested In getting home builders on the project. Address BURBANK IRRIGATION DIST. NO. 4. Burbank. Washington. CHOIOB I R R I GATED LAN D UND ER NEW GOVmxiMBNT PROJIECT ON COLUMBIA -RIV.BR HIGHWAY. HOW ARP. 1115 N. W. BAtXIK. MAIN 8031. Homestead. Relinquishments. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR RELIN QUISHMENT. SEE E. W. HELM, 422 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. 640 ACRES for sale or trade for car. Call at Milton hotel, room 208, 10 to 2, 6:30 to 10. For Sale Farms. DAIRY FARM, 23 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 185 acres, all in cultivation, about 75 acres now in crop; large dairy barn, full cement floor; running water in barn and equipped with all modern conveniences; room for 60 cows and 10O tons of hay; one horse barn and shed for young cat tle, creamery with full equipment for making butter, with good cooler room; fine ice plant and milk bottling machine; one 4-room house and one 7-room ho use t machinery shed and other outbuildings; 40 head of good cows, 6 good horses, some hogs and a few heifers; this place is located on the lower Columbia river highway; good live stream of water all year round; thi dairy is considered one of the finest in Oregon. For price and further particulars call at 210 Lewis bldg., Portland, Or. 45 ACRES, all under cultivation, on 82d st., at city limits; 30 acres bottom land; good orchard; all fenced; living water on place; will trade for good house in Portland. 10 acres, all under cultivation at Can by, Or. ; 1 acre of strawberries; on the highway; good horse and cow some farming tools and chickens; good build ings; all fenced; $5500, $3000 down, bal ance easy. McGEEJ & DENNIS. 969 Union Ave. Wdln. 5684. ATTENTION, Willamette valley, Mr. Stock Raiser and Mixed Farmer. For sale. 23O0 acres highly improved stock ranch, half tillable. 300 cultivated, 500 timber, balance hill. Land Is rich,- growing abunaance or crops. Harns, silo, cut buildings; fenced into thirteen pastures, trout stream furnishing water all year. Green grass year round for sheep, little feeding for cattle. Equipped with every thing to make farming and stock rais ing a pleasure. Moaern -room house, ' electricity, plumbing, furnace, etc.; $45 per acre, mciuaes e toe it ir taKen soon; part trade considered. Write owner, AV, 412. Oregonian. EIGHTY-FIVE ACRES CLACKAMAS OO. Good land, m . main traveled road, telephone, house, barn several sheds, eight acres cleared, running ap-ring water, plenty of fruit, outside range. lot of wood on tract; plenty of work In community; opportunity for bonus man; will sell cheaply on easy terms. Will rent to right party ana under cer tain conditions, owner. A. MEYERS. Box 08. Gresham. Or. 10 ACRES, all improved, 4-room house, barn, west side, paved high way, 30 minutes from heart of city, city gas, water; must sell, owner, 289 East 33d. Tabor 7979. FOR SALE by owner, about 40 acres of land on Columbia River highway near Crown Point. 23 miles from Portland, 14 acres in cultivation, balance timber and brush, 2 small houses and barn 42x64 feet on property; good soil; all land can be cleared and cultivated; $5000 cash, balance easy terms. 605 McKay bldg. GOOD BUY. 40-acre farm, 6-room house, large barn, 25 acres In cultivation, horses, cows, ' pigs and chickens. Fully equipped. 20 miles from Portland, 16 miles from station and school. Call Wdln. 865. WE WANT to tell you more about the fa mous Deschutes valley In central Oregon. A dairy, potato and stockman's para dise. A card brings full particulars. Redmond Ltnd & Loan Co., Inc., Red mond. Or. (King Murphy's capitol.) VvTBEAT RANCH. 700 acres, near Condon. Oregon, win produce 25 bushels or more per acre, 530 acres in cultivation, all equipped, $45 per acre; good terms. BARR AND REALTY CO.. 349 Salmon. FOR SALE 320-acre stock ranch, includ ing 6,000.000 ft. saw timber; good loca tion for local sawmill; price $4700; 14 miles from Roseburg, Or. H. C. Mc Graw, Brock way. Or. FUR SALE OR TRADE. 85 acres land, all in cultivation, on Oregon Electric, depot and warehouse on corner of land. For sale by owcer. Sellwood 2205. 60 ACRES 17 acres cultivated, building, 4 cows, 1 heifer, 2 horses, 1 pony, or chard, creek. $2750, take $1000. 601 McK ay. Broadway 7429. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $500 an acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. realtor. 208 Failing bldg. SMALL FARMS, 6 acres up, level, clear, fenced, houses, near Wlllamina; small down payment. J. R. Sharp. 886 3d st. WELL LOCATED modern dairy farm; in teresting price for cash. George Milan Smith, 537 Pittock blk. 122 ACRES near Tillamook; $4500. terms; part trade; bargain. AH 662. Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. 32 ACRES. Near Yamhill, Or., and Just over a mile from electric station and paved highway, and a hard gravel road within 200 yards of place; there is a daily mail service, cream route and a telephone; 7 acres in oats and also seeded down to clover and about 5 acres more ready lor spring planting; this place Is fenc and cross-fenced with 4-foot hog wir fencing; there are several springs on the farm ; water at the door of the house; there Is also a beautiful grove oi timoer: there are a number ox bear ing fruit trees and lots of berries; the ouiiaings consist of two excellent houses, one of six rooms with a porch all the way rouna and one of 6 rooms wit front and back iorch: there Is a very good barn, chicken house for about 100 hens and sheds, etc; the larger house is nicely furnished and among other things there are good phonograph, two brass beds, mahogany dressers, tables, chairs, stoves, fine silverware and plenty of good bedding and table line etc.; one fine family cow, two hogs, flock of pure bred Wyandotte chickens. some guinea lowis and there is nay, straw and feed on hand; all small tools sucn as snoveis. spades. lorKs. raKes, saws, axes and In fact everything goes with the place; the price on this place is $4200 as a going concern for quick sale; terms, $2000 cash, balance $300 a year at 64 per cent. W. G. Ide, 817 Lewis bldg. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. CO. has recently opened up for settlement their last large diock oi fertile paric lanas in tne j-iioyaminster and Battleiord ais tricts in central Alberta and Saskatche wan. where era In srrnwlnsr And mixe farming conditions are Ideal. These lands can De bought on 20-year terms at an average price of $18 per acre $10 casu with no further payments of principal untu tne end or the fourth year. t interest, unoer certain conditions or oo cupatlon and development only 2 in terest first two years. Personally con. ducted parties of landseekers with re duced rates. For further particulars appiy or write uanaaian Pacific ny. jo.( 208 Railway Exchange bldg., Portland, Or. JU P. Thornton, District Represen tative. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT modern homes in eood condl tion In any and all sections of Portland. We have the buyers waiting. If you list your home at appraised value we can get you a quick sale. No charge except 6 per cent commission where we secure you a satisfactory sale. J. A. W1CKMAN CO.. Realtors. 262 Stark Street. Broadway 6794. MAKE me vour best orlce on a 6-room, up-to-date bungalow; must 'De in gooa aistrict. BJ 484. OREGONIAN. WANTED to hear from owner having 8 to 25-acre farm for sale, suitable for poultry raising T must have good house ana oe a bargain. Address it. ti. aoutn wide. Gen. Del.. Portland, or. HAVE buyers waiting for houses from ?uiru to xsuuu, witn 3W aown pay ment: I must have them immediately. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 230 Chamber of Commerce Bdlg. HAVE $1000 CASH. Want 5-room bungalow not over $3250, on Sellwood canine or Richmond. Phon Bdwy. 6011 before 5 P. M., Sellwood 2706 evenings. WE HAVE client for a modern apartment house on west side; must show good re turn on investment. STAR RF'-AL ESTATE & INV. CO., Bdwy. 5618. 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. WANT house with carafe and basemen on good street; will trade for nouse ana lot in city at low value of $3600; give or take difference. Tabor as. WANT at once, 5-room bungalow, any good district; value $3000 to $4000; we mean business. See A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermen's bldg. WANT 4 to 6-room house near Jefferson hleh school that S30O down and per month will handle. F 559, Ore go nian. LAURELHURST LOT. Must be first-class location: south frontage preferred; can pay cash if snap. Phone Main 1334. WANTED For soldier with small cash payment and bonus loan. 5 or 6-room bungalow. W. M. Brubaker. P. O. box No. 307. Portland. Or. SUBURBAN HOME WANTED. 1 or 2 acres; must have modern house. 4 or 6 rooms; not over $4500 cash. Phone Broadway 6011. WILL trade my Bulck touring car as part payment on small house or lot; mus have fruit and berries ana De near car line. K 534, Oregonian. BUILDER WANTS LOT, PREFERABLE ON PAVED eTKEriT, UUUU DISTRICT. GOOD LOCATION AND PRICE. G. C. HOWARD, 1115 N. W. BANK. WHY WORRY1? T can sell or trade anything, inr where. C W. Millership. 165 4th. Main 5275. WANT 5 rooms in any good district tha s.on cash will nanaie: mommy payment! on balance. Ask for J. O. Fisher, Bdwy 4837. , HAVE cash for lot In Rose City below hllL- Don't can unless Dig sacrifice. East 2615, LEAVE INSTALLMENT CONTRACTS with the Hlbernia Commercial & Sav- ings bank for collection. WANTED Medium priced modern homes for customers. rs eison, tteauor. Main 2072. 706 Gasco bldg. WANT 4 to 6-room house in Alberta ila trlct. G o-. UTegonian. WANT 4 to 6-room house in Hawthorne d i strict. Ao 5oi. oregonian. HAVE good 3-passenger roadster to trade for good lot. Marshall 1823, WANTED 1 or 2 lots in Rose City Park or Roasmere. Phone Wdln. 4841. Farms Wanted. SMALL places wanted close to Port land or good valley town, ' with buildings and small amount of equipment ; owner to accept sol dier's loan and small payment down; farms ranging from $4000 to $5500, with some equipment; will be given immediate attention. John Ferguson, Gerllnger Bldg. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES. Have several pepole wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. .JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast TIMBER LAXDS. FOR SALE Tie mill with 4 million feet timber: located on railroad near Fort . land; logs cost $8 at mllL F 661. Ore- gonlan. WANTED Man with team to haul lum ber, long job and close to city. Western Lumber Agency, Morgan bldg., Portland FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT, near Ocean beach, truck garden for Seaside, Gearhart and beach market; excellent for berries and chick ens; suitable buildings. Phone 612-05. HC 818, Oregonian. RENT until November, 15 acres, near Vanucouver, $125; also 10 near Creswell Eugene, with fruit, $125; also 20 near Oregon City, without bldgs., $50. Owner, box 68. Astoria. GOOD 150-acre farm. 8 miles from Port land on good road, cash rent. Strong Sc. McNaugnton. Corbett bldg. FOR RENT 10 acres, house, outbuild ings, orchard; 11 miles east of Portland. Phone Wdln. 6323. 70 ACRES, good soil, farm Implements. rent 6 months in advance. Address 660 Kerby. Phone Woodlawn 4378. TO EXCTTATfOK REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE or will trade for California property, an improved southern Idaho irrigated ranch of 126 acres. Charles T. Williams, P. O. Box 88, Sacramento, Cal. ON AINSWORTH AVE.. 3 acres, good six- room house, assorted orchard, city water, electric light. Worth $5000, to exchange for modern 5 or 6-room bungalow. Own- er. Wdln. 2375. . CHOICE IRRIGABLE 10 ACRES. WATER RIGHT PAID, VALUE $1000; WILL EXCHANGE FOR LOT. HOWARD, 1115 N. W. BANK. MAIN 8931. ACREAGE near southern Michigan town. $5000. Exchange for Oregon or Wash ington real estate or business. 4120 64th st. 8. E. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 6 acres Hood River land for Portland property. Sell. 2205. FOR EXCHANGE Fine comer lot, lOOx 106, in ients; win traae ror mamona or light machine. Phone Mar. P652. 294 ACRES near Bend, in Squaw creek irrigation district, for lots or acreage in or near Portland. Woodlawn 6017. 6-ROOM modern house for sale or trade for smaller place in Piedmont or Ken ton. Woodlawn 1126. 7-ROOM house and 2 lots for trade. 6641 69Ux ave. S. EL TO KXCWANC.F RFAL FSTATK. EXCHANGE FOR HOTEL. 90-acre Willamette valley farm, all level and under cultivation, fenced end cross-fenced; new 2-story house (insured for $2400), cement walls, French doors and windows, front and bank porches, gas light plant, new chicken houne. large barn, windmill, woodshed, etc On railroad, milk route, cream route, tele phone, fine road. 3 miles to town; eight milch cows, 4 calves. 2 matched mares. 2 horses, sow and 6 shoats, 175 chickens, harness, wagons, buggy, ail necessary fa,rm Implements and tools; cream sepa rator, washing machine, complete fur nishings and equipment of the houne. What have you? Write L. Fuller, Route 2. Box 52. Halyey. Oregon. $31,000 HIGH-CLASS orchard of 52 acres at Mosier, Or.; 45 acres 8 to 10 years; old; modern 7-room bunga low; apple house, barn, storage oasement: produced onoo ooxr: last year; all stocked and " eaufpped: clear of Incumbrance $25,000 100x100: 2-story brick building, in good town, close to Portland fully rented; good tenants; in come $3000, mortgage $8t00; w trade for business building apartment houoe in Portland up to 970.000 and assume. See Metz ger-Parker company, Bdwy. 5355 FOR TRADE. $2000 equity in 8-room modem houne has 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors un stairs and downstairs; sleeping porch. cement garage; 101 4rxitK; houne on or tne best constructed in city; lots built-lns; will exchange for late model automooiie. J. O. STOREY, . 307 Piatt Bldg. Phone Main 7518 or Tabor 8627. 90 ACRES, good buildings, stocked, equip ped, $9000; wants city property. 20 acrei bearing orchard, bungalow, hardwood floors, heated, garage, outbuildings; ell equipment; $12,ooo clear, fur city renl dence, city property; 20 acres Newberg orchard, buildings; $7500. Bdwy. 7429, Bdwy. 4794 evenings. 601 McKay bldg. VIEW property, good 4-room house, 4 acres, zi-ie iana, z acres cleared. John son creek and Meadow brook station on place; wilt take small Portland prop erty as down payment. Improved or un proved or tuto. Take Gresham car. See It toaay. auto a(-us or 010-11. WANT A FARM. Or acreage near city up to $7000 for my equity in a going garage and bldg all fully equipped, netting good in come; leaving city and want to ex change at once; no Junk considered. Rock, 403 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 3fi3. CANADIAN FARMS. Well improved, equipped, all sizes; $30 to $50 per acre" also unimproved sod iana, acres up; exenanga lor larm and city property here. c. Cole, 42 Lumbermens bldg. 214 ACRES $70O. On Skyline boulevard, Al soli, fin view of river and valley; will exchang for lot or auto or sell on easy terim 782 Commercial st. TO TRADE for Oregon or Washington property; apartment house, in liaidln, Mont.; also Irrigated ranch. What hav 3-ou? Addrews box 478, Hardin. Mont. FOR SAL.13 or exenange, o-room house with sleeping porch, near Laurclhurai, for larger house In good location. Owner, East 3U71. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. PAINTERS, take notice 1 Two houses to be painted. Will trade 6-PasnKer. e-cylln der Studebaker car for this work. 2t7 Selling bldg. FOR SALE or trade, coal or wood raiuo for gas ranee. Woodlawn 4021. 053 Kerby et. WANT a lot east of 15th and north Broadway, have a Dodge touring to trade. .Mr. Willi a m s. li a w y. 424H. TO TRADE phonograph for light delivery car. Phone automatic 612-10. FOR SALE. Horn, Vehicles, Livestock. $2Oo0 WORTH of horses, mules and farm machinery: also a good dairy outfit et eajn e n1 ne. large c ream se para t o r, feed chopper run by same engine. Will take liberty bonds, good securitl: will ell on terms to responsible party. This stock must be seen to be appreciated 425 Lumber Exchange bidg. Keller & Deal HORSES. AT VANCOUVER. WASH. 14 head of good young, sound, gentle, well-broke farm horses. 1100 to 14u0 pounds each, good work horses from $-0 to $125. Jakes Feed Barn, Filth and Columbia sts. REGISTERED Jerseys; a real bargain. considering quality: foundation M. Mawes calves and heifers, young, frefih, high-grade government T. B. tested, worth considering. Columbia highway. K. Hanneman, Corbett. or. ON ACCOUNT of death, widow must dl pose of a good toam of horses with har ness, weight MH3 pounds, -a; a gooa Jersey cow, to be fresh soon, $85. and other farm implements. Mrs. E. H. Kinsey, Beaverton, Or. ON ACCOUNT of death of widow must dls nose of a sood tam of horses with bar nees. weltrht 2300 pounds. $223: a good Jersey cow, to be fresh soon, $85. and other farm implements. Mrs. E. H. Kinsey, Beavcrton, Or. ARRIVED Tuesday, April 4, with one load of the best 1700-pouud work horses ever shipped to Portland; ages 5 to tf years. Come and see. Portland Union :Uock YardB. W. W. Kelley. THOROUGHBRED Guernsey bull and cows for sale or trade for horse and wagon. 76th st. and 20th ave., end of Hawthorne car line. FOR SALtE Cheap, good, sound team. and u years, weight 2000, and good workers; also one good single horse. en e ap. 7 ?s z lx et . aoutn. YOUNG team of horses, 2100 lbs. ; also span of mules, weight 2600 lbs., all sound and bent of workers; will sell cheap. 4301 67th st- Mt. Scott car. HORSES for sale, 1 team 5 years old, wt. 2600 lbs., price $150; other team 7 and 8 years old, wt. lluO lbs. "ach price $75. 267 Baker st. FOR SALE Horse, buggy, harness; one 6-gal. cow and one Jersey. A. Panzrsin, Latourell Falls, or. FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand, special prices, p. is. iubenshade. atiu-aop &. aiorrison st. 6 HEAD of Taney horses, 5 to 7 years old, 1300 to 1700 lbs. inquire &U4 North rup st. ALMOST new 3Vi Mandt barn wagon; also several other wagons cheap; farm tools and harness of all kinds. 24Q East 8th. FARM outfit. 2400-pound team. harness and farm wagon. aast mn. 2200-POUND team of mules, young, sound and gentle. 240 mast ntn. GOOD horse for sale, sound and gentle. 351 E. P7th st. North. FOR SALE Horses and light harness; Kalk Bros, woodyard, Sellwood 843. VETER.LNKIA N. DR HOWES. TABOR 6566. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly; call day or night. Automatic o-1 -04. BOKSE, weight about 1600 lbs. 604 Uod- ney ave. 0 o clock an wee. ON& herd of milch Koats for sale. 774 Harney ave. can spiiwooa ianoH, OrganH and M uni-al Instruments. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH. $75; tin walnut case; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St.. Near Washington St. DECKER BROS, square piano, $00, equal of some suu pianos at otner stores. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 107 West Par Pianos rented, sold, repaired. 87 HIGHEST quality phonographs slaugh tered, Victor ana (joiumDia records; two for the price of one. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 107 West Park. GOOD PIANOS at prices and terms you can afford. Reed-French Piano Co., 12th and Wash lngton. SCHILLING PIANO, plain oak case; snap. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St., Near Wanhlngton St. FOR SALE; Cheap, Columbia grapho- phone; almost new. r-none ou-yi or inquire 4611 Forty-eighth st. ti. E. In mornings . HOWARD PIANO, almost new, at about half price, see 11. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St.. Near Washington St. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING, any miki; guaranteed wor. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING, guar anteed work oy experts, ttd wy. H57o. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St. KIMBALL, new, $3U5; terms jrlven; only one at mis price. 10 r ounn su SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. V1CTROLA. 90; terms given; mahogany case; aimosi new. no rounn su SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. HINZEM ANN, $125; see it. 6EIB.EKLI NU-WJCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St. DECKER A SON player, $50; bench and rolls: terms given, iza fourth st. SEIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 1000 NEW VICTOR records. 2 for 75c; cafeteria styie. iiaroia s. Gilbert. 107 West Park. EW MARTIN saxophone, very reasonable. Sullivan, care j. kj, 1'ennjey Co., ill Fourth hL PIANOS moved, $8. ground floor; work done by experts and guaranteed. Call Broadway 1207. WANTED Good tone piano; pay all cash. Bdwy. loin. THOMPSON player-piano, good ns new. About 00 recoras, nau. wain. PiWi. THREE cabinet graphophones lor sals cheap at q Bd st- FlNO WANTED; pay cash. Bdwy, 6570. FOR SALE. Pianos. Organs sndJVl iilrOnl ram nts WONPKKKUL PIANO HAKiA1S. MUST MOVE QT'ICKLY KASY T Kit MS. $1V Wllltsm Knahs grand, late. $6. r 10(K Chlrkerlng. late, mahogany. " 750 Ftrich A Zeldler. Imest 4: 'i,f 550 Wellington, Just about new. ...0 m Ktlem, very latest, perfict. -441 M oo W. W. Knnbnll. genuine.... 70 Oemilne MrPllnil 2hi t 5r0 Hradrord. late walnut lio ft'O Jfwett, fine mahogany 1 ' o Thompson, latent 575 MrCamnmn, good tone, UP-. l'"''' 7tH1 Mnhart XI f'flhle. ltttOSt . . . . 275 Columbia phonograph, new 675 Hobart M. Cable, latest.... 7'0 KrocKi-r, walnut 550 Smith A Bnrni-s makes.... 575 HMmllinn. fin 1 jr. no ,t 17 . 1 n.Yim in.. 01 6 SO ;armr A Hons, latest man.. 2 '-. BOO Harvard, fine 675 J. rffc C. FiJhr pisno, fine. 550 Just new. Farrand, latest. 1 . '! I'TTi Oil "irt oo Mndinhftll, verv latent.,.. (too W. W. Klmbal. fin tone... 1 7io Ler. Utest. mahogany.-. 't', IHH Chlrkerlng, sweet lone, up.. l."0.oi Three player pinnus. Is l't. I ' to $.175, on ey terms, and msny other Wake up and pjv your niony; buy real pianos at bargains; no thump hnxs or rebuilt pianos; nmnv junt brand new. BROKERAGE CO.. 812 Worcester Bldg.. 3l nnd Qnk Rfi. H : I f W AN PIANO CO M PA N Y. CLEARANCE USKD PIANOS. $."50 Ceo. Stork small upright ff 375 Gfrold dark uprtKht 1" 475 Bollnnd. large uprtKht -'" 5 no Ni'Htum, mo!ein umbo 2''i S75 Hallet Davis, small 1 " Two iiniall upright pu. $15 and T. $7.'0 Pianist, player ptnno 25 250 Pianola player, walnut 5 1 450 Franklin wax finish P'i 450 Irving Plsno Co., upright 210 cottage organ, $1H; Maon Hamlin $2. Terms. $10 cash. $5, $6 and $9 monthly. 101 loth St.. st Washington sni Etsrfc. V1CTUOLA and. record O.ardiy f 11 uedj i 75 Vlctrols (line shaps) 41 1'JO Brunswick (nice mahogany).. ''" I2i Upright phonograph (uswj... .j 4.'i0 Price Teeple piano 2-' 4o0 K imiler a Coil Inn, apt, stis. 7.-.0 I'hlckerlnf (walnut art fin .. sr loou Packard grand (mahogany),. 6:t) War tax removed, freight rstn re duced. I ed muKirtl IriMtrurnents orcd lower. Kay trni. No salesmen. HAROLD OlUHiUT. 17 W, PA H K. CLEARANCE lK PHONOGRAPHS. $ 35.10 V.rtor and 5 uaed record. . .$ 82..0 tirufanola, 6 usi-d records... 2' 9:. 00 StrHdivaru JO us-'d records.. 44 140 00 Bounwwlck, o u-d rrcords. , J 65 00 Mra-livara. 10 un'tl records.. lol t5 00 Emt-rMon, 10 used records.... M 175 00 Hoi.nrii, 10 u-d records 1 ' 850 00 Vlrtrola, 15 used rvcurds.... r5 r.75 00 tomra Omnd 275 $5 or $10 oiMh, $'A, 45 or more monthly. SUHWAN PIANO Co, 102 10th at ntrk. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CI.OSINO OUT. $:ioo Prentiss upright, cash $l4 575 Krell upright, msh., cash... 215 475 llMiW-t Ac DavlK, cash I' "1 2:0 Card A Co., smsil upright.... 7ft 750 pisnlsta Piuycr l'luno... 7ft Chicago C'ottngw Organ I 4 10O Mason St llmulin Organ - lo3 inth st. t Wwithliigton snd Stsrk. 8PRI N O 8a"I, L U S I I ' I A N O ;i . Wheelock upr.ght, mahogany, n y . 1 Martin Bros., mahogany, only Pease ft Co., upright, oak. only Modella Player Piano only 4"'-t Pianola Player, 8H-note. only ( Pay $10 ch, $0 or more a month. Ltptnan. Wnlfrt A Co.. Cor. 5th and Wash. SPOT CASH PAID FOR rHONOOKAI'IIH AND RKCt (RMR, NEWMAN'S RECORD rCHANiK, HD W Y. 7161. AUTO. IT. 7 -46, (iUT.J. V.'S KI R ST. I IKT. AL I K I tA JVA S I . STL1NWAY, old sty.; $l.o; t'mtis gtvsa. KKIHKKLING-LUCAM MUSIC CO , 125 Fourth Hi., bt. W wsh. iml A M-f . f IANO WANTED Iniin privst partus; cash propnlT Ion. M h rhnll K'32. Furniture lor lr .SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department If yon want to buy or sll household goods. Rduct freight rates to most all points in our through pool cars; expert packing, re pairing and finishing. Wny loan4 on goods In storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance ratis. SECURITY fcJTORAOK A TRANSFER CO, 5 J 4th St.. Opt M u!i nntnah Hotel. Phone liroadway 3715. DA VLNPORTM. Manufacture ru' surnpieit. several rtsv enports and chairs at bargain prices, terms. Phones (U5-27, evrmuga and tiuo days. Tabor 5717 or A:i5-'J7. M 1 C 1 1 A E LhON - M A V St .V. T N C. 51th and Foster Rad. AM having I'mtiand and will s--il my B-room lurnlKhed Hat, located In a fins building, close In, excellent f urrtlt ur, fireplace and steam ht arid watr-r fr; a rt-nl sacrifice at $ 7 ."o hr Mr. Itohn a. 540 Wash. CM floor). Phon H.lwv. 4'i.M. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture If going east or to California. We can mvi you money on your freight In our through cars, fireproof storuge, . M. oiaon Transfer stomgt Co., 2 ts Pin strri. PRACTICALLY n-w, very best qualify, J- ploce, overs) uf fed sot, I wo 9x 1 'Z I ! t on tugs, leg wagon, smoking table, f ,oor lamp. Marshall J0U iftr (1 P. M FOR SA LK Ivory enameled wicker hahy carriage. Original rout M; ixrIIfmt condition bell tor half. 1'i'A Flanders sU, WHt .Sl'l. 1 DINING room set, 1 old Ivory hfdroorn set, small gaa rang", practically nw, wood range; will 11 at discount if takes at oner. E at 17 5. 1 FUMED oa k dining roo m tali! and I chairs, 1 tapestry uphol'tarvd Morris chair. Phon Marshall YlA.K. BEAUTIFUL domewtlo orimiUI rug. IM 1 2. used two wk-ki, cost 14'X will Hacrilirs for $S5 for quick cash- Kast OtiCl. fcjUlT Y in furniture, 6-room hiinKH-o and garage; see mis pi ace. nue union ave N. FUMED oak library taMn, 21 by 4S la with nook shelve. 1 abor 43 1 1. FURNITURbi four rooms, com plate, $1$. UWfl Vi. Harrison st. Mrnalway 1M7. TWO IRON HhDS and springs for sa.e. 1142 East Madison st. CiOlNU away, will soil 26 K. nlst.. all my furniture near Hawthorns. reason h hie. : Office Furnllure. WE HAVE the following uad offlc fur niture in good condition at exceptional prices: 6 roll-top desks, 14 flat-to desks. 7 typewriter desks. 1A offioe chairs. 1 safe. 1 bookkpnrs desk. TlIK IRWIN-HOD.SoN CO Furniture Department. Tsnth at Stark Htreet. Hroadwa y 314 4. NEW AND ud office furnilura, safa dictaphones, check writer, adding ma chlnus, eto. ; our prices are lowest 'n city; we rent office equipment. C. Wax. l.'4-Sd N. fith at. Jidwy. 27rw PHYSICIAN'S KTEEL F U KN I T U H B. Manufacturer's second a, su batantlal reductions Albatross alstai h urnUur Co., 715 Thurman. T p writers. RFCOVSTRtTTKH MArfTTVIT. 'THW P. EST IN TYPEWRITERS. IRON-CLAD OUA HAML1C, ALL MAKE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NETf PRICE LIST. THE WHOLEALB T YPKWRTT FR OCX 621 Washington fit. Mala frftei. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for rent, exchange; w ar exciustv dis tributors of Corona portable, s.v com plete, with carrying1 case; supplies and repairs of all makes. OREOON TiPtWRITKR CO.. 4 Fifth St. Li d w y 7 1 t NOISE innoyii rent a Noiseless : a fw used Noiseless for sale. No(ie Type wr 1 1 er Co.) 1 4 th sU P d w '44. OLJV&R typewriter, brand nw, ct $-i; take $3 50. part cash. Kssigh st. Marshall 74ft. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies Typ- wruer Inspection Co.. Jt2 mark M rMB. K&U'JlLTri, second-hand rents a at rut lii-?' C. Co.. 231 Ftarfc HawrTSOTj TYPEWRITER for rent. $3 a month, Jwm- plre Transfer t o. Bdwy. ln FOR 8AL1C Remington No 10. good con dition. 130 csh. Main l. Tnuniw. V PEW Ki i h.Ua repaired, all work guar anteed. Ca:i Woodlawn 7I. Poult r WHEN you order your baby chicks from us you get safe delivery of good, strong, healthy chicks, from high productive hens, with egg records of 2o0 to 3' es :h, mated to pedigreed cockerels May snl June chicks at $1250 per 100. Graha'g pout try Farm. Wood burn. Or. R. F. A HATCHING eggs from S. C. W. L Tan credfl, pedigreed, riap-n-ted 'J)Q and better; M Pr cent guaranteed ; 1 1..' dosen, $10 hundred, f ylvao Delis Pout try Ranch. Carlton, Or. J. Hsse, prop. S C IUloOfci ISLAND white hatching limited number from our prise pen. April snd May $3 per setting;. C. H. C'gsbury A Son, U621 o'Jth ave. ft. ... 'oTtland. Or. Phone A ut 1 4 2 U WHITE LEGHORN HA BY CHICKS FROM PEST TRAPNE.HTED STOCK; 14 TEAK.4 BREEDING FOR KGGS; $10 PFR P". CHAS. PERKINS, 1337 BtKRAOti PORTLAND, OR. FOR SALE HO White Ishorn hens, all laying; em moving. Call at 5616 Avtfe ave. S. K KGG H KfR hatchlnar f rmn thoroux hhrsa Hose Comb Rhode Island Keds, IA fur $1 50. Call Tabor 2032, will deliver. TANCRED Whits Leghorn laying pullet, electric brooder. Tabor 9h22. Tarkros Hutch cry. Port 1 snd. LAYING W hite leghorn pull Ma. $ I. IS each ; Hog a nl red, heavy Is ykng. guar anteed. J. R. Magulre, 7NT Oregon St. WH 1TB ROCK sgga for hatching, fine type Flshel strain, heavy layers, T. D. Kirk pafrtck. 7520 fl3d ave, S W Auto T-M. TWENTY HENS, 1 H. I. Red rooster, m young. 415 Going st. Phone Aute. 30-04.