2L 7TIE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1922 RKATj tstatk. For 8-lc Hons.'.. TOTTB -HOMK BEAUTIFUL" I Waiting. I 6ee FRAXE L. McGUIRE To Buy Tour Home. UNDISPUTED NATIONAL, RECORD FOR .HOME SELLING. America's Largest Home Seller. Over 1200 Fhotograph of Home (or Sale. WE CORDIALLY INVITE yon to visit our booth at the "HOME BEAUTIFUL" exposition at the Audi torium this vnk, from April 3 to 8, inclusive. Photographs of many of our bst buys are on display here! COUR TEOUS SALESMEN always In attend a. rice! SELECT YOUR "Home Beauti tul" Kowt We'll help you make your aowa payment xr necessary. Offlos Open trntll P. M. 76 Salesmen With Autos. WEST SIDE VIEW HOME! 15260 WITH A 1EW THAT IS UN SURPASSED of Tualatin valley ana purple mists of mountains and where the air is so good that you feel clad to be a lve Here's a new, distinctive 6-room nome: sun room, breakfast noon, 3 immense bedrooms and great sleeping porch, hardwood floors us bunt-ins: block to c. c. oar and Fairmont blvd. Can ar range terms. NEVER BEFORE ADVERTISED. NEWEST ROSE CITY LISTING! 15289 THIS IS TH0 BUNGALOW you've waited for; 5 of the airiest rooms, ouilt in a different de sign and incorporating ALL TUB BUILT-IN FEATURES nargwood floors; attic, etc. beautiful glassed-in Gunroom oi sleeping porch; cove ceilings tapestry, plpeless furnace; ga rage: YOU'LL DELIGHT IX BCTTHXU DOWN IN THIS! E 47th St. VERY EASY TERMS. WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW. 13990 A MODEST new bungalow ad joining ine goir links; 4 rooms, Dearooms, huilt-m conve nieces; a IiECIDEDLY CHARM- l.Nli Lin Lr, HOME. E. 22d St. HERE'S A "HOME BEAUTIFUL ". J3t0 JUST THE HOMIEST EVER is thlo practical pretty 5-room H AWT HO RNK R II N ii A l,OW ! J.arge reception hall, living room witn fireplace, built-ins. white enamel woodwork throughout nice light, airy bedrooms ga rage; paved street. Can arrange vcima. rj. nerman St. TOTAL PRICE Kl'XMXU KENTON!' $."V0A DOWN! XKW! VACANT' WAITING FOR YOU! Hang up those snowy curtains at your windows ami arrange your cherished pos sessions in the nooks that best become them; and then how happy you'll be. A brand new KH.NTON 5-room bungalow, fire- Duui-m DooKcases. buffet shiniest of Dutch kitchens; IM- ADULATE IN WHITE BOTH OUTSIDE AND IN. -Maryland . NO MOVING VAN. iuu down ! COMPLETELY y"-, Artistic brown shingled bungalow In MT 5-COTT: In a bargain that DE FIES COMPETlTinvi .... ...... im. parage; oiltn St. venient to car and school TODA1? TU THIS' Con- LET SNAP S300 DOWN! NEW' NETS-' :350 $300 down Little 4-room Mnnta- i eU-iUSV, be'n complet ed. AC A NT. Combination liv ing and dining room; white en amel Dutch kitchen; washable walls; 2 bedrooms and bath, washable walls; plenty of gar VToSPaCe: Sirage; SSth st. Just J300 down will take this. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Realtor. Ablngton Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. 3d St., bet. Wash, and Stark. CHARMING HOME $300 DOWN. x tJl lovpJy- bright, sunny rooms, Haw thorne district., corner. 150 ft., paving. JLJ'.-'i and siwer Patd: double garage rented by monsh 10), hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, laundry trays; price only 5350; 30 mo.. I per cent mortgage: holder says prop erty is worth over 000. He cheerfully loaned lis $3000. which you assume and Pay balance $30 per month (or more), ?..f Cent. lnterest- Will sen elegant furniture if desired 934 E. MAIN.. CORNER 31 ST. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW CHEAP. New, modern 4-room apartment bun galow, living room finished In hard wood, bedrooms finished in ivorv with hardwood floors: kitchen and bath in white enamel with linniAn. . i . , wmi inprmosiat control; electric water heater, electric range, set tubs: located corner 3:id and Tillamook sts. All assessments paid. Price for quick sale only $4500 cash. Mr. Smith. Main I ()4. $400. MOST ANT TERMS. BRAND-NEW BUNGALOW 6 rooms, all on 1 -floor; fireplace hardwood floors, built-ins. in fact every con v.; paved st; Rose City car. Bdwy. 4903. F9?rAIiS-MOrERX 4-ROOM BUNGA LOW. JUST COMPLETED. IN NOiTH EfMORB SIZR OF HOUSE LOT 60x100. PRICE $3275. EITHER 1,'ALL OR TELEPHONE UMBDEX STOCK CO.. 2D FLOOR. OREGON WAY TELEPHONE BROAD. LAURELHURST. $1500 will handle new bungalow on view lot; called away, must sacrifice; built right for a home; living room 30 ft. long, other rooms large, too; lots of built-ins; tiled bath and showers; plas tered basement; garage. Shown by ap pointment. Owner. East 4216 GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residence or any building, assist In financing same p years' continuous and complete buildine service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, contract ing architect. 024 N. W. Bank bid. A HIGH-CLASS modern home, beauti fully furnished, on Westovor terraces, including Gasco furnace. Radiant fire place, electric and gaa ranges, gas and electric water heaters, garage; $200 a month; reference required. Phone Main LAURELHURST BUNGALOW SYlP Classy, nearly new 1-story strictly modern 6-room home with sleeping porch nml pararp in Hast- . - ... ... .. - . iv,.., iica i parK no incumbrance, easy terms; a real bar gain. Tabor 407. IRVINGTON HOME." 26TH AND WASCO. Modern in everv detail: & rnnma . place, furnace, beautiful light fixtures marble kitchen; 50x100 lot; garage; open FOR SALE; Modern four-room bungalow just com Dieted. In north .Tnnom sine of house, 26x28, lot 50x100 price $3275. Either call or phone Umbden- Bijn. oc v-,u., u uoor, uregon building Phon Broadway IfcVj. THE AUDITORIUM THIS WEEK SEE US BOOTH NO. 85. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Beautiful 10-room Laurelhurst home. TABOR 4921. THE AUDITORIUM THIS WEEK SEE US BOOTH NO. Sfl J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY $5850: ' Best buy In Laurelhurst, only one block from car. 6 rooms, garage, all improved East 7738. $87507 5 ' Laurelhurst colonial, close to nark Nothing better In that district. East 773$. SUNN YS IDE) HOME OF 9 ROOMS. Close to chool and 2 blocks from car line; in good repair and practically new plumbing 2 garages. Owner. East 735 DON'T look any farther than the GREAT WESTERN I N V V EST M E NT CO.. 230 Chamber of Commerce bldg. We will heip you make your down payment. BONUS men, attention: New four-room modem bungalow; close In on acre, 2 bedrooms, near school ; $3000, terms. Owner. Woodlawn 5325. HOUSE PLANS. 100 designs. $10 to $15, or specially designed at reasonable fee. L. R. BAILEY CO., 24 N. W. Bank Bldr. 7-ROOM house, modern every way; ga rage, cor. Eugene and Rodney ats.; snap for $4300. terms. Bdwy. 6252. U-ROOM houe, 2 blocks from center of G re sham, full basement, 50x200. Easy terms. Address owner. 227 Mill. I'OR SALE At. once, six-room modern house with garage. In restricted inter urban district. Call Sell. 8342. PORTLAND HEIGHTS homes for sale, by owner; charming view; large rooms, at . tractively arranged. Phnne Main ft'.C. Saw 4-KOOM bungalow, $3:iU0: take 2M) down; terms. Bdwy, 74d; Bdwy. 474. REAL ESTATE. A GENUINE BARGAIN. $300 CASH ONLY $300. Total Price Only $3100. OWNER SAYS SELL his thoroughly modern home of 5 large, well-lighted. nicely ar ranged rooms, all on the ground floor; house is well consti ucied. in good neighborhood, close to best car service in city. C. R. MEYER COMPANY. SOS Couch Bldg. Phone Broadway 1531. 11473 TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. $1475 25x100 LOT WITH HOUSE. JUST ONE BLOCK TO CAR AND PAVED ST. ADMINISTRATOR SAYS WE MUST SELL THIS WEEK. SO HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET A START AS A HOME OWNER. WILL TAKE CAR AS PART PAYMENT. G. C. ULRICH CO.. INC., 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG., MAIN 4354. OPEN EVENINGS. S4750 ARTISTIC bungalow. Rose City; just completed; breakfast room, Kiassed -in sleeping porch: beautiful lierht fixtures, all built-ins. fireplace, fine plumbing, hardwood floors; all that goes to make a high grade home; S1LK) down, balance easy. $2300 l-roorn house. Alberta dis trict: 2 bedrooms: nice lawn; full ment basement, wash trays; 5OxlO0 lot; $oOO will handle. S. BORLAND. REALTOR. 223 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. ISfift. A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. A dandy bungalow on a paved street, I with all improvements paid. i his is classy modern place and one that you I win like. ine price is my 5-U". with easy terms. See plans and photo at the I "Home Beautiful Show" at the audi torium. ZIMMERMAN-WALKER BUILDING COMPANY. "BUILDERS OF RELIABLE HOMES.' 415-410 Abington Bldg. Broadway 5848. $4750 HAWTHORNE $4750. Hawthorne car, living room, dining room, 1 bedroom, Dutch kitchen, first floor, 2 bedrooms 2d floor; cement base ment, iurnace ; mortgage foreclosure. Priced to sM. $4(50, with easy terms. FRED C. PRATT. 634 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Broad way 1 853. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. That new, very attractive bun galow on 50x100 corner. No. 618 K. 40th at. North, just nortlvof Al ameda drive, for $5750. Drive by and take a look, then see me, J. W. CROSSLEY, 283 Stark St. Bdwy. 1188. ROSE CITY BEAUTY! $ 5 4 50 E A S Y TERMS. v ery artistic o-room bungalow; some thing different. You will like, the larpe living room with fireplace, hardwood iioors, nice bedrooms, connecting bath. den, handy Dutch kitchen, attractive breakfast nook; $375 gas furnace, ther mostat control, all French casement win dows, 2 cement porches; improvements ail in and paid. R. SOMERVII-LE. BROADWAY 2478. AINS WORTH AVENUE. J4500. Large , five-room bungalow, all hard wood floors, ail rooms finished with tapestry paper, fireplace, full concrete basement, furnace, dandy earaKe. 50x ,100 lot, all improvements in and paid; see mis ana compare it witn anyimng up to (HH), iioou cash will handle. CUE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Bdwy. 7522. MEET US AT THE HOME BEAUTIFUL SHOW. See our display at the auditorium and consult our designing engineer regarding your home planning problems. Valuable prizes given to home builders. ZIMMERMAN-WALLER BUILDING ' COMPANY. "BUILDERS OF RELIABLE HOMES." 415-410 Ablngton Bldg. Broadway o48. UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW. $5000 WILL HANDLE. Beauti tu. 6-room bungalow, strictly moaern in every respect. Unusual built- ins, eastern oak floors, tile bath and shower, 2 fine sleeping porches, double garage, etc. In th most exclusive dist. around Portland. Price only $15,000. DUUKBY INVESTMENT CO., 304 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 6042. KOSE CITY BUNGALOW SNAP. 7 rooms and s. p.; strictly modern; corner lot, paved streets; hardwood, enamei nnisn, nnoieum, iirepiace, iur nace and all bullt-ins. 432 E. 41st ft. N., 2 blocks north of Sandy; owner forced to sell at once and will sacrifice for I quick sale; now priced at $510O, about casn. oai. time at ovfe. t.aii owner. Wdln. 55. from 10 A. M. until 10 P. M. 1 RVINGTON. THREE BEDROOMS. Strictly modern home in the best part , of Irvington. Hardwood floors through- I out. Jjarge living room across tne iront. Two fireplaces, excellent tile bath. . etc. All rooms light and airy. Attractive grounds. Price $11,000. Part cash and terms. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 304 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 6042. ALAMEDA PARK 0LY $5!H0. Have you seen this fine 6-room new buligalow? It is a real home; 3 bedrooms. breakfast nook, den. furnace, tapestry laper, ivory and white finish through out : lot 50x107 ; reasonable down pay ment and $15 inonthlv. HARRY BECK WITH, Realtor. 213 Corbett Bldg. Main 6800. ROSE CITY PARK SPECIAL. $4800 This is a wonderful buy; it must be seen to be appreciated; 5 rooms. h. w. floors, etc.; pavement and sewers I in and paid ; it has been passed on for I 3000 soldier state loan: easy terms. A. B. CHR1STENSON. THE HOME REALTOR. 683 E. Hth st. Sell 2031 ROSE CITY BARGAIN. $4300 New. attractive, 5-room bunga- I :ow. witn iarge giassed-m sleepine porch. 'Below the hill"; very artistic living and dining rooms, hdw. floors; 2 nice. tarKe Dearooms. uutcn kitchen, break fast nook, full cement basement, fur nace. Move right in; easv terms. R. SOMERVILLE. B D W Y. 2478. $500 DOWN ROSE CITY PARK. This Is one of the prettiest and neatest 5-room bungalows for the price; 5 rooms. an oaK iioors. tapestry papered, many extra built-in features; corner lot; imps, all in; close to Sandy; this plan is dif ferent than the average and must be seen to De appreciated. 506 Couch bide. Bdwy. 5317. $350 CASH $350. $3500 Attractive new 4-room bunga low; hardwood floor in living room, fire place, 2 nice bedrooms. Dutch kitchen. finished in ivory throughout; cement I oasement, launary trays, fine garage, ce ment runway; balance like rent. R. SOMERVILLE. BROADWAY 2478. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT $J700. A dandy new bungalow, lot 55x90. faces t-ml, siuewaiKs, electricity, gas. sewer, near city golf course; breakfast nook, bath, fireplace, laundrv .travn ciaHa linoleum. Small payment own and $35 I HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor 213 Corbett Bldg. Main 68r. NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. S6O00 A mrlarr, V. , floors throughout, tapestry paper. break- I fast nook, all preferable built-in fea tures, corner lot, garage; easy terms. A. B. CHRISTENSON. , THE HOME REALTOR. 683 E. 8th st. Sell 2631 ROSE CITY. Beautiful 5-room strictly modern bun galow. Hardwood floors throughout. All the latest built-ins, French doors between living room and dining room, floored and ceiled attic. Part cash and liberal terms. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO 304 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY 604 HAWTHORNE ON CORNER PRICE $4750. Dandy 6-room. strictly modern bunga low, almost new; located in the very best prt of Hawthorne, and will sell on very liberal terms. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO 804 PANAMA BLDG. BDW Y 604 IRVINGTON BUNGALOW" HOT WATER HEAT. New 5-room strictly modern bungalow In the heart of Irvington. A REAL home and up-to-date. Price ONLY $5250. Lib eral terms. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO 304 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. C942. HAWTHORNE. $4250 A 6-room house with Iarg Sleeping porch, garage, hard surface st., Swer, etc., in and paid; block to Hawthorne car; easv terms. A. B. CHRISTENSON, THHJ HOME REALTOR. 683 E. 8th st. Sell 2631 SUNN YSIDE BARGAIN. Furnished, $3250. Unfurnished, $2850. 5-room cottage, excellent condition; 2 blocks to car and Laurelhurst park This includes excellent range and water heater. Cood terms. HARRY BECKWITH. Realtor. 213 Corbett Bldg. Main 6860. E AST M OR ELAND. 5--oom English colonial bungalow At a bargain. Owner. Sellwood 3560. IF YOU WANT A HOME BUILT Let me show you how to build save time, money and worry. A 62-0.1,' REAL ESTATE. For Sale Housea. $4300 RICHMOND. A 6-room bungalow in wonderful con dition, fireplace, all built-ins, cement basement, wash trays, fruit room, Dutch kitchen and other conveniences; city im provements in and paid ; price only $4300. terms easy. $4200 $4200 $4200. A 5-room bungalow, fireplace, furn ace, all built-ins and everything; 38xlo0 ft. lot; fruit and. garden space; this little home is in excellent condition; price is right, folks, and $500 down will handle it. $4850 ROSE CITY PARK. A 5-room strictly modern bungalow, with oak floors, furnace, fireplace, all built-in effects, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays. oOxlOU lot; garage; city improvements paid; a real buy at $4850; reasonable terms. $4200 EAST G LI SAN CLOSE IN. A 5-room house, large floored attic, cement basement, line rurnace, 50x100 corner with hard-surface street and sewer in; $4200 for immediate saie, your terms. $4600 ADJOINS LAURELHURST NEW. A 5-room bungalow, with floored at tic, cement basement, fireplace, every h,iut-tn rnnvnipnee. breakfast nook. Dutch kitchen, oak floors, double con structed throughout, corner lot, garag hard-surface street and sewer in and paid; $500 down, balance like rent. $6500 DUTCH COLONIAL. In Rose City Park, below the hill, we have a 7-room Dutch colonial, wlt sun porch, den, large living room, 3 large bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, furnace Dutch kitchen, oak floors, full cement basement, wash trays, etc.; 50x100 cor ner, with city improvements in paid; it's a crackerjack buy at $6500, terms. RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. Bdwy. 6i29. SNAP $3500. Seven rooms with reception hall and bath, near Peninsula park and Jeffer son high school. Full lot with grapes, berries and roses. Double constructed house. Ornamental design with fme porch. Long time Prudential loan $2OO0 at per cent, balance reasonable amount down and small monthly pay ments. This is an exceptional buy. See Mr. Robinson, with FRANK McCRILLlS, Reliable Realtor. Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 779. ALAMEDA PARK. This new 5-room bungalow must be sold! in best district; superior workman ship; built by day labor; good-sjzed living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases, French doors to din ing room, built-in buffet, large windows, two good-sized bedrooms, kitchen has all built-ins. linoleum on floor, canopy over stove; Pullman breakfast room; bath room, modern fixtures; cement basement, laundry trays, latest pipeless furnace. Ready to move in. The prfce on this bungalow is $500 less than the market. Easy terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 2to Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1058. LAURELHURST NEW 6-ROOM BUN GALOW, $5000; FOLKS, youi-L Jrj A LONG WAY TO FIND ANYTHING LIKE THIS FOR THE MONEY; HARD WOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT, MOD ERN. PLUMBING. FRENCH DOORS BETWEEN LIVING AND DINING ROOM. FURNACE AND GARAGE; NEAR CAR; A REAL OPPORTUNITY; PHONE NOW FOR AN APPOINT MENT. A. G. TEEPE CO., REALTORS. SANDY BLVD. AT 40TH. TABOR 05S6. AUTOMATIC 313-46. ENGLISH HOME. Surrounded by the wealthiest, and exclusive homes in Irvington, living room 18x30. beautiful in old ivory rubbed to a satin finish, large dining, 3 bed rooms, all floors hardwood; garage, have to sell, leaving city; $0050; no agents. East 1347. LAURELHURST. $4850. Ready to move right In, complete in every detail, with hardwood floors, fire place, Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook, ivory finish, tapestry paper, built-in- bookcases, furnace and garage. This Is really one of our best buys; very easy terms. CAM PJ3 ELL-RICHARDS CO.. 1111 Sandy Blvd. (On Viaduct.) 315-44. $700 BEAUMONT $4650. A. SACRIFICE. Five-room 'modern burftalow : eom bination living and dining room; fin ished in old ivory and tapestry paper built-in buffet, fireplace, Dutch kitch en. den, plenty built-ins ; large porch cement basement ; all improvements in and paid; I block from car line. Owner leaving city. worm 4miii. some lur niture for sale. 1 1 89 Stanton st. IRVINGTON. ON 23D. NEAR BRAZES $8500. 6 large rooms and double sleep ing porch, also large 'sun room ; all draperies, stoves and many ex pensive, furnishings go with the house. McDonell. East 41tf. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF BEAUTI FUL HOMES IN THE BEST DIS TRICTS OF THE CITY WHICH WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW BY APPOINTMENT. WH ALSO HAVE BUYERS FOR HOMES THAT A SMALL DOW N PAYMENT W I IL HANDLE. FOR RESULTS CALL MRS. SNOW, BDWY. 76314064. 320 T.UMBERMENS BLDG. CWO HOUSES, now vacant. Williams ave north of Broadway, can be rented for $50 month; large lot alone w-orth $4000; newly decorated and pain ten. new lino leum and shades, splendid buy for two families: price S26oO each, good terms; easy walking distance, fine business lo cation, room in tront Tor store or snop, large back yard. Telephone owner, East 6228. ROSE CITY PARK FURNISHED BUNGALOW $7000- 7 ROOMS. , Owner moving from Portland and must sell : located in the very choicest por tion of Rose Citv. A home you II be proud to own. exceptionally large living room ; inspect this. A. O. TBjKHB LU.i 1170 Sandy. Tabor 05S6. Auto. 313-46. MR. ST. JOHNS MAN. Here is a partially furnished neat home on pavement, wood and briquet. in basement, good range, 2 beds and mattresses, chairs, etc. Just bring your trunk and go to housekeeping; $16.0, $300 Initial payment. RICHANBACH & CO.. 207-8 Couch Bldg. Broadway 4143 NEW A LAMED A. This is an exceptionally well built 5 room bungalow ; built by owner for I home bu,t circumstances necessitate im mediate sale; rooms all .good size; alt modern buiit-ms ; ready to move in ; shown oy appointment, w. M. umboen stock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. ltD8. HERE IS SOMETHING. 2 blocks from five: car lines: 6 nice rooms, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, dandy furnace, shrubbery, berries; $3800: take good lot as partial payment. See this one. RICHANBACH & CO.. 207-8 Couch Bldg. Broadway 4143. ERROL HEIGHTS. 4-room house, lot 124x100; $200 cash and $20 per month; whole price $1000.. with $207 back on lots. Offer of good position calls owner from city. See Mr. Grimes. I. E. SPENCER & CO. 517 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4-ROOM bungaiow home, 4 blocks to Haw thorne car, on fine- corner 100x92, and hard street; two bedrooms, fireplace, hardwood floor, cement basement, sta. tubs, garage, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, finest plumbing, all for $3450, $1000 cash. Right from owner. East 6228. ROSE CITY PARK $4950. New bungalow, complete with hard wood floors, fireplace,- buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, furnace and garage; full lot; all assts. paid; $500 cash will handle. Your opportunity. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 1170 Sandy. Tabor 0586. Auto. 313-46. PENINSULA PARK DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow, fireplace, basement, 1 block to car. 2 blocks to park; a real substantial home; $4200, $750 cash, bal ance easy terms. W. L. Erwin, Wood lawn 6714. IRVINGTON. New, classy bungalow with every modern convenience, well built of first class material ; located on Knott, be tween 25th and 26th st. East 22. PENINSULA PARK DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow, basement, fireplace, built-ins, hardwood floors, garage and full lot; $4400. $750 cash, balance easj terms. W- L. Erwin. Woodlawn 6714. A REAL BARGAIN. Bungalow, fully modern, and garage; fully furnished even to linen and dls"hes; only $5500; easy terms. Phone Main 9012, or call 311 Mohawk bldg. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. Cosy 4-room house on 75x100 corner,' good plumbing, full cement basement, garage; $2800, $500 cash, balance easy. W. L. Erwin, Woodlawn 6714. IRVINGTON PARK Six-room bungalow; 100x300; will take auto and cash first payment. Owner. Woodlawn 5325. $175 PORTABLE two-room house suit able for shop or dwelling. 20th and Lovejoy . REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hoaxes. BEAUMONT ANNEX. CASH $250 CASH. NEW 4-room BUNGALOW. 2 bed rooms, LARGE living room, nice kitchen and cabinet, good plumbing, grained and waxed floors, lot 50x100. NEVER lived in. you can move in today, half block of paved street. Price $2650. Come out to our branch office and let us show you this. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3C36. Branch office 50th and Sandy. Tabor 84S5. HOSE CITY PARK. 50x100 Corner. $3750 When finished this will be one of the niftiest bungalows in the district; it will have a living room 13x20, two bedrooms, kitchen, breakfast nook and bath, hardwood floors, tapestry paper, fireplace, French doors, lighting fixtures, shades, beautiful trees and $750 will handle. Let us show you. CAMPBELL-RICHARDS CO., 1111 Sandy Blvd. (On Viaduct.) 315-44. . WIDOW SACRIFICES HER HOME . FOR $2700. 5 rooms, all on one floor, modern bath, screened in porches, rugs, li-no- leum, 2 fine stoves, bedroom furniture, curtains; on 80x100, lots of flowers, 5 fruit trees, good garden spot, on east side ; only $2 700; $-500 cash ; balance $25 month and 6 per cent interest. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ROSK CITY PARK. FOR SALE. $400 DOWN. Combination living room and dining room, two large any bedrooms, large closets, bath, all built-ins, breakfa; nook, attic, cement basement, Laundry trays, garaire and full-size lot. Price $4225. $.(7.50 per month.. HILLER BROS.. Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3636. Branch office oOth and Sandy. Tabor S4S5. ALBERTA SNAP. 4-room house in Alberta district $1600; will trade or sell. A BARGAIN. 5-room house, and attic adjoining W alnut Park, sewors and paving paid full lot; mine furniture goes with place $d.'o0; $2o0 down ; terms. McGEE AND DENNIS. 000 Union Ave. Wdln. 5684. $4500. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Two blocks north of Sandy; full ment basement, furnace, fireplace, hard wood fioors. attic: this is a well-bull house a nd in eood condition, at $4500 is better than the usual buy. Terms. Bdwy. 2571. PORTLAND HOME CO.. 633 Ruilwav Exchange Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK SACRIFICE. Eierht rooms and sleeuinff porch. bedrooms, hardwood floors, fine built-i features; attractive fireplace in livln room: sDltmdid basement: srood furnace, fruit room and laundry trays: 50x100 lot and garage. Price $6250; $1000 cash easy terms on balance. E. M. BROWN, 1122 N. W, Bank Bldg. Main 2422 HOME BUILDERS. We draw your plans, write specifica ions and assJst financing, 10 years' ex penence planning homes, not houses, w also plan and finance large apartment Duiiaings. BUILDERS SERVICE CO.. 609 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. B roa d way 4288. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW $4750. STRICTLY MODERN, NEW AND PRETTY. This is a real home, beautiful lot, 100 xi fm. fine location, close to Hawthorn car; has hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace; garage; no mortgage to assume very reasonable terms. owner ieavm city. Call A 623-17. or Bdwy. 654. PRETTY FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW One-half block . from Ainsworth ave good street: fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch, paneled dining room; in fact, i splendid .home; ail double constructed oasement. AND ONLY $3500. RALPH HARRIS CO.. . 810 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5054, SIT UP AND LISTEN. Modern home in Rose City Park, with car thrown in. for S48o0. 5-room bun galow, fireplace, furnace, garage, full cement basement, all improvements and paid, lot 50x110, late 19-'u Ford coupe. Owner leaving city. $1500 down payment. Phone Tabor SuPO. $5500 HAWTHORNE. 6 rooms and glassed-in sleeping porch furnace, fireplace, har wood firs., built in bookcases, buffet and dresser, full ce ment basement. aM improvements in and paid. $i.i4H cash will nanaie. KEIPPER & CROSBY, 514 Railway Exrh. Bldg. Bdwy. 6650, LAURELHURST HOME SNAP. Owner leaving, will take $6500 for 1 story modern 7-room home, . highest sec tion near park; 30-foot living room French doors, white woodwork. walls DaDered: four bedrooms, sleeping norch tile bath, hot-water heat, garage : rare snap: easy terms. t all Tabor 407. NEW k 4rocm, double-constructed bungalow built-in buffet, all built-ins in kitchen best workmanship; on 74th near Halsey. Price $3250; $5to down. w. M. Umbden stock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1 G58. RVINGTON DISTRICT Dutch colonial, $i.i00,. 7 rooms and modern in every way; a mighty good .buy; hardwood floors throughout; glad to 'show you - no obligations. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 1170 Sandy. Tabor 0586. Auto. 313-46. -ROOM, full cement basement, furnace; fireplace, full lot, paved st., near Wash ington high and streetcar, walking dis tance; can be made a duplex; needs paint, otherwise in good condition; price $5000 cash. Owner will be at 601 Stock Exchange bids:. Thursday and Friday, $740(1 LAURELHURST. New. 6 rooms and breakfast room, basement. 2 fireplaces, everything mod ern. French doors, all bu-ilt-insv. nothing iacKing; 3imhi casn win nanaie. KEIPPER & CROSBY, 514 Railway Exch. Bldg. Bd wy. 6650. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. 5-room bungalow, east front; oak floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch Kitcnen, cement basement, rurnace. ea rage; st. imp. in and paid; shade trees. fine location; $4700; easy terms. Tabor tWH2. LADD'S ADDITION. Leaving city, sacrificing 8-rm. home, with or without furniture, large lot, ga rage, choice location; no reasonable offer refused. Bdwy. 7533. WM. WILLING. 402-3 Panama Bldg. KENTON DISTRICT BARGAIN. Six -room house, lot 50x100. Price $23o0, will take good lot in Kenton dist as part payment. JOHN BROWN CO., Realtor, 322 Rv. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6301. NEW 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. ST. JOHNS DISTRICT Near car line. Price $2850. A real buy. $350 down. balance easy. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 3658. ALAMEDA DISTRICT. New 4-room bungalow, 2 bedrooms, breakfast nook. Dutch ' kitchen, fire place, bookcase, 50x100 lot; small cash payment. Call Wdln. ob.. DON'T PAY RENT. 4-room cottage, close to Peninsula park. $1250, $300 cash. A dandy place to laugh at the landlord. See it today. RALPH HARRIS CO., 816 Cham. Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 5654. $3150 MOUNT SCOTT. 4 rooms and bath, 84x135 lot; new bungalow; half block from school: $650 cash will handle. KEIPPER & CROSBY, 514 Railway Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6650. A GEN U I X-E OPPORTUPN I TY. 7 rooms. East 31t st. : . built for a home: oak floors, lull cement basement, furnace, view; paved street; ca.r serv ices; $4800; SloOO down. J. C. CORBIN CO., 3Q5-6-7 Lewis Bldg. REAL bargain in 5-room house, double constructed ; basement ; newly papered ; 50x100; fruit trees, berries; close to car. Price only $1100. small payment down. 611 Buchanan bldg. BARGAIN. BY OWNER. 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE Hard wood floors, inside remodeled; some fur niture; fruit trees; best car service in city; $2800; terms. 1182 E. Salmon st. ALBERTA. 4-room bungalow, newly tinted and painted; full cement basement, built-ins; 2 blocks to car; $350 down will handle. 611 Buchanan bldg. FIVE-ROOM house with one and three- fourtns acres or land, near Meldrum station, Oregon City car. $5000. One half cash. H. G Starkweather, 602 Broadway building. THE AUDITORIUM THIS WEEK SEE US BOOTH NO. 35. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. FOR SALE by owner, 7-room house, full basement, trays, double constructed all through, fine lawn, flowers and fruit trees. Sellwood 2205. FIVE rooms, fireplace, plumbing, laundry trays, ceiueui unsenieni, DUiit-ins, etc., Hawthorne dist., $2900, $1000 cash. Call East 7842. $4350 TERMS Roae City; beautiful new bungalow witn iurnace and all built-ins: greatly underpriced for quick sale. Broadway 5270. $500 CASH I will build 5-room bungalow in Kose uuy on r. -tn jn., oet. sisKiyou and Klickitat. Call bet. G and 8 P. M., East 3827. WANT TO BUILD. I will 'inance and build for you on my lot, located 2 blocks Rose City car. Bdwv. S3? 7. WOODSTOCK ,8-rm. bungalow, bath, fur- NEW, MODERN home, furnished or unfur nished, owner, auain ijvu, u&sy term REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houmts. LAURELHURST. COLONIAL JUST FINISHED. This colonial bungalow has many dis tinctive features and refinements and is a most beautiful design situated among the finest of homes; very com plete, with Fox furnace, garage, large plate-glass windows, tile bath with re cessed tub and shower; beautiful Im ported tile mantle, swell beveled plate buffet, finest eastern 13.16-inch oak floors, cement red porch. 36 feet wide. If you desire something distinguished and out of the ordinary at a reasonable price, see this. Shown by appointment only. Owner. Phone Auto. .310-id. $435U TERMS. 386 EAST 53D ST. N.. NR. BDWY. N K W ' V w w t wrwR PITV HTTNGALOW. STRICTLY MODERN 5-ROOM; ALSO GLASSED SLEEPING PORCH; HARD WOOD FLOORS, FURNACE, DUTCH KITCHEN, NOOK, FINE PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES; FULL 1 TO 5. ROSE CITY CAR TO 53D. THEN GO SOUTH. AUTOS. OUT BROADWAY TO 53D. . OWNER. WOODLAWN 1550. LARGE modern bungalow, southern colo nial styie, with immense living room running clear across the front of the bungalow ; every modern convenience; immense fireplace, built-ins of all de scriptions; hardwood floors, furnace, large double garage; in fact, an ideal country home, and it can be purchased on the easy terms of $1000 down and plenty of time on the balance. For par ticulars see Ben Rlesland; 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. Main H80. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS home fur sale; lot 50x150. with all improvements; 7 Toom hocse; garage; newly wall papered throughout; hardwood floors; hall, living room and dining room; fireplace. Gascb furnace, full cement basement, laundry trays, fruit room, glass inclosed 'sun porch; sleeping porch, pass pantry and breakfast room ; all in good condition ; price $.000, half cash, balance terms to suit. During day call Broadway 3565: evening Main 5547 for appointment. HERE JS A DANDY. 5-room bungalow, modern, with fire place and furnace, all in fine condi tion, good garage, chicken house and runs: 18 bearing fruit trees. . 2 Englisn walnuts, plenty of small fruit; ground is 100x125; located on Tillamook near S2d : on macadam st., 2 blocks from graded school. Price $3500, with terms. This is a home you can be proud of. An absolute snap. Phone Tabor 8906. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. 16 rooms, 5 sleeping porches, 4 baths, 5 fireplaces and largo furnace; Irregu lar shaped lot containing 7100 square feet and close to Portland Heights car. This property can be made to produce a good income in addition to pro'iding a home for the owner. Price $8000; easy terms. E. M. BROWN, 1122 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. AINSWORTH AVE. BUNGALOW. One block from Union ave. ; 5-room bungalow and sleeping porch; full ce ment basement, Queen furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, tapestry paper; a new bungalow, now completed, ready to move into ; paved etreet ; sewer in, everything paid ; $4900; owner on premises 4 to 6 daily. 406 Ainsworth ave. Broadway 6389. $3700 EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE $3700. Close In; 8-room plastered house; plenty of built-ins; this is not a new house but is in good condition; one bedroom on first fk.or and four on second floor: new pipeless furnace; all improvements In and paid for; large fruit trees, beau tiful flowers; hedge in front; fine view; one block to car. Price $3700. S. E. Wooster. 817 Clinton, corner 26th., Tel. Sellwood 3192. BEST BUY IN CITY. Sellwood district, 6-room house, 4-room house, paved streets; $300 down, month ly payments as rent. 4-room house and garage only one block from car; cement sidewalks ana graded street; $200 down and nothing until January I. 504 Buchanan bldfr. WONDERFUL BUY. One of the most beautiful new six room strictly modern homes in Portland select district; wonderful harwdood built ins and fJoors, large front lawn, double constructed carafe, wide cement drive way, worth $10,000; will sacrifice for $6750, terms; everything in this home worth while. Wdln. 5865. DISTINCTIVE HOMES. In Laurelhurst perfect types old Eng lish cottage and true Dutch colonial, per feet settings, ready for occupancy, built by owner, large frontage, houses 50 feet apart, 44 and 50 E. 43d N. Shown by appt. only Auto.. 223-19. NEAR LAURELHURST PARK. $48P.0. NEW-B-ROOM BUNGALOW. Hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace. cement basement, breakfast nook, mirror doer, shades, fine electric fixtures, all ei ameled, living rooms . papered; good view park. I'D East 32d st., near fine. Tabor Cf86. IRVINGTON COLCPNIAL. Center reception hall, large living and dining room, sewing room aownstairs finest of tapestry paper, fine lieht fix tures, lots of built-ins. 3 bedrooms with hot and cold water, garage; one block to Broadway car; SlO.oOO; terms. J. R. HAIGHT, REALTOR. Bdwy. 2045, 327 Board of Trade. FOR SALE. $3800; by owner; 6-room modern bun- iralow: larire lot. nice yard; shade trees. flowers, etc.: good garage; cement driveway; good furnace, gas and electric finished in white enamel: near schoo and church; owner in Portland this week ; no agents. Ulftl Kiiiingsworth Ave. $1000 DOWN. LAURELHURST CORNER. 58x100. Brand new 5-room bungalow with plastered attic and garage in basement. ODen 2 to 5 today. N. E. corner 33d and Wasco, only 150 ft. from Sandy blvd. $3000 HAWTHORN E $3600. Dandv 6-room cottage. 3 nice bed rooms, full basement, paved street, 45x 118 lot: close to car and school; tor nice home this can't be beat; small pay ment down, balance like rent. MARSH & McCABE CO.. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Bdwy. 6528. WEST SIDE CORNER. 7 rooms, newly painted and decorated; iurnace, iirepiace. tnree oearooms, j tic, full basement; this is a good buy at $6500, terms. Mr. Wiles. J. R. HAIGHT, REALTOR. Bdwy. 2045. 37 Board of Trade. MULTNOMAH STATION. We have for sale in this beautiful residence district a modern 5-room bun eaiow. 75x100 lot. right on highway; good soli : price $3500: terms to suit. Call Mr. Frost, &uu Mcivay Diag. uawy, 7300. . $3000 MT. SCOTT $3000. 6 rooms, lot 80x120. street graded. sidewalks in. and paid, beautiful shade trees. It will pay you to see this place. Your own terms. 1 ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. LAURELHURST COLONIAL HOME. A real, high-class home, consisting of 7 large rooms ana sun porcn. it you are looking for good value Inspect this at 1016 E. Couch; price $8750, terms; open afternoons. T. B. WInship. Auto. 312-24. FOR SALE By owner; best buy in Port land; 7 rooms, moaern; 4 bedrooms and bath up: hardwood floors; furnace; ga rage; ccrner lot. 850 Belmont; best street on east side; $4600; $2000 cash, ba lan ce mortgrage WILL SACRIFICE. Commodious dwelling, choice section, high location. Nob Hill district, suitable for upper-class residence or for room renting: near both hospitals. AJ 663, Oreffontan. BONUS MEN, ATTENTION. Use your money on a worth-while home ; $3000 will give you possession, the balance at 6 per cent interest. Phone East 4855. EARLY complete 5-room bungalow, double constructed, all kinds built-ins, full basement. For terms, owner, 6306 49th st. S- E. BY OWNER 5-room bungalow in Irving- ton, attic, iurnace. iirepiace ana an tuilt-ins; price $4600. terms. 710 E. 15th st. North. Take IJ car. BARGAIN 5-room modern bungalow, large corner lot. sleeping porch, bearing fruit, Capitol Hill, $2850; some terms. Marshall 1874. WI LL accept soldier's bonus on my strictly modern bungaiow; street im provements in; close to park; must be seen to te appreciated. Call Mar. 1504. IF you want to sell your house and your price is rignt, we can get results. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. $4200 $2700 CASH ; 5-room up-to-date DtT-gaiOW; ouiinyhiuc; paveu Bireei; au ideal home and worth more money. SCOTT & BERRY. 1038 Belmont. $4000 7-room rodern .house, full cement basement, i. j wiun &a8t ucn and Wyant. Phone Wdln. 2125 after 6 p. M cvap Don't call unless you have cash. Up-to-date 8-room house: rented now at SMK oer month. Owner. 726 Wasco st. irTlce ooou. raRGAIN from owner; 5-rooms and bath, furnace, fireplace, on paved street. Very cheap for mostly cash. Tabor 0379. WE SPECIALIZE ON HOMES IN RE STRICTED DISTRICTS AROUND $5000. ALVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR, Bdy. 37. SM LL investment will place you in your own 4-room house, 18 Mile at., Fulton, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. THE HOME OF SERVICE. Open Sundays and Evenings. "When Others Pail. List With Us for Supcess. $5750 Terms. Her is another dandy in Sunnyslde; every modern con venience; 8 rooms, classy built ins; full cement basement; fur nace and fireplace. $5500 With terms; 8-room double con structed; furnished house in Mt. Scott district; hardwood floor; furnace and fireplace. This home has the best of furniture. $5000 With terms. Fine large, double construrie1 9-room house . on 6 large lota : has 20 to 25 fruit trees; on 49th st., lOO feet from hard surface road. Will accept soldier's loan on 6-room modern home in Rose City district. Come and see our display of homes. Salesmen with cars at your service. See' J. W. O'Connell, with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 75fil. "WEST SIDE HOME. On corner lot and within easy walking distance of business cen ter; most exclusive neighborhood. Beautiful view, living room 18x32. corresponding room on 2d floor, 2 open fireplaces, 2 bathrooms, hard wood floors throughout. Offered for immediate sale at most attrac tive figure by MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. MAIN 1786. 421 N. W. Bank Bldg. IRVINGTON. 1 New, . up-to-date bungalow, 6 large ! rooms and breakfast nook, fireplace and. furnace, hardwood floors and papered , throughout, tile bath and drainboard. I costly plumbing, pi a to-glass windows light fixtures and window shades. Thi is a very attractive home and in best part of Irvington. 484 E. 24TH ST. N.. NEAR THOMPSON. UrlfiiN -d. WOODLAWN 4841. ROSE CITY. $4050 ONE BLK. FROM SAN DY BLVD. 4 ROOMS. ENCLOSED GLASSED SLEEPING PORCH. HARDWOOD FLOORS, FIRE PLACE. CEMENT BASEMENT. LAUNDRY TRAYS. COSY LIT TLE HOME BUILT IN 1021. G. C. ULRICH CO., INC.. 405 STOCK EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 4354. OPEN EVENINGS. GOOD 4-ROOM HOUSE AND 3 LOTS. PRICE $2000. $400 DOWN. This is a splendid buy ; good 4-room house, plastered, basement, bath, attic, garage, chicken houses; three splendid lots with alley; an abundance of choice fruit and berries; price only $2000. easy terms.- Located on East 58th st. Wood stock car. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 8th st. Phone Bdwy. 4381. MODERN 5-rm. bungalow, sleeping porch, garage, paved street; Rose City Park. Owner. Tabor 2035. Suburban Homes. FURNISHED CAPITAL HILL. EASY TERMS. Cozy 5-room bungalow with Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, bath and toilet, city water; standard lot; ONLY $2550. This is in a popular suburban district with splendid car service and low fare. Ask for F. Ci Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St., bet. Wash, and StaTk. $250 DOWN $25". WILL GIVE YOU POSSESSION! New 5-room bungalow with gas and running water : 3.4 acres, part in cultivation young fruit trees; only 3 blks. from elec tric station on the west siae: oiks. from good school; $2500. EASIEST OF TERMS. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with. FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. CONCORD, 1 ACRES $4000. Fruit and berries; 5-room plastered bungalow with bath, electricity, gas and running water; chicken house for 650 chickens; brooder house for 1 200 chick ens; close to Oregon City carllne, on good road; GOOD TERMS. Ask vfor F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. SEE THIS ATTRACTIVE HOME. Located In nice euburban district, east city limits; nifty, new 5-room bungatow. large front room, bath, dandy kitchen, all built-ins, cement basement, etc.; beautiful acre fronting on hard surfaced road; only $3500; easy terms. See pho tos at office. A. K. Hill, 426 Lumber mens bldg. BEAUTIFUL suburban home, east of city. near Buckley ave., modern i-roomnouse concrete basement, garage, all kinds of bearing fruit and berries; 24 r.cres of rich soil, rock road, near school and car; owner forced to sell at once: no reasonable offer refused ; about $2000 cash required. Drive- out to 5350 113th st. S. E., near 55th ave., and look this over. Owner, Auto. 638-55. or Wdln. 55. MULTNOMAH ACRE $2800! All in cultivation, 23 bearing fruit trees; 4-room house with electricity, gas and running water; chicken house; about 40 chickens go with the place at the price; terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. MCGUIRE, 203 Abington Bidg. Broadway 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. $000 CASH WEST SIDE Only 15 minutes out. 74c fare, a new modern B-room Dungaiow. exception allv well buUt. Large front room, cabi net kitchen, concrete basement, bath and all city conveniences; quarter acre, (rood soil, on hard roaa. cnurcn ana scnooi close. Only $000 down. Se A. K. Hiil, 4 26 Lumbermen bldg. SMALL HOUSE AND ACRE. One acre of choice land, all In cultl vation and riady for crops; houpe 14x24, on Dekum ave.; 4 bloeka from Woodlawn and Alberta cars; price $1550. $150 cash. balance $2o per month. bEE ow.msk, H A. DRYER, 283 Stark St., 2d floor Gordon Bldfp. Phone Broadway 11-S8. WEST SIDE BARjGAIN. Tteaut:ful acre fronting on hard Bur face; excellent soil,, fruit, berries, gar den, poultry, etc. 5-room bungalow, city conveniences. Popular district, close to church, school, stores, station. $2600, terms. A. K. Hill. 426 Lumber mens bldg. ACRES on Buckley ave., near Foster road on Johnson creek ; 4-room double constructed house; 12 bearing fruit trees; a beautiful place: this property has to be seen to be appreciated; $0000, $2000 cash, easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg, Main 37S7. RIVER FRONT HOME. Small bungalow, nicely furnished. beautifully located on vv niamette river, 30 minutes drive to town. Oregon City car, Rothe sta.; every moaern conven ience, all ready to move in; price $2700 Phone Oak Grove 174-M. 5 ACRES, 3 blocks east or Jenninps I.nne-e Station: younK orcnitru, niiv ouiiu- ing site; $4000, $500 cash, balance easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.; R33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main STST. mso CAPITOL HILL t ACRE. Extra soil; on Oregon Electric and highway; 4-room house, gas, water, elec tricity; a netiieciru pmcc , uur ujjpor tunlty. O. AV. Tarr, 407 McKay bldg. Broadway 7203. ; ACRES 7-room modern home, berries TrUlt, CniCKens , nun meoi uuum u iiiau- adamized road, close in $4000; terms; owner 402 Artisans bldg. Phone Broad- way 48P0. ; " DROP in today and see our list and photos, close-in suburban homes; all the desira ble districts, both east and west side ; $1500 to $6000. A. K. Hill, Realtor, 426 Lv m b fc-rmena' bldg. $1000 TAKES a small new house near Multnomah, on quarter acre, among the trees; sightly property; terms. See Ben Rlesland. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. FOR SALE Modern 3-room house and garage, lot 50x100; cash or terms, by owner. Milwaukie, 1 block north of Harrison, on 32d St., or phone 34-X. BARGAIN iNear Multnomah, one acre fruit and berrlea. 4-room house, barn, chicken house; near car; terms. Owner, Taborsirz. $200 CASH Four-room new bungalow. acre, close to station, water, lights, $2200. McFarland. Realtor. Failing bldg. LOVELY corner in Park Rose; H acre with bungalow; Craig road, owner East 2209. ONE ACRE Parkrose, modern bungalow, fine orchard. Terms. Tabor 2676. FOR SALE Beautiful suburban, home, $25,000. . Main 880, REAL ESTATE. Suburban Hnmr. AMONG THE TREES ON THE WILLAMETTE. Cozy bungalow, modern plumbing, gas and electricity, 100x100 ft. lot. with river frontage, fine view, close to car and highway; one of the beauty spots on the river. Price $3700. ONLY $500 CASH. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Bd wy. 6u34. EQUIPPED 2 ACRES! All In cultivation; 1 acre of straw berries; acre loganberries; 4-room bungalow with full plumbing: small barn, chicken house; 4(1 chickens, horse, wagon, buggy, wood, seed potatoes and ail implements; good Income from stmw berrifs alone; Huber station; DON'T FAIL TO INVESTIGATE THIS AS IT WILL NOT LAST! Ask for F. C. Mar shall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 203 Ablngton Bidg. Broadway 71 tl. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. NEWLY WEDS. A nifty city bungalow, just outside of town, on paved highway, large living and dining room, fireplace, ail built-ins, modern piumb'.ng; very attractive ex terior, cement porches, flower boxes, good garage and half acre of ground; -nice grove of firs; a new place and ready to move into. Price $3750; $1000 cash. J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 8 Cham, of Com. Bidg. Bdwy. 6034. FURNISHED SUBURBAN BUNGALOW. 6-room. modern, sleeping pnrrh. Bull Run water, g:ts and e'r-trlc liKhts. Jut outside city limits; $3800. $loo0 caah. easy terms. JOHNSON-TIODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Rlrig. Main 3787- For Sale -Acreage. ACREAGE NEAR PORTLAND At Farm Land Prices. Only five tracts lett. near paved Pa cific highway and Red KIHtrtr 16 miles from center of Portland. Fine, deep alluvial noil, specially adapted for berries and vegetables. Bo independent, get a little farm for a permanent home near Portland, with beautiful surround ings and ideal living conditions. Act st once. W offer the five reniHining tracts, an In cultivation, as follows: 7 acres $17.V$175 cj-nh payment 0.4 acres 235n ':." cash payment 0.7 acres 22mi 22M cash payment 0.8 acres 225" IT-.'.", cash payment y.8 acres 2-5" 225 cash payment, CUE A. McKENNA CO., 82 Fourth St. Bdwy. T.VJC $SOO0 40 acres of bottom land na Canby: 30 acre in cultfvatioi and truck garden; fair buiUlinRe wil; exchange for Portland prop erty. $2000 Half acre In fruit, berries and garden; four-room bunnalow. chicken houe aim woodshed good well; on paved road; mile from Oregon City car. near Milwaukie; $looo wiu handle. S. BORLAND, Realtor. 223 Henry Building. 4th and Oak. 18 ACRES, 1 mile from Eugene, on sire car line : several acres cultivated, new 4-room cottage, chicken house; widow compelled to bell, $1500. 35 acres, 2 miles Oregon City. 20 acres cultivated; $50U0, ca.?h $2000. 8 acres between Portland and Oregon City, on highway; good for berries or poultry; ;iuoo, one-nair rasn. A. E. CAMPBELL. Selling Building. Main 182. BIG SACRIFICE. To close an estate we will sell 15 acres near Multnomah at a bargain. This property has gas. city water, tele phone, on a good rock road close to electric station, u-cent rare. iou can buy this tract at a price much lower than any adjoining land or we can suo divide for two or more purchasers. R E VERM A N INVESTMENT CO.. 210 Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. 2054. $ lt50 EASY TERMS. 2H acres, nice level tract, about eight miles out. Just ot r .Base Line road, on hard-surface road. ater is in. . $1500, ca?h or make terms offer; 5 acres just off hard-surface road, about lO miles out. Last sold for IJ500. $050 cash 1 acre with xhack and water, just off Powell alley road. JAMES H. PRfVK Main 5053 or East 0100. FOREST GROVE ACREAGE. 6 2-3 acres, all In cultivation, i lA ere f loganDerries, i - j acre sirawoernes, nai- a nee ciover ana oais : new nous., nam chicken house, other buHdlngs; on rock ro-ad, half mile from pavement and Ma sonic home, 1 M; miles from Forest Grove. Price $4."W)". LIT E P DE M ANN CO M PA N Y, 01 't Chamber of Commerce. GET YOU A HOME. I own and will sell this choice -acre of dandy land adjoining the city; 20" ft. of paving in and paid ; baut If ul view, close to two carllne, on Columbia boule vard; price $1100, $150 cash, balanc $25 per month. H. A. DRYER. 283 Stark St.. 2d floor Gordon Bldg. Phono Broadway 118S. S-ACRE BERRY PLACE. All cleared. 3 acres be-arlng loganber ries, 1 "00 gooseberries, 10"0 bhtrkcaps. 600 strawberries; near good town, on highwfl y : house, barn, chicken house-, other buildings, all nerly new. A real bargain. $45"". LUEIUiEMANN COMPANY. OUt Chamber of Commerce, 0.3 ACRES, 2 miles out; 03 fruit trees, 1 block car, on pavement; good soil, on creek; four-room house, eiectrlo ligh U, barn. garaKG, 2 ch'cken houses, cow, chickens and implements; $500", 4 rauli, balance $ J5 monthly. See Wol f ha gen, FRANK C. ROBINSON, Realtor, 503-4 Selllne Bide. Main 2557. $200 LOCATES YOU. 19 acres longed off land. 1 mile from station. 30 in tics from Portland ; good soil and chance to work In sawmill near by. Price $1200; terms $200 cash, bal ance $15 month ly. I. L' E I I E M A NN COMPANY, M3 Chnmber of Commerce. & BLOCKS EAST OF CITV LIMITS Well-built 4-room cottage, lot 60x201, gas, city water, 10 assorted fruit tree, some berries, garage. barn, chicken house; total price $2200, easy terms photo at office. See Mr. Griffith, with Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 73 Chamber of Commerce. ONE ACRE AT METZGER $1500. $300 cash, $25 monthly for 1-acre tract, 1 H-tory. 3-room cottage, ground al fenced, 5 olorks from electric line; com pletely furnished and ready to mov Into. A wonderful buy. Photo m.t office. See Mr. Griffith with Fred W. German o., Rea itorp. , .V ( ham, of Com. IN COOS COUNTY. 160 acres good land. 20 acre lake bot tom, 300 acres alder bench; on beautiful lake, 1 mile from railroad station; half mile from town; best fiahing and hunt lng; all for $5500, some term. Forced to sel , See pict ures and get particula ra at lo.'i KaRt Mntn st. .North. Auto. H3J-4M. FOR SALE. 40 acres fine land, burned over, seeded to grass and fenced; all tillable when cleared; i miles from electric car line. i mile rrom Ait. Mood loop road; about 21 miles southeast of Portland; price $4000; u rash. Write or call Frank Herz. Boring. Or., R. F. D. 2. box IN 152x221 $025. Big piece of rich garden soil, equal to nearly city mis, lacing a graveled road, with Bull Run water In the street, for only $'.25. on easy monthly pay ments. See Mr. Rogers, 418 Spalding mag. jonwy. n..o. 10 ACRES NEAR HUBBARD. 2 acres beaverdam. small orchard, tim ber enough for 2"0 cords of wood ; 3-room house; $10". small payment down. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 405-6 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. CLOSING UP ESTATE. 40 acres, $40 per acre. $100 cash, bal ance easy terms; mne on rock road. i mues soutn or ortiana. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 033 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S7ST. ONE ACRE CLOSE IN. On pavement, real value at 1450. terms; best soil, cleared, plowed ; city water, u. jucunesney, trjtj Henry fcldg. Bdwy. 2505. evenings Main 7S44. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma. Wash. GRESHAM district, 5 acres, excellent soil. all cultivated, level, near station, store, school; price $1500; very easy terma. W. M. TTmbdenstock & Co. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 165H. ACRES BEAUTIFUL WOODED. One to ten-acre tracts on beautiful river drive at the edge of Portland; lovely summer home sites; $50O and up. 433 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5271. 44 ACRES, all tillable, close in, suitable for market garne-mng. win sen acres of this tract, $350 per acre; easy terma, JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. 17 H ACRES In one of Oregon's leading fruit aistricts. i acres in oeartng prunes and walnuts. 5 acres in open field; $rtooo, terms: sickness forcing sale. Address Box 10S-A. Route 3. Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE 2hO acres near Myrtle Point, Oregon, rme cipareu, uooui vuu.whj it. timber; $42"0 cash, no trades. Address N. E. Llndquist, Angus Hotel, fit Paul, Minn. 2 ACRES, Oswego lake, all JeveL $675; good sou ; l ao iare; jifu casn. McFARLAND, Realtor. 20W Falling BTdg. 2y ACRES. BARR ROAD, $875. Fine soli, $35 down, $10 per month. Strong k Co., 606 Cham, of Com, bldg. SEVEN ACRES, CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLIEN, tUol DZU tT. o. Ml, ttltt-4. R FT A L JPT A TK. I Fr ArrfM. 15 acr-. 7 miles from city I'mi 1 Portland: on county rol. ' mi paved highway and wiectrlfl tar children collected lor hU'li mhool. to grade school; best of bottom lun-t under cultivation. price $J."" per plus diking chuntf, offered to ex- Ice nu-n at terms sny cn hmi or, will sell f Mr one-f if t h malt, term on balance. 6';. Hve a lin number of true! left which are of' at 5"' 'r at their actual value. Ai Mr. Nelson. i ON PAVED HIGHWAY. 6 acre. $ in tit from center of P land, near Tlitard, mll from tt ttvated: Iommi poll, otter-tl p great bargain. 5.on muh. biUiH . per year. See Mr It tint er. John Ferguson. Realtor, ;er1lrr,r CLACKAMAS RIVER KItONTA 1 1 K A very fine 8-ncre tract wlth fr age on river; fine poll, lots ef rum miles from downtown. Jut off ruird face road. A delightful niso I-T mer borne or pouitiy nunli $.150". with good term A. FRED C PRATT. 534 Chamber of i'otniiirrre. Hrnndvmv is.,( FOR GAHI'h.N Hone way RiTfB ge, 57 Pittock hltck. I ,.1 h MiIh Mnlil. !;.o Irrluuled I .anil. MUNICIPAL LAN Dll FOR SALE. A Ta opportunity ! Irr)f land. Situated mIodm tl.e i ititnhiA ' With thft bet raliroad !.! t IlKf longest (trowing ioti In the no' wept. Soil and elm, 1 1 mi y au ted to gardening, ilihken tniMws. culture, dairying, to itrowin it ra berrie and fruit In geio ral The main sinte hiRhwv p."i thr the project. Our pt hooln r.j th I One accredited hlah chool amd grade Khooli Write for our tnot ttm-tlv t and folder. The rtutrlct, and y. Itt seilng thla U'ld; there mil Is rnininlPPion to pay. We rr Inter In getting home builders on ih pro. Add res liL'KBAXK IRRIGATION Dl.T. NO. Rurhank. W p h tn s i on. llomeM(eavd JtellntUthnien1. Tl I K K K im pron d rc 1 1 mjuthh iioiii t . f ;;o,iio" r rich t nice I It : In town. I Grants P;ifw. $.!""" ppent On miej P'm Ih nd. n si iy red. run rthig r. on h ' ' , Wurih $ti""t rn- h. Account f 1 i y trouble sacrifice, $4"0, $tH", $;-0. Corbet t u : i g . FOR A GOol HwMKSTKAI) Oft R EL yl'ISHMKNT. BKE K W. HELM, CHAMBER OF COM M Kit CK PLUG. or Siile Farm. GOOD HI ACRES FOR $0""O. Bet valuo for the money that could possibly f ind ; 81 acre. 1'4 n south, 3 mile from electric pttbn. good; very beat soil; over 10 a. baiance itood timber and pptiire itiire; a-j irn; Col-1 water piped to noun and bi room bungalow; hot and bath, patent toilet, sink: root with cement floor, milk hoo with ment floor and cream peprtor stalled; 2 poti house, work Mi"P, red barn. 8"'k4S; un-todat hog h and chicken hoime; Kara: nl ber orchard and terrr of all kind; n school and on milk and mall route; p only $H"M). HARGROVE REALTY CO, 122 N. Oih St. Bdwy. 43' SPLENDID a ACRES. 5 MILKS Ot . FOR I4H00. On east aide, in ppl'-ndld aertlon, ri at a torus, acbool and church; H a perfect land, no rock, all cult Iva' good 6-room plnntered houie; tin b and outbuilding ; aplendid orchard an abundance of cherrle. prune, p apples, etc.. and a I mo Knu ii -h wilr In bearing. 1 acre tra wbvrr a a loganberries. 2 row, horpu, hrneta, pie ment a, chicken ; price $ I ""; member, Jut 5 mile tmm the limit ; wn can ahw you abMnlutety bet to be had In acre ire, tract r the city and anv direction. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. 0th .St. lMwy 43 CHICKEN RANCH PRODUCING CAHr HAY FOR I3..0". 80 mile out. good rockad road m.V way; mall route, milk rout a ai line pa a the door; all prod rtKht from the pi nd atiyt Mna; aired from Portland brought right')) to you; 14 acre, well watered. --r houe, la rare barn. 2 up-to-date chic housed, hmi auU DUO"; plenty f and berrie; prlc $35t and will put 05" hen. 3 registered now and two wagon, iniplein.-nta w nd fe..j 1 HARGROVE REALTY CO. 122 N. Olh St. Hd wy4 f 45 A 'RES. all under cuiL vi ti..n. im,. pi., mi cny iirntt: .i" acre (ioiiohi good orchard ; nil fenced ; living . on pUce ; Mill ti ado for goid b.itj; e Portland. 10 acre, by, or. ; 1 highway; 11 under rutttvat'nn at C ere nf ptra w berri' i ; oh md hore and cow. farming tc Ip wnd ih.ckenp; 8-od Im inga; ail frncrd, $5.im, f.iiai" down, i ance tuay. McGEE X- IKXM. 000 Union Ave. Wdln. 50 A'l TKNTluN, Willamette vail y, Rnlaer and Mixed hornier. I or 23(a acre high y Improved at nek, r -half tillable, 3"" cultivated. Mi" (lot balance hiil. Land I rich, grow n hund h nee of crop. Hnrna, alo, build In K. fenced Into thirteen pupt u trout ftream furnishing ntr ml Grern grawa year round for phe p, A feeding for cattle. Equipped with rv. thing to make farming and atock r Ing a p!eaure. Modern H-room h" -electricity, piutiiblng. furnace, etc.; i per acre. Include io k It taken part trade considered. Wrlta 00 AV, 412. oregonl.m. 40 ACRES, ail cuUn Mrd, levul No. X at $125 an acre. 14 acre bearing prune. t, r pear, iarge pruua drier, a.) go for one-third cah. 35 acre, all cultivated, -room he ter and light, b ilGHTY-FIVE A'RKrt CLA "K AM At C eood land. m ma In I ra vN d I telephone. hOUWe. burn. ever.t I eight a-re clean!, runnir.r 1 water, plenty of fruit, outui t c Kt of wood on trat : ri ntv of In eammuiii' y ; oprrtun it y for man; will J 1 1 oh e a p I v on e v ir WHl rent to right iartv and unlr tain condition. wtier. A. M I'.V K ICS. Boh iw. C rVh m Or IN PAV EM MNT THREE MILKS KKoM YAMHILL 40 acre, H2 under cultivation, 2 crops, all fenced, no build in ga, cr. R. R. aiding, city water, u mlia, aohool. $52""; eay terms. flea Campbell with Fred W. German Realtors. 732 Cham of Com. DANDY 10 A ' H K ti ON THE HCHOT.L FERRY RUAD. 10 M I LKX OUT. All in cultivation, very bet of good barn but no houe, soma fruit bearing; price Is $3""0, ha.f eaph, t ance 6 per cent. STEWART A JOHNSON. 315 Northweptrn Hanlt H:1 WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM 62 acraa of finest soil, all In cult! tlon, near electric station, on fln r good pchool, telephone ana rural m splendid 1 - room noue, in perfect r dition inside and on, Dutoh k ltd etc Good barn ; price $160 per a Phone 'abor HO'tO. COOD BUY. 40 -acre farm, 6-room nouaa, la barn. 25 acres 1a cultivation. fnn cowi, pi and oMekn. Ft: equipped, 20 miles from Portland, mile from station and school. "Wdln. 6.V . THIS splendid chicken anu fruit a highly tmprovea, oenruig irun ire -acre straw berrlea. lonn and ra berrlea, C-room houaa. st Mo, It row horaea, chicken houae and equfpni Klec. and gaa. Price $3""0. F. Diet S 26 Cham, of Com. 12" ACRES wn Yaquin bay, 4 mliti bei Toledo, a mues aoove Newport; on the beat dairy ranches below To' stocked; price $."""; will take o trade, terms. O. W, Andrews, Tola Or., Box 133. fttt-ACHH FARM ON HIGHWAY. 33 miles of Portland: S mile atnth SO under plow; bulldin. Term or v contrkler Portland. Cwllfornl or hVn Dakota property a part. .1. C. CORHIV (V) 3 V 6-7 T i P. M CLACKAMAS county ranch, li nuies o 42 acres; cultivated, una mar ma good 7-room house, garage, barn, ebb en houses, orchard, berrlea. a took. I plements: need $iO0 In cash now. mi soil for 11.00. AL SS4, Oresonian. WE WANT to tail you more about the mo us uescnutea vaiiey in cenirai ireg A dairy, potato and atorkrnan'a tat diss. A card brings t full partlci-'a Redmond Li nd Lean Co., Inc. P.e mond. Or. K!ng Murphy's capitol WILLAMETTE vaiiey, 3H acre. a5 In frt 24 bearing, acrea in prune; -; walnuts, 2 acres e berrlea. good 6 - r. house, concrete prune dryer; $16,000. ( Chamber of Commerce bldg. 10 ACRES Dandy rarm, D-moin nou barn, hennery, rrun. orriea. moi cleared, $3400 take tt. on ttrmi. McFarland. Realtor, 2". Falling pMf OWNER will build houae on one-ha f ar for s."vot aown. tu uown ana i" 1 month for half-acre tracts In Deat ton. 3-6 Cham, of Com mere. WELL LOCATED modern dairy farm. t resting price ror caan. oeorga m Smith, K'ttoc p m k . 122 ACRES near Tillamook; $4.."". tain part trade; sargaao. jli eu-, vragoaia 2 fireplace, water and light, ham. te and hn house, orchard: mmhi, 1-3 ,1 The above place be lung tn an and miift'he sold at mice; within! mile of courthouse, along lrirhi 1 at office, tu-1 Stock K hmiK- bltlc I