THE 3IORNIXG OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1922 14. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. . SECO.NU-HA.M) CLOTHING WANTED. Call Marshall 122S or 253 Madison St.. Near Third St. Myers, the Tailor, pays the highest prices lor suits, overocats. mackinawa and shoes We call everywhere ia the my, day or evening. We also buy second-hand FURNITURE. TOOLS. Machinery and all kinds of Junk. CALL. US BEFORE YOU SELL,. MARSHALL. 1221). WE HAVE THE MONEY, TO!! HAVE THE CLOTHES. We buy and exchange ladies' and cents' clothing. HtKhest prices paid. c.eanlng pressing a specialty. Call and teliver any part of city. Phone calls a.iswered promptly and confidentially. or quick; service call us ana watcn re hUit. ADLER. THE TAILOR. Main 3207. or ail Third St. V S WlLi, ALLOW YOU $5 to $15 for jour discarded suit in payment on a suit made to order ana you can pay us me balance on - easy monthly payments. Hring in your used suit and apply it on a new one. Joy, the Tailor, 104. Fourth, utarstark. SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVER COATS We pay highest prices. Ore son Tailors ana Cleaners. 117 2d St. N. W. corner Washington. Ldwy. 7214. CALL MAIN 7714. IIRET) FL'RXlTL'hE OF ANT KIND. TOOLS AND GENERAL HOUSEHOLD GOODS, BOUGHT FOR CASH; GOOD PRICES PAID. WEST PORTLAND SAL VAGE CO. Furniture Wanted. I'll.r. MARSHALL 2963. We are paying the right and highest price for household goods and furniture; we are anle to handle all the furniture that is for sale in the city oi rormuu. w a r, .divine niaooa. grafonolas, toll- too desk, all kinds of tools and we are in need of tables, chairs, beds, dressers, t-ou-a mrmia. bedding, dishes. We are always paying cash for a houseful of furniture or any amount. Call Marshall 2603, will be there imme-rti-relv with the cash. Crown Furniture company. . - a u.j wx: h Vl TURK CASH. Save (r.oney and time, we are paying best possible prices for furniture; we need used furniture, stoves, ranges and all Kinds of household goods to ship out of town. Will pay more for your fur niture than other local dealers; call us for one article or a house full ana a courteous competent buyer iu "" Uroadway 2:100. 72 North Third St. Rosenberg's Furniture exchange. w.,-iu- Ub!RK I.OOK! We are in the market for all kinds of furniture and household goods; will pay you a better price than any dealers, be cause we use it ourselves. We also buy pianos aJU omce luiuuui,- v . . satisfy yourseU THANK YOU. CALL, MAIN 738. CASH PAID FOR USED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS; WE PAY MORE THAN ANY LOCAL DEALER; 'uIeDURi'tURB EXCHANGE. U CALL. MAIN 738. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. WHIP oo i o. VE NEED furniture, rugs, stoves ana tools of every description in single pieces or in lots; will pay more than local dealers- r'"m"t ""ention given. East 2405. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE .of any description; have the ready cash. " px". today. Main 4627. or 166 First st. WE WILL BUY your furniture or sell for you on commission. George Baker & Co, auctioneers. Main 3332. EDCrATIOXAL. whv TIP OUT OF A JOB OR WORK WHIt n UNDERPAID POSITION T We have helped hundreds of our grad uates to positions paying from $200 to t?00 per month: let us help you, too You can pay half of your tuition down and the balance after you have gradu ated and had six months of steady em ployment at auto work. A pretty fair offer, don't you think so . EX-SERVICE MEN. Invest your bsnus money in an educa tion it beat, any other kind of an In vestment SchoDl open for inspection dailat 10 A M. and 2:30 P. M, except Saturday. Large 112-page catalog mailed aTcOX-'a UAVION SCHOOL. S72-374 Wasco St.. corner Union Av., Portland, Oregon. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Tou want nothing but the best. Here t is. Standardized with schools in 60 other cities. Best laboratories, best hop equipment and instructions. Actual shop practice given on real repair Jobs. Results . absolutely Kuaranteed. The Le for you to so to school U whi business is -quiet. Prepare now for big husiness opening in a few months, in Sufre OregS Institute of Technology Slain st. at Sixth. Kx-service men get statu aid. "bkgin eakxino money quickly. Knroll lor day or night school at this treat business college the training School for success. Courses Include comptometer. stenography, . .ban";f ' bookkeeping, private secretariat Write or phone Main 590 for catalogue, llKHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, Fourth, near Morrison. Portland. "u,i iro ra rrkr college will teach the trade In 8 wks.. furnish a set of tools to you and give some pay while learning; positions secured; write or call for catalogue and particulars. 234 Burnside st, OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition r-rtucid this term. 233 Madison st. MODERN barber college teaches trade in 8 week tools furnished, some pay; posi tion secured; special rate this month. Write cr call for particulars. 234 1st st. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph institute, 434 Railway Exchange bids:. Day and night classes. ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-assV state supt., mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. Auto. 512-13. IJSK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg Main 4835. Teaching poaition. free reg. TATES - FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bid.;. HELP WANTED MALE. ACTS WANTED. Animal acts, aerial acts and any acts cf merit wanted for indoor circus on May 10-11. Can also use freaks and curiosities suitable for sideshow. State all in first letter and address mail to Box 514, Eugene. Or. WANT GARDENER. thoroughly expe rienced in growing all kinds of flowers and shrubs and laying out grounds. Pre fer single man, but will furnish modern residence for man and wife. Only com petent man need apply. Call 235 Stark. WANT young lady for stenographic and geaeral office work; a great deal of ex perience is unnecessary, but must at least be able to take a fair amount of dic . tation and be accurate at the typewriter. AH 5. Oregonian. PRINTER apprentice, at least two-third-er. wanted for permanent position In . afternoon daily newspaper shop; $18 to $24. Write, giving experience, age, etc Herald. Albany, or. WANTED Civil engineer, experienced In dredge work, understanding cross sec tion; also bookkeeping. State experi ence. F. J. Kernan. Reedsport, Or. WANTED Intelligent, energetic man for position a hotel clerk. Apply In own handwriting, g-iving age. experience and references. AJ Ml. Oregonian. WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG MAN FOR HIGH-OLASS CLERICAL POSITION; GIVE FL'LL PARTICULARS. AO 536, OREGON I AN. FOR HELP PHONE STAR EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. BROADWAY 5286. EXP. RAZOR-CLAM diggers wanted for big spring run. Highest prlcea Warren ton Clara Co.. Warrenton. Or., and Nab cotta. Wab- 2 MEN wanted to peddle hominy, horse radish and honey. If you are not doing anything, try this. Aply 36S Hawthorne ave. EDWARDS FURNITURE CO. requires the services of a salesman; only those hav ing best reference need apply. AR 618, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED door-patcher. M. & M. Woodworking Co.. 800 Multnomah. East 734. AMATEUR acts and talent 'of all kinds, good pay. Little theater, 23d and Wash ing! on. FIRST-CLASS cotinaker wanted. C. Gawer. ladies' tailor. Blue Mouse Thea ter bldg. AUTOMOBILE trimmer wanted. Write Harry Wise, 227 S. First St., Yakima, Wash. WANTED Reliable man to contract load ing 2o00 yards of dirt into trucks. Call 315 17th St.. Oregon City. EXPERIENCED grafters, others need not apply; good wages, reasonable board. Lafayette Nursery Co., Lafayette. Or. WANTED Experienced presser and all round man. Pantorium Cleaners, Ore gon City. MAGAZINE men. caU at 212 Stock Exch. bldg. PORTER wanted. 110H 6 th ST Barber shop. WANTED Man dishwasher to aist cook; good waxes, room and beard. 203 6th at. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED STATION MEN, SOUTH; 80 MILES OF RAILROAD WORK. FOR tUBTHER INFORMATION WIRE, WRITE OR CALL 28 N. 2D. PHONE BDWY. 727-728.- CAN SEE PROFILE AND PRICES AT ABOVE NUMBER. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY f AnKeny St., Cor. Second. OPEN TODAY AT SAM Leading Lumber Office of the Pacific Joat. For large camp close to Portland. fcnip today; just starting. 4 Sets Fallera 03c and 56c hr 4 Choker Setters 52c hr - Chasers , 52c hr. j. saw mier 670 hr. 1 High Climber $l hr. 1 Loading Engineer fiOo hr. 4 Buckers ,. ,5fc hr. x i wo-speed Engineer 6."c hr. i eaa Loader ;Oc hr. 1 Head Rig Rustler 60c hr. 8 Railroad Graders $3.00 we want an classes of mill men and loggers. Come early today and get your cnoioe. GO TO EASTERN OREGON NOW. The big ranches are opening up with 4U and 545 per month for wages to be - gin the season; later you will go into haying and harvest at from $2.50 to f.s.oo per day ; then omes wheat haul ing and like work; it means good wages ail summer and you on the ground to reap the profit; go now. . We want the follow. ntr men: I fl teamsters for Pendleton $4-3 1 teamster for Kent 45 2 teamsters for Terrabone 40 1 teamster for Moro 40 1 teamster for Heppner 40 2 teamsters for Prineville 40 1 choreman for Prineville 40 These men must be able to drive 8 to u horses or mules. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 14 North Second St. YOUNG MAN! Take this tip. The one beat place in the city to assist YOU In finding a position in a clerical com mercial or technical line is the Y. M. C. A. employment department. You can get reliable information and they will mul tiply your chances and put you next to opportunities that you will never find through vour own efforts alone. All vounjf men and especially strangers are cordially invited to talk with one of the secretaries. Room 307, Y. M. C. A. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 240 Ankeny St., Cor. 2d. NORTH TO GRAYS HARBOR, WASH. Ship Tonight Fare Advanced. Large lumber company wants mill and yard men; men for tank and pump fac tory; men for shipping sheds. Chance for advancement. See and talk to company representatives at office to day. Open 8 A. M. X LARGE mercantile house offers a po sition to-a man 25 to 40 years of age, who has ability and sufficient expe rience in cotton piece goods, silks, and dress goods with either Jobber or man ufacturer, to enable him to supervise a set of stock records and maintain a well balanced stock of these lines subject to direction of department managers; state age, nationality, experience and salary received. AM 43. Oreconian. OLD LINE life insurance company wants manager tor western Oregon, tie must be between 25 and 40 years .of age, of good character, possess energy and In telligence and be able to furnish bond. Experience advantageous. Maximum contract equivalent to $5000 first year. Splendid permanent position. Address W. I. Fraser. director of agents. Pierre, South Dakota. Help Wanted Salesmen. AGENTS AND SALESMEN. 1922 s greatest sensation, snappiest household line of pure rubber goods on earth: made by the Miller Rubber Co.. makers of the world renowned cord tires. Attractive outfit assures quick sales. Apply at office, 504 Goodnough bldg., bet. 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. OREGON HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTY CO. Special Demonstrators Miller Rubber Co. V B GIVE exclusive territory io live rep resentatives who are willing to earn an honest living by selling metal household goods which we manufacture, either to dealers or to consumers. Specialty Manu facturing Shop, 1005 No. L. Street, Ta coma. Wash. 2 LIVE aggressive salesmen wanted to sell automobile- accessories; gooa com missions; men now calling on accessory stores, garages and hardware stores pre ferred. Main 1539 between 12 and 2 for appointment. A PORTLAND Jobber of general line of auto accessories desires represent a. tiori In Walla Walla territory: commission proposition. AP 512. Ore-gonian. WE HAVE an opening for a live sales man with car in our nouse department. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. T581. SALESMAN One ambitious young man. with A-l references, as assistant to the manager. Call 2 to 6 Artisans bldg. North Ridge Brush Co. 3 MORE good hosiery salesmen; $10 per day from start to tnose wno quality, tr you are looking for a snappy proposi tion see Mr. Lewis. Apt. 16. 402 3d st. WE HAVE an opening lor an experienced salesman; must be reliable. Room 231, Lumbermens Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark st. SALESMAN to sell automotive equipment and tires; must Know line and nave selling experience. Apply 100 N. 10th, corner Flanders. WASTED--AGENTS. HEALTH, accident and hospital Insurance Big commission. 501 Corbett bldg. AGENTS WANTED Call at 137 Russell street. HELP WANTED FEMALE. 1HE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home is ready to help any girl in distress. 9 East Glisan. "MV" car. East 316. WANTED Woman to care for 2-year-old child and home for month. 439 Emerson st. Woodlawn car. FINISHER on ladies' coats and suits; also dressmakers and plain hand sewers. 83 H 5th street EXPERIENCED toilet goods sales girl for drug store, state salary and experience. AN 532. Oregonian. AMATEUR acts and talent of ail kinds; good pay. Little theater, 23d and Wash ington COMPETENT lady for general housework, good plain cook, steady position; must like children. Call Tabor 7911. TARSA Mother and Stella want you. Stepfather has left. HOME, SWEET HOME z TM2 TWSiR M.A.I MOOT OP 't2M VAJgxfZ iueu-. cont vwofZfSV a W 5 J-a fb -4 i a "r n rtr HELP WAKTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED FITTER FOR LADIES' GOWNS. Only active, capable, experienced women need apply. Employment Bureau, Sixth floor. MEIER & FRANK CO. WANTED Six lady demonstrators to han .dle an article that will bring comfort to every member of her sex. A neces sity, sells at sight, and insures a gener ous income to its distributors. Call 228 Washington street, room 9, after 1 P. M. WANTED Girl or woman not over 40 for eeneral housework or housekeeping in nice country home at the seashore; P01" manent place, good wages, an u improvements. Address, giving refer ences. P. Sinclair, Portland i-iotei a v vt otfinir.nt nurto -. rare for a Call dren. Must be woman of refinement with best of references. Write salary exneeterf and all particulars. AH 4, uregoman LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT, AGENCY, 240 Ankenv. corner 2d. One combina tion waitress an d kitchen helper, log e-iriir ino. room and board ; no phone cans answerea. AT ONCifi Five ladies to travel, demon .Mta pH noli tiM lers: S40 to $75 pel week, railway fare paid. Goodrich Drug CO., Dept. 1U1J313, V'a"a. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted to buy third in-teret in smaii resiaumni, make better than wages; $300 sash re- quired. Lees, go.a ! st a. a vTirn Twn exnerlenced waitresses. Apply at office Broadway Hazelwood. 9 A. M , or the Hazelwood. 388 Washing ton st after A. -m. WANTED Four energetic women, ant. profitable outside work; full or part time; can maite j. v - 627 Corbett bldg. ANY GIRL la need or a menu, appiy tl-e SalvaLon rmy Reruge -ome, i.fV nd Alexander streets. Phone Main 8450. DM car; T -rri xt .-.-c-n hmiEaiiAcncr. not over 3o, rf'txr"" ";".Tiaits away .n I IU.A.B tuw.o ' 7, , ... day; good pay ana gouu Park st. MILLINERY classes organizing in differ ent districts. Call Monday. East 036. UJ,-n nd 8 P. M. Miss tiraf. Bast 2055. WANTED Woman to cook for 1 men. wage, MO- ' u Oregon. camp. mnu. . .r,.7oi,vLvuru"rH V christian gin or woman for housework; 3 adults in fam ilv- references. t; tttA. uibu"- WANTED Girl for parts of each day; only nnn sneakine French need 'J21S. 3 WOMEN to sell our serv.Me w ""t'i'"- easy to nanate; that can make good 480 Belmont. Wan tea Oomegtlc. ...... ... v. . , t: i-i kn,i.DVapnpr not t over 35, liArMlil. "V"..'VU wav all to take cnarge oi . 444 day; good Park st. GIRL for housework, good P'"' must be fond of children and willing t . . i. eo to the . oeacn. Lld sx. iN. GOOD, willing and capable girl who wishes . j v,otti where there are:, a cMldrenT wage, to Mart $40. AE 639: Oregonian. ..n-i-. -iri for general nouseui, """"" . ..rurv: no KnT 8 CSrennBave.- N. ; Broadway car. WoodlawnJll COMPETENT girl to assist 3 .V,," AT. housewortt; no aou..i6. vision st. mornniKP. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housewora; nsimwv.. . . Marshall 419. GIRL experienced In cooking and general , L. - references. oo, uio wti.i. eive room ana Doara iiw wages to elderly laay tor """'L i.hir. and Bmall services. East 347. THE BEST cook In city for small family. State age, eipneu, , S75 and up. f ot. j . t n t ..n.r.1 housework; ref erences. I'none Union ave. N COMPETENT girl for Bnf ' hJ1se and coojtiiigi lcl,:' QIRL for cooking and general housework. CAPABLE and refined nurse, lor tmiu. For particulars, m .e." WOMAN or girl to assist with housework Main 8109. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 734 Main t. rnone nam EXPERIENCED girl to assist wnn uui housework. fnonB HE1P ffAXTED-IKUI OK FEMALE. MEN OR WOMEN for no,UBe-,lu-ii"". canvassing lor mr. nein, ' "71 born independent pa,per; liberal comrrils rr TioVer Talbot & Casey, East Ankeny ana ui-ana ave"". MEN and women, good pay, . Tour own community. j" TWertfum. Dallas. Oregon. JAPANESE cook and wife for,ork. Apply Roberta gros.. ou ant SITUATIOyS WAlfTEP MAI.B. WANTED Basement digging, lot plowing or any kind oi excavaiing. lapor ipoa CARPENTER, builder, remodeling, interior finish a specialty, jjast gwi. COOK wants camp, good baker and meat- cntter. Auto. tt4u-po, taa st. o. c. MAN AND WIFE, cooks, in camp or hotel; references. AJ o-. uregonmn. PAINT your roof with Mitullic or Graphite. Main 8450. KKALSOMINING, painting, paperhanging. Prices reasonable. Main 8450. carpenter, good finisher, bunt-ins specialty ; day or contract. Main 7422. PLOWING and excavating done. B109. Ask for Shirley. WANT work for truck, hauling lumber or wood. Phone East 3704. PAIN'INO, tinting, papering: good work; reasonable. Sell. 1399. CHEF of experience wants situation, hotel, club or restaurant. AM 542, Oregonian. BRICK work, any kind of brick work, fireplaces a specialty. East 6282. PAINTING and kalsomlnlng. Tel. 633-13, call evenings. WANTED General hauling with truck, day or contract. Phone Woodln. 6312. PAINTING, kalsomining. first-class work guaranteed. Phone East 3269. HOUSES raised, basements enlarged, ce ment wojJc1Woolawn2133. SHINGLING, roof repairing; prices reason able ; work guaranteed. Auto. 325-16. KALSOMINING. PAINTING. 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. AUTOMATIC 628-40. JAPANESE labor contractor. Japanese Labor Ass'n.. 4th and Everett. 510-92. BRICK contractor, tile houses, garages, fireplaces; prices right. Tabor 8793. CARPENTER and contractor, experienced. bungalows, repairs. rcmiapiB. Hi. 71 CONCRETE AND ALL KINDS OF CE MENT WORK. TABOR 688a TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc East 210 day time only. 240 East 8th st. AS USUAL, THE NEIGHBORS ARE WRONG Copyright, 1922, by the 50Z& Tws OOT ? 1 VWOMT TCOi?&&co'. Soot twat piu-i Aeiy kfaf -v I-' 1 9 VT ) TVAAT AT SITCATIONS WANTED MALE. A YOUNG married man with Clerical expe rience and good knowledge of book keeping desires a permanent position with an accounting firm or any firm where there are prospects for a future. Can give best of references. Call 219-67 morning before 10:30. RADIO engineer, 8 years In the employ of U. S. government, bureau engineering as supervisor and inspector of radio tele phone and. telegraph. Installation, oper ation, maintenance and construction; de sires association with private concern. AV 898. Oregonian. ' EXPERIENCED stenographer, law student, would like to get a position with a re liable law firm for morning work only; can give the best of references; working 'in the afternoons now on a local news paper. Call mornings, East 3087. WANTED A job y middle-aged married man have children; reliable and steady, good tractor and machinery man, also ' cattle and horses, years of grain farm ing experience; can manage. X 549, Ore- gonian. l YOUNG Filipino, 23, wants position in private family as houseboy; can cook, drive and renair any car; strong, re liable and willing worker. AH 545, Ore gonian. WANTED Position as manager of logging company, 12 years' -successful experi ence on Pacific coast. Capable of tak ing full charge of large operations. AJ 532, Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR wants to drive car for pri vate family, 5 years' experience with auto driving; age 26; wages $150 per month. Harry Nissen. 920 W. Pear Bt., Centralia, Wash. SHINGLING We specialise in resningllng and roof repairing. It will pay you to get our figure before letting contract; satisfaction guaranteed'; estimates free. East 1928. YOUNG MAN with Dodge delivery truck wishes work of any kind, day or con tract; some tales experience. AE 5-53, Oregonian. GET YOUR PAINTING KALSOMINING AND SIGNS BEFORE THE RUSH SEA SON; BEST REFERENCES: 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TABOR 266. MAN and wife with 3 children want job cooking in email Toad construction camp, 6 to 15 men ; man work in crew if neces- sary. A 560, Oregonian. PAPER HANGING, PAINTING, FIRST-CLASS WORK. J. H. JENKINS. EAST 7842. EXPERIENCED. caDable men's furnish ings and clothing man wishes position manager in town up to live thou sand population. AV 3U9, Oregonian. vAJlts.L 1'ositlon as service manager. IO years' battery experience, capable of taking full ch,arge of shop and floor; win tttive cuy. ao o t iiregonian. EX-SERVICE man, graduate of McGlll university, wants work; anything from gonlan. EXPERIENCED railroad storekeeper de sires position, hardware or supply house practical knowledge heavy hardware. mai-mnery, etc. jyi o-u, oregonian. TIMEKEEPER, commisary. Dayroil: lod ging camp and construction exp. W. A. SEE Mfa before you let your cement work: juj utnen care or. .rlousa. Main WILL mix concrete, $1.23 per hour, power wuecioarrowi ana tools. .Phone East 733. between 6 and 7 P. M. RELIABLE chauffeur, take care of nearly any mane oi. auto, rtione Dan Webster. Bdwy. 5569. 121 N. 15th St. JArAWUibh, wants work by day; other man wants nignt work, as porter. 513-63. PAINTING, tinting and interior finish ing, experienced work men, mode; ate prices. Main 3383. PLUMBING 'expert, repairs, tanks, soils, Biuyimges, gas; reasonaoie, estimates. Broadway 2583. WE BUILD small houses and garages and jcpair uia ones; roca-oottom prices. 735 East Main. East 3550. SHEET METAL WORKER, young man. wants steady work. Experienced. Phone Woodlawn 3S94. PAINTING, papering and kalsomining. es timates furnished. Phone Broadway STATIONARY engineer and repair man, experienced, married. BF 532, Orego nian. GREENHOUSE man wants work in city or uul, yeara experience in .Europe and America. AC 666, Oregonian. PLOWING, excavating, fertilizer for sale. A. G. Wolfer. 515-26. CEMENT WORK, HAVE MIXERS. TELE- itlU.i TAUUn 6781. HOUtiE painted, $50-S95; rooms tinted. $l-$5; papering, 35p roll. Woodl'p 6084. 'A1NT1NG. tinting ' and papering work. Guaranteed. Auto. 622-96. TEAMING, excavating, plowing. caat og-. Alter a jr. m. PLUMBER wants work, large or small Ji'bs. East 4852. FOR PAINTING, tinting, enameling, call laoor Da. LOT-PLOWING and excavating. digging basements. Phone Tabor 5537. HOUSECLEANING, all branches, fine wont, -if. itowe, phone Broadway 1303. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. WE WILL install and keep your books ao you can unaerstana tnem at a reason abie charge. Try us. Bdwy. 4079. COMPETENT credit man and accountant. muurraie r-aiary. . j oso, Uregoman. AUDI I is made, books kept, sytems in- ataiiea, income tax. Main 66. Salesmen. CLOTHING salesman, young man with active selling experience; none others need apply. Uoi Clothing Co., 4th and Morrison. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Position in doctor's office or general . orfice work : use typewriter; rcutine laboratory work; can furnish best references. Main 4966. WOMAN wishes position, good, experienced cook, out or in city; good references. C 562. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wants nousecieaning. - washing or other work; good work guaranteed. Woodlawn 6305. A GROCERY clerk wishes a position; with years experience; best or reterences. AB 567, Oregonian. COOKING or houeekeeping for six or eight people; miaaieagea; in or out: state full particulars. AK 536, Oregonian. WOULD like position as landlady in room ing house or apts. M. F. E., Box 3367. city. WOMAN wants day work, washing, iron ing, cleaning, 25c hour. Call before 8 A. M.. after 3 P. M. East 2522. WOMAN wanta work by hour. Auto- matlc 642-19. LAUNDRESS desires washing to do at home. Phone East 9263. ANNIE HUNTER would like day work. laundry or cleaning. Sellwood 142. EXPERIENCED maid wants work, small place preferred. Bdwy. 3.02. - LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED. 12 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAST 6196 GIRL wants to learn clerking in bakery or grocery or to be waitress. Main lol5. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants po sition; good reterences. a ort, oregonian. WORK by day or hour for woman. Phone Bdwy. 1687. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants day worK. n;ast o fuo. CLEANING, window washing. laundry. Mrs. Christensen, Main 8122. rJ64)3U0of25 0OWY Do LENO 'ECrVl MV SAVA-f SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes gen era! office position. Best of references. Main 7039. WILL care for invalid, elderly persons or children to California for part of my fare. can give reterences. An Q6 Oregonian. PRIMARY teacher wishes position in good lamiiy alter May o: preferably sea shore; best of references. Box 143, La Center. Wash. SALESLADY, who Is also a capable fitter on in ladles' ready-to-wear. would change position; best of references. BD 54 1. Oregonian. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. WE SOLVE YOUR OFFICE PROBLEM. Competent Reliable Accurate STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS. A-l OFFICE HELP A-l TYPIST BDWY. 6953. 504 Spalding Bldg. WILLIAMS EMPLOYMENT SPECIALIST. THOROUGHLY ' exDerlenced and reliable law stenographer wishes half-day posi tion, .casi o4u. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes gen eral omce position. i5est oi reterences. Main 7039. THOROUGH stenographer, several years in responsible position. understands bookkeeping, desires position, either per manent or temporary. BC 648, Orego nian. YOUNG lady desires position general of fice work: expert typist and assistant bookkeeper; a little slow at present with nictation. Main 2118. EXP. STENOGRAPHER - BOOKKEEPER; A-l references; not afraid of work. Bast 4399. STENOGRAPHER, 20 months' experience. wishes .position, law preferred. East 3147. COMPTOMETER operator, 6 years' experi ence, wishes permanent position with re liable firm. BJ 53 (, Oregonian. NEAT, refined young lady wishes position at once; experienced in general office work. Main 42a. apt, io. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants posl tion; would specialize in bookkeeping or ge n e ral office work. Kenwood 17ai. CAPABLE, experienced bookkeeper de sires permanent position, typist. Bdwy. 3600. YOUNG lady assistant bookkeeper, clerical work; references; needs work badly. Urast 5509. BOOKKEEPER,, setnographer, 5 years' ex perlence. wanfb position. Main 2670. Tressmakers. JULE'S will make your frocks, gowns and wraps for all occasions and also do remodeling at reasonable prices. 431 Artisans bldg Broadway 5606. COMPETENT dressmaker and designer, remodeling or plain sewing by the day or at home. Csll Main 2808. room 201. WANTED Dressmaking ; Woodlawn 3185. day. DRESSMAKING and alteration, your home or my own. Call Marshall 3874. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking work guar, anteed. Tabor 8456. Nurses. HOURLY NURSING SERVICE. Surgical dressing, baths, packs, rubs. Irrigations, hypodermics, etc. Miss A A. Hilliar, graduate nurse. Main 110. NURSE give services and assist with other work. Marshall 2883. Housekeepers. I AM A middle-aged woman; rather than idleness in a room would take care of a home if the owner is absent or manage and do the housekeeping in a home; I love home-making, know how to do everything necessary, or I would co operate In a home; references exchanged; in answering give address and phone number. AC 575, Oregonian. REFINED capable widow wishes positioD as housekeeper. No objection to chil dren or leaving city. Ranch home con sidered. References exchanged. Confi dential. BD 517, Oregonian . POSITION as housekeeper for widower, by German, American-born widow. Atiaaie aged ladies need not apply. City refer erence. AK 545. Oregonian. WIDOW with child of 3, wants work as housekeeper for widower or bachelor, In quire or write 1463 Union ave. N. Housecleanlng. HOUSE CLEANING Expert white and Ivory enamel, brick tun tne nrepiace cleaning, floors waxed, furniture pol ished, carpets cleaned, windows washed. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. 188 Chapman st. Phone Main 1157. VER1BEST WINDOW CLEANERS. COLUMBIA 1027. Housecleaning, floor waxing and vao uum cleaning; estimates cheerfully giv en; best of references. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WE HAVE many clients waiting for va cant houses, flats and stores in all parts of the city. Bring in your listing and get quick results. Hall, with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. WANTED TO RENT ELEGANTLY FUR NISHED, HIGH-CLASS APT. UK HOUSE. NOT LESS THAN 6 ROOMS. BEST CITY REFERENCES; 3 ADULTS. AG 529. OREGONIAN. OUR house rental department ia busy with Inquiries for unfurnished and lurnisned houses. We can rent for you. and give best of service. Metzger-Parker Co., Realtors. 269 Oak St. Bdwy. 5355. WE HAVE many calls for houaea and flats and can rent yours; let us handle your property'and collect your rents. C. A. WAGNER CO.. 230 Stark St. WANTED 4 or 5-room house with ga rage, 2 in family; will take good care of house. AN 535. Oregonian Miscellaneous. WE WILL SECURE TENANTS, collect rents, attend to repairs for owners or houses, flats, apartments - or business properties. Portland Trust Co. of Ore gon, N. W. cor. 6th and Morrison ets. Main 1654. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. MARLYN HOTEL. Cor. 17th and Couch; large, well fur nished modern rooms; reasonable rates. LARGE, clean room, furnace heat, gentle man with rererenoes preferred. 3S7 12th st. Mar. 1351. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st. at 10th $1 a day; weekly $o and np; free phone and baths; light and airy; steam heat. THE ST. PAUL, Fourth and Alder; A RE SPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HOTEL; $1 up. Rates by week or month. ' ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 11th St., near Mor rison Clean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable rates. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Washington and Fifth Sts. Special permanent rates. 50c DAY. $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson. FOR RENT Nice sleeping porch with kitchenette, if desired. 201 West Park st. FURNISHED room, gentlemen preferred. E 536, Oregonian. , NICE, clean, quiet, furnished rooms; working men only. 808 Pine. BRIGHT, cheery rooms, very reasonable. 241 N. 21st st. Main 5050. -:- Mail & Express Co. Vf TWATS 50M TUCM COOP'S PUOKllMCT tAVVwMKj Q TE3iL, EM m te3.l, -em ) ran w FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST TH QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; $1.25 PER DAY. $6 PER WK. AND UP: CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT GARAGE HOTEL BEVERLEY. Cor. Park and Yamhill. Just opened 100 per cent clean. New ly furnished. Modern rooms at reason able rates to respectable pople. S 48, Oregonian. ANSONTA HOTEL. 124 14th st. at Washington. Rates $5 per week and up. $1 day; fireproof, large, attractive, spotless, rooms, close to amusements ana snopping centei. CALL AT Y. M. C. A. to see free list of moderate-priced rooms for young men in all parts ot the city, including rooms at the Y. M. C. A., with phone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13TH ST. AT WASHINGTON. Rates $1 a day, a week $5 and up; private bath, $8; fireproof and clean. Close -to business center. . ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington st. Marshall 1950. Large, attractive lobby with fireplaoe. Special rates to permanent guests. HOTEL BRISTOL. 16 12th St., cor. Stark. Under new management; modern; pri vate baths: Dhone: reasonable rates; $5 and up; hot and cold water, steam heat. HOTEL CONRADINE. 22 North 10th st., 2 blocks north of Washington St.; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rates by week or month. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement, 6624 Washington t. Modern, private baths, free phones; reasonable rate; $3.50 week up. Bdwy. 6831. WHY NOT have a furn apt- while in town? S mod. rooms, private bath. $12.50 per week. San Marco, E. 8th and Couch. East 1990. MATTHIESSEN HOTEL. Rooms 50c day up; $3 week up; clean, light, hot and 'cold water; steamer heat, elevator service. 204 Columbia Unfurnished Rooms. THREE unfurnished, light, airy rooms, $18. See janitor, Waverly Court, East 26th and Clinton streets. TWO UNFURNISHED h. k. rooms. $13. Including gas and light. 440 Failing st. Furnished Koom In Private Family. l LARGE. well-furnished room with board, located In one of Portland's best districts, with an abundance of fruit in season; every home privilege granted. This Is a real home with rates reason able. Tabor 61157. , VERY attractive rooms, beautifully fur nished, parlor, piano, home privileges; rates $3 50 up. 61 N. 18th St. Broad way 2721. - . SINGLE or double rooms in good home. 2 beds, 2 closets: walking distance; work ing people. S87 Oregon st. Phone East 3084. - . A VERY pretty, bright, sunny room, every convenience, refined family, exceptional surroundings; very suitable for gentle man. Rent $12. Phone mornings E. 6510. LARGE. FUR. ROOM WITH HOT AND COLD WATER: ALSO LIGHT HOUSE KEEPING APT., IN LARGE HOME. 243 11TH ST. DELIGHTFUL room foe gentleman, best location, west side, easy walking dis tance; every convenience; rent reason- able. Bdwy. 6111. 2 BEAUTIFUL single rooms. Ladd s Ad dition, for one or two; walking distance, all conveniences. East 8518. 691 El liot ave. FRONT room, new ivory furniture. In modern home, with or without sleeping norch. 698 Overton. Main 4846. WELL furnished front room, modern home, fireplace, garage, walking dis tance. 360 Vancouver, corner jaroaawav NICELY furnished front room on first floor in nice home; u. b. preierreu. i First church. 167 N. 17th. SEE THIS ROOM. Beautifully clean; everything Close to bath. Auto. 511-67. LARGE, neatly furnished bedroom, walk ing distance, $2.25 per week. 429 Sixth street. SLEEPING rooms for rent in strictly mod ern home; clean, ugnt ana airy; yioae m, east side. Phone East 9276. 2 LARGE furnished bedrooms, with or without garage, in best part of Irving- ton. Call KaBt num. MODERN newly furnished rooms, light, .irv 1 block from car: use of bath. Phone Tabor 2211. 1029 Madison at 34th. EXCLUSIVE front suite and single rooms with running water. t.iose in. o-x ttn St., cor. Clay. FURMSHED room with sleeping porch, suitable for one or two gentlemen, twin beds. 8R7 E.'7th St. N. WEST SIDE Lovely room in modern home, walking distance. u moniii. Harrison. . 2 NICEiLY fur. rooms, lo minutes walik to town, over uroaaway onage. ooo xto. East 2323. LARGE airy room, suitable for one or two gentlemen: wanting cisiance; private family. Broadway 787. 628 Everett 2 ROOMS and kitchenette, modern, close in; don t object to cnnu. oi iace. mas. East 8051. IRVINGTON Light, attractive sleeping room, IZ; reroaqway car. nam Q-.JI'. CLEAN, desirable rooms. $10 and up per month. 2fr4 Main St.. corner oi NICE, clean comfortable room, steam heat, easy walking distance. 215 14th. 2 LARGE, nicely furnished rooms near hospitals. 26S N. 21st St. Main 4078. 19TH srrlctlv modern, hot water In rm prlvjllgea, walking dls. Men only. Rooms With Board. THE LORRAINE. 212 NORTH 20TH. PHONE BROADWAY 3465. Exclusive private hotel, running water In rooms, shower, home privileges, rates $45 to $75; excellent board, new furnish ings. MRS. LA VINA PRICE, Manager. CHESTERBERRY HOTEL, 201 NORTH 20TH ST. RESIDENTIAL TRANSIENT, AMERICAN PLAN. Rates by day, week or month. Meals served to transients. 223 EAST 20TH. Portland's exclusive east ide resi dential hotel, al". comforts of a home. Fireplace, sleeping porches, shower, large grounds and porches; strictly home cook ing. East 7384. WHITEHALL HOTEL, 253 SIXTH STREET. 'HOME-COOKED MEALS." Board and room. $45 month and up. Modern hotel. Cater to transients. Port land's downtown hotel. NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en aulte or single, wita or without board, for families and business men and women; we give you all the comfort of a horn; reasonable rates. YOUNG married woman, experienced, re fined, wishes to care for young children in country. CaU Y. W. C. A. employ ment bureau. BOARD AND ROOM in residential ho tel, walking distance, newly furnished. Broadway 1509.. 633 Kearney st. cor ner 20th. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences, walking distance; $5 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. 7th at. MARTHA WASHINGTON Room, board for girls, mod, rate, ago lotn. juar. izdi. INQUIRE residential hotel, close in. loth at. Main 6S81. 333 - 'li'.'A' JMU 7 AW WM . I m FOR RENT. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL, 23D AND HO YT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. Roumw With Hoard In Private Family. A HOME OPPORTUNITY for two young men or young women In a fine Irvington home: a nice lounging room, private bath and sleeping porch with two beds; home cooking; these ac commodations for two at $50 each per month: privileges vt billiard room, music and library; a re-l home; references re qulied. Phone East 2552. at 620 Wasco st. A NICE corner room suitable for man and wife or two men; twin beds, heat, hot water, shower bath; first-class table board: walking distance. 681 Gllan. WILL give mother's care to child from 2 to 6 years, large yard, off carllne; no other children. Phone East 8802 for appointment. SLEEPING porch connected with living room, suitable for two. with board: also single room in modern home, near car lines. A real home. Tabor 9379. ROOM and board, 8 meals, heat, not water, piano, free phone, $30 month; $55 lor two. One block from Woodlawn car. Woodlawn 3.152. CHEERFUL front room in east side home close In, with or without board, phone 222-05. HAVE pleasant room with stove for parent and chilil, good care for child while parent worKS. sell. I'-jos. LLtA., well-ventilated room In modern nome, ooarq u aesirea; walking distance. Broadway 3355. CLEAN room with board In modern home; very close in; good location. Main 3038. 349 6th. WIDOW with nice home, will room and ooitru couple; no oojnction to child. Sell. .ar. i wo canines. LARGE pleasant room with board for gentleman; west side. Main 642L 405 v-iay street. ROOM with breakfast and space for car t c.j.uv, jitr wee. oo juxn at. Call iiroaQway .1 ui.. ROOM and garage for rent, close In board lr desired; reasonable. Call E. i.uvr.L,i iront room with hot and cold w&ic-i inu excellent nome cooking, walk- uig uisiance. nawy. .in. IRVINGTON, 2 connecting rooms, 1, 2 oi 3 people, home cooking, all modern con venJences; garage. East 6645. CHILDREN will receive good care in prl vate home of motherly woman. Auto. WAbMAb distance; choice room with meais, lurnace neat, nam, phone, piano reasonable: just like home. East 8362 BOARD and room for 4 gentlemen; home cooking and privileges; $30 a month. Broadway 5676. 40 Ella LADY will give mother's love and to small child. $25. Tabor 916. WILL give mother's care and good horn to 1 child. Tahor 2544. nomj LARGE, sunny room with 2 meal In at- tractive home. Tabor 8701. ROOM and board, one gentleman: private home. 576 Ladd ave. East 2333. ROOM with or without 2 meals; also aa- rage. 1075 Division st. ROOM and board, $35, modern west side close In. 4fl7 14th st. Marshall 1752 ' LAKLiU, iront room; modern borne. Reaa- onaoig. t i Irving St. Marshall 4410. WAN1ED 2 young men to share room and board. 395 Union ave. N. East 7778. Furnished A part men t. 1'ARKHURST APTS. Three rooms. French doors and bal cony. $50. Bdwy. 11 Til. IN IRVINGTON. 2 and 3 rooms for houaekeeplng. heat, light, gas and hot water. 769 E. Bdwy. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3 rooms, elevator, tile bath. 11th at Montgomery. Main 359. JULIANA APARTMENTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FURNISHED 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS ALTA.MONT APT.. 304 COLLEGE. 3-room and private bath, basement apt.: $35. Main 6375. CINCINNATI COURT. 401 10th at. 2 rma. and sleeping porch; very reasonab.. Main 24 HO. BENSON APTS., 205 North 20th at., three room apt., private bath, hot and cold water. $45 and $55. Phone Bdwy. 4448. U-ROOM furnished apartment, steam heat, free phone; 27th and Sandy blvd.. 1 block from' 2 car lines. 843 Nelson st. EXCELLENTLY furn.shed aieam-heated H. K. apartment; very reasonable rent. 376 Yamhill. NEWLY furnished 3 and 4-room apt., all outside rooms; hotel service for bache lors. 181) 23d N. 3-KOOM apt.; dressing room, bath. This Is first class In every respect; hardwood floors, white enam. woodwork. East 87H2. BONNIE BRAE APTS., with nicely fur nished 4-room apt., sleeping porch. 11th and Hancock. In Irvington. MOORE APTS., New, just opened, 2 rn,a., with bath. 415 E. loth, corner Grant. Telephone East 1507. NEW YORK APTS. Two-room furn. apt , $27.50. Including lighta, heat, hot and cold water. E. 7th and Belmont sts. MODERN, newly furnished 1-rooin and kitchenette; also a garage. 429 Third at. Marshall 3029. DELAIR APTS . 519Vi William ave., cor. of Russell. Front 3-room apt. with prl vate bath: $30 and $40. VERY desirable 2 or 4-room apartments at Douglas Court, furnished or unfurnished. Marshall 423. 425 West Park st. LILLIAN APARTMENTS. Three rooms, large, light, modern: west side. 381 Sixth st. Marshall 1378. MARSHALL APTS., 8-room front apt., also semi-basement apt. 624 Marshall at. Broadway 3851. WELL furnished 4-room apartment, heat- ed : adults. 627 Hancock. HIGH-CLASS modern 4-room apartment with garage If desired. Bdwy. H4H8. FLORENCE apt., 3 and 4-room apta nth st. 2i7 12TH Room, kitchenette, gas, light, heat, phone, furnished, walking distance. THE CHELTENHAM, 19th and Northrup. 2 and 4-room apartments. Bdwy. 8658. UNION AVE. and Kllltngsworth. rur. i $21.50. All complete, concrete bldg. SAN MARCO. E. 8TH COUCH I-HM. MOD. APTS. : WALKING DIST. E. 1MMQ. ROSELYN APTS.. 110 North 21st at. 2 room modern furnished apartment. DRICKSTON APTS., 448 11TH ST. 2-room well lighted and modern apt. BAGGAGE MOVERS LOWEST RATES. ARROW TRANSFER CO. MAIN 8060. NICELY furnishod corner apt, with bath, Westminster Main 6582. HAMMERSLY COURT. 250 12th st. One 3-room furn. apt.; private bath; $42. 5Q. 600 FLANDERS near 20th, 3 and 4-r. base ment furn. apts., $35. $40. Mornlnga, FRONT apt., glassed-in sleeping porch. hwd. floors. waiK distance. n,ast 4276. 5-ROOM furnished bungalow apt., Belmont Apt.. 29tn ana uoimoni. i an i anor 7lo. CARLOIS APTS.. 2-room. modern, fur nish edapt;reason8jle;14J LUXOR APTS.. 13TH AND CLAY. 2-room apt., strictly modern. MUNCEY Two rooms, kitchenette, mod ern ; walking distance. 89Q Clay st. MORTON APTS. 3-room furnished 697 Wash, st. Bdwy. 1098. &pt. NICE clean 8-room apt- 614 k E. 21st st. By EL J. TUTHILL FOR RENT. Furnished Apartment. THE ClIOMWfcLL Fifth and Columbia Street. . 5 .minutes' walk to Moler Frank tore; good surroundings, strictly timd ern. 2 and -room furnished apt., out side and French doors and balcony; per manent and transient. kin'i;shi:rv apt., isu VISTA A V K. Near 23d and Wash : hlgh-clss apt. houso; one S-room turnlshed pt. with 2 disappearing beds and an outsid bal cony; fine view; must be sesn to be ap preciated; ready for occupancy April 1 Call Main 33. . GRANDEST A APTS. Nifty 8-room apt., private batii. st'sm neated. brick bldg.. clean as a iaj hum b seen to be appreciated, 6t Grand cor. eiara A COSY two-room apt., with kilthenrlte and wlndowa. bath, avery room light nd airy, easy walking distance to lh heart of city; exclusive home surround ings for gentleman and wife. For pr tlculars call 66 North 19th st. DM ur to Davis street. $;:.-. COMFORT DE LUXE 13-. This apt., large living room, email kitchen, good tath, firepiaca, :ar club house, davenport and over.tu! lrl chairs, Victrota. light and all th liral you want Included. M a In 3 1 6. RESIDENTIAL apt., modern, cosy 1 room, kitchenette and hath, bullt-ln conven iences, hardwood floor, larg plat glaaa window, new furniture, mahogany; large enough for 2, eaperlally flu fur on pf aon; $45. Main s.ViJ. MAY APTS. Modern 2-room prlment for rent, furniture for sale. mlnutea' walk to Broadway and Washington, very desirable. Phone Main ll.MHl; bund? and evenlnga. Marshall 81W4. THE DEZENDORF APTS. 208 16th at., near Taylor. Mar. 1S 4 and o-r. complete furn. apta. all out- Ide room, convenient for transient or tourist. No objection to children. CUM UICRLA N D A I' A RTM KNT3. WALKING DISTANCE. Three-room apartment, auitahl for people who work in daytime; absolutely clean; $52.50. 301 West lark at MONTGOMERY APT. 2-room. furnlahM. electric washer, rloctrin elevator. trletly modern; walking diatance; hardwood floora; brick bldg. Alain 4rl6. 4 and Montgomery. FOR KENT. Furnished apartment, thre room anrt bath, with heat, light and water: ref erence exchanged. 464 Eaat 11th at. 1'hnne Sellwocd 2414 WKSTON'IA APTS., 066 CILISAN ST. 2 room, nicely furnished apartment private bath and dressing mom; vary modern and clean; walking dlataac; reasonable rate. W ELLINGTON COURT. UNDER NEW MANAOKMENT. 4 rooma. beautifully furnished, corner apt., only 3 block from Washington at-, west aide. $ilo. H roadway 1245. LARGR 2-room outside apt., newly reno vated, west aide; waiklng dlstanca; reot reasonable. 648 YainhilL A SINGLE and 2-room, also 3-room apt. left, at a new beautifully furnished and unfurnished apt. house. 64 ti. 7th al. N'.. come early. $30 4-ROOM apartment In private horn on ground floor; K. 21st at., clnsa In 450 Northwestorn Bank. bldg. Mam 7812 Monday. THE DAVENPORT APTS. S-room furnished apta.. prlval bath, hardwood floor. 605 Jelfersoa st. Mala 5135. .4-KOiM attractive family apartm.nt. In. cated cloae In and on the enat atria, onlv 7 blocka from the bridge; beautifully furnished; rent $45. Call H.lwy. 111(14 2-ROOM apartment, well furnished, whit enameled, spotlessly clean, large kitchen, easy walking diatance, 1 Mock KG car and Grand ave. 415 E. Couch t. BERKELEY APIS., 8lTTRlNrrr I'LAl'IC. Nlcely(furn. 2 and 8-room pta; rent include heat, hot water, phone; cloa In. Broadway 8151. ALICE COURT Mod. 8 large rooma. two b'-ds, fireplace, prl. bath, tel. Include,!, $50. Cor. K. sth-Uurnelde. East 8566. Rose City ear. THE EVKRKTT, 644 EVERETT HT 3-room modern apartment, all omsida room, with aleeplng porch, walking dia- tanre. Broadway 4400. lll'KX VISTA APTS 434 HARRISON. MAIN 1062. 2 and 8-room modern apt.; aiao 8-rm. unfurnished. JAEGER APTS., furnished apt. 701 Wash, at, S-room WKSTOV Kit APTS , 666 Glisan at 2-room nlcc-ly luritlshed apt., prival bath and dressing room; very modern and clean; walking distance; reasonable rates. THE ELM WOOD. Strictly flrat-clas 2 and 8-room pfa, completely furnished, $55 to $76. 418 loth at. Main twtoo. Hereford hotel, 735 iiot, sin: 4 2-room; light, warm, clean a a pin. 124 to $37.50; alo ,eplng rooma Main 3305. PARK A PA RTM K NTS. Four-room apartment with bay win dow. oak floor and fireplace; aultable for four artulta Marshall 2.1S1 HLMBRO COURT APARTMENTS. 20tn and Washington. 8-room elegantly furnished apartment with piano. NICKLIT furnlahed rooms In new apart ment house, walklug diatance, I block off Washington, ell convenience, fjiaam heat. 7111 Havla St. Main 11175. TAYLOR APTS. For rent, nice clean 2 room, h. k., running water In rooma New manage m.nt. 2(161-1 Flrat at. HAKlKiN HALL, 11TH AND 11 ALU 3 rooma kitchenette and hath, hard wood lloors, private baiennles; 36 up. Walking rtlMance Marshall 11(10 WELLINGTON COURT. Under new management, 2 rooms, modern, newly lurntshed, only 8 l-lock off Washington t., $40. Bdwy. 12t.'i. THE NICKOI.S 3-room apt, steam heat ed, private bath, jiIiouh, garage. If de sired, yard; children wl?om. Wdn. 4971 N.".rt K. Si v. th at. N . F.LBRIDG APT. 274 N. 21aL Furnlahed 2-room apt. Reasonable. 3-ROOM furnished apartment with prlvati bsth, light, water and telephone free $3(1. 82 H. Ash at. ROOMS nd kitchenette, nicely fur nished; walking distance. 67 Trinity Place. Phone llroadway 1706. TWO AND three-room front apartments: privet bath; walking distance. 64 Glls-in. Bdwy. 4716 6-ROOM steam heated furnished apt. to share with 2 adults; referenrea ea ch a n ged. Pho ne Automatic 614-6o. NU'ELY furnlahed three, two and ona room apartments: everything furnished. Aut. :il-42 340 Hassslo I,EO.VE APTS.. IS N. 22D T. Fur. 3-room. first-floor front apt., $-V. M arhll 225Q. FURNISHUIJ 2-room upper flat; fuel. phone and water Included. Price $27. te. Adulta IO E. wth t. N. 2 ROOMS, front apt., ww'l fur., spoil- v clean, first floor, prlvata entrance, cose In. west side. 44 ry. Msr. 41l4 2 AND 8-ROOM apartments, modern, e! outside rooma 17th and Lovajoy. Arlln apartments. Uroadwwy 112. MEREDITH Three rooms, front, modern; walking diatance; newly tinted; low rates. 22d and Washington. Hdwy CLEAN nicely furnlahed . 8-room apart ment, ground floor. 650 Thurman at. at 25 th. 3-ROOM rornor furnished Court. 34 5th at. Unfurnished Apartroente. JAEGER APTS, 701 Wash. st. On 4 n1 on 3-room. unfurnished apt. 4 NICE large unfurnished rooms, dread ing room and bath, atewm heat, adulta Rent $45. 655 East YamhllL Eaat 3252. 800 E. HOVT ST. Beautiful 3-room unfurnlahed front apt. ; hardwood floor, electric tov. Available April 10. A SINGLE and 2-room, also 3-room apt left, at a new beautifully furnished and unfurnished apt. house. 646 i.. 7th at N., come early. LAURELHUHST APTS. 142 E. SSth. Tabor 2614. apt. and garage. 8-room VERT desirable 2 or 4 rooms, furnlstv-d or unfurnished, facing the park. Doug las Court Marshall 423. 425 W. Pars ARDWAY TE K RACK. 303 12th. Irge, light front 8-ronm apt. Marshall mhh. MOVING, $2 l'Klt llofK AND UP. 18 DAYS' STORAGE FRKB. ELK TRANSFER . BDWY 844 - 4-ROOM unfum. apt. for rent. $65; har-l-wood floora, elec. range. Imperial Arms Ants., 14th and Clay 8-ROOM modern unfurnlahed apt., ateam heat, no children, $85. Waverly court. East 26th and Clinton at. 4 AND 5-ROOM apt., hardwood floor. breakrast nooa ana siec-ping poron, cioss to Jefferson high. Phone Wdln. 81M:l. THE AMERICAN Modern and 6-room apartmenta Hroadway 8860. THE ORMONDE Five-room unfurnlahed a partment. 656 Fla n d era Uriwr. ft T8 S OR 4-ROOM apt.. $22.60 and $.'5. 167 K. l itn sr. a. 6 ROOMS, modern, atrsm h.-at, front and back porches, ae-l tmsan at- FOR RENT First-class, up-to-date apart ment In excellent locarmn r.. ".-.. HIGHLAND COURT. 4-room unfurnished apt. Mar. 8181. A