Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 25, 1922, Page 15, Image 15

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Intent to Withdraw for Other
Candidates Denied.
Speaker of House Says He Will Not
Submit to Consolidation
Against Mr. Olcott.
too far as Louis E. Bean is con-j
cerned, there is nothing in the report
t h H 1 h a m av Vi . a t I -j r-r r , n a Doha in n I
- - t -. " " " I Va
tr consolidate the field aga'nst Ben I
W. Olcott in the primary raca for the
republican nomination for governor.
The underground gossip has bsen that
attempts are being made to have
Speaker Bean and Charles Hall with
draw in favor of I. L. Patterson so
the latter can draw on the support of
in-se two in a Iignt against Mr.
Mr. Bean, who is in Portland in 'he
Interest of his candidacy, says he is
in the race to stay and will conduct
a clean campaign on his own merits
and "without the indorsement of small
political cliques, secret or otherwise,
"Who endeavor to rule the state." and
considers the governorship the high
est honor the people can give him
and that he does not consider it a
Stepping stone to something else-.
Withdrawal Intent Denied.
Mr. Bean's statement follows:
"The rumor that I may withdraw
my candidacy for the republican
nomination for governor in the
coming primary election in favor
of another candidate is without foun
dation. I am in this race at the
earnest solicitation of many friends
and not as a stalking-horse for any
other candidate. Evidently the ru
mor has been originated by certain
political cliques which cannot con
trol my candidacy and are persist
ently trying to eliminate me from
the race in favor of a candidate who
will submit to their will. .
"If my ambition was to be United
States senator I would be a candi
date for -that office. I consider the
governorship the highest political
honor the people of Oregon can con
fer upon me. It I am nominated and
elected I shall accept the office with
a deep appreciation of the honor and
responsibility the people have reposed
in me.
Clean Campaign Proponed.
"I shall conduct a clean campaign
and I urge my friends to assist me to
do the same. I am not running for
the nomination upon the demerits of
any other candidates.' but upon a be
lief that my experience in public af
fairs of Oregon for the past 14 years
gives me the knowledge of state af
fairs that justifies my candidacy. I
wish to reiterate this clause from my
initial announcement.
"Since I would enter office free
from promise or commitment to special-interest,
I would be in position
to give every one the full measure
of justice and equality due to them
ur.der our American form of government."
Mrs. K. Sinclair Iteports Theft of
Diamonds From Home.
Two diamond rings, valued at ISO0,
were stolen by a sneak thief yester
day afternoon from the home of Mrs.
K. Sinclair. 801 Savier street, while
Mrs. .Sinclair was away from the
house for a short time on a shopping
tour. The rings were in a hand bag
on a library table and the bag was
gone when Sirs. Sinclair returned.
She said she had owned one of the
rings for 40 years. This had seven
small diamonds set in a row. The
other had two diamonds of half-carat
A man had come to the back door
of the house during the morning on
an errand, and it was thought he
sized up the situation then and re
turned after he had seen the woman
leave the house. Mrs. Sinclair report
ed the theft to the police late in the
afternoon. She was quite overcome
oy tne loss or the smaller ringy
Sewer and Street Improvements
Will Cost $42,500.
Public improvements estimated to
cosi ,ouu proDaoiy will be author
ized bV the CitV council jpiH-iin a clin.t
time, the estimates having been filed
wun me council yesterday by City
Engineer Laurgaard. The work in
cludes the construction of two sewers
and the improvement of five streets.
The streets are as follows: East
Salmon, from Forty-first to Forty
fourth, J7S46; East Twenty-first, from
Prescott to Crans, J4093; Haight ave
nue, from Blandena to Alberta, $5907;
Kenilworth avenue, from Division to
East Caruthers, $1866; district Im
provement of Mississippi avenue, from
Brainard to Killingsworth, and Brain
ard street, from Michigan avenue to
Kerby. $9529.
The sewers are: East Flanders and
East Fiftieth system, $5250, and
Alder street, from west line of
Twelfth to existing sewer in Broad
way, $11,007.
Sirs. Frederickson First of Sex
Fined for Moonshining.
Mrs. H. F. Frederickson. first
woman moonshiner to be arrested by
deputies in the office of Sheriff Hurl
burt, was taken into custody at her
home, 752 Vancouver avenue, yester
day afternoon, when she was found
operating a 15-gallon still. District
Judge Bell accepted her plea of guilty
and fined her S250.
The woman said her still had been
working only a short while and that
she had not yet made any money on
the investment. Her husband is
working, she asserted. One pint of
finished product and 150 gallons of
mash were found by DeputySheriffs
Schirmer, Beeman and Wolfe.
Class Edits Paper.
rOXDOX, Or., March 24. (Special. J
The senior English class of the
Condon high school has edited this
week's edition of the Condon-Globe
Times. Besides containing the usual
editorials and locals the paper has
many feature articles concerning the
early history of Gilliam and Wheeler
counties. The work was supervised
by Jack Stovall of the English de
partment. Alice Howland was editor,
with J. B. Wheir as assistant.
Every large city has one newspaper
which, by universal consent, is the
Want-Ad medium of the community.
In Portland it's The Oregonian.
Quality First! Shop Here and Avoid Disappointment
Nestle Hair
We make a specialty of this
work. Telephone for appoint
ment. Call Mar., 4800 and ask
for Beauty Parlors on 2d Floor.
For the Best
in Portland come to our Tea
Room on the 4th floor. Unex
celled cuisine, prompt, courteous
service and reasonable prices.
Women's New Spring Coats
In a Feature Offering at
Second Floor The most attractive lot of coats we
have offered in a long time at or near the above
price. You will agree with this statement when you
see them. Latest Spring models in loose and belted
effects some with gathers and plaits in back.
Tailored collars and sleeves, also many with scarfs
and the new flare sleeves. Velour, Chinchilla,
Tweed, English Flannel and1 other high-class fabrics.
Coats for dress,eport and street wear In a variety
of the favored Spring shades. . Sizes PO QPT
16, 18, 36, 38, 40 and 42. Priced at wAmVO
Middy Blouses
Wool Middies in Serge and Flannel. Styled' with
plain or fitted yokes, breast pockets, with or with
out front lacings. Trimmed with braids and em
blems. Prices range from $3.75 to $8.93
Galatea Middies in attractive styles with V necks,
square collars, long sleeves. All white and with"
navy or red collars. Trimmed with braids. Sizes
6 years to 44 bust. Priced from $2.25 to $5.00
Women's Crepe Blouses
On Sale, Center Circle, First Floor
Main Floor Here's a splendid
opportunity to secure a smart
Blouse or two for the spring
season at low cost. Novelty
styles in Peter Pan and other
models, also a number of tail
ored Blouses. Round, square, V
and high necks, short and long
sleeves. Trimmed with beads,
embroidery, tucks, ruffles, etc.
Georgette, Crepe de- Chine and
Tricolette. Great variety
of colors. Priced special
Silk Petticoats
At $5
Center Circle, First Floor-
All the most desirable spring
colors are here. And you
may choose from silk jersey
or taffeta. Several attrac
tive styles with ruffled,
tucked, shirred and plaited
flounces. Elastic waistline.
Back fastening. All lengths
from 30 up to 38. 2JK AH
Priced special at DtJvJ"
Portland Agency for
Peggy Paige
Fashion Notes From the Junior Shop
. New Models in -
Sport Skirts
For Girls
Mother and da nir li
ter will find much to
- Interest them in thin
.jotable HboHinf? of
new Junior F'esbions.
Charming New
Second Floor Distinctive styles
in Coats for girls 6 to 19 years.
Velour, tweed, flannel, covert
and other popular materials.
Plain colors and beautiful new
plaids and checks. Loose and
belted effects in many varia
tions of the mode some with
cape or scarf, others with tail
ored collars. Tan, peacock, sor-
rento, scarlet, emerald, sand,
rose, etc. Priced $10 to $55
New Sprin
Second Floor All the captivat
ing charm of youth has been
caught in these marvelously
pretty frocks. Taffeta, Crepe
Knit, Canton Crepe, Crepe de
Chine, Tricolette, Homespun,
Jersey, Serge, Tricotine, Pongee,
etc. Basque, straightline, blouse
and long waist effects. Many
smart sport models with cape
or sleeveless -coats. Trimmed
with braids, flowers, ruffles,
ribbons, etc. All the newest
colors.- Sizes 6 to 16. Prices
range from $16.50 to $65.00
Junior Shop
Second Floor
Second Floor For., the young
miss of 6 to 18 '.years we show
a splendid selection of new
Skirts in plaited, paneled, tail
ored and sport . models the
latter are trimmed with fringe
at bottom. Serge, homespun,
tweed, eponge, etc. Prices
range from $5.00 to $25.00
. Petticoats and
Jersey and Taffeta Petticoats
in ruffled, tucked and plaited
styles. Also some with fancy in
sets in flounces. Priced $3.49
Jersey Pettibockers with elas
tic knee, plain or with ruffle.
Variety of colors. At $2.49
' -
New Sport
Tuxedo and coat styles with
belts and pockets. Choice of
plain or fancy weaves. Tur
quoise, tan, salmon, peacock,
red, cerise, , brown and navy.
Sizes 32-36.' $3.50 to $7.75
Home Journal
in making up your Spring
wearables. Stylish, perfect
fitting, accurate and most
economical. .
Pattern Dept, 1st Floor.
Saturday, a pound
Mints, 99,,
Cream Fudge, as- OA,
kiddies' delight, bag
Long Gloves
$1 Pair
Bargain Circle 1st Floor Women's
Chamoisette Gloves in 12 and 16-button
lengths. Also strap wrist slip-on style.
Beaver, covert and white. J" (f
Priced very special the pair D-L"Ij
Kid Gloves $1.98
several odd lines grouped at a spe
cial price for Saturday selling.- 2-clasp
real kid and . mocha also Cape P. K. in
strap wrist slip-on style. QO
Good) range of sizes. Special 0AO
Bargain Circle, Main Floor
Great Easter Sale of Footwear
Right now is the time to select
your new footwear. This sale offers
V savings of the most pronounced sort.
Shoes, Pumps, Oxfords
' '
, to
$12.00 John Kelly black suede Oxfords for women.
Military heel, patent leather quarter and (3?K
tip. Walking sole. Priced special at only DJ
$11.00 one-strap pumps with covered full Louis
heel. Patent coltskin, trimmed with dull
calf around vamp. Specially priced at only
$10.50 enameled grain three-buckle Oxford
uritli lnw Vip1 snd wplt. snips. Krvwiallv -nrired DtJ
$12.00 Brogue Oxfords with flat heel and
wing tip. Soft dull leather. Special, only
$12.00 and $14.00 John Kelly high Shoes in laced
pattern. Brown or black kid, . leather half
Louis heels. Medium narrow toe. Pair only
Men's Shoes $5
Main Floor Calf, kid, cordovan and patent colt
Shoes and Oxfords in black, brown or tan. All
lasts very newest styles and patterns also J?f
conservative numbers. Special, per pair, only
Women's Shoes
LOT 1 Women's Pumps, Oxfords and high
Shoes $7.50 up to $11.00 values. (jq QK
Special while they last at only, pair DOtl
LOT 2 $9.50-$12 Shoes, Oxfords, On Qr
Pumns and Sandals SDecial. nair DvlJtl
Ivory Soap
' 4 Cakes OC
None sold or delivered at
above price except with other
purchases made in the Drug
Department and not more than
four cakes to a customer.
Ivory Soap, four cakes 25
Toilet Needs
Colgate's Tooth Paste at 25
Pall Mall Lemon Soap put up
in two sizes, at 25 and 50
Listerine at 2 If, 48f, KO0
Kolynos Tooth Paste at 11)
Flaconettes, filled with Onel
ges Flours, Ideal, L'Origan,
Jicky, Fleurs d'Amour Per
fumes special at only $ I .OO
Krauk's Lemon Cream $I.OO
Nuxated Iron special at 800
and one package of Yeast Vita
mifie FREE with each purchase.
Lee's Hospital Cotton, in 1-lb.
rolls, specially priced, each 450
Duffy's Emulsified Cocoanut
Oil, priced at, bottle only 100
S. & H. Trading Stamps given.
Main Floor
Saturday Extra Special! ,
$2.50 Honan Pongee
$1.85 a Yard
Silk Dept., Main Floor Only 500 yards in this lot, therefore it is
advisable to "get yovfr order in . early. Genuine Honan Chinese
Pongee in white and natural color. Just the right weight for
skirts, dresses, men's shirts, etc. Regular selling price OP
$2.50 yard. While any. remains Saturday a yard D.LOtJ
Silk-and-Wool Canton Crepe
Special $2.48
Dress Goods Dept. This is the grade that sells in the regular way
at $3.00 a clear saving of 52 cents on every yard you buy. .40
inches wide, beautiful finish. Shown in midnight, co- CJO AQ
pen, navy, brown, tan' and black. Saturday, special 0O
New Spring Neckwear
In a Special Purchase Sale
Main Floor Presenting an unusual opportunity"
to secure high-class Neckwear novelties at a
very special price. Net Guimpes with sleeves
eyelet Guimpes with sleeves and Bramley
collar lace Collars, straight and shaped lace
trimmed organdie Vestees with collars and
cuffs net Vestees and other styles Choice
Saturday, while they last, at only $2.95
Sample Handkerchiefs
50c Values at 35c
Main Floor A Handkerchief opportunity every woman will be glad
to take advantage of. Every Handkerchief in this great lot is of
all-pure linen and all are worth, at least 50 cents apiece. Manu
facturers' samples in a variety of dainty patterns in colored and
white embroidery, also some with lace edges. Splendid 50c QCf
$2.50 yard. While any remains, Saturday; the yard OeJt
We Give S. & H. Trading Stamps.
Spring Fashions in Men's Clothes
All That's New
and Correct
in Men's and Young Men's Suits will be found
in this advance Easter showing. And not only
are the styles authentic but the values are
most exceptional. When you see these new
suits you'll know we did not exaggerate their
merits. " Sport styles in half and full belted
-models also the more conservative cuts. Step
in and let us show you Quality Clothes at
moderate prices. Men's Store, Main Floor.
Boys' Spring
Main Floor Tweeds, serges and homespuns ;
sturdy fabrics that will render satisfactory
service. Suits for dress occasions and for
school, built to hold their shape to the end.
Here are all the smartest models in plaited
and plain back effects. Two pairs full-lined
knickers with each suit. Sizes for boys 7 to
18 years. Priced from $13.50 to $27.50
Boys' Caps and Hats
Tweed Caps and Hats are all the go for
spring wear. We have them in the newest'
patterns and colors, priced at $1.0O to $2.50
Boys' Sport Sweaters in slip-on style. Sizes
28 to 38. School colors. Priced $7.50 to $9
Now that spring days have arrived your boy
will need a fresh supply of Blouses. We show
a complete stock in several well-known makes.
Ginghams, chambrays and percales. fl A
Plain or fancy stripes. Priced at 0xUU
$3 and $3.50 Shirts
At $1.95
Main Floor Save a third and more on your spring
Shirts by attending this sale. High-grade madras
materials in best patterns and fast colors. Some with
silk stripes. Soft cuff styles. Regular P1 QC
$3.00 and $3.50 Shirts. Priced special at 0 --
Men's Percale Shirts
Special 95c
Main Floor Such Shirts as you would ordinarily pay
$1.50 and $2.00 for. And they are excellent values at
these prices. Made up in percale material, correctly
tailored and perfect fitting. Variety of striped pat
terns and the sizes range from 14 up to 17. QKf
Soft cuffs. Extraordinary values at only vOx
New Bates Street Shirts, $2.50, $3, $4, $4.50
Campbell's Soups, all kinds 10c
Smyrna Figs, 60c grade at 45c
Seedless Raisins, package 20c
Seeded Raisins, package 20c
Oregon Walnuts, 3 lbs. $1.00
Shelled Almonds, pound 60c
Albers' Instant Tapioca, pk. 15c
Regular price 20c7-See demon
stration in Grocery Department.
Fourth Floor. Headquarters for
if ' ' f -j1-'
Flower-Trimmed Hats
Underpriced for Saturday
150 beautiful Hats in this important sale for Saturday. Will
you be one of the fortunate ones to share in this offering? Not
only are the values exceptional but every hat is well made
NO TRASH for sale at this store-at any price.
All the Newest Shapes
are in the showing from the smaft close-fitting models trimmed
with small flowers to the large picture hats bedecked with
flowers, ribbons, ornaments, etc. Needless to 6ay the colorings
embrace all that is new and fashionable for the coming season.
Make it a noint to see this notable collection.
Values up to $12.50. Special sale Saturday
Millinery Salons, 2d Floor
Tt S8.95
Colored Sport Veilings
In a Wide Variety of Meshes
Main Floor C o n t r a s t
colored chenille dot Veil
ings the last word in
smartness. Colorings to
go with the new spring
hats. Large assortment of
meshes and styles from
which - to choose. QKf
Special, at yard if OK,
Comfort Veils 95c
Veils that fit the hat and face Comfort Veils in every
sense of the word. Made on Shetland mesh, that i3 marvel
ously serviceable. The colored chenille dots give added
charm and chic appearance. All the newest color- QC
ings and combinations. Remarkable values at only
Veiling Department 1st Floor
Sport Scarfs
Priced Special
Fashion calls for scarfs. The sport
outfit is not complete without one of
them and they will also be very pop
ular for street wear. Here are the
newest ideas. Roman stripes in a
variety of color combinations, also
olid colors in every wanted shade
and the new two-tones. Of fiber silk,
generous length and width, finished
at ends with deep fringe. Step in
and Fee these attractive Q4 QP
new scarfs. Priced special Dxt)
Neckwear Dept.
Main Floor.