18 REM ESTATE. For Sale Hourw. L.A6-iT CAIJ. iMAKQ OFPi-R. OWXEJt MUST kLL. AT IjOSS. - Nearly new 5-room b.njsa.-ow. fire- Taee, hardwood floors, in trood residence d-latH'Ct: owner wants :37iH. but will consider any roajwrnable offer with, alxiut $000 cash, balance month. incJ-uldn interest, or will take your flivver and CTTY HOMES DEPARTMENT BITTER, lOW-3 & CO.. REALTOR! aftl-3-B-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Snhnrbiw Homp. .rv-T i-vny A vr la the place for your home; 550 feet abovs the c!ty ilea this delightful res - Idence section of Portland: only 20 min utes from the shopping center by high class suburban electric trains, or 15 minutes over the hard-surface Terwll llger boulevard. Building sites In all shapes and forms, from a lot to an acre, improved with modern utilities, including city schools; all of the freedom of the country and In addition the advantages of city life; people are coming to Multnomah In large numbers; if you will go, you will see the reason why. My tracts can be purchased on terms of 10 per cent down and very easy monthly payments on the balance. I have a number of homes that can also be purchased on easy payment P'n My representative, Mrs. Emma Grant, Is at the Multnomah office on the boule vard at all times, glad to show you about Her telephone number Is Main 6039. If you haven't a car and should like to go out with me. I shall be glad to take you over the boulevard In my own machine and show you this delight ful district. 1 have started many on the sure road to a permanent? home, ' 1 can start you. A. Utle money only HEN RIESLAJD. Dealer In Multnomah Property Exclusively, 404 Piatt Bldg.. 127 Park St. iviam emu OSWEGO LAKE HOMES. Now is the time to secure your sub urban home at beautiful Oswego lake: we have a number of particularly fine buys. Remember, the commutation fare to Oswego lake Is only 9 cents, with navoment all the way. $1200 for 175x120, with large uncom pleted house; a snap. $1800 for 100x120. new 4-room bun galow. . $2200 for 180x120, new 4-room bunga- '"e'vnon, new 4-room modern bungalows 11650. 100x120. new 3 rooms, hot and cold water. . Also lake shore lots, acres and home ' sites; terms within reason. Call owner, KO0 Concord bldg- 2d and Stark. LOOK AT THIS PLACE. There Is real value In this tract of about 6 acres; house has 4 large rooms; a very good barn and poultry house, about 75 assorted bearing fruit trees, also loganberries, strawberries, etc.; land drains well; located on good gravel road a quarter of a mile to electric station; good district. Price $4000. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerece Blag. Broadway 6034. ARE YOTJ LOOKING FOR A COUNTRY HOMESITE? We have a tract of 1214 acres, located In a high claes suburban home district: paved road. gas. water, electricity and phone available; 7 miles out; lots of bearing fruit; good soil; splendid view; price $11,000. terms can be arranged. J L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. EVERY CONVENIENCE YOU COULD DESIRE furnace, fireplace, built-ins, sleeping porch, full plumbing, electricity, gas and city water; on quarter acre, just 1 blk. from Stanley Btation, close to Portland. ONLY $4200 with GOOD TERMS. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. RUNNING CREEK OVER 4 ACRES. Atl good soil, about 2 acres cultivated, fruit and berries, 6-rm. plastered house, small barn, chicken house, etc Close to paved highway and right at electric sta tion. 4 miles from city limits. Price $3500. $1000 cash. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg, Bdwy. 6034. MULTNOMAH. PRICE ONLY $2900. Five-room modern, bungalow, which has the use of half acre of ground be sides the lot on which house stands; near Dosch station, on red electric; lib eral terms. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. frOS-10 Panama Bldg. Broadway 6042. $250 HANDLES THIS ACRE HOME. Good 4-room bungalow with full plumbing, electricity, gas and running water; iust off Buckley ave., Gilbert station- $2500. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. , 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. $1000 BELOW VALUE. zy, ACRES. Seven-room modern house, with, set of plumbing, septic tank, bath and toilet, city water and gas; lot of bearing fruit and berries: barn and garage; sacrifice for $3750: liberal terms. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. W-IO Panama Bldg. Broadway 692. NEW BUNGALOW AT GLADSTONE. 5 rooms, breakfast nook, fireplace, full plumbing, electricity, gas. city water; quarter acre, just 3 blks, from Hereford station. $3500, terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall; with FRANK -U McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. CAPITOL HILL. WANTS CITY HOME. Quarter acre, with dandy 4-room mod ern home; has bath, city water, gas and electricity, attic, also hardwood floors; trade for good home In city. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bldg. Broadway 6942. ONE ACRE $2200 LAKE GROVE. A pretty little suburban home of five rooms and one acre, among the firs; close to Oswego lake and . station; easy terms. RALPH HARRIS CO., 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. $150 $200 CASH. 2 new bungalows, 30 min. ride. Acres pretty trees, easy terms, nice homes, low prices, $1450, $1800. Bdwy. 7672. McFARLAND. REALTOR, 208 Failing Bldg. EAST SIDE, 14 acres, cosy house, bam, hennery, orchard, berries, . etc., $2800, terms; other new listings for homes. ' ' McFarland. realtor. 208 Falling bldg. PARKROSB acre, 5-room house, barn, garage, chicken house, berries, water, electricity, gas. Sell all or part. Terms. Tabor 3112. For Sale -Acreage. $150 PER MONTH. Chickens, fruit, berries, large house, good barn, chicken house, etc. About 1000 chicks and chickens, incubators, farm implements, everything goes. Call Sellwood 3641 or write N. S. Nehl, Wood- burn, Or. 20 ACRES, near Pacific highway, Salem - district, on Rock road, near electric sta tion; ail cultivated. 4 acres bearing loganberries; a cream route; rural de livery; very desirable; small payment, balance terms or soldiers' bonus. Owner, Auto. 630-64. or AC 511. Oregonlan. 10-ACRE GARDEN HOME. All cleared and in cultivation, 8 min utes' walk on sidewalk to station, on rock road; If you want a real buy see this; $3750, $1000 cash. Bdwy. 2571. PORTLAND HOME CO. 633 Railway Exchange Bldg. IDEAL location for chicken ranch, 18 acres, with east slope facing on m&in wagon road: can be cleared without any cash expense: deep fertile soil; price $540, on efi.sv payments. See Mr. Do-dson, JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 Northwestern National Bank Bldg. E. 91ST AND GLISAN. One acre, cheap as farm property, one block from city carline. Bull Run wa ter, electric lights and gas; very easy terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. WRITE: for map of western Washington, showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.. . Tacoma. Wash. CHICKEN FARM. 24 acres, Oregon City car fine; .fenced: 1 acre cultivated: good water; 1000 ft. lumber; good road; price 800; tfvrms. 272 Burnside st. 5 ACRES on paved highway and electric line; good chicken and berry ranch; $500, $50 down, $10 a month. DRAPER 403 BOARD OF TRADE. ONE ACRE, $50 down, balance $10 per month; city water, gas, electricity. 2 miles out, close to car and pavement, all cleared. Call Bdwy. 5317. ONE ACRE, water, gas and lights, close to car and Base Line road. 2 miles out. $5 down, balance $10 per month, 6 per cent; price $900. Bdwy. 5317. MUST sell my 4-acre place, close in and on good road: just right for poultry farm. Call Main 3062. Mrs. Welch, owner. , 2, 3 AND 5-ACRE tracts, need light car or truck as first payment, balance easy. 4127 67tri st. M. pi. 100 BEAUTIFUL, acres near city limits; subdivision or speculation; owner's sac- rifice. $135 per acre. East 6228. 12 ACRES. $950 Estacada electric, will show by auto. Bdwy. 7672. McFarland. realtor, 208 Failing bklg. li ACRES, house, creek, fenced, $1800. cFrxaod. rcaitor.OS Failins bids. HEAT. ESTATE. For ale Acreage. 650 HENS. TEAM. 3 COWS, HOGS, - 14 ACRES AND WHAT NOT FOR $3500. 14 acres. 4 cleared, balance timber and pasture; two fine springs, one piped to house and barn; other for chicken houses; 4-room house, large barn, mod ern and new chicken houses 20x100 and 16x60; orchard and berries; 650 pure bred W. L. hens. 30 breeding roosters, team, S cows, 2 sows and pigs, vehicles end machinery, etc. Everything for $3500; 30 miles out, rocked road all the way; truck takes all produce right from the place and brings back whatever you want. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North fith St. Phone Bdwy. 43M, 3 ACRES WEST SIDE. Rti-Itlv Xfodern XpwhfriT HiarhwaV. Neat Colonial house, 7 large living rooms and 5 other rooms, sleeping porcn. fireplace, Dutch kitchen, built-in "buffet, hth a.nri toilwr. elen.trixMtv and running water; assorted orchard with nuts and cranes, berries: garage: 4 blks. from electric station. A FINE SUBURBAN HOME FOR $4000, terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK Ix. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. oet. wasn. ano aiarit. TWO AOCRES RIGHT IN GRESHAM. NEW. MODERN 5-ROOM BUN GALOW PRICE $500. 2 acres just few blocks from high school and station at Gresham; best of land, all cleared, no rock, new 5-room bungalow; -lights. Bull Run water, mod ern plumbing, chicken house. Price $3300. i HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North 6th St. Phone Bdwy. 438-1. MUST BE SOLD. 5 acres very fine soil practically all in cultivation: large bearing orchard acres In strawberries; good 6-room bun galow, barn, well, chicken house, tools 'and Implements: located In very fine district 9 miles from Portland. This is a positive snap; price $2950, $950 cash, bal ance your own terms. Mr. Thompson, with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 230 Cham, of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 7581. 1U X.X..X JL l-'rv. Ol 1J 178 acres river bottom farm near the Salem electric car, about an hour s ride from Portland. This is very fine rich soil, lies level, has bearing orchard of 20 acres, cherries, peaches and apples. Good water, 5-room house, barn and oHit bldgs. Owner will sell for $75 per acre or rent for $600 per year. Ralph Ackley Land Co.. 527 Corbett bldg. See Mr. , , , ..-m .1.1 r I? (n'Tllpmsnn 13 V- ACRES, choice creok bottom land, beautiful stream through place; can all be cultivated when cleared; located on Mill- creek, about 2 miles from Columbia river; near school, church, postoffice and store. Price $343 on very easy payments. See Mr. Dodson. tfvsnV.T)OTBON CO.. 633 Northwestern National Bank Bldg 80 ACRES of fine level land, high and sightly, 2 miles east of city limits, close to carline, good streets both sides; gilt edge proposition for subdividing! price $250 per acre, easy terms; adjoining land selling for $750 and $800 per acre. A U MAWP1.T. 408 Board of Trade Bldg SEVEN ACRES. CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN. 6131 92D ST. S. E. 616-45 Homesteads. Relinquishments, FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR RELIN QUISHMENT. SEE E. W. HELM. 422 UHAMtlEtt uuaair. rn.g. px-iv,. 40 ACRES homestead relinquishment for sale cheap; close to Portland, road and spring on place. S 517. Oregonian. For Sale Farms. BELOW VALUE. 88 V4 acres excellent loam land. 33 acres in cultivation, seeded to oats, clover, etc.: 1 acre timber; about five acres pasture, which Is practically cleared: new bungalow with all built in conveniences; good large barn, gran ary and outbuildings: large assorted or chard, fine young team, harness, hack, cow; mower, feed, tools, etc.; located 20 mihs from Portland. 2 miles from good town: price $8000. easy tevrms. or will consider city property or small acre age tract. Mr. Thompson, with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 23Q Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. DAIRY OPPORTUNITY. CROOK COUNTY. We want real farmers to take up ir rigated land near PrinevIIle. Oregon. We have a large list of small farms. 40 to 60 acres, which may be purchased from $65 to $75 per acre; this Is a stock country and if necessary we will assist prospective settler- in purchasing dairy cows. Willingness to work and a little money will get you Btarted. Opportuni ties are many and land values far be low par. J. L. KARNOPP. 319 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6755. 14 ACRE3 HOME FARM ' Beautiful place, situated 11 miles east of Portland, just off Sandy bJvd.: mod ern 5-reom bungalow with reception room, bath, etc., cement sidewalk, hard surface road; 5 minutes walk to electric oar line; public school, church, stores, etc. Fine family orchard, berries, etc. A real home. Be sure and see this. Full price $9000, liberal terms. Exclusively with Security Investment Co., 626 Mor gan bldg., on Washington, between Broadway ana rnrK st. 17 ACRES. 6 acres or more in cultiva tion; good 7-room house. Darn ana ouier outbuildings. with big new chicken house large enough for 3000 chickens: good creek Turning through place, good yoyng orchard, and well fenced. One good Jersey cow and 60 laying hens go with place. Location In small town about 300 feet from depot. Good school, churches and stores. A bargain at $3500 cash. CLARENCE BASS, Lyons, Or. 41 ACRES, improved farm; located two miles from McMlnnvllle, on hard surface road. House, new and modern with 8 rooms, electricity, with hot and cold water, modern plumbing, full cement basement, good barn, 30x36, outbuild ings, good fences, family orchard. An ideal chicken and dairy ranch. Price $14,000. Cash $7000, balance suitable terms. By owner. Marion Palmer, R. F. D. No. 2. McMlnnvllle. Or. ATTENTION, MR. LAND BUYER! 72 43-100 acres of level land in Linn county. 35 acres In cultivation, balance excellent open pasture. AH can be farmed. On good road. Railroad sta tion 2H miles. School 2 miles. No buildings. This would make a dandy dairy or small stock ranch. Price $4000; $1000 cash. $2000 3 years; $1000 6 years at 6. Box 153. Coburg. Or. FOR SALE Dairy or stock farm of 157 acres on Coos bay R. R., 2 miles from depot, P. O. and store, on county road. About 40 acres in grass and cultivation. Lot of rich bottom land, good bearing family orchard, good outrange, ordinary bidgs., near lake and ocean, $4000, down, bal. time. C. C Behnke, Florence, Lane county. Or. FOR SALE By owner. 120 acres, 100 till able, 25 acres cleared; house, two barns and other buildings; orchard and well; much outside range, 2 miles from Moul ton, Wash., railroad station; 30 miles from Vancouver, Wash. Price $3000: part cash, balance to suit purchaser. In quire of owner on farm or address W. J. Freyberger. Yacolt. Wa sh . 25 ACRES, all cultivated, 10-room. double constructed plastered house, nice barn, 28x40; painted, other outbuildings, five blocks dpot valley town, some furniture. Implements and hay. $1000 and bonus, or $2000 cash will handle. R. HOARD, 501 Stock Exchange Bldg. 40 ACRES, rich soil, south slope, running water, W mile to small town and saw mill; enough saw timber to pay for place and for all buildings; 6 miles from Yacolt. Wash., on fine road. $1500, half cash, bal. to suit. See Mrs. Hanan with C. W. Millershlp. 165'& 4th. Main 5275. FARMS FOR SALE Ex-soldlers. 40 and 80-acre irrigated farms in the best po tato country in the world. (Wa can prove It.) They are going fast. Get yours before it is too late. Some stocked and equipped. Inquire J. E. Smith, Im perial hotel. FOR SALE 166-acre farm, 35 miles of Portland, fine soil; terms to suit. Would , consider first-class Portland property. No mortgage or other indebtedness, pos session at once. Price $20.000.. Write owner. Box 668. Roseburg. Or. WE WANT to tell you more about the fa mous Deschutes valley in central Oregon. A dairy, potato and stockman's para dise. A card brings full particulars. Redmond Land & Loan Co., Inc. Red mond. Or. (King Murphy's capitol.) $4000 SNAP $4000. 20 acres, 2 miles to Hillsboro, planted to wheat and hay; $1000 cash; owner will accept soldier's bonus. Interstate Land Co.. 243 stark st BEST irrigated land in Oregon. Want good farmer to Join me in development and operation. G. C. HOWARD, 1115 N. W. Bank. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $500 an acre, easy terms, best soil: farms for sale, all sizea HfnD,nvlan Pa a It OftO Tni,l ... CHICKEN ranch for sale. 2 acres, build ings, fruit; one mile east of Courtney station; also 3 adjoining acres. Fellows, FOR SALE 800-acre ranch, near Roae- stock. For particulars write E. O. Cun- t .. .. ni.nmrill. 1-. 40 ACRES Near station, on R. R. ; gome cleared; house, barn, spring; work near by: price $750, $100 down. DHArKK, 4QS Hoard of Trade bldg. 80 ACRES hilly timbered land near Scap poose. 3-rm. shack, spring; half tillable. Terms. J. R. Sharp, owner. 83 V. 3d st 20 ACRES $1100; close to water, rail and highway transportation. Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark st, 16 ACRES timbered beaverdam land; creek; near Beaverton: electric; can di vide. J. K, Sharp, owner. 63 1 3d, ft. REAL .EBTATK. I.-., - Cb). Tupma 50 ACRES, 29 miles southeast of Portland. -, mile to church; 30 acres under cul tivation, no waste land, 20 acres stand ing timber: good loam soil;' orchard; 7 room house, barn, chicken house, gran- .. , i v.,..v hns. HmiQ,, ptr. In cluded with place, team, 3 cows, heifer, cniCKens, urtwa how, wmb', ....-. harness, plow, harrow, cultivator, cream separator, xouia muu .w - good oak furniture. Including phono- t- n : caxVivA ft?iOn ranh. In- BiniJii. x spected by Mr. Kemp. 10 ACRES LOGANBERRIES. 25 acres, south of Portland, m ile iven wire fences; good loam soil, all under Cultivation; rwnea nu, -w " ganberries; 3-room house, barn, chicken house. Included with place, team and . n . . . (;nm COAA tools, rnce lor evei y tuwie. r.vw, t- casn, or wm cwumuui dw, s, . .. ... store building in Portland. Ask for Mr. Davis. , - . JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, SMALL PRUNE RANCH. in o rc, is milpt) from center of Port land, on good rocked road, 1 mile from pavement, H mile to school, 1 mile to electric station, black loam soil, all un der cultivation; over 5 acres bearing prune orchard, 100 pear trees, 10 reuic ptune trees; 3-room house, barn, ga rage, 3 chicken houses 14x32, storehouse, woodshed, etc. Price $2500, $1000 cash. Large cash payment, inspected Dy avuj. LOTS OF FRUIT. One acre, on fine rocked street, one block from highway: all under cultiva ' tion; fine bearing orchard'; good 7-room house with complete enamel plumbing; barn, chicken house. A very attractive place. Just outside city limits Forest Grove. - trice xzttou. x,arge casu menu Inspected by Hunter. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. REAL DAIRY RANCH. Consisting of about 800 acres of fin est Columbia River bottom land, about 200 acres are now under cultivation, some in alfalfa; 7-room modern bunga low, also 6 other houses for help, one main dairy and stock barn 75x170, 3 Rinrips fnllv eouinoed with patent stanchions and individual drinking fountains for over 20O cows, J large silos, complete milk bottling and steril izing plant, 2 other stock barns; there are about 200 head of milk cows, some young etock, 8 head of horses and full line of farm and dairy equipment for a large ranch of this kind; the milk will be contracted for at the farm if desired; this ranch has a capacity for handling over 30O head of cows and producing feed for same; price, including all stock and machinery, $135,000; $35,000 cash, balance easy terms. F. L. EDDY, REALTOR. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO BUY We have a few cus tomers with $1000 to $8000 cash desir ing nice homes, well located. If you really want to sell at the right price please teil us at once what you have to offer. Montana-Oregon Company, Real tors, 102! Cham, of Com. bldg. Phone Bdwy. 7839. WANTED IN ROSE CITY. We have clients who want to buy homes in Rose City, between $4000 and $4500. If you want to selii see us at oncev as we mean buelness. Mr. O'Co-n-nell, with ' GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 230 Cham: of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. losi. WANT a modern 5-room modern bunga low, Hawthorne or Richmond district; not to exceed $4500. $500 and soldier's . bonus. J. R. HAIGHT, . Realtor. 325-327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045. FOR FARMS, acreages, suburban homes, s' telasko & Mccormick, Bank Building, Milwaukier Oregon. We have good suburban pjoperty to trade for city property. Open Sundays. WE HAVE clients wanting homes on the .west side at prices irom souuu to tiu, 000. If your property ;is worth the money. I can sell it, J. R. HAIGHT. Realtor. 325-327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045. WEST SIDE. Want a 6 or 7-room house, one bed room on first floor; must be well lo cated: not over $10,000. Bdwy. 2043; evenings. Main 2534. ; CUSTOMER waiting for 6-room modern bungalow in good district; wants a. real bargain. $1500 cash. J. R. HAIGHT, Realtor. 325-327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045. HAVE prospects wiaiting for 5 and 6-room, nouses or bungalows in .tsrooKiyn dis trict; not over $3500. . J. L. KARNOPP & CO 319 Railvay Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6755. C OR 7-ROOM house, on corner, want room for double garage; riawtnorne. Glenco or West Mt. Tabor district ; good cash payment; no agents. L 509, Ore gonian. PORTLAND REALTY CO. If price is right have client for 4 to 10 acres, improved, close in; also yz acre with good house. 527 Chamber of Commerce. WANT 5-room bungalow, modern or semi modern, in good residential district, on paved street, or within 1 block; must be priced right and terms . reasonable. o3, oregonian. WE NEED 5-room bungalows that can be handled for $500 down payment; any good district. Bdwy. 2571. Portland Home o.. Pio railway n.i:u, utiig. WANT good little place In Alberta or Al bina which can be handled on easy terms. Ralph Harris Co., 816 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 5654. WANT to buy a lot in Irvington district east of 23d et.. and south of Fremont, ' on an improved street. Will pay all cash. AO 508, Oregonian. ' WANTED IN LAUR ELHURST. Strictly modern bungalow not over $5000, that $1000 will handle, good monthly payments. AF 518. Oregonian. WE HAVE real live buyers for lots in all districts of Portland; list your lots with us. Great Western Investment Co., 230 Chamber of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 7581. WANT 50x100 lot, facing east. Rose City Park; above 42d st. and below the hill. Arthur Allen, 965 E. Morrison. Tabor 2189. ' WANTED for $500 down; new bungalow in good district; state price and loca tion. E. Stringer, P. O. box No. 982, Portland. Or. MODERN 7-ROOM BUNGALOW FOR APARTMENT LEASE. MUST SHOW VALUE. WOODLAWN 6578. BUNGALOW for $4000 or $4500 that will stand for $3000 bonus loan, south of Sandy rd., north of Division and west of 50th st. C 515, Oregonian. WANTED Fully modern 5-room bunga low, Hawthorne district preferred; not over $4000; $2000 cash; no agents. L 508. Oregonian BUYER for bungalow or cottage in good district, from $3000 to $4500, with some terms. RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark st. SUBSTANTIAL payment down, on 4 or 5-room bungalow east of 60th St., near Sandy. Rummell & Rummell, 274 Stark WANTED At once, 5 or 6-room bunga low, Hawthorne ave., east of 47th st. Bdwy. 4835 I HAVE the cash, if you have a lot in good residence district at bargain com municate with BC 519, Oregonian. - WANTED 4 or 5-room bungalow, close to car, $2500, can pay $20O, balance $30 per montn. J ozt, uresonmn. WANTED The best house that $3500 will buy that $500 cash will handle. Penin sula nist. preierreq. abj pm. uregonian. TinTiom - 1 1 COO no n no v tlfU) oV. give good description and all particulars first letter; no agents, j ph.-, oregonian. WANTED View lot on Portland. Arling ton or King's Heights: principals only; " state lowest price. J 501. Oregonian. WANTED Irvington home, 6 or 7 rooms, .. must be a good buy. East 8726 or Tabor 596. 1 Farms Wanted. SMALL places wanted, close to Port land, or good valley town, with buildings and small amount of : equipment; owner to accept sol- " dier's loan and small payment down; farms ranging from $4000 to $5500, with - some equipment; ' will be given Immediate attention. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. FARM WANTED. Have buyer for well Improved farm on or near highway, not over 35 miles from Portland. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. ACREAGE WANTED. Have buyer for 5 to 10 acres, well Improved, not over 15 miles from Port- GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 230 Cham, or torn. jiag. tfawy. lost. WANT to buy stocked and equipped chicken ranch, or ranch 10 to 20 acres, with at -least 5 acres in cultivation. . . ,,AAn V. -VT IT.., O-asnnlnH HAVE purchaser for stocked and equipped farms. Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark st. Wanted to Kent Fa rm s. WE ARE in touch with several parties wanting to buy personal property and rent farms. Write full particulars in first letter. STEWART & JOHNSON. U&. -North. western .Batik JBldg. THE MORNING OHEGONIAN, WANTED REAL ESTATE. Wanted to Bent Farms. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place affter leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. FOB RENT FARMS. IjAhub, iAifti, This place consists of about 800 acres of Columbia bottom, land; 200 acres of this place is under cultiva-tlon ; 2O0 head of cows. 8 head of horses, full line of farm machinery; also full line of dairy equipment, S-story barn, 2 large silos, modern- 7-room bungalow, 6 other, houses for hired help. Milk ca.n be contracted for at door. Price ajl personal property $26,500; 5-year lease. F L. EDDY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 70 ACRES FOR RENT. ' Located near Damascus; 70 acres ot plow land, of which 85 acres are in crop; 15 acres plowed; all farm tools furnished: fair house and barn. Price including crop and rent to Oct. 1. 1, ' 5 F. L. EDDT. REALTOR, ' RITTER. LOWE & CO.. ' 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 53 ACRES, on Boone Ferry road, 2 hi miles from end of Fulton car line; only red barn on road; plenty of water, fine for dairying or truck gardening, $800 per year. Owner. Box 123,, route 1. Os- wego. ur HOOD RIVER 5-10-18 acres, good house, orchard of apples, pears, cherries; auto road, pine grove, electricity: the right couple can get a fine deal: small family only. Bdwy. 7672. McFarland. owner. 208 Failing blag. FOR RENT 20 acres, 10 in cultivation, small house and good barn; plenty of fruit, good roads: 20 miles out. Call Ta bor 11 2. PHONE MAIN 127 40-acre ranch for rent near Portland; half cleared. TIMBER LANDS. WE ARE In the market for several oars of 7x8x8 and 7x9x8 No. 2 common ties for Portland delivery; also 6x8x8 No. 1 common ties for eastern shipment. Ad vise what you can furnish. Western Lumber Agency, morgan umg.. jti WE ARE in the market for timbers, plank and all kinds of lumber, mlllcuts. also sawmills and timber lands. Western Lumber agency. Morgan DlQg.. ronmnu 2 680,000 FEET timber in Wash. Co Join ing large belt of timbar; good location for sawmill. Write 634 N. 4th St., Cor- vallls. Or. FOR SALE 800 acres Hood river fir, eas ily accessible by logging and railroad, $40,000. P 518, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE 'REAL ESTATE. OWNER HAS MADE MONEY. . YOU CAN ' . on fbis natural stock and dairy ranch Jn Tillamook county. 390 acres, 34 are tide land, cutting over 60 tons of natural hay per year; excel lent pasture and joins 500 acres of rlcn open pasture. This - property has car ried 150 head of stock. 85 head of stock, of which 30 are milch cows, 15 2-year-old steers, lo -i-year old heifers, balance calves and yearlings. A fine team of horses and very good equipment to run the place. The improvements are good. Plas tered house of nine rooms, hot and cold water, bath, toilet and fireplace. 2 barns, one new, 56x70, the other 40xo0; work house, roothouse and other bidgs. Price for everything $lu,000, not a dollar against it. Will ta-ke a Portland residence to $6500, balance very easy terms. There never was a more jpromisins time to get into the stock business. . MacINNES, EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7, Board of Trade Bldg. Where Trades Are Made. ' ' EXCHANGES OF MERIT. $65.000 Apt. house, west side. $50,0OOApts., assume on larger. $15,000 Modern home, clear; will as sume same amount on .income. , , $33,000 West side flats for apts. $65,000 West side apt. home. $50,000 West side apt. house, cash and mortgage for larger apartments. $35,000 Apt. or hotel site, lOOxloO, close in; half trade. $6500 Store building for California. Medford orchard, bearing, for hotel or apts., Portland or vicinity. 80,000,000 timber, Corvillis, for income property and assume. 325 acres, central Oregon, $10 per acre; what have you? 160 acres wheat land, $3500. $18,000 Apt. hotel, lease and furniture; want flats or income. 1 " CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 204 Railway Exchange. Broadway 5497. PURE-BRED STOCK RAISER, YOUR OPPORTUNITY. One of the most modern-up-to-date stock ranches In the state of Washing ton, located In Chehalis county, with side track and paved highway by the place. 270 acres, 70 under cultivation; 10-room modern house, tenant's house, three large modern barns, 2 100-ton silos, modern chicken house, milk house and garage. All electric lighted and running . water. 20 head of registered Avrshire cattle, headed by the most famous bull In America. Complete line of tools and machinery. Price $40,000. Will accept mercantile business, income or residence property to $20,000. Plenty of time on balance. See Mr. Stephens with Fred W. German Co., realtors, 732 Chamber of commerce punning. KAH.Jh.Kj2tl UAIVAVja; vrni,AU.. Located right on the Pacific highway, close to auto park, one of the best money-making locations in the state. New buildings, 60x100, on corner lot; basement for storage, shop 50x50, acces sory room, 4 living rooms, with, bath, sewer connections, city water, electric lights, filling station, Wayne pump; good location for store. Property can be leased for $120 per month. Price $8500 and well worth it. WANT city residence or close-in acre age. MacINNES, EXCHANGE DEPT. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Where Trades Are Made. 7-ROOM modern bungalow for acreage. Improved farm for Income property. ' Hotel for farm or cash. Willamette Heights residence for flat or apartment. F. J. DIETSCH, 826 Chamber of Commerce. VANCOUVER. Will exchange the finest 7-room home in Vancouver, for residence property In Portland; prefer Irvington or Alameda Park. See Mr. Hawes, F. E. BOWMAN & CO., . 210 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 6776, WILL TRADE. : We are prepared to arrange a trade for you; bring in your proposition and we will match yon on anything of merit. Lots, houses, acreage, farms or stocks of merchandise. E. R. S.. 712 Couch bldg. oeveh-PASSENGER REO SIX, In first-class mechanical condition, practically new rubber, newly painted In June; will exchange for lot, acreage or good house equity. Fred W. German Co , realtors, 732 Chamber of Commerce. Good 50x100 lot on Kerby St., near Bryant, In Swinton, to exchange for 1 ton truck. J. W. GRUSSI, 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 7452. OiNADIAN FARMS. Well Improved, equipped, all sizes; $30 to $50 per acre; also unimproved sod land, 160 acres up; exchange for farms and city property here. C. Cole, 426 Lumbermens Bldg. " ! INCOME PROPERTY. : ' Apartment house and stores, showing good, income: will take farm up to $25, 000 for equity, balance mortgage. For information, see, Mr. Rock, 403 Couch bldg. 270 ACRES, good bidgs., 20. head reg. stock; clear; o,vuv; part eAimnftc, city: residence or suburban acreage or n hlIi FRED G. LAWSON CO.. 601 McKay, 20 ACRES Clarke county, Wash., 20 miles rrom Vancouver, 72 "co paved highway; ideal for chicken ranch: to exchange for good lots on. paved SirCBL 111 .irmumm. 40 ACRES unimproved, seven miles from Hood River In 1100a reiver vaney; irri gation ditch through place; want im proved small farm near Portland. BJ 514. oregonian T.AHI3F. OFFICE BLDG. Downtown corner, all occupied, show ing good net Income; want good going farm up to $100,000; balance mortgage it 6 per cent, r ii. ureBojuau. $1000 EQUITY Richmond house for sale T j r j Wnln.it C.lr M" or will iraue mi ui 1" t " improved homestead in Lake or Klamath counties. Tabor 2657 or AH 513, Ore gonian, WOULD like to trade the 10-acre farm for City property Or gooa auiomooirei ih.hu Is located in Yakima valley government Irrigation district; in good condition, ready to move on. Y 510, Oregonian. 1520 ACRES, highly Improved Idaho farm. One-third crop mciuueu, wm ai property that old man can handle. 818 Cham per commerce mug. 87 ACRES, Itasca county. Minnesota, half mile lake trontage; iw acres' narums county. South Dakota. Will trade for what have you 7 B 502. Oregonian. WANT cheap car as part payment on my Portland nelgnts iurmsnea o-roam cot tage : $3250. Mar. a4o. $500 EQUITY 3-room modern house cheap lor casn or ixaue rur wuni .,110, East 15th st. N. v TRADES! . TRADES! TRADES! of every kind. Will match you at The leaders1 Eichsange.-tiflJ.-2 lUouohr-blds. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1023 ' 9 ' - ' TC . 1 ' TOR T V I T-nit BALE. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 10 VACANT lots 50x100 in Portland, all clear, exchange for timber or cheap land .near Portland. Owner, 493 Yamhill St. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. MAGNIFICENT new English walnut table, Queen - Anne period, oblong, beautiful chairs to match: cost $210; also two very valuable rugs. Will sacrifice; go ing away. Main 5072. TO TRADE 'Classy bug body with top and windshield, for roadster . body. Ad dress F 523, Oregonian. DENTISTRY for binoculars or field glasses, roll or flat top desk. Describe fully and value. AB 501, Oregonian. ' FOR SALE. HorseSy Vehicles. Livestock. TEAM of Belgian mares, 5 and 6 years old. ' Well mated, weight 2900 pounds. Team of Shire mares 5 years old, weight 2800 pounds. Team of Perchon mares, 6 years old, weight 4750 pounds. 20 head of other horses and mares to pick from, 4 to 7 years. All well broke. These are low down, blocky built, with lots of bone and quality. Every horse guaranteed. Ten days' trial. 234 Front, . foot of Main St. FOR SALE 2 horses, work single Or double, in good shape and .not bunged up;' 2 delivery wagons and 2 set of ex press harness. All day Sunday. Apply 392 Knott St., week days. Ideal Tea company, 805 Union ave. N. ' TEAM black mares. 7 and 8 years old; good harness; cheap. Working every day. No junk. Phone Tabor 35. KC car. E. 61st and Thompson. WILL tatae 30-40 cows for feeding; have sufficient pasture ana loader . ana wiu take milk as payment. Send all inquiries to Bmil Dietrich, Carlton. Oregon. FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand, special prices. P. E. Esbenshade, 860-366 E. Morrison St. VETERINARIAN. DR'HOWES. TABOR 6566. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Call day or night. Automatic 627-64. 2500-POUND team of young mules; sell cheap or trade. 240 E. 8th. FRESH Togg mlich goat. Bargain. C. Herzberg, B40 Macadam St., Portland, Or. GUERNSEY cow, just fresh, fine heifer calf, heavy milker. 240 East 8th. YOUNG jersey cow, 3 years old. heavy milker; rich milk. 71 E. 11th N. FOR SALE Young fresh Jersey cow with . calf: rich milk. 2141 B. Washington. FOR SALE Several fresh cows, right kind at right price. 1967 E. Stark, cor. 78th. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. SCHWAN PIANO COMPANY CLEARANCE USED PIANOS. $550 Geo.-Steck small upright. .... .$215 375 Ceroid dark upright 195 475 Holland, large upright 235 600 Needham. modern mahog 295 375 Hallet & Davis small 165 2 small upright pianos.. $65 and 75 $750 Planista player piano 295 250 Pianola player, walnut 35 45A Franklin, wax finish ......... 195 450 Irving Piano Co. uprignt ... 210 cottage organ. $ia; ALasoa .namim, $28. Terms, $10 cash, $5, $6 and $8 monthly, " 101 10th at. at Washington and Stark. SALE OF USED PIANOS. Pease & Co.. fumed oak $263 Willington. large, mahogany 195 A. B. Chase, upright 295 Steinhauser, mahogany 235 Fischer Piano Co., large 295 Wheelock & Co., mahogany ........ 245 Modell, player plane 495 Fay as little -as $10 cash and $6 or ' more a month. LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO.. Corner Fifth and Washington. t PHfiSnr.RAPH ri.BAHiNCB SALE. $ 75 Vlctrola, S used records. ..... .$ 49 82.50 Grnfonnln. 5 lined records.... 24 125 Gratonola, 10 used records 75 140 Brunswick, 1U used records.... a 14M Emerson. 10 used records...... 95 . 1VR Rnnnrn 1.1 lined records........ 135 850 Vlctrola, 15 used records 21S $5 or more cash, $3. $4 or more moniuiy. SCHWAN PIANO CO., 103 10th at Washington St. pwnvnr.R A tw BARGAINS. VICTROLA, style X, mahogany case $ B VICIROLA style VI, man. case..... 2-1 , COLUMBIA, walnut case.. 75 BRUNSWICK, a real snap 100 BRUNSWICK, large size, gold plated 225 . . Ana otners. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st. I SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $425 Hallett & Davis, upright, cash. $165 450 Smith Piano Co., upright, cash 195 270 Board & Co.. upright, cash.... 75 750 Pianista player piano, cash.... 298 8 Parlor organs. $18, $20 and $25. 101 10th st. at Stark st. BUY. SELL OR TRADE. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. PLAYER-PIANO MUSIO ROLLS. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. 128 FIRST, BET. ALDER AND WASH. BDWY. 7161, AUTO. 627-46. 625-82. DECKER BROS, square piano, $80, equal of some $250 pianos at other stores. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 107 West Park. Pianos rented, sold, repaired FOR SALE $80 Victrola, rose mahogany ,i-.--U K mnntYta Prai-Hfiflllv T1PW and 64 records, all in perfect condition. Cash $70. BC 502, Oregonian. WE WILL take your old piano in trade on a new Victrola or Cheney phono graph. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th st. BEAUTIFUL mahogany-case, late model .phonograph, valued $175; now only $95, terms. Soule Bros., 166 10th St., near Morrison. j PHONOGRAPH repairing, any make; all work guaranteed. Prompt service. Seib-erling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Bdwy. 6576. ; ' GOOD PIANOS, at prices and terms you can afford. , Reed-French Piano Co., 12th and Wash lngton. , PIANO tuning, repairing and refinishing Expert workmanship guaranteed. Seiber-ling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th St. Bdwy. 6576. ; . REAL bargains in new and slightly used pianos of standard makes. .We save you money. Soule Bros., 166 10th. St., near Morrison. 87 HIGHEST quality phonographs slaugh tered, Victor and Columbia records; two for the price of one. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 107 West Park. 20 PIANOS $90 to $250 each, many of the world's best makes, ail uprights. Easy terms, Brokerage Co., 312 Wor cester Bldg., 3d and Oak. PIANOS moved, $3, ground floor; work done by experts and guaranteed. Call Broadway 1207. HAINES & CO. piano, walnut case, ex cellent condition. $235. Seiberllng-Luca Music Co.. 125 4th St. Bdwy. 6576. "C" MEL. CONN saxophone, silver, $125, terms. G. F. Johnson , Piano Co., 149 6ch st. . ; . KIMBALL PLAYER demonstrator. new, will sacrifice at a bargain. Terms given. S el berl ing-Lucas Music Co.. 12j 4th st. PIANOS AND PLAYER PIANOS FOR RENT. EMPIE-B TRANSFER. BDWY. 155. VICTROLA, $150 style, oak case, $100, terms. G. F.- Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th st. KINGSBURY mahogany case, used very little, $27o. Seiberilng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. ; BUESCHER . "C" mel. saxophone, silver, gold bell, $125; terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th st. ; 88-NOTE player, bungalow style, perfect condition; a real bargain;- $395, terms. q. F. Johnson Piano Co.', 149 6th st. $2 50 RENTS cabinet gratonola with late records; rental may apply on purchase price. Empire Transfer, Bdwy. 155. ONE LARGE-SIZE Columbia cabinet pho nograph, mah. case., $100, terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th st. CHENEY cabinet phonograph, mah. case, only $90, Terms, G, F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th St. : KIMBALL, new oak or mahogany case. A real snap. $395. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. $1000 CH1CKERING, fine mahogany, $365. Also excellent Steinway and a good Knabe. easy terms. 312 Worcester bldg. WANT Player piano for spot cash; bar ' gain only. Bdwy. 1548. WANT sweet-toned pia-no for all cash. East 8882. ; PIANO wanted: must be cheap; for prac tice. Marshall 1532. VOSE piano, a splendid bargain, only $265; terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th. H1NZEMAN, $125, old-style, rosewood case. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th. PIANO wanted, will pay cash for used pi ano. Bdwy. 6576. ; . FOR SALE Singer piano in, good condi tion. Phone Oak Grove 36. t CABINET phonograph with 100 of the best. records. Sell cheap. Main 1425. Furniture for Sale- DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine street. MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. Chairs, dishes, rugs,- chime clock, grandfather clock, .library table, silk curtains, etc. East 6407. : EARLY English dining table and 6 chairs, small, 1-ound kitchen table and 4 chairs white enamel for sale cheap. Tabor 1753. , 4-ROOM bungalow of new furniture to be sold at a very low figure by the piece or loat 2 P. M. today. Call at 448 E. 47th st. , ; FOR SALE Furniture for 6-room house, 7 cane and velour mahogany, walnut; gas stove, kitchen utensils, hangings. Au tomatic 315-34. . LARGE gas range, fair condition; $20. Call 1283 E. Washington St. MY OFITICB furniture cheap. 3J.8 Piatt Wdg. it VII a?ark. at, . J 1 FOR SALB. Furniture for Sale. civet i Try our sales department If yoa want to buy or'sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points in out through pool cars; expert packing, re pairing and refinishing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates: SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. E2 4th St.. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. Manufacturer's samples, several dav enports and chairs at bargain prices, terms. Phone 635-27, evenings and, Sun days. Tabor 5797 or 635-27 MICHAELSON-MAYSON, INC.. 54th and Foster Road. n rryrrr C d C i J .Jf. . 10O slightly damaged new mattresses: 40-lb. felted cotton art ticks, $3; 50-lb.. $5; 40-lb. silk floss, $7; come early and pick the )est ones, as they won t last long. 04O Williams ave ORIENTAL furniture and ornaments for sale. 408 East Harrison St. Office urntture. WE HAVE the following used office fur niture In good condition at exceptional prices: 6 roll-top desks, 14 flat-top desks, 7 typewriter desks, 188 office chairs, 1 safe. 1 bookkeeper's desk. THE IRWIN-HODSON CO.. - Furniture Department. Tenth at Stark Street. Broadway 3144 PHYSICIAN'S STEEL FURNITURE. Manufacturer's seconds, at substan tial reductions. Albatross Metal Fur- niture CO.. HQ mnrmaa BYRON -TYPEWRITER CABINET. 5-ft. oak table, 1 typewriter chair for sale. 607 Henry bldg. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. ALL MAKES. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE) WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 Washington St. Main 568L REBUILT typewriters, ail kinds, for sale, rent, exchange; we are exclusive dis tributors of Carona portable. $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs of all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO.. 94 Fifth St. Bdwy. 7169. ONE UNDERWOOD typewriter No. 8 standard; fine condition. Call Marshall 3058. E. L. Brunk or 388 Broadway. KKi'AlRS, rent, buy, sen; supplies, '-typewriter InsDecticu Co.. 312 Stark. M. i54. REBUILTS, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. P. c. Co.. aat stars:, -tso-wy. mm. UNDERWOODS and Remingtons. $3 a onth. Empire xransrer. jaawy. mo. UNDERWOOD typewriter In wonderful condition, for sale cheap. 274 Stark st. Poultry. . . . . ,r .. TZ 1. ... tVin.fr nt all tlmPfl WA1V 1CL ion HI on"" " - - ------- mating time is the time your poultry . i . . i Tf .mi, want SnOUia D H Linv uwiiutuwu. J . rertue eggs iwr uh.i.uiimb. j- ,, . strong, livable chicks, if you want pullets that will develop into fall and whit" layers, tnen ieea me paicm t-..-t m,iw ni vr t iBl- A, a V mot. rljSS ruuuirvi r jv ing time before the hatching eggs are laid. At manes pwuivrj uc,,.,. makes hens lay. It makes chicks grow t .... V..nrini tnmla VtO tflT- mented by lice. DR. HESS INSTANT LOUSE KILLER kills lice. For Roup . r. c-t i i,i r, o niTVi-.r, v All use 1J rt. n&aiv nuuv ivui,u.. ---- guaranteed. Sold by all dealers in nnnltrr stlTVTvHfin. WE HATCH only from OUR OWN con tinuously trap-nesting 2-year-old White Leghorn stock on range. Orders taken now for baby chicks March 20 and April 14 hatches. Eggs for hatching and cock ' erels for sale. Come and see our plant and trapnest records. George's Poultry r '1 . . . ,-nii , TV ti i 1 n Farm, Kt. o, r"ortianq. main oug. $ $ $ S -T-U-Ti IUU 1" jvao-.w, ' Pekin ducks; easier to raise and far more proiitaoie nmu vjuiv-wc,,, dUKlings aeiivvsrevA iu juu j i - mS9 An r V, - Write. tndHV and 60- . .or u wjiito i. .. . - - - - gage yours before It is too late. Laugh r: MnVifinnvHI. Or. 1111 -UlB-, .......... . SPECKLED Sussex, choice nock, eggs $3 16 $18 100. Write for descriptive circu lar price list. H. A. Bushby. Parma, Idaho. HAST'S Poultry Book and Brooder Plans, $1 postpaid, money refunded if not sat isfied.' Fred Hansteen, P. O. box 4111, Portland, Or. . C W. MINORCA and S. C. Buff Orp ington hatching eggs from prize-winning stock; no surplus blukk. iuw j t... v.. Smith, waua wana, waaii. SETTINGS White Leghorn, 15 eggs 75c. Sellwood 33Q8. THREE geese for sale. Roy Cockle, route 3, Portiana. loe. Rabbits. Biros ana Pet Stock. FOR SALE Toy- Pomeranian, pedigreed. colors Ulttciv, nunc, u.ncv u very reasonable. Old country stock. Ap ply JVirS. J, Xiorvri, ou i,ievi ico uuvc. Main 930. CUT PRICES, bal. montn on services of 5 grand reg. rersiau mmc v-evva. v,i v- land cattery, .rnone -w-uiu. mv-w PERSIAN cats for' service; blue, whits. orange, black, sliver, aum. jjx-ji, SHEPHERD dog, male, cheap. Call morn ing. Tabor azgi. IMPORTED Andreasberg roller singers, low song and females. Woodlawn 3652, Boats, Launches and Marine Equipment FISH boat hull, 28 ft. long, 7 ft. 10-in. beam. Price $125. Leonard Carr, Rt. 1. Vancouver, wasn. MODERN furnished houseboat, with ga--i anri fuel shed : desirable moorasre. Coal EXP. custodian of boats, all sizes, Fulton i . t 79 Mapaflam. UUftt jem, SALE or trade, cheap, 18-foot motor boat. Detroit engine, xouu, ma-m ooo. WANT to rent ocean-going barge. AV 608, Oregonian. FOR SALE 18-foot launch, newly over hauled, $150. Call Natal, Sellwood 2676. ' ' It-ega and ' Barren.. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co.. S06 N. 14th St., near Pettygrove. Phone A 619-19. Machinery. PETERMAN LATH MACHINERY. The most efficient machinery for the manufacture of lath, broom handles and curtain pole stock. For prices and de livery see WESTERN FOUNDRY CO., 626 Hood St. Main 8896. iiTTYi wood saw. 6-horsepower engine; also a Stover engine; all the work can do. Call Taoor otfai, i jr. m. Machinery Wanted. WANTED One 80 h. p. return tubular boiler; state maae, price, whoiuoi itvw seamed or butt-strap. BJ 291, Orego man. Coal and Wood. l-OAr.t rniL! COAL I COAL1 $11 per ton. put in your basement, city weight, direct from mine to consumer; large lump, no clinkers or soot; burns to a fine asn try a io. . n.,n, m i on, ID, nU IrlflT (111R rnurvm m-ft-jx -lot ---- - BIG LOADS block and slab, mixed runs, partly dry. 2 loads $8.00 -1 load - .50 WOODLAWN isau. COAL Sample sacks, $1 delivered ; 5 s acks, $4. $10. $11. $12.60, $14.60 and $15.80 per ton delivered. EAST 8984; NICE 16-inch slab, $3.75; best grade, sea soned, heavy or merely graded, $5 load, anywhere, bargain; dry 12 and 16-lnch country clab, $7.25. Sell. 1769. ; WOOD W OOD. 4-foot block and railroad ties, also 16-lneh dry block wood; green block wood. Main 2676. ; GOOD dry first-growth heavy bark, No. 1 $8. No. a2 $7. raone auiomaHi; "io-ov GOOD dry fir cordwcod, $7.25 cord; heavy country slab: $5.25. Rock Springs and Utah coals, tast itov. DRY CORDWOOD, $7 and $7.50 per cord, block and slab, dauble load, $8. Bdwy. 3628. ' FIRST-GROWTH wood, dry. $7.50 cord; second growth, dry, $6.25 cord. Auto. 629-77. PHONE WOODLAWN 5356 DAY OR EVE- 1 V I j r KJXX A.-A rvaoi-wikuniii a. AT $7 TO $7.50 PER CORD. CORDWOOD, $6.50 and $7.50 per cord de llvered; country slabnvood. $4.50. Wdln. 631Z. DRY second-growth cordwood, $6.50, and Utah. iNorm .-,'1 'I' vvv. v". East 7848 evenings. Zi FIRST growth dry cordwood $7.60; also soon uruw. -'"'' giivrv v"""' "" ' - DRY BLOCK and slab wood, single load BEST dry cordwood, $7.75 per cord, 2 for S15. Cant, "B ugM-v. o-i. m--. r-n A 1,. AUSTRALIAN, 3 SACKS $4, SAMrlici ur.111 yarn. cialji uiw. BLOCK and slab mixed, partly dry, $4.50 per lutm. v.,.-..-.. HEAVY fir block and slab, oak and ash; bone-dry siao. vrwuumn mv. $5 A LOAD, 16-inch ary piank and small timoer. aenwum WOOD SAWING, any place In city. Mala OA-. WOOD, $3. $4.50 and $5.50 a load. Wdln. 6686. . 4-FOOT country slab, $4 per cord. Tabor 16-INCH extra heavy dry wreckage; load , , , 1 a-. T.' -. ... fiQ.1 qeUVM-V' f'l. Al FIRST-GROWTH dry cord wood. $7.25; . . ! - V- A1f.ran1 TT! K77 neavy wuuuj ivi utinv.. .. .. BONE DRY Al fir, best in city, $6 worth for $5. rtenaoie r uei. aaai ouu. WjOpIJr-vBioci. uv lah, S-'aiific UiJ Coal and Wood. $4 PER LOAD $4. TWO-LOAD LOTS. 16-lnch fir block and slab, runs partly dry, ready for furnace or heater. W e i also save you money on two-load orders of dry wood. Prompt delivery on wm and east side. Oregon Fuel Co.. Woood lawn 4102. $4 PER LOAD $. , 16-lnch,- partly dry block and slab mixed; fine for furnace or heater, de livered in 2-load lota for $8: single loads $4,50. Washington lump coal, $11 ton in cue Daseineiii. N ATIONAL FUEL CO. EAST 2041 DRY box wood, $4; block and slab, $4.75; heavy wreckage, $3 per loaa. vvooaiswu 8649. BEST old-growth dry fir. $7.50; large second-growth. $7. Sellwood 314. N Miscellaneous. IF YOU APPRECIATE splendid watch re pairing or jewelry repairing, taao J"" work to MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. RADIO FURNACES. PIPELESS, $165. PIPE, $215 UP. Easy payments; 1000 In Portland. Phone Columbia 28 or write Associated Engineering Corp., factory foot of Bur- nngton st. LUMBER LUMBER LUMBER. 8x6 16 and 28. 2x8 16 and 28. 2x12 16 and 28. 2x4 and siding. Flooring and brick. ' 16th; bet. Savier and Thurman. LETTERHEADS. ENVELOPES. Letterheads, bond, per M $4. 00 Envelopes, per M , 4.00 Billheads, per M , 3.50 Business cards, per M -s.ou THB QUICKPRINT PRESS. 616 .Henry mag. x-mwy. to.v. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed. Com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. BIl IV i:VU iUAV.IJim ' - v.-.-.w 190 Third st near Taylor. Main 9431. DO IT TODAY. Remember tomorrow never comes. We repair, nuaxTts.'njj.j wiiu rejuvenate all kinds of warped, cracked, deteriorated and disintegrated old leaky roofs. All work strictly guaranteed. Don't delay, Phone today. Broadway tvanB. $150 NEW Brunswick phonograph and dozen recoras; ma played a dozen times; .also 42-ln. roll top light oak office desk and chali Week davs. 203 Fliedner bldg. Phon Bdwy. 17J4 DOORS, windows, screen doors, moldings, mill work, glass, roofing and hotbed sash. See our odd stock of sash and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co., downtown lumber store, 171 FRONT ST., bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Mrfln 4213. VOGUE for dresses and suits of every description ror party, uinuci, ...,ii nnn,.. miufit and slightly used ; low prices, fourth floor. 403 Alisky bldg.. sq, near jyiorn.iini. SALE OR TRADE I own 12 shares of stock in Bullion mine In Idaho, par value $100 per share. What have you unincumbered to oner in oa"s Phone Bdwy. 783!) HOT WATER tanks, $5; guaranteed tanks, gas water heaters repaired -..mhtnc .nnirniitnni. estimates given E. Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams. East 8516. for $8 per M. up; also trusses for . . - . , -. .. . v.- -., , t ; bet. Salmon and Taylor, or phone Main wyi. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. MILLER'S Big Littie Jewelry Store. Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic "heater. rara ana Tvaaniiieuui. mo. PIPELESS furnace installed, complete sauu, regular expo wuv. mj - " jy---at this price. For immediate action only, central x-iumuing rviHt mm rn r 1 - t- ..-.,! al.nri u m rW, V WhUfl TVO- tatoes, grown on high land; while they last, delivered any pic xh uu, 2 sacks or more $1.75. Phone Wood lawn 5559. . FOR SALE One used Thor electric wash ing machine, all copper, large size, 20 sheet capacity. Suitable for small laun dry. 264 Alder St., between 3d and 4tn CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sola, exenangea aim ivfa'c' Portland Cash Register & Scale Ex ' change, 226 Stark st. Bdwy. 7534. VERBA MATE, famous South American tea: nutritious, economical; sample pkg. 10 cents. YERBA PRODUCTS CO.. 239 Webster, San Francisco ciinnil, T'-ftTiO Delivered any part of the city, cow and horse manure; wen roxteii. .ov 45U cihod, -L'(!' rtnirm aralnt nf'Xe of nlat form 37x46. These are in good condi tion. Broadway 430 can xor mi. Jones. VKW GARDEN HOSE. 2800 ft., in 50-ft. sections, with cou plings; sell any amount below wholesale price. r. piahi m. x-mi-j. -.v--.- irriR ra i.p. s-hurner eas range with nines and No. 9 wood-burning cook stove. Andrew Paulsen, 721 t Missis sippi. corner freemo.nt SAFES Overstocked. For the best val ues obtainable in new or second-hand Bates see Norris Safe & Lock Co., JOS 2d St.. Portland. Or. Phone Bdwy. 7040 SACRIFICE new full drawing room cabi net Singer macnine. xviusi sen imme diately: leaving city. 434 Harrison st, apt. 31. RUUD water heater, A. B. gas ranse, combination range, Vulcan gas range, all in good condition and cheap. East 4852. 3112 E. ZMltl st. rvtorin a iT.rvH tu a rvR rvlush coat, size about 36, length with oppossum collar and cuffs. A sacrifice at $35. Phone Main 2157. McCASKEY account register, show case, cash register, scales, safe, meat sllcer. 129 First st.' ' NEW $12 PATENT leather ahoes, size 64 AA, $4.60; also oxfords, cheap. 431 Sal mon, Apt. 11. TWO piocks vma eg xving a. v . nntft A u cr a a urnorl Ami tvoal ran are water neater; vaciun-c w v.v.v. v. leaving town. East 4oi--. FOR SALE 6-drawer oak sewing machine, good as new; cost $62; fine attachments. Room 430. x-iotet nam&iw. BEAUTIFUL diamond, l1 carats, cost $1200; must raise money. $O50 cash taKes IT.. g.ax Q--Q. PORTABLE bake oven, good outfit to start in a country town. x-xiuxve lauur uuo. . 1831 East Gllsan st. We buy. Bell, rent and exchahge ko- ci i.V,. QOO "MTo .k i -icrnn .V RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. DIEBOLD safes, new and second-hand; special prices. Pacific Scale & Supply CO.. 48 front St. nuwy. moo. DANDY 3-light shower fixture complete (v. .hoHaa ftwlv $-.135. at y7 Chamber . ViMff nrn.rii.ui A'V! PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dealt, Suc and Morrison. FOR RENT Electric (vacuum cleaners, 83 cents per day, delivered anywhere. Wdln. loa. LICENSED Independent electrician wires 8 rooms for $12, 6 for $20, guaranteed to papa iimxurv; l.m. T, FISHER furs, Bcarf, never been worn,' 2 skins ready for mounting, value $300; w i - --Vi nr trail. 77 reasonamc xm, T-vT7"rwnTT Jewel gas range for sale. $35 flreless cooker, dress form, garbage burner. 615-DJ. ONE SHOWCASE 10 feet long, 4 feet high; one writing desk. 442 Washington street. FOR RENT or sale, cabinet grafonola with lata records. $2.50 per mo. Empire street. . -- ii.i ..... i kx FERTILIZER. Cow manure, well rotted, delivered any part of city, wooaiawn o.'.ia ONE 6-FT. and one 12-ft. marble soda fountain Wltn Dacx. oars, yy hi sacrnice. 129 1st, near Aiaer. R. B. GRAFLEX, 3 72X4, Tessar F.4.6; case and roll noiaer; periect conaition; offer wanted. R 498. Oregonian. SHOWCASES, wallcases, scales, cash regis ters, pool taDies, aaaing macmnes ana many other fixtures. 129 1st, near Alder. FOR SALE, cheap, double flat-top desk. nroaaway v-ii. FARM lighting plant, a bargain. . R. P. Shaw, corneuus. ur. MANURE FERTILIZER. No sawdust. Delivered. Bant 8S7.1. DAHLIA BULBS. $1 per dozen, 3212 68th St.. S. X-. AUtQ. P3-QX'. GAS STOVE for sale or trade for anything I can use. IPX uantenuein. APEX electric washer, $80 cash. Tabor 8649. WINDOW screens, mirrors and furniture repairing ana caoinex wjix. wuin. iig. FOR SALE -Cash register, safe, adding machine, gnowenacv. ta ibi Bin near ABU. STOCKYARD manure delivered anywhere. wooaiawn -jvjo. SPECIAL SALE Beauty parlor equlp ment. 86 6t t. between Stark and Oak. t.adIES' used apparel for all occaslona 1 1' V. n C , 1 , Trtp.es very ivj". xq-i,. o. SAFE Second-hand office safe In good order. xiarBtii. x .in, wicsoman STAR-A-STAR shingles, direct from mill. Cull Taylor-st. dock. Main 8065. BITTMAN pays highest price tor bicycles and narawarg. u xm.tv pi. in mx. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sal. . ii -i- A. Awntnsr 4- V- 1 1 .. gj-iANr ferj,c foe tale, Autom, A-li M Iwellaneou. CUT TOUR TIRE EXPENSE. Ol'R PKinLKSfl TIRR SAVERS give thousands sddltionsl mile" to old tires even ntter the rubber becomes worn off. New tires, when protected by them, weer indefinitely nd become 90 per cent puncture proof and 100 per cent blowout proof. Many other features for saving money and eliminating worry. The first cost is only a FRACTION of the cost of a tire. Renewal cost, negligible. All sie. Satisfaction guaranteed. See sample. Public Welfare Store, 212 Third Ft. Publlo Welfare Industry, 13th and Johnson. YOUR TEETH SLEEP , WHILE WE WORK. Pv our latest reliable method your dentnl work can be done without pnln. Absolutely harrnless and no after-effects; satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. W. Keene, Dr. K. J. Klesenrtahl. Above Majestic Theat r,81 1 u. Waxh. . KLKCTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-third; ail styles, finest se lection. Come and see; you are under no obligation to buy. STANLEY LUTZ, 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BroariWBV 4253. SAVE YOUR Wll'. Send your wet wash to the Snow F lane laundry; clothes washed a'v,?'.,w,h.'' " ; ! separate compartments. 7J . , J C,V' FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 15 I-.HH. FOR 60 CKN'TS, 4 CENTS each additional lb. Valuable premiums given. Phone -Cast 8433. LATE drop-head White sewing machine, all attachments; complete $20. 171 Park. FOR PALEA rTOMOWILEW kTTiuSsI FORD! FORDSI inn Ford touring, starter 14a 1920 IFord touring, 1919 Ford touring, 1918 Ford touring 1017 Ford touring starter. 8."0 sm-rter. 2M i . , i - 225 : . i5 2f,(l jimv x- urn tun, mi. ----- -..n 1920 Ford roadster, starter... -" Ford touring 11118 Ford roadster ...... 1!1I Ford roadster ..--.-. -p'' 1921 Ford sedan, starter. . 19111 Ford sedan, starter....-...-1920 Ford coupe, stnrter .t DKI.IVKKY CARS! 1920 IFord delivery, express, ."i""1,,., new body, elorant condition . ..$3-' 1919 Ford one-ton truck, equipped with brand new stak body.... B95 1918 Ford one-ton truck, express bodv, rear tire new .3 1918 Ford one-ton truck, pneumetlo tires, brand new express oorly 191S Ford 1-ton truck, chls only .35 Ford 1-ton truck, chain drive equipped with fine express body; a very rare bargain laj White light delivery .'V150 Liberal terms. Open evenings and Sua- "fRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Kat 3770. Grand ave. snd Hawthorn. A SAFE) PLACBJ TO BUT. W. R. DEJLAT MOTOR COMPANY. BROADWAY AT BURNSIDB. Finest selection of. used cars In the city, priced lowest and sold on your own terms. Come to our conveniently located salesrooms today. W. n. DELAY MOTOR COM PANT. Distributors Veils and Peerless. A Safe Place to Huy. BROADWAY AT BtJRNSIPB STSl Phone Broadway 3121. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1 Dort. 90 per cent new ....... 1 Buick light 8 1 Velle 1 Grant 8 1 Maxwell 1 Ford 1 Stoddard-Dayton Rd 1 Maxwell . . . .$ . .. ' . .. ""0 . . . 8 . .. l.VI ... 135 . . . 8. . .. 50 LONG SILVA, 402 Hawthorne. CHEAP, CUBA PER. CHEAPEST. One dosen sound, serviceable cars st prices that you can't beat; several good hunting and knorkabout cars, alo some good 8-cyllnder, lamlly cars; while lhy last we will sell them for from $25 to $200 blow regular! cars In this iot from $75 up. We need the space for late, higher-priced cars and our luss Is you.' KHln. PORTLAND AUTO SALES. Lowengard BldT., 350 Burnalde, Corner Park. HUDSON SPEEDSTER, MODEL O. 1922 LICENSK, SIX CORD TTRES. WESTING HOUSB SHOCK ABMOUnKRS. Al MECHANICALLY: ALL KfcADY TO GO, AT $1350. TERMS. CALL MAIN 5782. I CAN USE YOUR FORD. MAXWKI.U CHEVROLET OR DOHGE AS PA RT PAYMENT ON A NEW 192 MAA- WKLU CALL MAIN 8782. MAXWELL! MAXWl.LL! 1917 Maxwell touring, new paint, new top. fine condition ....! TO 1917 Maxwell touring, elegant Condi- 1J t .,,,.-..... A HO FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. East 3770. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. 191 HUDSON super six. 7 passenger, very fine mechanical condition; good tire. Finish almost like new. 1922 license, $875. Bdwy. 6244. . CJVKY MOTOR CAR CO., Twenty-first and Washington Sts. 1920 CHANDLER First-class mechanical condition, practically new cord tires all around. Car has been well taken, car of. Looks and runs like new. Must Facriflre. Make me an offer. Owner, Mam 7537 week nays. DODGE touring, practloally new, alvaplng outfit; convincing reasons why this is bargain. Owner, 10 to 12 morning-. Bdwy. 33. I WILL TAKIS $350 cash for my 1918 WIllys-x-niBjnt touring car ix -...- ..... week. Call Mr. Kelly, at Broadway- week. 8121. XT A V W KT.L In fine condition, for quick sal. $175. 530 ALDl-R ST. ' NEW FORD sedan, extras, driven 1000 miles, must be sold quickly, bargain, account leaving city; discount $135. Main 3359. FORD MUG. Fine mechanical condition, new body. $250. 630 ALDER ST. 1921 FORD touring; speedometer, shocks, r.ew llcenso; curtains open with doors; Stewart horn, foot throttle; car la ex cel lent crirdltioniprlce $375. Tabor 4848. HUG BODY. Three-Passenger. $100. BS0 ALDER ST. 1920 DODGE roadster, 5 cord tires, spot light and Dumpers, in a-x connmon; bargain ana win give easy terms. 8879. ESSEX. Fine Condition. Lots of Power. 530 ALDER ST. 1922 CHEVROLET 490 touring, like new . spotlight, curtains open with doors. 1923 Iicti'se, etc; easy terms; will consider small car in exi-hange. Tnbnr 5935. MAXWELL ROADSTER. Overhauled and refliilshed; tires al most new; $350. 530 ALDER ST. 1922 BUICK light six, 1922 llconce snd extras, at a suostantiai aincoum; still carries guarantee and service of a new car. Call Auto. 324-36. CHANDLER 7-PASSENGER. Fine Condition. For Quick Sale. $700. 630 ALDER ST. 1919 NASH 6. 6-paus., In good condition; a snap at omi. x-ncea low to sen toasy. Call Auto. 324-36. HERE is a beauty. One of thoite 90 country club overianrts. jvew top. Looks like new. $275. Terms Bdwy. 1778. WE TEAR 'em up snd sell ttyv plecea Portland Auto wrecking Co.. 031 Alder. 17th. Bdwy. 5254. FORD 1921, like new; shocks, curlaliii open with door, speedometer, $3iu. $I5J down. Tabor !. HUPMOBILE. FOR QUICK RALE. $300. 630 ALDER ST. FORD coupe, run short time e demon strator; will Rive liberal discount ana terms. Call Milwaukle 98. 1921 FORD, looks and rune like new, rua about fWHio miles; nas j worth ot ex tras Tabor 4714 $180 BUI'S a fine standard touring car in gooa conaiiion wirviusxioui ; lenua; ua brokersge. BInns. 614 Aider. 1920 BUICK "6" 7-PASS., $750. L. Y. HILL1NGSLEY MOTOR CO. Hawthorne Ave. at Rth. Phone Bait T. 1921 6-I'ASS. PA1G-3 Will sell for cash or terms. Call Auto. 2,7-fto. 1920 FORD coupe, fine condition; lots ot extra, mu.t pen. 1 floor 14. iff. 3 DATS to sell my 1U1 ji'oxdV-i& cash. 4aA ttawoia . ......