10 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY. MARCH 18, 1923 ESTABLISHED BX HENRY t- KTTOCK. Published by Ths Oresonlan Publishing Co. 134 Sixth Street. 1'orliand, Oregon. C. A. JIOHCEN, K. B. PIPER, Manager. JSdicor. The Oregonlaa is a member of the Asso elated Pros. The Associated Press is ex clusively entitled to the use lor publication ot all new, dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also toe iocai news Dublished herein. Ail rights oi puuiication ot special dlspatcnes nerein i w Aiau reserved. Subscription Kat- Inrariably In Advance, ' (By Maii. pally. Sunday Included, one year 8.00 Iaily. SUDdav InliiHii i mnnths... 4. 25 Pally, Sunday included! three months. 2.25 Fa"i fcunoay Included, one montn ... . Laily, without Sunday, one year 6.00 Daily, without Sunday, six months.... 8.23 Iauy, without Sunday, one month.... .60 Sunday, on year 2-50 (By Carrier.) Daily, Sunday Included, one year $9.06 paily. Sunday Included, three months. 2.23 Dal.y, Sunday Included, one month. .3 Daily, without Sunday, one year 7. SO riaijy, without Sunday, three months.. l.Uo Ijaliy, without Sunday, one month 65 How to Remit Send poatofflca money order, express or personal check on your local bank. Stamps, ooin or currency are at owner's risk. Give postofflce address in lull. Including county and state. I'ostaxe Rates 1 to 16 pases, 1 cent; 18 to 32 paces, 2 cents; 34 to 48 pages, 3 cents; 50 to 64 pages, 4 cents; 6(1 to 80 pages, i cents; 82 to 86 pages, 6 cents. rureign postage aouoie rate. Eastern Business Office Verree Conk lln, 300 Madison avenue. New York; Verree & Conklin, Steger building. Chicago; Ver ree v Conklin, Free Press building, De troit, Mich.; Verree & Conklin, AlonadnocJc building, San Francisco, CaL on this continent and one of the most carefully administered. It should be noted that its service is rendered at cost. Service at cost is one of the outstanding principles of municipal ownership. A municipal enterprise that reports a large profit is by that token subject to the sus picion that the profit is fictitious. If the people of Tacoma stand for lig-hting- rates that pile up a monthly surplus to be spent for current city expenses or fill the coffers of some depositary they are less self-assertive than we have ever had reason to be lieve them to be and they are by that weakness making a mess of a beautiful theory. FOIT THE TREATY. AGAINST AN AL LIANCE. After the irreconcllables have strained their Inventive powers in the vain effort to prove that the Pa cific treaty is a military alliance wtth teeth which would drag us into war against our will, they always come face to face with the stubborn fact that a vote against the Pacific treaty is a vote FOR continuance of the Anglo-Japanese alliance. That alliance has real teeth, not the prod uct of irreconcilable imaginations. See the teeth in the following pro vision: If by reason of unprovoked attack or aggressive action, wherever arising, on the part of any power or powers, either high contracting party should be Involved In war in defense of its territorial rights or special Interests mentioned in the preamble of this agreement, the other high contract ing party will at once come to the as sistance of its ally, and will conduct the war in common and make peace in mutual agreement with it. That article of the Anglo-Japanese alliance bristles with teeth. It ships to use its channel and docks, and should go forward with the larger plans of further improvement that are before It, in confidence that the commerce to be created will prove a good return on the invest ment, as our present commerce has justified the investment already made. CREDULITY, The fortune-telling gentry missed the opportunity of their lives when they failed to give Mrs. Madalynne Obenchain so much as a hint of the trials that were In store jfor her. We should not think so much of their inadequacy to meet an ordinary situ ation, but here was a case in which, if fate has a way of making itself visible beforehand, there ought have been no want of signs. Mrs. Oben- chaln's aura must have been burst ing with visionsfof impending woe. The defendant in this sensational murder case retains, it is said, her faith In prevision, or necromancy, or soothsaying-or Whatever It is. It was brought out in the trial that she re peatedly visited fortune tellers, and that on one occasion she was ac companied by the man for whose murder she has just been on trial. They told her, it seems, that she was destined for happiness, that, she would be wedded to the man she loved, and that life for her, as for the heroine of the well-constructed novel, would be Just one grand, sweet song. Not a word was said, not art Inkling given, as to what has actually come to pass. , Kennedy is dead; Mrs. Obenchain is not going to marry the man of her choice, or at least not the man of her choice af the Fall policy, which is use and de velopment of the public domain but not waste or destruction. ' For more than ten years the Pinchot policy held up development of the water power and mineral wealth of the west and of Alaska's resources. It did not preserve timber in the na tional forests; by impractical regula tion, it condemned ripe timber to rot. It deprived the nation of the use of the resources of the west and Alaska in war, when they were sorely needed. . Mr. Harding will go to Alaska to see for himself the ef fects of Pinchotism and the needs of that great territory. In the mean time we hope that he will use his authority to end the unseemly spec tacle of a bureau in one department of the government making slander ous attacks on the head of another department. NO SCUTTLING OF SCHOOLS. Nor Is there any sense In the theory ex pressed by some that the direct primary has been the cause of high taxes. The tax situation ia Just as severe in boss-ridden states aa m Oregon. The situation is nation-wide, in fact it is world-wide. Taxes are grievous because business and industry are depressed. As to what caused the collapse opinions differ but it is a fact that it followed quickly on the heels of the rejection of the treaty of Versailles. In a critical hour the world was left bewildered and leaderless and economic chos followed. - We are now paying the price but we are not going to escape by scuttling the public school system. We can do considerable to JiVoTV" 4V: u'nX'r fTlla?" " ?ommtts "If two powers liev and no m no ie ls b our oontrol. There is no local remedy for to defense of on another's "STjecia.1 . . .. . world-wide disease. Pendleton East I i-. . Ti. - r amy yasuy greater tnai some sup- frankly establishes an alliance and' he tlme sne wa3 consultlng thfl uuuiuiiuf Lilts ihu jiauuiia iu war iu stated contingencies. Its operation is not confined to the Pacific oracles. Yet the partlcularform of credul ity which she still manifests is not tin er rr i rr ' I '"Vi n mimhAv rt nannl. ,. ..... I TilV UCllUVD r 11 L. I. i 1 V. W 0,11 (, L J 1., C ane." It commits trm twn nowern I ., . - . islands and dominions, but extends . Oregonlan. Interests mentioned In the pre amble." The Outlook truly says: pose. They account for many of the phenomena that we see on every band, for the millions who learn The Oree-onlan aarreas that the public schools cannot be abandoned. ft" ("?lnf ,t?tL-u nor imnaired. whatever the cost and alliance in which America has no oart. nothing from experience and who whniscar the sux-rifirn to maintain A v.ote fr. the treaty is a vote not only perpetually Jfive the lie to the ad aire mem at meir nienesx einciency. i nances m the far east, if the treatv t"uu uioa.ua iae mo, adopted, the Anglo-Japanese alliance ls at an end; if it is not adopted, the Anglo- Who proposes it? Here now a $6,- 000,000 building programme is Japanese alliance will continue and will FALL'S REPLY TO PtNCHOT'S AT- planned for Portland. It ls & large have added- significance by the very fact im f mnnev Rut. thera milr h P the 'ejection " substitute. school buildings, more and more. In That substitute ls not an alliance every growing American city. What aJJa 11 naB ao teem; teexn can oe put is Portland to do about it? There into u on,y lf- ln tno event of attack can onlv be one answer. on Pacific island possessions of any But there is nothing sacrosanct of tne four signatory powers, our about the direct primary. If there president ana congress snouia ae ever was, the glamor halo about the heads o TACKS. Secretary of the Interior Fall la going through the strange experl- about it' Then into it only if, in the event of attack enc f bein, obfct of yrte- department against the head of an other department; 'the campaign be- is one the clde. witl untrammeled . judgment, ln unaer tne airecuon oi a man ,f r;nn! that our interests require us to inter- J?ta, 1 h e, ferovernment service. nents h dLsanneared. It must tand vene by force. We are bound only r or fall on Its performances. It is an to communicate and confer on meas- """eairy m tne agricultural aepart- or iall on us performances, it ls an 1ointiv and meDt and the man ' behind the inescapable truth that the great ures tDaI ma De taken jointly ana camDaln ls Gifford Pinchot This srowth of taxes in Oreiron.. beean separately. No such mild measures c,apa??n ,1S flnc?r.-?i9 with ta-institution of the primary ar mentioned ln the Anglo-Japan- J"""0" la. wllnou- P"ce"el witn tae institution oi me primary t . When Mr. Pinchot was chief of the and its associated methods of po- e3t"e"y' . , . forestrv bureau, he carried on the a-nol Laat tne x-aciiic treaty is a I ----- ---- litical action without leadership or same kind of crusade against R. A. j.: ii j j i j l mm i nnwAr sas rn nr r nmna rn aennite mm ueudreu rraiJousmiiiiy, -- --"-- - R.iii.r ih.n unrotnrv nf t,o Ir, a Phenomenon11 I hat not "oc- M faith d"go"od 11.' knoTteS curred in the states which have re. .round each by the purpose to re- " " tained the old political metfhods. sPe tne others rights. Treaties returnine from Africa ITa They have retained such methods tnat lack thse qualiUes irk and was returning . from Arrica. He becTus the peofe are conseaUfe chafe those who sign them and often h- f' '5! Taxes in the older states are lower ?rove rPes sand when the time . - - - ' " " for the same reason conservatism. at upon them comes. Treaties ?:?af "c. .a? a"y.?anJ ra.Uf.e "! tnat are founded on a common ,un derstanding constitute a moral bond that is far more enduring. HAIR-TRIGGER DEDUCTIONS. The advocate of municipal owner ship 13 often not an adept at analy sis of figures. There is the Eugene Guard, which has a notion that mu estrangement between Roosevelt and President Taft which ended in tha schism in the republican party in 1912. He cannot now enlist the sup port of an ex-president, but he is backed by Chief Greeley and the BILL HAYWOOD'S THREAT. If "Big Bill" Haywood really wants to earn, and receive, the heartfelt thanks of his former coun trymen, he will carry out his threat to colonize the American I. w. W. in Russia to operate the coal mines and factories for which he says that the soviet authorities have' gran ted him a concession. Americans will rather like the idea of watching from this distance the experiment In estab lishing a perfect government that Haywood promises to make. More over, since matters in Russia could hardly be made worse than, they now are, we shall not have so many qualms as we might otherwise have about sparing that unhappy land a lot of citizens who do not seem to like the way things are run over here. The safest proposition in the world to put a wager on, however, is that Haywood's scheme will not be met in the spirit of co-operation by hia former followers on this side o the Atlantic ocean. We look for no grand rush from New York to Mos cow. Even if the government were willing to furnish one-way transpor tation which it could well afford to do we do not suppose that there would be a corporal's guard to re spond. ' We would like to see them try It, but we have no ihope that they will. The ultimate redemption of Russia Is going to be accomplished by hard rork, and not by soap-box oratory, and "Bill" Haywood's old follower! do not answer the descrpition of men designed for the job. Those Who Come and Go. Tales ot Folka at the Hotels. Managing: all of the hotels of Yel lowstone National park is no small job, but it is the task that T. E. Keefe, now registered at the Benson, has to face each season. Mr. Keefe is now en route to San Francisco, where he will hire the crews to care for the hotels this year. He will ob tain managers, .clerks, bellboys, waiters, cooks and all other hotel em ployes. Mr. Keefe says that it requires 250,000 pounds of butter each year to feed the tourists who stop at the hotels. Millions of eggs are consumed during a. season, in addition to ton after ton of meat of all kinds. Only the best grades of food are bought Frunt street, near what is known Couch street, and manniea the night th.t A pertain nlrl woman whn veils loudest now used to get in every night the park was thronged with More Truth Than Poetry. By Janes) J. M ontasrne. PORTLAND WINS BY SELF HELP, Favorable action of the house latter's army of subordinates in stir- nicipal ownership of public utilities rivers and harbors committee on the I ring -up a feud between two depart is cheaper than private ownership Proposed appropriation of $1,750,000 ments of the government and two because it ought to be. It discovers ior luo tower wuiamette ana uo- members or tne camnet. in The Oretronian a dispatch from mmDia river cnannei was undoubt- Mr. Fall struck back when Wil Tacoma relating that the report of edly dUe to tho liberal expenditure Ham A. Babbitt, one of the propa- the munieinal lichtine- demrtmpnt to niaue oy tne rort or i-oruana in co- ganmsts, publlsned a pamphlet en the city council shows a net profit ope1"31011 with the government, to titled "Conservatism and Fallism,' for Januarv of Sll.7ll.8fi. The En- tne large increase of tonnage using based largely on a five-minute inter trene newsnaner on the strantrth nf the channel and to the. unqualified view with the secretary that was the dispatch pronounces the case .retsouimenaauon maae Dy, tjenerai puDiisnea in tne uoioraao springs proved. narry Tayior, or tne united states liazette. ile saia tnat "some time Evervbodv oueht to be familiar engineers. That is apparent from I this Pike's Peak forest reservation with the ease with whlfh overhear) tn hearing given by the committee ought to be the Pike's Peak national . costs are absorbed into the general 841,1 from 4116 laudatory comments of I park." In the eye of the Pinchotite tax levy In municipal undertakings. ,ts memoers. this is wrecking tne national forests. In Portland, recently, the report of Almost at the outset General for he resents any suggestion that the tax supervising commission, for J -tayior aisposea or any lingering part of its vast domain be taken examrtle. criticallv analvzeri t h oouDt about the Columbia river bar I from the forestry bureau. But Mr. showing of the municipal paving ln " following colloquy: Fall's worst offense was utterance of mant. nolntea out vhAn t lenst n Gen. Taylor The mouth of the Colnmhla I tnese woruo. charge against the operation . of 'eafhir-PffwrhnS!n'il,: All natural resource, should be made tr, -nlant ,,J m-i.l j ,i 11 d,. T(,r Vj. easy oi access as possiDie to tne pres- :"rn . " r. . , . ,au'1 ;;riorw v.;;.,";; 1 ,.r..T'i t .. eBeuon, - .a. prospector, home is promised a more thorough investiga tion, Only a complete analysis of the Tacoma lighting operations would disclose whether it is In fact mak ing money. Even so, the dispatch the miner, the .?""'.c"'i'',i "I eteader. the lumberman. iiaii nil ins wiuc, i iim liiiDrovemeni is a i s.i , . , result of our Jetties. There was formerly Lnd h?..' man ! P er na C"ttIa a narrow, smiting cnannei about 2u leet I deep. I For this itatf mATit nf nnlir-v lvfr The chairman. Representative Dempsey I tth T.i(ti0T of New York They have one of the best aI1 13 denounced as a political harbors in the world. demagogue in a high place" and is ing mouey. x,ven so, tne aispatcn Geri. Taylor One of the best in this accused of havlne bills introduced in which ogives the Eugene theorist so country. There is no other entrance ln accusea "having Dins introduced in miixh atlflnini, i I oeiuer man inai except re " "J" ""on. Yore. New Torn (Ambrose channel) has a exploitation our fornt vnri nrl nt ohoro-o nncmn-c i viHth t onnn on i. in i exploitation our lorest reserves ana the Tacoma tvlant. W ponfpw that coursa Columbia river is rougher than" the. Permanently cripple, lf not cancel tne lacoma plant. We confess that entrance to New York channel. It is.- the usefulness of the forest service.' we ao not Know wneuner tney axe however, an exceptionally good entrance normal rates for the quality of Wih of thVcSbYa channe!? avrase service rendered, less than normal Gen. Taylor-The channel across the or higher than normal The Guard I ar lout one and a half miles wide and does not know, either. We venture to 43 feet. The last time I saw it there was the .usefulness of the forest service, though he stamps the statement as so unfair that It is hardly worth notice, Mr. Fall "says that he approved a - , ,,.w., c -oiiuuic w u ieei. ine- last lime 1 saw It tnere was y.sn "ni,t rinriylno- thA nroairtont 1 ir Titt it ie, - , : v- a little r,iae where it uri. .iio-htiTr D1" autnorizing tne presiaent to ai .),.., ,,-,. than 45. feet. I locate and co-ordinate the duties of service rendered, waste and extrava- After explaining that the present the different bureaus now having gance and Inefficiency may have PrJ'ect "to provide an additional jurisdcition over activities and prop- thereby been overcome even to the ureuso . ana aaauiouai permanent -" 6iciuuinui extent of showing an operating dikes other construction which Alaska" or a bill vesting in the sec profit. One who is ready to judge wH1 so ontrol the water as to scour retary of the interior jurisdiction the efficiency of a public utility out tne bottom. giving at all times a over the bureaus operating in Alaska, from its income report but without 30-foot channel," the general was Among the government activities is knowledge of its rates or quality of asked: - The is avigable all aammistratlon or tne Alaskan forests, service is hardly a competent ad- the year roiind?" nd he replied: which should be co-ordinated with viser. ln the matter of municipal "Absolutely." He said that the com- that of the mining and agricultural ownership merce which used the channel in entry laws and with the construction The Oregonlan does not intend to "20 was 2,916,000 tons, valued at of roads and trails ThU aroused the charge herein that the municipal "0,000.000, and then called atten- wrath of Mr. Pinchot and his clique lighting plant in Tacoma is not mak- tlon to the co-operation given by the who have made Alaska their special ine- a legitimate nrnfit PnQSIhl i I r"- aruinmiu, saying: , . "-" - J I null twat thAV V. 1 mAll v, I A bilities that eomewher in thi hrnart le,u,t a' much n"y n this work as the populated it. He opposed the Curry Diuties tnat eomewnere m this oroad government. The money is raised by taxes, bill to establish commission govern- country there is an exception that There has always been the most thorough , , Aitvo tT7 Z7.n. T proves the rule. It may be in Ta- o-ion on their part. " ment in Alaska, yet was accused by roma. O WflM aa Onun-hnrn a ea I Mo tnl1 r,f the. MvnMltntlnn I " " Municipal ownership is fine in $475,000 by the- Port of Portland theory. It dispenses with high-sal- and $25,00.0 by the Port of Astoria to aried officials and with dividends, the cost of building the jetties and, while no taxes are charged against on being asked by Representative its properties. But It Invariably gets McArthur: "Has any other commu- Into politics, its low-salaried officials nlty ever evinced any greater de- " 1 tli "iiat 1 ovw " f . i t I i.iii. 1 i 13 , - A they receive, its enlargements and "Certainly in no greater degree. 7 BmhiHnn ar n k u iMe-.ir" Alaska the policy that he outlined at business judgment but by the ability He told of dredging and diking, ?n?Si0 Dd Z,- of the taxpayers to produce m the terminals, drv doeL anrt rnf; conform to the law. The pioneers while the taxes eliminated by public facilities provided by the dock corn ownership are simply passed on to mission and the Port commission, others. and Representative Osborne of Cali- It has so happened that the mu- fornla summed it all up by saying: Elcipal Street railway in Seattle is an As to local interest in this matter, the acknowledged, burdensome liability: Port. of Portland has shown good faith in the municipal street railway in San done So. :"!CO,.v - cont,ir " fP" Representative McDufXie of Ala- that what Alaska needs for its de f i T ? . ' bama waa moved to remark: velopment is the brain and the is losing money when tax deduc- "i think you have made a very strength of. the virile young Ameri- tlrnH in ' airT ?UoU? wonderful showing." caa manhood, so conspicuously rep- terprlse in the province of Ontario, The praise won from the United resented by the veterans of the OUKvij"i5 muii.ciiia.iitiea wita states engineer and from congress- service at cost and whose current is men from states as far apart as New generated under the most favorable York. California and Alabama was conditions by Niagara Falls, charges WOn by Portland's policy of self-help more for service than the private in co-operation with the government companies of the province of Que- and by the solid results in the shape bee. and more than the private com- 0f steadily growing commerce which panics that serve a similar field flow from that policv. Self-help has across the line in the United States, so abundantly Justified itself that The Ontario enterprise is the most there should be no hesitation about extensive , municipai uaiMiUiuns J SoaUnumg it, The Port ehould own chief sponsor. In that publication was an interview with Colonel Greeley, who, it said, "challenges plan to get control over Alaska's forests," and others made a whole sale onslaught on Mr. Fall's admin istration of Alaska land. The secre- may lawfully use timber to build houses, for fuel, to timber coal mines, to thaw out gravel in placer I mines, where this is not prohibited I bv stunid and arbitrary reimlatinn nf o? aTr.SJ"; the forestry bureau," but it is "con- putting up its own money and always has I trary to the theory of Mr. Pinchot." Mr. Fall expresses "the conviction world war," and he lays down a ra tional programme for accomplish ing thia purpose. It would not wreck the national forests, though it would wreck Pinchotism by lifting its par alyzing hand from Alaska's re sources. President Harding and congress are called upon to make a definite choice between the Pinchot policy, whieb njlsgalled conservation, aud A NEW KIVAI, OF KETELGECSB. It will require more than the or dinary Imagination to make concrete the picture presented by Professor Henry Norrls, the astronomer, who describes in the Scientific American the new stars, Antares, discovery of which was announced only a few months ago. If we were staggered by the dimensions of Betelgeuse when they were published, we shall te even more amazed at those of the new candidate for stellar honors. Antares has a diameter of 420,000,- 000 miles, or twice that of Betel geuse, and twice that of the orbit of the earth. It ls so far away that its light, travelling 182,000 miles a sec ond, takes more than 370 years to reach the earth. Figures by 'themselves are almost meaningless when they reach the enormous quantities required to tell the story of the new star, but the astronomer's happy knack of pre senting comparisons will help us to an understanding or the phenome ron. Thus, says Professor Norrls, the luminosity of Antares is about 8000 times that of the sun, although its diameter is only about 500 times the sun's; Its superficial area about 240,000 times that of the sun so that the astronomical mathe maticians are able to calculate that. in proportion to square miles of sur face, Antares gives out only about one-eightieth as much light as the sun does. In all probability the sur face of Antares is much less lumin ous and cooler than the darkest sun spot. Our wonder at the immensity o Antares ought not to blind us to the achievement that made its discovery possible. Mere men, whose physical insignificance by comparison with Antares is Infinitely beyond the power of words to express, has de vised instruments which, not only have placed the new celestial body with reasonable accuracy on the map of the heavens, but have also dis cerned a companion of Antares situ. ated three seconds of an arc away, which possesses a luminosity about fifty times as great as the sun's, yet because of the overshadowing inten sity of the glare of Antares itself has heretofore been Invisible to ob. servers using ordinary telescopes. It has the relatively insignificant di ameter of .a million miles, travels in a like orbit with Antares, and be cause of many features that it pos sesses which are not yet well under stood, opens a field of research for scientists that is likely to keep them occupied for a long time to come. We wonder which is the greater of the two phenomena the enor mous size and distance of this newly- found luminary, or the boundless and eternal human curiosity which made its discovery possible. GALS OP '60S NAUGHTY AS NOW Salmon River Trapper Tells of Flap pers Be Saw ln Portland Veara Ago. BOISE, Idaho, March 15. (To the Editor.) I have red with acute in terest raannjr statements in your paper about the intraorals of the young gen eration of your city. You say that your yung wommen ware there socks rolled1 below the nees with butterflys and short skirts which show the bare skin,; that they danse ln school and park the corset in the Hallways, Some Portland minister, I forget hia name, started a big fight over It and now these children are wurse than ever. ' I am a old trapper from the Salmon River country who saw Portland when A Meier started his store down on Frunt street. The women in Portland were the same then as thev are now. Hoop skirts were the styles in them for the hotels and the task of mak dava and some of them vounsr arals ing the purchases is no small job ln back in the '60s was just as naughty itself. Each day Mr. Keefe makes a who are these highbrows, whose flat as the flappers of now. Ir'P y automoDiie over tne par aim would dominate I no for I had a livery stable on visits tne various noteis. ome days Tne methods we use when we spell no riaes approximately ssuu mues. no i our own names? is expecting a large number of tour- I Teach them how strongly their laws ists at the resorts this season. Last I - we abominate; Make them recede from their arro- from rirlvfnir wa-o- out arnnnri what is signtseers at an seasons ana una now Twenty-third and Washington year the prospects are even better, streets, with one drummer after the ', v.v, . Woo,. ington, who reside on the Upper Columbia river, Bulgarian Battle Sonar. (A Bulgarian insurrection has resulted from an order by the government etnk- ing a single letter Irom the alphabet.! Rise against tyranny, valiant Bulgarians! Rise and the brutal oppressor defy! Are we illiterates? Are we barba - rians? Stand by your alphabetl Save it or die! Fight for the letters the spelling i book taught to us. Let not a one be erased from the list! Strike for the culture that history I brought to us; Vallan Bulgarians, rise and resist! other when she was. yung. I am now 84 years old. Was down to Portland as an exhibit in the 19 five fare, have plenty of gold and the movement to construct a bridge S(' ,t V ? i!mmandn w wyr of Whlt Salmon and Jacob don't want no wimmen around me, P ' ta. mi,,. ci, rV, none under 70 years. If you no a sensible woman round gant claims. Tear down the achoolhouses, shoot up tne colleges: Show how a Bulgar behaves when I he's mad should get behind J Scorn explanations; kecept no apol ogies: Fight for the spelling we always nave had! Too long has peace, with unhampered I impunity. Stifled our natural craving to fight. I Crocker of White Salmon, who were at the Imperial hotel yesterday. nn 1 j- nrB-A uo v. . ir, I " " w ' " . ..... . , Exuuuin, a i.no u,iuuiuia tua - bocks, oare nees, enort skirts, no a- i where lt ia pr0posed to build. The Snatch at this great Heaven-sent op- ,V, va" ,,,, . i. Proposed location for the structure is portunity. who is sensible and willing to work at a place where the river ls exceed. Hail it with shoutings jof frantie like a womman should around my I , at- ima dellerht. , little 640 on the eastly fork of the I Crocker decla're that 'the people who Let us to arms with accustomed aguny. Never shall Bulgar be craven orl slave, Never bear insult with caitiff humil ity. Long may our glorious alphabet wave I Salmon river In Idaho m give her a wln be benefited are getting behind good home. After a few more years the movement. When the bridge 1b III be a old man, and I want to see eventually constructed It will be a that my property goes to someone, aa decided attraction for tourists. Auto- I aint never had no children. mobiles will be able to go . up one Put pictures of the wommen. In Sun- aie of tho river cross the bridge to day's paper. I'll be in Boise Monday, the other side and return, thus hav when thev come and then write you i- - nr,nn,iv nasi,. about the one t want. Only thing if I tiful scenery on both banks of th Hold to our s-ncient and tried lexl . V, mnvala nlrtt r t. r, 1 1 f T T nnf t n.i t-,- I COfTraDhv- miv-h-w - - " - - - - I luiuijiuia. I ,. ' j - Want any. JACQUES L'ONIER. enence tne voice or tne ami doc- ' George H. Hyland, who a number of """: The Oregonian Is obliged to dis- years ago was a familiar figure In h To "is teeth his new fangled claim any desire or intention to be a civic and fraternal life of Portland, ia I , ,pf . matrimonial agent, even in so worthy due in Portland Sunday. Mr. Hyland "j"""""""- " va u" " " Mere is our chance, let us put It to. use! In war lt is well to be utilitarians: We must fight for something, and nere s our excuse! Light on the Subject. We have often thought manv ae. tors ought to retire until .we read t. Vi a nimlnt, h li Pa ,P ni, ii'Tl rtf present-day morals are worth print- jre8iaent Harding he was on the list ing. Coy and; moral maidens of 70 I ot speakers being used by republican are therefore advised not toeek the national headquarters in Chicago. Salmon river rancher's attention After the , campaign he became an through its columns. Jacques writes ur tmoiusw iur .....i. on the stationery of the Hotel Owyhee. pp0,ntme1 ST He then IZo Boise. elated himself with the United, States . j , , .... v, f I .c Tir ni.winTi unnnni, CASE M. tim tovelltiH- nver the country "''""""'-'-': mey write wnen I aUJ UOLlilC L11D biaiUS ua iui.uuwA.n,bw . sk ak A Finn Affecting Five Inmate. Told nnd that Not the Kind Yon Bnv. . I wunu Will. ma mraaiuu u, .ibuu i - Justice Questioned. Is to adjust the claims of Oregon men If the prohis would try a little of PORTLAND. March 17.- (To the Ed- and endeavor to untangle a mes of ln the cal? strong drink they itor.lTt haa been stated that the red tape that involves many men. woum aiscover tnat it lsn t nearly t th. v Wind neonle have o strong as it used to be. hn settled. These are the settle- I Men or women who aspire to poll- mnf offered to them. tlcal aDDointment in Washington, very Likely. Rvlvestar Mayer can stay at the in- D. C should keen their legal real- Vow that Mr. Hays ls In the Die nt,ttin. fnr a fnw la vpl until word I nAnA in ihclr hums states lf thev cart tures he probably will not be an mtirh has been received from his brother in to .exercise the voting privilege, ac- in the pictures as he was before he Colorado, as to whether he can golcordinsr to E. J. Harding, assistant w.a in ine pictures. there and live.' He was not asked f secretary of the Associated General (Copyright, l22. by the Bell Syndicate. Inc.) whether or not he wished to go. I Contractors' association, wno is regis- C. S. West was offered J30 a montn I tered at the Multnomah hotel, irom for two months only. I Washington. Many persons do not Mr. Johnson was told he could stay realize that residents of the capital at the institution temporarily, but city are not permitted to vote for how long he could stay was not men- president, but they are not exempt tioned. from taxation. "We have very little Charles J. Bishop was offered $30 a to say about how the affairs in Wash month for three months, if he would ington should be conducted and simply lave the Institution, and was told take those who are appointed to sstreo Burroughs Nature Club. Copyrlffht. Houghton-Mifflin Co. Beyond squeezing a switchman, an engineer of a freight train has little chance to have any "fun"; but on the Great Northern coming from Canada the other day an extra freight overtook and joyously h'isted a bootlegging automobile equipped with flanged wheels and made merry with it. Score one for the hog"! A man Is dead at Astoria f rom ex cessive drinking of a patent medi cine that produced acute alcoholism. The spirits in it may be to blame, but something may be charged to the perfumery" content. " In ordering forfeited to the county a cash bond of $5000 given by a man who fled to Mexico, Judge Stapleton did just right. The straw bond is out of date with Multnomah judges. A , "leader" of the democratic party in California has registered as a republican! Since 1916 anything political can happen there. The morals squad hit the mark when they raided that joint a few weeks ago. Testimony yesterday was rather convincing. Those who suggest separate dances for the sxes never saw the plains Indians doing just that kind of dance. It may not be a matter of too much pay to officials as much, as too many, X them, Can Ton Answer These Questions? 1. We have several bob-tail cats in the neierhhnrhnnd- Are thev whnllv something would be done arter inai orrice, saia jir. naraiiis B6imuj, cat or ls there a mixture of rabbit, If necessary, but wnat was not statea. i Mr. iiaraing saia mat no wna u; "las some believe? Miss Jflllen Siverson was maae nu i relative ot me preamemi,. 2. What soil Is best for a Christ- offer whatever and has been sent to w,,rrni,nrssc.ciated. with th. ma3 cactus, and. does It require much hvi riarivea. I1M.T i v at miuji aKuiiistb 1 her will. water? 3. Are swimming birds ever both- Brooks-Scaalon Lumber company In No-cnWe. : justifying Uieir dis- & ered TES Answers ln tomorrow's I . . . . . V, - I nn, any other time, so far as is known. nature any otner liiiih, 00 1.11 ,fantrv during the-war Yes- Why they must leave is somewhat of feist intry duringthe war. temporary settlements? O. M. JOHNSON, . C. S. WEST. as to.what has been done, if anything. for those who were crippled overseas. ANTON JOHNSON. 1. The following 'states have passed n tticv lnnve. what W"y !"" 6"" v "" rrciuu. itueauosi. -in th.Vrtn t the exoirktion of these Portland with Judge jacoD 1. How can I feed a pet chameleon? - - 1 k q r7 pt 'i n a iwo were 1 n Liie oa, ixio i t wnn' n.rtkUr k.. una a .a v -- , - - 1 x. . nuu 1. c-- "-11 j L111115 uui. iuc,i, cauii l company during uie war anu aro uiuae j cannot get them in cold weatiier. menus, .r. -aircuiia w eu cuw lu Tne captIvo chameleon ahould be California, where he will . transact -liririli aa th mCi . I himinAfls far hia comoanv. He de- I ..m v. i . i I ... , . I x . . , I 01 0 sum in uiiAi-oup I' J uuuaao, aiaw i Bonos and Jkia lor uisaoiea. f clared yeaterday that the prospects witlh nnrV rnflrhK when films fartnn I tiprTjTr:,aA r 1 UTa rh tk fTn the I for increased lumber business are y,a .....i,. Tt ai,n ncaa Hinvino. Editor.) (1) How many states give I good and that in a short time the water Thi8 shoul(i De given either bonus to world war veterans? mills win unaouDteaiy navo s.11 w mo n a very shallow dish, or better yet, (2) What has the federal govern- orders that they can take care of. sprinkled on lettuce leaf or some ment done for the soldiers since thej Like other lumbermen, he is looking thing of the kind, to imitate the dew came back from over seas? torwara to drops witn wnicn ln nature the cha- (3) Does our federal government starts buying. ! meleon quenches thirst. provide anything for those who are I . , . . unable to provide for themselves .... .-hnnsi for the Indians of 2. How do moths get out of their (41 i-iease give a general statement ... nA .t . en(i -d gj, cocoons? will attend the schools of the white In some species the insect in the man. accordinsr to Dr. Samuel A Eliot, pupa stage has a sort of spine grow- out of tbs ten members et the federal ing from the forehead, with which board of Indian commissioners, who I to tear or cut open a hole In the I ic at th, Tortla.nd. "Our cocoon, in otners tne creature se- cash bonus laws: Iowa, Maine, Mas- I greatest difficulty is to prevent the I cretes a fluid which softens or dis nhuaetts. Minnesota. Missouri. New I iniian rrnm tannine back into eav- solves a spot in the cocoon, and the I Hampshire, New Jersey, North Da- agery after we have once educated weakened wall ls easy to burst i,t. rhin Oregon Rhode Island, mm, aeciarea jr. ju-ut yoai.oauo.jr. , , ..ww., uaui- kota Ohio. Oregon, Knode island, ,wjj1j can best -be prevented, by giving nia carpini, makes a special cocoon South Dakota, Vermont, Washington, h,mI"UC8,tion jn tPne -chools with the with the end left open but protected Wisconsin. Bonus legislation is under vhte neoDle. If the Indian's health by hairs laid together in a cone- consideration or awaits referendum in I js preserved he is material for a fine shaped tip. This will not open from cHfornia.. Colorado. Delaware. Flor- J citieen." IV1 oula?. but parts from pressure -- . I irom tne inside of the cocoon. Ida, Illinois.. Indiana, Kinsas, Mary- .. - ... ,o TWnton, and PsTinsvlTMli. In . uw?ui u,. .., - . . business, cnanes w. itoDison or as- a. noes a nen noia ner tan ln a 15 otner states varied lorms oi service ttria ia jn Portland and is at the Ore- drooping position in the rain because recognition are provided, sucn as eon. Mr. Robiso-n was at one time I sne does not like wet weather? educational aid, assistance In land a deputy In the office of the Multno- w doubt If a drooping tall means -,rr, n ir,Hn. I mah county district attoraey. ite- 1 dejection of spirits in hens, aa lt rln , ,, , j, I cently he was consul for John W., in dogs. "The hen wants to hold her civil service preference and, relief for Tod(Jf charf.ed with using the mails to body in such a way as to avoid giving uocuj. 1 aetrauo. in a trial neia Deiore juujt 1 ram arops any lodging place where 2. The government provided a ou Bean In the federal court. tney could soak ln through the light cash bonus. I sningnng or surface feathers, and 3. If incapacity is traceable to w ..tM a . r- lowering her tail - ' - 1 ltmmam un, n t ,n -i-ii omnnu nniiniT. 1 una at, t m r- n n rr 9 where his new mill is being started, Russell Hawkins, head of the Whit ney Lumber company on the Pacific, service,- yes; otherwise no, except that any disability which prevents a serv ice man from earning his living en- In Other Days. titles him to admission to a national coast, ls back ln the city and is at soldiers' home. tne i-oniaua Twenty.f ive Tear. Aro. 4. Money compensation graaea c- 1 i used to own a store wnere wis 1 mm The oreg-onian of March n. igo cording to extent and permanence of I building now stands," declared I. H. I Carson, Nev. Robert Fitzslmmons inlurv hospital care, rehabilitation Wise of San Francisco, as he regis- today became heavyweight champion j .,tinnl traininer ar nrovided -t:I CU " ia.uii.uuui.ii j 1 1.,. i.u iu, Ucuu8 uames J. cor- and vocational training are provided , t was ra an(J thin 8 hava beK ln hard-contested 13-round fnr veterans disabled- in service. I ii j .. v.,. """" Incomes That Mnst Be Reported. Among those at the Imperial yes- Olympia, Wash. The house passed 1 3 . ! T 1 T.T 1. T U . 1.111 . .nt.lttL - Ml , . . McCLEART, Waslu, March 16. (To "ru 'rTJ'r''Z..JLu"C aatcnery on th TT.ditor.WAm I rieht ln contend- '"V ' V , " ""r mna appropriated , , . . t-i-. 4 I O-OIU Jt 11C J 00 AlvA v - V SbbbbUU f uUUU 1U . wiciu ri J,,". : r Oregon Agricultural college exten- voting age has to file or send an . mfietinr income tax report to the nearest slon meeune. revenue office, whether or no he has jir- and Mrs. McGilchrist of Salem made enough to pay the government were .reeristered at the Imperial yes- anything? In other words, if a sin- terday. Mr. McGilchrist is a business ale individual has not made (1000 1 man in the Cherry city. and is exempt $1000, does he have to I T. B. Skaggs, public service com make a report to that effect? FRANK H. NICHOLS. The total family income of mar ried persons, when husband and wife 'Balfe's opera, "The Bohemian Girl," wan produced last evening at Cor dray's theater by the Columbia opera company. The will of the late ex-Senator J. N. Dolph wag admitted to probate Mn the county court. About $126,000 in i bo iu ut; r iui t aoiiiiiB tuu, w cll liio i jj-jIj-j 1 1 . . Imnerlnl hotfil vestcrilav. His hnme u...uu "S liu-a r I rth 1 1 ft ran fa i n ry-mrmnin 1 'waa.a.v wa live together, must be reported if It lock Wash. wa5 ln Portlad yes equals or exceeds $2000; an unmar ried person or one who does not live I the books of the Oregon hotel. with wife or husband must make a report if income equals or exceeds $1000. Those in each class whose Incomes fall below these figures are not reauired to file reports. There is no age exemption; incomes of ls registered at the Portland. minors are subject to tax either as City of Religions Beet. nAT.T.iS rT Mai-- IB rTn ti terday and his name appeared on EditoT.ll. From whom dna th dictator and phophet, Voliva, get his S. S. . Webb, candidate for mayor of Astoria, is in the city and is registered at the Portland hotel. I C. Rose, lumberman of Chicago, commission? 2. When and by whom was Zion City founded? 3. Is the population of Zion City I christian? CONSTANT READER. . part of the family income or sepa- I was at the Imperial yesterday. rately, as stated above. . I . jr. w. n.uuwieD, mayur ui uuilir, is registered at the Multnomah. Fight Against Leprosy Wagred. Scientific American, i " The chaulmoogra tree of Siam and Burma, which yields the oil success fully used in the treatment of leprosy, Good Start Is Begrnn. , Life. "Yes, my boy has finished college, ls being introduced into this country. I and I am sending him over to Eu- permanent supply of the oil is as- I rope." eured. . 1 "Beginning hia educationi"- I. Wilbur Glenn Voliva is the Dr. George Knott of Independence overseer or elected head of the Chris tian Catholic church, a religious sect organized by John Alexander Dowie in 1896i 2. Zion City was founded by Dowie and his followers about '1900, It is the center of several commercial en terprises owned and conducted by the church and is on land owned by the, church. Most of the inhabitants are of the Christian Catholio faith, Hollywood Truth About Movieland in The Sunday Oregonian Tomorrow This is an impartial survey of conditions in the screen capital of the United States by an independent investi gator. Special Features Portland's Week of Opera Here Beautiful color picture of Mary Garden and synopses of the operas that are to be sung at Municipal Audito rium. Princess Mary's Wedding in Pictures A few days a fro The Orepro nian, printed the first pic tures of England's court wedding:. Tomorrow a full page of these views. Oddfellows' Task . of Years Done The Oddfellows Hall asso ciation, on f Portlands historic bodies, and the work it has tvccomphshedi. Judge Johns Writes From Philippines An 4ntjrstJnir article Oil conditions in the islands by Oregon jurist, now on ieo eral bench m jnamia. In the Magazine Babies Salvage Spurned Millions Mother and father spurn riches, but alonsr come the children and the grown-ups change their minds. "Miss Putty Face" Bv Vir4ie E. Roe Hitherto unpublished fiction feature tells how Blue Sage Flat's infant terrible helps the new school ma'am to find her heart. Hosiery Advertised On Feminine Models Some of the latest news of the world shown in photo graphs of an unusual char acter. How Boy's Railroad Dream Came True Stephen darver as a child dreamed of being a railroad man and now one-man rail way ties Portland to Clack amas wilds. Expert Says Women Naturally Knock-kneed Even Venus had Vm, de clares Dr. McKenzie, and cites famous statue as proof of his contention. Problem of Wife WJio Earns Own Way Should husband be jealous of wife who makes more money than he 7 And should a wife be jealous of her hus band's job! Modern Young Lady in Hill's Cartoqns The feminine flapper who rolls her stockings, smokes cigarettes and goes in for business, politics and vari ous other things, depicted in a humorous way. Other Features Lipstick Red New Popular Color This and many other cf the features of the new spring wear for women told' in the fashion department. Would You Have Beautiful Hair? . Then 4iet and take physical exercise to preserve the gen eral good health, says An toinette Donnelly in an in teresting article. "Early Springtime Along the Molalla" This is the subject of an in teresting article on motor ing illustrated with some beautiful pictures of the out of doors. Latest News for Radio Operators The Oregonian continues to give the laftst developments itf this important field. and will soon make important announcement. Many Other Features for Every Taste The Sunday Oregonian has a diversity of news, gathered from all quarters of the globe and served up to suit the taste of every member of the family. There is something to please every- one, from the comic section or movie fan to the one who demands the latest in the world politic or financial. All the News of All the World to Be Found in The Sunday Oregonian fust 5 Cents