IS THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY. MARCII 16, 1923 FOR SAT.F AriOMOBILlS. USED CAR MERCHANDISING at COVET MOTOR COMPANY. . Our nsefl cars must be soTd mora rapidly. Our new car business can only be maintained by a rapid used-car turnover. These facts necessitate selling our used cars at a price and In a condition hicb will cause the public to buy them. Our sales record, of 177 cars ths last three months, proves we do this. The public is coming to real ize that and to learn also that we do not misrepresent. A complete list of our cars ts always found in the Sunday papers. 1TO LOCATIONS. Main plant 21st at Washington; Broadway branch at 28-30 Broad way. We have cars to take yon from one place to the other. "ALWAYS The- Best Cars at the Lowest Frices." TJSED FORDS. I The Best Stock in the City. , . ALL MODELS. Closed ears and open cars, priced I rlth one idea; to sell. Seriously, if you I want a Ford, we've eot it. Better and I icheaper. Good 1920 tourlngr. starter. 1315. All Cooe Ures. 1922 license. 1920 roadster, starter, dera. rims, re- a:nien ana overnaulea, 343. 1920 sedan. 1922 license. 4B5. 1920 coupe, 1922 license, $4fl5. 1920 touring-, with 1922 license. $329. 1919. with many extras, 1922 license! sum good rubber. $2so. 1917 roadster, 1922 license, 16B. 1919 roadster. In perfect shape, $250. 1818 tcuring. with 1922 license, J17S. DUNNING MOTOR CO.. INC.. B. Sd &nd Broadway. East 303. OPE.V SUNDAYS. GODJO TO THE HIGHEST . . BIDDER. NO RBSERVATTONS! Sealed bids received at Covey Motor Car Company Branch at 2S-30 North Broadway, on OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB. License, new paint, wire wheels. Terras if you are successful. Bids Close 8 P. M. Friday, March 17. PLACE YOt'R BID TODAY. REMEMBER! A5ENUTNE COVEY MOTOR CAB COMPANY SALE. 28-30 NORTH BROADWAY, . . BROADWAY 6244. i V i I TJSED CAR BARGAINS. f 1 Ford bug t0 ' 1 Overland , 10O 1 Reo 150 1 Buick 1&0 1 Maxwell 150 f 1 Grant 80O 1 1 Veiia 325 1 Ford truck. 1921, with good camp house. LANG & SILVA, 462 Hawthorne. CHEAP: CHEAPER 'CHEAPEST. One dozen sound, serviceable cars at prices that you can't beat: several good hunting and knockabout cars, also some I good 6-cylinder, family cars; while they last we will sell them for from $25 to f00 beiow regular; cars In this lot from $75 up. We need the space for date, higher-priced cars and our loss is you. gain. PORTLAND AUTO BALES. Lowengard Bidg., 350 Burnside, Corner Park. OWNER WILL SELL LATEST 1921 PREMIER TOURING. RUN ONLY 1500 MILES. 2 BUMPERS. '22 LICENSE. 5 CORD TIRES. LOTS OP tXTKAS. THIS CAR IS ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT A BLEMI?H; MUST BE - SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. WILL SKLL AT A BARGAIN AND GIVE ThKMS. CALL MAIN 57S2. CHALMERS, late model touring, guaran teed to be in first-class condition; new ccrd tires, two extra tires; this car must I he seen to be appreciated; price S00: cash or terms; or will take smaller car In trade. Ask for Mr. Robinson's car at garage, cth and Madison. FORD RACER. Refinished and rebuilt and ready for the summer work ; looks very stylish ; low price ana will take sioo down. bal. easy. Open Sundays. No brokerage cnarge. lorn ana Aiaer sts. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. HAVE 2 cars, only want 1, will sell either orana new mov Grand ( hevrn pt nerinn. list price $1875, for $1150, or late model Nash 6 touring, just overhauled, perfect condition, coid tires, $800: both include I;:;; license. isawy. asi3; evenings. Marshall 1849. 4820 CHEVROLET delivery. This delivery is in spienaia condition. Having been wsed but little; would consider Chevrolet or 'Ford touring car or roadster In trade. $li5 down, ; East fifii 18 HUDSON down, years time on balance. Call 1918 HUDSON super six, 7 passenger, very fine mechanical condition; good tires. Finish almost like new. 1922 license. 01 it. Ja wy. ntt. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., Twenty-first and Washington Sts. .DODGE BROS., panel delivery, rebuilt ena repamxea, witn new cord tires, 1-922 license; BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, INC.. 11th and Burnside St. FOR SALE 1918 Olds 8; fine condition. . practically new tires all around and one j extra, 1922 license. Will demonstrate an ywh ere. A bargain for some one, $4H. Call owner. East 372. $125. C-passenger touring car. 1918 model In crwxi repair; here Is a bargain for some one that wants a cheap car for the sum- mer. Phone Ralph Ackley. Main 7141. MUST sell 1922 Chevrolet, just like new. Run 1500 miles. With spotlight, extra ' tires and 1922 license; wiij consider Ford or onevroiet in iraae. ii.asy terms. wain. 1920 ELGIN 6; being overhauled in local garage; good chance for inspection. A good car. No junk. Price $250; terms. Owner. Marshall 416. J920 DODGE touring, 5 tires. This car In A-l mechanical shape, looks like new. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC., 11th and Burnside St. . " MAXWELL. In Fine Condition for Quick Sale $175 530 ALDER ST. APPERSON 4-PASSENGER. Looks and runs like new, cord tires; will sell for price of Ford. Need money. Bdwy. 5.-W3. Car at 325 Glisan. KEW CHEVROLET cars, Chevrolet parts and Chevrolet service now availabto at L. 1 . B1LLINGSLEY MOTOR CO. Hawthorne ave. at 8th. Phono East 7. 1918 DODGE. $495; completely renewed tnrougnout, new top, cora tires. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC., f 11th and Burnside St. f look: Model 57 Cadillac, new paint, new top, 'looks and runs like new; best buy in the city. Call .Bdwy. 122. 1921 FOR D roadster, brand new, 5 tires, 1922 license; $425. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD. INC., 11th and Burnside St. 1913 CADILLAC coupe, exceptional shape, $250. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC., 11 th and Burnside St. DETROIT electric coupe, 5-phss., 1920 model. Perfect .condition, 2 years guar antee on batteries: also charging out fit. Owner, Bdwy. 5021" or Mar. 1771. BUG BODY. Three -Passenger. $100. 530 ALDER ST. S3-4 OVERLAND car, good rubber, new top, good paint, have 2 cars, must sell one; price $200, terms or cash. Phone Bdwy. 73r3. " PAIGE SNAP. VQ19 light 6. . elegant condition, $775; written guarantee and a week s trial; easy terms. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 7750. BEE. MY Olds 6 before you buy any car. Car and price will interest you. Call AWytenberger. Bdwy. 4675. 1920 FORD TOURING, CHEAP, LICENSE. E. 505 . .1919 DODGE screen delivery. 1922 license, j VELI E touring, motor in extra fine con dition. $350. 525 Aider. 1921 FORD runabout, 2 months, $125. 525 Alder. ; STUDEBAKER special; used little ; cord tires: looks new; ?;.": terms, k. i-. jliI Ford sedan with extras. 1922 cense, $500. 673 E. Glisan. - 11- 1920 FORD touring, starter, 1922 license. $325. 455 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 7. 3 DAYS to sell my 1918 Ford, $150 cash! takes iu raoc z. ew FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. THE DISTRIBUTORS OF HUDSON AND ESSEX. AUTOMOBILES. SALE OP USED CARS at very greatly reduced prices, which more than correspond to the bis reduction of new automobiles. We completely reilew. ' overhaul or rebuild Hudson and Essex auto mobiles. These are in the best of mechanical condition; they are also -warranted the same as fac tories -warrant new cars; in addi tion we give 90 days' free me chanical service. . Other makes of good automobiles thoroughly overhauled, put in first-class condition and sold with a 10 days' free trial, subject to being returned and full credit given on any other car of equal price that customer may select. This gives ample time for every purchaser to try out the car he buys, gives him time to have it in spected, and we want only satis fied customers. , 11)20 Maxwell $ 475 1919 Grant Six 4t5 J919 Olds Six 675 1920 Nash 750 1920 Hupmobile 800 1918 Olds Eight 875 1920 Chandler . . . 875 1919 Chalmers ' 600 1918 Cole 8, sport model 1075 1916 Cadillac 1000 1920 Studebaker 900 1918 Overland 80 800 1920 Oakland 675 1921 Ford Coupe 650 Franklin Roadster. 750 1920 Chandler sedan ........ 1450 1916 Hudson super six ....... 785 1917 Hudson super six 825 1918 Hudson super six 950 1919-1920 (model O aeries) Hudson super six........ 1050 1920 Hudson .speedster ... 1350 Largest Tjsed Car Branch Store In the City at 40-46 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and - Evenings. Phone at Branch Store, Broadway 5739. j Also a Display at ' Our Salesrooms. 615-617 Washington St. - C L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. ' FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. USED CAR MARKET. ' Portland's Oldest a-nd Largest Ford Dealer. REAL BARGAINS. 1913 Chevrolet Touring $2K0 v i tf unevroiet 'jouring .......... .. . 23 1920 Chevrolet Touring . 828 H17 , Maxwell Touring 175 jrito ovenana Touring.............. 17 1917 Briscoe Touring 145 1918 Buick Touring 600 UiasmoDiie o 750 FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. 14 Touring $105 18 Touring 225 'jy Touring 250 20 Touring 850 '21 Sedan 675 1 Coup 450 '20 Sedan 475 475 19 Sedan -.. '17 Roadster 225 295 850 250 265 145 '20 Roadster '21 Roadster 'IS Roadster 1 Roadster '14 roadster , DELIVERY CARS. JfI& Ford truck chassis 1225 1918 Chevrolet panel delivery 275 jvm -"ora new express body 285 1917 Ford express 175 1920 Fcrd new express body . 395 1919 Ford 1-ton truck, new stake body 425 1918 Ford 1-ton truck, new express Vwiriv . 00t lP,1ft FnrVl 1 -f on trunk- 'Avnrosa hniiv' 9rk 1915 Ford delivery 145 Chain arive truck, good body... 150 REMEMBER THIS: We give you the same service on these used cars as you get on a new one. Oten evenings until 9 o'clock and all day Sunday. Liberal terms. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. East 3770. Grand Ave. &. Hawthorne Ave A SAFE PLACE TO BUY v 7. W. COR. BDWY. AND BURNSIDE. WE HAVE A CAR FOR YOU Finest selection oif rebuilt cars In the city. All makes. all models, lowest prices, name your own terms. W. R PB LAY MOTOR COMPANY. INC,. UisiriDuiors veue anop I'eeness, Broadway at Burnside, Phone Broadway 3121. THIS IS A BARGAIN. 5-nassenger Paige. '19 touring car. hardly ever off paved streets. .Mechan ical parts periect. lve liooayear cora tires. Runs just like new. Price $750, some terms. Call Mr. Van Dyke, Broad way 7750, during business hours, or Au tomatic 31-64 evenings, ana arrange to see this car. CHUMMY ROADSTER. Late model 90 and has five wire wheels and nearly new tires; runs per fect; all complete, .ready for delivery; low price and will take $150 down, bal. easy ; no brokera ge charge. Open Sun days. 16th and Aider sts. Auto. 513-67. MURPHY MOTOR CO. PAY LOAN. TAKE CAR. Hudson Super 6, 7-pass.. fine car. Buick light six, D45, excellent shape. Buick 4; little money; good car. MOTOR BOND & LOAN CO.. 1203 Rodney Ave. Woodlawn 2 599. 1921 FORD COUPE. 2 bumpers, 2 spotlights, large steering wheel, 1922 license and many other ex tras; $535. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILD, INC., 11TH AND BURNSIDE STS. 1921 FORD COUPE. In fine mechanical condition iar looks like new. Good tires. A bargain; on easy terms. Phone East 1062. NASH 6. 5-PASSENGER. Almost new, fully equippedt 5 cord tires; consider cheaper car in trade. Mr. Railsback, Broadway 521;' evenings Ta bor 6615. 421 Burnside. I 1920 CHEVROLET roadster. If you want a goou ouy in a tip-top roadster, see this car; will let you give car thorough trial. Call East 6S6 4, ESSEX. .Fine Copdltton. Lots of Power. 530 ALDE it, ST. I 1921 TYPE Dodge, 5 33-4. new cord tires, spouignt, motometer; $875. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD. INC.. 11th and Burnside St. and )SMC OLDSMOBILB SNAPT Light 6, elegant condition, a sacrifice at $75A: written guarantee and a week's trial; terms. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 7750 FRANKLIN. A High-Grade Car at a Ford Price-r-$475. ! $150 OAKLAND touring ca.r, good run ning oraer. uwner leaving .town. Bdwy. 1921 BUICK roadster, in A-l condition, nuo; will consider some , terms. East FORD Vilan, 5365; fine condition ; good tires. tto Thurman st. Main 846. Ask for Tom . Automobiles Wanted. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. USED CAR MARKET, We pay cash for vour car. Grand Ave, and E. Hawthorne. UK WRECK THEM Highest cash price jjciiti ior oiu cars, conaition no ooject AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. THIRD AND GLISAN. CASH paid for Chevroiets. Fords and Overland fours at No. 10 Grand ave., cor. E. Burnside. WILL pay $300 cash for late model Ford touring or roadster; must be a bargain. East 4619. WILL pay cash for Ford touring or coupe. L, Y. B1LLINGSLEY MOTOR CO. Hawthorne ave. at 8th. Phone Eaut 7. PRIVATE party will pay $400 cash for late model Ford coupe; must be bargain. Call E. 4619. CARS WANTED to wreck, parts for all cars ror jess. s. & S. Auto Wrecking Co., 15th and Alder. Broadway 636. LATE FORD wanted with starter. Bring it to 405 Hawthorne ave. Cash deal. W1LL TAKE in a small car on my 5-room furnished house. Portland Heights. Price $3250. Mar. 3945. , WE WILL loan you money on your auto mobile. Genning & Treece. 542 Alder st. WANTED Light car ror good . buildiniE lot: $000. Bdwy. 4975.- ' ' WANT Ford touring, condition no object. - Auto. -633-68., CASH for light car, in good condition, p a31 Oregonian, FOR S A LB A 17 TOM OBI LE3. Automobiles Wanted. 10 ACRES In heart of loganberry dis trict, between Portland and Salem, near electric station and good road. Will accept good 5 or 7 passenger car as part of Initial payment, balance easy terms. C. R. MEYER CO. 808 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 1531. WANTED Slightly used late-model tour- ing. Stutz, Paige, Willys-Knight or j Studebaker, for Olds six, late 1920. In . fine shape, and $2.50 cash; give full par- I Ticuiars. AC 481, Oregonian. WANTED To buy light roadster or bug, terms $25 down, $20 month. Describe fully. L 488, Oregonian. - Motorcycles. 1921 HARLE Y-DAVIDSON side car. double spotlight, double windshield and top on side car; electric equipped. Car can be seen at BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILD, 11th and Burnside. or cali Mr. PariBh, Brdy. -fil82. or Bdwy. 328L . MOTORCYCLES and pa-rts, all makes. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. 44-40 Grand Avenue. FOR SALE Nearly new 1921 Ace motor- j cycle, fully equipped; win tane oiaer i macnine in tratie. aj 4t. uregonmn. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US, 209 Third St. Main 6I3tf. Auto Tires and Accessories. GUARANTEED rebuilt batteries for Fords and other cars, $10 to $15. Bdwy. 4492 Automobiles for Hire. OREGON USED CAR EXCHANGE. New oars for rent without drivers: reasonable rates: ooen day and night. 325 Glisan Bt between Broadway, and 6th St. Phone Bdwy. 5593, $1.25 per hour. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driv ers. Day ana nlgnt service. COUCHMAN GARAGE. 19th and Couch. Broadway 8696. Remember our number, Broadway 3696. H. S. BENNETT CARS FOR HIRE WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, 3D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. . .CITY GARAGE. 332 12th st. Bdwy. 840. 6-CYLINDER 5-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 3547. FOR SALF TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. FIVE-TON GMC, an exceptionally stout, . heavy-bulit chain-drive truck, $750. 3-ton GMC, with nearly new tires on a!) four wheels, overhauled and repainted; a very good buy, $2450. 2-ton White, overhauled In every respect, motor transmission and rear ale in Al condition, nearly new tires, $1650. 2-ton Reo, a crackerjack for cord wood, $450. 2-ton GMC, overhauled in every way- and backed by our new car guarantee, $1650. 2-ton . Republic, thoroughly overhauled, all new tires. This Is nearly a new truck, $1350. lV4-ton White, first-class run ning condition, only $1250. One-ton Chevrolet, good pneu matic tires on all four wheels, good standard express body, top and windshield, $450. 1-ton Ford, worm drive, express . body. This truck has just been overhauled ; $350. 1-ton Republic, equipped with good express body, solid tires, $375. 1-ton GMC truck, pneumatic tires, in good condition, $500. Chevrolet light delivery, self starter, electric lights, good body, $250. . , .. WENT WORTH & IRWIN, INC., 200 Second St., Cor. Taylor. Main 2892. Open on Sundays from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. MUST SACRIFICE TRUCKS ALL GUARANTEED. 2-ton Bethlehem $700 2-ton Denby 70 1-ton Denby -. 4K) 4-ton Denby, dump body 3000 NEARLY NEW. WILL TRADE. LIGHT DRIVING CARS ON ANY OF ABOVE. WRITE P. O. BOX 10O2. PHONE MARSHALL 3886. GMC. 1-TON MAKE AN OFFER, PACKARD, CHAIN DRIVE, 3-TON. REPUBLIC. 1A TONS. Terms. Will take trade. See Frentsel. MACK INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORP. 415 Davis St. Bdwy. 6ffl. BRAND-NEW 1-TON TRUCK. $1700 HALF LIST PRICE. Torbenson axle, standard parts through out; full vestibule cab, platform stake ooay; pneumatic tires; to see is to ouy. BtAJ-.KY, UKAHAM & CHILD, 11TH AND BURNSIDE STS. ORD chain drive truck; good body, ex ceptional vaiue at FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. E. 3770. Grand Ave. and Hawthorne. 1 NEARLY new 24-ton Denny, run only 4 months, coat will sell lor 31300. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. Broadway 6.76. 1ST-CLASS freight run that shows profit of $3000 per year; requires about $1500 to handle. See Mr. Nehl at Wentworth & Irwin, Inc., 200 2d st.. cor. Taylor. FOR LOGGING trucks see Frentael, 415 Davis st. Bdwy. 691, evenings. East 7374. FOR DUMP trucks see Frentzel: will trade; 415 Davis st. Bdwy. 691, evenings mast 4 a 1. WANT to rent truck, 50-50. basis; cord- wood Haul, beiiwood L'7.-. . WANT to rent trucit, 50-50 basis; wood haul. Sell wood 2756. $175 FORD truck. 1918, with 1922 license. good condition. 244) E. 8th. AUTO REPAIRING. GEN. REPAIRING AND STORAGE. Ford valves ground, $2.50, work guar anteed; car storage, $4 month. 449 Flan- uers sl., um. iiq unu iia. AUTOS repaired at your home or mine, with guarantee. Tabor 1146 or 220-12. GARAGES. BETTER VALUES IN GARAGES. GOOD STYLE. WELL BUILT, DELIVERED, tutit, ii-U, aiALMSu; luxio. soo; AT TRACTIVE FACTORY PRICES. 299 WEIDLER. EAST. 8866. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING . WANTED. -Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison St.. - Near Third St. Myers, the Tailor, pays the highest prices for suits, overcoats, mackinaws and shoes. W e eau everywhere in the city, oay or evening, we also buy second-hand FURNITURE, TOOLS . Machinery and all kinds of junk. CALL US BEFORE YOU SELL MARSHALL 1229. WE HAVE THE MONEY. YOU HAVE THE CLOTHES. . We buy and exchange lad(ieeJ and gents' clothing. Highest prices paid. Cleaning, pressing a specialty. Call and deliver any part of city. Phone calls answered promptly and confidentially. For quick service call us and watch re sults. ADLER, THE TAILOR, Main 3207. or 211 Third St. WE WILL ALLOW YOU 5 to J15 for your dlscardedsuit in payment on a suit made to order and you can pay us the balance on easy mommy payments. Bring in your used suit and apply it on a new one. Jor. the Tailor. 104 Fourth. near Stark. . CALL MAIN "714. USED FURNITURE OF ANY Kivn TOOLS AND GENERAL HOUSEHOLD UUUDS, KUUU-H 1 f UK L ASH ; GOOD PRICES PAID. WEST PORTLAND SAL- VAGE CO. GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S SUITS AND UVUJKCUATS. SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 3932. 245 BURNSIDE, w i w w. r-r,i..ui ju a u THIRD. CALL ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. FURS FURS FURS. - Low rent and low prices; remodeling ana 1 epa.11 ms , mo i&uiicu uuu aressea. La France Fur Mfg. Co., 163 West Park st. Phone Main 6529. WORK on making a tailored suit from your owm goods. $20. $24. $28. Western Tailors. 306 Blue Mouse Theater Bldg. Phone Bdwy. 2772 WANTED 5 milch cows. Will trade two in; on terms. 643 Bryant St., cor. 17th, in Woodlawn. BEFORE you sell piano or phonograph consult resale and exchange drt gon Ellers Muslo House. 287 Wash, at. IF YOU wish to sell your cast-off cloth ing call Mar. 3225: 209 Madison st. People's Secondhand Store. WE WISH to buy agoocl piano and also a phonograph; will pay A cash; must be bargain, no trash. X 485, Oregonian, DIAMONDS bought at nighest market price. E. Deeds. 340 Washington at. HIGHEST cash price paid tor rifles, shot guns. Hochfeld, 85 Third, near Oak. SAFE for office; give size and lowest cash price. Y 501, Oregonian. t. WANT roll and flat-top desk and adding machine. O. N. Babcock. Bdwy 2739. WANTED r. 10 or 12-ft. floor show case. E 5u. uregonam. WANTED Second-hand 12x14 tent In good conaition. neasonaoie. can osM-in. STEAM radiators and plumbing fixtures. lUXLULUI t W ftUUUl V iilur. SUtX& 4itO-&. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS BOUGHT We pay highest prices. Ore gun Tailors and Cleaners. 117 2d sL. N. W. corner Washington. Bdwy. T24L Furniture Wanted. CALL MARSHALL 2693. We are paying the right and highest price for household goods and furniture; we are able to handle all the furniture that is for sale in the City of Portland. We are buying pianos, grafonolas, roll top desks, all kinds of tools and we are in need of tables, chairs, beds, dressers, chiffoniers, rugs, carpets, bedding, dishes. We are always paying -cash for a houseful of furniture or any amount. Call Marshall 2093. will be there imme diately with the cash. Crown Furniture Company. CASH FURNITURE CASH. Save money and time, we are paying best possible prices for furniture ; we need used furniture, stoves, ranges and all kinds of household goods to ship out of town. Will pay more for your fur niture than other local dealers ; call us for one article or a house full and a courteous, competent buyer will call. Broadway 2200. 72 North Third at. Rosenberg's Furniture exchange. CALL MA I.N 734. CASH PAID FOR USED FURNITURH AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS; WE PAY MORE THAN ANY LOCAL DEALER; CilVE US A TRIAL. i USED FURNITURE EXCHANGE, CALL MAIN 738. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE, Main 8878. WE PAY as much as any oealer can for used furniture, in cash or in exchange for what you want in up-to-date new furniture. M. H, Calef. furniture. 140 KlUingsworth.: Woodlawn 6604. WE NEED furniture, rugs, stoves and tools of every description in single pieces or in lots; will pay more than local deal era; promnt attention given. East S405. WE NEED faECOND-HAND FURNITURB of any description: have the ready cash. Phone today, Main 4627. or 166 Ft ft at. STOCK of furniture and household goods wanted; must be reasonable. Will pay cash. V 204, Oregonian. WE WILL BUY your turniture or sell fox you on commission, iieorge juauer at uo-, auctioneers. Main 8332. EDUCATIONAL. FOUR WEEKS TRAINING FREE. We have hundreds of graduates now successfully engaged in the auto, trac tor, battery and the auto electrical busi ness. We can assist you to a good posi tion, - too. we give you s rour weeas FREE TRIAL. No money in advance. The trial obligates you in no way. It affords you an excellent opportunity to size up, our school and test your qualifi cations to learn mechanical work. Full particulars in our new 112-page cata logue. Call or write for it today. Ask I for book No. 5 r it's free. ADCOX AUTO & AVIATION SCHOOL, UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. Woodlawn or Alberta car, 3d and Alder. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. You want nothing but the best. Here ; it is. Standardized with schools In 60 i other cities. Best laboratories, best I shop equipment and instructions. Actual snop practice Klven on real repair jods. Results absolutely guaranfced. The time for you to go to school is while business Is quiet. Prepare now for big Dusiness opehlntr in a lew months. in quire Orenon institute of Technology. Main st. at Sixth. Ex-service .men get STATE AID. BEGIN EARNING MONEY QUICKLY. Enroll for day or night school at this great business college, the training school for successes. Courses include comptometer, stenography. banking, bookkeeping, private secretariat. Write or phone Main 590 for free catalogue. BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fourth, near Morrison, Portland. HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN Nation-wide demand at high salaries; past experience unnecessary ; we train you by mail and put you in touch with big opportunities everywhere. Write at once for particulars. Lewis Hotel Train- ing School, desk 1418. Washington, P. C. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, furnish a set of tools to you and give some pay while learning; positions secured; former ex service men receive state aid while at tending pur school. Write or call for catalogue and particul a rs. 2 34 Burnside. HOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN Nation wide demand at high salaries; past ex perience unnecessary; we train you by man and put you in touch with big op portunities everywhere. Write at once tor particulars. Lewis Hotel Training acnooi, qesn iin, wasnington, u. J. OREGON BARBEK COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty ; tools free ; positions guaranteed ; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison st. LEARN BOOKKEEPING. Practical accountant will teach limited number elementary course 2 hours day or night. Intensive training, $1 & les- son. Main ab. EXPERIENCED teacher, advanced col lege degrees, wants position teaching I evenings and Saturday afternoons. Phone I Main MODERN barber college teaches trade in 8 weeks, tools furnished, some pay; posi tion secured ; special rate tnis month. Write or call for particulars, 234 1st st. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele- " Inclitnta At A DolLi'sn IT. nVi n o-a bldg. Day and night classes. MISS MATTING LY'S SCHOOL shorthand. typewriting, 269 14th, near Jefferson. M. 3893. ; ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. W elles, ex-asst. state supt, mgr.. N. w. Bank bldg. Auto. 512-13. FISK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Mam 4835. Teaching position, free reg. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 62 4. Broadway bldg. MILLINERY classes organizing in differ- ent districts. Call East 836 after Sunday. IF YOU WANT to learn the vulcanizing Dusiness call ids uiast uroaaway. HELP WANTED MA LB. OLD LINE life insurance company want,s manager for western Oregon, we must be between 25 and 40 years of age, of good cnaracter. possess energy ana in telligence and be able to furnish bond. Experience advantageous. Maximum contract eauivalent to $5000 first year. Splendid permanent position. Address W. I. Fraser, director of agents. Pierre, South Dakota. SEATTLE'S largest furniture hospital In need of A-l furniture rennisher; must be experienced in touching up and matching colors: give all particulars. Edholm Co.. 131 Westlake, No. Seattle. w asn. WANTED A man to assume the advertis ing an window trimming, card writing. etc. .Keoiv. stating experience, witn rei- erences, salary expected. Address box 75. Salem, Or. CAN use man in small mfg. business pay ing better than wages. $200 for two- third interest: you manage business. some cash balance from business, u 521, Oregonian. WANTED Al furniture and linoleum man. must be able to sell; state salary and experience. HACKETT-GOTT FURNITURE CO.. The Dalles. Or. WANTED Married couple, experienced In apt. nouse worn; man can do otnerwise engaged; apt. and wages. 204 Porter St., apt. - 2 YOUNG men with lots of pep to travel. house-to-house work, good money, every night. Ferdon, room 18 Mulkey bldg. :d and Morrison. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 240 Ankeny st. corner 2d. 1 resaw man. $5. 1 head off clearer. 52 4c an hour. FOR HELP PHONE STAR EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, BROADWAY 5286. OPENING for ten men who are hustlers. ail or spare time. jmieu xtuooer jo., 381 fe Washington St. SHOE salesmen, apply between 8 and Thursday morning, Levitt's East Side Store. 547-54i w imams avenue. WANTED Experienced egg handlers or candlers, men or women, rnone uawy. 2246. LIVE wire, to sell real estate; good future to tne rignt party. rreier man witn car. 611 Buchanan bldg. WANT experienced middle-aged single farmer, place near city. , AE 524, Ore- goman. A DVERTISING salesmen. contractors' papers, official organs. Clyde. 209 Stock Exchange. FIRST-CLASS automobile painter wanted. No others need apply. 3Mh and Sandy blvd. M. P. paint snop. MAGAZINE men, call at 212 Stock Exch. bldg. EXPERIENCED solicitor with oar for cleaning and dyeing. Apply 774 Williams. WANTED Experienced grafters. The Brooks Nursery. Lafayette, -Oregon. MAN with automobile to help spray trees Phone Woodlawn 411. TWO MEN wanted. Apply 36S Hawthorne ave. " ' WANT voung man to help In restaurant for his meals. 428 rTnion ave. N. WANTED Competent printer. Call East 7475. ' BOY WITH wheel to deliver. Jefferson st. Call at 400 ALL AROUND tailor and coatmaker want ed, 1654. E. 13th - HELP WAnTKD MALE. YOUNG MAN! Take this tip. The one best place In the city to assist YOU in finding a position in a clerical com mercial or technical line is the Y. M. C. -A. employment department. You can get reliable information and they will mul tiply your chances and put you next to opportunities that you will never find through your own efforts alone. AH young men and especially strangers are cordially invited to talk with one of the secretaries. Room 307, Y. M. C. A. AN ESTABLISHED firm, doing business in Portland and vicinity, is looking for salesmen to nanai our line or zooa . products direct to the consumer: we can give you exclusive territory In the southern, eastern and coast districts; preference will be given to men who are not afraid of work, who have had ex perience in this line; if you have a con veyance, this is an opportunity for you to build up a business of your own. In vestigate this at once. Ideal Tea Co.. 805-80t Union ave. NT AMBITIOUS BOY, who knows something about printing, who would appreciate an opportunity to make a place for himself in a growing business; must be an earn est worker and willing to start at small salary; answer in own handwriting, giv ing age, phone number and experience. BF 400, Oregonian. Help Wanted Salesmen. BOND SALESMEN. An opening for two high-class bond salesmen, an opportunity to make some big money quickly. MR.' GREENE. 844 Pittock Block, Portland. Or. BOND SALESMEN. An opening for two high-class bond salesmen, on opportunity to make some big money quickly. MR. GREENE. 844 Pittock Block, Portland, Or. HOUSE SALiEiSMAiN WANTTEDl We have an ooeffiiner for another good house saiisman; the rig-ht iraa-n with, a car can moke big monery; plenty of - prospects to start wrti. plenty oi meip to close business. See Mr. J. W. CCotmell with .GJRFEiAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 230 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BEGINNERS AND OLD TIMERS. The11 Mass. Mutual Life Insurance Co. wants several more representatives in Portland and throughout the state; free instruction course is offered to be ginners. See Geo. T. Colton, 310 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 1531. TO REAL salesmen 1 can offer a business opportunity that will net you a very nice income, must have . car and the tern tory is Portland and vicinity. Call be tween 8:30 and 10:30 A. M. and 3 to 5:30 P. M. 501 Oregon bldg. REiAL live real estate salesman to follow up advertising oa-mpaign on beat summer P&sort nrooertv im Oreon:Mive leads rur- mishied , An at tractive propoait ton wi 1 1 be made to man who unde-nstan-ds his buslnesHL A. 'E. Campbell. Seliling bldg. IT IS ALWAYS too hot or too cold for the man who wants to quit, but if YOU are a sticker and have EXPERIENCE in house-to-house selling, see Salesmanager, V( Henry Diag. TWO salesmen to retail sewing machines and phonographs; good contract to right man ; must have former experience ; no other need apply. Sharff & Duberer, 172 Third st. AUTOMOBILE salesman wanted: good proposition to the right man; must have experience. Apply by letter to Bate man Ga rage, Marshfleld, Or. SALESMEN Two neat-appearing men, 40 50 years; references. Call or write. 205 Artisans bldg., 2 to 6. North Ridge rusn ti, tyAXTiEiD 2 real salesmen, excellent in come and great future possibilities for right men; experie-nce desired. Call room 605. Couch bldg. WANTED An experienced specialty sales man, a nign-graae proposition lor the right man. For . appointment phone Bdwy. 3174. AUTOMOBILE salesman to sell Fords, Lincolns and used cars. Apply Robin-son-Smith Co.. 6th and Madison. SALESMAN to sell Kauri varnishes, paints. enamels, etc., commission basis. 9U Union avenue. SALESMAN wanted, live wires. Call 172 lth St., corner of Yamhill. See Mr. Per ry. Call all week. WANTED Good live salesman to wwk the state of Oregon. CaJd room 603 Port land hotel. WANT auto salesmen for small Overland cars; must have demonstrator. Auto. 633-68. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents, house to house work. Something every home wants. Sold 16,000 in Seattle. If you. are willing to work you can make good money, if not, do not take up my time nor yours. Man ager, 621 N. W. Bank bldg.. between 9:30 and 11 A. M. WARNING NOTICE. James E. Collins, Edison hotel, has no authority to sign up agents or territory for the Spark Mixture Control, which is owned and manufactured exclusively by Arthur L. Smith Motors, Inc., 447 Sher lock bldg.. Portland. Or, HEALTH, accident and hospital insurance. Big commission, qui corDett Diog. HELP WANTED FEMALE. THE WOMEN'S Protective Division, city of Portland, offers its service in an max ters nertainlnsr to the welfare and pro tection of women and giris; interviews confidential. 514 Worcester Diag., unira and Oak sts. Phone WANTED Economical single woman In a small family, over 20 years 01 age, wno likes children; willing woman with good character may acquire permanent nome. AM 477. Qregon'an. OFFICE GIRL WANTED. Must have good knowledge of fir in surance and booKKeeping. aiso typing and stenography. Phone Broadway 2S32 tor appointment. WHEN in neea or competent reliable of fice help of any kind can Main S(3U. THE CLERICAL PLACEMENT BU REAU, Miss A. G. Crossley, Manager, 626 Corbett Bldg. " WANTED Neat appearing woman for head v. ai tress; must be capable, or nana ling help; tactful. in handling the puDiic; state age and experience and give refer ence nrst letter, u 0,2. uregonian. ANY GIRL In need of a friend, apply to tre Sa-lvanon Army Refuge Home, May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 3450. DM car. FRANCO-AMERICAN HYGBMC CO. can give pheasant, proritaoie outsme work to 6 dependable women, full or pin time. 627 Corbett bldg. EXPERIENCED salesladies for ail de partments. Apply between h and 9 Thursday morning Levitt's East Side Stor.e. 547-540 Williams avenue. SPEEDY power machine operators, between ages ot -1 ana so, experiencea on tine work. Apply factory dept. Lowengart & Co. PARTNER wanted for vaudeville act. must be able to maKe small investment. Answer at once, telling all. K 611, Ore gonian. PERMANENT position for typist with knowledge or booKKeepmg; state age, experience and salary desired. BC 524, Oregonian. THE FLORENCE CR1TTENTON home is ready to help any gin in distress- 953 East Glisan- "MV" car. East 316. SCHOOL girl, commerce high or Lincoln preferably, to neip in ramiry alter school and Saturday. Marshall 2381. WANTED An experienced bookkeeper and typist; Launary experience preierrea. Crescent Laundry. East 31st and Alder. SALESLADY, if you have had experience in house-to-nouse selling can at Tue Washington st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. Kenneth Beebe. Main 2730. HAVE a dandy proposition for woman demonstrator wno wisnes 10 gei m dusi ness for herself. 07 K. 70th st. N. MATURE, refined woman seeking home and small wages, to assist witn house work and 2 children. Auto. 310-55. SALESLADIES,, if you have EXPERIENCE ill nOUf "IV-liuuao Dcuiuj, o uoicbuiau- ager. 607 Henry bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, bookkeepers, call on lilt) yv in taiiia bi libbi kjaiuiug, i. ji positions. YOUNG girl to assist with housework; no washing; wages g-jo. wain 3Htu. FIRST-CLASS experienced 20th. apt. I. finisher on gowns. JJH IN. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; 4 in ramiiy; must be fond of children. Call Main 7440 after 10 A. M. GIRL wanted? for cooking, general house work; 4 adults in ramiiy; no laundry; references. i:aii iviain 3iMa. EXPERI EXCED girl for cooking and gen eral nousewora;- gooa wages; ciiy rei erences required. East 8487. w A VTED Pleasant girl woman nurse ror cniiaren in private iome. boo Marshall st. - WANT neat girl for general housework. Bdwy. 4.0H. I WANT woman for light housework. Wdln. 62t4. 7 tLi. 1 (tn gx. is. WANT girl for light housework. 3 adults in fajnily. Apply 24 oonegg. corner fttn. WANTED Girl to assist with general houseworK. .Main WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for ho use w oris. d vou ego. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Competent maid to take care of little girl 4h years old; must furnish best of references. Maid who speaks French preferred; best of wages. Above position is for home in Irvington, Port land. Phone Oregon City sou, coueci. MIDDLE-AGED or elderly woman to keep house for young business man and wo man; good home and some pay. Call t 866 Union ave. North. . WANTED Maid for general housework. 4 adults. Phone East 3234. - WANTED Girl to assist with general housework; small family. 686 Irving. Main 6891. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. PARTNER with $1000, man or woman; I can show you a fortune; unlimited field; this proposition will stand the closest Investigation,- well recommended by busi ness men, also Indorsed by the better business bureau. E 514. Oregonian. HIGHWAY contracting partner wanted, security given for $50O required for machinery shipments. Personal inter view. L 521, , Oregonian. MAN to run Job shop on percentage; must understand woodworking machinery. Bdwy. 1576 after 6 P. M. " AT ONCE, men and women with $1000 to hold offices in our corporation. For ap- pointment E. 9283. ' LOS ANGELES; half Interest, -advertising office, $750. AG 491, Oregonian. . HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Partner in good growing ad vertising firm; stand investigation, small amount of cash will handle; must he a producer; give phone number. AN 504, Oregonian. CAN USE a number of young men or women for sales work. Call all ween at 172 17th st., corner Yamhill. See Mr. P e rry. Mast ers Distribution Co. SOLICITORS WANTED. CALL 343 RUS SELL ST. WDLN. 3709. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MEMBER of Woodstock, N. Y. art colony wants to spend year in west to do land scape painting; seeks opportunity to teach art in family, in city or country, in return for traveling expenses to west, board and lodging and $10 a- month. Hungarian, 33 years old. Please address Eugene J. Simon, 665 East 242d St., New York. N. Y. COMPETENT clerk wants position, can handle auto accessories or stock room; can chauffeur, married ex-service man with 3 dependents; will take anything; can give best of references. AK 523. Oregonian. SHINGLING We specialize in reshingling and roof repairing. It will pay you to get our figure before letting contract; satisfaction guaranteed; estimates free. GET YOUR PAINTING, CALCIMININt AND SIGNS BEFORE .THE RUSH SEA SON; BEST REFERENCE; 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE. TABOR 266. SEE ME first on Income tax reports and accounting; ex-revenue officer; satisfac tion guaranteed; charges rsonableA unamner of commerce. Broauway WATCHMAKER, 80 YEARS BENCH WORK. FIRST -GLASS WORKER. WANTS- STEADY POSITION. CITY OR COUNTRY. D 484. OREGONIAN. WANTED By experienced tailor on mens and women's garments and experienced salesman; seven years in last position. Reference. East 3799. BIRST-CLASS builder and general con tractor; start your new home now; al terations and general repairs promptly done, day or contract. East 7593 EXPERIENCED builder wants partner to finance building and selling houses; good profits, good Interest; can give plenty of Al references. BJ 487. Oregonian. YOUNG man having 2 years' experience in plumbing and steam iutmg wisnes position in same. Netherlands Hotel, room 65. Broadway 917; YOUNG MAN, thoroughly experienced in groceries and general mase., exceimiii references, country preferred. Broadway 374. room 415. . GAGNON & LITTLE, painters and dec orators; work guaranteed to sausiaciiou. first-class references. Main 4861. i MAN and wife with small child want posi tion on ranch; wneat or bcock. ran en pie forred: experienced. AE 484. Oregonian. GENERAL gardening, landscaping, flower hedH ana lawns tanen cam ul, 7613 WANTED Contract hauling of any kind for 2 and 3-ton trucK. jrnone jduwjt, 4S6. 430 Burnside si n.t 1 riTiT jr.. a (i kmi man wishes steady em' nlnvmpnt. citV or COUniry. kji c- gonian PAINTING. PAPERING, Get our prices rirst ana twvo Tabor 2328 or Auto. V--sv. t ..o finirA nn vour Daintlns". carpen tering or concrete worn; a caru wiu uu. Joslln. fciast P.m st., t-uj. JAPANESE couple want position, man is first-class cook, wue secona worn.. oto phone Aut. 520-46.- PRINTER, compositer, 15 years experi ence, country preierrea. mm imnftc, 72 North Third St., Portland. - t t n xt T c r? rhant-M. additions, porches. irn-ratres DUlll promuiiy . icobuhhuio prices. Marshall 3Wji. MAN AND wife, good workers, experienced janitors for apt. house or rooming house. Broadway 4?f. tr m ddil" t n.f a m wnnrn work : have me chanical training and experience; will -n out town: .ref. AF 477. Oregonian. POSITION wanted by married man, as teamster or barn man. unuwrsiuuua likes horses. C 501. Oregonian ROOFS repaired, rain or shine; evestroughs eld. and repd.; an wot k guaramreu. land Roof Repair & Paint Co., Main 6320. BEFORE letting that Job of painting, tint ing or paperhanging get our prices. Phone East 2296 or Main 2876. ATTENTION. Pruning of trees and shrubs, first-class work. Aut. FORD repairing by experienced mechanic, mntors- overhauled $10. by hour 65c; work guaranteed. East 8778. PRINTER Will work for small salary or co-operative basis; city only. irinter. 344 rTOnt. WANTED Window cleaning, house clean ing, floor wiaxing a specialty. Main ojvo, office phone. Residence. Seill. 11.11. LUMBERMAN, experienced in planing mill, dry kiln and yard managing. AH 510, Oregonian EXPRRlEN'CED sawmill supply house man wants position. R 502. Oregonian. CARPENTER wants work; wages you pay. Mario n hotel, 1st ana jiaaisHH, WANT work for truck, hauling lumber or wood. Phon-e East 3704. ROSES and trees pruned and other land scape work. Tabor 5706. TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc. East 10 day time only. 240 East 8th st. JAPANESE want to work by hour or day. 513-65 CONCRETE AND ALL KINDS MEN! W UKIV. -tt-PWn. t)rno. CEMENT WORK, HAVE MIXERS. TELE- FrlO IN t 1 ajjv v mo'- CARPENTER, practical finisher, bullt-ins, n - J nna fa naira TtrnoHnion -Ifl BRICK contractor, tile houses, garages, fireplaces; prices right. Tabor 8793. SHINGLING, roof repairing, prices reason able. Worn, guarmuccu. fluu -o-io. KALSOMINING. painting, done reason ably. East 2822, apt. 5. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work; reasonable, sen. law. EXPERIENCED Fagel and heavy truck driving, or jod in snops. k. aug. PAINTER and decorator will save vou money On eHlinmirn. xvumr. iviar. xoa. CARPENTER wants work, $4.50 per day. Phone Woodlawn Ht. CARPENTER - wants work by day. Automatic 322- 1 4. SHINGLING, $1 per M; also reshingling. Phone Tabor 1758. PLOWING done and -excavating. Wdln. 883. EXPERIENCED truck driver wants posi tion. In or out of city. Call Sell. 2484. CARPENTER wante work by day or cen tra ctfirat-class YOUNG MAN with motorcycle wishes light delivery work. Automatic 320-46. WANT work In wholesale grocery in city; some experience. BC 5-OQ. Oregonian. COILS, gas heater, 70c "hour, on job. Wdln. 1584. time starts KALSOMINING, PAINTING, 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. AUTOMATIC 623-40. PLUMBING, first-class work, large or small Jobs, anywhere. East 4852. PAPERHANGING, etc. E. Bennett, Williams avenue. Woodlawn 200. 770 PAINTING, papering and kalsomining; pre-war prices. E. 6835. Ta bor 2323- PLUMBER wants work, do any Job, low price; repairs, esr.i mates. Hawy. nsa. YOUNG married man wishes employment, steady salary. AJ 523, Oregonian. CARPENTER shop, 126 12th St.. altering, repairing, cabinet work. Bdwy. 7850. PAPERHANGING, 30c a roll; painting and tinting. Mar. 2403. EXPERIENCED pruning, all kinds. 60c an hour; estimates given. East 5873. PAINTING, tinting, first-class work, rea son a b 1 ypricfMlJCijUthex Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants small set of books or other office work eve nings: references. AR 477. Oregonian. GRADUATE wants position as bookkeeper; have had corporation and cost account ing. Ray ilcCormick, Morgan, Or SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. WE INSTALL, and operate a special book keeping syetem. including Income tax service (indorsed by leading merchants' associations) ; work done by expert ac countants for $10 to $15 monthly. Re tailers' Service Bureau, 717 Gasco bldg. Main 4538. YOUNG MAN, 23, freight rate, traffic and stenographic experience desires po sition: willing to start at small salary. AM 405. Oregonfsn. . EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and account ant want position with opportunity for advancement as merited ; young man, married; local references. AR 476, Ore- gonian. MAN with 10 years' experience as cashier, bookkeeping and general office work, would like work with reliable firm. K 625, Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper and cashier; best references. , Marshall 4400, apt. 812. OFFICE HELP CLERICAL HELP. Of all descriptions. Call Bdwy. 6953 Williams Service, 504 Spalding bldg. STENOGRAPHIC position by ex-service man, lumbering preferred; references. t 4no. uregoman. BOOKKEEPING-- Want small sot of books. Work confidential. Phone Bdwy. 3076, BOOKKEEPER, wholesale and mill, box sash and door line. AG 518. Oregonian WE CAN help you on your income tax, auditing, etc. 326 Chamber of Com. Salesmen. LIVE WIRE salesman, will do anything, ex-service man, victim or circumstances. must secure position; immediate cash returns necessary. Phone American Legion. Broadway 5448. PRACTICAL nurse, reasonable. Main 7548. SITUATIONS WANTED FFMA LE. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes clerl cal position: can assist at books. Good reference. BD 375, Oregonian. YOUNG widow needs position, experienced hotel, restaurant, cafeteria or camp waitress; good, willing worker, must have work Immediately as I have child to support; would' consider other work. Tabor 72H4. before a P. M. any day. A YOUNG woman would like & place in the country, where she could have her baby girl, a year old, in small family of adults, wages $20 a month. Phone Main FOSITION by business college graduate, office training, shorthand, typing, some bookkeeping and banking experience re a son h hi e w a ges. A J 4l4. Oregonian. YOUNG woman of refinement and ability wishes position as companion or practi cal nurse to convalescents. Call Main 6660. Miss Bursmith. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wants housecleaning, washing or other work; good work guaranteed, woo d lawn Hans, EXPERIENCED casnier wishes position, hotel or restaurant; refined. Call East 82. room HW. WOMAN wants day work or Janitor where she can take babv with her. Call after 6 P. M. Sell. li)5T. AN ACCOMPLISHED young lady pianist would like accompanying or playing for gymnasium class, f uregoman. RELIABLE and capable woman would 111 housekeeping for adults. Main 4226 Ho tel Arthur, room 4tt2. EXPERIENCED girl wants general house work, good cook, good references; wages $65. Woodlawn 5383. GIRL, 18, wishes position on ranch as sisting with general housework. Phons Broadway 7626. WINDOWS washed, floors polished, wood work washed, estimates furnished. Woodlawn 6540. CAPABLE Swedish woman wants house work, mornings, regular. Phone Wood lawn 6746. RELIABLE woman wants day work. Phone Woodlawn S428, between 6 and 9 P. M. RELIABLE young woman wishes position in linen room, town or country. AJ 493, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED camp cook will cook for crew of men. prefer sawmill or logging crew. City Hall apts.. Main 6176. apt. 44. REFINED work by educated young wom an in her own home; child 4 years. AK 477. Oregonian. RELIABLE woman practical nursing, 4:30. Wdln. 5613. ' wants day work or ref. from 8:30 till 09 Patton ave. MOTHER and daughter. 18, wish any kind of work together; prefer apt. or rooming house. Tabor 803. 225 E. 51st st. RELIABLE woman wants day work. Phone Woodlawn 5428 between 6 and 9 P. M. WANTED Position as apprentice In mil linery store. AF 481. Oregonian. RELIABLE woman wants work, wash ing. ironing, cleaning. East 684. room 3. WOMAN wants housework by day. 7648. afk for G. Bosnjak. EXPERIENCED colored day's work. East 5703. woman wants MIDDLE-AGED woman will tHke care of children : references. Tabor 4665. RELIABLE woman wants day work. Call East 381. . ' STRONG, reliable woman wishes day work. Tabor 3261. TO COOK in small camp. East 3487. room 32. YOUNG woman wishes day work. Wood lawn 1482. WOMAN wants general housework. Wdln 4760. SWEDISH' young woman wants day work Ironing, sweeping, cleaning. Wdln. 6746 DAY WORK, ironing, sweeping, cleaning. Marshall 114. PLAIN 561 2. sewing, 30c an hour. Woodlawn WANT work, housework or as aalestady experienced In both. Wdln. 6314. LADY wishes light work for room and board. J M10. Oregonian. WIDOW, 32, wants work by day or hour Automatic 62S-f7. EXPERIENCED woman wants houseclean ing; 4i)c an hour. E. 8387. Bookkeepera, Stenographers, Office. EXPERIENCED young lady wlnhea cleri cal position: can assist at books. Good reference. BD 375, Oregonian. BUSINESS woman capable of handling general office work. Including book keeping, also understands fire insurance and lumber business, desires permanent position. M 4N8. Oregonian. CALL US FOR OFFICE HELP OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BDWY. 60.8. WILL IAMS SERVICE. 504 SPAULDINO BLDG. QUICK SERVICE. ' EXPERIENCED accountant, will call each day and post your books, or take work home ; best of references; can save you money. Phone 64L22. OFFICE HELP CLERICAL HELP. Of all descriptions. Call Bdwy. 6953 Williams Service, 04 Spalding bldg STENOGRAPHER Young lady wishes half or all day work; salary no object. R 487. Oregonian- STENOGRAPH ER. with secretarial expe rience, wants position; xurnisn rererence. Tabor 3061. STENOGRAPHER 20 months experi ence, wishes position; moderate salary prefer law. East 3147. YOUNG lady living at home desires to learn office work witn c nance ror ad vancement: will work cheap. East 441W. YOUNG 'LADY wishes office work, can keep small set of books and some typing. Tabor 674 8. GIRL stenographer wants position; under stands office appliances and ruing, call Sellwond 4.7. or V Oregon inn. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog raphtfr desires position at once; spien did Portland references. Wdln. 12K5. EXPER IJCNC ED stenographer and book keeper wants position; references. Wood lawn 1660. EXPERIENCED switchboard operator de- slres position. fnone beiiwopq IU13. YOUNG lady wants clerical position. Ca Main 1315. STENOGRAPHIC position by young lady 4 years' experience. Bdwy. 4itl7. STENOGRAPHER, wants permanent posi tion. Call mornings, Marshall 2163. YOUNG LADY wishes office position; can u?b typewriter. Marshall sr4!. Dremmakera. JULE'S will make your frocks, gowns and wrapt for all occasions and also do remodeling at reasonable prices. 431 Artisans bldg Broadway B606. LADIES hatu modeled from their old ma terials, at your home or mine. Appoint ' tpents by card. Please give phone num ber. Mrs. Watson. 761 E. Irving st. HAND - EMBROIDERED dresses and gowns, specialty ; hou.e dresses, chil dren's clothes, men's silk shirts. Main 46P7; can give references. FOR GOOD SEWING call East 8683. 66U Union ave. N. EXPERIENCED dressmaker by the day. Main 3305. DRESSMAKING and tailoring, also modeling done by day. Tabor 3213. EXPERIENCED dressmaker by day, signing, remodeling. Auto. 617-93. DRESSMAKING DONE REASONABLY. MRS. GOOD. WOODLAWN 2146. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking work guaran teed; prices right. E. 3flP6. DRESSMAKING, remodeling. rellnlng, stout ladies' work solicited. Tabor 466ft. FIRST-CLASS, experienced dressmaker, per day. Woodlawn 065. (3 CAPABLE female and male nurses. Calls vnswered day or night, Marshall 2294. SITUATIONS WANTED rEMt.K. Nurae. NURSE Anyone wishing a competent, practical nurse, obstetrirw, city or out. call Mrs. Goddrow, 440 Columbia. Main 6602, Apt. 3. NCRSE wants nervous, mental, rheuma tism, paralynis or othr case wbsr health ! desired. Tabor 2594; NURSE Electric treat mrntiL violet ray and massage. Sellwood 29.m MA-TERNITV home, best cere 10 patients; price reagonsble. Eat M. HoaekcpTrw. A NEAT, elderly woman hounekcfper f..r gentleman with one child; give phone n urn be r. AJ 500. Oregonian. NEAT widow would like position, house keeper for widower or bachelor. BC Oregonian. Domewt ice. WIDOW with girl wants gen. houcwork or housekeeping. Call Broadway 488, room 26. F 621. Qrpgonlan. YOUNG girl wants io sUt with hous- work. Phone 642-97. Ho imecleanlng. HOUSE CLEANING Eprt whits and Ivory enamel, brick and tils fireplace cleaning, floors waxed, furniture pol ished, carpets cleaned, windows wahd. CITY HOUSE CLEANING HKUVUE. 188 ChiDtnan st. Phone Mstn ll5i. ' VEK1BK8T WINDOW CLEANERS. CULtdAl 1 A A"- . Housecleaning, floor waxing and vac uum cleaning; estimates, cheerfully giv en; best of references. WIDOW with housekeeper; nian. child 4 reliable. vanta position hi AV 612, Orsgo- NEAT. reliable young woman. 2 children, as housekeeper. East 4072. WANTED TO RFVT. Houses. WE CANNOT supply the demand for va cant bouses, flats and Btora. Gt busy," list yours and help u both. Hail, ilGRBAT WESTERN INV. CO.. 2 30 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 1 LET US HANDLE YOL'K PROPERTY. Furnished or unfurnished huaee, flats, apartments, store rooma. W have a waiting list. Rental dept. FRANK O. ROBINSON, Realtor, 503-4 Selling Bldg. Main 2557. ABOUT May 1, by responsible family of adults, fl or 7-room furninhed or unfur nished bonus with garage; west ald pre ferred. Will lease for year or mr if satisfactory; references. L 22, Oiego- nmn. . YOUNG couple denirea to rnt 4 or 6 rtti. unfurnished bungalow at rasnnabl rent; no children and am willing to sign lent-a for 3 year. Reference exchanged. HI) 405, Oregonlnn. UNFURNLSHKO modern houa of 6 or 6 rooma In flrat-rlas residence district; two in family. Phone Mra. Bowlea, Mar shal 6070. . WE HAVE many calls tor houaea and flats and can rent youra; let us handle your property and collect ynur rents. C. A. WAGNER CO., 230 KtarK M BY 2 ADULTS, for ummer, a furnished house or bungalow type naving a a, ear ing rooma. Irvington district preferred. J 524, Oregonian WANTED Hy renponsibie couple, inodm 4 of 5-room unfur. bungalow or rial, mot not to exceed $35. Wood lown 6317. WANTED l'nfurnlhd Im rooms; close In. goniatr Main 64. A 50 1, Ore- WANTKD To rent. Young coupl, em ployed, wish rurnianea 4 or o-room nnn and gurage; muat be permnment. About 2.". T'hone Automatic f.?o-in. BY young coupiev small modern ftirninhed houe; mum b raaonaoie; no Tiiuuren. A' 42. Oregonln n. YOUNG aoupiff want small furnished bungalow. April 1. Write if. i arris. ii Trinity Plnre. 5-ROOM houat. exclusive dlntrlrt ; year lease; rfernres. ooniawn 00 in. WANTED- -Leu on K. 11267. 8 or more rooma. Wise In. BUNG A LO VV. good dlntrlrt ; no lit dren ; give rrfiTi-nrew. A K OH, regonni n. 4 tUl A-RmiM hoiifti at ti" lrove. Address 457 W. Ha iln or lAk dwln t. A ptirt ment a. 2-ROOM furnished apt., near K.. llfh and H a w thorne, by A prii 1. m Room. JATANLSK gentleman wlh-a giod room in privaro Home or in api. Aipiy i Suzuki Co.. HUB Hoard of Trad I'Hg IKiiMlllfMa Place. LOCATION suitable for truck auea wit h ahop anl oifice connection dv iru.t company now located; gla prica. ate. BJ 419, Oregonnjn. FOR RENT. KurnUhed Kmimw. HOTEL HE VEKLY. Just opened, everything new. apotlely clean, hot and cold water, steam het. right down town; transient $1 and up; apodal rate a to permanent gueata. Cor ner Park and Vainhlll sts. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST HIDE HOTEL EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST TH W V 1 E T. DIGNIFIED AND liKKINKD; 1.25 PER MAY, $ PER WK. AND Ul'; CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT GARAGE. HOTEL ROWLAND. 207 W Fourth St.. Miir. 49. KM rooms, centrally located. Rates, T5c, $1, 1.50 per day; $4 per weak and Uh c ANSONIA HOTK L 324 14th st.. at Washington. Rates IS per week and up. 1 day; lira-proof, large, attractive, apotleaa rooma. cloa to amusement a and ahop p i n g center. ST A MMSU HOTEL - M8i,4 WASHINGTON, AT 1HTH. Nicely f urniahed sleeping and houaa keeplng rooma, ateam healed, 13 up par weeK. iiroanway zaj. CALL AT V. M. C. A. to free list Of moderate-priced rooms for young men In all parts of the city. Including rooms at the V. M. C. A., with phone in each rhom. shower ba 1 ha and club facM it r a. HOTEL N E T H 1 i L A N V S 126 13TH ST. AT WASHINGTON. Rales, $1 a day, a week $5 and up; 4rivaie bath, $n; fireproof and clean. Oosf to business center ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington St. Marshall 1050. Large, attractive lobby with flreplao. Special rates to permanent gue mim. NICELY furnished rom in new bun a low; furnace heat, use of phone; gentlemen preferred. 22 N. Kilpatrlrk; 1 ' blocks eaM of Kenton bank. Wdln. 6.'67. HOTEL HH13TOL, 16 12th at , 11. r Stark. Under new management ; modern ; pri vate hatha; phone ; reasonable rates; IS and up: but and cold water, wteatu heat. HOTEL CON KA Ul N E. 22 Nrlh -"th at., 2 blocks north of Washington at.; fire proof; plouisant moms and suites at vary reuso nable rates by day or w-' k. LA RGK.. beaullful frmit retKU. ery com fortably furnished; steam lu-at: for one or two ladles; In fl rat -claw hmne. WKi ; 1 1 . a n s t.. o r Rrnailn ay 2. 1 27. W A S H IN G TO N H OT E L. 1 2T H AND W A fci H I NuTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rates by week or mon th. " MATTHIESSEN HOTEL. Rooms fiOc day up; J3 week up; clean, light, hot and cold water, srema beat, elevator iervire. 24 Col umbia. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement, 6"2 S Washington at. l oo rn. private baths, free phones; reasonable rale- 3 .'0 work up. Bdwy. BW3 I . CRYSTAL HOTEL, 8621, Alder St., clean strict ly modern, well-heated rooma, reasonable rales; spc-ial rates hvweek. VICE room in flat, suitable for 2 gentle men, with adjoining baxn, hu water, h e at. I'm of I'vl" T.JT0' ' ' li'l L T ' H!; ARTHUR HOTEL, 17U 11th at., nuar Mor rison Clean and modern rooma by day, wrek or month st reawnnable in tea. " MAKL.N HOTEL. Cor. 17lh and Couch; large, well fur nished modern room. r-H.i'Hia hiw rates. EM PRESS hotel. 61 h and Sirk Sin, ie or double comfortable rooms, moderate prlres, special weekly rate. HOTEL OCK LEY. M orris. n st. at Kith $1 a day; weekly li and up; frca phona. and hathw; light and airy: steam heat. THE ST. PALU K..UM.I rttid AlU-r A UK SPECTABLK DOWNTOWN lioTEl. up. Kates by week or month. N L VV PERKINS II11TKL, Washington and Fifth Sia Special prmHn-nt ratm. 60C IJAY. 2.r.0 WEEK up; ci.-,u. bih free. Hot' 1 1 7 a d J 1 a c . 3 d. n-nrj.- f f r . n . LA RRA PKK HOTEL Modern ; 3 w eek up. La rr a ben st.. 2 hlka. N. aiel bridge. 2-ROOM Mpt., ItUvf.oor, private fiurtnc, furnace. 4!4 Taylor st. Main 2121, NICK, clt-an sleeping room, $.i and $4 pcrwfk. Opposite courthouse. 231 Mh st FRONT room with fireplace and kitchen ette. 2r.a N. 21st. Aut. .MW-S2. l-'urnlhed Kooma In rrivalf V 'iiiill . VERY p least, it room in a beautiful home; working girl preferred. . N. itiid. Walking distance. Rensonnble. IRVINGTON Comfortable room for rent Call East 9'H evenings. TWO good sleeping roomi fur rent. Wood- lawn i!n. GOOD, light, i-lean room, 387 Oregon East .tfiS4. rsesr the oentnl cniie;e. 2 FURNISH E I rooms with hHi" ui vi- leges. MB K. Awh. Phone Kisl mm IN IRVINGTON. home for gf-nt .! a :i. Phone East 4:121. Breakfast If d-ftr.. !57 12t h, modern, hr room; walking di!' t and cold Htr in tn I . FOR RENT Clean, furnifht-d front loom. near RueM st. Woodlawn COZY, well-furnihod sunny room, tn moo- era res.u-csico. c:oe in. zii w et far-