1G TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1922 RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING la order to earn the more than cas Hme rate, advertising uut run La cua secutive ittsues. One time . .Ho per line Two times (each tuue) llcperlta Three times (each Issue) .... loo per liae The above rates apply to all headings frith the following exceptions: bevtn umeg (each issue) . , . .tfe per 21ns One to six months, per month $2.60 per Uns Six to twelve months, per month $2.22 per tine , Situations Wanted. Each Insertion do per Use Help Wanted Notices lxfet and Aound Special Notices Personal 1- uneral Notice PropHis Invited Meeting Notices One time ....... ,15c per line Two times (each Issue). ... ,14c per line Three times (each issue). ..13c per line fieven times (each issue). .lac per line One monta ....... Itt per Une A NEW TODAY 1 kutes Per .Line ' OaUy.Sunday. One time ......10a 20o Two times (per issue) . ..l&o l&o 'Three times (per issue). .14o 18c Seven times (per issue) 13o 17o One month, daily and Sunday. ...$3,&0 Count five words to the line. No ad taken for less than two Hues. Ads run bundays only charged at one-time rate. Advertisements (exrept "Personals" and "Situations Wanted") will be taken aver the telephone if the advertiser is a subscriber to either phone. The Oregouian will receive copy by mail provided sufficient remittance for definite number of issues is sent. Acknowledgement will be forwarded promptly. Advertisements are taken for The Daily Oregoniun until 7:30 P. M.j for The Sunday Oregouian until 6 IV M. Saturday. Phone Your Want Ads to THE 0REG0NIAN Main 7070 Automatic 560-95 NEW TOD AT. FOR 3 DAYS ONLY This Complete Set of Fixtures for $10 All part are made of onlid hraSK except the chain, i-hlfh i? heavily plated. SOLID BRASS ehaia can be furnished if de Hired on the entire net lor only (I additional. Bowl Is 14-Inch Diameter. and is completely wired ready to hung. Kxtra fixtures like this Chain Drop Complete with .' Frosted Glass Shade, Wired ready to hang. Extra fix tures like this. 1 Each 3-Light Shower, com plete with Frosted Shades and 12-inch Center , Plate Completely . wired. Extra fixtures like this $.50 Regular 6-Inch Ball Ceiling Light With solid brass or iron collar, complete as shown. Eae-tra ceil ing lights $ 1 Each H Tr Bf U R E D S OP OTHETt BARGAINS 'l-O SELECT FBOM. ONE OK THE LARGEST AI FINEST STOCKS IV THE CITY. THIS AD MILL NOT APPEAR ACAIN. SO TAKE ADVANT AGE JNOAV. ME SIRE TO SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE ClUCl'LAH. STANLEY LUTZ PROP. THE 1PSTAIRS ELECTRIC FIXTURE STORE 03-5-7 Chamber of Commerce BIdfr. iiroadmay 4253. WE DO HOUSE WIRING STORAGE SPACE Centrally Located oat Track We can move and store your goods In a fine sprinkiered building. BAI'LIXG, PACKINCi, STORAGE CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 454 Glisan St. Bdwy. 3470. J IFY. 5 ll I i Each tti id life- Portland Business Bulletin ' A directory of business firms,1 professional men, manu facturers, repair men, etc., 'classified for ready reference. Information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling- Main 7070, House 40. ATTORNEY'S: E. V. EAST .MAX. lawyer, 58 Chamber of Commerce building. A.Sf-AVKKS AM A NALVSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second street. Gold, silver, platinum bought. BATHS, ETC. IR. McMAHOX, baths, Portland; steam, showers, p.utiges, tubs, all for 35c; tell ycur friends. Fourth at Washington. KLl.ft.OIO BUTTONS. THE IRWIX.HnilSO.M milPiNV. 3fc7 Washington. Bdwy. 434. Tabor 1254. CHIKOPKACTIC. DR. McAIAHON (McMin), Portland; 12th year. Seven post - graduate research courses. Rates: Extended. time, 31 ad- juhtments, gla; restoring health. CHIROPODISTS. WILLIAM, Estell, Florelio and Dewane DeVeny, the only scientific chiropodists and aich specialists in city. Parlors 302 oernnger Didg., southwest cor. becona and Aid oer streets. Main 1301. DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles sci entifically corrected; lady assistant. 61S Morgan bldg. Main 8762. COLLECTIONS. NET1I & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1790. No collections, no charges. Estab. 1900. CONTRACTORS. REPAIR or new work. Ail work guar anteed. Plans furnished. Empire 1548. DANCING. ALlSKSf DANCING ACADEMY Leasoni .day and evening; also fancy dancing Atisky bldg., 3d and Morrison, 4th floor, Slain 4614. Agnes Summers. DENTISTRY. DR. B. E. WRIGHT Third Floor Raleigh BIdB. Corner Sixth and Washington Sts. Broadway 7211. Automatic 2119. nFUl'TlxTUY DK- W. KEEN13 ULilllOini No After Effects Without Pain. X-Ray work. 851 Washington St Above Majestic theater. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND and 1 repaired BOUGHT AND SOLD. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phone 527-27. 226 Main St MUSIC TEACHERS. U CARROLL DAY, teacher of piano and voice. Broadway 2555. 148 13th sL NEW TODAY. The Improved mm mm- 3 f , "Built to Endnro." The Improved construction makes REDIMADE a better, more substantial building at no greater cost to you. They are the best built sectional buildings on the Pacific coast. T'irwt -claws Houses, Oarages for Less. Erected in Portland Practical to ship. Kedimade, Bldg. Co., Portland, Or. E. 11th and Market. Phone E. 6114. K0RTHWERUG CO. FlUFFilUGS Oldest and best equipped factory In the northwest. Made out of your old worn-out carpets and rugs. Save half the price of a new rug. Use woolen clothing. Bzia RUGS STEAM CLEANED 1.50. East 3580. 188 Kant Eighth. REAT, FPTATTS. Store Room for Lease . We will lease storeroom on Morrison between 4th and 5th streets for five years from May 1. See us for full details. PARRISH, W ATKINS & CO. Sole Agents, 252 Stark St. No Phone Information MONTANA-OREGON" COMPANY, Realtors. 1029 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phone Bdwy. 7839. Sell city property, acreages and farms ol every description. Bring in your trades of merit for us to match. List your property with uy Edward LGoudey Co. mortgage; loans. United States Bank Bui I dins;. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. A BKAUTIFUL homelike place on corner, east side, 5 apta., 2 furnished, Bhades and laee curtains over whole house, also all hall and stair carpets, 5 gas ranges and awnings, all go with place; fine heatlne system; plenty wood and coal in; close 3 carlines; always rented ; can finish 3 more apts. at small cost ; look this up; bargain ; owner sick; going away. Call 80 B. Sth,' cor. Stark. INVESTIGATE HAWTHORNE BIST. FLATS HOUSES CLOSE IN, $13,000. To close estate will sacrifice 2 five room flats with furnaces; 2 six-room, modern houses with furnaces. Sell all or part. Good income. Underpriced for quick sale. lerma. AIR. BURNS, . Bdwy. 6011. T. O. BIRD, 52fi Cham, of Com. FOR SALE Income paying apartment ana store nuitaing, west side, central lo cation: $15,000 to $20,000 will handle. Will net 14 to 16 per cent above taxes , ana insurance; balance on terms. Ad dress A 417, Qregonian. CLOSE IN. east side, 4 flats netting atKive II per cent, $11,000. Terms. Wood- lawn 14-ROOM apartment house for sale. Deal witn owner. rnone B-roadway 7vn9. -Beach Property. SEASIDE. OREGON. YES! We are advancing- prices L30 per cent ou April 1; reason, only valuable property left on boardwalk in Seaside. Inquire J. P. BREEN. Multnomah, Hotel. $l5iu GEARHART Spanish chalet. 5-r. niceiy furnished beach cottage. Ringler, 2Q4 Ry. Ex. bldg. Bdwy. 5497. For Sal1 Lots. NICE LOT close to Sandy on 40th St.; everything in and paid; bargain. HARRY BECKWITH, REALTOR, Main 6869. - 213 Corbett Bldg. S 1 00 DO W N P EN I N S ULA LOT. 50x100: 1 block car and pavement; $600. FRANK C. ROBINSON, 503-4 Selling Bldg. Main 2557. ALAMEDA. Have several real buys in Alameda lots. W. M. Umdenstok & Co., 210 QrKon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. LOT 3. block 67. Laureihurst. faces north on E. Hoyt St., 150 feet east of 30th st. All assessments paid; price $1100t Ta bor 6376 or Broadway 6459. SNAP Two beautiful lots, Aiameda Park; all improvements in and paid for; lot 3, block 44. and lot 6, block 29. $1000 each B d w y. 7744, after 8:30 A. . M. CORNER lot on Alameda drive, 70x100; must be sold at once; make me offer. Bdwy. 4 2X8. 0x100 ALBERTA district, $250. including Mens. 313 Stanton st. East 4589. 100x100. N. W. CORNER E. 21st and Stan ton. $3SQ0. Wlli divide. Bdwy. 6651. PENINSULA PARK district, good $500 lot tar $3oO. 103 KUUnsEworth ave. OPTOMETRISTS. Oct of the High-Rent District. 25 years' experience. Consult us free. 'Thousands of satisfied patrons. Dr. Samuel Uoodman. associate optometrist. Main 2124. - ( has. W. Goodman, 809 Morrison WHY PAY MORE? Glasses in gold-tilled frames 'Vl&-'lued to your eyes, 12.50, double f vision elapses at low price: satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. E. Herwit. optometrist. zi-'O nrsi.et. aiaiu -. nit REnRCK R1IBKNSTKIN. veteran opt! clan. Eyes tested, glasses fitted, broken lenses duplicated at very reasonable pricea. 22tf Morrison gt. Main obbl. PAINTING. GET TOUR PAINTING. KALSOMIXIXQ AND SIGNS BEFORE THE RLStl SEA SON: 25 YEARS" EXPERIENCE; BEST REFERENCE. TABOK 268. PATENT ATTORNEY. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period o 70 years. All comiuuu.- tinnj strictlv confidential, prompt, efft cient, conscientious service, handbook free on reaujst. MUNN & CO.. San Francisco office. Hobart bldg.; Chicago office. Tower bldg.: Washington office. Scientific American bldg.: New York office. Woolworth bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, registered patent attorney 23 years. II invention reaay vaiuauio. see practicing lawyer, 601 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway building, utomach. bowels, liver, kidney, bladder. rectal, prostate and female- disorders. DPIWTIWfi F. W. BALTES & COMPANY mill I 1 1 1 0 1st and Oak. Bdwy. 7165; 511-65 TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisan St.' Broadway 1281. DRAYAGE. STORAGE. Four Warehouses on Terminal Tracks. VETERINARY. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. East 7th and Grant sta. Both phones Day and night service: 3 veterinarians WOOD!! WOOD!! WOOD!! Summer prices now on. PHONE EAST 2504. Don't buy your wood until you consult Logan Fuel Co. Country slaft. river slab, cordwood and coal. Office and yards. 3S9 E. Washington. Portland. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. ROSE CITY PARK. $5500 B. 68th St.; east front, 60 ft south of Siskiyou. $650 E. 69th st east front. 30 ft. north of Sandy. 700 E. KSth St., northwest corner Stanton and 6Sth fits. ; sewer in; make us an offer. 700 E. 46th st., .north of Alameda arlve. pavea. $750 E. 48th st. west front, 100 ft. south of Siskivou: paved. S825 B. 89th St.. east front, 60 ft. north of Thompson; paved. $1000 E. 30th st.. northwest corner Thompson and 39th sts. ; -paved on both streets. V " LAURELHURST. J825 Laureihurst ave-, south front, 1O0 ft. west of E. 43d st. $850 Hazelfern Place, south front, 6 ft. west of E. 43d st. 1050 Multnomah St.. near E. 39th St. J1100 Hassalo St., south front. 130 ft. west of 41st St. $12O0 Laureihurst ave., south front, 150 ft. east of 38th st. J1300 Hoyt St., north front, 150 ft. west of 41st st. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.." 62S Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. WE HAVE lots, 50x100. located at 4oth and Fremont streets: you can buy these lots for $450. $25 down and $10 per month; these are beautiful, level lots, located just outside the city limits; there are no restrictions and you can build what you like;-we also have 2 new bungalows on this tract for sale on very easy terms; will ac cept bonus loan with no payment down; there will be a man on the ground ail day Sunday, so drive , out and look them over. ilLLBR BROS.. REALTORS. 211 Ry. Ex. bldg. Bdwy. 3626. Branch Qffice 50th and Sandy. Tabor S485. LOTS LOTS LOTS. Beautiful corner and inside lot near Richmond school, improvements in- and paid. $2,".00. Fine lot on 29th and Division, $1250; small payment down. Five lots on Wood-ward ave. and 4Tth srt., $t50 each; will trade for house and lot. Corner of 31st and Tlbbets. 50x100. $000, Improvements in and paid; one- nair casn. Corner and inside oa 33d and Kelly, 3 3 acres on 45th and 55th ave., all set o fruit. JF1O00 per acre. SIOO down, bai ance at $tO per month and interest; city water and gas. S. E. WOOSTBR 817 Clinton, cor. 2th. Phone Sell. 3102. LAURELHURST LOTS. BUILDERS, HOME-SITE SEEKERS. We believe we are better equipped to locate you in this district than any one else in .roruana. our past connection with the Laureihurst Co. has given us the advantage or. obtaining a larsre and complete listing of lota and houses for eaie. Room 1 Railway Exchange Bldg. Broadway 7519. McCARTY. MAXWELL & DOWNS. Tab. 5057. Tab. 6531. 214-17, 1RVINGTON DISTRICT. .$905. We have for sale a lot near 28th and Schuyler for $995. . The streets and sewers are all paid : this lot Is Driced at least $150 lower than any lot in the vicinity. Pay $100 cash and $15 a month and we will give you a deed to the lot. You can then secure a loan to build your home, bee Mr. Comte, 418 Spald ing bldg., or phone evenings. Auto. 326-03. BUILDERS desiring to buy vacant nroi- erty cneap ana secure Duumng loans see - me. I own considerable vacant property and will not only sell it at the right price, but get you a loan to build a house oa the property. For particulars call on Ben Riesland, 404 l-iatt oiQg. i-arK st. AFTER YOUR LOT PURCHASE. WHAT? The designing and building of your home,' of course; consult our designing engineer; this service- Is FREE. ZIMMERMAN-WALLER BLDG. CO., "Builders of Substantial Homes," 415-416 Abington Bidg. Bdwy. 5848. Lot 40x100. within 50 feet of macadam street and 4 blocks to Mt. Scott car level ; this side of Tremont station; worm ,wu. taamoer or Com xnerce bldg. ' BROADWAY 3910. BUILD TO SUIT YOURSELF. FRANK C, ROBINSON has some fine bargains in lots. Before buying see what he has. FRANK C. ROBINSON, 503-4 Selling Bldg. Main 2557. TWO LOTS, Alameda district, clear of en cumbrance, facing east on 24th street between Mason and Skidmore. Legal de scription, lots 5 and 6, block 72, Vernon addition; pavement and all street im provements paid. Make offer. AC 4S0, uregonian. IRVINGTON BARGAIN One of the most desirable building sites in Irvington; 50x100 feet, west side 4tn st., between Thompson and Brazee, for sale by owner, $2050 cash. All im provements in, no incumbrances. Phone tsroanway w. IRVINGTON DISTRICT BARGAIN. 41xlOO, Wasco, facing south, Sth lot , west or jjj. I'etn st.. ?ou cash buys it, and It's clear: see It todav. BITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg MT. TABOR REAHTIPfT, 100x134 , on car line; view; $650 best oner in. weens. van us. FRANK C. ROBINSON, 503-4 Selling Bldg. Mafn 2557. TWO 40 BY 118 lots in Laureihurst; every thing in; need money. Sell cheap. Owner Main 7615. For Sale Houses. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW PENINSULA PARK. Well built, hardwood floors in living and dining room,v fireplace, built-ins, large attic, this is an exceptional bar gain at $3850; $750 cash, would consider a soldier's loan. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4837. 6 ROOMS. NEAR COLUMBIA PARK. Lot 50x157, fruit trees: garage; very large living room; $3200, $650 cash. Wil bur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. We have many other good bargains. HOUSEBOAT, furnished or unfurnished. No. 4 Holgate moorage; terms reason able. Phone Sell. 137 or call between 10 and 5. 5-ROOM modern bungalow; splendid loca tion; $33Kt; terms. Main 2596. SMALL modern ounguiow, near Kenton, Practically new, ,W din. &2JL1, - REAt ESTATE. For Sale Houses. 500,000 PORTLAND IN 1930. FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buv Tour Home. AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SELLER. Undisputed National Record for Home Selling. 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sale. PERSONALLY INSPECTED. . PERSONALLY APPRAISED. YOUR HOME 19 HERE! A home to suit every requirement. Over 1200 to choose fxo-m. Every district in the city. t Homes at every price. IF NECESSARY, ..'-we'll help you make your down payment. 60 Saleemen With Autos. Open Evenings Until 9. laurelhur&t'sacrifice. $6350 $1000 under value. THIS 19 A WONDERFUL BUY in Laurel hurst; 7-room beautiful home and sleeping porch; ULTRA-MODERN; fine grade hardwood floors; cove ceilings, paneled dining room ; stained woodwork ; mas sive built-in buffet and book cases; study or breakfast room; could be used as doctor's private office. RIGHT ON THE BLVD.. 1 . , Sandy. ' $500 DOWN RICHMOND HOME. $32jO $500 down. CHARMING 6-room bungalow home with furnace; firenlu.no: hiiilt-Ins including mas sive leaded art glaea buffet; large cieery fireplace in living room paneled dming room; a nice oea rooms and bath; Vi block to car E. 36th street. ADJOINING LAURELHURST. TTDIIPI,rATRD VALUE VACANT $3990 RIGHT ON CARLINE. Wonder ful hnv in this modern 6-roorn substantial. modern attractive home; built-in conveniences; 3 iiE-ht nlrv bedrooms: garage corner. CAN ARRANGE TERMS. , East 29th. street. AtRF.RTA! AT.TtF.RTA! ALBERTA! S2990 HERE'S THE BARGAIN OF BARGAINS! fl-room attractive, well-built modern ALBERTA home; paved street; fruit. East Church street. $425 DOWN MT. SCOTT. 11790. J425 down PRETTY little . room homey bungalow with lots of built-ins; 'combination living and di-nin room; lots or built . ins; white enamel Dutch kitchen: one airy bedroom; block to car. oSth street. J20O DOWN. $1675 Neat 5-room cottage with large lot. abundance of fruit, garage; 2 blocks to car. 67th avenue. FRANK L.IcGUIRE, To Buy Your Home Realtor. Abllmrton Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St., bet. Washington and -Stark. THERE IS AN opening" on our sales force for a live high-class salesman, witn car. WHY LOOK FURTHER 7 $260 All cash, neat little bachelor's shack, partially furnished, small low a real Rnnn. $335 $100 down. $10 monthjy, for good-sized shack. 16x24, lot 60x100, 5 blocks from car. $750 $100 down. $15 monthly, for 3 room cottage. 2 of which are plastered; city water, gas, electric lights, sintc, c blocks from car. $825 $100 down, $15 monthly, for 3 room unfinished cottage, gas, city water, good garage, 4 blocks from Rose City Park ca r. G rab th is. Photographs of these and many others at orrice. tsee Mr. Lacy with FRED W. GERMAN CO.. Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. w IRVING TON HOME. Of singular chrm and beauty; from large hall you enter beautiful living room, wnoiwork all ivory ; wall In French. gray tapestry; large dining room, "servo." 3 bedrooms, enameled sleeping porch and servant's quarters; garage; only $8000, $2000 cash; $60 per month. East 1347. 4, -ROOM house on paved St., near car line. an moaern except batn, sewer connect ed ; must be seen to be appreciated; $250 down. 4 room bouse in Gregory Heights, near car line; garage; lot 50x100; $150 down, balance same as rent- 4-room house, on car line, corner lot. SOxlOO, lots of fruit trees, in good condi tion; $150 down and 15 a month. LANG LOIS & HAMERLYNCK, 504 Buchanan Bldg. LAURELHURST. BY OWNER. Modern 8-room double-constructed house with hot water heat, hardwood floors, all built-in effects, exceptionally large living and dining rooms; attached garage, entering through Basement; ideally located near car in Laureihurst. Owner has been the only tenant. Only $0000, $50OO down. Call 61 First street or phone Broadway 7717. IRVINGTON HOME. On 23d and Brazee, real home, 7 large rooms and sleeping porch. All draperies and partly furnished. If you wish to live in this de lightful district -eee this beautiful home. McDONELL, EAST 419. . $4750 $4750. Rose City district, close In. 5 rooms, sleeping porch, full base- , ment, fireplace, all improvements in and paid; terms. OWNER. N. F. DONNELLY, SELLWOOD 2960. DUTCH COLONIAL. $6500. A 7-room Dutch colonial home on cor ner lot: large living room, sun room. 2 fireDiaees. den. turnaaf. oaK rioors, an built-in conveniences, Dutch, kitchen, full cement basement. laundry trays, etc. 50x100 lot; beautiful lawn, roses and shrubbery. Price $6500, terms easy. Rose City Park district. RUMMELL & RUM M ELL. 274' Stark St. HERE is a beauty, Mrs. Homeseeker! Brand-new 5-room. large, airy oungaiow. beautiful large drawing room. 2 blocks from car. close to school and store; only $3800. This is out in the Peninsula dis trict. I have many other nice homes for the homeseeker. J. R. HOLBROOK, Realtor,. 214-15 Panama Bldg $4OO0 $500 CASH, $25 mo., modern 7-r. and garage, enamel finish; East Glisan street. $3850 Walking distance. San Rafael pear Union. 7-r. home, 50x150. fruit trees: paved sts.; easy terms. $S75 Cosy boathouse, partly fur nished, 5-r., large porches: 5 Nevada st. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 204 Rv. Exch. Bdwv. 5497. CENTER OF SUNNYSIDE. $31-50 -5 rooms and large attic, fine fifilOO lot; fruit trees, grapes, shrubbery. lalPn, paved street. $G50 cash and $25 and interest per month. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $2750. Five-room bungalow, tapestry paper, excellent plumbing, half cement base ment. Dutch kitchen, 1 bedroom down. 2 upstairs; 50x100 lot; 2 blocks to car. $650 cash. RICHANBACH CO., 207-8 Couch Bldg. Broadway 4143. WALKING DISTANCE. Three-room house, furnished, on paved street, bath, toilet, electricity and gas; all improvements in and pald; $1550; $400 down: $20 and interest. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank B7dg. ' Main 3787. BEFORE YOU BUILD. , Experienced architectural designer (not a real estate man or contractor), will prepare your plans and furnish specifications for reasonable fee. Wdln, 6388. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. , 4-room bungalow. $3000; all built-ins, white enamel finish, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, new and modern; a snan: $1000 handles. 433 Chamber of Commerce, Broadway 5276. WEST SIDE. Close in on Broadway, neat 5 rooms and bath, excellent condition; price $2650. easy terms. See Mr. Morgan, 415 Railway Exchange" bldg. Bdwy. 3400. S1000 CASH PRICE $3000. 4-room bungalow. Hawthorne district, crrner lot. breakfast nook, built-ins; just being finished. SCOTT PERRY, 1038 Belmont, FOR SALE cheap, a very good modem 6- room house, beaiKitui, resirictea mter nrbfin district, close to Portland and close to car line. Call Sellwood 3342 after 4 P. M. - NIFTY NEW BUNGALOW, CONCRETE GARAGE AND bASifiMjawT. n kuums. HARDWOOD FLOORS. LARGE FIRE PLACE ALL FOR $4500. MAIN 8931. HOWARD. 1115 N. W. BANK. IRVINGTON home at a bargain; choice 100x100 corner witn in-room modern house; owner leaving city; no agents. East 5615. . NEW 4-ROOM nungaiow, basement, full lot, lots or fruit, i'wu. casn, 90 per month. A. Fin ley. Col. 968. CHOICE Irvington income, 17 rooms, 2 flats, rent $116; quick saie, fuuuu. uwner. East 8013- HEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. Open Sundays and Evenings. EX-SERVICE MEN ATTENTION. Let an ex - service man help you get yoar home. To get something good yon have to. pay the price. You get something good in this very best constructed new fi-room bungalow on 51st in Rose City. Large liviner and dininc room. 2 larsre bed rooms, a light and airy kitchen and den. Has all latest built-ins: also fine garage. $1500 cash, arrange balance. S5500 HAVVTHORXR. You will be satisfied when you buy this home, close to car and hign scnooi, has dandy built-ins. 2 nice bedrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen. t0 x loo lot ana line garage. S4150 $750 down buvs 6-room bunga low on Glisan St., 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, built-ins. Large double garage. Car as part down payment. When ethers fail, list with us for sue cess. We will help you make your down payment. aI. W O'CONNELL with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. BRAND NEW. ROSE CITY PARK Beautifully arranged 5-room, home with all built-in conven iences, fireplace, tile bath room floor, beautiful fixtures. In fact everything you would want in your home, modern up to the min ute and is newly and COMPLETELY FURNISHED In best of taste. Including eleo. range. To see this house is to want it for your home. Call us up today. The price will surprise you. G. C. TJLRICH & CO.. 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354, - new colonial, gem. alameda-irvtngton: Mnrtpraft Sixed Moderate Priced. Hdwd. floors, old ivory fin., fireplace, pipe furnace, bkfst. nk., bit. -In buffets, bookcases and kit. cupboards. Garage. Bet. The Alameda and Regents ur. 801 E. 24th St. N. "To See It Will Impress You." "To Own Will Identify You." Phone Wdln. 5172. Eve. Auto. 515-78. tnon CASH, new Rose City bungalow, nicely located below the hill; 5 rooms with big attic, hardwood floors, tile fire place, exceptional built-ins, . French doors, large wkidows. Dutch kitchen with tile sink, cement basement, furnace, full lot. earaee to match house. This is a complete and attractive bungalow, and the terms the best to be had. n A PRARflK COMPANY. Bdwy. 4835. 616 Henry Bldg. Mar. 1788. $4500 5-ROOM bungalow; hardwood iioors, iirepiace, pipeiess ium.i;e. wiui coils; also gas healer for summer use; garage, cement driveway, full cement ba&ement, laundry tubs, woodwork in pussy willow, gray tapestry paper, nice light fixtures, linoleum, DJinas, etc. ; paved street; all improvements paid; driv out Knott to East 35th. one block south, to 1076 Lambert place. Tabor 8690. ALAMEDA PARK HOME. Must sell quickly, classy 2-story, 8-rm. nearly new colonial, located in most ex elusive section on double corner; every new modern feature: center entrance, French doors. Ivory finish, hardwood floors throughout ; den, nreaKrast noon, walls papered; garage, nice lawn, trees. Your own terms. Tabor 407. ROSE CITY PARK. $4500. Brand-new 6-room Dutch colonial bun galow; every modern convenience; old ivory finish; hardwood floors; tapestry paper; beautiful glassed-in breakfast room; tile bath and sink drainboards; east face; close to car and school. HARRY BECK WITH, REALTOR. Main 6869. 213 Corbett Bldg, A HOME FOR THE KIDDIES. 5-room cottage wjth nice back yard; large fruit -trees. Located close in- at 7 ;W Minnesota ave. All st. imp. in and paid. A great bargain. Price $1950. A few hundfed first payment will handle it. balance like rent. See it today. Phone East 3484. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT, $2650. 4-room bungalow, near car line; won derful electric light fixtures, one bed room and den or sleeping room; cement walks; easy terms; possession at once; owner leaving city. HARRY BECKWITH, REALTOR, Main 6869. 213 Corbett Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Cut from $5400 to $4750 $1000 Down. Lovely music room; excellent sunroom; fireplace, bookcases, buffet and beautiful interior; furnace, cement basement; east face; choice location. . HARRY BECKWITH. REALTOR. Main 6869. 213 Corbett Bldg. WEST SLOPE Mt. Tabor, 5-room bunga low with breakfast room, mc,eiy arrangea and good -size rooms, full basement, splendid district, wonderful view, paved street, price reduced to $3500, $700 cash. O. A. PEARCE-CO., Bdwy. 4835. 616 Henry Bldg. Mar. 1788. $100 CASH AND BONUS. Will handle good plastered home of 6 rooms, close in on East Yamhill; street paved and paid; house 7 years old; in excellent condition ; price .tw. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. GOING TO BUILD. We desicrn and build residence or any building assist in financing same; 12 VBara' continuous and complete building service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, contract- frig architect.. 924 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE IRVINGTON PARK. ' 6-room - house, modern all respects, ideal neighborhood, sickness necessitates owner leaving the city; let us show you this real barsrain: si3AO casn win handle balance terms. -Pacific Realty Co., 272 Sta rk. Broadway 7830. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. Five rooms, hdwd. floors fireplace, built-ins. full cement basement, furnace, garage, corner lot. paved streets. Al blna" ave. and Webster. 2 blks to Jeffer son high school, 4;oo, easy terms. Bdwy. 6011. SUNNYSIDE SNAP $2400. 5-room plastered cottage, gas, good bath fixtures, on a 50xl00-foot lot, close to school, between 2 carlines,' on East Taylor, very easy terms. Tabor 2625. 1009 Belmont. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW SNAP. Classy.- nearly new 1 -story strictly modern 6-room home with sleeping porch and garage, m best section, near park; no incumbrance, easy terms; a real bar gain. Tabor 407. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Just completed, modern 6-room bunga low; the btjst -buy in this high-class home section; now open lor your inspec tion: price $550. s3 wasco sr., x dik. north 33d and Sandy. STRICTLY modern 5-room bungalow. hardwood floors, fireplace, cement base ment, all improvements in, ouxj.iv aot, on car lineu . Will take auto as part down payment. Owner, Main 657. 1530 V i rgi ma st. FRANKLIN HIGH DISTRICT. fi-room modern bunsralow: has built-in features; nice lot on paved street; only 2 blocks to car. Price $3950, $500 cash, balance easy monthly payments. For appointment Call Broadway 8363. FINE LAURELHURST HOME. 7 rooms, large sleeping , porch, fire place, furnace, good basement, extra good built-in features, hdwd. floors, ga rage. Owner, 1194 K. Burnslde st. PENINSULA PARK. Modern 5-room bungalow ; fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen; full lot, only 1 block to car. Price $4200, easy terms. For appointment Call Broadway 3363. 6 EAST S3D ST. N. Terrace Park addi tion; t-room moaern oungaiow; lur nace, Dutch kitchen: 3 blocks to car; $3100 terms, or $2800 cash. A BARGAIN IN SUNNYSIDE. 5-room cottage, 2 blocks off of car line, full price $2750. Will accept sol dier bonus. Call Frank, Bdwy. 1873. $2200 $300 DOWN. 7-room house, 50x100 lot; big bargain Jf you act quick. 433 Chamber of Com merce bldg $2650 FOR SALE BY OWNER, Four-room cottage with bath, elec lights and gas. At home after 7 P. M. and Sunday. Phone Wdln. 1835. FINE bargain; two 5-room houses, right on Williams ave., norm or aroaaway; large valuable lot; total price $4800; half cash; from owner. East 6228. 4-ROOM modern bungalow near Haw thorne car ; ufui uuins, iir-epiace,. ce ment basement, fine corner 100x92, hard street. $3200, terms. Owner. East 6228. HOUSE PLANS, 100 designs, $10 to $15, or specially aesisnea at reasonable lee. L. R. BAILEY CO., 924 N. W. Bank Bldg. WAVERLY HTS. bungalow. 5 rms., fioor space 26x48. improvements In; fireplace, garage, bullt-ina. $3700, terms. Owner, Bdwy. 1144. S450 CASH $360h 6-room cottage, Sunnyside; all imp. in and pd.; East Yamhill st.; an ideal home. SCOTT & BERRY. 1038 Belmont. 5-ROOM completely . furnished bungalow near Peninsula Park: leaving city; every thing goes for $3600; naif cash. East 6228. KENTON 7 rooms and sleeping porch, modern home; stoves and linol. 73 W. Farragut; for terms phone owner, E.-6747. FOR SALE 6-room modern house; price $2200; $000 down, $20 per monti. Call Coi. 303. , 8-ROOM house, fine location. $1900, terms. Main 2596, REAL ESTATE. For Sale- Houses. $3200 MODERN 4-room bungalow, lot 50 xioo, on E. 29th st. N. ; wu casn, balance. $35 ner month. $5900 Beautiful Alameda Drive; 5-roora modern bungalow, on corner 101 50x100: has eraraee and is fin home; $1500 cash, balance $50 pe month. $6750 Rose CItv Park: 7-room bungalow, modern to the minute; has those bui it-ins which make a wife happy; garage:' lot 50x100; $2500 cash balance $50 per montn. $9000 8-room new colonial style house. This is one of the swell small homes of the city; located In the Hawthorne district; all street Im provements in; has garage and , is up to snuff; $4000 cash ""will nanaie. C. E. DAGGETT, 212 Railway Exchange. ROSE CITY PARK. C . $4900. This is a splendid 6-room bun--galow, is weJl constructed, hard wood floors, built-in features, fire . place, sleeping porch, large attic. beautiful dawn and flowers, all ' city improvements In and paid for; this is an honest to goodness home and has never been offered for sale: very reasonable terms. HILLER BROS., REALTORS, 211 Ry. Exch. Bidg. BDWY. 3626. Branch office 50th and Sandy. Tabor 8485. ROSE CITY, $4750. 5-room bungalow with sleeping porch, attic, hardwood floors, ce ment basement, furnace, laundry trays, close to car; an exception ally good buy; will take bonus; .small down payment, easy terms. MARSH & McCABB CO. REALTORS. 322-3-4 Failing bldg., Brosd way 6528; evenings Tabor 8677. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. $4200 EASY TERMS. NEW, ATTRACTIVE 5-ROOM BT7N GALOW, FINE LOCATION, BELOW THE HILL. LONG LIVING ROOM FIREPLACE. BOOKCASES. FRENCH DOORS TO DINING ROOM. HARD WOOD FLOORS, 2 NICE BEDROOMS HANDY JJUTOH KITCHEN FINISHED IN OLD IVORY AND TAPESTRY PA PER, CEMENT BASEMENT, LAUNDRY TRAYS. EVERYTHING IN AND PAID. EASY TERMS. R. SOMBRVTLLE, BDWY. 2478. . 320 U. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG. $4200 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $4200. East Lincoln, near 37th st., 6 large rooms, modern in every respect, lot 46x 100, all improvements in and paid, large reception hall, living and dining rooms. kitchen on ground floor, 9 bedrooms and bath upstairs, cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, nice lawn and roses, on account leaving city will sacrifice; $l0O0 cash will handle. Phone bdwy, 4880 evenings Tabor 2206. LAURELHURST STUCCO BUNGALOW. On beautiful triangular corner; 6 very artistic rooms; large sun room; gas furnace, tiled bath, large plate glass windows. Just one year old. McDONELL, EAST 419. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. CLOSE IN. $5500 $5500 $5500. Corner. 8 rooms. 4 bedrooms, fireplace, furnace, all built-ins, garage, very fine condition Shown by appointment, iast 4yi. - ROSE CITY BARGAIN. $4850 EASY TERMS. You can move rieht in this new six room bungalow; plate glass windows, ga rage, furnace, hardwood floors, cement porch, nice fireplace, 8 fine bedrooms, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook. Let us show you this. R. SOMERVILLE, BDWY. 2478. 320 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. MT. TABOR. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Finished in old ivory with large liv- ilng room across front buffet, tirepiace, oak floors. Dutch kitchen, furnace and Karasre : 3 dandy bedrooms: price JoJoO, $750 cash will handle. See this home and end your house hunting. R. L. McGREW. 1089 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8892. $3800. Six-room semibungalow, tributary to 3 car lines; all improvements in ana oaid : full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays. Dutch kitchen : $2000 cash, or will take good lot up to $1000. Look this one up. RICHANBACH & CO., ; 207-8 Couch Bldg. Broadway 4143. ROSE CITY. $5350; easy terms; new 6-rooni bunga low, with garage, living room, fireplace, hardwood floors, buffet in dining room, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, 3 nice large bedrooms, full cement basement, fine location, below the hill, east front. R, SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 2478. 320 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. $4HoQ ALAMEDA PARK SNAP. A 5-room new and nifty 5-room bun galow, all built-ins. breakfast nook, cab inet kitchen, fireplace, hardwood floors, cement basement, wash trays, etc.; ga rage and runway; city improvements in and paid; price only $4850: terms easy. RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. HOUSE AND THREE LOTS. House about 15x24, new; walls, roof, doors and windows in, partly floored and celled; garage; three lots 35x100 each; near M. . V. car line; owner ill and out of town; $850.. terms. , JOHNSON-DODSON. CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. FOR SALE Modern four-room bungalow, just completed. In north Jonesmore. Size of house 26x28. lot 50x100, pries $3275. Either call or phone Umbden stock & Company, 2d floor. Ore go u bldg. Phone Bdwy. 1658. ; " HOME IS THE FIRST STEP. WE BUILD AND HELP YOU. Consult us first, get our plan and let us figure for you. We surely save you money. ROBNETT & McCLURE, 302 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6574. CLOSE-IN BARGAIN. Walking distance to central business section; best close-In east side district; large 7-room, modern house, full lot; nice lawn, fruit trees; non-resident owner making real sacrifice for quick sale. See A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermens bldg. STRICTLY modern R. C. 5-room bun galow, oak floors, fireplace, furnace, built-ins, cement basement, wash trays, improvements in and paid, garage, fine location, easy terms. $4750. Owner, 661 E. 65th N. Tabor 6892. IRVINGTON COLONIAL HOME. Non-resident owner offers fine 2-story 8-room house, with garage, on East 24th. near Knott, built for home; large rooms and oak floors throughout; Ivory wood work. 2 fireplaces. Call Tabor 407. BARGAIN FROM OWNER. $5000 for a Portland Heights home worth $7000; new and modern; 6 rooms, 'bath, breakfast nook and sewing room; fuil basement and furnace; some terms. Mar. 5209. LAURELHURST $750 CASH. 5-room modern home, all latest built in features, including fireplace and fur nace; large lot, all improvements in, near car and school. For appointment call Bdwy. 3363. SUNNYSIDE. Modern new 6-room house; street im provements in and paid; lot 60x100; 2 Vfc blocks to car, 3 blocks to school; see it. 96 E. 48th st. FOR SALE: KENTON. 8-room house, two blocks from car line, near good school ; your money's worth and then some; $3700; terms. Pa cific Realty Co., 272 Stark. Bdwy. 7830. $750 CASH PRICE $4250. 6-rcom and den. corner lot 100x100; furnace, fireplace, 1. trays, built-ins, pa rage; a swell home on Sandy blvd. SCOTT & BERRY. 1038 Belmont. $540 ANNUAL INCOME $540. Facing east side park. 7-room house, arranged for two families; $3400, terms. Wood lawn 5535. BY OWNER, 6-room house, plastered, ce ment basement, tu. iignt ana gas, sewer in st. and paid; lot 00x100. witn garage. $3000. cash $ioup. J isu m. mn st. n. $300 CASH TOTAL PRICE $1950. Cosy new o-rm. uuiiBaiuw , tivm rm. 12x20; water, gas, elec. and fireplace. University Park. Owner, Bdwy. 2505. REAL bargain to be had in a home. Call Tabor 70ol lor appointment; no particu lars given over phone. AH 404. Orego- ni an. ' . CANBY, OREGON. 6-room house and lot; rented; sale or trade. Write AO 400, Oregonian or phone 620-03. $4600 WOODWARD at 37th. bungalow 5 rooms, sieepmg porvn, urepiace, iurnace, built-ins, hardwood floors, . pavement, terms. McClure, 5Q0 Concord bldg. MODERN Rose City bungalow; owner leaving city: low pnoe ana terms for quick deal. Tabor 8023- 1454 Alameda NEW HOUSE, great bargain. 1037 Sandy blvd. Tabor 3001; soo casn. baiance like rent. ; . A NEW 4-room modern bungalow. $2500. $20O down, balance easy. , 538 Chamber - of Commerce bldg. A RARE BARGAIN at 10o3 Tillamook; 3 bedroom?, first-class, $600 handles, bx. tiiko rent. HEAL ESTATE. $4200 RCSE CITY DISTRICT; a bargain; 5-room bungalow, complete with -hardwood floors, fireplace. cement basement, cement porch, .t:?., just being completed ; the interior is finished in old Ivory and white, tapes try paper, French doors, etc; on- paved street, with all asstr. paid. INSPECT. $5250 ROSE CITY PARK; 6-room bungalow, located below the hill; modern to the last de tail, including furnace, fire place, full cement basement, hardwood floors, garage; lo cated on 44th st., 2 blocks from car; truly a bargain for someone. $6000 ROSE CITY PARK: an un usually attractive home of 7 rooms, e x treme I y large living room, hardwood floors. fireplace, . cement basement, furnace and ga rage; you would expect to pay at least $H0OO for a ' hontollike this. Let us show you. $6000 LAURELHURST: 6 rooms and garage; owner must sell, hence this very low price; this unusual home is modern to the last detail, with ha rd wood f 1 oors. f i re -place, Frenoh doors, buffet, complete Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, fur nace, ivory finish. Take ad vantage of this. A. G. TEEPE CO., Realtors, 1170 Sandy Blvd. at 40th. Tabor 9580. Aut. 313-46. $1000 CASH $1000. ROSE CITV BUNGALOW, near 50th and Sandy, 2 blocks of Rose City car, all improvements In and paid; this Is a real home, alt large rooms and large clothes closets, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, 5 "beautiful rooms with large attic, full cement basement, set tubs, fine garage, lot 50x100, fine lawn, don't overlook this If you want a real home. This won't last. SEE HILLER BROS.. REALTORS, 1387 SANDY BLVD. TABOR 8485, AN INVESTMENT! rrvT?TsiP!n t.ot close IN. 6-room bun k alow style, garage, close In nn K Ankenv: full cement base ment, laundrv trays, furnace; modern built-ins, oak buffet, fireplace, large Trmmn: SX7A0. An Investment which will pay 10 per cent on $6500 as rental property. Price Is reduced for quick saw. STAR REAL ESTATE AND INV. CO., Bdwy. 561 H. 512-13 wncox wing. IRVINGTON. NEAR BROADWAY CAR. Beautiful, strictly modem seven-room house; jut like new; extra la-rge lot ; large garage, large living room clear across front ot house, dining room, oen, Dutch kitcllen with breakfast nook, 3 fine bedrooms and very large sleeping Torch; has hardwood floors throughout. Tapestry paper. A REAL home, $700, $2000 cash and llDerai terms. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. B09-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 6942. CLOSE IN, HAWTHORNE. 14000. EASY TERMS. 6 large rooms, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, naved street, very close In, between Belmont and Haw-1 thome car lines, walking distance. Alvln I Johnson, realtor, -!04 Bd. or Trade bldg. Bdwy. 37; evenings, East 2061. ) HAWTHORNE 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. Fine 7-room bunealow. furnace, firs- place oak floors, cabinet kitchen, all built-in features, cement basement, trays. full lot 50x100, paved St., an liens pain. garage: in fact. nothing missing make complete home; 4 bedrooms: on I 44th st., just north of Hawthorne. Price I $o450, about $1750 casn. J. W. GRUSSI. 318 Board of Trade bldg. Bdwy. 7452. HAWTHORNE. MUST SELL QUICK. Will make a big sacrifice on thts mod ern five-room bungalow with garage. If you can Day Dart cash, balance long time mortgage, payable $19 per month. Located between Hawthorne and bunty- side car lines. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., -509-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 6.942. FOR SALE MODERN 4-ROOM BUNGA LOW, JUST COMPLETED. IN NORTH JONESMOKB. SIZE Uf HUUSK ZfiXZH; LOT 50x100, PRICE $3275. EITHER CALL OR TELEPHONE UMBDEN- STOCK A CO., 2D FLOOR, OREGON BUILDING. TBLSPHONH BKUAO WAY 1658. A SACRIFICE. ' MAKE US AN OFFER. A beautiful bungalow with large liv ing room, fireplace, furnace, very de sirable arrangement; 1 block to car: has nice yard with lawn, srrubs and I flowers. Iocated in beautiful Jones more, at 1827 E. Flanders, between 70th and 71st sts. Tabor 7547. NEAR LAURELHURST PARK. $4850. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, cement basement,, breakfast nook, mirror door, shades, fine electric fixtures, all enameled, living rooms papered; good view park. 29 East 32d St., nyar Pine. HOME BUILDERS. We draw your plans, writ specifica tions, superintend and assist in financ ing. Ten years' experience planning I "Homes not houses. ' we also plan and xinance large apartment buildings. BUILDERS SERVICE X.. 609 Chamber of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 4288. BY OWNER. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 6-room modern home with sleeping porcn, narawooa rioors. ivory woodwork ; convenient arrangement, substantial con struction: garage in rear. 534 E. 4!st I N.. between Knott and Brazee. Tabor I 3986. LAURELHURST COLONIAL. On a sightly lot. consisting of 7 com modious rooms, garage, fine reception I hail, large living room, dining room, sua porch and breakfast room; 3 large bed rooms, tiled bathroom with beautiful I fixtures. Open afternoons; $,H700. terms. 1016 Bast Couch st. T. B. Winship, I Automatic 312-24. BUNGALOW BARGAIN $3900. $500 CASH. This excellent buy located in Waverly Heights, has fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full basement : all improve ments in snd pain. See this today. R. L. McGREW. 1089 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8892. ROSE CITY. New 5-room bungalow; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace and all built ins. cement porch, plastered attic and garage; all for $4800, $1000 cash and liberal terms. - DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., ' 509-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 6042. SEE THIS. 6-room house and one acre of land on paved street, will sacrifice at $4750, small payment down, balance on 5 contract. See Mr, Morgan, with O. O Sletten, realtor. 415 Ry. Ex. bldg. Bdwy. 84QO. $100 CASH AND BONUS. Will handle good plastered hom of I 6 rooms, close in on East Yamhill. Street paved and paid. House 7 years old, in excellent condition. Price 9 3 moo. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy; 5654. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 1 acre, 6-room modern house, good barn, lots fruit trees, cow, 1 dozen chick ens, 3 stoves, linoleum: price $4000. $2000 down, some terms. Call 72 8. hi., near McCoy, c. N. Wilheim, Mllwaukie. Or., K. 2. DOX 4-ROOM bunga low, gas, electric lights, bath and basement, 2 bedrooms, dining room and living room combined. Dutch kitchen; furnished or unfurnished; house and furniture used 6 months; reasonable terms: 2 blocks from business section of St. Johns. Columbia 1404. WEST SIDE 0-room house in firat-class condition: lot 50x100; double garage, full basement: very economical heatlnar. fire Flace, wash trays; best close-in location. 1th at., near Montgomery; price $10,500, terms. Owner, Main 6750. Will sell completely furnished. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Almost new, beautiful view; 6 rooms, very large liv ing rooms with fireplace and built-in bookcases, remai kable Dutch kit-men, hardwood floors, lots of cloa-t room ; built for home by day labo-. Will last for a century. BROOKE Mam 4:112 WOODSTOCK BUNGALOW. $2475 buys 5-room bunga!6w home, onlj one blk. from car. Corner home with fireptace; terms. ,T. A. WICK MAN CO.. Realtor. 262 Stark st. Bdwy. 6704. PORTLAND HEIGHTS -New six-room bungalow-style house, hardwood floors. Ivory woodwork, fireplace, bedroom and lavatory do w nst al rs, rwo f i ne bed -rooms and bathrooms updtalrs. Garage. BROOKE. MAIN 4342. BY OWNER AT COST. New 5-room, bath, laundry trays, fire place, tile floor in bathroom; Jefferson high and carbarn district; $3650. Wdln. 1462. , .. IRVINGTON DUTCH COLONIAL. One of the most attractive 7-room colonial homes ip the city ; very nawn abte; terms; thoroughly modern. Bdwy. 4620. . EQUITY in 6-room house, west side. Main . 6&20. JR EA ESTATE. For hale llour. NEW liOMtvd. $4750 ROSE CITY PARK. C-rooin bun galow, Junt being finished, fire place, hardwood f iuora. buf let, every modern buiit-ln, good ixed rooms, large clovet. brtkft room ; purr naser can select fix tures snd wail paper, csy term. $5450 ALAMEDA PARK, In best dis trict, new artistic bungalow; tnuft be seen to be appreciated; Roa sized living room, hard ood fioors, firt-pmce built-in book eases; dining room, builtln buf fet, large windows. bathroom, Eedestal lavatory, 2 good tiEed ed rooms, kitchen. all modrrn built-ins, canopy over stove, Pullman breakfast room, cement oasement, isunury imi, ipWesa furnace, ready to move easy terms. $3230 MONT A VILLA ' DISTRICT. on 74th st.. nftar Halaey; this new 4 room, double constructed bunga low, best work man Mb) P. gas fur nace, all bullt-ina In kitchen, two bedrooms, breakfast room; easy terms. $6250 LAURELHURST, beautiful new 7-room bungaiow. first floor larg living room, library or den, gnoi sized dining room, U bedroom, bath, kitchen, breskfawt room; upstairs. two large bedrooms. Owner ran have selection of fur nace, eterrric fixtures snd dec orating. This Is really worth thn money; In best part of Laurei hurst, one block vo Sandy blvd. Easy terms. $4250 PIEDMONT DISTRICT. n Min nesota ave. This Is a flrt-e'use. new 5-room bungalow with br k fest room, all built-lns; easy terms, BO NTT 3 LOAN ACCEPTED OV AfT OK THE ABOVE HOUSES WITH A REASONABLE DOWN PAYMENT. OL'H AUTOS AT XOUK SERVICE, W. M. TJM RDENSTOCK CO.. 210 Oregon Bldg. IPdwy. 16'., $4muo KO.sk CITV. 5-mom bnnirlw. break rast noon, all built-ins. urt , furnace. basement. hard wood f loora. Ivory woodwork ; Improvements ail In, paid; $1000 down. $2650 6 -room, modern bunsaTow, Franklin high dl t rict. full bMmni Improvements in and paid; lot 5bt10; lots of fruit; sacrificing becausn of sick ness. S. BORLAND, REALTOR. 223 Henry Bldg. Hro;irlwjr1SM. $M01 SACRIFICE t WEEK ONLY- $,-..-.00. -room home, Hvintr, dining, nearoom, bath, breakfast room. kltthn snd Hirir screen porch on fjrut floor, hardwmid floors, tapestry papered walls. '2 bed rooms and st of plumbing and lai closets upstair open stalrwy off liv ing room; furnac het; largt brnutlful lot 6.1x100, nice lawn an-l peimiv shrubbery, nice garage paved street. 2 Mocks to Hi. wt home car, 4."S E. 6th st fTabor 0243) owner. 3-ROOM BUNGALOW. $00 DOWN, PAL. $25 PKfl MO. A beautiful little suburban homo, tn bearing fruit tret's, noma berries, fine garden soil, good garage snd chicken house, 1 block from Sandy blvd., H mil out of city. A SNAP AT $T.OO BOONE A CLEARWATER. ROfl Couch HIdg Bdwy. B317 KINGS HEIGHTS. H-room home, only 5 yearn old, having furnace, fireplace. In laid hardwood floors, 2 lavatorlen, hath, cem"nt base ment, all m prove men ts In and paid, 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch: house would cost $0000 to build ; will sac rifice for quick s.-ite at $7o0; $lO"0 cash and term. Call Mr. Young. OTTO H A RKSO.V, 413 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy 6n!. $15O0 BELOW VALUE. This 8-room hou Is worth .i?Ort to $6000. but owner says tuII for lofto. 1 S -story bungalow. 8 roitn. nt-eping porch, full basement. Al built-in kitch en, fireplace, garage, some fruit tre. Has Just been painted and Is in A I con dition: 2 blocks to oar and 1 block to modern street; $lOOO cash, balance on terms. 104.1-45 Cha mber of Commerce. BROADWAY 3010 DO YOU want lo buy a 7-room bunga!'w in Laureihurst. 2 blocks from park. 1J- East Oak? Hardwood floors, tile bath, separate shower, floor bat h. pedeet I lavatory, breakfsnt nook: lot ;Mito, worth $10,0OO; muwt sell befor April Ixt. Come see this and If you really want it can make the payment very eav l m sponsibie party and will MAKE THIs PRICE RIGHT. HERE'S FULL VALUE. 100 cash and terms to suit buys a new shack Iocs ted on three Jots totaling 100x150. Property borders on went sirin of Mount Tabor Park and Is located ritm manv fins home and lor I m . Owner forced to sacrifice for $15oo. Call Mr. Young. OTTO - H ARKSON 41S Chamber of Commerce. Hdwy. ns0. ROSE CITY NEW. Owner forced to sell equity In this modern new bungalow that will be fin ished and ready for occupancy within , the next 10 days; hardwood floors, all built-ins, fireplace, breakfast room ; price $4750, easy terms. W. M. Umb denittock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg., Bdwy. 1658. IMMEDIATE PO SS ESS ION. $3150 buys 5-room cottage-nfyle bunga low h awe horns district, ntiw'y papered, hIho new roof, full re. i"ent basement under entire houne. St. imp. in snd pd. Owner leav ing clt y. Terms. A. WK'KMAN CO.. Realtor. 262 Stark ft. Rdwy. 074. DON'T PAY RENT. We have 3 -room house, 50 0O. 1 'i blocks from tar and P'-nlnnl hool ; house and 'lot $72-. $2.0 chMi. ba is nee $20 per month: lot worth price aekrU; come while It lasts. See- Blue, COE A. McKENNA CO.. S2 Fourth St. Broadway 7522. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $3050 buys tlii completely modern bun galow, f replace, bur ret. paneled dining roortn luth kitchen, ce ment banc (ii en f . furnace, floored attic, t. Imp, pd. Requires about $2010 cash. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. Realtors. 262 Stark st. Bdwv. 7!l. $'J050 B A KG A I V $ M.VI. $20.VI BARGA IN $2.'o. 8-room. 2-story, full basement, modern house, close -In, rant Hide, half block car service; small expense makes 2 dandy flats renting $6.1 month!;. lCs tare settling; demand rnh PHONE BROADWAY 4?t! $400 CASH WILL HANDLE. Five-room bungalow in IV nf rants. Double constructed and modern, having cement hneement, laundry tray, loi of built-in; ntixHMj corner, clone to echoo'a and car. JMtr.o. nll Mr. Young. OTTO HARKKON. -413 Chamber of Cnimnerr... Bdwy. 63 ROSK CITY. $ !M. 5-room bungalow. furnace, firenlare. built-in and on a corner lot, p.ivii. block to car, close to Handy, exvtlW-nt lo cation and n hxrgaln. HILTON-DANIKL CO.. 270 H Stark St. Mronlwnv 7m OSWKOO LAKE ONE A It K. With 5-room plastered bunif.ilutr? 2 block fn Ooodln ta. A dandy little place rnr :.iw. e can give K"d terms on this. RALPH HARRIS CO.. S16 Chamber of Cnnni -rny Bdwv. KHM BX-SKHvTric y.K .v A new 5-room house n Laurel hurst. ran be handled with 'iM!tf' loan. vry liberal terms, pre HI'RKK lth PKKl M a jhhua n. 323-4 Chmb-r of Comtm rce Bldrr 4th and Stark St- Hdwv. 22. $7OO0 A LA M KIA - iiMi Fine new sevt-n-room home lust belnr completed with Urge livtrSg room, ris ing room. den. or sun room, bulil-ina, good garage, term. 3R-40 Cham, of Vm, Blg , Bdwv WKSTOVKR HEIGHTS llOMj;. Cos v. compact. 2-sforv, 7 room home with Karaite, center entrance, large mnln rooms, view porch, 3 bedroom, s.rcpin porch. 2 batha. 2 fireplace, oak f'w, hot water het, unohst rurtct vw of the mountains river : cheap Tahn- 4( I IRVINGTON SAC K I KICK- f hi choice locat ion. hot-wa tct h l.OIM at. ox k floors, plate glass. 2 f irept plumbing: ownr leaving nmsi Neuhausen & Co., Real torn, li;tij Bank bldg. Main N071, W, $ 3 0 0 WALKING DISTANCE - $.;.-.( 1 . i Seven-room house with giHf on P.ii frene St.. between Union ave, ml W;;i ams ave. Term. O'FARRELL- KOK ON K V, 33-40 Cham, of Com. Bldg , B ty -117? ENGLISH COTTAGE. 4 rooms, large living room, 2 b"(lr.ms kitchen, breakfast nook and htth, double lot, small down payment, b:t!ace like rent. Bdwy. 4L'M 1 R V I N G TO N N E W t i SI L . Neat bungalow of 5 rori a, k fu.t nook and attic ; git rage. S- it t srt Fremont. Reason a bio pri- c and f rm Bdwy. 4620. LAUP.ELH I." It ST. Ol'iV PA UK. 8-room houac at th rieht p;it, $'. '0 cash will handle. Ownr for appoint. - ment. Tnbor .'7 M . LA U R E I , H I' 1 1ST N l.V He M : ' Coy, a'. tractive 2 -Story, 7 r-tuii ! tiful corner Ut. sur-.:.'. iotng porch A bat-rain. iVr'Tt I: iwv 4;:n DANDY nt w 4-1'.o;h tntl bi'.-,i kiu i uik. Eng ! lh cot tac e, C . iullt lot . vc ry a -tractive; sm-:i iM'h p"menT. balance like rent, li roadway