business oppoKTnsiTres. TBANfFER-DRAIAflB-STORAGE An opportunity for congenial, honest man to buy equal half interest in one of the largest and best-paying transfer, drayage i and storage businesses In city; business keeps 5 men busy at all times; need man to take charge of office end of business and handle money. Full price $320; $1000 cash handles, balance to be paid out of business; drawing account of $250 month and op. Books open to inspec tion. Meet owner, room 626 Morgan bids. On Washington at., between Bdwy. and Park sis. FIKST-CLASS CARDROOM, WEST SIDE. One of the largest cardrooms in Port- ' land; two large entrances, first-class lease a i.I cnnie nt the fnllAwinff fix tures: 3 cash registers. 40-ft. back and front bar. ice boxes, large. Lanar range. 75 chairs, stools, 10 ca,rd tables, $300 sare, electric fans, eiectric miiK snaaers. other first-class fixtures. $500 -up on lease. Cleared $i:;.wk) last year. Price $:r,2oo, including 5"0 on lease. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 4 04 -.-,- Panama Blrig. :id and Alder. GARAGE FOR SALE. FULLY EQUIPPED AND DOING A CLEAN. PROFITABLE BUSINESS: KAKMXGS AVERAGE 10 PER CENT PER MONTH ON INVESTMENT: LO CATION WEST SIDE. DOWNTOWN. CONSIDERATION LESS THAN 18000. IK- INTERESTED AND POSSESS PROP ER CAPITAL. GET IN TOUCH WITH OWNER. OTHERWISE DON'T BOTH ER. AS THIS IS ONE PLACE THAT IS LEGITIMATELY REPRESENTED. 5 .". OREGONIAN. AUTO REPAIR PARTNERSHIP. Here is the opportunity you have been looking for; an equal half interest with firSt-cUss mechanic in busy auto repair shop, fireproof building and beat loca tion; owner wants steady, reliable man, s he cannot rely on hired help; experi ence not required if you are me chanically Inclined and willing to learn: your earnings should be better than $10 a month right from the start; $300 ; full price of equal half interest. 620 Cham ber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. LUNCH ROOM SNAP. Here is an opportunity to buy a fine lunch business serving lunches to school children; one of the largest high schools and gymnasium; doing a fine cash busi ness; receipts are $25 to $30 a day; this can be increased; established 10 years; I own the building; overneaa won t oe over $10 a month; building, stock and fixtures all for $900; investigate this if you want a legitimate paying business. 310 Panama Bids.. 3d and Alder. AUTO PAINTING PARTNERSHIP. An equal half interest in first-class euto paint shop; no better location in Portland; run by an expert in this line; prefers a steady partner to hired help; experience not required if you are willing to work and learn; you will easily clear beter than $200 a month for yourself; if you want the best shop In the city see this before you buy; price $450. 620 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. POOL HALLS. In Portland and throughout the state. Prices range from $1000 up and terms. If you want a first-class pool hall which we inspect thoroughly before list ing, call and see us and we will submit you & first class place for little money. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 404-5-0 Panama Bidg. 3d and Alder. GENERAL merchandise business, oldest trading point in upper Willamette val ley, long established trade; no dead stock on band; practically -98 per cent busi ness cash, balance short credit: gross for 1921 $35,000 on stock pf about $8000; have own modern home which will sell with businessFor particulars see O. V. JaCk- SOn PC -Q., JUl wrt-Rmi umis $31(10 CONF. AND LIGHT GROCERY. West side apt. house location, with 3 2-room apts. ; 5-year lease, doing about $40 day business now; summer up to $150 day. Cost $4500 to equip this place. Disagreement of partners reason for selling. KEIPPER & CROSBY, 514 Railway Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6650. CONFECTIONERY & LIGHT GROCERY. Located on main-traveled street, in thickly settled district, first-class fix tures and stock, living rooms and lease, cheap rent, a bargain at $1300. $00 down, balance easy terms. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder Sts. A GOOD chance to get into one of the best transfer corners on the east side, doing a good business; must sell, as 1 have other things that demand my at tention; there are living rooms in back. The place for a good candy maker, con fectionery, cigars and lunches. - Phone East SI. 19. Owner. ' BAKERY OUTFIT. I want to sell all or' a part of S ovens, gas shelf, Mlddleby and Rotary electric mixer, etc Address postofflce box 3524, Portland, Or. $950 OR INVOICE grocery, doing a dandy business; long lease at $25; living rooms. $2850 grocery, cash and carry,, doing $100 day; $200 on Saturdays. Can you beat this for the money invested? Steam " heat, living rooms. l .: 3 1 5 Couch" Bldg.. 109 4tn St. LUNCH DONUT FACTpRY. "Heart of business district, west side; big profit; good business; fine location: unquestionably a monev-maker. $425 down. First time on the market. FRANK C. ROBINSON, Realtor, 50.1-4 Selling Bldg. Main 2557. X NEED the services of man who is will ing to work; have good business now, but need help; no selling, 1 do that; no experience necessary, as I will teach you. If you will be satisfied with $150 per month to start, see my agent at 314 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. $5250 GARAGE and filling station, new; 50x130; repair shop; 5-year lease; $500 paid on lease. Now working 3 men in shop. KEIPPER & CROSBY, 514 Railway Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6650. WEDNESDAY SPECIALS. Can show you some of the best west side grocery stores to be had In Portland from $1300 to $7000. Terms. See Mr. Wimer, 314 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BUTCHER shop complete with refrigera tor, showcases, ice making machine; good location; concrete building: doing $75 to $100 daily; price $4300; $3000 will handle. - ' 314 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. $800 GROCERY BARGAIN $800. Or invoice clean stock; fine district, good business. new buildings, living room; rent $15. Some terms. Morris, with O. O. Sletten, realtor, 415 Railway Exchange bldg. , A CONCRETE GARAGE. 65 cars steady storage; large sale gas oils, auto parts, etc.; $400 month clear profit. 4-year lease; $2750 will handle it. Room 401 Dekum bldg. MONEY-MAKER, cash grocery, new stock, no fixtures to buy, good location, $50 per day, one large living room. $2300. F. J. Dietsch, 326 Chamber of Commerce bldg. DENTISTS, two live ones, not all-day newspaper readers; willing to take sound business advice; not afraid to pay rent, nor afraid of work; ethical co-operative proposition. B 416. Oregonian. OREGON country newspaper for sale, lo cated in city of 15.000 population; net income approximately $18,000 annually: growing circulation: fine country; price $50,000. V 478, Oregonian. PARTNER. WANTED. Equal M interest in auto repair shop, west side location, working three men, always busy, $600 terms. C13 WILCOX BLDG. BARBER shop. 205 Madison at; a bargain if taken at once. Business Opportunities Wanted. SOLD IN TEN DAYS. All lines of business sold ; partners ob tained, additional capital procured, low est rates, best service. We have many buyers waiting. BUSINESS IS GOOD with us. Our selling system is perfect: nothing left to chance. Expert salesmen bring our buyers direct to you. We can sell your business in TEN DAYS. Phone Bdwy. 2651 and MAKE US PROVE IT. 12 successful years in this business. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE! CO.. Suite 316 Pittock Blk., 10th and Wash. CARPENTER has $1000 and services to invest in a profitable proposition with iaood returns to commence with; money must be fully secured. AK 478, Orego nian. CLIENT will pay cash for 10. 20 or 30 room apartment house, hotel or rooming house. Must have lease and price right. E. J. GEISER. 417 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 6252. I HAVE $5000 to Invest with services in a partnership or Vt interest in a good, clean, profitable business. It must bring good returns on Investment to com mence with. Address J 486. oregonian. MAN HAS $700 to invest in some clean, profitable business; must give good re turns on investment, with money fully WANTED WEST SIDE. Grocery store from $1500 to $3d00; cash buyer; give location and phone number; -ar.en.ts. N 492, Oregonian. WANT small lunch room or confectionery, good growing town; must be reasonable. E 487. Oregonian. CLIENTS waiting for Al hardware stock in or out of city; must act quickly. Willamette Realty Co.. 433 C. of C. bldg. WANT small grocery with living rooms; will pay cash. No agents. Bdwy. 3400. WANT small apt. house with lease. Main 784. Hotels and Rooming Houses. I TRANSIENT rooms, modern brick build ing, exceptionally well furnished; choice location: rent $35: nets $30; 2 nice rooms for owner. Price $785, $400 bandies. Bdwy. 5112. HAVE YOU ANY FURNITURE? 1 have a 10-rm. house, rent $33. NICK. 226 HENRY BLDG. LOTS OF TtOOMING HOUSES. lBANS C ROBINSON, 03 Sailing Bldg. BUSIXBiSS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. IVATORS REALTY CO.. :s22-:;L'.-t pittock bixm-k. HOUSEKEEPING AND ROOMING HOUSES. ' SEE MR. LITZENBERG. 44 rooms, all housekeeping; 3-year straight lease, rent $2.80 per room; good furniture: only $3500 required; balance arranged' to suit, 25 rooms, all h. k. : rent $!M: close in, west side, furnace heat; price $3500, with only $1700 down. 20 rooms. White Temple district; rent onlv $00; good average furniture; price $2O00. 20 rooms, excellent furniture: the best proposition of its size in the city: nets about $150 and apartment for owner; $2o00 neded to swing it. 15 rooms, on 16th et.: rent $25: aver age furniture: if you want a place where the investment is not large, here it is; $1100. with $0OO casta. FORCED TO SELL this week, my home furnishimrs of 5 rooms: close in: at- less than one-half price; rent $30: price $800. H. K. 148.' 11 rooms h. k..' new furniture and carpets; rent $55: fine build ing; you lose money if you don't get this; $1750. $900 cash. H. K. 135. We have a 4 -1 -room house with lease; close in; to exchange for about 10 rooms: sickness forces me to Sell or exchange. H. K. 138. ., See DAD. With . G. C. UMUOH & CO.. 406 STOCK EXCHANGE BL-DG. Main 4354. STRICTLY HIGH CLASS. 14 loveiy rooms and 2 sleeping porches, some oak floors,- 4 fireplaces, 3 baths, tiled; immense living room; several suites. This is a beautiful home and elegantly furnished in mahogany, inlaid ivory, birdseye maple; has a lovely yard and fine garage, and is in an ideal loca tion. MRS. SNOW, BDWY. 4664. 320 Lumbermens Bldg. NOB HILL. 11 rooms, good furniture, all housekeeping, this is a good home, as well as an income. Price $1050. $500 will handle. See MeCauley, HILLER BROS., REALTORS. 211 By. Exch. Bldg." Bdwy. 3628. HERE'S A GOOD PLACE. Positively the best and safest buy in Portland, no question about this place, large earning capacity, fine brick apart ment hotel, central location, steam heat, running water all rooms, right price, easy terms, well furnished; clears $575 to $650 per month; 6-year lease; see this today. - WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY, SI 8 Northwestern Bank Bldg. EXCLUSIVE WITH US. , 50-ROOM TRANSIENT HOTEL. Absolutely modern, steam heat, hot and cold water in each room, all steel springs, extra fine furniture, netting $600 per month; $6000 cash as first pay ment. See MISHKIND with DEKUM & JORDAN. 323-4 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 2249. ROOMING HOUSE, good location, walk ing distance, six H. K. rooms (five rent ed), good furniture, phonograph, sewing - machine, all linen and bedding; large basement, bathroom; net income $25 month with front H. K. room for selves; cost $1100; will sell for $750 cash only; good Investment; free rent and $25 monthly; no agents. If interested write for interview. D 502, Oregonian. WHITE TEMPLE BARGAIN. 44 rooms, in first-class condition and good furniture; ail in 2, 3 and 4 room apartments; net better than $200 per month; $3500 will handle. - MRS. SNOW, BDWY. 4664, - 320 Lumbermens Bldg. INVESTIGATE THIS PROPERTY. Building, ground and furnishings; fine corner, modern apartments and business, about 70 rooms, priced to sell;' $20,000 cash will handle this fine proposition, balance easy. List 165. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY, 818 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 11 nice, clean, light rooms, just freshly painted and renovated1; this place is be ing offered at a real .bargain at $1700 and will not last. MRS. SNOW, BDWY. 4664, 320 Lumbermens Bldg. . -SICKNESS COMPELS ME TO SACRIFICE and I will -sell this modern up-to-date apartment house for $2650; all 2 and 3 room apartments with private baths; good 'furniture and' in first class condi tion; rent $100 with lease. ' DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. WEST SIDE BRICK. 94 rooms,all 3 and 4 room apartments, in best of locations; net income is $550. For particulars call MRS. SNOW, BDWY. 4664. 320 Lumbermens Bldg. MODERN APARTMENT HOUSE. 24 apartments, all 2-room apts. with private baths, 4 -year lease, nets $400 per month; $7000 cash will handle. See MISHKIND with DEKUM &. JORDAN. 323-4 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 2249. DEATH in the family causes real sacri fice, 13-room house, running water in smost apts., all full, good Income. Can make 3 more rooms. White Temple dist. Garage. Rent $o0. Little more than $100 a room. 191 Park. ONE OF the best private boarding houses in city, never before on the mar ket. Ideal place for a home, good in come, reasonable rent, good lease, fine location, close in, west side. Deal with owner. Phone Main 5370. 14 ROOMS, H. K., nice corner, lease; clears $100. per month; price $2625, with (1425 cash, balance easy. See this today. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY, 818 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 14 ROOMS, h. k.. Nob Hill, furnace heat, good furniture, clean, rent only $35; $950 to handle. Price $1800. See Mr. Currie, J. W .GRUSSI. 318 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 7452. 11 ROOMS, good furniture, suitable for boarding, rooming or h. k.. South Port land." Sell very cheap. Terms. By own er. East 4854. 8 ROOMS, White Temple district, immac ulately clean, cor. house, near Taylor. Lease. Good beds," $150 gas range, new; full price $600. $350 cash. 191 Park. 25 ROOMS for $2000. Good terms, rent $75. Lease; nets at least $135; one floor, close in, west side. Could fix up and sell for J2000 more. 191 Park WILL SELL lease, modern brick apart ment house, 135 rooms, 50 apartments, very reasonable. 332 Railway Exchange. 14 APARTMENTS, 23 rooms; good west side location: steam heat; $100 per room, terms. Broadway 4336. ROOMING HOUSE, 21 rooms, $800 will handle. Inquire 401 Main St., Van couver, Wash. I MG VXIU.I&. r- W ASkus Ffc MISS ASoCy feR AiCk,&TOfZS. THAT W HOsJOP&Xf afl fT4. AlOw ' .If HOJOR it.'aJ' ! I 1. r,..;, 5 .b ? y t i- .,- PA'S MINI) JUST TV AT I1 RALLY RUNS TO CHECKS. -BV CLIFF STKRB.ETT. BUSINESS orPORTCNITTBS. Hotels and Rooming Houses. $7500. " $7500. 63-ROOM HOTEL. ON WASHINGTON STREET. " Fine location, team heat and well furnished. Can give lease. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. 85 Fourth Street. SEE MR. HODSON. Realtor. LEASE. 6-year lease on a hotel building. In the heart of the city. all new furniture, newly remodeled throughout, hot and cold water in all rooms, stores underneath pay all overhead expenses. This place will net $800 per month. $10,000 will handle, easy balance. See MeCauley, HILLER BROS.. REALTORS, 211 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. HOTEL. The owner of one of the leading ho tels wishes to retire: the hotel is now doing a $4300-per-month business: it Is located in the center of the city; $20,000 will handle. For full details phone Broadway 5540 for appointment. No agents need apply. APARTMENT GOOD LOCATION. BRICK BUILDING: 4-YEAR LEASE; $600O WILL HANDLE. BALANCE EASY TERMS. G. C. TXLRICH & CO.. 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG-. COUNTRY HOTEL. $6500 for a 40-room hotel In the best hotel town on the coast; has hot and cold water in every room; Beveral baths wit connecting rooms; good dining room and kitchen; now rented out. but can be had if you want to operate it; team heat in every room; this is in a college town and a money maker. Wes ton & Co., 1206 N.- W. Bank bldg. 623-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE AGENCY. IP YOTJ WISH TO BUY OR SELL, COMB IN AND TALK IT OVER. 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. V iri.!' . - " ' ' . - HO rooms, every room is rented now. Not a palace but it shows a net income of $600 per mo. and we will gladly prove It to you. Owner called away. Will sell for $7000. $4000 down. S-year lease at cheap rent. E. S. KERR, Realtor, 391 Yamhill. Marshall 5594. TRANSIENT HOTEL FREE RENT. The best proposition in Portland; 31 rooms; N. W. heat, newly furnished and decorated: 6-year lease without any rent to pay; fine central west side location. If you have got $10,000 to pay down, see - E. S. KERR, Realtor, 891 Yamhill. Marshall 5594. THOMSON & THOMSON, REALTORS. 14 apts., completely and well fur nished; 5-year lease; rent $75; nets over $225; and nice home; very clean and in perfect condition; brick building; other business forces this sacrifice. Price $5500. with $3000 down. Mr. Tice, 620-21 Henry Bldg. $1250 WILL give you possession of a 33- room notei v iui aining room, an iiu-e, nets over $300 a month and can be in creased, 5-year lease, cheap rent, fur niture and building in best of condition, balance of $1500 can be paid in small monthly payments. 504 Buchanan bldg. AH housekeeping, brick building, close In, good furniture and lease; net Income $185 a month and in addition 3 rooms for owner; good buy $6000; $3000 handles. See L. B. Sandblast, room 331, Railway Exch. bldg. FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotel, apartment or rooming houses with us; your interests will al ways be protected; we have cash buyers waiting for your proposition. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, rooming or apartment houses of any kind, anywhere, see Chester L. Florence. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. WASHINGTON-STREET hotel, 82 rooms. fine furniture, good lease; crick Dutia ing; this is first-class place and money maker; $20,000 cash down. Small bal ance arranged. 314 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. ROOMING house, 11 rooms, close in, west side; nice, brick. Good transient place, clean and well furnished. A money maker. Price $1500 on terms. Other bargains. H. W. Garland, room 318, Alisky bldg. THOMSON & THOMSON, REALTORS. 32 rooms; all apts.; good lease; rent $225; best location; completely furnished with - the best; very desirable. Only $6000; best of terms. MRS. MYERS. 620-21 .Henry Bldg. SNAP 2 houses, 18 rooms, rent $46, all H. K. ; furniture fair; price $1400; some Look! 6 rooms, 4 rented! furniture good; rent $30, price $350. Inquire at 201 West Park. - MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. Furniture and lease of 12 H. K. rooms, close in, rent $37.50; full price $550. ELLA J. OWEN, 370 Yamhill St. Main 4574. IF YOU want to sell your hotel, apartment or rooming house give us your listing and we will get results. Try us. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 404-6-6 Panama bldg. Bdwy. 6949. ' 60-room hotel, A-l furniture : and lo cation, all transient, always full; rent $175; income $700; lease: terms. Wil lamette Realty Co., 433 Cham, of Com. BUY FROM OWNER, One of the best apartment houses In th city, netting 30 per cent on price, $15,000; long lease: terms or well secured paper. Call Woodlawn 1593. THE BEST line of modern apartment houses and, hotels in the city. Look them over. E. S. KERR, Realtor, 391 Yamhill. Marshall 5594. 11-ROOM house. 7 rooms furnished: part H. K. ; $550 cash, balance $100 at $25 per mo. Party leaving city. Must sac rifice this week. 67a Johnson, near 21st. NOB HILL, 15 rooms, furnished beauti fully, garage with apt. above, lovely home and good income; No vacancies; leaee: owner 84 N. rjlst St., cor. Everett, $3500 WILL handle up-to-date modern apts.; business district. Main 7540. 314 Stock Exchange. FOR BARGAINS in rooming houses see Mrs. Ooodfellow, with Burnaugh & Pace 416 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 7264. " $8000 WILL handle close-in hotel; paying proposition. Main 7540. 314 Stock Ex change bldg. DO YOU want nicely furnished home with good income? Have such a- place. East 9267. H. K. ROOMS. 13, income $80 per month, $1150 will handle. 5th and Salmon. Main 754a 314 Stock Exchange, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Koomine Houses. RIERDON REALTY CO., 637 Pittock Block. HOTEL. 60-room modern hotel, plenty of private baths; furniture and car pets are good as new; lease over the fair; will pay for itself before the fair, and then sell for more money than it now costs; $16,000 cash required. APT. HOUSE. ?0 elegant apts., mostly 2 and 3 room each; very close in; has a long lease; clearing over $600 a month; $15,000 cash, small balance monthly payments. HOUSEKEEPING. Here is a real good buy; 12 rms., 7 apts., newly furnished; rent $60 with 2-year lease; close in on west side; price $2000, including two months' rent: about cash, ROOMING HOUSE. Good transient location; 36 sleep ing rooms, all on one floor; has 4-year lease; always full; dandy place for woman to handle; price $3000; about hi cash. RIERDON REALTY CO.. REALTORS, 637 Pittock Block. OUT-OF-TOWN HOTEL , BARGAIN. Only hotel In popular and pros perous eastern Oregon town of about 600 population. Located at junction of Columbia and Central Oregon highways, in heart of fa mous goose hunting district. Good building, big lot in heart of town on main street; 35 rooms with 40 beds; filled to capacity. This place gets all tourist and traveling men trade. A good money making pool hall included. Place clears from $4000 to $5000 a year and can be greatly increased. Owner was 70 years old last Saturday; has made his stake and wants to retire. Price only $15,000. The right party can buy it with a small payment down, balance easy terms. Will stand rigid inspection. . GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT r Co., 230 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Broadway 7581. FREEMAN-SMITH, BROKERS. 630 CHAMBER OF COM. BLDG. BROADWAY 1873. 52-ROOM APARTMENTS. Fine location, long lease; very rea sonable rent; in 2 and 3-room apart ments; everything in excellent condition; total price $4000; very low rent One 'half down, balance on easy terms. 14 ROOMS. Close In, walking distance, good fur nishings; all 2-room apartments; mod ern; lease; rent only $25; will -show a gross income of $150; nets $110; nice apartment for owner; cash. $1000. 11 ROOMS. Nob Hill district, good ' furnishings; rent $45. This is a place that can be re arranged and fixed up at a very small expense and will easily bring $1200. Can be bought today for $300. 21 ROOMS AT A SACRIFICE. Must be sold Immediately. This is one of "the best we have had in the office for some time. Furniture and fixtures are all in excellent condition; rent less than $4 per room. Will net $150. Total price only $1600; - $800 cash to handle. FREEMAN-SMITH, BROKERS. BROADWAY 1873. . $6000 CASH. Including 3 months' advance rental on lease. Will give you possessions of small apartment house, consisting of 40 rooms, 16 apts.. located close in, showing a net over $225; rent only $140, with lease to 1026. Bal. $1900, easy terms. . H. W. OSBORNE CO., Realtors, 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. NOB HILL BEAUTY. 20 rooms, beautiful furniture: has 4 baths, 5 toilets, fine base ment, wash trays,, furnace heat, can get a 5-year lease. This must be sold; $2500 will handle. " -See MeCauley. HILLER BROS.. REALTORS, 211-12 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. APARTMENT HOUSE. We have one of the best apartment houses; doing a business of $1300 per . month, in. walking distance from center of town;-the apartment was built so that each room can be used separately, making a hotel out of it of approxi mately 90 rooms, which can be used as such during fair; $10,000 will handle. Phone Broadway 5540 for appointment. HOTEL WASHINGTON ST.. LO CATION. FURNITURE AND BUILDING IN GOOD CONDI-TION:-COMB IN AND LET US SHOW YOU. " G. C. ULRICH & (XX. 40S - STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. 44-RO0M HOTEL. 4. year lease, rent only $225 per month, corner brick building located in business district: only $8500. with $6500 cash. 48-ROOM HOTEL. 4-year lease, 8 private baths, modern in every respect ; $5000 cash will handle. See BURKE with DEKUM & JORDAN. 323-4 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 2249. 16 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS nicely furnished, rent $50 per mo; long lease; net $130 per mo. $2500; $1000 down, balance easy terms. RICHANBACH & CO., 207-8 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 4143. BUY FROM OWtMER, Nob Hill district: leaving city, must sell at once: this is a real sacrifice at $900 : 8 large, newly-furnished h.k. rooms; 4 2-room suites just newly cleaned and fixed up: furnace heat: walking distance. 690 Irvine. Main 271C. FOR THE FIRST TIME. We offer this 10 rooms of furniture, good location, rented, furnace heat. Swell for boarders. $1050; $500 down. Close in, W. S. FRANK C. ROBINSON. B03-4 Selling Bldg. Main 2557. NETS $250. 40-RCOM APARTMENT HOUSE. 5 years lease, close in. $3500 will handle. Call (Andy) Bdwy. 6911 or come up to 517 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Nets $250. I. E. Spencer & Co. HOTEL $15.000 HOTEL. Beautiful, commercial. 3-story, brick hotel buil-d.inJr amd equipment In thriv ing Washington town; all modern con veniences: why buy a lease when you can own this place with only $8000 cash down? 425 Chamber of Commerce bldff. ESTABLISHED TRANSIENT HOTEL. Beautiful brick building, Al downtown location. che,ap . rent, good lease, full price $6500, terms. O'FARRELL-FORDNEY. 338-40 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4172. 9 H. K. ROOMS, Ci03e in. good furniture, all rented: full price $1750, some terms. Simms. 223 West Park St. Mar. 3388. POLLY AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIKS. Hotels and Rooming Houses. $1310 CASH DOWN. 16 H. K. Rms., rent $60. Lease, has over $10(1 net income. Snap for some one. See SHEPPARD. 226 HENRY BLDG. A BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE. 10-room house, good clean h. k. rooms, heart of city; clears $70 and living quar ters: owner must sacrifice on account of sickness. 75 Park. cor. Oak. 9 H. K. rooms. 5 furnished, 4 unfurn ished; rent $42; full price $560; grab this. Simms, 223 West Park. Mar. 3388. Hotels and Rooming Houses Wanted. FOUR ROOMING-HOUSE BUYERS Waiting to buy west side places from us right now. Call us. FRANK C. ROBINSON, REALTOR, 503-4 Selling Bldg. Main 2557. APARTMENT HOUSE. Have $7000 cash, and I want an apart ' ment house, lease and furnishings, not over $10,000, that is showing a good in come. Call Bdwy. 3364. . THREE ROOMING HOUSE BUYERS waiting to buy west side places from us right now. We serve you. Call ua. FRANK C. ROBINSON, Realtor. 503-4 Selling Bldg. Main 2557. HOTEL OR ROOMING HOUSE. . Want good place with lease, not over $2500. that I can handle with $1000 cash. Call Broadway 3363 WHO HAS A ROOMING HOUSE? 7-8-9-10-11 rooms for $350 down? ROBINSON inquiring. Main 2557. EXCHANGE 10 acres at GoDle for lodg ing house or apts. Write 271 E. 29th st. lOST AND FOUND. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., March 13: 14 um brellas, 3 lunch boxes, 1 pn purses, 1 , pin, 3 suit cases, 2 hand bags, 2 single gloves, 2 books, 3 pkgs.. 2 baskets, jar fruit, 1 sweater, school tickets, $2 in money, comb, brief case, cane. Owners may obtain same upon proper identifi cation at 1st and Alder st. station. LOST- In front of Grant hotel, 451 Mi Wash, st., diamond ring set in man's fancy Roman gold mounting. Dropped in small piece of cloth. Return to Bertha West, Grant hotel, and receive big reward. LOST Diamond and platinum alligator brooch, with ruby eyes, about 2 inches long. Liberal reward for return. Call Tabor 1218 or H. Christoffersen, sher iff's office. LOST Black envelope lady's purse. 14th and Brazee North, containing bank book and $35 In currency, Leave at 517 E. 14th N., cor. Brazee. Reward paid. Phone East 4412. Mrs. N. A. Perry. NAME your own reward for the finding and returning of diamond ring lost be tween 21st and Marshall and 20th and Northrup; platinum setting. Call Mar shall 257. LOST An elk tooth, between Ankeny and Hawthorne on Grand ave. Initials N. A., No. 896. Finder please call East 6475. Liberal reward. LOST Saturday, Past Matron star pin, between Glenn and Hawthorne, or busi ness - district to Pythian temple; name on pin. Reward. Tapor plus I WILL pay $5 for return of my black fur neckpiece, lost Friday, the 10th, on East 12th between Morrison and Tayjol or on Morrison near 12tr- Tabor 5556 LOST Houk wire wheel with tire for Ford, between Oak Grove and Port land. Reward. Kindly call 22-R, Oak Grove. LOST Black traveling bag with name Fred Olsen. Deliver to Dr. Wooley, 1278 Williams ave. Reward. Phone Auto. 319-90. REWARD for return of purse left in la dies' rest room at central library last Friday. Owner is wife of sick ex-soldier. Phone East lioo. LOST Small pocketbook last Monday with important paper. Nick Laddanzi. 6304 83d St. S. E. . LOST Black and white cocker .spaniel. Reward. Phone East 6227. Return to 540 E. 23d N. LOST Yesterday in business district, pair black-rimmed spectacles. Reward. Mar shall 3718. MONEY FOUND -Owner can have same by calling Broadway 7415 between 5 and 6 P. M. and paying for-this ad. LOST An army discharge and bonus ap plication. Return to Leon A, Xjttlefield at 91 E. 12th St. N. East 3135. LOST A gray opossum fur, corner ot 13th and Belmont; reward. Sellwood 1741. Broadway 1341. THE PARTY who took umbrella from Piggly Wiggly is known. Return same to 808 Salmon or call Main 7565. LOST Boston terrier, female, white and brindle: reward. 199 Jessup. LOST Diamond and sapphire ring; liberal reward. G 304. Oregonian. ' WOOL mitten lost between 24th and 10th on, Broadway, rtewara. cast, tow. LOST English bull terrier puppy, 6 months old. Phone East 395. Reward. LOST Small purse containing about $30. Main 9431. Reward. " LOST On 2d and Yamhill, lady's purse. Finder please call ozs-rfu. LOST Large Scotch collie with bob tail. Tabor 1696. Reward. LOST Brown brindle bulldog. Woodlawn 833. LOST GOLD WRIST WATCH by work- ing girl. Reward. Main 6912. . FOUND 1 Airedale. Call Bdwy. 1398. FINANCIAL . LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. $1000 IMMEDIATE investment will secure substantial interest in manufacturing industry of unusual merit. Unlimited supply raw material and ever increasing market for products; wide profit mar gin. Investigation will satisfy you that this is exceptional opportunity. Replies confidential. A 483, Oregonian. WE BUY CONTRACTS, MORTGAGES AND NOTES. PACIFIS SECURITIES CO.. 806 Dekum Bldg Bdwy. 6381. MORTGAGES. WE BUY WELL-SECURED MORT GAGES IN ANY AMOUNTS. PROMPT CONSIDERATION. FEAR & GRAY, MAIN 35. 102 4th STREET. SHOPi'-TIalE loans on mortgages, con tracts or other collateral. JSecond mort gages. Multnomah Finance Co., 822 Gasco bldg. MORTGAGES for sale, residence property; if you have money to loan. Call Main 6634. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate. Washington, Ore , gon. H. E. Noble, 316 Lumbermens bldg. WILL buy smaller sellers' contract or sec ond mortgage. Gordon,. 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE $40 savings account in Union Savings & Loan Assn., 40 discount. WILL buy firsthand second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 6776. WILL cash seller's real estate contract or first mortgage. Prompt attention. See A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermens bldg. LOANS and securities. Bdwy. 5890. Lee Davenport. 612 Buchanan bldg. BUY NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis, 713 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. HER PALS FINANCIAL Stocks and lionde. 25 SHARES of Great Western Livestock Loan Co. stock. Tabor 6272. . Money to Loan on Real Kstate. . MORTGAGE LOANS. RESIDENTIAL LOANS, 6t PER CENT. Five-year period repayment privilege of $100 or any multiple thereof. INSTALLMENT LOANS. 6 PER CENT. Five-year period; will loan 60 per cent of the value of your home; only small monthly payment required with interest; you may pay more or all ou the first of each month; no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. C PER CENT. Five - year period, repayment privileges. BRICE MORTGAGE CO... Portland Mortgage Correspondent the Prudential Insurance Co. of America, 1210-1217 Yeon Bldg. Main 8308. THE BEST and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months ,or $25.36 per month-for 48 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or , $16.60 per month for 84 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Other amounts in same proportions. City loans on improved property or for Improvemen; purposes. No commission. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. SIX PER CENT. INSURANCE COMPANY money fori RESIDENCE LOANS, Also Farm Loans. , Quick Service. Liberal Repayment Privileges. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPAN Y, 91 Third St., Broadway .6058. HOME PURCHASE LOANS. Monthly Installment plan; 6 per cent simple interest, with protection for the family in case of death. Option to take up any time. No commission. WILLIAM MacM ASTER, ' 328 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Loans Insurance. FARM LOANS. Insurance money. Low rates. CITY LOANS. $1000 UP. Mr. Martin. Loan Dept. . COB A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Bdwy. 7522 SEE US TODAY We loan money on city property; lowest rates, no commission on choice loans, long time and short time; monthly payments; pay as you can, sums to suit; contracts, second mortgages bought. 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder sts. CELLARS-MURTON CO. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or city property; prompt and helpful service; liberal repayment priv ilege; lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 80 FOURTH ST.. PORTLAND, OR. MORTGAGE LOANS. Money available for loans on first class inside retail and financial prop erty at 6 per cent interest. WILLIAM MacM ASTER, 328 U. S. National Bank Bldg. . MORTGAGE LOANS, -in any amount at lower rates on city or country property, prompt and helpful service. PAGET & PAGET, Realtors. 283 Stark St., bet. 4th & 5th. Bdy. 3794. WE HAVE funds, available for good resi dence loans; also insurance money for business property at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO., Bdwy. 2921, Wilcox Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms and city property; favorable repaying privileges: no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD., 309 Piatt Bldg Main 5371. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission, no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO.. 87 Sixth St. Portland. Or. $300, $40U, $500, $700. $1000, $1200, $1500, $2000 and up; lowest rates, quick action, pay off $10O or more at any interest date, Gordon Mortgage Co.. 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 6370. MORTGAGE LOANS. Residence and City Property. 6 and 7 Per Cent, UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Ground Floor, Henry Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security, any amount from $500 up on improved city or iarm property. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. 'OR GILT-EDGE 7 per cent and 8 per cent mortgage bonds in local concerns see Oregon investment & mortgage -o. 210 Exchange bldg., za ana otartc sts. MORTGAGE loans in sums to suit; city, farm or suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM G. BECK, 215 Falling Bldg. $1000 $1500 2000 $2500 S30OO. NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money. Loans quickly closed. F. H. DESHON, 615 Cham, of Com. bldg. $10,000, $15,000, $20,000. $25,000, $30,000. i Immediately available. DESHON MTG. CO., 615 C. of C. Bldg. SHORT-TIME second mortgage loans to responsible home owners. MULTNOMAH FINANCE CO.. 822 Gasco Bldg. WISH to buy first mortgage. $M00. that $900 stock oriental goous and ditterence in casn wouia pay tor. rioa, orego nian. , $500. $1000 AND upward on improved real estate; favorable terms, no delay, no brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., 210 EXCHANGE BUILDING, SECOND AND STARK STS. ( MORTGAGE loans on city property; sums to BUit, i ana oft. witnam-Reed Co., Main 6634. $200, $400, $500, $750, $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick action, Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS at current rates on well-improved farms and city property. K. K. Baxter, Spalding bldg. J$500 TO $10,000 TO loan on well-secured city property. 433 Chamber of Com merce. MONEY to loan on real state security at going rates of interest. Otto & Harkson Realty Co.. 415 Cham, of Com. $775,000 TO LOAN or buy mortgages, bonds,' sellers' contracts. Ed Diamond, 439 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WILL, loan up to $10,000 at 8 plus usual DroKerage. &u oi, uregoman. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent. Salomon & Co., 307 Railway Exch. bldg. $72.500 DIVIDE $1000, $2000. $3000, $4000, S'jOOO, $8500, $25,000. East 7504. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. ARE YOU IN DEBT? Pay it :off with , our simple plan. Weekly or monthly payments. Legal rate of interest. Come in and talk it over. INDUSTRIAL LOAN & INV. CO., 72 Fourth St. Hours 9 to 6:30. Phone Bdwy. 7710. MONEY TO LOAN. Money loaned on household goods or merchandise placed in storage with us at regular bank rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. Fourth and Pine Streets. Opposite Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. DAN MARX & CO., 315 Washington St., near 6th st. Established over 35 years; only high-class jewelry store in city with loan department in connection privte room for ladies; business strictly confi dential; under state supervision: all ar ticles held one year. Do business with an old-established firm. MONEY to loan on diamonds and jewelry; confidential service government licensed and bonded brokers. Zell Bros. & Co., 283 Washington st, Bdwy. 6725. AUTO and other short-time loans. Mult nomah Finance Co.. 822 Gasco bldg. FINANCIAL. Money to J .nan Chattels and Salaries. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TUDAi. LOANS MADE O." AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE, PIANOa V1CTROI.AS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS, ETC. If - your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity in your possession, and you can repay us in small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private offices. All business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, (Licensed), 306-30T Dekum Bldg. Broadway 6857. S. W. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY LOANS SALARY. WE LOAN MONEY to salaried and working men on their personal notes; rates reasonable, easy payments. NO SECURITY NO INDORSER. Call and investigate our r.iodern money lending methods. Ail business confiden tial. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, (Licensed), 213 Failing Building. MONEY to loan; diamonds, Jeeiry, eta; legal rate; articles held one year. Vines' Jewelry, corner 3d and Washington. Loans Wanted, MORTGAGE $7000. runs years at 8 per cent, Becured by good, ir rigated farm of 120, which sold for $18,000 last time sold. ATKINSON & PORTER. 705 Main St., Vancouver. Wash. FRANK L. McGUIRE, with his years of experience and expert knowledge of values, is in a position to safeguard your every interest in locating your money. Hundreds of applications tor loans. Of fice or -personal services. Let us loan your money. See J. Logie Richardson, manager loan department, Abington building. Bdwy. 7171. MONEY WANTED ON IMP PROPERTY. We have clients waiting who wish to borrow from $1000 up to $6000 on im proved city property. Ample security. Will pay 7. If you are seeking a safe, profitable loan see Mr. Dunsmore at GREAT WESTERN INV. CO., 230 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 7581. WANTED Loan of $8000 on good security of $19,000; will pay good-rate of Interest; private parties only. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. GILT-EDGE SECURITY. Want from private party, $3000, first mortgage on practically new building, 45x147 feet. Good location. E 302, Ore. gonia'n. WANTED $2000 LOAN On a 6-room house, modern and com plete, located in best part of Rose City Park; 3 years. 7. Auto. 315-44. EXPERIENCED builder wants partner to finance building and selling houses; good profits, good interest; can give plenty of A-l references. BJ 487. Oregonian. FROM private party, $1500 wanted on 100x100 with 6-room bungalow in Park rose, valued at ' $3000. Phone Wood lawn 5343. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., 210 EXCHANGE BUILDING, 2D AND STARK STS. PRIVATE loan wanted on Rose City bun galow and garage at 7 per cent. AB 498, Oregonian- $40U0 BY PRIVATE party on improved Rose City Park property. AE 483. Ore gonian. $1500 AT 7 ON NICE bungalow 50x100; value $3800; Alberta. Call 318 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 7452. WANT $2500 7 per cent; from private people, on my two houses on Williams ave., close In Phone East 6228. WANT $600 on house, two lots, value $2000: will pay 10 per cent. Wdln. 4IIH8. $5700 ON FLATS, value $16,000, 3 years. Lawsonj 601 McKay. Bdwy. 7429. $3000 7 LOAN on Alameda home from private investor. Call Wdln. 5172. PERSONAL DR. MARGARET HAYNIE, omropractor. Women's diseases my specialty. Alt treatment non - surgical. For trained nurse, assistant and bath massages, ask for Miss Randall, 21S Swetlar.d bids. NURSE gives steam baths for bad colds and body massage. Formerly Perkins hotel, now 322 Fliedner bldg., 10th and Wash. st. 1 GETS both feet flxeo. up at Dr. Eaton's, the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST., who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam. free. Globe bldg.. 11th at Wash. By. 2824. CANCER successfully treatea without ra dium or surgery. Consultation free. Dr. Elizabeth Rostock, 606-7-8 Swetland bldg. Bdwy. 6874. VIT-O-NET sweat, body massage. Radiant light, Violet Ray treament for celds, sciatica, neuritis, circulation; 10 to 8 daily. 450 Morgan bldg. Main 7579. JAZZ Piano beginners, 10 lessons, popu lar songs, 3 lessons, or money back. Par ker Piano School, ol4 Ellers bldg., Wash ington street at Fourth GRADUATE chiropodist massage under medical supervision; Sundays, evenings: formerly 216 Alisky, now 316 Tilford bldg., 10th and Morrison. MOTORING TO LOS ANGELES. About March 15: can accommodate 5 paesenxers; a good responsible driver, comfortable car. W 476. Oregonian. WANDA MARKS, human analyst, prac - tical psychologist, ten-minute consulta tion tree by appointment. Alain 4549. 226 12th St.. near Main. FEBVET si HANEBUT. leading wig and toupe makers, permanent marcel and water waving. 349 Aider. Main 546. MASSAGES FOR LUMBAGO, ETC. 415 Buchanan bldg.. Wash., bet. 4th and 5th. 10 to 9 P. M. Also Sundays. MOTORING TO LOS ANGELES. About March 15, can accommodate S passengers; a good responsible driver. comionapie cai. v nu mcguinan. MISS B. RANDALL gives body massages, steam baths, vibration and violet ray electric treatment. 215 Swetland bldg. MASSAGE, baths, rheumatism, constipa tion, kidneys. Both sexes. Dr. Elna Soren-on, 508 Panama bldg. Bdwy. 7086. ALBERT REYNARD wanted by his broth er, F. Reynard, 455 5th st. ; a $25 reward for letting me . know his whereabouts. SUPERFLUOUS nair, moles, warts re moved by 10-needle method, trial free. Jose Flnley, 514 Bush & Lane. Main 6368. HUMAN BAKE OVEN SWEDISH MAS SAGE Real rejuvenation; graduate nurse. 75-6 Sellmg-Hlrscn. Main 7786. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. ' SULPHUR steam baths, massage, violet ray. Hours iu to s. 4-o inay. jviain wau. PROSTATE trouble cured without opera tion. Dr. K. A. r-niuips. onwy. Piqg. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you 7 yee Vieretrit, cunei-wig, irnum ums. PR1MEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 844 E. 33d. Sell. 2213, mornings. UR. ROBERT FISHER, chiropodist, foot specialist, now at im t-enum oiqg. NURSE treats lumnago and diabetes; for me r 1 y3dm5W3t5j81GjolnjcWUn2 Dr L. Netzel treats rheumatism; massage and bath. 546 Columbia st. Main 5508. JOIN the landscape outdoor sketching club No. 216. 3504 Morrison st. MASSAGE and bath for Invalids at your home. Mar. 1322. room 12. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently re moved. OU4 weuana mug. suwy. OiUW. TKBSONM. DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIN by nerre-Moeklns; son therapy r eo ductlve anesthesia. Without danser or after effects We perforin ail dental op erations without psln. Come In aaa lei im prove it to you. X-Ray service. DR. A. W. KERNE. DR. E J. KIESENDA IIU Above Majestic theater. 3M Vt Wstn. NEW IN PORTLAND. Wonder treatment fur rheumatism, blood and acid germs: treatments exter nal, restful and painless; ladv and men attendants, nurse in charge; dlseouraseo. sick people com" and co ua. Hours, rat io 8. Suite 509-12, Raleigh bldg. 327 Washington At. cor. 6th. Phone Bdwy. 10O9. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POT PER. a soothing, cleansing, healing, germicidal and invigorating douehe; a great aid In female disorders. ,"ic and t per box. PORTLAND HOTEL PHARMACY. MINKRAI. STEAM BATHS. Hot and cold showers. -ientiflo body massage, violet ray. electric and Irar tion treatments for chronic disuses "f both fcira. DR. NKTTIB BENSON. I. P.. 711 Swetland bldg. Broadway 6790. 11 t 1-V. W VI A r NTT ft K I.I EK. Legal guarantee given. No need of knife, no pain, continue work. Ai-k to see Gle-o-nia Pile treatment. Slout Lyons Drug Co., 3d' and Morrison, utlt and Washington. Hroaoway and Stark DR. MARGARET 1IAYNIE. chiropractor. Women's diseases my specialty. Ail treatment non - surgical. For trained nurse, assistant and bath maaaK ask for Miss , Randall. 215 Swetland bid X. CURE YOURSELF AT HOME, with Keuu llfe Violet Ray. It is the quickest and safest way. Rented or sold at head quarters, 218 Chani'ber of Commerce bldg. Phone Bdwy. 720. SPECIAL NOTICKS. NOTICE of pale of government limber. General land office, Washington, 1. C, February 7, 1922. Notice Is hereby given that subject to the conditions and lim itations of the acts of June 9, 1916 (3'J Stat., 218), and June 4, 1020 (41 Stat.. 758), and the Instructions of the secre tary of the Interior of September 15, 1917 (46 L. D., 447). and June 22. 1920 (47 L. D., 411), the timber on the lol lowlng lands will be sold at 10 o clock A. M March 28. 1922. at publio auction at the tlnlted States land otrioe at I'oil land, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to bs subject to the approval of the secretary ot the interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited st time of sale, money to be returned If sale Is not approved, otherwise patent will Issue tor the tim ber which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be received from clll zens vt the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations orttanlzed under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon appllcstlon of a qualmed purchaser, the timber on any legal sub division will be ottered separately be fore being included in any oiler of a larger unit. T. 8 S., R. 7 W., Sec. 31. NEVi NE4, yellow fir 2650 M hemlock 375 M., NWVi NE'i. yellow fir 1150 M . hemlock 200-M., SB1 NK!. yellow fir 15O0 M., hemlock 350 M., SIVH NEU. yellow fir 873 M., hemlock 225 M.. NS't NW4. yellow fir, 300 M., dead yellow fir 70 M SW14 NWii, yellow fir looo M, dead yellow fir 200 M., 8E NVV, yellow fir 2100 M-, N E ' 8VY"4, yellow fir 1200 M., hemlock 30 M , dead yellow fir 100 M., NW?i 8W. yellow fir 1350 M dead yellow fir ami M., SWii SW14. yellow fir 3o0 M., dead yellow tlr B50 M., SB A BWi, yellow i.r 1070 M., dead yellow fir 6S0 M., NE' SE'4, dead yellow fir 450 M., N W, SE1. yellow fir 600 M dead yellow fir 350 M., none of the yellow fir timber iu be sold for less than $1.75 per M., none of the hemlock timber to be sold for les than 75 cents per M., and none of the dead yellow fir timber to be sold for lea than $1 per M. T. 2 S., R. 6 K., Sec. Ill, NE)4 NWi4, red fir 1600 M., none of the red fir timber to bs sold for less than $1.60 pet M. William Spry, commission er, general land otflce. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, fur the county of Muliuumah. in probate. In the matter of the estate of Henry L. Pittock, deceased. No 16484. Notice of final hearing. Notice is hereby given that the under signed, O. L. Price, executor of the es tate of Henry L. Pittock. has filed his final account In the circuit court of the State of Oregon fi-r the county of Mult nomah, and that Friday, she 24th day of March, 1922, at the hour of 9:30 A. M. of said day. at the courthouse at Port land, in said county and Mate, has been appointed as the time and place for the hearing of objections to said final ac count and the settlement thereof. Data of first publication. February 22. 1BDate of last publication, March 22, 19" O. L. PRICE, Executor of the estate of Henry L. Pittock. deceased. P. P. PRICE, attorney for executor. 07 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. PORTLAND, Oregon, March 6. 1922. NOTICE OF EXCHANUlfl. SERIAL 07165. NOTICB is hereby given fhat the Miami Corporation of Wilmington. Dela ware, has tiled In this office lis appli cation to select, under the provlalons n. the Act of Congress, approved May 31. 1918 (40 Stat., 593). Slid the regulation thereul der approved July 17 1918 (46 L. D., 424). the Eis. E V4 WH Sec. J. all of Sec. 11. T.7 S.. R 8 W Wll. Mer. Any and all persons claiming adversely the lund described or desiring to object because of the mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the dis posal to the applicant, should file their affidavits of protest la this office with out delay. ALEXANDER SWEEK. Register First day of publication, March 8, 192X Last day of publication. April 7, 1922. SEALED BIDS will be received until Fri day, March IT, 11 A. M., for a stock of cigars, tobacco, confectionery, soft drlnkn and fixtures, inventory of which cn bo seen at our office. A certified check of 10 per cent of the amount bid must accompany each bid. The right is reserved to reject any or " blda- . n 641 Pittock Block. Pro powala Invited. NOTICE TO BUILDING C I.N Tit AC iUH-i. Sealed proposals, addressed to thn Building Committee ot Centralis Lodge No 63 F. & A. M-, will be received at the office of C. L. Ricks rd. secretar. Cintralia. Washington, until 8 P. M. April 8, 1922, for the rotistiuctlon of a 8-story building. 60 0x120.0. plena and specifications can be ob tained at his office or at the office of Dennis Nichols, architect, Blurock bldg.. Vancouver, Wash. Bidders are Invited to bid on the en tire contract. However, bids will be con sidered on the general construction, fun steam heating, plumbing and wiring scp- All proposals must be accompanied by a certified bank check or bi.i bonds for an amount not less than 6 per cent of the amount of the bid. ... , , The board reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. any or a I h, rick A RP, Serretnry THE UNDERSIGNED will receive ses.ed bids for a stock of merchandise located at Weiser, Idaho, conwlstlng of ie.v-to-wear apparel. Manual); lnlllinei. $2742.80; fixtures. $172.50. up to 12 o'clock noon, of March 24. 1922. Terms cash and a certified check fur 1 per cent of the amount offered must ac company each bid. The stock may I." Inspected on application .at the office of Mr. Frank D. Ryan of Weiser, Idaho, and the bids may be submitted to hnn or to me st 740 Morgan building. Pori land, Oregon. Dated at Portland, or- -gon, March 14, 1922. R. L. Sabm. Trustee I, RALPH BLIVEN, and A. E. Oldeuhurg. have purchased stock and fixtures from May Monroe, located at 443 Uoldsinuli st. Will not be responsible for debts Brior to March 14, 122. Signed. RALPH BLIVEN and A. E. OLDENBURG Mlacelliineous. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that on the 13th day of March. 11122. at Porl- - land, Oregon, 33 dozen boxes of de composed oranges were arrested and .taken into the possession of. and now are In the possession of the United States marshal for the district of Oregon, pursuant to a warrant and process dulv issued by the clerk of the United Stat'-s district court for the district of Oregon, in a suit for condemns! Ion slid forfeit ure entitled, "United States of America, libelant, vs. Thirty-threo rioxen bones t-f decomposed orsnges." brought umler the provisions of section 111 of the food ami drugs act, approved June 30. 1900: that all persons claiming any right, title or interest in and to the said boxes of oranges are hereby notified to appear on or before April 3, 1922. st Portland. Oregon, to show cause why the same should not be decreed sgalnst and lot - t felt ed to the United State us deeom p I vegetable substance and misbi andcU food. CLARENCE R. HOTCIIKISS. United States Marshal for tlio District of Oregon. ALLAN BY NON. Assistant United Stales Attorney- for the district , of Oregon, Attorney f..r Libelant. ; I WILL not b respo-iebie for wiiy ll- s contracted by my wife. Mis Man biiu bert, i,, tibuborW