Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 14, 1922, Page 11, Image 11

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City Editor Matn 70T0. R60-8S
-Sunday Editor Main 7070, SBO-95
Advertising Department. .Main "070. 500-95
Superintendent of BItg...Main 0J0. SSO-KS
ORPHECM (Broadway at Taylor) Vaude
ville. This afternoon and tonisht.
BAKER (Morrison at Eleventh) Baker
Players in "The Haunted Houae." To
liTRIC (Broadway at Morriaon) Musical
comedy, "In Florida." Three ahowa dally,
S. 7 and 9 P. M.
HIPPODROME (Broadway at Tajnhll!)
Vaudeville and moving picture a, continu
ous dally, 1:15 to 11 P. M.
PA NT AGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude
ville. Three shows dally, 2. 7 and :05
P. M.
There will be several new features
during; the intermission between the
two parts of the operetta "The Wind
mills of Holland," that the young folk
of the First Congregational church
will repeat tomorrow night in the
church parlors. The Twing Twang
orchestra will give several selections,
Helen Grandlund and Josephine Wool
erjr will give a Holland dance. Mrs.
H. L. Hopkins will read, and Gertrude
Porter will sing. Those taking the
leading parts are: Edmund Turner,
Lola Kernan, Blanche Alexander,
Helen Grandlund, Edward Fitch,
Gladys Alexander, Theron Fitch and
Frank Johnston. The chorus of farm
ers' daughters consists of Ruth Hard
ing, Eualalie Oates. Lillian "Alleslna,
Hazel Barbey. Carrie Evans, Belle
Hoon, Grace Haines, Margaret Scott
. and Josephine AVoolery.
John Moodi Coming Here. John
Moody, one of the best-known finan
cial statisticians in the United States
and the author of a number of books
of reference for bankers and investors,
will be in Portland from March 30 to
April 2. and will probably make an
address before one of the Portland
civic organizations, according to
Willis K. Clark, president of the local
Investment Bankers' association. Mr.
Moody is the author of "Moody's
Analyses of Investments" and a num-
bcr of technical banking books.
Itecently he spent some time in Europe
in an exhaustive study of financial
conditions there. While in Europe Mr.
Moody wrote a number of articles on
financial condition that received
widespread magazine publication in
the United States.
Artisans to Elect Delegates.
The election of delegates to the
supreme assembly. United Artisans,
has aroused keen interest among the
members of Artisan assemblies. Port
land Is divided into two districts, the
river being the dividing line. Fram
assembly will close the campaign of
the west side jurisdiction this evening,
when it will vote to elect its master
Artisan, Chester Uobinson, as dele
gate to the supreme lodge to convene
this fall. Mr. Robinson has gone
through all the chairs and is declared
qualified to represent the jurisdiction
at the supreme assembly. The ballot
will be open all evening, from 7 till
11 o'clock. Dancing will follow a
short business session.
Industrial Strikes Opposed. At
the regular session of the Oswego
grange held March 11. a resolution
was adopted opposing all future
dustrial strikes as being a barbarou
method of adjusting difficulties which
causes uncalled suffering by the in
nocent. The grange fears that a coal
strike and railroad strike are both
Imminent, and if they occur, the pros
perity of millions will cease and the
farmer's products will remain unsold
and perish in his barns. It was fur
ther resolved at the session, that th
Oswego grange is strongly in favor
of arbitration in these matters in th
I r vington Scouts Meet. Troop 52,
Boy Scouts of America, held a dinne
at Westminster Presbyterian church
last Saturday night. After the meal
was served, speeches were made by
B. W.. Platte and F. E. Harrington
Moving pictures and an exhibition of
card tricks, and magic followed. Troop
52 is having a recruiting canrbaign
and is using this method to secure
new members. Every boy 12 years
age or older is invited to join this
troop if he lives near the Irvington
school where the troop meets on
Wednesday nights at 7:30 o'clock.
Youth Sent to Reformatory.
Rheinhold Cook, 16 years old, one of
six youths arrested in a dice game, at
Eat Tenth and Flanders streets, Feb
ruary 23, was sentenced to the state
training school by Judge Kanzler of
the court of domestic relations yester
day. He was sentenced to the school
primarily to insure completion of his
elementary education, several com
plaints having been made agains
him for failure to attend school.
Theft of Eggs Charged. Harry
Stewart, 40, was arrested yesterday
morning by Police Detectives Drennen
and Perslnger for the theft of eight
dozen eggs from a public market Btall
. near Fifth and Yamhill streets. He
is said to have admitted the theft
when the officers found the eggs in
his possession. He Is held for police
court trial for larceny.
Japanese! Leaves $32,000 Estate.
An estate valued at $32,000 was left
by S. Kajikawa, Japnaese merchant,
who died In this city March 1, accord
ing to the petition for probate of will
filed in the circuit court yesterday
by D. Takeoka. The entire estate
goes to the widow, Nanayo Kajikawa.
Driver Fined $100. George Mc-
Hugh was fined I10O by Municipal
Judge Rossman yesterday for driving
his automobile while intoxicated. His
driver's license was suspended for six
months. He was arrested last week
near Grand avenue and East Lincoln
Montana Club Partt, scheduled for
March IS, postponed until Tuesday,
March 21, Turn Vere-in hall, 13th, ana
Jefferson. Musical programme, danc.
ing. cards, refreshments. All former
Monianans Invited; informal. Ad
mission 50c. Adv.
Conductors to Hold Ball. The
second annual ball of the Mount Hood
division, No. 91, Order of Railway
Conductors, will be held Friday night
in the ballroom of the Multnomah
hotel. The proceeds will be for chari
table purposes.
Rttkmagb Salb Announced. The
women of the Unitarian church alli
ance will give a rummage sale Thurs
day and Friday from 10 to 6 o'clock,
in the chapel at Broadway and Yam
hill street.
Salmon Rods to Rent. Rods made
to order. Fleming, 292 Wash., at
Fifth street. Broadway 4125. Adv.
liver Causes
It's foolish to Suffer frora constipation,
ajcfc brad ache, biliousness, dizziness.
indigestion, and km- jps
aired ailments
when Cmttr-!
Little) Llv
Pllla wul end
nil misery in
a few hoars. J
Purely vege
table. Act
eently on liver and bowels.
gtmaD.rO 6ataaise-rsta JMC9
Acto Theft Case Set. The govern
ment case against Lee Arnt, George
Hoffman and Ulenn Stater, charged
with bringing stolen automobiles
across the state border, was set yes
terday for trial April 25. r This is
virtually an attempt on the part of
government agents to break up a ring
of automobile thieves which is re
sponsible for the theft of 28 or more
machines. The cars were stolen
mostly from around Seattle and were
found in the hands of buyers in Port
land after they had been purchased
from Hoffman and Stater, who have
conducted a garage on the east side.
According to Allan Bynon, assistant
United States attorney, Arnt was
stealing the cars and bringing them
to Portland. .
Lutherans to Open Conference.
The annual conference of the Oregon
and Southern Washington circuit of
the Pacific district of Norwegian
Lutheran churches is to open this
morning at 10 o'clock in Trinity
church at Eugene, of which Rev. K. O.
Storlie is pastor. Pastors and two
lay delegates from each of the 20
churches within this circuit will be
in attendance, all three of the Nor
wegian Lutheran churches of Port
land being fully represented. These
are the Bethlemen church. Our Savior's
church. East Tenth and East Grant
streets, and the Portsmouth church In
the- Peninsula district. The sessions
will be held morning, afternoon and
evening, closing Thursday night.
Narcotics Case Continued. The
third day of the case against Harry
Davis, charged in federal court with
violation of the Harrison narcotics
act on five counts, was taken up in
the examination of witnesses for the
government. The trial began last Fri
day and probably will last until
Thursday of this week. Four wit
nesses were examined during the
afternoon and testimony was brought
out that Davis was making from $200
to $300 a day and that as many as
20 persons called at his apartment
daily. More government witnesses
will be called this morning and the
defense probably will not state its
case until tomorrow.
Church Gives Monthly Entertain
ments. A series of free monthly en
tertainments for the public is being
provided by Hope Presbyterian church.
East Seventy-eighth and East Everett
streets. The next of these events will
he the evening of St. Patrick's day
next Friday when there will be mu
sical numbers and readings and the
pastor. Rev. James Aikin Smith, will
give a lecture on "A Sprig of Sham
rock." The men's chorus ofthe church
brotherhood is to have charge of the
singing at the Sunday-evening serv
ices in this church for the next six
New Theater in Prospect. A new
theater, with seating capacity of 1500,
is in prospect for East Fortieth street
and Sandy boulevard. Plans for the
proposed structure are being made
for Percy Garrigues and W. E. Teb-
betts, owners of the Highway theater
now in operation on Sandy boulevard.
nd which has met with such success
that they believe a larger theater is
warranted In the Rose City Park
district. It is expected construction
work on the theater will begin late
this spring, and that it will be ready
for use early in the fall.
Second Lecture Tonight. Dr.
Alfred Zimmern wil Igive the second
of his three lectures on "The World
After the War," tonight in Jibrary
hall at 8 o'clock. The lectures cover
important political and historical
events since the culmination of the
war. During the war Dr. Zimmern
was first associated with the registry
of reconstruction in England and
later transferred to the political in
telligence department of the foreign
office. His lectures are given under
the joint auspices of the public library
and Reed college. I
Deputy's Car Again Stolen. Martin
L. Pratt, chief deputy in the office of
Sheriff Hurlburt, walked to work yes
terday. For the second time in four
weeks his automobile, a touring car,
bearing Oregon license No. 41615, had
been stolen. It was taken last tima
from the vicinity of the. armory last
Saturday night and has not yet been'
found. Four weeks prior to that
night the same machine was stolen
but was found in a suburb of the city
the next day with only a little gaso
line missing.
Game Body Head Re-Electbd. I.
N. Fleischner was re-elected president
of the state game commission at its
monthly meeting yesterday in the
office of Captain A. E. Burghduff,
state game warden. Blaine Hallock
of Baker was re-elected secretary
The commission decided to close half
of Elk lake to fishing In order to use
It for spawning purposes for game
fish. Elk lake is the principal egg
taking station for eastern brook
trout in the state.
Church Benefit Tomorrow. For
the benefit of the building fund of
the Moreland Community Presbyterian
church, which plans to erect a new
edifice at the southeast corner of
East Eighteenth and Bybee streets, a
Scotch concert Is to be given tomor
row night In Wall's hall. East Thir
teenth and Lexington streets. Sell
wood. Scotch songs, bagpipe selec
tions and highland dancing will be
Two Card Parties Slated. Two
card parties are to be given in halls
of East Portland this week by Ladies
of the Grand Army of the Republic
T. e first will be given by Peter A.
Porter circle No. 25 tomorrow after
noon in Baker's hall, Killingsworth
avenue and Albina street. The sec
ond will be given by James A. Gar
field circle at 1:30 o'clock Thursday
afternoon in the Woodmen's hall. East
Sixth and East Alder streets.
Dr. Murphy's Trial Set. April 11
was the date set yesterday for the
trial of Dr. Joseph Murphy in fed
eral court. He is charged with the
sale of intoxicating liquors. He and
Dr. Charles Liscum, who have joint
offices in the Raleigh building, were
arrested by the police some time ago
for violations of the prohibition law.
Dr. Llscum's case will come up
March- 27.
New Homes Rising. Two one-story
residences of the bungalow type, to
cost $3500 each are being erected by
G. C. Goldenburg at 860 and 864
Schuyler street. Mr. and Mrs. H.
Steele nave begun tne erection of a
$5000 two-story residence at 841 East
Yamhill street, and L. J. De Keater
is building a story and a half house,
to cost $6000, at 1250 East Oak street.
Longshoreman Sues City. J. S.
Bell, longshoreman, filed suit against
the city of Portland, dock commis
sion and W. J. Jones & Son yester
day for damages of $18,000, based on
injuries received October 18, 1921,
while working at terminal 4 assist-
ng in the loading of the steamship
Miss Gedalius to Speak. Miss Jo-
anette Gedalius, a Christian Jewess,
superintendent of the San Francisco
Hebrew mission, will speak on
Prophecy Relating to the Jews," at
the Friends church, Lents, tonight at
o clock.
Masons to Hear Rector. "The
Constructiveness of Masonry" is the
subject of Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector
of Trinity church, tomorrow night,
before Portland chapter, No 3, Royal
Arch Masons.
Ben Hur Court to Meet. Ben Hur
court No. 9 will entertain its members
nd friends with a "600" party, fol
lowed by dancing, Friday night, St
Archer Place, on the Mount Scott line.
Kemmerer Coal, for family use.
fireplace, furnace or stove. Carbon
Coal Co.. East 1188. Adv.
Dm. Dayton, glasses. Swetland bide.
Woerndle Trial Postponed. The
trial of Joseph Woerndie in federal
court for the cancellation of his citi
zenship papers was postponed yester
day until the latter part of the week.
It was to have begun today, but
another case bas lasted longer than
was originally expected. "Woerndle is
accused of having loaned a passport
and papers of identification to Hans
Boehm, a German spy, during war
time, and the naturalization office,
through United States Attorney Hum
phreys, will seek to have his citi
zenshippapers canceled on the grounds
that his oath of allegiance to this
country was fraudulent and made
with a mental reservation of superior
allegiance to Germany.
Drug Suspect Bound Over. Pearl
Vargos, a negress living at 346 North
Fifteenth street, was bound over to
the federal grand jury yesterday
afternoon after a preliminary hear
ing before Kenneth E. Frazer. United
States commissioner, on charges of
violation of the Harrison narcotics
act. The woman was arrested several
days ago by police officers when they
caught Grace Wilkenson, negress and
confessed addict buying a two-grain
bindle of morphine from her. Search
of the Vargos kitchen discovered 13
more bindles and the money the Wilk
enson woman had given her.
Card Party Tomorrow. To raise a
fund for the purchase of a flag for
the soldiers' plot in Mount Scott
cemetery, the American Legion aux
iliary will give a card party at 2 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon in the hall at the
East Side Business Men's club, 11
Grand avenue.' Invitations have been
extended to various women's organi
zations to participate. The chairman,
Mrs. C. A. Hoggatt, will be assisted
by a committee composed of Mrs. H.
S. Wheeler, Mrs. H. G. Furnish, Mrs.
E. M. Stevens, Mrs. H. Weir, Mrs. F.
E. Walling, Mrs. C. Adams and Mrs.
L. Donehay.
Suit for $11,200 Is Settled. A
$11,200 damage suit, filed in the cir
cuit court yesterday by Warren
Korstad, 16, for injuries received on
July 27, 1920, when struck by a Union
Oil company tank truck while he was
riding a bicycle along a county road
on the outskirts of Kendall station,
was settled yesterday for $2500, a
confession of judgment in the com
promise amount being filed by the
oil company at the same time as the
original complaint was filed in the
damage action.
Burglary Prisoner Bound Over.
L. Cook was held to the state grand
jury in $1000 bonds yesterday when
he waived preliminary hearing be
fore Municipal Judge Rossman on a
charge of burglary. Cook has ad
mitted having assisted John Weigant
and John Faris in several of the 15
burglaries to which they recently
confessed, the police say. A signed
confession made by Cook was pre
sented to the court when he was up
for arraignment.
Orange3 Are Libeled. A libel
under the pure food and drugs act
was filed yesterday by Allan Bynon,
assistant United States . attorney,
against the Randolph Marketing com
pany of Sandlmas, Cal. The action
followed the seizure of 33 dozen boxes
of California oranges, most of which
were frozen, shipped to Page & Son
of Portland.
Theft Suspect Is Returned. Frank
E. Burrows, chief deputy United
States marshal from Seattle, arrived
in the city yesterday afternoon witt
Herman Levine in custody. Levins
was wanted here to face a charge oi
the theft of an automobile which he
is said to have transported across th
state border. He was arrested in
- jSSw
We Have Moved
7 Fourth Street
Between Oak and Stark Sts.
Our patrons and friends are
cordially invited to visit us
in o u r n e w quarters.
Broadway 620 1
dc&?$t II Behind your telephone service is the "plant I Jff&
Welcome to Sflss Garden and Her
Classic Company Arranged
by Commerce Chamber.
Round-Trip Beach Fare Between
Portland and Tillamook to Be $5.
Summer passenger rates to the
beaches and mountain resorts will be
back on a pre-war basis- this season,
according to an announcement made
yesterday by passenger traffic of
ficials of the Southern Pacific.
The new round trip rate that will
be established between Portland and
the Tillamook county beaches is $5
This rate last season was $6.48. The
new rate between Portland and New
port, round trip, will be $8.25 whereas
last season it was $10.68.
The new rate to Crater Lake by
way of Medford has been set at $33.35
round trip whereas last season it was
$37.08. The rate to the same objective
by way of Weed, Cal., and Klamath
Falls will be $38.40 round trip, against
$43.60 for 1921.
Spring Cleaning Season Is Here.
What do you not want? The pub
lic welfare industry needs and needs
badly in its charitable work of con
verting' waste into wages, junk into
jobs, and loafers into laborers. Tele
phone Main 7051, ask for the truck
of the public welfare industry to
assist in cleaning up your garret or
basement of any discarded furniture,
clothing, shoes, hats, utensils, tools,
tires, inner tubes, automobile acces
sories) books, stoves, machinery, toys,
anything, in any condition. By so
doing you will have earned the bless
ings of the handicapped of Portland.
"Gather up the fragments that noth
ing be lost." Adv.
Only installation in the Pacific
northwest of Tale & Towne Change
able locks. It's worth your while to
find out how this lock differs from
all others. All sizes now available.
and Morrison. Adv.
The arrival in Portland March 22
of Mary Garden and the operatic cast
of the Chicago Opera company, in
cluding 311 persons, will be made the
occasion of a big public demonstra
tion. Plans for a public reception to
Miss Garden and the company are In
th hands of a committee of the Port
land Chamber of Commerce. All civic
organizations will be invited to par
ticipate. The reception will be held in the
open square at the union station,
when the first of the three special
trains carrying the company arrives
at 11:30 A. M. Miss Garden will be
on the first train, along with some of
the other stars, and the. public will be
invited to see the entourage arrive
and to bid Miss Garden and her com
pany welcome to Portland.
The plan, as tentatively outlined
calls for the presentation to Miss
Garden of a large floral key to the
city of Portland by Mayor Baker
Governor, Olcott also will be asked to
participate in behalf of the people oi
the state who are joining with Port
land in making the opera season a
The coming of the company is
heralded as one of Portland's big
achievements, because this is the only
city in the northwest the company
will visit and one of three cities on
the Pacific coast to get the company
the others being San Francisco and
Los Angeles.
lished a reputation for hospitality. It
never loses an opportunity to enter
tain, celebrities). But a disappointment
has come. Expectations have been
held for the entertainment of Prince
Axel of Denmark, who is scheduled! to
arrive soon on the steamer Asia.
Now it develops that Prince Axel,
while of the royalty, is master of the
Asia, and turns down his thumbs at
all efforts made to entertain him. He
cares not for dress suits and ong-drawn-out
banquets interspersed with
oratory. He is said to be homesick
whenever he gets too far away from
salt water.
On the advice of Balfour, Guthrie
& Co., which organization has re
ceived word from the Danish Bast
Atlantic company, by which Prince
Axel is employed, the plans for the
Chamber of Commerce for entertain
ment have gone into th discard. '
Cottage Grove Arranges With For
est Service for Protected Supply.
Cottage Grove will receive its mu
nicipal water supply hereafter from a
protected' watershed covering 6000
acres in the Umpqua national forest,
according to a formal agreement com
pleted yesterday between the city
officials of Cottage Grove and the
secretary of agriculture. This is the
84th town or city in Oregon and
Washington to get its entire water
supply from the national forests. The
most notable example Is Portland, sup
plied from the Bull Run watershed.
The Umpqua watershed Includes
Behind your telephone service is the "plant
a complicated mechanical equipment of
poles, cables, wires, switchboards, instruments,
etc, carefully adjusted and absolutely depend
ent on perfect construction and maintenance.
The "plant" is constantly subject to accident
and outside interference. Storms, fires, the
carelessness of workmen, the pranks of children,
concealed defects of material all play their
The telephone company maintains a skilled
force whose sole duty is to quickly restore serv
ice interrupted from any cause. Your lines are
constantly watched and tested.
In the case of trouble we are generally the
first to know it, but a notification to our Com
plaint ' Department when there is anything
wrong will be appreciated.
The Pacific Telephone
And Telegraph Company
Dinner creek, a tributary to Laying
creek. The forest lands will be used
only for construction of roads, trails
and telephone lines or rights of way
for the government. No buildings or
permanent camps will be allowed in
the area. There will be no grazing in
the district and no timber cut prior to
1952. The forest service agrees; to
extend and Improve the forest by
seeding or planting, andi the town of
Axel of Denmark Will Not Face
Ordeal of Entertainment.
The Portland Chamber of Commerce
is proud of the fact that it has estab-
S. & H. green Rtatnps for cash. Hoi
man Fuel Co., coal and wood. Broad
way 6353, 560-21. Adv.
eradts of coaL well
Diamond Coal Co
Bdwv. 30S7. Adv
Lower Floor $2.SA, $2.00
Balcony S2.00, If 1.50, 81.00
Gallery, reserved 77c, admission 60c
Tickets Now Selling
Sherman, Clay A Co.'n Store,
Sixth and Morrison Sta.
March 22. 23, 24. 25.
For Any Information
W. T. PANGLE, Sherman-Clay Co.
1 jSgjrhT:
For Infanta
& favaluis
tbt "Pood - Drink" for All Ages.
Qalde Lunch at Home, Office, oad
Fountains. Ack for KORUCICii.
Is Our Popular
Account Book System
in Stock.
2 to 48 Columns
Journals, Cash Book, Voucher
Register, Purchase, Pay Roll,
Trial Balance, Sales Record,
OUTFIT $4.75
Pacific stationery
& printing co.
Talks With the Wife
No. 2
Cottag-e Grove agrees to co-operate
with the forest service in patrolling
lands in enpe of fire.
"Do you mean to say you baked a loaf of bread
with only 7 minutes gas?" asked someone of the
saleslady at the GAS OFFICE.
"Yes, ma'am, and left it in the Chambers Fireless
Oven 45 minutes. The oven had been previously
heated for 9 minutes."
"Why would your Company sell such a gas
saver? Aren't they in business to sell all the gas
they can?"
"No, ma'am; we are in business to satisfy our
customers. This 'Fireless' gas range makes every
owner boost for gas.
"Was it you that roasted a 3-pound leg of veal
with only 21 minutes of gas and then finished it in
the Fireless Oven?"
"It was. Here is the very range."
. The Gas Company carries a complete line.
Special for This Week
Jaernefelt Tickets for the concert to be riven
Yamhill and West Park streets, by
Selira Palmgren, Finnish composer
pi&mst, and. Mafkkt Jaernefelt, dra
matic soprano, now on sale at Sher
man, Clay A Co. Prices $1.50. $1 and
To cents, including war tax.
H Announces j
EEE SUMMER SCHOOL with distinguished staff of artists, EES
including' SERGEI KLIBANSKY of New York, Voice;
JACQUES-JERVTLLE of Paris, Coaching and Opera
Class; CALVIN B. CAD Y, Music-Education, Normal and
of New York, Violin-Cello; GEORGE KIRSHNER, Violin
EEs LOUISE DAVID, New York, Harp; SAM HUME, Director EES
of the Greek Theater, Berkeley, Arts of the Theater;
RUDOLPH SCHAFER, Berkeley, Color and Design, Stage
Settings, Costumes, Model Making, Textiles, Dyeing,
Batik, Stenciling, etc ADOLPH BO'LM, famous Russian '
E dancer, Master Class for Teachers in dancing and classes
EE: for amateur dancers. Opera Class, ensemble, accompany-
EE: , ing, lectures, concerts, etc. , , EEs
EEs Foimder and Director of the Cornish School, will be at the EEs
EEs Benson Hotel all day Tuesday, where she will be glad to s3
ss meet anyone interested in this summer course. r
E The best yoa ever tasted.
Short, crispy crust and de-
E licious deep fillings of pure Ej
fruits and creamy custards.
E Chocolate Cream 2
Apple Mince EJ
E Raspberry Lemon Meringue E
E Pumpkin Hazelnut E
E Cocoanut Cream E
E Large size... 40c EJ
Individuals. . .10c each E
1 Hazelwood 1
I Dairy Store i
126 Tenth St.
1 Broadway Hazelwood
1 Pastry Department 1
127 Broadway
75 watt. . . .$ .70
100 watt.
150 watt. . . .
200 watt. . . .
250 watt. . . .
300 watt. . . .
Sale Prlee
$ .48
Add 5 each for fronted bawl.
We Replace Any Defecte
Bolldlna; ownera, hotel operatora.
ee me lor special prlcea oa
quantity ordera.
Klerfrie Supplies
Sporting Goods Hardware. Plumb
In a; and lleatlna; Apparatus
S92 WASHINGTON ST. I dr. 4133
Fistula, Fis
sure, Itching
and all other
rectal condi
tions except
Cancer perma
nently cured
without a sur
gical operation.
My method Is painless, requires
no anesthetic and la permanent.
There Is no confinement In bed. no
Interference with business or so
cial ena-ajfements.
I eliminate all doubt as to re
sults by aKreeina- to return your
fee if I fall to cure yonr Piles.
Call or write for Booklet.
2d and Morrlnoa Stm., Portland. Or.
Mention this paper when writing-.
Sale! Sale! Sale!
Best toilet
tank repair
balls. The
kind that
stop the
leaks. Regu
lar price 75c
and $1 each.
While they
last, Special
W tTif best Plumbing: Sup
plies, repairs, washers, 'n' everything-
to make any kind of plumbing-
repairs on the face of the
earth. Fix "em yourself.
Plumbing- Supplies, Heating- and
Electrical Apparatus. Store and
Show Rooms
292 Washington at Fifth
Bdwy. 4125.
Dr. Editu I. Phillips
450-451 Pittock Block
Phone Broadway 1303
Portland, Or.
During the Winter
months our permanent
rates are extremely low.
New Perkins Hotel
Wanted Chairs to Cane,
and Pianos to Tune
by School for Blind
For Farflrnlara Call
AModerately-Prleed Hotel of Merit
East MorrlsoB St. and Eaat Sixth
(1.25 Paz Day SS rec Week V