14 THE MORNIXG OREGONIAN, MONDAY, MARCH . 13, 1923 FOR SALE TRUCKS AXD TRACTORS. B-TON GMC. an exception ally tout,, heavy built chain-drive truck A $750 84 -ton GMC with nearly new tires en ail four wheels, overhauled and repainted; a very good buy $2450 2-ton White, overhauled In every respect, motor, transmission and rear axle In A-l condition, near ly new tires ....$1650 2-ton Reo, a cracker jack for cordwood- .$450 2-ton GMC, overhauled in every way and backed by our new car guarantee - $1650 2-ton Republic, thoroughly over hauled, all new tires. This Is nearly a new truck. $1330, 1-ton White, in first-class run ning condition, only. ..... .$1250 1-ton Chevrolet, good pneumatic tires on all four wheels, good standard express body, top and 1 windshield $450- 1-ton Ford worm-drive, express body. This truck has Just been overhauled ..$350 1-ton Republic, equipped , with good express body, solid tires, only $375 1-ton GMC truck, pneumatic tires, in good condition $500 Chevrolet light delivery, self starter, electric lights, good body ..$250 WENTWORTH A IRWIN, INC., 200 2d St., Cor. Taylor. Main 292. Open Sundays Fnpm 10 A. M. t 2 P. M. CATERPILLAR TRACTOR. I have a 12-20 Cleveland, just been overhauled, that I will sell cheap. In vestigate. ST. Li. H LtA?ja. A n. 401-2 Swetiand Bids. Bdwy. 6S59 or Tabor 2555. TRAILERS. I have several good bargains in used trailers for logging, lumber hauling or eeneral work. Parsons, "The Trailer Man." Transportation Equipment Co., 323 Everett st. 1 NEARLY new 2H-ton Denoy, run only 4 months, coat $2250; will sell for $1300. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. Broadway 6j76. TWO-TON truck will be sold for repairs, new engine block. We guarantee satis faction. Clackamas Garage, Clackamas, Oregon. ri.'iam cm rripn tractor, oractically new. Priced at a bargain. Clackamas Garage, Clackamas, or. Hi-lS FORD truck, chassis, 1922 license; first-class condition. 240 East otn. AUTO REPAIRING. i tt n: REPAIRING AND STORAGE. ifwrt vntv e-mund. 42.50. work guar anteed ; car storage, $4 month. 449 Flan ders st., bet. Hth ana lain. FORD repairing at your garage ; motors overhauled, iu; otner worit &ucwiuuisjji work guaranteed. East 8778. AUTOS repaired at your home or mine. with guarantee. Tabor. 1146 or 220-12. I OARAGES. PARSONS GARAGE, 323 EVERETT ST. Day or night storage; cars washed and polished. Personal attention given every customer. . BETTER VALUES IN GARAGES. GOpD STYLE. WELL BUILT, DELIVERED, V H rC'TPI) STAINED: 10x16. Sao; AT TRACTIVE FACTORY PRICES. 299 WE IDLER. EAST 8866. c T-i k"i i p A ITTOMORILE STORAGE. At 46th and Belmont. .Automobile storage at 3 per month. Trucks $a. C. Marsh. OARAGE for rent. 374 Victoria at., near car East Broadway dc. WANTF.D MTSCELLANKOrS. SECOND-HAND CLOTHINCr WANTED. Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison St., Near Third St. Mvers. the Tailor, nays the highest iries for suits, overcoats, mackinaws an: shoes. We call everywhere in the city, day or evening. We also buy sec- ' ond-hand FURNITURE, TOOLS Machinery and ail kinds of junk. CALL US BEFORE YOU SELL. MARSHALL 1229. WE HAVE THE MONET. TQII HAVE THE CLOTHES. We buy and exchange iadlerf and rents' clothing. Highegc prices PaJ(l fTipajitnar. Dressing a specialty. Call and deliver any part of city. Phone calls .Tuwered ' promptly and confidentially. for quick service call ua funl watch re sults. ADLER, THE TAILOR. Main 3207. or 211 Third St. SECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED. ilEVETt. THE TAILOR. PAYS THE HIlSHEST PRICES FOR SUITS. OVER COATS. MACKINAWS, SHOES. WE CALL ANYWHERE IN THE CITY. DAY OR EVENING. CALL MAR. 1229 or 253 MADISON ST., NR. THIRD ST. SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS BOUGHT We pay highest prices. Ore gon Tailors and Cleaners, 11 i za eu. N. W. corner Washington, uawy. 741. WE WILL ALLOW YOU S to J13 for your discarded suit In payment on a suit made to order and you can pay us the balance on, easy monthly payments. Bring in your used suit and apply it on a new one. Joy, the Tailor, 1U4 Fourth, near Stark. " CALL MAIN 7714. USED FURNITURE OF ANT KIND. TOOLS AND GENERAL HOUSEHOLD GOODS, BOUGHT FOR CASH; GOOD PRICKS PAID. WJSST PORTLAND Sii,- VAGE CO. GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR. , PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 3932. 245a BUBNS1DE, BET VVrlEN St-CUiND AU THIRD. CALL ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. F URS FU RS FURS. ' Low rent and low prices; remodeling and repairing; furs tanned and dressed. La France Fur Aug. Co., loa west Pari st. Phone Alain 6aL'l. I'D BUY, sell or trade second-hand fur- niture and household goods, see OKI FURNITURE CO., 209 Second. Main 419T. R. B. GRAFLEX, 3x4,, Tessar F.4.5; case and roll holder; perfect condition; offer wanted. R 498, Oregonian. . U-fcFGRE you sell piano or phonograph consult resale and exchange dept. Ore- gon Ellers Musiic House, 2ST Wash, at. IF YOU wish to tell your cast-off cloth- ing call Mar. '3225. 209 Madison st. ' People's Secondhand Store. WE WISH to buy a good piano and also a phonograph; will pay all cash; must be bargain, no trash. X 4te5, Oregoniaji. DIAMONDS bought at highest market price. E. Deeds, 340 Washington st. HIGHEST cash price paid tor rifles, shot- guns. Hochfeid. 85 Third, near Oak. WANTED sale for onice. Give size and lowest price for cash. S 469, Orgeoniaa. DELIVERY body for Ford car, suitable for laundry route. 480 Belmont st. Furniture Wanted. " CASH FURNITURE CASH. Save money and time, we are paying sest possible prices tor furniture; we need used furniture, stoves, ranges and all kinds of household goods to ship out of town. Will pay more for your fur niture than other local dealers: call us for one article or a house full and courteous, competent buyer wiil call. Broadway 2200. 72 North Third Rosenberg's Furniture exchange. CALL. MARSHALL 2693. I nav the right price for household goods; a home full of furniture or one article; I neea taDies, cnairs, dressers, beds, chiffoniers and good rugs, roll top desks and all kinds of hardware tools. If you are ready to sell call Mar shall 2693. I will be there promptly with cash. Crown Fmrnnure Co.. 209 First st. WE are in need of ued furniture, carpets, stoves and ranges and household goods of all descriptions and will - pay ab solutely the top prices for same. Call Marsoall 587. and our buyer will be v-iere at once with the cash. A. & S. Gevurtx Furniture Store, 2u5 and 20 First, tet. Taylor and Salmon. " CALL MAIN 73S. CASH PAID FOR USED FURNITURH AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS; WE PAY MORE THAN ANY LOCAL DEALKR; GIVE US A TRIAL. USED FURNITURE EXCHANGE. CALL MAIN 73S. -. CALL MAIN 8S7S, We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you seli. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE!. Main 8878. WE FAY as much as any dealer can for used furniture, in cash or in exchange for what you want in up-to-date 'new furniture. M. H, Calef,' furniture. 140 Klliingsworth. Woodlawn" 6604. WIS NEED fur nit ure, ruga, stoves and tools oi every description in single pieces or in lots; will pay more than local deal ers; promt attention given. East 2405. WIS NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURH of any description: have the ready cash. Phone today, Main 4827. or mg First st. WE WILL. BUY your Xurnlture or sell for yoo on commission. Georga Bakar & Go Auctioneers. Jklaia 333:4 EDUCATIONAL FOUR WEEKS' TRAINING FREBL We have hundreds of graduates now successfully engaged in the auo, trac tor, battery and the auto electrical busi ness. We can assist you to a good posi tion, too. We give you a four weeks FREE TRIA.I No money in advance. The trial obligates you in no way. It affords you an excellent opportunity to size up our school and test your qualifi cations to learn mechanical work. Full particulars in our new 112-ps.ge cata log. Call or write for it today. Ask for book No. 6; it free. ADCOX AUTO & AVIATION- SCHOOL UNION AVE AND WASCO ST. Woodlawn or Albert car. 3d and Aider. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL Ton want nothing but the best. Mere St is. Standardized with schools in 60 other cities. Best laboratories, best hop equipment and Instructions. Actual hop piactice given on real repair Jobs. Result absolutely guaranteed. Ths time for yon to go to school is while business is quiet, frepare now ror Dig business opening in a few months. In qui re Oregon Institute of Technology. Main st. at Sixth. .jc-servlce mea get STATE AID. BEGIN EARNING MONET QUICKLY. Enroll for day or night school at this I great business college, the training! school for successes. Courses include I comptometer. stenosrraDhy. ? banking, I bookkeeping, private secretarial. Write! or phone Main 500 for free catalogue. Xi&t2ii.h- WALKtH u sir COLLEGE. Fourth near Morrison, Portland. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in a weeks, furnish a set of tools to you and give some pay while learning; positions secured; former ex- service men receive state aia wmie at tending our school. Write or call for catalogue and particulars. 234 Burnaide. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in weeics; scalp ana zace i massage specialty; tools free; positions! guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reducea tms term, jj Maaison st. LEARN BOOKKEEPING. Practical accountant will teach limited I cumber elementary course 2 hours day I or night. intensive .training, si a ie- son. Main abJ4. MODERN barber college teaches trade in wks. tools furnished, some pay; posi tion secured; special rate tnia month. Write or call for particulars. 234 1st st. LEAKN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute, 434 Railway Exchange blag, uay ana nignt classes. MISS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL shorthand, tvpewnting. ib J.4tn. near jeuerson. M. 3S33. ROCKY MT. Teachers Agency. Enroll free. Frank K vvenes, ex -asst. state supt., , mgr., N. w JjanK oiog. auio. oia-xa. FISK Teachers Agency Journal bldg. Main 'reacmng position, iree reg. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main Ba. urodaway niag. H IF YOU WANT to learn the vulcanizing : business cau ids mast oroaawar. HELP WANTED MALE. YOUNG MAN! Take this Up. The one hPrt nlnoA In th eitv to assist IUU in finding a position in a clerical com mercial or technical line is the Y. M, C. A. employment department. You can get reliable information and they will mul tiply your chances and put you next to opportunities that you win never uau throueh vour own efforts alone. AU young men and especially stran gers are cordially invitea to iam wim one or the secretaries. itoom aui, Y. M. C. A. OLD LINE life Insurance company wants manager lor western Oregon. Jtie must be between 25 and 40 years oi age. oi eood character, nossess energy and in- tellierence and be able to furnish bond. Experience advantageous. Maximum con tract equivalent to $5000 first year. Splendid permanent position. Address W. I. Fraser, director of agents. Pierre, boutnpa kota. WANTED A voung man thoroughly ex perienced as buyer, salesman ana man . ager in clothing department; must be fa miliar with modern mercnanaismg mein- ris Answer In own handwriting, giv ing In detail your experience, age, how Dhone number and salary wanted. P ' 484. Oregonian. THREE npat. sincle men. 1( to travel with crew witn manager, a em on - strata; auto tum;she4 by company and expenses advanced weekly; experience unnecessary, but must have pep and want in travel and learn salesmanship. See Mr. Stanley. 10 to 12 A. Al.. Hotel Portland. 3 MEN WANTED, 1 to work on dairy and poultry farm just outside city limits; 1 to take charge and Duua up aairy rm, 1 who can do rough carpenter work sucn i as buildk-g chicken houses. Apply N. E. corner 1st ana Ankeny stg. WANTED WORKING MILL FOREMAN for furniture tactory; experienced on library, dining table and chairs: must be able to handle men and get results; state age, salary, experience and refer- j ences. WV 2H9. Orgonian. WANTED Bv large local corporation. man of ability, personality ana aoie to meet the puDlic. Advancement nasea upon merit alone. For appointment call Main 6219, Saturday or Monday, after 8:30 A. M. WANTED Machine man, for Columbia river cannery wno tnorougniy under stands Johnson and N. R. machines. State experience and give phone nam- ber. E 4:9. Oregonian. DOUBLE-END t-enoner man; do not apply unless fuily qualities ; make $b per day. Reedsport bash oz Door Co., Reeosport, Oregon MACHINE operator, permanent day situ ation, open March zu, in -machine shop, for first-class operator, scale $39. Write telephone. Herald. Albany, Oregon. HELP WANTE4D Good pay, steady work. If you want profitable employment, get our proposition. Address u. m. sever, son, Dallas. Or. FOR HELP PHONE STAR EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, BROADWAY 5286. ' NEW invention, just out, patented skirt making machine; big money; every home needs one; investigates Phone Mr. Price, Tabor 4168. 2 NEAT-APPEARING young men not afraid to meet the public, demonstrating house to house; no selling. Call Monday a to o p. m.t MuiKey Plug., room 18. PORTRAIT men. experienced, capable of ilHUUiUiS uigouiaoijuu wi ueilVCiy. Ad dress P. O. Box 325, Portland. Give phone, experience and age. WANTED Fiist-class benchman for out- of-town planing mm; steady work. Please state wages expected and ex perience. AV 30C, Oregonian. WANTED First-class workman; must have third-class engineer's license isx per week. . Dillon Steam Laundry, Dillon, Montana. WANTED Inside painting and cabinet work 4n exenange for dentistry. BD 499, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED solicitor with car for cleaning and dye works established route. 732 Sandy blvd. AMATEUR singing, talking and dancing acts, fiwu i",j iiieaier, and Washington. BOY 16 YEARS old to make himself use- ful. Lion Clothing co.. 4tn and Morrison. FIRST-CLASS broommaker. The Meese Broom Co., Spokane, wash. FIRST-CLASS coat maker wanted. C Gawer, ladies tailor. Globe bldg. MAGAZINE men, call at 212 Stock Exch. bldg. HOME, SWEET HOME I SEE MY AJirKS 5l5TEf2 UAS 7 1 MiM ) X TWMMWMfl X7 T T "NTT" m-ookso AMo-mere wjaa.uk im tuts AM' (So AS I SAV wMWzZ Voo qqox? YwMWmM JS N VAOOPEjrC I MA7K1MOMIAU EA M6 LOOW5 A PELLAU TVAAT OOMT Tl WJfiT U6 A o vA-v, Mr-, . I , Y t U.KTSS ONJS TUO-5E 0fSOa IAJUO I MAMTA, QST NAA(2mO IK VA.V. A TfgeUNQQ. U OfSfi p V-"-1 -W 1V- TMtMK: NIAGARA PAUL3 l5 SOMS -" o PfSAGT) CAtty Ar?j2A,C WUST 00 CAUSE X M. (, I L I NJAMS. VAA.5 . i p KELP WANTED MALE. AN ESTABLISHED firm, doing business in Portland and vicinity, is looking for salesmen to handle our line oi rood products direct to the consumer; we can give you exclusive territory in , the southern, eastern and coast districts; ' preference will be given to men who are not arraja oi wotk, woo nave nau. ex perience In this line; If you have a con veyance, this is an opportunity for you to build up a business of your own. In vestigate this at once. Ideal Tea Co., 805-807 Union ave. N- . SPINNERS. -" - Good pplnners wanted for night shift; Oregon City Woolen Milk Oregon City. ! Al VARIETY saw man wanted. Wdln. 3418. Help Wanted- -Salesmen. DOES $600 MONTH INTEREST YOU? Representatives wanted everywhere to ell absolute safety device to prevent Fordson tractors from tipping back wards and killing driver. Every Ford son owner a positive prospect, as hun dreds tractor operators killed and in jured each year proves 100 per cent de mand for & device of this kind. Sells to tractor owner for $30; your profit $6. ,Now is time to .start. Act quiciciy. This is a. Portland nroduct. Write or call on P. M. Johnson, 230 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland, Or. " BOND SALESMEN. An opening for two high-class1 bond salesmen, an opportunity to make some big money quickly. . MR. GREENE. 844 Pittock Block. - Portland. Or. BOND SALESMEN. . An opening for two high-olasa bond salesmen, on opportunity to make some big money quickly. MR. GREENE, 344 Pittock Block. Portland. Or. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. EXPERIENCED MEN ONLY. MUST HAVE CAR AND KNOW THEIR BUSINESS. G. O. ULRICH & CO.. 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. . WANTED 2 REAL SALESMEN. Excellent income, permanent connec tions with great future possibilities for right man ; selling experience aesiraoie, reference required. Call room 605 Couch bldg., after 3 f. &L., eunaay; juonaay after 9 A. M. IT IS ALWAYS too hot or too cold for the man who wants to quit, out ir iuu are & sticker and have EXPERIENCE in house-to-house selling, see Salesmanager, 607 Henry bldg. AUTOMOBILE salesman wanted; good proposition to tne ngnt man; must nave experience. Apply by letter to Bateman Garage, M arshfieia, or. ! I HAVE the easiest money-maker in the .irv for two live salesmen who will woric. Room 647 Multnomah hotel, 9:30 to 10:30. . SALESMAN to cover local territory selling dealers; guaranteed salary oi iuo wmk for right msn. commercial rtamura uo., Fi fth Ave, bldg.. New York. AUTOMOBILE salesman to sell Fords, L,lncoins ana usea cars. Appiy xiooin- son-Smith Co., tjth and Maaison, SALESMAN Big commission. Call East 8297 after 5 P. M. , WANTED AGENTS. HEALTH, accident and hospital insurance. Hie commission, oui uoroett Diog. ' HELP WANTED FEMALE. ELDERLY woman, no longer able to carry on business of a small rancn out not desiring to leave it, wants woman com panion to go into cnicKen ousiness, or middie-agea couple wno coma raise garden and care for a cow. AV 203, Oregonian. YOUNG woman cashier involving knowl edge of booKJteepmg so as to tase care of cash book, bank deposits and cash registers; must be quick and accurate. Give references and experience. A 4 SI, O re gonian. - ' KWJM'5! ters pertaining to the welfare and pro tection of women ana gins; interviews confidential. 514 Worcester bids., Third and Oak sts. Phone Bdwy. 7422. WHEN in need or competent reliable of fiee helD of any kind call Main 3730. THE CLERICAL PLACEMENT BU REAU, Miss A. G. Crossley, Manager, 52tj Coroett Bidg ANY GIRL In need o a friend, apply, to the Salvation Army Reluge Home, may- fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 34 nO. DM car. WANTED Lady cook in small restaur ant; must be neat and ciean ana good pie baker; no other need apply. Call 22 N. 10th at. WANTED -2 teachers who wish to know of a splendid opportunity ror summer work. Decision to oe maae at once. S 485, Oregonian. YOUNG woman who has good education for permanent position; may leave city if desired; salary according to qualifi cations THOROUGHLY experienced nursemaid for 2 -year-old 'boy; good nome ana gooa wages. 340 10th st.' . WANTED Girl for marking. Enke's City Dye Works, East aa ana Asn. Apply at once. - THE FLORENCE CR1TTENTON home is ready to help any girl in distress. 053 East Glisan. "MV" car. East 316. . WANTED Young capable girl for general housework and cooking, 2 in family. Phone Auto. 519-67. Phone mornings. GIRL for general housework and' cooking, family of 2. 69 N. 23d St., apt. 6. Mar shall 823. , 2 'K'EAT young ladles under 23, 2 young men, spec, advertising. Call Mr. Pe-rci-full, Eaton Hotel. GIRL experienced on spooling machine wanted. Apply Monday Northwest Knit ting Mills, 28th and East Ash street. SALESLADIES, if you haVe EXPERIENCE in house-to-houae selling, see Saiesman ager. 6U7 Henry bldg. ' AMATEUR singing, talking and dancing acts, good pay. Little .theater, 23d and Washington. YOUNG girl as mother's helper- room, board and small , salary, good home to right girl. Tabor 2975. EARN from $8 to J 10 daily taking orders from ladies for new skirt making inven tion. Phone Mr. Price. Tabor 4168. STENOGRAPHERS, bookkeepers, call on the Williams Service, 504 Spalding, far positions. WANTED Swedish or German girl to as sist in housework; laundry sent out. Ta bor 2448. LADIES to sell custom-made corsets. Mrs. Thomas, 208 Carlton hotel. Call from 2 P. M. to 10 P. M. daily. WOMAN to cook in lunch room, evening work. Call 89 Broadway. WANTED Good children's Marshall st. Mar. 1243. EXPERIENCED cloak and suit salesladlei wanted. 264 Morrison st. YOUNG woman to assist with children and do upstairs work. East 500-5. WANTED Girl for counter work. in person. 207 4th st. Apply EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. People's Restaurant, 303 B-urnside. YOU'LL HAVE TO BE HETJP WANTED FEMALE. HIGH-GRADE MILLINERY SALESWOMEN. Those applicants to be considered whp have had experience In catering to a high-grade clientele. Several vacancies now open. Apply to Employment Bu reau, Sixth Floor. MEIER & FRANK CO. LADY barber wanted. 228 First st. Wan tea Domestics. tc-AVTmn Tner;nrA! woman for eeti' eral housework, cooking and assist with children; good wages; close to car uuv. call East iyy, or PRACTICAL and strong woman for irntSrl- ewii fami V Yin WK.HI1111H. modern conveniences, pleasant surround' Ings. Apply 134 Front St. YOUNG GIRL a few hours daily to assist with housework: preler one in umi," borhood. 1073 E. Washington St. rvDUDiE-vnirn ci-l fnr- fura of two chil "rlren: references required. Main 1113. 850 Northrup. WOMAN for housework; position perma nent' it satisiaciory. scu.i. call at 1534 E. 13th St. mur nnnlr.tr and rinwnstalrs work rvfarMiffti reoiiired. Main 1113. 8o0 Northrup. . EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and general housework; good wages; city references required. .cast o-o YOUNG girl for .general housework, for East 4692. WANTED Girl for general housewor. Portland Heights. Mam 73ou. GIRL wanted for general housework. Ap ply Elson. 453 Mi wasningiuu i wintsd Experienced girl for second work. Phone Main 2644 mornings. AxAvrim niri nr vnune woman for gen eral housework, no washing. East 6245, HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT, HAULING contract, good lumber hauling contract with purcnase wi nun., payment down, balance easy terms; steady, good-paying job f or ; the man who means business; stands investiga tion. Mr. Kilton, 430 Burhside, west side. wixr-ppn nnri man to manage con' tractmg crew on wor. invest $400; can pay part from salary. AB 477, oregonian. HELP WANTET MALE OB EEMAIE, SOLICITORS WANTED. CALL 34S Kj- SELL ST. vvuij:. oira SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. CARPENTER work wanted by reliable eon- tractor; anytnins, .ny.no, I small-jobs; will pay you to cau woou lawn 5b7b. EXPERIENCED builder wants partner to profits, good interest; can give plenty of Al reterences, v-, MARRIED man, 23 years oi age. work as experienced jamwi, or other la-bor. Phone East 1426. Ask for Mr. Ford. M 4o. ureguiuau A-l CRANE man wants work about April 1; 14 years experience; cwi nr references: now cuiy"-. ' Oregonian. EXP. DISHWASHER wants work in res taurant. 1 days a weea.. 7120 82d St. S. E. BUILDING' foreman, experienced in all L- nfl extent steel, warns juu. " of town. AM 497, Oregonian, WANTED By an ex-service man, unaui.- feur, job as neiper in eaio.se truck. Room 3Q8 Harrison doim. CiplSXTER and cabinet maker, inside finish and Duut-ms. asj v,. W. Stout. Phone Tabor 4851. FLOOR surfacing and finishings, waxing ave. S. E. Tabor 4052, TTTCtTT ractaiirATit r.ook wishes a posi tion as sucn, country p'eieucu. vv-j Arthur Benedict. oM, JN. d sc.. city. JAPANESE couple want position. man firt-laSS COOKing. who work. Frank Oinort. East 5656. . . onffv-TirTi. fhanfi-es. additions, porches. prices. Main 3834. CHINESE wants position, private family. cook, boarding noutse ui AL 49a. uregunian. GENERAL gardening, landscaping, flower 761 . PAINTING, PAPERING, K.ALUiM.l-liiu. Get our prices wil Tabor 2828 or Auto. 624-3Q. 17 YEARS' axperience bookkeeping o ently or temporarily. Phone Bdwy. 2944. EXPERIENCED tinsmith would like "steady work with hardware in small town. AL 492, Oregonian. GARDENER and auto mechanic. eight v-ears' experience, wishes position, city or country home. D 485, Oregonian. WANTED Haulig or any work for 2-tou truck. Call Bait 888, room 407, Adrian hotel. ATTENTION. Pruning of trees and shrubs, first-class work. Aut. 319-39 TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc. East 210 day time only. 240 East 8th st. PAINTING, tinting, reasonable; first-class work and material. Marshall 1416. . Ay ANT light job for room and board. Geo. Franklin. Wabash Hotel. CONCRETE AND ALL KINDS OF MENT WORK. TABOR 6888. ' CEMENT WORK, HAVE MIXERS. TELE PHONE TABOR 6781. BRICK contractor, tile houses, garages, fireplaces; pn.-a nsuu xapor a 1 3. SHINGLING or reshlngling, prices right. Phone Tabor 1758. SHINGLING, roof repairing, prices reason- able, work guaranteed. Aut. 325-16. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work; reasonable. Sell. 1399. PAINTER and decorator will save you - money on estimates: Kinder. Mar. 1828. PLOWING done and excavating. Wdln. 8S3, , CARPENTER, practical finisher, built-ins, French doors, repairs. Broadway 716. CARPENTER work wanted; $5 per day. vv. 1. Montgomery, aiar. a 6 a 6. LICENSED steam engineer wants position. v qrsi, uregonian. CARPENTER wants work by day or con tract; firat-class work. 626-04. EXPERIENCED pruning, ail kinds, hour; estimates given. East 5873. POSITION by experienced man, janitor, watchman or handy man. Tabor 8779. KAI.SOMINING, PAINTING, 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. AUTOMATIC 628-40. PAINTING, papering and kalsomining; pre-war prices. E. 6835. Tabor 2325. KALSOMINING, plaster repairing, .paint ing. reasonable. Main 2865. PLUMBER wants work, do any job, low price; repairs, estimates. Bdwy. 2583. CARPENTER shop, 128 12th St., altering, . repairing, cabinet work. Bdwy. 7850". MAN WANTS WORK. WOODLAWN 3827. MORE CAREFUL, GEORGE! . - Copyrisrht. 1922. by the Mail & Express Co. SITUATIONS WANTED MA LE. UNIVERSITY MAN, 28, married, with good foundation experience for selling lumber, would like connection with reliable wholesaler or sales agency; at present employed as yard and shipping foreman; also experienced in office end, account ing, cost-rmdinff, purchasing, etc.; excei lent references. AV 304, Oregonian. DRAFTSMAN, estimator, superintendent; thorough knowledge of residence and general construction and costs: ener getic young man with lots of experience and exceptional ability. D 496, Orego nian. WATCHMAKER wants position. 20 years' experience, fine railroad and wrist watches a specialty; can do jewelry work and engrave; have all tools. Box 671, Walla Walla. Wash. SHINGLING We specialize in reshlngling and roof repairing.: It will pay you to get our ngure before letting contraoi; sausracxion - guaranteed; estimates sree. East 1028. GET YOUR PAINTING, CALCIMINING ANT) SIGNS BEFORE THE RUSH SEA SON; BEST REFERENCE; 25 YEAlvls EjATKRim.-NCE. TABOR U66. SEE ME first on income tax reports and accounting; ex-revenue officer; satisfac tion guaranteed; charges reasonable. 518 Lnamner or uommerce. utoaqway oow, MARRIED MAN wants work: have me chanical training and experience; will go out oi town; reterences. xry me. AF 477, Oregonian. ALL around printer, operator, with first class experience in every department. wisnes steady job; moderate wages; can come at once. X 492, oregonian. POSITION by young man, technical and commercial education, speaks .Engnsn, French, Spanish, German. X 488, Orego nian. , EXPERIENCED motion picture operator wants position in , suburban Douse oi small town; wages expected reasonable. L 498, Oregonian. 20 FIRST-CLASS MEN want work; 5 plumbers, 4 carpenters, 6 painters, 3 pa perhangers, 2 roofing men; all price is right. Woodlawn 6084. ROOFS repaired and painted, expert serv ice, reasonaoie prices, xv. s., inc., zo Board of Trade bldg. Bdwy. 7572. Plant Main 1994. MAN AND WIFE want work in hotel or ciuo; can take full charge of kitchen; wife first-class cook. Phone Main 8132. P. O. box 1096. YOUNG attorney wants position with local corporation in legal department. sev eral years' experience in office' and court work. AV 320. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS builder and general con tractor; start your new home now; al terations - and general repairs promptly gone, gay or contract. East 7393, CARPENTER wants work by contract. In city or country; plans . furnished. 360 Stark st. Bdwy. 1822. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. WE INSTALL and operate a special book- Keeping system, including income taa service (indorsed by leading merchants associations); work done by expert ac countants for $10 to $15 monthly. Re tailers' Service Bureau. 717 Gasco bldg. Main 4538. YOUNG LUMBERMAN Billing clerk, or der clerk, familiar with traffic claims, etc., wishes position with progressive wnoiesaier or manufacturer; aged Z4; some mill experience. AR 480, Orego nian. GENERAL, office work, reliable book keeper, cashier, high-grade accountant, operate Burroughs bookkeeping machine. Recommendations. Reasonable salary. Tabor 7453. INCOME TAX returns prepared, systems installed, books kept; reasonable. 306 Couch bldg. Broadway 2874. EXPERT . P. . A. STUDENT desires small set of books to keep spare time. Experienced. Phone East 1383. OFFICE HELP CLERICAL HELP. Of all descriptions. Call Bdwy. 6953, Williams Service. 504 Spalding bldg. INCOME TAX returns prepared, audits made, systems installed. Main 66. ' salesmen. SALESMAN Twelve years' experience, dry goods, kindred lines, desirees to make change on account of wife's health: can give best of references. Address Kansas City, Mo., 3501 Paseo, care Mrs. Marjorle Williamson. HIGH-CLASS, experienced salesman, build ing7 material, machinery, construction r technical training; hard worker. D 500, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes cleri cal position ; can assist at Dooks, uooa reference. BD 375, Oregonian. LADY of experience and ability wishes po sition as manager or apartment or room ing houee, reference furnished. Phone Monday or Tuesday, Woodlawn 5431. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wants nousecieaning, washing or otner work, good work guaranteed. Woodlawn 6303. WANTED Any kind of housework by hr. or day; will care for children evenings. 325 ,4th st. EXPERIENCED woman with reference wishees laundry work or cleaning. Call East 8787. WIDOW, experienced in hotel, cafeteria or restaurant, wisnes .employment. Dak ing or cooking. Bdwy. 1227. RESPONSIBLE colored woman wants gen eral housework or second work; no washing. East 4o55. CAPABLE young woman, hospital experi ence, desires position In physician s of- nee or as practical nurse. Mar. 3 016. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED. 12 YEARS EAPEK1ENCK. EAST 6196. LADY" would like charge of small apt. house. Auto, odo-nu, apt, o. . WOMAN wants day work; 35c hour. Call room 14, Bdwy. 0001:. PLAIN sewing, 30c par hour. Woodlawn 612. xour nome or mine. WOMAN wants washing, ironing and cleaning. Auto, tuio-si. MILLINERY classes organizing in differ ent districts. Call East 936 after Sunday. WOMAN wants work by' hour; reference. East 1949, room 6. EXPERIENCED second girl will serve dinners, or luncheons. Call Wdln. 1662. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. BY STENOGRAPHER, 3 years' experi ence as public stenographer, 5 years' private secy.; highest references; under stand bookkeeping. AR 499. Oregonian. THOROUGHLY capable bookkeeper, fa miliar with all office detail, credits, col lections, etc.. wishes position with .reli able firm. ' Sellwood 646L . BY COMPETENT steno. -bookkeeper, sev eral years' exper. ; highest references; perm, or temp, position. AC 487, Ore gonian. COMPETENT stenographer desires per manent position; excellent references. BJ 489. Oregonian. YOUNG lady with 2 years' experience, de sires general office work; bookkeeping preferred. Tabor 7575. OFFICE HELP CLERICAL HELP. Of all descriptions. Call Bdwy. 6953. Williams Service. 504 Spalding bldg. YOUNG woman stenographer - and biiler wishes position. AC 491, Oregonian. - BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER wishes position. AM 486. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED switchboard operator de sires position. Phone Sellwood 1073. EXPERIENCED biller-typist wishes posi tion. Tabor 1858 or N 477. Oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes office position- Can use typewriter. mar. dP4y. . BY STENOGRAPHER of five years' expe rience. Phone 614-32. BrrcATioxs wanted female. Bookkeepers. Stenographerl. Office. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes cleri cal position; can assist at books. Good reference. BD 375, Oregonian. BUSINESS woman capable of handling general office work, including book keeping, also understands fire insurance and lumber business, desires permanent position. M 488, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER General office work, typist, references. Bdwy. 5571. CALL US FOR OFFICE HELP OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BDWY. 69D3. WILL1 1AMS' SERVICE, 504 SPAULDIN BLDG. QUICK SERVICE. Dressmakers. JULE'S will make your frocks, gowns and wraps for all occasions and also do remodeling at reasonable prices. 431 Artisans bldg Broadway 5606. HAND embroidered dresses and gown specialty: house dresses. children1 clothes men's silk shirts. Main 4697 can give references. MILLINERY una dressmaking by day, $2.50 and carfare. Mrs. Ashworth, phone 'labor 4151. . DRESSMAKING REASONABLE. WOODLAWN 2146. MRS. GOOD. DRESSMAKING and alterations at re duced rates, jiiasi ayi. FOR- GOOD SEWING call East 3683. 669 Union ave. in. HEMSTITCHING, 8c, while you wait. 308 Panama Diog.. ou anu amc am. DRESSMAKING, tailoring, day, thorough lv experienced. maiojiau noi'ssMAKINQ. remodeling, telimng BtoUt ladies WOrK Wimucu. xtmm -.vo.7 nucgsuAKING at my home or yourB remodeling a specially, vruomivii DRESSMAKING, special prices this week. 71 East lltn street in. casi FIRST-CLASS dressmaker, work guaran teed, 'labor o-aoo. PRACTICAL nurse wishes care of invalid nr nnnfinement cases: pest iwwsuw. Tabor 7772. NURSE Electric treatments, violet ray and massage. Sellwood 93. MATERNITY home, best care to patients price reasonable. East os. PRACTICAL nurse wants cases; go home nights. Phone Main zsuo, apt, o SCIENTIFIC body massage to women only given at your home, call tasiH-wi, CAPABLE female and male nurses. Calls answered day or night. jiarsnau -g. WILL care for invalids in private home. Main 2529. Housekeepers. finnt i7.Ar.in wiilnw with girl 13. house keeping; good home, smau wage. j-uu. 3346. wnnsp.lTF.KPKR. middle-aged, likes chil dren. exoerienced. Mar. 3336. No flirt. ijouseclean i ng. HOUSE CLEANING Expert white and ivory enamel, brick and tile fireplace cleaning, floors waxed, furniture pol ished, carpets cleaned, windows washed. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE 188 Chapman st. Phone Main 1157, VER1BEST WINDOW CLEANERS. rni.nMRiA 1027. Housecleanlng, floor waxing and vac uum cleaning; estimates cneenuuy is- en; best of references. WANTED TO BENT. Houses. I WANT to- lease a modern 8 or 0-room house in restricted dis trict; will pay as high as $125 per month rent. F. N. Clark. Broadway 6843. t.kt ii. a Hi Mm. E YOUR PROPERTY. Furnished or unfurnished houses, flats. apartments, store rooms. we nave waiting list. Rental dept. FRANK C. ROBINSON. Realtor, 503-4 Selling Bldg. Main 2557- WE HAVE many calls for houses and flats and can rent yours; let us handle your property and collect your renin. C. A, WAGNER CO.. 230 Stark St. WANTED to lease, large" unfurnished house, close In on the west side; must have electric lights, furnace heat and running water. Call Main 3937. WANTED By 3 adults, lurnished bunga low 5 rooms and sieeuing porcn; perma nent home. 316-27 5 OR 6-ROOM modern unfurnished house with yard: o aquns. ah, ou, uicti.maii. 3-ROOM furnished house, reasonable walking qistance. 400, ures.nian. SMALL house or flat, small family. Ta bor 5574. ' ' Rooms With Board. 12-YEAR-OLD boy wants work all sum mer for board, not far from Portland. 185 Grant St. Business Places. LOCATION suitable for truck sales with shiip and office connection by truck company now located; give price, etc. BJ 499, Oregonian. FOR BENT. Furnished Rooms. CALL AT Y. M. C. A. to see free list of 'moderate-priced rooms for young men in all parts of the city, including rooms at the Y. M, C. A., with phone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. IROQUOIS hotel. 103te 12th, corner of Stark. . Under new management. Thor oughly renovated; up to date: fireproof building, centrally located. Mrs. A. A. Cosper, mgr. Phone Bdwy. 374. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13TH ST. AT WASHINGTON. Rates, $1 a day, a week $5 and up; private bath $8: fireproof and clean Close to business center. . ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington St- Marshall 1950. Large, attractive lobby with fireplace. Special rates xo permanent guests. HOTEL CONRADINE. 22 North 10th St.. 2 blocks north cf Washington st. ; fire proof: pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rates by week or month. MATTHI ESSEN HOTEL. Rooms 50c day up; $3 week up; clean, light, hot and cold water, steam heat, elevator service. 204 Columbia. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement, bo:fe Washington st. Modern, private baths, free phones; reasonable rate: $3.50 week up. Bdwy. 6831. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, heat ana light, walking distance, e. 2i:a, 1 block to Hawthorne. East 927K. CRYSTAL HOTEL, 362 Alder St., clean strictly modern, well-heated rooms, reasonable rates; special rates by week. ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 11th St., near Mor rison Clean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable rates. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison st at 10th $1 a day; weekly $5 and up; free phone and baths; light and airy; steam heat. THE ST. PAUL, Fourth and Alder. A RE SPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HOTEL; $1 up. Rates by week or month. NEW PERKINS HOTEL, Washington and Fifth Sts. Special permanent rates. 50c DAY, $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac, 3d, near Jefferson. LARRABEE HOTEL Modern; $3 week up. Larrabee St., 2 blka. N. steel bridge. FOB KENT. Furnished Kooiiia. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL KANT SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST TH I yUlET. DIG.MFIKD A.N U REr 1INH.LJ; $1.2.1 PER DAY, $6 PER WK. AND UP; CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT GARAGE. HOTEL ROWLAND. 207 Fourth St.. Mar 459. 165 rooms, centrally located. Kates, 75c. $1, $1.50 per day; $4 per week and up. ANSONIA fOTKl, 124 14th st., at Washington. Rates $5 per .wek and tip. $1 day: fireproof. large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusements and shopping center. STANDISH HOTEL 6484 WASHINGTON. AT 18TH. Nicely furnished sleeping and house keeping rooms, steam heated, $3 up per week. tiroaflway zatiu. MARL 1 N HOTEL. Cor. 17th and Couch; large, well fur nished modern rooms, reasonable rates. Furnished Booms In Private Family. 2 LARGE, newly furnished sleeping rooms. private home, close In. 1 block from 2 cars; Irvlngton district; must give ref erences. E. 3783. ATTRACTIVE corner room for gentleman In an exclusive home. shower bath. Hot water heat and all conveniences. A desirable and convenient location. Phone Tabor 2071. PtRIVATE garage and nice room in mod. home for single gentleman; good neigh borhood, close in. 198 E. 30th. Tabor 6501. 2 AND 3-ROOM apts., well furnished for h. k. ; bath, light and use of phone In cluded at reasonable rent. 496 Clay, near 14th. t VERY attractive rooms, oeautifully fur nished, parlor, piano, home privileges; rates S3.0O up. 61 N. 18th st. Bdwy. 2721. NICELY furnished room, Hawthorne dis trict, near 2 car lines. Only 2 in family. uarage ir desired. Tabor 8903 LARGE front room lor gentleman or man and wife, good .car service. Board If desired. Woodlawn 1874. LARGE nicely furnished room, family, 15 minutes to town. week. Tabor 1263. private $4 per WELL-FURNISHED 3-room apartment, Nob Hill; also single housekeeping room. 666 Hoyt. NICE large front room with private bath, business men only. Use of living room downstairs. At 608 Everett, near 21st. ROOMS, $13 per month, next to bath; 4 block from 23d and Washington. 173V4 Green ave. Mar. 3S4. ROOMS in good location, fine neighbor hood, piano. ' Phone E. 2533 except 2 to 5. VERY pleasant room in a beautiful home; working girl preferred. 65 N, 22d. Walking distance. Reasonable. WEST SIDE Steam-heated room, newly furnished to refined gentleman; garage ..mire uj aiv urfKonian. NICELY furnished clean room In beautiful nome, steam neat, lots or hot water; easy walking distance. 21fS 14th street. A LARGE room in an attractive home: separate beds if desired. Tabor 701. ROOMS, woman employed. 302 Park, uci vuiinjia, women only. , ONE OR TWO very nice rooms, heated bath and phone, close in. 188 17th st. IRV1NGTON Comfortable room for rent.' Call East 9019 evenings. FOR RENT 2 nice clean rooms, cheap. t nivi,,-"!, hi. t-au -viain fftOl. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front roomT wnuvme uiBWUCC. JOJ IN. -d St, WARM room and garage, west side. Call iviain -i.i'. Kooms With Board. THE LORRAINE, 212 NORTH 20TH STREET. Phone Broadway 3465. MRS. LAVI.VA PRICE, MANAGER. ROOM AND BOARD. - For those who annreciate good home- cooked meals and know the difference. we can offer you a real home. Ratea $45 to $i5 per month. Plenty of hot water, baths and shower. MOST ELEGANTLY EQUIPPED HOME. CAMPBELL HOTEL, 23D AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBEL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rate3 by day or month. Mea Is served to transients. CHKSTEBBERRV HOTEL. 201 NORTH 20TH ST. RESIDENTIAL TRANSIENT. AMERICAN PLAN. Rates by day. week or month. Meals served to transients. NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland's downtown highrclass family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for fap'Iies and business men and women: we give you all the comforts of a home: reasonable rates, 223 EAST 20TH ST. Portland's exclusive east aide residen tial hotel; all comforts of a home com bined with hotel service; removed from the business section, beaufiful yard, porches, fireplaces, shower bathj, strict ly home-cooked meals. EnsW 73H4. WHITEHALL HOTEL. .253 6TH ST. AND MADISON. American plan, with or without hath; board and room, $45 and up. Meals served to transients. WIDOW with home would like to have 2 men or man and wife: 2 rooms If de sired; people employed: front room $40. back loom s:i.". .viarsnall 74H. RESIDENTIAL hotel. close In, horn- cooking, nice and quiot. 332 10th Main 6381. ROOM and board for business girls: modern conveniences, walking distance $0 per wek. Auto 2174. lz E. 7th a' MARTHA WASHINGTON Room, board for girls, mod, rate. 380 loth. Mar 12.. EXCLUSIVE boarding house. 779 Ma shall at. Prices rea., $30 up. Main 48, PLEASANT rooms with two meais. Eleventh st. Marshall 672. Rooms With Bonn! in I'rjvute Family. ROOM and good board, home priviiegos 1 or 2 young men preferred. East 1993, zxr -if,, in in st. ffoiitn. WARM, pleasant rooiiis suitable for home cooking, walking distance; a real home. East 8445. IARTY of 4 interested in bright fron rooms, twin beds, fireplace, every con venience, west sine. Bdwy, 463;1. MOTHER with daughter wants chlldre to board or parents with children in suburbs. Phone labor ztm. PLEASANT front room, modern home. car line; accommodate 1 or 2; excellen meals. Main 4lot. NICE room In private home with or with out board; no other boarders. Wood lawn 4784. HOME with lovely trees offers room an excellent board, home-made pie an bread, walking distance. Bdwy. 4314. LIGHT front room In modern home. In quiet neighborhood, suitable for two gen tiemen. Home cooknig. yattar 48S9. . NICE, clean, warm, furnished room In a lovely home, with or without board Also garage. East 8835. BEAUTIFUL private home, walking distance, excel- lent board. ifjast ,-004. MOTHER'S care for one or two children In my own rome. Auto, tiao-oi. ROOM and board. one gentleman; pri vate nome, Po oanu ave. rjast WILL give best of care to baby or small child, c. s. prererreq. r-none B34-S9. CLEAN, light room with board; every convenience: ciose in. cast 7005. LARGE front room In modern home. Irving St. Marshall 4410. Jly H. J. TUTH1LE -4 MC FOR KF.NT. Koomw With Itoa nl In 1'rUa t m ram H y . $25 I'ER MONTH fur br.kft. ulpr and room, with piano prlvili-se; 1 Dies room on first floor, suitable for man aud wife. 549 K. Ankeny. near 131 h. ROOM, board In privt family, piaan room for 2 men, l5o; use of living rooms with fireplace, where you can fsel at home. B.lwy. S072. or 85 10th t. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS, lady or gent; man of refinement desiring home with Christian family, in exclusive nelghbor hood phone Main X.Hi.'t. WEST SIDE, walking dmtance, 1 smitlt room, clean and warm, best of meitis; every home comfort, congenial bunch of young men. 6:4 I,ov-Joy. I WILL board and room employed Udirs In my Nob Hill private home; C. H. preferred; all conveniences and home privileges. 794 Glisan. Phone Main X:l:.:. WILL share 3-rrn. newly fur. sieatu-heuted apartment on west side, walking dis tance with refined lady employed, lidnry. 4548. NICELY furnished room lor 2; meaia if desired; walkln r distance. Phone Mar- liall 2781. 774 Northrup. GOUD board and room, AS. 50 week; ral home privileges, close In, west slU. 4.0 Montgomery st. Main 5.170. A NICE, clean, warm, furnished room in a lovely home, with or without board. Also garage. East 8.835. FURNISHED room with board. 407 Clay St. Main 3834. FtirnlNlied Apartments. FIRMSHED APARTMENT An exrtp. tlonally attractive 8-room apt., hard wood floors, radlantfire gratt-a, commo dious closets, all outside rnoma with un obstructed view of spacious lawna; an exclusive proposition for gentli-man and wife, or two gentlemen or ladu-a m- loyed; 0 minutes to business center; & M. cars to Davis at.. 66 N. 1:11 h where apt, can be seen from 10:30 on. THE CROMWELL, , Fifth and Columbia Streets B minutes' walk to Meier Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 8-room furniahed spta., out side and French doors and balcony; per manent and transient. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS. 8-room furnished apt., facing ths park: absolutely clean; best of location; walk ing distance. Main 1086. West Park and Columbia. WELLINGTON COURT 1'NDEU NEW MANAGEMENT. 4 rooms, strictly modern, beautifully furnished, close In, walking distance; will rent to. responsible parties; $35. Bdwy. 124,1. LARGE, sunny room, klt.-henette, fins bathroom, furnace heat, hot water; a,.,i 2-room suite and cabinet kitchen. b.ih. 549 lamhiill St.. w. .. 10 mln. walk to mh and Morrison; $0 and $40 restx-!-rtly. -u FINEST RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. One block from Washington at., beau tiful view of city and muunmltm; front room and kitchenette; artistically fin ished, heat and electric light included In rent. Main 381 fl. -ROOM furnished apt., all outniile r mh: private bath; nlco and clean: ground floor, private room In basement ; w,,k Jl7 distance; $35. Adults only. Main If OR RENT Keeler Apis., 8-room nicely furnished apartment, outside rooms, lutiy equipped for housekeeping. Adults only. Telephone Marshall 5753. MONTGOMERY Al'A RTM EN TS 2 rooms, furnished: hardwood floors, elevator, strictly modern; all ouialrt.; walking distance. 3d, cor. Montaom-i y. NEWLY renovated 3 and 4 rnoma. bcau" tlfully furnished, with porgee drapes and wicker furniture; hotel service givrn lo bachelors, lull 23d at, N Mar, 294 CUMHEIW.AN'D APARTMENTS. 8-room furnished apt., all outside rms. ; good furniture; walking distance; adult! only. West Park anil Columbia. JiRONT apartment, 3 rooms, balcony and bath, nicely furnished, on Irvipgton car line, rent reasonable; adulta. $95 J. 15th N. ALICE COURT Mod. 8 large room.. lo beds, fireplace, prl. bath, tel. included, $.0. Cor. E. Sth-Burnside. East Jtose City tar. THE DKZKNDOHKF AITS. 208 16TH. NEAR TAILOR. MAR 12. Completely furnished 4 and J-rm. aula. All outside rooms. WELL furniahed 3-room apartnifnt with piano, heat, gaa and liichla f urittnlie.l. garage if wanted. 595 East Alder. Corner of 15th st. DRICKSTON APARTMENTS. 448 11TH ST. One 8-room modern, two diaappearing beds. jan.ii'w service ana ptione. FLORENCE Al'TS., 388 11TH ST. 8-room apt., with alceplng porch, suit able for 4 adults, snd 4-ruoin apt. auit- able for 5 adu'ts. WEST SIDE desirable 5-lnom apartment. chance to purchase best furniture at big reduction; owner leaving city. Main flllL'2. THE KTANF1 ELD. Modern 2-rora corn- ann rtm,nt. light, heat, phone, laundry facilities; $26. Main 73 9 J. MEKEDITil 3 rooms, front. 111,1,!. -in. walking distance, warm and pleasant; low rates; 22d and Washington. Udwy. 6184 VERY attractive 2-room apt., walking distance, 1 block from Washington. 791 Davis. 31!3 FOURTH ST., house thoroiiithiy i-lranr-d and refurnished; l, 2 and d-roora apis Kent reasonable. JEHEK.SOXIAN apts.. apts., reasonable rent, son. 3-room modern 26tb and Jeffer- .NICELY furnished 3-room apt., with aleep InK porch, IlKhts, plmne, steam heat. Broadway 4666. ::M North lltth st. LILLIAN Al'-AKTMKNT.S. 8 rooms, large, lijfht, modern, west slde HS1 6th sl Marshall 137. IlKHLAXU COUIII AI'AltTMENT. 4-ruom furnished apartment, strictly modern. Marshall 3 1 K I . NKW" VUKK A f I .S. Two-room Jurn. apt., 127. 50, Including lights, heat, hot and cold water. K. 7th and Hemiont sta. NlCKul-d APTS. 3 rooms, alesrn heated, private bath, phone, garage if desired. Woodlawn 4T1. V'rt E. Hth X. JULIANA APAKTMKNT3. 45 TRINITY PLACB. FURNISHED 2 AND 3-KOuM APTB. Til RE IS rooms and private bath, rent 127.60. Phone iHast 7737 mornings and evenings BELKNAP APTS., Ib7 17th St.. near Yam hill, one 3-rnom fur. apt.; steam heat. telephone and modern. BAWYKR apartments, sli N. lOih. 2 fur nished rooms lor ll. o. i'hoDS Broadway It. ZLMBRO COI RT, 20TH AND WASHINGTON. Elegantlly furnished cor. 3-room apt. TUB i BKNSUN, i!0i N. WITH. S-room apartment, nlfherl, completely fur- LAL'KELHL'RST APARTMENT. 8-room apt. and garage. 142 Kast 8Bth. Tabor 11814. CLEAN, sunny, 2-room apartment, Ths Estate Apts., on1 urana ave. is'. Chil dren no objection, hiast 13H4. CAKLOTTA cinJHT. 17TH AND EVEKETT. 8-room front mod, apt. Phone (118-iS. TWO KOOilS well fur., front apt., clean. homey, close in, west side, 130. 4,-t Clay. Mar. 41B4. THH MARLUOriOUUH. A nicely furnished S-room apartment, all outside rooms, with piano. Main 7516. 1 2-ROOM, with sleeping porch, housekeep ing rooms, ciean and reasonable. lmur Apts., K.IVi N. )8th st. HAUDON HALL, 11th and Hall 8-room apartment. oatn, naicony. hardwood floors; walking distance. Mar. 110. LEONCK APT 3., 186 j. 221). Very light 8-room front apt., 00. Mar shall ROOMS, light, heat, water, gas. .15 month. R. J. McGulre, 64S North L'nlun. East MOT. FOR KKNT 2-room furnished apt., Iiat snd ilgnt lurmsnea. fja. .Phone Udwy. 21156, COZY housekeeping apartments, one and two-room suuea, ngnx and heat rur nished: reasonable. 410 Second afreet. HIS CHELTENHAM, lllth and Northrup, 4-room apariinm. nnwy. .ill,,. UNION AVE. and Killmgswortn, fur. apt.. 124. ou; an conipit-te. concrete Dullillng r Oil ric;, i anu o-room motl,-rn apts.. 433 Columbia St. Phone Mar. 24o ROOM modern furniahed apt. 3o(l ui do-" In. uroadwav ejia MORTON APTS. 3-room furnifched apart ment, ni, I w aaninKlon St. Udwy. 10HS ROSELYN APTS., 110 N. 21t si; 2-rooio modern lurnisiieo apt. SAN MARCO. 15. HTH ' COf IH 3-H M. MOD. APIS.: WALhINO 11ST. E, V.fJ'). ICELY furnished apta. with bath. West minster spta.. 262 flth t. Main 8.1N2. DRICKSTON APTS., 448 11TH 8t7 2-room wen lighted snn modern apt. LUXOR APTS., 13TH ANU CLAY. 3-room apts.. strictly modern. KIR Y desirable, modern, 2 and 3-room; private bath. 414 4th. 1HES1RABLE 3-room f rout-room apart ment: walking distance. Mill. -ROOM fur. cor. apt., private hath and phone. Harrison Court. 5th and Harrison. HERMENIA, 400 Hall St.. cor. 10th, 2- room monern apt, Anu.tg. HE HEREFORD, 735- HOYT Single room. modern apt.. .Main a.i on. 2-ROOM modern, all outside rooma. Arline ants Tl,Iwv. 181 '2 AN D 3 first-class furmitnVd ant. : a iao l unturnisnen. aiam 10.12 CLEAN 3-room apartment In private rome 1)11 C T3 , .4. ...... 1.- , . , clean 3-room aut. fillVs IS. 21st su i. :