s at THE -MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, ' MARCH 10, rsrNT:ss"f oproRTt'xiTir.3. HEADflfUAJlTERS FOR GROCERIES. I0i- (p invoice; living rooms. S1VQA st side. -HH 'Grocery. cigar. !ight drink ta-nd. Jioo or 'Invoice, west side. .two tx modern living rooms. Kiurwar lespe. west sid. CU N FKCTi ON K R V AND CANDY . ' KITCHEN". ?.nn West side, on Washington at. West side, on Alder si. $.j(HV Cigar, shoe shining stand, bar ber -hrt. JOHN BROWV CO.. REALTORS. Ry. Kxch. Bide. Bdwv. 6ol. I ACTO RKiPAIH PARTNER WANTED. Here your op-oortuniiv to secure an erjuaf half hiterest with first-class me- tnamc m the busieirt ana DfSt auto repair shop in the city; have well. 1 oouipped sliop. fine, steady trade, doing ( niy guaranty work: owner prefers i steady pttrrner to hired hejp; previous I ppenence not noi-cwry. Jf you are honest, reliable and wiliinc to learn; if Jou are satisfied with $lw per month Sor yourself from the start, . don't fail to see this shop before you buy. Price "0. Ca 1 1 6 Oil a m. of Com. bide.. 4 : h and S-rark. UARAtJE PARTNERSHIP. A n ounort unitv to huv an eaual half Interest in ono of t he larpeKt and best paying went side downtown garages; nerd man to eive eeneral atsistance in office handle front end of business, celling oiis. gas. accessories, etc. Busi ness will warrant $1NH and op a month f-r eah partner. Good line of stock. nd auto sunolies. Money fully secured: f-plondid investment : full price tWO. .Meet owner, room b-6 At organ bldg., on Washington between Broadway and i'ark st. WILL FELL CONTROLLING IN TEREST IX ESTABLISHED WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AUTO ACCESSORY AND TIRE HL'SINESS; Jl.i.oOO WILL HANDLE. AL 478. OREOO XI AX. kRTX KKSH 1 P BEST IN PORTLAND. A client of ours desires congenial man o buy eaual half interest in the largest M'l best equipped auto upholstering and ituto painting shop. Incorporated under ne laws oi tnis state. incoming pari er will have charge of outside work, guarantees J40 week salary and equal fl-hare of monthly profits. Previous ex f,arience not necessary. Fullest investi ligation invited. - S1000 handles. See r'wner. room fi2fl Mors, an bldg.. on VaHhington. between Broadway and ;ark st. LRTXE-R WANTED AUTO PAINTING. ' As the busy season is now starting this a splendid onnortunitv to duv an equal snail interest in well-establisnea snop. me location, fireproof building, steady raae : you need not be experienced in his line if you are a steady and reliable frnan; your chance to learn the business and also clear better than $lio a montn or yourself from the start; only 43U f-equired; best buy in city for a small investment Apply 316 Fittoctt oik.. fWashington at 10th st. . CONFECTIONERY SACRIFICE. RIGHT DOWNTOWN. Sickness compels me to make big sac Irlfice for quick sale on one of the best 1 equipped high-class confectioneries in tne fnty: equipment worth at least double ne price asked, it you mean business na have $1500 cash as tirst payment. ee us at once. Ideal location to install ulck lunch and make big money. AJ 1 , uregonian. BUTCHER SHOP. A BIG BARGAIN. New See machine. Hobart meat grinder, tash, register, Dayton scale, glass coun- 1 er, exiu ice box, otner good tixtures. ind all stock on hand; rent $o0, 3-year hease; brick building; price $2000, i"ash and terms. Fixtures alone worth fciiore than price. ',00,-10 Panama Bldg. Broadway 6942. ypLENDI D G A RAG B AND REPAIR SHOP PARTNERSHIP. Fine opportunity for man handy with tools and mechanically inclined. Have excellent equipment. Good storage, some accessories. Located in west side auto You should have no trouble to make $160 month or more. Full price E00O. Reliable man can pay $300 down. )alance easy terms. Appiy room 620 I morgan bldg., on Washington between jproaaway and FarK st. MOVING PICTURE HOUSES. S12.O0O for a fine city house: $500 ash will give you possession; &u0 seats. sngan, good equipment; haa long- lease na ww rent. S1G.OOO for a country town house: as ine an audience room and equipment as large city house: MKM cash wi'U nan- file it. 1 $:X.0OO for another town: a.! so a small tity house for $oVO0. Weston & Co.. 106 1- W. Bank Bldg. T AUTO PAINTING PARTNERSHIP. Congenial partner wanted in one of :he best paying auto paint shops in the Mty. . Have an old established trade; annot depend on hired help. If you re satisfied with $lrt.r a month while earning and a willing worker, I will each you the business and share all profits equally. Full price $450 for half finterest. Meet the owner at 310-311 fPanama bldg.. Third and Alder sts. ; GROCERY WITH LIVING ROOMS. Here is an exceptional opportunity to Tuy a good, steady, paying grocery, con fectionery and school supply business; fine location, close to large school, com plete staple stock, attractive, modern fixtures, 4 nice living rooms and bath in connection; will easily -clear never Jess than $-00 a month; price only $2250; excellent opening for man and wife. Call 316 Pittock blk.. Washington at 10th at. AX EXCELLENT PARTNERSHIP -offered in first -class auto paint shop; no better location in city ; long estab lished, steady trade: plenty work on hand, and laj-ge volume coming in; pre fer steady and, ambitious partner to hired help: 710 experience required if you are willing worker and will be sat isfied with JlOO a month to start. Price $450. Call 620 Cham, of Com. bldg., 4th and Stark. CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT GROCERY. On business street in thickly settled neighborhood; soda fountain, first-class showcases, cash register, ice cream ta 'bles and stock; 2 living rooms, cheap rent and a bargain at $1300, $800 cash and terms. 1 DUDRET INVESTMENT -CO., 500-1O Panama Bldg. Broadway 6942. S5o GROCERY, corner store. brick, steam-heated building, doing over $100 daily, reasonable rent, can get lease, first time advertised. S. BORLAND, REALTOR. 223 Henry Bldg., 4th and Oak. CIGAR STORE. West side, busy street, fine fixtures, good stock and good business ; can be inougnt ior suu. Koom all Railway 1' Exchange, RUCK job paying $15 to $20 a day, re quires purchase of 2-ton truck dirt cheap, on terms to suit. Call Danard. Broadway 1460. Leave your address or phone. $1000 GROCERY $1000. Two large living rooms, terms: owner sick: corner location: dandy stock. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 404-5-6 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. I Fine location; good lease; full of stor age; large sale gas, oils, auto parts, etc.; $500 month clear profit; will invoice; Room 401 Dekum bldg. PARTNER WAX" TED. Chance for active man to associate with two good mechanics in a good west side garage; only $650 required. Room 511 Railway Exchange. 2 SALESMEN WAXTED. , une 10 tane cnarge 01 business cnances ana one to tatce cnarge of real estate de partment. CALL 7 85 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. SEE THIS SNAP. Clean stock of groceries. In first-class location, doing ovpr $100 per day; no fixtures to buy. comfortable living rooms; terms. Call Broadway 3363. CONFECTION ERY AND GROCERY. Including cigars and tobacco; good west side location, with living room; rnt $30. SM ITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Kxch. N ACCOUNT or sickness my partner wishes to sell his interest in a good, reliable and profitable business, $10,000 cash required. G 425 Qregonian. s ROC ERY, cahh and carry, new 1 no fixtures to buy; $2300; doing stock. $40 to 550 daily: one large living room. F. J. pjetsrh. 326 Chamber of Commerce. GROCERY STORE. 5 modern living rooms in good district, rent $30, lease; price $1250. Room 511 Railway Exchange. V ANTED Partnei to travel with state right moving picture in Oregon and Washington: $600 required. Call Del. Ma-Joe Hotel. l.M North 6th St. -NAP Restaurant, $655; averages over $100 a day; rent $50, 6 years iease; price $40O0. SIS Chamber of Commerce bldg. .1 CST still confectionery, cigar and card room, doing good business, in excellent location. 203 Burnside st. 1ERCHAXD1SB store for sale, .ease on store, rent cheap, good location, in Ore- r on City, or. av his, uregonian. ONFKCTIONERY and light grocery, fur niNhrd living rooms. Columbia 532, St. ,j n00 Cigars, root beer, confectionery. light grocery, nrst one gexs 11. uf McKay bldg. Bdwy. 7V0 .K-A ST SIDE grocery, cor. location, and has the stock. 425 Cham, of Com. bldg- (700-Cigar stand, a bargain : buyers or.lv, 4 to 7. McKay bldg. Bdwy. 7203. ACCOUNT of ill health must eU my flower snop. auio -u-na. It CB URBAN pool hall for sale; god loca tion; firooa Dusmotstf. oiiwu .no BCSIVKSS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED WILLING WORKER. A client of ours desires to meet relia ble, willing worker to buy equal half interest in the busiest and best located auto painting shop In city; owner is ex pert painter; bujsinss has Brown to ex tent where I cannot handlo alone. Ex perience not necessary; business will pay i.tv monin each and ud. Price See this before you buy. Room 628 Morgan bldg., on Washington between prnaaway ana i'ark Ht- CIGAR STAND OPPORT I N 1 TT. West aide, downtown prominent office building, beautifully equipped, large, sta ple stock cigars and tobaccos, doing large nustness in magazines and periodicals, etc. A wonderful business investment for man or lady. No night or Sunday work. Can easily clear $i!K) month net. Price l50. 310-311 Panama bids., 3d ana Aiaer sir. pTTTv rTTTTrT TautvP . u ir to take half interest in rlor located on Washington st. and doing good business; partner must be thoroughly competent and know the business; I haven't tho money to swing ine aeal a tone, or wouidn t consider partner; applicant must produce refer ences, fan Broadway fto4M. 1--M CAPACITY electric auwmiiL com p.ete with planer and edger, logging donkey and truck, plenty ttmber, aide track and pond at mill, sawdust $ays for power. Biabwood 93.50 per cord -at mill. A going concern, located in city of Forest Grove. Call Forest Grovi Mill & Logging Co. THRIVING CAFETERIA BUSINESS FOR SALE BY OWNERS: GOOD LOCATION ON SANDY BOULEVARD. CALL EAST 8440 AFTER 4 P. M. $3700 GEN. MDSE. STORE. 20 miles from Portland, about $3300 in to-k and $1'JK in fixtures; large bldg. with 5-room cottaee: rent S45 for store and housp; owner's wife sick reason for selling. This is Al proposition lor man and, wife or two men. KEIPPER & CROSBY. S14 Railway Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6650. BAKERY OUTFIT. I want to sell all or a part of 3 ovens, gas shelf. Mtddleby and Rotary electric mixer, etc. Address postoiuce box o, Portland, Or. POOL HALL. $1500 will handle, 3 pool tables; keno board, 1 snooker table, back and front bar, rent $20, free heat and water; clear ing $20 per month. Owner sick. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 404-5-6 Panama Bldg.. Third and Alder. DOWNTOWN CAFETERIA. Excellent location on Broadway, com plete, modern equipment, perfect venti lation, seating capacity 60 people, draw ing steady trade of high-class patrons: rent only $150 with lease; price for cash $4000. Call manaeer at Main B902. J80O POOL HALL. $SOO. First-class) district, no opposition, rent $25; long lease, 4 pool tables, bar, wall case, floor case, cigar case, chairs, light fixture, etc.; quick sale; $8O0. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 404-5-6 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. GENERAL merchandise business In live community southern Oregon; only atore of kind there; daily receipts average $105, 80 per cent cash, balance short credit: one of the best locations in the west for a bank also. Particulars O. V. Jack son A Co.. 201 Oregn bldg. WEST SIDE POOL HALL, RIGHT DOWN TOWN. Six pool tables, large snooker table, other first-clajss fixtures, open front, $3000 will handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 404-5-6 Panama Bldg.. Third and Alder. CASH AND CARRY. No credit, no delivery, invoice, long lease, 2 living rooms, dally sales guaran teed $50. RAPID SALES CO., 404 Couch Bldg. STATES OF OREGON, WASHINGTON are now open for distributors of the Evans Pller & Tool Co.',s products. If you are financially responsible and wish to get in business for yourself call 806 Northwest Bank bldg. Main 4416. CLEANING, pressing and dying shop, do ing good business: no opposition. Hoff man press, Ford delivery car and other necessary equipment, $250 will handle. Call Wdln. 2705 day or East 3805 eve ning. Mr. Gay. RESTAURANT -A well-equipped place. modern, clearing $ o0 a month rent only $50 mo.; 5-year lease, a fine loca tion. Price $4000. American trade only, a snap. H. W. GARLAND, room 318. AUsfry bldg. FOR SALE 40,000 capacity sawmill end logging equipment complete with 25. 000,000 feet white pine timber available. A snap. For particulars address box 26. K 1 amath Falls, Or. GROCERY and delicatessen store in good location, at inveice, f 40OO cash : price $6000; rent fS2.50: daily income between $80 and $100; owner has other stores reason for selling. Call Main 6634. A WEST SIDE GARAGE. Concrete; 4-year lease; 65 cars steady storage; sell gas. oll, etc.; $400 month clear profit. $2750 will handle it. Room 401 Dekum bldg. CAUTION, BUYERS Before uioslng a deal of so-called interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon bldg. Phont Broadway 1002. WANTED-- Partner for the general con tracting and building business: no money invested but must be able to help secure bond. Address W. E. Stephenson, room 20. Arlington hotel. Broadway 1112. HAVE mining property; want to sell 4 in terest; located in California; want mon eyed man. Call Broadway 2779 -between 7:30 P M. and 8:30 P. M. A PARTNER WANTED. Wood and coal business; pay $200 month clear profit for each partner; $800 required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE Good paying vulcanizing shop, with stock of tires and accesso ries. In best location In central Oregon. Guy Chamness. W a s co . Or. GARAGE AXD REPAIR SHOP. Handy man can buy in with good me chanic, good profits, equal interest, only $525. Room 4-01 Dekum bldg. WANT more listings of homes, groceries and bakeries. F. J. Dietsch, 326 Cham ber of Co mmeree bldg. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. BEST BUSINESS proposition in the city for an investment of $250. 314 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IF YOU are going to Los Angeles to en gage In business and have $750 to in vest. write AG 491. Qregonian. I MUST sell my interest in patent to pay off mortgage; model has proved a suc cess. Apt. 15. 30 N. 17th st. PARTNER wanted for hotel business in Seattle; well located; good chance; gm-gll capital. K 478. Qregonian. - AUTO REPAIR business, clears $3O0 month; illness cause of .sacrifice; $500 buys it today. Room 401 Dekum bldg. WANTED Business chance and realty partner, fine opportunity. A 478, Ore- ponian. FINE proposition for good business wom an. 25 to 35. N 476, Qregonian. TIRE SHOP, good location, deal direct with owner. Call Woodlawn 5 637. FOR SALE Variety store. Clean stock, price right. , Otto Goettel. Lebanon, Or. RESTAUR AN T for sale ; good location ; very reasonable cash price. Bdwy. 2085. PRINTING Write tor estimates; quality ana pricey rignt- , ncview. maimer, ur. $750 BUYS business with $250 a month in come. Main- 1860. WANT lady partner for small music store with some finance. X 407. Qregonian.- 500 BUSINESS CARDS. $1.50. Acorn Press, 2S64 Washington, near 5th. Yr-r1 -x k vfco Puerto The. PeSTS That ) ILL Tip 'bm OFF'- V Von A FEx aia4ijTE.S 2 .. C" r 7- t:, I ; . . m dprrii, 1127. hy Wtwn. Fanut ?rCT. lee.. G' Biilm Hght rmmri BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. $S75 GROCERY, west side, doing $15-$20 a day; good living rooms; fine chance fot man and wife to make an easy living on small investment. BUSINESS SERVICE. 718 Pekum Bldg tfuwfnesH Opportunities Wanted. SOLD IN TEN DAYS.. AM lines of business sold; partners ob tained, additional capital procured, low est rates, best service. We have many buyers waiting. BUSINESS IS GOOD with us. Our selling system is perfect; nothing left to chance. Expert salesmen bring our buyers direct to you. We can sell your business in TEN DAYS. Phone Bdwy. 2651 and MAKE US PROVE IT. 12 successful years la this business. NOTE We are tiic original 10-day brokers. WE ORIGINATE OTHERS IMITATE). GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO., Suite 316 Pittock Blk., Wash, at 10th. IF YOU want to buy or sell, see me. have clients waiting with the cash for groceries. garages, restaurants, cigar stores, etc. MR. W1MER, 314 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Bdwy. 8216. HAVE CLIENTS waiting ior apartment houses and rooming houses; Hat your places with us for quick results. Call Henry, with ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 404-5-6 Panama Bldg., Bdwy. 6049. EXPERT accountant-auditor, office and t credit manager, experienced in traffic work, married, will be open for offer after March 5, In business where services can be used with investment. AE 4oo, Oregon fan. WANTED Grocery store in exchange for 14-room apartment house ; modern, rur nace heat, lease until after the fair. netting $100 per month. Tnis place is A J. 223 Henry Bldg.. 4th and Oak. GOT an Oakland . 1U1U, good order, will trade in as first payment restaurant. confectioner, vulcanizing, repair shop or anything of value, k. e. Demorest, care Am. Uarage. 444 HPimont avenue. I WANT best Portland business $850 to SLjOO will handle: give location, tele phone number, price and tejrns; prefer business with living rooms; 00 agents. I 4W, Oregon ian. WILL buy a good pool and card room in small town outside Portland; have $onu to put in right place; give details first letter, x mean business a -iv. tjre gonian. . WANT eood combined bakerv and grocery m growing neignoornoou; must be doing the business; will consider bakery only also. Please be explicit la reply. AF 4bt. Qregonian. WANT SMALL GROCERY. Have all cash for grocery not over $2000; must be worth the money and Jn good location. Call Broadway 3364. WANT Hour, teed and tuei business which win snow returns on investment alter landlord has been paid; give all details and location. A K 4ft. Qregonian. HA VB $5000 to put in paying business witn services; give complete iniormation first letter to assure reply. AL 472, Ore gonlan. WANT to buy a grocery and building with about five nice living rooms in con nection .or adjoining; must be priced right. AB 442 Qregonian. YOUNG married man of good education has $200 to invest with services. Hit 476. Oregonien. " YOUNG married man will invest in some small concern, lor steady work. AO 4S, Qregonian. WANTED To buy a 2 or 3-chair barber shop. K 402. Qregonian. - Hotels and Rooming Houses. FRANK C. ROBINSOX, 503-4 Selling Bldg. Main 2557. We have many fine rooming-house buys. RE-NT $25 LEASE. Clears over $05: all full, 33 rooms; water In all but one; good furnishings; $1100 will handle. 14 ROOMS FINE) FURNITURE. Clears conservatively $S5; three gas ranges, one coal range; always full; fine opportunity to get in a paying house for $1200. $800 DOWN CLEARS $100. Brand new furnishings, 11 rooms; will atand rigid scrutiny. More boarding and rooming houses. FRANK C. ROBINSON. 503-4 Selling Bldg. Main 2557. DO YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD. 1 10-room transient hotel, with a 30 year lease, showing a net income of $600 per month; this is not a guess In come; every room is rented and the books show what business has been in the . past.- This is not a palace, but a .wor'kingmen'a hotel, with a fine income. The owner's loss is your gain. He is forced to sell and the first man to show the money takes it at $7000, with $5000 down and the balance on terms. This is a good west side location. . E. S. KERR. REALTOR. 301 Yamhill. Marshall 3504. APARTMENT HOUSE. 44-room apartment house, has net monthly Income of over $200 a month; 3-year lease and can renew. Will con sider smaller apt. house or grocery. Priced for action; $6000 and terms. Mr. Solum with GREAT WESTERN INV. CO. 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. "NOB HILL" MODERN BRICK APTS. In the best part of the district and always filled; very nicely furnished and strictly modern. Price $15,000. Part cash and liberal terms. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO. 500-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6042. EAST SIDE GROCERY. Dandy little grocery store, splendid east side location on corner; 3 living rooms; doing $25 a day; rent $10.50 a month. You can have this store as it stands for $675. Mr. Solum with GREAT WESTERN INV. CO. 230 Cham, of Com. Bidg. Bdwy. 7581. SOMETHING SPECIAL. 10 large sunny rooms, strictly mod ern, new rugs and furniture; easily net $75, besides your apartment ; choice lo cation Nob Hill; owner leaving city. A sacrifice at $1500, half cash. Call 832 Morgan bldg. CONFECTIONERY. West side location; rent $75 a month; owner must sell and will invoice and give you terms; $000 will handle. See Mr. Conner with GREAT WESTERN INV. CO. 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. MR. TRADER, COME QUICK. You can have my light car and $300 mortgage for your furniture. See Mr. Williams. I. E. SPENCER & CO., 537 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. OUT OF THE ORDINARY. 8 rooms, H. K., rent $33, Al furni ture; price $650, $400 cash. L554. Ask for ANDY, he finds 'em. I. E. SPENCER & CO., 517-39 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. COUNTRY HOTEL. In college town; 40 rooms, steam heat, long lease; the best town in the valley for commercial men; a real buy at $6500. Weston & Co.. 3206 N. W. Bank bldg. I WISH TO TRADE my transient brick hotel for H. K. rooms or small apt., house. Can ANDY, Broadway 5911. 34 2-ROOM choice, modern brick apart ment; 6-year lease: pets $600; first time offered for 2 years; best location, west side; $32.500 down. Bdwy. 5112. ROOMING house, 15 rooms, $300 cash, $25 month; price $90O, rent $35. 305 Bu chanan bldg. THE BEND Furnished 7 rooms, all full, snap for quick sale. By owner. 129 H Grand ave. 13 HOUSEKEEPING tion. $600 handles. room s. good loca 305 Buchanan bldg. HOTEL 24 rooms, steam brick, lease ; $2000 handles. 305 Buchanan bldg. THAT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Booming Houses. MODERN WEST SIDE APARTMENT, 13 2s, 3 3s; CAN GIVE FOUR YEARS LEASE. WALKING DISTANCE. 23 ROOMS. STEAM H EAT, R U N NING W A T E R EACH ROOM, LOCATED WEST SIDE. WEST STDE APARTMENT. CLOSE IN. itO ROOMS, LEASED THROUGH 1926. MANY OTHERS, ALL SIZES. . POINDEXTER, 207 SELLING BLDG. ONE OF THE BEST. 11 rooms of new furniture, con sisting of white enamel bedroom sets, Axminister rugs, everything the best, also fine garage, cheap rent, with a lease, water in all apartments. Business forces this sale; $1200 will handle; small bal ance; be sure and see this. See McCaulev. KILLER BROS., REALTORS. 211 Ry. Ex. Bidg. Bdwy. 3626. SANITARIUM REST HOME. IS rooms, fully equipped, furnace heat, rent $125 per month with lease, clearing $500 per month; fine location, always full. $5000, terms. 50 rooms with lobby, west side, tent $75 per month with lease, clearing around $300 per month; $3400, terms. MRS. HANNA, WITH C. W. MILLERSHIP. 3 65 4th st. Main 5275. SNAP. S rooms of good furniture, con sisting of $150 combination range. walking1 distance; this is a forced sale; $550 full price; $350 will handle. See McCauley. HILLER BROS., REALTORS. 211 Ry. Ex. Bidg. Bdwy. 3626. MORE than 20 rooms, part housekeeping, part transient; splendid location on one of the main streets; heat furnished by tenants; very reasonable rent; lease can be had; nets $170 per month; very easy terms; $2uu cash handles. JOHN FERGUSON,' Gexlinger Bldg. BUY FROM OWNER. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. $1000 CASH. Leaving city, must sacrifice; 8 large rooms, 4 two-room housekeeping suites, everything newly tinted and furnished: new hall carpets, lights, furnace, gas, running water; must be seen to be ap preciated 1 CLOSE IN WEST SIDE. 44 rooms, 2 3 and 4-room apts., show ing good income, long lease, good furni ture, water In all apts. This is a first class place and a good buy. $3500 han dies; will consider smaller place as part payment; prefer east side. What have you? For particulars see Henry, with ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 404-5-6 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6949. HOTEL men, notice! One of the finest modern hotels Jn this city; beautiful, nearly new furni tuire; long lease. For mer owner made $17,000 in 2 years. Spe cial reason for selling this at $15,000. Will take about $400O cash. Must be sold at once for personal reasons. No agents. Write for appointment. BJ 477, Qregonian. M. E. LENT CCMFaNT. 623-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER. 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOB RIGHT. OWXER 9 rooms, Nob Hill, 23d st.; extra good furniture, new throughout: beauti ful rugs, silk hangings, overstuffed davenport, leather chairs, phonograph, piano lamp, vacuum cleaner, - fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch, nice yard, lots of roses : every room freshly tinted. Main 3305. $2100. 63 APARTMENTS. FURNITURE AND LEASE. Lease has still over four years to run. This is a first-class, in a central down town location on west side. For partic ulars see W. F. Bunce. OSCAR J. CLOSSET & CO.. Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. 4030. WOULD YOU be proprietor of a fine pay ing notei f ruiiy iurnisnea, wen estab lished, money-making hotel, located in the best town south of Portland; must be sold in 20 days; takes small amount of rash ; will bear close investigation. A. T. Lawrence, 125 Cass St., Roseburg, Oregon. FOR QUICK 8AL&. List your hotel, apartment or roomlnf houses with us; your Interests will al ways be protected; we have cash buysr waiting for your proposition. See Mrs. Keller, ; GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldff 30 ROOMS. All H. K., cloee in, west side, good furniture, 3-year lease; net income bet ter than $200 a month; if you are look ing for a good buy. See this one, $4000. Terms. AXCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 404-5-6 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. IF YOL WANT TO BUY On oELL business, hotel, rooming or apartnaaat house of any kind, snywhere, sse Chester L. Florence, HITTER, LOWE & CO., 01-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write All Kinds of Insurance CLOSE TO 3 COLLEGES. 13 rooms, all H. K., new furniture and extra good; rent $60, net income $120 a month and. 2 rooms for owner. This is a dandy buy for someone. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 404-5-6 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. ROOMING AND BOARDING HOUSE. 9 rooms all full, with steady board ers, clears better than $100 month; yours for $700. Mr. Solum, at GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. 230 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 7583. WHITE TEMPLE. 11 Hi K. rooms, new furniture, fur nace heat, corner house, good income. A snap for someone; $1700; terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 404-5-6 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. ROOMING house, 11 rooms, nice brick. ciose in, west siae, we 1-1 iurnished and clean, good transJent place. Price $1500. Other bargains. H. W. Garland, room 318. Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. BY OWNER 12 large housekeeping rms., ciean, good iurmture, corner house, clears over $100, and nice 2-room apt. for self; $1700 cash, smalt balance, easy payment. Call afternoons. 314 Mill st. BY OWNER, 8-year lease from May 1, 3022. strictly first-class apartment house about 60 apts.) ; only responsibje par ti e snoaejitsBF4S6!Oreo n i a n . FOR SALE Furniture and lease of 34 apartment ; best location in Portland; 5-year lease: a bargain: Mar. 2406. APARTMENTS, 47 rooms, 5 years lease, rent $100; fine furniture; price $6000. 818 Chamb- Com, bldg. 19 H. K. ROOMS; CENTRAL; FURN. A-l: CLEAN; LEASE; RENT; PRICE RIGHT SCOTT. 203 10TH. NOB HILL Beautiful furniture of 14-rm. house, lovely home, good income, garage. large lawn. 84 N. 23 st. Owner. WITH lease, close in; 8 large rooms and 4 kitchenettes; rent $37.50; $650. This Is a bargain. Main 4574. BY OWNER 26 h. k. rms.. stove heat, with lease. 117 N. 38th. Bdwy. 2471. APT. HOUSE, fine business; swing it. Aut. 614-30. $1500 will 19 H. K. ROOMS for sale by owner. Taylor st. 387 POLLY AND WAS JUST THE BEASOX THEY WERE GOttTG. BY CXIFF STERRETT. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. FREFMAN-SMITH. BROKERS, 630 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. BROADWAY 1873. 22 ROOMS. H. K. -Close in on Yamhill; all excellent fur nishings, reasonable rent; gross income $400; will show a net income of about $237. Make us any reasonable offer. 20 ROOMS. Only few minutes from business dis trict; condition good; rent $00; gross in come $330; will show a net income of about $220; $2000 cash to handle. . 15 ROOMS, HOUSEKEEPING. Nob Hill district;- fair condition: rent $35; has a grots income of about $160; will net $100 easy; only $300 cash to handle. 12 ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING. White Temple district; good furniture: . rent $50: gross income $175; will net easily $110; for quick sale $400 cash. 11 ROOMS. H. K. Excellent location, very immaculate: lease; rent $45; gross Income $175; will net $100 easily; cash to handle $600; an excellent buy. 10 ROOMS, v White Temple district: fine furniture; rent $35; has a gross income of $110; nets $65; only $60 cash. AN 1R-ROOM transient hotel in brick buildirg, lease; place is filled all the time; lor only $iouu, $1000 down. 44-room apts., nearly all 2s and 8s: lease; showing a net cf $215 and can be increased; very close in; $3500 will nandte same. . One of the best apts. In the city: 90 rooms; has a waiting nst at! tne time; nets over. $00 a month: 4-year lease, everything in excellent condition; build ing one of the finest cn the west side, $10,000 will handle it and balance on long-time mortgage lr desired. LANGLOIS & HAMERLYNCK, 504 Buchanan Bldg. WHITE TEMPLE. 8 rooms with good furniture; house just newly decorated, and going to be paipted on outside; rent is very reasonable; this piace is a sacrifice; full price $550; $350 will handle. See McCauley. HILLER BROS., REALTORS. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. SEE THIS. 25 rooms, one floor, corner brick, 1 and 2-room apts., rent $75; always full, nice and clean, good furniture, net in come about $150 and a nice 3-room apt. A real buy at $4200, one-half cash. For further particulars call at SUITE 428 MORGAN BLDG. MAIN 5060. AND MAIN 5061. ltlOU 14-ROOM apartment of 2s and 3a. some sleeping rooms, furnace heat, lease until after the fair, netting $150 per month. $1600 13 -room and kitchenette, west side, White Temple district, furnace heat, netting good income, selling be cause of sickness. S. BORLAND, REALTOR. 223 Henry Bidg., 4th and Oak. CUT PRICE IN MODERN APT. HOUSE. Worth more than ever, but offered for less. Large brick, on west side, under long lease. Owner must leave Pacific coast and offers this $800 a month net income for a very small payment down. One of the finest apartments in Port land. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. Inc. 408-11 Couch Bldg., Broadway 6787. 33-ROOM hotel with dining room; nets $300 a month and can be increased; 5-year lease at cheap rent; furniture and build ing in first-class shape; $2750 and, .only $1250 down. 504 Buchanan, bldg. OWNER LEAVING CITY. Will make a special price and a first payment of $350 for a large, completely furnished home, close in, west side. All housekeeping. Some very fine furni ture. Place will yield large income and pay for itself. 168 33th st. THOMSON Sc THOMSON, REALTORS. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE BROKERS. We have them, all sizes, all prices. It will be to your advantage to investigate our flies before Investing. 620-21 Henry bldg., Fourth and Oak sts. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. 44-room hctel, full price $3000; lease oer the fair; downtown busy corner lo cation and mostly outside rooms; making b g mcney. O'FARRELL-FORDNEY. 838-40 Chsmber of Com. Bdwy. 4172. DEATH FORCES SALE OF HOTEL. Must be sold to the highest bidder. Beautiful west side hotel. Call for full information, Broadway 6787. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO., Inc. 408-3 1 Couch Bldg. NOB HILL. An excellent buy of 13 rooms. In fact a sacrifice: well furnished and a money maker: less than $100 per room and only $375 down. Ask Hubbard, Bdwy. 6S0S. with Wm. A. Hughes Co. ESTATE WILL SACRIFICE ON THIS. to settle claims. Fine 14-room house, all housekeeping, and very close in, on west side.. Cut to $1950. Fine home place, and good income. Call Broadway 6787. HOTEL SNAP. 22-room hotel, well located, all first class furniture, 3-story brick bldg., low rent, clearing over $300 per month; price $6000, $4000 cash. Call at 712 Lewis building. WHITE TEMPLE. A little money maker and only $400 down ; let you move in and start to make money; good location. Don't de lay, but call Hubbard, Broadway 680S, with Wm. A. Hughes Co. 50 ROOMS, modern building, mahogany furniture, lease over the fair, best or rugs. Nob Hill location; fine income. 191 Park. - NIFTY 9-ROOM HOUSE. Clean as wax, full of nice roomers, beautfiul ivory furniture, must be seen to be appreciated; for a quick sale, $1000, $600 down. J. BRUCE GODDARP, 502 Couch Bids. 36 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, eight fur nished; $600 full price. 422 First st. LOST AND FOUND. NAME your own reward for the finding and returning or diamond ring lost be tween 21st and Marshall and 20th and Northrup; platinum setting. Call Mar shall 257. - LOST Lady's open-taced Elgin wrist watch on Aioerta car or n;. ntn ana Al berta to Sumner st. Phone Wdln. 2784. Rfward. LOST Sunday, near Gearhart, bunch of keys, padlock and tire cover. Reward. Main 2002. 801 Selling bldg. LOST Purse containing $4.65, near 26th and Belmont or Mt Tabor car. Tabor 7152. LADY'S purse, $5 bill and some change, check and till book and other articles. ' Mrs. 33. C. Taylor, Beaverton, Rt. 4. LOST Bunch of keys; one key has name of Sh-oll Co. on H. Broadway 1334. Re ward, ' LOST Keys, East ff5l3l Monday evening ; reward. LOST MALE FOX TERRIER FULL- GROWX fUf, ItKWAlti-i. auij. oji-aa. LOST Monday, agate brooch valued as keepsake; reward. t;aii mam am. LOST English bull terrier puppies, 6 months old. Phone East 395. Reward. LOST Young Airedale dog named Jerry;! license No. 2495; reward. Bdwy. 106. ' HER PALS PEST Gays aJOT T'kEAR vfefz jew furs or HG XAFE'LL TURJ 1 JSS? T.OvST AND FOUND. STRAYED or stolon from O'Briens gar dons, Sellwood, March 8. two Boston ter riAt ft female, seal brimlle and white markings; age a years: ears trimmed; a ns w e rs name Brownie : tne other a male pun-P- age 6 months, seal hrHnT nd white marki-ngs. - short 1 i n L'ai) tail nnnwcrs name Buddie Phone Mr, O'Brien. Soil wood 300 or Broadway 7.13 THE FOLLOWING articles were found on rarn nf th P. R.. L- & P. Co., March 8: 14 umbrellas, card case, 3 purses, dia r,,oH Pflrvinff handbaes. 1 pair gloves, 2 single gloves, 2 books, 4 packages, key, 9 hoxir aH hank hnoksl school tickets, raincoat, slicker coat and hat, hatchet. tricycle wneei, Doaru. oox. wnoia obtain property at First and Aider sts. LOST Gold-laced Grueu wrist watcn, en graved silver border, on black ribbon, Wednesday night between Second And Oak ntrefeta and Oregon grille. Phone Marshall 3016. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE of sale of government timber. General land office, Washington, D. C February 7, 1922. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and lim itation of the acts of June f 1916 39 6tat. 218), and June 4. 1920 '41 StAt.. 758) and the instructions of the secre tary of the Interior of September 15. 1917 146 U D-, 447). and June 22, 1920 47 L. D., 411), the timber on the fol lowing lands will be sold at 10 o'clock A. M March 23, 1922, at publio auction at the United States land office at Port land, Oregon, to tha bigheat bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned If sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the tim ber which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be received from citi zens of the United states, associations of such citizens and corporations organised under the iaws of tne United States or any state, territory or district thereof oniy. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal sub division will be otfered separately be fore being included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 8 S., R. 7 W., Wee. 31. KEtt NE4, yellow fir 2650 M., hemiock 75 M., NWfc NE, yellow fir 1150 M., hemlock 200 SKfc NE14, yellow fir 1500 M.. hemlock 350 M., SWVt NE. yeliow fir 875 M.. hemlock 225 M.r NE NWy, yellow fir 30O M.. dead yellow fir 70 M.. SW NWfc. yellow fir 1000 M,, dead yellow fir 5G AL, SEW NWfc. yellow fir 2100 M., NE SWfc, yellow fir 1200 M., hemlock SU M., dead yellow fir 100 M., NW SW, yellow fir 1350 M.. dead yeiiow fir 5u0 M SW& BW. yellow fir 300 M., dead ye'llow fir 850 M SE SW14, yellow fir 1070 M., dead yellow fir 680 M.. NE 6E. dead yellow lis 450 M., NW BE, yellow fir 550 M., dead yellow fir 850 M., none of the yellow fir timber to be aold for leas than $1.75 per M., nons of the hemlock timber to be sold for less than 75 cents per M., and none ot th dead yellow fir timber to be sod for lej than $1 per M. T. 2 S., R. 5 E., Sec 19, NE NW. re4 fir 1000 M., none of tn red fir timber to be aold for less than $1.50 per M. William Spry, commission er, general land office. 07105 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. PORTLAND, Orecn, March 6. 3022. NOTICE OF EXCHANGE. SERIAL 07165. NOTICE is hereby given that the Miami Corporation of Wilmington, Dela ware, has tiled in this office its appli cation to select, under the provisions of the Act of Congress, approved May 31, 1918 t40 Stat., 503), and the regulations thereur.der approved July 17. 1918 (.46 U D., 424), the E, E 6 , W Sec. 3. all of Sec. 11, T.7 S.. R 8 W.. Wil. Mer. Any and all persons claiming adversely the land described or desiring to object because of the mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the dis posal to the applicant, should file their affidavits of protest in this office with out delay. ALEXANDER SWEEK, Register. First day of publication, March 8, 1022 Last day of publication. April 7 1022. NOTICE. J. B. Hiltibrand and Minnie Hiltlbrand, his wife, will not be responsible for any debts contracted prior to this date, at the cigar stand in lobby or ijiyoe notei, AFTER today will not be responsible for any bills contracted by the Broadway Building cigar stand only by myself. C. GITZEL. Proposals Invited. SEALED BIDS will be received at the of fice of R. H. Thomas, school clerk and business manager. 401 Courthouse. Port land, Or., until 7:30 P. M., March lo, 3922. for furnish-in and Installing light ing fixtures rn the new Buckman school. Bids will be opened at a meeting of the board to be held in room 304. Court house, at 7:30 P. M.. the same day. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the superintendent of proper ties, old Failing school First and Porter sts.. Portland, Or. A certified check for IO per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas, school cierk and business man ager, must accompany each bid. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any or all bids or divide the award. (Signed) R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager. Iatel Marcn in POSTOFi''ICE building, Portland. Or. Of fice of Custodian, March 4, 101'2. Sealed proposals will be received at this build ing until 2 o'clock P. M.. March 27, 1922, and then opened, for furnishing electric current, water," removing ashes and washing towels during the fiscal year ending June 30, 192S. Sealed, proposals will also be received until 2 o'clock P. M., June 1, 1922, and then opened, for 2400 barrels fuel oil and 6 tons bi tuminous coal. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved by the Treasury Department. J. M. Jones, Custodian. Miscellaneous. NOTICE is hereby given that my wife. Mabel Alden, having left my bed and board, I will no longer be responsible for any Indebtedness contracted by her after this aate. r. xv. auuci TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN I n here ior a tew uayi au .m oil operator in Texas and can give you any information you want In Texas lands. Call and see me at Hotel Oregon. I "WILL, not be responsible for any bills contracted by my wife, Mrs. Elisabet Reahl. (Signed) JOHN REAHL. I WILL not be responsible hereafter for Sny wife'a debts. A. B. CASE. FINANCIAL. MORTGAGES. WE BUT WELL-SECURED MORT GAGES IN ANT AMOUNTS. PROMPT CONSIDERATION. FEAR & GRAY, MAIN 3S. 102 4th STREET. SHORT-TIME loans on mortgages, con, tracts or other collateral. Second mort gages. Multnomah Finance Co., 82i Gasco bldg. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate, w usuium iuu, gon. H. E. Noble, 316 Lumbermens bldg. am T. K.,v amnll.r sellers' contract or sec ond mortgage, tjoraon, 001. v-iidiuucr 01 Commerce bldg. MORTGAGES for sale, resiaence property: if you have money to loan. Call Main e34 WILL buy first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. r r.. uowman or. u., 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 6778. WILL cash seller's real estate contract or first mortgage, rrompi uliwuljuu. ot. A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermens bidg. LOANS and securities. Bdwy. 6800. Davenport. 01 cucnannn uiub. BUY NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis, 713 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. The TMATS The. Oa4L- REASON OVEP, IxvOT! (lK "FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SEMj AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONKY. OUR SERVICE WILL PI.KASH YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR- "THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE" has come from the east for residences, apartment houses and other Income real estate. Pay here. ANY AMOUNT, ANT TIME. No penalties, no renewal charges. Other funds also, as for the past 14 years, especially in , LARGE AMOUNTS. The Most Complete Loan Servlre. EDWARD E. GOUDEV COMPANY, United Slates Bank Bldg. WEi BUT CONTRACTS, MORTGAGES AND NOTES. PACIFIC SECURITIES CO.. SOB Hokum Bldg. Bd y. 638 1 . HAVE 3I0 house contract. Will sacri fice for canh. ('all Ea;t 7374. Frontzol. 9toeTiH anil Konds. WANT BOOMING HOUSE. Want bmall apartment house lease up to S2A0H that JluOO cash will handle can make monthly payments on balance. i an uroaaway WANTED From owner, apt. or h. k. t hat -imo or tuuuu wiu candle. East i nnl KIV So2 WANT, by May 1, 14 to oO unfurnished Money to I.OHII on Reul Kstute. MORTGAGE LOANS. RESIDENTIAL LOANS. IK PER CENT. Five-year period repayment privilege or iuu or any multiple thereof. INSTALLMENT LOANS. 6 PER CENT. Five-year period: will lorni 60 per cent of the value of your home; only small monthly payment required with interest; you may pay more or all on tne rirst or eacn montn; no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. C PER CENT. Five - year period, repavment privileges. HRICB MORTGAGE CO.. Portland Mortgage Correspondent the Prudential Insurance Co. of America. 1210-1217 Tton Bldg. Main K30S, THE BEST and easiest method of paying a loan la our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 3l months ,or $2.i.36 per month for 4H months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $10.60 per month for 84 months, or $15.17 per month for 16 months pays a loan of $1000 and Interest. Other amounts in same proportions. City loans on improved property or for improvement purposes, no commission. Renavment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN, 242 istarK M., Portland, ur. MONEY 10 loan on Willamette valley farms and city property. Lowest current rates. Liberal repayment privileges. Promnt closing. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY, 91 Third St., Portland. Or. HOME PURCHASE LOANS. Monthly Installment plan: 6 per cen simple Interest, with protection for the family in case of death, option to lane up any time. No commisi'ion. WILLIAM Mac MA ST EH, 32S U. S. National Bank Bldg. Loans Insurance. SEE US TODAY We loan money on city property; lowest rates, no commission on choice loans, long time and short time; monthly payments; pay as you can, sums to suit: contracts, seoond mortgages bought. 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder sts. cellaks-mukton uu. CITY LOANS. At current rates; no delays. . FARM LOANS, Insurance money, low rates. Mr. Martin, Loan Dept. COB A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Broadway T522, MORTGAGE LOANS. Money available for loans on first- class inside retail and financial prop erty at 6 per cent interest. WILLIAM MacM ASTER, 328 U. S. National Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or city property; prompt and helpful service; liberal repayment priv ilege; lowest ratea. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 80 FOURTH ST.. PORTLAND. OR. MORTGAGE LOANS. In any amount at lower rates on city or country property, prompt and helpful service. PAGET & PAGET. Realtors. 283 y, Stark St., bet. 4th A 5th. Bdy. 874, WE HAVE funds a-vailable for good rest dence loans; also insurance money for business property at lowest available rales. MORTGAGE BOND CO.. Bdwy. 21121. Wilcox Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms and city property; lavoraois repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MUKXUAGE CO.. LTD. Boa Piatt Bldg. Main oa7i. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette vai ley farms; no commission, no aeiaya DEVEREA.UX MORTGAGE CO., 87 Sixth St. Portland. Or. :;, t4(M. I0OO. $700. flOUO. $1200, $15U0. $2000 and up; lowest rates, quick action, nav off $10O or more at any Interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 00 1 ChaJnber of Commerce Diag. nawy. pom. HAVE $800. $1250. $1500. $2250, $31100. a per cent. PROMPT, RELIABLE SERV ICE. McCLURE-SCHMAUCH CO. 306 Railway Exchange Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Residence aud City Property. H and 7 Per Cent, UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Ground Floor, Henry Bldg. MORTGAGE loans la sums to suit; city, farm or auburbaa property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM Q. BECK. 215 Falling Bldg. to loan, $10,000 to $25,000, on city apart- ........ ... hnil.Kn. O f v.n ,,.. menus u wu.u,ua. . . w vv.. auv city. $ 1000 $1500 $2000 $2500 X30OU. NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money. Loans auicaiy closed. F. H. DESHON. B15 cnam. or Com, bldg, $10,000, .15,000, $20,000, $2,U0U, SdU.UUU. Tmm.xllarf.lv .vallfthl. DESHON MIS. CO.. 615 C. of C. Bldg. SHORT-TIME second mortgage loans to responsible nome owneri. MULTNOMAH FINANCB CO.. 822 Gasco Bldg. RESIDENCE loans In sum to suit, 7 and 8 per cent. xierman, aiocner, realtor. 48 LumoeraieiiB mfa. ciTk OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 210 EXCHANGE BUILDING. SECOND $2U0, $400. $500. $750. $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick action. Fred W. Uermaa Co.. 732 Chamber or commerce. LOANS at current rates ou well-improved farms and city property. K, K. Baxter, bpaioing pium. MONEY to loan on real state security at going rates of lnterest. Otto tfc Harkson Realty l-o.. . 1 J '.'"". m ium. X5.nn 11000 AND upward on Improved real estate; favorable terms, no delay, no brokerage, jonn nam, qui Bpaiaing pidg. MORTGAGE LOANS. and 7 per cent. Salomon at Co.. 307 Railway Exch. bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. DAN MARX & CO.. 315 Washington St. near 6th st. Established over 85 years; only high-class jewelry store in city with loan department In connection: privte room for ladies; business strictly confi dential; under state supervision: all ar ticles held one year. Do business with an old-established firm. S-rfef? f?eTl -MAg-tt- 1 .4 c'moj ma. j LetS Go1. ) riN'AM'IAI. Money to loan ('ImfU'lN mul .Hitlarir. !( VUi; NKK1 MONKY AT LEGAL KATES. Ql'IHK frERVICB? YOU OA N (!KT IT T'DAY. I.OAN3 MAI-K UN AUTOMOBILES. KI HN1TI 'l:B. PIANOS. V1CTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If your payments re too larg, on your automobile or furniture contractu, we will pay l hm up ar.d advance you more money If iidfd. We make a spe cialty of tho loims and leave the se curity in your pokhcshioii. and you cn repay us in small monthly payments WE ALSO MAKE MALART LoANH 1o salaried people on tli'-ir own notes Bates reasonable. J'rlvatn offices. All business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. Llccneed , 30H-307 Dekum Bldg. Urnsdwar 57. S. W. Cor. Third anil WmhinRton. SALA It Y LOANS- SALARY. WE LOAN MONKY to salaried and working men on their personal notes; rates reasonable, easy JM" nt NO SECURITY NO INDOKITrt. Call and Investigate our modern money lending methods. All business confiden tial. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, Licensed I, SIR Falling Building MONKY TO LOAN. Money loaned on household goods nr merchandise placed In storage with us at regular bank ratt'H. SECURITY STOIUliK TRANSFEU CO., Fourth and Pine Htreets. Opposite Multnomah Hotel. Phone Uroadway R7I.Y MONHY to loan on diamonds slid J.-wHry; confidential service government licensed and bonded brokers, tfeli J)rns. at Co., 2K3 Washington st. Hdwy. 7'.'t. MONKY to loan; l i.iiuinUs. Jewelry, eta; legal rate: articles held one y.-sr. Vines' Jewelry, corner 3d anil Vnshlngton. AUTO and other shorl-timc loans. Mult nomah Finance Co.. 822 Gusto bldg. IrfiHilH Wattled. FRANK L. 1IM1U1RK. with his years of experience and expert knowledge of values, is In a position to safeguard your every interest in locating your money. Hundreds of applications for loans. Of fice or personal services. Let us loan your money. ' Keo .1. 1-ogie Richardson, manager loan department. Ablngton building. Hdwy. 7171. MONEY WANTK1J ON IMP. I'llOl l.ll l I. We have cllenla waiting who wish to borrow irom lon0 up to ttUntO on Im proved citv property. Ample security. Will pay II "U are seeking a sale, profitable loan see Mr. lmnsmore at CHEAT WESTERN INV. CO., 230 Chamber of Com riilwy. "itM, WANT $1000 at 7 per cent for flrt mort gage loan on 2-story brick building: ex cellent location, always rentable; valued at $15,000. J'red W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce bltlg. $3000 FIRMT mortgage, west side quarter ftlock, value $7.V0O0; rent Is $725 month y; will pay 6 per cent: a truly remarka ble loan. Paget & Puget, 23 Vi Mtark st. "Broadway 3714 $12.M WANTED, ': attractive 4-ro..m modern bungalow on paved street. Jut sold for $2X00, at 6S K. 74th st. at Stark. Mar. 746. $5000 WANTED on first mortgage, cloe ln city property; Income $Jltu per month: Interest 6 per cent; agents please do not answer. Call lo4 2il st. . WANTED To botrow $4."it on two Rood farms in Clarke rounty; will pay KCi In terest. N. W. Mernflnld. MIU Waslilng lon St., Vancouver. Wash. $4SII0 AT 7 PER CENT 3 lull l"ta. houses, rent $140 month ; Houlh Portland. Paget gc Paget. :J'i $300 7 PER CENT LOAN on Alameda home from private investor. Call Wood lawn 5172. . WANT 100 at once for 60 days; will pay back $12.; good security. Menane. tell. US. 724 Division at- $1H00 AT 7 PER CENT on new modern bungalow, Roso City district. Pau.-l at Paget. 2M3'i Stnrlt st Hronilwsy 3.IM. $I51H) AT 7 PUR CENT on 120-acre farm in Washington county, value $7000. Paget tv. I aa.'., j cm. ii iv $a(ioii AT 8 PER CENT, new home in (iroveland Park; Insuranco $3000. I'll I & I'sget. HroHdway 3714. btU OREGON l.NV. k auuTuAGS CO. 210 EXCHANUB BUILDINU. 2D ANU STARK STS WANTED from private party. Lady need. 2IKMI In building of hum-. years at I per cent, good security. Tabor fiN.'tV PRIVATE party wants 112.1100. years, on t4.-i.IWll farm. Y 413. regonln $1000-$12.'i0 ON IMPROVED 1.1 ai res, near Vancouver, worth $4O0O. Tabor 70.'5. PKRSONAf. DKNTIRTRT WITHOUT Pai by nenre-bloeklng son therapy er con ductive anesthesia, Without dangtr or after effects We perform all dental op erations without pain. Come In and lei us prove It to you. X-Ray service. DR. A. W. KEEN' E. DR. B J. KIE3E.MAHL, Above Majestlo theater. 351 Wasll. Wonder treatment for rheumatism,' blood and acid germs; treatments exter nal, restful and painless; lady and men attendants, nurse In charge; discouraged, sick people come and see us. Jlours, '30 to 5. Suite 5011-12, italeigh bldg., 327 Washington St., cur. olh. 1'bone Bdwy. lOow. l.ADIEn. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC? POWDER a soothing, cleansing, healing, germicidal and invigorating douche; a great aid la female disorders. KOo and $1 per boa. PORTTAXP HOTEL PHARMACY. MINERAL STEAM BATHS Hot and cold showers, scieutlflo bofle massage, violet ray, electrlo and trae tion treatments for chronic dUeeses of both sexes. UR. NETTIE BENSON, D. P., 711 Swetland bldg. Broadway 71. PILES PERMANENT RELIEF. Legal guarantee given. No need of knife, no pain, continue work. Ask te see Ole-o-nls Pile treatment. Stout Lyons Drug Co., 8d and Morrison. Bin md Washington, ino. u w . j ,m f,i... Da MARGARET HAlME, cniropractor. women s uiibum. mj . treatment non - surgical. For trained nurse, assistant and bath massages, ask for M Iss .rtancan, u pwen.nu um. DR. ADA SCOTT, nervous and chronic dis eases a specialty: steam o.iu. ni ur cold showers, scientific body massage. Hours 10 to 7. 417 Swetland bldg. JJdivy. .1 IU. WANDA MARKS, human analyst, prac tical psycnoioKiai, -...,- tion free by appointment. Main 4o4l. o i;in II.. near ..mm. GRADUATE chiropodist massage under medical supervimou, ou. . formerly 21U Alisky, now 316 Tlltord h df.. renin ann .ir'rn.im. EXPERIENCED nurse gives uteam baths for bad colds, ana scientuu- uouy m.e sage; also Sundays. 322 r'lledner bldg., lei 11 ann v u.' ,i LiEIS botli feel flxta up at Dr. Katun's, the CHIROPODIST and ARCH 8PLBT.. who doesn't hurt you; 8 rs. here; exam, free. Globe bldg- 11th st Wah. By. 2SJ4. CANCER successfully treated without ra dium or surgery. Consultation free. Dr. Elisabeth rosiock, oou-i-o ownnuu bldg. Bdwy. HM74. jjSig Piano beginners. 10 lessons; popu lar songs, o lessons, or muiir l.vm. . -ker Piano School, 514 Filers bidg., Wash ington street at Fourth. ALBERT REYNARD wanted by his broth er F. Reynara, iii.j'"h ward to anyone letting me know his whereabouts. VIT-O-NET, sweat, body massage. Radiant light, VIOiet nay ue.uii.iii w sciatica, neuritis, circulation; 10 to daily. 450 Morgan bldg. Main 7.r.70. At, iti ill I Nt TO l.oS ANUE1. ES. About March 1.1. can accommodate S passengers; a good responsible driver, co rn fortahle car. V 4711 Qregonian. MISS B. RANDALL gives body massages, pains, ,niiiiuii ohm iui . j treatment. 21.1 Sw etland 111 (1 g . COME to 018 Rali-lgh bldg. to have your feel treaieu, yeun. u. os. 111.11111,11111, facials an d sham poo s llr o a illy ay 7 1 1 ; 1 i. HUMAN BAKE OVEN SWEDISH MAS- S A U U. rei irjuiniouuii, aiauu... nurse. 7,1-0 Selllng-Hlrech. Main 7;.i0. MASSAtiE, baths, rheumaium, constipa tion money.. omu - " - Sorenson. 503 Panama bldg. Bdwy. 7o(l. MASSAGES FOR LUMHAliO. E TO 415 Buchanan bldg.. Wash., bet. 4lh and 5th. 10 to W P. M. Also Humlays. ANY ONE who has consumption or canter anU 18 inieresie', n mim .uitu in im-ii own home can .Mam i.i.u BURKE IMPROVEMENT SUOPPE can accommonaie two inni.rin in oeauiy c 11 1 ture. 4JH Medical hlijg. 6UPEKFLUUU0 nair, moies, warte re moved oy lu-iwriijo niruittu, inai tree. Jose Flnley. 514 Bush Lane. Main .m PILES can be permanently curea without operation, v. 1 1 , ",. . wsu, o.u- ond ana ivioriisoi. FEB V ET & HANEBUT. leading wig and loupe niaaei., i.i m.iitu .imi;fi anu water waving. 310 Aider. Main B46 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently r- moved QUI wwenanu n;ug. rj'iwy. oiu:, SULPHUR stet.n baths, massage, violet y. Hour. 1 u to e. ..o v lay, .yiain b.ijw. PROnTATE trouble cured without opera tion. Dr. rt. A. rniiiipi, nnwy. Ding. DOESN'T Tom, TIck or Harry pmr y-e. cpe Vlereck. collectors. Dekum bldg PRIMEDA BALM, formerly called Bslia of Fig.. H44 K. 33d. Sell. 2S13. mornings DR. ROBERT F"ISHER. chiropodist, tool specialist, now si 11, immii uiug NUKSK treats lumbago and diabetes; merly 3d. now at .tu vioing. vwi.n Dr L. Netzel treats rbeu in at ism : nias;ue Bnj bath. ,14 Columbia l Main .'..'iill 111) REWARD for the adur-ss of ,lse,b Emma or Victor Span. Broadway 4441.