(my -0tnfg 0ftfimtiHfmi y y .-sy tm sj1 ye 'y g THE MORNING OREGONIAX. FRIDAY, MARCIT 10, 1923 REAL ESTATE. Suburban Itomrs. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. One of the moat productive and sightly suburban homes on the west side, with beautiful view of the moun tains and valley: four acres of fine land, ! all cultivated, on high level ground, near Oswego and the new paved highway. A good 7 -room house, with bathroom, laundry, cement basement, fireplace, - abundance of water under oressure. sra- raee, brooder house and all kinds of full bearing fruit and big asparagus bed. A genuine home in every sense and only L'O minutes ride to vour business in Port land. Will sell place nearly furnished with tools and family cow for $02.0: liberal terms. Can deliver four more acres ad loininar if wanted. See H. At- water, owner, 100 Abington bldg., 3d and Wa!h. sts., Portland. SUBURBAN HOME. And 2 to 20 Acres. For sale or rent. 35 minutes by auto from Portland P. O. Right at ."WITCH HAZEL. STATION on Sout hern Electric line, on paved highway, good 6-room bungalow, first-class soil, nice lawn, flowers, and all kinds of fruit and berries. Some English walnuts and. filberts. WM. B. BOLTON. 401 12th St. Marshall 3S76. SUBURBAN HOME IN THE CITY. lOOxUO. HIGHLY IMPROVED. 5-room sfmi-bungaIor. modern and in good condition, beautiful grounds, in garden, fruit and berries ; there are veral nice firs: close to car and school. 6 blocks to REED COLLEGE. It is a homelike nlace and the price only $4000; small payment will handle It. See me today. Have your fruit. berries and garden at home. C. M. DERR .1215 N. W. Bank bldg.. Mar. 2245. BUNGALOW ON THE WILLAM ETTE. Ccsy 3 rooms and bath, gas, elec- tricky and lOOxlOO-ft. lot, river frontage, beautiful grove of fir trees, fine view of river, close to Oregon City car and paved high way; one of the prettiest spots on the river; price 53700. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 003 4. 6 ACRES. On west side, close to Shattuck sta- I tlon, and 5-room bungalow with large I garage and good barn and chicken bouse ; fine orchard ; water and gas; only 20 minutes to city; bungalow good condition and finished in white; location is ideal; overlooking fine val ley ; owner is opening new business city and must be here. Would take I bungalow in good district for part pay- WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. Realtors. 85 Fourth St. S t'BUR BA N H OM ES. 2 acres. 1 block to car. all cleared. 4- room house, barn, 1 cow, 2 heifers, 3 geese, 70 chickens, 20 rabbits. $3000, siuoo cash. 2 acres. Base Line road, close in. all cleared, berries, small orchard, chicken I house, new 4-room bungalow, fireplace, bath, toilet, electric lights, gas, ga rage, $4000. This will appeal to you; terms. uroaaway .i ( l. PORTLAND HOME CO.. 633 Railway Exchange bldg. 100x100 WITH small 4-room house, ha fruit and berries and good garden grouna. see owner, rs,. k. corner 37th and Monroe sts., Milwaukee, Or. Phone xi nwatiK ie rf- K- For .Sale AcreHg'e. OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. Tou can buy nice farm with that state loan. Have a few choice irrigated tracts on highway, 2 miles from Mamatn jUs, Or., 14 mile from R. R. station. Iliesp tracts will appraise aoout 400'i. win make nice homes and close in. Owner will carry second mort gage, long-time payments on balance oyer $3000. Write or wire L. L. Green, i Atamaca r ans, Oregon. ACREAGF1. $25 DOWN $15 PER MO. Largest acreage listing in town that can De soia on tru?se easy terms; 1 miles from, city limits is our extreme I limit to go. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. ACRE TRACTS YOUR OWN TERMS. At Oarden Home, on the Oregon Elec tric line, with 9c commutation fare, 46 electric trains aauy ana gas. eiec. ana other city conveniences. POSITIVELY YOUR OWN TERMS. Prices; $$000 per acre ana up. iwfxiuu Ding sites. $10 aowa, to momn, o per cent. G. G. McCORMIO CO.. 207 Failing Bldg.. 3d and Washington. aroanway j-o. evenings, jxiain 'J31K. HOM E snaps one blocks from car. cash. acre, 5-room house. 3 good road, $1100t $500 One acr, 4-room house, in small town. OVV. 4 acre, nearly new, 4-room house, city water, small orchard, $1500, $600 casn. B. S. COOK, 601 Stock Exchange Bldg. ON THE CLACKAMAS. jusi uqo location you ve Deen hunting ior mat country nome; 7 acres, 4 planted to raspberries and loganberries, 1 acre with grove with never failing brook, balance early garden soil; 12 miles from i'oruana. $2800, reasonable terms. FRED C. PRATT. 634 Chamber cf Commerce Bldg. Broadway 1S53. $50 DOWN, BAL. $10 PER MONTH. 6 Per Cent Interest. A SNAP! WHY ? CLOSING ESTATE. -n ow is your opportunity to get an acre or real garaen sou. wonderful view. cleared and level, close to car and paved nignway. x mues east or Portland. BOONE-CLEARWATER, Bdwy. 5317. fi06 Couch Bldg. 4 ACRES SNAP. FORCED TO SELL. 8 MILES FROM CITY LIMITS. -NEAR BASE LINE ROAD. ALL IN CULTIVATION. ONLY $1250. FRED C. PRATT. 684 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 1853. COLUMBIA BOULEVARD. SUNDERLAND ACRES. 1 to 20-acre tracts. Office 29th and Columbia blvd. J. O. ELROD, Owner. 283 Stark St. . Broadway 1188. $13 TO $25 PER ACRE. 800 acres in tracts of 10 to 50 acres: 40 miles down the Columbia; good soil, macadam raad, school ; 3 to 5 miles from Columbia river and R. R. station. Easy terms. HOLCOMB REALTY CO., 211 Washington Bldg. FORCED SALE. Mtist seH this week. 40 acres or more. ome clearing, and buildings, splendid red shot soil, nearly all tillable, $1500, with terms. Inquire evenings at Kel logg's boathouse, ask for Mr. Campbell. Phone Main 1766. SUNNYS1DE DISTRICT. For sale by owner, a comfortable 8 room house on two 33 l-3xl00-foot lots. Has small basement, no furnace, large outbuilding in rear; $4000. Some terms. AN 4 OS. Oregonian. WESTERN cranberries yield from 100 to 130 bbls per acre and sell readi'y a: $10 to $15 per bbl. Can you beat that? Few acres for sale. Owner, L 492, Ore- gonlan. WRITE for map of western Washington showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. ROCK WOOD 8 miles from city limits, right at station, one or more acres, level, under cultivation, $500 per acre. $10 monthly paymen:s. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. KERB is a snap, 2 acres. 5-rntii house on pjved street, abundance of fruit and berries: will divide this and sell to suit purchaser; $250 takes both acres. Phone 033-03. 584S Foster road. GRESHAM 100x370, nearly one acre, fine soil, level, cultivated, beautiful view, $350 takes it; your terms. W. M. Umbden stock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. E. 91ST ST., near Glisan, 3 acre for your chickens and berries; $80 down will give you possession. See W. M. Umbden stock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. ' 10-ACRE tract on Paciric highwav near Kelso, for sale reasonable; terms 6 per cent Interest on balance. Lawrence Perry. Kelso. Wash. 2 3 AND 5-acre tracts, need light car or truck as first payment, balance easy. Aut. 633-96 4 ACRES, near Metzger station, on Saiem electric; planted to loganberries; easy terms. Cat Wdln. 140. CLOSE-IN farm lands, great values, soits. Terms. Snap. Owner. East A-l 743. SEVEN ACRES. CLOSE IN. THOMAS , ALLEN. 6131 92D ST. S. 618-40. ' REAL ESTATE. For Sale- Acreage. OVER 12 acres, on rocked road between Beavertcn and Hi Ha bere; 4 mile to school: all un der cultivation ; good loam soil. 2 acres bearrnsT. orchard, acre loga n berri es : 6 -room house with water system and plumbing: Portland gas. good barn, double parage, chicken house for over 1 -JMj chickens; $1500 cash: bal ance $ 5 1 H pe r y ea r. 6 pe r cent. Personal ly inspected. ALBERTA DISTRICT. 11,4 acres on paved street, paving- and waiks paid for: nearly all in berries and fruit In Al cordition; good 5-room plastered house . with basement:- S150O cash, balance long time 6 per cent: will sell acre with buildings for $1000 cash, balance $-0 -per month 6 per cent. JOHN PBRGUSOV. Realtor. GerllnR-er Bid:. 10 ACRES timber, near Ridgefield. Wash. price $SS0. Box S5. Scappoon Oregon lionietaeads. Relinquishments. 40 - ACRE relinquishment, near Colton Clackamas county, for $350, no improve ments, partly cleared, some timber. This claim can be made into a fine place; owner Is not a farmer, he's sailor. E. W. HELM, 422 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CLIENT with bonus and $1500 cash wants farm, 25 acres or more, stocked and equipped, on good road. Answer at once. R. Hoard, 501 Stock Exchange Mdg. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR REL1N QUISHMENT, SEE E. W. HELM, 422 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG For Sale Business Property. APPROXIMATE INCOME. $15,000. Modern brick building, in the busi ness district, $25,000 cash, balance. easy terms. See Mr. Jones. F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 210 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 100x100. For sale cheap, by owner, close in, $C5. Terms; no agent. See A. L. Mason. -V75H Clay st. . A 40x08 FRAME factory building, corner Hbtn ana w ooastock. Jit. a. ry., one blk. from Foster road. M 404. Oregonian. 80 ACRES $4000 CASH. Only $50 per acre and within 8 miles of Vancouver. 18 miles busi ness district of Portland, nothing can be bought In the neifrnjsorhooo. all in stumps for less than $100 acre; 20 acres in "cultivation. 5 acres good timber, balance stump pasture, all is jrood soi'l. no rock or gravel, level and will drain. runTiing1 water. R- F. D. cream route: building- verv little value : tills is a real bargain, you can speculate on this; It will make you home and make money if you should wont to sell. later: this must be sold at once : owner is making this price on account of fi-nancial needs. ATKINSON & PORTER. 705 Main sb.. Vancouver. Wash. 25 ACRES. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. NEAR REEDVILLE, FOR ONLY $6000. Belongs to a widower who is forced to sell; 22 acres in cultiva tion; good 6-room house, barn, large poultry house, 2 acres diver sified orchard In full bearing; all k inds of berries for home use ; milk and mail route ; -close to school In fine neighborhood, about half ca.h will handle. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 N. W. Bank bldg. ACRES FACING RIGHT ON THE PAVED ROAD. 16 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 6-room modern house, hot and cold water, bath, complete built-in kltch fine water system, good barn, pom try house, hoc house, family orchard, all well fenced and cross-fenced; every foot under cultivation; Holstein cow, brood sow; 1 hog. 50 chickens, 35 rabbits and hutches; Buck range ; heating stove linoleum; on mall and milk route, stage line, mil to street car line ; joins good school ; price for all this, only fbotw. fc-ome terms. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 North western Bank Bldg. ATTENTION, E-SERVICE MEN! We have several good 40 and 80-acrei irrigated aitaita ana diversified farms which can be handled with bonuses in Deschutes county ; improvements and paid-up water rights; some of which are stocked and equipped; the purchaser can walk in with his suitcase and find complete home : no inflated prices $2500 to $8000. For general particulars see J. E. Smith at Imperial Hotel, Port' land, room 63ft. Hours 4 to 7 P. M. FOR sale; 3- acres. 3 miles from New berg. Or., miles from Portland. 3 miles from highway on macadam road to be paved this summer; small house and barn, excellent drilled well, good soil, 9 acres in fir timber, remainder seeded to grass, partly cleared of BtuniDS. suitable for agriculture, dairy ing. admirably adapted to fruit of all kinds. Price $4800; small cash payment, remainder on terms to suit purchaser. Address AV 208. Oregonian. ALL STOOIE AND EQUIPPED. WANTS CITY HOME. One of the finest farms in Clarke count v. Wash. Good set of buildings several cows, horses, pigs, chickens, and complete farm machinery and tools: 80 acres: 55 in cultivation. Price for all ONLY $1 1.000. Morteaee of $6000 6 per cent. Wants city home for equity. DUDRBY INVESTMENT CO., fjOO-IO PANAMA BLDG.. BDWY. 604 FARM BARGAIN ISO-acre farm. all stocked and fully equipped with all machinery. 5w acres i n cr o o. srood room house, barn, etc. : 24 cow a and heifers, part fresh. 20 hogs, full blood team. 35 chicks, seed, plows, harrows. cultivator, mower, wagon, hack, har ness, fanning mill, separator etc.; a fine location, in Willamette valley, all good soil, no rocks; price complete. $8300. H. W. Garl an d. room 31 8. Alisky bldg. TO CLOSH3 ESTATE wrll soil this fruit farm for $5500 less than cost, zw acres or 10-year-old apple trees in fine condition; iy acres in wheat. Land-rolling1 and tile-drained. 1 miles to large valley town; 30 miles to Portland; $1500 cash will handle. The income from this place will pay balance. Ask for Mr. Pownder, Main 2717, or call at 406 Broadway bldg. FOR SALE 94 acres Hooa River; 5 acres in good commercial apples, mostly 12-year-old trees. Balance suitable for pears and garden truck. Produced 900 boxes in 1920. If tired of city life and looking for a small place, this is it. Neal creek runs through place. Lo cated east side road, 7 miles from Hood River. Real money buys thia place c h ea p. BP 401. Oregonian. 30 ACRES a,t Newberg, 8-room house, city water, fine barn, 5 acres bearing prunes, 2 acres apple, 2 acres pears, 1 acre cherries, 5 acres loganberries, 5 acres blackcap 1 acres strawberries, bal ance cultivated; $1500 cash, balance easy terms. B. S. COOK. 601 Stock Exchange Bldg. CHICKEN RANCH. IS miles from Portland, 20 acres all cleared, in 'crop; bearing orchard ; 6 room house, garage, big barn, 2 mod ern chicken houses, brooder and incu bator house, fine trout stream, wood cut for 2 years' use; team of horses, all farm tools. Price $7000; take house up to $5000. Putter, East 9213. 92 ACRES $9200. On highway, near Forest Grove; 45 In cultivation; house, barn, orchard ; one third cash, bal. easy. Owner, 732 Pat ton rd., city; Main S3S0. WE WANT to tell you more about the fa mous Deschutes valley in central Oregon. A dairy, potato and stockman's- para dise. A card brings full particulars. Redmond Land & Loan Co., Inc. Red mond. Or. (King Murphy's capltol.) SACRIFICE SALE For short time only. 440 acres 4 miles south of Madras; 3.S0 acres in cultivation, gooa improvements; $6000 cash. B. L. Cummings, route 3 Hood River, Oregon. SO ACRE'S or will seil less, very rich soil: lies very handy, on good road: close to school and m miles from Go-ble. near 2 logging camps; no agents. Owner living on place, t-eter iarsen. Coble. Or. FOR SALE 80-acre general farm, 65 in grain, good buildings; orchard; $3500 down. Mrs. Bishop. Junction City, Or., RteL EIGHT ACRES, in cultivation, fruit and berries, good house and outbuildings; can give possession at once. See G. B Benton. Orenco. Or. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $500 an acre, easy terms, best soil; farms-for sale, all sizea McFarland realtor. 208 Failing bldg. BEFORE buying a larm or any kind; learn all about Kelso, Wash. Opportunities best in the west today. Wrii p. o. box 341. Kelso. Wash. . 80 ACRES hilly timbered land near Scap poose. 3-rm. shack, spring; half tillable Terms. J. R. Sharp, owner, 83 H 3d st. 16 ACRES timbered beaverdam land; creek; near Beaverton; electric; can di vide. J. R. Sharp, owner. 83 3d st. IMPROVED farm, Linn county, ciear title, S65 acres. $16,000; also law library, cheap. George W. Wright, Albany. Ox REAL ESTATE. For Sale farm. 20 ACRES an macadamized high way, 1 4 milea from good, town, with high school. 23 miles from center of Portland : 60 bearing fruit trees, 35. prune trees. 7 years old. walnut trees berries and grapes; all under cultiva tion: spring; attractive 4-room house, barn, garage. chicken house and granary ; Included, with place 2 fresh cows, hog, 40 chickens, cream separator, plow, harrow, cultivator, har ness, tools, etc.: IO acres seeded to wheat, oats and vetch; price f o r e v eryt h i n g. $ 5 200. cl e ar . $1000 cash; consider residence in Portland in good district for full value. . Over 15 acres, on rocked road. 2 miles from electric station, be tween Portland and Hillsboro: all under cultivation, no waste land. 4 acres pasture, spring and creek : bearing orchard ; good 4 room house, barn, chicken house: included with place, team. cow. 50 chickens. complete line of farm machinery and feed; price $4500; large cash payment, bal ance 4 years. 6 np cent. In spected by H unter. JOHN FEtRGUSON. Realtor. Gerlinger Bldff. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS PRICED ON THEIR PRO DUCTIVE VALUE. BENTON COUNTY'S BEST STOCK RANCH. 750 acres, located 3 miles from station. 125 acres in cultivation. 450 open pasture, balance timber and pasture : creek and springs, 6-room house stock barn, granary, etc. Fenced and cross-fenced, in fair condition; buildings are poor. This is one of the best paying places In Benton county. Price only $20 per acre; reasonable terms. BUILD YOUR OWN HOME. 22 acres located on gravel road. In fine community, fine land, all in crop, one-third goes to pur chaser. You can build to suit your needs, and the price is only $1000. $1000 cash. Did you ever stop to think that we cannot afford to advertise a farm that is not worth the money? Read our ads every day. KINNEY. IRVINE & HYDE, Realtors. Eugene, Oregon. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS PRICED ON THEIR PRODUCTIVE VALUE. LANE COUNTY STOCK RANCH. BARGAIN. 1150 acres, 5 miles from good town ; 75 acres cultivated, a lot of open land; 13,000,000 feet of saw timber, about 1 mile to school; springs and creeks; tt-room house; 3 barns, hen house, etc. We offer this for a short time for $10 per acre ; $4000 cash and balance yearly. 20 ACRES FOR CHICKENS AND LOGANBERRIES. 'All choice second bottom land, , in cultivation, very rich, lies fine, good drainage, gravel road, daily mail, school, church and stores . 1 mile; good 5-room house, dandy small barn, shop, hen house, etc. Price only $3000, cash. If you want to buy a farm at what it is worth, watch this space every day. KINNEY, IRVINE & HYDE, REALTORS. Eugene, Or. P0 ACRES $2700. WITH BUILDINGS. This place is adapted for several things that we would like to mention, first, for stock ranch on the small scale; for a chicken and turkey ranch it could not be beat lots of outrange; good for a few cows and hogs. There is all told about 15 acres in cult.; quite a lot more of It easily cleared; about 35 acres of the place that is tillable land; most of the land in cultivation ia bot tom land and lota of fine bottom land on the place that, if it was cleared, there would be no better soil any place; most of the place is rolling land; a good 4-room frame house, painted white, with water pined in the kitchen from spring; good wood house and cellar; hog house, 2 hen houses, barn, 1 acre apples; fine stream runs through place. Think of it, 80 acres, with ail those buildings on it, for $2700. This place is located on Mollala and Colton road, about 64 miles from Molalla and 34 miles from Colton, the road all graveled but 1, miles, that ia planked. Want $1600 down, bal. time at 0. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON, 7th and Main Sts., Oregon City, Or. .SOLDIERS. Best irrigated land in west; new govt, project; warm soil, long season, heavy vielda. For details see G Howard, 1115 N. W. Bank. Main 8931. WANTED REAL ESTATE. FRANK C. ROBINSON 503-4 Selling bldg. Main 255 1. DO YOU want to buy? - We can save you money. DO YOU want to sell? Hat with us. We sell quickly. BRING IN your exchanges, a waiting list. We have FRANK C. ROBINSON. 503-4 Selling bldg. Main 2557. BUILDERS AND OWNERS. If you have a late-mode! house tell us about it at once and we will sell It for you. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. WEST SIDE HOME WANTED. Rnnn-firi buvers of means are de mandipsr homes of the better type. If your place is fairly priced and in good condition, we can assure you quick ac tion. J. R. HAIGHT, REALTOR, 325-327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045. TO BUY We have a customer with $40OO cash wishing to buy a or B-room moot ern for investment and ' rental purposes at the right value; not over $4000. What have vou 7 Montana-ureeon to.. .eai tors, 1029 Cham, of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 7839. LOTS WANTED. In Laurelhurst. Irvington, Alameda, Rose City Park and west side. As builders we have many calls for home- sites. See Mr. Jones, , F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 210 Cham, of Com. Bldg. WANT DOWNTOWN BUSINESS PROPERTY. I will go as high as $300,000 for some thing that will show 10 per cent net earning, AND HAVE THE CASH. V 405. Oregonian. List your houses ana lots with J. J. OEDER, EAST SIDE REALTOR, 4 GRAND AVE. N.. COR. E. ANKENY. PHONE EAST 61 AND EAST 6SS'4. WANTED The best home that can be bought on $0 per month, including In terest; straight contract; R. C. P. pre ferred. A J 481, Oregonian. WE HAVE real live buyers for lots In all districts or fortiana; list your lGts with us. Great Western Investment Co., 230 Chamber of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 7581. HAVE client for up-to-date modern bun galow up to fcee Mr. Newman with Dietsch, 326 Chamber of Com merce, WANTED 20 to 40-acre ranch, near transportation ana marKet; can pay $1000 down, balance terms. Pacific Realty Co. 272 Stark st. Broadway 7830. LOTS WANTED on choice of good car, priced from $400 to $1200; must be well located and clear. B ro'a dway 3303. Mr. Wray. LOT WANTED Must be cheap for cash, walking distance, east or west side; an swer as to price and location by letter. Address AK 490. Oregonian. WANT home in Laurelhurst up to $7500 that $1000 payment will handle. Tabor 2189. I WANT the best 7-room house that $4250 will buy in the Hawthorne district; no agents. Y 308, Oregonian. WANT 4 or 5-room bungalow. Albina or Alberta preferred. Not over $2500. Call Bdwy. 3400. 5 OR 6-ROOM home; prefer white enamel Interior; about $0500. Jolvn M. Payne & Co.. Realtors, phone Main 9012. CLIENT for west side home, ARLINGTON Heights preferred. What have you? RUMMELL & RUMMELL. 2T4 Stark St. WANT a vacant lot in Westover Terrace, not to exceed $3000, will pay cash. AL 4 SO. Oregonian. HOUSES wanted for sale. Nelson, Realtor. 708 Gasco bldg. Main 2072. LOTS WANTED west Mt. Tabor; for bargain. AF 47H. Oregonian. Farms Wanted. WANTED Snappy buys i acreage. C Cole, 426 bids. i farms and Lumbermen's Don't Put It Off WANTED REAL ESTATE. Farms Wanted. SMXLL places wanted, close to Port land, or good valley town, with buildings and small amount of equipment; owner to accept sol dier's loan ana 'small payment down ; farms ranging from $4000 to $5500, with some equipment; will be given immediate attention. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. Wanted to Rent r arms. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy th piace after leading forvyear or more. W make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment If priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bid. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. TIMBER LANDS. 0 M. CAP. sawmill, on S. P. line, now running, plenty orders, abundance of fine timber, $6500 for mill, timber $1 to $2, pay as cut ; get timber logged for about $5 per M; this is a money-maker and you will have to hurry to get it. AV "92, Oregonian. WE ARE in the market for timbers, plank and all kinds of lumber, muicuTs. aiso sawmills and timber lands. Western Lumber Agency, Morgan bldg., Portland. FOR RENT FARMS. 40 ACRE'S, one mile north of Vancouver, Italian prardener preferred. Apply -Ju W. VJth St.. Vancouver. Wash. FARM FOR RENT- -7 miles west of Port- and. East 13oo WAN T 40 acres, garden land, five-year 305 Buchanan bldg. leaee. FOR RENT Farm, 7 milea west of Port land. East 13.o. TO EXCHANGE: REAL ESTATE. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Exchange suburban home, 16 acres, navels and valencias, 3 acres lemons. 0 room modern bungalow, fine location. 15 miles from Los Angeles, in foothill I district, wonderful view, Portland prop erty for half, bal. mtg., price $40,000. Box 107, Arcadia, Cal. SUBURBAN ACREAGE. Garden soil, city water, gas, electric I light, electric station on place; unim- j proved; $150 per acre. Trade for im proved property to $10,000 or $15,000. I Loganberry land same location $400 pe acre. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. CHEAPEST BUY IN STATE. 30 acres, 45 minutes by auto, good road to within half mile: 5-room bun galow, bath, toilet, spring water in house. 2 chicken houses, park, dandy chicken ranch. Price $3000, Take car or lot on equity. Little cash. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Exch SALE OR TRADE. 6Mt acres, just outside of eity limits, all fenced, fai r bui ici ngs. good orcn ar a fine water system oined to all iarts place; will sell cheap or take house aa part. ANCHOR INV. CO.. Realtors. 405-6 Panama Bldg.. 3rd and Alder. MODERN 8-room house, double construct ed. full cement basement, furnace, fire place, 100x100 corner, garage, 15 bearing fruit trees, plenty or berries, fine lawn, shade trees; will exchange for good gro eery and meat or grocery business. 1202 East 23d st. N. woodJawn B!'3. WILL EXCHANGE FOR ACREAGE. Within 20 miles of Portland, equity of 52500 in modern 7-room, Mt. Tabor bungalow; has 2 full sets of plumbing, earaee and all improvements and is s wonderful bargain at $6500 ; balance on very easy terms. JBroadw ay 37. Mr. Krog. EXCHANGE for apartment or rooming house, HO acres, hail in airaira. mainder to grain; cuts 115 to 120 tons hay, 3 miles from town Malin; equity $1550. A 6-room plastered house 3 lots in Klamath tans; valuation $2250; clear. O. E. Hunt, owner, Merrill, Or. DANDY 5-room house wi th a 2-room sleeping porch ; d looatio- on Ma eadfl-m st. ; will sell cheap or trade for acreage near city. ANCHOR, INV. CO.. Realtors. 4-Qo-O Panama Bldg.. 3-rd and Alder. INCOME PROPERTY. All kinds for sale or exchange; none too large or too small. See Mr. Fisher, exchange department. 414 and 415 Ry. Exch. Bldg. O. O. Sietten's office, Bdwy. HA v & Deautuui, artistic bungalow, fur nished, at Keedvme and zxh acres: price s 1 1 ov as iirst payment on modern room bungalow; have bonus of $3000 and will pay $75 per month on balance. Proadway 3, Mr. Krcg. WANTED Grocery store in exchange for a j 4-room apartment or s and 3s, lease until after tne iair, rurnace heat, mod ern, netting $150 per month. S. BORLAND. REALTOR. 22.1 Henry Bldg. 4th and Oak. WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade for you; bring m your proposition and we win matcn you on anything of merit. Lots, houses, acreage, farms or stocks of merchandise. cJ. K. b.. 712 Couch, .bid 95 AC. ON HIGHWAY. Near Forest Grove. in cultivation; house, barn, orchard. Price $1 1 ,500. Want house, or small acreage to $5000. bal. very easy terms. Owner. 732 Patton, roaa. city. Aiain g.M FOR SALE or exchange, highly improved 153-acre rarm, iJougias county, Minne sota; will consider dwelling property, improved farm or stock of merchandise. B. Olson Osakis. M.lnn. . n CANADIAN FARMS. Well improved, all sizes, $30 to $50 acre; exchange for farms, acreage and city property here. C. Cole, 426 Lum bermen's bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE.. 50 acres in Tillamook county value $3250; will trade for improved property in Portland. William S. Cooper, Her mlston. Oregon. TWO 00X100 LOTS, with livable house. rented; $1200; to exchange fo-r modern, up-to-date bungalow. Pay balance in cash. Alberta district. 32 Chamber of Commerce. ORIENTAL goods, baskets, inventory $100. to exenange ior eyun.y in oungaiow, be fore 2rth. Call at apt; 25-45 Trinity Place, 10 to 1, or evenings. WILL EXCHANGE 5-passenger touring car. In good condition, for carpenter work or unincumbered vacant lot. Main Bll. MODERN, up-to-date 5-room bungalow. lO acres in cultivation, to exchange for stock ranch or dairy. See Mr. Newman with Dietsch, 326 Chamber of Commerce. $5000 HOOD . RIVER orchard tract for sale or exenange ior residence. BURROUGH-PACB REALTY CO.. 416 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 7264. ATTENTION. Bring your trades and swaps in. Good business chances waiting. 260 Front St. FOR SALE or trade, 6 lots in good town, will take good car. wnat nave you? J. A .Martin, Pioneer Employment Co.. 14 North Second st. . 116 CADILLAC, fine condition, trade for gooa resiaentiHi mi. mam tio. $3500 40 ACRES, will sell or trade. Harry jort, owner, snerwooa. w. 2 ACRES clear in Winnipeg. Canada- Will trade; wbt have your a2d Aaer at. To make sure bring, in your Sunday Oregonian Want Ads today. If it isn't convenient to come to the office, just phone or drop your ad, properly addressed, in a mail box. But be sure to do it today. , Main '7070 TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. TRADE EXCHANGE TRADE. Have eight lots on the ocean, will trade for furniture." piano or Ford. Have exclusive rights on money mak ing device. Can't handle it on account of other business. Covers three states. Come and make me an offer. Will trade or sefl my equity In 10 roora house with income, for light car and some cash. I. E. SPENCER & CO.. 517 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE. One of the best 83-acre farms In Douglas county. Or., 5 miles south of Roseburg; 23 acres apples and prunes; 20 acres grain, balance truck and past ure; is all good fruit land. Fully equipped; 2. set buildings, spring water piped to buildings. $1175 worth of present property goes with farm; free of encumbrances. Will consider good Portland property on same. SEE MR. WIMER, 314 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MODERN dwelling of 5 or 6 rooms or suburban small ranch near Portland or Vancouver preferred in trade for my 80 acres, no buildings, 3 miles from Aaair, ukia,, an under cultivation. Good level land free of incumberance. worth $4000. Will pay cash difference for desirable property if priced right. uwner wm De m city all this week Address Mr. Williams, care Clark Wheeler, Vancouver, Wash., or care uonaidG. AVoodward, Portland. GOOD 7-ROOM house and 6 lots, also 1 acre, 3 blocks from Haw thorne car; no incumbrances; will trade part or ail for good resi dence on paved street. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $7500. Sale or Exchange. Look at House. 327 Bast Oth N. (60x100). This home is ready to occupy. Rooms easily let if desired. Owner wants smaller house or im proved suburban acreage or good lots part payment. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO., Bdwy. 5173. 024 Henry Bldg. SACRIFICE BY OWNER. Confectionery, cigar - and lunch on transfer corner; fully equipped for making candy; it is an up-to-date, ideal place; you can have liv ing rooms in buck; will invoice. Phone East 2130. ' TRADE OR SELL. 54 ACRES. 40 acres cultivation, bal. pas ture and timber; one mile from Til la mook, on fine road; 4-room house, large barn, outbuildings. 30 cow a. horses. pig s, 25 c h i-c kens, 4 milch cow s, fa rra implements; $14,000; federal loan, $34)00 trade for ranch ud to SOOOO In Willam ett valley or Idaho. C. W.' Millership, 165 4th st. Mam 575. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WILL EXCHANGE 5-passnger touring car, in good condition, for carpenter work or unincumbered vacant lot. Main 511. 2-ROOM furnished houseboat, motorboat Columbia phonograph, some records and small diamond to traae ior lot or run ning car. X 487, Oregonian. ONE first-class lot in Seaside, for C melody low pitch saxophone, or piano or part payment on auto. SeUwood Saolt. FURNITURE or 8xl rug to trade for vacuum cleaner. Call East S8i4, FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. 50 HEAD of horstyt, most of them just shipped In from Grand Konde valley, eastern Oregon, which are young, sound stock. 15 head of these horses have been used on the street, which I have taken in on exchange. They look little second hand, but are good work ers and I will sell cheap. Also 40 sets of new and second-hand harness at reduced price. G. K. HOWITT, Front and Columbia Sts. GRADE cows bring worthless calves, some heavy producing registered Jersey cows and calves or best blood lines, guaran teed rierht. $100 and ud: don't write un less you mean busniess; 22 miles from Portland on Columbia highway. K. Hanneman, Corbett. Or. TEAM of young chunky-built Shire mares weight auou Dounds: wen matea. souna true and gentle. Trial allowed to suit buyer. KEYSTONE STABLES, 381 Water. Cor. Montgomery KRYKTONB STABLES. 20 head of horses and mares, weight 1200 to 1800 pounds, some matcnea teams. Harness and farm wagons. 381 Water St.. corner Montgomery. PAIRS of mules, weight 1200 to 1400 lbs., just off work; 1 team 6 and 7 years old, weight 3100 lbs.; a few odd horses; cows, harness and wagon. Slfton Livery and Feed Barn, Sifton, Wash. SEVERAL cheap work horses, cost $23 to $6. AiDina Transacting jo.t can l stable, ulO Kerby, near Russell, Miristis siuni car to Russell. 4 blocks east o K erby. . FOR SALS cheap, or trade, beautiful chestnut sorrel .Belgian drart stauion; 8 sure colt- getter and gentle to work. Henrv C. Hansen, ISO East 8th st. REAL BARGAIN Black horse, weight 1304) lbs.; good worker, rfo; oay norse, 7 years old, weight 1750 ibs.? no mate; very cheap. Feed Bam, Sifton, Wash. fiOOD irentle family cow with calf at sice: 5-year-oia jersey; win pay ior sen in 5 months. , 101 E. 65th N. Tabor 2134. , FRESH grade Jersey cow for sale, very gentle, good producer, line ior lamuy cow, price reasonable. A. Schlecht, Ti gard. Or. SPAN of mares, weight 250 pounds. 5 and 6 years old. good farm harness and a farm wagons. Price for outfit, $280. In quire 381 Water st., west side. MULES Guod big pair, good flesh, their harness and rarrn-runnmg gear or wooo wagon; $185 for all. Stable 510 Kerby. near Russell; Mississippi car. FOR SALE Young milk goat ; I 3 not Price milking now. ivino to ennaren. $20. Phone Oak Grove 159 J. FRESH Jersey-Durham with calf. Oscar Cash, R. R. No. 1, dox ata, jiacKamas, Or.; Sunnyside dlst 2 GOOD YOUNG cows, Jersey and Guern sey breed, 40 ana oo. r eeu iaiawe, Sifton, Wash. FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand, special prices. r-. ju. jsoensnaue, 360-366 E. Morrison st. FOR SALE Twin lemaie calf, Holstein, 6 days old. tan juar. ua. wumr rivob 6 gallons. FOR SALE 5 work horses, weignt iron 1400 to 140U eacn ; one ariving pony, weight 800. H. S. Bliss. Airliie, Or. VETERINARIAN. - DR. HOWES. TABOR DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Call day or nignt. Automatic DJi-ot- LARGE, fresh Guernsey heavy milker. igr vz. star. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. LARGE mahogany Victrola and dozen records, $18, Engiestead, Main 85lo. FOR SALE. Pi a not. Organs and Musical Instruments. NEW LOT FACTORY REBUILT PIANOS just received from eastern factories now on sale here. No need to buy old worn pianos now when you can buy good aa new rebuilt pianos at same price. $550 Ernest Gabier upright piano. . .$295 $450 Bauer & Co. upright piano.... 2ri5 $425 Bradford Piano Co.. mahogany. 275 S450 Smith & Barnes. mahoKany... 295 $550 Kimball upright piano 315 9 4 1 o w umer upright piano. ........ 10 $425 Kurta Bros, upright piano 243 $800 Steinway & Sons Upright piano 375 $475 H. P. Nelson colonial piano.... 235 $575 George Heck & Co. piano 265 $500 Emerson Piano Co.. mahogany 295 $525 Seybold upright, oak 315 $450 Hallet & Davis upright piano.. 195 Terms $10 or more cash. $6, $8 or $10 monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 101 Tenth st., corner Stark. PHONOGRAPHS REDUCED. We have several good buys in used phonographs, all in good condition at reduced prices. Terms given. $150 Victrola and 20 records $115 . $150 Victrola. mahogany, and rec ords 115 $125 Victrola. mahogany SO 1 RR VintrolA. almont new. mahog any case 25 Columbia Graphonola, walnut case.. Rninawirlf demonstrator, new. Oak caa 100 Bru nnw((k lam ni 7. ft. mflhflS'B.nV. gold plated . -25 SEIBERLTNG-LTJCAS MUSI CO., 125 4th St.. Bet. Wash, and Alder. USED PIANO BARGAINS. RTEtTCWAT A SON Fin for orae- tice $150 HINZEMAN Old atvle. tfood con dition 125 TCTNdSRITRT Mflhne-anv case. a snap 275 SCHILLING & SON Plain oak case. 275 MANSFIELD & NORTI U orlKQt. walnut case 150 CAMBRIDGE! Cabinet arrand. ma hogany case 285 KIMBALL New, oak case 305 KIMBALL I LAYER New 525 And Others Terms Given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. Bet. Wash, and Alder. SALE OF USED PIAN03. Pease & Co. fumed oak $265 Willington, large, mahogany 195 A. B. Chase, upright 2it5 Steinhauser. mahogany 235 Fischer Piano Co., large Wheelock & Co.. mahogany 245 Modell. olayer Diano . . 495 - Pay as little as $10 cash and more a month. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO., Corner Fifth and Washington. $6 or PHONOGRAPH CLEARANCE SALE. $ 75 Victrola, 5 used records $ 45 32.50 Grafonola, 5 used records.... 20 125 Grafonola, 10 uaed records 75 140 Brunswick, 10 used records.... 95 140 Emerson. 10 used records 95 175 Sonora, 15 used records 135 350 Victrola, 13 used records 215 $5 or more cash, $3, $4 or more monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.fc 103 10th at Washington Tit. ' SKOtTRTTY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT, $425 Jrialiett Xg javis, upngnL, can.mo 450 Smith Piano Co., upright, cash 195 270 Board & Co.. upright, cash 75 750 Pianista player piano, cash.... 25 3 parlor organs, $18. $20 and $25. 101 10th st. at Stark at. TISKD PHONOGRAPHS. Cabinet Columbia phonographs at $100 and $85; one Edison, $60; cabinet Unola, $57.50; one Pathe, $30; Victrola table machines at $60 and $45; Columbia ta bles, $27.50 and $30, and many others at our store. Terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 6th St. STATE BANK checks taken as first pay ments on pianos, phonographs, saxo pones and all musical merchandise at 100 cents on the dollar up to 50 per cent of the purchase price. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 6th St. PIANO, beautiful dull finish oak case, standard make; -genuine Ivory keys. Splendid tone. Cost $650. Sacrifice for $200 cash. Would cost you $400 in the stores. Owner leaving city. Miss Schrlner, Main 5633. DECKER BROS, square piano, $60, equal of some $250 pianos at other stores. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 107 West Park. Pianos rented, sold, repaired. $200 CASH secures a $575 new piano, left over from eastern manufacturer's carload lot at Security Storage Co.. 103 Tenth st., at Stark. PIANO tuning, repairing and refinishing; expert workmanship; all work guaran teed. Selberllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Bdwy. 6576. " GOOD PIANOS, at prices and terms you can afford. Reed-French Piano Co., 12th and Wash ington. 87 HIGHEST quality phonographs slaugh tered, Victor and Columbia records; two for the price of one. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 107 West Park. FINE Schiller player piano, 8S-note, just like new, fully guaranteed, $425, terms. Don't mlFB this. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 340 6th St. CONN CORNET, In C, B flat and A, silver finsh, with gold bell, like new, in fine case, onlv $t0. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 6th St. STUDENTS' violin outfit, includes violin. bow, case, rosin ana extra strings, selected by an expert in our violin dept. G F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 6th St. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS WANTED. 128 First, near Alder. Bdwy. 7161. E. GABLER piano, man. case; a splendid buy, only jav, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO 140 Bth St PIANO for sale, used only 1 year, cheap terms; traae 11 necessary. $awy. Zfie or Bdwy. 44o7. CONN tenor saxophone, silver, gold bell, S150. terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. CHICKERING piano, good condition; Call 634 East ma hogany case, 4w. street North. 57th WILL trade $350 diamond, value not in flated, for nign-graae piano or player. Broadway Ztfiu. PIANOS moved, $3, ground floor; work done by experts ana guaranteea. uali Broadway 1207. - PHONOGRAPH repairing, any make; work guaranteea; prompt, service, seioerung Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. 11100 STEIN WAY, equal to new, wonder fni condition: $400 on terms. 312 Wor cester bldg. WANT piano, pay cash if bargain. East 8882. WANT good toned piano for cash. Bdwy. 1548 $t00 HAMILTON piano, fine condition. SiilW, terms. Oi nuitcaici "mK- PIANO wanted; pay cash; must be gain, lidwy. pqto. KINGSBURY piano for sale ; oak case, Marshall 2943. good condition, 310U. PIANOS and phonographs for rent. Em- plre Transfer, o- broaaway. Hawy. ioo. PHONOGRAPH repairing, springs. 20c up; parts retail, wholesale. 54W w aan. st HAYNES BROS, piano for sale. Hassalo. PIANO wanted; pay casn. Mar. 1532. Furniture for Sale. FOR SALE: 2 bedroom suites, ivory enamel, with springs and mattress. 1 bedstead with springs and mattress. 1 dining-room suite. 1 rocking chair and kitchen chairs. 1 Bissell vacuum sweeper. 1 velvet carpet. 1 steel range (wood or coal). 1 gas stove, 3 burner, with oven. Dishes and kitchen supplies. Canned fruit, pickles and empty jars. Wheelbarrow, grindstone and garden tools. The above are practically new. JAMES TURNBULL, Meldrum Station. (Fourth house from the station.) SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department if you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points in out through pool cars; expert packing, re pairing and refinishing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates., SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 52 4th St., Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. DANDY oak furniture in modern 6-room flat, -piec aining rom aei, rugs, a brass beds, rockers, desk, curtains, pic tures, wall clock. Encyclopedia Brit.; has range, Ruud heater, linoleum; this is no junk; $00 or less. 60Va 12th st. N. Bdwy. 1173. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture If going east or to uaiuornia, we can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage, C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine street. BIG SALE Simmons' beds, springs, mat tresses, chiffoniers, are sa era. taoiea, davenport, linens. 421 East Morrison. Restaurant and hotel equipment. FOR SALE, CHEAP, Edison phonograph, oriental rugs, Drass reaaing mmp, due fet, Turkish rocker, bedding. . Phone Marshall 5319. mornings. CLOSING OUT Seven thousand dollar stock of furniture at sac ru ice. n.asi Morrison. . FURNITURE of 4 rooms of good quality; practically new; Dy the piece 11 wan tea; reasonable. 420 N. Syracuse st., St. Johns. FOR SALE Whitall Anglo-Persian rug 9x12, wooa ana coat range; aiso gas range. Call ltd KiuingBWona avc. FINE large colonial chffforobe, Honduras manogany, son a, coei iov, sen j.uv. Main 5072. BOOKCASES, French doors; special fur nlture. Just try Bdwy. 718. FOR SALE Table, chairs and beds, 1 good coal range. 284 Nuitk 21st fit. FOR SALE. Furniture ior fuie. " . DAVENPORTS. W are manufacturers of all-hair davenports and chairs; highest quality line built on the Pacific coast. Frames ' are as good as is possible to build. Watcb your davenport made from naked frame to last stitch. Our upholstering hair and -cotton are high grade and the only, fill ing material we use. Don't taa out word for it but come and let us prove all we say. New and up-to-tae-minute styles, large line ot coverings, fine ve lours and tapestries, $100 to $176; pure ilk and beet mohair, $li4 to $J& ' These prices are regular, not special, everything guaranteed. SauipW room open evenings by appointment. Phone 635-27. Evenings &u4 F.undays, labor 677 or 6i6-27. 1X1CHAELSON-MAYSON, INC.. 64th and Foster Road. Office tuc n i t ure. WE HAVE the following used office fu niture in good condition at exceptional nrices: o roii-top aefeKs. 14 liat-to desks, T typewriter desks, 18 otfic chairs, 1 gate, 1 bookkeeper s desk, THE 1RWIN-HODSUN CO. Furniture Department. Tenth at Stark Street. Broadway 3144. d WE CAN equip your office complete wit either new or useu lurrmure. Lea Burroughs adding maohinea, type writers, dictaphones, time clocks, safus. partitions, etc. ; otrice furniture rented. D. C. Wax. 24-2B N. 5th. Bdwy. 273. PHYSICIAN'S STEEL FURNITURE Manufacturer a seconds, at substan tial reductions. Albatross Metal Fur- niture Co., 715 Thurman. ' ROLL-TOP DESK AND CHAIR, N. THIRD. $J5. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITER!! .. IKON -CLAD GUARANTY. ALL MAKES. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. S21 Washington u aiain wai. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sal rent, exchange; we are exolusivs dia , tributors of Carona portable, $50 com plets with carrying case; supplies an repairs of all makfcs. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., 94 Fifth St. - Bdwy. 7169, NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cu rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark ut.. Broad way 7507. UNDERWOOD typewriter, No. 3. with 1 in. carriage; fine condition. S-5 Corbe bldg. kki'AlKS. rent. buy. beii; suppues. Typo writer Inspection Co., 812 fcRa-rk, M. 5 4 a Poultry. WE HATCH only from OUR OWN con tinuously trap-nesting 2-year-old White LeichArn stock on range. Orders take now for baby chicks March 2i) and April 1 hatches. Eggs for hatching and cock erel for sale. Come and see our plant . and txapnest records. George s Poultr Farm, Rt. 5. Portland. Main 7000. SPECKLED Sussex, choice fiock, eggs 15. S18 100. Write for descriptive circu lar price list. H, A. Bushby, Parma, Idaho. . C. W. MINORCA and S. C. Buff O ington hatching eggs from prize-winnin stock; no surplus stock this year. R. G. Smith, Walla Walla, Wash. WHITE PEK1N duck eggs for hatching, $1.0 setting; W bite Leghorn eggs. O A. C. strain, 75 cents Belting, W ood lawn 2871. J WHITE LEGHORN laying pullets for sale. AUtO BW-Sf. y . BLACK CornlMh game roosters and hens, $ apiece, special, sp-j wood 33 11. WHITE WYANDOTTE cockerels, Adams, Victoria, H. C, atraln, $3 50. Col. Dogs, Kabblta. HirdH a"d IVt Stock. CUT PRICES, bal. month of breeding. Reg, Persian cats, Sliver Smoke Ktnl, Black. Portland Cattery. Phone Auto, 614-64. PERSIAN cats for service; blue, while, orange, black, silver. Auto. 321-3 7 . FOR SALE Full blooded Airedale, 13 months old. Tabor 54. Boat, la uncheg and Murine JKquip ment RIVER BOAT f or t sale, cheap; in firs class condition; tied up at Fulton boat yard. Inquire H, E. Noble, 3itf Luui bermens bldg. FOR bALib Jioa mouse, mot 01 boats, ga engine. B. H, Craig, foot Cherry. WANTED TO BUY Small row boat good order. Phone Broadway til 5. IMPORTED St. Andreasbtrg icmale birds tor mating. wain, .Kegs and Barreu. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and whit oak. Western Cooperage Co., 3O0 N. 14th St., near Pettygrove. Phone A 510-1U. Coal and Wood. $4 PER LOAD $4. U-LOAD LOTS. 16-inch fir block and slab, runs partly ary, reaay tor iurn&ce or neater, w also save you money on two-load orders ot ary wooa. rrompt delivery on wesi and east side. Oregon Fuel Co., Wood lawn 4iuz. $4 PER LOAD S4. 16-lnch, partly dry block and slab mixed ; tine for furnace or heater, de livered in 2-load lots ior 9S; elngie load; 4.50. Washington lump coal, $lx ion n 1 ue Daemeni. nation; S'AL FUEL CO.. East 2041. COAL! COAL! COAL! COAM $11 per ton, put in your basement, city weight, direct from mine to consumer; large lump, no clinkers or soot; burns to line ash; try a ton. PHONE EAST 134 OR EAST 0126. BIG LOADS block and siab, mixed ru.ni, partly ary. 2 loads $8 00 1 load 4.50 WOODLAWN 1300. FIRST-GROWTH fir. Rock Springs, Royal Owl Creek coal. Standard Brick & Tile Co., 83 Fifth st., between Stark and uak. pnone .Broadway ia. ATTENTION, WOOD DEALERS! A bar gain in 7-foot cedar wood. See Murkle at woodaaw, east of Worth Portland Box GOAL Sample sacks, SI delivered: sacks, $4. $10, $11, $12.50, S14.50 and tio.au per ion aenverta. East 8: '84. NICE 16-lnch slab, $3.75; best fir, sea soned, heavy or merely graded. $5 load. anywhere; bargain; dry 12 and 16-incli country siap, $i.zo. Kenwood l7tiU. DRY CORDWoOD, 2-cord lota. $14. Best dry cord wood in town and heavy coun try siao, i.io a cor a. seuwood 11 iv. 6W4 E. lth st. WOOD WOOD. 4 -foot block and railroad ties, also 16-inch dry bLock wood; green block wood. Main 26i0. DRY box wood $4; block and slab, $4.75 heavy wreckage, $5 per load. Wood lawn 3640. PHONE WOODLAWN 0tf-3 DAY OR EVE 1MING FOR A-I FIRST-GROWTH FIR AT !M TO fi.iiV IUKU. DRY BLuCK and slab wood, single load $d. aouoie ioaa a; snort order specially. Droaa way -mo. GOOD dry fir cordwooa, $7.25 cord; heavy country aiao. 0.0. koca toprmgs and Utan coa.a. .caat 1 1 ot. BiG LOADS partly dry block and slab, a iua.ii , imiiib ury 10 -in. slab. So. Phone Wdln. 11)02. FIRST-GROWTH wood, dry, dry, $6.25 $7.50 cord. cord; Aul second growth, 6i-77. COROWOOD, $6.50 and $7.50 per cord de livered; country siaowood, 94. SO. Wdln 4-FOOT block and railroad lies; in. stove wood. Mar. 204 d. $5 A LOAD. 16-lnch dry plank and small 1 1 m oe r. aeuwuou NO. 1 old-growth fir that IS DRY, $7.50, $8. Automatic 01tt-87. 4-FOOT country slab, $4 per cord. 72118. 16-INCH wreckage wood, load delivered. $5. Residence pnone East 8254. COAL BY THE SACK, TRY AUSTRALIAN COAU BAJU'Lt, tun x , jjqy. 8423. BEST old-growth dry fir. $7. GO; largs second-growm. T. hellwood 814. HEAVY fir block and siab, oak and auh; bone dry slab, warn. 2Ql. BEST dry cordwood, S7 end $7.7 Bdwy. 4110. cord ; can t ue neat. WOOO SAWING, any place m oity. Phone Main 8124- COAL AUSTRALIAN LUMP 500 lbs. $4. COAL, SAMPLE OKU V ciRY, Bay. 8423. A-l FIRST growth also short order. dry cordwood $7.0O; Main 71110. DRY cordwood, $7 and $7.50 cord; block and slab, double load. $H.flo. Bdwy. NO. 1 WOOD, $7.W per cord; No. 2. $6 50 per cord. Phone Auto. 618-3L BEST dry cordwood, $7 and $7.75 per cord. Can't be beat. Broadway 411-0. O LP FIR country slab. Main 0133. Machinery. SHINGLE BOLT outfit, consisting of 7 horaes, harness, bolt sleds, peuvies, axes, saws and other necessary equipment. Also shingle mill machinery, mill building, dry kilns, sheds, etc., the lat ter subject to a mortgage for $0010 to Farmers and Lumbermens Bang, Elma, Washington. If interested, communicate with Wm. McCleary (Assignee M. & S. Mill Co.), McCleary, Wash. PETE RM AN LATH MACHINERY, The most efficient machinery for the manufacture of lath, broom handles and curtain pole stock. For prices and de livery see w Mtti KOLWURx CO 6l!8 Hood st. Main 36. HOBART mixer for sale; nearly new, usd only short time; can be seen at 7U4 Thuxmaa st. Machinery. LAUNDRY machinery for sale. com plete laundry outfit at a big aacrtflca as X am in othr buwlneis and wth t dispose of it. R. C. Miller. 3 N. 'Oth MiM'flltinrou. LESKri, CHAIRS, ADDING MACHINES. SAFES, DICTAPHONE TIME CLOCKS. PARTITIONS. 0-bank square Burroughs $12S T-bank flat Burroughs .-$a Dlctaphonea, eeh $ Alt used equipment In flrt-cla me chanical condition. Office furnlturs rented. D. C. Was, 24-'J N. 6ih trrt. Bdwy. 27: or Bdwv. 4TT5 ELECT KIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-third; all styles, finest e lection. Come and see; you ars undr uo obligation to buy. STANLEY Lt'TZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Proa dway 4'2o.. IF VOU A PPK MCI A TK spienald watch re pairing or Juweliy repairing, tako ouf work to MILLER'S Big Little JfWlry Store , Sells for Lt ; l f t s That La "L Next Door to Majestic THetr. Park and Waahiimton Ms. KAOIO Kl KNAt LS. , PII'ELESS, $135. PIPE, 215 UP. Eauy payment; 1000 In Portland. Phone Columbia 28 or write AfsnclaU'd Engineering Corp., factory lout of Bur lingion st. . SEWING MACHINES. Giving aw& Mtoc-King darner with of each new or uwl machine. SUsnny UFed. $16 to tSo. phone Main uaaa. , To rent or buy Singer Store. J. ii. Waiter, manager. lwti 4ta sL, aar Taylor. SAFLS Fire and burglar-proof safe. nw and second-hand, at right price; bought, sold and exchanged; easy terms 1C de sired, v NORRIS SAFS A LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Brosilw a y 7045 AH ! WHAT DO YOU KNOW A IK 7T THIS? Man says he repairs. RUUBKlt BONDS and rejuvenates all kinds of warped, crarked, deteriorated and disin tegrated old leaky rnols. His pbone number Is BroHdwsy 7. LOOKS, windows, screen doors, mold In us, mill work, a lass, roofing and hotbed sash. Ste our old stock of sh and dor.rs for prices. D. R. Srulljr downtown lumber store, 171 FltONT ST., bet. Moriieon and Yamhill- Phone Mala 4 J I ;i. SJV 1NO -machines, now and second-hand, sold for lebs; 110 agents employed. Com plete line ot part lor ail makua; ma chines repaired and rented. 8K VYING MACHINE EMPORIUM. lftO Third st., near Taylor. Main iM3l. I Mi I K N 1 1 A B L E I'LACK TO TKAD& MILLER'S Bin Little Jewelry Store. SeliB for Les unts mat j.am. Next Door to Ma.lewtlc Theater. Park and Washington Sts GLAIMULUS BULBS, iimiiumI varieties, special prices; 50 hlgh-Rrade mixd, SI. Phone Marshall 8177. Mail orders. The Preamene Oardens. route 6. box 13tf, Portland Or. PIPE LESS furnace installed, cornpleie, $150; regular liS value; only lu Jobs at this price. For immediate action onlv. Central Plumbing Heating ;o., 3.".J 'i Oilcan t. Broadway 4MM. NEW H1CAVY canvas ami a gun. like new. of finest quality for aale. Call b-fors 10 A. M., or after P. M., A. Iluiinnn, Denver aptw., room lfit and Wash i. HOT WAT UK tankH, 80-1-. $ i . $U; tested, guaranteed; stove and furnar coils, ft as heaters installed ; plumbing-. Kant Side Weld, Sh., Adam. K H.Mtj, Foil SALE CHEAT Lumber, all sizes, f to kg per thousand on job; aio brlk, pipe and plumbing. Phone Main HObi or at ,oh, Broadway and Madlwon Mr. i0 QUAKTS of home canned fruit, 3.n si quart, mortly Bing cherries and p.ra. Inquire 7a7 E. 78th st. N., 2 blocks from S( no y . FOK SALE Urapwiw and lot of aws hnd axed, till in good condition. Can h prtn K;4 Thurman St., corner :.1th, from 1t-12 A. M. - FOK SALE Coiinur, dihen, tables. chair, etc for rtitlng up imnu res taurant, chrap. City Transfer or Stfr ftRe, Co.. Bdwy. JW- m. 73 Ern ntst . m Sl't MiTiSM EN For r-nt , fine duck hont Ing preserve, with cluhhouhe. to the riic'it party. Sauvle's inland, by auto. E 4 Ml, Oregonian. CASH KEGISTKKS and compuiliiK Kales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register A Pcaia Ex change, Siark ft Bdwy. 731. LA I I ES, come to the Vogue for your spring suit. $10 up to J 1'5 rin-nHes for every orcssion. Fourth floor, io.l Alisky hlrlg.. Third near Morrlxon wl LA 1)1 ES, let the Vg u sell y. ur intuit. Mlghtly uwed clothing on cmiinitSHmn. Fourth floor, 403 Aitky bldg.. Third, neur Morrimin st. FISH E ft f urn. K-'ai f. never been worn. 2 nk inn ready tor mount ing. va:ue s.tou; will ffH reasonable for cash or trade. Col. 7S7. W EST E UN ELECTK HI vacuum cltmner and one electric, sowing maemnn; nnijr J.V) together, or fm.h if sold pa- ratelv. Hrnad wnv GAS Kl'L'J) H E AT E it -No. 4; lo (Mrs, large bathtub; all good condition; limi. l'l:t Burnstile. FI KST -CLASS A men can Wonder potatoes. highland grown, 9 1 ueii v eru ciose in. John Srhmtd. B-'avertnn, Or. DAN L V 8-liRht shower fixture cornp.sia with shades, only I- 8 A. at 21 Chamtwr ' Commerce bldg Broadway FO R SAL E M y new V nlte sewing ma a w ay. Auditorium chine, cheap, going Court ii.. No. KODAKS, buy, sell, rent and exr hangs n d y. Washington st. JWs (Inks. RCGS wttMhed in your floor with Hamil ton-Bench electric carpet wanr; also vacuum clenning done. Bapt 4Hft. LIC ENSED independent electrician wirS 8 rooms tor si, a ior sjtr. guaranteea is p a m in s p e etlon. Wdln. B71 1 BEAl'TI Fl'LLV mounted diamond, weight over hair Karat, a perieci gum. i.aii B'4 Second nt Foil SA LE I riHl-HtHKe truck !! for 1 or I'.ij-ton trucK, cneap. 1'iionc wain. :1 e cnjng-B. FOK SALE I niverfal c mtblnat ion rang tur. U17 Wciiller and wood and coai nea ft. Eant Md'tl. SA FES HE UK I .No, HALL, M AKVI V BAKGAIN. SAFES. VAULT 70 SIXTH ST. VI EBOLL) pafes, new and second-hand ; special prices. racmc cie r supply Co., 48 Front st. HroadwHy lQflH PILES can be permanently cured wunrnit operation, call or writ ur. utn, a ae on '1 unci Morriflon. HOTTED and green fert I User for sa I, delivered an parts or tne city; so ana up East 4!f0 FOK KA LK oar I and com 1 t nation ra ntt elevated fias oven, .ju. nfi n,. (m su . corner of Pacific. FO K KENT Electric vacuum cleaners. kJ cents per oay, ueuverea anywnsrs, Woodlawn 12M FBKTILI.rcn. Cow manure, well rotted, delivered any rart of city. M'ood!;twn 1'33. SHOWCASE, w Ilea m, r le, nountT, meat slicf r, account register; Dig sacri fice. li'! lwt, near Alder. BLUEUIRJ washing machine, largs csbl A uto. net victrola, uiiiiuhi new, cn p. ilL'KiiANK potato) Bdwy. a Ht your home for II. i 3B13 rrr pock. l1v SALE squire piano, very fins tuna, $ I ?f. T:hor 71'1 I. LA 'J EST d'-ophtud White rotary. lik new I -"J ..o. 171 I nrK. LAl'MHY troys, reinforced guaranteed. rre-wrir price. .04 k. Washington st. POSTAL fin in pa lor fmle, ii TJ HuchHttan bldg. to 70 year o!d. ; bTuCKVAHl maiiurs delivemu anywbsra. wooqia wn FECIAL SALE ufy parlor equ.p- ment. H "tn nATween stark and ok LA L I ES' used a pparol for a 1 1 occasions. i'ricea very low. tapor HEM1STR t-tudentH, lahoratory; a snap for Immeniaie aie, r,;iii t. H E NI'ITINO and crocheting y.' up. E. I'T-t-'i. don. Butch. Swen tern. TubALE $sd. Aut. r U. S. cream :t4. 7ir K. 7th pain V O N i - B A K. 1 N popcorn r ripett out fit fo Milleishtp. Fourth t sale nr trade. A KM lighting plant; a bargain. II. i H h a w. Come 1 1 us, Or. oR SA l,E- -M "une fiit floor, 10x12. l'hna Msin 1M4.Y even tnus. LATE style chine. $15, lf oidu ad like nw. W li lie eving ma- 1 annr 3 WHITE in.un'l bed, hirge poxl iid pring both lll new, lis Call K. Mfl S-K toT countei 57! Washington. glasa shelving. 4 157. DININU taole and range, fi41!-05. both $10. Aut. STAR-A-STAR ehlng!es, direct from mllL Call Taylor-st. dock. Main flnay FOR KALE Player piano (OTrlard); elc tric range, small. Mitin ti04. BITTMAN" pays highest price for blcvrlfg and hardware. 213 Front st. Main 801 1. WINDOW screens, mirrors and f urnit ur repairing and c;ihlnet work. Wdln. 14s 7, SECOND-HAND bricks and cesspools dug by the foot. Auto. 642-14. FOR 8LB Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcases, 48 1st sL. near Attv. PLUMBING, expert repairing, licensed: can do any Job; low pric Hdwy 25 bArii.3 witicw iuuu as new, cheau. P 4l, Oregonian 6KCQ.NU-HAND tents and covers for V Pacific Tent A Awning Co., No. 1 1st su PlIONB- us ior painting and paper hag Uii supply tUe best. iidy. 4ZJi.