Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 10, 1922, Page 13, Image 13

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A Safe and Satisfactory Place to Shop Quality Merchandise Courteous Service True Values
Second Matrimonial Venture
Brief and Turbulent.
Ex-Portlander Declared to Have
Represented Self as Wealthy
While Restaurant Employe.
Brevity and turbulency were the
chief characteristics of the second
matrimonial venture of William Ray
-Apperson, ex-Portland real estate
dealer and at one time exalted ruler
of the Portland Elks' lodge. Judging
from reports received here yesterday
from San Francisco, which told of the
successful termination of a divorce
action prosecuted by Mrs. Jean Davis
Apperson,, ex-wife of a w.ealthy San
Krancisco merchant.
In the 3an Francisco divorce court
Mrs. Apperson told Judge Cabaniss
that her husband, to whom she was
married December 3 last, had posed
as a man of wealth and high social
standing, but she learned later, she
testified, that he was employed in
the menial role of salad-maker in a
San Francisco restaurant.
USSOO Spent on Honeymoon.
Mrs. Apperson said she spent $3500
on their honeymoon, which brought
them to Portland and other north
west cities. Some of the acts of
cruelty, she told the court, were com
mitted in Portland while they were
honeymooninsr, while others were
committed after their return to San
After the glamour of the first few
weeks had died away, she said their
married life became turbulent, and
there was a separation nearly every
other day. The final separation, re
sulting in the divorce action, occurred
'February 9.
Her matrimonial experience with
Apperson, not only cost her the $3500
expended on the wedding trip, but
25 pounds in weight, Mrs. Apperson
Apperson is well known in Port
land, being a member of the pioneer
Apperson family living near Oregon
City. He was for several years em
ployed as a railroad clerk. . In 1910 he
went into the real estate business,
but this venture was a brief one.
Apperson Lravra Portland.
In 1916 Apperson left Portland for
Spokane, and from there went to
San Francisco. While here about
two months ago on his wedding trip,
he confided to former friends that
he had "struck it bier" as a timhsr
dealer in California. His Portland A
acquaintances were astounded when g "
they learned he had been taking the R
roie oi a creator of salads in a San
Francisco restaurant.
Apperson, while living in Portland,
married a daughter of John Clark,
saddle maker. She divorced him after
several years of married life.
The latest Mrs. Apperson, In the
M" rancisco divorce court, asserted I
" - ,- ii no uaiiu iidu leceivca letters
from other women after her marriage
to him. One of these, she said, was
a nurse living in Portland, who of
fered to marry him as soon as he
had been divorced. Another woman
living at Burlingame, Cal., wanted
to buy him an automobile, the wife
Good News for the Woman
of Limited Purse!
Women's Dresses
We have searched the markets for the very best values
procurable at the above prices and confidently believe that
at no other store in Portland will you find their qual.
But re want you to be the judge a.nd cordially invite you
to come in and look them over whether you wish to pur
chase or not. In their making only
High-Class Materials
are used. Canton Crepe Taffeta combined with Georg
ette Crepe Knit, the new fabric so popular this season
embroidered Taffeta embroidered Georgette figured
Silk plain Taffeta Georgette Crepe in all the latest
colors. And you may choose from
The Season's Best Styles
including blouse, straightline and basque effects in many
3 variations of the mode. Corded belts, wide sashes
paneled, tunic, scalloped and draped skirts new wide
sleeves trimmed with embroidery, beads, fringe, etc.
Extra values at $28.50, $37.50, $45.00 and $49.50
Exclusive Agency
Tailored Blouses
For Spring Wear
It's going to be a great season for Tailored Blouses
and the thoughtful woman will see to it that she is well
supplied. The smartest styles may be seen at this
store as usual. Large selection of models made up in
Pongee Batiste
Crepe de Chine Voile
some with Peter Pan collars, others with tuxedo col
lars. Many have fancy vest fronts. Trimmed with laces,
tucks, plaits, embroidery, etc. White and the new colors.
Voile and Batiste Blouses priced $5.00 to $17.50
Crepe" de Chine Blouses priced at $5.00 to $14.50
Pongee Blouses at prices ranging $4.45 to $6.50
Garment Salons, 2d
of Satin and Taffeta in a
special offering for Friday at
the low price of
.charming styles in one-piece
and waist effects with skirts.
Some with surplice fronts and
sashes. Changeables in light
and dark colorings blue, gold,
orchid, jade, etc. "I ACk
Exceptional values DA-LtxI
represent a direct cash
saving on the money
you spend. Ask for thein
served from 11:30 to
2:30 daily in Basement.
The Newest Expressions of the Mode
Whether for Opera, Street or Sport Wear You Will Find Here Authentic Fashions in High-Class Apparel That Bespeak
Individuality and Charm. Consider This a Personal Invitation to Come and View These New Creations. Second Floor.
Latest Footwear
Women's two or three-strapped Pumps
of patent colt or tan calfskin. Welted soles,
flat heels. Trimmed with small '& CTrt
perforations. Priced at, the pair
Patent Colt Laced Oxfords with
round toe, broad hei Just the C? fTfl
last for school girls. Priced, p"air 0U UU
Tan Norwegian - grain leather Oxfords
with medium heel and narrow rounding toe.
Also, dark tan calfskin with flat or me
dium heels. New custom last. P? fA
Imitation tip. Priced at, the pair wOtOU
Patent leather blucher cut Oxfords,
narrow square toe, military heel, P? p? A
full range of sizes. A pair DOOU
Lacedl Oxford of nut-brown G ETA
High school last; pair DUJl
Shoe Dept., Main Floor
Springtime Veils
And Veilings
Chenille Dot Veilings in. many new pat
terns and colors. 500 to $1.50 a yard.
Novelty Veilings fancy mesh, French
dots, woven dots, chenille dots and many
other patterns. Priced' 500 to $1.50 yard
Comfort Veils Shetland mesh, black,
brown, navy, taupe and purple. Only 750
Comfort Veils with Chenille dot, at 950
Veiling Dept., Main Floor
Announcing A Special 3 Days' Sale of
Women's Silk Hosiery
An important selling event offering 3600 pairs Women's Silk Hose at prices far
under regular worth. Sale starts this morning and continues Saturday and Monday.
Silk Hosiery
Main Floor Women's Seamless
Hose all silk with the exception
of the hem, which is a reinforced
lisle. Black and a good selection
of the wanted shades. Irregulars
of a standard make. fi"f "t ft
On special sale, pair DiitJ
Silk Hosiery
Women's Silk Hose in vfancy
vertical stripe effects so smart
for Spring wear. Seamless style,
with lisle top. Polo, biege, black,
white and brown. Irregulars of
the regular $1.75 grade. Special
ly priced for great 3- (21 OK
days sale at, the pair D-I-Ot
Silk Hosiery
Women's high - grade Silk
Hose in the beautiful ingrain
quality with lisle garter top
and foot. Navy, African, cor
dovan, white and black. Irregu
lars of standard $2.25 ?1 f?Q
grade. Special, pair DJ-vJ
Ask for Trading Stamps.
Silk Hosiery
Main Floor Women's Hose in
French clox, Richelieu rib, plain
Silk and silk chiffon. Black, Ha
vanna, nude, biege, polo gray.
Irregulars of a famous make sell
ing at $2,85 to $3.15 a J" QQ
pair. Priced special at OXt0
Silk Hosiery
Women's highest grade Silk
Hose. Fine gauge and beautiful
luster. Black, white and all the
beautiful new Spring shades.
Regular $3.00 and $3.50 values.
Some are slightly imperfect. Spe
cially priced for t'e QO Q
3-days sale at, the pair
Women's Fiber Hosiery
69c and 98c
At 98c
Women's seam
less Fiber Hose
with double lisle tops, heel and
toe. Black and brown only in
this lot. Hose that will give
excellent service. 080 a pair.
At 69c
Women's Fiber
Hose in seamless
style with lisle top, reinforced
heel and toe. Black, polo gray,
brown, pearl and white. Sold as
imperfects, bpecial GIJ0 pair.
See Window Displays of Sale Hosiery
Ribbon Remnants
Hundreds , of desirable pieces in high-grade Ribbons on sale
today at half price and less. Useful lengths for fancy work,
trimmings, hairbows, etc. The assortment contains a large
selection of colors, widths and patterns. Marked at Vz and less
than half regular prices. SHOP EARLY IN THE DAY-'
. Aisle Table, Main Floor
Application for $5 000 in Suit to
Oust Guardian Is Heard but
Decision Reserved.
New Cire Laces
Cire Flouncings and allovers
in floral and conventional de
signs. ' Brown, navy, taffy,
white, gold, silver, orchid, or
ange, delft, black, etc. 36
inch. Priced at $4.50 yard.
Cire Flouncings in the new
panel designs for dresses and
shoulder drapes. 50 inches
wide. Priced, a yard, $5.00
Metal Lace Flouncings in
gorgeous designs; at $11.50
TXT.-. .
i ucmer or not a man declared a
spendthrift and incompetent to handle
hig own affairs legally can hire a law-
iu ma suaraian is me question
-n-nicn uircult Judge Tazwell faced
yesterday In the hearing on a petition i
or -aui u. i-Xrmitzer and T. B. -Mc- i ft
ievitt Jr.. for attorney fees of $5000 i Jj
for the time in which they represent-i R
ed William C. Barker tp his suit:
against Seva B. Stewart, guardian. ' A
At the close of the hearing Judge ( 5
Tazwell said his first impression was K
mat the court had power to grant a
fee to the attorneys engaged by Bar
ker, but that this was not to be taken
as a final decision. lief ore passing on
the case Judge Tazwell asserted he
desired to have a private interview
with Barker, and a meeting is being
Mr. Dormitzer in his statement to
the court reviewed some of the sensa
tional charges which he said he in
tended to prove in the case brought
against Stewart, such as misappro
priation of funds of the $850,000 es
tate. He said he was willine- to rotii-B
from the case in . favor of James Y.. Pj
Conley, new attorney selected by &
Barker, but that he desired a fair fee A
for considerable work already ac- rA
complished in preparation fo-r the K
action. Intimating that the change in 0
James B. Kerr, attorney for the
guardian confined his argument to I
the legal right of Barker to employ
Barker came into the estate of Co-
lumous Barker, his father, at the I
death of the latter in 1909. On his
voluntary petition Barker in 1913
asked that Stewart be appointed his
guaraian to prevent him from squan
dering his substance.
Phone your want ads to the Ore
gronian. Main 7070. Automatic 560-95.
it is always try
ing to burn down.
Revitalize it with
genuine little
Olympias! Phos
phorus is more im
portant than iron.
gt them
Men's Wool Trousers
:. In a Great Underprice Offering"
V" r
Main Floor Not to share in this
offering is to miss one of the big
gest bargains in Trousers Portland
has seen in many a day! Every pair
All Pure Wool
and very best of tailoring through
out. Latest styles with cuff bot
toms and belt loops. Pockets are
made extra strong. Splendid selec
tion of patterns in mixed effects.
Good range of sizes to CQ ?A
begin with. Special, pair DOUU
Men's Union Suits
At $1.15
Main Floor A well-known make.
Of fine grade nainsook material.
Knitted band in back. These gar
ments sell in the usua) J" " f?
Cooppr's Union Suits in long
sleeve, ankle length style.
Light, and heavy weights.
Elastic ribbed. These gar
ments give wonderful service.
Moderately priced, at $3.50
way at $1.50. Special at
Cooper's Hose of excellent
quality mercerized cotton in
black, cordovan, gray and navy.
Medium weight for spring and
Summer wear. Moderately
priced at, the pair, only 400
Men's $3.50 Shirts Now $1.95
Main Floor
Main Floor Silk striped Madras
Shirts in attractive patterns and'
colors. All sizes 14 up to 17.
Regular $3.50 values, (J- Qr
on special sale today at D-L.tJ
-rMen's Shirts of madras and per
cale. Standard makes. Q- QQ
Values to $3.00, at only wl.DO
New Polo
White oxford, pongee, soisette
and aero cloth. All the go for
Spring and Summer. Get your
supply now. Priced $3 to $4.50
Comparison Sale
200 New Spring Hats
All the
- ,
AH, the
Compare the values with what other stores offer at $15.00 to
$18.00! Compare the quality of the materials used and the workman
ship! And then note the smartness of the styles and the trimmings!
See These Beautiful Creations
whether you are ready to buy your new hat or not. It will give you
a good idea of the favored modes and acquaint you with this store's
leadership in value-giving. . Small, medium and large Hats' for street,
sport and dress wear. Satins, novelty braids, silks, etc., in a great
variety of combinations. No two hats alike in the entire Sale! $13
Millinery Salons, 2d Floor
Charming: New
S e c o n'd Floor Hand-made and
hand - embroidered Envelope Che
mise in many entirely new designs.
Bodice effects or with built-up
shoulders. $3.50 up to $6.95
Philippine Night Gowns in sev
eral dainty styles. $3.50-$5.95
Dimity Underwear
made up in diimity material. En
velope Chemise Gowns, Bloomers
and Step-ins." Also novelty Gowns in
delightful styles. Moderate prices.
Just In
New Curtain
sheer, dainty and very attrac
tive for all kinds of curtains.
Shown in a large assortment of
Fancy Figured
in a variety of colors. Espe
cially desirable for bedrooms.
Also makes up beautifully in
ruffled curtains and for light,
airy drapes. Specially p-riced
for today's selling 3d Floor.
Regular 75c Values
Fashion's Newest
Vestees of linen, pique" and
gingham in Peter Pan and
other popular styles; full bodice
Guimpes in combinations of net,
filet laces, Irish crochet laces.
Bib Collar of Irish crochet,
venise, filet laces. Low prices.
Attractive New
Sport Scarfs
Fiber Silk Sport Scarfs in
plain colors and stripes. Vari
ous widths and lengths. Large
assortment of plain colors and
combinations. Fringed ends.
Prices range $3.95 to $5.50
For evening and street wear
Marabou Capes and Stoles in
gray, natural, brown and black.
Prices range $6.50 to $25
Neckwear Dept, Main Floor
M. J. B. Coffee
37c Lb.
In 5-Lb. Tins
Buy it in the large size and
save an additional 6c per pound!
Vacuum packed, always fresh!
5-lb. M. J. B. Coffee $1.85
3-Ib. M. J. B. Coffee $1.20
1-lb. Tin M. J. B. Coffee 43
Carnation Oat Flakes'at 30
Wheat Flakes, package 350
Piece of Aluminum in each pkg.
OWK Excellence Flour on
special sale today, sack, $1.95
Polar - White Soap specially
priced today, 6cakes for 250
Canned Goods
Minne Paul Peas, can 160
Princess Royal Peas at 200
Standard corn, per can 150
Solid Pk. Tomatoes, 3 for 500
Featuring Boys' Suits
With Extra Knickers
Main Floor $12.50 is the price you
would ordinarily be asked to pay for
Suits of this quality. Lines selected
from our regular stock. Latest mod
'els mostly with loose belts. Mix
tures in good serviceable colors. 2
pairs of Knickers with' (PQ A c
each suit. Priced special
Boys' Tweed
At prices ranging from $13.50 up
to $19.50 we show an exceptionally
fine collection of Suits in the popu
lar tweeds in tans, grays and browns.
Sizes range from 7 up to 18 years.
XT 5
kit, w-Af-w
g j Men's All-Wool Sport Coats $3.65 U th Floor
Boys' New Sport Caps Priced 1 to $2.25
Special Showing of the
New Spring Woolens
Giving the women of Portland and vicinity an oppor
tunity to see the favored weaves for the new season.
TTTITH the Spring sewing season
at hand the necessity of select
ing the materials for new wearables
becomes a problem of pressing im
portance. Here you may choose
from the new weaves for suits, coats,
dresses, skirts, etc., and be certain
of getting dependable fabrics at
lowest prices. Dept., Main Floor.
Wool Tweeds
Imported Tweeds, reg
ular $1.75 values; special
Homespun Tweeds,
regular $2.25 values, only
Homespun Tweeds,
regular $2.50 values; only
Forstman & Huffman
beautiful colorings; regu
lar $4.50 values; special
Thistle Top
One of the new season's favorite
fabrics for sport and dress coats.
Imported. Regular $3.50 QO QQ
grade; priced special at
Wool Serge
Imported English Serge in navy
blue and black. Very fine quality
and all pure wool. On (P-! QQ
special sale today, a yard Ui-0
$3.00 Imported English Serge in
navy blue. Dress weight. JQ QQ
Priced special, the yard
Tweeds in
Homespun Plaids $1.89 Yd.
Regular $3.50 Quality
A splendid material for skirts, wraps and sport apparel. New
plaid patterns in the leading colors. Special $1.89 a yard.
3 m v