TIIE 3I0RXIXG OR EG ONI AX, THURSDAY, MARCn 9, 1922' 21 busixkss OPPORTCX ITIES. acto repair partner wanted. Here is your opportunity to secure an equal half interest with first-class me - chanic in the busiest and best auto re Pair shop in the city; have well equipped shop, fine, steady trade, doing only guaranteed work; owner prefers steady partner to hired help; previous experience not necessary if you are honest, riiabie and willing to learn, If you are satisfied with $lt(0 per month for yourself from the start don't fail to this shop before you buv. Price 300. Call 620 Cham, of Com. bld.. nn anq start. TRA-NSFiiR DRAY AGE STORAGE PARTNERSHIP. Kxcellent opportunity for congenial, honest man to buy eaual half interest in one of the largest and best paying jiwnsier, o ravage and storage businesses in city; business keeps 5 men and 4 trucks busy at all times; need man to take charge of office end of business fcnd handle money. Full price $3250; 100 cash handles, balance to be paid out of business; drawing account of $250 month and up; books open to inspec tion; meet owner, 620 Morgan bldg., on Washington between Broadway and Park st. HEADQUARTERS FOR GROCERIES. 1hh Or invoice; 2 living rooms. $liM .West side. $2100 Grocery. cigar, light drink stand. $ 1 40 or invoice, west side. ;tn' $x modern living rooms. $.V2oV Kour-vear lease, west side. CONFECTIONiRY AND CANDY KITCHEN. S2TOO West side, on Washington et. $:;noo West side, on Alder st. 50O0 Cigar, shoe shining stand, bar ber shOD. JOHN BROWN CO.. REALTORS. 3-" Ry. Kxch. Bldtr. ' Bdwy. B3Q1. PARTNERSHIP BEST IN PORTLAND. A client of ours desires congenial man to buy equal half interest in the largest and best equipped auto upholstering and auto painting shop. Incorporated under the laws of this state. Incoming part ner win have charge of outside work. Guarantees $40 week salary and equal share of monthly profits. Previous ex perience not necessary. Fullest investi gation invited. $1000 handles. See owner, room 626 Morgan bldg., on Washington between Broadway and Park st. FULLY EQUIPPE D ga rage, east sid e, dose In, for sale by owner; brick build ing, 40x100, with lease running to May 1. 1026: located on main traveled street; revenue from cars in storage and space sublet amounts to approximately $200 a month alone. Exceptional opportunity for future de velopment. Price S3300. $2000 cash will handle. For further Information address C 399, Oregonian. No agents. SPLENDID GARAGE AND REPAIR SHOP PARTNERSHIP. Fine onnortunitv for man handy with tools and mechanically inclined. Have excellent equipment. Good storage, some accessories. Located in west side auto row. You should have no trouble to make $160 month or more. Full price j.0. Reliable man can pay ssoo down balance easy terms. Apply room 626 Morgan bldg., on Washington between Broadway stnd ParK st AN EXCELLENT PARTNERSHIP offered in first-class auto paint shop; no better location in city: long estab lished, steady trade; plenty work on hand and large volume coming in; pre fer steady and ambitious partner to hired help: no experience required if you are willing worker and will be sat isfied with $10O a month to start. Price $450. Call 620 Cham, of Com. bldg.. 4th and Stark. CORDWOOD AND TIMBER PARTNERSHIP. Equal interest can be bought In 281 acres of timber; prefer man who is willing worker or one who understands wood cutting; located few miles from Portland ; fine proposition ; neetl the man more than money; guaranteed sal ary; price 800: 4500 down. Meet own er, 626 Morgan bldg., on Washington between Broadway ana ParK st. CORDWOOD AND TIMBER PARTNER. Here's an opportunity for reliable, steady man to buy equal half interest in 281 acres or timber. Have complete equipment to carry on work. Have im mediate market for nil wood I can cut at a good price. Business will pay $200 month and up net. Money fully se cured. Price $2500. Terms. Meet owner. 626 Morgan bldg., on Washlng ton between Broadway and Park st. CONFECTIONERY SACRIFICE. I AM THE OWNER. If you mean bwsiness, call and see me, and I will show you the best buv in Portland. Price ONLY $!30u. Some terms. Living rooms, lease and cheap rent. Just the place for man and wife, or two good women. See me at DUDRBY INVESTMENT CO.. 500-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 6942.' MANUFACTURING PARTNERSHIP. A splendid opportunity for man handy with tools to buy equal half interest in the best manufacturing business in Port land; have all work and orders two men can. attend to; previous experience not necessary; we can make $200 month and up. Price $650. Money fully se cured. Meet owner, room 628 Morgan b!dg., on Washington between Broadway and Park st. IALF INTEREST IN 9000 CORDS OF WOOD. Here Is a splendid proposition for a man who has $2500 to invest In the fuel business. I have $3500 worth of equip ment on hand for cutting wood, etc. Can show a net earning of more than $20,000 on the wood. t have a two-year lease on the land. This is a bona, fide propo sition. For particulars see owner, 310 311 Panama bidg.. 3d and Alder sts. DANDY storage and transfer business, es tablished 15 years; 5 trucks, 2 new ones, to add another soon; good contracts ; warehouse 5t.h floor brick bldg: good lease; doing over $2000 per month: will take 5 or 6-room house up to $5000 as part payment or $5O00 cash will handle. S. BORLAND, Realtor, 223 Henry Bldg. 4th and Oak. CHOICE SUBURBAN GARAGE SNAP. Concrete building, capacity 25 cars, strictly modern and up to date; filling station In connection: also fully equipped repair shop; long lease, cheapest rent in the city, only $28 month; storage alone clears $50 month above all over head ; if you want a snappy buy don't fail to see this. Price $1250. Call 620 Cham, of Com, bldg., 4th and Stark. DRY GOODS STORE. Splendid business and residential sec tion; very good stock in trade, excellent fixtures; concrete building, fine oppor tunity for lady or gentleman. Low rent, doing good business. Bargain for s-juuu. can room es Morgan bidg., on Washington between Broadway and Park st. GARAGE SiFECIAL. 80 car capacity, in heart of hotel dis trict, showing a good net with lease to 1120. Has 40 steady storage, and doing a large transient business. Price $t000, terms. H. W. OSBORNE CO.. REALTORS. 821 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANT PARTNER. CLEAR $20 PER DAY. $450 will buy one-half interest in dandy business, legitimate and sure; must act qirick.- See DUDRBY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 6942. WEST SIDE CONFECTIONERY. Good, downtown location; low over head ; good fixtures and clean stock; doing $40 daily average; priced right, and $2500 puts you In possession. See Mr. Connor at GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 2SO Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 75ST. GROCERY. EQUIPPED TO SERVE meals; dandy business location; living rooms; you must see to appreciate; most sell quick ly; low rent, lease; a snap; $750. FRANK C ROBINSON. 5Q3-4 Selling Bldg. Main 2557. ESTABLISHED AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS. Buys and sells cars, also parts, this is a money making business now: books open to inspection. Call fill Railway Ex change. THOMSON & THOMSON, REALTORS. Restaurant and lunchroom. right downtown, good lease, rent $200, daily business $150; seating capacity 50; S40O0 will handle. MR. TICE. flJ0-2t HENRY BLDG. WEST SIDE MEAT MKT. LOCATION. Good west side location for a meal market, corner room in a brick build ing. See H.i 11. with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 2oQ Chamber ofVom. BHwy. 7581. PARTNER WANTED. In a west ide garage, a mechanics working; a fine opportunity for a good man. only $t50 required. Room 511 Railway Exchange Mdg. $1250 -fiORNER cash-and-carry grocery, 2 nice living rooms. This u? a live place and worth the money. 425 Cham, of Com. bldg ON ACCOUNT of ill health must sell my flowur shop. Auto 21 .1-05. Bus nefrs Opportunities Wanted. UAlh. J.um to put in paying business with svrvices: give complete Information f!rt letter to assure reply. AL 472, Ore Kor.ian. WANTED-Grocery store and building with iiving rooms, from $9000 to $11,000 A 45, Oresonian. WANT to buy outright all or controlling interest in bank; city or coantrv. Ad- dress In confidence. K 488. Oregonian. GARAGE wanted in good location, must show substantial net earnings. C 175. Prfgonian. I AM IN the market lor a downtown clear and news stand. Will pay up to $1500. p H?s. Oregonian. RESTAURANT wanted. Doing good bubi- ns. Havo ?200. D 833. Oregonian. WANTED A retail bakery immediately, in or out aid s Portland. 3 500, Oregon i an, Bt'STNKSS OPPO RT V NITIES. runea Oppiwtm.uiet Wanted. SOLD IN TEN DAYS. All lines of business sold; partners ob tallied, additional capital procured, low esc rates, nest service. w e have man buyers waiting. BUSINESS is GOO with us. Our selling system i perfect noining leu to chance. Expert saiesme bring our buyers direct to yoa. We can sell your businesn in TEN DAYS. Phon Bdwy. 26-M and MARK US PROVE IT. 1- successful years in this business. NOTK We are tho original 10-day pruhers, WE ORIGINATE OTHKRS IMITATE). GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO, Suite 316 Pittock BIk., Wash, at 10th WE WANT TO TRADK FARM LANDS FOR MERCANTILE STORES. Have several clients wanting to trade their farms for a good busi ness, most any size stock, some will put In cash with their farms on larger stocks. KINNEY " HYDE. EUGENE, OR. SOLD FOR CASH. All lines of business in 5 to 10 days Our 15 years in this business assures you or a quick sate and real service. PARTNERSHIPS FORMED. Xo obligations. Business dealings con' fidential. We have cash buyers waiting. rnone Aiatn &HS2 or call security in vestment Co., room 626 Morgan bldg., on was-nington. between Bdwy. and Par. MISHKIND Has Two Bona Fide Buyers for X one hotel that $4000 cash will handle one at artment house that 95000 cash win hanCJe. DEKUM & JORDAN. Bdwy. 2240. 323-4 Cham, of Com. Bldg WANTED Partner in dandy sawmill complete: good condition; twelve million feet timber with it. From S3000 to VU00 wanted. S. BORLAND, Realtor, 223 Henry Bldg.. 4th and Oak. HA E CLIENTS waiting for apartment houses and . rooming houses; list your places with us for quick results. Call Henrv, with ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 404-5-6 Panama Bidg., Bdwy. 0949. EXPERT accountant-auditor, oftice and credit manager, experienced in traffic work, married, wili be open for offer after March 5, in business where services can be used with investment. AE 435, uregonian. I WANT best Portland business $850 to xidOO will handle; give location, tele phone number, price and terms ; prefer business with - living rooms; no agents. Ij Oregonian. WE HAVE BUYER willing and ready to buy a grocery that owner will sell at a fcnap. This is a real buyer. Frank C. Robinson, Realtor, Main 2557, 503 Selling bldg. WANT best paying hardware store in good live locality that up to $8000 cash will handle; stats all details, also nationality ox community ana general economic con ditions there. K 487, Oregonian. WILL buy a good pool and card room in small town outside Portland: have 2O00 to put in right place; give details first letter, x mean business. A 4U4, Ore gonian. WANT good combined bakery and grocery in growing neighborhood; must be doing the business; win consider bakery only also. Please be explicit in reply. AF 467. Oregonian. WANT AN APARTMENT HOUSE which 2 excellent rooming houses will nanale as first payment. Balance easy. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC.. 4QH-11 Couch bldg.. Broadway 67S7. WANT small business in trade for $1300 equity in 4 acre, 20 fruit trees, berries, I . uiv-ncil liuunc , will ttSaUIMC. -IT. V. 606. Portland. WANT tlour, leed and fuel business which will show returns on Investment after landlord has been paid; give all details and location. AF 466. Oregonian. WILL build modern concrete apartment nouse ror reliable tenant. E. . Grif fiths, 401 Gerlinger bldg. WANTED To buy a 2 or 3-chair barber snop. K 42. Oregonian. Hotels end Rooming Houses. THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE BROKERS. We have them all sizes, all prices. It will be to your advantage to investi gate our files before investing. 620-21 Henry bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. WE HAVE TWO SPECIALISTS caring for rooming houses only. For quick sale list it with us. We can sell it- Just phone in. FRANK C. ROBINSON, 503-4 Selling Bldg. Main 2557. i-ROOM up-to-date apt. house; new fur niture, long lease. $4000 to handle. Choice downtown store, big money maker; only $750; many other bargains In rooming houses and business chances. ED DIAMOND. 4.!3 Chamber of Com. ROOMING AND BOARDING HOUSE. 0 rooms all full, with steady board era, clears better, than $100 month; yours for $700. Mr. Solum, at GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 230 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 7581. NET INCOME Jlo5 MONTHLY. 36 h. k. rooms, clean, always full, west side: rent $75. lease: $2700, some terms. Good for the wise buyer. 320 nenry oiag. pqwy. 474. $500 FOR $00 INCOME. 16 rooms, all h. k.. west side, near in; rent $50; all for $1250. $500 handles. Clears $90 month. See owner, 320 Henry 15 ROOMS, H. K., Nob Hill; furnace heat; rent soo; owner sick; full price $700. See Mr. Currie. J. W. GRUSSI. 318 Board of Trade. Bdwy 7452 LASE, rent $l.0 sLeam heated, 43 H. K. rooms, corner brick, close in; net Income $300. E. O. MAGOON, 226 Henrv Bldg. TRANSIENT HOTEL. 50 rooms, rent $175, lease; always full, $3000 will handle. V. George. I. E. SPENCER. 517 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SEE THIS, 38-room transient hotel, the beststloca tlon in the city. 5-year lease; full price - $3750; good terms. SIMMS. 223 W. Park St. Max. 33S8. I REALLY HAVE THIS $575 12 H. K. rooms, close in, rent $37.50: lease, full price $575. Get bus with soap and paint and make some ber ries yourself. Nick, 226 Henry bldg. ROOM FLAT. S54.Y On your own terms, or might rent furnished, dandy transient location, near depots, west side. Peters, 15 N. 5th. ASTORIA HOTEU 28-rooms, at a sacrifice if sold at once; fine lease and location. Write owner, 440 Bond St.. or phone 12S7. $2500 FIRST cash payment, elegant ma hogany ivory, period furniture; present income $650. Can be increased. 191 Park. A PART M ENTS, 47 rooms, 5 years lease, rent $100; fine furniture; price $6000. 818 Chamb. Com. bld?r. IF YOU want to buy or sell rooming or apartment houses, see H. W. Garland, Alisly bldg. Phone Main S660. 9 H. K. ROOMS, fair furniture, all rented, full price $575; some terms. SIMMS, 223 W. Park St. Mar. 33SS. 19 H. K. ROOMS: central; FURN. A-l CLEAN; LEASE: RENT; PRICE RIGHT SCOTT. 201 10TH. NOB HILL Beautiful furniture of 14-rm. house, lovely home, good Income, garage, large lawn. 84 N. 21st. Owner. $200 CASH starts you in a dandy 8-room place; rent only $30, lease; brass beds, good substantial furniture. 19t Park st. SECOND floor brick, location perfect: un usually nice home; nets $00; $785, terms. Bdwy. Mil. :5 H. K. ROOMS. 313 & First st. Terms. Of- RB6ULAR FELLER. FRED IS- BCSOTEPS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. STRICTLY MODERN APT. HOUSE. don't Wait, but see this this MORNING, MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE ACCOUNT OF DEATH IN FAMILY, THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST APT. HOUSE PROPOSITIONS WE HAVE EVER HAD. THE BUILDING IS WHITE PRESSED BRICK, LOCATED CLOSE IN ON WEST SIDE. LONG LEASE AT A VERY REASONABLE RENTAL. SEE US EARLY TODAY. E. M. ELLIS, REALTOR, SUITE 42S MORGAN BLDG. MAIN 5060 AND MAIN 5061. FRANK C. ROBINSON, 503-4 Selling Bldg. Main 2557. We have many fine rooming-house buys. RENT $25 LEASE. Clears over $95; all full, 13 rooms water in all but one; good furnishings $1100 will handle. 14 ROOMS FINE FURNITURE. Clears conservatively $85; three gas ranges, one coal range; always run: fine opportunity to get in a paying house for $1200. $800 DOWN CLEARS $100. Brand new furnishings, 11 rooms; will stand rigid scrutiny. FORD FOR PART OF THIS. Or $300 down; clears $40; every room H. K. : nice home; always full; six rooms. More boarding and rooming houses. FRANK C. ROBINSON. 503-4 Selling Bldg. Main 2557. ONE OF THE BEST. 11 rooms of new furniture, consisting of white enamel bedroom sets. Axmin ster rugs, everything the best, also fine garage; cheap rent, with a lease, water In all apartments, other business forces this sale, $1200 wllf handle, small bal ance. Be sure and see this. See McCauley, HILLER BROS., REALTORS. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. WHITE TEMPLE. 11 rooms of beautiful furniture, vers clean house, not attic rooms, showing a net of $100 a month, besides landlady apartment; $1000 will handle, Bmall bal ance ana easy terms. See McCauley. HILLER BROS.. REALTORS. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 362B. NOB HILL. 20 rooms, beautiful furniture. 4 baths, 5 toilets beautiful house, showing a net income of $200 per month; $2500 will handle, balance to suit. See McCauley, HILLER BROS.. REALTORS. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3826. BIG MONEY maker, 140 r. hotel, lease; rent $300, $4000 cash; price $7500. 49-r.' hotel, fi-year lease, nets bet ter than $300. Fine hotel or business location, right down town. Rooming house, suitable for boarders, $500 down, bai. as you make It. 527 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. SNAP. 8 rooms of good furniture, consisting of $150 combination range, walking dis tance; this is a forced sale; $550 full price; $350 cash will handle. See McCaulev. HILLER BROS. REALTORS, 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3620. Quiz's BcoAlCto. VAS. TOO Sad Mim The -tme. ec?? - 1 I BUSINESS OPPORTUVlTTg. Hotels and Rooming Houses. $22.000 HOTEL. 125 rooms: lease until atter Tair: rent 1350: H baths. 3 ele vators ; netting $U00 per month ; brick building. $4500 26-room apt., west side, 6 min. walk to Olds & King's; furnace heat; 4 year lease; rent $175; net from $250 to $200 per month; good furniture. Where can you get such good income on the amount of investment ? $1800 11 rooms," well furnished; fur nace; full basement; modern. This is a bargain; garage; fine home for owner and Income. Owner compelled to leave city. S. BORLAND, Realtor, 223 He-nry Bldg., 4th and Oak, 30 APARTMENTS. $10,000. CASH. White pressed brick building, automatic elevator, private baths, porches; netting now $800 per mo. Your opportunity. See this quick. MARY E. LENT COMPANY. 524 Northwestern. Bank Bldg. HIGHWAY HOTEL AND POOL HALL. The leading hotel in prosperous east ern Oregon town at junction of Colum bia and John Day highways; ground 100x200 ft., 36 rooms, 40 beds, always filled to capacity; popular dining room, good lobby, includes fine pool hall and soft drinks, etc. Owner 70 years old wishes to retire; this place is a real buy at $15,000. one-third cash, balance easy terms. See Mr. Solum, with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. BUY FROM OWNER BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. $1000 CASH. Leaving city, must sacrifice ; 8 large rooms, 4 two-room housekeeping suites, everything newly tinted and furnished ; new na.ii carpets, lights, furnace, gas. running water; must oe seen to oe ap preciateq. tsim irvmg. wain 273!. HOTiEL men. notice! One of the finest modern hotels in this citv: beautifu nearly new furnttuire; long lease. For mer owner made $17,000 in 2 years. Spe cial reason for selliner this at $15,000. Will take about $4000 cash. Must be so;d at once for personal reasons. N agents. Write for appointment. BJ 477 oregonian. M. E. LENT CCMFajVT. 623-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE AGENCY. IP YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL COME IN AND TALK IT OVER. 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE TOO RIGHT. OVER 40 ROOMS: RES. HOTEL. A most attractive west side centra location; nicely, furnished: has fine lease. A modern,, money-making place, netting; $600 a month. 13 baths; per fectly appointed for high-class trade, fMnan -payment nannies. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC., KKS-1I Couch bldg.. Broadway 6787. ONE OF OUR BEST HOTELS. Downtown transient: magnificent o-ncK corner; nearly 10O rooms; long lease. ;-ets xkhmji. Priced very reason able. Must have considerable cash. If the best is none too good for you, meet me. Air. Howe. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC 4A8-11 Couch bldg.. Broadway 67S7. BARNEY JOHNSON CO., REALTOR. 170 10th St. Main 3160. 50-room transient hotel, best loca tion, not nrst-ciass, out a money-maker, ss.ioo win handle; 4-year lease clears $500. Best location. 44-room apt. house, semi-modern, 4- year lease; v nite xempie district $8850, $3500 handles. UWNiK 0 rooms, Nob Hill. 23d St.; extra good furniture, new throughout; beauti ful rugs, silk hangings, overstuffed davenport, leather chairs, phonograph, piano lamo. vacuum cleaner, firenlac. furnace, sleeping porch, nice yard, lots oi roses ; every room freshly tinted. Mam 3sn.i. $210". 63 APARTMENTS. FURNITURE AND LEASE. Lease has still over four years to- run This Is a first-class, in a central down town location on wst side. For par tic Ulars see W. F. Bunre, OSCAR J. CLOSSET & CO., Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. 4030. LOOK AT THIS. 4-room hotel for $3u00, lease over the lair; full to capacity, downtown busy corner location, must take quick action, ask tor Air. ueor?e. O'FARRELL-FORDNEY. 338-40 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4172. 1 HAVE on-e of the biggest bargains in the city: 40-room modern apartment house; close in on east Bide ; 4-year iase. r or my ,vjh hi equity will tali .ioOO cash, balance in trade. No agent commission to be paid. Phone Tabor FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotel, apartment or rooming houses with us; your Interests will al ways be protected; we have casa buytrf waiting for your proposition. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg FINE HOME. GOOD INOOM R. 00 rooms, 20 apts.. 12 private baths. best White Temple location, nets about uu, jmoou nannies. H. M. FITS PATRICK & CO.. S32 Morgan Bldg. Main 5264. $100 PER MONTH profit on 14 h. k. rooms, good furniture, basement and ga rage; $50 per month rent; close in, west side. 314 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. 14 ROOMS. H. K., Nob Hill; furnace heat; good furniture, clean; rent onlv $35, $950 to handle. Price $1SOO. See Air. Currie. J. W. GRUSSI, 318 Board of Trade. Bdwy 745 4S-ROOM transient hotel, 5-year lease money-maker, $2500 handles, busy loca tion, H. M. FITZPATRICK & CO.. 832 Morgan Bldg. Main 5264. LEASE and furniture of small apartment house; furnace heat: all modern conven iences; very desirable neighborhood; terms. Call East 8826. BARGAIN IN H. K. FLATS. " Very close in : nice west side flat; splendid furniture: $00 full payment; some terms. Broad wa- 67S7. li ROOMS, housekeeping, west side- $150 net per month; $2000 will handle; will take small car part payment. F 4fi Oregonian. r' $2400 ROOM AND BOARDING HOUSE. v rooms ana j sleeping porches, rent $65, netting $150 month. Some terms G 426, Oresonian. $50,000 CASH will buy $150,000 centrally located hotel building and ground strictly modern; deal with owner. F 405, Oretronian. 9 ROOMS. NOB HILL, $250. Cash price, $715; modern house, good furniture. This is a good buy to sell again, or gooa nome. Peters. 15 N. 5th. 12 H. K. ROOMS, good lurnlture. Nob Hill; 6 sinks, 2 baths, $1900. Take lot to $10oo; Irvington preferred; no agents. Bdwy. 10S4. xl ROOMS, housekeeping, rent $50; fur niture good ; price $1050; some terms 201 W. Park st. WHITE brick, steam heat, best west side location; lease; nets $150: $2650. Bdwv 5112. FOR SALE Furniture and lease of 34 apartment ; best location in Portland ; 5-year lease; a bargain. Mar. 2406. 19 ROOMS, h. k., 4-year lease, close in. all full, $2500, easy terms. Inquire 370 Yamhill, corner W. Park. BY OWNER with lease. 26 h. k. rms 117 N. 18th. stove heat, Bdwy. 2471. APT. HOUSE, fine business; $1500 will swing it. Aut. 014-10. 36 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, light fur nished; $000 full price. 422 First at. POLLY AND ( . I Ho TO. HE GO S"HE. ) j VOTES' SUCH W r ' ' TellS me.) atrocxouS X I 1 , I HW". I IT WAS A PLESADRE SHE WOUtD WOT BE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Homes. 18 ROOMS, fine furniture, boarding house, best of condition; good income; see it today. 101 Park, 22-room hotel. In brick building, close in, strictly modern; nets $300 a month; lor $5K)0 cash. 30-room transient hotel, few blocks from Meier & Frank's; 4-year lease, showing good net; for $4500, half cash down. 33 -room hotel; with dining room, plac is netting over $300 a month, 5-year lease at cheap rent, plarce is filled all the time, as it is in good workingman's locality; for $3000, only takes $15O0 to handle it. . An 18-room transient hotel in brick building, lease, place is filled all the time; for only $1500, $1000 down. 44-room apts.r nearly all 2s and 3s, lease; showing a net of $215 and can be increased; very close In; $3500 will uttuQie same. One- of the-, best apts. in the city, 0 rooms, has a waiting list all the time nets over $600 a month; 4-year lease, everytning in excellent condition; build Ing one of the finest on the west side $10,000 will handle It and balance on long-time mortgage, if desired. LANG LOIS & HAMERLYNCK, 504 Buchanan Bldg. TRANSIENT HOTEL. This is one of the hotels that has never been sold. Furnishings are of the very best; 4-year lease; fair rent; wonderful money-maker; it requires $15,000. APARTMENTS. About 80 rooms; mostly all sin gle apts.; fine brick building; 5 mnlutes walk from Portland hotel; 6-year lease; clearing over $500 per month. Price $16,000, half cash. 70-ROOM HOTEL. Good downtown location; fine corner brick building; modern, with ground floor lobby; furnish ings are good; long lease. Call and get particulars. 40-ROOM HOTEL 40. Strictly modern and best of lo cation ; lease runs 4 years yet; this is clearing $500 per month; $10,000 will do business. HOUSEKEEPING. 15 rooms, mostly 2-room apts.: rent $75, now netting $125 above all expenses; furnishings good and clean. Price $3200. some terms. RIERDON REALTY CO., Realtors. 637 Pittock Block. MODERN WEST SIDE APARTMENT, 33 as, 3 3s; CAN GIVE FOUR YEARS LEASE. WALKING DISTANCE, 23 ROOMS STEAM HEAT, RUNNING WATER iiiAC KUU.M, .LOCATED WEST SIDE. WEST SIDE APARTMENT, CLOSE IN. 00 ROOMS, LEASED THROUGH 1926. MANY OTHERS, ALL SIZES. POINDEXTER. 207 SELLING- BLDG. 45 ROOMS. BARGAIN PRICE THIS WEEK, Steam heat, brick building, corner rooms and apartments, rent $150 with 5-year leasej clear ing now $600 per month; $S000 cash required. MARY E. LENT COMPANY, 524 Northwestern Bank Bldg. APARTMENT SPECIAL. Just listed; a real buy; very best lo cation, brick bldg., long lease; at less than $6.50 a room; this place will net 50 per cent on full price, and your own apartment; requires only $8000 cash to handle, balance easy; for further par ticulars, call at our office. E. M. ELLIS, Realtor, Suite 428 Morgan Bldg. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME OFFERED. one ot the nicest, cleanest and most desirable modern apartment hotels in the city, everything considered. This has been placed in our hands for quick disposal at $8000, with some terms. Attention ! A pressed brick corner building, hot and cold water in all rooms and apartments, city heat, newly and nicely furnished, freshly kalsomined and painted; located less than three blocks from the central library. Try Us Realty Co., realtors, 100 West Park. Auto. 513-48. "NOB HILL." Very nicely furnished and clean; al ways filled; steady net income of $100 per month; price $2800. $1600 cash and liberal terms. We have other good buys. JJ L IJ K fj i i' viUBI'MfiWT CO., 500-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. IF VOL WANT TO BUY OR oELL business, hotel, rooming or apartmsat nouses oi any Kind, anywhere, Chester L- Florence, HITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade B'dg. We Write Ail Kinds of Insurance 9 ROOMS. PRICE ONLY $1650. Nice clean place and all rented: fur nace heat; fireplace in living room; two sleeping porches; good home and fair income. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 0942. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. 1 month rent and telephone free if taken at once : nice, clean, 6-room flat a 11 arranged for housekeeping ; running water ana gas range, etc., d rooms pay an expenses; an iun ; price soou, som terms. See owner. 354 Hawthorne ave. afternoon aid evening. AN APARTMENT house at a bargain; 41 rooms. ooing to add 21 more rooms steam heat; lease until after fair. $4000 casn win nanaie. inquire Grand ave. Wanted -Rooming Houses. WANTED From owner, apt. or h. k. that $2uoo to $3UOO will handle. East 7852, apt. au. WANT, by May 1, 14 to 30 unfurnished rooms. East 6291. 42o E. Burnside. LOST AND FOUND. jOST Lady's open-faced Elgin wrist watch on Alberta car or E. 13 th and Al berta to Sumner st. Phone Wdln. 2784. Reward. AMETHYST ring, circled with pearls, lost at ivieier ac x ranic s giove counter. Lib eral reward. Call Mr. Brandes, Bdwy. 6232. LOST March 3, between Grand ave. and Morrison St., and Portland hotel, black brief case; reward if return con tents. A. S. Harris. Portland hotel. LIBERAL reward will oe paid for return of silver case lost in Orpheum theater Monday eve. P 404, Oregonian. LOST Two diamond rings near Zell Bros., Wash. st. Reward. J. F. Williams, Hip podrome theater. LOST Sunday, near Gearhart, bunch of keys, padlock and tire cover. Reward. Main 2002. 801 Selling bldg. . 1XST Red Irish setter dog Monday, 12th East Oak. Reward. East 5515. BY MISTAKE, left two plaster hat blocks In machine on Alder st. Main 3073. LOST MALE FOX TERRIER FULL GROWN PUP. REWARD. AUTO. 634-29. LOST A canary bird from 1251 E. Har rison st. Reward. LOST Monday, agate brooch valued as keepsake; reward. Call Main 5372. HER PALS eax To ax DKPflED. BY CLIFF STERRETT. LOST AND FOTJXP. THE FOLLOWING articles were faund on cars of the P. R., L. & P. Co.. Marth 9 umbrellas. 1 lunch box. 1 nurje. velvet handbag, 1 roll bills. 1 haudbag, gloves, 1 book, e packages, 3 letters, 1 check book. 1 adjustment caro, l Ke 1 jar cold cream, 1 box candy, l pal rubbers. 1 desk drawer, 1 ram cape. sewer pipe. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder streets. LOST Irish setter, male dog. near Union avenue and Burnside. Saturday evening has white spot on forehead and breast. Please can uast LOST English bull terrier puppies. months old. Phone East 395. Reward. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY, OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & M OR T GAG HI CO. 20b BELLING JiLDO 2D FLOOR. "TWTC T5TSAPPTCARTNa MORTGAGE' has come from tb east for residences. apartment houses and other income real estate. Pay here. ANY AMOUNT. ANY TIME. No . penalties, no renewal charges. Other funds also, as for ths past 14 years, especially in LARGE AMOUNTS. The Most Complete Loan Isrvtce. EDWARD E. GOUDEY COMPANY. United States Bank Bldg. WE BUY CONTRACTS, MORTGAGES AND NOTES. PACIFIC SECURITIES CO.. 806 Dekum Bldg. Bdwy. 638L MORTGAGES. WE BUY WELL-SECURED MORT GAGES IN ANY AMOUNTS. PROMPT CONSIDERATION. FEAR & GRAY, MAIN 85. 102 4th STREET. SHORT-TIME loans on mortgages, con tracts or other collateral. Second mort gages. Multnomah Finance Co., b2: uasco bidg. SELLERS' CONTRAcTa and second mort gages bought and sold. C. DeYoung & CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on. real estate. Washington. Or gon. H. E. Noble, 31 Lum Derm ens bldg WrILL buy first and second mortgaged and seiiers couu-acta. a . uowmaa at to. 210 Cham, of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 6776. WILL ouv smaller sellers contract or aea ond mortgage. Gordon, Chamber of Commerce blag. WILL cash seller's real estate contract or first mortgage. Prompt attention. See A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermen's bldg. LOANS and securities. Bdwy. 5bUU. Davenport, 612 Buchanan bldg. BUY NOTES, contractu, mortgages. F. H. lcwu, via lye wis piag., -tn ana oak, sta. HAVE $340 house contract. Will sacri lice tor casn. can Jast 7374, Frentze Money to Loan oa Afceal mm. MUiNE Y to iotn on Wiiaut tv vaiiey farms and city property. Lowest current rates. Liberal repayment privileges. Prompt closing. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COAIPAN X. 91 Third St.. Portland, Or. HOME PURCHASE LOANS. Monthly installment plan; 0 per cent simple interest, with protection for the xamuy in case ox death. Option to tao up any vme. jmo commission. WILLIAM Mac MASTER, 328 U. S. jNationai Lank Bidg., Loans Insurance. BEE US TOD A Wo loan money on city property; lowest rates, no commission on choice loans, long time and snort time; monthly payments; pay as you can, sums to suit: contracts, second mortgages bought, 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder sts. CELLARS-MUR'i'ON CO. MORTGAGE LOANS. Money available for loans on first class inside retail and financial prop erty at o per cent interest. WILLIAM Mac MASTER, 328 U. S. National Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or city property; prompt and hulpt'ul service; liberal repayment priv ilege ; lowest rates. W ESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 60 FOURTH ST., PORTLAND, OR. $1000 TO $10,000 UP. Portland security. Quick action. Mr. Martin, Loan Department. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth st. Bdwy. 7522. MORTGAGE LOANS. , In any amount at lower rates on city or country property, prompt and helpful service. PAGET 4fc PAGET,' Realtors. 36 Stark st.. bet. 4th A 5th. Bdy. 3794 WE HAVE funds available for good resi dence loans; aiso insurance money tor business property at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO.. Bdwy. 2921. Wilcox Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved larms and city property; favorable repaying privileges ; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD. Sd'J Piatt Bldg. Main 5371. HAVE $1000, $1500, $3000, $5000 to luan at 7 per cent on improved security prompt reliable service. A. H. BIRRELL-G1LL CO.. 216 N. W. Bank Bidg. Marshall 4114. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission, no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO., 87 Sixth St. Portland. Or. $300, $400, $50O, $700, $10OO. $1200 $15O0, $2000 and up; lowest rates, quick action, nay off $100 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., ti-il Chamber of Commerce Dicg. jaowy. oam. MORTGAGE LOANS. Residence and City Property. 6ft and 7 Per Cent, UNION ABSTRACT CO., Ground Floor, Henry Bldg. MORTGAGE loans in sums to suit; city, farm or t.uburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM G. BECK. 215 Failing Bldg. SIX PER CENT MONEY to loan, $10,000 to $25,000, on city apart ments or garage building. P. O. box 390, city. $1000 $1500 $2000 $2600 $300o. NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money. Loans quickly closed. y. H. DESHON, 015 Cham, of Com, bldg. $10,000, $15,000, S20.000. $25,000, $30,000. Immediately available. DESHON MTG. CO.. 615 C. of C. Bldg. SHORT-TIME second mortgage loans to responsible home owners. MULTNOMAH FINANCE CO.. B22 Gasco i lag. PRIVATE money to loan on real estate, low rates, no aeiaya. u. uexoung & Co., 810 Spalding bldg- RESIDENCE loans in sum to suit, 7 and 8 per cent. Herman juoeiier, realtor, 426 Lumbermens bldg. BEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGB CO.. 210 E X(Jh AIN Utii XJU i.iuii u. SECON U AND BTAKik sxa. $200, 8400, $500. $750. $1000 AND UP Low rates, quica. acuuu. c rc w. uerman Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS at current rates on well-unproved larmu auu. ti -j vj. a a foi.(.or. Spalding bldg. $500, $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate; iavurnuie icruis, uo ueiay, no brokerage. John Bain, 57 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. and 7 per cent. Salomon et Co.. am rtauway exen. oiag. $1500 on improved farm, close in, rate Interest. 601 McKay bldg. with rr ? 1 VD The CTher . ssaes JU ZTiU I I I I "Til mm FTVANCIAr. Money to Ixmn on Heal Estate. MORTGAGE LOANS. RESIDENTIAL LOANS, 6 PERCENT. Five-year period repayment privilege of $100 or any multiple thereof. INSTALLMENT LOANS. O PER CENT. Fivo - year period; will loan 60 per cent of the value of your home; only small monthly payment required with Interest; you may pay more or all on the first of each month; no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. 6 PER CENT. Five-year period, repayment privileges. BRICE MORTGAGE CO., Portland Mortgage Correspondent ths Prudential Insurance Co. of America. 1210-1217 Yeon Bldg. Main 830a. THE BEST and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan, $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $25.36 per month for 43 months, or $21.24 per month for 00 months, or $16.60 per month for 84 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months pays a loan of $1000 and' Interest. Other amounts in same proportiona City loans on improved property or for improvement purposes. No commission Repayment Privileges. KQUITABLE SAVINGS 6c LOAN ASSN.. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Qr. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rates of Interest. Otto & Harkaon tea:ty co,, 415 Chamber or Commerce. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES, QUICK SERVICE? XOU CAN GET IT TUUAX. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE. PIANOS, V1CI AULAa, REAL ESTATE, BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts. we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. v e make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity in your possession, and you can repay us in small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own no tea Rates reasonable. Private office. Ail business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (Licensed). S06-S07 Dekum Bldg. Broadway 5857. S. W. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY LOANS SALARY, WE LOAN MONEY to salaried and working men on their perronal - notes; rates reasonable, eaajr payments. NO SECURITY NO INDORSER. Call and investigate our modern money lending methods. All business confiden tial. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (Licensed , 218 Failing Building. MONEY TO LOAN. Money loaned on household goods or merchandise placed In storage with as at regular Dante rates. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER OO,. Fourth and Pine Sts., Opposite Multnomah HoteL Phone Broadway 8715. DAN MARX k CO.. 315 Washington at.. near 6th St. Establisned over 8 years; only high-class Jewelry store in city with loan department In connection ; prlvats room tor laaiea: ousinesa strictly confi dential ; under atata supervision ; sll ar ticles held one year. Lo buainesa with an old-established firm. MON E V to loan on diamond and Jewelry; confidential service government iicesaea and bonded brokers. Zell Bros, ot Co.. 283 Washington st. Bdwy. 0725. MONEY to loan; diamonds, Jewelry, etc.; legal rate; articles held one year, vines. jewelry, corner 3d and Washington. AUTO and other short-time loans. Mult nomah Finance Co.. 822 Gasco bldg. Loan Wanted. FRANK L. McGUIRE. with bis years of experience and exoert knowledge of values, is in a position to safeguard your every interest in locating your money. Hundreds of apnlications for loans. Of fice or personal services. Let us loan your money. See J. Logie Richardson, manager loan department. Abingloo bu'.iding. lidwy. 7171. MONEY WANTED ON IMP. PROPERTY.. We have clients waiting who wish to borrow from 11000 up to $tHH0 on im-: proved city property. Ample security. Will pay i'p it you are seeking a sale. prontabie loan t-ee Air. lunsniore at GREAT WESTERN 1NV. CO.. 230 Chamber ot Com. Bdwy. 7581. WANT $4000 at 7 per cent for first mort gage Joan on j-story brick Dunning: ex cellent location, always rentable, valund at $15,000. Fred W. German Co., 732 t;namper or uommerce mug. . $1250 WANTED, bc ; attractive 4 -room I modern bungalow on paved tttreet. Jut sold for ? .'HOW, at 8 E. 74th st. at stark. Mr. 740. $3i00 7 PER CENT LOAN on Aiameda home from private investor. Call Wood- lawn M72. WANT $100 at or.ee fr 00 das; will pay back $I2.; good security. Menane. Sell. ls. 724 DivlMon st. ijOO AT V'n ON NICE buneatow .'MlxlUO: atue $3800; Alberta. Call SIS Board of Trade. Bdwy. 74 52. feEE OREGON INV. 6c MOKTGAGU CO. 210 EXCHANGE BUILDING. 2D AM) HTHK STS WANTED from private party. Lady needs $2000 in building or home. 3 years at 7 per cent, good security. Tabor 4000 WANTED on lrvingtou home. uasco img. Main u. 2500 ON N EW six -room bungalow. Rose I city, value jtiooo. Ea.t :ii. fiiJ VA iK party wants sii'.umi, a years, on s-i.Vtwu I arm. y 4'.t3. oregonian. 100U-$1250 ON IMPROVED 15 acres, tie Vancouver, worth $4000. Tabor 7055. PERSONAL STEAM baths for bad colds and body mas sage; laay assistant. aL'Z Fieldner bldg.. l ri n ami naiiiiigiun ma. MISS B. RANDALL gives body nnssife steam bains, vibration and violet ray I cti-u lijyy rim ii u mag. COME to 008 Raleigh bldg. to have your leet ireaieu, peuicunng. manicuring, facials and shampoos. Broadway 73 7 U. HUMAN BAKE OVEN SWEDISH MAS- S A G ti Keai rejuvenation; graduate nurse. 0-0 acn.nK-mrscn. Main 77htf. MASSAGE, baths, rheumatism, constipa tion iuiie;b. Jwwui arjics. LJT. JSllnA Sorenson. 00a ranama bldg. Bdwy. 7usa. -MASSAGES FOR LUM U A GO, ETC. 415 Buchanan bids.. Wash., bet. 4th ana oin. luto vt. ai. aiho Sundays. urtoiii fcivea eieun n; ttweaia at your home ior lagnpoc, rjieuuiausiu. ror appoint- in e 11 l i 1 i " w J tn .'w. nooni on. ANY ON'E who has consumption or cancer ana is interested m oins cured in their 1 own nome can jwam accommodate two students in beauty J SUPERFLUOUS nair. moles. warta moved by lu-neeaie method, trial fr. Jose FInley, 514 Bush A Lane. Main tiHttH PILES can be permanently emeu without operation. u or write) xjr. Dean, beo- onu mm ri muii. FEB VET & HANEBUT. leading wig and 1 loupe maKers. permanent marcel and water waving. iaer. Alain 54 H. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permancntiv moved. 604 Swetland bldg. Bdwy. 6700 SULPHUR stes.n baths, massage, violet ray, i-iour 10 10 a. Jiay. aiain 830. PROSTATE trouble cured without opera- tlon. Dr. rt. a. fnitnps. awy. bldg. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay youf bee v lerecK, couec-mra. ueKum oiag. PR1MEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs, tn n:. aaa. eu. aaia. morningg DR. ROBERT FISHER, cnlropodist. fool specialist, now at no yettum Didg. NURSE treats lumbago and diabetes; for- meriy art, now at ft" I Going, wain. flUB. MARIE STROMBAUGH call Main SGoi. Sam. Got your letter late. Dr. Ij. Netzel treats rheumatism; massage ana oatn. D4t coiumoia st. Alain 00U8. 5mL$' - T&FceTTT"-eMiP-- y- 34 ll PKKSONA1., NEW IS PORTLAND. Wonder tmtmnt for rheumatism, blood and acid germs; treatments ster nal, restful and pt.niu; lady and ma attendants, nur in charge; diacourasad, sick people come and f-a us. Hours, : to ft. Suite 500-1 1. Iiilth bid.. - Washlngum at., cur. 6ih. Phon iidwjr. 10O0. LaDIK.S. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC? POWDER, a aootblng. cleansing, hfsllns. acrm.rldml and invigorating douche; a great aid is female disorders. 5"c and $1 per box. PORTLA N I II OT K L I'HARM ACT. MINERAL is TEAM BA THS. Hot and cold ahowvm, cienilfla body massage, violet ray, electric and t tac tion treatmnts for chronic difana of both sexea. DR. NETTIE BENSON. D. P.. 711 Swetland bid. llmalway flTHtt. PILES PERMANENT RELIEF Legal guarantee Riven. No ned of knife, no pain, continue work. Auk to see Gle-o-nis Pile treatment. Mout Lyons Drug Co., 3d and Morrison, fit and Washington. Broadway and Srark, LR. MARGARET HaYME. cniropraotar. Women's diseases my specially. A 11 treatment non - surgical. For trs'ued burse, assistant and bath mufinin. ask for Mies Randall, 215 Swetland bhifc. DR. ADA SCOTT, nervous ana ctironlo di eases a specialty; steam bath, hoi or cold showeis. scientific body maa-as. Hours 10 to I. 417 bweiland bldg Bdwy. 4170. GRADUATE chiropodist maiaaK undre medical supervision, Sundays, evening ; formerly 210 Allsky, now ai6 Tliford bldg.. 1 0th and Morrison. VlT-O-NET PARLOUS, SALES. TltEAT MBNT ROOMS. 212-15 FLKIDNER B L DO. DR. O . LOCKE. EX'LUtiJVW SALE J RIGHTS. BDWY. 425. WANDA MARKS, human inaiit, prc- - tical psychologist, lo-mlnute conau ita Hon free by appolntmeut. Main 454k. 220 12th at., near Ma'n. 1 GE'lS ootli feet fixeo up st Dr. Eaton's, the CHIROPODIST aud ARCH PLsT. who doesn't hurt you; 8 yra. here; cam. free. Globe bid g.. 11th A Wenh. By. 224. CANCER successfully treated wi;hnut ra dlum or surgery. Consultation fret. Dr. Elizabeth Kofnrk, o"tt-7- bwetland bldg. Hdwy. ttS74. J AZZ Piano b gin nei a, lu" ieiona ; pupu lar songs, 8 lemons, or money t-ack. Par ker Piano School, 514 Filers bldg.. Wash ington street at Fourth. ALBERT REYNARD wanted by hia broth er. F. Reynard, 455 Fifth at. A $25 re ward to anyone letting ms know his wheroa bout. VIT-O-NET, sweat, body iiihhmhk, Radiant light, Violet Ray t real me nt tor cold, av i at lea, n"urUis, ctrculut Ion ; 10 to S H 1 ly- 450 Morgan bid g. Main 7570. $10 REWA RI for the addre of Jacob, Emma or Victor Span. Broadway 4-441. grKCIAL NOTICES. NOTICE of sale of government timber. General land office, Washington. D. C, February 7, 1922. Notice is hereby glvsa that aubject to the couditlons and Dm 1 tat ion of the acts of June u, 1U16 it Stat., 21&), and June 4, 1020 (41 hist.. 758), and the instructlona of the tacra tary of the Interior of September 11, H17 140 L. D., 447). and June 22. J:i (47 L. D., 411). the timber on the fol lowing landa will be aoid at 10 o'clock A. M., March 28, 102. at publlu auction at ths United Slates land office st Port land, Oregon, to ths hlgheat bidder at sot less than the appraieed value as shown by this notice, sals to be subject to ths approval of the secretary of tbe Interior. The purchaes price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being cominMtslons aUowed, must be deposited at lime of saie, money to be returned if sale Is not approved, otherwise patent will iaaue for tbe tim ber which muat be removed within tea years. Bids will be received from eltl sens of the United states, aaaociatione of such citizens and corporations organisedl under the iawa of me Lnued tkaiea or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal sub division will be oflered paraiiy be fore being iuciuded in any oiler of a Jarger unit. T. 8 S.. R. 7 W., bo. 81. KU4t NEli. yellow fir 2u50 M., hemlock $75 M., NVV NE4. yellow fir USo M . hemlock 200 M., bE'4 NE, yellow fir 1500 M . hemlock S5U M., H W V4 NkS. yellow fir 75 M., heinJovk 25 M., Nk'a NW'4, yellow f.r SOO M.. dad rilw fir 70 M., 8W4 NWfe. yellow fir luot M, dead yellow fir 50 M.. N W . yel.ow fir 2100 M., N a. WW. yellow fir 12oo M . hemluia 80 M , dead yellow fir 100 M. NW SWW. yellow fir 1350 M., Cead ye.iow fir ftwfl M. SW14 yellow fir &00 M.. dead yellow fir S50 M., b E 'A yellow fir 1070 M., dead yellow fir U M., N S KE14. dead yellow ir 450 M., NWV SE. yellow fir &10 M., dead yellow fir 850 M-, none or tne yellow fir timber io be sold for les than $175 per M., none of the hemlock timber to Da aoid for leas than 75 centa per M., and nuns uf toe dead yellow fir ttmbvr to be ao.d for U than $1 per M. T. 2 8 . R. 6 E . bo. lw. NEfe NWV. red fir :"0 M , non of tna red fir timber to be sold for leea than $1.00 per M. William fcpiy, Gomumua er, general land office. on hi " DEPA RTMENT OK THE 1NTKRP K. I N1TED STATES LAND OKKl E. PfKTLAND. Ortacn. M.irch . l'-'J. NOTICE OF EXCHANGE. f-KHIAI, ttVlM.V NOTICE hereby given that the Miami Corporation of Wilmington, Ip1m wur.s. has tiled lu Oils offu-u K appli cation to pel "ct, under the provltoib if the Act of ConKrKs. approved May 81, 1!M8 (40 Stat., u!3. und the intubations thereui der appruv d July J7, 1U)H (4l I J . , 424). thw E. E 1 . W- her. rt, all of Sec. 11. T.7 S.. R H W., Wll. Mr. Any and sll perrons claiming adversely the land described or deMii inic to objt ( Lecauaf of the mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the dt posal to the applicant, Miouid file their affidavits uf protest in this office with out delay. ALEXANDER SWBKK. Remslfr. F!rt day of publication, March a. 11 .'X I.a.-t day of publication, A pni 7, I'.'J. AFTER today will not be reeponaible for any bills contracted ny tn rroauway Building cigar stand only by tnyi.f. C. (j IT', EL. Troponin Invited. REQUESTS FOR "BIDS. In the Oistrlot court ot the United States for the district of Oregon. In the matter of the ewtate of Kather n Coffleld. bankrupt, the undoiwlaned wiil receive sealed bid at the office of A. M Cannon, referee, room 80u Title A Trust bldg., Portland, Oregon, up to and until Friday. March 10, at li o'clock noon for a atoclc of merchandise coii-oating of ladi walais and rubra, hoalerv. underwear, brawiiere, oorwws and novelty Jewelry. Inventory value S 7011.87. Office fixtures and furrmu-e inventory value fi-Uli. situated at 00 Morrison street. Bids mui be accompanied by certi fied check or carii to the amount of 10 per cent of the bid. The court r.-wervea the right to reject any- and all biaa Inventory may oe seen at mv omc 615 Kenton bld.. Portland, Oregon, and the stock inspected upon )poitumco4. H. W. b IT Tu., Trustee in Hankruptcy. SEALED RIDS will be received at the of fice of R. 11. Thonuia. aviioni ciern ana buninenH manager. 4vl Courthoum. Port land, or., until 7:l P. M.. March 1 "1, Hrj- for furnishing and Initialling light ing fixtures Iti the new Bookman school. Bids will be opfned at a mooting of the r-H n Vw h e ul Ln rnnm 1U4. Court house, at 7:UO P. M.. the am day. Krctficatlon my bo obtained at th office of the auperintendent of proper ties, old Falling school .rust ana iorwr ts.. Portland, or. A certified chck for IO rr cent ft tho amount of the proposal, pavubln to IX. H. Thomas, school clerk and btiiritte man ager. intjKt avorniMny each bid. Tha board of directors r'f'rvea the rlrht to reject any or ail bids or Ulviuo la award. (Signed) n. n. tim.'has. tv-bool 1 era ana miiinea jaajiascr. 1 h ffd M a rch 7. !?--. CJRCCLAR No. Sealed proposals will bo received at uirire 01 u'nTMi rur- chaMinK A-cnt, Aiaukan Knsiru erin CummihKion. Room 42, Rt l-btr i Terminal, Seattle, Vsh., not later than 11 A. M.. March T3. f-T ruriitnhtntf Putter, Cheese, Flour, Crwekers, uaui. Rice, ball, t lirun rownr, uniu-a Fruits and Vr-Koiablrs and HrnoniM, Copies of thin Circular may h obtained upon s ppllcatinn nt I hi orrirrt irom A ajkan r.naincerina i,oinmiHinn, ' JS'rw Post of f ice Huiidlmr, Portland. Or., and Aaitkau E-nmneurnir 1 omniiwKin. 301$ Custom HnuM, Sun Fraw;l"o, Cal. K. Iol'. (ieneral PurrhsMiiR Arcnt. I CNIT ED 'STATED Courthouao t.Ulld""i7iI. Portland, r. Office or Cutxiian, March 4, Itt-'J. Scaled propoaaln will be received at this bmldinu until 2 o'clock. P. M.. March i!7, 0-'J. and then opened, ffr furnlshtii(r elertrlo current, water. Ice, removing rubbish and wahins; towels during the fur I ye-ar endlna" June 30, Pealed proposal will a-o b received until '2 o'clock P. M., Jun 1, 1022. and then onened. for steam. Tne rlsrht to rejeet any and all bida la re served by th Treasury IepartinrnU J. M. Jones. I'tjMtndiHn. AliM'einineotiM. COI'NTY WARRANTS Notice la hereh Riven that Multnomah county warrants drawn upon the general fund, and that were presented and Indorsed "Not pa Id lor want ot runns, imm ucTooer i 1021. to November SO. lJl. both dates Inclusive, wilt b paid on preavntatinn st t he office of the county treasurer. Intereat thereon ceanea on and aftaf the date of this ne-tlce. Portland, Or., March 7, 1022. John M. lewt. County TreaBiirer. N(TIi'K l hereby Rtven that my wife. Mabel Alden, having left my bej and board. 1 will no longer b rewprtniihl for any Indebtednesa contracted hv her after this date. K. It. ALT'KN WILL not be responsible hereafter for mjr wuof acbtik a. i. cabW