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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1922)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, MARCII T, 1923 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. 1 liookkeepers. jteaugranhera. Office. ! YOUNG woman of personality, excellent , education, desires position of responsi bility; eight years experience meeting public, bookkeeping, typing: and corre- , spondence work ; want position requiring! lateingence ancr,execuu ve ability. fael wood 1506. CALL. US FOR OFFICE HELP OF EVERT DESCRIPTION'. BDWV. 053. WILL IAMS' SERVICE. 504 SPACLDING BLDQ. QUICK SERVICE. , EXPERIENCED bookkeeper conscientious and reiiaule. ences. Se:!wood 8721. and typist. Beat refer OFFICE HELP CLERICAL HELP. Of a!l descriptions Can Bdwy. 6953. Williams Service, S(4 Spalding bide. YOUNG lady with . office experience, wishes position, can use typewriter. Marshall 3.Vlft. CAPABLE and experienced stenographer desires clerical position. Broadway 4iJ7. BOOKKEEPER, 1st, open fo- general office work, typ insitioa. Bdwy. o571. lrew makers. JULE'S will make your fro cits, gowns and wraps for ail occasions and also do remode.lng at reasonable prices. 431 Artisans bidg. Broadway 5606. DRESSMAKING I absolutely guarantee all my work, 14 day. Call Mrs. Laura C. Owen, Marshall 1047. STOUT ladies, attention. Dresses designed for you; guaranteed. Tabor 466&. Si j-iv urtsscs i abie. Smitn, i sptcia.ty; pricts reason -6724 46:h ave. S E. DKESSMAKING REASONABLE TyOODLAW.V 2140. MRS. (iuQIV DRESSMAKING, my home or yours. p !3:h st. Bdwy. 917. room 18. FOR GOOD SEWING Unior. ave N. call East 653. fiu'J WANTED Sewing by skilled tailores home or by the day. Tabor 2566. DRESSMAKING and modeling, by day. tailoring, a Tabor 3213. r a.nv, i. urtfisnidKiag, reasonable prices, Hiiil-tLAb!) dressmaking; work guaran teed; pricea r'ght. East 39i6. -IRS. VV. W. LV ENS, dressmaker 13th. has moved to 681 Hoyt. Ma, of 149 n 6963. FASHIONABLE gowns Albert apts. Main 52 made at 108 K.jig 3. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, teed. Tabor 8456. work guaran u rites. iAiAh,u nurnfl with home in country here in Portland will care for children or convalescents. Tabor 7730, Beaverton I'M i,me o. TRAINED doctor's assistant, wide experi enoe first aid, laboratory and X-ray wora, oookkeeping and typing, wants position with responsibility. Sell. 1 MH ANYONE wishing the services of a com petent practical nurse, call Main 6602, apt. 3. Genevieve apts.. 445 Columbia st Irs. George Good row. .PRACTICAL nurse wishes care of invalid or coniinment cases; best references. 1 DO" Ml-. WILL care for invalids in private home. Main 2529. CAPABLE female and male nurses; calls ana, day or night. Marshall 2294. MATERNITY HOME Best care to pa tients. Price reasonable. East S68. F OR trained nurses, undergraduates and practical, call Marshall 349. EXPERIENCED practical nurse, ready lor case, women or children. Sell. 1222. NURSE will or week. give service reasonable, Marshail 28N3. NURSE will care for patients ir home; diet a specialty. Tabor her 733. iionwiteepers. WIDOW with little girl 8 years old wishes position as housekeeper, in or out of town, must be near school; only refined and respectable party need apply. Call Broadway 6185, room 12S, or AS 500, on lan. w i uy reimea married woman wnose nusoana works out of town, a po sition as housekeeper for respectable widower; no objection to 1 or 2 chil dren. Phone Automatic 322-30. HOUSEKEEPER, wants position in first class home for 2 people, properly suit able for doctor, business people ; good , cook and laundress. D 498, Oregonian. YOUNG widower to care for children and help with work; stay home nights. Phone East 996. YOUNG woman with baby would assist in city or out; home treatment. Box 71, Naselle, Wash. YOUNG woman wishes housekeeping, small salary if work light AO 489, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AG ED woman wishes to keep house for man with-1 or 2 children. Port land only. Broadway 4369. LADY wants position Phone Tabor 9005. as housekeeper. HOUSE CLEANING Expert white and ivory enamel, brick and tile fireplace cleaning, floors waxed, furniture pol ished, carpets cleaned, windows -washed. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. 188 Chapman st. Phone Main 1157. VER1BEST WINDOW CLEANERS. COLUMBIA 1027. Housecleaning, floor waxing and vac uum cleaning; estimates cheerfully giv en; best of references. WANTED TO RENT. houses. DESIRABLE party wishes house with range and hot water heater installed and two or three bedrooms to rent until jNovemner. win pay up to $75 month. Irvington preferred. East 6652, Mr. Smith. WE CAN rent your property for you; bav ouems waning lor nouses, xiats, stores. etc. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CG. 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581 LET US HANDLE your property and save you notner collecting rents. Houses, flats, apts., stores. We have a waiting list. , FRANK C. ROBINSON. WE HAVE many cans tor houses and flats and can rent yours; let us handia your property and collect your rents. C. A. WAGNER CO.. 230 Stark St. WANTED Unfurnished house or flat; rent $15. AL 479. Oregonian. Apartments. SMALL furnished apt., walking distance, . W S. preferred; quiet young colored couple, both employed; references. Mrs. Robinson. Main 2341. -ROOM modern apt., unfurnisned, $50 Mnuuui ui uu witn garage. ia wy. 5616 between 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. WANTED Apartment, 2 beds, kitchenette, overlook park, north of Jefferson. AN 4SQ. Oregonian. Bwdnews Places. WANTED location for small bakery, west side, reasonable rent, living space Call Bdwy. 4874. WANTED to rent a small store room or space for hat cleaning and blocking on the west side. M 498, Oregonian. DESK room or desk and use of phone in small office; moderate price. M 497, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED Store in apartment or rooming house building; particulars first letter No agents. L 457, Oregonian. WANTED Store in apartment or room ing house building; particulars first let ter. No agents. L 457. Oregonian FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms. MATTHIESEN HOTEL. Rooms 50c day up; $3 week up: clean, light, hot and coid water, steam heat. 204. Columbia. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms with electric lights and use of telephone; also two furnished H. K, rooms with run nmg water. 351 W. Park. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement, 652 Va Washington st. Modern private baths, free phones; reasonable rate. $3.50 week up. Bdwy. 6831 HOTEL OCKaEV, $1 day. weekly Morrison st. or idrK 55 and un. frr r.h A ,-"v- xigtu. mm -airy, ateam neat, MtbLi iurnished room, steam heat privileges, private home, on 2 car lady. Main 4i81. home lines; ...' E WL Y furnished front room v place; also kitchenette. 255 Auto. 519-32. ith N. fire 21sC ALKING distance, attractive hf-ated apartment house room. 3022. steam Main THE HEREFORD, 735 Hoyt. offers mod ern, comfortable sleeping rooms at re duced rates Also apts. Main 3305. THE ST. PAUL, Fourth ar,6 a. ner A RE SPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HOTEL. $1 Up. Rates by week or month. RECTOR HOTEL " 9 N. Bdwy., at Anreny. mod. rms.; prl vate baths. Yale locks, $" wk. up. $1 day. NEW PERKINS HOTEL Washington and Fifth Streets. Special permanent rates. ARTHUR HOTEL". 170 llth Kt.. near Mor rison Clean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable rates. 60c DAY, $2.50 WEEK up; ciean, baths free. Hotel Cadiilac. 3d near Jefferso n LARRABEE HOTEL Modern, $3 week up. Larrabee St.. 2 blks N. steel bridge. LARGE piano. desirable room. 327 6th st. modern; use of COZY furnished room reasonable. Johnson. Main 3796. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms; your prit-e within reason. 163 First. LIGHT comfortable sleeping rooms, close in. west side 208 17th St. Main 7628 MALL attractive room. reTined tumily. Cloe in $12 50 a month, Bdwy. 3443. FOR KENT. I-'urnislied Kooms. iiOT Ci-iFFUKD. PRINCIPAL, EAST iSDDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISOA ST. AT -AST 6TH QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; $1.2.5 PER DAY. iti PER. W K. AND UP; CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT GARAGE CALL AT Y. M. O. A. to see free list of moderate-priced rooms for young men in all parts of the city. Including rooms at the Y. M. C. A., witn phone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13 VH ST. AT WASHINGTON. Kates, $1 a day. a week $o and up: private bath '$8; fireproof and clean, close to business center. IN HIGH-CLASS APARTMENT HOUSE. Rooms wrth and without bat hi $2j and up; for refined gentlemen or ladies employed;, references required. 166 St. Clair st., corner Washington. HOTEL ROWLAND. 207 Fourth St. Mar. 459. 165 rooms, centrally located. Ratea, 75c. (1. (1.50 per day; $4 per week: and up ANSON1A HOTEL. 124 14th St.. at Washington." Rates J5 Der week and up. SI day; fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusements and shopping center. ANGELA HOTEL, 625 Washington St. Marshall 1950. Large, attractive lobby with fireplace. Special rateta to permanent guests. WASHINGTON In,-. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rares by week or month. HCTEL BROADWAY. Broadwav and Burnside St. Rates: day. $1 and up: week. $ and up; private path. ?H and up. Free phone. HuTEL CONRAD1NE. 22 North 10th St.. 2 blocks north of Washington St.: lire proof; pheasant rooms and suites at very reasona bie rates by day or week. FurniMhed Rooms In Private Family. 2 LARGE, newly furnisned sietp i-oms for gentlemen, private home, close in, hlrtcli from li Trvintrtcin district must give references. Call afternoon. E 373. NOB HILL DISTRICT. A very pleasant, warm, lower front sleeping room, suitable for two. 68 1 Glisan st., bet. 21st and 22d sts. NICELY furnished bedroom in mouern west side apartment, suitable for wo man employed; privileges. 410 Harrison st.. apt. 3. NICELV furnished room, furnace heat and bath, laree clothes closet, walking dis tance, close to 2 carlines, Holiaday dis trict; business men preferred. East 813a, DELIGHTFUL room for gentleman, best location, west side, easy walking dis tance, every convenience; reasonable rent. riroaaway oi x t. LARGE attractively furnished room, fur nace heat, tiled bath, home privileges, walking distance, modern home. aiar. 11, HO. ' FURNISHED room for rent, to young lady who appreciates home privileges; use of piano, sewing machine ; kitchen prlv lieges if desired. Tabor 9124. VERY attractive rooms, beautiful! fur nished, parlor, piano, home privileges; rates 3.-j(J up. 61 ri. loth st. Bawy. 2721. PRIVATE garage and nice room in modern home for single gentleman; nice neigh borhood, close in. 196 E. 30th. Tabor 5501. PLEASANT room, near library, suitable for one or two. 41U Salmon. JUarsnaii 1020. BLAUT1FULLY furnished room and dress ing room with hot and cold water, steam neat, easy warning distance. .'to i-tn CLEAN, airy room, plenty of heat, hot water; walking distance; gentleman omy. 554 Everett St., cor. 17th. ' COMFORTABLE rooms in apt., gentle man preferred. Call after 6 P. M., Main 2236. VERY plea.vant heated room, suitable for one lady or gentleman; rent reasonable. 766 E. Main, between 23d and 24th. STEAM-HEATED sleeping room in modem flat for gentlemen. 30 1 llth St., apt. E. Marshall 481. NICELY furnished room in private famil lor one or two gentlemen, close in, Haw thorne ave. References. East 6907. WELL-KEPT room in private home; good heat, phone and bath, cioscwin. 39216 ni nth and Lincoln. Phone East 2S3S. ATTRACTI V E f urnished room, strictly Phone modern, reasonable, ciose in. Broadway 1557. 50 N. King : LARGE corner room, beautifully furnished. private lavatory, choice residence dis trict: gentleman only. Wdln. 675. NICELY fur. rm.. Kitchen privilege, also nice attic rm. 84 N. 2lst st.. cor. Everett. WALKING distance, comfortable heated apt, house room. Main 36 CLEAN, light front room, reasonable. blocks Broadway bridge. 382 Ross. W ANTE I -2 gentleman, east side. East 7404. ROOM for gentleman, west side. 729 Gll- san; reference. Marshall 3613. ROOM with dressing room and sleeping 4329. porch, west side, gents. Bdwy. NICELY furnished front 590 E. Salmon. room ; East furnish !3 63. leat. LIGHT, cheerful warm attic room, $3.25 week. Main 1311. 2S3 North 24th. WARM front room, hot and co'Id water. East 6537. reasonable; references. 269 14TH, NEAR Jefferson, cnoice walking distance. Main 3893. 57 12TH NICELY furnished, hot and cold water in room; men only. CLEAN FRONT room. with or without East 8469. board, also a garage. DELIGHTFUL room, new R. galow. Tabor 171. 001 E. C. Park bun- 63d- st. N. Koomn With Hoard. THE LORRAINE. 212 NORTH 20TH STREET. Phone Broadway 3465. A nice place to live with all modern conveniences. New furniture and fur nishings; excellent table board; all airy rooms; rates $45 to $60 per month; can accommodate a few more people, single or double rooms. Mrs. Lavina Price, manager. CAMPBELL HOTEL, 23D AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL, V41 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-know q residential hy tels on the Pacific coast. Amsricaii plan, with or without bath. $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month Meals served to transients. 223 EAST 20TH. Portland's exclusive east side residen tial hotel, all comforts of a home com bined with hotel service, large grounds, porches, shower bath, fireplace, strictly home-cooked meals. East 7384. NORTON lA HXjTel, Portland's downtown high -class family hotel ; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Personable rates. WIDOW with home would like to have two men or man and wife; - rooms if de sired; peonle employed; front room $-10, back room $35. Marshall 746. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences, walking distance; $5 per week. Auto 219-74. 12 E. 7ch st MARTHA WASHINGTON Room, board for girls, mod, rate. 380 10th. Mar. 1251. EXCLUSIVE boarding house. 779 Mar shall at. Prices rea., $30 up. Main 4S78 Rooms With Board in private Family. ELEGANT single room, close in. board: private home. E. 2604. ROOM and Union ave board, very reasonable. N. East 36S3. WANTED A child to board, age 2 to 6, mother's care. Woodlawn 1990. $30 MONTH, 121 E. llth. Phone E. 2522. HOME, SWEET HOME I 3liW VbUPJ "3llV OKI A. CA2 TO CVV" CAR F7 1 FOB RENT. Rooms' With Board in I'rivate Family. CLEAN, comfortable rooms, well fur nished: best home cooking, for two men or man and wife; home privileges, near car; walking distance. 700 Irving fit., west side. IRVING T ON" Lovely front room, mahog any furniture ; home cooking; refined home ; sleeping porch, garage. East 6o45. PARTY of 4 interested in bright front rooms, twin beds, fireplace, every con venience, west side. Bdwy. .4633. WALKING distance for 2 people employed, large room, with separate bed; attractive residence. East 5715. ROOM, board in private family, pleasant room for 2 men, $55; use of living-rooms with fireplace, where you can feel a,t home. Bdwy. 3072. or 85 10th st. NICE room and good board in private home. No other boarders. Home priv ileges. Near Piedmont car barn. warn. 47S4. GOOD board and room. $8.50 week; rea home privileges, close In. west side. 3 Montgomery st. Main 5370. 1 LARGE room, and wife, in 8709. suitable for 2 men or man attractive home. , Tabor lOUNG man wants roommate; nice, clean room, excellent meals; home privileges Hawthorne district. Tabor 5667. I HAVE a room suitable for 2 business girls who desire a place where they can nave tne comrorts or nome. wain, FOR GENTLEMAN, attractive front room modern private home, close in. Main 3792. LIGHT front room in modern home, in quiet neighborhood, suitable for two gen- tiemen. Home cooknig. Tabor 488V WARM, pleasant t'ooms suitable home cooking, walking distance: home. East 8445. for 2: a real ROOM and good board, home 1 or 2 young men preferred. 235 E. 13th st. S. privileges; East 19U3. TWO-ROOM apartment, neatly furnished. 271 MacMuliens St., 4 blocks from Broadway bridge. Phone East 50S6. NICE clean rooms with board, suitable for two gentlemen; walking distance. 16i E, Third st. North. Eaft 3384. A NICE, clean, warm, furnished room in a lovely home, with or without board. Also garage. East 8835. LARGE, light, clean rms. with board, ev ery convenience, reasonable, close in. East 7005 LARGE front room In modern home. Irving st. Marshall 4410. ROOM in private family with or without board. Mam i o.l. 4.i Montgomery st. LIGHT, comfortable front line; well-cooked meals. ;oom on Main 4157 GOOD rooms with board or kitchen privi- iege. 4 14 weid'teir. t.asn qsoit, Furnished Apartments. TWO 4-ROOM unfurnished apartments; lots of carpet room, private bath ; adults only. 555 E. Yamhill. East 3252. A LARGE 2-room apartment on the first fioor; everything furnished except gas. 324 Jackson st. 2 VERY attractively furnished rooms in west side home, exclusive residence dis trict. Mar. 1397. 2-ROOM furnished apartment house, just opened. Rent 37.o0. 41o E. 10th st. East 1507. WESTONi A APARTMENTS, 666 Glisan 2-room furnished apartment, very mod- ern : walking distance. JULIANA APARTMENTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FURNISHED 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. HADDON HALL, llth and Hall 3-room apartment, bath, balcony, hardwood floors; walking distance. Mar. 1160. 3-ROOM front apartment, modern, clean. Arline apartments, lith and Lovejoy. Bdwy. 1812. LADY to take apt., answer telephone, two hours atternoons, for part rent of same. 565 Washington street. LE'ONCE . APTS., 1S6 N. 22D. Very light 3-room front apt. $50. Mar shall 2250. NEW YORK APTS. Two-room furn. apt.. yjj.oi, including lights, heat, hot and cold water. E. 7th and Belmont ets. THREE rooms and p: ivate bath, rent r37 mornings and $27.50. Phone East evenings. - 2-ROOM furnistfied, private bath, sunny apt., private home, 4u per month. 493 Yamhill st. AND 3-ROOM apts., neatly furnished. $10 to ?18 per month. The Vaughn, N. 19th and Vaughn. MEREDITH, 4-room front, modern, walk ing distance, light and clean. 2 2d and Washington. Bdwy. 6184. LARGE 2 -room apt., very cheap, to some one who will care for 5 -year-old girl during day. Call Bdwy. 7296. SAWYER apartments, 82 N. loth, 2 fur nished rooms for H. K., $20. Phone Broadway 19. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. S-room strictly modern, elevator, tile bath, llth and Montgomery. Main 359. ROSELYN APARTMENTS. 110 N. 21st, 2-room modern furnished apt. GUILD APARTMENTS. 3-room apt., private bath, all outside rooms. Main 3i05. 394 Guild st. LILLIAN APARTMENTS. 3 rooms, large, light, modern, slae. 381 6th st. Marshall 1378. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 3-room strictly modern, elevator, til bath, llth and Montgomery. Main 359. LARGE, light, clean, weii-f urnished housekeeping apt., close to Washington, Benson schools. 20 Eas t 15th, cor. Ash. CLEAN, completely furnished 2-room apt $23. 630 Lombard, corner Fiske st. St. Johns car. NICKOLS APTS. 3 rooms, steam heated, private bath, phone, garage if desired. Woodlawn 4971. 856 E. 6th N. SUNLIGHT APT. A nice S-room apt., outside rooms. private bath and phone. Tabor 6065. CECELIA APTS., 22D AND GLISAN Very desirable 3-room unfurnished apt. with balcony. Marshall 1804. CARLOIS APT a. 2-room furnished, mod ern apartment. 14th and Market. NICELY furnished apts. with bath. West mlnster apts., 262 6th st. Main 5582 6-KOOM apt., suitable for store and liv ing room. 272 Mi Williams ave. TWO AND 3-room apts., Clackamas apts. 272 M Williams ave. ALCO APTS., E. Couch and Union ave.. moderg 2-room apts; reasonable. MOKTuN APTS. 3-room furnished apart- UNION AVE. and Killings worth, fur. apt.. -.OV, a' i.uiuyi'-tc, -mn,iCLC UUilQ 1 n g. SAN MARCO ATTRACTIVE, MOD. S-RM. A FT S. WALMau 110 . a. AST 1990. 2 AND 3-ROOM modern apts.. tiie bath. Main 16-52. Buena Vista apts. LUZERNE APTST T 2-room modern furnished apartme nt NICELY furnished apts. with bath. Weat minster apts., 262 6th st. Main 5582. A 3-ROOM apartment for rent: stove heat; must be neat. Sell wood 3509. 2 AND 3-ROOM furnished apt.; rty rorms, 769 E. Broadway. light. SHEFFIELD 272 Broadway; 3-room double apt; 2 wall beds. FLORENCE APTS. room apartments. SS8 llth at. 3 and 4- 2-ROOM furn. Everett st. apt. with private bath. Marshall 3716. FOR RENT 2 and 3-room modern apts., 433 Columbia vst. Phone Mar. 2406. FOR RENT Farm, land. East 1355. 7 miles west of Port- A WOMAN JUST WILL 1 MS U3SO TO 63 A MOToMAW AJOO US MBUCfZ OlO GET OUEf? VA15 D3L.lKE 'StfO2 COKlOOeTOfS WS"5 A. KJUTI TIMS XjOOVOMG POM IN UOBPTAV-3 n t FOB RENT. Furnished Apartments. HIGH-CLASS APARTMENTS AND ROOMS. The handsomest apartments with sip. porches in the city; furnished in blue and ivory, pongee silk hangings, ex ceptionally clean and lots of heat; Al service; some outside front apartments with many windows ; also a two-room with sleeping porch and a one-room and kite enette: available now; references required. 166 St. Clair St., corner of Washington. Bro;.dway 58o0. fipuiri ita apa RTMKXTS. Four and five rooms. Furnished and unfurnished, -strictly firs-ciass. Every room whiite enameled, ttte bath; beet or service and close to busines csener, west sade: very reasonable; none better in city. Main 20S6. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Streets. 5 minutes walk to Meier & Frank b store; good surroundings, strictly mod- ' ern 2 and 3-room furnished apts., out side and French doors and balcony; per manent and transient! LOOK! LOOK1 LOOK! A real snap. A JS-room apartment for rent reasonable and very oeautnui new furniture for sale; also 5-passenger automobile: ciose in. west side ir in terested, write BF 479, Oregonian, W ELL1 NGTO.N COURT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 4 ropms, strictly modern, beautifully furnished, close in, walking distance; ,. will rent to responsible parties; $o5. Bdwy. 1245. CHILDREN WELCOME. Furnished and unfurnished apts., 3 and 4 rooms; all outside; every mod ern convenience; cheapest rents in Port land. Garfield apts., 364 Failing, near Union, ELANOH APARTMENTS. just newly opened; single and '2 to 4-room house keeping suites. BEAUTIFULLY FUR NISHED; also unfurnished; choice loca tion; well heated; reasonable rates. 644 E. 7th st. N. JAEGER APARTMENTS, 701 WASH., Has 1 3 and 1 4-room furnished apart ment vacant. NEWLY furnished 2-room. front apt., on ground floor; furnace heat and hot and cold-water; walking distance; reason able; must be seen to be appreciated. East 3236. $35 MAIN 3816 $35. Can be inspected today; 2 rooms and small kitchen apartment, artistically furnished, good heat, pleasant outlook: permanent tenants only. Main 3816. WrEST SIDE desirable 5-room apt., chance to purchase best furniture at big reduc tion. Owner leaving city. Must sell. Main 3622. LARGE, light, front 2-room apartment. Lombard st. at Albina ave. Adults; $22.50. Kenton car, 20 minutes to town. Phone Main 5225. LAMBROOK APTS. 430 E. YAMHILL ST. For rent, reasonable, 2-room furnished apartments. Call East 4062. LIGHT, pleasant 2-room furnished apart ment, newty decoratea ; mruaw light, phone, bath included; desirable location; adults only. Phone East 8826. 4-ROOMS, consisting of entire lower floor; modern ana newiy iurnisneu, gaiBo " desired. 368 Multnomah st. Phone East 9186. , CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS. 3-room furnished apt., all outside rms.; good furniture; walking distance; adults only. West Park and Columbia. m (A'Tilfi IERV A PARTAIENTS. 2 looms, furnished; hardwood floors, elevator, strictly modern t all outside; walking- distance. 3d, cor. Montgomery at. ICR COURT Mod. 3 large rooms, two hd nri. batn. tel. inuuueu $50. Cor. E. 8th-Burnside. East 3566. Rose City cai DRICKSTON APARTMENTS. 448 11 TH ST. One 3 -room modern, two dieap pea ring beds. Janitor service and phone-. 2-ROOM apartment, nicely xurnisnea, eheaner than be had on tne west siuo for same price. Easy walking distance, 415 E. Couch, near Grand ave. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Rea-utifullv furnished 3 and 4 rooms, newlv renovated throughout; all. out side rooms. Mar. 2945. 189 23d st. N, DAVENPORT APTS. s.rnnm modem furnished apts.. hard wood floors, private bath. 505 Jefferson st. Phone Main 5435. FOR RENT furnished apartment, one room with k tnii enette and Steeping porcn. heat, hot and cold water. Ill N. 23d St., Main- 3649. CINCINNATI COURT, 401 10th st. bur nished apt., 3 large rooms, large nan and bath, on 1st floor with private en trance. Phone Min 24S0. FOR RENT 3-room unfurnished apart ment; light, neat, not ana com water furnished. Tabor 4224 or call at 1092 Hawthorne ave.. Apt. "A." FRONT apartment, 3 rooms, balcony and bath, nicely furnished, on Irvington car line, rent reasonable; adults. 395 E 15th North. : WELL-FURNISHED 3-room apt., with piano;' adults only: $50 rent. 595 East Alder. Heat, gas and light Included. BUSINESS woman of 35 would like to share apartment with congenial lady. Phone Bdwy. 3790. Room 56. NEWLY furnashed lower flat for rent; also 1, 2 and 3 housekeeping. 271 N. 21t at or Pho-ne Main 19S2. , NICELY furnished 3-room apt., with sleep ing porch, lights, phone, steam heat. Broadway 4686. 250 North 39th st. 2-ROOM apt., with bath and large dress ing room; walking distance. 355 Chap man street. , MODERN apt., first floor, walking dis tance, all light, outside rooms. E. 4276. THE CHELTENHAM, 19th and Northrup, - 4-room apartment. Bdwy. 3658'. L'nfurnlshed Apartments. T 1-7 W ii.TP - Krm hn n trn n'.v n nt a pen- ing porch, hardwood floors, tile bath with j shower, rirepiace ana cnina ciosei. zisi and Overton. Bdwy. 1980 or x3dwy. 5263 3-ROOM apt., dressing room and bath. This is' first class in every respect: hardwood floors, white enamel wood work. East 3782. ARBOR COURT, 14TH AND COLUMBIA. 3 and 4 rooms, beautifully decorated in ivory and tapestry; rent reasonable; adults, references. EXCELLENT NEWS Just opened, new, up-to-date, single or housekeeping, choice location, well heated reasonable rates. 54B E. 7th North. H ST OP A APTS. 4-room apartment second floor; gas range and refrigc tors included. Call Broadway 4936. HIGHLAND COURT. ' 4 and 5-room unfurnished apart men ta. Marshall 3181. TWO UNFURNISHED 4-room apts., closet room, private bath, heat furnished ; adults only. 555 E. Yamhill. East 3252. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 3 rooms, kitchen, tile bath, elevator, hardwood floors. Main 359. FOR RENT 6-room 'unrurnished apart ment, high grade, centrally located, ex cellent ' service. Broadway 2201. MOVING $2 PEt HOUR AND UP. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. ELK TRANSFER CO. BDWY. 2445. THE AMERICAN Modern ment. Broadway 3360. 6-room apart- 5-ROOM unfurnished apt.. The Wilmar, 742 Everett st. Phone Main 5164. THE O R M ON TE 5 -room apartment. 656 Flanders. un f u raisin ed Bdwy. 3873. UNFURNISHED 5-room apartment, heat; adults. 587 East Main. 5 ROOMS, modern, tinted, gas stove. steam heat, newiy 561 Glisan st. NOTICE THOSE LITTLE Copyright, 1922. by the ifsf , r womaki FOR RENT. FBfurnlsne Apartments. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW f A X A Ct FWT FWT. 4-room, newly painted and kalsomlned, steam neat ana telephone, close in, wa: 1 in a nnlv S hlnokn of "Wash Ineton st. Rent 147.30. Call Bdwy. 1245 THE KINGSBURY. 186 VISTA AVE. 1 S-room unfurnished ant. for ren bedroom and built-in bed; also outside balcony. Call Main SS83. ELAN OR APARTMENTS, just newly opened: single and 2 to 4-room house keeping suites; also BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED; choice location; well heat ed; reasonable rates. 544 E. eth st. jn 4-ROOM apartment, Irving apartments, Main 9239. light, sunny porch 21st and Irving 5 -ROOM Wilmar. unrurnished i42 Everett st, apartment. The Phone Main 51G4. Fomined or Cp'urnisnea Apartment. THE VICTORIAN i-room furnished apt. bath; close in; very reasonable. 42'. Columbia, near llth. Marshall 22 1 7. Flats. CLEAN, 'Cheerful four rooms, sleeping porcn, Datn, iront balcony. line vie private furnace, basement, west side, close in. For appointment phone Mar snail 42w. r-ROOM flat in excellent condition, close in on west side ; consideration will be given to desirable, long-time tenants. Strong & Co , 606 Chamber of Commerce, -ROOM upstairs flat, corner location, $30 per month. 423 Falling st. Inquire store. 3 ROOMS and sleeping porch at 400 N, 25th St.. $25; adults only. Inquire 745. Kooseveit or call Marshall 3719. FLAT for rent. Rose City Park,, near Sandy blvd. ; 3 large rooms, reasonable rent. Call Tabor 4016. flat, west side, walking distance, , gas range, rugs on floor, 235 montn. 222 Morrison st. ' UNFURNISHED lower flat. 4 rooms and bath, $30; close in, west side; adults only. 4 . 4 ciay. Alar. 4 i:i4. t me location. -ROOM flat, walking distance, nice view, furnace, fireplace, phone, water; $37.50. 389 HHh st., south of Montgomery FIVE large, beautiful rooms, bath. Dutch kitchen, on carline. 672 Alberta St. 5-ROOM fiat, reasonable Union ave. N. rent, at 69S UNFURNISHED 5-room flat, 10 minutes to business center. Key at 310 3d. 25 ELEGANT 5 rooms, bath, furnace, built-ms, adults only. East 356. Furnished Flats, COMFORTABLY furnished 5-room modern upper flat, with sleeping porch and fire place, close In; adults only; $65 per montn; rererences required. East 4910, FURNISHED 5-room flat for sale, close In modern, 2 rooms rented; will sell cheap account sickness. Phone Oo2-oO. 147 llth, NICELY furnished modern 4-room flat, $27. 3S5 Cable st. Chapman car. Main 3476. WELL furnished 5-room modern flat, fire place; suitable for family; excellent neighborhood. Tabor 3900. FURNISHED 2-room flat, fuel, phone and water incmaea, $2Loo, aauits. 10 E. 9 th N. 4-ROOM flat, walking distance, nice view, good order; phone, water; $32.50. 389. ittn st., soutn or Montgomery. COZY 4-room flat, newly papered; walking a is tance, 6-.ou. xioaney ave., cor ner Tillamook. LOWER flat partly furnished; walking distance; also single rooms. 546 East Aider near I2tn. 4-ROOM furnished flat, 3305. phone, . water, adults: $37. East 290 Fargo LOWER 4-room, neat, hot and cold water furnished. inquire 586 Everett st. 4-ROOM modern. Commercial st. nicely furnished flat. 616 rnone 3iy-ui. 5 AND 6,-room newly furnished lower flat, nas iurnace. call East 4854. Housekeeping Rooms. $20 FINEST RESIDENTIAL DIST. $20 One bjock from W'ashington st.. with Deautnui view of city and mountains, front room and kitchenette, tastefully iurnished, heat and electric light In eluded in rent. Main 3816. 2 H. K. ROOMS at corner of Fremont and Rodney ave. Electricity, running wa ter, gas range and heater. Williams or Union ave. cars. $15. Phone Mar. 3873 170 CHAPMAN Half block from 18th and Morrison; 1 furnished housekeeping room; neat, iignt and pnone; .io wk, Bdwy, 2537. NICELY furnished 2-room H. K. apart ment on first floor; private lavatory, every convenience. 507 Clay st., near 15th. Marshall 3602. NICEST housekeeping rooms in city; every thing furnished, beds are new and clean; best hot-water heat, $15-$20-$25 per month. East 7559. 460 Holiaday. 3 ATTRACTIVE, clean h. k. rooms; rent reduced for little light work; close west side. 474 Clay. Mar. 4194. TWO ROOMS, $5 per week up; one and sleeping, $3 up; Ifnen, light, water, bath iree. up w asmngton. TWO ROOMS and kitchenette, furnished; cooking gas. light, bath, phone; reason able rent; adults. 182 E. 23d. East 7074 THE BEAVER. 12tn and Marshall Fur nished H. K. rooms, $15 up. Including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. tiGJ-.E ti. Jt. room, lights, gas, running water, an tree. 2.oo- per week. 210 Mill street soutn. NEW 3-ROOM H. K., just completed; iurnace neat, running water in apt, East 8954. LARGE room and alcove, oak furniture. large kitchen, wood range, private bath. East 4854. $20 KITCHEN and room to a reliable coupie; piano, home comforts; west side. Main 254, evenings. BUSHMARK, Wash. St., corner 17th. clean, modem 1 and 2-room outside apt a, A isd sleeping room. Bdwy. 5463. GOOD cheap h. close in ; elec. k. rooms for bachelors ; 54 N. 9th. ONE ROOM and kitchenette, heat, hot and cold water. Ill N. 23d St., Main 3649. $3.50 WEEK UP Large downtown nished H. K. rooms. 25SH Wash. fur- SINGLE rooms. steam heated $4 to $6 per week. housekeeping 147 13th st. H. K. ROOMS for rent; adult only. Harrison. MODERN housekeeping rooms, reasonable rates. 370 Sixth st. ,n-ee.r Montgomery. 3-ROOM suite, telephone, bath, hot, cold water. 67 North 20th. Bdwy. 4123. 2-ROOM basement H. IC. suite; no objec tion to child. 368 Multnomah st. CLEAN H. K. rooms, $9 a month .and up. 372 Ha wthorne. . FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, single and double. 384 Park. CHEAPER rent, single or double, $2.50 to $4. 544 Pettygrove st. H. K. R04MS, phone, electric light, a block from wash. 149 Lownsdale. 15th st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, $2.75, $3; eingie rooms, mi Y2 w - water st. 2- ROOMS on lower first floor, close In 'on west side. Main 2201. 2 CLEAN housekeeping rooms, light, phone and bath, furnished. 102 E. 18th. SMALL room, 1 person, light houeekeep ing, $10 monthly. 655 Flanders. TWO 2-room h. k. suites, liights and hot water free; adults. 474 F'ast Washington. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms; price within reason. 163 First. TWO NICELY furnished H. K. rooms and 1 singre H. K. room, 281 Larrabee st. NICE, clean, well furnished H. K. 223 Wrest Park st. 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rms., 686 Overton st. Main 5309. THINGS Mail & Express Co. Ul3 VAJE - MS MAf2&! TUB THAT'S UB UJAS I V. COT 1 UER J f COUUOMT MAWS 0E2M UlS) FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. FOUR furnished .rooms, electric lights, bath, 634 Sandy blvd., near E. 16th. In quire J. J. Oeder. 54 K. 16th N., near Sandy blvd., or 4 Grand ave. N. East 61 and East 6894. 1 . Housekeeping Roon. In Private Family. 2 BEAUTIFUL, completely furnished corner- front " housekeeping rooms, furnace heat, gas range, laundry, clean, walking distance, reasonable. Main 1311. 283 N. 24th st. LOVELY housekeeping rooms with heat, phone and everything furnished; would give mother's care to email 'children while parents work. Bdwy. 5965. 321 North 19th street. .. $22 WEST SIDE, FIRST FLOOR. Nice large fully furnished rooms, gas, sink, electric lights free. 2 porches, nice location; walking distance. 134 Porter, VERY desirable housekeeping rooms in private residence; 15 minutes' walk from postofftce; working people preferred. TWO ATTRACTIVE H- K. rooms in strict ly modern house for employed couple ; walking distance. 566 E. Yamhill, near 13th. East 4843 , NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, everything brand new. excellent heat; $25 and $30 month. 408 12th st. Mam 6161. IRVINGTON housekeeping rooms, newly furnished; furnace heat: light and gas furnished, at right prices. 442 E. lttth street North. 2 LOVELY large front housekeeping rms., newly furnished. Light, gas, heat, walk ing distance. 690 Irving. Main 2719. NICE 2-room H. K. suite, furnace heat, very clean, $30 per month; also nice '3 room apartment. 475 Clay street. ' $21 3 NICE large sunny h. k. rooms, heat, gas, walking distance, electric ' lights free. S64 E. 6th st. Sell. 1109. 3 WELL furnished H. K. rooms, ground floor, near car line. No children. 293 E. 39th street. EASY walk downtown, large room and kitchenette. $5 per week. - 369 6th st. March 1455. TWO or 3 clean furnished h. k. rooms. private family, light, gas and rhone in eluded; also garage. Tabor S590. TWO ffine-enial neoDie to share room. h. k and privileges of a real home with 2 adults; walking distance. East 4107. 2 H k'. , ROOMS, furnished: walking dis tance: reasonable. 352 college, i'none Marshall 236 FURNISHED housekeeping suite,- walking distance: adults. ofi2 East uoucn. H. K. ROOMS, walking distance; $4 per week. East 5797. Mrs. Wilcox. 2 FURNISHED H, K. rooms, newly kalso mlned. 04 E. lltl. Call Kaat 1346. 2 L. ROOMS, hot-water heat, partly fur. or unfur. 789 Kearney. Marshall 346. 1 ROOM and kitchenette. also single room, 63 Ella st. e verything furnished. 2 LARGE sunny rooms, free gas. phone, 528-54, light. 466 N. Broadway. Auto. DOUBLE, single h. k. rooms.. 447 Fifth st. Basement room for men SMALL H. K. room suitable for bachelor, $3 per week. 154 N. 18th. House. CALL BROADWAY 580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. Washington at 10th ST. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room completely furnished bunga low with garage. Auto. 314-18. 667 East 51st st. N. MARCH 16 6-room house, modern, good neighborhood, close in, on car line. o4 E. Ankeny. rear 14th; rent $42.50. Phone Marshall 3916. ATLAS TRANSFER. Pianos moved. $3 and up ; furniture moving In proportion; get' our prices first; all work guaranteed. Bdwy. 1207. $45 ATTRACTIVE modern Hawthorne bungalow; 4 large rooms Desiaes oain; like new; immediate possession. 425 E. 43d st., after 12. INSPECT 1030 Grand North, 3 rooms, 2 lots; garden, berries; adults, $20. Tabor 7055. ' 3-ROOM house for rent, some furniture for sale; electric lights, gas, rent $10.50 per month. 71fl1 Montana avenue. MOVING Pianos, furnitur and long dis tance a specialty, v. w. iruca Service Co.. 40 2d sf Phone Bdwy. 5121. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, Irving ton, 664 Halsey St., near mtn St.; rent $50. Call Marshall 3393 or Tabor 7900. 6-ROOM house, furnace, etc., 7.4 Kelly st., near Porter, west side; rent Lau 318 Board of Trade Bdwy. 7452. FINE 6-room semi -modern, corner house. garage, garden. 1 diock. car, reasonaoie. 840 E. Ash. East 1301. 5-ROOM cottage, $18. 266 Porter st., near 4th, west side, t ail sib uoara oi xraae bide. Bdwy. 7452. WHEN moving, city or country, get .lie best at lowest pricea urecn rransier Co.. Main 1261. 202 Alder street. INSPECT 1030 Grand ave. North; 3 rooms. 2 lots, garden; aduita, 2U. 11 jjj.- eutn North. 1 ACRE ground, 1-room shack, $8 per mo. Tabor -Uu. 5 4-ROOM bungalow, South Portland; garden, fruit. Marshall 3613. FOR RENT 6-room house. Inquire 1365 Milwaukie st. r'none aenwooa to. wnnF.RN 6-room house, furnace, fireplace, yard: reference; ctos-e in; mj- wain. j.wp. SMALL payment buys half acre 6-room house. uwner, smt rnsi usi i. ROOM house, 4 bedrooms, Apply Main 3648. Portland Hts. WEST SIDE, modern 7-room house. $35; close in. 520 Clay st. Aauits oniy. $20 ELEGANT corner home, ' 7 rooms. bath. 2M in. irarn. Furnished Houses. fl.wnmr house., arranged for housekeep ing; good rurniture witn eiectric iignis and cooking gas; can be leased. Call Bdwy. 3072. ROOM new modern for 3 months; nicely furnished with nlano. 2 blocks to car; references required; adults only. 1211 Minnesota ave. ROOMS, modern, Rose City Park, to Sept. 1; furnished; references, $50. Ad dress, giving phone number. BF 466, Oregonian. NEW 3-ROOM cottage, breakfast nook; sleeping porcn ; completely iurnisneu, with Victrola; 2 blks. from school and cars. Woodlawn 6540. FOR RENT 7-room house, partly fur nished; $35 per montn. inquire end 12th st. N., or call Bdwy. 2700 and call for Mr. Fitsch. OR RENT for few months, Iineiy iur nished. it-room nouse, -nod rtm uistrici. Apply Strong & McNaughton, Corbett bldg. FOR RENT Well furnished 8-room mod ern house, iurnace, witn garage, im-w location, 712 EL Taylor, cor. of 2 1st., $60. Phone E. 43S5. -ROOM, modern, mostly furnisned, house in Montavilla district, can raoor tzm all day Tuesday. MODERN iurnished j home in restricted district, west side, 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, references Address W 491, Oregon 'an COMPLETELY furnished 6-roo-m ho-us-e for rent, walking distance; no garage. 334 TillajmooJc. East &034 between 10 and 2. IRVINGTON home, 7 rooms, furniehed, hardwood floors, piano and fireplace, garage; $80 a month. E. 9274. FOR RENT Furnished 820 Gantenbeln ave. house, 0 rooms. TO LEASE, for one year, 8-room house. 867 E. a well furnished, 7th st. North. 3 ROOMS and Dutch kitchen, completely furnished. 885 E. Yamhill s-t. FINELY furnished 8-room house, piano, $ 60. Call 125 No rt h 6th st. WOMAW crn CT-n 11 I I I s v II I I I 1 FOR RENT. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, nice furnished, newly tinted, gas plate, lau dry trays In basement; furnace; deslrabl location, warning distance, near z lines; adults only; reasonable rent ; ref erences exchanged. Owner, 716 E. Davis. iaoor izuj. 6-ROOM modern ouse, 710 E. ISth t $22.50. 2-room modern flat. 1773 Belmont. $1 5-room modern house, 6430 82d st., $25, 8 -room modern house, 746 K. 20th t, $20. FRANK L. McGUlRE. Bdwy. 7171. F URNISHED 7 -room modern residenc piano, phone, large barn, 130x200 wl all kinds of fruits, 3 blocks from ca $46. 6405 42d St. S. E. 220 Failing btdg. Broadway 0982, B A. M. to ft P. M. Automatic t2 2- s otner hours. 3-ROOM stone bungalow, with garage, Willamette river and Oregon City paved highway; 10 miles out; attractiv surroundings. 728 Morgan blvd. Mai 478. FOR RENT or lease to responsible peopl my nome, t rooms.' strictly mode throughout, furnished or unfurnished ' piano included. 4920 70th st. S. E., car line. FOR RENT Modern 6-room bungalo $45 a month, newly furnished, adul only, no objection to baby, 1 block fro Brooklyn line. 080 East 8th st. Sout varant April l. Sell wood 3354. MODERN 5-room, also 6-room furnishe house, near Jefferson - high ; furnace, laundry trays, water, garbage remove adults. 14 1 Webster. Mississippi car line. Woodlawn 3662. 4-ROOM house, mahogany and overstuff? furniture; fireplace. Inquire ?42 E. loth street South. Houses for Rent -Furniture lor gale. REAL SNAP $2000 WUlTTh ANDLeT S-room furnished house, mahogan xurniture, rirepiace, piano, new rugs, g rage, large lot, fruit trees; must eell good lease. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUlRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St., bet. Washington and Stark LEAVING city will sell lurnishlngs of rooms, 3 h. k. suites; can be made suites; sale price $6O0; rent $35 per montn; rooms are fuji; will accept firs: mortgage. 3t tt Vancuuver ave., east en of Broadway bridge, ask for Mn Calde EAST SIDE 12-KOOM APT. HOUSE. Good lease, rent $65, large lot and ga rage; $1000 will handle. Ask for F. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St., bet. W'ashington and Stark 11-ROOM house, 7 rooms furnished f housekeeping, all can be arranged fo h. k.; rent $43; must sacrifice this wee No reasonable offer will be refused. 670 Johnson, near 21 nt. MODERN 7-room Rose City home fo rent, with or without lease, practical! new furniture for sale cheap, half bloc to school, 2 garages. By owner, 102 Tillamook st. ALMOST new furniture of 7 room; house for rent to party buying furniture walking distance; good place for room era, ti. 9U3o. $20 RENT, 6-room house, 3 rooms upstairs, substantial furniture for sale, $300, close tn. hui Firth st. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 7-room house furniture for sale; rent $75. East 4268, or East 1507. FURNITURE for sale, by piece, at tacr. fice, as I'm leaving city; house for ren 4g,' K. Clay. ;ait 7730. -HuOll house, close in. $33: furniture fo sale. 346 Victoria, 1st east of Williams ave., 2d houg-e south of Broadway. FURNITURE of flat for sale. Nice and clean. South Portland. Call Esnt 4854. F URN ISH IN GS of sale. Mar. 2493. an 8 -room house fo 266 Harrison. 5-ROOM house, 229 Clay st. rent; furniture sale cheap, FIVE-ROOM flat for rent. Furniture fo sale. Phone Main I860. Stores and Business IMtu-ew. FOR RENT. ' CHOICE STORES Corner room, 2d and Burnside. Also adjoining store on 2d et . Will give lease for term of ytara For information, eall Bdwy. 728, or Auto; 522-00. SUBURBAN atore with modern front; four partly furnished Wving rooms Ln rear porcelain bath, toilet, etc. 184 Giborn, Ren.t $2.. Responsible tenant only. Ap piyWakerieid-Frles Co., Fourth t. SPLEN DID corner store room on main, floor, 50x160 feet and part of basement, on .f ront st.. on three-year lease. App 80 Front st. WASHINGTON ST . STORE. 18x45, finest location on Washington st., with or without basement space ; 6 year lease. Address H 475, Ore Ron ia n FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof ware nouBe. pnone Hroadway 3715. STORE, 230 Washington mu Apply 25: ytarK st. STORE, wet side, 10x20, suitable for various business. 19th and Washington, Offices. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. Well-lighted and heated offices, slngl or In suites, central office building in financial section of city; low rental. See Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 Second street, corner Stark. PRIVATE office, with or without recep tion room, al&o well furnished office. 207 Stock Exchange bidg. DESK space In fine large oi'ice with use of telephone and typewriter; rent reasonable. Call 708 Cham, of Com. Bldg, SPACE with window, on excellent ground floor location. Bdwy. ou44. DESK room with teiepncne and titao graphic gervlce. Phone Bdwy. $715, FRONT office, modern, in Railway Apply room 312. change bldg. ROOM with use main line phone. Chamber of Commerce bidg 818 FURNISHED office for sale at bargain. Call 518 Cham, of Com. bldg. OFFICE room Bdwy. 4J72. with phone service to let. DESK, phone, $12; calls attended; mail forwarded. 200 Stock Exchange. BtTSTXFSS OPPORTrNTTIFS. BUSINESS AND INVESTMENT. Fine grocery etore, building and stock; rooms newfly plastered and place looks fine; store has meat department also: 4 fine living rooms, store room, smokehouse and garage; property Alone worth the orice asked for everything good east side location; price $3650. Mr. Solum, with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 751. GROCERY STORE NO RENT. Dandv cash and carry grocery; snlen did east side corner location; doing $40 a dav: 3 livinar rooms downstairs and 7 rooms upstaVrs and the rent from the rooms more than pays total rent. This Is the place you have been looking for; price onlv $13. o. See Mr. solum with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. $1700 Cigar stand, first time offered, 407 McKay Diog. By H. J. TUTHILIi Illf IEN9 OPPORTUNITIES. J2400 ROOMIN'O-HOARDING HOl'SB, y rooms arid 2 sioplnjc porchf.; rot ftta; netllriK fl&O ntontU; oin tarina. $1400 RESTAURANT. Good went Hi,le locution, dolnff 145 riar buainefts: A-l rx-vr equipment; wilt aicM. reavon for atflllnff. J2000 CONFKCTIONERT. Wat aide corner location, r.nt 142 30; Hvlnff room; this place la well equipped! worth price staked. We hav afveral othr conf.rtlon.rl. a for aale; also 4'J urocerte. ranKin from H00 up to 145.000; with or without liv ing rooms: they are located In all ,lm tncta of Portland; If you want a go4 grocery to fit your pncketbnok ace ua. KUIPPKH & CRUSH Y. B14 Rnllwny Bitch. llMt Hdwy. PARTXKR WANTED. A chance for a good live man fo become awwoointcd with a well e tauliwhed firm; experience not n. c ews.iry: would like a man capable of handling- an office force, work ing o salesmen at the preecnt time; too much work for owner and will sacrifice 4 interest for liootl; fur niture alone worth the price asked. or further Information Pee McOhuIcj", IMLT.KK T1KUS., Realtor. 211 Ky. Ex. Hid. Bdwy. 80? HERE'S an opportunity to enter nuFi-..s In Ulvmpia. the capital ot vt&amiiKton. Tire and acceforv !lore Willi a icock Inventorying at 7.",o0 is for aie Tnli la a going concern showing a prorit. Lo cated on a. street which Is part of the Pacific highway and does a lance builne during the touring season, and ha, a fine, steady trade the year around. This prop, oxitlon will har the cloi-ei-t Infection by men really Interested in maUni a suet-eta. For added information ire, phone or write to E. K. I.lltle. l.oita Miles Tire Co . H32-34 Market St., Tic-ma. WANTED A WOMAN TO I A K K A URAMJ ,NKV IJl-JAl II I Aiu-i'ii; just opened; tixti rex ami equipment am. new, i.ocatkti un washington st.: i.on'l i.eask. RENT REASONABLE: Cil'ENT!" ONI'. MONTH: .SHOW A Uoor PRoiiT AMI WILL SELL l.VS. IM'l'.R INV'IM'K PRICE. ACCIDENT IN KAJIll.V CA' si; FOR SELLING. THIS IS THE H"l CEST SNAP OP ITS KIND IN 1HIC CITY. CALL. BDWY. B."i 10 KOU, PAR TICULARS. WEST SIDE APARTMENT HofSK Five 2-room apartments, two a-rnm apartments and two sleeping rooms, sit lated ln the north Nob Hill d elrlct. 5 yar lease: very reasonable rent; very good furniture, Including Hlnimonns sie.l beds; see this today. Ask for F. C. Mar shall, with FRANK L. Mcormn, Sort Abinslon Mlda. Bdwy. T1T1 Third St., bet. Wn..hinirton and Siarlc. JCXCBi'T K.'NA L PA KTNKKhlUl OPPORTUNITY. Reliable congnnlal man run buy half intorst in enta bltlid InmiifM firm, catering to best bunim-aa firm of this city; mut be en?r't to ; Bond per sonality 8entlal; previous rxperl'-ne not absolutely nerewnary; buwfnei wt! warrant $75 to $100 work each and up; $1200 snrt services required. Apply roots 62tJ Moriran bhiff., on WashiiiKton, b tween n roadway and Porkpf. HKADQUARTEUS FOR r.nOCKRIKS. flfton or Invoice, two living- rooms, t U'M) or Invoice, wont Side. $3Hi0 or Invoice, clone-in nnt sids. $:lct, nix modern living room a. $ I LM Hj , meat markrt and niimH arncrrr. JOHN BKOWN CO.. P.KAI.TOIt g?L' Ry. Exch. Hide. Pdwv THRIVINO CAFETKRI A BT'SINKSR VOR t A LK BY I'W.NKHH; ii ui) l,i)'ATiO OX SAN PY HOIXKVAUL. CALLEAsX AFTKii 4 P. M. UK AND OPKMNG for millinery ln one of the mat up-tn-uute ladies' ready-to-wear ahops ln thtt 11 vest town In Iduhi; rent wiil b very r"a(na hl to an ex perienced party, who mut be financially able to carry on same. A V Ore gonlan. FOR SALE BY OW'XKIS. Service station In an ld.-Hi location In Hood Kiver. Or.; fully equipped; ddnsT a fair business nw; net last veur t- owner. $JiK. Mujt sell on scconnt of sickness. For particulars writs H N. Boone. Itood River, or. WK OFF Kit control. 1iik li:t-it in a ilv. ffolnir general store in fruit d ifi net or eastern Washington : groj.s s.t pi.-t year over $LMM.oio ; at s viry low pric and exceptional term. Write un. Sim mons A Munrne. We ni t che, Wah WANT PAUTNKK CI.KAR lJ0 PKIt PAT. 4.0 will buy one-half interest dandy bunine, lunate and an must act qu'ck. P'h Dl'PRKY IN V KSTM KN'T CO. Brtfl-tn PANAMA Bid XI BDWY ! t2 $ l.MMl O KlK'KKV, fine ucu Lloii ; 9 10 ... i ly caMfi DHtMha: m miif!fin living; rooms; bi K sacrifice for quick salf; some tt-nnv $iM30 Grocery, clone in. av-raKe t"3 daily; clen stock, jrood fixtures; )-iif leHHe ; In vol (re. M iirrH. with o. O. ISIet tn. Realtor. 415 Ry, ITxeh bldir. FOll SA1,K Fully equipped re will market iloltiR a s pi end Id ensh tutMnci-i, with excellent lea.rt and low r-nt ; In buMncHs d Intrict of a Sun Joaq uin Va t ly cit v. For f urt her Information writs hoc AV inn. Oregon Ian. HKSTA L'R ANT livw town, Poriland; 8 furnished room In connection; im-cI of equipment, (food catdi huslne, ft-yesr lease, low rent; all fur $yiioo. soma term. Morris, with O. O. Slettrn, 415 Ity. fa.Jhrb. bid. 2S0) (tltOCKRY AND CONFKi. Kast side corner location ; 3 modern llvinK rooms and bath, doing oo4 busi ness. KRrPPRR if- CROSBY. Bt 4 Railway Kxch. 1 1J t c. i id w v HSWSJ. A LAHliK MODKKN GARAOK. Closa in; 4-year lease; . oirs steadr Stnraire; good Sfile pas. oils, unto pnr' and tires; $P0 month clear profit; t:7.N0 will handle it. Call room 401 Drkum b'd. f J 1 00 SC 1 1 OO L. STOR W. Corner location. rocry and ronfeo tfnnery, doing $4U to $10 day; rent $30t livlnff rooms. KK1PPFR CROHRY. 514 Railway Kxch. Bldg. BdwT. PATENTED NOVELTY DRINK. B'lld in this territory, seum KX( SIVH RIG HTH Oreon and Waahin rton prepare for s-ummur ; )UO PROFITS small Investment. 41'3 FUedner bldg. H:30 A M to S P. e i O"- H"rtIV " ' . West side, dowjitown hotel lobby, net tin $17.". month; owner has other busi ness, ca n't a tt end to hot h. xr win w. ft a. ctn .!H', n14 Railway Kxr. Bldfr. Bdwy. n.iVTIJ WTi lUU ATT l. VT IllV "vVre own 2 quarter blocks In Wll,amett sdditlon; will build 6 or ft buns' a low, If you care to assist financing, address) P 471. Oreconlan. HOB shine swind. $K."d for half interest; total value f-toou: nest location in town of 15,000 population; must go to Ku rope; reason for setlln; s, sura money maker. HK 471. Oreponlan. A I'ARTNKR WANTBD. Auto service, station on busy street: need sssistnnce of steady msn to sell hs. oil", suto parts, etc.; profits sxtra good. RooTn 401 Peknm bid. lj-,0 n (5sr AUKA.N r, corner location; J.tO dally cash purines; g(on equipment, low ri-nt busy corrwr; half cash, balancs easv. Morris, with O. O. file Us n, 4 IS Ry. Kxch hid. OK RKNT Dakery and Mote, In Ths lalles. t)r. 1 he room la laritR. well lighted, equipped with oven and admir ably adapted for bakery and store. ';! T. W. Hnhes. Bdwy. f.BQ7 or F"t SMI. jyoo I'RIZE rent Murunt, doing nica b;il- ness, jiwt ins piace ior man ani wii; $rM cash, balance easy terms, Kdward T. Orr,, 11 f.rfind ave. Al R. HKS I'A U RANI MAN, don't laV a ik-i-iis: lease my rurnnen a mm room and build vour own trad; nothing to se n . 1 - linn fji. ,i . CH EAPKR than you can build. Uriel garaije, pay S on Interest; must set. Will pay commission. Price $11,000, Owner. Tabor ."i4d sen. 41 nitn sr. rt. A COMPLETE shoe repalrtntT outfit. In cluding stock and fixtures; must sell to clear up nn estate; now running and In good locat Ion. Ca 11 Tabor w;,7 I. A PA RTN Kit WANT ICO. Wood and coal business; pays 2'M onth clear profit for each puftner; LA PI ES' us'-d appa rel shop for sale st a bargain, on account of my health Busi ness center. Rent reasonable. AR 40$. Hriifrin i n r L'KL. or hal f in f rent in fully equipped lunch counter. Address Willamette, Kas- uranf 'Ji Mnrrisfin st. r ir TUiii!i;i vii Invest In bt.tnS where l could use Z'A-ton truck: eonslder pa f blp. I ;ro s d w n y ?fl " ' --1U . PA Y 1 NO country weekly ps per for en's, best part Willamette va.ley. a V 'J. irt'unn inn. EPAIRTNfl shoe shop at mode ruts pries; proprietor Inexperienced. 1 13 Norta Hroan war. ARAGS and station on m' veiea nignwuy; nittn ptooq local traas,; peration. Call or writs Dr. Dean. Se fi nd and Aforr'.snn. RlNTiNU Write lor ewtimaie; quality and pricea right. Review. Rainier. Or. BUSY east side cafeteria, will acriti.-s on erount of sickness. It 40, oregnnlsn. 600 BUSI N KSH CARDS, I..M. Acoro i'rrft 2H w asnington. near nin. KSTAURANT, doing ;io nay: :.o. or Uima U aesu-eo. owner, j coucn. 0