THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, MARCII 7, 1922 11 fill WeGiveS.&H. Green Stamps with purchases amounting to 10c or more. Save them and add to your income. Filled Stamp books redeemed, 3 Floor. Puffs and Curls Stamps Given on Charge Accounts if paid in full on or before the 10th of each month. Pay your bill and take take advantage of this direct saving. Nail Polish. 3 for Second Floor Odd lines Hair Puffs and $ i Second Floor Mary Fuller Nail Polish $ curis ior tne up-to-aaxe coniure. values in this assortment up to $1.50. Special a preparation of nation-wide renown. Regular 50c Dollar Day 3 bottles for RELIABLE MERCHANDISE RELIABLE METHODS. I MORRISON. ALDER, WEST PARK. AND TENTH STREETS. I Giving Portland People Another Illustration of This Store's Underprice Leadership Olds. ImrtinaM Imitation Ivory , Priced Special $1 Main Floor Buffers, Mir rors, Hair Receivers, Combs, Puff Boxes, Brushes, Tal- 2' to 3 -in. Collar Laces Values to S1.50 Main Floor Venise, Filet, gc Irish and Venise Point Laces c in wnite ana cream, jspiencua variety of dainty patterns. values 'to $i.du at a yara Collar Point Laces Special, 2 Yds. Main Floor Vals in the pop ular 3-incn wiatn. ior collars. s r. .v:4.- J i -J binations. Laces worth regu larly to 65c. Sale 2 yards for Women's Lisle Vests Priced Special Main Floor Fine qu"ality " 1 i; i tt a Tr mercerizea iisie vesi.: in plain ai band or beading finish. Flesh pj and white, bizes so ana 38. Regular $1.50 values special Children's Knit Waists Special, 4 for Main Floor Broken lines but splendid quality. Not all sizes, waists seiung m tne tp regular way at 35c each. While they last special 4 for Women's Knit Bloomers in Outsizes Main Floor- -A sale for large i -r: ' women! Of excellent quality cotton in white ana iiesn coior. v I Regular price sizes. Priced $1.25. Large special, each Collars and Sets Main Floor Women's Collars in shaped style, of organdie, net and venise lace Vestees with Collars in colored organ die Net Vestees Pique Collar and Cuff Sets Gingham Collar and Cuff Sets in Bramley style. Regular values $1.25 up to $1.85. Priced special Bandings $1 Yd. Main Floor Crepe Bandings with colored edges in the want ed shades. Formerly sell- Q" ing $1.50 to $2. The yard Net Bandings in white H and cream special yard Best Chamoisette Gloves Special, a Pair Main Floor Slip-on Gloves in single and duplex styles. White, chamois and mode. Practically all sizes in this lot. Dollar Day special the pair Children's Tub Frocks Sizes 2 to 6 Yrs. Second Floor Made up in good quality gingham in neat, attractive styles. Plain colors and plaids. Extra values. On special sale today, at only Sale of Child's Rompers Sizes 6 Mos. to 4 Yrs. Second Floor Gingham, cham- oray ana irepe materials, we also include in this lot a few M of the well-known Tatsy" Rompers. On special sale at Women's Undermuslins Specially Priced Second Floor Muslin and Ba tiste Night Gowns, Envelope Chemise and pink Batiste Bloomers in assorted sizes. On special sale today, only Odd Lines Brassieres Special, 3 for Second Floor Built-up styles trimmed with durable embroid eries. All sales final. .Shown in sizes 34 and 36. On spe cial sale today at 3 for only Women's Slip-On Veils Special, 2 for .Main r loor .Flam and fancy gm ...V.".. ... LV.VX Uli. E E. combinations. Choice patterns. Regular 6oc Veils priced spe cial for Dollar Day at 2 for rtJMiKE n m mm i m mmmmmmmmmmmmi II!' NT iJMll fl! MMMinfli H iW $ Mr -mm ym 'iiw-My : Jiff 111! : Women's Drape Veils Values to $1.75 Main Floor Square and half drapes in plain and fancy jTlj meshes. Scroll and dot pat terns. Also a few Chiffon Veils. Extraordinary values at Thin China Cups, Saucers Special, 6 vfor Third Floor Nippon 'thin wmte cnina rea uups ana ai Saucers. Regular selling price JH $1.50 per half dozen. - On spe cial sale Dollar Day, 6 for Thin China Pie Plates Special, 6 for Third Floor Attractive blue bamboo decoration. Thin Nip p o n china. Regular selling price $1.80. On special sale Dollar Day, 6 Plates for only $1.25 Floor Polish and 25c Dust Cloth Third Floor Special combina tion offer for Dollar Day. $1.25 qt. can Floor "Polish and one 25c Dust Cloth $1.50 out fit. On special sale today, at Hemmed Huck Towels Special, 12 for Main Floor Not more than 3 dozen to a customer. Nice size and good weight. Place your oraer eariy in tne day! .Priced special Dollar Day, 12 Towels Bleached Pillow Cases Special, 3 for Main Floor Size 42x36 inches. hem. .'. Limit one dozen to a customer, specially priced for Dollar Day at 3 cases for White Outing Flannel Special, 6 Yards Main Floor Medium weight baby needs. Famous "Pansy" mane. iuuu yaras on sale Dollar Day, 6 yards for only New Spring Ginghams Special, 5 Yards Main Floor Don't miss this opportunity to buy quality tf.J Lringnams at a low price. pl An size cnecKs and fancy plaid's. Priced special, 5 yards Hemmed Huck Towels Special, 8 for Main Floor These worth 18c. Good are well very desirable for honiA nr 2S e uoc. juiy uu cozen m this lot. Special, 8 Towels for i""t" Wonderful Opportunities to Save in the No Telephone or C. O. D. Orders Accepted for Dollar Day Specials Women's Night Gowns 1 Basement Of fancy striped outing in good quality. Well made and attractive. Formerly priced at $1.75.. On special sale at SI Women's Coutil Corsets $1 Basement Back Laced Corsets of a well-known make. Medium bust, splendid material.- Sizes 19 Q" up to 30. Extra values at 2 Women's Union Suits Basement Summer weight. French tops, loose or tight knee. Good quality white cotton. Sizes (?1 from 34 to 42. Special, 2 for ,..iMit'mminriimninimnminiti... ....iMuifif inlininiiinimi.. i'iiinimiim'JBi'i'imri',,.: i.t! MWl ii U IT. till t T: Ii II tfl UMCLiu1 illlU U I Bl 1 1 . X! 1 ill IIHM" I ii 1 1 r ' t ; . , u;i i f vu v ; : . , -rr t, ,:rrr i n i nu' su i in i . 1 1 : i . 1. 1, . , 1 1 u i nrr. . -.m mi r.r. . , in. , . i mi i n i , in ; ii:i,h. 3 in Ui i , irm, in 11 11 it in ii yui swwasiWJWf m r , 1 til 1: 11 m t ; 1 x'n n rrr ' """"'ininiiiiiiiiiuiii" "'miiiim niimiuiin;.1!"'""" "-,limiiiuilllJIMiMii'"" Every department has contributed of its best bargains to make this the greatest "Dollar Day" in months. And not only are the values extraordinary, but the quality of the merchandise offered is up to standard. No trash! Glance over this page of items and get your full share of the bargains. No telephone or C. O. D. or ders accepted for Dollar Day Specials and we reserve the right to limit quantity. S. & H. Stamps with purchases. Tooth Brush and Paste $1.65 Outfit for Mam Floor Two tubes .50c iorox xootn .raste ana one 65c Red Cross Tooth Brush-'- Ci total retail value $1.65 all three articles on sale today for SPECIAL OFFER With every or Ever-Ready Safety Razor for Shaving Brush absolutely free. $3.35 to $3.50 nail for $1. Women's Waists Specially Priced Second Floor Dainty Waists of j white voile and batiste mate rials. Choice of several attractive styles. Square and V necks, roll collars. Trimmed with tucks, em broidery, laces, etc. Also tailored models. All have long sleeves. Sizes 36 up to 44. On sale Dollar Day special at only 24x46-In. Bath Towels Best $1.35 Value Mam Floor Hemstitched Bath Towels made from fine twisted yarn. Soft and absorbent. On sale Dollar Day only. Ex traordinary value at this price. 4 Yds. Linen Toweling Dollar Day Sale Mam Floor AH pure linen Irish Crash Toweling in splen did heavy weight. Excellent 35c value. On 'special sale Dollar Day, 4 yards for only 3-Ib Comforter Batts Priced Special Main Floor Pure white cot ton, double carded, soft and sanitary. Sewed in one sheet size 72x84 inches. On special sale Dollar Day only; at, each Lace Dresser Scarfs With Linen Centers Main Floor Only a limited immuer 01 inese. w orin aou- f ble the sale price. Size 18x54 p inches. Linen centers, lace trimmed. Priced1 special at www 41 . ,. i. l'.! mC!','.'.:, 72x90-Inch Bed Sheets for $1 Basement Full bleached and good firm quality. Reinforced with welded seam down center. Extraordinary values. Each Mixed Wool Suitings $1 Basement serviceable 38 inches wide. Very for women's and chil dren s dresses. Shown in plaids Q1 and checks. Special a yard 0A $t1 Dollar Sale of Women's Shoes fri, ' Tn . i t i tt j. -. Only 278 pairs in this sensational one-day sale. You must come early in the' day if you would share in this offering, for we expect to close the entire lot out in a few hours. Mostly high shoes a few Pumps and Oxfords. Odd lines, but there is a fairly good range of sizes in the lot. Footwear selling heretofore up to $6.95 priced special Dollar Day. $1 pair. 11 fir n pwifirim,.., f I ,mmwj rafcii.,i u ...Mxmm i s Large Rolls Toilet Paper Special, 14 for Main Floor We reserve the -T rU 4-a 7 ' - i-li A customer. 1000 sheets, 'fine tj grade toilet tissue on sale Dollar Day 14 rolls for only purchase of a Gem $1.00 we will give Total retail value, Extra Special for "Dollar Day" Garment Salons, 2d Floor Women's Aprons Specially Priced Second Floor Percale, Gingham and Chambray Aprons for house wear. - Many neat styles in this lot. Round, square and V necks. Without collars. Short sleeves. Shown in checks, stripes, floral and plain effects. Some are trimmed with braid and have wide tie sashes. Special -at 0X Bleached Canton Flannel Special, 8 Yards Main Floor Get a good sup ply of this, for the price is surprisingly low. Fine soft quality. Standard width On sale Dollar Day, 8 yards for' "Dollar-a-Shoe" Sale Something New? Main Floor Women's Shoes, Oxfords and! Pumps, sizes 2 C to 4 -A A. Tan, brown and black. Regular $8.00 to $11.00 values. Special each shoe Universal Shoe Trees Regular $1.25 Values Main Floor For men's and women's shoes. Keep foot wear in shape and prolong pi wear. Made to fit any shoe. Regular $1.25 Trees special Women's Felt Spats " Formerly $1.98 Main Floor Quantity is-, somewhat limited shop eariy and avoid disappointment. pj Full range of the best colors. Regular $1.98 Spats, the pair Sale of Canned Goods 11 J.itllli.f Toilet Paper, 25 Rolls for $1 Basement Limit 25 rolls to a cus tomer. No telephone or C. ,0. D. orders. Good quality Crepe (PI Paper, special 25 rolls for Fancy Sateen Petticoats $1 Basement Excellent quality and well made. Choice of several floral patterns. ' Only 2 to a SI tomer. . Dollar Day special at Formerly Priced Up to $6.95 Si: High-Grade Chocolates Full 2-lb. Boxes Main Floor At this special J- -C J 1 T-1 jjnte mr one any oniy. jv- a liciously fresh. Put up 2 lbs. Jp m fancy lithographed box. Regular $1.25 values; special COMBINATION OFFER For Dollar Day only. One Hair-Brush, regular $1.25 value, and one 35c hard rub ber Dressing Comb total retail value $1.60 both ar ticles Dollar Day for only $1. ' . Middy Blouses Specially Priced Second Floor All sizes 10 years to 46 bust in this lot. Of white galatea and unbleached muslin. Norfolk style with fitted or plain yoke. White or navy blue serge collars. Long sleeves. Trimmed with white braid. Don't fail to get one or more of these Middies on sale Dollar Day special at D. Children's Siesta Slippers ' Specially Priced Main loor Choice of any child's Siesta Felt Slipper in the stock. Dozens-of styles to select from. Various colors. Dollar Day Sale the pair Sale of Men's Rubbers One-Day Sale Main Floor Save 50c on a new pair of Rubbers by com ing to this store Dollar Day. Best standard make, any style. Regular $1.50 Rubbers, pair , Children's Fancy Sox Special, 3 Pairs Main Floor Ribbed cotton jstocitmgs m tne popular piam a! colors also white with fancy f colored tops. Full range ot sizes. Special 3 pairs for Women's Outsize Hose Regular $1.25 Grade Main Floor The celebrated wayne jvmt nose runsur- a passed for service. Shown in M all desirable colors and in all sizes. $1.25 Hose the pair Basement Underprice Store Men's Negligee Shirts $1 Basement-Of. good quality Oxford cloth in s white only. Coat style, double cuffs, collar attached. Regular $2.00 values. Special ' Sample . Millinery Flowers $1 Basement Sprays, wreaths, foli age, fruits, etc!, for trimming of spring hats Values . up to $2.50. Specially, priced today SI I 'lilllll U -4 ajn, 1, ( liiilillliiliiiij w- Jf 1 1 1 X- i II m I Wl . IIIJ 1 1 il 2. V -. 'ja , Semi-Fashioned Hose Special, the Pair Mam Floor Women s semi fashioned Hose of silk and fiber. Black, white, cordovan and navy. Standard $1.25 val ues. Dollar Day the pair Women's Night Gowns Specially Priced Art Needle, 2d Fir. Stamped and made Night Gowns of good quality nainsook. Sev eral attractive designs to se lect from. Priced special at Scarfs and Centerpieces Special, 2 for Art Needle, 2d Fir. Stamped Scarfs size lsx&a incnes Center Pieces size 36x36 inches. Of fine quality Indian Head. Dollar Day 2 for Sale of Combing Jackets Special, 2 for Art Needle, 2d Floor Worn en's Combing Jackets of Turk ish toweling. Choice of two very desirable patterns. Ex traordinary values. Two for Child's Stamped Rompers Size 2 and 3 Yrs; Art Needle, 2d Floor These are made up in splendid qual- d 1LV W1ULC WlJlxxi . ' stamped in neat, attractive designs. Dollar Day special at Large Size Bath Towels Priced Special Art Needle, 2d Floor For cro chet, lazy-daisy and French embroidery work. Size 22x45 inches. Excellent quality. Dol lar Day special 2 Towels for Girl's Stamped Dresses Special, 2 for Art Needle, 2d Floor bheer and heavy materials in white and colors. ; Stamped and made, ready to embroider. As sorted sizes. Special at 2 for 1 Girls' Stamped Aprons Special, 2 for Art Needle, 2d Floor Sizes 2 to 6 years. Unbleached mus- j lin. crash and colored cham- Ota bray. Stamped and made, ready to embroider. 2 Aprons Women's Hair Nets Special, 12 for Main Floor Just the thing for motor wear. Human hair, cap shape, large size. Browns, blonde .and black. Supply your needs. Special 12 Nets No Telephone or C. O. D. Orders Accepted for Dollar Day Specials Dress Ginghams, 6 Yds. $1 Basement 27 inches wide. Splen did quality for women and chil dren's dresses.. Plaids, light d1 or dark. Special, 6 yards for 5 Yards Fancy Cretonne $1 Basement Full 36 inches wide .mill-end lengths in light, medium and dark colors. Variety of (PI patterns. Special, 5 yards 6 Yards Bleached Muslin $1 Basement We reserve the right to limit quantity to a customer. 36-inch Bleached Muslin of (PI good quality. Special 6 yards Hairbow Ribbons Special, 3 Yds. III Main Floor Hairbow Taf fetas in wanted plain colors also moires, fancy stripes and plaids. 49c to 65c ?" values 3 yards for Sterling Silver Bar Pins Values to S2.50 ilain floor bhown m many Deautuui designs ana imisnes. a Very suitable for gift giving. $ Sterling Silver Bar Pins worth up to $2.50. Priced special at Handbags and Vanities . Specially Priced Main Floor Women's Hand- Dags in many attractive styles i i ii t i ti l anu sizes. Also oston rags M and Vanities. Values up to $1.75. Dollar Day special at $1.50 and $1.75 Art Rugs Priced at Only Third Floor Size 2x3 ft. Plain colors and with fancy borders. Made of cretonne. Rose, blues, tans, greens, etc. $1.50 and $1.75 Rugs at only $1.50 Concrete Linoleum Per Square Yard Third Floor Genuine inlaid r Linoleum in concrete pattern T suitable for kitchen, bath, of- blj fice, bedroom, living room. M Regular $1.50 grade. Sq. yard Jy Velvet Carpet Hassocks Best $2.50 Values Third Floor These are shown in assorted shapes and in a large assortment of patterns. M Made from good grade Wilton I Carpet. $2.50 values for only .,,.,,,..... ,,,, - 10 Handkerchiefs 1 Main Floor Women's Hand kerchiefs with fancy colored borders. Regular 15c val ues. Priced special 10 for Other Specials Handkerchiefs slightly soiled and mussed. White with em broidered corners. Worth Q- 25c each. Special 5 for Sheer Lawn Handkerchiefs in plain white and with fancy striped borders. Regular 15c values. Special 8 for 0A Colored Linen Handkerchiefs with fancy borders and J corner designs. Three for f Model Grocery Specials For Dollar Day Fourth Floor Log Cabin oyrup, large size cans ?i.w. ai Flap Jack or Peacock Buck- p I wheat Flour, 3 packages $1.00. We give S. & H. Stamps. Model Grocery Fourth Floor Country Gentle men corn, b cans ior $i.uu. rf-j Princess Royal Stringless vi Beans, 6 cans $1. Solid Pack Tomatoes, 6 for $1. Peas, 5 $1. , Men's $1.50 Union Suits Sizes 34 to 38 Main Floor Chalmers' Onrox t Knit Union Suits in short sleeve, ankle length style. A 3 standard $1.50 value. Priced special Dollar Day Sale, at , Men's "Knox-Knit" Hcce Special, 4 Pairs Main Floor Medium weight, gjTI very fine quality, perfect fit- ting. Hose made ,to sell at P 35c the pair. On iale Dollar Day; special, 4 pairs for only m Boys' Shirts and Blouses Specially Priced Main Floor Famous Puritan g make none better to be had. , Khaki Shirts and Blouses with T co liar attached. Medium weignt. ana $i.du values. Outing Flannel Gowns Specially Priced Main Floor Men's Outing ggm Flannel Gowns in striped pat- fJ terns. $1.50 values for $1.00. vH Boys' Outing Flannel Gowns, pi values up to $2; special, $1.00. 1 a rot win mfc''