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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1922)
T1TE MORNING OIIEGOXIAN, MONDAY, MAKCIT 6, 1923 12 REAL ESTATE. For r-ale Hoohm. SOME REAL SNAPS. Peninsula, new modern 4-room bunga Jow, double constructed, full basement. New garage, 2 .blocks to car. lots of .-bum-ins. Price $3250. only $500 down. Peninsula, new modern 4-room bun galow, furnished, full cement basement, double constructed throughout, W block to car and pavement, good furnace, bullt-lns. Can't be beat at $3600, $200u own. , New modern 5-room bungalow, lota or rtuilt-tns, new garage, only 1 block to car. lull basement; few houses as well constructed and arranged, none better in Irvington, at $5200. only $15O0 down. f or an appointment to see inlets wau tiful hemes write Box 163, Milwaukle, Or. Give phone number. IVh-.W KNfiLAXD COLON iAU Moderate nriced cottage type (34x32) -with dormers and red roof: a new type to Portiand and very, very appealing, compact, convenient, economic, complete to every detail; unique in maor. ! .oH MlTlilt- .nleririiri location. SOI East &4tn N. aoo' it. to Broadway car line tet Jrlegenta drive. Open from Xt A. m. to s jr. At. can evenings, auio. o-tfl, or More and Better Home. ' D. M. DRAKE, Const ructor-Owner. HAVE you a house, some acreage or a farm that jou want to SELL or TRADE ? LIST WITH US. WE HAVE THE BUYERS. MARSH & McCABE CO.. Realtors. 823-3-4 Failing bldg. Bdwy. 528. Kvenings Tabor 8677. PIEDMONT. itiOOO. Located on Cleveland ave., six rooms and music room, hardwood floors, beau tiful bullt-lns, fireplace, full concrete basement, furnace, 60x100 lot, beautiful sbrubberv, garage, entrance on alley. This ia one of the most beautiful homea An the district, will maKe terms. OOE A. McKCVNA & CO., Realtors, 82 Fourth St. Bdwy. 7522. NEAR KEN'IL WORTH PARK. 6-room modern bungalow, nearly new, srtreet paved, 1 block to car, corner lot, 5x100; garage, chicken house and run; Sine neighborhood; price $2950; will accept $500 cash and good Ford road ster or touring car for equity: balance monthly payments. Owner 1076 Francis avenue. LAURELHURST COLONIAL. On a sigbt'.y lot, consisting of 7 com modious rooms, garage, fine reception hall, large living room, dining room, servant's room and breakfast room; 3 aarge bedrooms; tiled bathroom with beautiful fixtures. Open afternoons. S8700: terms. 1016 E. Couch at. T. B. Winshlp. Ant 312-24. $2650 FOR SALE BT OWNER. Four-room cottage with bath, elee. lights and gas. At home after 7 P. M. and Sunday Phone Wdln. 1835. Suburban Homea. mms THIS TODAY. Wew bungalow, four rooms and fcath. water, gas and electricity, large living and dining room, with built-in buffet and fireplace; house Is double constructed, with full basement; acre of land with fine grove of firs. An attractive place, located on paved Powell Valley road. Just west of Buckley avenue. Price 43730. $1000 cash,. J. L. BARTMAN COMPANY, ft Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034., BUNGALOW OM THE WILLAM ETTE. Cosy 8 rooms and bath, gas, eleo trlcity and 100xl00-ft. lot, river frontage, beautiful grove of fir trees, fine view of river, close to Oregon City car and paved high way; one of the prettiest spots on the river; price $3700. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. SUBURBAN HOME 4 rooms and bath, complete; chicken house, lots of bullt-lns, fruit trees, berries, small basement. Ra dio gas light. Bull Run water, 2 lots. - 100x121 linoleum. Falconers, Maple- wood station iVIULTNOMAH real estate office of Ben Riesiand is open daily and Sundays, Mrs. Grant in charge. If you wish to look over the district and have your own machine, drive out and see Mrs. Gra,nt. : Call her for appointment at Main 6039, $150 CASH. ' . 8-room new bungalow, acre, close to elec. station, now is the time to make your garden: a snap, $1450. McFarland. " realtor. Failing bldg. ; fey OWNER Sacrifice 7-room suburban home, thoroughly modern; all elty con veniences; located 20 minutes' ride out, three blocks to railway depot, on paved highway. See me at 204 Henry bldg. 81850 BUNGALOW, one acre, not finished, but comfortable; can be occupied and completed in spare time. Terms. Owner, Tabor 4590. SOOxlOO UNFINISHED 3-room bouse, 1 blk from school. Multnomah station. Price $1300, cash and terms. 421 Cham, ef Com. Bdwy. 3636. MALL house and acre, by East 2119. owner. Multnomah station. IVi ACRES, 3-room house, city water, gas, electricity and telephone; between Ber tha and Multnomah station. Main 664. For Sale Acreage. SILT GARDEN SOIL. $500 PER ACRE AND UP. 10 DOWN. BALANCE SEMI-ANNUALLY OR MONTHLY. Close to city limits, Vt mile to car and school; close to highway; richest garden soil around Port land. Some ail plowed, ready to put in crop. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. 150 CASH $20 PER MO. H-acrs tracts on Oregon Elec tric, near Ryan Station. Total price $550. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy, 6U34. (DNS ACRE, good 6-room house, 7 miles from Portland. Nine-cent car fare. Main , highway, some cash, balance to suit. 2 acres, near Multnomah station, 1 t sere strawberries, 4-room new house, ' water and eiec $600 will handle. Come in. Will show you. 421 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 3636. (OR SALE 83 4 acres, half in cultiva tion, all fine soil, 25 miles south of Port land, mile from highway and S. P. R. R. $125 per acre; will trade my $5000 equity for Portland property. East 6932. Write AF 424. Oregonian. TEN ACRES. First-class land for truck garden, near pavement; splendid for chickens; plenty of buildings; near Portland. Lawrence Co.. Corbett bldg. JS500 5 ACRES. S a. cultivation; 80 fruit trees, bearing; 4-rm. house, barn, all fenced; 4 blocks O. E. station, high way, 20 minutes' drive. $500 handles. Terms. Lawson, 601 McKay bldg. ItV'ESIBRN cranberries yield from 100 to 150 bbls per acre and sell readl.'y a: $10 to $15 per bbl. Can you beat that? Few acres for sale. Owner. X. 492, Ore- gonlan. ilOCKWOOD 8 miles from city limits, right at station, one or more acres, level, under cultivation, $500 per acre, $10 monthly payments. VV. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. 6IOKES TRACTS, near 42d and Ains worth; city water, city school, no gravel or assessments, all cultivated: Alberta ' car; $10 payments. Roger W. Carey. 21! N. W. Bank bldg. "IV RITE for map of western Washington, - showing location, low prices and aaj - terms offered to settlers. ... -WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma. Wash. 81200 JO ACRES, million reet timber, "Coos county, Oregon:' small house; good soii. stream. Mrs. M. Hallowell, Glen - dora. Cal. 3 AND 5-acre tracts, need light car or truck as first payment, balance easy. Aut. 633-96. fciSYEN ACRES. CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN. 6131 92D ST. S. E 618-45. Homesteads. Relinquishments. frWO IMP. relinquishments. J100 each, joining $30,000 fruit ranch; 80 rods to -nice little town, near Grants Pass: $2000 - spent on one, running water. $600 and $700. all rash. 301 Corbett Mrtg, For a good homestead or relin- . itCTSH'EeNT. SEE R. W. HELM, 422 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. For Sale. Farms. 0 ACRES hilly timbered land near Scap poose, 3-rm. shack, spring; half tillable. - Terms. J. R Sharp, owner. 83 3d st. IMPROVED farm. Linn county, clear title, 865 acres. $16,000; also law library. " cheap. George W. Wright. Albany. Ox. 1(514 ACRES timbered beaverdam land; creek; near Beaverton: electric; can di XUtst. J. Jt, sinua. Wis 3d at. BF.AI. ESTATE. For Sale Farms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS PRICED ON THEIR PRODUC TIVE VALUE. 27 ACRES STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. Located 4 miles from good town , on fine road, right at electric sta tion, all cultivated; 7-room house, barn 35x44, henhouse, shop, hog house, etc.; team, wagon, harness, cows, pigs, hens, binder, mower, rake, plows, etc.; all go for $4500, $2500 cash. 126-ACRE STOCK RANCH. Located 3 miles from town, 75 acres creek bottom, 38 cultivated, as good soil at there is In the vallev, 3 acres loganberries, fam ily orchard, creeks, springs, some timber, good pasture; 6-room box house, barn, shop, fruit house, hen house, etc., 3 horses, 5 cows, some sheep, hay, feed, 30 acres of fall crop. All tools and machinery go for $6500, $4000 cash will handle. If you have money to invest you can't afford to miss our ads. Read them every day. KINNEY, IRVINE & HTDfl, REALTORS. Eugene, Or. SO MEN WANTED To buy 10 a. and up in our 1400-a. Addition to Beaver SDrinff Farms. No being rapidiy colonized. Only 2 hours ride from Portland; all paved road, but last 2V, m. macadam. Best of soli, no rock no waste; creek and spring water. Ideal for fruit, berries, potatoes, clover or any agricultural crop; chickens, dairy ing or stock. Get a home now, reap the benefit of advancing prices sure to come. Positively the best opportunity of today. Low prices. Your own terras, within reason. See me at ones and get first choice. ' JOHN A. MEISSNER. 821 Gasco Bldg. HURRY. 643 ACRES. ovtb niv ONLY. We have only one day to dispose of R43-acre stoCK rancn at nwvic SACRIFICE: 820 acres in cultivation, fully stocked and equipped, ready to ' -;,. -wni feed 500 head cattle, hogs and horses. Everything of very best. Will stand most rigid in vestigation. Government will loan $2o. 000. MAKE AN OFFER QUICK. MARSH & McCABE CO.. Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Bdwy. 6528. CENTRAL OREGON STOCK RANCH. FOR SALE OR LEASE. Stanley ranch, 12 miles east of Bend en main canal of Central Oregon Irri gation Co.; 1300 acres, 1000 acres Irri gable, largely in alfalfa and grasB-, good buildings, two houses, horse barn, cow barn, wagon shed, tool house, blacksmith shop, chicken houses, bunk house, other small buildings and some machinery; immediate possession. - DAVENPORT-STANLEY RANCH CO, 605 Piatt Bldg.. Portland. Or. OPPORTUNITY. One of the best orchards In Clarke county. 20 acres fully equipped. 10 aeres in various kinds of apples, waflnu'ts. fil berts and cherries, 8 acres prunes, 6 years old, 2 acres cleared; Income $7000 per year; 2000 apple boxes on hand, truck spraying outfit complete. See Hamilton, room 6, Donegan bldg., Van couver, 'Wash. FOR SALE 9 acres Hood River; 5 acres in good commercial apples, mostly 12-year-old trees. Balance suitable for pears and garden truck. Produced 900 boxes in 1920. If tired of city life and looking for a small place, this is it. Neal creek runs through place. Lo cated east side road, 7 miles from Hood River. Real money buys this place cheap BD 401, Oregonian. 160-ACRE STOCK RANCH $4000. 9 miles from Wlllamina; from 80 to 100 acres tillable, shack house, good sized barn, young orchard, large creek, eome bottom land, unlimited outrange: will take $300 payment down; house up to $2500; or will accept soldier's bonus. See Mr. Campbell with Fred W. German Co.. Realtors. 732 unam. or torn. 6-ACRE farm, opposite Quincy R. R. depot, 2-hour drive from Portland; best bot tom land, all cultivated, family orchard. 7-room house, big barn, etc., 4 cows, 1 yearling, plenty hay in barn, pig, some chickens. For particulars A. J. Partan, Quincy, Oregon. 92 ACRES $9200. On highway, near Gaston: 45 In culti vation ; house, barn, orchard: one-third cash. bal. easy. Owner, 732 Patton Rd city. Main 8380. WE WANT to tell you more about the fa mous Deschutes valley in central Oregon. A dairy, potato and stockman's para dise; A card brings full particulars. Redmond Land & Loan Co., Inc., Red mo n dC"r(KingIjjrpJhyscapi CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, Dear Portland, $50 to $500 per acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFariand. realtor. 208 Falling; bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. BUILDERS AND OWNERS. If you have a late-model house tell -us about it at once and we will sell it for you. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. ANYTHING YOU WANT TO BUY. SELL. TRADE OR ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT. SEE FRANK C. ROBINSON, 503-4 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 2557. "WE SELL ANYTHING GOOD." "WE LIST ANYTHING GOOD." DO YOU WANT TO SELL? We have a buyer for five or six-room modern bungalow, located in Fulton Park, Hawthorne or Rose City districts; price not over $5000; will pay $500 cash balance $100 per month. Bdwy. 4172. WILL take your equity and assume; have income-bearing city property and imp. 40-acre farm; also good light 5-pasa car and some cash; no incumbrances. . Describe fully first letter. Arthur Skinner, box 4200. Portland. Or. List your houses and lots with J. J. OEDER. EAST SIDE REALTOR, 4 GRAND AVE. N.. COR. E. ANKENY. PHONE BAST 61 AND EAST 6894. HAVE . bona fide cash buyer for imp. acreage on Oregon City line. J. ROBBINS, 301 Railway Exchange Bldg. Bdwy. 5931. Tabor 5319. WANTED An improved lot in good dis trict, with second-mortgage privileges: I build for quick sale; your cash within - 6 months; price must be right. L 41L Oregonian. WE HAVE CLIENTS for homes in Rose City and Hawthorne, districts. Phone us and we will have a man call on you. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. OWNERS only. If you have a modern home which you wish to sell for S400O or less, please write, giving location, lowest price and very best terms in first let ter. Address B 482. Oregonian. WE HAVE real live buyers for lots In all districts of Portland; list your lots with us. Great Western Investment Co., 230 Chamber of Com, bldg. Bdwy. 7581. WANT more listings of suburban homes; hav. buyers and renters for snralil flats. F. J. Dietsch, 326 Chamber of Commerce bide. ; 5 ROOMS, garage, close in, moderate price; $500 cash and $40 per mo. Owners only. Give full particulars. AB 446. Oregonian. WANTED Lot from Park: cash. W 472. owner, Rose Oregonian. City HOUSES wanted for sale. Nelson, Realtor, 706 Gasco bldg. Main 2072. Farms W an t ed. SMALL places wanted, close to Port land, or good valley town, with buildings and small amount of equipment; owner to accept sol dier's loan and small payment down; farms ranging from $4000 to $5500, .with some equipment; wlll be given immediate attention. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. Wanted to Hem rams. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy tha place after leading for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. WiU buy equipment If priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS. One billion feet of yellow fir. upper Willamette, good level country, for sale outright: this will open up over 3 billion feet of timber. G. C. TILRTCH & CO.. 403 Stock Exchange Bldjr. FOR SALK Half Rection ol timber near ttraais Pass, Aula 104U, TIMBER IAND3. FOR SALE 8,000,000 feet fir timber, H mile from S. P. railroad in Benton Co. R. L. Glass. Corvallis. Otv FOR SALE About 77,000.000 ft. fir tim ber. Owner. 1421 E. 21st. Sellwood 2021 FOR RENT FARMS. 10 CLEARED acres, good 5-room house, barn and outbuildings, good orchard, berries, rich soil, 1 mile irom eiectrii station and hiehwav. in Beaverton-Reed vilte acreage, 11 miles from Portland. Call or write for terms. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth St. li'OTt t.rase for term of years, farm suit able for general farm or dairy; good buildings and well fenced; 155 acres under dIow beside some pasture and timber land. Cash rent. Seven miles from Portland, fine roads. Strong & MacNaughton. Main 815. IHR SILK OR RJCNT. Otir eastern Oregon wheat ranch. centrally located, an good roads, near school and town, with or wltnout equip ment: will give good terms to the right party, r 472. oregonian. TO RiVJVT lft acres, closn in. some chard and grapes, city water and gas. Phone owner. Auto. ttj-PJ. PHONE Main 127 if you want to rent 40- acre ranch, close town. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. IMPROVED ACREAGE AND FARM 2.14 acres, all in cultivation, black loam soil, IO min. walk f rom Orron city car line; large chicken run, numerous chicken houses; 6-room house, good root house, concrete foundation and basement for another house; house completely fur nished: 30 laying hens, all kinds of toale. nwxning water. Price $4250, clear of en cumbrance. Will trade for cheap aore- aige, untaproved. near city, to iisu. nKi. lyv-M IT arrl fn litlvatlon. rood well. 2 'acres of timber, 1 acre of fruit, good 7-room house with basement, ho,n PrtrSft pflritirA a rw obher outbul'ld- tnga. Pries $10,000. Completeay stocked oral equupoea. win t ratio lor huiim-h wj- u t-ra..t iwn.f Pnrl iflnri un to $3500. 60 acres, 45 acres in cultivation, black loaim soil; 6-room 'house, la.rg family or chard, barn &4X7B, other omwmga . cows, 3 horses, 2 hogs. 200 White Leg horn chickens, full line of farmtnig ten piements and tools, close to Damascus, 13 miles from, Portland. Price $13,000u .Win trade for small acreage tract near Portland. $12 per acre for 330 acres of voToarolo h jsnil: tins fino: 50 acres in cultivation ; 1-room shack and shack bairn'; 42 miiles southeast of Bend. Tota4 price aoo. Will trade for Portland property up to $4000. See Mr. Stephens wfctn FRJSD W. GERMAN CO., Realtors, 732 Oham. of Com. Bldg. MODERN dwelling of 6 or 6 rooms or suburban small rancn near ruriianu or Vancouver preferred in , trade for my 80 acres, no buildings, 8 miles from Adair. Okla.. all under cultivation. CinnA level land free of incumberance, worth $4000. Will pay cash difference for desirable property u pncea ngnt. Owner will be in city all this week. Address Mr. Williams, cars Clark & Wheeler. Vancouver. Wash., or care Donald G. Woodward. Portland. WAVT Tnndern 5 or 6-room home In good location. 1 have to otter lor same iu acres Willamette river bottom, close to Newberg. Ideal for potatoes, hops, ber ries, gardening or grain. I also havs A2A acrea wheat land, ail In cultivation. 3 miles from railroad between Walla Walla and W alula. Wash. Write or call H. A. Calef. owner, at Calef Bros., home furnishers, 68-70 Fifth st., Portland, Or. CALIFORNIA EXCHANGE. $125,00 income California property, all rented or teasea. win exenange tor rui i land income property or good ranch in Washington or Oregon. Bee my oroker, who has list of property, at G. C. ULRICH & CO., 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. TRADING Is our line, city property for farms, boats, automobiles and acreage or farms of all sizes; locations and con ditions. Bring in your property and let us match it. ROLES AND WELLS, F. L. BLANCH ARD, Realtor, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Bdwy. 6859. UNUSUAL CHANCE BRICK APT. Trade your house in on this one; very desirable, west side, brick, fully mod ern, well furnished, clears $325 besides own quarters; price $10,000; take city property and $3000 cash. JOHN E. WALTER, Realtor. 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 5274. WANT home in Portland or Vancouver for pool hall and card room with 8 living rooms; three-year lease; in one of the best payroll towns, close to Port-land. SerfHn.e- la believinie. John Brown Co., Realtor, 322 Ry. Exoh. bldg. ' Phone Bdwy. 6301. EXCHANGE for apartment or rooming house, 80 acres, half in alfalfa, re mainder to grain: cuts 115 to 120 tons hay. 8 miles from town Malin; equity $1550. A 6-room plastered house, 3 lots in Klamath Falls; valuation $2250; clear. O. E. Hunt, owner. Merrill. Or. INCOME PROPERTY. On First St., valued at $50,000. t trade for hotel or apartment house lease and furnishings or property. Whal have you 7 G. C ULRICH & CO, 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a tradt for you; bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit. Lots, houses, acreage, farms or stocks of merchandise. E. R. S., 712 Couch bldg. FOR SALE or trade for acreage, 100x100 lot, four-room house, garage and .chicken park, abundance of fruit, berries and shrubbery;. $550 cash, balance small monthly payments. Aut. 642-94. HAVE a corner lot, 80x100, in Jamaica, Long Island, valued $3500; would like to trade it in for some Portland income property. Address J. G., 998 E. Wash ington st. I HAVS $2635 paid on sec. Alberta wheat land, unable to-meet payments, will sacrifice for $1400 or trade for any- thing or value, m 401., oregonian. TRADE 80 acres timber In Clarke couffty, Washington, for city residence valued to $5000. Will give some cash. Sell. 3039. WANTED Lot suitable for small apart ment house; will exchange about 3-k perfect diamond. L 466, Oregonian. TRADE 10 A. fine fruit land, $1200. Want rooming house. Bdwy. 7264. 247 ACRES for close in acreage or clear city property: will rent. Sell. 503. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. ORIENTAL goods, value $10-50, for equity in bungalow or lots. 45 Trinity Place. Call at apartment 25 from 10 to 3 or evenings FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. WORK HORSES. Six teams of good, sound, young work horses, weight from 1550 to 1800 lbs. Should you be in the market for work horses and want to see them working and at a very reasonable price, come to Montavilla woodyard. E. 80th and Burnside sts. FOR SALE Mammoth jack, 4 years old; the big smooth kind; one jack 1-year-old, or will trade for draft horses, mules, sheep or cattle; must be good, young stock. , H. D. BONES. MYRTLE POINT. OR.. GAYLORD. CROWN STABLES. For sale, pair mules, weighing 2700 pounds, 6 and 7 years; just the team for grade or ranch work; they are for sale or exchange with or without har ness. 285 Front street. NICE 3-year-old cow, first calf; dam gave 60 lbs.; calf 6 days old; priced very rea sonable. Nice 5-year-old Jersey, just fresh, milking 8 gallons; tested 6 but- . terfat. For inspection call 381 Water. 1 BAY MARE, weight 1100; 1 set double harness, 1 set single express harness, 1 heavy spring wagon. Call 392 Knott st. all day Sunday, week days 805 Union ave. N. ' FROM private owner, 1 team, 5 years old, weight 2500 lbs., harness and wagon: take Mt. Tabor and 8Sth-st. car to 82d St., walk 2 blocks south and block east. 2080 Delano st. SPAN of chunky-built mares, 6 and 7 years old, weight 2600 pounds; nearly new 2 inch farm harness and 3i farm wagon. Price for outfit $325. Inquire Webber's team, feed barn, 381 Water St., west side. FRESH Jersey cow, giving 15 qts. rich milk, also Jersey Durham, 4 gal.; gen tle, easy milker. 780 Insley, Sellwood car. - TEAM of young mares, farm broke, weight about 2500 pounds, sound and in good shape; price $120. 381 Water St., west v side. REAL family Jersey cow, 5 years old, due to freshen March 10; milked 42 lbs. - tested 6-4 butterfat. If you want some thing extra call Marshall 3515. $85 TAKES good chunky team, 2400 lbs., both fat, sound and best workers; har ness and farm wagon. $25. Stable, 510 Kerby. near Russell, Mississippi car. TEAM of young horses, weight about 3400 pounds, with good breechin harness and 3 V wagon. Must sell; no use for them. " 10S7 Francis ave., Woodstock car. $75 FINE saddle horse with good saddle, almost new; several other cheap horses, harnesses and wagons. 240 East Sth. WILL trade lot on E. 79th st. near Sandy blvd. for team of horses and wagon. - George Perry, Estacada, Or.. R. 2. 5 DAIRY cows and 1 family cow, 2 heavy - strintgers. 1 block east of station. Oak Gi-ove.. " VETERINARIAN. HOWES. TABOR 6568. DR. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Call day or night. Automatic 627-64. 2800-LB. TEAM of mares, guaranteed good workers; 10 dm' triai. 2t) Jaat FOR SAX K. " Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. CROWN STABLES. We have a fresh lot of trorses, just arrived; some well-matched teams. We are in the horse and mule business and also in the hire business; We would rather hire to responsible people than to sell them, so you may know that we have got to have stock that will do tha work. These are all for sale or ex change, and you will always find from 50 to 100 head in the Crown Stables. Have a few on hand that we will sell for feed bill. When you want a team or one horse, give us the once over. Have any kind of harness, new and second-hand; have some spring wagons that we want to sell, for we want to get out of the wagon business. Some we will sell for storage charges. We aim to tell you as near as we know about any horse w sell from this stable. Everything guaranteed as repre sented. Phil Suetter, manager, 285 Front street. KEYSTONE STABLES. Span of dark gray Percheron horses, 6 and 7 years old, weight about 2900 pounds. Team of chunky built niares, 6 and 6 years old, weight about 3000 pounds. Pair of Shire piares, 6 and years old, weight 3100 pounds. Team of blocky built mares, -6 and 7 y?rs old, one in foal, weight about 2600 pounds; 20 head horses and mares 4 to 8 years old. weight 1200 to 1800 pounds; price $45 to $225. Harness and farm wagons can be seen and try to suit buyer. 381 Water St., corner Mont gomery. - HORSES HORSES. Just received carload of horses and mares, weight 1200 to 1500 pounds, 4 tn 7 vf.r. old: all well broke, grain fed : rvdv for sarins work. I have bought this lot of horses from a bank that had to take them over. I nave them bought so I can sell very cheap a.f, Tf In th. TT1 fl T K P L . Clll look this lot over and get our prices am 1. ... . ffn.nantufi ii a represented. Trial allowed. 234 Front, foot Main street. JUST ARRIVED . ...nn Bhlnment of all 5 anol year-old horses and mares, consisting of 8 head of as good dark dappled gray percnerons as ever caum w team of Belgians. 8600. a high-class draft team; balance of load DiocKy. V..,-l,n,.a hnns. from 1200 tO 1900. well broken, single and double; Prices right, as tney must o soia . o ... East Side Transfer Stables, 180 East 8th street. Henry C. Hansen. COLUMBIA STABLES. WILL ARRIVE SUNDAY, R r- K 1922. rarlnail of horses and mares from Grand Ronde valley. 10 head of Bel gian and Percheron draft horses from mnn 1SAD Ik, hulanna nf load EOOQ farm and orchard chunks from 1200 to 1400 lbs. These are all good ages and well broken and sold with a guar antee as represented. G. K. HOWITT. 302 Front St. $1400-LB. BAY gelding, lost mate, $40, for qulcK sale, jsxaoie, oiv aruj, nu au sell. Ask for Walter Johnson. ' Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. NEW LOT FACTORY REBUILT PIAN03 just received from eastern lactones now An Mule here. Nn nfind to buy Old worn pianos now when you can buy good as new rebuilt pianos at same price. $550 Ernest Gabler upright piano, ..$295 $450 Bauer & Co. upright piano..... 265 $425 Bradford Piano Co., mahogany. 275 $450 Smith & Barnes, mahogany.... 293 8550 Kimball upright piano ;1 475 Wllmer upright piano - J'-J $425 Kurta Bros, upright piano 245 $800 Steinway & Sons upright piano 3.5 $475 H. P. Nelson colonial piano.... 233 $575 George Heck & Co piano....... 265 $500 Emerson Piano Co, mahogany. 295 $525 Seybold upright, oak fig $450 Hallet & Davis upright piano.. 195 Terms $10 or more cash, $6, $8 or $10 monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 101 Tenth St., corner Stars:. USED PIANO BARGAINS. STEINWAY & SON Fine for prac tice 150 H1NZEMAN Old style, good con dition 125 KINGSBURY Mahogany case, a snap 270 SCHILLING & SON Plain oak case. 2i5 MANSFIELD & NORTI Upright, walnut case I50 CAMBRIDGE Cabinet grand, ma hogany case - 285 KIMBALL New, oak case 395 KIMBALL PLAYER New 525 And Others Terms Given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. Bet. Wash, and Alder. PHONOGRAPHS REDUCED. We have several good buys in used phonographs, all in good condition at reduced prices. Terms given. $150 Victrola and 20 records ,.$115 $150 Victrola. mahogany, and rec- ords lljj $125 Victrola, mahogany 0 $ 85 Victrola. almost new, mahog- any case Columbia Graphonola, walnut case.. 75 Brunswick demonstrator, new, oak cas auu Brunswick, large size, , mahogany, gold plated -2S SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St.. Bet. Wash, and Alder. SALE OF, USED PIANOS. Pease & Co., fumed oak Wlllington, large, mahogany .... A. B. Chase, upright Steinhauser, mahogany Fischer Piano Co., large .- Wheelock & Co.. mahogany $265 . 195 . 295 . 235 . 295 . 245 . 495 Modell, player piano Pay 'as little as $10 cash and $8 or more a montn. i.ipman. WOLFE & CO., Corner Fifth and Washington, PHONOGRAPH CLEARANCE SALE. $ 75 Victrola, 5 used records.. $ 32.50 Grafonola, 5 used records 2U 125 Grafonola. 10 used records 7a 140 Brunswick, 10 used records.... 140 Emerson, 10 used records...... 175 Sonora. 15 used records 1" 850 Victrola. 13 used records iJ $5 or more cash. $3, $4 or more monthly. SOWWAN PIANO CO.. 103 10th at Washington St PLAYER PIANO MUST BE SOLD! Moving back east; my like-new play er piano and about $150 of fine rolls must be sold at once; would give terms to reliable party. This player cost $950 and for immediate sale would sell it for less than you could buy straight piano for. Call at once.. 287 V, Wash ington St., second floor. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT $425 Hauett juavis. uprisut. 450 Smith Piano Co., upright, cash 195 270 Board & Co., upright, cash.... 73 750 Pianista player piano, cash.... 3 parlor organs. $18, $20 and $25. . 1U1 lum PI. m DECKER BROS, square piano, $60. esual Of some JDU pianos at. ui"n o. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 107 West Park. Pianos rentea. soia, icvanci. c-nwno i ,h finne-m nh with records. $160 a , , 4-VA ...... machine; win accept .i w month from responsible pariy. x-rince house. Bdwy. looi $290 CASH secures a ai new piauu. left over irom ""'""'"'"";" ; carload lot at Security Storage Co.. -3 Tenth st. at star. PIANO tuning, repairing and rennlsning. expert woremuMmp , "-. teed Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Bdwy. 6576. noon pianos at prices and terms you can afford. Reed-French Piano Co.. 12th and Wash ington. 87 HIGHEST quality phonographs slaugh vintnn and Columbia records; two - .)., rt.icfl nf one. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 107 West Park. PIANOS moved, $3. ground floor; worK done by expena it w.. Broadway izut. FOR SALE by private party. Weber play er piano in excellent, uwuihum, any. rnono t,... FOR SALE Thomas cabinet grand piano; oak finish: $200. 573 E. Couch st. Don't call Sunday PHONOGRAPH repairing, any make; work guaranteed: prompt service. Seiberling Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th St. " PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS WANTED. 128 First, near Alder, Bdwy. 7161. GENDINE Straube piano, like new, $200. Phone Auto. 218-38. PIANO wanted; pay cash; must be. a bar gain. Bdwy. 6576. ; FOR RENT Cabinet Grafonola with late records. Empire Transfer. Bdwy. 155. PIANOS and phonographs for rent. Em- pire Transfer. 254 Broadway. Bdwy. ISA, PIANO wanted: pay cash. Mar.- 1532. Furniture for Sale. TWO 9x12 RUGS, 10-piece dining room set; a 4-piece living room- set, drapes and curtains for sale cheap. Call Main 20S6. " ' ' ' BIG SALE Simmons' beds, springs, mat - tresses, chiffoniers, dressers, tables, davenport, linens. 421 East Morrison. Restaurant and hotel equipment. CLOSING OUT Seven l thousand dollar stock of furniture at sacrifice. 421 East Morrison. - " , COMPLETE house of high-grade furniture for sale, few rugs, 2 wardrobe "trunks, 2 handbags. 2 suitcases. Wdln. 5389. FOR SALE Furniture. Tabor 3149, at 183 C 33d St. BEAUTIFUL blue Chinese rug, size - 8xKk. Also smaller rug, 3x5, Oail 220--32. BOOKCASK3, French doors: special fur n 1 1 ure. Just try Bdwy. 716. MUST sell at once, davenport., $25. ga.s Stove J2S; kitchen cabinet $15. East 1117. FOR SALE; Furniture for Sale. DAVENPORTS. Ws are manufacturers of allnhair davennorts and chairs: highest quality line built on the Pacific coast. Frames are as good as is possible to build, watcn vour davenoort made from naked frame to last stitch. Our upholstering hair and cotton are high graae and the only tin Ing material we use. Don't take our word for It but come and let us prove all we say. New and up-to-the-minute styles, large line of coverings, fine ve lours and tapestries, $100 to $176; pure ' silk and best mohair, xia4 to These prices are regular, not special. Everything guaranteed. Sample room open evenings by appointment. Phone 635-27 Ev..rrfngs and Eundays, labor 6797 or 635-27. MICHAELSON-MAYSON. INC., 54th and Foster Road SAV1S MuAKI. Try our saJes department if yoa want to buy or sell household goods Reduced freight rates to most ail points in our through pool cars; expert packing, re pairing and refinishing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO. 62 1th St., Cpp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. PLAYER PIANO MUST BE SOLD! Moving back east; my like-new play er piano and about $150 of fine rolls must be sold at once; would give terms to reliable party, 'this player cost S9jo, and for immediate sale would sell it for less than you could buy straight piano for. Call at once. 287 Wash ington St.. second floor. WALNUT bedroom suite, new electric washing machine, tapestry overstuffed rocker, gas range, several other choice pieces of furniture at a bargain. Owner leaving city, 'luesday. Call Sletten, Bdwy. 3400. iMJN'T sAtniFiCE yt.ur rurnuure if going east or to California. We can save you money -on your freight in our throng a cars; fireproof storage. C M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine street LEATHER davenport, mahogany finish, suitable for home, office or club; hair stuffing; fine condition; cheap. - Tabor 8234. Office Furniture. WE HAVE the following used office fur niture 'in good condition at exceptional prices: 8 roll-top desks, 14 fiat-top desks, 7 typewriter desks, 18 office chairs, 1 safe, 1 bookkeeper's desk. THE IRWIN-HODSON CO. Furniture Department. Tenth at Stark Street. Broadway 3144. WE CAN equip your office complete with, either now -or used furniture. Used Burroughs adding , machines, type writers, dictaphones, time clocks, safes, partitions, etc.; office furniture rented. P. C. Wax, 24-26 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2739. ROLL-TOP sanitary oak desk and swivel chair, fine condition, also office chairs and typewriter chair. Must be sold at once. Tabor 8234. PHYSICIAN'S STEEL FURNITURE. Manufacturer's seconds, at substan tial reductions. Albatross Metal Fur niture Co.. 715 Thurman. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. ALL MAKES. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO, 821 Washington St. Main 6681. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange; we are exclusive dis tributors of . Carona portable, $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs of all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO.. 94 Fifth St. Bdwy. 7199. FOR SALE At a reasonable price. Corona typewriter No. 3." For information call jvtr. mcanny, ADington bldg. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. P. Co.. 231 Stark st. Main 1407. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Type writer Inspection Co.. 312 Stark. M. 5548. Poultry. FOR SALE We have successfully served the public for 16 years and are better fitted than ever to fill your require ments in baby chicks, turkeys, duck lings and hatching eggs. Also feeds, remedies, incubators. Reliable and fire less brooders. Write for price list. Shipments on Sun., Mon., Thurs. by par cel post or express. Pioneer Hatchery, 320 S. Spring St., Los Angeles. McGUIRE'S CHICKS. R. I. Reds, O. A. C. Barred Rocks and White Leghorns, day-old chicks and hatching eggs from high-producing trapnested and Hoganlzed free range stock. 600 W. L. ready March 8; 1000 w. Lu ready March 20. Order now. J. R. McGuire. 787 Oregon St. ORDERS TAKEN FOR BABY CHICKS. Thoroughbred. Rhode Islana Reds, isarrea kocks; also eggs for setting. rnone wooaiawn 6U2S. loos is. 6th N SPECKLED Sussex, choice flock, eggs $3 10, sis luu. write tor descriptive circu lar price list. t. a. J3ushby, Parma, Idaho. LIGHT- Brahma eggs $2.75 setting: mast ers kd.uu to so; also nens. Barker road, cor. Barr. Box I49B, R 2, Troutdale, Or. R. I. RED hatching eggs; Mead and Elliott strains, $1.25 per setting. 337 Stanton st. WHITE LEGHORN laying pullets for saie; AUtO. bll-Bl. Dogs, Rabbits. Birds and Pet Stock. FOR SALE CHEAP 10-troom rabbit butch at 0815 o-Oth ave. S. E. See own er at 297 B. Baldwin. PERSIAN cat3 for service; blue, white, orange, black, silver. Auto. 321-37. 2 BEAUTIFUL Persian cats, male and female. Phone Columbia 982. EIGHT rabbits for sale. Sellwood 3509. Boats, Launches and Marine Equipment. WANTED 35-foot boat, one that will carry about 5 ton and suitable for work boat. Burke Fish Co. Bdwy. 4760. FOR salu: Boatnouse. motorboats, gas engine. n. a.. , uraig, toot cnerry. East 8650. Kegs and Barrel. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and . white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 806 N. 14th St., near Pettygrove. Phone A 519-19. Coal and Wood. $4 PER LOAD $4. 16-inch, partly dry block and slab mixed; fine for furnace or heater, de livered in 2-load lots for $8; single loads $4.50. Washington lump coal, $11 ton in the basement. NATIONAL FUEL CO., East 2041, COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! $11 per ton,, put in your basement, elty weight, direct from mine to consumer; large lump, no clinkers or soot; burns te fine ash; try a ton. PHONE EAST 134 or EAST 9126. BIG LOADS block and slab, mixed runs, partly dry. , 2 loads ,. $8.00 1 load 4.50 Woodlawn 1390. FIRST-GROWTH tir. hock Springs, Royal Owl Creek coal. Standard Brick & Tils Co.. 88 Fifth St.. between Stark and Oak. Phone Broadway 18. NO. 1 first-growth fir, medium dry, $11.25 to $11.7o in IV -cord lots; $9.75 to $10.25 second-growth in IVi-cord lots; delivered anywhere in city. Phone Woodlawn 5355. NICE 16-inch slab, $3.75; best fir, sea soned, heavy or merely graded, $5 load, anywhere; bargain; dry 12 and 16-inch country slab. $7.25. Sellwood 1769. DRY CORDWOOD, 2-cord lots, $14. Best dry cordwood in town and heavy coun try slab, $4.25 a cord. Sellwood 1270. " 694 E. lth St. DRY 16-INCH slab, $6.00 a load: partly dry block and slab. $o; 4-foot dry slab, $6.50 a cord. Wdln. 1902. DRY BOX wood, $4; good range wood, $4.50; block and slab, $4.75 per load. Wdln. 3649. - DRY CORDWOOD, $' and $7.75 per cord, block and slab, double load, $9 Bdwy. 8628. DRY BLOCK and slab wood, single load f-5, double load $8; short order specialty. Broadway 2545. GOOD dry fir cordwood, $7.25 cord; heavy country slab, $5.25. Rock Springs and U'ah coals. East 17S9. - BIG LOADS partly dry block and slab, $4 50 a load; bone dry 16-in. slab, $6. Phone Wdln. 1902. DRY WoOD, 12x15 inches or 4-foot at a reasonable price. Residence phone Mar- shall 1917. FIRST-GROWTH wood, dry, $7.50 cord; second growth, dry, $6.25 cord. Aut. 629-77. ; 4-FOOT block and railroad ties; also 16- in. stove wood. Mar. 2643. $5 A LOAD, 16-inch dry plank and small timber. Sellwood 3159. NO. 1 old-growth fir that IS DRY, $7.50, 8. Automatic 616-81. 4-FOOT country slab, $4 per cord. Tabor 7228 16-INCH wreckage wood, load delivered, $5. Residence phone East 8254. COAL BY THE SACK, TRY AUSTRALIAN ' COAIV'SAMPLE DELIVERY,"Bdv. 3423. BEST old-growth dry fir. $7.50; second-growu. i. geuwuoq on. HEAVY fir block and slab, oak and bone dry slab. Wdln. 2019. WOOD SAWING, any place in city. Phone Main 8124.. DRY first-growth cordwood, $6 cord. Call Automatic COAL AUSTRALIAN LUMP 500 lbs. ,$4. COAL, "SAMPLE DLIVERY."Bdy. 3423. A-l FIRST growth ary corawooa $1.00; also short order. Matin 722a I BEST dry cordwood. $7 and $7.75 per cord. Can't be beat. Broadway 4110. 5VOOi. 3 A 0,OAi). WOOiH-AWJi 6804. FOR SALE. Coal and Wood. $4 PER U)AD $4. 2-LOAD LOTS. J 6-inch fir block and slab, runs pa. .IT dry, ready for furnace or heater. We also save you money on 2-Ioad orders of dry wood. Prompt delivery on west and east side. Oregon Fuel Co., Wood lawn 4102. Machinery. LAUNDRY machinery for sale. A com plete laundry outfit at a big sacrifice, as I am in other business and wish to dispose of it. R. C. Miller. 3 N. 6th St. FOR SALE Nearly new concrete mixer at sacrifice; also number of wheelbar rows. See me at 204 Henry bldg. Broad way 2448 WANTED High speed marine gas en gine from 25 to 40 horsepower . Burke Fish Co.. Bdwy. 47SO. STOVER stationary gas engine, slightly used; big discount. . AG 465, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. DESKS, CHAIRS, ADDING MACHINES. SAFES, DICTAPHONES, TIME CLOCKS, PARTITIONS. 9-bank square Burroughs $125 7-bank flat Burroughs $150 Dictaphones, each .- $ 40 All used equipment in first-class me chanical condition. Office furniture rented. D. C, Wax, 24-26 N. 5th street. Bdwy. 2739 or Bdwy. 4775. SAVE YOUR WIFE. Send your wet wash to the Snow Flake laundry; clothes washed snowy white in separate compartments. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, 15 LBS. FOR 70 CENTS; THURSDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 15 LBS. FOR 60 CENTS. 4 CENTS each additional pound. Valuable premiums given. Phone East 8433. PLAYER PIANO MUST BE SOLD! Moving back east; my like-new play er piano and about $150 of fine roils must be sold at once; would give terms to reliable party. This player cost $950, and for immediate sale would sell it for less than you could buy straight piano for. Call at once. 28714 Wash ington St.. second floor. - ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-third; all styles, finest se lection. Come and see; you are under no obligation to buy. STANLEY LUTZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Broadway 4253. FOR SALE Very latest Harding blue taf feta dress, basque effect, $16; also a 2-piece tricotine dress $10, both in size 86 and 38. One sport suit, navy blue jersey jacket and blue plaid plaited skirt, size 16, for $8. Call East 6874. IF YOU APPRECIATE splendid watch re pairing or jewelry repairing, take your - work" to MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Stors Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts FRESH SEA FOOD by parcel post, prepaid within 4th sons; large cooked crabs, 2 for 65c; clams, cleaned, 65c quart. SMITH FISH CO., Tillamook, Or. RADIO FURNACES. PIPELESS, $165. PIPE, $215 UP. Easy payments; 1000 In Portland. Phone Columbia 28 or write Associated Engineering Corp., -factory foot of Bur Ungton st. SAFES Blre and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices; bought, sold and exchanged; easy terms if de- sired. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK ' CO., 105 Second St. Broadway 7045. SAFES SAFES SAFES. Wonderful safe bargains, from 3-ton bank, safe to small office safe, D. C. Wax, 24-26 N. 6th street. Broadway 2739. 1 DOORS, windows, lumber, moldings, mill work, glass, roofing and hotbed sash. Sea our odd stock of sash and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co., downtown lum- - ber store, 171 FRONT ST.. bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Phone Main 4213. SEWING machines, new and second-hand. sold for less; no agents employed. Com plete line of parts for all makes: ma chines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 Third St.. near Taylor. Main 9431. FOR SALE-Collapslble Rambler baby buggy. Call 892 E. lammu, near sutn. s. S. car. RUBBER BOND, the greatest l-ejuvenator known for all kinds of leaky roors. Works like nagic, bringing old warped shingles back to their natural position in a short time. Phone Bdwy. 79. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store. Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. FOR SALE 1 slightly used Thor ironing machine. 44-inch, thoroughly guaran teed, $95. Smith-McCoy Electric Co.. 104 5th st. LADIES' used apparel shop for sale at i bargain, on account of my health. Bus! ness center. . Rent reasonable, AB 468, Oregonian. HOT WATER tanks,-30-gal., $7; 40, gal., $9; tested, guaranteed; stove and furnace colls, gas neaters installed; plumbing. East Side Weld, Sh., 203 Adams. E. 8516. CASH REGISTERS and computing scales pougnt. sola, exenangea ana repaired. Portland cash Register & scale Ex change, 226 Stark st. Bdwy. 7534. FOR SALE 1 slightly used Thor electric washer, 20-sheet capacity, all copper, small laundry size, ruuy guaranteed Smith-McCoy Electric Co., 104 5th St. 2 SCIENCE AND HEALTH, 1 Unity of Good, 1 leather case for same, 2 sets markers, 1 leather quarterly case, all new. AR. 431. uregonian. FIRST-CLASS American Wonder potatoes. highland grown, $1.65 delivered close- ln. jonn scnmia. teaverton, or. ADDING MACHINE and comptometer. A bargain. Call Bdwy. 8712 or 610 Lumber mens bldg. - DANDY 3-light shower fixture complete with snaaes. only, at 2U7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 4253, KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange daks Sandy, 329 Washington st. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamil ton-Beach electric carpets washer; also vacuum cleaning done.- East 4045. LARGE heater, oak twice; Mason jara 389. folding bed, 33 E. 22d. folds East LICK.NSBU inaepenaent electrician wires 8 rooms ror a tor 120, guaranteed to pass inspection. Wdln. 3791. WOOD and coal range with coils, fine con. dition; 8 pieces 4x7 ft. new wall board. 297 E. Baldwin. BILLIARD table for home use. oak finish, fine condition, cues, balls and full equip- ment; win sen very cneap. -labor tcitf. SAFES HERRING. HALL, MARVIN SAFES, VAULX DOORS. BARGAIN. 70 SIXTH 81. DIEBOLD safes, new and second-hand; special prices. Pacific Scale & Supply Co., 43 Front St. Broadway 1966. PILES can be permanently cured vlinom operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond ana jMorrison. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. 85 cents per aay, uenvered anywhere. Woodlawn 1259. LADIES' sHghtly used garments, good as new, iow pntttB, in noor, eua Allsky bldg. 3d, near Morrison st. fertilizer; Cow manure, well rotted, delivered any part of city. Woodlawn 6233. FIRST-CLASS beaver set. muff and stole call at in- jownsaaio St., or phone Marshal! 2167 LARGE oM painting 6x3. Rollins copy 1 mountain scene, neavy gut fnaane. Mali, saos. - FOR SALE Good kitchen cabinet, cheap. lLtX Jjt-livct ovc. SECOND-HAND bricks and cesspools dug oy me mut. auw o-j-i. LICENSED electrician win save you mon4 on waring ana supplies Hellwood OS TWO pool tables in good condition. cues ana pans, rnone jviain 7999. FUR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, snowcases. 3 1st St.. near Ash. PLUMBING, expert repairing, licensed; can do any joo; iow price, uqwy. 2083, STAR-A-STAR shingles, direct from aaiii. Call Taylor-at. open. Main SU60. FOR SALE 1 range in good condition; dealers. 1082 E. Lincoln. no GUARANTEED rebuilt batteries for Forda $10 to $Io. uroaaway SPECIAL SALE Beauty parlor equip ment. 88 6th, between Stark and Oak. SAFES Office safe, good as new, cheap, p 461. Oregonian. BABY BUGGY for sale; good condition. $6. 490 Clay. Mar. 1796, apt. 6. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awnmg Co.. No. 1 1st St. FOR SACK 300-egg incubator, brooder. bore grinder, $75. 241 Ha I leek. PHONE us for painting and paper hang. g: We BUf PiJ mov. uimy. tjj. STOCKYARD manure deliverea anywhere. Woodlawn 2363. LADIES' used apparel for all occasions. Prices very low. Tabor 2825. FOR SALE A bargain, one new $25 vlolet rav machine. AM 469, Oregonian. SHINGLES Snider's shingles for sale at Couch-st. dock. W L. Snider. MANURE FERTILIZER. No sawdust, delivered. East 8873. ELECTRIC washer, $35. 522 Washing ton. - 371 STH ST.. Baby Carriage Repair Works. Main 6533, . FOR SALK. Miscellaneous. . 20-FOOT MARBLE DAIRY LUNCH COUNTER, GLASS TOP. FOR SALE. SEE MR. PIPER, 498 ALDER ST. NITROGEN! LAMP SALE. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK. Special Regular sale price, price. 75 watt $ -70 $ .48 300 watt 1-00 .78 150 watt 1 .98 200 watt 1 0 '-JO 250 watt 2.85 1.85 800 Watt 2-80 , 2-8 Add 5c each for frosted bowu Every Lamp Guaranteed. We Replace Any Defecta Building owners Hotel operators. See me for special prices on quantity ordera W. S. FLEMING. Electrical Supplies Sporting Goods, Hardware. Plumbing and Heating Apparatus. 292 Wash. St. Bdwy. 4188. B1TTMAN pays highest price for bicycles and hardware. 213 Front St. Main 8811. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. 87 USED CAR SALES IN FEBRUARY AT COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. During the last three months wa have sold 176 used cars. THERB) IS a REASON. OUR CARS ARB PRICED LOW AND THEY ARB GOOD CARS. Our rebuilt cars are censelen tlously overhauled and we guaran tee them to be MECHANICALLY SATISFACTORY. Our house is back of this guarantee. You are spending real money for a car. You owe It to yourself to examine our cars and oompare our prices before spending that money. " REBUILT CADILLACS. We take the same pride in sell ing you one of our rebuilt and re finished Cadillac automobiles as we do in delivering a new car. We guarantee It in the same way. and the facilities of our entire organi zation are always at your com mand for any service you may need. FOR YOUR COMPARISON: 1920 Cole, 7-passenger, re painted, disc wheels.. $1350 1920 Cole roadster, newly painted 12S0 1919 Dodge touring 685 1919 Dodge roadster 666 1920 Haynea. 7-passenger, re painted 1188 1921 Marmon speedster, like new 2758 J920 Oldsmobile, 7-passenger. 895 1919 Roamer, newly painted.. 1200 REBUILT CADILLACS. 1918 touring, new tires, paint, top 2000 1918 roadster, new tires and paint 180 1917 touring, new top and paint 1600 1916 touring, new top and paint 1400 ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOW EST PRICES. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 21st at Washington St. Bdwy. 6244. 28-30 North Broadway. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. Portland's Oldest and Largest Ford Dealer. REAL BARGAINS. 1919 Chevrolet chassis $ 185 1919 Chevrolet touring ;.. 293 3920 Chevrolet touring 350 1917 Maxwell touring , 173 1918 Overland touring 175 1917 Briscoe touring 195 1918 Bulck touring V. 673 FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. 18 touring ..$225!'20 sedan $595 '19 touring ... 263l'9 sedan, 8S. .. 495 "20 touring.SS. 850'17 roadster .... 225 '20 touring.SS. 8351'in roadster ... 250 '19 touring.SS. 295l'20 roadster. SS. . B25 '19 touring ... 250'2O roadster. SS. 295 '19 touring ... 275l'20 roadster. SS. . 850 '21 sedan 69.1l '18 roadster .... 250 '20 roadster.SS. 385'19 roadster 265 '19 sedan, SS. 475l'19 roadster. SS. . 323 DELIVERY CARS. 1918 Chevrolet panel delivery ....$275 1918 Ford, new express body 285 1917 Ford express . : 175 1920 Ford, new express body ...... 893 1918 Ford 1-ton truck, new stake body 423 1918 Ford 1-ton truck, new express body 895 1918 Ford 1-ton truck, express body 823 1915 Ford delivery 145 REMEMBER THIS. We give you the same service on these used cars as you get on a new one. Open evenings until 8 o'clock and all day Sunday. Liberal terms. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. East 3770. Grand ave. and Hawthorne. ROBINSON-SMITH COMPANY, Sixth and Madison. USED CAR MARKET. 1920 Ford coupe $525 1920 Ford roadster, starter 825 1920 Ford touring, starter 863 1920 Ford truck, starter 625 1919 Ford coupe 475 1919 Ford roadster, starter 275 1919 Ford touring 235 1919 Ford truck 283 CASH OR TERMS. FAMILY CAR. Beautiful Olds 8 1919 touring car. every known extra convenience, bumper, spotlight, mirror, auto-windshield wiper; $75 tonneau windshield, tonneau heater, wind deflectors, motometer, sun visor. Werner no-glare lens, extra tire, 1922 license; always used as a fine city car; never abused; price $750 if sold quickly; written guarantee; can give terms. Call Mx. Van Dyke. Bdwy. 7750, Saturday, Sunday or Monday. LOTS of cars of various makes and models to select from. We don t ask a big profit as we have very little overhead expenses, therefore we can sell for less. Corns look over our cars, compare our prices with others. Terms on most every car; no reasonable offer refused. The Auto Clear ing house491 Alder st. 3922 CHEVROLET. Circumstances force me to sacrifice my 1922 Chevrolet touring car; run 600 miles; many extras. Will accept older model Chevrolet or Ford in trade and give easy terms on balance. Phone East 178. tires. This car is all overhauled ,and In excellent shape; with 1922 license. $113 down, balance monthly. Call Wood lawn 6625. NEW BUG body, will fit Ford, Maxwell or Chevrolet, complete wun lop, side curtains and windshield. A bargain for cash. Also delivery box for back of Ford roadster. Call East 2603. 490 CHEVROLET touring, 1020; have re duced to is;, very easy terms; car In splendid condition and has 1922 license Phone Tabor 5935. 1919 FORD COUPE Wire wheeis. new tires, shock absorbers, spotngnts, nigh tension Bosch magneto; $350. Bdwy. 962, Westervelt. WHY BUY a cheap four when I can sell you a sllgntiy useo. ivmcneu ngnt six for the same or less money; better In vest igateJCalI'ropst;I1divy4 MUST sell my '20 Hudson speedster, need cash, $9u. -lane ngnt car in trade. Terms. Call Tabor 2379. FRANKLIN. Series 9A touring, run 5500 'miles, cheap for cash. 710 E. 22d st. North. PRIVATE SALE 8o-4 Overland; have two cars; must sell one; very Cheap. Phone Broadway 73.13. WE TEAR em up ana sell the piecea Portland Auto wrecking to., 031 Alder. 17th. Broadway .1254. FOR A BARGAIN In repainted, rebuilt Oldsmobile eign, can i-ropsi, Bdwy 4373. ; 1921 FORD -coupe, with all extras and wire wneeiw. doo gown. Main 7all. PRIVATE party, sacrifice practically new S tu t z roaaster; maKe oner. i-;ast wo. FORD chassis, 17 blocks, good tires. $78 takes It. 81 Front st., corner Jefferson. 1921 COUPE Classiest car In city; rtr'FORD roadster In good s.iar-e, a extra; $3.10 down. Main 7516. ' gain at $2l0. terms. Wdln. 2:t7. CARS SOLD ON COMMISSION. 491 . ALDER. ST. FOR 8AT.F ArTOMORTLF". C L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO, THE DISTRIBUTORS Of HUDSON AND XSSEX AUTOMOBILES. PUTTINO ON A SALE OF USED CARS t very greatly reduced prices, which more than correspond to the big reduction of new automobiiesL We completely renew, overhaul or rebuild Hudson and Essex auto mobiles These are In the best of mechanical condition; they ar also warranted the same as fac tories warrant new cars; in addi tion, we give 90 days' free me chanical service. Other makes of used automobiles thoroughly overhauled, put in first-class condition and S"ld with a 10 days' free trial, subject t being retained nd full credit given on sny other car of equal price that customer may select. This gives ample time for every purchaser to try out the car he buys, gives him time to have It In spected, snd ws want only satis fied customers. 1920 Maxwell .'. $ 4TS 1919 Grant six R"0 1919 Olds six 75 1920 Nash T-V 1918 Olds eight "M 1919 Liberty sport model 80 1920 Hupmoblls 1920 Chandler 871 1919 Chalmers 8w 1920 Lexington H0 1918 Cole 8. sport model 1150 1916 Cadillac, 1000 1920 Chandler eedan 148 1920 Essx roadster . . 0 1821 Essex touring 830 1818 Hudson super six....... T8 1917 Hudson super six-.... 87$ 1818 Hudson super six 1030 1818-1920 (model O series) Hudson super six ........ 1100 1820 Hudson speedster ...... I860 Largest Used-ear Branch Stors la the City at 40-46 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evenlnga Phone at Branch Store, Broadway 6780. Also a display at Our Salesroom. 818-817 Washington Ft. C Ik BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO, MAKE YOUR e-ETBTTTONIS FROM THIS FlNtE STOCK. Ws have an unusually complete line of good used catrs at p-rlc that are the lowest 1ft history of the automobile bustnesa Com and look them over. 1091 Maxwell, 8-pssa., 4-cyl.t 5S 1918 Hudson touring 7 IP-JO Ctfiievrolet, 6-pass., 0-cyl. 4 i". 1920 Jordan, u-psjm., 8-cyl... ITort Jll Mitohc-U six roadnter .t-to 2 - - f.'.-. rt !( 2tMl 2! tO 7- 4t0 7 1:1 .v T.M 1IM 11 A 1l) 1A17 Oldn, 6-pa., 8-cyl ll Mitchell, 7-pass.. 6-ayI. .. 191 Mltch-Hl roadster 1!2KI Chandler. 7-pass., 0-uy4.. 1918 Overland, 6-ps., 4-cji.. 1917 Saxon, 5-pa., 6-cjL.... 1918 Oldsi, 8-cs"l 1917 MM-hell. 7-pas.i., 6-cvl.. 1910 MltriheM, 7-pas, 8-ryL. 1918 Jordan, 4-psma, 6-cytl... 1918 Paige, 5-pass.. 6-eyl 3919 Velle, 5-ptuw., 6-crl 1II16 Packard, 7-pano., twin 10-H Mltt-hell, 8-pas., 6-cvl.. 1919 MMctheU, 5-pa., --vl.. 11)18 MH-ohell, 7-paJta, 6-cvL. 1918 Liberty. 6-pans., 8-cyl... 1920 King 8. touring Brand n-e-w Nash 6 at Studebaker 6. u-inuw. ... diMCOunt. . . . . iK -Easy terms or your Idght oar ac cepted in trade. Buy from the houwe with a rep utation for giving value received i-n used cara OPEN EVENINGS FROM 7 TO 9. SUNDAYS FROM 10 TO . MITCHELL. LEWIS ST AVER CO.. 88 Years in the North west. Broadway at Evcrelt. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR FELL AN A PTO MO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONblX OUH SERVICE WILL PLICATE l'-.U. OREGON BOND 4 MORTGAGE CO.. 207 SELLING BLDG., SECOND It LOOK. 1921 HUDSON SPEEDSTER WITTT GOOD CORD TIRES AND AM EXTRA. SPOTLIGHT AND BUMPER, $1350. WDLN. 1474. AUCTION SALE of automobiles Thursday at 1 P. M. at the Auto Clearing House, 451 Alder st. 1919 HUDSON SPEEDSTER WITH GOOD CORD TIRES AND EX TRAS. CAR IN FINE CONDI TION, $850. WDLN. 1474. 1920 CASE BARGAIN. Late 1920 Case touring car, 8 good cord tires; -fine mechanical condition, original paint; this car has only been driven 9000 miles; must racririce. to make quick sale. Price $875. Call Woodlawn 261.1. 490 CHEVROLET TOURING. 9 mouths old, 1922 license; ensn 10 paty up on car, balance $23.75 per month, in cluding interest; car In splendid condi tion and will repines present tire with brand-new ones. Tabor ftO'l.-i. MUST SELL THIS WEEK. Party In need of cash, must sell besu tiful Paige 6-passenger coupe. cost $34.10. Just like new. will take less than half Call Mr. Van Dyke. Bdwy. 7750, or address 41 E. 3th N'- LIGHTWEIGHT 7-pa. Holm", Mi.H full elllntlo springs, $900. sir Will consider small car or truck as part pay ment. Call owner. Eat 8797. I HAVE a nifty roadster with big com partment for luggage, never run a mile, with wind dufiectors, motometer and two bumpers: will make good price. Call Prorst, Btl'M. 4673. 1918 CADILLAC touring. $MX: car de sirable In every way. 5 tires, sreat sle car. Will sell on regular time payment BRAI-EY. GRAHAM CHILDS. INC.. 11th and Burnside. Hdwv. 32S1 WE CARRY a full line ot auto accessories, tubes. Ford parts, light gloDea, etc.; ass do lowing. Open day and night. LONG a SiLVA. Phone East 6H40 402 Hawthorne. BETTER VALUES IN GARAGES. i;Xj STYLE. WELL BUILT. 1 ELI VK it K I . FRKCTED. STAINED. 10x16, (53; A I -TR ACTIVE FACTORY PRICES. 299 WEIDLER. EAST 8sW, "" 490 CI 1 K V l 1 1 1 .K T. 1921 model, exceptionally fine, two cords. 3 fabrics, new spare; sell cheap, rash or terms. Bdwy. .'l.V-M. BRING VOl'K CAR TO THE AIT" CLEARING HOUSE FOR QUICK SALE AND CASH 1917 STUDEBAKEU 4, fine i-t.ntl i t Itm ; ati reasonable offer will be cnnNitlrr'!. Ct-1 tj7 I .m-ust st. 1'hone E.-twt 2774 $4O0 BUYS my OlilH hunt with good tires and 1922 give terms. C'tll l'rott. mx ft 1 Icenn IMwy, 1918 FOKD touring, niet-hnnica I ! p. -iff.-:, extras; exceptional bargain. uwnr. Bdwy, 6777. FORD touring in fine ontti i Inn. 1922 li cense: only $7.1 catth. $10 p.-r month In cludlng Interest. Tn hor .'03,'.. HODES AUTO PARTS CO Auto ureck- ers. parts ai: rnanei cars ntr icjps. o-l Alder, corner 16th. luiwy. 3;38. WE PUT steel toeth in your oid flywheel crankshaft turning. 11. B B'atk MtA chlne shop. 534 Alder. Bdwy. 2HM, A BARGAIN In Ford roadster, witti extra delivery body: juat overhauled, in lino shape. Call Auto, (istl fts. 1920 NTUT'. H-phh., only ortven I'l-ito miles; very cheap. Call K.41.11, lliiwy. 2994. 1921 NASH sport model. Munt st-ll at once. Take small car In trade. 10;t6 E. Taylor HtJ 1921 COLE 8. 4-paasl, Kann, IMwy. 2994 very cheap. C;ill 1920 TEMl'LAR, 5 paas., vt-ry rhap; wii trade. Call Kann. Hdwy 2H94. 192lll. C HTI'TZ roadHtor, like m-w. bit discount. Call Kann. IMwy. bar- 11U8 BIUSL'OK. light deliveiy overhauled and repainted. Woodlawn .- . r