THE MORSZSG OREGONIAX, SATURDAY. MAItCII 4, 1923 AGTION TO PREVENT BUIK DOUBTED Decision in Laurelhurst In junction Due Today. Lane SYMPATHY IS EXPRESSED Dedication of Land as Iublic Park Lacking, Asserts Circuit Judge Pliclps. A 1 ! o . Though expressing personal sym pathy for the plaintiffs, who seek, by Injunction to prevent the erection of ft combined grocery, drug store and meat market in the "circle" East Thirtyninth and Glisan streets, Lau- relhurst. Circuit Judge Phelps of Pendleton, sitting in Portland, de clared yesterday afternoon that he doubted greatly that he could, as a court, grant them the relief prayed. Final decision in the matter, how ever, was reserved until this morning Judge Phelps asserted that there Were two questions presented -to the case "before him, the first whether or not there had -been a dedication of the plot of land as a public park, as claimed by the petitioners, James L. Conley, W. L. Page, H. H. Ward, and pthera. "Park" Not Mentioned Tf the literature issued by the Laurelhurst company referred to the land by the word "park"' at any time instead of designating it as the "Lau relhurst office, then the court would estop the defendants from denying that the land was intended for use as a park," declared Judge Phelps. "But this was not the case. The acts of the officers of the company also contra dict to a large extent the contention of the handful of plaintiffs concern ing the plans for this circle of land. "For all these years they have uti lized this plot of land as a business property, as the office for the Laurel hurst company, and have exercised private ownership over it. There has been no showing that it ever has been maintained as a park, though it is conceded that the shrubbery was kept up and the public was allowed to use it 'in waiting for street "cars. I am forced to the conclusion that there was no dedication of the land as a public park. Court Expresses Sympathy. "The other question brought up by this suit is governed largely by the contracts. There were epecific clauses in contracts for land purchased in Laurelhurst, northeast, which exempt ed block 'A' from the restrictions as td class of buildings erected. It is the opinion of the court that when purchasers received deeds reciting that the restrictions did not apply to a certain section it was sufficient no tice to them that business structures Blight be erected on that land. , "The only point which the court sees which may .favor the petitioners in this action devolves on the question of whether the Laurelhurst company by reason of advertising in a general way that no business property would be permitted in Laurelhurst for 25 years from 1910, has laid itself open to the decision of this court that the pledge would prevent it from selling this particular property to be used for business purposes. "Yet the court doubts its authority in going beyond the specific terms ot the contracts and extending relief to the plaintiffs, though assuring them of personal sympathy with their position." BOYS AFTER . MEMBERS T..M. C. A. IjADS START CAM PAIGN WITH DINNER. City Is Mapped Out and Groups Are Assigned to Work of Round l lug Tp Prospects. "More boys. "We'll get 'em." This was the signal last night for kick-off dinner and rally held by the boys of the local Y. M. C. A. in augurating a membership campaign to cover all of Portland to sign more youths for health and fun-producing activities. The city was mapped out and all plans completed for the drive which begins with zest today. As a prelude to the movement open liouse was held in the boys' division this week. Guests were taught to swim and to play games. All facili ties of the division were opened to the newcomers, some of whom, were accompanied by enthusiastic parents. Organization for membership en rollment is in two groups, "national" and "Americans." J. C. Meehan, boys' work executive, will act as the Judge Lan-dis in the contest. The ranks of both sides have been Increased since the posting of numerous prizes, in cluding season passes to coast league baseball games in Portland, credit on Spirit lake summer camp member ship, Y. M. C. A. membership and merchandise articles donated by Port land merchants. CO-EDS SELL MANY PIES 600 Slices Disposed of for Benefit of Women's Funds. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallis, March 3. (Special.) Six hundred pieces of pie were eaten by college men when tempting wedges of the Dastrv were sold bv smilinc co-eds at 10 cents a cut the smile to j 0 with the pie. Two booths were erected in front of the gymnasium and when the stu dents came out of convocation assem- j bly a dazzling array of pies were ar ranged on the counters. A "bargain counter" rush was made on the booths I and when the saleswomen had time to I collect their wits, breath, and count their money they found J60 in the cash boxes. This money was ah clear profit be cause the pies were donated. Pro ceeds went to finance : the trip of women debaters to California, and to build up a fund for relief of Chinese students. Baker Couple Wed In AVeiser. BAKER, Or., March 3. (Special.) The marriage of Miss Hailie Shep pard and Olson, both of Baker, which took place at "Weiser, Idaho, in October of last year, was 'kept secret until today when it was an nounced to their friends here. Miss Florence Bishop of Baker and Miss Margaret O'Dair of Weiser were wit nesses to the ceremony. Mrs. Olson is a popular Baker girl and was elected Baker's queen at the Labor day celebration held last year in La Grande. Mr. Olson is an employe of the Baker White Pine Lumber company. Portland's Newest Store for Younger Men OT, This announcement marks a cardinal event in the mer chandising history of Portland. It was only after a thorough comparison of America's foremost clothing de signers and manufacturers that we made our decision in favor of Stratford Clothes. A most careful investi gation convinced us that these clothes rank highest in favor with men who dress above the average. Stratford Clothes are known to the better-dressed men of Port land. They are tailored by a clothes-making institution universally known for its strict adherence to the high est code of quality. No better clothes are made. They have long been known afs "The Style Clothes of Amer ica." The new Stratford styles for spring and summer definitely attest to the fact Stratford designers are liv ing up to their reputation. Stratford styles enable you to keep ahead, rather than abreast, of the prevailing styles. Mt ! I L1L.II 1WM J-P ' i thmi lr itii mrr'f n- -"f rf nr J ! - q i l!iJ'hi',i,L.j . . . TT ,) nm in n. in iy r....T... .f These - nationally known ' lines of Haberdashery featured Manhattan Shifts Manhattan Pajamas Manhattan Underwear Stetson Hats Berg Hats Onyx Hosiery Phoenix Hosiery' Vassar Underwear Van Heusen Collars' Arrow Collars Ide Collars and all other good furnishings Special "'Get Acquainted" Offering SUITS at $ Ordinarily Priced $50, $55 and $60 The manufacturers of the famous Stratford Clothes have co-operated with us to make this an event long to be remembered in Portland! Men who want smart, new suits of finest fabrics and tailoring with the last up-to-the-minute Spring style features will find wonderful savings here. We earnestly advise you to come as early as possible. .. Complete lines of best quality men's clothing $25-$30-$35-$40 and upwards 328-330 Washington Street Just Below Broadway H