JO TTIE MORXING OREGONIAX, SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1923 rOK B.41.K- TRLTK AND TRACTORS. REPUBLIC 1 H -ton. 7O0. Republic 2-ton ; perfect shape; see it. Re public 3ta-toa, overhauled. All bar gains. See Freutzel. MACK INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK. CORP., 415 Davis St. Bdwy. 691. MACK aVi-ton dump, same as new. White, 3 4-ton, big bargain. See Freutzel, 415 Davis st. Bdwy. tfUl. AVTO REPAIRING. m AUTO REPAIRING. When your car needs repairs It will pay you to see us, we1 have a surprise for you. MOTOR SERVICE CO., 447 Flanders St. Bdwy. 5242. FIRST-CLASS auto mechanic; will work at your garage or mine ; work guaran- teed ; prices very reasonable. East, 3C2S. ALTOS repaired at your flome or my pri vate shop; work guaranteed. Phone ' 220-12. FOR repairing at your garage; motors overhauled, 910; other work accordingly; work guaranteed. iast bus. GARAGES. TWO PORTABLE iraraares. windows, floor, room, S35 each. 7i4 Syracuse. Si. Johns car. WE HAVE storage space for 5 cars at $5 per month. fnone iqwy. .ou. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE HAVE THE MONEY. -VOir WAVE THE CLOTHES. We bu v and ex ohan.g e lad'i ea' an d whamr- Hiirtusst urioee paiL OiMuimg, pressing a specialty. Call and dy i ver &ny part of city. Phone caKs nmwrtrel rvronii rwJ v and conf identiaMy. For quick service call u and wt-ch re- suits. ADLER, THE TAILOR, . Mam o2u7. or 211 Third St. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTBD. MEYER, THE TAILOR, PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR SUITS, OVER COATS, MAC KIN A WS, SHOES. WS CALL ANYWHERE IN THE CITY. DAY OR EVENING. CALL MAR. 1229 OR 253 MADISON ST., NR. THIRD ST. ' SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS BOUGHT We pay highest prices. Ore gon Tailors and Cleaners. 117 2d si N. W. corner Washington. Bdwy. 244. WE WILL ALLOW YOU 5 to $15 for your discarded suit in payment on a suit made to order and you can pay us the baiance on easy monthly payments. Bring in your used suit and apply it on a new one. Joy, the Tailor, 104 Fourth, near Stark. CALL MAIN 7714. USED FURNITURE OF ANY KIND. TOOLS AND GENERAL HOUSEHOLD GOODS, BOUGHT FOR CASH; GOOD PRICES PAID. WEST PORTLAND SAL VAGE CO. GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES, ETC. BROADWAY 3i32. 245 BURNSIDE, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD. CALL ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. FURS FURS FURS. Low rent and low prices; remodeling and repairing, furs tanned and dressed. La France Fur Mfg. Co.. 163 West Par stieet. Phone Main 6529. NOTICE TO PUBLIC. Do not throw things away. We pay good prices for used furniture, tools, clothing, stoves, carpets and all kinds of junk. Phone Main 2020. WANT AUTO CAMPING OUTFIT, RIF LE, SHOTGUN, TENT, GARDEN TOOLS. 128 FIRST, NEAR ALDER. BDWY. 710L IF YOU wish to sell your cast-off cloth ing call Mar. 3225. 200 Madiaon at. People s Secondhand Store DIAMONDS bougii at highest iharket price t. ueeas, J4" v asnington st. WANTED 100.000 second-hand brick. Ta bor 8793. ' HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles, shot guns. Hochfeld, 85 Third, near Oak. WANTED Sale for office. size and lowest price for cash. 8 461). Orgeonian. WANT to buy a second-hand spray outfit. Wood lawn 51!8. WANT roil and fiat-top aesK and adding mac nine kj. in. tsaueocK. tsawy. 'Z .3 6 OR 8-FT. FLOOR showcase. Phone Tabor 2i(i during- j isinesa hours. LADIES' coats, suit, Presses bought, sold ana exenaugea. rraaway i Furniture Wanted. CALL MARSHALL 26U3. I pay the right price for household goods; a home full of furniture or one article; I need tables, chairs, dressers, beds, chiffoniers and good rugs, roll top desks and all kinds of hardware tools. If you are ready to sell call Mar shall 2693, I will be there promptly with cash. Crown Furniture Co.. 20!) First st. WE are in need of used furniture, carpets, stoves and ranges and household goods of all descriptions and will pay ab ; solut y the top prices for same. Call Marsuall 5&7, and our buyer will bo there at once with the cash, A. & S. " Gevurtz Furniture Store, 205 and 20 First, tet. Taylor and Salmon. CASH FURNITURE CASH, We need tuted furniture, stoves, ranges, etc., to ship out of town; will pay higher pr.ces than other local dealers; call us for one article or a house full and a ccurteous, competent buyer will calL Broadway 2200, 72 North 3d sc. Rosenberg's Furniture Exchange. CALL MAIN 73S. CASH PAID FOR USED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS; WE PAY MORE THAN ANY LOCAL DEALER: GIVE US A TRIAL. USED FURNITURE EXCHANGE. CALL MAIN 73S. CALL MAIN b76. We pay the hi goes t prices for used furniture. See us before you aeii. CALL UNITED FURNITURE 6TORB, Alain b78. WE PAY as much as any dealer can for used furniture, in cash or in exchange iui nui jvu m i iu up-io-aate new furniture, AL H. Calef, furniture. 140 iviiiiiissworia. wooaiawn doo4. WE NlLED furniture, rugs, stoves and tools of every description in single pieces or in lots; will pay more than local deal ers; prompt attention given. East 2405. WE NEED bECO N iJ-H A N D FURNITURE of any description: have the reaay cash. Phone today, Main 4i;24. or 166 First at. WE WILL. IUY your turmtuie or sell for you on cemmission. George Baaer tk Co., auctioneers. Main 3332. HIGHEST prices paid tor second-hand fur niture. Call Woodiawn 2800. EDUCATIONAL. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. You want nothing but the best. Here It is. Standardized with schools In 60 other cities. Best laboratories. best shop equipment and instructions. Actual shop piactice given on real repair Jobs. Results absolutely guaranteed. Tb time for you to go to school is while business is Quiet. Prepare now for big business opening in a few months. In quire Oregon Institute of Technology, Main st- at Sixth. J&x-servica men get STATE AID. PAYING POSITIONS Await you the moment you graduate, big demand for comptometer operators. Take course now at Behnke-Walker Business college. Write for free cata logue, describin g all business courses, or phone Main oLHj, or call at college. 4th. near Morrison. MGLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, furnish a set of tools to you and give some pay while learning; positions secured ; former ex service men receive state aid while at tending our school. Write or call for catalogue and particulars. 234 Burnside. LEcSSONS IN LAW for busy business men; home study, complete course, prepares for the bar in any state. A few scholar ships free in each locality. Let us ex plain. Phone Broauway 1 419 or write 302 Spalding bldg.. Portland. LEARN BOOKKEEPING. . Practical accountant will teach lim ited number; elementary course, 2 hours, day or night; $1 a lesson; intensive training. Main 3622. TEACHERS I For sale a well established kindergarten in Portland's best district with good enrollment and prompt tui tion, for sale; ill health only reason. R 437, Oregonian. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scaip and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay whi.e learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison st. MODERN barber college trade in 8 wks. tools furnished, some pay; pos; uon secured; pecai rate this month. Write or call for particulars. 234 1st st CALCULATING and listing machine school railroad work a specialty. Room 416 Artisans' bldg. Main 8628. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele giaph Institute, 434 Railway Exchange Day and night classes. Y. W, C. A. business school, classes day and evening; individual attention- low tuitiou- Broadway and Tayior. Main 7876. ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. state supt. mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg. Auto. 512-13. LEARN beauty culture evenings. Madam .ut:is Bdwy. 6902. i ioK Teacaers Agency -Journal bldg Main 4835. Teaching posit. on. free re g. Agency Fre Broadway bid. registration. Main ti24. NIGHT SCHOOL, beauty culture. Al&d&n Curtis. Bdwy. EDUCATIONAL. FOUR WEEKS' TRAINING FREE, t We have hundreds of graduates now successfully engaged in the auto, trac tor, battery and the auto electrical busi ness. We can assist you to a good posi tion, too. We give you a four weeks FREE TRIAL. No money In advance. The trial obligates you in no way. It affords you an excellent opportunity to size up our school and lest your qualifi cations to learn mechanical work. Full particulars in our new 112 page cata log. Call or write for it today. Ask for book No. 5; it's free. AlCOX AUTO & AVIATION SCHOOL, UNION AVE AND WASCO ST. Woodiawn or Alberta car, 3d and Alder. IF YOU WANT to learn the vulcanizing business can loa isast tiroauway. HELP WANTED MALE. YOUNG MAN! Take mis tip: The one best place in the city to assist YOU in findtne a Dositlon in a clerical com mercial or technical line is the Y. M. C. A- employment department. You can get reliable iniormation and they wu; mul tiply your chances and put you next to opportunities that you will never find through your own efforts alone. All young men and especially strang ers are cordially invited to ia ia wirn one of the secretaries. Room 807, Y. M. C. A. WANTED SAWMILL MEN. 1 BULL PLANER FEEDER. 1 MARKER FOR GREEN CHAIN. 1 2D MARKER. 1 AIR TRIM HERMAN. WANTED LOGGERS. 1 2D LOADER. 2 CHOKER SETTERS. APPLY 4L EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 33 N. 3d St., Near Burnside. WANTED Man over 25, hlgL school graduate; selling experi ence preferred; large concern ; liberal pay ; rapid promotion. , Call Broadway titioS for appoint ment. EXPERIENCED dairyman wanted; must be energetic and capable of handling the dairy end of the tarrn, including feeding and care of stock, handling milk machines and milk for retail trade; must be habitual !y neat. In answering this advertisement state the wages . you will expect un-til ability is proven. Sunny Brook Jersey Farm, office 2-28 So. 2d st., Corval'tis, Or. OLD LINE life insurance company wants manager ior western Oregon. He must be between 25 and 40 years of age, of good character, possess energy and in telligence and be able to furnish bond. Experience advantageous. Maximum con tract equivalent to 95000 first year. Splendid permanent position. Address W. 1. Fraser. director of age nth. Piarr. South Dakota. WANTED GARDENER. Single man preferred, one who under stands the care of shrubs, flowers and lawns and who Is willing to make him self useful generally about the place; steady work for the right man; refer ences, age and nationality in first let ter. J 448, Oregonian. WANTED Married couple, no children, experienced on irrigated farm, potatoes, alfalfa; woman cook for small family, no children, and occasional transients at small country hotel; good home; perma nent to right people. Write, experience, references and wages expected. Al Campbell, Olex, Or. MANUFACTURER'S AGENT TAKE OR DERS FOR - COMPLETE LINE OF HOSIERY. EASY. DIGNIFIED AND PROFITABLE. DIRECT FROM MILL TO CONSUMER. NO DELIVERING. LOCAL OFFICES, 35 RUSSELL BLDG., 4TH AND MORRISON STS. WANTED Experienced order clerk ana inside salesman for wholesale drug house. No one without first-class references or actual wholesale drug experience need apply. Answer giving references and de-. tai J ed report of experience to AK 466, Oregonian. WANTED Buyer and manager, man or woman, for our drapery department ; must be competent to sell, estimate and direct making; only one of thorough ex perience considered. Give details of ex perience and salary expected. The Hen nessy Company, Butte, Mont. WANTED Young man, about 30-35 years old, for commissary work in logging camp ; one experienced in receiving freight and keeping stock recdVds; long hours and hard work. AV 263, Orego nian. WANTED 2 head loaders. 4 second load ers, 3 chokermen, 1 duplex engineer, 2 set fa Hers, 2 buckers; 1 signal boy. Standard Employment Service, 270 Burn side. ' ' WANTED Neat boy, high school educa tion, to work in sporting goods store and learn the fishing tackle business; must be ford of outdoor sports. Apply in writing. G 465, Oregonian. LOGGERS AND MILL MEN. When in Centralis, Ward. Call at DELANEY EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 107 H South Tower Ave. WANTED Elderly man to do light work 2 or 3 hours every morning in exchange for light h. k room. 886 Grand avenue. Phone East 2538. WANTED Clean elderly man for light work for room and board, would con sider small wages if satisfactory. 414 Market st., cor. 11th. References. FOR HELP PHONE STAR EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. BROADWAY 5286. MAN WITH executive ability to take com plete control of newly organized pub lishing company ; excellent opportunity for the right man. BJ 417, Oregonian. EXPRESSMAN wants store where occu pant will take orders on phone; cen trally .located Call after 6 P. M.. Main 4 tiU! WANTED Painting and cabinet work in exchange for dentistry. AH 473. Ore- tron nan. MEN wanted, men with cars preferred. Apply 527 Division st. between 9 and 10 o'clock. WANTED Radiator man to hop. 2d and Wash, sts., Wasn. take over Vancouver, WANTED Man tt room and board. Bucoda, Wash. work on farm. $30, Address R. E, Ivester, PHOTOGRAPHIC representative tc Oregonian. Studio wishes sell tickets. outdoor W 468, WANT painter to do some pajnting in exchange for automobile. Lawson Auto Co.. E. 3d and Broadway. THREE salesmen, men, women; experi ence unnecessary: exclusive territory; good money. See Mr. Post. Tait hotel. EARN big money; sell advertising. Robinson. 210 Stock Exchange. WANTED Experienced broom makers at once. AF 441. Oregonian. PLUMBER with ail tools to work by the day. 225 Morrison. RETAIL candy maker wanted-, bow, Eugene. Oregon. The Rain- EXPERIENCED ting machine. cutter on Eastman cut Jantzen Knitting Miils. Help Wanted Salesmen. OPENING for two high-class salesmen with cars and experience selling to farmers; sewing machine, wrought-iron range and implement men preferred; only men capable of earning $300 to $500 per month and expense money need apply. For interview call at 406 Ex change bldg.. Second and Stark, Satur day and Sunday. LIVE young man with some selling ex perience for established business selling food product line direct to consumer. Route been running 1 years; average Income over $60 per week. We will or man can furnish Ford car. This is a real opportunity for a worker. In an swering give age and selling experience. Bond required. BC 437. Oregonian. SPECIALTY SALESMEN: Do you want a good line, one that you can make $5000 year or more with? We sell direct to business houses; no house-to-house work. " If you are interested in making some real money tnis year see Air. Lee at 29 rsortn .f arK street. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN, EXPERIENCED MEN ONLY. MUST HAVE CAR AND KNOW THEIR BUSINESS. G. C. ULRICH & CO.. 465 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. W E WANT three specialty salesmen for Portland and vicinity, an opportunity to become connected with a nationally known concern, w rue runy in tirst It ter, giving age. previous experience and rererencea. o tm, uresonian. LIFE insurance salesmen can secure lib eral contract, excellent territory, where casti can oe received ior tirst premium notes. Give phone number with reply. Address M 466, Oregonian. CITY, salesman to call on stores with at tractive, nign-ciass line oi mirrors, pic tures, photo frames, etc. Straight com mission; exclusive territory; connection permanent. R 205, Oregonian. OPPORTUNITY for young man with car to handle fast seller. Selling experience unnecessary. Call La person. 501 Oregon building. IF YOU are a salesman and have experi ence in selling to homes and can give references, call Broadway 3125 for ap pointTnent. ADVERTISING salesmen; quick, easy money. See Mr. Furst, room 647 Multno mah hotel. 10 to 12 A. M. LIVE AGENTS wanted everywhere to handle the original Renulife 1922 Violet Ray line. 218 Cham, of Com. bldg. CLEAN-CUT GENTLEMAN SALESMAN APPLY 605 COUCH BLDG., CITY. WANTED Sales manager by manufactur er. 152 Willamette bid. WANTED Salesman, experience not neces sary. Call 101 lUtii, at. HEI f H aJTEP MALE. Help Wanted Salesmen. SCHOOL OF LIFE INSURANCE SALESMANSHIP. STARTING MONDAY. MARCH 6. THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SO CIETY OF THE UNITED STATES WILL OPEN A FREE SCHOOL FOR LIFE INSURANCE SALESMANSHIP UNDER THE DIRECTION OF H. X LIVERMORE. APPLICANTS MUST BE OF HIGH CHARACTER WITH A GOOD GEN ERAL EDUCATION, AND MUST HAVE QUALIFICATIONS NECESSARY TO BECOME HIGH-CLASS MEMBERS OF THIS PROFESSION. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ADDRESS THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES, CLARK E. NELSON, MANAGER. PHONE MAIN 186. 806 OREGONIAN BLDG., PORTLAND. OR. SALESMAN WANTED. Manufacturers will place at once in Portland distrlfct a salesman who by several years of successful road selling Is I quaimea to nanaie a ;arge line oi auto mobile specialties. Full stock is main tained in our Portland branch and we make complete, immediate deliveries. Will consider only men of several years' experience in selling staple lines of mer chandise. No beginners. Interview by appointment only. Afternoons, Friday to Sunday, March 5, inclusive. Telephone I. H. Holthusen. Hotel Benson. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. HIGHEST GRADE OREGON COR PORATION DESIRES TO EMPLO? SEVERAL MEN IN THE SALE OF ITS FAST-SELLING SECURITIES; EXCEL LENT INCOME AND PERMANENT CONNECTION, WITH GREAT FUTURE POSSIBILITIES FOR RIGHT MAN; SELLING EXPERIENCE DESIRABLE. CALL AT 621-23 SPALDING BLDG, 9 TO 10 A. M., 3:30 TO 4:30 P. M. SALESMAN High-class man under 3. to represent the international correspona ence Schools; experience not absolutely necessary, but must show clear record, have good education, sales ability and possess unusual energy and determina tion. This is established territory and will pay right man $250 month. Bond and references required. If broke, don't call. S. P. Snyder, 265 Oak street. WANTED AGENTS. EVERY FORDSON owner a positive pros pect. The Gravity Electric switcn ao solutely prevents Fordson tractor over turning on driver, thus protecting the life of the operator. This switch can be installed in 5 minutes; sells for $10; your profit $6 each; easy to make $24 a day ; now is the time of the year to start. Just show it, and the Fordson owner buys he knows protection when he sees It. Write or call P. M. Johnson, 230 Chamber of Commerce, HEALTH, accident and nospUai insurance. Htg commission. BOl Corbet t blag. HELP WANTED FEMALE. THE WOMEN'S Piotettivt division, city of Portland, oxters its service in all mat ters pertaining to tne welfare and pro tection of wo-neu and gi-is; interviews confidential. 54 Worcester bldg.. Third and Oak sts. Phone Bdwy. 7422. WANTED Buyer and manager, man or woman, for our drapery . department; must be competent to sell, estimate and direct making; only one of thorough ex perience considered. Give details of ex perience and salary expected. The Hen nessy Company, Butte, Mont. WANTED A middle aged woman for housework, 1 man. 3 boys of school age; small town In Washington, good home ; no washing; wages $20. Call Sell. 2717, city, between lo and 12 Saturday and Sunday. ASSISTANT bookkeeper and typist; most thoroughly understands double entry bookkeeping, journal entries, trial bai ance, cash, bootc, etc. Answer in own handwriting stating age, references, sal ary expected, etc. D 494, Oregonian. WANTED Blight young i.dy with apti tude for advertising copy writing to take charge of manufacturer's advertising de partment; permanent position. F 203, Oregonian. WANTED Practical nurse to care for convalescent patient; want nurse, good tray cook and good rubber ; pleasant home in city. Broadway 7464, evenings East 3f22. WHEN in need of competent reliable of fice help of any . kind call Main 3730, . THE CLERICAL PLACEMENT BU REAU, Miss A. G. CrossIey Manager, 526 Corbett Bldg. MANAGER of jobbing house wants stenog rapher eatable and willing to do man ager's clerical work. In replying state experience and salary expected. A 400, Oregonian. WANT graduate Marinella operator and also expert marcel waver and hair dresser. Marinello Shop, 2809 Colby ave., Everett, Wash. Phone Main 663. WANTED A reliable woman for house wock, out of town; work light, wages small. Call Woodiawn 1953 forenoons or evenings. ANY GIRL in need oi a ineim, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Mam 3450. DM car. HIGH SCHOOL girl or one employed part of the time to help with housework for room and board; excellent home. Tabor 670. TWO MORE saleswomen for hosiery ; our goods sell themselves. You just show them. Splendid repeaters. Investigate. 713 Couch bldg. THE OREOON BATH HOUSE manage ment. Salem, Or., desires to communi cate with a lady masseuse wishing em ployment. EARN $25 weekly commission, spare time, writing for newspapers, magazines; exp. unnec. ; details free. Press Syndicate, 641 Times b:dg.. St. Louis. Mo. LADY housekeeper wanted under 40 years of age for family of four, out of city, fare paid, $30 per month. Main 246 after 10 A. M. 200 17th st. EXPERIENCED saleslady wanted at Mdme. Bourret's millinery parlors; in experienced need not apply. 173 Park St., near Morrison. WANTED Girl or woman, general house work, must be good cook; liberal wages; out of town; fare paid. 636 Chamber of Commerce bMg. Phone Broadway 2894. HOUSEKEEPER for widower, good home with -some pay; no objection to one child. R 493, Oregonian. GIRL FOR FINISHING ROOM Experi enced girl for hand-sewing on overcoat Apply Mt. Hood Factory. 233 Couch st. W A NT ED Experienced law stenographer witn t some Knowledge of bookkeeping. jonn Ks. nogan. Aoeraeen, w asn. GIRL wanted, experienced at finishing picture irames; give pnone number. AF 454. Oregonian. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home Is ready to help sny girl in distress. 953 East Gtlsan. "MV" car. East 816. WANTED Girl or woman to assist with . housework; good home. 1070 E. 21st st. N. , Alberta. WE SECURE POSITIONS for high-class office help; register wrth us. Williams Service, oa-3Q4. Spalding bldg. W A N T E D G i r 1 and care of 2 to assist with housework children. Sellwood 1590. WANTED A woman to do plain cooking, $h0. Auto. 617-14 SCHOOL girl Main 5968. to assist with housework. GIRL wanted to help with light house work and care of child. 266 Cook ave. WANTED -Girl to label cans. Rasmussen & Co.. East 11th and Irving st. HOUSEKEEPER who Is good cook, job. BC 459, Qreg-onian. Wanted Domestics. LADY or girl wanted for general house work in modern home on farm near White Salmon, Wash. Call at 606 East 36th st. North, city; Beaumont car to Knott st. Must have reference. Phone Auto. 312-47; call mornings. EXPERIENCED reliable woman or girl for general housework and care of baby; must be good cook; best wages to cap- able party. Call E. 6159. 555 Thomp son St., Irving ton. WANTED Elderly lady wanting good home that will help with babies; some wages. Address Mrs. Geo. Dozier, Hub bard, Or. GIRL for housework, small family. Call not later than Sunday noon, 7744 47th ave. S. E. ; Mt. Scott car to Fixland St a. GIRL with experience for general house work in duplex apartment; good Vook ing required. Telephone Main 3726. ' WANTED Competent girl for general housework; family of 3. Phone mornings. Main 39SS. References required. GIRL for general housework. 734 40th North. Phone Tabor 5595. WANTED Girl to do general housework" email family, good wa&esv Ca.U &st 2436. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestics. $55 FOR GIRL to do cooking and down stairs work; no furnace fire. Main 5554). 243 Cornell St., at Marshall. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FOR SMALL farm, man and wife; man must understand small fruit culture, especially grapes; also must understand poultry and gardening; wife to assist some with housework. Write, stating experience, references and wages ex ' pected; house, electric lights and water furnished; also vegetables , and milk. G 246, Oregonian. MAN AND WIFE for janitor and cham bermaid and family cooking; must be strong and clean; room, board and wages. 735 Hoyt. Main 3305. WANTED Men and women with sales ability. Call after 9 o'clock, room 12, 253 Washington st. F1RST-CLA&S retoucners needed; training school opening. Peaaley Studio 407 Morrison. HELD WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. WANTED Young man or lady who can invest $200 and services in a business that will pay from $50 to 100 a week and expenses : experience not necessary. Phone Broadway 6377, room 303, for ap pointment. , WANTED Lady or gentleman with $500, either active or silent, for professional business. If active must be weli edu cated along medical lines. Write N 48, Oregonian. W A N T E D A partner in w oodsa w bus! rK:s ; p lent y work, sm all in vest men t re- quired. oo4 buccanan bio&. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ALL AROUND office man. experienced custom machine and foundry business 12 vearq 1 vtmr rnatl sfllinsr northwest. Give me interview. 38 years old and married: will start in at' anything and at what it is worth. AR 4Q4. Oregonian SHINGLING We epecalize in. reshingiing and roof repairing it win pay you to iret mir fie-m-M before letting contract satisfaction guaranteed; estimates free East li28. LAUNDRY man. several years' experience handle and care of boiler, engine, motor and other machinery; single, 38 years of age, wants position m notei or msinu tion preferred. AV 221. Oregonian. WANTED By competent bookkeeper po sitlon where books only require part time; willing to do any other work bal ance of time. Phone Main 6450, care Dr. Underwood. MECHANIC, chauffeur and truck driver wants a nermanent nositlon with rea sonable pay; will take anything. Tabor FILIPINO boy wants Work. 3 years' ex perience private house cook, 1 y years bus boy and waiter. Phone Broadway 2675. room 46. PAPER HANGING 30 CENTS A ROLL; PAINTING AND TINTING CHEAP ONE ROOM OR A BLOCK. MAR. 2493 AND ASK FOR MR. CARRICK. WE WILL contract the digging of your basements and save you dollars. Call Sunday and evenings, ask ' for Gilbert, Main 1523. BOY, 16 years old? wants job as janitor or errand bov before or after school hours. Phone Main 7214 beu 4 and 6 P. M. Harry Phillips. MAN and wile, ail around first-ciass cooks, can take charge of kitchen, can do buy ing and meat cutting; we do good work or expect no pay. H 405, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS builder, and general con tractor: start your new home now ; al terations and generai repairs promptly done, day or contract. n.ast lo'Ja. MAN AND wife, first-class cooks, want position in hotel or restaurant. Call 413 Main st. Phone Marshall 4377. O. M Rose. JANITOR, married. courteous service, . cleaning, repairs ; large or small apt. house; best references. Y 467, Orego nian. . HERMAN G. NOWSHIP, PLOWING, HAULING, EXCAVATING, ETC. MARSHALL 1212. PALATINE HILL RD MAN AND WIFE want farm work; man do chores, wife good cook and house keeper; steady. J. Young, box 137, rt. 2, Vancouver, Wash. PRUNING Expert gardener and horticul turist, grading, seeding, care of lawns promptly attended to. Tabor 1316. WILL mix concrete, $1.25 per hour; power mixer and tools. Phone East 733 be tween 6 and 7 P. M. WHY RENT 7 Will build you good home, small margin, payments smaller than rent. Main 2735. WANT a few more contracts of furnishing and finishing hardwood floors. Broad wav 5326. ALTO mechanic wants position, 15 years' experience, also machine tool experience. Room 8 Nederland hotel. Broadway 917. EXPERIENCED Japanese middle-aged man wishes hotel, apartment, restaurant or any other kind of work. 516-04. FLOOR surfacing and finishings, waxing and polishing. W. H. Tibbits, 4803 32d ave S. E. Tabor 4052. ' NOW is the time to prune roses and plant perennials. For all kinds of gardening call East 3462. MARRIED man wants permanent position, truck driver or mechanic ; reasonable " pay expected. BC 464. Oregonian. CARPENTER jobbing or building prompt ly attended to, day or contract. East 3158. - MACHINIST, first class, wants steady po sition in shop or dilve truck; 22 years old. Call Main i.-MH. mornings. WE ARE the cheapest In guaranteed tint ing, painting, enameling and paperhang Ing. Min 8450. Res., East 3269. MARRIED man needs work painting, kal somining, enamel work, floors or furni ture polished. Marl in. Maln 151 5. WILL, furnish and expensei gonian. car and services for $125 t per month. O 434, Ore- EXCA VATING, teaming; prices right. For estimate phone East 5590. WE HANG wall paper at 25 cents t Phone MMn 8450. Res.. East 3269. CARPENTER work; no job too large or too small. Woodiawn 3 OP 6. KALSO MINING AND PAINTING; CLASS WORK. AUTO 628-40. FIRST, EXCAVATING, grading, work; day or contract. general E. 8873. CARPENTER JOBBING. Repairing and painting. East EXPERIENCED chaurt'eur with 5 years' references, wants work. Call Aut. 622-71. CEMENT WORK OF ALL KINDS. 6S88. TABOR CARPENTER wants work by day or con tract ; first-class work. 626-04. PA PER HANGING at 30 cents a roll; paint Ing and tinting. Marshall 2493. TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc. East 210. 240 East Eighth st. BRICK contractor, tile houses, garages, fireplaces; prices right. Tabor 8793. CEMENT work, have mixers, work guar antee d Cat! before 7 P M., Tabor 6781 TRUCK wants work hauling cord wood or lumber. East 3704. MAN WITH FORD deliv., who knows city well, wants work. Call Tabor 6025. BRICK work, any kind of brick fireplaces a specialty. East 6282. work. KALSO MINING, PAINTING, FIRST- CLASS WORK. AUTO. 628-40. ROSES and trees pruned and other land- scape work Tabor 5706. GOOD milker wants work, farm or dairy. BJ 459, Oregonian. MY SERVICES with car, anything, any where, Wdln. 6728. GEN TEAMING. Grading, plowing, excavating. East 88-73. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work; reasonable, bell, idittf. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. WE INSTALL and operate a special book keeping system. Including income tax service lndorsed oy leading merchants associations) , work , done by expert ac countants for $iu to $15 monthly. Re tailers' Service Bureau, 717 Gasco bldg. Main 4538. ACCOUNTANT who has had years of ex perience in many lines wishes a few more small sets of books to keep at home or in your office; best of refer ences. Phone R. T. Weills. Tabor 1424, OFFICE man wants position as cost ac countant and cost efficiency man with manufacturing concern. AE 462. Ore- gonian. EXPERIENCED office manager, expert accountant-bookkeeper, desires position ; excellent local references. Phone Tabor 2000. EXPERT accountant and office manager wants permanent position m Portland will accept $150 per month; highest ere dentials. AN 468. Oregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper, office manager,- handle credits, correspondence, corpora tion accounting, desires permanent posi tion. Marshall 481. AH 459, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper wants work at sawmill near Port land. AB 460, Oregonian. GENERAL office work, bookkeeper, cash ier, fast, reliable accountant: reasonable salary. Tabor 7453. ; - EXPERIENCED lumber bookkeeper and sales experience, wants position, 27 years old. married. Main 384 INCOME TAX returns prepared, systems installed, books kept; reasonable. 306 Couch bldg. Broadway 2874. EXPERT OFFICE HELP CLERICAL HELP. Of all descriptions. Call Bdwy. 6953. Williams Service. 504 Spalding bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. BY STENOGRAPHER of 5 years' expert-I Automatic 614-32. glTTJATTONS WANTED FEMALE. ANNIH HUNTER would like day work. laundry or cleaning. Phone Auto. 514-41. room 5, 83 N. 21st, corner- Everett iu west siae. TWO ladies would like work together In camp; can do any kind work. AB 459, uresonian YOUNG lady wants dining room work in boarding house or camp. B 469, Ore gonian. LADY wants family washing ; men's silk shirts, fine linens; take to her home; aay work also; references. din. 20H, EXPERIENCED, trustworthy laay wants noueecleuntng, washing or other work, good work goaran t eed. Woodla wn 6305, LADY, experienced hand line: telegrams. telephone work, typing, desires position. c-afit law. MARRIED woman would like position as Housekeeper in apartment or rooming house. R 47Q, Oregon ian. YOUNG woman wants cooking and house work ; can take charge of a home. S 4i)Q. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS lady cook wants , position, hotel or cafeteria, in or out of city. Mam 4i. WOMAN wishes day work. 35c hour. Main 4ft j . room 14 FIRST-CLASS manicures for barber shop, 'best of references. Phone East 4191. x OUNG lady will help as practical nurse or light housekeeping. Auto. 319-40. LAUNDRESS . desires washing home. Phone East 9263. to do at EXPERIENCED colored woman wants chambermaid work Bdwy. 41)6 9. WOMAN wants ironing, housework, day. 223 Russell st. s WORK by day or hr., East ' 34S7, room 32. experienced woman. WORK wanted, to wash, iron, clean, Sat- uraay, Tuesday. Mam 8ia, room 8. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY DESIRES CLERICAL POSITION; GOOD BEFJSR- iU-CE. 1 407 OREGONIAN. BY BUSINESS college graduate, stenog rapher, bookkeeper, office appliances operator; reasonable wages to begin; willing to learn. Woodiawn 3132. CALL US FOR OFFICE HELP OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BDWY. 6953. WILL IAMS' SERVICE, 504 SPAULDING BLDG." QUICK SERVICE. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and typist, conscientious and reliable; best refer efrces: must havp work. Sellwood 3721. BOOKKEEPER, 15 years experience, wishes work few hours daily. Best ref erences. Broadway 273A- YOUNG lady - with office wishea position, can use Marshall 3549. experience, typewriter. OFFICE HELP CLERICAL HELP. Of all descriptions. Call Bdwy. 6953. Williams Service. 504 Spalding bldg. YOUNG lady, experienced biller and typist, wishes position in office; best references. Tabor 1858, or x write D 461. Oregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper and cashier, wltn 10 years' experience, desires position. A 4i4, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED young lady desires clerical position; gooa reierence. h. -iUi, urego nian. EXPERIENCED and competent " stenog rapher desires temporary work by the day, week or month. Marshall 3521. TYPIST must have position; salary no ob ject, fnone worn. o4N. YOUNG lady, with experience, desires of fice position. Call Main. 2873. Drews makers. JULE'S will make your frocks, gowns and, wraps for all occasions and also do remodeling at reasonable prices-. 431 Artisans bldg. Broadway 5606. SILK dresses i , specialty; prices reason 6724 46th ave. S E. able. Smith, FASHIONABLE dressmaking, stout ladies solicited. Reference. Tabor 4669. EXPERIENCED dressmaker. $4 per day. fctawy. otiio. DRESSMAKING REASONABLE. WOODLAWM 2146. MRS. GOOD. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes sewin; by day. Tabor 8456. DRESSMAKING; my home or yours. I3tn st. Hdwy. 017. ro o m 18. FOR GOOD SEWING call East 3-0S3. 669 Union ave. N. WANTED Sewing by skilled tailoress al home or by the day. Tabor 2566. FANCY dressmaking, reasonable prices can aars. i oung. .viain Koom Nurses. ELDERLY lady would nurse maternity case at home of patient from besinnin or after return from sanitarium; reason able charges. Phone East 82. Room 335, PRACTICAL nurse, experienced, wou like cases, maternity preferred. 1586. Wdln. CAPABLE female and male nurses; call answered day or night. Marshall 2294. PRACTICAL nurse wants work from Phone East 4101. A. M. to 4 P. M. CARE of invalid old person or conva lescent ; my home. woodiawn 37 1 6 EXPERIENCED nurse will take charge sick, invalid, convalescent. Mar. 288J, Housekeepers. WIDOW with girls 9 and 11 wishes house keeping; triflers need not answer. East 6593. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes position housekeeper for gentleman. 549 W. Tay lor st., apt, c. , LADY, with 2 small children, wishes housekeeping ; no triflers need reply, Alder 508 Bdwy. 2315. WANTED Position as h'oinse keeper cook for w om an w it h g-i ri 14 years Woman's Pfoteotive Division Main 7422 MARRIED lady wants position as house keeper in apt. house. AM 466f Orego man. YOUNG lady wants position as house keeper for one or two young men in good standing. Auto. 319-4Q; ELDERLY woman wants position as house- keeper. widowers home. Tabor rt40. YOUNG lady wishes position as house keeper in country. BJ 464, Oregonian, Domestics. EXPERIENCED cook wants position, good , retereuces. Call from 8 to 12 o clock. Phone Woodiawn 4118. iiomecieaninjc. HOUSE CLEANIN3 Expert white and Ivory enamel, brick and tile fireplace cleaning, floors waxed, furniture pol ished. carpets cleaned, windows washed, CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. 188 Chapman st. Phone Main 1157. VER1BEST WINDOW CLEANERS. COLUMBIA 1027. Housecleaning. floor waxing and vac uum cleaning; estimates cneeriuuy giv en; best of references. - WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WE CAN rent your property for you; have clients waiting for houses, flats, stores, GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. WANTED To lease 5 or 6-room bunga low nriviiege to ouy. suouroan Dre f erred; 3 adults. Best of references fur nished. East 2086. WE HAVE many calls for houses and flats and can rent yours; let us handle your property and collect your renta C. A. WAGNER CO.. 230 Stark St, WANTED To lease a modern unfurnished home in restricted district. Will pay as high as i2o per month. F. rs, CiarK, Broadway 5843. BY FAMILY of adulits. unfurnished house, Nob HHI district or Irving-ton preferred. MT. 633. WANTED 10 or 12-room house. unfur nished, west side preferred. Ma In 7094. Rooms. UNFURNISHED room, woman alone; ref erences exchanged. AP 463, Oregonian YOUNG man wan ts room in exchange ior work. Purse, olfi C. or c. Rooms With lioard. LADY wishes sleeping room where baby 2 Mt years old can be cared for while mother Is employed day time. Main 3401. 168 12th st. WANTED Room, board for ll-year-olt boy, near Kenton school; a mother's care wanted. K 465, Oregonian. FOR RENT. WELL furnished front room, downstairs; furnace. 494 Taylor st. Main 2121. Furnished Roomn. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement. 652 Washington st. Modern, private baths, free phones; reasonable rate. $3.50 week up. Main 31. WALKING distance, attractive steam heated apartment house room. Main 3622. ' , NICELY furnished room for 2,' reasonable, fireplace, furnace heat and home com forts. Main 6519, THE HEREFORD, 735 Hoyt, offers mod ern, comfortable sleeping rooms at re duced rates. Also -apt 3. Main 3305. THE ST. PAUL, Fourth ana Aider. A RE SPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HOTEL. $1 up. Rates by week or month. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Washington and Fifth Streets. Special permanent rates. 60c DA Yn $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson TO RENT i fully-furnished rooms. 768 Cleveland ave. LARRABEE HOTEL Modern, $3 week up. Larrabce st., 2 biks N. steel bridge. LARGE desirable room, modern ; ise of piano. 327 ttth st. WARM front sleeping Parking space. 293 room for 1 fortune 3pace, 393 Weil &rt. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TH, QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED 1 25 PER DAY. tt PER WK. AND U CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT GARAGE CALL AT Y. M. C. A. to see free list moderate-priced rooms for young men all sarts of the citv. Including rooms the Y. M. C. A., with phone in each room, shower baths and club facilltie: HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13TH ST. AT WASHINGTON. Rates. SI a dav. a week 5 and up private bath $8; fireproof and clean. close to business center. HOTEL ROWLAND. 207 y. Fourth St. Mar. 459. 165 rooms, centrallv located. Rates, 75c. $1, $1-00 per day; $4 per week and up. ANSON1A HOTEL. 124 14th st at Washington. Rates $5 per week and up, $1 day; fireproo large, attractive, Spotless rooms, close amusements and shopping center. ANGELA HOTEL,, 625 Washington St. Marshall 1950. Large, attractive lobby with fireplace. Special ratets to permanent guest-. WASHINGTON liulr.. I2TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rates by week or month. HOTEL BROADWAY. Broadway and Burnside St. Rates: day, $1 and up: week, $5 and up; private oath, $a and up. Free phon HOTEL CONRADINE. 22 North 10th 2 blocks north of Washington St.; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates py day or wee K. MATTHIESEN HOTEL. Rooms 50c day up; $3 week up; clean, light, hot and cold water, steam heat, 204 Columbia. - HOTEL ROYAL. ' Steam heat, hot and cold water, rea sonable rate. 132 E. 3d and Morrison East, 68. ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 Eleventh St., nea Morrison Clean and modern roomi day. week or month at reasonable rates. HOTEL OCKEY, Morrison St.. at 10th $1 day, weekly $o and up. Free phone and baths; light and airy, steam heat. MARLYN HOTEL. Cor. 17th and Couch: large, well fur nished, modern rooms, reasonable rates. RECTOR HOTEL ft N. Bdwy.. at Anl-eny. mod. rms. ; pri vate baths, Yale locks, $5 wk. up, $1 day. NICELY furnished room in modern home all conveniences; west side; wanting dis tance; $20. Broadway o!9J. GARAGE and sleeping porch with stove, $5 per week. 3!3 west Park. Furnihhed Rooms in Private Famjjy. 2 LARGE, newly furmsned sleeping ?'oms for gentlemen, private nome, close in, h'.nnk from 2 cars: Irving ton district must give references. Call afternoon, E. 3783. WANTED Young man, employed, t snare large, warm room ; sesaraie ueu and dresser. Hot water, home privileges, walking distance; references; reason' able. 129 East 12th. near Morrison. LARGE, pleasant room, adjoining bath large closets, wanting distance, pri-waie family, suitable for 1 or 2. Broad way 787. BEAUTIFUL room in Quiet, refined home, warm and homelike. plenty or not water, Nob Hill district; C. S. gentle men preferred. ' Marshall 1010. COZY front room for a man accustomed to nice things: MUiet, modern place Marshall 1780. 862 V4 Park St., corner Mil!. DELIGHTFUL room for gentleman, best location, west side, erasy walking dis tance, every convenience : reasonabl rent. Broadway 611 1. VERY attractive rooms, beautifully fur niHhed. narlor. Diano. home privileges rates $3.50 up. 61 N. 18th st. Bdwy. 2721. PLEASE, somebody nice, come rent room; it's so pretty and clean; near z3d and Johnson. Main iMou. CAN MAKE two employed young peop comfortable in modern ; home; walkin distance. 129 East 12th, NOB HILL DISTRICT Newly furnished room in steam-heated apartment house garage close by. Broadway 4o4o. FURNISHED room in attractive residence, Nob Hill district, home privileges; lady employed preferred. K 244, Oregonian, IRVINGTON. 2 front sunny rooms, firs floor, light housekeeping, every thin furnished; $30. East 5231J. LARGE room and sleeping porch; can ac commodate 4 young men; home privl leges. 5.S4 E. Broadway. 2 LARGE h. k. rooms, suitable for 3; fur nace heat, walking distance. 632 Flan ders. Bdwy. 2256. t or 2 WELL furnished rooms for em ployed people, near 33d and Sandy; $15 per month. Tabor !t. ROOM, large south windows, dressing room, running water, nea tea apt. Broad way car. East aims. STEAM-HEATED sleeping room in modern flat for gentlemen, do x-itn st., apt. jj. Marshall 481. 269 14TH. NEAR Jefferson, choice room. walking distance. Main 3893. SINGLE room with laundry. 336 East 33d st. Tabor 9ooa. NICELY fur. rm., kitchen privilege, also nice attic rm. 84 N. 21st st.. cor. Everett, 257 12TH ST. Modern room, hot, cold water in room, walking dist., men on LARGE room, suitable for 1 or 2 young men. $10 month. o7 unsan. Jdwy. ROOMS with good home, cooking; $30. i: E. 11th, cor. Alder. E. 2522. LARGE 2-room front suite, piano, tricity. , 430 Jefferson. ROOM for gentleman in home, near Camp bell H' II hotel, mcretia st. BEAUTIFUL furnished room for rent, 10 minutos' walk from town. 430 H Bdwy. NICELY furnished Nob Hill district. rooms with meals 633 Kearney st. WALKING distance, comfortable 8teama heated apt, house room. Main 3622. CLEAN light front room, reasonable, blocks Broadway bridge. 382 Ross. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room in private home, close In. 307 West Park FRONT room suitable for 1 or 2 gentle men. 747 Everett st. Main' 7829. 3-ROOM suite, cheap reant, near 3 oar limes. Phone Sell-wood 2Vo7. oai tt. aitn twutn. ROOM for gentleman, west side. 729 Gli jan; reference. Marsnaii joij. ROOM with dressing room and sleeping porch, west side, gents. sawy. at ROOM with breakfast for young ladies employed. East 8th st. .N. East 7th, EXCEPTIONALLY clean sleeping room reasonable. so ss. litn. oowy. aia BRfGHT, pleasant room for young .men. 1W N. L'lSt LARGE double sleeping rooms, $3.50 week. 85 West Park. Bdwy. 4a. Booms With Boara. THE LORRAINE, 212 N. 20TH ST. Phont Broadway 3465. TINDER NEW MANAGEMENT. An exclusive private home, catering to refinea people, excellent table board. high-clasn service, large room for 3 or 4 gentlemen, connecting uiu, ano wer, etc. Also doable and single room avail able now. Our dining room under spe cial direction of Mrs. Lavine Price, for merly of White Hall. CAMPBELL HOTEL, 28D AND HOYT STREETS, CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tels on the Pacific ooast American plan, with or without bath. $2.50 a day up; rates by day oe month. Meals served to transients. NORTON I A HOTEL, Portland's downtown higa-c.ass xamny notei ; rooms en suns or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. PARK VIEW residential hotel. 38J Mont gomery; a large rront rooms witn pri vate baths, suitable for two; reasonable rates; walking distance. REASONABLY priced room, with board in refined home, waixing distance. Mill. . ROOM and board for business girts; all modern conveniences, wanting aiatance; S5 per week. Auto 239-74. 12 E. 7th st. MARTHA WASHINGTON Room, board for girls, mod. rate. iutn. .nar. iox. LARGE front room, suitable for private batn. Mam Rooms With Board in Private Family. 1 LARGE room, suitable for 2 men or man and wife, in an attractive nome. xaoor 8709 LARGE front room, walking distance, very best home cooking, suitaoie ior x or . Call 358 Larrabe or phone East 4433. NICE, clean, warm, furnished room In a lovely home, with or without board. Also garage. East 8835. TWO LOVELY rooms, good-board, busi ness people only; home privileges. Main 1861. LARGE, light, clean rms. with board, ev ery convenience, reasonaoie, ciose in. East 7005. NICELY furnished corner room for two. private tamny, meais u aesireo; two car lines. Marshall 2781. 774 Northrup. PLEASANT room, suitable for 1 or 2 east side, close in. Phone gentlemen. East 7404. LIGHT front room in modern home, in quiet neignDornooo, suitaoie ror two gen tlemen. Home cooking Tabor 4889. FRIVATE home for children; mother'! care. Marsnaii zjiij. LARGE front room in modern home. Irving st. Marsnaii 44 ju. ROOM AND BOARD, one gentleman; prl- vate home, oto uaao ave. rast s. CHILD, 3 to o years 01a, in private home. 1 wootiiawn p-j.. t aiia room in uae nome, ti&st u.oT. FOR RENT. Rooms With lioard In private Family NICELY furnished corner room with fir place, furnace heat, in a Nob Hill horn wen cooked meals, home privileges employed people who want a home. Mai OOO.J. HAVE 3 large rooms, with or without board, on Broadway line; also garag room for 1 car. 797 Tillamook st. F. M. Ltnvine. WIDOW with nice home will room board workinsr men: home Drivlleae; $8 per week; also garage for rent; close in. in atoms st. aiissnsaippi car. NICE, large room with board, t urna heat, hot an cold water, room for 2 $35 each, or single. $42; 2 meals, at 343 aim st. Phone Main 749 . IRVINGTON Lovely front room, niaho sny furniture; best home cookIiib; fined home, also sleeping porch, garag' o.M ri. Zlst fS. Kast tit. 4 a. isiUE large, clean, well-iurnisned room with board : good home cooking; roo large enough for 2 or S. Large closet. aii nome privileges. 741 Glisan st ROOM and board, 2 . quiet home, no walking distance. 33W3. or 3 employed peop children ; reasonabl 681' Kearney. Ma, ROOM, board In private family, cleasa rm. for 2 men. 155. Use of living rim with fireplace, where you can feel at home. Bdwy 3072, or 85 10th st. NICE, warm room, 3 windows and larg closet; excellent board, very reasonab Man and wife or two employed me Also single room. 101 llth st. PARTY of 4 Interested in bright fro rooms, twin beds, fireplace, every con vemenr e, west side. Bdwy. 4qjo. BUSINESS parent, buard your chad in suburban home, mother's care; fres milk and eggs, terms reasonable. A 393, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. excellent board, home privl leges, piano, Vict ro la. Hawthorne dls trict; good car service; share my room, oeas. Taylor ot7. WALKING distance for 2 people employed, large room, with separata bed; attract! residence. East 5715. WARM, pleasant rooms suitable for home cooking, walking distance; a rea! home. East 8445. FOR BUSINESS man in modern privi home, west aide, close in. Main 3792. A LARGE front room with lovely tw beds, In attractive home. Tabor 8709. CHILDREN will receive good care home of motherly woman. Auto. 630-2 FumiHhed Apartments. NICELY furnished 4-room apt., dressin room and bath, nice lawn. 175. 342 lOt Sat. or Sun., Marshall 2588, week day Lewis bldg. Broadway 134. LEONCE APTS.. 186 N. 22D ST. Furnished 3-room apt., first floor newly tinted; private bath. . $45. Mar shII 2250. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. 2 rooms, furnished ; hardwood floors, elevator, strictly modern; ail outside walking distance. 3d, cor. Montgomery 3 ROOMS, 2 closets, bath, heat, ligh pnone. newly furnished, walking dli tance, private phone. 680 E. Madison, corner 19th. ALICE COURT Available March 1, mod ern 3 large rooms, 2 beds, flreplac bath, $50, including telephone. Corner East 8th and Burnside. East 3560. 4 ROOMS, furnished, private bath, walk Fng distance, west siae, grounu liour. $17.50 mo. 454 llti st., apt. D. AUDITORIUM COURT APTS. 3-room furnished, all outside room very sunny, private bath, janitor servicfc. w a I king distance. Marshall ooMti. ALICE COURT Mod. 3 larice rooms, tw beds, fireplace. vrU bath. tel. included $50. Cor. E. 8th-Buruside. East 3566. Rose City car. LEONCE APTS.. 186 N. 22D ST. Furnished 3-room apt., first floor newly tinted; private bath. $45. Mar. 2250. 4-ROOM nicely furnished apartment, out side rooms. .Berkeley Apts., av Trinity r'lace. DRICKSTON APARTMENTS. 448 ELEVENTH ST. MODERN 2-ROOM APARTMENT. JULIANA APARTMENTS. . 45 TRINITY PLACE. FURNISHED 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. 170 CHAPMAN ST., y block from 18t and Morrison ; 1 room and kitchenette, iza per montn. ppwy. aoa t. THE PENROSE, Grand ave. at Belmont choice 3-room apartment; availab: March 1. East 4548. TUDOR ARMS APTS. 18 th am d Couch , 2 roo ma, 5t ih floor. outskle. Lowly vtew. Bdwy. 2559i HADDON HALL, llrh and Hall 3-room apartment, bath, balcony, hardwood floors ; walking distance. Mar. 1 160. ARDMAY TERRACE. 395 12th; large 2-room front Mar. 898. apt KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 3-room strictly modern, elevator, til bath, llth and Montgomery. Main 859. R OS EL YN A P A RT M E NTS. 110 N. 21st, 2-Boom modern furnished apt. GUILD APARTMENTS. 8-room apt., private bath, all outsids rooms. Main 3705. 394 Guild st. LILLIAN APARTMENTS. 8 rooms, large, light, modern, side. 381 6th at. Marshall 1378. KING HILL APTS. 4 -room furnished front apt. : also room unfurnished apt. Bdwy. 5126. PARK HURST APTS. 3 rooms, French doors, balcony. Bdwy. 1179. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 3-room strictly modern, elevator, UI bath, llth and Montgomery. Main 3.0. WKSTON1A APARTMENTS. 666 Gilsan Two-room furnished apartment; very m od e r n; walking distance. LARGE, light, clean, well-furnished housekeeping apt., close to Washington, Benson schools. i n-ast i .itn. cor. Ash CLEAN, completely furnished 2-room apt., $23. bno Lomoara, corner J lsxe st, St. Johns car. BEAUTIFUL parlor, hardwood floor, piano and kitchenette, j3o per mo. bos west Park. NEW YORK APTS. 2-rm. fur. apt.. $27.50, Including lights, neat, not ana cold water. E. 7th and Belmont sts. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 4 and 5-room unfurnished apartments. Marshall 81HL - THE VICTORIAN 4-room furnished apt.. bath ; close in ; reasonaDie. ,a uoiuin bla. near llth. Marshall 2277. ROOM aot.. furnished, private bath. block from S. S. carllne. 126 E. 34th st. Tafcor 5188. f Mf'ELlA APTS.. 22D AND GLISAN. Very desirable 3-room unfurnished apt. with balcony. Aiarwnan jho4. kpk feJRSONI AN APTS., under new man agement. 3-room mouern apt., reasonaoi rent. 514 Jefferwon st. i ROOM apt., hardwood floors, private bath, walking distance; rour adults. Bdwy. 2956, or East 4276 HE CHELTENHAM, I9th and Northrup. 2 and 4-roon' apia. nuwy. ao;a. CARLOIS APTS.- 2-room furnished, mod- ern apartment. 14th and Market. ICELY furnished apts. with bath. West minster apts., win st. aiain o.isz. ROOM apt., suitable for store and ing room. 272 H Williams ave. FURNISHED 3-room apt., with bath, nice yard. East ROOM nicely fur. sunny apt., 1st floor. 625 Everett, bet. 19th-2Qth, west side. ROOM apt., private bath, $40. Chetopa Apartments. nroaawiy iwno. TWO AND 3-room apts., uacKamai apts. 2724 w 1 1 1 lariig c ALCO APTS.. E. Couch and Union ave.. oderg z-room a. pi a, rgnaonaoie. MORTON APTS. 3-room furnished apart ment. v iia.inmmu si.. i.u w y. juiiq. ICE comfortable sleeping rooms, closs in. west sioe. qq inn mi. main 7628. NION AVE. and Killingsworth. fur. apt.. 124.50! all conipieif, i-oncrcm ouiiQlng SAN MARCO ATTRACTIVE. MOD. 8-RM. AND 8-ROCM modern apts., tile bath. Main 10-52. Buena viyta apts. OR 3-ROOM suites, private bath, reas onable, py wcwft -i "'""ui. i-t tin mi. AND 3-ROOM furnished apt.; light. sunny rooms. ntf tL. Jjroan way. APT. WITH 3 rooms and bath. 308 Stan- 1 St. r.q..i L u-n i. LUZERNE APTS. 2-room modern furnished apartment. KOOM apt. private oath. $40. Bdwy. 93". Cnetopa. ICELY furnished apts. with bath. Wes minster apts., jdj "in si. aiatn shx. ANTED Someone to share apt. with congenial lady. Mar. 528 after 6 P. M. NEWLY finished modern 4-room cot tage, close in. 9 I .ortnwyst ttanK bldg. UNCEY, 2-room apt. - and bath. Call after 2:SO r. xi ., aito nay mi. 4-ROOM nicely furnished apt., 388 llth st. Marshall 4174. close in. at 3-ROOM fur. cor. apt., private bath and phone Harrison Court. Rth andHarrlsqn. 3-ROOM front apt. near Broadway. oom apt. 328 Mill, ONE AND thre-room apt. 113 Russell stre-et, or phone East 8H40. NEWLY furnished, apts., also garage. modern 429 3d. 2 or 3-room Mar. 3020. FURNISHED two-room apartment. 386 E. Morrison. 3-ROOM, very modern, all outside rooms. Arline apts. Bronrtway 112 TWO and three-room apts., close In. Park st. ?,fltt KENT One 1-room and one 2-room apt. 410 2d st. NICELY furnished 2-room apartment. 5S6 Hoy. t FOR RENT. Fumltdird Aiariniriif. THESE ARE FINE APARTMENTS Furnished very nicely and clean. tn ern. classy, room v. V srs mukJng m clal rates lo permanent tenants. Ttirrc room apt., with disappearing bed u davenport, for $45 month; south sti one three rooms in front, $50; one ru room apartment, euuiooed fur as high i 6 persons; $55 month. You can t be the m in Portland. THE COLUMBIAN, llth and ColumM Walking distance from downtown FURNISHED bachelor suite, very mr and eleo-Hnt: larv. nciuch tor two thres refined crntiernn; hard woo floors and many lamps, lots of h-t an hot water; piano; also slngls rooms . up. References ruulred. BrosdMs 6830. 166 St. Clair St., cor. Washing THE CROMWELL Fifth n n.l Cnlumhis Strsv-tS. Five minutes' m1K lo Meier A Frank' Store: rood surroundings, strictly mod eri 2 and 8-roo in furniHhed apts.. ou side and French door and balcony ; per manent and transient. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER MANAGEMENT. 4 rooms, strict. y mod rn. bcsutlfu furnished, close in. walking Uisianri- wil' rent lo responsible parties; i lMwy, 1 2 4 5 . GARFIELD APARTMENT. Completely furnished modern 4-roo apt. ; also modern unfurnished 3 -roo apt., with nice, large slet-plng porch, t. $40 and 145. 361 Falling, near Union. JAEGER APARTMENTS. 711 WASH. Hhs 1 3 and 1 4-room furnished aprt meat vacant. . ELMVvOOD APARTMENT. Strictly first-class 2 and a -room spart mentfl; completely rurninnen ; jj $75; 415 10th st. Main 66'tO. 2-KOu.M furnished apt and one S-roo furnished am., also one sleeping root steam heat, modern. Belknap apts., lb 17th street. LA ROK, light, front 2-room aparimn Lombard st. at Albina ave. Adult $22 50. Kenton car, 20 minutes to tout. Phone Main 5225 ZUMHRO COURT, 20TH AND WASHINGTON. Elegantly furnished cor. 8-room with piano. LA MR HOOK APTS 430 E. YAMHILL ST. For rent, reasonable. 2-rooru furnish apartments. Call East 40H2. NEAT 4-rootn apt., furnace h-t, I.h water, ohone and KHrbsK furnish. went sfrde: 10 mm. walk; 30. 301 ID'.h Phone Main 30. C UM BERLA N D A PA RTM K N TS. 3-room furnished apt., all outbids rmi good furniture; walking distance; idm only. West Park anil Columbia. WILL let to responsible ptirty entir io rioor, a rooms, newiy rurnmnea; lumnn heat, hardwood floors, cios in. 1'hou Ent 01 Ml. a8 Multnomah st. DAVENPORT APTS. 8-room modern furnished apt a, hard wood floors, privat bath. 505 Jeffersc st. Phone Main 5435. C'nfurnlshed Apartments. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 4-room, newly painted and kslsomln steam heat and telephone, closs (n. walk Ing distance, only 3 blocks of Wah Ington t. Rent $47 50. Call Hdwv. UM JUST OPENING. Beautiful 8-room apartment. harI wood floors, taoestry naoer. f Ireplai porch, white enamel; garage; locatloi unnurpa sued. 714 K. M a 1J tnn. THE ALTER ft-rm. bungalow apt.. ; Ing porch, hardwood floor, tile bath win shower, nrepiare ano nina cumei, and Overton Rdwv. 10M or IMw y. 5li 8-ROOM apt., dressing room arid batirf This is rirst class in every reit-r hardwood floors, whits enamel wood work. Ksst 8782. 4-ROOM apartment In Laureinurst. ra hea t, electric wanner, waier, pnon edults only; $65. Automatic 231-81. loo H oi In d a y ave . at 83d. LIVING room, combination kitchen an breakfast room, rirenHing room, bail electric range. 8O0 K, Hoyt st. Cai East 7527, or Bast B459. EXCELLENT NEWS Juit opened, ne UD-to-date. slng'e or houseker ping, cholt location, well heated, reasonable rales 546 E. 7th North. 4-ROOM modern unf urnlwh-! apt., stn heat, 940; garage if nXtired : no rniidret Waverly Court. E. 20th and Clinton. CHETOPA A PTS. 4-room apartment second floor; gas rang ana rernger tors Included, t ail Uioadwwy 4i-tn. KING ALHKHT A PA RT M K NTS. 3 rooms, kitchen, tile bath, elevsto hardwood floors Main 350. LAUKICI.HU RST APARTMENT. 8-room apt. and garage. 142 East SIM J Tabor 2fS14. FOR RENT 0-rootn unt urn tubed apart ment, high grau. centrally located, t rellent service. UrmHwRV 22'!. MOVING 12 PEK n.jUll AND UP. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FHKR. ELK TRANSFER CO. HDWY 2445 HIGHLAND COURT Al'T.i Fooir and 5 unfurnilid ment ; ffl ret -ol ;i w M ar. 1 1 . ROOM unfurnished Wltmsr, 742 Everett st. apartment, T) Phone Main Rl 3-ROOM modern apartment wlih slewpiii pomh. Buck aptw . 1 17 .-v. vtwt u THE AMERICAN Mortem o-rooin apart ment. uroanway ROOMS, modern, steam hat t In te d: gas stove BWj Ollwsn st. UNFURNISHED 5 room apartment, steal East Main. heat; adults, am 5-ROOM unfurnished apt.. The Wllnid. 742 Everett st. t'hone main 01m. Fnrnlnrd or Cn?rniaiicfi A purr ment. i SH E KF I E UD iiroad way and Jf feron nice 4-room cor. apt., furnished or furnished. Flat. t,- nr Vf ftat within 15 mln. walk ins t! tancc; in excel lent con m it ion ; rine vi close to Gordon Apts. rurnic. nrepi heater, inlaid linoleum In kit rhn, $4 See Strong Co., find Ch, of 1 'om. LOV ELY 5-roorm flw-t, hard wood floor sleeping porcn, nr'-niao, mmwn an con ven.lnit. 2rtft PS, 3th. nr H a rt horn - ROOM Hat. gas range, nacr. 1010 Aihlna av built-in bed, fur 130. FI V E large, bsut If ul rooms, bat h. Lulu kitchen, nn car l inc. n 1 a Airrm st. FU R R E N T 4 - roo 1 u flat. Apply Chfrry st.. fiat n. ROOMS, unfurnished, 1 neM. 254 Uroa'lwHy st nimble for H road way 832. 50 5-ROOM upper fiat, clot. In east siae; rr 1 trrm:-. ' -m ;mh,i 11 FtirulMlird Flats. COMFORTABLY furnished 5-room nioir upper flat, witn sleeping porcn ana nr place, close In, adults only. 15 month; references required : will b shown Sunday. AO 4'1H. Oregonian. ONLY $25 4-room, wcll-furnlshed fl large oa tJiroom, wooo. net it? r, hs stnv gas water heater, elrc. ; near Laurnlhur park and Sunnysld school ; lct n p r v I re W K. 33i. K.Hst 52 MODERN' ft-room luwer furnished Iu $55, vacant Aiarcn 1st, ana too aw Wms and Union ave. cars. Can ses o'clock till 5:30. or call Aut. 824-7. MODERN 5-room furnisned r;t, slpi n. oorch : very oeiirinn nis;nuomooa. in 1 onanle rent. Tabor 8 noil. 835 4-ROOM furnished flat, compit IirepitttW, W nuts - UUI1 C. 1230. ICELY furnished 6-roora flat' with" 4 al dltlonal rooms, suitaoie ior roomers, ouv K In g st. ROOM adults; furnished flat; 887. East 8305. phons, watnr -w rsrgo it ICELY furnished modern 4-room flat. $-f 3 s 5 Cable st.: i napman car. Main 34 . IVE nicely furnished rooms, waiki.M distance. Msr. mi ROOM fiat, modern, adults only. 1 22d st. boutn. 1 ELEVENTH, for sale 5-room rent h. k. rooms, 4m rash. A l ROOM ence. flat for rent Tabor 277. furnished , ifrf Housekeeping Rooms. OL'SE KEEPING rooms Ior rent, HriS'' nd double, wttn kitchenette. Iiroad ws 770. 101 North Hit h st. .60 WEEK UP Largs downtowo nlehed H. K. rooms. 28 H Wash. NGLK H. K. rooms elec, close In. completely fur 84 North Ith. nished, WO rooms, $5 per wren up; on sleeping. 3 up. 2'w ashington. HIT. clean h. k. rooms, lurnuce h 254 12rh t. NO LE steam - hea houif kMpiti 147 Kfh rooms, $4 to $6 per LEAN housekeeping Mock off Wash. rooms, electrl 14i lights. LARGE front rooiu sad kitchen. llth st. OR RENT Two-room suite, first fit walking distance. ih? Chapman st K. APT., comfortabis. light. 447 ih Carllne OLSEKEEPING rooms for r nt fe., n'r Russell. 515 Vancouver a 2 L. ROOMS, hot-water hat, partly fur. t unfur. 79 Kearney. Marshall 34-rt 2" VERY neat h. k. rooms; rent $4 5u week : adults only. 841 Harrison 2-ROOM furnished apt., single room k 1 1 c h -nel te. Phone Hroartw a v 7 5 3 0 LIGHT, clean 11. 24 12th. iv. rooms, furnace hea' 141 11TH. H. K. rooms. $6 and H week Phone, bath, electricity. LA RGE well f urnlihd h o u ekeeplng rn. 3 E. Madison. Fast M'H. NICELY furnished orated, mnrtern, h. k. apt a, reasonable. 2 FRONT rooms, housekeeping, $10 month 127 Montgomery, near Jlih st.