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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1922)
TIIE T5IOENIXG OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY, 3IARCII 4, 1922 " EGG PRICES DOWN, BUT HOT AT- BOTTOM Best Quality Sells for 28 Cents in Local Markets. FURTHER DROPS LIKELY Decline in Quotations for Colum bia Kiver Smelt Also Is Re ported by Dealers. Egrsrs in Portland markets, like Humpty-Dumpty, ex-peneralissimo of egrgdom, -had a great fall" in price during the week. The best quality of fresh ranch etTKS was quoted yester day at 28 cents a dozen, with an abundant supply at hand. Dealers predict that egg prices will reach a still lower level before the season is over. A quotation as low as 22 cents a dozen in the near fu ture is expected by many market men. Ievelopment of the egg Industry in Oregon is responsible for the large quantity of eggrs on hand and low prices. Oregon hena now supply Port land markets as well as certain mar kets outside the state. The high qual ity and small cost of eggs should be welcome to those who abstain from meat during the Lenten season. Smelt Also Take Fall. Another popular product that has dropped in price is Columbia river . Bnjelt. These tasty little fish may be had at two pounds for 15 cents or four pounds for a quarter. In some stores the price , is three pounds for 15 cents. These prices are the lowest of the season so far and caused a heavy demand. A series of freezing spells has re duced the Oregon cauliflower crop to .bout 10 per cent of its normal size, according to dealers. A good supply of cauliflower from California and other markets is at band, however. The price is 25 to 45 cents a head, according to size. The past week brought practically no Important change in the variety of products in local markets. Ore gon apples and California citrus fruits still dominate the fruit mar ket, and the usual line of winter vegetables is still almost the only brand of products in the vegetable market. A few more products are ex pected here early next month. About April 15 Winesap apples will be avail able, and such delicacies as spring asparagus and California strawber- . riea at hand. Cucumber Supply Limited. A small supply of cucumbers was disDlavert in rp-ril marWte voatop. day. Scarcity of this vegetable was retlecte in the high price. Cucum bers sold for 25 cents each. Later in the season when the supply is abun dant, the price will be two cucum bers for 5 cents. The price of flour went up 40 centj a barrel wholesale in the course of the week, making the present quota tion $8.60 a barrel. Sugar is now $6.20 for a 100-pound sack, wholesale, a 10-cent rise having gone into ef fect this week. The wholesale price of butter dropped three cents during the week, making the lowest retail price 40 cents a pound. A supply of tomatoes is at hand from California farms. Tomatoes of good quality may be had for 15 cents . a pound. - California parsley is dis . played at "five cents for a large bunch. Celery at 15 to 20 cents a bunch and lettuce at 10 to 15 cents a head are la popular Mmand. Onions Are 10 Cents. - Onfons ma lad at 10 cents a pound and the best'grade of potatoes cells at three pounds for 10 cents. Other attractive offering in the veg etable market are Brussels .sprouts at 25 cents a pound, squash at four cents a pound, turnips at three cents a pound and carrots at two cents a pound. . . ....... . - Apples jtrfe getting scarce in local markets. Tae Delicious variety at 25 to 30 cents a dozen is recommended as the best eating apple available. Epitzenbergs from Hood River are quoted at 25 to 40 cents a dozen, ac cording to quality. A few Ortleys are at hand at 40 cents a dozen. Small Newtowns are displayed at 15 cents a dozen. Oranges from California orchards 6ell at 20 to 0 cents a dozen, accord ing to size and quality. Large-sized lemons are quoted at 40 cents a dozen, with smaller-sized brands at 30 cents. Grapefruit from Florida sells at 10 to 15 cents each and the California variety is 5 cents. Bananas of the best grade are available at 40 cents a dozen. Good Nuts Available. A good variety of nuts is available. Soft-shell walnuts of the new crop are quoted at 55 cents a pound, almonds and Brazil nuts ar each 25 cents a pound and chestnuts are 20 cents a pound. Some dealers offer mixture of walnuts, almonds and Brazil nuts at 25 cents a pound. Honey made by Oregon bees is available at reasonable cost and many housewives use this product as an added attraction to the family menu Honey in the comb sells at 25 cents- a comb. The pure liquid variety is quoted at 38 cents a pint, 65 cents a quart and $1.05 a gallon. Although the season on Columbia river salmon closed March 1 for two months, salmon from other localities is at hand and there is no change price. Royal chlnook sells at 40 cents a pound and the more common variety at SO cents. Other attractive offer- n ets in the fish markets are halibut at 35 cents a pound and sturgeon at 30 cents a pound. Chickens sell at 3S ana u cents a pound, with capons 45 cents a pound. Belgian hares are 35 cents a pound. . . W-j, I. 4 Go the Limit SCHOOL IS RATED UNSAFE Fire Marshal Joins In Warning Against Girls' Polytechnic. The srlrls polytechnic school, at Fourteenth and Morrison streets, is unsafe and should be torn down In stead of repaired, according to a com munication received by ueorge a. Thomas, chairman of the properties committee of the school board, from Fire Marshal Grenfell and H. E. Plummer, chief of the bureau of buildings. The letter states that having the cafeteria on the fourth floor is a poor arrangement and will provide an ex tremely hazardous situation should a fire break out in the lower part of the building during the lunch hour. The letter states that upper stories in all frame school buildings should not be used and that motion-picture machines in several of the high schools are a fire menace. Dairymen to Build at Seaside. eJv near iimsDoro, or., wnere ne ana his sons own ana operate a zw-acre airy rancn, nas returnea to oeasiae nd has announced that he will build modern nome nere. "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear" Neither Can You Get "Cash and Carry Prices" in "Credit and Delivery" Stores. 20th Century Stores trim the cost of operation to the limit and sell on the lowest pos sible profit. No charging- and no delivery, gives your dollar the greatest drawing power. We don't guess we know. We hav run both kinds of stores, and Cash and Carry is the fairest, squarest method, because everyone is treated alike, and no part of your money ia left at our stores to pay the haul of the other fellow goods or bad accounts. You take the entire amount with you in goods. " ' ' . 1 - . , BULK GOODS BUYING are pure and wholesome. Save work in the kitchen. If your grocer cannot supply you, phone Main 4017. Grandma Cookie Co. 272 Third Street. USE- Flour and Cereals Ask your grocer - r CLEAN STORES Quality Groceries AT THESE PRICES SATURDAY Royal Baking; Powder. 13-oz. tin for ...35e Federal Milk, lull can Oe f:se, strict (y frpah, dozen S5c Mixolon Peas, two cans 25e M. J. It. Coffee, 1 lb. 38c. 3 lbs. $1.04 All Goods Plainly Marked Less Than Xtonntown Prices. 4 Eagle Stores 4 Operated on Groceteria Plan at 537 Williams A v 144 KIllinRsnorth. l8l Sandy Blvd. 271 East Broadway. SUNSE BUTTER is good to eat and good for you. Ask Your Grocer or Phone Main 1333 Imperial Creamery 281 First Street. Ask Your Grocer H. H. Haynes, President We advocate" this kind of purchasing, if you want all your dollar's value. Cream Boiled Oats, ; Fresh Curve Cut Macaroni, Silver Leaf Lard, 4 pounds , 25f 4 pounds .....j ..25 S pounds ...... Split Peas, Dry Green Peas, Fancy Blue Rose Rice, 3 pound's for .500 .250 SOME NEW MARKET PRICES ON EVERY DAY GOODS EGGS Saturday, beginning at 9 o'clock, we will sell at this price as long as they last Fresh-laid Eggs, 250 a dozen. FRESH CHURNED CREAMERY' BUTTER, all day long, .00 pound. New Pack Shrimp, 1 Argo Corn Starch, full 1-lb. Malt O Meal, : No. 1 cans 150 pkg. 100, or 3 pkgs.....250 package ..250 Sterling Jam, glass bottles, holding 1 pounds net, pure Jam, assorted flavors...... 290 " Del Monte Grated Pineapple, Oest's Marmalade, 12-oz. Pink Salmon, No. 2 cans 150 " bot, splendid quality. . ..200 cans 100 GARDEN SEEDS Turn your mind to the 20th Century Stores when you think of gar dening'. Seeds are the best obtainable no need to take chances. -Golden West Bird Seed, Mission String Beans, Utahana Ungraded Peas, full pound package. . . . 100 good eating, 2 cans. . , . . .250 r 2 cans for. .250 Large Shopping Bags, each. . . .. . y..;;..yy.:. ,';.:.... 5c Onions, Oregon stock, " . Lemons, large and jnicy, .380 medium size, 3 pound's,.'. .250 .' V six for ..150 ; y-M Portland Broom Co. quit. . They soldi us 1200 Fairy. Brooms so v y K ICJCJJVlo that we can sel1 at half their value. This splendid Broom QQQ sold for only '' ' Comb Honey, - . Crisco, x - Golden West Pepper, 12-oz. or better , 250 ' 3-pound can ............590 . 2-oz. can 50 - . For your convenience, stores are located at 673 Williams Ave., Corner Fargo 1047 Williams Ave., Cor. Alberta 1675 Thirteenth St., Cor. Umatilla Family of Nutritious Breads "Made in accordance with Dr. Wiley's recommendations" Royal Baking Powder, large cans 166 Second Street 169 Third Street 168 Fifth Street ' 731 Washington Street 5940 92d St., S. E., Lents 1384 Union Avenue, Corner Portland Boulevard Stall No. 4 in Yamhill Sanitary Market, Northeast Corner Second and Yamhill Streets NEW STORE, Corner Park and Yamhill in NEW AUTO BUS TERMINAL . Second and Main Streets, Gresham " WILSON'S s 'The. Original Trade Mark Registered CRACKED I WE Mil a RE mirss Ton pet tke CRACKED WHEAT BREAD, with the Blue Band around It, job are not Setting WILSOS'S. YOTT CAN GET IT- AT WILSON'S CRACKED WHEAT BAKERY Bet.. Third and Fourth on Yamhill Highest Rating of Any Dairy la Portland 98.45 Vo Pare. "Old dlFasliion" Whole Grain Flour and Breakfast Foods Old Fashion Cereal Mills The Sign of Quality Q The best of meats are always found here. Prompt and courteous service at all times. Fourth Near Yamhill The Number Is 169 Fourth Street The Telephone Number Is Main 989 uality and Service GEORGE L, PARKER EGGS 45c 25c La Grande Creamery 181 FIRST. CORNER YAMHILL EGGS LOWER TWO DOZES SELECTED WHITE DOZEN.... , BASKET GROCERY & DELICATESSEN Everything Jood to Eat. 218 Alder St. Bet. Second and Third Sts. , "We Never Close" SPATH'S MARKET Paul R. Spath. SOUTHWEST CORNER FOURTH AND YAMHILL STS. MAIN 804 WE DELIVER STEER BEEF ONLY RIB ROAST BEEF. 0 ft n the pound... twli HIMP ROAST BEEF. IB. the pound IOU VEAL ROAST." the I pound.. .. r. ...... . TEAL STEW, the I C pound 1 5u 25c LEG ROAST F O RK, QfU the pound.... ......... JU LOIN ROAST PORK, AO. the pound.... .v ZOO SHOULDER PORK I 0 ROAST, the pound..... 'Oil PURE PORK SAU-0n SAGE, the pound.... 0Ui S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND YAMHILL STREETS. MAIN 804. TRADE .M ARK . The Rlark of Highest. Quality in Eggs ' Ask For ..'EAT::!? Fresh, Full-Flavored T0KE POINT OYSTERS Toke Point Oyster Co. 344 Pittock Block KRAFT'S . Far Personal Service : nntl Quality Groceries.' Special for Today 13 SPATH'S MARKET 8. W. Cor. Fourth and Yamhl. Ivory" Soap, 7 kr...i... ?50c Lily of the Valley, Golden Bantam Corn, per can. . . . . . .25c Dnnbar Shrimp, per can l.ic Lojc Cabin Symp, med, ize . . . . ,Vc Sugar, Pore Cane, 17 ll!i .$1 PURE CANE SUGAR AT LOWEST MARKET PRICE.. DAVIDSON'S KRACKED WHEAT BREAD is a coarse loaf, made with cracked wheat and baked on the oven hearth, giving it a rich brown crust and a delicious flavor. DAVIDSON'S HEALTH BREAD is a perfect food in itself. This loaf is made of coarse whole wheat and bran and is baked in a round crimped pan. Recommended by physicians and dietitians. DAVIDSON'S whole WHEAT BREAD is made with pure whole-wheat flour. It has stood the test of a dis criminating public for more than five years. It is the standard of all whole-wheat breads and the foundation of a correct diet. 'Also Makers 6ft Sold by Reading Grocers Made by Ideal That Good White Bread" Baking Co. loss Tfbu Just know he likes to sell ity GHJRARbE For more than 50 years GhirardeHi's has been a counter-sign of satis faction. To the grocer this triginal ground chocolate means no trouble in selling just as, to you, it means no trouble in using. Be cause it is dependable, time-tried, full-ralue, he likes to sell k. For the same reasons you like to buy it. So7 Gear-ar-deUy D. GHIRARDEIXI CO. Since itrs SaaFnuidae LOB E PRICE For over 30 years TTZ r IB a. Us Ounces for i USE LESS than of higher priced branch MILLIONS OF POUNDS BOUGHT BY THE GOVERNMENT s