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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1922)
THE MORXIXG OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, MARCII 3, 1022 22 8ITT TTONi TrA?TTCT FEtALg. YOL'XG laay. employed mornings, can give sea Id treatments and manicure, also ren der assistance in home, duties; desires home where such would be appreciated. I'none Broaa way oi J o. ANNlS HU.V'i'KH would like day work, laundry or clean in?. Phone Auto. 514-41, room 5, S3 . 2st, corner Everett at. west side. MIDDLE-AGED woman desires care of children, afternoons or evening, whiJe parents are away. Call w oodlawn 65J5, bet. 9-10 or 2-3. YOUNG iady wishes housework, ama.ll family, living plainly; m neat, eco nomical and reliable; seldom out eve nings. $40: references. F 4C4. Oregonian Is : A T, reuaOle elderly woman wants posi tion to keec house for eentleman with child. V "-ig.-s $3 a week. Give phone number, , -iOo. oregonian. BKICJHT 3 n..i.s girt desires employment 12 to 2:3o. what have you? AU 403, Oregonian. t RELIABLE, experienced waitress wants place out oi town. Miss wrignu ast 302. iHLLIXER, experienced. selling, trimming, making, wishes position. F 409. Ore gonian. TWO iadies would like work together in camp; can do any uina -wont, aim Oregonian. - YOUNG lady wants dining room work in .boarding house or camp, xx o, r LADY wants family washing; men's silk shirts, fine linens: take to her home; day work also; references. W din. -OHO, EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wants housecleenlng. , washing or other wortc, good work guaranteed. Woodlawn 6305. GIKL wishes to .ssist ia general house work in small family; west siae pre ferred. Phone Bdwy. 7734. RESPECTABLE woman wants work, few days a week. 52-50 day. Apply 746 Mil waukie st. FIRST-CLASS lady cook wants position, hot! or cafeteria, in or out of city. Main 4212. "WOMAN wishes day work. 35c hour. Main 4S57. room 14 FIRST-CLASS manicures for barber shop, best of references. Phone East 4131. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY DESIRES CLERICAL POSITION; GOOD REFER. KNCE. H 407, OREGONIAN. YOUNG lady. experienced bookkeeper, stenographer, typist, desires position at once; excellent- references, Woodlawn 12S5. CALL US FOR. OFFICE HELP OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BDWY. 6953. WILL IAMS' SERVICE. 504 SPAULDING BLDG, QUICK SERVICE. JBOQK.ivEE.PER -STENOGRAPHER, anything- in office, shipping if necessary. Woodlawn 5403. . EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and typist, conscientious and reliable; best refer ences: musnhavp work. SeMwood 3721. BOOKKEEPER. 13 years experience, wishes work few hours daily. Best ref erences. Broadway 2732. OFFICE HELPCLERICAL HELP. Of all descriptions. Call Bdwy. 6033. Williams Service, 504 Spalding bidg. TYPIST wants permanent position in downtown office. 207 Blue Mouse Theater bid. COMPETENT bookkeeper and cashier, with 10 years' experience, desires position. , A 4t4. Oregonian. ; EXPERIENCED young lady desires clerical position; good reference. H 407, Orego nian. 1 , YOUNG lady, with experience, desires of fice position. Call Main 2873. YP1ST, colored, wishes position ; no object. Woodlawn 34 SO. salary Drew makers. DRESSES and gowns, nurses' uniforms ' and aprons, house dresses, children's clothes, men's silk shirts, hand em broidery on dresses and waists a spe cialty; do stamping. Belknap, Apt. 31. Main 4tiQ7. JULE'S will make your frocks, gowns and wraps ; for all occasions and also do remodeling at reasonable prices. 431 Artisans bidg. B roa d w ay ort). SILK dresses a specialty ; prices reason able. Smith. flf24 4flth ave. S. E. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, stout ladies solicited. Reference. Tabor 4ti9. EXPERIENCED dressmaker. 4 per day. Bdwy. 5ti76. DRESSMAKING REASONABLE. WOODLAWN 214. MRS. GOOD. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes sewing by day. Tabor 8456. DRESSMAKING; my home or yours. 13th st. lidwy. 917. room IS. DRESSMAKING and remodeling, also bun galow aprons made to order. East 4."75. FOR GOOD SEWING call East tJS3. 609 Union ave. N. WANTED Sewing by skilled tailoress at home or by the day. Tabor 2516. Nures. HAZLETT MATERNITY HOSPITAL. - Private, high-class, well equipped. 45 E. 16th st. S. Open to all physicians. Phone East 8101. WANTED Position as practical nurse, city reference given. AO 464. Oregonian. CAPABLE female and male nurses: calls a ns w e red day or night. Marshall 2294. PRACTICAL nurse A. M. to 4 P- M. wants work from 8 Phone East 4191. CARE of invalid old person or eonva lescent : my home. Woodlawn 3776. PRACTICAL nurse, long exp., unquestion able references, wants case. Tabor 3328. NURSE will care for patients in her own home; diet a specialty. Yabor 5733. EXPERIENCED nurse will take charge ' .sick, invalid, convalescent. Mar. 2SS3. Housekeepers. . LADY, wit ii 2 small children, wishes housekeeping; no triflers need reply. Alder 508 Bdwy. 2345. MARRIED lady wants position as house keeper in apt. house. AM 466, Orego nian. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes position as housekeeper for gentleman. 549 Tay lor st. Domestics. EXPERIENCED young lady in gen. h. w. desires work when she may attend school mornings. AC 461, Oregonian. EXCELLENT cook wishes position mostly for cooking ; some housework; no fur nace. Call Marshall 260. ' WOULD like light housework or nursing. Call Woodlawn 3439. Housecieaaing. HOUSE CLEANING Expert white and ivory enamelr brick and tile fireplace cleaning, floors waxed, furniture pol ished, carpets cleaned, windows washed. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. 188 Chapman st. Phone Main 1157. HOUSE CLEANERS, we will help you brighten up your carpets and rugs; we dye them on the floor. Phone Broadway 3307 and we will come and tell you about it. VERLBEST WINDOW CLEANERS. COLUMBIA 1027.' Housecleaning, floor waxing and vac uum cleaning; estimates cheerfully giv en; best of references. WANTED TO RENT, WANTED for 4 to 6 months, a small or medium sized furnished or partly fur nished house for the care and upkeep of house and yard; expert gardener and will furnish free seeds, plants and shrubs for improvements; excellent and care ful housekeeper. If you are going away this is your chance to have your place occupied and kept in perfect shape at no expense; can give best of references. AC 469, Oregonian. Houses. WANTED at once, a furnished or partly furnished modern house or .lower flat with yard and garage for 525 per month. Would pay 4 months in advance if any inducement; no children; best of refer ences. Phone East 1039, or AC 470, Oregonian. 4, 6-room house, furnished or partly, in walking distance Log Cabin Baking co pany, by co-uple with two small girls; wiiliig to repair, good care assured; will " 1 e-ase.. A 4 7 Ore gwi i an . WE CAN rent your property for you; hav clients waiting for houses, flats, stores, etc. GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 230 Cham, of Com. Bidg. Bdwy. 75SL HOUSES WANTED. If your house is all right, preferably five and six rooms. We are having the calls now. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. WE HAVE many cails for houses and flats and can rent yours; let us handle your property and collect your renta C. A WAGNER CO.. 230 Stark St. WILL, pay $50 for modern house, exclusive district rnci's, Wd'n. 5010. or 6-room only; refer- W ANTED to rent, furnished sntaH cottage or bungalow, east side ; best of refer ences. Marshall 3696. W ANTE D 10 or 12-room house, unf up. nished. west side preferred. Main 7094. Apaj-tment. COUPLE ' want small furnished apt. at once: wa Iking distance ; reasonable rental. AK 464. Oregonian. TWO- gentlemen want 2 rooms, family, west side, reasonable. Oresnnisn. private O 437. YOUNG nrin wants room in exchange for work. Purse. 5Jfi C. of C Koiiik Witli Board. ti NO 1E work i ii g man desires room and beard near Oregon Electric railway; give particulars. L 475, Oregonian. WANTED TO KENT. Rooms With Board. WANTED Room and board in private family. Scandinavian preferred; near Rose City Park car. Tabor 3002. FOR RENT. WELL furnished front room, downstairs; ' furnace. 494 Taylor st. Main 2121. Kurnifchrd Rooms. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TH. QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; $1.25 PER DAY, $6 PER W K. AND UP; CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT GARAGE CALL AT Y. M. C. A. to see free list of moderate-priced rooms for young men in all parts of the city, including rooms at the Y. M. C. A., with phone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13TH ST. AT WASHINGTON. Rates, $1 a day, a week $5 and up: private bath $S; fireproot and clean, close to" business center. HOTEL ROWLAND. 207 Fourth St. Mar. 459. 165 rooms, centrally located. Rates, 75c, ?1, $L0 per day; $4 per week and up. ' ANGELA HOTEL, 625 Washington St. Marshall 1950. Large, attractive lobby with fireplace. Special ratets to permanent guests. WASHINGTON nOTt.i 32TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rates by week or month. HOTEL BROADWAY. Broadway and Burnside St. Rates: day, $1 and up; week, $3 and tin; privatebath, S9 and up. Free phone. HOTEL CONRADINE. 22 North 10th EU 2 blocks north or wasnington sc.; iirj proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. MATTHIESEN HOTEL. " Rooms 50c day up; $3 week up; clean, light, hot and cold water, steam heat. 204 Columbia. STANDISH HOTEu. 548 WASHINGTON ST. AT 17TH. : Nicely furnished rooms, steam heated, reasona'ble rates; $3.50 week up. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement. 652 wasnington st. jvioaern, private baths, free phones; reasonable rate. $3.50 week up. Main ai. ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 Eleventh st,. near Morrison Clean and modern rooms oy cay, week or montn at reasonaoie rates. HOTEL OCKLEV, Morrison St.. at 10th $1 day. weekly $o and up. ree pnone a n d oaths; 1 1 ght and airy. Steam heat. MARLYN HOTEL. Cor. 17th and Conch; large, well fur nished, modern rooms, reasonable rates. RECTOR HOTEL 9 N. Bdwy., at Anl eny, mod. rms.; pri vate baths. Yale locks, $5.wk. up, $1 day. wAi.TflXfi distance, attractive steam heated - apartment nouse room. main 3622. LARGE front, nicely furnished. suitable . Phone for two ; walking distance ; -Bdwy. 592rt. THE ST. PAUL, Fourth ana Aider. A Kb- SPECTA BLK DO VV i u W ." MU1 ll. i up. Rates by week or month. NICiCLY furnished sleeping rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water, reasonable. 2tf9Mi 5th st. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. "Washington aid Fifth Streets. Wpgpial permanent rates. 50c DAY, $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths free. Hotel caamac. aa near j erierson NICELY furnished front room suite, two beds: adults on!?'. (3 Main st. TO RENT I fully-f urnished rooms. 70S Cleveland ave. LA RR A BEE H OTJ3L- Modern, $3 week up. Larrabe St., oiks jx. steei oricge. LARGE desirable room. modern ; use of piano. 327 Hih st. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. 2 LARGE, newly furnished sleeping rooms for gentlemen, private home, close in, 1 block from 2 cars; Irvington district; must give references. . Call afternoon. E. 37 83. LARGE, pleasant room, adjoming bath, 2 large .closets, walking distance, private family, suitable for 1 or 2. Broad way 7S7. . BEAUTIFUL room in quiet, refined home, warm and homelike, plenty of hot water, Nob Hill district; C. S. gentle men preferred. Marshall 1019. COZY front room for a man accustomed to nice things; Muiet, modern place. Marshall 1780. 802 H Park st corner Mill. VERY attractive rooms, beautifully fur nished, parior, piano, home privileges; rates $3.50 up. 61 N. 18th st. Bdwy. 2721. . NOB HILL DISTRICT Newly furnished room in steam-heated apartment house; garage close by. Broadway 4546. LARGE oorner room, ososets, bookcase, private lavatory, choice residence dis trict. Wdln. 67.5. LARGE room and sleeping porch; can ac commodate 4 young men; home privi leges. 5S4 E. Broadway. 2 LARGE h. k. rooms, suitable for 3; fur nace heat, walking distance. 632 Flan d ers. B d wy. 225 6 1 OR 2 WELL furnished rooms for em ployed people, near 33d and Sandy; $15 per month. Tabor 978. ROOM, large south windows, dressing room, running water, heated apt. Broad way car. East 59S. STEAM-HEATED sleeping room in modern fiat for gentlemen. 307 Hth St., apt. E. Marshall 481. . 269 14TH. NEAR Jefferson, choice room, walking distance. Main 3893. WARM, well furnished front room, suitable for 1 or 2; $15. 823 Weidler. E. 8998. 5 FURNISHED rooms in lower flat. 500 Mill st. Marshall 2772. FURNISHED rooms at Main 5616. 742 Lovejoy st. SINGLE room with laundry. 330 East 33d st. Tabor 9555. NICELY' fur. i nice attic rm in., kitchen privilege, 'also S4 N. 2lst St.. cor. Everett. 25T 12TH ST. Modern room, hot, cold water in room, walking dist.. men only. LARGE room, suitable for 1 or 2 young men, $10 month. 607 Glisan. Bdwy. 2948. ROOMS with good home, cooking E. 11th. cor. Alder. E. 2522. LARGE 2-room front suite, piano, elec tricity. 430 Jefferson. ROOM for gentleman in home, near Camp beii Hill hotel, 52 Lucretia st. LARGE single attic room, 475 Taylor. , $2.50 a week. BEAUTIFUL furnished room for rent, 10 minutes' walk from town. 430 H Bdwy. NICELY furnished rooms with meals; Nob Hill district. 633 Kearrtey st. WALKING distance, comfortable steam h e ated apt, house room. Main 3622. CLEAN, light front room, reasonable, blocks Broadway bridge. 382 Ross. FOR RENT 2 nice rooms. Call East 8361. Booms With Board. THE LORRAINE, 212 N. 20TH ST. ' Phone Broadway 3465. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. An .exclusive private home, catering to refined people, excellent table board, higii-claf service, large room for 3 or 4 gentlemen, connecting barn, shower, etc. Also double and single room avail able now. Our dining room under spe cial direction of Mra La vine Price, for merly CAMPBELL HOTEL, 23D AND HO YT STREETS, CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the oest-knowo residential ho ' tela on the Pacific coast. American plan, with op without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day of mouth. Meals served 'o- transients. NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown higii-clasa family hote? ; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. PARK VIEW residential hotel. 386 Mont gomery; 2 large front rooms with pri vate baths, suitable for two; reasonable rates: walking distance. REASONABLY' priced room, with board in refined home, walking distance. 428 Mill. - ' NOB HILL, lovely large room for two, good meals, living room, laundry, home privileges. $35 monthly each. Mar. 416. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences, walking distance; $5 per wek. Auto 239-74. 12 E. 7th st. MARTHA WASHINGTON Room, board for girls, mod, rate. 30 10th. Mar. 1251. LARGE front room, suitable for 2; private bath. Main 4878. Rooms With Hoard in Private Family. LARGE, light, clean rms. with board, ev ery convenience, reasonable, close in. East 7005.. ROOMS and board, first-ciass meals, home cooking: walking distance; W. S., Nob Hill. 655 Kearney. NICELY' furnished corner room ior two. private family, meals if desired; two car lines. Marshall 2781, 774 North rap. LIGHT front room in modern home, in quiet neighborhood, suitable for two gen tle men. IinecookingT'abor 4889. PRIVATE hohie for children; mother's care. Marshall 2162. 1 LARGE front room in modern home, 770 Irving st. Marshall 4410. MOTHER'S care and gc-od home given one child. Call Tabor 9137. ROOM mm board in private family, 455 Montgomery. Phone Main 7651. ELEGANT room in fine home, excellent board, every privilege. . East 2604. ROOM AND BOARD, one gentleman; pri vate home. 576 Ladd ave. East 2333. CHILD. 3 to 5 i ears old. In private home, Woodlawn 6442. FOR BUSINESS man in modern private home, west side, close in. Main 3792. BOARD and room in fine home. East 9207. FOR RENT, Rooms With Board In private Family. MCKiV furnished corner room with fire olace. furnace heat, in a Nob Hill home, Weil cooked meals, home privileges to employed people who want a home- xto HAVE 3 larsre rooms, with or withou: board, on Broadway line; 2lso garage ro&m for 1 car. 7HI xuianiooK st, r. Linville. WIDOW with nice home will room and board work in er men : home privileges. $8 per week; also garage for rent; close in. 100 Morris st. Missitssippi car. IRVING TON Lovely front room, mahog any furniture; best home cooKing; r fined home, also sleeping porch, garag 530 E. 21st X. East 6645; NICE large, clean, well-furnished room with board;' good home cooking; room large enough for 2 or 3. i-arge ciose- All home privileges. 741 GHsan st. ROOM and board, 2- or 3 employed people nuipt home, no children: reasonable walking distance. GS1 Kearney. Main 3393. v ROOM, board in private family, pleasant rm. for 2 men, $55. Use of living rms. with fireplace, where you can feel at home. Bdwy 3U, or so lu.n at. WALKING distance for 2 people employed large room, with separate Dea; atcractiv residence, fclast oTju. WARM "nUnasnt rnnm suitable for home cooking, walking distance? a real nome. tuast S44o. NEWLY furnished, attractive room, able two- people; excellent meals sonable, close in. Marshall 1125. suit re a- 1 LARGE room, suitable for 2 men or man and wife, in an attractive home. Tabor K7fW. BOARD and robin, must be seen to be appreciated ; modern home; rates rea sonable. 391 Harrison. Mar. anus. . LARGE front room with lovely twin beds, in attractive home. Tabor tuh. Furnished Apartments. LAM BROOK APTS 430 E. YAMHILL ST. For rent, reasonable. 2-roora furnished apartments. Gall aBt 4uo. NEAT 4-room apt., furnace heat, light, , water, phone and garbage furnished west side; 10 min. walk; $30. 361 19th. Phone Main B63. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS 3-room furnished apt., all outside rms.; good furniture; walking distance; adults only. West Park and Columbia. WILL let to responsible party entire lower floor, 4 rooms, newly furnished; furnace heat, hardwood floors, cldse in. Phone East 91S6. 3(58 Multnomah st. DAVENPORT APTS. 3-room modern furnished apts.. hard wood floors, private bath. 505 Jefferson st. pnone Alain rw.i.i. JlONTGOAIEftf APARTMENTS. 2 rooms, furnished ; hardwood floors, elevator, strictly modern; all outside walking'distanca 3d. cor. Montgomery. 3 ROOMS, 2 ciosets. bath, heat, light nhone. newlv furnished, walking ais tance, private phone. 680 E. Madison, corner. l:Jth. ALICE COURT Available March 1, mod ern 3 large rooms. 2 beds, fireplace, bath. $50. Including telephone. Corner East 8th and Burnside. East 3SQ6. HIGHLAND COURT APT. Vnrn- u nil R-rnom unfurnished aDart merit; windows, floor and rugs cleaned once a montn rree. Jiar. axai. 4 ROOMS, furnished, private bath, walk ing distance, west side, ground floor. 547.SU mo. 4i4 lltn St., apt, u. AUDITORIUM COURT APTS. 3-room furnished, all outside rooms, very sunny, private bath, janitor service. walking distance. -Marsnau ornm. l.KONTR APTS.. ISli N 2 2 D ST. Furnished 3-room apt., first floor; newly tinted u private batn. 4o. jviar. 225f. AVINDSOR APTS... E. 14th and Y'amhill Vacant today. 2-room furnished apart ment ; very desirable; Adults only. 4-ROOM nicely furnished apartment, out side- rooms. Berkeley Apts., 39 Trinity Place. ' DR3CKSTON APARTMENTS. 448 ELEVENTH ST. MODERN 2-ROOM APARTMENT. JULIANA APARTMENTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FURNISHED 2 AND .3-ROOM APTS. 170 CHAPMAN ST., block from 18th and Morrison; 1 room, and kitchenette, $28 per month. Bdwy. 2a3 1. THE PENROSE. Grand ave. at Belmont - choice 3-room apartment; available March 1. East 4548. : HADDON HALL, 11th and Hall 3-room apartment. bath, balcony, hardwood floors; walking distance. Mar. 1160. MEREDITH. 4-room front, modern, walk ing distance, light and clean. 22d and Washington. Bdwy. 6184. A RDM AY TERRACE. 395 12th; large 2-room front Mar. 898. ' ' apt, KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 3-room strictly modern, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main S-"9. ROSELY'N APARTMENTS. 110 N. 21st. 2-room modern furnished apt. GUILD APARTMENTS. 3-room apt., private bath, all outside rooms. Main 3705. 394 Guild st. NICE, clean, two'large room apt., newly furnished, close in, heat, light and gas. 690 Irving. Main 2719. LILLIAN APARTMENTS. 3 rooms, large, light, modem, side. 381 6th st. Marshall 1378. ONE 2tROOM and kitchenette apt. fur nished, and one 2-room apt., furnished; reasonable rent. 699 Everett at. LEONCE APTS.. 186 N. 22D ST. Furnished 3-room apt., first floor; newly tinted; private bath. Mar. 225Q. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 3-room strictly modern, elevator." tile b-ath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 359. TUDOR ARMS APTS. 18th and Couch, 2 rooms, 5th floor, outside. Lovely view. Bdwy. 2559. LEONCE APTS.. 186 N. 22D ST. Furnished 3-room apt., first floor; newly tinted; private hath. Mar. 2250. KING HILL APTS. - 4-room furnished front apt.; also 5 room unfurnished apt. Bdwy. 5126. . r . PARK HURST APTS. rooms, French doors, balcony. Bdwy. 1179. CLEAN, completely furnished 2-room apt., $23. 68Qa Lombard, corner &th . st. St. Johns car. ; WESTONIA APARTMENTS. 666 Glisan Two-room furnished apartment; very mod ern; walking distance. LARGE, light, clean, well-furnished housekeeping apt., close to Washington, Benson schools. 20 East loth, cor. Ash. NEW YORK APTS. 2-rm. fur. apt., $27.50, including lights, heat, hot and cold water. E. 7th and Belmont sts. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 4 and 5 -room, unfurnished apartments. Marshall 3381 THE VICTORIAN 4-room furnished apt., bath; close in; reasonable. 428 Colum bia, near Hth. Marshall 2277. 3-ROOM apt., furnisned, private bath. 1 block from S. S. carline. 126 E. 34th st. Tabor 5188. . CECELIA APTS., 22D AND GLISAN. Very desirable 3-room unfurnished apt. with balcony. Marshall 1804.. 4-ROOM apt.-, hardwood floors. private bath. - walking distance: four adults. Bd yvv. 2956. or East 427& THE CHELTENHAM, 19th and Northrup. 2 and 4-roorti apts. Bdwy. 3658. i-ROoM furnished apt., private entranco, everything furnishe.d. S30. Bdwy. 1663. CARLOIS APTS. -room furnished, mod ern apartment. 14th and Market. NICELY furnished apt with bath. West mlnster apts., 262 6th st. Main 5582 6-KOOM apt., "suitable for store and iiv- ing room- ,2 Williams ave. -ROOM apt., private bath, 540. Apartments. Broadway 4936. Chetopa TWO AND 3-room apt&., Clackamas apts. 272 H Williams ave. ALCO APTS., E. Couch and Union ave., moderr 2-room apts: reasonable. MORTON APTS. 3-room. furnished apart m lent. 697 Washington st. Bdwy. 109 8. NICE comfortable sleeping rooms, close in. West side. 208 17th st. Main 762a UNION AVE. and Kiliingsworth, fur. apt.. $i:.ov; ail utimjjicic, m;reie DUUQing SAN MARCO ATTRACTIVE. MOD. 3-RM. APTS. WALKING DIST. EAST 1990. 2 AND 3-ROCM modern apis., tile bath. Main 1052. Buena Vista apts. 2 OR 3-ROOir suites, private bath, reas onable. by week or month. 414 4th St. 2 AND 3-ROOM furnished apt. ; light, sunny rooms. 760 E. Broadway. 2-ROOM apt. one room and kitdihnette H2S Mill, near Broadway. NICELY furnished 5-room apt., with piano. Phone Main 7516. APT. WITH 3 rooms and bath, ton st. East 3611. 308 Stan- LUZERNE APTS. 2-room modern furnished apartment. -ROOM apt. private bath. 49:trt. Chetopa $40. Bdwy. NICELY furnished apts. with bath. West minster apts.. 262 6th- st. Main 5582. WANTED Someone to share apt. with congenial lady. Mar. 52S after 6 P. M. 5-ROOM unfurnished apartment. The Wilmar, 742 Everett st. Phone Main M64. NICELY furnished room and kitchenette, reasonable. 62 N. 21st. near Wash. LUXOR APTS., 13TH AND CLAY. 2-room apt., . strictly mod rn. $25 NEWLY finished modern 4-room cot tage. close in. 415 Northwest Bank bidg. MUNCEY, 2-room apt. and bath, after 2:30 P. M., 390 Clay st. Call 4-ROOM nicely furnished apt., close in. at 3S8 11th st. Marshall 4174. NICELY furnished 2-room apt. street. 580 Hoyt FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. THESE ARE FINE APARTMENTS. Furnished very nicely and -clean, mod ern, classy, roomy. We are making spe cial rates to permanent tenants. Three room apt.,, with disappearing bed and davenport, for $45 month; south side, one three rooms in front, 50; one four room apartment, equipped for as high as 5 persons; 55 month. You can't beat them in Portland. THE COLUMBIAN, 11th and Columbia, Walking distance from downtown. NOB HILL APARTMENT. Completely furnished modern 4-room apt., also modern unfurnished 3-room apt., with nice large sleeping porch for 40 and ?45. 361 Failing, near Union. COUNTRY HOTEL FOR TRADE. Willamette valley town, on highway; well furnished and doing good business. Lady will exchange property and all for farm, acreage close in or city property. What have you? , , J. BRUCE GODDAPD, 501-2 Couch bidg. FURNISHED bachelor suite, very large and elegant; large enough for two or three refined gentlemen; hardwood floors and many lamps," lots of heat and hot water; piano; also single rooms $-5 up. References required. Broadway 5830. 166 St- Clair St., cor. Washington. GARFIELD APARTMENTS. 4-room, modern, completely furn.sned front apartment, first floor, private batn and telephone, all built-in features; Jan itor service; $50 per month. 361 Failing street. . THE CROMWELL. -Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank a atore; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apts.. out side and French doors and balconj;pe.- manent and transient. X"r MARW W7I P o V flnBdln? of NEW, up-to-date single and -nouBeKec'B suites; exclusive place for exclusive peo rvi Kai,;fiiiTj- f,iHd extra well " heated: verv r&asonable rates: make re'servations now; alao unfurnished. 544 nitl Ki. 7 th St. JN. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW TT A TC A i W. VI K1. JT 4 rooms, strictly modern, beautifully lurmsnea, ciose in, waia-ins will rent to responsible parties; $. Bdwy. 1245. ' t fi vu vtut crni?. mnF,R NT S 5 0. Living room, dining room, bath, bed room, kitchen : private entrance, all lie-hf oiitsJnV rooms, best district. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH, IRVING apartment. 3 large outside rooms, artistically furnished, manogany, com plete, piano ; must see to appreciate; adults, references required; March 1; $65. Marshall 2786. ELM WOOD APARTMENTS. - Strictly first-class 2 and 3-room apart ments; completely furnisnea; oo anu 510: 4ift lutn st. jviain woou. DEZENDORF APARTMENTS. 20S Hith st. near Tavlor. Mar. 128 Completely furn., 5-rm. apt. All out- side rooms, top floor. 2-ROOM furnished apt., and one 3-room fnrnisheH srt.. also, one sieemng room steam heat, modern. Belknap apts., 187 17th street. LARGE, lieht. front 2-room apartment Lombard st. at Albina ave. Aduits; $22.50. Kenton car, .20 minutes to town. Phone Main. 0220. ZUMBRO COURT, 20TH AND WASHINGTON. Elegantly furnished cor. 3-room apt. witn piano. - Unfurnished Apartmcoia. GARFIELD APTS. 4-room front corner apt!. $40; hard wood floors, private bath, steam heat. free teleDhone. all modern conveniences. gaa range and kitchen linoleum, janitor service 361 Failing st. ; WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW MA NAG-MENT. i-room, newly painted and kalsomined. strain heat and teiepnone, ciose m, waiv ing distance, only 3 blocks of W'ash fngton st. Rent $47.50. Call Bdwy. 1245 NO MORE WORRY Opening of new,, up tn.iitu siniclfi and bouseKeeDin)? suites exclusive piace for exclusive people; ey- tra well heated; also beautifully IU" nished apartment, 544-546 E. 7th st N JUST OPENING. Beautiful 3-room apartment, hard woofi floors, taoestrv naner. fireplace. porch, white enamel; garage; location unsurpassed, n J. iviaaison. TH R alter li-rm. bungalow apt., sleep ine Dorch. hardwood noors, tiie Datn wnn shower, fireplace and china closet. 21sl and Overton. Bdwy. 1980 or Bdwy. 5263 a-ROOM act., dressing room and bath, This is first class in every respect. ; hardwood floors, white enamel wood work. East 3782. A-FtnoM anartment in Laurelhurst, garage, hpat pntr n wasner. water. uiioiif, adults only; $65. Automatic 231-31. 1006 Holladay ave., at 33d. ' LIVING room, combination kitchen and breakfast room, dressing room, natn, electric range. 800 E. Hoyt st. Call Eas-t 7527, or East 5459. EXCELLENT NEWS J ust opened, new, up-to-date, single or housekeeping, cnoice location, wen neatea, reasonaoie rates. 546 E. 7th North. 4-ROOM modern unfurnished apt., steam heat, $40; garage If desired; no cniidren. V averiy Jourr. su. oin ana simtoii. CHETOPA APTS. 4-room apartment on second floor; gas. range and rerrigera tors included. Call Broadway 4936. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 3 rooms, kitchen, tile bath,, elevator, hardwood floors. Main 359. LAURELHURST APARTMENT. 3-room apt. and garage. 142 East 39th. Tabor 2614 FOR RENT 6-room unturnished apart ment, high grade, centrauy located, ex celtent service. Broadway 2201. MOVING $2 PErt HOUR AND UP. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. ELK TRANSFER CO. BDWY. 2445. THE AMERICAN Modern o-room apart ment. Broadway 3doo. 1 ROOMS, hot-water heat; partly fur. or unfur. 789 Kearney. Mar. 3456. ROOMS, modern, steam heat, newly tinted; gas stove. 561 Glisan st. -ROOM apartment, $33. Apply 304 Mor gan bidg. Main 4566. UNFURNISHED o-room apartment, steam heat; adults, pgr isasi aiam. Furnished or Cniurnisnea Apartment. SHEFFIELD Broadway and Jefferson, nice 4-room cor. apt., xurnisnea or un furnished. . Flats. FLAT FOR RENT. 5-room flat, good bath; close In on east side; rental $25 a month. See A. B. Chrtstensen. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bidg. 6-ROOM .flat within 15 min. walking dis- tance; in excellent condition; una view; close to Gordon Apts. Furnace, fireplace, heater, inlaid linoleum in kitchen. $45. See Strong & Co., 606 Ch. of Com. 5-ROOM flat, walking distance, nice view, turnace, fireplace, phone, water; $ii.oO. 3H9H - 3th st.. 'south of Montgomery. ROOMS and sleeping porch at 40O N. 25th st., $25; adults only, inquire 7451, Roosevelt or call Marshall 3719. UNFURNISHED lower flat, 4 rooms and hu fh rinairuh a location, close in. went side; adults only. 474 Clay. Mar. 4194. -ROOM flat, gas range, built-in bed, fur nace. 104v Aitima ave., FIVE large, beautiful rooms,, bath, Dutch kitchen, on car tine, h 1 z Aioerta St. -ROOM modern upper flat; gas, furnace: west side. Mar. 1289. :5 CLOSE in, modern, 5 rooms, adults only. 373 Union ave. N. ' Furnished Flats. ONLY $254 4-room well furnished flat, large bathroom, wood heater, gas stove, gaa water heater, elec. Near Laurel hurst park and Sunnyside school ; best car service. 150 E. 33d. East 52C0. COMFORTABLY furnished 5-room modern upper flat, with sleeping porcn. and iire place, close in, adults only, $65 per month; references required: will be shown Sunday. AG 468. Oregonian. A FURNISHED modern 5-room upper flat; has a fireplace, a piano, a nice porcn and walking distance; rent $47.50 month. Call 441 11th st. MODERN 5-room lower furnished flat, $55, vacant March 1st. 33 A (Jook ave. Wms. and Union ave. cars. Can see 1 o'clock till 5:30, or call Aut. 324-78. MODERN 5-room furnished flat, sleeping porch; very aesiraoie neinDornooa. rea sonable rent. Tabor 3900. NICELY furnished 5-room flat with 4 ad ditional rooms, suitable for roomers. 004 King st. 4-ROOM flat, walking distance, nice view, phone, -water, $32.50. 389 16th et.-, south of Montgomery. 4-ROOM furnished flat; adults; $37. East 3305. phone, water; 290 Fargo st. NICELY furnished modern 4-room flat, $27. 385 Cable st.; Chapman car. Main 3476. FIVE nicely furnished distance. Mar. 2772. rooms, walking 3-ROOM flat, modern, adults only. 22d st. South. Housekeeping Rooms. H. K. APT., comfortable, light. 447 5tli st, Carline. ( HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent cheap. 515 Vancouver ave.; near Russell. 2 FRONT rooms, housekeeping. $18 month. 427 Montgomery, near 14th st. BEAUTIFUL 4-room apt., 2 beds; walk ing distance. 573 3d. Main 3457. VERY neat h. k. rooms; rent $4.50 per week; adults only. 341 Hgrrison. JEFFERSON APTS. Front 2-room apt. 3054 Jefferson st. " HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 200 14Ui flU FOR KXT. Housekeeping Rooms. NICE LARGE. OUTSIDE SUITE OF HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, $6 WEEK; LOVELY YARD, ETC.; ELECTRIC WASHER. THIS "WILL MAKE YOU FINE HOME FOR SPRING AND SUM MR. YOU'D PAY $4 MONTH FOR PLACE LIKE THIS US THE WEST SIDE. 660 BELMONT ST. COR. 1STH. 3-APT. II. K-, well furnished, on lower floor; steam heat, everything furnished; nice view. 595 Glisan, corner 19th; walking distance. Phone Bdwy. 2327. NEWLY cleaned and renovated house keeping rooms; price" $4.50 and $5 for , 2 rooms, 1 block from Hawthorne bridge. East side. 301 H Hawthorne ave. FINELY furnished 2-room front apts., heat, light, gas, phone and laundry in cluded in rent, $30 and $35; adults only. 302 Tillamook, near Williams ave. NICEST housekeeping rooms in city; every thing furnished, beds are new and clean; best hot-water heat, $15-$20-$25 per month. East 7559. 40 Holladay! UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 2-room apt. ; 1-roo.m apt., sleeping rooms; newly calcimined; lovely new fur. 652 ThurrngJi. Bdwy. 1882. NEWLY' FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $25 and $30 per month; excellent heat, very convenient, close in. 408 12th st. Main 6-165. $4 TO" $5 WEEK, completely furnished housekeeping suites, every convenience, right down town. 288 3d at., near Jef ferson. 7 1 AND 2 NICHLY furnished H, K. apts., $20 to $30; gas, heat, light and phone .included in rent. 423 Pacific St., across from Dental college. 1 HOUSEKEEPING room, heat and gas for cooking, $20 p6r month. 195 13th st. Phone Main 3465. THE BEAVER, i2tn and Marshall Fur nished H. K. rooms, $15 up, including , hot water, electric, lights, laundry room. NEW 3-ROOM H. K., just completed; furnace heat, running water in apt. East H954. ' BUSH MARK, Wash. St., corner 17th, dean, modern 1 and 2-room outside apts. Also sleeping room. Bdwy. 5463. 2 AN'D 3-ROOM apts., atove heat, laun dry, privileges. 246 Russell st., close to WllHams ave. Phone East 765. 3 NICELY fur., clean, h. k. room sv close in, west side; can pay part rent by helping la-ndlaHy. 474 Clay. Mar. 4194. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent, single and double, with kitchenette. Broadway 1779. 101 North 16th st. 2 AND 4-ROOM, on East 12th, near Stark East 4S54. $3.50 WEEK UP Large downtown fur nished H. K. rooms. 2584 Wash. SINGLE PI. K. rooms, nished, elec, close in. completely fur 54 North 9th. LARGE room, nicely furnished, with large kitchen; walking distance. Bdwy. 5926. TWO rooms, $5 per week up ; one and sleeping, $3 up. 208 Washington. SINGLE steam - htjated rooms, $4 to $6 per week. housekeeping 147 13th st. CLEAN housekeeping rooms, electric lights, block off Wash. 149 Lownsdale. 1 LARGE front room and kitchen, lith st. 235 FOR RENT Two-room suite, first floor, walking distance. 187 Chapman st. Housekeeping Koonis in Private Family. LOVELY large, light suite of house keeping rooms, opening into bath, $6 week, to permanent family; nice yard; lovely view. Nice home, with agree able people. - 660 Belmont street and East 18th. 2 BEAUTIFUL completely furnished, cor ner, front housekeeping rooms ; furnace heat, gas range ; laundry, clean ; walk ing distance; reasonable. Main 1311. 2S3 North 24th. LOVELY housekeeping rooms with heat, phone and everything furnished; would give mother's care to email children while parents work. Bdwy. 5965. 321 North 19th street. IRVINGTON housekeeping rooms, newly furnished ; furnace heat: light and gas furnished, at right prices. 442 E. 19th Street North. $20 NICE 3-room suite of three fully fur. H. K. rooms;-lights and water free; nice location; walking distance. 564 E. 6th. Sell wood 1109. IRVINGTON 2 rooms. H. K., hot and cold water and kitchen sink, furnace heat, clean and homelike; children wel come. 441 E. 13th st. N. East 1441. 3 WELL furnished nouselteeping rooms on ground floor near car line; no children. 293 E, 39th. FURNISHED H. K. room and kitchenette, clean, reasonable. 690 Lovejoy. Marshall 835. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms; lights, gas, water; $22.50. 362 Sacra- mento. , BEDROOM. sitting room, kitchenette, light, water., phone, bath; adults, ref. ; $30. Main 4709. . TWO beautiful rooms with kitchen. Lau relhurst home, prefer employed couple ; $35. Tabor 62S6. $11 TWO comfortable furnished H. Iv. basement koonis; nice location; walking distance. 564 East 6th. TWO congenial people to share room. h. k. and privileges of a real home with 2 adults; walking distance. East 4107. TWO LIGHT housekeeping rooms in pri vate home, to employed people, or sleep ing rooms. 129 E. 15th st. East 6827. $35 THREE h. k. rooms. 425 E. 57th st. Adults only ; no smokers: also garage. $25 MONTH. 2 bedrooms, pantry, yard. 75 Park. kitchen, sink. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, furnace heat. 171 East 3th st. East 2617. FURNISHED housekeeping suite, walking distance. ; adults. 562 East Couch. TWO housekeeping rooms, modern, floor. $20. 1171 Albina. TWO furnished rooms, elect., adults, close in. 13 East 7th st. East 1929. 3-ROOM modern apartment with sleeping porcn. J3UCK apts., ivi i. zist st. NEAT single, steam heated. h. k. room. 445 Columbia. Houses. FOR RENT Modern 6-room bungalow. near Frankljn high, on payed streets, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace and garage; some funiture if desired; refer ences. Photre Ttor 93 evenings. MODERN 6-room house, vacant ; newly decorated. 1 401 E. Glisan st. L. E. Steinmetz, 408 Gerlinger bidg. Main 6091 or Tabor 3224. IRVINGTON. Modern 7-room house, lease, close to Irvington and Bdwy. car. Dan Kellaher, 480 Belmont st. East "8433. 9 ROOMS and finished attic. 1 block from Hawthorne, between 34th and 35th sts. ; good condition. See Rippey, 611 McKay bidg. Bdwy. 7229. ATLAS TRANSFER. Pianos moved. $3 and up; furniture moving ins proportion ; get our prices f i rst ; all work guaranteed. Bdw y. 1207. 6-ROOM S and . sleeping porch, extra at tractive, "all modern, white woodwork, hardwood floors, all built-ins, $50. 563 E. 40th N. Tabor 7317. CALL BROADWAY 5S0 FOR NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. Washington at 10th ST. 6 ROOMS, furnace and garage on 39th and Gladstone ave., ivey at 1160 Gladstone ave. MOVING Pianos, furniture and long dis tance hauLng a specialty, o. & w. Truck Service Co., 40 2d sf Phone Bdwy. 5121. 6-ROOM modern bungalow with furnace. m Rose City Park, ror rent at $50 a month. Broadway -8574. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Transfer Co., Main 12G1. 202 Alder street. G-ROOM cottage, East Clay st., between 11th and 12th; rent $-'i.o. The Law rence Co.. realtors, 212 Corhettt bidg. 5-ROOM unfurnished house in rear; bath, gas, electric lihts; adults only, 633 Linn avenue. 4-ROOM house in-good condition, close in $20. Inquire 2d First st. Phon,e Main 7426. A. N. Patterson. 7-ROOM house for rent, 312 E. 47th st. Has furnace. $40 FINE 6-room corner house, garage, garden. k. Agn. jast laox. FOR RENT or saie My beautiful home in irvington. Bdwy. 2:56. O-ROOM house, H acre, small payment, 4614 E. 41st st. your rent money. EAST side, walking distance. . desirable neigh borhoon : eight rooms. 334 Halsey. MODERN 6-room house, furnace, fireplace. yard ; references: ciose in; 4"J. wain, FOR RENT 6-room house. Inquire 1365 Milwaukee st. Phone Sellwood 2670. LIGHT, clean h. k. rooms, furnace., heat. 264 12th St. IRVINGTON S rooms, choice . location. st P"15. Furnished IIouhch. FIRST-CLASS modern bungalow, 6 rooms. For particulars call sea. 620. Wallberg & French. -ROOM furnished house, electric, gas, bath 767 Kerby st. $30. Inquire Wdln. 4270. FOR RENT 7-room house, furnished, 1 block to canine ; price ju, au econa st. Call Marshall 5383. WILL rent 7 rooms, w. s., nicely fur nished, for tne use 01 one room, x it, Oregonian. IRVINGTON home, 7 room, furnished, harawood hoots, piaoio ana iirepiace, E-a-rage; $80 a months E. 9274. FURNISHED 4-room house, modern, yard. walking distance, pjj iviarKec si, FOR RENT Furnished house and 14 acre land.- I'none -Auto. pm--trc. uwper. FURNISHED 5-room bungalow cottaga Call iao FURNISHED 5-room house for rent cheap. 101 Grover st. 4-ROOM furnished bungalow for rent. 504 " Alberta street. FOR BENT. Furnished Houses. COSY furnished four-room cottaga, ail light and newly renovated,- large yard, roses, fruit trees, radiant fire grate, east side. Richmond cars to 491 E. 33d st, half block from carline, north. Owner on premises from 10 to 2 Friday, 3d inst. IRVINGTON HOME, furnished complete with exception of china, bedding and silver; can give a lease to responsible party; aauits omy. or appointment call Mrs. Harry Price Palmer, Main 1786. 3238 N. W. Bank bidg. HIGH-CLASS furnished residence on Wil lamette Heights for rent, large 12-room modern house, beautifully furnished, at tractive grounds; first-class in all re spects; $200 per month. Phone Bdwy, 7560. 5-ROOM furnished ' house, east side, near Jefferson high; water, garbage removed: $40; adults. 1075 Kerby. Phone Wdin. "3602. PARTLY furnished upper flat, 5 roofma, - 870 Ke-My st.; rent $2o. The Lawrence Co., realtors; 212 Corbett bidg. COMFORTABLE 4-room house: lawn; west side; walking distance. 249 Ban croft. . MODERN five-room, completely furnished bungalow with garage; Rose City Park. 314-18. 667 East 51st North. CONGENIAL couple to share modern home in good district; must be neat and re liable. AJ 230, Oregonian. LOVELY 8-room strictly modern west side house for rent, furnished; easy to rent rooms here. 920 Kelly st, N. S. car. ATTRACTIVELY furntehed 4-room house, adults. Inquire 742 E. 10th st., near Rhone, FOUR large- rooms, modern; free phone. 624-16. 5650 85th st. S. E. JHonses for Rent- Furniture for Sale. HOUSE for rent, $18 per month; furni ture for sale, $200; close in. 410 San .Rafael st. ; Wdln. or Alberta car. FURNITURE for sale at bargain, 6-room flat for reiut, rooms pay rent. So? Ev erett st. FURNITURE of 6-room modern fiat for sale; rent $40; downtown district; terms or bargain for cash. 32 16th st. N. 6-ROOM modern, 707 Vaughn St., 2 -blks from Portland Baseball park, rent $45. Phone Auto. 533-16. 3-ROOM furnished cottage at Multnomah station ; garage and garden space ; rent $30. Call at log cabin near station. FURNITURE 6-room flat, large rooms, clean, south Portland, price $350; rent $27.50. Call East 4854. THE FURNISHINGS of for sale, located at '. Marshall 2493. a 7-room houae :66 Harrison st. FURNITURE for sale by piece if desired, of 5-room house, carpets, dressers, etc.; must be sold. 346 Victoria st. FIVE-ROOM house and sleeping porch with furnace. Large yard with fruit trees. 425 Knott St., 5:30 to 7 P. M. 5-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale. 290 East Ninth, half block from Haw thorne avenue. 9-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale; nice location. Phone Marshall 2103. HOUSE for rent, furniture for saie. 289 Clay st. FIVE-ROOM flat", furniture for sale, $35. 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. 6-ROOM house for rent, $30; furniture for sale, $4vu; walking distance. 293 Crosby. Stores and Business Places. FOR RENT. iCHOICE STORES Corner room, 2d and Burnside. Also adjoining store on 2d st. Will give lease for term of years. For information, call Bdwy; 728, -or Auto. 522-90. OWNER WILL BUILD AT ONCE. West side, on lOOxlOO-foot corner, one or two stores, on Savier st., good for garage, storage or manufacture; reason able rent and security to responsible peo ple. See Mr. Jones. F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 210 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. WEST SIDE Part store space, 11x33, suitable for storage, painter, etc., $10. Bdwy. 2487. NICE 6-room apartment, suitable for store and living rooms. 272 Williams avenue. CLOSE-IN store for rent. 249 Columbia st.. near 3d, $25, now vacant; suitable for shop. light manufacturing, etc. WILL lease part or of store, 15x55 ft., best location in city; good lease. Apply 124 Broadwayi FOR DESIRABLE spce in nreproof ware house. phone Broadway 3715. STORE. 230 Washington at. Stark st. Apply 252 RESTAURANT for rent, all complete. 244 Burnside. Offices. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. Well-lighted and heated offices, single or in suites, central office building in financial section of city; low rentals. See Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 Second street, corner Stark. OFFICE space, with or without desk and stenographer service. 209 Stock Ex change bidg." Marshall 2310. GROUND floor space with window, excel lent business location. Bdwy. 5044. 2-ROOM office with nice recepOon room for rent, 817 North w estern Ban k bidg. DESK room with teiepnone and steao graphic service. Phone Bdwy. 3716. FRONT office, change bl. modern, in Railway Ex Apply room 312. PRIVATE office with or without recep tion room. 207 Stock Exchange bidg. FURNISHED office for sale or rent. 518 Chamber of Commerce bldg DESK room, also dek, chairs, sale or rent. 332 Railway Exchange. Bdwy. 4336. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. AUTO PAINTING BUSINESS. Equal half interest can be secured In first-class auto paint shop; splendid lo cation, long established, steady trade, plenty work on hand; no experience re quired if youare willing worker and will be satisfied-ith $160 a month from starff; price only $450 for full half inter est. Call 620 Cham, of Com. bidg., 4tb and Stark. $24W) CAS H and carry ; rem t $25 ; wiU give leae; 2 living rooms, dod-ng $40 to $50 daily ;wtll du voices some tenms. $lSO0 "CASH and carry grocery, fine rei ben.tS al di a tri ct ; doriin g $ '.' 5 d ad 1 y ; $ 1 9 rem-t; will 4n voice or -lutm-p. & BORLAND, Realtor, 223 Henry bidg. 4th and Oak, BEST BAKERY BUSINESS IN PORTLAND. Does an average business of $45 per day, and more on Saturdays and Sun days. Uses over a barrel of flour per v day. Reasonable price on fixtures and invoice stock. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., r:09-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 6942. DRY GOODS-GENT'S FURNISHINGS. Splendid east Bide location; doing $1000-$1200 monthly business; owner saves $3250-$ 300 a month above living; serious sickness makes sale necessary easily worth $10,000, but will sacrifice for $6200. BUSINESS SERVICE). 718 Dekum Bidg. Auto. 561-44 Cf.F.ANTN'rt ANI PRESSING SHOP. Four living rooms, rent $15, established 4 vears. same owner. All furniture, phonograph and records, sewing machine and cleaaning and pressing outfit; $400 will handle. ANCHOR. INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 404-5-6 Panama Bidg. 3d and Alder. LUNCH COUNTER. RIGHT DOWNTOWN Rusv location: comnletelv eauiDoed; will never clear less than $225 monthly above all expenses; price $750; only $o00 down, balance easy payments from the profits of business; excellent opportunity for man and wife; a real bargain that is seldom offered. Apply 316 Pittock blk, Washington at iutn st CASH AND CARRY GROCERY SNAP. Fine residential district, modern equip ment, 4 year lease; one living room; re ceipts $35 to $50- day; lo.w rent; fix tures $500 and invoice stock about $1300 all told. 310 Panama bidg., 3d and Aer sts. LUNCH COUNTER. PRICE ONLY $725. Close-in west Bide lunch counter, av erage $25 per day business. This low price on account of sickness. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-1O Panama Bidg. Broadway 6942. FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Five-year lease, low rent, central location, doing $100 to $150 day business; $5500, $4000 cash. See George with INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Stark St. GROCERY STORES, gave time and money by, coming In and look over our large listing of gro cery stores ; any size, kind or location. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10' Panama Bidg. Broadway 6942. PARTNER in established grocery, $1200 half interest; experience not necessary. BO 461, Oregonian. " A CIGAR STAND ONLY $175. A fair location; owner in hospital; must sell.- Room 401 Dekum bidg. HAVE located gold strike after 20 years' prospecting ; can locate few adjoining claims, $125 required. Woodlawn 2860 $95 CASH and oainry grocery on busy E. eJdo sL, living rooms can be arranged) 4 Chaan, of Com, bidg. RESTAURANTS. . Fine little restaurant on N. Sixth St.; good,- clean equipment; is well patron ized; on account other business owner will sacrifice for $1600. Restaurant on Grand ave.: does a $30 per day business; priced cheap at $850 cash. v X Large, fine auipped 1 restaurant on Burnside; bigfunch counter; larse num ber of tables; does exceptional business; one of the best equipped restaurants north of Aashington st. Small restaurant on east side, near Grand ave.; $550 cash. GARAGES. On Pacific highway, near auto camp grounds; large building built for garae purposes; 4 living rooms and bath; fill ing station; large amount of travel. Garage and automobile age-ncy In southern Oregon city. Will sell entire business or half partnership. Brick garage, small town. 25 miles from Portland ; unusually good money maker; large amount of tools, etc. Priced cheap at $3700. CONFECTIONERY. POOL ROOMS AND CARD ROOMS. We have some very fine list in us of confectioneries, pool rooms, and card rooms, in small towns in Washington ; also some good Portland listings; rane in price from $2000 to $6000. If interest ed call and inquire for details. LADDER WORKS. Unusually fine opportunity for car penter. West side location. Old -established business. Cheap rent. Orders on hand. Chester L. Florence. BITTER LOWE & CO.. REALTORS. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trad- Bidg. PARTNERSHIP OFFERED IN GOOD BUSINESS WHERE YOU HANDLE YOUR OWN MONEY. TO A WIDE-AWAKE YOUNG MAN WHO WILL ADAPT HIMSELF THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY OF MERIT HUAT WILL STAND STRICTEST INVESTI GATION; $5000 CASH REWI.IRED. APPLY O. C. ULRICH & CO.. 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. FOR SALE GOING MACHINE SHOP. Just the Shop for a Garage or Repair Shop. On account of sickness I am compelled to dispose of my machine shop, com posed of the following tools: Milling machine with a complete set of cutters for gear cut tings, 2 lathes, shaper drill prees, arbor pros, Atkins power hack saw. grlndsr, tempering furnace and all tools necessary for repair work : will make terma to suit. C 457. Oregonian. PARTNERSHIP AUTO PAINTING. $300 caish will secure equal half in terest in a busy, well-known -hop; fine location; established steady trade; plenty of work on hand and large volume com ing in; your opportunity to buy In with first-class painter and learn the busi ness. Need man who is a steady and willing worker and is satisfied to make $160 per month for himself from- the start. Best opportunity in Portland for a small investment. Apply 316 Pittock blk., Washington at loth st. " GARAGE AND REPAIR SHOP PARTNER. A client of ours desires to man handy with tools and willing worker to buy equal half interest in his good pay ing auto repair shop. You will be asso ciated with expert. Can make $155 month to start, with prospects of doing better; $450 required. Apply room 21 Morgan bidg., on Was-hington, between Broad way and Park sts. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE CLOSE TO PORTLAND. $2X),000 year business, on main high way; 2 living rooms; Ford truck included in price ; $4000 cash; P. O. station. $25 with rent; LONG LEASE. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUTRE, 205 Abington Bidg. Broadway 7171. Third St.. net. Wash, and Stark. GAS AND SERVICE STATION. Choice location ; best of equipment, wlill give long lease at a reaMonabl rental ; large stock of oila, grease and accessories; books will show that this place is clearing better than $300 month; if you are looking for a real money making proposition don't fall to inves tigate Oils: price flftuO. Call 620 Cham. I of Com. bidg.. 4th and Stnk. -CARD ROOM CIGAR AND LUNCH. This is ona of the best paying card rooms in the city; 4 years" lease, very low rent; west side; best location; fullv equipped; gross business averaging $100 to $125 day. At the price this is a won derful buy. Sacrifice for $2750. This will stand investigation. Reason for selling. - 310-311 Panama bidg., 3d and Alder sts. WANTED Someone with from $500 to $1000 to Join ma in a company now op erating and producing; If you are look ing for an opportunity to connect your self permanently, wit h a perpetual in come hereafter, and where you can pro tect your own linancial interests, don't fail to answer this ad. Give full par ticulars. A P 462, Oregonian. AN. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. Ambitious, steady and reliable man with good personality can connect wih old-esxablished downtown business that offers exceptional remuneration ; enn clear from $200 up monthly ; clean, in teresting busine-w, with unlimited possi bilities; price $400. Call 620 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and ptark. A PARTNER WANTED. For auto service station, carry auto parts, tires, vulcanizing, etc. ; owner being an expert vulcanlzer and busy in shop; wants a partner to sell gas, oils, etc., and be generally helpful; can make good profits and $500 will handle it. Room 401 Dekum bidg CARD ROOM AND RESTAURANT. Brick bidg., $10O a day business; long Kease, first-class fixtures. Open for In vestigation. Too much for one man. Man with common sense. $1500. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 404-5-6 Panama Bidg. 3d and Alder. BARBERS, ATTENTION. Nifty 2-chair shop, with bathroom, in the best location on east side; low rent, taking in ,$90 a week; now will be sold at a price and on terms that will aston ish you. Sickness Is the cause. Laundry agency. investigate this. Tabor 2625. 1009 Belmont. POOLROOM AND CIGAR, STORE. Open front, on corner, In renter ef good outside town. Average dally busi ness, $40. Price ONLY $20110. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., r.OO-Kt PAN.VMA BLOTS. BDWY. 6942. $;00 M E A T M A R K ET $ 2." HI. Busy east side, location; fully equipped Including Ice machine ; low rent ; renew able lease ; doing $6(1 day business. BUSINESS SERVICE. 718 Dekum Bidg. Auto. 561-44. FOR SALE Bargain, cafeteria restaurant, fully equipped, now closed; gnod lo cation on Stark street, near 10th; bank mortgagee and building owners will make low, satisfactory leave. Phone Broadway 1641 WHOLESALE and retail fish business, frood lease, cheap rent, have truck, (lo ng $50,000 annually, making exception al net; must sell on account of II) health; will sell for price of fixtures and truck, $3O00. 504 Buchanan bidg. GARAGE PARTlVER WANTED. Owner needs iuTteres'ted help; wUl cll half initerest to em active man ; -will, teac-h bd-n th bus-ires!, pay good ages a.nd ho.w profit; only 1650 required. ;inmm 51 L R a i Iway Exch-antro. IF YOU HAVE $10,000 and want to get into the very best saw mill proposition In the state, where you will have abso lute control, call at 230 Chamber, of Commerce bidg. -GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. $875 GROCERY, west aide, doinw $l."-$20 a dn v ; comfortable living rooms; Rood opportunity for man and wife to make an easv living on small capita 1. TtTTSINESS PBRVIfK. 713 Dekum Bid. WA NT a jrood inaji ix 'help in Morase fira.rasro aa palmer; look after torare and a4e of s. o-ila, e-ta; will (Invoice price masked Room 511, Riaiilway Ex- chancev . A 60x14)0 MODERN G ARAGrl. Fine location: full steady atorair: grood sale gas, oils, repairing, etc., $2400 hand leg It. Room 401 Dekum bidg. ONE OF THB BEST truck jobs in Oregon, can maka $40 and better a day; must have $1000. 9 to 12 A. M. F. T. Pem broke. 301 1st St.. room 3S. $13 OOO' BUYS tho bent busincaa block In Central!-. Wash.. .r0x J 20 ; beat locat iofi In the city. Particulars. Writ 400 S. Wash. A. ve.. Centra lia. Wash. FOR SALE Pool hall, -card room and soft drinks; 3-Var lease, good location, good income; $3000 csh. Pacific Itoalty Co., 272 Stark St. BiFwy. 7S30. SOFT DRINKS AND CARD ROOM. West Bide, close in doing good busi ness; $1400, terms. See it. WM. WILLING. 401 Panama Building. IF THE investment ot a ma.U amount with large returns in a bona fide busi ness interests you call at 425 FUedner bidg.. between io:ao ana n:3Q, GAR AG 10 AND SERVICE STATION. On paved highway, large sale gas, oils, repairing, etc. Good local trade. Price $10rft. Room 401 Pektim bidg. ONE OF TilK BEST equipped vulcanizing and tire snops in rortiana ror sale cneap. Call and see this shop at 354 Burnside. vor SALE Ratterv service station: rood location; price imo; gooa reason lor selling. AN 4G5, Oregonian. i b rsixrs ori'oim mtif:. 25tMl CON K.. Wfit .dt' ci ii iiwr 1 i : 1. rent $42.00; doingv good busui'-, -' stock; 6" large floor case, w ' cw tables, chairs, cash t k . i" box, "'"I t arm and counter and full dimly inakliirf equipment. y J WOO G ROC K R Y W EST 81 PK. DoitiK $. to $15( dny, cafh ml ( srrv, no cut price, located in l if bent m w . house district In Portland; living m-"h and bat h; rent $7l. with 8-ywar Tills is a modern wiore mul wori h j-n- asked. Family trouble r aon for 1ns. No trades HtiU'.l. $sr,no cunt, and light grocfht, west mde apt. houmi location, wji ti 3 2-room apart., 5-yenr lea-, doing about $40 tLty busmen now; summer up to $150 day; com $50 to equip tins $.; disagreement of partners ivason for lng- . $1100 riOAR PTANO. Wert side, in one of the brt hotels In Portland, doinf busings; rem $35 month. Fine HUco for iady. $2200 GROCERY. With 0 modern living room anrt bath; doing $40 day; cash and carry: ciean stock and A-l location; rent M, but some home. $ IMW R EST AUR A NT. West side, doing $40 to $M dav. Thin Is modernly equipped. Se tin. $2200 G RDCERV AN D CO N 1-T.CT IO N E R Y West side. Nob Hill location: owner h to leave town: doing $.'0 day busmen; no b:uo sky here. Full va.ue Xur -ur money. KBIITEK & I HUM'i, M4 Railway Kxrh. P!dir. '?w W A N'J'El AUTO REPAIR PARTNER. li.'m in your opportunity t huy an equal haif interest in well located. buy auto repair shop, doing 1ukU-cU wtk; owner wants iftuly. i"lUl partner. he rar.uot r- lv on hired help: ettn-rien - in this line uol absolutely uceHry, owner will teach the bn1na to mmi luindv with tools: no trouble for oi to clear $100 a month for yourwir start; if vou want a real buy don t fall to see this shop; price only $4W. a'l fll() Chamber of Commerce, 4 th anw Sturk. . GiiuCE li V, CO N K K T I ' N E R Y . SCHOOL sri'ru EM. Here Is an except. onal opportunity to bin- n liv grocery, confectionery ml s.-hool suiip'v by-tnrf--: Ideal lor fro : ne-tr one of Port!nd"n lrget public nehoo;; modern bid.. mmpT .P'" tnek n!r living room !n rnnnriP ; rent onlv fL'7 n month; no comp-tit i.m. : can chMv car never l" than -' per month; exerllent nnenin for a yoiitii? rnnle who want a ntod Mndy p In bn;ne- For rtetiitu rnM 31H Pittnck blk.. Wrtdi ln-on :it 1 "'h -t 1 kuk is r: t; v w j.i v. This ifa A-l proper!; fi 4-room par men! concrete building, privute ba tl. long base; it Wtt pav ynu to Invent 1 k- OH IITT.!.. A dnnd v 0-room Ikiuk", located l-i he;(rt of Nob Hill: thl pm re ia Hlw.u'n a (rood Ineoine and at name tim itlvtrv: own-r 3 rooinv: $ro will banrtl". Am; for F. C. Mur-hall. with FRANK U McOFTRE. 203 Ablnir'on HM Hron-Iwav 7171. Tt-'rd S. her. Wash urn! St .irk. A T:ffT R T:" I "A T R ia iVt n Kits II1IV Her la absolutely t h" beat opportu nity in ritv to buv an eijual half inter est in a lonK-establl-hed and buwy ' repair fhop; finest locution: complete; equipped ; welding out fit. aervir ear. ete. If you arc a willing worker thu l your chance to barn the bUNln-KV a'. clear better th?m $170 rvery month for vourself from Mart; $32.'i will han dle, pon't fill to ec. thN b-fore on buv. Apnly 310 I'ltioek bik.f Whlnie TonlLJ !M n Ht- CONVECTION KR V, clirars, etc. Abso lutely the best location In city; floa so.Iil fountain, root beer barrel, show , tobacco, randies, etc. Maklnrf $2M month clear, but Increase tn $ls In summer. Owner In poor he! th a n-l will sell verv reasonable. Full va n for vour money, price J'Jir.O Vy ymi to see this b fore you buv. Apply room Mortran bldir.. on Washington be tvrn It road way and I'ark. "cT TaTs ta n 1 o k k ice 1:1:11,111x1; t,oldv of most prominent went M downtown office bulldinir. hr.nif If nliv 'quipped; larpo staple shwk in trail; no nip lit nr Sunday work; free liwh'i and Janitor service. experience not neceewa rv. Thlx at a nd never cb-n ra t"w than $170 to $:'no month net; $tM0 rnsh handles. Call 310 I'anunui bids., Sri n.l Abler sts. Ft Ht SA IH by owner, f ul.'y e(ol pped fa -rnere.. ea.t side, cloje In -n main traveled street; brick bid.. 40 1 00, y.Ith .ai runninff to May 1, 1121; revenue fr m cars In stormr and Fpaco suhi.-r amour ta to Hpprnxlmn lely $MMI a nn.rif! alone; exreptiunal opportunity f'r future development: prica $:i:.nO; $20110 will han die. For furt h-r informn t wn uririt c- C .?!)!. nrrerornn: no nir'-nts, ONK-II A I.F I STKKKHT I'UOli HAM,. Old Mtablisheri. 4 pool tabla, hick and front bar, safe, wmII csmc, root beer barrel ; other fine fixtures! $TOO wi l handle. ANCHOR T W E f TM ETNT CO., . Real tors. rVnama Hide. fld and AMr. C AS 1 1 A NO OA H It V G IU CF. KY. Good location, wt 11; ttock all prv and frewn : M fr-h m. end luMe the b'if in-s ; lt in pfuwim ! roar; reiLt aaly $14 $.".' vth ji1 bal ance f $?' pa v n bl e $ 7 . .". pT moai liv See this --xkI 1 1 1 1 Kuinea. GREAT WESTERN I.NV, CO.. C?0 Cham, of Vrn bldir. Unvr. 71. HKTTKIl THAN WAGMH. T want a man to hand fiiAide work of small plan! that ia well "vIabMfie4 and miik In at (food money; t bla require only a small Investment, hut man rnu-t be honest, reliable and not a t raid f work; If you want t better yourself anl can Invest $:."( Invent urn r t h, WEST ('MAST HIM ' Kit A1E PO. MKCHANICS ori'PltTr.MTV. Mechanic can 'niri an e-qiml half In terest In one of the hst pay In if imi'l shops in Portland ; fully equipird an I well establiahed trada; if you want to irt Into business for yourself on a small tn etment here l.i your rhanea; full pne $2'.0 for an equal half intere. Call tl2l Clnini. of Corn, bldir : 4th and Ptark. BAKKKV. GROCERY ANU CONFECTIONERY. Hlarh-cIa-KS renidentlnal district. Flti" modern equipment. Including Jarate r'ftrh oven. Just the place for a live bak'-r and wlfi. Lease with exceptional lor rent; $1WH. Some term-. 310 1'anama bid. .3d and Alder sts. $;irttk I-'ISlt markcT doinir $.'.0,000 nun.My; books open for Inspect. on. $.1 lotl Fln corner (rroeery, 4 II v. rooma furniahed. rnt only $30 mo. $:i7& -Small tobacco and confectionery Btoro. lUTKNATTOH A PAH? RRA T.TT CO., 4 1 ii n",,ff''n Tjdg flth antl Onk. Gi'iNKIlAI, 111 ere ha nd lae businua in Ilv community southern Oregon, on It tor a of kind there; dallv rcept avers $ Hr : bO per cent cash, ha lance hort credit. On of the beat location In th west for a bank also. Particular O. V Jackson K- Co.. 201 Ore-n hMar. EX CI, I SI VK CONiKNMoN I,AKGB IIOAD MIOW. $4"0 will buy "A Interest ; make b!it money, travel in west and middle wtl; inuat leave next w er-k. Horry. DLORKV INVESTMENT CO., Sftfl-1 Panama Hid if. Hroadwy Ti? GROCER V CK iCKKY. CASI A NO CARRY; clean atock, flrM claan locaiion; Jut the plnc for nun and wife; don't overlook tlua if you want a Rood buv. FRANK C. ROniVSON, M13-4 Seiimsr Hhitr. . DKI.ICATKS.sKN AND ilUCKUV. Flrat-elasa location, west aid: dolnc $0 fiaily business; caters to beat claM of trade; ttwwin rnh or wi'l Invoice. IU MNKSS SEH ICB. 713 P0I111.11 Hid A ut o B11-44, RAKHR SHOP SACRIFICE. Go kI t wo-oh air ahop ; n -m 1 do wn to wn location and In gwnd oftnlot; a. r buy nut $.T4U calu Sw it fxla-v. GREAT WEH-TEKN IW. CO.." 2r.f CYinm. rf Vm. bldir. Bdwy. 7Mt. $1M0 OR INVOICE, grocery, doln $.,0 day ; low rent; opara ted several yes 1 by present owner; sickness compels him to sacrifice. Se thtw place and ttt vour money's worth; living rooms. Z. Ea lie ins, Sin Coueh h'dr., 4th n-ar .W" APTO PART.-l STORK. A big bninej-a maklnc mowr, borvVs open for iTiwpectflon : owturr wou-l! con sider a reA'ttie lufnMtH man a prt mr. c.nll Ml Railway K'hntirv BAKERY LOCATION, 6-YEAR LEA SIC, Rent Ihirrv ir yo.i want R, Dt;iREY INVESTMENT CO., ftOfMQ Ph nama BMg. Hmadwav f4? . LrN.CH and card room; a good old-eaatab-llshed card room for sale; giod huslnnes. Price very reasonublti. N 4'io, Ctre gon tan. CLKANiNG and pruning tulue--. A go. id corn'-r location; delivery car. - Made over $3M0 last month. Prico JPCiO. lfarr;mJ Realty Co.. 3 in Pa'mon. I-CILAI It up-to-date burtr shop for H.t ; In g"od live town. liKiulrs Jacob M il-le-r R;irber PUP1W Co.. 111 3d ut TKE FOR RENT, hx20; K E AS N A 1 1 ! ! RENT; ALDER. CoR. 4T1I. INQUIRE 11 3l ST BDW V. mm. ' I'OtLH A1L and i;oii t -et tone i y , parata rnoniH, good town: this la a bargain t $2HMi. A dtlre-A K 47r, 'regnn n. KKf-TA l" RANT, will equipped, block fi.-.u Eipinan'H, $;0HMt: we d;tre you to IfM.I thiH over and make an off'T. Pdwy. 4:C1'I RESTAIR ANT for sai- : going new: Bltnatrid at ' 1 - Madison WANT H A P 4fl1 . buy good paying cigar stoi a. CARD room, good location, JuM aid in voice ; renl b-irg-tln. F 47. ir-g.nlnn J3(t0 HA R RE R .SHOP fr $lo0, ih.i.g room; rent $7. Laal 6