20 TITE MOItXIXG OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1922 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. WEST SIDE SPECIALS. $2500 On 21st, near Raleigh, fin gar den, good buy. $27M Near lath and Raleigh, nice 5-room cottage, la good condi tion. $3000 Near 21st and Raleigh 5 rooms, lot alone worth the money, good garden. j $3200 On Thurman, near 22d. good 5-room cottage, full 50x100 lot. $3000 Near 23d and Raleigh, 7 rooms, 60x100 lot. fruit. $5000 This is a fine 7-room house, near 23d and Pettygrove, furnace, fire place, full basement, good condi tion, 50x100 lot, a real buy. Tt will interest you to know on what small payments any of the above may be bought. Call Mr. Wiles, with J. R. HA1G1IT. REALTOR. 32.VS27 Hoard of TradP. Bdwy, 5045. "" , ALBERTA $2tt.V). 7-room bungalow, full basement. This Js an exceptionally low price. See this. We want to prove to you that you can buy jl 7-room plastered bungalow in nice ioation for $210. It will take $1500 cash to handle. 5 ROOMS $2630. One block from car, all modern, all Improvements in and paid ; Vancouver avenue, near Shaver; $1000 down. ROSE CITY $5500. Six-room bungalow, complete in every cetaii ; xireplace, furnace; nardwooa floors; paved street, located on 61st fit- very reasonably priced; S100O cash. OTTO- & HARKSON, 413 Chamber of Commerce Bldg FOR SALE BRAND NEW STRICT LY MODERN' 4-ROOM BUNGA LOW IN NORTH JONES MOR E ; BASEMENT, WASH TRAYS, BU1LT-1XS. NICE BATH ROOM, BREAKFAST NOOK, FRONT AND - BACK PORCHES. ALL FIX TURES, ALSO GAS FURNACE; HOUSE READY TO MOVE INTO. PRICE $3250, $500 DOWN, BAL ANCE ON MONTHLY INSTALL MENTS CALL BROADWAY 1658 . OR OWNER, TABOR 201. WEST MT. TABOR $0350. 6-room strictly modern home; large living room, dining room, tapestry piper, French doors, hardwood floors, 3 lovely bedrooms, very large closets, furnace, garage, fruit, roses. tc. ; 1 block to car; Glencoe school district; 1500 E. Mor rison St., near East f5tn; terms. L. E. STEINMETZ, 400 Gerlinger Bldg. Main K0!U. . Tabor 3224. KINGS HEIGHTS. Eight-room home, only five years old, Hhavtng furnace, fireplace, inlaid hard wood floors. 2 labatories. bath, cement casement, all Improvements in; four bed rooms and steeping porch ; house would cot 9000 to build; for quick sale prop erty will b sold at $7000, $1000 cash and terms. Call Mr, Young, . OTTO & HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 6389. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. $5750 Buys substantial double con structed modern 5-rm. bungalow with large attic, hardwood floors. fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen. breakfast nook, cement basement, wash trays, furnace; st. imp. in and pd; terms. BONUS loan can be applied. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 202 Stark St. r Bdwy. 6794. HAWTHORNE. PRICE ONLY $3600. 6-roem bungalow, with all buMt-ins, breakfast nook, also garage, .cement basement, lots of fruit and berries, hard surface street in and all paid; $1000 cash, balance $25 per month at 6 per cent interest. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. GP42. FOR SALE MODERN 4-ROOM BUNGA LOW, JUST COMPLETED, IN NORTH JOXESMORE. SIZE OF HOUSE 26x28; LOT 50x100, PRICE $3273. EITHER CALL OR TELEPHONE UMBDEN STOCK & CO., . 20 FLOOR, OREGON BUILDING. TELEPHONiS BROAD WAY 165S. SIX ROOMS, WALKING DISTANCE;" $3150, $1000 cash, $30 per month, in cluding interest, good plumbing, fu.ll ce t ment basement, laundry trays and ex tra sink, fine chicken house and yard, fruit trees and lots of grapes. South of . Division street. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. OWNER leaving city, beautiful 7-room Irvington on terms; price cut far quick saie. r-ast o js. Suburban Iloaies. TUALATIN VALLEY. to ACRES AT REEDVILLE. .fl in cultivation, lots of fruit and berries, 4-rm. house, barn, poultry house, etc. On hard road, close to-station. Price $7500, $3000 cash. Let us show you. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. 6 ACRES ON PAVED ROAD. Highly Improved With Fruit. Berries. BIG SACRIFICE $5600. 9 miles from courthouse on paved Fos ter road, no rock; no gravel, sandy loaru soil; WONDERFUL STREAM through place, fine spring, 4 mile from electric line, fair outbuildings, inexpensive 4-rm house; this place is worth $7500 without any buildings; owner leaving state; will sacrifice for $5600; half cash. We GUARANTEE this to be worth $2000 more than price asked. , For .REAL SNAPS see x G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 207 Failing Bldg., 3d and Washington. Broadway 7420. Evenings. Main 9318. OSWEGO LAKE SNAPS. $2000 $600 cash for this nifty, modern bungalow ; 4 rooms and bath ; gas, electricity; nearly new; large lot 50x120; real snap. $2900 $1000 cash for modern 4-room bungalow with HALF ACIVE, only 1 block from station; fronts on nard road, Dutch kitchen, bath, only 2 years old. For nifty, modern suburban homes see us first. McCORMIC CO., 207 Failing Bldg. Broadway 7420. Evenings, Main 9318 BEAUTIFUL BASELINE HOME, x Right oa the Baseline road; 1 mil from city limits; modern bungalow of 5 rooms, sleeping porch, furnace, fire place; hardwood floors ivory finish woodwork and tapestry papea in the iiving room; city water, electricity a aid Kiui ; garage, young arch turd ; this is a iwjy for $5M0; te-rms can he arranged. Seo this today. See- F. C. Marshall with FRAN K L. McGUIRE. 205 A bins ton bldg. Bdwy. 71 7L Thtrd st., bet. Washington and Stark. ACRE 0O FRUIT TRES $1600. AH in cultivation, plem-ty fruit and ber ries ; 5 hi ks f rwn Met zger station on Srtvl road; fair ."-room house, chicken house and good fruit cellar; e-aeyies-t of temn s ; t h is w M I not laist. Ask for F. C. Marsh H. with F R AN K L. McG-UI R E. 2 Or. Abangton hidg. Bdwy. 717L Third kc. bet. Washing-ton and Stark. Vj ACRE AND NEW BUNGALOW. Nearly M acre; new bungalow; 4 large rooms and bathroom, concrete founda tion, plaster finish. French doors and windows, beautiful grove native tis; 2 blks. to car, between Stark, and Glisan stf.; outsido city, with ail city conven iences; t?o better buy on the market at $-'100, terms; more land If desired. S. P. Osburn. 610 McKay bidg. ACRE HOME vSc CARFARE. Some frudt and berries; 4-rooan hunga kw. wi't h gas and running water; 1 hiock off Main H. S. rxui; $1SOO $400 wiill handle. Ask for F. C. MarshaiU with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 AWngton bldtf. Bdwy. 7171. TMrd t-, bet. Waghun gton and Stark. $30i HANDLES ACRES! 1 rn cultivation, &ome fruit and' ber ries: 6-rown house not quite fiwisrhed; M et z ge-r tt at ion ; $ : 54 H k W i ll oo nsi d er anddiea-s bonus. Ask f or F. C MairahaJU with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 2v Abcnigton hlrig. Bdwy. 7171. Third st. be, Washington and Stark. A HOME FOR PRICE OF LOT. S-rooin cottage with ci-ty water, e-lec-frriciity; 1 hlk t Rose Owty car; stand ard -I o t ; on : y $ 30, easy t erms. Ask for F. C Marshall, wMh FRANK U McGUIRE, 20" AhlJigton bldg. Bdwy. 717L Tltfird st.. be. Washington aind Stark. NEAR BEAVERTON. PRICE ONLY $1600. Nearly 2 acres, partially cleared new house not finished: city water and gas available : $500 cash and liberal terms on balance. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. Panama Bldg. Bdwy. H042. LAKEVIE W VILLAS, plat 4; new tract: here's a sample: large home site l'JOx 210 feet, with clear running brook, fine soil, no rock, piped water, lights; only $375. $50 down, $14 per month ; price includes rocking of Toads ; get in on the ground floor. Call 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Sta rk. owner. , BEAVERTON. TRADE FOR BUNGALOW. 3 acres, all highly improved ; 6-room house, barn, garage, chicken house, etc. M cow, neirer. norse ana cnickens; right cn edge of town. . DUDREY INVESTMENT' CO 500-10 Panama BIdsr. Bdwy. 0042. GRESHAM 7 miles from city paved high wavs, best soil, level, all cultivated, 1 acrVs for $600. only $50 down. W. M. U:nbdcntock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg., Bdwy. 1658. $m'0 CASIf. 4-r. cottage. c fare; acre iM-itring fruit trees, berries, creek, hear Multnomah sta., hennery, barn; $2300. Mcl ariand, realtor, 203 Failing bldg. REAL ESTATE, Suburban Homes. $1850 BUNGALOW, one acre, not finished, but comfortable ; can be occupied and completed in spare time. Terms. Owner, Tabor 4590. ' . lhk ACRES. 3-room house, city water, gas. eiecuricity ana teiepnone; net ween ber tha and Multnomah station.. Main 664 for Sale -Buwinefts Property. STORE BUILDING. $ 7500. Corner East Broadway and 25th st, This is a high-clas old-established busi r nesH location. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. For Sale Acreage. 10 ACRES, cn rocked road, 1 mil from electj-ic station,. 4 mile to school ; all under cultivation ; 350 prune trees, 100 pear trees, cher ries, etc., all bearing ; 3 large chicken houses, garage, barn, woodshed, 3 -room? house, good well : land not in fruit, seeded to vetch. Price $2500; $1500 cash. Clarke county. Wash. Acre tracts, near Milwaukle road, 1 mile from electric sta tion; good road, city conveniences available ; all under cultivation and best of soil. Price $000 per acre, very small payment down. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. ONE GENUINE DANDY. $4150 GOOD TERM'S. 100 FULL BEARING trees; wa ter piped through orchard; ber ries; barn with concrete floor; good chicken houses; city water and gas; just outside city limits, on paved road and car line. Nice home, tt blocks from $22,000 public school, stores and garage. A fine 2 -acre offer. See Wolfhagen. FRANK C. ROB1NSOK, 503-4 Selling Bldg. Main 2557. SUBSTANTIAL HOME IN GRESHAM, BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS. 1 acres, with all kinds of fruit, berries, English walnuts; fronting Powell Valley road, splendid view ; well-built 6-room house, bath,, toilet, etc., electric lights, Bull Run water, good outbuild ings. This la the best buy on the market and cannot be equaled at the price, $4OO0; reasonable terms. -KRIDER & ELKINGTON, GRESHAM, OR. . - 3-ROOM B UN G A LOW. QUARTER ACRE. Finest garden soil, 10 bearing fruit trees, good garage, chicken house and run, all in A-l condition; 1 block fiom Sandy blvd., just out of city limits. BOON" E-CLEAR WATER. 506 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 5317. ON THE CLACKAMAS. 8 acres good soil-; 4 y acres in rasp berries and loganberries; fine grove and never-failing stream. A beautiful loca tion and fine layout for berries and poul try. $3750; terms. FRED C. PRATT, 524 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 1858. - CREEK BOTTOM LAND. 20 acres for only $780. on easy pay ments, t- We will advise you how you may clear without any ca'h expense. Near Columbia river. See Mr. Dodson. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 63.1 N. W. Bank Bldg. 10 ACRES of choice land on Buckley ave., all cleared, orchard, old house, lies high and sightly,, value $0000; want building suitable for rooming house; will assume. See Mr. Dodson. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. C33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. . $1200 ON EASY PAYMENTS. 40.35 acres may be cleared without cash expense, living water, on road, deep rich soil, near Columbia river. See Mr. Dodson. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 10 ACRES 7 acres cultivated, bal. pas ture ; 4-room house, furnished ; large barn, outbuildings, small fruit, cow, 40 chickens. $500 will handle. B. H. Stewart. 105 4th st. ' FOR SALE by owner, 9 acres, all under cultivation, good road and electric car, some fruit, small house, good chicken house and yards, phone Broadway 5151, Apt. 45. FOR SAL: SO acresv 1 mile from school and Pacific highway, 8 mi. n. of Grants Pass; suitable ;for grapes, fruit, etc.; outside range; lots of wood. $600. H.N. Johnson, R. D. No. 1, Grants Pass. Or. WRITE for map of western Wasnington, showing location, low prices and ay terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma. Wash. GRESHAM ACREAGE. One and two-acre tracts in Gresham, good soil, well located. Bull Run water; price $."00, easy terms. KRIDER & ELKINGTON, GRESHAM. 6 ACRES, only 3 blocks from highway, one block from city water and electric lights;" all fenced; mile from Canby. $1500. Call Tabor 5600 or AF 450Ore gonian. 5 ACRES, 8-room huuse, every city conve nience, some furniture; near Portland, on paved highway; good value; see. it; $6500. terms. WM. WILLING, BDWY. .7763. ' $750 10 ACRES $750. T" Two cleared, virgin soil, free from rock and gravel ; water, rail and high way transportation. Terms. INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Stark St CHOICE, beautifully located 1-acre tract; ideal build iing site, close in on north east side; price $1700, terms $1000 cash, remaindpr on time. Phone Wdln. 1349 FOR "SALE- 40 acres unimproved- stump land, running water. Write G. Stucki, Linnton. Or. Care of Cedar Creek Lum .bpr company. GOOD land for $13 an acre, on road, near Columbia river, well watered; long time to make payments. See Mr.- Dodson, 633 N. W. Bank bids. ESTA.CADA. OREGON. 121,4 acres, mostly cleared, good soil; death forces sale; sacrifice 600; terms WM. WILLING, BDWY. 7763. 5 MILES WEST YAMHILL, OR. ' 35 acres, abt. 25 cleared level; running water; excellent soil; $1800. terms. Wir Willing. 401 Panama bldg. 7 A REAL SNAP. $45 down, bal. $10 per rno., 6 int,; city conveniences. Bdwy. 5317. 2, 3 AND 5-acre tracts, need light car or truck as first payment, balance easy Aut. 633-96. 5-ACRE improved orchard, house, barn, gas, water, close in, Oregon electric. Maplewood. AF 458. Oregonian. SEVEN ACRES, CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN. 6131 92D ST. S. E.. 616-45. Homesteads. Relinquishments. TWO IMP. relinquishments, 9160 each joining $30,000 fruit ranch; 80 rods to nice little town, near Grants Pass; $2000 spent on ont, running water, $600 and unj. an rasn.. wi v ornett nldg. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR RELLN- UUISHMB.M', SEE E. W. HELM 4'2 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. For Sat -Farms. WILL SELL OR TRADE THIS NICE FARM. Well improved 17 acres, all in cultivation, one mile from the street-car line, 14 miles from Portland, 6-room- plastered house, good barn, silo, tool shed, hog and poultry house, 5 acres in prunes, one in loganberries and other ber ries and grapes, good team of mares, 1 cow, heifer, 2 brood sows, 60 chickens, 2 wagons, buggy, mower, rake, plows, potato dig ger, spray outfit, gas drag saw. cream separator. lots of small tools. Price is $6500 on easy terms or will take house and lot in trade up to $3000. STEWART & JOHNSON 315 NORTHWESTERN BK. BLDG. 160 ACRES, 33 acres cleared; rest in pas ture; good 0-room plastered house, hot and cold water upstairs and down; good barn and all other outbuildings; 26 head cattle, 2 horses, 2 wagons, mowing ma . chine and rake, 2 harrows, 1 disk and a lot of other small tools. H. C. Gore Dee r 1 si a n d. Or. WE WANT to tell you more about the fa mous Deschutes valley in central Oregon A dairy, potato and stockman's para dise. A card brings full particulars. Redmond Land & Loan Co., Inc.- Red mond. Or. (King Murphy's capltol.) 60 ACRES. 20 acres in cultivation, house barn and outbuildings; will trade for property in Portland.. Call at 803 East 14th st. S. after 6 P. M. b0 ACRES hilly timbered lami near Scap poose. 3-room shack, spring; about half tillable. Terms. J. R, Sharp, owner. 83V 3d st. 73 SPLENDID farms near Portland and east em Oregon wheat farms for sale or trade. Bring in your proposition. F. J Dietsch. 326 Chamber of Commerce. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $30 to $300 per acre, easy terms, bedt soil: farms for sale, all sises. McFariand. realtor. 208 Failing bldg 80 ACRES hilly timbered land near Scap poose, 3-rm. shack, spring; half tillable. Terms. J. R. Sh,p. owner, 83a 3d st. IMPROVED farm. Linn county, clear title, fc05 acres. $16,000; also law library, cheap George W Wright, Albany, f Or. lilU APR WM tlmlii.ro) K-. -J i j ! . , V . ' o.it ittnu, j r,t.i.ii 1 , t ai 1 vide. J. R. ha.m. owner. Sl Sri -1- 1 , , ... , REAL ESTATE. OS-ACRE FARMALL EQUIPPED, FOR $4000. Located - in famous southern Oregon, 2 miles from railroad station and schools, on good roads, 25 to 30 acres in. cultivation, some good oak, fir and pine timber, 5 acres in strawberries; about 60,000 plants ready to" set out; the ber ries from this place are ahead of the Hood River berries, hence de manding a good price. There Is a good, large 3-room house, well fur nished and the furniture goes, too; large barn for 5 cows and team of horses, and lots of feed room, poultry and hog house, 3 good wells and pumps, place Is fenced and cross-fenced. 2 good horses, wagon, harness, buggy, single wag on, mower, rake, piows, harrow, new cream separator, cultivators, disc, everything for a farm; 3 dozen chickens, lots of feed for winter, new Monarch range, heat ing stove, bedding, dishes, lot of canned fruit, everything complete for $4000, part cash. Let us tell-, you more about this place. STEWART & JOHNSON, 15 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS PRICED- ON THEIR PRO DUCTIVE VAIflUE.- BENTON COUNTY'S BEST FXRM. Yl acres very best valley loam soil. 114 -acres cultivated, 2 acres wood lot. balance pasture, , 70 acres winter wheat, 50 acres of clover, 8-room house, furnace, fireplace, etc.; good barn and out buildings, tenant house, water sys tem, also electric lights and mo tors; right at station : 5 miles from Corvallis and Oregon Agri cultural College; price $215 per acre. Write for full details. B0-ACRB GENERAI FARM. Located 12 miles -from Eugene, gravel road, daily mail, etc.; 45 acres in cultivation, nearly all good soil : well fenced and cross fenced; 6-room old house, 2 old barns, etc. Price $4000, includiing 40 acres in fall crops; easy terms. When you buy a farm right it saves many sleepless nights. Read our ads every day. -KINNEY, IRVINE & HYDE; REALTORS. Eugene, Oregon. YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON 24 acres, on rocked road, 24 miles from McMinnvilie ; 18 acres v under cultivation; all can be culti vated when cleared ; good family orchard; 6;room house, large barn, chicktn house, etc. Included with plac 4 good cows, 1 young team, plow, etc. Price $6500, terms, or consider Portland house up to $3000, easy terms on balance. Will accept soldier's loan. 64 acres, located on a good road 3 miles from an electric station, l1, miles to school, 24 miles from center of Portland; 40 acres can . be farmed when cleared; 6 acres now undei cultivation; over one million feet of merchantable tim ber, 3000 cords- of wood : saw mills near place; several springs. Price $1700, $800 cash, balance 3 years, 6. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor. Gerlinger Bldg. DAIRYMEN ATTENTION. HIGH-GRADE JERSEY FARM. Dairy and fruit ranch, 150 acres, 100 acres cultivated, 30 miles Portland, only three miles Pacific highway and good town where both creamery and cheese factory are located, ail tillable, rich bot tom land, river along one side, no waste or overflow; six acres full bearing fruit with drier; good 7-room house, 2 barns, 100-ton silo and other bldgs. milking machine,' ensilage cutter, power sepa rator, gas engines, corn planter, kale planter, seeder, drill, disc, 2 mowing mach., 2 wagons, ulkey plow, 3 plows, cultivator and other implements; also tools, too numerous to mention. 50 head Jerseys, mostly registered; 40 registered hogs, 4 horses, many turkeys and chickens. - , This, is a sacrifice at $35,000 and will take up to $10,000 in clear property, some cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. E. R. S., 712 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6785. 41 ACRES, improved farm; located two miles from McMinnvilie, on hard surface road. House, new and modern with 8 rooms, electricity, with hot and cold water, modern plumbing, full cement " basement, good barn, 30x36, outbuild ings, good fences, family orchard. An ideal chicken and dairy ranch. Price $14,000. Cash $7000, balance suitable terms. By owner. Marion Palmer, R. F. D. NoV 2. McMinnvilie. Or. F.ARM BARGAIN 160 acres. 55 a. in grow ing crop, bal. pasture and timber; 1 a. orchard, well watered ; good soil, no rocks; 7-room - house, large barn, ga rags, other bldgs.; 20 cows and 10 hogs, registered; 1 team, harness, all kinds of good farm machinery, hay, grain ; well located. A snap for $95O0. H? W. Gar land, room 318, Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. FOR SALE 83-acre farm. 4 miles from Chehalis, just off paved highway, 60 aci es in crop, all first-class land ; two living creeks, orchard? stock and imple ments; good 7-room bouse, hot and cold water: barn for 25 cows and 8 horses, silo and outbuildings. For quick sBle by owner, $16,500; terms; an exceptionally good buy. Address w. s. Pratt, i. it . u. No. 2. Chehalis, Washington $50 PER ACRE. 60 acres, farm land, house, barn, creek, some timber, near school and R. R. town; 35 miles west of Portland ; fine for - chickens; -dairying, fruits, berries, hav. etc. : must be sold Quickly at this price. $3000. Part cash. Will sell 30 acres if wanted. Bdwy. 7672. McFARLAND. REALTOR, 208 Failing Bldg. WILLAMETTE RIVER ISLAND. BOTTOM LAND. 115 acres, 60 acres under cultivation, suitable lor trucK. gardening, flops, ber ries, or potatoes; ready to crop; 1 mile from erooa town: au miies irom i-ortiana nrice $16,000, $6000 cash, balance to suit. See Mr. Campbell with Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. FARMS AT BEDROCK PRICES 40 acres of Molalla valley farm land, good road to place, nearly all plow land. For a quick sale' it's yours for $600, which is full payment, not first payment, like it sounds. It's a homestead relin quishment. Homestead means no taxes for six years. Ask for Mr. Lewie, 303 Railway Exchange bldg. BERRY and chicken farm- for sale, A $o500 place for $3200. Must sell at once - to Seattle ot her business. $2200 cash, $I00O on long time 6. 13 acres, 5 cleared, rest in good pasture, house, well, woodshed, chicken house and bam. 30 f ru it trees and a small ere ek, Don' t wtr i t e, but com e an d see for you rseJ f . ' Jorhn Josephson, ownw; Warren, Oregon. SO ACRES, 13 acreB cultivated and in 4- year prunes, brnsh and logs cleared off 60 acres. 7-room house, barn, chicken house, garage, full set machinery, 20 goats. 31 sheep team, 2 cows, over 100 chickens; near school, railroad; Wash ington -county; $3750. terms. R. HOARD, 501 Stock Exchange Bldg. 92 ACRE? $0200. On hfghway, near Gaston; 45 in culti vation; house, barn, orchard : one-third cash, bal. easy. Owner, 732 Patton Rd.p city. Main 8380. CANBY. 15 acres highly improved, 2-room house, 5 cows. 4 fresh, $5500; will accept bonus and $00 annually which includes 6 per cent interest. INTERSTATE LAND CO., 24 8 Stark St. YAMHILL COUNTY. $6000 40 ACRES $6000. Half cleared, one team, all necessary farming equipment. New 4-room house, barn ; $2000 cash or will accept soldier's bonus, balance easy. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark St. IMP. 19-ACRE BERRY RANCH. Fine bungalow, good barn; 7 acres in highly Improved berries, 1 ml. Hubbard. This is a money-maker. . 506 Couch bldg. JUST three 40-acre tracts of my alfalfa ranch left, which has been cut up for soldiers. East 6631. 583 E. Oak. WANTED REAL ESTA TE. I WANT to buy from owner a strictly modern 5 or 6-room bungalow; Rose City; prefer below the hill; substantial cash payment. AM 465, . Oregonian. t WE HAVE buyers for houses in Irvington district with, three bedrooms; priced from $6000 to $7500, must have quick action. Strong & Co.. 606 Ch. of C o m. POULTRY PLANT. Want an equipped poultry plant, Wil lamette valley; give price and complete df criptlon. E. R. S.. 712 Couch bldg. WANTED Lot or more just out of city limits, close to car, on west side, for ens h. Broadway 4403. ROSE CITY bungalow, 6 rooms, below hill wlil pay $1000 cash, large monthly pay- WANT to buy 4-room bunealow. modern .v.nmvefl district: Btatft tii-ip nri t,.,, . n.f , , " ' " - uo, uiCBwui-11, WANTED RE A L ESTATE. IRVINGTON, LAURELHURST OR ROSE CITY. -Want good home in. Irvington, Lau felhurst or Rose City; have fine mod ern home on 5 acres in outskirts of city, clear of debt; good garage, chicken house and yards. -barn, etc; all in cul tivation; assorted variety hearing fruit, berries, grapes; lawn and shrubbery; a gentleman's country home in the city. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 500-10 .Panama Bldg. ' Bdwy. 6042. ANYTHING YOU WANT TO BUY, SELL. " TRADE OR ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT, SEE , FRANK C. ROBINSON. 603-4 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 2557. - "WE SELL ANYTHING GOOD." "WE LIST ANYTHING GOOD." PIEDMONT OR WALNUT PARK. HAVE IMMEDIATE BUYERS for the better class homes in either of these districts; personal inspection and ap praisal assures expert service and quick results. J. R. HA1GHT. REALTOR. - 3 25-3? 7 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2043. WANT TO BUY EX-SERVIOE MAN WANTS TO RENT MODERN BUNG A LOW WITH GARAGE; PRIVILEGE OF U x l.NO: WILL PAY J-iO MUM ti HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, L. C. HOL BROOK. PHONE 519-19. HAVE client waiting for the best 6 or 7-room house $6000 cash will buy, close lo bandy or Broadway car. J. R. HA1GHT. REALTOR. 325-327 Board of Trade. .Bdwy. 2045 HAVE client wanting small acreage near station on Oreeron Electric between Gar den Home and Tualatin; improved or unimproved. Gall or write at once. R. HOARD, 501 Stock Exchange Bldg. WE HAVE CLIENTS for homes In Rose us and we will have a man call oh you, GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO. 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. GET BUSY. Have buyer for 5-room modern bunga 'low not over $4700; lot to be taken as part payment; tose jity or iiawtnorne district. htroaaway 41 rJ. WANTED- 6-room house, one bedroom main floor balance upstairs, preierabiy Rose City Park district, not over $40OO; will pay $1000 cash, balance by the month. H. G. Terry. Main 9400. LIST WITH US. ' We have clients for homes in all parts of the city. If you want action call us. O FARRELL-FORDNE Y, 838-40 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4172. LOT, GOOD district, not over $500 cash, Auto. 328t10. Farms Wanted. SMALL places wanted, close to Port 'and, or good valley town, with buildings and small amount of equipment; owner to accept sol dier's loan and small payment down; farms ranging from $4000 to $5500, with s'ome equipment; will be given immediate attention. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. Wanted to Kent J? "arms. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the piace after leading for year or more. W make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment If priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. TIMBER LANDS. WANT party to take logging contract, equipment furnished. Daugherty Lum berf Co., Curtin, Or., or phone Wdln. 1505. erf Co., Curtin, It SALE Hai FOltf SALE Half section of Umber near Grants Pass. Main 1040. FOR RENT FARMS. 5 ACRES of choice gardening land, 2 blocks from Cranberry station on im proved county road; North Beach. Pa cific county, Washington, with 5-room house and good sized barn, which I will rent for $20 per month for the coming season. Can give possession Immediately as my last tenant left March 1. Ben Riesland, owner, 404, Piatt bldg. Tele- phone Main tfu. THREE-LEAR LEASE-$225 PER YEAR. 525-actre dairy ranch, 100 acres in cultivation, 16 miles from Eugene, 1 mile from Elmira; stock, crop and ma chinery, $2000 cash; if you can. pay cash, wrke for full Infonrnatioru KINNEY & HYDE RE AL1 x -W.t Eugene Oregon, 10 CLEARED acres, good -room house barn and outbuildings, good orchard berries, rich soil, 1 mile trom eiectrn station nd hiehwav. in Beaverton-Reed ville acreage, 11 miles from Portland Call or write for terms. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth .St. f!HOi oft 1 r iLnnes near Vancou ver. ren a ji d crop, $ 2 50 ; a l?o 10 near C resweJl Eaieene. with frui-t, $125, 141 K. 60th N, ir aprks nnr Vancouver: rent and crop, $250; also 10 near Cres,weil Eugene, with fruit. $125. 141 E 0.tn N. y.t. t? t? w. -t a rtflirv ranch on shares o cash. For particulars apply to J. S. Tal hot, Jefferson. Oregon. MODERN DAIRY. Modern dairy for rent, close in 7 acres, AV 224, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. CANADA FARM. nno fhnt ha mnd It. a owner a com petence and he now wishes to retire and live near relatives in. or near ruHiuuu, win tnk nrooertv as one-third pay ment of for even value. Your own terms on balance at 6 per cent. Farm com prises 320 acres, Tp. 25, range 30 west of 1st meridian. This land is Diaca: iree soil, very fertile, no raiture -oi crops, yield 30 to 50 bushels per acre of wneat. JOHiVHUN-UUilSUrt 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. p.vrHAXfiK FOR PORTLAND JIOME, Thu cv-iipni fimrm of 102- acres lo catted in the most fertile valley of the stat on a good graved roaa; oi- -73 m from -town wntn (pooa sett OI DUUtl ahiim.ana vf fruit and berries. land' mostly leve4 and has extra good black loan sodl ; tihis Is a real oppor tunity. See F. C MG-rsnudfl, witu FRANK L. McGUIRE, SOS Abington bldg. Bdwy. 71TL Thtnl st., bet. Washington and fi-tark. BUNGALOW FOR LOTS. 5-room bungalow, concrete foundation, full basement, extra large rooms, very well arranged, needs painting on the Autirif hut ia in erood condition inside: price $3000, $1750 against it, payable $20 monthly. Will take lots m gooa ais-ti-it nn tn full value or eauity. See Mr, Stephens, with Fred W. German Co., realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. .FOR SALE 4-room bungalow, 020 E. 38th st., modern, full casement, run ptumoiug, firenljice with Radiant fire gas burner; $800 will handle this with easy terms on balance, or win. iraae ior nomc ui aee. close-in suburb. See W F. Bunce. OSCAR J. CLOSSET & CO.. Lewis Bldg. BdtTy. 4030. ha v w o client with eood late model Franklin touring "car to trade for clear lot in Rose City ParK or equity in o room house ; must show value. HILTON-DANIEL, REALTORS, 270V! Stark Street. Broawway 7800. Automatic 316-31. IDEAL suburban home in city, almost one acre, fruit berries paved street, sewer all in and paid; 5-room comrortame house, near car and school, $4C00; will aiAn annd lot or auto nan payment balance like rent, 5 per cent. O. O. Sletten (Realtor). 415 Ry. Exch. bldg. HAVE LATE MODEL COLS 8, 7-PASS. TOURING CAR, LIKE NEW, WILL TRADE IN ON HOME IN ROSE CITY PARK OR LAURELHURST; PAY DIF FERENCE IN CASH. BJ 460, OREGO NIAN. 66 ACRES, 25 acres cultivation, bal, pas ture and timber; a-room nouse, new barn, outbldgs., Fordson tractor and equipment, farm machinery trade for house or unimproved, land. is. H. tat e wart, 165 U 4th st Main 5275. WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade for you; bring in your proposition and we will match you on snythlng of merit. Lots, houses, acreage, farms or stocks of merchandise. E. R. S.. 712 Couch bldg. FOR SALE or trade for acreage, 100x100 lot, four-room nouse, garage ana chicken park, abundance of fruit, berries and shrubbery: $530 cash. balance small monthly payments. Aut. 642-94. I R V I N GTON O WNE R. Very choice home, 2 stories, nearly new, best district. Will take a good auto for my equity, balance $100 per mo., including interest. Call Auto. 320-32. WILL trade Portland property vacant lots, or modern house, for real estate in 'the southwest portion of Multnomah county, preferably near Multnomah station. For particulars call owner, Main 880. TRADE OR EXCHANGE 2 Westmoreland lots, free of all incumbrance. What have you In Ohio? Prefer Cleveland, Columbut or Toledo. P. O. Box 264. Toledo. O. SMITH & BARNES player piano with over 100 rolls to exchange for lot, acreage or house equity on paved street. B 473. Oregonian LOT suitable for email apartment house; wilt exchange for about 3-k perfect dia mond. L 460. Oregonlaji. WILL exchange good valley farm for eastern Oregon, Washington or Alberta. Write owner, P. O. box 214, Salem. Or. TRADE o-r sell cheap for oa&h, lOOxlOOv 5Sth St., N. near HasseJo, from owner. Bdwv. 7264. HAVE $1500 equity in out-of-town house, remed, will take good car. Main 596, 327 Fifth st. .tc-o , ,.o 1 , aouc-o i '".? " -w&& yi ! city pro pert 3 property; will rent. Sell. &03. TO EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE. 28 ACRES, 6 miles from Santa. Rosa. Sonoma county. California; new 8-room modern bungalow, completely furnished, large barn, chicken house for 800 hens, brooder house, garage, enclosed windmill tower and tank. 7 acres in 8-year-old prunes, 11-acre full-bearing vineyard, all stock and farm implements, including tractor: price 520.O00: incumbrance. $35O0; will exchange for Portland city properly or property within radius or a mites or .rortiana up to . n'o.miu. aq- dress Freisinn & Co., 213 4th St., Santa Rosa. Cal. 5 MILLION feet timber, clear of incum brance, to trade for Portland house, not over six rooms; timber wortn ifouuu will assume. BD 465, Oregonian. " to exchange: MISCELLANEOUS. 1918 STUDEBAKER 6, good condition, value $700; what have you? Broad way" 4140. j LATEST model noiseless typewriter, cost $135 new, for furniture or what have you? P 464, Oregonian. v FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. JUST ARRIVED FROM MY RANCH AT WALLOWA. My second shipment of all 6 and 6-year-old horses and mares, consisting of 8 head of as good dark dappled gray Percherons as ever came to Portland; team of Belgians, &600, a high-class draft team; balance of load blocky, heavy-bone horses from 1200 to 1900, well broken, single and double; prices right, as they must be sold at once. Call East Side Transfer Stables, 180 East 8th street. Henry C. Hansen. 1 . tOO-POUND blocky-butlt bay mare, good worker, $35; span of blacks, 6 to 7 years old, weight 2500 lbs., $115;. young span of mules; light, street sore, weight 270 lbs., ready for hard work, $145; 15 other very cheap horses and mules; must bp sold quick to save feed expense. Call at the Sifton Feed Bairn Sifto-n. Wash. Taks Orchard-Sifton car, 3d and Main Bts.. Vancouver; 15 minutes ride. By auto take 4th plain highway; hard sur face to the door. 20 HEAD of work horses and mules. Some of the prices: Span of second-hand work mulea, weight 2650 lbs., with harness, $100. Span of . geldings, weight 2400 lbs., $120. Span of dapple grays, 5 and 6 years, mare and gelding, weight 2750, $240. ' 50 sets of new and used harness, col lars of all sizes, at a reduced price. G. K. HOWITT. Front and Columbia Sts. HORSES. AT VANCOUVER, WASH. 10 head of good young, sound, gentle farm horses, 1100 to 1600 lbs. each; one hlg horse, 7 years old, good worker $75. Jake's Feed Barnr 5th and Columbia St. r FOR SALE Mammoth jack, 4 years old; tne Dig smooth Kind; one jacK l-year-oia, or will trade for draft horses, mules, sheep or cattle; must be good, young stock. H. D. BONES. MYRTLE POINT, OR., GAYLORD. MULE MEN, TAKE NOTICE! 10 head of good young work mule, weight from 1200 to 14O0 lbs.; lost my job, will sacrifice for quick sale. Si f ton Livery and Feed Stable, Si f ton. Wash. WE HAVE several cheap work-horses left. weighing 1200 to 160O lbs.; $35 to 40 per head. A Ihin a Tea-min g & Oon.tractintg Stable, 510 Kerby. near Russell Missis-gjpp-i car to Rugge-IL JERSEY COW, Just fresh, 5 gallons also gcod ifmuy cow, cneap; tuo tested, utu tasi otn. FOR SALE 2 large fresh" cowi, big miikr ers. Come and milk, them 7 A. M. and 7 P. M. 1967 'East Stark St., cor. 78th st. $75 FINE saddle horse with good saddle. almost new; several other cheap horses, harnesses and wagons. 240 East 8th. FOR SALE 5 work horses, weight from 14O0 to 1450 each; one driving pony, weight 800.. H. S. Bliss. Alrliie, Or. FARM IMPLEMENTS wew ana -second hand, special prices. P. E. Esbenshade, 860-306 E. Morrison st. TEAM weighing 2200 lbs., harness and farm wagon, $123. 40io 67tn st. mu Scott car. . SORREL gelding, 1150 lbs., ride or drive. works any place, oo. eea .earns-, air ton, Wash. BEAUTIFUL bay horse, 7 years old, weight 1300 lbs., gooa worKer in an narness, so. Bed Barn, S-ifton, Wash. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Call day or night. Automatic 67-64. 2800-LB. TEAM of maresr guaranteed good vorkera; 10 days' trial, Z40 Eiast tn Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. OPENING sale new location, 1000 new Columbia and victor lu-mcn recoras, z for 75c; 12rinch records 75a each. Harold S. Gilbert. 107 -West Park, just b ac k of, the Telegram corner. DECKER BROS, square piano, $00, equal of some $250 pianos at other stores. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 107 West Park. Pianos rented, sold, repaired. SCHILLER piano, plain mahogany caae, equal to new. A wonderful bargain. Terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 Fourth st. FTANO, beautiful oak case, standard make, genuine ivory keys, splendid tone, cost $650; will sacrifice for $200 cash. Owner leaving city. Main 5633. PHONOGRAPH repairing, any make. All work absolutely guaranteed; reasonably priced. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.,-25 Fourth st. Bdwy. 6576. $2i0 CASH secures a $5 a new piano, left over from eastern manufacturers carload lot at Security Storage Co.. 103 Tenth st. at Stark. GOOD PIAN03 at prices and term you can" afford. 'Reed-French Piano Co., 12th and Wash ington. COLUMBIA cabinet, walnut phonograph. $85; Edison, $60; Cheney. $75; Victor table phonographs at $25, $35 and $45. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th st. 87 HIGHEST quality phonographs slaugh tered, Victor and Columbia records; two for the price of one. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 107 We Park. KINGSBURY piano. mahogany case. a splendid bargain, only $243; terms. G. F. J onnson riano iu.. o ui bu MARTIN C MEL. silver saxophone, like new. $130; terms. G. F, Johnson Piano Co.. 140 ntn st.. -( NN C MEL. silver saxophone. .412, terms. G. Jr. J onnson nauo to., 6th st. STUDENTS' violin outfit, includes violin, bow, case, rosin ana extra striuga. G. r . jonnson r'lano -.o. sc. biim(;ai)W 88-note player, fine condl tion. extra rotis, yo. terms. v. j?. Johnson Piano Co.. I4 tn st. NEW BUESCTIER cornet, silver, with gold bell, and case, o. jj. jouusou o.. 149 6th st. DRUMMERS' Jazz outfits, everything com- niete. $75. G. j . jonnson Jr'iano t-o., xw 6tn st. PRICE" & TEMPLE, $250, oak case, like new. Terms given. ocjuciiiHB-uvda MusicCo.. 125 Fourth st. 1550 MAHOGANY case piano and bench for $25. Call Wdlrnjtf or 747 Borth PIANOS moved, $3, ground floor; work done oy eipena 6 ux. amu. Brhadway 1 10'. PIANO wanted, will pay cash for good Used piano l co.ouun.uij a.i . 153 LATE MODEL SILVER-PLATED CONN (JO ViN Cj A wwo, f-iiv. ---- iov, iico,t Alden PIANO, $150, walnut case; gooa ior a oractlce piano. ooiuci nus-uutaa uuaiu Co., 125 Fourth st. LEAVING city, will sell phonograph cheap, in gOOa CUUUIUIHI; B-liiiUOW twcwoumi 20 30. CROWN cabinet grand piano, best of con dition, -ot. r. . -"-- Lucas Music Co.. izn rourtn st. KIMBALL player piano, new, at a big reduction. See it. Terms given. Seiber- ling-Lucas MOslc uo., 10 J'ourtn st. SrtO BRUNSWICK phonograph as good as iiflw for sale cheap. Call fc31 Alberta st. Phone 311-10- g PLAYER PIANOS, almost like- brand new $li;o to o, to Lenua. oj. Wor cester PlO-g- 10 GOOD upright pianos, $100 to $165 each, fine makes; $25 down, $10 a month. 312 Worcester bldg. $1000 CH1CKERING pianos, mahogany, reai cneap. v-- Bi cester bldg. . tonn EILER player, latest style, jio : T . 1 -. mitoifl a-mm HI') Worcester oiag. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS 128 First, near Alder, Bdwy. 7161. WILLIAM KNABE piano, wonderful tone. Cheap; m&g mi-i. - im;cgi.cr mus- 675 IV ERS & POND piano, fine condi- on. " CHICKERIN'G piano, $150. Seiberling Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. BRAND new $275 wicker cabinet pho eraph for $150. Call East 1669. HINZMAN piano, $125; terms given. Sel wnng.Lncag Music Co., 125 4th st. vfiW high-grade cabinet Phonograph; will COef ' PIANO wanted for practice. Must be WtlTI. P"-- KIMBALl. ptano. new, at a nlp. Seiber-llne-Lucas Music Co.. 12S Fourth st FOR BENT Cabinet Grafonola with late VANTED-Used piano for spot caah bareralll. xwy. j ur-euay. WANTED Sweet-toned piano for cash. Call Bast 8SS2. - nrvTtT.D GnOIJ FlAA O. IIAI.T, PH. "f1'' ' . ol . LUaiBIA 254. FOR SALE. Jianon, Organs and Musical Instruments. FIN hi I'LAXllS KKAIi CiiKAP. 700 Kroeger, walnut, fine $165.00 ,no Hobart M. Cable, just new. 8di. t Gen. W. W. Kimball, fine.. 22.00 60O Thomnsnn vcrv latent. nlu.in 225.00 700 Pease, late mahogany 280-00 525 Howard, sweet tone InO.OO 850 Player plane, -very latest... 825.00 800 Player Farrand, latest 850.00 575 R. s. Howard, latest, plain.. 250.00 550 Gaylord, plain oak 1WK00 625 Jewett, -fine mahogany.... 175.00 550 Bradford, plain, iate.., 200.00 650 Sweetland, plain walnut... 170.(M 800 Sofamer, plain 185. 0t 675 McPhail, fine condition 187.50 550 W. W. Kimball make 185.00 600 McCamon upright 110.00 600 Wisner, good 125.00 275 Columbia phonograph 125.00 Others, easy terms. Why pay more and be sorry? BROKERAGE CO., S12 Worcester Bldg. NEW LOT FACTORY REBUILT PIANOS . Just received from eastern factories now on sale here. No need to buy old worn pianos now when you can buy good mm new rebuilt pianos at same price. $550 Ernest Gabler upright piano... $295 $450 Bauer & Co. upright piano 25 $425 Bradford Piano Co., mahogany. 275 $450 Smith & Barnes, mahogany.... 295 $550 Kimball upright piano 315 475 Wilmer upright Piano 273 $425 Kurtz. Bros, upright piano 245 $800 Steinway & Sons upright piano 875 $475 H, P. Neleon colonial piano.... 233 $575 George Heck & Co piano 263 500 Emerson Piano Co., mahogany. 295 $525 Seybold upright, oak 85 $450 Hallet & Davis upright piano.. 195 Terms $10 or more cash, $0, $8 or $10 monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 101 Tenth St.. corner Stark. ' SALE OF USED PIANOS. Pease & Co., fumed oak $265 Wellington, large, mahogany 195 A. B. Chase,upright 295 Steinhauser, mahogany 235 Fischer Piano Co., large 295 Wheelock & Co., mahogany 245 Modell, player piano 495 Pay as little as $10 cash and $6 or more a month. LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO., Corner Fifth and Washington. - PHONOGRAPH CLEARANCE SALE. $ 73 Victrola, 5 used records $ 43 32.50 Grafonola, 5 used records.... 20 125 Grafonola. 10 used records 75 140 Brunswick. 10 used records.... 140 Emerson, 10 used records 95 175 Sonora, 15 used records. 135 350 Victrola. 15 used recordsi v215 $5 or more cash, $3, $4 or more monthly, SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 103 10th at Washington St. PHON'OnRAPH BARGAINS. " " Victrola, style X, witti records $100 Victrola, style XI, with records Columbia phonograph, fine condition. 75 Brunswick, new demonstrator, with records 100 Brunswick, new demonstrator,, with records 225 SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth Street. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $425 Hallett Davis, upright, cash... $165 450 Smith Piano Co., upright, cash 1U5 270 Board & Co., upright, cash.... 75 750 Planista player piano, cash.... 295 3 parlor organs, $18. $20 and $25. 101 10th St. at Stark St. PHONOGRAPH reepairing, springs 20c up. parts retail and wholesale. 548 wasm st. $675 VOSE & SON piano, nice walnut. Slip, terms, aij, worcewirr umsy Furniture for Sale. CAVENPORT3. We are manufacturers of all-hair davenports and chairs; highest quality line built on the Pacific coast. Frames are as good as is possible to build. Watch your davenport made from naked frame to last stitch. Our upholstering hair and cotton are high grade and the only fill ing material we use. Don't take our word for it but come and let us prove all we say. New and up-to-the-minute styles, large line of coverings, fine- ve lours and tapestries, $100 to $176; pure silk and best mohair, $154 to $239. These prices are regular, not special. Everything guaranteed. Sample room open evenlnga by appointment. Phone 635-27. Evenings and Eundays, Tabor 67l7 or 635-27. M1CHAELSON-MATSON.. INC.. B4th and Foster Road. SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department If yon want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all point in our through pool cars; expert packing, re pairing and refinishing. Money loaned on good in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 62 4th St., Cpp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone ' Broadway 3715. AM MOVING at noon today, so hurry if you want atair carpet, 2 oak rockers, sanitary couch and pad, 2 breakfast chairs, veiour arapes anu uurimno, Wilton velvet rug, gas range and plate, miscellaneous articles, piano lamp. Tabor 7681. Aij'T JsACKlu'ICE yiUr larnuure 1i goin east or to California. We can av you mnnev on vour freight in our throug cars: firenroof atorage. C. M. Olson 'Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine street. FURNITURE of 5-room bungalow for sale, all in Kood condition; will sell all of part; no agents. 710 East 15th st. North, or can cast aoo. LARGE mahogany counter with drawers and shelves: marble base; moving. Will sell for $50. A. G. Teepe Co., 270 Stark st. LEAVING city, furniture for sale and flat for rent at $22 per month. See this at 400 "D" 5th st. N. Main 33S5. COMPLETE house of high-grade furniture for sale, lew rugs, z wararooe irunits, handbags, 2 suitcases. Wdln. 5389. VIOLIN and caae, $15, white enamel bed complete, lo; X oea ana springs, (.ou gas heater, $3. tfiw ojq st. p. c SOME high-grade furniture at reasonable prices. jan auio. t -o-o, Office Furniture. DESKS CHAIRS SAFES. New and second-hand, exceptional bar ruins. Call or phone for salesman. 1RWIN-HODSON FURNITURE DEPT, 10th and StarK wts Ja wy. 3m, NEW AND USED office furniture, safes, riitsanhones. addina: machines. type writers, time clocks, counters and par titions, prices lowest in city. u. u. Wax, 24-26 North Fifth. Bdwy. 2739. "PHYSICIAN'S STEEL FURNITURE. Manufacturer's seconds, at substan tlal reductions. Albatross Metal Fur- nit ureCTlTJiujrmaju Typewriter. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERa IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. ALL MAKES. J CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., S21 Washington su jaaun doom. TtrcmHLT typewriters, alt kinds, for sale. rent, exchange; we are exclusive dis tributors of Carona portable. $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies ana repairs of all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., 94 Fifth St. Bdwy. il60. MR RENT L. Or Smith typewriters; spe rial rate to students. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co., 806 Spalding bldg Bdwy. 6975. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cui rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark st. Main 1407, REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplise. Typo writer Inspection Co.. 312 Stark. M. 5549. UNDERWOOD, No. 5, cheap for cash. Em pire Transfer. Ii.t4 Broadway. Hawy. 1 ll'llKRV001) Reminertons. $3 a mo. Em pire Transfer, 254 Broa-dway. Bdwy. In 5. Poultry. 3 PAPE'S B. Minorca roosters. 2 Rainle Valdet Red roosters, a Kinglet . rock roosters, W. Rock and vv nite vvyan dotte roosters, $2.50 up. O. A. C L C Lcjr B. Mi- hnrn nuliets. $1.25: Rock Red, norca pullets, $1.75. Call ; daytime Bdwy. 7107. MAN AND WIFE want to lease small chicken farm, equipped, reaay to ko to work or with privilege of buying name. O. M. Rose, 413 Main St. Phone Marshall 4377. FOR SALE Prize winning fawn and white Indian Runner duck eggs for hatching. 10c each. C. H. Blazer, R. No. 167. Oregon City. WANTED Chickens. Ship to J. Cawood, ' 80 East 16th St. North. Portland. Highest Prices Paid. R. SPECKLED Sussex, choice flock, eggs $3 15, $18 100. Write for descriptive circu lar price list. H. A. Bushby, Pariia, Idaho. ' . 50 R. I. RED chicks today 25c each; 000 White Leghorn, March 8, $18 per 100. G. R. Maguire. 7H7 Oregon. East 1805. COMMERCIAL ha-toliing, 5c to 7c per egg. Ph one Ea stft585. 3 OA. O. roosters, unrelated, good stock 80 E. IRth st. N. East 4478. 24 WHITE WYANDOTTE young hena Auto. 621-fi4. 6348 84th st. S. K. Dogs, Rabbits. Birds ana Pet Stock. PERSIAN cats for service; iarge biuv, black, whi'.e and orange males for serv ice. 470 E. 53d st. N. Auto. 321-37.- FLEMISH GIANTS and New Zealand, also good hutches; bargain for quick sale. Call after 6 P. M.. 1452 EE 6th. N. PURE ROLLERS, yellow, fine singers, males, imported stock. East 4175. PUPPIES for sale cheap, $2.oD each. Easrt 8th KITTEN WANTED. Call Robert or Lillian. E. 4778. Boats, Ln fnches and Marine Equipment. LAUNCH ''and launch house, reasonable. Call sen wooa azwt. PLEASURE boat for sale. See Hoffman at p o r t land Motor jjoai u un. Coal and Wood. WOOD SAWING, any place la city. Phon M&ln FOR 8 ILK. Coal and Wood. $4 PER lOAP $4. 2-LOAD ft-OTS. 16-Inch fir block and slab, rune partly dry. ready for furnace or heater. We also save you money on 2-load orders or dry wooa. rrompi aenvery on west and east side. Oregon Fuel Co. wood' lawn 4102. 24 PER LOAD 94. 16-inch, partly dry block and slab mixed; fine or furnace or heater, de livered in 2-load lots for $8; sing.e load $4.o0. Washington lump coal, $1 toa t& the basement. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. East 2041. COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL1 911 per ton. put in your basement, elty weight, direct from mine to consumer; large -lump, no clinktore or aoot; burns to fine ash; try a .ion. PHONE EAST 134 or EAST 0126. BIG LOADS block, and Blab, mixed, runs. partly dry. 2 loada $8.00 X load 4.50 Woodlawn 1300. HlvbX-OKoWXH tjr. mock bpringe, Hoyai Owl Creek coal. Standard Brie Sc Ti e Co., ba Fifth St.. between btark and Oak. Phone Broadway 18. NICE 16-inch , slab. $3.75; best fir, sea soned, heavy or merely graded, J3 load, anywhere, bargain ; dry 12 and 16-inch country slap. $7.25. Sell 1701). DRY CORDWOUD. 2-curd lots, $14. Best dry cordwood in town and heavy coun- try slab, $4.23 a cord. Sell wood 1270. 6!4 E. 10th st. DRY 16-INCH slab. Hi. 00 a load; partly dry block and slab. 5; 4-fout dry slab, $0.50 a cord. Wdln. 1002. DRY LUX wood. $4 ; ood rajige woud, $4.50; block and slab, $4.75 per load. Wdln. 3040. DK1' CURDWOOD, 1 and 97.75 per cord, block and slab, double load, $t B4wy. 8628. DRY BLOCK, and slab wood, single load (5, double load $8; short order specialty. Broadway 2545. ' , DRY WOOD, 12x15 inches or 4-foot at a reasonable price. Residence phone Mar shall 1017. VLHaT-iJilOWTU wood, dry, $7.50 cord; second growth, dry, $6.25 cord. AuL 62W-77. BEoT old-growtn dry fir. $7.50; large second-growth, $7. Sellwood 314. Al FlKST-GROWTUj Phone Main 722U. or U wood, dry, $7.50. BEST dry cord wood, cord ; can't be beat. $7 and $7.73 per Broadway 4110. 4-FOOT block and railroad us; .ho itt- i n. st ovo wood. Alar. 2043. $3 A LOAD, 16-inch dry plank and small timber. Sellwood 3151. NO. 1 old-growLh fir that IS DRY, $7.50, $8. -Autoniatft 616-8't. 4-FOOT country slab, $4 per cord. Tabor 7228. 16-lN'CH wreckage wood, load delivered, $3. Residence phone East H254. BEST old-growth dry fir, $7.30; second -growth. SI. Snllwood 314. large FOR SALE Good dry alder wood just ai fcood as maple. Peter Larson, tohle. Or. DRY first-growth -cordwood, $6 curd. Call Automatic 525-05. WOOD. $3 A LOAD. WOODLAWN 30O4. Keg and BurrcU, KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 306 N. 14th st.,- near Pettygrove. Phone A 6JI-1. Machinery. FOR SALE: 143 ft. a -in. Plugged ana Rimxnea Galv. Pipe $122-57 145 ft. Rod 42.85 1 Xo. 391 Myer'a Working Head.. 85.00 1 Fig. 1404 Bras Valve, 2?xl4x 30-in , ..- 83.75 294.67 42.70 Lesa 15 $241.97 This material Is all practically new and in first-class condition. Address Laurelwood Academy. Gaston, Oregon TOOLS, dies. Jigs, fixtures, stamping spe cia;l machine and experimental work; rea sonable price. J.lluf nagel, 715 Thurman Bdwy. 1 HJ7. ONE-SEVENTH ' horsepower motor and small lathe for sale cheap. Hawthorne car to 60th. IPOS stepriens st. Mheninery Wanted. WANTED Second-hand val vele.ss c fugal pump. AU 21 7, Oregonian. WANTED Soft mud brick machine, dress Otto Krebs. Sherwood. Or. WANTED 8 or 10 horsepower uprlgh boiler. jn 4 On. Oregonian. Mhwellfinenuft. 2 SCIENCE AND HEALTH, 1 Unity of Good, 1 leather case for same, 2 sets markers, 1 leather quarterly case, all now. AK 4m, Orpironinn. RUL'D gas water hea ters, new $10.50 eeco-nd-hand. $12.fH: also 3 end 4-burru gas ranges, $15 and $17.50; will de-ldvec. HOT WATER tanks. SO-krI.. $7: 40. ita $0; tested, guaranteed; stove and furnace cons, pas neaters inniaueu ; piummnK. East Side Weld, Sh., 203 Adams. E. 8.M0. CASH REGISTERS and computing tcales bouEht. sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register & Pcale Ex change, 226 Stark st. Bdwy. TiS4. KODAKS. We ,buv, sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy, 320 Washington st. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamil ton-Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum clenning none. East 4Q45. FOR SALE 1 hyarauilc lard pre and 1 drop-bottom rendering tank, ilk cw Sheridan Meat Co., Sheridan. Or. ADDING MACHINE and comptometer. A bargain. Call Bdwy. 3712 or 510 Lumber men bidgj FO R SALE Reed baby carriage, reversi ble body, woodeiv wheels, first-class con dition, $15. ownpr ;;q st. DANDY 8-light shower fixture complete with shades, onty v at iUf tnamDur of Commerce bldg Broadway 4253 TOOLS, hardware, utensils, at clearance Bale prices. ' Chown Hardware Co., 223 Morrison, below 2d. BEAUTIFUL perfect gem. set in gentle man s white goia mourning, cone i;.it; sacrifice to gft rash for $05. Fast 0228. SCALES. I ate style enclosed base, Dayton soele, only used few months, cheap. 5 lirt st. FOR SALE New et of hat blork cheap at once ; leaving town. au oo rouriu street, room 64. Phone Marshall 3402. LICENSED in dependent electrician wires S room for iz, o ior guar&nieea 10 , urtn 7ni PSS llltwunun. mil. .v FOR SALE Singer sewing machine (new). 06; price $50, easn or term. tmn st. S. E. DltlBOLD safes, new and second-hand; special prices. xa.cu 10 rcai or nuppiy Co.. 48 Front st. Broadway I0ft. ELKCTRIC washing machine, pe fleet con dition, oniy ubpu 1 '-w 1 linrn, cirruia stances fnrce fal; $80. Bdwy. 4 14Q. FOR SAIE Large Diebold safe with ste ! -hest. !.- j. iutn bu i, x-iione n 00a- jnwn 4128. FUR RENT EIfctrie vacuum cleaners. 83 cents per a ay, ueuvereu any wnere. Woodlawn 12i0. LADIES' slightly used garments, good as tieW, lOW pm-rr-, iiimi, luo AllSKy bide art. near Morrison st. 3 TAILORING machines cneap, 2 Singers, fl-10 Wiliiams avw FERTILIZER. Cow manure, well rotted, delivered any rart Ot cn. . ... PILES can be permanently cured without operation. an c wmw mjc. xean, &ec end and Morrison. FOR SALU tasn register, sale, adding machine, snowi-nw-g. 10 iat u, near Ann FLUMBINO. expert repairing, licenced ; an do any 300. tow n-w. unwy, .ts.-j. sTAK-A-bTAK sningles, direct from mlU. Cu.ll layior-gi.. nutn. huih rmn. GUARANTEED rebuilt batteries for Fords 110 to ! Xl 'Ju -ay BABY chik brooder, 1000 capacity. Buck eye; goon Du.B't'"- J iiin. SPECIAL SALE Beauty parlor equip ment. P' qui, I"-' ' xi n, anu uu. SAFES Office tafe, fcood as new, clitap. P 4"1. urKui"""- SECOND-HAND tents and cover for a.. Pa.'iiiC lent w limp wu.. o. 1 ltl c PHONE us for painting and paper hang BTOCKVARD manure deliverea anywfaera. wnofl awn -'" TOADIES' used apparel for all occasion p r i c psvery low. Tabor 2825. A HOFFMAN press. Empire transfer. Bdwy. FURNITURE packing and repairing, odd pieces ior pq. WICKER baby carriage in good condi- ,n. auto- nit-in. 'n rj. 01 iorth. OR SALE A bargain, one new $23 vioiet- ray nmcnine. n. .n h.t. Oregon: an. ONE concrete block machine, good condi tion. WoodTawn 1S24. WE BUY, sell or exchange ladies wearing apparel. Call Broadway Ubed '.l-'ii. SHINGLES Couch-st. tinider's shingles for sale at dock. W. L. Snider. 6-FOOT counter, clsar case aoxd coontea. lnqui.no 21 N. Jersey. 7-DRAWER drop-head Singer, new, $1S. 171 Park st. good a FOR SALE House tent, fioor and walls, Hxl2. Phone evenings. Main 214-". MANURE FERTILIZER. No sawdust, delivered. East SS73. BITTMAN pays highest price for bicycha and hardware. 23 Front Pt. M a in 30 1 1 . TWO pool tables in good condition, cue and balls. Phone iiain 7 HDD, I OR HAI K. M irrlliilirli. I . 20-FOOT MARTU.H PAIRY LUX" 1 1 COUNTER, GLASS TOP, FOR SAL1& SEE MR. TIPER. 403 ALDER ST. 4 N I T Kut " EN ! LAMP HA1.H. SPECIAL FOR Tllld WEEK. SpwUI Regular p price. p'ii'. 7 wstt .70 $ Hid watt 1 M 150 watt I 40 2"0 watt , 1 1 250 watt 2 H 1 300 Watt 2 .Ml 2 iiO Add 5c enrh for fronted buwL Every Lamp Guar nteed. We Replsr Anv Defect. Building owner. Hotel operator. See me for special price on quantity Order. W. S. FI.FMINO, i Electrical Suwp.i?. Sporting Good. liardwHi-e. Plumbtn and Heating Apparn. 202 Wsh. St. Bdwy 412T PKVTTPTRT WITHOUT I'AIJT hy nrv-block!ng, ion therapy or con ductive nnejuheala; without ti anger or after-effect, we : erform tl dnt.: op erations without pain. Come In and lt u prove it 10 you; X-ray work. DR. A. W. KKKNK. -DR E. J. KIKStiNLlAHU " Above Majeeilc Theater. Kn. 3..1 V WhA OFF1CK FUKN1 Ti: K K A DDI NO MACHIMCS SAFES. 0-bn nk squn re model Unrroui h. .$1-5 7-hank flat mndel Hur rough 1 Perfect condition, include ttand. Dic taphones, transcribing or diet.. H). W'on dertul bargain In afe. !rh, f ii chair, etc. D. C Wax, '-'--North 6th. lid wy. 2730 or Hdwv. 477.V SA K YOU K WIFE. Send your wet wah ti th Snow Fluke laundry; clothe wanned moflT white iji separate coin ji.trtnien t .1. Till USD A Y, FRIDAY AND SATl'KPAY, LI LUri. FoK t0 CfciNTH, 4 CENTS rh addi tional pound. Valuable premium g.ven. Phone Kant ELKCTulC KiXTl iUCS. Puy them from the factory anow roTW nd aave one-third; ell tyl-. finest se lection.. Come and ace; you are undar no obligation to buy. STANLEY LUTZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bid. . Pr o ad way 42.'i:t. FOR SALE Very latest Harding blue taf feta dress, basque effect, 1; aio 2-piece trlcotlne dresn !, both In 86 and BS. one aport suit, navy blu Jersey jacket and blue plaid plaited Ulrt, a u 016, toe $0. Call Last ooi4. IF YOU APPRECIATE spU-ndid watch re pairing or Jewelry repairing, tak your work to MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Rtore Helis for Lena Gill That Lant. Next Door to Maji-atlb Theater. Park and Washington M. SEWING MACHINES. Giving away stock 1 nit darner with T of each new or used marhin. Sllrht ir Ufted. $16 to tio. INiune Main ovs.i. To rent or buy. Sinnwr Store. J. G. Walters, manager. U1 4th U Bear Taylor. t kksu m;a it uui by parcel pot, prepaid within 4th son; large cooked crab, 2 tor 0oo; clania clt-aned, 65c qimrL . SMITH FISH CO., ' Tlllamoiik. Or. RADIO Fl KNACKS. PIPE LESS. $HV5, 1'11'K, $214 CP. Easy payment"; looo In Portland, Phone Columhia 28 or writ Aho'-Uia Engineering Corp., factory loot of Bur lington st' , SAFKS Fire and burgiitr-prut'f Mfi-n, tiff and second-hand, at right prio; boiuht. sold and exchanged; eaiy K.ruis it d- tired. NORRIS SAFE & XfCK CO , 105 Second St. Broadway 7M". FOR SALE LADY'S NEW TAN LORKD SIIT, 4'4 lilSH A LANK Pl,lr, . BY MISS 1L CHRISTKNSN. MODISTE DOG KS, windows, lumber, mold inn , tnCl work, Poaa. roofing an-l hotlt;d sBh. our odd stock of suh and door 1 of prices. D. B. Suilv Co.. downtown lum ber store, 171 KHONT ST., bt. Morrtno a nd YamhUI. I'hon Main 421.1. SEV'lNi macliiiifs, ihw and fecotid-liand, sold fof lss; no agunt employed. Cm-pU-te line u( partn lor all niak; ma chines r paired and rented. SEWING MACHINE E M PO R TlM. 3 On Third, ft . , nar Taylor. M a I n QUI, RUBBER BOND, the Kratt-fct rJ uvrnator known for nil kini vt Irnky rora Work like nmglc. bringing old wnrM shingles hark to their natural nosltnm In . short thn. Phone Hlwy. 7:t. DEPKNIABLE -PLACW TO TRADE. UlLLER'S Big Lltfl Jwiry Stor. Sells for LefS Gift That Lmut. Next Door to MnJntlo Theater. Park sn1 Washington Sta. 20 PAIRS FINE RICHARDSON SKATING RINK roller skates, bargain, 12S First, nr-ar AMen , . FOR SALE No. 5 Oliver typewriter, $20; aiij uat hie drew form, i ; mwi ng ma chine, ., and some household good. 7is0 Roo""ve!t t. NEW .2.'.n-.;i(H SAVA'JIi RIFLhfc Only $33. 12S Jut. iieHr Alder. FOR RAI.F ATTOMOnirKH, ROBINSON-SMITTI CO. USED CAR MARKET, SIXTH AND MADISON. 1020 Ford coup, complete. $n?H 1020 Ford roadster, tartr HU-I 1017 Ford express delivery.. lh 1017 Ford touring, only. .. 15 Cash or lrmi. See our Used Car Markot at 6th and Main sts. USED CAR MARKET. Sixth and Mam Sts. FORD BARGAIN'S FORD. Ca.h or Trm. IfM!) Ford roanster, st nrter. ....... .I" 1121 Ford coup, complete .... (5 ft20 Ford touring, starter ......... Ford touring, special 2 3 1010 Ford truck, only I2& ltfltl Ford touring .' This open air t ar market 1 ownid 1 Robinson-Smith ;o. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOM0BILE3 CASHED. YOU BTTT OH FELL AH AVTnMI. BILE. WE FURNISH THH MoNKY. OUR SERVICE W ILli I' LEASE V Hi. OR EG UN BON D A MO R T i AG H! ( ., 207 SELLING BLDG., bL,OND FLOOli. LOTS ut cars of various makfs and ntoln t to eieet from. We don't ask a blfr pnf t bm wc have very little overhead rxpfiiMs, tiierfl'oro w can acJt for l. Come !nk over our rars, compare our pric-n wit'i otliern. Tciins on inobt every car; no roasonahlo o!'! r refused. The Auto t'ler- llig limine, 4'M Alder f. WHY BUY A USED CAR when you can te;ure a n w factory guaranteed Liberty nix, equipped w.th Royal cord tits, for lc;s than wholes! cobt 7 Frew Serview and Kflv Trm. THE MOTOR F'HANGE, 17(t E. 7th St. Phono K. hs7S. LIBERTY SIX LIBERTY. BrHiid new, lata modl. Cord rqulnp'l Liberty sixch, at an tiiiiiifr.tc tn:rtf) -'-Guarantee and free survic with wh car. Tilhern! Term the Motor kxchangk. 170 K. 7th St. Phon E. K! OWNER MUST S ELK 1930 Hayne O, 4-jvi., 1n e-xcltert jo.ii dU Ion, cord t ire, n!v drivui wtKiut 4 7rt mil; I inut raRe mn miiy quU-kl y ; will tak Fturd w .'h -1 roH-dslcr or de'lvery car for part. l'iind ownr, Eaft ti-'.'iO OAKLAND SNAP. Driven t than 20fH) n.ile; haa fis'f been out in rain: inrvhanical! v perf't; written guarantee end a week's tHa-; aacrlfire for $'ko; r-amy t rnm Th s ' a bnricIn. Mr. Arpo. firond ws v 7 7 'K 1021 BABY GRAND C II E V KOLET 10 JO Cord tnew, plenty or extras; term, Ia Y. BILL1NGSLEY MOTOR n., Hawthorne Ave Ht bth. Phone T'.nmt 7. FORD chasl., 17 biockfc, ood tires. f3 takes It. SI Front ut .. corner Jefn riori. liilH BRISCOE, light d'eliv ery. o Tha ul vi and repainted. Woodlawn ITI"2. ll2l COL'i'E (ia-l extra ; $.i.r0 down, fi nr lu city; ift Main 7M A VEL1E tvuriug. 1!U0 modl, la fin hap at ajiajf price. CaU lidwy,