TIIE MORNING OKEGONIAX, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1923 23 DOMESTIC BONDS ACTIVE TUADIXG IS HEAVIEST IX KAIL WAY OEFKKIXGS. ; Foreign Issues Continue Strong;. Liberties or 4 Series Close With Slight Gains. NEW YORK. March 1. Domestic issues more than held their own in today's bond market, buying again being heaviest in the Missouri. K-i & Texas, St. Louis & San i'rarcLco, Missouri Pacific and St. Paui of:fiiigs- the latter including Puget Sound 4s Substantial gains were made by a ma jority o the local utilities, the only marked exception being Third Avenue adjustments-, which fell 43i points. Internationals, embracing the Japanese, Danish, Swedish and Dutch East Indies issues, were strong, but United Kingdoms and French and Italian government were disposed to ease. Tradings in liberty bonds, especially the 4 series, was heavy and mainly at slight Sains. Total sales, par value, approximated 19,- Slocks favored by professional traders made further appreciable advances in the early stages of today s active session, but reacted sharply on the heavy selling of the final hour, little or nothing remaining of their one to three-point gains. Dealings expanded, especially in steels, aulmnents. oils and shippings. The in quiry for rails was limited almost entirely .to secondary shares, notably those com prising the reorganized western ana soutn Kestern systems. Motor and food specialties were strong est of the miscellaneous group. Mail order Issues also showed improvement, although Bears-Roebuck reported a heavy decrease of earnings for February. Tho liauidatlon in the last hour was directed mainly against United States Steel and affiliated issues, also Baldwin loco motive. Chandler and Studebaker and such rails as Union Pacific. Missouri Pacific. Reading and Rock Island. Sales amounted to 135.0H shares. Weekly trade revews confirmed current reports of more hopeful conditions in the basic industries. Advices from pittsDurg and other iron and steel centers indicated a pronounced increase of production in the last half of February. Settlement of March 1 interest and divi dend payments was effected without di; turbance to the money market. Call loans opened and held at 4 per cent until al most at the finish, when the rate was advanced to 5 per cent. Time loans ma turing today were renewed for the Bhorter period at 4i per cent, but offerings of longer date were scarce. Foreign exchanges were Irregular, ster ling demand bills rising to the new high of 14.44, but reacted 1 cents later. French and Italian rates were firm, but other continental bills continued to ease from their high levels of last week. South American exchanges strengthened, Argen tine bills being sustained by reported pur chases for Loudon account, presumably in payment of foodstuffs and other raw ma terials. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATION'S. Furnished by Overbeck & Cooke com pany of Portland: Midvale Steel. M K A T Wi.. do pfd Wl.. Mont Power.. Blont Ward... Mo Pac do pfd M St P A 3 S M Nor Amn. . . . . Nat Biscuit ... Nat Rnamel.. Nat Lead . . t . . Nevada Con... New Haven . . . Norfolk & W. Nor Pacific. . . Nov Scot Steel N Y Air Brake N T Central . . Ok la Prod ref. Ontario Silver. Ontario & V . . Otis Steel . Pacific Dev. . . Pao Gas A Bio Punta Ailegre. Pacific Oil... Pan Amn Pet. do "B" Penna ....... Peo Gas Pere Marqte.. Pure OH Phillips Pete. 1. m0 l.ouo 00 11.400 12.3H0 100 3,? 00 l'.OOO BOO 2iK 2,ono 400 2.100 "2,000 2,3(10 3..100 2O0 S00 700 200 600 2, HK ll.SXM) 8.100 2.700 2,200 4O0 2.0"0 3.200 4,800 . 30 14 11 34 23 i 5o 00 57 33S4 88 54 14 ITS IOO14 80 "e.i"" 78 14 2i 54 22 1054 7 54 66 H 3 49 66 G0? 35 75 27 35 33 18 4 8 60 25 !4 14 74 32 31 4! 78 3,600 54 MVi 1 08 ' 88 Vj 180 38 84 20 96 28 43 09 Stock. Adams Exp .. Adv Hum ... do pfd ..... Agr Chem ... do pfd , . Ajax Rub Alaska Gold . Alaska Jun .. Allied Chem.. Aliis-Chal ... do pfd Am Beet Sug. Am Bosch ... Am Can Co. . . do pfd Am Car & Fy do pfd Am Cot Oil... do pfd Am Drug Syn Am H & Lea. Sales. 100 100 ""406 'i',700 100 100 40O 1.800 100 100 oo 4,100 200 400 Z. 606 1,200 100 2,400 High. 62 14 Low. 62 14 35 35 do pfd 1,800 Am Ice Am Int Corp. Am Linseed . do pfd ..... Am Loco .... do pfd Am Saf Raz.. Am Sh & Com Am Smelt ... do pfd Am Snuff ... Ara Stl Fdy.. Am Sug do pfd Am Sumatra. Am T & T... Am Tob do "B" Am Wool . . . do pfd Ara W P pfd. , Am Zinc . ' Anaconda .... Assd Oil Atchison .... At G & W I.. Baldwin Loco do pfd Bait & Ohio.. do pfd ..... Beth Steel B. Booth Fish . . B R T Butte C & Z.. Butte & Sup. Burns Bros . Caddo Oil ... Cal Pack Cal Pet do pfd ..... Caa Pac Cent Leath . . Cerro de Pas. 500 8,100 91(0 200 3,600 100 1.300 4,700 1,000 100 900 400 8,900 1,766 1,300 400 300 3.U00 "200 300 1,500 i'soo 2.800 12,000 i'.ioo 100 4,500 '506 2.S0O 500 6.000 1,000 500 5,200 i'.soo 5,600 300 900 . 500 300 S.400 000 3000 S.500 2.20O 400 200 1.30O 4.300 l,10O 60O 100 Chand Motors 23,000 vni J w . . . Chic Gt W ... do pf Chili Cop . Chino C M St P ... do pf Coco Cola c & o Colo F I .. Colo South . .. C'oJ Gas & El. Colum Graph. Con Gas ...... Cons Cigars .. do pf ...... Gonti Can Cit S C V B. . Corn Prod ... 700 do pf ...... 100 Cosden Oil ... 3.300 C R I & P ... 13,500 do "A" pf. . 300 do "B" pf.. 600 Crucible 5,100 do pf Cuba Cane 9.400 do pf 1.200 Cub Am Sugar 2.90O Del & Hudson. loo IKme i i,:a 300 Del & Lack .. 300 Davison C ... 5,400 Kndl Johnson. 300 ilrle 1200 do 1st pf . . 800 El St Bat 200 Fmous Players 11.100 Fed Min & Sm. do pf Fisk Tire . . . Gaston Wma. Oen Cigars ... Gen HT.ec .... 200 Gen Motor 8,300 Glen Alden .. 200 Gen Asphalt.. 10.000 Goodrich 1,500 Goodyear Grauby 100 Great Nor Ore 200 Greene Cana . ..... Gulf S Sue) .. 0.400 Houston Oil . . 000 Hupp Motor . . 100 Illinois Central 200 Inspiration ... 500 Int Ag Cp com 300 do pf 100 Interboro ' 300 do pf Inter Calla ... 300 Int Hrv 500 do pf Int Mere Ma.. 500 do pf S.non Int Nlcfrel ... 1.2O0 Int Paper .... 400 do pf Invincible Oil. 13.SOO Island Oil. . . . 5.000 Jewel Tea BOO K C Soi them. 100 do pfd 10O KeJly-Spgfld . 2.000 Kennecott ... 2.000 Keystone Tire. 3,1"0 Lack Steel.... 500 Lee Tire 1.600 Lehigh Valley 4oO Lorlllard 100 Lowe Theaters 1,200 X. N 10O Marland Oil.. 800 Martin & Perry oo May Stores... l.fioo Mex Pet 29.200. 16 57 47 91 37 39 40 101 150 24 61 : s 15 70 -. 98 45 33 57 109 114 4 13 47 90 Vi 137 31 70 'is'' 119 139 133 86. 2S 12 49 "97 25 107 38 65 63 'io 5 26 12(1 11 73 52 137 34 34 73 68 7 18 . 17 26 24 37 45 59 26 45 77 97 21 15 57 46 91 37 38 39 101 149 '23 49 5 15 69 93 44 32 67 108 114 4 12 47 90 136 31 68 27 119 137 134 85 28"" 12 48 "96 24 105 '37 55 ' - 62 "i6 6 25 124 11 73 60 136" 33 34 71 67 6 18 16 26 22 30 44 69 26 45 75 2 95 21 600 63 65 102 114 36 41 92 5i 79 67 "i6 29 20 111 25 114 60 81 11 18 140 '4 82 101 114 35 39 92 79 55 "9 28 19 111 24 1144 68 80 10 17 140 0 8,100 13 12 153 8 45 64 38 33 "72 76 14 100 38 9 38 Miami Oil 200 300 5 91 "jj 72 i 11 49 'l7 1 19 26 64 28 28 ia 2S 60 152 13 113 27 2S 115 124 27 13t4 153 8 44 62 38 27"" 34 '70 75 14 100 38 9 38 2 "5" 90 is 71 11 48 i6 1 18 25 54 27 27 16 45 28 59 151 13 113 27 27 113 121 26 13 Close. 61 13 38 33 57 15 57 45 1 36 38 39 101 148 119 23 49 5 3o 69 44 32 00 108 114 4 46 90 136 31 69 97 27 119 137 134 85 iOd 26 12 48 102 96 105 107 87 64' 03 6 IO 5 25 125 11 73 88 135 33 33 i 71 67 6 IS ' 16 20 22 36 44 Vj, 69 25 45 76 2 95 21 40 64 21 102 113 3 39 91 79 56 81 28 19 111 24 ll 59 80 10 17 139 80 H 87 13 67 li3 8'. 44 62 37 10 27 84 zo 70 75 14 100 38 8 87 7 0 90 106 15 71 11 48 4 80 16 1 18 V, S.1 63 27 27 J5 45 28 59 151 13 113 27 27 112 122 26 13 Pierce Arrow. 11,700 Pierce Oil 7,900 Pitts Coal 100 Pitts & W Va 100 do pfd Pressed St Car 200 Pullman ..... 1,200 Ray Cons. 500 Reading ..... 3,800 Remington ... 20O Replogle Steel 5O0 Republic I & S 2.400 do pfd 6O0 Rep Motors Roy Dutch Oil Ry Stl Spg Saxon Motors. 200 1 Sears Roebuck 8,500 69 Shattuck, Art Shell T & T.. 300 42 Sinclair 17.300 23 Stand Oil Ind. 6,000 S8 Stand Oil N J. 1.900 183 Sloss Shef ... 50 38 Sou Pacific .. 3.500 84 Sou Ry 4,200 21 Stand OH Cal. 1.600 S7 St L & B F. .. 5,700 29 Stromberg Car 1,900 45 Studebaker . . 4,000 101 Swift & Co. . . Tenn C & Che Texas Oil .... Texas Pac Tex Pac C & O Tob Products. Tran Contl Oil Union Oil Del. Un Pac United Alloy . United Drug . United Food P United Fruit . Union B & P. U S C I Pipe. United Re Sto U S Ind Alcoh U S Rub 16.400 do 1st pfd.. 200 TJ S Smelting U S Steel 36.100 do pfd 1,000 Utah Copper.. 1,000 Va Chem .... 5O0 do pfd 300 Vanadium Ste. Vivandou .... Wabash do A pfd... do B pfd ... Wells Fargo . Western Pac . do pfd Western Union Westing A B. do is tk M... West Md White Motors. Willys-Over .. ao pia ..... Wilson Pack . 200 40 Wisconsin Cen 200 29 Woolworth ..... Worth Pump . 100, 48 W & L E 600 7 White Oil .... 600 9 , 29 11 33 "13" 21 53 69 56 33 87 14 17 99 79 5!) 77 2 6 21 9 7 6 38 48 55 50 35 74 26 34 33 14 7 60 25 63 65 116 115 13 74 31 30 47 78 400 8.700 13,700 2,100 4.100 6,100 1,800 2, GOO "'366 600 100 "l'.OOO 9.0O0 1,100 6,000 100 200 3.200 100 200 200 200 200 " l'.OOO 300 200 2,300 10 46 33 27 59 9 18 132 '66" 3 140 26 45 45 58 101 '95 116 62 32 69 37 I 24 15 77 18 32 92 "53 9 39 6 10 45 81 26 -58 9 IS 130 "63 3 139 "2" 43 44 57 100 '93 115 62 82 69 86 7 7 23 15 77 18 61 92 55 9 38 5 20 t 11 33 66 14 JO 63 69 56 133 33 87 14 17 9914 79 21 ' 62 77 2 5 21 9 7 68 38 48 - 65 50 35 74 28 34 33 16 7 59 25 77 63 115 13 74 31 30 47 78 3 53 08 1 8 7 41 22 88 180 37 84 20 9 28 43 99 106".- 10 45 3: 26 58 40 29 46" 7 9 18 130 3 139 66 26 44 44 57 100 33 93 115 62 32 68 361 7 7 23 15 76 17 61 2 4 55 88 0 25 89 2SVk 148 4 7 9 Ex-dlvldend. Government Bonds. NEW YORK. March 1. Government bonds closed: U. S. 2s, reg. .103!U. S. cv 4s. oou105 do 2s, coup ."likijfanamft w,reg.."iw do 4s, res. ..105( do 3s, coup ..79 Bid. Liberty Bond Quotations. Liberty bond and victory note quota tions at New York as furnished by Over- beck & Cooke company of Portlannd Closing ODen. High. Low. Bid. Liberty, 3s . .197.08 J97.10 97.00 J97.0O CIO 1st 4S 97. 20 do 2nd 4s 98.86 06.96 96.88 96.96 do 1st 4s... 97.34 97.40 07.18 97.26 do 2nd 4s.. 97.00 97.12 96.98 97.00 do 3rd 4s... 98.00 98.12 98.00 98.10 do 4th 4s... 97.30 97.44 97.28 97.34 Victory, 4s ...100.26 100.28 100.26 100.26 ao as 100.00 Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. March 1. Clostna- Quotations: Ailouez ,. 24!Moha,wk 55 Ariz v.tfm ..... ft s. 1 . orui J5u4te . . . 11 H 1 or An ... oiiltio Lranuuon . i Cal & Hecla ..276 Osceo4a. 33 Cop Range Com 41 !Quiji.-y 43 J5ut.te uopper io- superior 2i Franklin 1 ISup & Boa Mita.2 1-16 Isie Koyeu cop. 21 HI Wolverine 10 Swift & Co. Stocks. Closing prices of Swift A Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland as follows: Swift & Co. Libby, McNeil A Libby. National Leather do new ............. Swift International ..106 ............ 2 10 22 Money, Silver. Etc. NEW YORK. Mairoh . Call nunel steady, nign o, tow ana ruling rate 4 elosmji bid 4. offered at 5. last kjta.n a. ca.a loans agamec acceptances 4 . Turne ioaras twm. 00-day. 90-day and six- months, 4 5. Prime mercantile paper 4: is5. Foreign bar silver 63. Mexlca.n dol.la.rs LONDON. March 1. Bar silver 32 d per ounce, juoney per cent. Discount rates, short bills, 8 per cent. Three- monith ems B l-lt3 per cent. New York Bonds. New York bond auotatlons furnished bv un 1 in ce Auuuca, inu., roriiana: Foreign Government Bonds Argentine 2d 7s 1923 Argentine GI 6s... Belgium 8s ....... do 7s do 6s Bergen 8s ......... Berne 8s .......... Brazil bs Brit War Loan 5s. Canadian 5a ...... do do 5s Christiana 8s Copenhagen 5s .. Chile 8s Danish Consol 8s... Danish Mun 8s. .... Denmark Ss ....... French Cities 8s... Italy 6s A Norway 8s Rus Ruble 5s ... Sau Paulo 8s Swiss bs Swedish Govt 6s Swiss os . .1945 . .1940 . .1945 ..1923 ..1945 ..1945 ..1941 ..1929 ..1924 ..1931 ..1929 . .1945 ..1941 -.1941 . .1946 ..1945 ..1943 ..1934 ..1923 . .1940 . .1926 . .1936 ..1940 ..1939 29 LAMBS 20c Don't hold back any meats and poultry ready for market. Prices are at the top now. Checks same day shipments arrive. The SAVINAR CO., Inc. 10 Front St. Portland, Or. U S Mex 4s 1934 do ext 5s 1945 Uruguay Ext 5s...... Zurich 8s 1945 French Internal 4s 1917 French victory 5s... 1920 Belsrlan Restoration 5s British 2per cent consols... ... li&t cons war l.oao o per cent ... LR Stockholm Christiana .................... ... Copenhaged .................. ... ttupees ....................... ... Argentine Chile Brazil Peru ... Greek Hohand Spain Czecho ... Serbian Swiss Finland ... Railroad bonds Atch gen 4s 1993 A C L 4s 1952 ACL s 1930 B O. gold 4s 1948 B O con 4s cv 1933 B O ref 5a . .1995 Canada Southern 5s. .......... 1962 Canadian Nat eo. 7s .1935 Canadian Nor 6s..... 1948 Canadian Nor 7s. ....... ......1940 Cent Pac 1st 4s 1949 Ches & Ohio cv 4s .....1930 Ches & Ohio gen 4s 1922 Ches & Ohio cv 5s 1948 Ches fc Ohio con 3s..... 1939 C B & Q Iil dlv 4s 1949 C & West Ind 4s.... 1952 C G & W is 1959 C M & St P 4s 1925 C M & St P cv 4s 3932 C M & St P deb 4s 1934 C M St P gn 4s A 1899 C M & St P cv 5s 2)14 C M & St P g and r 4s A 2014 Chicago N w gen 4a 1987 Chicago N W 6s 193rt Chicago N W 7s 19SO C R I & P ref 4s 1934 Colo Sou rf ex 4s Iftas Colo Sou 4s .1929 Del & Hudson cv 6a....... 1935 Del & Hudson 7s ..1930 D & R G CV 4s. ............ ...1938 u & ti u ret as 1955 Erie P L 4a 1996 Erie con 4s A .....1953 Erie B 1953 F.rie D 195s Erie Pa C O is .. V)l 98 81 107 108 101 108 110 104 425 98 96 99 108 90 104 108 108 10914 85 93 110 4 101 114 99 100 43 55 70 111 57 69 78 50 43 79 2660 1763 2118 28 36 11 13 357 465 3830 1605 173 120 1960 204 87 87 105 78 77 79 94 108 108 110 83 83 83 86 98 88 70 60 74 64 60 73 65 69 83 106 106 78 85 91 91 107 74 4o 58 39 39 41 e Gd Trunk eg. 6s 1938 lt Nor 4s 1961 Gt Nor 7s 1936 Gt Trunk 6s 1936 Gt Trunk 7s ..1940 lil Cen ref 4s 1935 K C Southern ref 5a 1950 Keo & Des Moines 1st 5s 1923 L S & M S 4s... 198 1- L & N 7s 1930 L & N uni 4s 1940 M St P & S S C 6s 1945 M K & T 4s 1990 M P gen 4s 1975 do ref 4s 1923 do ref 5s 1926 NYC deb 4s 1934 do con 4s 1998 do cv Imp 4s 2013 do cv deb 6s 1935 do coll 7s ....1930 N Y N H & H cv 6s .-..1948 N O Tex & Mex 5s 1933 N P P L 4s 1997 N P 6s 2047 N P Gt Nor joint 6s 1938 O S L ref 4s 1929 Penna 6s 1936 do gen 4s 1965 do 4s 1960 do gen 5s 1968 do 7s 1930 Reading gen 4s j. .1997 S A L 4s 1950 do 5s i 1949 do 6s A . 1943 So Ry con 5s- 1994 So Pac cv 4s 1929 do ref 4s 1955 do ef term 4s 1950 105 89 107 101 109 85 ' 84 80 90 106 89 101 76 63 99 94 87 79 86 99 106 69 66 84 102 106 89 105 81 95 106 82 54 19 61 90 88 S3 81 95 69 96 S3 102 . 77. 62 75 73 77 91 90 92 84 102 103 95 86 83 70 100 89 101 102 98 102 103 87 301 101 101 102 92 111 85 100 38 101 102 102 104 85 S P conv 5s .....1984 St L & S K P L 4s A 1950 St L & S F gen 5s 1931 St L & S F P L 5s B 1950 St L & S F gen 6s 1931 do adj 0s 1955 do Inc 6s ..I960 St L & a W 1st 5s 1952 do con 4s 1932 do first 4s 1989 Tex Pao first 5s 2000 U P first 4s 1947 do cv 4s 1927 do ref 4s 2008 do 6s 1928 Union Tank 7s 1930 Wabash first 5s 1939 do second 5a 1939 West Pac 6s 1948 Industrials Allied Packers 6s 1939 Am Agr Ch 7s ,..1941 Am Sm 1st 5s 1947 Am Tob 7s ; 1922 do 7s ...1923 Anaconda 6a A 1929 do 7s B 1829 Armour cv 7s 1930 do 4s 1939 Beaver Board Ss 1933 Beth Steel 7s 1922 do 7s 1923 do eq 7s..... 1935 do ref 6s 1942 Cerro de Pasc 8s.. 1931 Chile conv 6s A .....1932 do conv 7s. ................ .1923 Col Graph 8s 1923 Copper Exp 8s 1922 do 8s ,.1923 do 8s 1924 do 8a 1925 Colo F & I gen 5s ...1943 Colo Ind 5s ..1934 Cuban Am Sug 8s 1931 104 Cuban Cane cv 7s... ,1930 78 Distillers Sec cv 5s 1927 38 Dlam Match 7s 1935 107 Dupont 7s 1931 104 Empire Gas Fuel 6s 1924 92 Fisk 8s ........1941 301 Gen Elec deb 6s 1952 98 Gen Blec deb 6s 1940 105 Goodrich 7s 1925 98 Goodyear 8s 1941 113 Heinz 7s 1930 104iA Hershey 7s 1930 100 111 Stell deb 4s 1940 88 Ind Steel 5s.. 1952 98 ml. AST OS .................... 1932 74 int Marine CT 6s 1941 93 Kelly Spgfield 8s... 1931 103 A.ennecotl 19 .......,,...,.1930 102 Lack Steel 6s ; 1923 98 ao 1st os ... 1 M ill sin Libby McN L 7s 1931 994 a. iK e meyers os 1951 93 00 7S 1944 114U. ijormara os 1931 93 UO IS ...... .. 11144 114 Midvale 5s 1936 86 Morris & Co 7s 1930 103 Proc & Gamble 7s 1922 101 do 7s 1923 101 tt nepuDUO 1 ft DI OS ..194(1 Hy oears noe is .1922 100 do 7s 1923 An Steel & Tube 7s 1951 98 Swift & Co 7s 1925 101 ao is luxi 1 aim uiu irug OS .1941 107 U S Rub 1st ref 5s 1947 86 do 7s 1930 inav 1.1 o aieei l OS ................1 Km loo va Chem 5s 1923 95 Va Car Chem 7s 1932 91 West Elec 5s 1921. ' S8 74 West U T col Tr 5s 1938 94 , r3l UHIUD O AS. ............. I H.H 1IIM Wilson 1st 6s 1941 96 113UO CV OH ................. 1WZS BS4 . trsi riiec IS 1923 lfr NOTICE OF BEDESIPTIOIV TO HOLDKRS OK VICTORY KOTKS A1VIJ OTlItSRS CONfEHXED. Notice la Hereby Given as Follows 1 1. Call for redemption of 3 per cent Victory Notes. All of these 3 per cent series of United States of America con vertible gold notes of 1922-1923, otherwise known as 3 percent Victory Notes, are hereby called for redemption on June loth, 1922. pursuant to the provision for redemption contained in the notes and the treasury depart ment circular No. 138. dated April 21st. 1919. under which the notes were originally issued. Interest on all Victory Notes of the 3 per cent series will cease on said redemption date, June 15th, 1922. 2. Suspension and termina tion of Victory Note conversion privilege, in view of the call for the redemption of all 3 per cent Victory Notes on June 15th, 1922, and pursuant to the pro visions of said treasury depart ment circular. No. 138, the privi lege of conversion of Victory Notes of either series into Vic tory Notes of the other series is hereby suspended from Febru ary 9th, 1922, to June 15th, 1922, both inclusive, and on June 15th, 1922, will terminate. Victory Notes, accordingly, cease to be interconvertible, effective Feb ruary 9th, 1922, and on and after that date no conversions of the notes may be made. 3. Detailed information as to the presentation and surrender of 34 per cent Victory Notes f or redemption is given in treasury department circular. No. 277, dated February 9th, 1922, two copies of which are available at the treasury and 1 the federal reserve bank. A. W. MELLON, Secretary of the Treasury. Westinghouse 7s . . . . 1'UOHC utilities Amn Lt & Tran 6s.. Amn Tel coll 4s Amn Tel coll 5s Amn Tel 6s Bell Tell of Pa 7s B R T Bs .1931 . 106 ..1925 . .1929 ..1948 . . 1925 ..1945 ..1945 99 87 96 111 107 38 Cal Gas unl 5s ..1937 Cities Service 7s B 1986 110 do 7s C 1966 do 7s D .....1966 '87 85 1081 15 63 06 94 107 100 102 94 88 101 103 104 101 103 100 97 101 101 105 107 101 101 107 Foreign Bonds. Foreign bond Quotations furninhefl hv wciueun. tv. wuoko company or Portland: Con Gas cv 7a nt Met 4s nt R T ref 6s ... Laclede Gas 7s... Mont Power 5s A. Northwest Tel 7s. Ohio Cities Gas 7s. Ohio Power 7s .... Pac Tel 5s Pac Gas 5s Southwest Tel 7s . Oil Bonds Anglo Amn 7s . Atlantic Ref 6s Galena S Oil 7s . . . Gulf Oil 7s Humble 7s Pan Amn 7a ...... Mex Pet cv 8s Sinclair 7s ..... O Cal 7s S O N Y 7s Texas Co 7s Tidewater Oil 6s Vacuum Oil 7s .1925 ....1956 ....1966 1930 ....1943 1941 . . ..1925 1951 ....1937 1942 1925 ....1925 .'...1931 1930 . . . . 1933 1923 ....1930 ....1936 1925 1931 ....1931 1923 1931 1936 DM Belgian rest 6s 76 do prem 5s ................ 82 do 7s, 1945 108 do 8s, 1941 107 do 6s. 1925 l(io Brasil 8a (new) 103 British 5s, 1922 91 ao i2i 92 do 1929 90 do vky 4s 74 do ref 4s 72 Bordeaux 6s, 1934 85 Chinese 5s 66 Canadian 6s. 1926... 98 do 6s. 1929 do 5s, 1931 90 do 6s, 1927 97 ro 5a 1927 9i Chilean 8s, 1941C 104 uss Currency .. 8 Denmark 8s. 1945 109 Dan Muni 8s. 1945 107 rench 4s. 1917 66 do 5s. 1920 . so do 1931 s do 7s. 1941 100 do s. 14 104 German W L 5s 314 Berlin 4s s Hamburg 4s 4 do 4s 4 Leipsig 4s 4 do as 4 Munich 4s A do 5s 5 Frankfort 4s 414 Italian os. 1918 41 Jap 4s, 1931 75 do 1st 44S, 1928 89 do 2d 4s. 1925 88 Norway 8s. 1940 ., .108 .Russian 5fts, 1D21 18 do 1928 8 do 6s. 1919 is Swiss 6s. 1929 10O do 8s, 1940 ....114 San Paulo 5s 101 U K 5s, 1922 105 5-16 105 7-16 do 1929 105 105 do 1937 99 99 Standard Oil Stocks. Standard Oil quotations furnished by Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland: Ask. 79 85 108 low 102 104 93 92 76 74 85 56 98 "4 99 Pi 99 97 9 110 108 57 82 9 100 104 4 4 4 s 5 6 6 5 43 75 89 89 108 20 9 20 100 114 101 Bid. Anglo 17 isorn scrysmer ............ .340 pfd Buckeye Cheesebrough Cheesebrough Continental .... Crescent Cumberland .... Eureka ........ Galena com Galena old pfd . Galena new pfd Illinois Pipe Indiana Pipe . . . National Transit 90 ..185 109 107 33 140 95 47 109 103 29 Ask. 17 365 92 195 112 130 34 150 97 49 112 105 175 93 29 First Mortgage Loans On Improved City Real Estate and Agricultural Lands by tha FIRST MORTGAGE SECURITY CO. Owned and Controlled by Officers FIRST NATIONAL BANK Corvallis, Oregon Sam Management Since 1880 Not s Dollar Lost to Investor $1000 $5000 SOLD BY: RALPH A. BLANCHAR1) CO.. - 817 V. a Bank Bldg. N Y Transit 158 161 Northern Pipe 103 lOo Ohio Oil 09 72 International Pete lo 15 Penn Mex 22 24 Prairie Oil 535 545 Prairie Pipe , 237 240 Solar Refg 360 875 Southern Pipe 91 93 South Penn Oil 173 176 S W Penn Oil 60 62 SO Ind 88 88 S O Kansas 500 523 S O Kentucky 250 260 SONY 360 362 S O Ohio 385 395 S O Ohio pfd US 116 Swan & Pinch 30 85 Vacuum ............ .335 338 Washington 28 32 S O Nebraska 170 175 Imperial Oil .104 106 Foreign Exchange. NEW YORK, March 1. Foreign ex change steady: Great Britain, demand $4.43, cables $4.44, 60-day bills on banks $4.40; France, demand 9.19, cables 9.20;4Italy, demand 5.38, cables 6.39; Belgium, demand 8.69, cables 8.70; Ger man, demand 43, cables 43; Holland. demand 38, cables 38.36; Norway, de mand 17.15: Sweden, demand 26.60; Den mark, demand 21.15; Switzerland, demand 19.58; Spain, demand 16.02; Greece, de mand 4.82; Poland, demand .02; Czecho slovakia, demand 1.74; Argentine, de mand 37.12; Brazil, demand 13.75; Mon treal. 88 1-18. Cotton Seed OH Futures. Cotton seed oil futures at New York, furnished by Herrin & Rhodes, Inc- of Portland: March, 11.4411.49c: April, 11.53 11.65c; May, 11.70 11.71c; June, 11.75(g) 11.87c; July, ll.92ll.94e; August, 12 12.05c; September, 12.07 12.15c: October, 11.7111.75c. Spot, 11.40 11.51c. Sales, 19,200 barrels. $500,000.00 TOKE POINT OYSTER COMPANY Six Per Cent First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Dated February 1, 1922 Due February 1, 1937 Sinking fund commences 1927 and continues until in sufficient amount to retire the whole issue if not redeemed under the terms of the mortgage. Denominations of $100, $500, $1000. Interest payable semi-annually in February and August. Principal and interest payable at Title and Trust Co., of Portland, Ore. The Company agrees to pay Normal Federal Income Tax insofar as may be lawful, In an amount not exceeding 2. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PORTLAND, OREGON, TRUSTEE EABLY VEGETABLES BEGIN TO MOVE Shipments of Winter Supplies Are Slowly Falling Off. CHICAGO, March 1. Increasing move ment of early vegetables, such as early cabbage, celery, tomatoes and lettuce. Is partly offsetting losses in the movement of fruits and vegetables as a whole, accord ing to a report today from the United States bureau of markets. The total car lot shipments of 11 leading lines of fruits and vegetables throughout the country, however, for the week ending February 25 were 800 fewer than for the corresponding week a year ago. Shipments of cedery show an increase of nearly 40 cars. Lettuce shipments in creased to 429 cars, compared with 397 the week before. Nevertheless, California let tuce from the Imperial valley was In strong demand at New York at $5.50 5.75 a crate. . For the season to date potatoes cave come forward to the extent of 124,077 car loads from 18 late shipping states as against 100,998 last season. The movement of apples decreased more than 200 cars from the previous week. New York Baldwins commanded as high as $88.50 a barrel In Chicago. Cariot shipments or onions were nearly 50 per cent less than at this time last year QUOTATIONS ON DAIBY PRODUCTS Current Prices Ruling on Batter, Cheese nd Eggs. SAN FRANCISCO, March 1. Butter Extras, 39c; prime firsts, 36c; firsts, 35c. Eggs Extras, 27c; extra pullets, 23c; undersized. No. 1, 20 c. Cheese California tiat lancy, Z3c: xouns America, lancy, zoc NEW YORK, March 1. Butter firm; creamery higher than extras, 3839c; creamery extras, 3Sc; firsts, '3437c; packing stock current make No. 2, 20 20c. Eggs firm; fresh gathered extra firsts. 3132c; firsts, 29 31c Cheese irregular. CHICAGO, March 1. Butter higher: creamery extras, 87c; firsts, 3236c; sec onds, 2931c; standards, 35c. Eiggs higher; receipts, 16.00 cases; firsts. 2626c; ordinary firsts, 23 24c; mis cellaneous, 25 26c. SEATTLE, March 1. Eggs, select local ranch, white shells, 26c; do. mixed colors, 24c; pullets, 2223o. Butter unchanged. Spot Coffee Market Firm. NEW YORK,' March 1. The market for oeffee futures was lower today under scattered liquidation. The market closed at a net decline of 7 to 10 points. Sales, inoluding switches, were estimated at about 42,000 bags. March, 8.40c: May. The Toke Point Oyster Company is a consolidation of a majority of the oyster companies on Willapa Harbor, Pacific County, Washington. They own and operate 1159 acres of producing oyster land, transplanting eastern oysters to their beds and cultivating, growing and maturing them for the market, besides handling native Pacific Coast oysters, clams, crabs and salmon. This issue is a first mortgage upon all the property, real and personal of the company, now owned or hereafter acquired. The Toke Point Oyster Company has 12,000,000 eastern oysters planted and growing on its beds at Willapa Har bor. It is believed this is the largest planting of eastern opsters now owned by any one company on the Pacific Coast. It is intended from the proceeds of this bond issue to purchase and make larger additional plantings of eastern oysters. After present financing these bonds will be secured by an underlying equity of more than $1,500,000. Claude D. Starr of Starr Fruit Products Company, Portland, is President of the company, and among other di rectors and officers are William C. Bristol, well-known Portland attorney, and Fred Eichner of the First National Bank of Raymond, Washington." "Toke-Point" is a copyrighted, patented name. Sinking fund fifth to fifteenth year. This security is an investment for savings banks permitted by law. PRICE 9512 AND ACCRUED INTEREST To Yield S1 TOKE POINT OYSTER COMPANY , Suite 344 Pittock Block, Portland, Oregon Telephone Broadway 7213 Mail coupon today for literature descriptive of this sound investment. nniiimniHiiiniiimmiHiii Toke Point Oyster Co., Suite 344 Pittock Block, Portland, Or. Gentlemen: Please send! me literature descriptive of investment security you are offering; Name ......... ... . Address . . nillllUlilllllllllllMIHI 8.47c: July. 8.52c: September, 8.55c; Octo ber, 8.57c; December, 8.6Sc Spot coffee was firm, with a fair de mand reported on the basis of 89c for Rio 7s and 12i3c for antos s. SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bay City. sa-nt FRANCISCO. March 1. (State di vision of markets.) Pruit Apples, 8 4-tler. 1.40S.50: navel oranges, S3.505.50; lemons, $45.50; grapefruit, sai4 25: Dears, box, 1.75S2.7S. Poultry ijroiiers, -, '.'---,. , vuus wev ... oi49" old. 1620c; hens. 2530c ducks. 22 28c; live turkeys, 83 35c a 3Krii44c. Vegetables Artichokes, large crate, $14 18; carrots, sack, Jl1.2o; celery, srate, i-iav incumbers, dozen. ii.iawj.iD: let t.T-e crate. 12.7504.25; mushrooms, pound. , m clot brown onions, cwU $66.50 white globe onions, 89: green onions. tuiDi-l 50: neas. pound, 2530c; po .2 I5c33.25; pumpkins, sack, 75c9 si rhubarb, box. $2.25 2.75; cream squash. T,,-. si 25: Hubbard, sack, Jl.2jiijl.S0 grouts. Dound. 1213c; spinach, crate. ..i.o HO . ana rn trim RO(S)75C POUnd. Receipts Klour, 1650 quarter sacks wheat, 4000 centals; barley, 6519 centals corn. 773 centals; potatoes, 6632 sacks ,.;., is, Bucks: hay. 110 tons; hides, 14J; oranges and lemons. 400 boxes. Metal. Market. NEW YORK, March 1. Coppe Dull. Last sale, February 27, 84c; re ceipts, 4; shipments, 165; stock, 3704. Rosin Firm. Sales. 1059: receipts, 119; shipments, 309; stock, 72,050. Quote: B, D, E, F, G, Hr I, 4; K, $4.30; M, $5.10; N, $5.50; WO, $5.8?i: WW. $6.10. Sugar Market. NEW YORK, March 1. Raw sugar, cen. trlfugal, 3.73c; refined, fine granulated, 5.10c. SAN FRANCISCO, March 1. California Hawaiian siwar. 3.63:f. Easy 12 12 Tic elect rolytlo spot and, nearby, futures, 13c. fcM rrM tt.ubv. nnt and futures. $29.37. Iron Easier;. No. 1 northern. $18.50 19.5K stwarlv: snot. S4.TOS84.80, ZIno Quiet: East St. lxuis delivery spot, 4.S04.60. Antimony Spot, $4.25. t Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, March 1. Evaporated ep ples Firm. Prunes More active. Peaches Firm. Hops at New York. NEW YORK, March 1. Hops Easy states, 1921, 23 0 32c; 1920, 18 20c. Dulutb. Unseed Market. DTJLTJTH. March 1. Unseed on track to arrive, $2.54 1-52.5514. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, Oa., March 1.- -Turpgntine Assure a good yield through future years by investing in these Long Term County Bonds 5 Road Bonds BAKER COUNTY Optionally After 1929 Bonds in $1000 de nomination. Issue a general obligation o the county. Semi-annual interest I 5i Road Bonds TILLAMOOK CO. Due Serially 1932-36 Bonds in $1000 de nomination, dated Jan. 1922, are general obli gations. Interest twice yearly. Prices to Yield 5 Bonds Income Tax Exempt Savers Select any bond you desire. Pay for It at your convenience and we will give you full interest on what you pay in. LUMEEI2MENS BROADWAY and OAK A Selected List of Bo fids for March Investments Due Yield City of Portland 6s ... 1931 5.00 Lane County, Oregon, 5s. .1934-37 4.95' Marion County, Or., 5js.l930 4.90 Dutch East Indies 6s.- .1947 6.40 Pac. Power & Light Co. 8s 1930 7.20 Details of Any Issue on Request Telephone or Telegraph Order Collect BOND DEPARTMENT OPEN 8:30 TO 5i0O Saturdays 8:30 to 2:00 ir "A man cj BANK Oldest in the Northwest WASHINGTON at THIRD tnmaeaiib Federal Income Taxes for 1921 We have available for distribution a brief, popular review of the law and a Bimple illustrated analysis of the changes affecting income for 1921. Write for a copy. Kama ';.... w.k.'MM Address :- City v E.H.ROLLINSGSONS Investment Bond BOSTON Nrw YORK CH1CACO ,V. rHANCISCU LOS ANCELKS . 411 LEVIS BVII-DIJra Marshall 203 " PORTLAND YIELDING TO 6.50 General Obligation Bonds of Oregon and Washington Municipalities Payable from ad valorem taxes levied on all taxable property in the respective municipalities. INCOME TAX EXEMPT Call, phone or write for detailed descriptive circulars. Ralph Schneeloch Company MUNICIPAL in3RPOTI0NTINANCE ttJMBCPMENS BUILDING Investment Opportunities and Oar Twenty Payment Flan Tbsss yMki.MiM Ml r torn Is i Hnl whws mmm ft SMihWiil MUhU pvMBU sxt4ic fmn& M twvatj mlim. Thw pim wm onum kruulM. Ym Writ for t7-Je'.0. Invtmtnt Sevaitima 40 Exchanf Place, Naw York PUTS & CALLS Ths Bafmt War to Trada" $40 Buys T-6fcjr call en 100 shftrei Any N. T. Stock Exchange security. There are no mar! 3 calls, no lntret charges and no commtnalon Is chirffM unless the call Is closed at a profit. Each point (I1.00) the stock: moves up means a profit of $100 to you. lTompt Attention to Mall Ordrs WATSON & COMPANY investment Rcurit1. 2 5 block Exchange Uldff.. JLos Angeles. BONDS U. S. D. & Trust Co. 284 Oak St. INQUIRIES INVITED HERRIN RHODES, Inc. Established 1894 STOCKS, BONDS, COTTON, GRAIN Corraspon dents E. T HT7TTON A CO.. K, Members all leading exenangeo Babsoa's fimrvimm on File Hda. aiMv lwi " XaJLofiMaa-o sua V