13 THE 3IOHNIXG- OREGONIAX, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1922 REAL KSTATE. Suburban Rcmes. SUBURBAN HOMES. 8 acres choice warden land. 40 fruit trees, tl-room modern bouse, sleeping porch; on the pavement, Slid ut. ; fouuU, half cash. 2 acres In cultivation, 5-room house. windmill; J25W); or 6 acres $4200; near Clackamas station ; good terms. 30 acres, 9 acres in cultivation; 1 acre timber; large spring; 4-room cottage-; TigardviUe; $5500. terms. 1 acre choice garden land, fruit, grapes, berries, 7-room house, barn, chicken house; close to station Oregon City line ; $300, terms. 6 acres in cultivation, lots of fruit, 5 room house, water, elec. lights, gas available; close to river; walking dis tance to red cars; high and sightly; 20 minutes out; ?00"0; $2000 down. If acres in cultivation, fruit, grapes, berries; 4-room house, barn, 3 blocks to Oregon City car; l-'iooO; terms. H acre in cult i vat ion, 2-room house; pas, water, lit. Tabor car; $1500; easy terms. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 1654 4th St. LOTS OF GROUND. Five rooms, not quite finished, gas tod city water, concrete foundation ; JiioO strawberry plants. 12 assorted fruit trees, all kinds of berries; 1 acre of rround. Price $2000, $500 cash. $25 monthly. Woodstock district. This is v snlendid buv. Very neat little 4-room bungalow with a tn, toiiet, electric ngnis, gas. con crete foundation, ground lOOxlOO: nea Evergreen ritatlon on the Oregon Ci line ; natural shrubbery. Price $2350, $7.10 cash. $25 monthly. Ttiree acres, ail in cultivation all kinds of fruit and berries; 4-room exiled and Daoered cottage. chicke house, small barn; 1 miles from Ore eon Citv: everything in first-class con 5ition. A very decided snap, $3150, $J0 cash, balance to suit. Photos at ffiro. See Mr. Griffith, with FKED W, GERMAN CO.. Realtors, 732 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. OSWKGO LAKE HOMES. Now is the time to secure your subur Ha n hrme at beautiful Oswego lake. W( have a number of particularly fine buys. Remember, the commutation fare to Oswego -is only 9 cents, with pavement m.A the way. $1200 for 175x10. with large tzncom pie ted house; a snap. $lso0 for 100xl2u. new 4-room bun $2200 for 180x120, new 4-room bun ma )rW $2400, acre and 4-room bungalow, bath and garage. s !t m io n e w 4 -room modem bu n galo w. $1050, 100x120, new 3 rooms, hot and cold water. Also lake shore lots, acres and home- Bites, terms within reason. Call owner, 5fH Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. f ttt ,TXO MAH buncaiow. modern: on larg tract of e round, facing improved county highway; garage; only $3000, on easy terms. This is an exceptional must be seen to be appreciated. For particulars see Ben Riesland. 404 Piatt bldg., or his agent, Mrs. Grant, at Multnomah office. For Sale Acreage. SOin FIXES ACREAGE. 19 acres all in cultivation: 4-room bnnralow. barn. 200 chickens, 10 pigs, 1 cow; 2 blocks off highway; city limits TViilwmette vallfcv town: fine place every thing goe, $6300, half cash. List 43 acres near Hlllsboro : new home, fcarn, ehiokren house ; 20 in wheat. sores fruits and garden; SSiMX). terms or trade for Portland property. List 114. WOXTERFT7Xj CHICKEN RANCH. 15 -acre chicken ranch; 7-room house several fine chicken houses and barn fin orchard, lots of fruit: near Port land. SS000, wants $2000 cash, take some trade and easy terms on balance. List 153. WESTERN" BROKERAGE COMPANY. 817 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. S LARGE lota mfle from Fulton car Li n e, toc k ed road, all undr cultivation; bearing orchard, oi'ty water, gas. attractive 5-room bun galow wit h pi u m Ding ; w oodh ed , chicken 'house end runways. Price $2300: $000 cash. Inspected, by Mr. . Kemp. OREGON CITY "LINE. 2 Vz acres V mie from eleotrta station, mile to high and grade school; near Oat field road; 2-3 under cultav ait lorn, creek. Pmce $700; $20O cash. JOBjN FERGUSON Realtor, Gee-linger Hidg;. A DANDY. THIS CHICKEN RANCH AND ORCHARD. $4100 GOOD TERMS. 100 FULL BEARING trees, lota of berries; nice home; barn with concrete floor ; good chicken houses; city water and gas; just outside city limits; on paved road and car line; 6 blocks from $22,000 public school, stores and garage. A fine 2-acre offer. Sample of several genuine snaps. See Wolf hagen. FRANK C. ROBINSON. 603-4 Selling Bldg. Main 2557. SNAP. 40 acres, 19 miles from Portland, 1 ml. to railroad. 34 ml to street car, mi. to paved highway; across road from school; large, modern barn, large hog house, pump house, e-roora house, water piped in house and barn. Good team, 4 Jersey cows and all farm implements. Iteady for spring work. Will take some cash, some trade, balance terms. Save dealer s commission. Owner, 110 Jast 47th N.. or call Tabor 260. 4 ACRES PAVED HIGHWAY. $3200. Ail in cultivation, beautiful view, gen tie slope, excellent garden soil, extra large frontage on pavement: 20 minutes easy drive heart of city, about 1 mile beyond West Portland school, on Capital highway. This is an exceptional bargain, 403 Stock Ex. bldg. Mar 3324. East 1364. 4 ACRES. POWELL, VALLEY ROAD. I Fronting on pavement; 3 miles east of i city limits; about li acres orchard, fair i -room house, all city conveniences available: a real bargain for $3650. terms. 403 Stock Exchange bldg.. Mar. 3324 or East 1304. , ACRES lies practically level; on good roaa, near transportation, store. postoffice, etc; may be cleared without eny cash expense by our new method T come in and let us tell you about It; win give you very easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. fc 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. KILLINGS WORTH. AC1RE AND HALF TRACT, $25 DOWN $15 PER MO. 800 yards from paving, on comity rock macadam road, oeauniui nr trees. J, L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 6 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. COTTRELL. on Bull Run iine, 13 miles from city, 15 acres, for berries and poultry. Nine acres cultivated. Cut price 1 165 per acre. Small payments. W. M. Umbdenstock A Co-, 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. 0RESHAM 7 miles from city paved high ways, best soil, level, all cultivated, acres fox $600, only $50 down. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg., Bdwy. 1653. vRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low prices and eaaj terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma. Wash. SES STOKES TRACTS just outside city, near 42d and Ainsworth. No gravel or citv assessments; city water. Kennedy school. $10 payments. Roger W. Cary, 1210 N. W. Bank bldg. J-'IVE acres, just east of city, near Buck ley ave. Soil good, city water, $400 per acrp. Owner. 615 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 50i 'OK SALE 40 acres unimproved stump land, running water. v rite . btucKi, Linnton, Or. Care of Cedar Creek Lum ber company. ONES ACRE finest garden soil, city water, sras end lights; close to car and high way; only $900. $45. bal. $10, 6 per cent in per mo. Bdwy. 5317. ( w on naved road and elect ric lin ( part in cultivation, shack; price $650, $j0 down, $10 per month. DRAPER. 4QS Board of Trade. ONE ACRE CLOSE IN. S On pavement ; cleared and plowed ; eal value $450, terms. D. McChesney. tCti Hnry Bldg. Bdwy. 2505. 2, ii AND 5-acre tracts, need light car or truck as first payment, balance easy. Aut. 633 -AO. SEVEN ACRES. CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN. 6131 92D ST. S. E.. 616-45. Homewtfads. RelimjuishnienTs. WINTER IS OVER. Now is the time to ge-t back to the farm. Come to my office and let me ehow you some of the beat buys in the 8tat. Gorfxl improved relinquishments b.g 'ow as $4 per acre, and not over $16. SO-aere re uvn-q uis-h m e-m in Clackamas Oo. for $-v mciud-ing filing fee Thi .claim wfH not la many days. See me sit mice for full d-escrfption and loeatio.ru 40 acres In Linn Co. on county roacL, heavWy covered with first-class Umber; good small house, furnished: 1 horse 3t dou 3e harness. 1 wa gvn logging toois, dry wood to last bal of year, eux 1H mile to sawmill, H mile to school. Fine hutntSng and fishiang. This whole tmsixiess for $650. E. y. H E LM, 422 Cham, of Com. Bldg. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR RELIN QUISHMENT. SEE E. W. HELM. 422 REAL ESTATK. Homesteads, Relinquishments. TWO IMP. relinquishments, $100 each, ioininir 130.000 fruit ranch: 80 rods to nice little town, near Grants Pass: $2000 spent on one, running water, $000 ana $700. all cash. 301 Corbett bldg. fruit Lands for hale or Kent. WILL exchange 10 acres In Hood rivei valley for Portland real estate; might assume, owner. -to iatt omg. For Sale Farms. 170 ACRES in fine location. 120 cultivated, about 10 in extra good barn yard, about 40 in No. 1 cordwood, over 4000 cords alongside road, easy to get out, sure market and nice profit. Two good wells, 3 springs running all summer, 14 acres bearing fruit trees, mostly apples, cher ries, prunes and plums, all first-class farm tools needed, including a Moline tractor, 4 good working horses, 14 milk cows, 1 reg'stered Holsteln bull; 2 brood sows, 8 sheep, 50 chickens, 8 turkeys. House is new. $6000; 7-room modern bungalow on high ground, fuli-si2ed con crete basement 32x34 with furnace and fireplace, 1st floor, kitchen, dining room and bedroom and front room, all large size. Second floor, 3 bedrooms, one extra large and a good-sized bathroom, good plumbing. A large barn, blacksmith shop with good tools. Ten horse power steam boiler and 5.4 engine and chopper, De Laval cream separator, cement floor and sink, chicken house, hog house, gran ary, root house, good-sized usilo, tool shed, good apple press for cider and . vinegar. Cultivator, wheat, oats, pota toes, roots, corn, etc. On main county road, 22 mfles from Portland. Owner is aged, has been on the place many years and wishes to retire. Price $30,000, half cash, balance 7 years or more at 6 per cent. AV 260, Oregonian. 120-ACRE FARM ALL EQUIPPED. 50 acres in cultivation, some seeded to grain and clover, 9 acres in prunes; also family orchard, in full bearing; five room modern house; hot and cold water with modern bath, extra large Darn: will accommodate 40 head of stock and lot of hav room, laree noultry house, 5 cows, large team of horses, chickens and turkeys, cream separator, mower, rake, plows, harrows, wagons, lots of small tools, buildings all good. Prica Is $12,000, $4000 cash, oaiance easy. STEWART & JOHNSON, 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FRUIT AND BERRY RANCH S; TV W K W. I A X n EOTTIPPED. 22 acres, 56 A, strawberries, 5 A annles. 2 A. Deaches, all bearing: 7-room bungalow, garage, barn; lights and water available; $2000 will handle; balance 7 yrs. per cent, owner sick ana must sail this week. 80 ACRES STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 65 A. in cultivation; good beaverdam land. A real ranch priced right. Will consider good house as first payment. What have you? See A H. Schmidt, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Bdwy. 4751. Realtors. 410 Henry Bldg. f CLOSE-TN WASHINGTON CO. FARM BARGAIN. 55 acres, about 50 in cultivation, all lies fine for cultivation: new 4-room house with attic, has frame of new barn up and most of material to finish same. On account of financial conditions, own er will trade his equity of $4000- for smaller place. Might consider city prop erty if priced right. Will sell equipment If wanted. STEWART & JOHNSON, 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $2750 RIVER ROAD BARGAIN $2750. New 4-room plastered bungalow, built 1ns, water in house, elec, gas,; Oregon City car; chicken house, garage; 100x115 lot; 2 blocks to station; cash and good terms. Photo at office. $3100 JENNINGS LODGE. $3100. 3 acres, all in cultivation, fr-room bun galow, barn, chicken house and fruit; 8 blocks to car; cash and terms. We have several good buys at Huber station. These places have an income. Cali J. BOBBINS, 801 Ry Exch. Tabor 5319. Bdwy. 5031. TUALATIN VALLEY. 53 acres, 42 under cultivation, 6 miles from Portland, on excellent hard-surfaced road; fine big barn; good house and other buildings; fine spring water; also small natural lake. Must see this place to appreciate it. Bargain at $300 per acre. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 2d St. Bdwy. 7438. CHOICE FARM BARGAIN. 73 acres, 58 acres in cultivation, 15 acres timber, 12 acres bearing prunes, 1 acre other fruit; 3 springs, well. 11 room house, outbuildings, mile school, 32 miles Portland, 3 miles railway town; $13,000, terms or will sell 43 acres with prunes, JH500. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 105 H 4th St. FOR -SALE 83-acre farm. 4 miles from Chehalis, just off paved highway, oo acies in crop, all first-class land; two living creeks, orchard, stock and imple ments; good 7-room house, hot and cold water; barn for 25 cows and 8 horses, silo and outbuildings- For quick ss'e by owner, $10,500; terms; an exceptionally good buy. Address N. S. Pratt. R. F. D. No. 2. Chehalis, Washington HIGHEST TYPE FARM LANDS, mostly level, valley and bottom; settled dis trict, roads, markets. At Onalaska, in Newaukum valley, near Chehalis; 20 acres or more, $15 to $50, ten-year terms. Employment in mills or woods. Sales man on- ground, or write Graham-Par-dew Land Co., 1008 American Bank Bidg.. Seattle. WILLAMETTE RIVER ISLAND. BOTTOM LAND. 115 acres, 60 acres under cultivation, suitable for truck gardening, hops, ber ries, or potatoes; ready to crop; 1 mile from good town; 30 miles frofn Portland; price $16,000. $0000 cash, balance to suit. See Mr. Campbell with Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. 640-ACRE STOCK. RANCH. ONLY $10 PER ACRE. Four-room house, barn, chicken house, large cement cistern and well. 65 acres In cultivation. Sell on liberal terms, or trade for smaller farm in Willamette vallev; no debt on this. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 6942. .25-ACRE FRUIT RANCH $26KX Have 25 acres, 18 cultivated. 6 acres beard ng fruit apples, peachesv apricots and cherries ; large Douse ana oarn , otiher outbu-ilddngs. Located in Moaier district. On-l-y $2600 with $600 down; balance your own terma F. R- Jesse. 627 Corbet t bldg. BERRY and chicken farm for saile A $350m place tor jatnx -Must sen at once to eatJtle orther business. $2200 cash, $1000 on long tame 6. 15 acresw 5 olearedk rest In good pasture, house, well, woodshed, chicken house and bam. 30 fnuiit trees and a sanaiil creefc. Don't write, but come and see for yourself. Joihn Josephgo-n, owner, Warren. Oregon, STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 40 acres. 35 acres in cultivation, bal. pasture and timber and running water; 8-room house, barn, outbuildings; water in house; fully stocked and equipped; near Canby, Or., 23 miles Portland; $10,500, good terms. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 1654 4th St. 20 ACRES near Wapato, on S. P. electric. 5 A. in cultivation; mue to pave ment and electric sta. Price only $250, $150 cash, balance to suit. See N. L Farnsworth. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Bdwy. 4751. Realtors. 410 Henry Bldg ALFALFA RANCH. 12S0 acrea near Heppner, Or., fuHj shocked and equipped.. We consider thia the best ranch buy in the state. $lO,0OC wthll hajndiei Baroand Realty. 349 SaJ. rrron. ' 160 ACRES, 35 acres cleared: rest in pas ture ; good w-room ptasterea nouse, hot and coid water upstairs and down; good barn and all other outbuildings; 26 head cattle, 2 horses, 2 wagons, mowing ma chine and rake, 2 harrows, 1 disk and a lot of other small tools. H. C. Gore, Deer Island. Or. 110 ACRES, all under cultivation, 14 acres full bearing prunes, large drier, 8-room house, own lighting plant, good water works. 2 fireplaces, good road near, high way and electric line; Clarke county, Wash.; price $15,000; $30(H) cash, bal ance easy. 601 Stock Exchange bldg. WE WANT to tell you more about the fa mous Deschutes vauey in central Oregon. A dairy, potato and stockman's para dise. A card brings full particulars. Redmond Land & Loan Co., Inc., Red mond. Or. King Murphy's capitol.) 16 ACRES, good house, barn, orchard. 2 hen houses, near pavea uignway, school, carline; owner sick, must let go at cut price, $3500, would sell 8 acres with buildings for $2750- Bdwy. 7672. McFARLAND, Realtor. 208 Failing Bldg. 5 ACRES, 30 a. In clover, house, barn, fenced woven wire, ls ml high school, Willamette vaiIey, orchard, $4300; take bonus loan. (501 McKAT BLDQ. SPLENDID farms near Portland and east ern Oregon wneat tarms ior sale of trade. Bring In your proposition. F. J Dietsch. 326 Chamber of Commerce. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES. near Portland, $o0 to $o0O per acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all siaea McFariand. realtor. 208 Failing bldg. 16 M ACRES timbered beaverdam land; large creeK; near eaverion nignway and electric, can divide. J. R, Sharp, owner, 83 4 3d st. 80 ACRES hilly timbered land near Scap- poose. 3-room snaca, spring; about hall tillable. Terms. J. R. Sharp, owner. 83 & 3d St; . REAL SAP. $45 down. bal. $10 per mo., & Int.; city conveniences. Bdwy. 5317. IMPROVED farm. Linn county, clear title. acres. jio.uuw; aiso law library, cheap. George W. Wright, Albany, Ox, REAL ESTATE. ON PAVED ROAD. AT ELECTRIC STATION. 35 acres, 22 m41ea sou-t-hea&t of Portland, mile from school; 20 acres u-nder c utti v at ion, balance ' pasture ; some timber ; mostly creek bottom land ; bearing or chard apples, pears cherries, prunes, grapes, loganbe.rries, w al ii u ts, etc. 6 -room house, barn, chicken house, machime shed, granary ; some stock and equ ip -men-t. Price for evwythtiTug, $654MX Terms. Inspected by Hunier. WELL-EQUIPPED SMALL FARM. 20 acres, one mile from gxxwl town with hlgfli school Columbia couTity, Oregon ; 7 acres under cul tdvatiion; 15 acres can be farmed when cleared, balance timber; good san dy loam soiil, creek and spring; bearing orchard ; 5-room house, good barn, chicken hooisei, ot her buU dri n ga. I nclmded wit h place: 2 cows, 3 heifersv chickens horse, plow, harrow, disk, cultiva tor, ihack, crearo separator, eUx Price for everythin-g, $40O0i Con sider soddier's loan and $300. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg-. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS PR ICED ON THEIR PRO DUCTIVE VALUE. 160 ACRES ON PACIFIC HIGH WAY. Located 3 miles from good town right on new highway ; 120 acres in cultivation, just rolling enough to drain well; 40 acres of timber and pasture along never failing creek; good 5-room house, fine large barn and other outbuildings, fenced and cross-fenced ; price only $100 per acre and will con sider small farm as part pay or home In the city. 18 ACRES, $1100. This small farm is located 1 4 miles from Eugene, gravel road to within half mile, balance gate way road; mile to school; 4 acres of bottom land and 5 acres rolling In cultivation ; balance rolling pasture; 7-room box house, good small barn, henhouse, etc. ; family orchard; $600 will handle. Read our ads every day and find the farm you want. KINNEY, IRVINE & HYDE, Realtors, Eugene, Oregon. NICE COUNTRY HOME OF 8 ACRES NEAR THE STREET CAR LINE. With 6-room plastered bungalow and sleeping porch, with cement basement, newly painted, clean and nice, small barn and poultry house, young orchard and berries; can have electric lights. Price is $4400, $1000 cash, balance to suit. Will take new Maxwell in trade. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 12 ACRES, CANBY $2500. Four rooms, bungalow, barn, chicken house, hoghouse. All rich loam soil, orchard and berries, good road, paved most of way to Portland. About 20 miles. Price $2500. Reasonable terms. Ralph Ackley, 527 Corbett Bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. ANYTHING TOU WANT TO BUY, SELL. TRADE OR ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT, SEE FRANK C. ROBINSON. 503-4 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 2557. "WE SELL ANYTHING GOOD." "WE LIST ANYTHING GOOD." HOUSE WANTED. In Irving-ton, Laurelhurat or Rose City Will pay up to $10,000, $2000 cash and trade a 7-R. house on E. Sa Irao n street valued at $600 Ox Has good cement bae-m-emit, fire-place, furnace aoid is wetH built throughout. Corner lot, paved Btreet, gaina ge. Mrs. Luctua, E. 4 99 J , or Ralph Ackley Land, 527 Corbett Bldg. Main 7141. LOTS WANTED. RITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS. 201-7 Board of Trade bldg., will get you the highest price for your lot that the market will bring; we have many cash buyers now for homesites in Irving ton, Alameda Park, Laurel hurst or Haw thorne. Most of the buyers see us be fore buying. Come In and talk It over. ROSE CITY. CASH 4 or 5-ROOM MODERN BUN GALOW, garage, furnaee and must be on pavement; $3750 to $4750. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6Q34. I WANT to get in touch with the owner of the best house in Portland that can be bought for $350 to $500 down, balance $30 to $40 per month; prefer a modern bungalow near school. Want to get set tled by March 10 at leasL N 430i, Ore- goman. WANT TO BUY EX-SERVICE MAN WANTS TO RENT MODERN BUNGA LOW WITH GARAGE. PRIVILEGE OF BUYING; WILL PAY $40 MONTH, HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. H 408, UHKUUMAJN. WILL BUY TODAY. OHeait will go to $350o arud pay spot cash for o-room house (need not be In good repair), but maast be good oloeeim d-bstrict. Bdwy. 5387 before 12 A. M. to- Qay. RESPONSIBLE party wants to buy small house witn juuxiuu, adjacent to R. C P. or Montavilla car lines; have $100 to pay aown. c.ee Air. r arnswortn. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. WANT EAST SIDE BUSINESS PROPERTY Have Hawthorne flats, clear, good in come, $8500. to trade for close-in bust nes-s 3ot, or will assume where building; want Hiast Morrison, riawuiorne or Bel mont. Call 425 E. Morrison st. HAVE client wanting small acreage near station on Oregon fcjfectrie between Gar den Home and Tualatin; improved or unimprovea. uau or write at once. R. HOARD. 501 Stock Exchange Bldg. WANTED For cash, 4 or 5-room bunga low, Rose City or Montavilla district. Will pay $2500 to $3000. Phone Bdwy. 7830. WE HAVE the buyers for good homes; if we list your house we will sell it. Phone Bdwy. 2045. J. R. Halght. 327 Board of Trade. WE HAVE buyers for houses in Irvington . district with three bedrooms; priced from $6000 to $7500, must have quick action. Strong & Co.. 606 Ch. of Com. $5000 CASH for a good small tract, must be on hard -surface road, not over 15 miles from Portland postoffice. O 466, Oregonian. WANT bungalow built on fine Sunny side building lot; I furnish lot clear, you finance and build. East 8407. WANTED To buy or rent moderate sub stantial house on Waverly Heighta Sell wood 3152. WE HAVE a client w.R'h ea-h wants buiL gadow n ear Ha w tihornev bet-ween 20t h and .VKh. $3500 to $4000l Bdiwy, 2571. WANT 5-room bungalow, Sunnyside, Rose City or west Mt- Tabor, $2.0 to $3SO; reoil snap ; have cash. G 470. Oregon ian. WANT modern 3 or 4-room bungalow, close in, near car. Place with 2 bedrooms pre ferred : also garage. Tabor 7547. LOT. GOOD district, not over $5O0 cash. Auto. 328-10. Farms Wanted. SMALL places wanted, close to Port land, or good valley town, with buildings and small amount of equipment; owner to accept sol dier's loan and small payment down ; farms ranging from $4000 to $5500, with some equipment; j will be given immediate attention. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. Wanted to Kent r arms. L WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES. nave several peupio wniittiis iw u acreage or small farms, close to Port iand preferred. Some people will buy th place after leading for year or more. Ws make iota of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN, FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. WANTED TO RENT. FOR 1 OR 2 YEARS. 5 TO 10 ACRES. CLOSE IN. SMALL HOUSE. OUTBLDGS. A SOME FRUIT. R. ELLSWORTH. CARE GEN. DEL., PORTLAND. TIM BER LANDS. WE ARE always in the market for plank, i timbers, lumber and mill-cuts, also saw- mills and timber lanas. western Lum ber Agency. 624 Morgan bldg., Portland. FINE fir and pine tracts, both holding and operating: also midl propositions. Zim merman, S18 Chamber of Commerce bidg. 2500 CORDS of fir timber, well located, to trad-e for equity isi bungalow or acreage or lots. Woodlawn 1184,. FOR SALE Half section of timber near Grants Pass, Main 1040. TIMBER LANDS. 100 ACRES timber near Jacksonviie and Med ford , 4, 000,000 f e et p in e fir and cedar, $2300. Trade for home or vacant Jots In Portland. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY, 817 Nor.th western Bank Bldg. A GRAND opportunity to get into a prof ' itable lumber business with little or - much capital. This will be worth your while Let us supply you with particu lars. , AV 32, Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. NO. 543 PRUNE AND DAIRY FARM FOR LEASE. PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. 133 acres, 60 in cultivation, fenced and cross-fenced, 6 acres in Italia n prunes, large family or chard assorted fruits and berries of all kinds; large farm house with bath. Pressure water sys stem, dairy barn, implement sheds, silo, granary, hog house; very best of land; rental $500 per year. . Fol lowing personal property for sale, 4 dairy cows, horse, chickens, 2 sets harness, 2 wagons, binder, mower, rake, 1 set light harness. 2 brood sows, farrow soon, registered boar, 2 pigs, 2 piows, disc, buggy, riding cultivator, grain drill, spring tooth harrow, spike tooth harrow, 1 ton potatoes, 2 tons oats. 10 tons , hay, hand seeder, milk pails, cream cans, cream separator, $50 worth small tools; 29 acres seeded to hay, 7 acres fall grain, 5 acres seeded to vetch In orchard; price for personal property $1150. See Mr. Lee, THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE, REALTORS. Third and Main Sts. Vancouver, Wash. 10 CLEARED acres, good 5-room house. barn and outbuildings, good oronara. berries, rich soil, 1 mile from electric station and highway, in Beaverton-Reed-ville acreage, 11 miles from Portland. Call or write for terms. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. IRRIGATED ranch for rent, 80 acres; 64- acre water right, 30 acres crop, line ior spuds, grain, dairying, fine house, barn, chicken houses; stocked and equipped; 3 miles from Redmond, Or. J. BOBBINS, Owner, Tabor 5310. 301 Ry. Exch. Bldg. EXPERIENCED orchardist wants to ren f st rm riav ncr rent bv care or orcnara start new orchard, etc Broadway 791, or 504 Oregon bldg. ij; Af'REX nir Vmicnuver: rent and crop. $250 ; ailso l o n ear trww eui xuns tww, w.Mh fruit. $125, 141 K. B!KH JN. MODERN DAIRY. Modern dairy for rent, close in; acres. AV 224, Oregonian. WILL lease SO acres of garden land for long period: Japanese preierrea. Ayyij 447 4th st. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR TRADE. j.n orM fin a whpAt land under pro posed Klickitat Horse Heaven irrigation project; 16 miles south Mabton on N. P. Ry. and 14 miles north Alderdale on S-, P. & S. Ry. ; about all tractor land; school just across road; 200 acres wheat and rve in for 1922 crop; price $20 an acre: $5000 mortgage on it at 6 per cent to state of Washington; will traae ponitv on erood scarage business with building In good live country town, or good Portland residence v i-. , ijunnysme, v asn. Will exchange one of Rose City Park's most beautirui pungaiows, luuateu r.h.nir-Atit tinn X- block from car i mighty good buy at $5500. Will go to $10,000 for apartment house lease and furniture. A. G. TEEPB CO.. Insurance Realtors. 270 Stark St., near 4th. Bdwy. 6098. 1170 Sandy blvd. at 40th. Wdln. 9586. CITY PROPERTY FOR 40-ACRE RANCH NEAR VANCOUVER! rrpa with fruit, chicken houses. barn, shop, woodshed and good 5-room house; just outside city limits; pneen at $5000 and will trade for ranch up to $4000 near Vancouver. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. , 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. 2 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 40 acres, ripe for subdivision into acre tracts. Can be sold at a profit. There is a big demand for acreage so close In. Want a general farm from 80 to 160 acres. Prefer it stocked and equipped. Mclnnes, Exchange Dept. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Where Trades Are Made. BUNGALOW FOR LOTS. 5-room bungalow, concrete foundation, full basement, extra large rooms, vers well arranged, needs painting on the outside, but is In good condition inside; price $3000, $1750 against it, payable $20 monthly. Will take lots in good dis trict up to full value or equity. See Mr. Stephens, with Fred W. German Co., realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. 38 COWS TO TRADE. TOO A. to lease, rioh bo.ttotm land near town xn paved highway; 6-R. house, barn for 128 head stock. WU1 trade lease and 38 corwa. 7 heifers, 2 horses and numerous other tock, fairm toola, imluding crops, for $65-00. Here is a ohamce to make some mone-yt See Mr. Gen tema.niy Mal'n 7141. MODERN HOME. PIEDMONT. Eight rooms, furnished, hardwood firs., buiit-in bookcases and buffet, fireplace, furnace and garage. This is a sacrifice at $7000 and will take in a good lot as part. E. R. S., 712 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 6785. ari.":k mostlv cultivated: house. barn, hen house, well, spring, some SO English walnut, 50 almond, also apple, nar nherrv and other fruit trees, mainly bearing, berry vines, etc. An ideal home place. Might accept half cash and bal ance In improved city or suburban; price $5000. Gruber, 2S8 Russell st. 12 ACRES, highly improved B-room house, all necessary outbuildings, 5 acres bear ing prunes, variety of fpuit and some English walnut trees; all in cultivation; free of Incumbrance; exchange for city property; full value 68O0. Phone East 4855. 12-ROOM HOUSE IN CORVALLIS. , 12 rooms with cement basement, lot 100x100 ft., all newly papered and paint ed, good location for students, will ex change for smaller houses in Portland; price J7500. Bdwy. 6363. 403 Couch bldg. HAVE client who wants to trade his equity in house for partially improved land within 100 miles of Portland. See Mr. Solum, with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7581. CANADIAN FARMS. Some with hardwood floors and fur nace. In house, ail'l sizes, $30 to $50 per acre; exohanpe for farms and d.ty pro-p-enty here, C Cole, 426 lAunbetrmeins bu 11 nnn g. YOUR choice of three very finest dairy farms on coast. Will sell on easy terma or exchange for mortgages or part de sirable city property. In answering furnish full particulars. AV 82, Orego nian. . 164 ACRES timber near Jacksonville aJLd Medford; 4,000,000 feet pine, fir and cedar, $2300. Trade for borne or vacant lots in Portlatnd. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY, 817 Northwestern Bank Blidg. 160-ACRE irrigated ranch, close to Bend, Or.; well improved, ior acreage, city property or some kind of business fur niture preferred. C. M. Minden. 1363 E. 19th st, Portland, Or., phone Sellwood 29113. WILL trade for a mall a.rm, a 4-room D(ungs.low; nas nrepiaa:e, union n li-uine-u. full base-memt, 50x100 ft. lot. A. Finley, 1703 Fiskje St., Portland, Or. Phoaie Col. HS. . WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade for you; bring iu your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit. Lots, houses, acreage, farms or stocks of merchandise. E R. S 712 Couch bldg. WANT equity in income property: will trade 640 acres, clear or incuniDrance, near Silver lake irrigation project. Lake county. Or. $6400 and assume. Bdwy. 2045. 160 ACRES unimproved land in western South DaRota, nue son, near good rail road town, $4000. Will consider equita ble trade. J. D. Rainey, 472 Weidler St., Portland, Or. 7 ROOMS of swaM furnitu.re, Nob H1U dis trict, price $ljt. l-aice auto to $600. J. R Walter, 1333 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 5274. . FINE SUBURBAN HOME. 10 acres, all in fruit; new 8-room bungalow, adjoining city limits, for stock farm. V 468, Oregonian. WILL exchange 40 acres in Yamhill county Ior city property ana assume incum brances. For particulars see owner, 404 Piatt bldg. . 4-ROOM house, 3 lots, furnished, $1300, M 500; 4-room house, an improvements, $1100. M 500; want car. Auto. 621-01. BEAUTIFUL acreage, near city, buildings. stream, oest sou; give tjtceptionai value: accept residence. 141 E. 63th. N. WILL exchange good valley farm for eastern Oregon, Washington or Alberta. Write owner, P. O. box 214, Salem. Or. HAVE lots in south Portland, some near furniture factory. Will trade for autoa Bdwy. 2045. ' IF YOU have a small bungalow and want fl-iroom house, phone Auto. 610-24. 247 ACRES for close In acreage or clear city property; will rent. Sen. 603. , TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 83 ACRES unimproved close to Castle Rock, Wash.; 5000 cords of wood (fir, alder, maple, some cedar), quantity of piling; near river; dandy soil, some bea verdam, half tillable; clear of debt; con sider house equity, merchandise, lease on farm, etc., $3000. 140 acres logged-off land. 6 acres cul tivated; 12 acres meadow around stumps, 80 acres tillable, unlimited outraJige; make dandy stock or sheep ranch: fine springs; no house; mile to school and R. R. ; consider house equity, $3500; trade separate or together. Broadway 791, or 504 Oregon bldg. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. SMITH & BARNES player piano with over 100 rolls to exchange for lot, acreage or house equity on paved street. B 473. Oregonian. WANT victrola for my equity in '18 Stude., $175 yet due in easy monthly payments. Wdln. 1243. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock JUST ARRIVED FROM MY RANCH AT WALLOWA My second shipment of all 5 and 6-year-old horses and mares, consisting of 8 head of as good dark dappled gray Percherons as ever came to Portland; team of Belgians, 8000, a high-ciass draft team; balance of load blocky. heavy-bone horses from 1200 to 1900. well broken, single and double; prices right, as they must be sold at once. Call East Side Transfer Stables, ISO East 8th street. Henrv C. Hansen. HORSES HORSES We have a lot of good young horses and mares, weight 1300 to 1600 pounds, 4 to 7 years old. Low down, blocky built chunks, with lots of bone and quality. Soma closely mated teams. If in the market for horses, call and look these over, as we will sell very cheap for casn. All horses guaranteed. Trial allowed. 234 FRONT, FOOT OF MAIN. FOR SALE March 1 to 6 only, 1 span large bay mules, 8 and 10 years, 2000 pounds; 1 single bay mule, 8 years, 1000 pounds; 4 Jersey cows, young and high testers. Can be seen at Washougal sheep sheds, Washougal, Wash. Hour's run from Portland over paved Pacific hlgh way. . FOR SALE Mammoth jack, 4 years old; the big smooth kind; one jack 1-year-old, or will trade for draft horses, mules, sheep or cattle; must be good, young stock. H. D. BONES, MYRTLE POINT, OR., GAYLORD. $125 BUYS sound team, 6 and 7, weigh ing 2500, with good harness; also young team, well matched, weighing 3000, with harness and good 3 hi wagon, cheap ; will sell separate. Take South PDrtiand car. 782 Second st. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. Wiil sell all our horses, wagons and harness and buggies at a sacrifice; must clean up quickly as our lease expires shortly. Call at No. 20 Grand ave. W. T. Sullivan. East 1314. ONE IRON GRAY mare and black horse 5 years old, weigh 250O lbs., well broke. Take ML. Tabor and SSth-st, oar to S2d, walk two blocks north, one block east. 2-OS4 Delano st. Tabor 962i $65 DRIVING outfit, 1100-lb. mare, good top buggy and harness, fine saddle horse, $35; also 1500 -lb. mare, good worker 240 East 8th. 2 HIGH SCHOOL boys, age 18 years, wish to rent 2 reliable saddle1 horses for use on Sundays; both are careful horsemen. V 406, Oregonian. FOR SALE 2 beautiful heifers, 16 mo. old, Jersey-Holstein, and 1 Jersey from good stock. Main 514. FRESH Jersey Durham, 4fe gallons, gen tle, easy milker, also fresh Jersey. 780 Insley ave. Sellwood car. FEW A-l HIGH-GRADE Jerseys, guaran teed and priced right. XL Hanneman, Corbett. Or. FARM IMPLEMENTS .ew ana second hand, special prices. P. E. Eabenshade, 860-366 E. Morrison st. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6568. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Call day or night. Automatic 627-64. 25O0-LB. TEAM of young mules. are no plugs. 240 E. 8th. These 3 FRESH cows, heavy milkers, tub. tested. 240 E. 8th. CHEAP team, 274 E. 9-Lh, $85 team and harness. llanos, Organs and Musical Instruments. PHONOGRAPH CLEARANCE SALE. $ 75 Vietroia, 5 used records $ 45 32.50 Grafonola, 5 used records. . . . 20 125 Grafonola, 10 used records 75 140 Brunswick, 10 used records.... 95 . 140 Emerson, 10 used records 95 175 Sonora, 15 used records 135 SMt victrola, lo used records 215 $5 or more cash, $3. $4 or more monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO., 103 10th at "Washington St. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. Victrola. style X, with records $100 Victrola, style XI, with records 125 Columbia phonograph, fine condition. 75 Brunswick, new demonstrator, with records : 100 Brunswick, new demonstrator, with records . 225 KEIBlCRLINb-LUCAS MUSIC CO.", 125 Fourth Street. FOR SALE A WeDer player piano. 88- note. mahogany case, price, including cabinet and 25 rolls of music,' $550; all in first-class condition. AP 44U. Ore gonian. OPENING sale new location. 1000 new Columbia and Victor 10-inch records, 2 for 75c; 12-inch records 75c each. Harold S. Gilbert, 107 West Park, just back' of the Telegram corner. SCHILLER piano, plain mahogany case. equal to new. A wonderful bargain. Terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 Fourth St. WKBEB pianola piano tor rent, music and Dencu included, $l.DU per month. HAROLD 3. GILBERT. 107 WEST PARK (NEW LOCATION.) PIANO, beautiful oak case, standard make. genuine ivory keys, splendid tone, cost $650; will sacrifice for $200 cash. Owner leaving city. Alain 5633. PHONOGRAPH repairing, any make. All work absolutely guaranteed;' reasonably priced. Seiberling-Lucas Music Cor, 125 Fourth st. Hawy. 6o6. $20 CASH secures a $oi5 new piano. left over from eastern manufacturers carload lot at Security Storage Co., 13 renin st. at sxarK. GOOD PIANOS at prices and terms you can afford. Reed-French Piano Co., 12th and Wash ington. COLUMBIA cabinet, walnut phonograph, $85; Edison, $60; Cheney, $75: Victor table phonographs at $2o, $35 and $45. G. F. jonnson nano to.. I4tf ctn sfr KINGSBURY piano. mahogany case. splendid bargain, only $245; terms. G. F. Johnson Piano C. 14!) 6th st. MARTIN C MEL. I new, $130; terms. ilver saxophone, like G, F. Johnson Piano Co.. 14y 6tn et. CONN C MEL. silver saxophone. $12 terms. . G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th st. STUDENTS' violin outfit, includes violin, bow, case, rosin and extra strings. $18. G. F. Johnson Piano uo.. i4t btn st. BUNGALOW 88-note player, fine condl tion, extra rolls, $395. terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th St. NEW BUESCHER cornet, silver, with gold bell, and case. $4o. G. D . Johnson Co., 140 6th st DRUMMERS' jazz outfits, everything com plete, $7o. - G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th st. PRICE & TEMPLE, $250, oak case, like new. Terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 12r Fourtn st. $350 MAHOGANY case piano and bench lor $2a. iau wain, ooo or u .Bonn wick st PIANO wanted, will pay cash for good used piano if reasonably priced. Mar. 1532. STEIN WAY GRAND PIANO. Perfect condition; low price, reaaoii. ahle terms. Marshall 2387. PIANO, $150, walnut case; good for a practice piano. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 Fourth St. $250 PHONOGRAPH and 42 records for sale. Call Larkln at Tabor 1412, after :30. PIANOS moved. $3, ground floor; work done by experts and guaranteed. Call Broadway 1207 . CROWN cabinet grand piano, best of con dition, $285. Terms given. Geiberllng Lucas Music Co., 125 Fourth st. KIMBALL player piano, new, at a big reduction. See it. Terms given. Selber- ling-Lucas Music Co., la Fourth st. A FEW used player rolls, two for HAROLD S. GILBERT, 107 WEST PARK. i!5o. CONCERT GRAND PIANO FOR RENT; WONDERFUL TONE. HAROLD S. GIL m:PT 107 WEST PARK. CH1CKERINO piano, $150. Selberling- HIS'ZMAN piano, $12a; terms given. 1 bprling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. NEW high-grade cabinet phonograph; will jiell cheap o... v.csuman. PIANO wanted ior practice, cheap. Bdwy. 6576. Must be KIMBALL piano, new, at a snap. Selber- ling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 Fourth st WILL trade cabinet grafono'ia for rug or davenport. puwj-. FOR RENT Cabinet Grafonola with late records. Empire Transfer. Bdwy. 1-53. WANTED Used piano for spot cash bargain. Bdwy. 1548, Tuesday. WANTED Sweet-toned piano for cash. Call East yB. $100 SONORA, like new. $75 cash. Auto. 632-93. ; $000 MAHOGANY piano for saie, $175; good condition. Sell. 3&80, FOR RALE. Pianos, Organs and Munical Instruments. NEW LOT FACTORY REBUILT PIANOS just received from eastern factories now .' on sale here. No need to buy old worn pianos now when you can buy good as new rebuilt piano, at same price. $550 Ernest Gabler upright piano... $29S $450 Bauer & Co. upright piano 263 $425 Bradford Piano Co., mahogany. 275 $450 Smith & Barnes, mahogany.... 293 $550 Kimball upright piano. ....... S13 475 Wilmer upright piano 275 $425 Kurtz Bros, upright piano 245 $800 Steinway & Sons upright piano 375 $473 H. P. Nelson colonial piano 235 $575 George Heck & Co piano 265 500 Emerson Piano Co.. mahogany. 295 $525 Seybold upright, oak 815 $450 Hallet & Davis upright piano.. 195 Terma $10 or mora cash. 8, $8 or $10 monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 101 Tenth St., corner Stark. FINE PIANOS REAL CHEAP. $700 Kroyer, walnut, fine $165.00 7001 Hobart M. Cable, just new. 337.50 .600 Gen. W. W. Kimball, fine.. 225.00 600 Thompson-, very latest, plain 225.00 700 Pease, late mahogany 240.00 525 Howard, sweet tone 150.00 " 850 Player piano, very latest... 325.00 800 Player Farrand, latest 850.00 573 R. s. Howard, latest, plain.. 250.00 550 Gaylord, plain oak 160.00 623 Jewett, fine mahogany.... 175.00 550 Bradford, plain, late 200.00 650 Sweetland, plain walnut... 170.00 800 Sohmer, plain 185.00 675 McPhail, fine condition.... 187.50 650 W. W. Kimball make 185.00 600 McCamon upright 110.00 600 Wisner, good M23.00 275 Columbia phonograph 125.00 Others, easy terms. Why pay more and be sorry ? BROKERAGE CO.. 812 Worcester Bldg. SALE OF USED PIANOS. Pease & Co., fumed oak $265 Willington, large, mahogany 195 A. B. Chase, upright 295 Steinhauser, mahogany 235 Fischer Piano Co., large 295 Wheelock & Co., mahogany 245 ModelL player piano 493 Pay as little as $10 cash and $6 or more a month. LIPMAN, WOLFE? & CO., Corner Fifth and Washington. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $425 Hallett Davis, upright, cash $165 451) Smith Piano Co.. upright, cash 195 270 Board & Co.. upright, cash.... 75 750 Planista player piano, cash.... 295 3 parlor organs, $18, $20 and $25. 101 loth St. at Stark St. Furniture for Sale. FURNITURE BARGAINS SALE OF THE FORMER MEIER & FRANK and other stock of FURNITURE, RUGS, DRAPERIES, ETC. DAMAGED AT WAREHOUSE AND . REMOVED TO 349-331 OAK STREET Bet. Broadway and Park St. Across from Telephone Co. WE ARE OFFERING ABOVE STOCKS AT PRICES UNHEARD OF BEFORE TERMS WITHIN REASON NO INTEREST CHARGED Reg. $300 wool velour over stuffed suite, consisting of davenport, chair ana,,---- rocker, now $186.50 Reg. $100 tapestry daven- port, special 45.00 Reg. $125 velour daven- port, special oo.w Reg. $50 genuine leather overstuffed rocker 24.00 Mahogany davenport table, period design 15.00 Complete assortment of mahogany or walnut gate leg tables at a big saving. Mahogany piano lamps 9:00 Silk lamp shades hi Price Solid oak period extension tables, up from 13.00 Mahogany or walnut exten sion tables. Queen Anne and William and Mary de- sign 2000 Dining chairs, all finishes, at big savings. Reg. $47.50 buffet now... 23.00 Ivory gate-leg tables, special 7.50 Reg. $430 genuine walnut room suite, consisting of dresser,' chifforobe, vanity case and bow-foot bed, as ' fine as there is made, spe- cial 290 00 Reg. $237.50 6-piece ivory bedroom suite, all hard wood, for only 122.00 Reg. $37.50 ivory dresser, large mirror, now 23.00 Reg. $25 - ivory dresser, 16x24 plate mirror 15.00 Reg. $30 ivory triple mir ror dressing table 14.00 Reg. $25 ivory wood beds now 12.50 2 in. post steel beds, large fillers 8.75 Pure silk floss mattress, heavy art covering, Bpecial 14.25 Reg. $18.60 coil springs, all sizes O.-O 9x12 wool Wilton rugs, with linen fillings, 8 pat terns, special 37.50 8 3x10-6 Wilton rugs to match 34.00 9x12 Axminster rugs, only 3 left 21.50 9x12 seamless Brussels, special- 15.90 9x12 seamless velvet rugs, special 19.50 Reg. $2.75 wool velvet car pet, now, yard 1.65 24-inch stair carpet, yard .40 Reg. 85c pro-linoleum, now, yard 42 Reg. $13 portieres, good selection, pair ' 4.00 Imported bird cages less than to price. AND A THOUSAND OTHER BAR GAINS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION 349-351 OAK STREET COHN BROS. & DIRECTOR DAVENPORTS. Wo are manufacturers of all-hair davennorta and chairs: highest quality line built on the Pacific coast. Frames are as good as is possible to build, vvatcn your davenport made from naked frame to last stitch. Our upholstering hair and cotton are high grade and the only fill' ing material we use.. Don't taae our word for it but come and let us prove . aH we say. New and up-to-the-minute styles, large line of coverings, rme ve lours and tapestries, $100 to $176; pure silk and best mohair, $K4 to $239. These prices are regular, not special. Everything guaranteed. Sample room open evenings by appointment. Phone 635-27. Evenings and Eundays. Tabor 5797 or 635-27. MICHAELSON-MAYSON, INC., 54th and Foster Road. SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department If yon want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points In our through pool cars; expert packing, re pairing and refinlshing. Money loaned on goods In storage, mreproof storage. Low Insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO. 62 4th St., Opp. Multnomah HoteL Phone Broadway 3715 MAHOGANY tables, desk and chairs, con sole table, mirror, Sheraton dining and bedroom set. Berkly & Gay enameled set, oak bookcase, table and desk, wil low couch and chairs, fiber furniture, antique walnut settee and chairs, lamps, piano, pictures, rugs; small Turkish rugs, hangings, Mintou, Haviland china,, glassware, bric-a-brac. Main 737. DON'T ACHIFIOE yi,ui xuitlKure li going east or to California. We can save you money on your freigat in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. 31. Olson Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine street. FURNITURE of completely equipped of fice to be sold lmmeaiateiy. includes desks, chairs, filing cabinets, rugs, etc Address 304 Artisans bldg. BED, dresser, chiffonier (French bevel mirrors), rocaers, z straight chairs, an ivory, nearly new; bargain. Sell. 1112. FURNITURE for sale, by piece if desired of 5-room house, carpets, dressers, e$c. ; must be sold. 346 Victoria st. SOME fine furniture at reasonable prices; no dea-lecs. u&i'i Auto, .-in-a. $1600 WORTH of new furniture for $800. Will sen an or pari- lawir an. Office Furniture. DESKS ChAIRa SAFES. New and second-hand, exceptional bar gains. Call or phone for salesman. IRWIN-HODSON FURNITURE DEPT 10th and Stark Sts Bdwy. 8144. NEW AND USED office furniture, safes. dictaphones, adding macnines. type writers, time clocks, counters and par titions. Prices lowest in city. D. C. Wax. 24-26 North Fifth Bdwy. 2739 FURNITURE of completely equipped of fice to be sold immediately. Includes desks, chairs, filing cabinets, rugs, eto Address 504 Artisans bldg. PHYSICIAN'S STEEL FURNITURE. Manufacturer's seconds, at substan tial reductions. Albatross Metal Fur nitura Co 71o Tnurmao. rOR BALK. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. IKON-CLAD GUARANTKH. ALL MAKES. CALL. OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICK LIST. THE WHOLESALES TYPEWRITER CO., 821 Washington Main 6681. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange; we are exclusive dis tributors of Carona portable, $30 com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs of all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO.. 94 Filth St Bdwy. T160. FOR RENT L. C. Smith typewriters; spe cial rate to students L. C. Smith A Bros. Typewriter Co., 806 Spalding bidg. Bdwy. 6975. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark st. Main 1407. DANDY Oliver typewriter for sale. Call Marshall 5681. between 5:30 and 9 P. M. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; suppu,. Type writer inspection Co.. 812 Stark. M. LZ4 UNDERWOOD, No. 5, cheap for cash. &n. pire Transfer, 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 135. Poultry. SPECKLED Sussex, choice flock, egg, $3 15, $18 100. Write for descriptive circu lar price list. H. A. Bushby, Parma, Idaho. 50 R. I. RED chicks today 25c each; )0 White Leghorn, March 8, $18 per 100. O. R. Maguire. 787 Oregon. East 115. WHITE LEGHORN laying pullets for sals. Auto. 617-87. Dogs. Rabbits, Birds ana l'et Stock. PERSIAN cats for service; large blue, black, whine and orange males for serv ice. 470 E. 33d St. N. Auto. 821-87. BEAUTIFUL spotted roller night singer, $7.30; females ready to mate $1. 1400 East Stark. Tabor 116. WANTED A toy Boston terrier female. Must be reasonable. Tabor 9175. ST. ANDREASBLRG ROLLERS, $8; also females, $1.50. Bdwy. 1995. 568 Hoyt st. PURE ROLLERS, yellow, fine singers, fe males. imported stock. East 4175. BEST ROLLER BIRDS. REASONABLE. EAST 6949. Keg, and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 806 X. 14th BU, near Pettygrove. Phone A 619-19. Coal and VYooq. $4 PER IjOAD $4. 2-LOAD LOTS. 16-lnch fir block and slab, runs partly dry, ready for furnace or heater. We also save you money on 2-load order, of dry wood. Prompt delivery on west and east side. Oregon Fuel Co.t Wood lawn 4102. $4 PER LOAD $4. 16-lnch, partly dry block and slab mixed; fine lor furnace or heater, de livered in 2-load lots for $8; singitt load, $4.o0. Washington lump coal, $11 ton In the basement NATIONAL FUEL CO.. East 2041. COAL! COAL1 COAL! COALI $11 per ton, put in your basement, elty weight, direct from mine to consumer, large lump, no clinkers or soot; burns t, fine ash; try a ton. PHONE EAST 134 or EAST 9126. BIG LOAUS bluck and slab, xnied runs, partly dry. 2 loads $8.00 1 load 4.50 Wocdlawn 1390. Woodlawn 8021. COAL 100 lbs., 2U0 lbs., 300 lb,., 400 lbs., 500 lbs., half tuns and tons; Australian hottest, Rock Springs hardest. Utah good. Lincoln cheapest. Small orders quick. "Sample Delivery." Bdwy. 3423. F1KST-GROWTH fir. Boca Springs, Roys. Owl Creek coal. Standard Brick A Tl. Co., 83 Fifth St.. between Stark and Oak. Phone Broadway 18. ' WHOLESALE and retail, sell in small or large quantities, 150 cords fine dry slab, plenty of Inside wood; also No. 1 cord wood. Phone East 7020. CoitDWOOD, on good graveled road. 1 mile south Cotton station; first -growth, dry, $5.30; dead wood $4.50. Phone Gresham 97. C. D. Cathey. UTAH and Rock Springs nut coal, $14 per ton; Newcastle nut, $11, delivered; lump $1 more. Dry fir wood in 4-ft. and short lengths. Woodlawn 5559. NICE 16-inch slab. 3.73; best fir, sea soned, heavy or merely graded, $5 load, anywhere, bargain; dry 12 and 16-inch country slap. $7.25. Sell 17H9. DRY CORDWOOD, 2-cord lots, $14. Best dry cordwood in town and heavy coun try slab, $4.25 a cord. Sellwood 1270. 6114 E. 19th st. NO. 1 FIRST-GROWTH FIR, medium dry. $11.23 in lVs-cord lots; $9.75 second growth in lta-cord lots. Phone Tabor 5933. DRV 16-INCH slab, $6 30 a load: partly dry block and slab, $5: 4-foot dry slab. $6.50 a cord. Wdln. 11X12. DRY COKDWoOD, ! and 17.75 per cord, block and slab, double load, $V Bdwy. 8628. DRY BLOCK and slab wood, single load 75, double load $8; short order specially. Broadway 2345. DRY BOX wood, Ideal kindling, $4; heavy dry wreckage, $5; block and slab, $4.75 per load. Wdln. 8649. 24 CORDS good second-growth wood, 18 miles on the nignway: price $J.8d cord. M. Dllley, Scappoowe. Or. GOOD dry fir cordwood, $7.25 cord, heavy country siaD ,o.o. rock springs ana Utah coals. East 1739. HEAVY fir block and slab, oak and ash. dry country siaD, iz-in. and ltt-lu. fir. Wdln. 2019. . BOXWOOD $4 PER LOAD. Fulton Wood Co.. dealers in box snd slabwood. 1261 Macadam. Main 4178 FIRST-GROWTH wood, dry, $7.50 cord; second growth, ary, o.i cora. Aut. 629-77 BEiST old-growth dry fir. $7.30; large sec ond-growth. (. Menwooa an. Al FIRST-GROWTH cordwood, dry, $7.30. .......... Via in 7'-0 COAL. ROCK SPRINGS. 11)0 TO CO AL. "SAMPLE DELIVERY TO 10UO LBS. Bd. 3423. BEST dry cord wood. $7 and $7.75 per cord; can i ue uctn.. i ju way nio. 4-FOOT block and railroad ties; aiso 10- in biuvu ....... .- $5 A LOAD, 16-lncn dry plank and small timber. Sellwood 8159. COAL. AUSTRALIAN. 100 TO 1000 LBS COAL, P-Ji . m, . pu, o-t.i UTAH KING COAi, now $15.50 per ton. Call HJast ouot. NO. 1 old-growih fir that IS DRY. $7.30, $3. Automatic om-ot 4-FOOT country slab, $4 per cord. Tabor 7228. 12-INCH dry elderwood. $6 per load. Call Wdln. otto. COAL. UTAH KING. 100 TO 1000 LBS. COAL, aA.Mt i.e. ici-,i v en i . pu. aj WOOD SAWING, any place in city. Phone Main i-'4- 16-INOH wreckage wood, load delivered $5. Residence, phone East 8254. tj i.'.t iH-irrowth drv fir. $7.30: large seronrt-growu. H nenwoori ,111. i--,,t sialk Good drv alder wood just e-nnri as maple. 1-ei.er i.nrMin, v.i.u;.-. v,i . WOOD. $3 A LOAPT WOODLAWN 3904. Machinery. FOR SALE : 111 ft x 1 n k utriiea miu jvi m iht-w Galv. Pipe H22.J7 UK ft Bod 42.83 1 No 391 Myer's Working Head.. 85.50 1 Fig. 1404 Brass Valve, 2,xl4x SO-in. 83.76 284 67 42.70 Less 15 $241.97 This material is all practically new .nrt In first-class condition. Address Laurelwood Academy. Gaston. Oregon A-H P. VERTICAL boiler with 10x12 en gine' complete, $300. or will sell sepa rately. D 453, Oregonlaiv Machinery Wanted. WANTED Second-hand valveless centri fUgal pump. AU ill. W'CBUiiiitn. WANTED Soft mud brick machine. dress Otto hre-ps, miitwhuii, -r. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Lain register, sals, adding lnflcnine. siiuwvna-. .-i nr-nr A .11. STAR-A-STAR shingles, direct from miU. GUARANTEED rebuilt batteries for Forda $10 tn $15. Broadway 4492 ' SPECIAL SALE Beauty parlor equip ment. 86 6th, between Stark and Oak. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sa.e Pacific leni ot v.... .-o. i isi. ,c. STOCKY. ARD manure delivered anywhere. Wooaiawn "Safes new and second-hand BARGAIN. 70 SIXTH ST., NR. OAK. FOR SALE Bicycle reasonable; cash only. 2S Haisey hi. TAN polo coat, full lined, price $10. 431 Salmon St.. apt, ix. LADIES' used apparel for all occasions. Prices very low. ihdot OYS SUIT. 15 YEARS; A BARGAIN. CALL hVKai.MJa- ooio. DROPHEAD, golden oak, 66 Singer; per fect condition, $20. 171 Park. FLRNITURE packing and repairing, nieces for sale. East 6046. JUNIOR ga3 furnace for saie. $20. 194 E. 7th St. N. WICKER baby carriage in good condi tion. Auto. 314-18. 667 E. 51 North. FOR SALE A bargain, one new $25 violet ray machine. AM 469. Oregonian. ELECTRIC washer, $35. 522 V, Washington. COUCH for sale, cheap. East 80P8. i $60 RADIANT tor 3o. 103 Ji. olUi N. FOR BU.P;. M IktH I tt lleoux. NITROGEN! LAMP BALK. BPECIAL "OB THIS WEEK. Special Regular sal price, price. 7 watt $ .70 t loo watt 1 00 130 wstt 1 40 2'I0 watt 1 90 14 230 watt S 83 ! 800 Watt 2 0 2 10 Add 5c each for fronted bowL Every Lamp Guaranteed. VVs Replace Any Defects. Building owners lintel oprstora. See me for special prices oa quantity ordera W. S. FLEMING. Electrical Supplies Sporting Goods. Hardware. Plumbing and Heating Apparatus 292 Wash. St Hrfs-r 4123 CLOSING out bankrupt slock and fiaturvs of the Oregon Hubber Co., such as adding machine with stand, 1 che. k pro tector, 2 filing cabinets with 4 drars each, office safe, 2 flat-top oak office decks. 6 drawers, 1 oak office labl". 1 oak swivel chair, 4 oak office chwirs, other office equipment. parcel po,l scales, lOOO lbs. Burbank rioor scale, vulcanizing machine, air compressor out fit complete, auto tools, band trucks, tire changer, autograph register. sio have about 12(HI feet of new (ar.l-n hose, large quantity of jar rubbers, men", slippers; In fact, lots of things too numerous to mention; stock to be sold in quantity lots only; fixtures, any part or all; everything to be closed out at very low prices. S40 Burnslde st. Phone Bdwy. 1024. DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIN by nerve-blocking, sons therapy or con ductive anesthesia: without danger or after-effects; ws i erform all dsnta! op erations without pain. Come In and Is us prove It to you; X-rsy work. DR. A. W. KKENE. tR. E. J. KIESENDAHT, Above Majestic Thealer. En. 831 Wash, OFF1C E FPRX1 TL K E A DDI NO MACHINES HAFfcS. -bank square model Burroughs, .fix T-bsnk flat model Burroughs low Perfect condition. Includes stand. Dic taphones, transcribing or diet., $. Won derful bargains In safes, desks, files, chairs, eto. D. C. Wax, 24-26 North, ftln, Bdwy. 2739 or Bdwy. 4775. FOR PALB LADY'S KTTW TAI LORED SUIT, 4114 BUSH I.ANB BLDG.. HY MISS H. CHJtiSTliN SEN, MODISTE. SAVE YOUR WIFE. Send your wet wash to the Snow Flak, laundry; clothes washed snowy whits In separate compartments. THURSDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. 13 L11S. FOR 60 CENTS. 4 CBNTH each addi tional pound. Valuable premiums given. Phone East S433. . ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room snd save one-third; all stylea, finest se lection.. Come and see; you ars unosr no obligation to buy. STANLEY LtTTZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldt. Broadway 4233. FOR SALE Very latest Harding blus taf feta dress, basque effect. $18; also a 2-piece trlcotlne dress $10. both In slss 86 and 88. One sport suit, navy blue Jersey Jacket and blue plaid plaited skirt, size 16. fur $8. Call East (lei. IF YOU APPRECIATE splendid watch re pairing or Jewelry repairing, take your work to MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Btor, Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Ms test lo Theater. Park and Washington Sta FRESH SEA FOOD by parcel post, prepaid within 4th sens; large cooked crabs, 2 for 63c; clams, cleaned. 65c quart. SMITH FISH CO., Tillamook, Or. RADIO FURNACES. Pil'ELF.SS. $165. PIPE. $213 UP. Easy payments; 1000 In Portland. Phone Columbia 28 or write Associated Engineering Corp., factory foot of Bur Ilngton st. IXM) RS. windows, lumber, moLllnss. in ill work, glass, roofing and hotbed .ash. Fes our odd stock of sah and d'.ore for prices. D. B. Srully Co., downtown lum ber store. 171 FRONT ST.. bet Morrison and Ysmhlll. Phone Main 4213. SEWING machines, n-w snd se. na-hnd, sold for less, no STehts employee Com plete line of parts for si: makes; ma chines repaired and rented SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third St.. near Taylor M!n 94.11 OPTOMETRY trial case. 32 prs. ph. and extras; would cost $150; Genalh retlno enpe, $43; msnv charts snd books; a full outfit; perfect condition, unused Box 1:t. Gold Hill. Or. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. MILLER S Hlg Little Jewelry Ht.ire. Sells for Less Gifts That I.sst. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. RL'BHKR bond, the greatest rejuvenstor known for all kinds of leaky roof". Works like magic bringing old warped shingles back to their natural position In a short time. Phnne Bdwy. 79. BEG REDUCTIONS THIS W KKK. Showcases, wall cases, scales, cash reg isters, pool tables, nisny otlieia 129 First. HOT WATER tsnks. 30-sl. 7. 40-al. $ tested, guaranteed: stove snd furnscs rolls, gas heaters Installed: plumbing East Side Weld. Sh.. 23 Adm K .M4 CASH REGISTERS snd computing sc.le, bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register at Scale E chsnge. 226 Stark st Bdwy. 7534. TWO Science and Health, one Unity of Good, one leather case for same; two sets markets, one leather quarterly case, all new. AK 4.11. Oregnnliin. E!.FTRlf WINDOW IIAKKIII Kyi II' vi'bvt FOR SAT," CHEAP. KVETIY THIVO NEEDED TO EQUIP BAKERY A V r CAFEI'EH I A . BDWY. 3?r.X KODAKS We buy. sell, rent snd exchsnre ko daks. Sandv, 329 Washington St. RUGS washed on your floor itn Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum denning done. East 404,1. FOR SALE 1 hynrauilc lard prees and 1 drop-bottom rendering tank, like new Sheridan Meat Co.. Sheridan, Or. ADDING "MACHIN hi snd comptnrreter. A bargain. Call Bdwy. 8712 or 610 Lumber men, bldg. DANDY S-l!ght shower fixture romp.ets with shades, only $- 33. at 207 Chamber of Commerce Picg tirnanwsy .j.t.i TOOLS, hardware, utensils, at clearance sale prices. Cliown Hardware Co.. 223 Morrison, below 2d. DIAMOND ring, pearl beads, new velour piano cover and shades, half price. Main 7223. spt. V SCALES. Tlte stxie. enclosed base. Dayton scale, only ued few months, cheap. 3 1st st. VIOLET HA Y. new. for $7: auto theft lock, size 32-4, for $3. 291 Morrison St., room 18. TTrVs'SED Independent electrician wires a rooms for $12. 6 for $20. guaranteed to pass Inspection. Wdln. 87111 niEDOI.U af' new and e.cond-haml ; special prices. Co.. 48 Front Pacific Scale Supply St. Broadway 1966 FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. 83 cents per day, delivered snywuere. Woodlawn 1239. LADIES' slightly used garments, good as new low prices, no iti.,r, iwo Awenj hide. 3d. near .Morrison St. ITO R SALE Almost new drop-head ,ew. ing machine, very i-ue. it, i ia.ii, dealers. Phone East 64.13. apt. 26 3 TAILORING machines cheap. 2 Singers. 1 W heeler at vt.ii.wi, jjaiij iini tuvu. a40 Williams a FERTILIZER. Cow manure, well rotted, delivered a. J art of clly. Woodlawn 6233 FIN'E MAH'HiA.M MAIt. nAV,h HAK AND B 1 I " 'I 3 r v anur, v n c n. r. BDWY S2.-.S, PILES can be permanent ly curen without operation, t ail or now ar. ut.il, ore nnd and Morrison. t ELECTRIC washer. 601 East 28tb St. Phone Sellwooa i.-i. FOR WAI F. ( TOMOHIT.KK, UIIl'K LIGHT 6 SNAP. Looks like new; ierfect mechanical oanditlon: written guarantee and a week's trial; sacrifice f.r $;5'iJ eas terms Mr. Arg x Bread way Ti .Vl. OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB. Extra Fine Condition, $273. If Taken This Week. 530 A LI 'EH ST 490 CHEVROLET touring. 10-'O: have re duced tO very mrr tiui-, . r "1 splendid condition and has 1922 llcenss. I'bnne Tabor ii'33. MUST sell my beautiful Chandler six lour- Ing car, usea susniiy; an eiri-ijiinna. bargain for someone. Call Broadway 8273. 1921 CHEVROLET louring: tills car run. and IOOKS nae new; win PMcrnietT iir quick sale or take your older Chevro let or Ford In trade I'hone East aH. FOR $2iH WE wltl sell you an Overlain! touring, model 8j, in goon running con ditlon and fair tires. Cali Ostendorit Hdwy. 4673; 1920 DORT touring car. used very lillle Will sell for very low price it taken true week. ("all Mr. Olldea. Broadway S-'T.". H. C STL'TZ roadster. Just like -new, vtry cnap. Call nann. uuwy. ..'I'-a.