THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY. 3TATICIT 1, 1f)22 Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manu facturers, repair men, etc., classified for ready reference. Information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling Main 7070, House 40. ACCOUNTANTS. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Books kept, sys tems installed, profit and loss, financial statements and lax returns prepared; terms moderate. AN 461. Oregonian. C. B. TEKWILLXGEH, puoiic accountant. Income tax specialist, constructive audits. Wwne Marshall 4400. P. O. Box 806. ASSAJEKS AND ANALYSIS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second street- Gold, silver, platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. E. W. EASTMAN, lawyer. 623 Chamber of Commerce building. BATHS, ETC. lft. McMAHON'S baths. Portland; steam, bowers, plunges, tubs, ail (or 83c; tell your friends. Fourth at Washington. CE1XVI.OIU 1U TTON&. THE IRW1X-HOWOS COMPANY. SS7 Washington. Bdwy. 434. Tabor 1254. CIUKOPKACTIO. DR. ilcilAHON (.McMan), Portland; 12th year. Seven post-graduate research courses. Rates: Extended time. 31 ad Jnstinents, $15. restoring health. CHIROPODISTS. WILLIAM, Bstelle. Florello and Dewane DeVeny, the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists In city. Parlors SOI! Gerlinger bids., southwest cor. Second and Alder streets. Main 1301. DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles, sci entifically corrected; lady assistant. 612 Morgan bldg. Main 8762. ' COLLECTIONS. NBIH ic CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1786. - No collections, no charges. Estab. 1900. DANCING TEACHERS. ALISKY DANCING ACADEMY Lessons - day and evening. Also fancy dancing. Alisky bldg., 3d ad Morrison. 4th floor. Main 4614. Agnes Summers. . DENTISTKY. DR. B. E. WRIGHT . Third Floor Raleigh Bldg. Corner Sixth and Washington Sts. Broadway 7219. Automatic 2119. FCMKAL DIRECTORS. PORTLAND CREMATORIUM IAN'D MAUSOLEUM PHONE bELL. 967. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between 20tit and 21st streets, west aide. Lady assistant. Broadway 269L Automatic 518-44. DUNNING & CAIN - FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 445 Morrison Street, West Side. Phones Broadway 430. Automatic 545-58. HOLMAN & SON (Founded 1854). FUNERAL DIRECTORS. V Third and Salmon Sts. Main 507. McENTEE & EILEKS . Funeral parlors wltH all the privacy ot a home, and Everett streets. Phones Broadway 2133. Auto. 531-33, SM00K & WHEALDON Funeral Directors. Belmont at 35th. Tabor 1258. EAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F. S. DUNNING. INC.) "The Family Sets the Price." 414 E. Alder. Phone East 52. Auto. 225-lia. jj'UX Ub. I S , MOlii UARY MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. MAIN 8. " LEECH. UNDERTAKER. ' East Eleventh and Hawthorne. Phone East 781. pyruCQ U-SL-KKTAKLNG CO., . 0M.II CO Third and Clay. Main 4152. AD 7CI I CD Pfl 55,3 Williams Ave. Hi aXLLCil UUn Phone East 1048. A. D. KEN WORTHY CO., 6804 B2d St.. Lenta. Auto. 618-2L FLORISTS. MARTIN & FORBES COMPANY 854 Washington St. Main 269 Fine Roses and Orchids a Specialty. Flowers for All Occasions Artistically Arranged. LARGEST RETAIL FLORIST Accounts Solicited. Marshall 753. 328 Morrison St. Portland Hotel Blk. Tonseth Floral Co. Finest Floral Arrangements for Funerals. S87 Washington, Bet. 4th and 6th Sts. Phone Broadway 4527. SXOWKRS FOR ALL OCCASIONS t X .lain Win Plea Too." YAMHILL, at TKKTH And Floral DesLsxuL 25 Hothouse. Ko Branch Storea M y r-a on Morrison IRVINUTON-LAURELHURST LAND SCAPE CO. Genera! garden and lawn work, mak ing of new lawns our specialty. Now is the time to trim roses, trult trees, shrubs, etc Ail work is executed by expert landscape gardener. Phone Tabor S698. ROSE WAY FLOWER SHOP. E 41ST AND HANDY BLVD. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. WE DELIVER. PHONE US. 3. T. JAUNCEY TABOR 7468. LANDSCAPE YOUR HOME. Spring time is garden time. Old lawns made new. Have your homes made beautiful by correct landscaping. Phone Wdln. 4122. NOB HILL FLORISTS. (Estate Aired Burkhardt.) N E. Cor 23d and Olisan. Main Smith s Flower Shop Portland's Progressive Florists. We spe cialize in funeral designs. 141 Sixth, opposite Meier & Frank's. Main 721&. MONCMEXTg. PORTLAND MAR3LE WORKS tlffl th St.. opp. City HaH. XETT BROS. Potto Schumann marble wokxs t CiUAIJTY MEMORIALS . E. THIRP -MNE STS. PHONE E.743 OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investisjates all cases of. alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from S A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its home, 535 Columbia boulevard. Phone any time. Wood lawn 764. TJogrs for sale. Horse am . bulance for sick or disabled horses Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc., picked up. Phone Your Want Ads to - THE OKEGONIAN iMain 7070 Automatic 560-95 SiAtf. i&BEa DENTISTRY. DENTISTRY VSS?"--. Without Pain. 851 Washington st. X-Ray work. Above Majestic tue.... Ml SIC TEACHERS. MRS. ANNA L. HOMMEU1BO ,7 Piano. Lessons at pupil's home if deslrea. oyi, lYiaranai. L. CARROLL DAY. teacher of Piano and T , J . OKH 119 13th St.. voice. DIUdunw - - -- VIOLIN lessons, reasonable rates. Bdwy. o? --I 1w ,tr (irflV. OPTOMETRISTS. t3- Out of the High-Rent District r--S 25 years' experience. Consult us IS free. Thousands of satisfied patrols. Dr. Samuel Goodman, associate optometrist. Main 2124. Morrison ( has. W. Goodman 209 Morrison Z WHY PAY MORE? fXL Glasses In so'd-'1! 'ramf Q2fUted to your eyes. $2.50. d o ante vision glasses at low prices, satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. E. Herwitz. optometrist. 225 First si Main 4..1. DR. GEORGE RUBENSTEIN, veteran opti cian. Eyes tested, glasses fitted, broken lenses duplicated at very . reasonable Y.r-tee.i z-'n iviornsiiii v. ........ x i rvvT ATTli liNEY. " R. C. W RIGHT. registered pitejt a'e 25 years. If invention really valuable, see practicing lawyer. 601 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway building, stomach, bowels, liver. , kidney, bladder rectal, prostate and female disorders. wirnout opeiauuu. Mr XV a J.JJH.U. bniirriu" f w. baltes & company PRINTINS Tst and Oak. Bdwy. 7185: 511-6? PRINTERS. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. 474 Glisan St. Broadway 1281. DRAYAGB. STORAGE. Four Warehouses on Terminal 1 racKS. VETERINARY'. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. East 7th and Grant sts. Both phones Day and night service; 3 veterinarian NEW TODAY. RUG CO. FLUFF HUGS Oldest and tet equipped factory ts tb northwest. Made out at your old worn-out carpets and rus- Save ball the price at a new rug. U wuoles clothing. UXI2 RtTGS STsliAM tLEAMJI) 1.3. East 'SZM. 188 klut Klcath. STORAGE SPACE Centrally Located on Track We can move and store your goods In a fine sprinklered building. HAULING. 1-ACE.lNCi. SlUllAUB CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 454 (iltaan St. Bdwy. 8470. Edward E.Goudey Co. MOUl'CAUii LOANS, Catted States bank Buiidln. Phone Your Want Ads to THE 0REG0NIAN Main 7070 Automatic 560-95 REAL ESTATE. Fine West Side Home on the heights. No. 1001 Raleigh St., corner 29th. Eight rooms, very best of construction, beautifully finished and absolutely modern in every de tail; two baths, two fireplaces and hot-water heat; garage connected with house; level lot, a magnificent view of the snow-capped mountains; fine lawn and flowers. Price 1-5,000, good terms. To see this home, call Marshall 3934 or Main 2422. K. M. BKOWX, 1122 Northwestern Bank Bnlldinsr. WANT HOTEL OR APARTMENT HOUSE Have $23,000 cash for first payment on good income property up to 175,000. RALPH ACKLEY 527 Corbett Bids;. TO RENT 50x50 on third floor qf Bush A Lane bldg., Broadway and Alder streets. Good for merchants' sample room or sales room. Call at room 506. For Sale Hat and Apartment Property. ATTENTION! PROSPECTIVE APART MENT BUYERS! SOME FRANK L. McGUTRE-S SPECIALS! 18 apartments; $ 800O will handle. 24 apartments; KK will handle. 41 apartments; J16.00O will handle. 40 apartments; $16,000 will handle. 24 apartments, Jo000 will handle. 32 apartments; building and furnish ings; S125.00O will handle. 40 apartments; building and furnish ings; $300,000 will handle. See P. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGDIRE, t 205 Ablngiton Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. $400 HANDLES ROOMING HOUSE. How would you like 12 rooms showing a good income and at the same time giving you an excellent home? THINK OF IT. FOR ONLY 10SO. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGTJIRR, . 20o Abington Bldg. Broadway T171. Third St.. bet. Wash and Stark. 4-FLAT BUILDING CLOSE IN. On Larrabee St., close to E. Broadway; separate basements and furnaces for each apt. . This is good income property and by reason of its location will in crease In value. Lot 60x100. Price 12,300; $3000 cash, bal. on time, 6. E. M. BROWN. 1122 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. LOOK! MR. LNCOME SEEKER! LOOK! An Income; double fiat In Rose City, Just off the carline at 51st St.; 4 rooms above and 4 below; lot GOxlOO, paving, sidewalk, sewer all In, and clear; garage with cement floor; variety of fruit trees; now. rented for $65 per month; $500 will handle. See Mr. Hewitt. O. W. TARR CO.. 407 McKay Bldg. $1000 CASH, easy terms, 10-room, 2-story dwelling house, now in 4 h.. k. apts.. steady tenants. Income $90 monthly; 50 xlOO lot. paved street, elect., gas; price $4600 with all furnishings A first-class investmet and good home. McFarland, realtor, 208 Falling bldg. FLATS. Eight flats, 5 rooms each, close to Laurel hurst; on block; good income. Call for Information. O-FARRELL-FORDNEY, 838-40 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4172. FOR SALE Income paying apartment and store fiullding. west side, central lo cation; $13,000 to $20,000 will hanobls. Will net 14 to 16 per cent abovs taxes and insurance; balance on terma Ad dress A 417. Oregonian. 18 ROOMS, 4 apartments, income $50; lot .15x82. 1 blk school and M.-V. car; onlv $30on, $"00 ' . cHsh: this must be sold. Investigate. Tabor 1449. REAL ESTATE. for Sale Flat and Apartment Property. APARTMENT HOUSE BARGAIN. 4-story brick apt. house, strictly first class throughout; automatic elevator, steam heat, good tenant: owner must sell on account of sickness. This is ab solutely priced $10,000 under value. Call at 712 Lewis bldg-. or Bdv,y. 3363. ForSale Lots. ROSE CITY PARK. $500 B. 49th St., sewers, curbs, walks paid. . $550 E. 68th St., east front, 50-ft. south of Siskiyou. $700 E. 47th St., south of Sandy, paved. $7O0 B. 46th St., west front. 100 ft. north of Klickitat, paved, all imp. paid. $750 Southwest corner E. 6th and Klickitat streets, sewer, curb, and walks. $SO0 E. 62d St., west front. 100 ft. north of The Alameda; paved, all Imp. paid. LAURELHURST. $850 Haselfera Place, south front; all imp. paid. $1000 Multnomah. St., near E. 39th; all imp. paid. . . . ALAMEDA PARK. $750 Si -24th St., near Skidmore; all imp. paid. $850 Prescott St., corner; paved on both streets. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 628 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. TWO DAYS ONLY. $875 REDUCED. Fourth lot north of Tillamook, on East 40th st. N.. below the hill. 2 blocks north of Sandy, all improvements In and paid for. Lots in this district sell from $1000 up. Grab this bargain. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6084. 50x100 ON E. 63D, S. of Sandy $500 60x100 on E. 67th, r. of Sandy 450 60x100 on E. 6tb, improved st ; 750 60x100 on E. 73d, N. of Sandy 450 50x100 on EX 74th, N. of Sandy 4O0 50x100 on B. 6Sd, N. of Sandy 325 60x100 on Wasco, close to Sandy 700 55x100 on Sandy, fine corner 650 For good buys in lots in Rose City district see Royal, 72d and Sandy bivd. Tabor 155. " LOTS WANTED. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS, 201-7 Board of Trade bldg., will get you the highest price for- your lot that the market will bring; we have many cash buyers now for homesites in Irvington, Alameda Park, Laurelhurst Or Haw thorne. - Most of the buyers see us be fore buying. Come in and talk it over. HOMESEEKERS. WHY NOT BUILD? : It Is less expensive. We are inter ested in how well we can build, not how much - we can get for building. See us before buying or building. ROBNETT & McCLURE. REALTORS. 302 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6574. IRVINGTON LOTS. Before, buying In this lovely district call and see our list. As pioneer builders and operators, we know the values of lots and the bargains. See Mr. Jones. F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 210 Cham, of Com. Bldg ROSE? CITY PARK. $700 TO $1000. All improvements in and paid for; sev eral real bargains for cash. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. ROSE CITY PARK .. LOT BARGAIN. Fine level lot, one and one-half "folks, north of Sandy bivd., below the hill on 47th st. East front, must sell. Call Broadway 2154. $595 BEAUMONT. Hurry if you want this one; east front and just 50 ft. south of Fremont; on, 39th J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 60S4. ALBERTA BARGAIN ON TERMS U00 down; E. 83d, fac. E., 90 ft. S. of Kil lingsworth; cement walks, curbs, sewer in; oniy 90 ft. off pavement; price $450; some one is going to get a snap. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $1250. LAURELHURST.. Improvements paid, wonderful view, on Multnomah street, Just west of 39th J. L. HARTMAN" COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 100x80 $3500. Corner of Myrtle and Chapman sts. This is a bargain. . COB A. McKENNA & CO., 82 4th St. Bdwy. 7522. ROSE CITY 100x100. Fine corner, 2 lots, $1700; terms easy; liens all paid; 48th and Siskiyou. J. W. GRUSSL 318 Board of Trade bldg. Bdwy. 7452. SEE HILTON ADD. LOTS. 100x100 $560, including assessments $8 down, $8 month. Sumner street, bet. 37th and 42d. Alberta car. Roger W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. LOTS No restrictions. Lights, water, gas, cement walks; 3 blocks north Kennedy school. $1 weekly payments, $300 to $450. Alberta car. Roger W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. 2 LOTS, 40x120 each, aoross the etreett from LauTe-Uiunst. All Improvements In. At sacrifice. Owner, 517 Corbeit bldg. Main 7615i 50x100 FOOT lot in nice residential dis trict for sale; will trade for other real estate. For further particulars call owner. Phone East 153. LOTS for industrial purposes, residence lots in restricted districts, good resi dence lots west and east sides. 326 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. TERRACE HEIGHTS lot. 45x132, improve ments paid; give first payment 5-rm. bungalow and assume. 601 McKAY BLDG. BEAUTIFUL - Laurelhurst lot. 1 block south of car; improvements paid; $1400. Phone East 2299. LADDS ADD. Elliott ave.. near Haw thorne. 3 choice lots. 120x128. $5800. L. R. Falrchild. 229 Sherlock bldg. $250 DOWN, 100x100. east side, no more payments for one ' year, no Interest. O wner, 416 Oregon bldg., 5th and O a k. GOOD lot, Jeff, high and Penan. Park, worth $500 foir $350; teirms. Inquire 108 Kiillanggworth. Wdln. 3537. WESTMORELAND snap; 2 full lots.. $650 each, paved St., near car; terms. A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermens bldg. BEST corner lot in Westmoreland, $850, , terms; $80 discount if house 'Is started before March 25. Owner, Tabor 2517. SNAP 18 large lots, R. a car, 75th. .$115 each, clear. Thomson. Moha-wk bidg. 100x100, N. W. CORNER 21st and Stanton, will divide; price $3800. Bdwy. 6651. For Sale Houses. SUNNYSIDE BUNG-ALOW SNAP. NEW JUST COMPLETED. Four rooms, fireplace, bookcases, fine Dutch kitchen, 2 sleeping rooms, fine living room, modern bath, lights and fas, fine cement basement, fine big lot, andy to Glenco school, Sunnyside car line and good stores. Only $4250 and the finest kind of terms with only a $600 payment down. If you can afford to pay rent you can surely afford to own this fine little home. Wre do not sell houses over the phone. If interested please come in and we will gladly take you out for inspection; If you want real home val ues see E. VP". HUGHES, Dealer in Real Estate. 607 Journal Bldg. Main 2858. LAURELHURST. $5250 Practically new 5-room bungalow with hardwood floors, throughout, finished in old ivory and white throughout. French doors between living and dining rooms, splendid furnace, garage to con form with style of house. Paving and sewer paid. Large lot. A remarkable buy and easy terma A. G. TEEPB CO., Insurance Realtors. 270 Stark St., near 4th. Bdwy. 6093. 1170 Sandy Blvd.. at 40th. Tab. 9586. SOLDIER'S BONTT9. COLUMBIA PARK. "Reautiful new 5-room bungalow on Chautauqua bivd.. hardwood floors, cabi net kitchen, concrete basement, garage, big lot, paved street. Soldier bonus ac cepted, $5250. COE A. McKENNA & COE., 83 4th St. Bdwy. 7523. ROSE CITY PARK. $4500, New 5-room bungalow under construc tion. Hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. French doors between living and dining rooms, corner lot, located on 37th st., near car. A. G. TEEPB CO.. Insurance Realtors. 270 Stark St., near 4th. Bdwy. 6093. 1170 Sandy Blvd.. at 40th. Tab. 95S3. IRVINGTON $8500 -8 ROOMS. 200x100 grounds, fireplace, fur nace, full basement, hardwood floors 3 blocks to school. Easy terms. ' McDONELL. EAST 419. FURNISHED house complete, furnace, lot 75x100, garage, fruit trees, $1700 cash, bal. terms. 152 E- 7Srt St. N. $2500 BARGAIN, B-room selul-uiodern house. Sullwood 503. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. PORTLAND 600.000 in 1930. . see FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. America's Largest Home Seller. 1200 Photographs of Homes for sale. THB SAFEST INVESTMENT ON EARTH YOUR OWN HOME 1 A FULL HOME'S WORTH is Tours when you buy Your home tnrougn in-c iwriTTTHBi strtem. Every Home per sonally inspected and appraised. Every district in the city. IF NECESSARY WE'LL HELP YOU MAJi.ll. luun DOWN PAYMENT. EVERY ONE A SELECTED SNAP! Courtesy, EFFICIENCY, 100 per cent SERVICE. 60 salesmen with autos. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00. nr. t t f rf t" wmarpuOR TT.T. A NTVi $6200 S P A C I O U S and exceptionally beautiful 5-room bungalow THAT'S A WONDER! Immense front porch; Great living room j ..... H tmnt of house; interior immaculate in white enamel; massive ount-in features; GASCO FURNACE; 100 X100 corner with all improve ments in and paid; 15 bearing fruit trees; AJS idkallx a TISTIC HOME. E. 22d St. TRANSPLANTED! NEW ! NOTHING LIKE IT IN C, E. P. $500 down! $500 down! HERE IT IS AT LAST! WALKING DISTANCE! Easy Terms! Near High and Grade Schools! VKW! 1RT! SUBSTANTIAL! 6 rooms; LATEST BUNGALOW LINES! irvtioT TJTm T.TV rnN-HRIVABLE! Double garage full lot! 1 Price $5490 $500 down! DEFIES COMPETITION! East Pine St. CLOSE IN!. . . Lil l tiK lVJij." im; 4390 A CLEVER LITTLE house built along uujju.xiai. , lj .j . . lines--at this PRICE IN ROSE ;.n,r Trt-. 1 , ITHPirT.lEV- 11.1 X J.X O a.miv.o. ...... ' " ' ABLE! 5 rooms HARDWOOD FLOORS, and lots of bullt-lns FIREPLACE F r e n c h doors ' YOU'LL FALL RIGHT IN LOVE WITH IT1 E. 65th St. EASY TERMS. - LUNCH IN THE PARK! HOW DELIGHTFUL IT'LL BE! CLOSE TO BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST! ' REGULAR SACRIFICE! DANDY 6-room MODERN HOME! VACANT! VACANT! VACANT! Built-in labor saverB. 3 bedrooms; bath; garage. - PAVED CORNER ALL PAID! $3890 is the price TERMS are EASY! E. 29 th ON CARLINE. READ A FEW WORDS .Dnrnr rJiriMTTsjRTTT.A 's BIGGEST SNAP! Where could you find anything as liouu as Unusually artistic 6-room modern home IN PERFECT CONDI TION! Paneled dining room with beamed ceilings and massive built-in buffet; up are 3 airy bedrooms; bath and sleeping porch; EASIEST TERMS! Don't HESITATE TO LOOK AT THIS. Vlllard St. $500 TAKES THIS! $2490 ON CARLINE; 5-room sub .t.nflfll modern bungalow cot tage; convenient kitchen; 2 light airy bedrooms and bath; Glad stone ave. In Waverly-Richmond district. $1850 TOTAL PRICE! A MERRY LITTLfi HOME! Out in Mt. SCOTT, will you find this, one of the homiest, coxiest of all 6-room gray bungalows bullt-lns white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas, close to chil dren's park and playground. 56th ave. (will consider car as part payment). Terms. ONLY $200 DOWN! IF YOU HAVEN'T IT $1675 WE'LL HELP YOU MAKE TOUR FIRST PAYMENT! Neat 5-room MT. SCOTT cottage, comfortable and homelike 72x137 grounds with an abundance of fruit, ber ries, etc.; good location near Mt. Scott's business center and car. ' $200 down, $20 per month! DON'T BUT YOTTB HOME until you come and look over our un paralleled display of Home Bargains. YOUR HOME 13 HERE! See FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home.. Realtor. , Abington Bldg.. Bdwy. T171. 3d St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. Deal with an old ESTABLISHED firm. . FURNISHED. ONLY $3600 BARGAIN. 4-room bungalow, complete with furnace, full cement basement, Dutch kitchen, built-ins, one blk. car, 50x100 lot. Good furniture, Elec. bill paid two years in ad vance. Garage. THIS IS A SNAP. MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Bdwy. 6o2S. Evenings, Tabor 436. NEW ENGLAND COLOMAu Moderate priced cottage type 3xaz with dormers and red roof; a new type to Portland and very, very appealing; compact, convenient, economic, complete to every detail; unique in many: ga rage (11x10); splendid location. 801 East 24th N. 300 ft. to Broadway car line at Regents drive. Open from 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. Call evenings. Auto. 610-m. . "For More and Better Homes. D. M. DRAKE. Constructor-Owner. ROSE CITY SNAP. $500 CASH. $4300, new 5-room bungalow with large sleeping porch, hdw. floors, 2 nice bed rooms with large closets, Dutch kitchen, bfast nook, full cement basement with furnace, balance like rent. . R. SOMERVILLE, BDWY. 2478. 320 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Here is another dandy new 4-room bungalow, fa block to car; will take good building lot in peninsula and some cash, or might consider good contract; price $3000; very small payment down. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO;, Realtors. 404-5-6 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6949. ; A BARGAIN. See this. You'll be surprised. $250 down, $25 per month, incl. - interest. 4 rooms and bath, garage, new and dou ble constructed, in best of shape.. Lot 50x100. $1950. Kenton district. INTERSTATE 'INVESTMENT CO., Bdwy. 4751. Realtors. 410 Henry Bldg. r.OI.VIi TO BUILD We design and build residence or any building, assist in financing same; 12 years' continuous and complete building service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, contraot ing architect, 924 N. W. Bank bldg. ' $250 CASH $250. WHY PAY RENT when you can buy this 2-room cottage and good lot, fruit trees and fruit, near 2 car lines? Price $800. Get wise and stop paying rent. FRANK C. ROBINSON. 603-4 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 355T. Cosy, compact 2-story 7-room home, with garage, center entrance, large main rooms, view porch, 8 bedrooms, sleeping porch, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, oak floors, hot water heat, unobstructed view ot the mountains, river; cheap. Tabor 407. NEAR LAURELHURST PARK. Complete 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, shades, lighting fixtures, furnace, fireplace breakfast nook. East 32d and Fine. Open from 3 lo 5 P. It Tabor 695 B. $3500 PENINSULA DISTRICT, $500 CASH complete kitchen, furnace. 50x100 ft. lot, roses and berries. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. AV. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. RYAN station, on the Oregon Electric, 4 room house with choice tract of ground covered with fruit, grapes and berries Just the place for your home: will sell on easy terms. For particulars call 404 Piatt bldg. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW SNAP. Classy, nearly new 14 -story strictly modern 6-room home with sleeping porch and garage, in best section, near park; no incumbrances, easy terms; a real bar- gain. Taoor wi. HOUSE PLANS. 100 designs, $10 to $15, or specially designed at reasonable fee. L. R BAILEY CO.. . . 924 N. W. Bank Bldg. BUY FROM OWNER. . ' - A d-andy 6-room modern home to Sun nyside, half blk. to oar, school, theater, etc; fine location. Call Tabor 8310. rtit-v vmro rmKr HOME We build homes at reasonable prices - on easy terms. DUO Artliaji-rva unuu. NEW KENTON BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, barn, garage 12x28, property 125x100. All for $3500. Terma Owner, Woodlawn 4272. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, all on one floor. lull casement, on pavea ,sl, jl diock Union ave, upper Aibina, East S762. 426 Ivy st. " GREAT SACRIFICE Am leaving city, will sell my 5-room house and 2 lots, abundance of fruit; price $3000. 648 E. 31st st. N., near Knott st. FOR SALE, at Seaside, lot with 3-room cottage ana 4au worm ot rurniture, an for $750. Also other good bargains. A V 248, oregonian. SEVEN-RM. Irvington houso to be sold , hirw u.infii.f. I IWT.A,. taQVlTIC f H V 111 few days. Investigate. East 5753. - REAL J5STATE. For Sale Houses. WHY PAY RENT, MR. WORKING MAN 7 $ 077 $77 cash, $17 monthly, buys neat 3-room little cottage, city water, electric lights and gas; lot 60x 100. Stop that rent. $1000 $350 cash, $15 monthly, buys neat little 3-room cottage, electric litrhts and gas: ground 80x100: block to car; young fruit trees ana berries. . $1000 $200 cash, $20 monthly, buys large 2-room shack; ground 120x 128; city water and sink; a small farm -in the citv. $1200 $350 Cash, $20 mor.thly, buys 4-room ceiiea ana papeitu ou tage in Woodlawn: ground lOOx 100; 4 blocks to car; several fruit $l2B0 $300 'cash. $15 monthly, buys 4 room ceiled and papered cottage, concrete foundation, basement; lot 50x100; 1 block from Wood , Btock car. A remarkable little buy. 147S $100 cash, $15 monthly, buys a 4-room 2-story house, has patent . toilet, sink, fireplace, concrete floor all over downstairs, house needs painting ana a nine worn. by Mr. Handyman; 1 block from Woodstock car. Don't hesitate nn this an It is dandy. We have photographs of all of these places and dozens oi otnera. o Lacy, with FRED W. GERMAN, Co., Realtor. 732 Chamber of Commerce. ROSB CITY PARK, A wonderful opportunity to get a new bungalow at a sacrifice price: S rooms, strictly modern, hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, furnace, garage, in fact everything; located within one block of Sandy: for inly $4750; now, if you want a real bunga low, see this. IIILLBR BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Exch. bldg. Bdwy. 8626. Branch Office 50th and Sandy, Tabor 8485. PIEDMONT DUTCH COLONIAL. Hif-RiirirR price. 9 rooms, including den and breakfast room; Dearooms auu. siasBcu-iii in. nnwh- hardwood floors. French doors, all bullt-lns, fireplace, cement basement and good furnace; splendid garage. Price $8500 $2500 cash, good terms on bal ance, owner will coiiaiuer v ue uui.. house up to $5UUU as part payment. E M. BROWN, 1122 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. ' uiWTHnRNB 7-ROOM BUN G ALOW. Fine 7-room bungalow, furnace, fire place, oak floors, cabinet kitchen, all built-in features, cement basement, trays, full lot 50x100, paved St., all liens paid, garage; in fast, nothing missing to make complete home; 4 bedrooms: on 44th St.. just south of Hawthorne. Price $5450, about Jlioo casn. J. W. GRUSSI. 818 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 7452. W TTVB-.AT, woivrn of 8 rooms, with exceptionally large liv ing and dining rooms, nice fixtures, at tractive fireplace, hot water heat of special installation ana an mooeru con veniences, garage attached, double con struction and in aj. repair, junuuui l, close to car, improvements in and paid, onlv $9000, $5000 down, balance 6. Tabor 1071 or Broadway 7717. BrToBT Pi TV sit-RTFlr.E 7-room Dutch colonial, hardwood floors, furnace, 2 fireplaces, white enamel finish, French doors, full basement, lot 50x100, 300 feet from Sandy bivd., street improvements an in ana paio, p. .o ,,l,,oori fm I7ROO to 16500. With terms for quick sale. Shown by appoint ment only, see jvir. uunimore, w""' ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 404-0-6 jr-anama .mag, p-iwj. w-w. "airTS this RflHB CITY BUNGALOW, $5550 $2000 cash and $50 per month, Including interest. This bungalow is complete in every detail; 5 beautiful rooms, French doors, old ivory and tap estry paper, nrepiace, an iniui-mi, tomatic furnace, 50x115 lot; nice lawn, jtlr rGGS JOHNSON-DODSON CO., OSS N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. A T.RS1RTA $3000. Two homes for the price of one; on paved street, 1 block irom union ave., i fi-T-rtvm house with full cement base ment, laundry trays; 1 -room house with full set of plumbing; live in one aim b" income from otner. OFARRELL-FORDNEY, "338-40 Chamber of Commerce Bldg, Broadway 4172. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW, ssaort. Almost new, 6 rooms, modern in every way, has fireplace, furnace. fToiit room to basement, double garage, 60x100 lot, three blocks to Beaumont car line, all street imp. in ana peo-a. Will take Rose City tot as first pay meivt or eoai-der's bonus. Call Bdiwy. 1410. n n , . w i , . t."- i u T ) ."l T r 1 house 4 rooms and bath, the other 3 rooms, several diocks wesi oi hurst Park on E. Pine St.; both rented; you can live in one and rent the other. $1100 cash to handle. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WESTMORELAND. ; Only $250 cash down buys S-room double-constructed new house, on corner lot 77x100; all street improvements in and paid; $2000; balance only $25 in cluding Interest, OFARRELL-FORDNEY, 838-40 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4172. HAWTHORNE. $8800, $500 cash, $25 per mo. Six-room, oak floors, fireplace, all bullt-lns, excel lent location. Alvln Johnson, realtor, Bd. of Td. bldg. Phone Bdwy. 87. Eve ning, B. 2B6L . BUY FROM OWNER. ROSE CITY PARK. One of the niftiest 6-room bungalows, ut to the minute In every detail. Fin ished in old ivory, and tiapesury paper. FuH let, fine garage, and on paved ato-eet, near Sandy bivd. aawl below the hi'lil. Tabor o. $3500 5-ROOM modern bungalow, beauty; $4500, 5-rm., modern, R, C. P., new; $5250, 7-rm., modern, R- C. P., new; $4600, B-rm. house, 60x200. bargain. Take bonusv loan first payment or other payments. . '.; 1,A YV pyyn, iv. mvw.ji TWO SPLENDID Hawthorne houses on paved Streets ana one room Peninsula bungalow on paved St., which we can sell on small payment and bonus. All reasonably priced and in good locations. RALPH HARRIS .CO.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. Here la a large 8 -room house in Holla day addition, easy walking distance, corner lot. all Improvements in and paJ.l. An ideal proposition for rooming or boarding house. Only $550N with $5O0 down. F. R. Jesse, 627 Corbett biig. Main l m. ..ct' id a d r.- HipnTiTirR J. ijf. Ai . . -tV J. J. A...-- .... H rooms. 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch; hardwood floors, French doors, all built-lns, fireplace and furnace; 60x 100 lot, and garage. Price $6250; $1000 cash, balance about like rent. B. M. BROWN, 1122 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 2422. IRVINGTON. $7400. Our firat on this modern. 8 -room house; 6 large sleeping rooms, attio fin ished!. Must be eodd uluis week. Terms (Sivem. A-l location. See Mr. Jooea. n. TS. BOWMAN & CO.. 210 Cham, of Com, Bldg. $500 CASH. $3000, reduced to settle an es- tate, o-room uuuw, uuo.uw, - fine home, all imp. in and paid; this place is worth more than the price asked. SCOTT & BERRY, 1038 BELMUfl'l. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 6 rooms on 1st floor, 2 years old; very choice location, in Irvington; garage; furnace, etc. ; will sell on very easy terms; immediate possession. Call owner, ridwy. joj. "$27SO-W-ALK.ING DISTANCE $2750. 6 rooms, full basement, street and sewers ped for; $500 cash, balance monthly. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. -ROOM house, corner lot, large cement basement, 18x27, 2 blocks to car; the price of this beautiful home is only $500, with small payment down. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 4-ROOM plastered house, cement founda tion, electric ngnn, vm- iwm. 50x210, lots of fruit and berries, wood shed, barn; $1950, $350 down, balance $25 per month. 862 Ochooo ave., SeU- wood u-araens. WALKING DISTANCE. 8-room modern- house, furnace, tire place rented $40: with little expense can be made into flats and double rent; price $3600, terms. 6 M. GATE-WOOD & CO.. 165M 4th St. 7-ROOM house, modern; barn, chicken house garage, nu.v .ciuw, a nv, $350O- 4 acres $6500. Good 3-room house, acre, large chicken house, berries and trult. ixw, ii,,,. , " 3-ROOM furnished house, water, light, gae, , i. -ni,4-h mill tnuw -!'U- $700 cash, $20 per month, a04 41st ave. fc. r. R-TinoM Hawthorne bungalow, hardwood 8 S.if1 S4550: $2000 Cash. Tahor FOR SALE or trade, $700 equity in 4-room bungalow iiunusuBu , Tm. vi ; lull ?alue $4200. Call at 63 E. 45th N. NEAR JEFF. HIGH AND PENN. PARK. 2 modern o-room huils'b, f i-uu sua 13850. terms. Call Wdln. 4122. "iACRlFJCE. OWNER "LEAVING CITY, ftplendrtd ft-roiom houe near cair and eciioo'ls, $3550; $1100 -coOu - .Wdilo.. 34oi). BEAT. ESTATE. For Sale Houses. WEST STDE GOOD BUYS. $3000 Near 21st and Raleigh; good 6 room cottage; desirable lot, easy worth the money alone; good garden. t $2500 Near Raleigh on 21st; S-room cot tage; nice garden; fine invest ment. $3500 On Raleigh st, near 23d; 7-room house on a 60x100 lot; lots of fruit? a real buy. $2700 On Raleigh, near 19th: good 5- room cottage; clean and in good repair. $3200 On Thurman St., near 22d; good 6-room cottage; full lot SOxlOU Any of the above can be bought on surprisingly easy payments. All are priced at about assessed value of the lots alone. Excellent investments. Mr. Wiles. J. R. HAIGHT, REALTOR. 325-327 Board' of Trade. - Bdwy. 2045. DARLING PRECIOUS LITTLE BUN GALOW FINE FOR THE NEWLXWEDS. Just completed, ready to welcome you right in. It has four rooms, living room, 2 sleeping rooms, Dutch kitchen, mod ern bath, lights and gas, small basement, good lot, paved St., city sewer all in and paid, handy to street cars, schools and stores, fine location in the Highland dis trict and is a fine little home for $3250. You- pay $500 down, move right in and pay balance out like .rent. Do not hesi tate to come right in and let us show you mis aanay uttie Home, see E. W. HUGHES. Dealer In Real Estate. 507 Journal Bldg. Main 2858. IRVINGTON ELEGANT HOME. $17,000. 100x100 corner,- 8 large rooms, hot water heat, 2 baths, 2 fire places, 3 extra lavatories and toilets. Old ivory and mahog any woodwork, hardwood floors throughout, 2 beautifully ap pointed sleeping porches with dis sappearing windows. Double ga rage, 1 block to car and Knott st. McDONELL. EAST 419. R. C. P.. NEW 5-room bungalow with verv large and light attic. Most attractive . floor plan, tile fireplaoe. all built-lns. large living and dining room across front, hardwood floors, large windows, French doors, ivory and tapestry decora tions, select your own electric fixtures, pretty kitchen with tile drain board; good basement, furnace; full lot, at tractive garage with cement drive, nicely located, below the hill. Only $.00, very easy terms or bonus. O. A. Pearce 616 Henry bldg: Bdwy. 4835. Mar. 1788, DUTCH COLONIAL. IRVINGTON. New, 5 rooms, most attractive, house conveniently arranged, one bedroom and bath on first floor, room for two more rooms upstairs, built by owner for his own nome. by day labor, best of ma terials used, hardwood floors, plate-glass windows, full cement basement, large eteei lurnace. 3 E. 27th N., near Tilla mook, or 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 6411. A LAMBDA PARK BUNGALOW. $5750 Buys substantial double con structed modern 5-room bungalow with large attio, hardwood floors, flrenlace. buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, wash trays, furnace; st. imp, 1 and pd. Terms. BONUS loan can te applied. J. A. W1CKMAN CO.. 262 Stark St. Bdwy. 6794. NORTH MT. TABOR. NAME YOUR TERMS. $3650 Bunanal-ow 5 good rooms. Dutch kitchen, buiilt-in bookcases and diUia oloseit, fireplace, large unfinished attdc, flme cement basement, garden soot, beir- riiea. fuiLl lott, paved etreeit- Everything neat; nice colony homosv close to sojiooj, stores and MV car. Lease if not sold tills week, so don't de-lay. Owner. 1-569 on. nrverett. 'moor 244T. BEST BUT IN ROSE CITY. $5500. new. attractive 6-room bunga- low, fine location below the hill; large living ana dining room across the front. plate glass windows, hdw. floors fire place: handy Dutch kitchen, bfast. nook, 2 nice airy bedrooms, wardrobe closets, furnace: extra wen built. Easy terms. R, SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 2478. 820 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. $8500 LAURELHURST 1 BEDROOMS. Very modern and complete; Gasco fur nace, hardwood floors throughout, large - rec. hall, French doors, large dining room, latest fireplace, large closets, buf fet, etc, sleeping porch, cement garage . a most complete home of colonial bun galow type. CLEVELAND. 800 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 7150. IRVINGTON eTUCCO HOME. $14,000. 593 E. 24tK N. Most complete home in the city. Why not see this and have real comfort? McDONELL, EAST 419. 4-ROO.M HOUSE. $300 Cash and 20 ner Month. ' 4-room modern houRa and E-arae-n. "Full lot. eevenal fruit trees. Close to oar line and paved street. Price $1050. $300 cash, balance $-20 per month Including 6 per cent interest, w ouiu consider lot as part payment. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy; 6942 ROSE CITY PARK. $5250. SIX ROOMS AND GARAGE. Hardwood floors, fireplace, tapestry paper, ivory finish. A home you will De proua to own. A. G. TEEPB CO.. Insurance Realtors. 270 Stark St., near 4th. Bdwy. 6093. 1170 Sandy Blvd.. at 40th. Tab. 1(586. ROSE CITY SNAP. $500 OASH. $4300, new 6-room bungalow with large sleeping porch, hdw. floors, 2 nice bed rooms, with large closets, Dutch kitchen, bfast, nook, full cement basement, with furnace, balance like rent. K. SOMERVILLE, BDWY, 2478. 320 U. S. National Bank bldg. $6i00 BUYS this new bungalow home in Irvington district; 5 rooms and . bath down, 1 room up with room for an additional room lr desired; strictly modern with tile bath. hardwooa floors,, zurnace, iire- J. A. WIUHMAN CO., 2 Stark St. Bdwy. 6794. 6-ROOM HOUSE. TWO LOTS. PRICE $2150. 6-room modern house and two lots Lots of fruit and berries: large chicken house. $600 down, balance $25 per mo. plus 6 per cent interest. Right on the car aine. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 604 Z FOR SALE Two ideal summer homes at a sacrifice, over 300 feet river frontage, electric and water plant; garden, out houses, garages, implements, about 5 acres at Mora, Clallam county, Wash. On Olympic highway, address Lewis Levy, P. O., 297 Port Angeles, Wash. "Best Country on Pacific." $2150 $400 DOWN. Two houses on corner lot, 60 by 80 ft. One 6-room house and one 2-room cottage; graded streets, cement walks. Price $2150, $400 down. Ralph Ackley, 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. $5950 ALAMEDA PARK $5950. New six-room bungalow, modem in every detail absolutely the best buy in this high-class home section. Now open for your Inspection. 63U E. 82d at. N. Builder bn property. BRAND new bungalow, four rooms, bath. breakfast nook, oak floors, swell fix tures, shades, cement basement, garage, fruit and roses; $3000. Terms. 1005 E. 30th st. N. $1800 $300 DOWN. 7-room bungalow in good repair, large lot, 55 by 125; paved street; total price only $1800. Ralph Ackley, 527 Corbett blrlg $1500 CASH, $4500 B-room up-to-date j u -i -i , i. r. n - 1 1 1 1 ) Improvements in and paid. SCOTT & BERRY, 1088 Belmont. 30 Years In Port land. IRVINGTON CHARMING COLONIAL. 100X1O0 comer, aouoie garage, cnoice location. Sell completely furnished. In cluding grand piano. GREAT SACRI FICE. NEUHAUSEN & CO. MAIN 8l78. xatMIO FOR LOT AND HOUSES. 3 good 6-room houses with furnaces, etc., close tn, near steel bridge; paying Iowa interest: lot alone. valuable. Cleve- ' land, 306 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 1150. IRVINGTON FINE HOME. MUST BE SOLD. owners leaving it.y, lot (oxavu, near 15th and Knott. Hot water heat, oak floors, 2 fireplaces. Main 8078. lHl.ill . . . J " - . - - . - Two rooms, lot 60x100, close to cars and school, $750. It's cheaper than rent. SEE ROYAL, 72d and Sandy. Tabor 155. $1260. $200 DOWN. . . 3-room bungalow, Westmoreland, in srood rejair: has gas And water. Ralph . . sn.T ACKiiey. o' v..upi.. "'"a. FOR SALE BY owner, f-iroom bungalow, UP-to-dja-to m evwj txj v-votiuaauy trood buy. Tabor 233S. ' IF YOU have a few hundred dollars we Can linanco your new uv.ui. CALL owner, brand new, 4-room bungalow. , i , i07.t r,mnt fi... Aloe. , T-r . Place, X pemuuma. u,... ut., 7-ROOM house and lot. Price t'-tl50. Will take vacant lot 10 e-ro-' as xirst pay- ment. -none main -quo. fXSftO QNE REAL BUY; dandy 7-room . house, lot 55x125; paved, street; near car and school; easy terms, nitiin oja. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. LAURELHURST. FORCED SALE. That distinctive, modern and very desirable 2-story bunga low. 129 Laddlngton Court topp. Harvey Scott home), very best en vironment, great living room, din ing room, music room, superb kitchen, breakfast nook, 8 bed rooms and bath, garage. BOxlOO view lot; this was sold few months ago at $8750; owner must seli quickly; price $7500, $2000 cash will handle. Inspection by ap pointment. J. W. CROSSLEY. (Owner's Representative). 283 Stark St. Bdwy. 1188. HERB IS THB CHANCE FOR THB NEWLY MARRIED COUPLE. New 4-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement, living room and dining room across the front; an excellent neighbor hood, only $40UO. $750 cash and the ba.ance like rent. HITLER BROS., REALTORS. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 8826. Branch Office, 60th and Sandy, Tabor 8485. $4500 IRVINGTON-RORE CITY. 5-room bungalow, nlpeless furnace with hot-water coll. fireplace, garage, hardwood floors in living and dining rma., linoleum in kitchen and gas wa ter heater for summer thrown in: tap estry paper, wood work handsomely fin ished in gray. Lot SOxluO. Improve ments in and paid. Drive out Knott to 35th, turn 1 block south to 1076 Urn bert place. Tabor 8600. IN BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON PARK. FURNISHED 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. , $4450. wl-th only $550 cash; a eubwttan tiad home with fireplace and good built in features; an abundswice of exce'llenit furnljtu re ; when the fumltua-e fcs fully paid the teirms are only $25 monthly, in cluding interest. May be bought urifur iniulied for $3400. Better sw thia quick. RALPH HARRIS CO., 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 554. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. One of the coziest bungalows In Rose City; very modern, oak floors, fire place, furnace, large rooms, choice cor ner lot; garage; must be sold; $4750; look it ovr. C. M. DERR, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. FIVE-ROOM California bungalow, a years oia, wen ouiu ana very attractive; nara wood floors, red brick fireplace, book cases, etc.; 2 good-slse bedrooms with k,uov,ba. fJlCkt AULtll IVIIVIIT;!! UI1U large basement, furnace; situated on a corner lot; garage; in a good district, close In. This is our best buy at $4000, terms or bonus. If you want to see cute little home, see this. Phone Bdwy. 4s:o, evenings. Marshall 17SS. LAURELHURST HOMB. CORNER 38TH AND DAVIS STS. $8500 Just being completed; beautiful modern individual type of home: something lust a little different 1 bedroom down, 2 and sleeping porch up; hardwood floors, fire place, furnaoe, garage. Let us snow you. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 262 Stark St. Bdwy. 6704. 5S50 LAURELHURST $5S.-.0. New six-room, modern bungalow with breakfast nook; plate glass windows, polirthedi oak floors. tapes-Ory paper, Frenoh doors, fireplace, Durtoh klitcheai, pedestal lavatory, floor tub, fixture ehades, mdald linoleum in bath and kitchen oement porch. Fox furnaoe and garngei. It will pay you to see tMa, as it is a rare bargain. 082 Wasco St., 1 worn norm of h.m ani isanny. IRVTNGTON COLONIAIi CORNER. 14th and Knott St., 6 artistlo rooms, sunroom and sun porch. It's the corner you have admired. See ItJ $9000. McDONELL. EAST 419. PIEDMONT. 10 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace. full cement basement, furnace. 100x100 lot; all street and sewer Improvements paid; fine garage. This place Is located in the heart of Piedmont and is a real bargain at $7000: terms. MALL & VON BORSTETv. 104 Second st. Broadway T43S. . EX-SERVICE MEN. We havs some real desirable modern bungalows, ready for Immediate oc cupancy, very reasonable; terma ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? See our plans and up-to-dats ideaa We can help you finance. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK CO. 210 Oregon Building. Broadway lff!t. 1 DUlVdTnW If you want one of the finest 8-room nouses in tne oesi part or irvington, hardwood floors in all rooms, two fire places, owner leaving city ana win con .. , J ...... nfr., V f ITmhii.n stock & Co., 210 Oregon building. Broad way loan. NEW :i250. On 74th street, first house north of Halsey, built-in buffet, large dining ana living room, all bullt-lns in kitchen, laundry trays, gas furnace;, this is a real buy, reasonable terms. w. m. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1638. att. criDvisuc-n Rooms and Bflmen-t. p,la-e. Onily $37) take it all; $5O0 casn. iumi. 'u w ... This da your ehafuce. Broadway 2wL PORTLAND HOME IU, 633 Railway Exchange Bldg. $50 CASH. A cosy, modern bungalow in West moreland, Just being completed. All Improvements in and paid for. Total price 54.500. ZIMMElRMAN-WALLER PT-DG. CO.. "Builders of Substantial Homes," 415-416 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 5848. LET US BUILD YOUR HOME. Consult our engineer regarding your home-planning problems. This service is free. We can furnish a lot and assist you In financing. ZIMMElRMAN-WALLER BLDG. CO., Builders of Substantial Bomesv 415-410 Abington Bldg. NEW 4-ROOM bungalow with full base ment, fireplace and enamel finish; less than Z blocks irom car; street graaea and sidewalks In; $2800; $350 cash, bal ance like rent. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 404-5-6 Panama Bldg.. Bdwy. 40. 3-KOOM BUNGALOW, 3 LOTS, fuM cement basement, gaa e-leotritrltyi, chicken house and fruit. Only $1850; $50 sown. Broadway 2571. PORTLAND HOMB CO., 633 Rataway Exchange Bldg. PIEDMONT NEW. Beautiful 7-room new stucco dwelling, one of the finest in this district, per fectly built, all modern bullt-ins, easy terma W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 214 Oregon bldg.. Bdwy. 1658. LAURELHURST NEW. Beautiful new 6-room bungalow, pur chaser may havs selection of furnace, electrio fixtures and decorating: this is a real bargain. W. M. Umbdenstock Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. $1900 $330 CASH. 5-room bungalow on oanllne and ipaved street; a dandy liome for handy man to fix up a bit ami realize profit RALPH HARRIS CO.. 818 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. ROSE CITY PARK NEW. This is an exceptional 6-room bunga low, all modern bullt-ins, perfectly built, good district, price reasonable and easy terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg., Bdwy. 1658. IRVINGTON COLONIAL HOME. Non-resident owner offers fine 2-story 8-room house, with garage, on East 24th, near Knott, built for home; large rooms and oak floors throughout, ivory wood work 2 fireplaces. Call Tabor 407, jrivlNGTON colonlail home lust com pie ted. 7 rootma srciTir miimiiwi, au hardwood floors; $7500. Wltihout ques tion .t'hie beet value to be found in Ir vwigtion. A. B. OampbetU, 418 SeiUlng bldg. Man 10831 FOR SALE Modern four-room oungalow. lust compieiou, .,,, i... i, i , cam i, i v. Rlr.e of house 26x28, lot 50x100, price $3275. Either call or phone Umbden stock & Company, 2d floor, Oregon bldg. Phone Bowy. man. NEW 5-ROOM modern bungalow, hard wood Iioore, in" I'.ik'.G , mi ittba omit-ins, street improvements in and paid;, close in; 1 block off Sandy: will take sol dier's bonus; price $5000,s terma Call East 661 or uaoor Qua. $500 DOWN Old nouse, barn, fruit, spring v.aneh One and one-third acre rn land; this side Reed college on macsdam road. $20 mo. o balance: $2750. Koger w Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. BY OWNER Modern 5 rooms, bath, new im-uftva, v.i. .. - . .- - , Hi, r ii 1 1 lot; block from car. Price $2450. My equity cash, balance 6 per cent : will sag riftce,; 4727 70th 8. E. Auto. 637-76. SIX-ROOM Peninsula bungalow, full baso ruent; lot 50x150; plenty of fruit, nice location. Price reduced from $3600 to $3200, $50 cash. Wilbur Jj Jouno, Henry ntog. navvy, 'on. KOSB CITY, 2-HSLotry, 7-room residence; hardwood floexa beamed celUuga, good garago, 75x100 lot, eh rubbery and firm ' tiroes. $500t. A. B. Campbell, 418 JynJi- i-ng Dldg. Mam ingA DANDY 5-room cottage, hunnyside, $2600, . $700 will handle. AP 409, Oregonian. K EAT, KSTA Tr.. For hale Houiw. WORLD'S FAIR ADDITION. ; Joins Kenton on the south. iMlm priced 1700 and up. To include 20-ft. psved strest, $25 cash will start you. Plenty of time to pay f" lumber. Fairest offer ever mada NEW MODERN BUNOATXIWS. We have several 4 and 5 rooms on terms almost like rent. SMALT. HOUSES. Old and new. that are chf. All kinds of fruit mil garden Large lots on terms that you can buy. A. c. McDonald ko.v, 296 W, Lombard St. Wdln. 2;3. We never rlseJ ROSB CITY PARK. A 6-room bunpratow, every mod ern feature, located on corner Int. with all Improvements In and psll, the owner muxt sell and l of fering his beautiful bungalow for $5500. and he wlil give any reas onable terma Imn't forget if there Is a snap In Rose City wo know about It, so It will save ynu lnue and money to get iu touch win us. fc HTI.LER BROS. REALTORS. 211 Rv. Kr.. Kx. Bldg. Bdwy. .H2. Branch office 5th and Sandy. Tabor tN5. WEST RIDE HOMB. $0000, EASV TKRiiS. 760 Northrup, near 23d; 8 rooms, 2 bathrooms and largo double sip. porch; In perfect condition; leaswl for $100 a month ; good Investment. DO NOT DISTUKB TEN AM. Shown only by appointment. McDONELL, EAST 419. . , . WKDT MT. TAHOR Ji-..'l..(l. 6-room strictly modern home; lsrce living room, dining room, tapestry -pP"r. French doors, hardwood floors, 3 lovely bedrooms, very large cIosts, furnare, garage, fruit, rose,te. ; I blooV to inri Glencoe aohiol district; ISOO B. Mor rison St., nssr East 65ih: terms. -' L. E. HTBINMBTZ, 400 Gel linger Bldg. Main 6091. Tabor 32r Eight-room home, only five yar eld. having furnace, fireplace, inlaid, hard wood floors, 3 Isbatorles. bath, cement rasement, all Improvements In; four bed rooms and sleeping porch; house would -ost $9000 to build; for quick sale prop erty w.ll be sold at $7000, $1000 cull and terma Call Mr. Young. OTTO & HAKKHON, 413 ChRtnber of Commeri e. ndwy. !. FOR SALIC MODERN 4-ROOM BUN'flA LOW, JUST COMPLETION, I WORTH JON ES MORE. SIZE OK HOUSK '.'iH; LOT 60x100, PRIOM $327S. BlTHKR, CALL Oil TELKi'HONB L'MHOKN STOCFC & CO., 2D FLOOR. OllUUOf BUILDING. TELEPUONM UROAW-. WAY 1658. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. I420O. ' - Soldier's Bonus Will Handle.. , New 6-room bungalow, modern, fire place, hardwood fioura. bulU-in Hnl c-limeta, breakfast nook, owinemt bwe tnen. Wlil finish to auK buyer. omIi lot. About one block from tiamdy, near fi.Mh Call Bdwy. 141Q. PORTLAND BOULEVARD. 8 rooms, new roof, newly painted nd tinted, full basement, 20OI12S lot, paved street, all street and sewer Improvements paid; variety ot fruit trees. uhicken houses; excellent buy at $0000, esy . terms. MALL & VON BORSTF.L. 104 Second St. llroadwsy T3" 6-ROO.U Hul SB, Fairly close In, paved street, all sessments paid; this Is an opportunity for a man with a family; ad mining a park, terms, less than rent, $khi, .-.0 down, $25 monthly including Interest. JliHNSON-KOIlHON CO., 633 N. W. llsnk Bldg. Ms In 878T. $40d CASH WILL HA.NUI.B Tlil.S. Five-room bungalow in the Pemiteu'a district; double constructed and tnoii"rn. having cement basement, laundry tra. lots of buMt-lns; 60x1011, rinse ta sciiou. aud ctr; .Ho. Call Mr. Young, OTTO A HA UK SON, 413 ChambiT of Comim rre. Bdwy. 6 3 10. litdill UOSK CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, strictly modern, hardwood floors, beautiful built-in buffet, flrtl . furnace, entire house (unshed in old ivory; cement basement, sanitary wash tubs; double garage; cost $o.'oo one year ago: I21UO, cash balance o0 per ma. A snsp. Tnhor 8011. $51K CASH or liberty bond and $rt) a month pays for this modern 7-room home In restricted dimrlrt In 36 month", the title subject to $2,170 mornings at 6 Interest. No Intert-st. tas or In surance during 86 monlha House rent fur $50 a month; 2 'hrry. 4 apple treea See 1M Tillamook, (. CaU Mra Stevens nt East " ALBKIITA liISTUICT. email 3-room home, plter.1, clt wytr, gas, electricity, good yard. H block to oar, it blocks to school; 4oil'M lot; this is exceptional; $1375; sow terms. J0UN3nv.DOTRO, ry, 633 N. W. Brink Hldg. Main 377. $azou $jou CASH. 5-room cottage, bath and toilet, fiVl eement busement, sarase, on psveii street, near Division; will take good building lot or equity In rooming houso. ANCHOR lNVKr-TMKNT CO.. rtealtuis, 401-5-0 Panama Bldg. H.lwy. limw, PORTLAND HttlUHTrt Kplwdld.y biu.i 0-room house, ulrnost new; harlw,.t floors, large Uving room, w..ndwfi,l built-in kitchen, larga olooena, beOroonn Mke sheeptng porclios, fine flrerlae Th.ii was built for a home by rtey labor. $7000 some t'Ttn. urooKe. Main 4.nj. Silhurtmn Jlomrs. TUALATIN VALLEY. JO ACRES AT REEDVILLB. . AH in cultivation, lots of frutt and berries, 4-rtru house, bami. poultry house, eto. On bard rosd. close to station,. Price $75uo, lliuuo cash. Let us show you. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber- of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6U34. 8-ROOM BUNGALOW, QUARTER ACRE. Finest garden soli, 1 bearing fruit trees, good garage, chicken hovi amli run, all In A-l condition; 1 block from Sandy bivd.. Just out of city limits, BOONE-CLEARWATER, 506 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 5317 WEST SIDE. Only 13 minutes out, 7Ho fare, 42 trains dally; here's a warm and ex ceptionally well-built modern bungii low of 5 rooms; large front room, con crete bifsement, all city convenience, fine location, on main bard-surfaced road; church, school, station clos; t acre, rich soil; price only $;1550, terms. See A. K. Hill. 4--H Lumhermens hidK BUNGALOW NEAR GLADS'IONIS $t504. On V acre, S blks. from car; new ." rooms, basement, full plumbing, bullt lns, fireplace, city water, gas and eier tricity. EASY TERMS. Ask for F. C Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRK, 205 Abington Bid. H.iwy. T17I. Third bet. Witsh. snd Clark. HOME KUH T H 10 OLD FOLKS. Very sightly 1-acre tract, with -roorni bungalow, not quite finished; 4 blocks from Garden Home: 18 assorted fru:t trees. running water in the home. electric llgnis; on soou oaru ei'"" , rash, $20 monthly. Phoios at office. 1 See Mr. Orlfflth. with f FRED W. GERMAN CO.. Resttlrfl, , 7:2 Chamber of Commerce H'dg . KPECIAL NOTICE. Ifor close-in suburban homes. Tfl acreage it win pay you to see mm ft.i, choice buys in all desirable l-xiu-i, values $10M) to $7000. We .' u time and money and protect, yowr in terest In every way. See A. K. lull, 4-0 Lumbermens bldg. ui-i iiri.k BP-TiVtr-te. 150 GIVES YOU Pok.SHri.-lo... Cozy bungalow of 4 rooms mlh e'er- triclty snd gas; garage; clone io green station on O. C. line. ONLY $i3.'.n. Terms like rent. Ask for F. C. iUim..., 'Uh TRANK I. McGCIRF. " ' 205 Abington Bldg. H-lwy. T171. Third be. Wmth. and fttark. Fee This snap. Beautifully wooded acre m-lth cheery" tittle bungalow; right on paved highway; all city conveniences available; $iih cash takes it, A. K. Hill. 42t Ltnubor- tn ens bldg. ' BOCK WOOD On Troutdale eleetrlo and paved Base Line road, ons cleared acre right at station for $500, monthly pay ments $10. W. 14. ITmbdenMock Ak Co.. 210 Oregon ptng., nowy. 11,1?. $500 CASH. 4-r. cottage. c fare; a,:i bearing fruit trees, berries, crock, ,,, Multnomah sta., hennery, barn: $25oo. McFarland. realtor. 208 Falltns bf-ig. jiglX) MODERN bungalows. 3'HtO, both, on full acres, psrtly cleared, ti'ir else, sta, 13o fare; eay terma McFarland, realtor, i1- rsinng ptng. $150 CASll. Cuts, new bungalow, woeded acre, itsT Oswego lake, $1450. can g't 2 seres. McFarland, realtor. 2f Ks'ling bMg. H4 ACRE-', 8-room housr, city water, s, oU-ctrirlty and telephone; hetween B-r-tha and Mul'notuab oiauon. Mala 601,