18 THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1922 HELP WANTED FEMALE. 2 WAITRESSES for logging eanm $55, board and room. Call Skinnier & White, SS- N. 2d st. Bdwy. 3205. FINEST opportunity lor a bright sales woman with car to handle apartment houses and other city property, your suc cess Is a certainty if you are a worker. See Mr. Skotheim. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO.. 408-11 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6787. A LADY to list and sell rooming houses on commission basis; good chance for a live lady. See McCauley, HILLER BROS., Realtors. . 211 Ry. Ex. Bidg. Bdwy. 3626. THE WOMEN'S Protective Division, city of Portland, offers its service in all mat ters pertaining to the welfare and pro tection of women and girls; interviews confidential. 5!4 Worcester bldg.. Third and Oak sta. Phone Bdwy. 7422. WANTED Cumpetent lady cook, capable of taking charge of kitchen in restau rant, good city, 50 miles from Portland; state age and experience; good wages to riyht party. AV 226, Qregonian. EXPERIENCED operator to put sleeves in jackets and coats; good prices and steady employment. Apply at office Ait. Hood factory, 233 Couch street, cor ner Second. WANTED Competent typist and dicta phone operator; must also be good at figurts; applicant must state education and training, salary expected, age, mar or single, experience. Ail 457, Qregonian. WANTED Competent woman to care for invalid lady and do light housework, day time; references required. Phone Main RS5S. ANY GJ R.L in need of a irienu, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, Way fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 34.i. DM car. WANTED Six dependable women who will devote their spare time to pleasant, profitable outside work. Call 627 Cor bett bldg. 2 EXPERIENCED waitresses at $00 per month: 1 odd waitress at $15 a week. LEWIS EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 434 N. 2d St. RELIABLE, trustworthy girl for general housework. Apply 782 Lovejoy st. FIVE more saleswomen for hosiery; our ponds s1I themselves. You just show them. Splendid repeaters. Investigate. 713 fnu--h bidir. GIRL lor general housework and help with baby ; $10 to $45 ; A dventist preferred ; Irvington. Auto. 321-12 from 9 to 12. REGISTER WITH US FOR HIGH-CLASS OFFICE POSITIONS. WILLIAMS PER SONNEL. 504 SPALDING BLDG. Hol'sEKEEPER for widower with 2 grown children, on ranch in Washington; good rn'mf and some wages. J 471, Qregonian EXPERIENCED woman. 35 to 45. ful! charge of home for three adults in busi ness wages .$50. Apply 304 Morgan bidg. HIGH school girl or one employed part ti-me to help with housework for room and board ; excellent home. Tabor 079. WANTED Girl between ages of 23 and 33 to do practical nursing. Prefer one who plays piano. Phone Auto. 614-60. LADY, employed, to keep house for room and board and some wages. S 468, Ore gonian. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home is ready to help any girl in distress. 953 East Glisan. "MV" car. East 316. WILL give board and comfortable room to woman who will work half days and assist evenings. Call Wdln. 242-6. EXPERIENCED hand ironer wanted. Ap ply fts.s Washington. Wanted Domestics. WANTED A girl for housework; 3 adults In family; good home for good, clean, honest girl, $25 mon-t'h. Apply 1350 H-awthorne ave.. cor. 47th st. WANTED Experienced giri for generaJ housework; 6-room house; family of 3; wages $60 a month. Call after 9 A. M. Tabor 4710. WOMAN to do gen-eral housework in fam ily of 3 in Laurelhurst; no laundry: wages $20 per month. Brown, tele. Ta bor 7040. WANTED -Woman for general lighthouse work at once; prefer one to go home nights. 1073 Senate st., off 35th st., near Sundy blvd.: Rose City car. - CAPABLE woman for general housework, bungalow, no small children; $40 per month. Apply Mrs. C. C. Wintermate, 332 East 56th st. Tabor 2458. COMPETENT girl to do cooking and-help with downstairs work; good wages. Main 5550. 243 Cornell st., head of Mar shall. EXPERIENCED cook, references, for pri vate family employing other servants. Phone Bdwy. 2578. WANTED Woman for general housework. Call mornings, 885 Woodworth ave. wain. GIRL for cooking and downstairs; refer ences required. 144 N. linb. st. Aut. 511-34. WANTED Neat appearing girl for general housework, 2 adults in family. 58t E. ISth st. N. ; East 2433. GIRL for cooking and general housework tn family of 6; no furnace; reference, E. 1179. WANTED Girl to assist in housework; frood pay, good home for right party. 243 M Grant st. GIRL wanted for general housework, $20 mo.; give phone number. V 417, Ore- gonian. GIRL for general housework, no washing. S35 Grenn ave. N. Woodlawn 4311. B out. WOMAN for home work: care for 2 chil dren while wife is in hospital. Phone 635-i5. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, family of 3. References re quired. Portland Heights. Main 3938. GIRL to assist with housework; small fam ily. Ca.l,i EJt 5025. MARGUERITE CHAMBERLAIN", PLEASM CALL EAST 492. GIRL or woman to assist in housework and care of three children. Tabor 544. ELDERLY lady wanted for light house keeping. Woodlawn 6422. Gl RL for second work ; family of three. 7t4 Lovejoy. Main 247. WANTED A girl for housework and plain cooking. Mar. 7213. EXPERIENCED giri for general house work; small family. Phone Auto. 318-67. HELP WANTKIV MALE OB FEMALE. FIRST-CLASS retouchers needed; training achool opening Peaaley Studio. 407 Morrison HKI.I) WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. WANTED Young man as partner in good paying business; small investment re- , quired. Call 115 Grand ave., from 12 to 5 P. M. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. RANGES connected, hot water colls, water heaters installed; satisfaction guaran teed; day or job. Woodlawn 2010. FIRST-CLASS, reliable carpenter, build ing, finishing, repairing, reasonable. East 83W. WE ARE the cheapest in guaranteed tint ing, painting, enameling and paperhang- tng. Main 8450. Res., East 3209.' WE HANG wall paper at 25 cents a roll. Phone Main 8450. Res., East 3209. FIRST-CLASS houseman wants work in hotel. Call after C P. M. Main 784. PRESSBR, hand or machine. Pearce, Main 7003. Call Mr. COOK, first cla.s3, club, hotel or restau rant. E 464. Qregonian. POSITION by experienced man, janitor, watchman or handy man. Tabor 8779. . CARPENTER work; no job too large or too small. Woodlawn 3096. KALSOMINING AND PAINTING; FIRST CLASS WORK. AUTO 628-40, EXCAVATING, grading, general team work; day or contract. E. 8S73. WANTED Hand box nailing or shingling, new or repair. Phone Main 2863. AMBITIOUS boy, 12, wants work for room and board; country preferred. Sell. 3541, CARPENTER JOBBING. Repairing and painting. East 5396. CARPENTER wants work by day or con tract; first-class work. 626-04. PAPERHANGING, 30 cents a roll, painting and tinting Marshall 2493. EXPERIENCED pruning, all kinds, 60c hour; estimates given. East 5S73. PLUMBING done very reasonably by hour or job. Auto. 235-51. POSITION by experienced man, janitor, watchman or handy man. Tabor 8779. JAPANESE wants work ty day for f a m i iy. Auto. 513-65, George. CEMENT WORK OF ALL KINDS. TABOR - 6SH8. CESSPOOLS DUG CHEAP. WOODLAWN 2333. PAINTING, tinting, paperhanging work PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work; reasonao:e. ceii. ia:'. TEAMING, plowing, excayatmg, etc. East 210 240 East Eighth "st. LET me do that hauling, 2-ton truck. Woodlawn 3036. CEMENT walks, floors, steps, drives and tr;t ra ges. Broadway 3 245. CARPENTER work, no job too large or too small. Woodlawn 3096. i;R 1CK contractor, tile houses, garages, fireplaces: prices right. Tabor 8793 m KXT work : have mixtrs. work mt. anteed Cail before 7 P M Tabor 6781 'AINTING. tinting, neat workman, reason able price For 10 daya, Marshall 1419. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. EASTERN college man (Tale, 34, U. S. captain, A. E. F., Mason, athlete, cap able executive and energetic worker, suc cessful experience newspaper writer and editor, .publicity expert and director, ad vertising expert, bond salesman and in vestment banker, notable record tn state politics, arriving Portland early March and seeks reeponedble permanent connec tion; references and letters; drew salary $ 1 0, 000 east ; will accept position w it h futiure; initial salary $400 per month. A R 406, Oregon ian. TO HOME OWNERS IN LAURELHURST. Let me give you estimate on your in terior decorating. Am working there now. Phone Tabor 830. Frank Rlfney. YOUNG man with ambition, pluck and willing to serve, wants work ; several years' experience managing large gro cery store, also knows garage business from all angles, storage, gas, selling ac cessories, etc. Can furnish, best ref erences. Call Main 168. EXPERIENCED gentleman would like po sition as janitor, running an elevator or would consider most any kind of work, need work badly, good references. Call Main 2876 or write E 394. Oregoniaa. TIMEKEEPER, bookkeeper, stenographer or office man 40 years of age, married, experienced in law office and reai es tate and railroad office; no objections leaving city. Phone East 6418. Address S2a Hancock st. SHINGLING We specalize in reshingling and roof repairing. It will pay you to get our figure before letting contract; satisfaction guaranteed; estimates free East 1928 YOUNG man, 20, must have work; ex perienced grocer, can drive car, will take anything else; references. Aut. 210-33. YOUNG MAN, EX-SERVICE, WANTS WORK AT ONCE. EAST 8490. HU BERT POUND. PLUMBING, TINNING AND FURNACE WORK. Save money by remembering phone, EAST 9253. YoUNG ex-service married man wishes po sition in tailor shop; have had no experi er ce, but am willing to work for small salary to start. Main 7223, or 274 V 0th. SALESMEN, building material, construc tion or machinery, engineering educa tion ; high-ciass man and bard worker. S 406. Qregonian. FIRST-CLASS builder and general con tractor; start your new home now; al terations and general repairs promptly done, day or contract. East 7593. m EXPERJ ENCED dishwasher wants work in a lunch room; any kind of work, with 0 days in a week. Call Auto. 610-14, ot wiite Edward Hart. 7120 Slid st. S. E. WORK wanted by auto mechanic; experi enced on Butck, Hudson, Che v.. Dodge, Nash and Fords mostly. Call Main 5370; ask for Bill. YOUNG MAN, thoroughly experienced in groceries and general merchandise, good worker; ref . ; countfy pref. Bdwy. 3742, R. 415, or K 453. Qregonian. HERMAN G. NOWSHIP, PLOWING, HAULING, EXCAVATING, ETC. MARSHALL 1212. PALATINE HILL RD MARRIED MAN desires employment as clerk or will do anything to start: 14 years' experience as retailer. Write BC 409, Qregonian. YOUNG man wants to learn auto repairing. Will work In garage for room and board and some wages in or out of city. Write Roy Lalond.Gen. Del. MARRIED man needs work, painting, kat sominlng, enamel work, floors or furni ture polished. Maclin, Main 151 5. WANT job in garage as generai mechanic: young man of good habita. P 419, Ore go nian RESH1NGLING BY EXPERIENCED SHINGLER; REPAIRING; ESTIMATES. MARSHALL 2005. PRUNING Expert gardener and horticul turist, grading, seeding, care of lawns promptly attended to. Tabor 1316. THREE salesmen, men, w omen ; experi ence unnecessary; exclusive territory; good money. See Mr. Post, Tait hotel. SMOKY, kalsomined, papered, grass coth or tapestried walls cleaned perfectly. For bookings phone Newlon. Main 5802. WILL mix concrete, $1.25 per hour; power mixer and tools. Phone East 733 be tween 6 and 7 P. M. CARPENTER work, day or contract; plans and specifications furnished with work. I hone 022-32. PAINTING, PAPERING KALSOMINING. Get our prices first and save money. Tabor 2328 or Automatic 624-30. CARPENTER wants work by contract in city or country. Plans furnished if wanted. Bdwy. 1822. CARPENTER changes porches, additions, garages; prompt, reasonable. Marshall 334. PRINTER Fair all around man, wants work evenings or night shift. Reason able. Lock Box 4030. WINDOW cleaning, house cleaning and floor waxing specialty. Main 5205. or Sell. 1131. residence. YOUNG Japanese couple wants position; man does first-class cooking, wife does second work. Frank Omori, East 565-6. YOUNG man, 19 years, of good education, wisthee work with newspaper otr adver tising. Call Main 5271. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. COMPETENT, experienced office man, first class bookkeeper accountant, gen eral merchandise and lumber mill ex perience, posted on export and Import trade, linguist, well educated, reliable and steady, open for a position with good concern. Phone Automatic 223-46, or write AO 452. Qregonian. WE INSTALL and operate a special book keeping system. Including income tax service (indorsed by leading merchants associations), work done by expert ac countants for $10 to $15 monthly. Re tailers' Service Bureau, 717 Gasco bldg. Main 4538. YES, SIR. What I need now is employment; have worked in railroad and steamship office, also on books; if you need a clerical man appreciate an interview. Phone East 1219. EXPERIENCED young man. lumber sten ographer and invoice clerk, wants work out of town; also understands bookkeep ing; six years with coast mills. Call East 903 or write L 46i, Qregonian. HIGH-CLASS prosthetic man wants po sition in ad. dental office ; can deliver the goods anywhere, out of town pref erably ; ten years' experience. East 5353. COMPETENT bookkeeper, office manager, nancae creaits, corres-ponaence. corpora tion accounting, desires permanent oosi tion. Marshal! 4S1. AH 49. Qregonian. EXPERIENCED Eawmlll bookkeeper and stenograpner wants worn, out of town understands lumber thoroughly. AN 410, Oregon lan. EXPERIENCED bookkeeoer and account ant wants position ; thoroughly familiar with all oirice routine. East 1809. INCOME TAX returns prepared, systems installed, books kept ; reasonable. 304 Couch bldg. Broadway 2874. EXPERT INCOME tax returns prepared, systems installed, audits maae. Main 06. CASHIER and bookkeeper wants position good references. J 457, Qregonian. YOUNG man with Ford touring car wishes work. Have some sales experience. D 4o6, Qregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. ANNIE HUNTER would like day work, launary or cleaning, .rnone Auto. 014-41, room o, S3 N. zisi, corner Everett at west siae. WOMAN, thoroughly competent, refer , ences, wishes position as manager or housekeeper, rooming house, apartment nouse or notei. u -kiy, uregonian. NEAT, reliable elderly woman wants posi tion to keep house for gentleman with child. Wages $3 a week. Give phone number. E 405, Qregonian. EXPERIENCED, trustwortny iady wants houseclesning, washing or other work, good work guaranteed. Woodlawn 6305. WOMAN wants worK in boarding house; for self and husband's room and board. A J 455. Qregonian. EXPERIENCED file clerk and P. B. X. opr. desires position; can handle busiest boards. Main 4809. WORK, by day or hour; experienced wo man. East 34S7, room 32. WANTED Work by day; woman. Marshall 3342. good strong WILL COOK and serve dinners, luncheons. teas, splendid references. Tabor 1529. PLAIN sewing neatly done at apt. 3, 206 Union ave. N. LAUNDRESS desires washing to do at home. Phone East 9203. WANTED Children to care for after -noons and evenings.MarshalI 1701. YOUNG woman wants housework by hour. Tabor 4567. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants das work. East 5703. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED, 12 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAST 6196. POSITION wanted by exp. cashier; best of rnaroill'O W Add OfAirnnliin COMPETENT woman wants work by hour. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Wdin 3S27. RELIABLE woman wants work by day ot hour. East 5783. WOMAN wants work by hour; reference. East 1949. room 6 EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work, Sellwood 2954. YOUNG WOMAN WISHES DAY WORK. WOODLAWN 1482. WOMAN wants day work, Tuesday and Wednesday. Soli wood 2231. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG lady with clerical experience de sires office position, or would accept po sition caring for children; highest ref erences. Call Woodlawn 6075 mornings between 10 and 11 o'clock. BUSINESS woman with real estate expe rience would like position with reputable firm as saleswoman. L 463. Qregonian. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY DESIRES CLERICAL POSITION; GOOD REFER ENCE. H 407, OREGON IAN. i A NEAT, reliable young girl wishes posi tion in physician's or dentist'B office, or the two combined ; can type and take dictation if desired. Not afraid of hard work. Call Sunday between 9 A. M. to 1:30 P. M. or Monday. Tabor 6223. A NEAT, reliable young girl wishes posi tion in physician's or dentist's office, or the two combined. Can type and take dictation if desired. Not afraid of hard work. Tabor 6223. WELL educated stenographer desires posi tion, now employed, but would like change. Able to sell; also handle cor respondence with and without dictation. C 470. Qregonian. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER, excep. broad experience, 4 years private sec. large, concern, desires position as steno. -secy., steno.-bookkeeper; capable taking full charge. AK 4ti4. Qregonian. CALL US FOR OFFICE HELP OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BDWY. 6953. WILL IAMS' SERVICE. 504 SPAULDING BLDG. QUICK SERVICE. YOUNG lady desires position, stenogra pher, expert typist, exper. on books. Main 70U0. WANTED Stenographic or general offlcs wora, tu cents per nour, or nan aays, $2. B 406. Qregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper and cashier, with 10 years experience, desires position. A 404, Qregonian. EXPERIENCED young lady desires clerical position; good reference. i 407, Orego- STENOGRAPHER wishes position. 2 years' experience. A-i reierence. i'none i!ast 2573. PUBLIC stenographer, prompt service. Harriet Lytle, Broadway old, bJ4 Hen ry bidg. PUBLIC steno. Board of Trade btdg. Bdwy. YOUNG lady with office experience wishes position ; can use typewriter. Mar. 3.40. TYPIST wishes half -day office work. Mar. BOOHK LEPER-STENO., capable of tak ing charge of office. Bdwy. 1935. Dressmakers. JULE'S will make your frocks, gowns and wraps for all occasions and also do remodeling at reasonable prices. 431 Artisans bldg. Broadway 5606. DRESSES and gowns and children's clothes, men's silk shirts, embroidered dresses and waists a specialty. Bdwy. 3766. DRESSMAKING I absolutely guarantee all my work. $4 a day. Mrs. Laura C Owen. Marshall 1047. DRESSMAKING and tailoring, also chil dren s clothes, oy day. Bdwy. eiuv alter 6 o'clock. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, sewing by day or shop; satisfaction assured. Aut. 017-95. RELIABLE dressmaker would like work at home or in families; alteration. Woodlawn 50S.S. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, next door to Alexandra Court hotel. Mrs. Lambert. Bdwy. 26-S5. SMART FROCKS for the matron or jun ior; expert work at moderate prices Tabor 7886. 1039 H Belmon t. FASHIONABLE dressmaker will design your spring gowns. For engagements call Auto. 318-09. DRESSMAKING, alterations, all work ruaran-teed. East 694. 75 E. 30th st. HEMSTITCHING, 7c; cotton or silk. Ideal Shop. 17 Broadway bldg. ALL kinds of sewing, reasonable. 0305 97th st. Automatic 824-31. DRESSMAKING and tailoring; also re- modeling, by aay. labor q213. HEMSTITCH 1NO tic, while you wait. Panama oiag., rnira ana Alder. SILK dresses a specialty; prices reason able, smith, i4 40th ave. S. E. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes sew- mg by rtay. Tabor S4o6. FASHION artists for children; hand work applied ; prices reasonable. Wdln. 60S8. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, stout ladies solicited. Reference. Tabor 4009. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $4 per day. tsawy. ooo. SEAMSTRESS, remodeling. etc. $2.1 Phone Sell. 36o3, evenings. CAPABLE and experienced undergraduate nurse wishes position in doctor s office Mar. 1010. NURSE will care for patient in her own home; diet a specialty. Tabor 5733. CAPABLE female and male nurses; calls answered day or night. Marshall 2204. YOUNG Lady as practical nurse or light nouseworK. Auto &iw-v. PRACTICAL nurse, 2 years' hospital exp., day or night. Call Mar. 875. NURSE will give service reasonable. Per- manent case preferred. Mar. 28S3. TRAINED nurse takes all kinds of cases; reasonable terms. Marshall 34ft. Housekeepers.- YOUNG w om an . w K h sun a II oh i Id. would like posHKm as housekeeper for elderly eoaiple oar business couple ; can furnish first -o.la.ss references. J 474, OregOJiiaJi. A NEAT, respectable woman wants h. k. for elderly gentleman; must be reliable. Marshall H4'.K. WOMAN with boy 9 years wants position in or near city; must be clean and per manent. Columbia 522. WOMAN with girl 6 will cook on ranch for 3 or 4 men. 474 Salmon st. Domestics. SCHOOL girl, 15, wants glace to assist with housework for room and board and small wages; west side preferred. Phone Tabor 4H2. NEAT, honest g-inl waotits general house work; wages $35--$40 month. Call Wdln. 639. GOOD, reliable Swedish girl will assist with housework. Auto. 329-62 llousecieaniiig. HOUSE CLEANING Expert white and ivory enamel, brick and tile fireplace cleaning, floors waxed, furniture pol ished, carpets cleaned, windows washed. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. 1S8 Chapman at. Phone Main 1157. VERIBEST WINDOW CLEANERS. COLUMBIA 1027. Housecleaning. floor faxing and vac uum cleaning; estimates cheerfully giv en: best of references. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WE HAVE many calls for houses and flats and can rent yours; let us handle your property and collect your rents. C. A. WAGNER CO., 230 Stark St. SMALL house wanted Immediately, to rent or buy, by young couple with baby, 18 months old; must be near car line and strictly modern. Y 469, Qregonian. WANTED 5 or 6-room house, not over $35; Hawthorne or Sunnyside preferred, at the present address 5 years. Auto. 228-68. Furnished Houses. WANTED A furnished house of about & or 6 rooms; will pay $65 ; must be in good location, paved streets. Call Woodlawn 5684. Rooms With Board. WOkKING mother wants place, boara boys 10-12. Must be reasonable. Country preferred. A 462, Qregonian. REFINED widow lady washes room and board in nice home. Phone Auto. 329-4.2, Stores and Bnsinens Places, GARAGE WANTED. Want long-time lease Improved prop erty, 50x100 or larger, suitable for ga rage, west side, bet. Taylor and Madi son. Broadway and river. R. L. Yoke, 1136 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED To lease abour 10,000 aq. ft. of space for light manufacturing on one or more floors ; water, gas, electricity connections. Publio Welfare Industry, ask for Morrell. WANTED to rent, smaJJl space for storage, state location, rent, if wired or not; tang tease If satisfactory. W 465, Oregon saJV. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. NICELY furnished room, hot and cold water -In room, close to bath, In large home, very close in. 243 11th st. NICELY FUR. ROOM, HC AND COLD WATER IN ROOM; CLOSB TO BATH; IN LARGE HOME; CLOSE IN. 243 11TH THE ST. PAUL, Fourth and Aider. A RE SPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HOTEL. $1 up. Rates by week or month. NICiCLY furnished sleeping rooms, steam neat, not - and cold water, reasonable. 269 5th st. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Washington and Fifth Streets. Special permanent rates. FRONT room, euitable for 2, near hospital 253 N. 21, Main 4078. 50c DAY, $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths free, riotet oaflUiac. 3d near Jeffe rso n THE MAPLE, 30 N. 17th St., furnished roomy. 6 week ana up. LARGE desirable room, modern; use of piano. 32 i Bt n street. FRONT room, well furnished, modern; uae of piona. 3-7 Sixth elxeet, FOB BENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL BEVERLEY. 183 Park St. Large, airy, steam - heated rooms with running water, newly decorated, newly furnished; transient, $1 up; rates to permanent guests. Across from stage depot. ir HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TH. QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; $1.25 PER DAY, $6 PER WK. AND UP; CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT GARAGE CALL AT Y. M. C. A. to see free list of moderate-priced rooms for young men In all parts of the city, including rooms at the Y. M. C. A., w ith phone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13TH ST. AT WASHINGTON. Rates, $1 a day, a week $5 and up; private bath $8; fireproof and clean, cioseto business center. aNSONIa HOTEL. 124 14th St., at Washington. Rates $5 per week and up, $1 day; fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusements ar.d shopping center. HOTEL ROWLAND, 207 th st.; 165 rooms, centrally located; rates 75c, $1, $1.50 per day; $4 per week and up. HOTEL ROWLAND. " 207 Vz Fourth St. Mar. 459-. 165 Tooms, centrally located- Ratee, 75c, $1, $L50 per day; $4 per week and up- WASHINGTON HOTKu 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rates by week or month. HOTEL BROADWAY. Broadway and Burnside St. Rates: day, $1 and up; week, $5 and ur: private bath. $9 and up. Free phone. HoTEL CONRADINE. 22 North 10th St., 2 blocks north of Washington St.; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day p, week. ST AN DISH HOTEu 548H WASHINGTON ST. AT 17TH. Nicely furnished roams, steam heated, reasonable rates; $3.50 week up. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, unaer new man agement. 652 y Washington st. Modern, private baths, free phones; reasonable rate. $3.50 week up. Main 31. ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 Eleventh St.. near Morrison Clean and modern rooms by f'ay, week or month, at reasonable rates. h.-TEL OCKi.EY, Morrison St.. at 10th $1 day, weekly $5 and up. Free phona and aaths; light and airy. Steam heat. MARLYN HOTEL. Cor. 17th and Couch; large, well fur ni shed, modern roo ms. reasonable rates. FIVE nicely furnished rooms, walking distance. Mar. 2772. LARRABEE HOTEL Modern, $3 week up. Larrabee St.. 2 blks N. steel bridge. I .'n furninhed Room. UNFURNISHED H. K. rooms cheap. 140 East 34th st . near Sunnyside car. Furnihhetl Rooms in Private Family. IN PRIVATE home, newly furnished front room, private bath, hardwood floors, Iarse clothes press; also 2 lovely rooms, kitchen and laundry privileges; walking distance and close to 3 car lines. Phone Bdwv. 2626. FURNISHED room for reait to young lady who appreciates home privileges, use of piano, sewing machine, kitchen, if de aired. Tabor 0124. CaLl bet. 6 and 7 eveniffigs. DELIGHTFUL room for gentleman in home, best location west side, easy walk ing distance, all conveniences, rent reas onable. Broadway 6111. WEST SIDE Walking distance, large, beautifully furnished room in private home; furnace heat; home privileges. Mir. LaARAjE, pleasant room, adjoining bath, 2 targe ciosets. walking distance: pri vate family; suitable for 1 or 2. Bdwy. 787. WELL furnished front room for 1 or 2 em ployed people in exclusive apt. ; steam h ea t , wa Iking dist ance ; raason-a b lev 47 Trinity PL, apt. 10. Bdwy. 6526L BEAL'TIFCL room in quiet, refined home; warm and homelike; plenty of hot water; Nob Hill district. C. S. gentle men preferred. Marshall 1019. COZY front room for a man accustomed to nice things; quiet, modern place. Marshall 1780. 3624 Park st., corner Mill. VERY attractive rooms, beautifully fur nished, parlor, piano, home privileges; rates $3.50 up. 61 N. 18th at. Bdwy. 2721. VERY desirable, clean, furnished, front room, suitable for 2. West side, walking distance. HO 17th st. North. NICELY furnished front room, facing park, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 351 West Park. TWO NICELY furnished rooms, also a separate sleeping porch. 144 23d street N. Marshall 1840. WEST SIDE, extra nice room in modern home, heat, light, phone, to refined lady employed. 389 11th. Main 6750. PLEASANT fuinished room, bath, electric lights, furnace heat, walking distance for a gentleman. East 6507. 500 E. Pine. LARGE sleeping room in strictly modern home for employed people. DM car line. Mar. 4347. MY NEW HOME, just completed; one nice bedroom to rent to gentleman; garage close. Tabor 7709. CAN MAKE 2 young people comfortable Ln modern home; walking distance. 129 E. 12'th., bet. Alder and Morrison. CLOSE-IN apt. house room; pienty heat and hot water. Main 3622. NICELY fur. rm , kitchen privilege; also $8 attic rm. 84 N. 2lat, cor. Everett ROOM with dressing room and sleeping porch, west side, gents. Bdwy. 4329. LOVELY furn. f. rm., 3d floor; modern home, $3.50 week. 283 North 24th sl NICELY furnished room, 1 block Bdwy. car, Irvington. Call East 1780. 209 14TH, NEAR Jefferson, choice room, walking distance. Main 3893. WARM, well furnished front room, suitable for 1 or 2; $15. 823 Weidler. E. 8998. NICE, clean, heated room, close in. 590 E. aaimon. r.asi nr. FURNISHED room for young gentlemen, steam heat. Bdwy. 34Q5. PLEASANT room for one or two gentle- men; reierenres. .viarsnaii oti.in. LARGE steam-heated room, easy walking distance, uroauway i2y. PLEASANT room, nicely furnished and reauy very aesaraoie. iiaain (tssL ROOM for gentleman In home. Near tjampoen run notei. oz i.ucretia st. WARM FRONT ROOM. MAR. 2775. Rooms With Boit rd. THE LORRAINE, 212 N. 20TH ST. Phone Broadway 3405. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. An exclusive private home, catering to reiineu people, excellent table board, high-class service, large room for 3 or 4 icenuemen, connecting Datn. snower. etc. Also double and single room avail able now. uur aimng room unaer spe cial direction of Mrs. Lavine Price, for merly of White Hall. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STREETS, CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the oest-kLowa residential ho tels on the Pacific coast American plan, w.th or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or slngie, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comfort of a home. Reasonable rates. BUSINESS woman in exclusive boaj-dong house desires room mat ; large frontt room containing 2 beds. 7i9 MarsihaJiL Main 4878. ROOM and board for business girls; ajl modern conveniences, walking distance; $5 per week. Auto 219-74. 12 E. 7th St. RECTOR HOTEL 9 N. Bdwy., at Anleny, mod, rms.; prl vate baths, Yale locks, $5 wk. up, $1 day. GOOD room, with or without board, for business people; warm, clean, homelike. close in. w. rarit. NOB HILL, lovely large room for two. good meals, living room, laundry, home privileges. $35 monthly each. Mar. 416. MARTHA WASHINGTON Room, board for girls, mod, rate. 380 10th. Mar. 1251. Rooms With Board in private Family. VERY attractive room and board for 2 gentlemen or couple in one of Portland's moat peautirui nomes. Phone East 8835. LARGE, pleasant room with board in at tractive home; suitable for 2 ladles em ployed ; $7 per week. Tabor 599. NICELY furnished corner room for two private family, meals if desired; two car lines. Marsnau ZtKi, 774 Northrup. LIGHT front room in modern home, in quiet neighborhood, suitable for two gen tlemen. Home cooking. Tabor 4889. WAN ted Room and board in private lamuy. Scandinavian preferred; near Rose city park car. Tabor 3002. GOOD room and board, $30 month Weidler. East 3859. WILL care Tor children in my home, mother's care. 405 Emers-ogi. Wdln. 2835. GOOD board and room, phone and bath. 802 Union ave. N. Wdln. 2585. IRVINGTON Large, light corner room for 2; board If desired. East 9274. ROOM AND BOARD, one gentleman; pri vate home. 576 Ladd ave. East 2333. PRIVATE home for children; care. Mar. 2162. mother's LARGE front room In modern home. Irving st. Marshall 4410. CHILD. 3 to 5 yens old, im private home. Woodlawn 6442. MOTHER'S care and good home given one child. Call Tabor 9137. BOARD and room in fine home. East 6267, FOR BENT. Rooms With Board In Private Family. ' ROOM with board, for married couple or to women; home privileges; $30 per month; walking distance. 201 G. First st. N. East 9283. BOARD and room In attractive home; walking distance. East 6710. 2 LARGE rooms for 3 or 4 young men, comforts of good private home, board if desired; references exchanged. AuU 236-21. WELL-FURNISHED room with board, $3 per week; also table board, near Adcox Auto School and Dental College, 365 Halsey, near Union ave. ROOM for two congenial young men, very homelike and best of home cooking. 414 Market st. IRVINGTON Loveiy front room, mahotc a ny f urni ture ; best home cooking ; re -fined home, also sleeping porch, garage. 530 E. 21st N. East 6045. NICE large, clean, well-furnished room with board ; good home cooking; room large enough for 2 or 3. Large closet All home privileges. 741 Giisan sL ROOM, board in private family, pleasant rm. for 2 men, $55. Use of living rms. with fireplace, where you can feel at home. Bdwy 3072. or 85 10th St. WEST SIDE Ssaigie room., clean and warm; excellent meals; congenial bunoh of young men; every home comfomt. 654 Lovejoy st. 1 SUNNY, .cihe-erful room, bath, furnace heat; walking distance SS and Mt, Tabor cars. 120 East 12th St., beu Morrison and Alder. LARGE sun.ny room ; walking distance best home cooking; garage if desired; for 1 or 2 menu Phone East 4433 or call 358 Larrabee. WARM, -pleasant rooms suitable for 2; home cooking, walking distance; a real home. East S445. LARGE, light, clean rms. with board, ev ery convenience, reasonable, close in. East 7005. 1 LARGE room, suitable for 2 men or man and wife, in an attractive home. Tabor 8700. GOOD room and board in modern house; employed people only; garage it desired. Eti-st 4776. ROOMS and board, first-class meals, home cooking; walking distance; W. S., Nob Hill. 055 Kearney, ROOM and boa.rd. for lady; leges. Bdwy. .3780. home privi- Fumished A part ments. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. People who enjoy a real home wHl be interested in this most attractive mod ern apartment, suitable for two ; well lighted, hardwood floors-, inlaid linoleum, French doors, old ivory finish, fireplace, sleeping porch, $05. Main 8542. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Two rooms furnished; hardwood floors, elevator, strictly modern; all outside; walking distance. 3d, cor. Montgomery. NICELY furnished apt., suitable for 3. Also single h. k. rooms. Running water in room; furnace heat; walking distance. 57 Trinity place. Bdwy. 1706. LAMBROOK APTS 430 E. YAMHILL ST. For rent, reasonable, 2-room furniBhed apartments. Call East 4"62. ALICE COURT Available March 1, mod ern 3 large rooms. 2 beds, fireplace, bath, $50, including telephone. Corner East 8th and Burnside. East 3566, HIGHLAND- COURT APT. Four and 5-room unfurnished apart ment; windows, floor and rugs cleaned once a month free. Mar. 3181. 3-ROOM newly turnished, heat, light, bath. phone; walking distance, 1 blocx haw thorne avenue car. No other roomers. 6SO East Madison, corner 19th. HADDON HALL, 11th and Hall. 3-room apartment, Datn, Daicony, narawooa floors; walking distance Mar. 1160. DOUGLAS COURT has 2 or 3-room very desirable furnished apartments. Call Marshall 423. 425 W. Park. FURNISHED modern apt, steam heat, private bath, reasonable rent, brick bldg. 4M Market st. Phone Main 2Rft6. DRICKSTON APARTMENTS. 448 ELEVENTH ST MODERN 2-ROOM APARTMENT. JULIANA APARTMENTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FURNISHED 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. CINCINNATI COURT. 401 10th st. Apt. E, on two-room furnished apt. with sleep ing porch: newly renovated. Main 2480. DIEL APTS., 790 E. Ankeny et. Modern, completely turmsnea .i-room apt.; clean, light, warm. East 108. NICE 3-room apt., dressing room and bath hardwood floors, olean and neau East 37S2-. ROOM, use kitchen, apt. near Good Sa maritan; suitable lor nurse. R 204, Qregonian. DANDY 3-room apt., private phone and bath; just renmsbed tnroughout. Tabor 6005. THE PENROSE, Grand ave. at Belmont choice 3-room apartment; available March 1. East 4548. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 4 and 5-room furnished and unfur- n i shed . M arsban mm. LILLIAN APARTMENTS. 3 rooms, large, light, modern, west side. 381 6th st. Marshall 1378. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 3-room strictly modern, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 359 ZUMBRO COURT. 20th and Wash Elegantly furnished 3-room apt., with piano; aiso rooms. GUILD APARTMENTS. 3-room apt., private bath, all outside rooms. Main 373. 3i4 Guild st. ONE 2-ROOM and kitchenette apt. fur nished, and one 2-room apt., furnished reasonable rent 699 Everett st. 4-ROOM apt., furnished with the best of everything ; 15 min. from Bdwy., east side. No child ren. Call M aln 699 . NEW 2-ROOM apt., everything furnished, close in, nice home. 148 24th. Phone Main 2991 . KING ALBERT APARTMENTS 3-room strictly modern, elevator, tile bath. Iltn ana Montgomery. Main 359. SACRAMENTO APTS.. 492 Union Ave. N. 2-room fur. apt., ateaaa heat, hot and cold water. THE REXFORD. Corner apt., steam heat, $55, Includ ing jjhone E. 4270 LOVELY apts.; private bath; . adults; walking distance-; good furnish i-n prs. NICELY furnished, clean basement apt.. 3 rooms, close In ; pay part rent by helping landlady. 44 oiay. Mar. 4194. WESTON1A APARTMENTS. 666 Glisan Two-room furnished apartment; very modern; warning ois tance. 3-ROOM furnished apartment in orivate home; heat, light and water; $30; 60 E. 23d St., corner m. maaison. iuast 3451. NEW YORK APTS. 2-rm. fur. ant. $27.50, including lights, heat, hot and cold water, hi. itti ana Jjeimont sts. $23 NICE 3-room furnished apartment. first floor, outside rooms ; light, water furnished. Sell. 2231. 621 E. llth S. ALT A MONT APTS.. 304 COLLEGE ST. 3 rooms and private bath, basement apts.; $35. -Main b37n. WELL-FURNISHED three-room apart ment and lots of heat. 175 Vista avenue. near Washington, can in afternoon. PALACE APARTMENTS. Two rooms, furnished; private bath. Adults. TaDor zho. 3-ROOM apt.. 49fl Heights Ter-, H block west of 14t'h ana Hail sa. 1, 2, 3-ROOM apts., $3 week said up; chil dren welcome. 2w 2ist st. N. NICELY furnished apts. with bath. West- minster apts., 22 6th st. Mam 5582. FOR RENT East iHH4. -2-room furnished apt. Call THE CHELTINGHAM. 19th and Northrup, 2 and 3-room apts. Bdwy. 3o8. JULIANA APTS., 45 TRINITY PLACE, 2-RM. FURNISHED APARTMENT. $3& JUST furnished, 2-r. suite. Come and see. 714 E. Madison. LUZERNE APARTMENTS. 2-room modern furnished apartment. 2-ROOM apt., completely furnished. $25 Bd wy. i.n. . 3-ROOM ground floor apt., room for 4, heat lignt, pnone iree. itn. 2 AND 3 ROOMS and bath, well fur nished; walking distance. 3.-5 Hall st. 4-ROOM APTS.. lower floor, garage, al new, adults. Permanent 1111 E. 21st N. NICE comfortable sleeping rooms, close In. west Bide, -up i i in fft. Main 7628. NICELY fur. 5-roura apu, with piano. Phone Mam .io. UNION AVE. ana Jviuingswortn, iur. apt,, I24.w; ail C"i p itr lc, t-u ii u i em ouiiqing RAN MARCO ATTRACTIVE. MOD. 3-RM APTS. WALKING DIST. EAST 1990. 3-ROOM modern apt., private bath. 727 Mfiwonkie st. Sellwood 1719. CARLOIS APTS. 2-room furnished, mod ern apartment, itm maritet, 2 AND 3-ROOM modern apts., tile bath. laln 1052. lauena vista apts. THREE rooms, light, heat, gas, $35. R. J. McGulre, MP rsonri union ave. LUXOR APTS., 324 13th St., 4-room apt Main Hiua. CLASSIC apts., 662 Glisan, 3 rooms, $4& Bdwy. 2934. ONE LARGE 2-room front apL Ardnay terrace, 3oi2ia ROSELYN APTS., 110 N. 21sL S.. 2-roiva modern iurnisnea apt. 3-ROOM very modern, all outside rooms: Arline apts. roadway 1812. 2 OR 3-ROOM suites, private bath, reas onable, byrA 4tn st. 89 EAST 12TH. corner Stark, cosy apt., private oatn. $-.. 3-R'GOM fur. apt., private bath end phone Harrison oourt. oin ana Harrison. NICELY furnished ,2-xoom. api. Hoyc FOB RENT. Furnished Apartments. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Iarge modern furnished 4-room apart ment; one for $50; one for $60 month; also front 3-room apt.; these are equiprped for two to five persons; clean, warm, classy, well furnished, ail out side rooms, good janitor service. They are fine. SPECIAL RATES TO STEADY TENANTS. THE COLTJMBIAN, 11TH AND CO LUMBIA. Walking distance from downtown. . HIGH-CLASS APARTMENTS AND ROOMS. The handsomest apartments with alp. porchea In the city. Furnished in blue and ivory, pongee silk hanginga, ex ceptionally clean and lots of heat; A-l service. Some outside front apartments With many windows; also a two-room with sleeping porch and a oue-room and kitchenette; available now. Reference re q ut red. 1 66 St. Clair St., cor. Wash. Bdwy. 5S30. FURNISHED bachelor suite, very large and elegant; large enough for two or three refined gentlemen; hardwood floors and many lamps, lots of heat and hot water; piano; also single rooms $25 up. References required. Broadway 5830. 186 St. Clair St., cor. Washington. GARFIELD APARTMENTS. 4-room, modern, completely furnished front apartment, first floor, private bath and telephone, all built-in features; Jan itor service; $50 per month. 361 Falling street. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier St Frank's atore; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apts., out side and French doors and balcony; per manent and transient. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 4 rooms, strictly modern, beautifully furnished, close in, walking distance ; will rent to responsible parties; $55. Bdwy. 1245. THREE large outside rooms, beautifully 1 urnisned, lartre orivate bath, ail ctean and well lighted; electricity, heat, water and phone furnished ; tenant furnish own silver and linen; $40 per month. 800 Union ave. N., near Beach. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER. NEW MANAGEMENT. Two-room, beautifully furnished front apartment, newly painted and kalso mined, 3 blocks off Washington St.; rent $45. Bdwy. 4975. LARGE rooms, 2 f i rep 1 ces, hard wood floors, light, cleam and niceJy furnished; heat, light and teriep4ione; room for 3 or 4 ad-'lte; Nob Hill district. 631 Hoyt. corner 20th. Call after 6 o'clock. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 3 and 4-room outside apta. Newly renovated and en ameled throoghtout. flotel service given to bachelors. Nob Hill district. 189 23d st. N. GARDNER, cor. 13th and E. AMi. A-ttiraiotlve basement apt.; 2 large rms. and bath, clean and -light; quiet middle e ged couple preferred ; 32.5ut - ELM WOOD APARTMENTS. Strictly first-class 2 and 3-room apart ments; completely furnished ; $55 and $75; 415 10th st. Main 6600. AND 3-ROOM furnished apartments, $10 and $12 apt.; electricity, gas, baths. 704 Howard at., east aide university. Phone Empire 524. 2-ROOM furnished apt., and one 3-room furnished apt., also one sleeping room; steam heat, modern. Belknap apts., 187 17th street. Unfurnished Apartments. GARFIELD APTS. 4-room front corner apt, $40; hard wood floors, private bath, steam heat, free telephone, all modern conveniences, gas range and kitchen linoleum, janitor service. 361 Failing st. IRVINGTON. Corner 17th and Tillamook Sta. Beautiful 5-room apt., steam heat, Janitor service, hardwood floors, tile bath, ivory finish. Rent $85. F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 210 C. of C. Bldg. Bdwy. 6776. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 4-room, newly painted and kalsomined, ateam heat and telephone, close in, walk ing distance, only 3 blocks of Washing ton et. Rent $45. Call Broadway 1245. JUST OPENED. $'50. Elegant 3-r. apt, tapestry paper, hardwood floors. French doors, fire place, porch; will rent it furnished if wanted ; garage. 714 E. Madison. BOW MAN apartments. Irvington; 5 out side rooms; ivory woodwork; French doors, steam heat; wash, mach., vacuum clnr.; Jan. service; adults; $75. 395 E. 10th N.. cor. Hancock. East 1309. ARBOR COURT. 14th and Columbia. Three rooms beautifully decorated in ivory and tapestry, good view, rent rea sonable, adults, references. 3-ROOM unfurnished apaPtmeJi.ts $20 month; water and garbage paid; corner of Williams amd Fargo at. Inquire 297 Monroe at. 4-ROOM apartment ln Laurelhurst, garage, heat, electric washer, water, phone; adults only; $65. Automatic 231-31. HRtf H ot laday ave., at 33d. EXCELLENT NEWS Just opened, new. up-to-date, single or housekeeping, choice location, wen neated, reasonable rates. 546 E. 7th North. $1S LORENZO apts., 427 Salmon et. Main Sttifc; 1 block central library; 2 rooms ground floor apt, water, light, phone adults. FOR KENT after Marcn , 'O-room un furnished apartment, high grade, cen trally located, excellent service. Broad way 2201. THE ALTER Six-room bungalow . apt.. sleeping porch, hardwood floors, tile bath, fireplace and china closet, 21st and Overton, Broadway 1980. WINDSOR APTS., East 14th and Yamhill. Exceptionally nice 3-room sunny apart- ment. vacant toaay. Aauits only. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 3 rooms, kitchen, tile bath, elevator, hardwood floors. Main 359. LAURELHURST APARTMENT. 3-room apt. and garage. 142 East 39th. Tabor 2614. CHETOPA APTS. 4-ioom apartment on second floor; gas range and refrtgera t6r Included. Call Broadway 4936. CECELIA APTS.. 22D AND GLISAN. Very desirable 3-room unfurnished apt. with balcony. Mar. 1804. 4-ROOM apartment, light, sunny porch; Irving apartments. 21st and Irving. Main 9239. MOVING $2 PEK HOUR AND UP. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. ELK TRANSFER CO. BDWY. 2445 5-ROOM. unfurnished apt. The Wilmar, 742 Everett st. Phone Main 6164. THE AMERICAN Modern o-room apart ment. Broadway 3360. L. ROOMS, hot-water heat ; partly fur. or unfur. 789 Kearney. Mar. 3453. VKR Y attractive corner, new apartment Garden Court Apts., 530 Montgomery. 3-ROOM unfurnished apartment, close in, east side 304 Eugene st. 5 ROOMS, modern, steam heat, newly tinted; gas stove. 561 Glisan st. $30 HRAiND new 2-r. apt.; garage if wanted. 715 E Madison. NEW 3-room apartment in Walnut Park. Woodlawn 334. 5-ROOM apt. at the Marlborough. 7516. Fnnuhed or CDfurnisnea Apartments, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Upshur apts., 406 hi N. 26th. 2, 3, 4 and 5-room apartments, steam heated, fur nlshed and unfurnished; reasonable rates. THE VICTORIAN 4-room furnished apartment, bath, close in ; reasonable. 428 Columbia, near llth. Marshall 2277. SHEFFIELD Broadway and Jefferson, nice 4-room cor. apt., furnished or un furnished. Flats, &-RM. FLAT, walking distance, , nice view, fireplace, furnace, phone, water, $37.50. 38&ft 16th St., south of Mont- gomery. 5-ROOM flat for rent, close In on east side. See A. B. Chrhuenson, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Bdwy. 4751. Realtors. 410 Henry Bldg. $32.50 6-ROOM flat, electric lights, fur nace. 4 Grand ave. N., corner Ankeny J. J. Oder. Phone East 61. ROOMS and sleeping porch at 400 N. 25th st, $24; adults only. Inquire 745 Roosevelt or call Marshall 3719. 5-ROOM upper flat for rent, nlshed. 373 East 49th st. Broadway. Heat fur-N.,- corner MODERN 5-room furnished flat, sleeping porch; very desirable neighborhood. Rea sonable rent Tabor 3900. UNFURNISHED lower flat. 4 rooms and bath, desirable location, close in, west side; adults only. 474 Clay. Mar. 4194. CLOSE In, Main 250. west side, 5-room lowur flat. FLAT for rent, $10v including water. 1031 Coroett at. Mar. 4441. 4-ROOM flat, gas range, built-in bed, fur nace. 1-040 Albina ave.. $30. G-R. FLAT, upstairs. 5v3 Everett et. Call Broadway 32G7. 115 N. 14th. cor. Glisan, $3 0-ROOM -mod-era flat; 540 24 St. J. J. McCarthy, Bdwy. 6887. FIVE large, beautiful rooms, bath, Dutch kitchen, on car lme. 672 Albeirta at. Furnished Flats. LOWER furnished flat near car and schooL Tabor 8879; nice surroundings. 3-ROOM lower flat, nicely f uravtehed ; walk ing distance. gu. ri mh at. $2750 SMALL cozy flat, neat couple or 2 4-ROOM furnished flat, furnish heat and w at er. argo, nea r Ln ion a ve. NICELY furnished 4-room flat with bath. Rent reasonable; adult only. &t FOR RENT. Furnished Flat. 5-ROOM upper flat. walking distance; right rent to the right people; adults only . No. 727 East Stark st. Phone East 3310. 4 ROOMS, furnished, all downstairs, hot and cold water both wood and gaa ranges; walking distance bo downtown $25. Inquire 422 1st s. TO ADULTS 3 rooms and porch, gas, electricity, clean, good view, wt side, walking distance. Phone 545-89. Call 5"2. Montgomery at. NICELY furnished 5-room flat, wit- 4 additional rooms, suitable for roomers. 50 H King st. FOR RENT Mddern 5-room lower fur. flat, $55. Between Williams ave. and TTnion. Phone Auto. 324-7S. 3-ROOM nicely furnished flat, private bath, close in, $32.50. tiftO E. Alder. East 7820. 4-ROOM flat, walking distance, view, phone, water, $32.50. 389 st., south of Montgomery. nice l&th FIVE large furnished. rooms and bath, 672 Alberta st. beautifully $35 LOWER three-room; pantry, bath; adults. 243 E. 17th. Hawthorne car. 3 ROOMS furnished at 820 Vaughn; $25. Call 745 Roosevelt or phone Mar. 3719. 3-ROOM flat. East 22d st. adults .oniy. 504 4-ROOM adults; furnished fiat; $37. East 3305. phone, water; 290 Fargo st. Housekeeping Rooms. LARGE OUTSIDE 2-ROOM FURNISHED SUITE OF H. K. ROOMS. $6 -WEEK, OPENING INTO BATH; FINE VIEW, NICE YARD, GOOD HOME WITH NICE PEOPLE. FREE PHONE, COM. FUR. WO BELMONT STREET AT E. 18TH. NEAR WASHINGTON ST. $20. Artistically furnished 1 room and kitchenette; beautiful view of city and mountains; rent this and be at home. Main 3816 1 AND 2 FURNISHED h. k. rooms, gas, heat, light, phone furnished ; walking distance ; across from dental college. 423 Pacific at., corner of 6th. East 8494. TWO MOST desirable clean front-room apts. Portland Heights, wonderful view, near city park, on Council Crest car line. Vacant March 1. 768 Park avenue. Main 4278. NEWLY cleaned and renovated house keeping rooms; price $4.50 and $5 for 2 rooms. 1 biock from Hawthorne bridge. East side. 301 Hawthorne ave. NICELY furnished 2-room H. K. apart ment on first floor; private lavatory, every convenience $35. 507 Clay at., near 15th. Marshall 3602. 3 UNFURNISHED rooms and use of dining room and kitchen, lovely home, on east side. Tabor 3348. Sunday evenings; rea sonable. NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, beds are new and clean; very best heat, $15, $20 and $25 per month. Main 6161. 408 12th st. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 2-room apt. ; 1 -room apu, sleeping rooms; newly calclmined; lovely new iur. fr-2 1 rn urmaai . Bd w y. Iaa2. THE LONG aDartments. 53 N. 18th. Clean H. K. apartments, beat, light and hot water, $3 per week up; new manage ment. HASTER APARTMENTS. 2-room furnished H. K., outside and single room. $3 up to $6 a week. 213 hk First, corner Salmon st. LARGE. WARM, cheery room, with run ning water. $6.50 per week. 501 Har rison, above 14th. Automatic 518-13. THE BEAVER. 12tn and Marshall Fur nlehed H. K rooms, $15 up. Including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. BUSHMARK, Wash. St., corner 17th, clean, modern 1 and 2-room outside apts. A!so sleeping room. Bdwy. o4a, TWO SINGLE furnished H. K. rooms: light, phone, gas, furnace heat; $12 and $lo. E. -Madison, corner I3tn. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, very rea sonable; across street from Meier & Frank's, 291 Morrison. 2 AN'D 3-ROOM apts.. stove heat, laun dry, privileges. 246 Russell st., close t Williams ave. Phone East 765. 2 FRONT rooms, housekeeping, $18 mo.; also 1 room, $12 mo. 427 Montgomery st., near llth. NEWLY furnished 2-room apartment, fur nace heat, ground floor, walking dls- tance; very reasonable. E. 3236. 2 LARGE furnished h. k. rooms; gas, light and phone furnished, $2o. Marshall 23 06. 352 College st. ROOMS Sleeping and nousekeeplng. $3 to 10 weeaiy. star, etn ana Main, van couver. This ad good for $2 credit. 2 AND 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, light and clean, close in, good, car servic. 214 Lmaon ave. North. 2 ROOMS furnished for housekeeping light, gas ami telephone free. Children welcome. 428 llth. LARGE front room, $4.50 week; small-, $3. 327 3d st., opposite auditorium. SINGE steam heated nouse keeping rooms, 9 to p per ween. 14 i i3tn st. $350 WEEK UP Large downtown fur nished H. K. rooms. 253 Wash. TWO ROOMS, $26; 3 rooms $32; clean walking distance. 402 Ross st. E. 9025. MODERN. steam-heated housekeeping rooms. 3 iu m n, near Montgomery. LARUE newly furnished H, K. rooms. Clay St., Marshall 1441. FURNISHED 2 rooms, housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 04 ." vvasn. st. TWO rooms, $5 per week up; one sleeping, $3 up. 208 Washington. and H. K. APT.. Car line. comfortable, light. 447 5th st. TWO LARGE furnished H. K. rooms and alcove. 515 Vista ave. Main 701 CLEAN housekeeping rooms, electric lights, block off Wash. 149 Lownsdale. LARGE front room. pho-ne, bath 67 N. housekeeping, tele 2d. Bdwyv 4123. LA RG E, weiU furnish eds clean h on e keep in g -ooim. 693 E- Madtoom. Ei 891L LIGHT, clean h. k. rooms, furnace heat, 264 12th st. 7 ROOMS and suites at out prcea. cor. Morrison. 163 1st, $3 AND 4, SINGLE and double, well fur- mshed houseiceepung. o4 ir'ettygrove. Housekeeping Koodih in Private Family. 20 EAST side, first and second floor; 2 suites of fully fur. h. k. rooms, elec. lights free; walking distance, 564 E. 6th. Sell. 1109. STEAM-HEATED bed-sitting room, also room with sleeping porch. Exceptionally large bright room with housekeeping privileges. Moderate rates. East 234. PLEASANT, clean housekeeping and sleep ing rooms; could care for child if par ents are employed; very reasonable. Mar shall 1805. 751 Kearney. 2 H. K. ROOMS Hot and coJd water, fur nace heat, everything Included in rent; su tt a b le for 3; by Mar. L Mar. 3230. SITTING room, bedroom, kitchenette. light, three water, phone, bath; suitable for adults. Ref. Main 4709. MAN AND WIFE, preferably employed, to share home with owner; reference. Broadway ,V51. after 6 P. M. 2 ROOMS and kitchenette, private family, adults; convenient for working people. 408 Broadway So. $!2.50 2 COMPLETELY fur. basement H. K. rooms, elec. lights an water free, walking aist. 564 E. 6th st. Belt. 1109. $20 ROOM and kitchen, in west side cot tage, to reliable, homelike people. Main 234 after 8 P. M. WELL-FURNISHED H. K. rooms on ground floor, near car line; no children. 293 E. 39th ONE AND TWO housekeeping rooms, ex ceptionally clean; stove heat, close in. 325 Schuyler st. East 9118. 1 OR 2 RMS., lovely furnisheo h. k. rms. Heat, gas range, laundry; spotlessly clean. 283 N. 24th. Main 1811. NICE, clean suite of H. K. rooms, newly furnished, light, gas. water, phone in cluded. 428H Hall. Mar. 1376. 2 LARGE H. K. rooms, suitable for three people; furnace heat; walking distance. 632 W. Flanders. Bdwy. 2256. 2 H. K. Clay- ROOMS in private family. 501 $35 THREE h. k. rooms. 425 E. 57th st. Adults only; no smokers; also garage. 2 FURNISHED h. k. rooms; adults only; rent $30. 193 14th, corner Taylor. 2 NICELY furnished h. distance. $18. East 72 rooms, walking . 324 E. 1st N. H. K. SUITE with porch, suitable for 3 people 154 x. isth st. 3 LARGE right and clean h. k. rooms, on lower floor. 129 E. 32L near Morrison. MODERN furnished o-room bungalow, 8!K Wasco, cuose m; aau:ts oniy. wt 47H MODERN private home, sleeping and housekeeping roo ma tto5 Northirup. $25 WELL- FURNISHED H. K. rooms in mode rn home. 321 Eugene. East 23 Oo. SEMI-BASEMENT apt., Davis. Bdwy. 3443. nice, close in. 532 Houses. 6-ROOM unfurnished modern house for rent at 710 E. Burnside. Rent $37.50. Inquire Wakefleld-Frieg & Co.. 85 4th. 7 ROOMS, sleeping porch, newly renovated, hardwood floors throughout, garage and all kinds of fruit. East 4268. WHEN moving, ciiy or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Transfer Co., Main 1261. 202 Alder street 7-ROOM modern house, west side. 235 Nartilla st. Inquire 109 East 30th fit- Tabor 2514. 5 ROOMS and bath, 650 E. Morrison. In- quire 717 Corbett bldg. George P, Lent FOR RENT 6-room house. Inquire 1365 Milwauktc st. Phone sell. 2670. MODERN 6-room house, furnace, flre- place, yard, $42. woodlawn 106. 6-ROOM HOUSE. 11S3 E. Main 7916. 19th L N. MODERN 6-room bungalow, 358 E. 43d, pce war garage. ut0h FOR RENT, Houses. FOR SALE) Houseboat No. 18 at Oregon Yacht club. A comfortable and econom ical home. Five rooms, gas, electricity, city water, etc. Separate fuel house. Terms if desired. See caretaker at club or write, giving phone number. BD 469, oregonian. HERE vou are, Mr. Renter. 6-room bunga low, all on one floor, fine fruit and 100x 100 lot. J. B. Holbrook, Realtor, 213-214 Panama bldg. rj I.I. RROA nVAT 580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT 10TH ST. ATLAS TRANSFER. Pianos moved, $3 and up; furniture moving in proportion; get our priest first; nil work guaranteed. Bdwy. 1207. MOVING Pianos, furniture and long dis tance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d bt. Phone Bdwy. 5121. 8 LARGE rooms, 2d floor, brick buiiding, suitable for 1 or 2 families or room rent- ing. Auto. 212-i.t. MODERN 5-room cottace, corner SHh ana Fash. Burnside sts.. $22.50. Owner, ill Board of Trade bldg. FOR RENT 6-room modern house, 664 Halsey. near 19th. Open Sumiay. Rent $50. Phone Mar. 3393. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT Fumi-hed house of .arge rooms, completely furnished, witn excep tion of bedding, linen and stiver; beau tiful yard; ready March li. Call morn- ingg. East o-i 6-RM. MODERN house, electric lights. gas, etc.; garage; comfortably turrasiieti. 5th and E sts., Oswego. $37.00. Frank L. MoGuire, Bdwy. 7171. ROSE CITY PARK, turnished i-room modern house. 506 East ooth st. North, $52.50 per month. Donald Woodward, 104 Second 2d. Bdwy. 7436. ' 8-ROOM furnished house, water, light, gas. toilet; nice lot, with fruit tree i.'w; $700 cash, $20 per month. 6if04 41st a vex P. E. . FURNISHED modern 5-room bungaiow. including piano, fireplace, furnace, hard wood floor. Dutch kitchen and ail built in hneAuto23J7-03. FOR REN T 7 -room block to car line.. Cail Mar. S3S3. house, furn ihed. 1 no 2d st.; price $50l COZY cottage for couple; lights, gas. water. near river and station. 1 oik. weet nign way on Center st.. Oak Grow. Oatror: FOUR large rooms, modern; free phone. J24-1B. dKOll s.ttn st. Jb. 5-ROOM furnished cottage, near Laurel- hurst park; 6 mo. lease. 103 E. ft ash. FURNISHED 5-room bungalow cot-tag Call Tabor 4165 for Information. 5-ROOM cottage, modeim. piano. 108 Williams ave. E. 3363. Call Auto. 2-5. 5-ROOM furnished house for rent; good Phone Main 7329. garage. House for Kent Furniture for Sale. BEAUTIFUL Irvington 7-room house, with garage for rent; Gasco furnace; love'y new furniture for sale; must be seen to be appreciated; no dealers. Phone East 6019. Call 617 East 21st N. FURNITURE of 4-room house; piano and. pnunugrapii, wu pajs-iur luimime mm lease until Dec. 15. Phone Milwaukle 42J Mrs. Botllne. HIGH-GRADE furniture of 5-room bunga low for sale, half price for cash. Ex ceptionally attractive bungalow for rent to party buying furniture. Tabor 7102. 6-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale; rent $12 per month; terms on furniture. Call 1219 Holgate st, Woodstock car. FURNITURE of 5-room fiat lor sale, rent $30; solid oak, good rugs, cosy home with income. Owner. Marshall 2024. FURNITURE for ea-le at bargain, 6-roora fiat for rent, rooms pay rent 5tJ7 Ev erett st ' . FURNITURE of 5 rooms for sale, flat for rent, rent $25; 2 rooms paying the rent, walking distance. 428H llth, owher. FURNITURE for sale, by piece If desired, or 5-room house, carpets, dressers, etc.; must be sold. 346 Victoria st. 7-ROOM flat for rent, furniture,. $45u, terms. 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. FURNITURE for sale and house for rent. 482 E. Clay. . HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale. Graham ave., near Uniooi. 3o5 Stores and Business Places. CHOICE STORES FOR RENT. Corner room, 2d and Burnside. Also adjoining store on 2d st Will give lease for term of years. For information, call Bdwy. 728, or Ant fi2-90. HAVE a lease on a store building in A-l location, Sandy blvd. Lease runs for 3 years and routs for $55 a month. Three months' rent ia paid. Good location for electrical shop or tailoring and pressing shop; nert to a theater. See Mr. Solum with GREAT WESTERN INVESTMENT CO., 230 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 75HL STORE SPACE FOR RENT. Close in on east aide; suitable for tai lor shop, meat market, etc. See Mr. Christen son, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Bdwy 4751, Realtors. 410 Henry Bldg. v'A R Y desirable store in new brick build ing on Sandy blvd. at 51st St., suitable for millinery, dressmaking, electrical and automobile supplies, etc Inquire -iU3 Third st. SMALL store on Morrison St., near bridge. suitable for jeweler, tailor, shoe snop, etc.; reasonable rent, lease. Main 2124. BASEMENT, central west side business distrclt, cheap rent, lease. Dan Keiia her. 4H0 Belmont. Fast 8433. NICE 6-room apartment, suitable for store and living rooms. 7ft Williams avenue. FOR DESIRABLE space ln fireproof ware- house, phone Broadway 37in. STORE, 230ft Washington au Apply 252 Stark st. Offices. WE HAVE an elegant room suitable for dentist, with privilege ot sharing re ception room, with another tenant. This enniA la InpjLted In modern office build ing ln heart of business district. . BO 460, Qregonian. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. Well-lighted and heated offices, single or in suites, central office building in financial section of city; low rentals. See Donald G. Woodward, agent. 104 Second street, corner atarn. PRIVATE office and share reception room, phone, stenographer, with attorney. 207 Stock Exchange. Dandy arrangement. OFFICE SPACE, with or without desk and stenographer service. 209 Stock Exchange building. Marshall 2310. SPACE for dentist, east light, modern office building, first-class location; ref er e n c ereQuiredJBC 467 nirvif rnrti with teleDbone and graphic rervice. Phone Bdwy 8715. FRONT office, change bldg. modern, in Railway Ex--Apply room 312. OFFICE for rent, with use of reception room. 817 Northwestern Bank bldg. DESK room, Henry bldg. 1831 or call 614. Phone Bwdy. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUTCHER SHOP. NO COMPETITION. Dandy little butcher shop in good business district; no competition. Doing $35 and up; rent $20. Price only $1150. Let us show you. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 6942. GROCERY DOING $5500 MONTHLY. Fine east side corner brick, doing a fine cash business, stock at Invoice about $4000; fixtures, splendid value, at $1300. Rent $50, long lease. Price about $4300. SIMMS. 610 HENRY BLDG. STATE AGENCY. AUTO ACCESSORY. Invest $400 in stock now on hand and get the EXCLUSIVE state agency of the best auto accessory on the market. A "Live Wire" can make big money. See owner at 309 Panama bldg. $2200 GROCERY. With 5 modern living rooms and bath: doing $40 day, cash and carry: clean stock and A-l location; rent $50 but some home, KEIPPER & CLOSE. 514 Railway Exoh. Bldg. Bdwy. 6350i DOING $45 PER DAY. Come in and let us show you the best little bakery business in Portland. Uses over a barrel of flour per day. $1200 for equipment and invoice stock.. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 6942. GROCERY, NEAR LAURELHURST. A very fine store in modern brick, S beautiful living rooms above. Price $2200 or invoice. SIMMS, 610 HENRY BLDG. $1600 RESTAURANT. Doing $70 day business; rent ream able; lease until 1925. If you are look ing for money-maker see this. KEIPPER & CROSBY, M4 Railway Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 665A. BAKERY location can be had wltJmi the next few days; from a baker's standpoint the best in city. . Call Broadway 219L. MatUaon. RESTAURANT, $700, $150 good; W. . Bdwy, 4336. down, oic