10, THE MORNING ORG ONI AN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1932 REAL ESTATT5. For Hale House. 600,000 PORTLAND ia 1930. See FRANK L. McGUIRH To Buy Your Home, AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SELLER. 1200 Photographs of Homes For Sale. PERSONALLY INSPECTED. PERSONALLY APPRAISED. A FEW MINUTES pent In this modern daylight office will save you time and money and put you in immediate touch with the home that will best meet with your requirement. If -necessary we'll help you make your down payment. OPEN EVENINGS until 9:00. At your service 60 SALESMEN. LAURELHURST BEAUTY. $8990 EXQUISITE DUTCH COLONIAL HOME, Just one block from LAURELHURST PARK; 7 airy rooms with finest of- appoint ments throughout; immense liv ing room, 11x28, with tile fire place, sun parlor, breakfast room, hardwood floors, rich old ivory, glass doorknobs in every room, garage; E. Ankeny at, HOME OF DIGNITY AND APPEALING CHARM. ROSE CITY. WITH VIEW! $5900 SACRIFICE SALE! A massive 7-room bungalow with great view porches extending around front and sides; solid oak paneling, 2 fireplaces, beautiful built-in fea tures, sleeping porch; WONDER FUL HOT WATER HEATING SYSTEM ; 87x100; one of the most sightly corners in all ROSE CITY. Owner leaving city, your oppor tunity. E. 47th, fit.; terms.' LOOK AT THTS ALBERTA! $3250 BARGAIN SEEKERS! Stop here' 7-room very attractive and sub stantial modern home on full lot, paved street: VACANT! IMME DIATE POSSESSION; close to car and school; E. 22d st; terms. JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. $5275 HOMEY, typical 6-room 2-story modern and exceptionally well built home, just 1 blk. to car and convenient to Jefferson high; fur nace, all improvements in and paid; THIS IS A SNAP! Cleve land ave. ; reasonable terms. FRANK L. McGUIRE SPECIAL! 4010- IN BROADWAY ADDITION, close to Fern wood school, car. etc., is this wonderful value in a (i-room practical home; large liv ing room with fireplace, book eases, solid paneled dinjng room, nice, cheery kitchen with lots of built-in lavor-saving conveniences. 3 large corner bedrooms and large sleeping porch, furnace, ce ment garage; VACANT! COME DOWN AND INVESTIGATE THIS; Weidler st. NEW PENINSULA! PRICE CUT! QUICK SALE! $2950 ARE YOU PLANNING TO MAKE your home on the Peninsula, Portland's thriving industrial and coy home district? Here's a beauitful 6-room BRAND-NEW bungalow that will just suit you! Rooms are large and airy, all sorts of bullt-ins; RIGHT ON CAR LINE; W. Lombard st.; can arrange terms. ? ? $175 T ? $995 $175 down! Cunning artistic lit tle 4 -room bungalow, warm, brown and cosy ; hard surfaced street, garage, large lot; 45th ave. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home, Realtor, Abington Bldg. Bdwv. 7171. 3d St., bet. Wash, and Stark. WEST MT. TABOR SNAP. Strictly modern 6-room home; newly painted and decorated. Large living room, fireplace, wood lift, built-in buf fet, French doors, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen in white, 3 large bed rooms, large closets, full panel door mir ror, linen closet, clothes chute, fine bathroom, upstairs white enamel, full basement, furnace, wash trays, large front porch, screened-in back porch, fine view, garage. A complete well built home that wilt bear closest Inspection; lawn, fruit, roses, etc. All improve ments in and paid; 1 block to car; 1500 Fast Morrison st., near 55th, $6500 Terms. L. E. STET X M ETZ, 406 Ger linger bldg. Main 6091 or Tabor 32 2 4. ROSE CITY PARK $5250 6 rooms and garage. The owner of this splendid home wants immediate action and is offering this prop erty at an exceptionally low fig ure. Very large living room, mod ern in every way with full cement basement, furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, finished in old ivory and white throughout. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark st., near 4th, Bdwy. 6093. East side office, 3170 Sandy blvd. at 40th. Tabor 0586. 417 GLENN AVENUE SO. Will sell strictly MODERN 6-room bungalow, with GARAGE. City liens all Paid. Hard-surface -street. Must be seen to be appreciated. Near school and 3 carlines. Good condition. A good substantial down payment will secure a reduction in purchase price of $6500. Make appointment for seeing property and securing details. Q. G. ROHRER. RENTAL REALTOR. 206 PANAMA BLDG. TRVINGTON STUCCO HOME. 593 E 24th N., a real home; best material, 2 complete bath rooms and extra plumbing; 2 white tiled fireplaces; old Ivory and solid mahogany woodwork ; , best hardwood floors throughout. Concrete porches. Full lot and garage. Vacant. McDONELL, EAST 419. New, up-to-date bungalow,' 6 large rooms and breakfast nook, hardwood drain board, costly plumbing, plate glass W1HUOW3, material ana worKmansnip very best all through. This is a very attractive home and in the best part of Irvington. 4S4 E. 24th st. N., near Thompson. Open 1 to 5 P. M. Wdln. 4841. POSITIVE BARGAIN. MT. TABOR. Here 1 a beautiful bungalow of 5 rooms and sleeping porch; well located; has large living room, oak floors, fire place, buffet and Dutch kitchen. Full cement basement, furnace; price only $4600, $1000 cash. Let us show you. R. L. McGREW. 10S9 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 892. FOR SALE MODERN 4-ROOM BUNGA LOW, JUST COMPLETED, IN NORTH JONESMORE. SIZE OF HOUSE 20x28: LOT 60x100, PRICE $3275. EITHER CALL OR TELEPHONE UMBDEN STOCK & CO., 2D FLOOR, OREGON BUILDING. TELEPHONE BROAD WAY 1658. GOOD 6-ROOM HOUSE ON DIVISION STREET FOR $3200. Must sell this at once; fronting on Division street, near 35th street. Work all in and paid; 6-room house, plastered, good plumbing, fireplace. Price only $3200. Be sure to see this today. HARGROVE REALTY CO. (Realtors). 122 North 6th St. Phone Bdwy. 4381. R. C. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $4300 $600 Cash. 5 room' bungalow, 2 blks. to car, on pavement: brand new and modern, and we will be pleased to tell you more if you call Bdwy. 7519 or Tabor 50-57. Mccarty, maxwell & downey. uaiiway cxcnange 5 1 ag. CORNER 75x109. on the northeast corner of Nueva ave. and Carlos ave., in Red wood, Cal., 5 miles from Palo Alto. 25 miles from San Francisco; will exchange for late model auto. See owner, J. Fen nander, 795 Minnesota ave. Wdln. 1201 CLOSING an estate, Waveriy Heights' choicest 7-room home, enamel finish, cove and beamed ceilings, very modern and complete; $3500 will handle, bal ance monthly at 6 per cent interest. Par- ncuiars pnone cast n.t.x FOR SALE Modern four-room bungalow, just completed, in north Jonesmore Size of house 26x2S, lot 50x100. price $3275. Either call or phone Umbden stock & Company. 2d floor, Oregon bldg. HAVE clients for houses in nearly every part of the city. If your price is right we can get the results you want. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS, 404-5-6 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6949. ONLY $2300. 5-room house. 50x100, lot Improve ments in and paid; easy terms. W. W. SABIN, REALTOR. 1032 Union Ave. N. Wdln. 589. ' 6-ROOM modern bungalow; hardwood floor, fireplace, pipeless furnace, garage roses and flowers; Irvington Park dlst ' $4200; only $1400 cash, bal. easy terms. Owner, Wdln. 3094. NEAR Westmoreland, by owner, 5-room bungalow, large lot, fruit and berries ; close to Sellwood car; some terma 681 South ave. $450 CASH, price $2200; 6-room house. E. 84th st., Sunnyside, Ms block to car. SCOTT & BERRY. 1038 Belmont. $2500 RICHMOND district, (i-room mod- ern bouse and garage. , Paved street. FIVE-ROOM cottage. Sunnyside. $700 will handle, balance like rent, no agents. D 441, Oregonian. ! ' ' v REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. OPPOSITE CITY PARK, . $350 cash, balance to suit you. Here Is positively a most charming, nearly new 5-room bungalow at a great sacri fice. The living room is very large; beautiful hardwood floors and electric fixtures; new gas-pipeless furnace; Iota of heat at little expense and no worry; full cement basement, laundry trays; Dutch kitchen; almost new gas range and Ruud heater; curtains, drapes, lino leum; 50x100 lot. 1 will guarantee the street will be paved this year at no ex pense to you. Price only $4250. Pay like rent; only 25 minutes out on best car line in city. "M. V." Vacant. Owner on premises after 1:30 P. M. 120 E. S2d at Glisan, or phone Mar. 746 mornings, evenings. LAURELHURST We are offerini $5350 6 rooms. l splendidly con structed bungalow with hardwooa floors throughout, elegantly fin ished and decorated, complete to the last detail. Nothing could be done to enhance either the ap pearance or finish of this unusual bungalow; located 1 blocks from car. Yes, there is a garage. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St., nr. 4th. Bdwy. 6093; east side office, 1170 Sandy blvd., at 40th. Tabor 9586. ROSE CITY PARK 5-room bungalow with attic, 1 year old, large living and dining room across front, plate-giass windows, fireplace and all built-ins, 2 large bed rooms, large attic and a dandy kitchen. Plea sfl note, all rooms are large; a good basement, furnace, lawn, shrubs and ga Tage. This is the best we have found below the .hill at $5500; $1000 cash, 6 per cent interest, too. You cannot beat this. For Sale Exclusively by O. A. PEARCE COMPANY, 616 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4SS5. Marshall 1788. NEW ENGLAND COLONIAL. Moderate priced cottage type (34x32) with dormers and red roof; a new type to Portland and very, very appealing; compact, convenient, economic, complete to every detail; unique in many; ga rage (11x19); splendid location. 801 East 24th N. 300 ft. to Broadway car line at Regents drive. Open from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. Call evenings, Auto. 515-78. 'For More and Better Homes." D. M. DRAKE, Constructor-Owner. LUX THIOL'S NOB HILL COLONIAL. Strictly modern 2 ft -story, 10-room home in most exclusive section on large view site; built for home and never of fered before; very spacious and hand some rooms, tastefully decorated; white woodwork, piano finish, den in oak; dining room in S. A. mahogany; 4 bed rooms and 2 tiled baths on 2d floor, . maids' rooms and bath on 3d; hot water heat ; billiard and ballrooms, garage, beautiful shrubbery. A charming home at a bargain. R. H. Torrey, Tabor 407. MAGNIFICENT LAURELHURST HOME. Elaborate 2-story, S-room home with garage, located on double corner in most exclusive section, 1 block to car, near park; built for home .and never offered before ; very large rooms; 2ft baths; hot water heat; billiard room; beautiful grounds. A delightful home at close figure. Take in smaller home. R. H. Torrey. Tabor 407. BY OWNER in Kenton. 7-room modern house; near car and school. East 6747. Suburban Homes. OSWEGO LAKE HOMES. Now is the time to secure your subur ban home at beautiful Oswego lake. We have a number of particularly fine buys. Remember the commutation fare to Oswego is only 1 cents with pavement all the W'ay. $1200 for 175x120 with large uncom pleted house; a snap. $1 800 for 100x120, new 4-room bun galow. $2200 for 180x120 ; new 4-room bun galow. $2400, acre and 4-room bungalow, bath and garage. $2uM), new 4-room modern bungalow. J1650, 100x120, new 3 rooms, hot and cold water. ' Also lake shore lots, acres and home sites, terms within reason. Call owner, concord bldg.. a ana startt. SPLENDID 5-ACRE SUBURBAN HOME. BULL RUN WATER. 5 acres, 3 miles city limits, 5 blocks from Gresham car, rock road, all in cul tivation, no rock or gravel; 3 acres of the very best orchard to be found around Portland, all varieties and in perfect condition; berries of all kinds be tween the trees; 6-room plastered bun galow, full basement, Bull Run water, bath, etc.; barn and outbuildings; not only a splendid home but always pro duces good income. Price $6000; ft cath. HARGROVE. REALTY CO., 122 North 6th St. Phone Bdwy. 4381. LOOK AT THIS BUY. Almost half acre with' young fruit trees, 250 strawberries; just 2 blocks oft highway and from Aloha station; cozy 4-room bungalow with running water, gas, wired for electricity, Dutch kitch en; white enamel woodwork; $75 gas range goes with place at price of $2750. Terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. . ad St., bet. Wash, and Stark. FIVE ACRES SE WELL STATION. AT A SACRIFICE. Large young orchard, 1 acre logans, fine soil; ideal bungalow with 6 rooms and bath, gas, handy Dutch kitchen ; 2 poultry houses, barn; near electric car. Owner called east. Priced- for quick tale at $5000; $2HH down. Ask for F. C Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. BroaMway 7171. 3d St., bet. Wash, and Stark. MULTNOMAH, CAPITAL HILL AND RYAN PLACE. "We can save you a lot of time If you are looking for something in this local ity. as we have the largest listing of medium-priced suburban homes in the city. From $ uoo ana up, ana UDerai terms. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 500-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. BEAUTIFUL RYAN PLACE HOME. Close to car; cozy 4-room bungalow with city water, gas and electricity; full plumbing, bullt-ins; ft acre with family orchard; chicken house; WILL ACCEPT SMALL DOWN PAYMENT AND SOL DIERS LOAN; $4200. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. U d St., bet. Wash, and Stark. $300 Gtt'ES POSSESSION. Combination living and dining room Dutch kitchen, bedroom, full plumbing electricity, gas and running water; good chicken house; 3 blocks from Multno mah station; only $2000. Ask for F. U Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. 3d St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. BUNGALOW ON RIVER ROAD. 5 rooms; unfinished inside, but live able; cement walks and porches, gas and electricity; garage; EVERGREEN STA TION. This can be made a cozy home; $300 down gives you possession; $1400 is the price. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. i 3D ST. BET. WASH. AND STARK. NEAR BEAVERTON. $1000 BELOW THE MARKET. 8 Ms acres with modern 7-room house, barn, garage, fruit, berries and shrub bery. Electricity, gas and water. A real sacrifice at the price of $3750. Lib eral terma DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bldg. . Bdwy. 6942. $150 CASH, neat 3-room bungalow, 2 blks. station, wooded acre, Hghts, $1450;- also 2 new bungalows near by, $1500, $1650, same terms. Oswego Lake. McFarland, Realtor, 208 Failing bldg. OWNER has left the city. I must sell im mediately modern bungalow on 80x140 ground near Multnomah. Can be pur chased at a very low figure on easy terms. For particulars call Main 880. SEE THIS SNAP. Beautifully wooded acre with cheery little bungalow, right on paved highway, all city conveniences available ; $1 100 cash takes it. A. K. Hill. 426 Lumber mens bldg. FOUR ACRES, all in cultivation, good six room house and barn; all kinds fruit and berries, sidewalk to town; soil the best. Price $3500. Only $800 cash, balance easy. Call 518 Cham. Com. Bldg. WEST SIDE. 15 minutes out we have new. modern 5-room bungalow in fine location, quar ter acre, rich soil, $3500, terms. See A. K. Hill. 420 Lumbermens bldg. POWELL VALLEY. Dandy suburban acre, 4-room furnished bungalow, garage, poultry house, fruit, etc., city utilities: only $2100. Terms. A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermens bldg. 1 ACRES, 3-room house, city water, gas, electricity and telephone, between Ber tha and Multnomah station. Main 664. For Sale Business IToperty. INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. I have industrial property lor sale or exchange. W. H. ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. LARGE corner business block, heart of city, income $1200 per month, will tak trade up 10 $40,000. balance mtsr. $60,000. Someone is going to get this at a sac rifice. I. 421, Oregonian. For Hale Acreage. GRESHAM 114 acres for $K), well lo cated, best of soil, all cultivated, water and lights available; $50 will handle "W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 165S. $20 DOWN: We have a nice lot of pretty acre tracts. They are moving- fast. Easy, terms. Near Oswego lake. McFarland. FOR SALE SEVEN ACRES, CLOSE IN" THOMAS AI.I.E'.N, 6131 titO ST. S. Ji 618-44. REAL ESTATE. I'or Sale Acreage. MODERN HOME, HARDWOOD FLOORS. S acres, 10 miles from, center of Portland, 2 blocks to electric sta tion, macadamized road; all under cultivation ; lots of bearing fruit and berries ; good new 5-room fdastered bungalow, best of plumb ng. basement, electric lights, running water; garage, 1'args chicken house. 20x50 woodshed ; nice Bightly ground; $500 cash and soldier's loan, terms on balance. IN MARION COUNTY, OREGON. 10 acres, -mlle from railroad and good town, with high and' grade school; woven wire fences; sandy loam soil; 2 acres under cultivation, balance seeded to grass and bas some small stumps; 4-room cottage; - chicken house. 8 large fir trees for wood; good rocked road ; price $1600. $500 cash, balance 3 years, 6 per cent. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, Ge dinger Bldg. 14 ACRES 600 CHICKENS PRICE $3500 Personal: Team, wagon, harness, hack, plow, harrow, 2 registered brood sows, 2 cows, 1 Jersey heifer, 308 laying pullets, 350 hens, 30 breeding roosters, incubator, 3 tone oats, chicken feed; 4-room house, barn, one new chicken house 20x100, one chicken house 16x60, water piped to premises; bearing orchard and berries. 14 acres of land, 5 cleared, some nice timber. It is near Estacada. Rocked road all way to place. Truck takes eggs from the premises. Price $3500; $2000 ' down. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North 6th St. Phone Bdwy. 4381. CLOSE-IN ON COLUMBIA BOULEVARD. SUNDERLAND ACRES, at East 29th st. N. and Columbia blvd., 1 to 20-acre tracts, $450 per acre and up; liberal terms, rich soil, low taxes, close to cars and school. Branch office East 29th and Columbia blvd. J. O. ELROD, Owner, 283 Stark St. Bdwy. 1188. NICE 2-ACRE HOME AT GRESHAM. Two blocks from electric station. In Gresham, 2 acres, all cleared, best of land, no rock; 5-room bungalow, plas tered, electrio lights. Bull Run water, bath, Dutch kitchen; chicken house; bungalow is new and well built; price $3500. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th St. Phone Bdwy. 4381. ACREAGE. Here 13 the best buy on the market. Two acres without improvements, on hard-surface road, near car line, city water, gas, electricity ; oniy $1 700, on easy terms. Don't delay. It won't last long. HOUSES. A dandy new 3-room house, only $1200 with $iou cash, balance like rent. J. A, W1CKMAN CO., 262 Stark. Broadway 6794 BERRY AND NUT LAND. 83 acres, close to Amity, house, barn, fenced, chicken house, 15 acres in culti vation; fine view; good soil, fruit trees, berries, $2750, $500 down, balance 6 per cent. 15 acres. Amity, part cultivated, fenced, some timber, price cut to $1000, $200 down, balance 6 per cent. 226 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SEACH REST BROS. PO WE-LL VALLEY ROAD. 10 acres near 94th st. and just off the hard surface road, -mostly in cultiva tion, 2 acres, bearing walnuts, slopes to the south and west, protected from east winds; wonderful garden land, grand sweeping view; only $5000; wonderful chance for gardener; $300 will handle, easy terms on balance. John E. Howard, 318 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN IN ACREAGE ON POWELL VALLEY ROAD. Absolutely best acreage buy near the city; little over 9 acres; wide frontage on Powell Valley road, 1 mile from city limits; nice second-growth timber; price $400 per acre; away under anything ad joining; non-resident says sell at once. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th S. Phone Bdwy. 43S1. ACREAGE. A little country home of two acres with fine 4-room modern bungalow, highly improved, fruit, berries, etc. A real snap. Near car line and on good road. Only $3250 and on easy terms. If you want a bargain in this line, let us show it to you. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 262 Stark. Bro adway 6794. $40 DOWN, $10 PER MO. WATER. GAS, LIGHTS. One acre, fine soil, beautiful view, rap idly growing community, close to carline and baseline -highway, 2 mi. E. of city. BOONE-CLEARWATER, 506 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 5317. ACRE AND HALF. $25 DOWN, $15 PER MONTH. 400 yds. of city limits, at E. 42d and Killfngsworth ave-; good location for chickens and garden. Price $13-50. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce- Bldg. Broadway GQ34. ' FOR QUICK SALE This fine 6-room home; basement, gas, city water and 10 acres; all cultivated; bearing orchard, berries; good bulidings; just off Powell valley road, near interurban; FINE SOIL; 2 good wells; all for $12,500; $5000 cash. A REAL home and a SNAP. FRANK C. ROBINSON. 503-4 Selling Bldg. Main 2557. 10 ACRES, 1 MILE FROM HILLSBORO, FOR $2300. . Splendid piece , of land, 10 acres, 5 acres cleared, no rock; good 4-room house; just outside Hillsboro. Price $2300. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th St. Phone Bdwy. 4381. LISTEN TO THIS. 15 acres for $2500. in heart of Powell valley, right at station, excellent soil, beautiful view, 9 acres cultivated, fine for fruit and poultry, easy terma W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon Bl-dg. Bdwy. 165S. RIGHT AT ELECTRIC STATION. 1.12 acres, assorted young orchard, bearing, good macadam road, electric lights available; 3ft miles east of city limits; $37.50 down, $7.50 feionthly. Fred W. German Co., realtors, 732 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE by owner. 4 acres best level land in Multnomah county, part cleared, located east of Lents on county road, close to hard surface and car line; fine view of mountains, good pure water; $275 per acre; terms; city people desired. F. W. Hill, 901 Wclis Fargo bldg SACRIFICE SALE. $1850. 30 acres extra good farm land, mostly level, fair buildings, creek, some timber, partly cleared, close to school and R. R. town. Price $1850, terms. Bdwy. 7672. McFARLAND, Realtor. 208 Failing bldg. FOR SALE 15 milk from Portland, 124 acres, ft mile east of Beaverton on Can yon road (paved). Sell between 5 and 6 acres, including 6-room house and barn for $5000 or all of it for $8000. Charles Jesperson, Beaverton, Or. READ 16 full lots, or nearly 2 acres, n cultivation, small creek crosses 1 corner, fenced, city water, gas, electricity, 3 blocks Bertha station, only $1600. R. Hoard. 501 Stock Exchange. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma. Wash. ROCK WOOD 1 acre or more at station near Base Line road, ail cleared, $5XM per acre; easy lerras. w. m. unrbden stock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy, 1658. For Sale Farms. SALE OR EXCHANGE" 320-acre farm, Instow, Sask.. Canada Fine soil, feed, seed, stock, implements, household goods, $50 per acre, or will trade for farm if right location. Write Norman wnue, iayion, ur. 40 ACRES on Roosevelt highway, between popular coast resorts; first-class house r,A outbuildings, trout hatchorv im provements, fine water, excellent for dairying A-ir n sacrifice at saouu. iei ma. v oregonian. WE WANT to leil you more about the fa mous Deschutes valley in central Oregon A dairy, potato and stockman's para dise. A card brings full particulars. Redmond Land & Loan Co., Inc., Red- mon, ur- ulv"j s capitol.) FARM FOR CITY PROPERTY. 10 acres near Tigard, 3-room bunga low, .young orchard and berries, $5000; will take nouse ana mji. A. FINLEY, COLUMBIA 068. CHICKEN. FRUIT GARDEN RANCHETS near Portland, jou to ouo per acre ea.v MCf anaiiu. .o,... -va railing nid m . nriWO tr In Olllti VI) Hn . l " IT' W. W. SABIN, REALTOR 1033 Union Ave. N. Wdln. 589. SALE or rent, 50 acres, Barr and Rock " wood roads, 5 miles city limits; no gravel; plenty water; good buildings; 2 acres orchard ; terms. 1978 E. Taylor st. ANY ONE wishing good grain and stock ranch in Montana. Mrs. A. N. Melvln TIT ! 1 os 1 1 Montana DW11C1, i.e.-.. CHEAP for quick sale. 10-acre improved ranch, Yakima valley. J. L, Chase, Pros ser. Wash. IMPROVED farm. Linn county, clear title, 865 acres. $16,000; also law library cheap. George W, Wright, Albany, Or, REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. WILLAMETTE V ALLEY FARMS PRICED ON THEIR PRO x DUCTIVB VALUE. BENTON COUNTY DIVERSI FIED FARM. 185 acres, located on good road. Daily mail, phone, etc. Dairy barn and horse barn, each 50x60, ma chine shed, shop, garage, sheds, hen houses, etc. Light and water sys tems. 140 acres of extra choice land in cultivation, balance pas ture. This is a real bargain in a high-class farm at $125 per acre. BUILD YOUR OWN IMPROVE MENTS. 26 acres of choice second bot tom land, all in fall crop, on good road, only 4 miles from- Eugene, near school and church; price only $3500, $1500 cash balance 8 years at 6 per cent. We know soil and the crops that will grow- on it. Read our ads. We have what you want. KINNEY, IRVINE & HYDE, Realtors, Eugene, Oregon. SMALL FARM BARGAIN. CONSIDER HOUSE. 14 acres, 10 miles from Portland, on. macadamized road, 35 fjt from pavement; 10 acres under cultiva tion, balance 1st growth Umber; 65 young bearing fruit trees, best of loam soil, small house, barn, chick .en house, some tools; price $4500. clear. In Sunnyside district; will consider house in Richmond, Wa veriy or Hawthorne for full amount; a very favorably located piece of land. YAMHILL COUNTY. OREGON. 24 acres on rocked road, 2ft miles from McMlnnville; 18 acres under cultivation; all can be culti vated when cleared ; good family orchard; 6-room house, large bar a, chicken house, etc.; included with place, 4 good cows, 1 young team, plow, etc.; price $6500; terms, or consider Portland house up to $3000, easy terms on balance; will accept soldier's loan. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, Gerlinger Bldg. VANCOUVER, THE CITY OF OPPORTUNITIES. Fine, new municipal docks will , accommodate large ocean steam ers; we can ship direct to any port in the world; three large corpora tions have already invested over $550,000 in mill and factory sites alone. We have bargains in chicken, piune, dairy and general-purpose ranches stocked and equipped, best of soil and climatic condi tions; get near the center of popu lation and in a rapidly growing community where your property grows in value; see or write us, we will bo more than glad to show you. SEE BARLE C. MILLER ATKINSON & PORTER. 705 Main St., Vancouver. Wash. TILLAMOOK DAIRY RANCHES. LAND OF WONDERS. NO STORMS IN SUMMER. NO COLD IN WINTER. 160 acres, stocked and , equipped, 20.OO0. 178 acres, mostly cranberry land, $4000. 120 acres, stocked and equipped, $iuuv. 120 acres, 80 acres creek bottom, stocked and eouiDrved. S8000. 62 acres, stocked and equipped, $10,000. 50 acres, creek bottom. .2 houses, ga rage, large barn, 24 mdles from Tilla mook, on n-aved hlehwav: consider resi dence and lots. Good terms will be given on these farms. 15 acres, 6 acres cultivation, acre loganberries, balance pasture, creek; 5 roora house, furnished; barn, outbuild ings, double garage, 2 cows, some chick ens, small tools; 6 miles south of Til lamook, on paved highway; $3800, terms. See B. H. STEWART, with O. W. M1LLERSHIP, l&ift 4th St. Main 5275, 25 ACRES. STOCKED AND . EQUIPPED, NEAR REEDVILLE. FOR ONLY $6000. Belongs to a widower who is forced to sell; 22 acres in cultiva tion; good 6-room house, barn, large poultry house. 2 acres diver sified orchard In full bearing; all kinds of berries for home use; milk and mail route; close to school In fine neighborhood, about half cash will handle. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 N. W. Bank, Bldg. ltOO ACRES, 60 in cultivation, all fenced; 9-room house, with all furniture and household; barn 52x60; chicken, hog and milk house, garage, orchard, garden, 13 cows, 13 yearlings, 2 hogs, 2 horses with harness, 90 chickens, 2 farm wagons, 1 buggy, 2 12-inch plows, disc, 2 seta har rows,. 1 rake, 1 mowing machine, 1 cul tivator, 1 separator, 1 gasoline engine, all tools for farm and dairy, 20 tons hay, feed and potatoes; located 33 miles from Portland, 3 miles west of Deer Island; price for all, $16,000, $4000 to $5000 cash, rest 6 per cent. See Joe C. Gentemann, Ralph Ackley Land Co., 527 Corbett bldg., Portland. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. We have a number of especially sj lected farm tracts with mixed fruit, ranging from 10 acres up, that we can sell with or without stock and imple ments. They meet the needs of pur chasers with large or small capital. They are situated on paved or graveled roads, near good live city markets. Visit our office we can help you select your home. Ask for Mr. Mackenzie. FRANK McCRILLIS, REALTOR, 322-326 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 779. $220040 ACRES $2200. Ten miles north Vancouver, one mile to Pacific highway; level, all good soil; e-mail house and barn; about 10 acres cleared, 5 acres seeded. Owner called east and must sacrifice. It's a snap at $2200. Terma. FRED C. PRATT, 534 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 1853. WIDOW LADY MUST SELL. 40-acre farm, 23 acres in cultivation: 6 cows, team, harness, plow, barrow and all other farm Implements; furniture; 1 miles to town, near Portland. This is- a good buy. W. W. SABIN, REALTOR. 1032 Union Ave. N. Wdln. 3S9. MUST sell 30 acres, Clarke county, Wash ington, gooa location ror any kind cc farming; 1000 cords of timber, few acres swale, & mile to store; to school, new rock road, truck and mail service by place, timber will pay for place. Price $2200. R. . Campbell, La Center, Wash. R. 1. CLACKAMAS CO., 80 ACRES. THE MAKING OF A GOOD FARM. 3 miles S. E. Springwater; small house, good barn, 10 acres in cultivation, or chard, spring stream; no rough land: excellent soil, fine body fir timber. Price $db00. Exceptionally easy terms. A, M. Odell, 1360 Alameda. Tabor 4514. CANADIAN wheat mixed and ranch lands, eet home where you can nay for it. Th time to buy in central states was 50 years ago. Now is the time here. No ir rigation, no rainmakers here. Co-oper ate witn live wires, a. r unr, AlanvlUe, Aita.. canaaa. 100 ACRES All in cultivation; fully equippea witn stocK ana implements. Will appAnt Portland imnrnved a payment. This place is about 17 miles W. W. SABIN, REALTOR. 1032 Union Ave. N. Wdln. 589. 53 ACRES on Boones Ferry road, 2ft miles from end of Fulton car line; only red barn on road, plenty water, fine for dairy or Truck gardening, $800 per year. Aaaress owner, dox xza, it. a. I., Oswego, Oregon. . WANTED BEAT, ESTATE. WANTED Houses at $2000 to $4000, also gooa iois. xjuyers wailing. f i 505 ARTISAN'S BLDG.. Opposite Benson HoteL ' FIVE or six-room home, preferably in Hawthorne or Rose City district, $4000 to $4500; can pay suL.:antial down pay- meni; no aigenia. lapor sovli. LOT WANTED in restricted district, have lyzi popuiar maae car as part payment, uroaaway LIST your property for sale or trade with Nelson, realtor, 706 Gasco bLdg. Main - A.- V Ci Clf mnfietrn himo-atnixr uirftuiutiii, WANTED Lot in University Park; must be cheap for cash. Write 672 E. Rich- mona st.t fortiana. I WANT a house in Albina or Woodlawn irora ?wiu to ?iuuu. Must ne a bargain. WANT THIS WEEK best lot offered. s. or w. front, on paved st., in good dis- tnct. J uregonian. WANT 7-room residence in Nob Hill or . westover up 10 u.uvu. itenry w. (jod dard, Realtor, 243 Stark st. Bdwy. Thill. WANTED REAL ESTATE. SELLER. ATTENTION. PROPER ATTENTION given ALL property. We have many ways of get ting what we have BEFORE BUYERS with money. If your price is. right and you want service investigate. Homes, acreage, business chances, rooming houses. FRANK C. ROBINSON, BQ3-4 Selling Bldg. . Main 2567. BUNGALOW . WANTED. A modern bungalow as payment on suburban home; 5.4 acres, abundance of fruit and berries; all in cultivation; 7 room bungalow; two chicken houses; 7 minutes' walk from station, Oregon City car line. What have you? See A. H. Schmidt, INTERSTATE INVRSTWKNT CO. Bdwy. 4751. Realtors. 410 Henry bldg. HAVE a client waiting to buy a fairly modern 2-flat bldg., preferably on the west side ; must be fully worth price asked. Have cash and a lot at very low value on Westover terrace. Own ers or realtors please call or write J. . aicLartny, Abington blag. WE ARE almost sold out on houses under $3000 and on terms of from $100 to $500 down. We can sell your house if you will list with us at once. Call Mr. Young, with Otto & Harkson. - Broad way 6389. NOW is the time to turn your lot into money; Buyers looking lor bargain; you have a wel'-loeated lot. priced rea sonably, let us hear from you. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR, 243 Stark St. Broadway 7831. WANTED 6-room strictly modern home In Irvington proper; garage; the best that $6000 cash will buy; will pay more If furnished. Call at 230 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. Broadway 7581. SMALL HOMES WANTED. We do not care how old and dilapi dated they are or where they are. we can sell them If your price Is right and your terms easy. Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. LIST your houses, farms and acreage with' me. Have several buyers with cash wanting to buy; some with good property to exchange. R, HOARD. 501 Stock Ex change bldg. LOT, GOOD district, as part payment on modern 4 or 5-room houses, $45OO-$6500, near Peninsula park and Rose City; hot water heating, tile bath. X 460, Orego nian. WANTED Improved acreage and small farms within 25 miles of Portland. We have customers waiting for good proposi tions. Lueddemann Company, 913 Cham- per or commerce. WANT vacant lot; have a cash customer wanting lot In Ladd's Addition, or im mediately north or .east. Better hurry. ROBERT S. COB JR., East 4726. 384 Hawthorne Ave. List your houses and lots with J. J. OEDER. EAST SIDE REALTOR. 4 GRAND AVE. N.. COR. E. ANKENY. PHONE EAST 61AND EAST 6894. U l' a t ret t Tir i TTpri List your house with us if you want INTERSTATE IVVRfiTVRMT CC Bdwy 4751 Realtors. 410 Henry Bldg. WANTED To buy 5 or 6-room house in Alamnrta Tina. rlt,f D..1r B..K..Kn . will give five-passenger ChalmeTS as men, yajnucui. j.n iiu, vregonian WE HAVE BUYERS AT ALL TIMES IF YOUR PRICE IS RIGHT. PORTLAND HOME CO., 633 Railway Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 2571. WANTED West side modern flat building, walking distance; price not to exceed $8000. E. J. GEISER, 417 Chamber of uommeroe, Broadway 5252. LOGfiED flPP T.ivns Desirable farms, city property. Small tracts. J. R. Morton Land Co.. Winlock. nasn, l Farms Wanted. WILL the party who advertised a large farm with 55 acres of hops some time in January sena me tneir name and ad dress and a description of it? AV 218, Wanted to Kent r arms. WANTED TO RENT SMALT. PT.APRR Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close tn Pnrt- land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leading for year or more. We make lota of sales this way. Will buy equipment n pricea rignt. JOHN FERGUSON. erlinr Rlrf Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. MAN and wife want rent small farm; will uuj iHiBuuai pruperty. i.J.Wii Jilgn St. o. roruana. A 'T tn rent nn uV a r-co ofin(,i.n dairy or chicken ranch. Box 45, route 1. W AKKUiiN. UK. FOR RENT FARMS. 105 ACRE'S, ideal for chickens, hogs and aairy, iuii equipment, good buildings, gravity water system; will accept labor in clearing ror rent; two miles irom elec trie line. H 458. Oregonian. fOR HE-NT Fine truck garden land, 30 acres in cult., near Oregon City. Stock ana equipment for sale. Route No. 2, Jbox n-a, Oregon City. Or. TIMBER LANDS. ClTt A VlV nnnnprntiitiT . I. '2""li r itable lumber business with little or jiiuuu tttyiuii. xiiib win do wortn you; while Let us supply you with particu lars. AV 32, Oregonian. FINE fir and pine tracts, both holding una- operating propositions; also mill, ziimmerman, i Cham, of Com. TO EXCHANGE BEAT, ESTATE. COUNTRY town hotel. SO miles from Port lana, 3d rooms, hot and cold wrfter. steam heat; dining room in connection lr oesired; will take city residence prop erty in exchange. This is a real money maker for the right party. Peterson & York, 437 Northwest Bank bldg. Phone Main 8W5. CANADIAN FARMS. Some with hardwood floors and -fur nace in house, all .sizes, $30 to $50 per acre; exchange for farms and city prop erty here. C. Cole, 426 Lumbermens HAVE customer who wishes to exchange nice nttie 3-room house on SOxlOO ot. near Union ave. and $800 cash as first payment on good 5-room house in Al berta district. What have vou? ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtora, 404-5-6 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 0049. STERLING truck and trailer, been u.ied only 40 days; 3-ton capacity; license paid for the year; will take residence in Portland in exchange. Peterson & York 437 Northwest Bank bldg. Phone Main CSUOy. v 1UU 1 AAUCJ, We are prepared to arrange atjtrade iui juii, umig iu juur proposition anc we will match you on anything of merit uuld, nuunro, fttiCttfB, IttrillH or SLOCKS Ol merchandise. E. R. S 712 Couch bldg CORNER 75x109 on the northeast corne oc Nueva ave. and Carlos ave.. in rh wood, Cal., 5 miles from Palo Alto, 25 miles from San Francisco; will exchange ior iate moaei auto, see owner, J. Fen nander. 795 Minnesota ave. Wdln. 1201. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. Equity in house, to trade for an A- passeng-er car. To exchange your prop erij, st"e a. n. unnsiensan. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Bdwy 4751 Realtors. 410 Henrv Bide. WONDERFUL opportunity 320-acre stock ranch, stocked and equipped, only $9000 clear. Want Portland or suburban home ior pan, oaiance easy. 4iu Lumber- men s oiag. wineiow x. 6-ROOM furnished house, double sleeping porch, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, furnace; will sell equity of $1200 for jiww, or wm iaK good lot. Phone xaoor avia. WE- HAVE a nice 7-room house on the ea-BL Biuc, w vi m ouuv , wm iaite gooa nar tn S800 H.S first Davmant .Hal can monthly. 419 Lumbermens bldg. Wins low to. HAVE 100 acres Texas oil hind, worth $50 end ui cnii ior equity in house 'or lot of equal value. Phone quity FOR faALE or trade, 640-acre wheat , rancn near k. k., 200 acres in wheat fair buildings, plenty water, all goes foi ao per acre, p. u. oox Ken t. Or. HAVE 3 houses value $11,000, alsb $6000 casn, want income, wm assume. JOHN E. WALTER, REALTOR 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 3718, WANT counie cheap houses for mv omiitv in good 70-acre ranch, one hour's drive from portiana. 4i Lumbermen bldg. WE HAVE 640 acres wheat ranch, every foot tillable, will take any small city property as tirt payment, Dai. long time, 3iw luumpermcns mag, w msiOW Co. $1500 CASH and $3500 equity, well located city bungalow. Want few acres and good nome, eiose in on nignway. ju 408, Ore i goman. 2-RQOM house with bath, lot 80x100. nnnn Take cheap vacant lot or anything of vaiue witu in, tie casn; easy terms on balance. Mainwis. . EXCHANGE 20 acres good land, wrth $50 per acre, clear of incumbrance, for auto m buuu tuuuuiuu, uo juuk. atia E, aa sc. WELL equipped dairy and stock ranrh Wisconsin, modern improvements; trade ior property in or near .fort land. Simonson, 309 Stock Exch. bldg. 54 ACRES, 14 miles north of Spokane, for vacant lots in roruana. ox 114. R, F u. i, Astoria. 7-ROOM house and lot, $2350, take vacant lot pari ya-yiueni., oat, easy. Mam 2596, 1921 HUPMOBILE touring as part pav 2981 FOR SALE or trade, 160-acre Canadian farm; owner. , 295 10th aU Mr. loweii. TO EXCHAKGE REAIi ESTATE. PORTLAND. 189 ACRES EVEN UP FOR HOLTSB. 1 miles from station, in Lincoln county; 189 acres; 25 cleared; good 7 room house, large barn and outbuildings), buildings insured for $2500; 2 acres lo ganberries. Price $4500; clear of incum brance; around even trade for house in Portland. 30 ACRES EVEN UP FOR HOUSB. 12 miles southeast Oregon City, 80 acres; 25 acres in cultivation; best of lanH irnnH ft.rwm hniMft. larVA DW ' barn, numerous outbuildings; orchard ana berries; hara roaa an way irom Portland. Price $4000. Kven up for house in Portland. 39 ACRES, EQUIPPED. Good rich soil, 24 miles south of Port land; ft mile electrio station; 39 acres cleared; 8-room house, good barn, nu merous outbldgs. ; stocked and equipped. Price $6500. Take house to $4000, bal ance 6. 25 ACRES, 6 MILES OUT. No better land anywhere, lies perfect ly: no rock or gravel; 25 acres; 20 cleared; 5 acres pasture and timber; 8 room house, good as new, plastered, full basement, fireplace, sleeping porch, large barn, numerous outbuildings; 2 acres fine orchard; lots, fruit, berries and grapes; 6 miles city limits, east side. Price $8500. Take house to $4000. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North 6th St. Phone Bdwy. 4381. ALL REALTORS PLEASE READ. What have you In Portland, Gresham, Vancouver or other close-in suburbs in the way of modern 6 or 7-room resi dence, income property or cash to equal $15,000 equity In 158-acre best Wil lamette velley farm? Has over 700 ft. river frontafte. no'overflow. no rock, no gravel, all good soil, only 22 miles from Portland, half mile from Wllsonvllle, mile from Prahl station; Wallace sta tion at S. W. corner, 4 miles to Pacific highway, all rock road, fenced with woven wire, 8-roora house, barn, garage and shop, onion house, wood ho use- and root cellar, chicken house and yards. tools, stock and crop included, 28 acres river bottom cleared, 12 acres finest beaverdam cleared, 3 more In brush, 10 acres first bench cleared, balance light timber and all but 5 acres level. with good springs that can be piped to buildings, 2000 cords of wood right at station, can be cut, 100 acres on both sides of railway can 4e subdivided; gravel road to Salem through place, electric light line, phone, mail, cream route, etc. Two , good crops of onions at present prices will pay for It, Mort gage, $7000 at 4 1-3 per cent run 20 years, other business in town is reason- Will pay regular com., immediate pos session, write box 77, route 3, Aurora, Oregon. 20 TO 400 ACRES in Cat creek oil tte.d or Montana, some irrigated and im proved, near oil wells. PRICE $30 TO $50 AN ACRE. 821 acres, house, barn, granary, well, plenty water, drilling oil well 3 miles. good farm, would take pool hall or good property, balance o per cent good terms $25 ACRE. Irrigated stock ranch. 8 vears' lease, 200 acres alfalfa, balance pasture, 3 crop year, blacksmith shop, all machin ery necessary, 45 cattle, 10 horses, chick ens, hogs, good 9 roomed house, barn and sheds for 500 stock, household goods, automobile, quick trade, cash value $5000 for Portland property. 1 mile of Wlnnett, Mont., oil town, good high school. A. H. DONNELL, Phone Wdln. 4053. FOR EXCHANGH. 160 acres, well improved land, 4 miles from county seat, $4500 equity in R. R. contract for 640 acres in oil zone; Ohio oil company now drilling; 160 acres not improved, close to the famous Cat Crut oil field, four-room house, garage, 'chick en house, on one acre ground; always rented; close to country seat town; will consider Portland property in exchange; will also assume small Incumbrance: all located near Roundup, Mont. Address owner, box 473. Roundup, Mont. WANT PORTLAND GROCERY STORE to $4500, cash store pref-erred. HAVE highly improved 12-acre poultry and orchard tract near Petaluma, Sono ma county, California. Full price $S0OO. McINNES, RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WHERE TRADES ARE MADE. WANT PORTLAND GROCERY STORE to $4500, each store preferred. HAVE highly improved 12-acre poul try and orchard tract, near Petaluma, Sonoma county, Cal., full price $8000. MacINNES, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WHERE TRADES ARE MADE. IMPROVE.) 40-acre farm, near Vancouver. Wash. Will stand investigation: price . $6500. Will trade my $4700 equity in this tor small acreage with modern blags., near good town in eastern Or., Wash, or Idaho 'and might assume small amt. if worth it, or will trade for paying busi ness of merit. Give full details. AV 232, Oregonian. WHITE SALMON FARM. 14 a. commercial orchard, 16 a. timber (good land), 20 a. for regular crops, run ning water, 5-rm. plastered house with bath and toilet, barn, sheds, span horses, harness, wagon, tools and spray outfit. Win at have you worth $10,000 to ex change? J. E. Hunt, 626 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 6182. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Nine acres, 3 miles from city limits; all in cultivation; no rock or gravel; 200 feet off pavement; fruit, berries; good well; old house; barn, outbldgs. Place all seeded; take house equity as first pay ment, balance terms. O. O. SLETTEN, REALTOR. 415 Railway Exchange Bldg. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE mortgage contract for $4000 and $2000 cash, want furnishings of an apart ment house, will assume. JOHN E. WALTER. REALTOR. 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg, Mar. 3718. IS NICELY furnished rooms; close in; price $2500. Will take small residence and some cash. JOHN E. WALTER, 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg. , Mar. 3718. HAVE $35,000 mortgage contract bearing 8 per cent, want apartment house, will assume. JOHN E. WALTER. REALTOR. 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg Mar. 3718. HIGH-GRADE Kimball player piano for Dodge car. East 1314. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. . AUCTION SALE. 24 HEAD GRADE CATTLE. Consisting of Holsteln, Jersey and some Durham. 1 FULL-BLOODED HOLSTEIN BULL. At my place about of a mile north- "west of WOODLAND, WASHINGTON. FEB. 24TH, 1 O'CLOCK. FREE LUNCH AT NOON. This herd averages 4 per cent and some of these cows are giving between 40 and 60 pounds of milk a day. Cows will be tuberculin tested before the sale by Dr. Brown of Vancouver. JOHN BOG ART, Owner. Col. W. S. WOOD & SONS, Auctioneers, Vancouver. I N. Plamondon, Clerk, Woodland, PRESTON FEED & FUEL CO., Horses, harness and wagon for sale, being replaced by truck, all young stock, 2600, 3650 per pair. If you want good stuff will pay you to look them over. Everything to fee sold by March 10, re gardless of price. Corner of 50th and Powell valley road. ML, Scott car to the door. 10 minutes. 35 HEAD horses and mares weighing from 1200 to 18O0 lbs., ages 4 to 8 years old: low down block built chunks: all are in good hard work Bhape. Prices very cheap ior quick sate; gooa trial al lowed. KEYSTONE STABLES, 381 Water st. Cor.-of Montgomery. TEAM young gray Percheron horses, wgt. about 2900 lbs- sound, true and gentle. with nearly new breeching harness and 3ft Bain wagon, cheap for cash. No use for them; take Woodstock car to E. 36th and Gladstone ave, walk 2 blocks north to 1087 Francis ave. REAL bararain. $25 horse. 900 lbs., s-entle for women or children, work, ride or drive. 1500-lb. mare. sto. sood worKer also several other cheap horses, har nesses and wag-on s of all kinds, corner . East 8th and Main, 2 blocks north of Hawthorne ave. NOTICE to horse ouvers in vicinity of Forest Grove, 10 head . of all-around horses, 5 to 7 years old. All stock guar anteed. Smith's stables. FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand, special prices. P. E. Esbenshade. 300-308 E. Morrison st, FRESH Jersey-Durham, 4ft gall ; gentle and easy milker. 780 Insley st. Sell- wood car. 2600-LB. TEAM. 4 and $ years old. with good harness and 3 farm wagon. 240 jast Bin. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES- TABOR 6566. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Call day or night. Automatic 627-64. JERSEY cow, fresh, 4 years old. 23d and Nicola! st. 727 MULES 2500-lb. team, 5 and 6 years old. 240 East 8th. . THREE good Jersey cows, all just fresh. neavy miiKera. iub. lesteq. u n.ast otn FRESH cow, 4 years old, $45. First house west Ben station, uresnam car. FRESH young Jersey cow for sale. 579 Dekum avenue. . WANTED 1 heavy steady work horse for small ranch. A wager, eon. del.. City. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. JUST ARRIVED FROM MY RANCH AT WALLOWA. My second shipment of all 6 and -year-old horses and mares, consisting of 8 head of as good dark dappled gray Percherons as ever came to Portland; team or Belgians, 30O, a high-class draft team; balance of load blocky, heavy-bone horses from 1 200 to 1900. well broken, , single and double; prices right, as they must be sold at once. Call East Side Transfer Stables, 180 East 8th street. Henry C. Hansen. FOR SALE One carload horses, weight 1500 to 1800 lbs., 4 to 6 years old; alt halter broken, some broke to work. Can be seen at Waterman, Or., 60 miles south of Condon, or write for particu lars. Straube Bros., Waterman, Or. Tianos, Organs and M us i cal Instruments. NEW LOT FACTORY REBUILT PIANOS just received from eastern factories now on sale here. No need to buy old worn pianos now when you can buy good as new rebuilt pianos at same price. $550 Ernest Gabler upright piano.. .$295 $450 Bauer & Co. upright piano 2fi5 $425 Bradford Piano Co., mahogany. 275 $450 Smith & Barnes, mahogany.... 295 $550 Kimball upright piano 315 475 Wilmer upright piano 275 $425 Kurts Bros, upright piano 245 $800 Steinway & Sons upright piano 375 $475 H, P. Nelson colonial piano. 235 $575 George Heck & Co piano 265 500 Emerson Piano Co., mahogany. 295 $525 Seyboid upright, oak 315 $450 Hailet & Davis upright piano.. 195 Terms $10 or more cash. $6, $b or $10 monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 101 Tenth St.. corner Stark: WONDERFUL PIANO BARGAINS. $1000 Steinway, like new $3o0 700 Pease, plain mail., fine 2.0 650 J. & C. Fischer, wonderful ... 240 700 Genuine McPhail, good 200 600 Jewett, mahogany 1;' 600 Thompson, latest man. 225 S0O Farrand player, just new 850 650 Howard R. S-, latest 250 600 Gay lord, late plain case 10 ft ftO PIrvpp nlann 1iit like nfiW.... 3(5 650 Bradford, plain walnut 200 650 Sweetland, plain, like new .... 10 475 Wissner, upright, good 15 , 800 Sohmer, plain case .......... 15 650 W. W. Kimball make 10 600 McCamon, upright V Others. Aot quickly and get a bargain. Easy terms. Brokerage Co., 312 Worces- ter PiQg. PHONOflRAPH BARGAINS. Vlctrola, style X, with records $100 Vlctrola, style XI, with records.... 125 $150 Columbia, almost new 100 Brunswick new demonstrator, with records 100 Brunswick, large gold-plated ma hogany case, new demonstrator. .. 225 And Others. Terms Given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT, $475 Irving Piano Co., upright man.. $215 $450 Smith upright ebony ..$195 $425 Hailet & Davis upright rose wood $165 $750 pianos and a player piano oak. $295 3 parlor organs, $18, $25 and $35 cash. Pianos stored, 75c per month; bought and sold for cash only. 103 10th at cor. Stark and Wash. sts. $ 35 GRAFONOLA. 10 used records $ 25 $ 95 Stradivara and 10 used records. 45 140 Pathe, cabinet, 20 used records. 68 175 Sonora, cabinet, 20 used records. 145 140 Brunswick, 20 used records... 95 175 Columbia, cab., 20 used records. 115 $5 sends one home, then $3, $5 and up monthly. Schwan Piano Co.. 101 Tenth st., at Wash i ngton st. SPECIAL SALE OF PIANOS. Wheelock Co. upright piano $245 Martin Bros, unri&rht Diano $225 Wellington upright piano $195 i Delmar renewed piano S4)5 Pianola player plays 88-note $ 65 LIP MAN. WOLFE & CO., 7th floor. WANTED, PIANOS Will pay cash for second-hand upright pianos for shipment to another city; instrument must be free from encumbrances; will call and ap praise; no dealers Strictly confidential. Address AV 229, Oregonian. SCHILLER PIANO, plain mahogany case, equal to new. A wonderful bargain. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 For(b St. Broadway 6576. FOR SALE A Weoer player piano, 88 note, mahogany case, price, including cabinet and 25 rolls of music, $550; ail in first-class condition. AP 449, Ore- gonian. , KIMBALL PLAYER ."PIANO, new, at a big reduction. See it. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth St. Broadway 6576. CROWN cabinet grand pano, best of con dition, $285. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St. PRICE & TEMPLE, $250, oak case, like new. tEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St. WEBER pianola piapo for rent, music and bench included, $.fiO per month. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 107 WEST PARK (NEW LOCATION.) $290 CASH secures a (575 new piano. lert over xrom eastern manufacturers carload lot at Security Storage Co., 103 Tenth st. at Stark. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING, any make. All work guaranteed. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth St. Broadway 6576. EQUITIES in pianos bought for pot cash. et nu. ot mat oilmen. uroKerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. Bdwy. 1548 week day ; PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS WANTED. NEWMAN'S RECORD EX CHANGE, 128 1st, near Alder. Bdwy. 7161. GOOD PIANOS , at prices and terms you can afford. Reed-French Piano Co.. 12th and Wash ington. , PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING, ex pert workmanship guaranteed. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth St. Broadway 6576. PIANOS moved, $3, ground floor; work Call aone Dy experts ana guaranteea. Broadway 3 207. STEINWAY GRAND PIANO. Reasonable terms. Phone Marshall 2387. GIBSON mandolin, with case, reasonable. Inquire iters music store. At a sac rifice. $165. Secures $450 Hailet ft Davis upright. Security Storage Co., 103 10th. cor. StarK. FEW used player rolls, two for 25c HAROLD S. GILBERT, 107 WEST PARK. WANT to buy good piano from private party ior casn; no aeaiers. .rnone East 5 2 59. FOR RENT Cabinet phonograph with late records, a mo. empire nr., 4 Broad way. Bdwy. 155. WANT to sell vlctrola and 22 popular rec ords. Price about one-half original cost. 388 11th st. Phone Marshall 4-175. $600 GENUINE W. W. Kimball piano, only $225, easy terms; beautiful tone. 312 Worcester bldg. WANTED Used piano for cash. Call Bdwy. 154H weeKaays. KIMBALL PIANO, new, at a snap. SEIBERONG-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St. CONCERT GRAND PIANO FOR RENT: WONDERFUL TONE. HAROLD S. GIL BERT. 107 WEST PARK. H1NZEMAN PIANO, $125, terms given. SEIBKHLING-LUCAS MUMC CO. 125 4th St CHICKERING PIANO, $150. SF.IBF.RLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St., bet Wash, and Alder. PIANO, $lf0, walnut case, terms given. REIBER LING-LUC AS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St, bet. Wash, and Alder. WILL trade your old piano for phonograph at 409 Union ave. N. PIANO WANTED for practice. Must be reasonable, win pay casn. Mar. 1532. PIANO in good condition for sale. Morrison. WANTED Sweet-toned piano for cash, if reasonaote. aaai. ooo. BABY GRAND Weber piano, as good as new, win give termg. n,ast b-ioi. FOR SALE Aeolian player piano, cash. Auto. 518-69. $200 PIANO WANTED Pay cash. Bdwy. 6576. Furniture for hale. DON'T SACRIFICE your lurnuure if going east or to uauiornia. we can save you money on your freight In our through cars; tireprooi storage. t;. jvl. Olson Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine street GOING away March 1. must sell almost new white enamel poiisnea top combma tion range with water coil; also Ruud gas water heater and refrigerator. 1255 Division street. iaoor ii4f. MASSIVE colonial style modern furniture of 6 rooms, electric range, Grafonola, cost $2500, will take half. Call evenings. iuy tu. o.in at., near v a.sningion. 3 IRON beds, complete; crib, chairs, rnek ers, cherrywood bed and dresser, stair gate, oaoy oaggy, gas piate, premier vacuum cieaner; reasnnaoie. Tabor 5449, I HAVE a $150 Victrola and a nice bunch of records to trade for a combination range in good condition. What have you ? Call FURNITURE of bungalow, combination range, heating stove, all best of furni ture; no aeaiers. lapor ooia. MUST sell complete, house furniture. 2 wardrobe trunks, 2 handbags, 2 suitcases, also an a-rooin nouae, w uooiawn ;3'J. w A HOfiANY davenport table and Jana nesa hand carved rook wood table for sale cheap. Call ltd KiHingswsorth ave, COMPLETE household furniture for sale cheap. una nawinorne ave. - HIGH-GRADE furniture and rugs, fine wood and coat range, auu 317-33, FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. DAVENPORTS. We are manufacturers of all hair davenports and chairs: highest quality line built on the Pacific coast. Frames .are as good as is possible to build. Watch your davenport made from naked frame to last stitch, or learn how to buy one elsewhere; we teach you free and glad ly. Our upholstering hair and cotton are high grade and the only tilling material we use. Don't take our word for it but come and let us prove all we say. New and up-to-the-minute styles. large line of coverings, fine velours and tape stries, $100 to J176: pure silk and best mohair. $154 to $239. These prices are regular, not special. Everything guaranteed. Sample room open evenings, by appointment. Phone 635-27. Evenings and Sundays. Tabor 5797 or 635-27. M1CHAELSON-MAYSON, INC., 54th and Foster Road. SAVE ilO.NET. Try our sales department if you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points in our through pool cars: expert packing, re pairing and refinishing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO, 62 4th St., Opp. Multnomah HoteL Phone Broadway 8715. OVERSTUFFED davenport and chairs. In land Sheraton dining room and bedroom set; enameled bedroom set; console table and mirror; mahogany tables,, desk and chairs, oak bookcase, 'desk, and table, willow fiber furniture, piano, pictures, Minton and Haviland china, cut glass, rugs, hangings, bric-a-brac. Main 737. ONE room, furniture for sale. 211 & Sec ond street, room No. 1. FURNITURE for sale. 6 o'clock. Call 645-75 after Office Furniture. SOME used office furniture at low prices; desks, files, tables, chairs, counters, etc.; Burroughs flat modelfi $150 seven bank; square model, $110; 1 dictaphones, $40 each ; a number of fine safes at low prices. D. C. Wax, 24-26 N. 5th sU Broadway 2739. DESKS CHAIRS SAFES. New and second-hand, exceptional bar rains. Call or phone for salesman. 1RWIN-HODSON FURNITURE DEPT, 10th and Stark Sts. Bdwy. S144. OFFICE FURNITURE, LIKE NEW. TABOR 6Ab'J. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. IKON-CLAD GUARANTEE. ALL MAKES. ( CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington SU Main 5081. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for eate, rent, exchange; we are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs o; all makes. OH EG ON TYPEWRITER CO., 94 Fifth St. Main 3633. FOR RENT L. C. Smith typewriters; spe cial rate to students. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co., SOti Spalding bldg. Bdwy. 6975. KET Underwood or Remington, $3 month. Empire Transfer, 254 Broadway. Broad way 155. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 2:il Stark st. Main 1407. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; euppiiya. Typo writer Inspection Co., 312 Stark. M. 549. Poultry. FINKS eastern strain roosters or cockerels in White Wyandotte, White P. Rocks, Barred Rocks, well penciled, White Leg horns, dark Rhode Island Reds, White. Buff and Brown Leghorns, Blue Anda lusians, $2.50 up. Hens and pullets lay ing heavy, in Tancred. O. A. C. and eastern Btrains. $1.25 up. Black Minorca pullets and cockerels $1.75 up. Call or write the poultry expert, Rev. LeRoy Whidden. 55 Williams ave. 6. C. ENGLISH Wnite egnorn setting eggs for sale, $7 per hundred: our 18 year 100 or 1000 .lota Jos. Saunders, Route 2. Portland. Or. MODERN chicken house, 20x16; can be easily moved. Phone Monday, Bdwy. 6473. 15 LAYING R. I. pullets, dark velvet, reg. stock. Call Main 3550. Nursery muck. ROSE BUSHES ROSE BUSHES. Big sale this week on all varieties. 688 E. 80th st.. Rose City car. Dogs, Rabbits. Biras and Pet Stock. CAME to our place about Feb. 1, yellow hound about 2 years oia. inquire at Grossen Bros., Hillsboro, Or., Rt. 1. PERSIAN cats for service; large blue. black, whi'e and orange males Ior serv ice. 470 E. 53d st. N. Auto. 321-37 FOR SALE Fox terrier pups, well marked. Phone Woodlawn dins. FINE pedigreed Boston terrier, male pup, very reaFonabie. & ast thu. AIREDALE puppies, registered stock, fine specimens, insection, invited, labor 24i4. COLLI E and shepherd puppies, J2.50 to $5. 240 Kast tn. Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 306 X. 14th st, near Pettygrove. Phone A 619-19. Machinery. ONE lft-U. P. gas ensine, $25. 371 Haw thorne ave. East 14o4. Machinery Wanted. SMALL-SIZED Cylinder, 13x19 C. & P, Colts army press, cash or terms price. AM 441, Oregonian. WANTED Second-hand valveless centrl fugal pump, AU 217, Oregonian. Coal and Wood . $4 PER LOAD $4. 16-inch, partly dry block and slab mixed ; fine for furnace or Jieater, de livered in 2-load lots for $3; singie loads $4.50. .Washington lump coal, $11 ton in the basement NATIONAL FUEL CO.. East 2041. COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! $11 per ton. put in your basement, city weight direct from mine to consumer; large lump, no clinkers or soot; burn to fine ash ; try a ton. PHONE EAST 134 or EAST 9126. COAL 100 lbs., 200 lbs., 3(H) lbs., 400 lbs., SOO lbs., half tons and tons; Australian hottest, Rock Springs hardest. Utah good. Lincoln cheapest. Small ordera quirk. "Sample Delivery.' Bdwy. 3423. BIG LOADS block and aUib, mixed runs, partly dry. 2 loads $8.00 1 load 4.50 Wocdlswn 1390. Woodlawn 3021. FIRST-GROWTH fir, Kock Springs, Royal Owl Creek coal. Standard Brick & Tile Co., 83 Fifth st. between Stark and Oak. Phone Broadway 18. . CORDWOOD, on good graveled road, 1 mile south Cotton station; first-growth, dry, $5.50; dead wood $4.50. Phone On-sham 97. C. D. Cathey. NICE 16-inch slab. $3.75; best fir. sea soned, heavy or merely graded. $5 load, anywhere, bargain; dry 12 and 16-inch country slab. $7.25. Sell. 1769. UTAH and Rock Springs nut coal, $14 per ton; Newcastle nut, $11, delivered; lump $1 more. Dry fir wood in 4-ft. and short ln?ths. Woodlawn 5559. DRY CORDWOOD, 2-cord lots, $14. Best dry cordwood in town and heavy coun try slab, $4.25 a cord. Sellwood 1270. i;t4 E. mth st. NO. 1 FIRST -GROWTH FIR, medium dry, $11.25 in 1 Ms -cord lots; $9.75 second growth in l-cord lots. Phone Tabof 5933. DRY BLOCK and slab, wood, singie load $5, double load $8; short order specialty. Broadway 2545 and Woodlawn 1945. DRY 16-INCH slab, $6.50 a load; partly dry block and slab, $5; 4-foot dry slab. $6 50 a corq. wain. xvt-. FIRST-GROWTH wood, dry, $750 cord; second growth, dry, $6.25 cord. Aut 629-77. DRY CORDWOOD, $7 and $7.75 per cord, block and slab, double load, $9. Bdwy. 3628. GOOD dry fir cordwood, $7.25 cord, heavy country slab $5.25. Rock Springs and Utah coals. East 1759. BONE-DRY boxwood, ideal kindling, $4; block and slap. $4.75; l.eavy wreckage, $5; large load,. Wdln. 3648. GOOD dry fir cordwood, $7.25 cord, heavy country slab $5.25. Rock Springs and Utah coals. East 1759. HEAVY fir block and slab, oak and ash, dry country slab, 12-in. and 16-in. fir. Wdln. 2019. BOXWOOD $4 PER LOAD. Fulton Wood Co.. dealers in box and blab wood 1261 Macadam. Main 4173. BEST oid-growih dry fir, $7.50; large second-growth. $7. Sellwood 314. BEST dry cord wood. $7 and S7.75 per cord ; can't be beat. Broadway 4110. COAL, Utah King, 100 to 1000 lbs. Coal, "sample delivery." Broadway 3423. HEAVY country slab wood J4.50 per cord deiiveied. Call evenings East ls97. 4-FOOT block and railroad ties; also 16 in. stove wood. Mar. 2S43. $5 A LOAD. 16-inch dry piank and small timber. Sellwood 3159. DRY box wood, heavy, Call Woodlawn 5004. $4.50 per load. COAL, Rock Spring, 100 to 1000 lbs. CoaL 'sample delivery." Broadway 3423. UTAH KING COAL now $15.50 per ton. Call East 89S4. 4-FOOT SLABS, $3.75. 1264 PHONE EMPIRE NO. 1 old-growth fir that IS DRY, $7.50, ?S. Automatic 616-87. 4-FOOT country slab, $4 per cord. Tabor 7228. - COAL, Australian, 100 to 1000 lbs. coaL 'Sample deli very Broadway 3123. WOOD SAWING, any place in city. Phone - Main 81--, ,