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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1922)
11 ber of Commerce directors, condemn ing the action of the attorney-general of the United States for publicly "branding all retail merchants as profiteers." The Portland Chamber of Commerce is asked to communicate with the United States chamber of commerce and find out what efforts are used to counteract the effects of the false rumors. The convention adjourned tonight. i!IIIIIIIIIIIIIII!l!li!llllllllllllllllll!l!!l!!!!lllllllllllll!lllllll!i Demonstration of Turner's Candied Grape Fruit-A New Confection-Main Floor BY SENATOR HALL I Double Trading Stamps Given Today Tii With Cash Purchases in Depts. Except Groceries SjDQ ALL OF YOUR SHOPPING AT THIS STORE AND GET THE BENEFIT OF THIS CASH SAVING! 11 Genera! Economy Promised if Elected Governor. LEAKAGE LAIDT0 QUAKE jj Bandon Without Electricity One J EE Day While Plant Is Shut Down. EEj MARSHFIELD, Or., Feb. 22. (Spe- 55 cial.) A belief is current in Bandon that the recent earthquake was re- - Candy Specials English f of f ee the favor- A f? ite confection"; special, pound Dipped Mints fresh and OQ delicious. Special, per pound New Cottons all the new season's favored weaves for Spring are here in great variety. Beaded Voiles, Silk Plaid Tissues, Epongee, Ratines, Crepes, etc., etc. LOWER TAXES FAVORED RELIABLE MERCHANDISE RELIABLE METHODS. 1 MORRISON, ALDER, WEST PARK AND TENTH STREETS-i More Equitable Adjustment of Auto License Tax With Regard to Value of Car. Spring Sale 2000 Prs.Women's Shoes, Pumps, Oxfords i THE MORXIXG ; OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1922 PLATFORiVI OUTLINED r t Charles Hall, . state senator from Coos county, who several days ago announced his candidacy on the re publican ticket for governor, last night completed the platform of prin ciples upon which he expects to stand. His platform is composed of nine sep arate planks which are as follows: "1. I have made no pre-election promises and will make none except those herein stated, "2. Taxes on general property must be reduced. I favor substituting not to exceed ten departments for the 70 or more existing commissions. "3. Not only reduction of taxes but Improved marketing facilities and in creased credit are essential to insure th prosperity of the farmer. Auto Tax Adjustment Favored. "4. A more equitable adjustment of the automobile license tax with due regard to the actual value of the car. Gasoline tax for highways only. "5. As to my attitude on the labor question, I refer to my employes an my legislative record. "6. Completion of the state high way system w'th special attention to market roads. "7. The public school Is one of the fundamental factors of our system o government. I favor compulsory at tendance in the primary grades. Teach pure Americanism to all .pupils, beginning at an early age. Continue to strengthen and build up this typ ical American institution. "8. Strict enforcement of all laws. "9. I am against Japanese land ownership or control." Economy In Advocated. In regard to the substituting of departments for so many commis sions Senator Hall has declared that he stands for a system similar in deta'l to that inaugurated by Gov ernor Lowden, when chief executive of Illinois. Senator Hall, a native of Pennsyl vania, has been a resident of Oregon since 1901. He was a clerk in a drug store in Clatskanie when he first came to the state and later bo'ught the store. After a time he moved to Hood River, where he purchased a drug store. There he remained until 1914. He helped organize the Oregon-Wash ington Telephone company in Hood River, and built the Central building. Oregon hotel and Hall building. He also was active in the Hood River Commercial club. He moved his connections to Coos Bay in 1914 and there organized the Coos & Curry Telephone company, of which he now is president. In 1917 he organized the bank of South western Oreeron in Marahfield and was president of it until last year. benator Hall has always been a booster for better roads. He served as senator from his district in the 1921 legislative session and also in the special session held in Salem re cently. He is a director of the state cnamDer or. commerce and for three years was president of that organization. Senator Hall married Miss Anna English in Portland in 1906. They have three children, two boys and a girl. Charles Hall, who announces platform In candidacy for governor. T sponsible for creating a leakage In the city hydro-electric pipe line on Willow creek, where the power is originated. A day or so after the earthquake the pipe developed such a leak that the plant at the dam had no power to furnish electricity for Bandon. The city was practically without power for a day, but when the crew of workmen repaired the leaks lighting and power were re sumed and nd further trouble is ex pected from the plant, which will be finished in 1922. The transmission line from Willow creek to Bandon is over 20 miles in length. The trouble was in the pipe which furnished water "for the generator. LL10NUS IS SELECTED MARSIIFlEIiD MAN HEADS RE TAIL MERCHANTS. Oregon Association Protests Brand ing of All Dealers as Profiteers. ROSEBURG, Or., Feb. 22. (Special.) U L. Thomas of Marshfleld was to day elected president of the Oregon Retail Merchants' association and Eugene was selected as the next con vention city. Both the election and the choice of the next convention site were without contest. The Portland delegation withdrew its bid for the convention when the Eugene delega tion put in its claim. Everman Rob bins of Mollala was elected first vice- president and the other officers selected follow: Second vice-president, vv. t: King, Prineville; third vice president, K. F. Douglas. Portland; secretary to be selected by the board of directors; treasurer, Thomas C. Watts, Reuben. Directors A. C. Marsters, Rose burg; W. W. Hill. Portland; C. H. Rosenberg, Tillamook county; Charles V. Brown, Astoria; F. E. Dice, Eugene; J. H. Garrett, Hillsboro; C. O. Huelet. Hood River; George W. Hyatt, En terprise; E. P. Lewis, Marshfield; A. C. Clark, Bend; A J. Lllburn, Rose burg: J. C. Mann, Portland; H. E Marsh, Medford; A. M. Runs, Leba non; Harry G. McPherson, Pendleton; F. A. Rosengrans, Canby; F. E. Shrumm, Wlllamina; Edward Schunke, Salem; Lee M. Travis, Eugene; L. E. Hamilton, Albany; Walter H. Kline, Corvallis; P. L Shultz, Forest Grove. Resolutions were adopted indors ing the wooden box as container for shipments and the secretary was in structed to notify wholesalers of this resolution. C. B. Terwilleger was thanked for the audit and financial report and the Oregon industry cam palgn was indorsed. A strong resolution was adopted to be submitted to the Portland Cha DYE ANY GARMENT OR DRAPERY WITH "DIAMOND DYES" STUDENT AVERAGE IS 87 Albany College Announces Grades for First Semester. ALBANY, Or., Feb. 22. (Special.) The average grade for all students enrolled at Albany college for the first semester, just ended, was 87, ac cording to an announcement made by the administration offices yesterday Football men also averaged 87, while the basketball men averaged 85. Basketball women fell below the men with an average of 84. Edward Umphrey of Albany, had the highest average of any student, making 95.9 on all subjects. Harold Shedd of Shedd was a close second with 95.5. The system of grading is based upon the number of hours in class each week during the semester. Phone your want ads to the Ore- gonian. Main 7070. Automatic 560-95. ECZEMA IN RAS H ON BABY'S FAC And Body. Spent Sleepless Nights. Cuticura Healed. " My baby's skin became red and rough and then ecxema broke out on her face and body in a rash. Her head was a mass of scales and sore eruptions, and her hair became dry and brittle. She spent many sleep less nights. " The trouble lasted about three months. I commenced using Cuti cura Soap and Ointment and in a week's time the itching grew less. I continued using them and now she is healed." (Signed) Mrs. E. G. Hill, Box 1238, Cut Bank, Montana. Cuticura Soap to cleanse and pu rify, Cuticura Ointment to soothe and heal and Cuticura Talcum to powder and perfume are ideal for daily toilet purposes. In,!, luk A &trt: "OUnn Lak ntrit. Xfept. B, 48, Hm." B.ld .ry wHrn. Soap 2Se. Orotwaat Xand50. TaleomKe. ffSF"Cutieara Sea skaTaa witkout mas. "My baby stranded with ' crouo so bad. she could not -V sleep. But Foley' Honey and F Tar stopped it, and she rested 3 well." Vri.C. T. Jackson. licbraika City, Neb, That' why careful mother 1 prefer Foley's Honey and Tar k to all other cougn k medicines. medicines. fr -u 3 aH3R.UAH3Aa dlOS Buy "Diamond Dyes" and follow the simple directions in every package. Don't wonder whether you can dye or tint successfully, because perfect home dyeing is guaranteed withcDta mond Dyes even if you have never dyed before. Worn, faded dresses, skirts, waists, coats, sweaters, stock ings, draperies, hangings, everything, become like new again. Just tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye Is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Diamond Dyes never streak, spot, fade, or run. Adv. Fine for Neuralgia Musterole insures quick relief from neuralgia. When those sharp pains go shooting through your head, just rub a little of this clean, white ointment on your temples and neck. Musterole Is made with oil of mus tard, but will not burn and blister like the old-fashioned mustard plaster. Get Musterole at your drug store. 35 and 65c In jars and tubes; hospital size. $3. BETTER THAN A MISTAKn PLASTER That "Something " Different in Our Suits makes them all the more desirable, for it's their little differences, such as handwork and clever placing of dec orative touches which lend smartness and character to the woman who elects to wear them. Our Suits are selected with great care and only those styles which are correct and modish ever enter our Apparel Section. Women who seek individuality and exclusiveness at reasonable prices will find choosing here to their advantage. New Spring Suits $29.50 $37.50 $45.00 $55.00 Smart New Tweed Suits in latest models for sport and street wear. Choice of several colors. One style shown in short box coat effect, also with inverted plaits. Nar row belts, tailored collars. Trimmed with (IJOQ K A buttons. Sizes for women and misses DdV 0J Women's New Spring Suits of splendid quality Tricotine and Tweed' materials. Attractive models in tailored and box coat effects some with tuxedo col- (JJOrT Kft lars. Narrow belt. Moderately priced only I tlU New Suits of Poiret Twill in tailored model or in loose coat effect, trimmed with fancy braid.' These show the new kimono sleeve and tuxedo collars. Me- CMC dium length coats. Beautifully tailored. Priced Tailored Suits of Tricotine wonderfully smart models for early Spring wear. Medium length flare coats, nar row belt and buckle, also straightline effects flJKK trimmed with narrow folds. Moderately" priced Garment Salon Second Floor A Footwear Sensation! A. GREAT 3-DAY SELLING EVENT of utmost im- portance to every woman a marvelous underprice offering of over 2000 pairs new Spring Pumps, Oxfords and Shoes at prices that establish new records for value giving. Every pair in the Sale is NEW and strictly first quality. Such well-known makes as John Kelly, Inc. CP. Ford Menihan Co. Special purchase shipment just received, and as we do njt intend to put these in our regular stock, the entire lot will be closed out at ridiculously low prices the saving in some instances ranging close to half. $g.95 $.95 3 Great Lots Ready for Your Choosing Pumps and Oxfords Pumps and Oxfords I Pumps, Oxfords, Boots $7.95 Women's Tongue Pumps of black1 kid) with hand-turned soles, junior Louis heel, beaded shield. John Kelly make. $11.00 values. Black Kid Pumps in two-strap effect with Cuban heel, welt sole. C. P. Ford make; $10.50 value. One -Strap Pumps of black kid, turned sole, baby Louis heel, $10.50 value. C. P. Ford make. Kelly's laced Ox fords of black kid with junior Louis heel and welted soles. flf7 Qf? $10.00 values. Special at 5 f Don't Invest in Spring Footwear Until You Have Seen These Bargains In this lot are women's patent colt one-strap Pumps with covered Louis heels and hand-turned soles. Very smart for street wear. Reg ular $11.50 values and famous John Kelly make. - Also women's black suede Oxfords with welt sole, mili tary heel, tip and quarter of patent leather. These are also of John Kelly make. Regular $12.50 values. Full range of sizes and prac- (J? QF tically all widths. Special DJuO And S. & H. Stamps with purchases. Women's Sandals in new Grecian effects. Patent, satin or velvet. Covered Spanish or flat heels, open strap patterns, very charming. $11.50 values. Menihan make. Kelly's $12 Brown Kid Pumps with junior Louis heels. Brown Kid Laced Oxfords with leather Louis heels, brown calf walking Boots with round toe, ball strap and flat heels, black kid laced Boots with Cuban or military heels, 3-buckle Oxfords; $11.00 &Q Qr to $12.00 values. Special DOVO H Dainty New Hand-Made Blouses $5 to $17.50 ss Second Floor Most expressive of the new season are jjjsz these lovely creations. Of batiste and voile materials in fine sheer qualities they are sure to appeal to all women who love hand-made Blouses. Many are trimmed with drawn-work and embroidery, others with Irish crochet laces and insertions. Square and round necks, Peter Pan or tuxedo collars. Sizes range 34 to 48. H - Thursday Special Odd Lines Blouses Special $3.98 s Center Circle, Main Floor Crepe de Chine and Georg- ette Blouses in many attractive styles with short sleeves and low neck. Effectively trimmed with venise lace, embroidery, braids, beads, etc. Black, green, JQ QQ copen, red, pink, navy. On special sale at oOmUO e Transformations y2 Price First quality mixed gray Hair Transformations in blonde and shadfes of brown on sale at HALF PRICE. S $7.00 values now $3.50 'i-$8.00 values now $4.00 $7.50 values now $3.75 $10 values now $5.00 H Hair Goods Dept., Second Floor Boys' $12.50 Suits at $9.45 I Dept. Main Floor Service is the outstanding point about these Suits. Aside from the low price, they will give exceptionally good wear and hold their shape to. the last. Latest loose-belt Coats with hand-tailored col lar and lapels. Pants are full lined and all seams are taped. Sizes 7 QQ fT to 17. $12.50 Suits, special at 31.4:U Boys' Spring Suits $13.50 to $27.50 Within the above prices you may choose from hundreds of New Spring Suits any one of which will give satis factory service. Specializing in boys' apparel we see to it that the garments Ave buy are up to standard in every way. Tweeds, 'Cassimeres and Serges. Latest models. Prices range $13.50 to $2750 Boys Sport Caps Special $1 Just the styles young fellows like. Full of snap and quality! Made up in fancy tweeds. Leather inside bands. Only $1 Boys Sport Jerseys light in weight and snug-fitting, very desirable for 'Spring wear. Gray, maroon and heather. Prices Boys' Blouses at $1 Plain blue, black and fancy stripes. Chambray, gingham, per cale and sateen. Full ranee of range from $2.45 up to $3.50 i sizes. Priced special at $1.00 One -Minute Washers Sold on Easy Payment Plan $CT Down and D $2 A Week There is one sure way to reduce your laundry expense and that is to - have a One-Minute Electric Washer do the work. Washes a tubful of clothes in a few minutes at an expense of about 3c f or power. Does the work care fully and thoroughly, too. See demonstration of One-Minute and other reliable makes in Electric Washing Machines on Third Floor. Garden Tools Complete showing of Garden Tools. Get your order in early; take advantage of the good weather. EVERYTHING FOR GARDEN AND LAWN" Sale of Table Glassware 3 Great Lots 15c, 25c, 35c Third Floor Plain, thin crystal and etched Glassware Water Tumblers, Goblets, Ice Cream Glasses, Footed Sherbets, Finger Bowls, Dessert Glasses- and large selection of other items at the above special prices. Earthen Tea Pots 75c, 85c, 98c Third Floor High-grade English ware that brews such -good tea. Assorted shapes, highly glazed, ornamented1 with simple but attrac tive blue or green bands. 75, 85 and 98 ' " ' ' --r-. -TTl. 7-1 1 .uSuiiiuS Good News for Men Wonderful Values in " Felt Hats $3 Back to pre-war price! Yes the three-dollar Hat Is here again, Men! The same good quality and the same smart shapes you have been buying at $4.00 heretofore. Correct styles for Spring wear styles to fit every face. Greens, browns, olive, grays and taupe. Fresh stock, allsizes. Get yours PO fifi at once. Extraordinary values at only wOtvU All-Wool Sport Coats Special $3.65 Main Floor For motoring, golfing and house wear these light weight woolen coats are much in demand. Heather mixtures in various colorings. Cuff bot tom. Two pockets. Not long ago Coats PQ f of this quality were $6.50. New low price 0OUt Men's Percale Shirts Special 95c Main Floor This is a special clean-up offering to dispose of several small lots and odd lines. We need room for new goods you need new Shirts act quickly and lay in a good supply. Neat QCrt striped patterns. All sizes to 17. Special at ti)C Men's Madras Shirts sizes 14 to 15 'i at $1.33 Night Gowns $1.29 Outing Flannel Night Gowns in medium weight. Celebrated Universal makes. Pink and! blue striped patterns. Some with frog fastenings, (I"l i)Q others with pearl buttons. Priced only DAj. Clearance Sale Early Spring Models atin and Braid Hats Formerly Selling Up to $12.50 One Price One Price Second Floor About one hundred' xiats in this offering and at the price every one of them should be gone before the day is half over. Spring stocks are coming in rapidly hence this drastic clearance to make room for the new lines. Early Spring models, very smart for immediate wear. Many different styles in the assortment, some in small- turbans and roll brims, others in larger models. Satins and combinations of satin and straw braids. Hats sell- (JJJT ff ing formerly up to $12.50, specially priced for this sale DJvU c!-' .if Thursday Special OWK Coffee 29c lb. Fourth Floor No deliveries except with other purchases made in the Grocery Depart ment. Our famous OWK Im perial Roast Coffee will hold its own with any 40c Coffee on the market.1 Order a pound or two and be convinced. Thursday special, 3 pounds for OQ 85, per pound, only Sale of Royal Baking Powder Regular 50c size Royal Q K n Baking Powder; special tJtli Regular $1.45 size OP Eoyal Baking Powder OL9UO HEADQUARTERS FOR MORSE'S SEEDS New Spring Draperies N o t h 1 n g adds more to the attrac t i v e n e ss of the home than fresh looking draperies. Our new Spring lines are now ready for your inspection offering, a wonder ful assortment of the new --Curtains Curtain Nets " Cretonnes Fancy Silks Teloirs and many other lines. Now is a good time to se lect your new draperies while stocks are at their best. Custom drapery work to order at low est prices. Drapery Dept., Third Floor We Give S. & H. Stamps ft ml Mm TOtfUlfil