TOE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 09 1922 REAL K STATE. For Sa 1 e Houses. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SELLER. 10U Photographs of Homes for Sale. BIGGEST, BEST HOME VALUES. Every one of the SPECIALS below has been personally inspected and ap praised before being offered for your consideration. WE HAVE MORE THAN 100 HOMES FOR SALE IN AIT. SCOTT. IP NECESSARY we'll help you make your down payment. 0 MT. SCOTT BARGAINS 9 wo EOWN; 120x100. 14130 $400 down. A new double con structed bungalow; and worlds of garden apace; trees, etc.; 37th " ave. NEW! . NEW! NEW! $2490 $000 down. BEAUTIFUL. Va vant. 4-room bungalow on 85x 100, or will sell house and one lot for $2100 built -ins, etc. ; 71st at. mtnn 5200 DOWN! $200 DOWN! $1990 $200 down! A COMFORTABLE, warm little brown cottage; 4 rooma; garage; fruit; paved St.; B. 82d st. STAR SNAP! LOOK AT THIS! $1060 EASY TERMS! Cozy 4-room bungalow with bullt-ins; white enamel plumbing; gas; chicken house; 84th st. $300 DOWN! GENUINE FIND! $1510 $300 down! A warm, plastered and neatly papered 4-room cot tage; large, airy bedroom, etc.; large chicken house (will sell completely furnished including piano, for $2195); 87th St. DEFIES COMPETITION! $300 DOWN! FURNISHED! $1485 $500 down! THIS IS COM PLETELY FURNISHED and a wonderful buy in a cozy little 4 . room homey bungalow; bath; electricity; gas; convenient kitch en; woodshed; just block to car; 56th st. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS RIGHT AWAY! $500 DOWN! $500 DOWN! $1290 $300 down. Nice attractive white cottage; newly .renovated ; clean and airy ; 3 rooms and bathroom; lots of fruit; 4 2d ave, WHAT $260 WILL BUY! $12i)0 $200 down. DAINTY gray shingled bungalow; consisting of targe piasterea rooms ana en cloned back porch: gas; elec tricity; VACANT ; 69th st. $350 DOWN! $350 DOWN! $750 $350 down ; 2-room comfortable little cottage; electricity; full lot witn iruit; Powell valley road. 60 salesmen to show you any homes : in which you are interested at ANY; TIME MOST CONVENIENT FOR ' YOU. See I FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home I Realtor. 1 Abington BIdg. Broadway 7171. , 3d St.. bet. Washington and Stark. See 1 FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. 1200 Photographs -of Homes for sale. AMERICA'S LARGEST HOMES SELLER. ' I PERSONALLY INSPECTED. PERSONALLY APPRAISED. Open evenings until 9:00. 60 salesmen with autos. DO YOU WANT A ROSE CITY HOME? Come in and look over our listings. We have over 100 Homes in this district listed with us for sale! ROSE CITY BEAUTY. $5350 Delightful ultra modern 5-room bungalow; hardwood floors; mas sive built-ins; fireplace; furnace; linen closets; large floored attic, etc. E. 41st st. (All improve ments in and paid.) 3 ROSS CITY COLONIAL. $4590 JUST LIKE new, 5-room AT TRACTIVE BUNGALOW with hardwood floors; all kinds of use ful and artistic built-in conven iences. E. 55th st., will make very easy terms to ex-service men. 8 ROOMS. ROSE CITY. $4490 ONE OF THE BIGGEST buys in this popular bungalow district, has 8 airy rooms with every imaginable comfort; fireplace ; furnace; bookcases; AN IDEAL . HOME. 8Uth St. FRANK McGUIRB, To Buy Your Home. Realtor. 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. See . FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SELLER. 1200 Fhotographs of Homes for Sale. EVERY HOME IS WORTH THE MONEY. Small Payments Easy Terms. PERSONAL INSPECTION AND PER-. SONAL APPRAISAL ' are features of the McGuire System of home service. If necessary, we'll help you matte your aown payment. Open Evenings Until 9:00. 60 Autos at Your Service. 5 KENTON HOMES 5. $4850 One of the most attractive bun galows in Kenton, 7 rooms with everything; close to car and scnoot; js. Stafford st. 8 ROOMS: KENTON. $3990 Massive 8-room, bungalow style; 4 bedrooms, 2 sleeping porches, solid paneded dinine room f lavatories; furnace; abundance of iruit; Derries. Farragut st. ierma. $500 DOWN! $500 DOWN! $1790 $500 down! Cozv double ram. structed 3 -room bungalow with built-dns; vacant; garage. E. De- Kum, sc. $496 DOWN. SOME FURNITURE. $1590 $406 down. Comfortable nice 2 room Kenton cottag-e with plumb' Ing ; -edectricity ; gas ; fruit and gaxaen. neroy st. See FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home Realtor. Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. 8d St Bet. Wash, and Stark. WEST MT. TAROR KMAP. Strictly modern 6-room home: newly painted and decorated. Large living rvum,, woo a lilt, DUIU-ln bul let, If rench doors, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen in white, 3 large bed rooms, large closets, full panel door mir ror, linen closet, clothes chute, fine painruum, upstairs wnite enamel, full twisement, furnace, wash travs. lrp- front porch, screened-in back porch, fine view, parage. a. complete well built home that will bear closest infection: 9awn, fruit, roses, etc. All improve ments in and paid; 1 block to car; 1500 xjttftt iuurrison si., near 05th, $6500, loniia. fj. i'iiJl.-JMJ!JT55, 400 Ger . linger bldg. Main 6091 or Tabor 3224. SEASIDE BARGAIN. Here Is a rare chance for the home nunier; i,n me neaitmest part of U S 9-room house, 1 block tfrom the beach! all level and fenced ; newly arranged painted and decorated; first floor dining iisvjii, living ruum, micnen nicely ar ranged: 2 bedrooms. Iatca hnfhrnnm ilarg front porch, back porch; second floor, 3 bedrooms, owe extra large, could be made into two rooms; all finished with, lumber ajid painted white; hot and cold water upstairs; entrance to stair way both from inside arid outside; large range; furniture goes; paved" street and niuewam; an cieur; nice view; $4000. rw aim, wa.SKip, u ny OWUPr. EX-SOLDIER. MAKE YOUK OWN TT?TTa S4!t0 Npw MfticHo k,...i long living rn., fireplace, French doors to dining room, hdwd. floors, handy Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, furnace, extra well built, close-in corner lot, paved street. No liens. Apply your bonus on this, or wo will build to suit R. SOMERVILLE. Bdwv. 2478 320 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. S, Na ALAMEDA PARK. $48.0 TERMS. Attractive neW 5-room bunsralnw with garage, nice large living and dining room across the f roii t, fireplace, hardwood floors, handy Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, 2 nice bediooms, full cement base ment; a bargain; easy terms. R, SOMERVILLE, Bdwy. 2478. 320 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Very desirable location, 100x100 corner House consists of 7 rooms, sleeping porch and sun parlor; has hardwood floors and furnace. This is practically a new, very attractive place and can be bought with 50 or 100 ft. frontage. Full price, $7500. MRS. SNOW, Bdwy- 4664. A, PERFECT home of 4 rooms, breakfast room and sleeping porch, with bearing fruit trees, shrubs, etc.; 1 block off Hawthorne car, 18 min. out; just dec orated throughout, gas and fuel range; easily handled by ex-service bonus; price $3400 clear; for appointmt, Automatic 223-19. j HAWTHORN'S. , PRICE ONLY $4500. 6-room modern bungalow and garage; midway between Hawthorne and Sunny side cars; $1000 cash and liberal terms on balance; or would accept good build ing site on highwav near Multnomah. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO. 009 -10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses, IRVINGTON. NEW 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. This is a beautiful corner location In the heart of Irvington, with every modern convenience; 6 rooms and bath down, 2 rooms up; full basement, fine furnace. DOUBLE GARAGE; 50x100 CORNER. PRICED RIGHT. PHONE APPOINTMENT. MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Bdwy: 6528. Evenings Tabor 436. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT $4300. 5-room bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, furnace, etc. ; double con structed; a real classy bungalow; very easy terms. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark st., near 4th. Bdwy. 6093. East side office, 1170 Sandy blvd. at 40th. Tabor 9586. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3150 Here you are, 0 rooms all on one floor; hall, large living room, fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooms, full cement basement, trays, 50x100 corner lot; 1 block to car and walking distance to S. P. shops; handled on eaay terma; will take sol dier's loan; let us show you. City Homes Dept., R1TTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors. zui-a-3-5-7 Hoard or iraae mag, $450 CASH. Price $2200. 6-room house, E. 34th., Sunnyside; half block to car. SCOTT & BERRY, 1038 Belmont. Suburban Homes. SUBURBAN HOMES, 2 acres choice garden land, 40 fruit trees; 6 -room modern house, sleeping porch; on the pavement. 82d St.; $5000; half cash. 2 acres in cultivation, 5-room house, windmill; $2500; or 6 acres $4200, near Clackamas station; good terms. 3 acres in cultivation, creek, 5-room house, at the railway station, on the pavement; $2500; $500 down. 10 acres, 9 acres in cultivation; 1 acre timber, large spring, 4-room cottage, Tlgardville; $5500; terms.. 1 acre choice garden - land, fruit, grapes, berries, 7-room house, barn, chicken house; close to station Oregon City line; $4200; terms. 6 acres in cultivation, lots of fruit, 5 room house, water, elec. lights, gas avail able; close to river; walking distance to red cars; high and sightly; 20 min. out; $6000; $2000 down. 2 acres in cultivation, fruit, grapes, berries; 4-room house, barn; 3 blocks to Oregon City car; $3000; terms. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165 4th St. SPLENDID 5-ACRE SUBURBAN HOME. BULL RUN WATER. 5 ac're, 3 miles city limits, 5 blocks from Gresham car, rock road, all in cul tivation, no rock or gravel; 3 acres of the very best orchard to he found around Portland, all varieties and in perfect condition; berries of all kinds be tween the trees; 6-room plastered bun galow, full basement, Bull Run water, bath, etc.; barn and outbuildings; not only a splendid home but always pro duces good income. Price $6000; . cash. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North 6th St. Phone Bdwy. 4381. HALF ACRE FURNISHINGS. Laundry trays, paneled dining room. 5-room bungalow with bath, Dutch kitchen, cement basement; just outside the city limits, with 8c car fare: chick en house, brooder house, garage: 180 chickens; implements and furniture; acre with 20 assorted fruit trees; grapes and raspberries, $3500, some terms. Ask lor if C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRB, 205 Abington bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third st.. bet. Wash, and St ark. HOME AT ISLAND STATION. This cannot be duplicated for $5250 7 rooms, artistically arranged, furnace. fireplace, bath, electricity, gas and run ning water, french doors ana windows, right on River road: close to station and school, $5250 for quick sale. Terma. Ask ior t . C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRB. 205 Abington bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. NEAR BEAVER TON. $1000 BELOW THE MARKET. 3 acres with modern 7-room house, barn, garage, fruit, berries and shrub bery. Electricity, gas and water. A real sacrifice at the price of $3750. Lib eral terma. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 500-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. 1 TO 5 ACRES. Modern 6-room house, chicken house bearing fruit and berries, in restricted district. Will sell high-grade furniture. Inquire first house across Oregon City tracK at Kupert station. No agents. $1400 BUYS a 4-room house with large porch on oOxiOO of ground covered with fruit and flowers. Only 1 block from good station on the Oregon Electric. Just the place for your permanent home. Easy payments. For particulars see Ben Ries- land, 04 Piatt bldg., or his agent, Mrs. Grant at Multnomah. SPECIAL NOTICE. It will pay you to see us for close-in suburban homes; many choice buvs; values from $1000 to $7000. A. K. Hill. realtor. 4L'fi Lumbermens blrtg. ON THE BOULEVARD, near Multnomah; y acre with small house; 132 foot front age; only $2500. See Ben Riesland for particulars, 404 Piatt bldg., or his agent. Mrs, urant at .viuitnoman. J50O CASH 4-room house, gas; 0c fare iruit, Derries, nennery, Darn, creeK, acre, $25O0; near electric station. See this. McFarland, Realtor, 28 Failing bldg. 1 ACRES. 3-room house, city water, gas, electricity ana telephone, Between iter- tha ana Multnomah station. Mam oj4. PARKROSB acre, 5-room house, barn, ga rage and chicken house, berries; terms. Tabor 3112. For Sale BuslneHB rroperty. INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. I have industrial property for sale or exchange. .W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 0x9O FT., LARGE frame building 31x corner, carline and paved street. Price $3oOO; $0O down, balance $20 month. AN 4lo, oregonian. SEASIDE property for sale or trade. AUto, For Sale Acreage. FOR SALE by owner,, 4 acres best level land in Multnomah county, part cleared no rock, deep, rich soil; located east of Lents on county road, close to hard sur face and car line: fine view of inoun tains; good, pure water. $275 per acre terms. City people preferred. F. W, Hill. 901 Weim-Fargo bldg. EAST 91st, NEAR GL1SAN. For your chickens and berries. 3 acres, fine soil, under cultivation, water, lights. gas available, 8c carfare, only $S0O per acre on smaii payments. v. m. imb denstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 10 ACRES, 1 MILE FROM HILLSBORO, r UK Splendid piece of land, 10 acres. acres cleared, no rock; good l-room house; just outside Hillsboro. Price $2300 HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th St. Phone Bdwy. 4381. POWELL VALLEY. At Gillls station. 10 miles from city limits. 5 acres for $1500, fronting on Bull Run Electric Ry., level, fine Foil, under cultivation; $100 gives you pos session. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1653. :rea land in Multnomah county, part cleared, located east of Lenta on county road, close to hard surface and car line; fine view of mountains, good pure water; $275 per acre; terms; city people desired. F. W, Hill, 901 Wells Fargo bldg. 10-ACRE SACRIFICE. $1600 Sickness compels me to sell my 10 acres and 4-room house, com pletely furnished, except bedding and dishea. Some terms. W. M. Umbden stock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy 1658. SACRIFICE SALE, $1850. 30 acres extra good farm land, mostly level, fair buildings, creek, some timber, partly cleared, close to school and R. R. town. Price $1S50, terms. Bdwy. 7672 .n it .- nin in lj, neanor, f ailing bldg. juk oAbci 13 miiK from Portland, 124 acres, mile east of Beaverton on Can yon road (paved). Sell between 5 'and 6 acres, including 6-room house and barn for $5000 or all of it for $8000. Charles Jesperson, Beaverton, Or. $1850, ON TERMS, 3 acres and 3-room house, 30 minutes out, near electric sta tion and hard road. W. M. Umbden stock & Co., 210 Oregon bidg. Bdwv 1658. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low prices and eaay termi offered to settlers. , WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO. Tacoma, Wash. 11 Av.ncio ui impiuveu iana, i acre cleared, 7 miles from McMinnville: trade ior Hiiiait urti iw. iue sist st Vancouver, V ash. 8 ACRES; 6 acres in hign state of cultf- vuiiuu, ""s. ."ce only $450 DRAPER. 408 Board of Trade Rft A. In Lone' Pine flat, under n . tion district, good, deep soil, no rock. For lniunn. wmg uu tu, lerreoonne. Or. VERY cheap for cash, io acres, rich, level bottom land, land adjoining $700 to' $1000 per ai-ic, t" j-nufif laDor 3444. FOR SALE SEVEN ACRE'S, CLOSE IN THOMAS JLUUJlifiii tU3X ZL ST. & EL C6-4S. . REAL ESTATE, For Sale Acreage. WELL EQUIPPED POULTRY RANCH. 10 acres. In Lewis county, Wash ington; 1 miles from good town with free bus to high and grade schools; woven wire fences; bear ing family orchard; creek, well; 4-room bungalow, 24x32; barn; Jarge chicken house, 30x50; brooder house, capacity 500 chick ens. Included with place, 420 lay ing pullets, White Leghorn. Tan cred strain; - good Jersey cow, heifer calf, large horse, buggy, harness, plow, tools, feed, brooder stove, etc. Price for everything, $2050, terms. FURNITURE INCLUDED. Nearly 2 acres, 3 blocks from etectric station, 10 miles from cen ter of Portland, 30 minutes out; good car service, good land, young fruit trees; 5-rdom house, with Portland gas; the place is well furnished and included at $2700, $500 cash; or will make discount and keep the furniture. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, Gerlinger Bldg. 'ARE YOU READY FOR SEED TIME?" If not, buy one of these tracts. Ar range to see it Wednesday. 88x21 1 on 82d and 43d ave.; in berries, $1150. 1 acre in Newhurst Park, $500; $10 down. 162x105 on 82d and 46th ave., clear, $1035. 135x270 on Powell Valley rd., $860. A few nice shade trees, over 8 big city lots. Over 1 big acre, covered with a beautiful grove of native trees, facing on Powell Valley rd., $1130. It's in a good dis trict, too. Almost 5 acres on Barker rd., near Base Line rd., $1850. We can arrange terms to suit you. R. H. CONFREY, REALTOR, RITTER, LOWE & CO. Bdwy. 7567. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 14 ACRES 600 CHICKENS PRICE $3500 rersonai; leam, wagon, Harness, nacu, plow, harrow, 2 registered brood sows, 2 cows, 1 Jersey heifer, 308 laying pullets, 350 hens, 30 breeding roosters, incubator, 3 tons oats, chicken feed; 4-room house, barn, one new chicken house 20x100, one chicken house 16x60, water piped to premises; bearing orchard and berries. 14 acres of land, 5 cleared, some nice timber. It is near Estacada. Rocked road ail way to place. Truck takes egga from Hhe premises. Price. $3500; $2000 aown. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th St. Phone Bdwy. 4381, CLOSE-IN ON COLUMBIA BOULEVARD. SUNDERLAND ACRES, at East 29th st. N. and Columbia blvd., 1 to 20-acre tracts, $450 per acre and up; liberal terms, rich soil, low taxes, close to cars and school. Branch pffice East 29th and coiumoia Diva. J. O. ELROD, Owner. 2S3 Stark St. Bdwy. 1188. NICE 2-ACRE HOME AT GRESHAM. Two blocks from electric station. In Gresham, tt acres, all cleared, best of land, no rock; 5-room bungalow, pi; tered, electric lights, Bull Run water, Datn, Dutch kitchen : chicken house bungalow is new and well built; price $3otm. HARGROVE REALTY CO., " 122 North 6th St. Phone Bdwy. 4381. ASCOT ACRE TRACTS. WATER. GAS. LIGHTS. $45 DOWN, $10 MONTH. Beautiful one-acre tracts, finest soil. perfect view of Mt. Hood. 2 miles from city, close to car and Base Line road this tract is rapidly growing ; a few choice tracts left. BOONE-CLEARWATER, 506 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 5337. POWELL VALLEY ROAD. 10 acres near 94th st. and just off the hard surface road, mostly in cultiva tion, 2 acres bearing walnuts, slopes, to the south and west, protected from east wjnds; wonderful garden land, grand sweeping -view; only $5000; wonderful chance for gardener; $300 will handle, easy terma on balance. John E. Howard, oin 1 namper 01 commerce. iARGAIN IN ACREAGE ON POWELL VALLEY ROAD. Absolutely best acreage buy near the city; little over 9 acres; wide frontage on Powell Valley road, 1. mile from city limits; nice second-growth timber; price $400 per acre; away under anything ad joining; non-resident says sell at once. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th St. Phone Bdwy. 4381. LOOK! TWO ACRES SlUOO All in cultivation with an additional acre rentea and in crop: about u m e to station; 2-room house with all house hold goods: chicken house 12x14. chickens included in this price. Ask for j? . Marsnaii, with FRANK L. McGUTRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. 4 BEAUTIFUL -acre tracts. Shattuck station, west side, cheap. Owner, Main For Sale Faring. 98-ACRE FARM, ALL EQUIPPED, , FOR Located In famous southern Oregon, - miles from railroad station and schools, on good roads. 25 to 30 acres in cultivation, some good oak, fir and pine iiniDer, o acres in strawberries; about 60,000 plants ready to set out. me oerries irom this place are ahead o the Hood River berries, henna dpmann ing a good price; There is a good, large 3-room house, well furnished and the furniture goes, too; large barn for five cows and team of horsey, and lots of feed room, poultry and hog house, 3 good wells and pumps, place, is fenced and cross-fenced, 2 good horses, wagon, uaiiieas, uussy, aingie wagon, mower, rake, plows, harrow, new cream sepa rator, cultivators, disc, everything for a farm; 3 dozen chickens, lots of feed for winter, new Monarch range, heating stove, bedding, dishes, lot of canned fruit, everything complete for $4000. part cash. Let us tell you more about this place. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 25 ACRES, STOCKED AND EQUIPPED, NEAR REEDVILLB FOR ONLY $6000. ' Belongs to a widower who is forced to sell; 12 acres in cultiva tion; good 6-room house, barn, large poultry house, 2 acres diver sified orchard in full bearing; all kinds of berries for home use milk and mail route: close to school in fine neighborhood, about half cash will handle. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 N. W. Bank Bldg. MUST sell 30 acres, Clarke county, Wash ington, good location for any kind of farming; 1000 cords of timber, few acres swaie, k mue to store, to school, new. rock road, truck and mail servico by place, timber will pay for place. Price $2200. R. E. Campbell, La Center, Wash. R, 1. CANADIAN wheat mixed and ranch lands, get home where you can pay for it. The time to buy in central states was 50 years ago. Now is the time here. No ir rigation, no rainmakers here. Co-oper- miLit iivn wires, a. j unr, Manville Alta., Canada. 100 ACRES All in cultivation; fully equipped with stock and implements. Will accept Portland improved as Dart payment. This place is about 17 miles irom rortiana. W. W. SABIN, REALTOR 1032 Union Ave. N. Wdln. 589. SALE OR EXCHANGR 320-acre farm, Instow, Sask.. Canada. Fine soil, feed, seed, stock, imnlements household goods, $50 per acre, or will trade ior tarm it ngni location. Write Aorman vv nue. j-rayton. ur, 40 ACRES on Roosevelt nighway. between popular coast resorts; first-class house and outbuildings, trout hatchery im provements, line water, excellent for dairying anu uwij laismg. a sacrifice at jaow, it?nn5. av u. uregonlan WE WANT to tell you more about the fa mous Deschutes valley in central Oregon a dairy, potato and stockman's para dise. A card brings full particulars Redmond Land & Loan Co., Inc.. Reb 42 ACRES, 3 mnes irom Oregon City buildings, stock and equipment. Take Portland home for equity. HbHUAnL. o-u owetianq Bldg, CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCH IT q near Portland. $50 to $500 per acre easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sizes.' JftCranaiiu. taim.. railing DIflg. 08 ACRES 35 in cultivation; only $C5 an acre: 20 miles from Portland. W. W. SABIN. REALTOR 1032 Union Ave. N. Wdln. 589. ANY ONE wishing good grain and stock ranch in Montana. Mrs. A. N, MeJvin, OW uei. CHEAP for quick sale. 10-acre improved ranch, Yakima valley. J. L. Chase, Pros ser. Wash. 16 ACRES, half in cultivation; living spring; good soil; price $600, $100 down. DRAPER, 408 BOARD OF TRADE. CALL IN and see1 what we have in a coun try home or farm. Frank C. Robinson, 503 Selling bldg. Main 2557. IMPROVED farm. Linn county, clear title, 865 acres. $16,000; also law library, cheap. George W, Wright, Albany, Qr. REAL ESTATE. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS PRICED ON THEIR PRO DUCTIVE VALUE. BENTON COUNTY DIVERSI FIED FARM. 385 acres located on good road. Daily mail, phone, etc. Dairy barn and horse barn, each 50x60. ma chine shed, shop, garage, sheds, hen houses, etc. Light and water sys tems, 140 acres of extra choice land in cultivation, balance pas ture. This is a real bargain in a high-class farm at $125 per acre. BUILD YOUR OWN IMPROVE MENTS. 26 acres of choice second bot- . torn land, all in fall crop, on good road, only 4 miles from Eugene, near school and church: price only $3500, $1500 cash, balance 8 years at 6 per cent. . We know soil and the crops that will grow on It. Read our ads. We have what you want. KINNEY, IRVINE) & HYDB, Realtors, Eugene, Oregon. OWNER HAS INSTRUCTED US TO SLASH THE PRICE FOR QUICK SALE. 30 acres on S. P. railway, station on place, 34 acres of the very best bot tom land, 2 acres of which is In meadow, balance of land excent 5 acres is smooth. with 6 acres slashed. 200 cords of wood- income of $60 per year, that does not affect possession of place; wllf- sacrifice tms ciose-m so acres lor iouu, casn. balance 3 years, 6 per cent. . OWNER LEAVING OREGON, MUST SELL. Almost one acre of fine bottom soil. on hard surfaced street, In a good town, 30 minutes out from Portland, on S. P. railway, has 5-room bungalow, rented all the time; $1200, down, balance terms to suit purchaser. 5 acres, all cultivated, best soil In Willamette valley, 1 acre to berries, 3 room house, private water system, $3000; will make terms on this to suit. HERE IS A SNAP. 25 acres, 19 acres cleared. 8 acres onion land, balance timber and pasture, with running water, 180 yards from paved highway, new 6-room house, new barn, $6500. 1-3 down, balance time at 6 per cent.' See J. S. Culbertson, KILLER BROS., Realtors, s 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3623. ON PAVED ROAD. AT ELECTRIC STATION. 35 acres, 22 miles southeast of Portland, 4 mile from school; 20 acres under cultivation, balance pasture; tsome timber; mostly creek bottom land; bearing or chard app!es, pears, cherries, prunes, grapes, loganberries, wal nuts, etc ; 6-room house, barn, chicken house, machine shed, granary; some stock and equip ment. Price for everything, $6500, terms. 9 Inspected by Hunter. ONLY 17 MILES OUT. 24 acres, south of Portland; 1 mile from railroad station; mile to school; rock road; woven wire fences; 13 acres under cultiva tion; 8 acres more can be farmed, balance in pasture; large bearing family orchard, acre straw berries; 5-room house ; barn 38x 40; chicken house, granary, hog house, etc.; included with place, good team, 3 cows, 1 heifer. 50 chickens. 1 hog, wagon, harness, disc harrow, tools, feed, etc. Price for everything, $5000, $2600 cash. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, Gerlinger Bldg. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. Out the paved highway from Reed Ville and street car line; nearly 4 acres, all in fine cultivation, family orchard and berries, in full bearing; beautiful modern, six-room bungalow, fireplace, built-ih bookcases. French doors, sun parlor, Dutch kitchen, lots of built-in features; sleeping rooms with mirror doors; modern bath, complete: good water system, gas and beautiful light fixtures;, garage, poultry house, cost $500. The buildings are all new; price is $6500. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. RAISE ONIONS, MAKE MONEY. 60 acres on highway, 85 acres beaver dam, 25 acres timber and pasture, noth ing better in Oregon; $11,000; $3300 cash; balance 6 per cent. 20 acres, 16 in cultivation, good six room house, 2 barns, 3 cows, 2 horses, machinery, chickens, all for $3000. down, balance 6 per cent, long time, this is on a good road, close In. SEE J. S. Culbertson. HILLER BROS., Realtors, 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg.. Bdwy. 3626. DAIRYMEN'S OPPORTUNITY. We want real farmers to take up irri gated land near Prineville, Or! These lands will produce from 4 to 6 tons of alfalfa hay per acre, the richest and cheapest feed grown. Climate is espe cially well adapted for stock growing, dairy cows, stock, cattle and sheep. Land can be purchased from $65 to $75 an acre on easy terms. We will finance you with dairy cows if necessary. J. L. KARNOPP & CO., Railway Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6755. $2200 40 ACRES $2200. Ten miles north Vancouver, one mile to Pacific highway; level, all good soil; small house and barn; about 2 aores cleared, 5 acres seeded. Owner called east and must sacrifice. It's a snap at $2200. . Terms. FRED C. PRATT, 534 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Broadway 1853. GOOD FARM BUYS. 40 acres. 35 acres in cultivation, ba!. pasture; little timber; creek; stocked and equipped; 8-room house, barn, out buildings; 23 miles Portland, in Canby district; $10,500; terms. s 33 acres, 17 acres in cultivations bal, timber; running water; 4-room house, barn, fronts on river, 17 miles Portland. 3 miles Wilsonville; $4000; terms. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 165 4 th SI REDUCED FUK QUICK SALE. 75 acres, about 20 in cultivation. 4000 cords of wood on place; on good gravel road, just one mile from the Skyline blvd., 3-room house, barn and chicken house; now only $6000; might consider soldier's loan. Ask for F. C. Marshall, witn , FRANK L. MGUIRB. 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 717L Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. 4 ACRES POULTRY AND BERRY RANCH Near the street car line and paved road, four-room house, garage, poultry house and brooder house, lots of berries and grapes, also family orchard in , bearing, all. this for $2100, including ov cniCKPns; :hiu casn will handle it. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. HIGHEST,, TYPE FARM LANDS, mostly level, valley and bottom ; settled dis trict, roads, markets. At Onalaska, in Newaukum valley, near Chehalis; 20 acres or more, $15 to $au, ten-year terma Employment m mitts or woods. Sales man on ground, or write Graham-Par- dew Land Co., 1008 American Bank Joiag.. Seattle. 160-ACRB STOCK RANCH. 14000. Nine miles from Willamina; from 80 to 100 acres tillable, shack house, good- size a oarn, young orcnara, large creek, some bottom land, unlimited outran b-pl Will take $300 payment down; house up to $2500 ; or will accept soldier's bonus. See Mr. Campbell, with Fred W, German Jo.. realtors, 73H Cham, of Com. WIDOW LADY MUST SELL. 40-acre farm, 23 acres in cultivation 6 cows, team, harness, plow, harrow and all other farm implements; furniture; li mites to town, near Portland. Tail is a good buy. W. W. SABIN, REALTOR, 1032 Union Ave. N.. Wdln. 589. WANTED REAL ESTATE. FOR QUICK results. list your home. acreage or business for sale or exchange witn u. u. sietten, realtor, la Rail way Exchange Bldg. Bdwy. 3400. WANTED Houses at $2000 to $4000. also good lots. .Buyers waiting. 505 ARTISANS BLDG.. Opposite Benson Hotel. FIVE or six-room home, preferably In Hawthorne or Rose City district, $4000 to -ouo ; can pay substantial down pay ment; no agents. Tabor 8892. BX-SOLD1LR with loan wants 5-room modern bungalow by May 1; will pay $40 month. Apply loan when issued. O 455. WANTED Small bungalow, anv district. for my equity in 6-room house hear Franklin ri. s. Auto. B10-24. . LOT WANTED in restricted district, have iai popular maae car as part payment. ttroaaway 31. LIST your property for sale or trade with iseison. realtor, iue Uasco bldg. Main 2072. 4-ROOM modern bungalow from owner. '$500 cash, balance like rent. AH 416, Oregonian. WANTED Lot in University Park; must be cheap for cash. Write. 672 E. Rich mond st., Portland. WANTED 100x100 lot with small house or shack, good district. AG 47 Ore gonian. WANTED Modern 4 or 5-room bungalow in .gooa district, v 4,4a. uregoman. WE HAVE clients for lots if your price and terms are right. Main 3787. WANTED SEAL ESTATE. WANT FLATS OR APARTMENTS. Have good clear house, worth $4500 and balance cash, to give for flats, not too far out, up to $12,000. Have two buyers for small apartment houses, to $30,000; no trade. Another client has good west side property, paying 10 per cent on price. $12,000, clear, to give as first payment on small apartment house. We also have several good propositions to offer for larger properties. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. WE WANT listings on suburban homes and acreage; we have the buyers; list with us for results. - J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034- WB HAVE a buyer for 5 to 15 acres with good improvements and fruit enough for family use. Must be located near school and high school. If you want to sell , come quick with your description, price and terms. J. E. SHEARS REALTY COMPANY, 414-15-16-18 Henry Bldg. HAVE a client watting to buy a fairly modern 2-flat bldg., preferably on the 1 west side; muBt be fully worth price asked. Have cash and a lot at very low value on Westover terrace. Own ers or realtors please call or write J. J. McCarthy, Abington bldg. WE ARE almost sold out on houses under $3000 and on terms of from $100 to $500 down. We can sell your house if you will list with us at once. Call Mr. Young, with Otto & "Harkson. Broad- way 6389. NOW Is the time to turn 'your lot into money; buyers looking for bargain; if you have a weP-located lot. priced rea sonably, let us hear from you. - HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR, 243 Stark St. Broadway 7831. WANTED 6-room strictly modern home in Irvington proper; garage; the best that $6000 cash will buy; will pay more 11 iumisnen. can at 230 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. Broadway 7581. . WANT vacant lot; have a cash customer wanting lot In Ladd's Addition, or im mediately north or east. Better hurry. ROBERT S. COE JR., East 4726. 384 Hawthorne Ave. HAVE clients for west side homes, busi nesslike treatment, thorough sattsfac tion and quick action assured if value is apparent and price is right. J. R. 'HAIGHT, Realtor, 325-327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045. FOR QUICK RESULTS list your suburban home with us; we sell them: try us; old established firm. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, HM-o-tf ranama nidg.., 3d and Aider List your houses and lots with J. J. OEDER. EAST SIDE REALTOR. 4 GRAND AVE. N.. COR. E. ANKENY. PHONJS AST 61 AND EAST 6894. WANTED The best little 4 or 5-room bungalow that $1600 cash Will buy. Must have basement, fireplace and bath. Give aescription ana location. o. box 304, city. WE HAVE BUYERS AT ALL TIMES IF .YOUR PRICE IS RIGHT. PORTLAND HOME CO., 633 Railway Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 2571. HAVE 3 clients, ex-service men with $500 to $1000 cash besides $3000 bonus loan to apply on Rose City bungalows, not to exceea fnmm. juast 2: far. LOGGED OFF LANDS. Desirable farms, city property. Small tracts, j. k. Morton Land Co., Wlnlock, wash. ROSE CITY lot wanted; will pay cash, Webb. Kast or Wdin. 13. Farms Wanted. WILL the party who advertised a large farm with 55 acres of hops some time in January sena me tneir name ana ad dress and a description of it? AV 218, Oregonian Wanted to Hem r arms. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES, Have several people wanting to ren acreage or small farms, close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place atter leasing lor year or more. We make lot of sales this way. Will buy equipment it priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast THREE ACRES OR MORE, neat place, equipped ior cnicaens, close m; responsi bie permanent tenant. Phone 634 Monday, or N 440, Oregonian, MAN and wife want rent small farm; will buy personal property. lli High st. s. Portland. WANT to rent on shares equipped farm. aairy orcnicaen rancnj sqx 40, route x. WAKKUN. UK. FOR RENT FARMS. CHOICE 15 acres, near Vancouver ; plas tered house : crop sown ; season s rent and crop IJoik Also 10 acres near cres well-Eugene, with fruit, $125. 141 E. 69th st. N. FOR RENT Fine truck garden land, 30 acres in cult., near Oregon city. atocK and equipment for sale. Route No. 2, Box 17-B, Oregon City. Or. TIMBER LANDS. A GRAND opportunity to get into a prof itable lumber business with little or much capital. This will be worth your while. Let us supply you with particu Iars. AV 32, Oregonian, TO CLOSE A TRUST Will sell 40.000,000 feet of as good timber as there is in the state of Oregon at 50c per M. Address AO 475, Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE lumberman desires to lease or buy on terms small sawmill with available timber. P 453, Oregonian. FINE fir and pine tracts, both holding and operating propositions; also mill. Zimmerman, 818 Cham, of Com. PILrNG. timber wanted, close to O. V. Gamble, Couch bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. TO TRADE First mortgage of $2890 drawing 8 per cent, due January 1, 1923, on 160 acres for something of equal val ue in Oregon property. Montana-Oregon Company, realtors, 1020 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Bdwy. 7839. TRUCK WANTED. Good 50x100 lot on Kerby St., near Bryant, in. Swinton, to exchange for 1& ton truck. J. W. GRUSSI, 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 7452. WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade for you; bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit. Lots, houses, acreage, farms or stocks of m e rchandtse. E. R. S.; 712 Couch bldg. YOUR choice of three very finest dairy farms on coast. Will sell on easy terms or exchange for mortgages or part de sirable, city property. In answering furnish full particulara , AV 32, Orego nian. CORNER 75x109 on the northeast corner of Nueva ave. and Carlos ave.. in Red mond, Cal., 5 miles from Palo Alto, 25 miles from San Francisco;' will .exchange for late model auto. See owner, J. Fen- nander, 7!5 Minnesota ave. Wdln. 1201 WONDERFUL opportunity 320-acre stock ranch, stocked and equipped, only $0000 clear. Want Portland or suburban home fon part, balance easy. 419 Lumber men s c-ldg. v inslow co, 6-ROOM furnished house, double sleeping iorch. 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors. furnace ; will sell equity of $1200 for $1000, or win taae good lot. Phone Tabor 9078. , WE" HAVE a nice 7-room house on the east side, worth $3600; will take good car to $800 as first payment, bal. $30 monthly. 419 Luuibermens bldg. Wins- iow o. HAVE 100 acres Texas oil land, worth $50 per acre; may be worth $500 before end of year; will trade 50 acres for equity in house or lot of equal value. Phone Auto. 233-40. OWNER wants to trade Rogue river val- lev farm for Portland property or prop erty hear here, give close price for quick deal; farm is clear. T. I. Robinson, 520 E. 12th IN. FOR SALE or trade, 640-acre wheat ranch near R. R., 200 acres in wheat, fair buildings, 'plenty water, all goes fox per acre. P. O. box 4. Kent. Or. WANT lots or house equity for 1-ton W inther trucK. mechanically perfect, with guarantee ; like new. Broadway 4336. HAVE 3 houses value $11,000, also $6000 cash, want income, will assume. JOHN E. WALTER, REALTOR. 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 3718. WANT couple cheap houses for my equity in good 70-acre ranch, one hour's drive from Portland. 419 Lumbermen's bldg. Win-slow Co. WE HAVE 640 acres wheat ranch, every foot, tillable, win tane any small city property as first payment, bal. long time. 410 Lumbermens oiog. winsiow co. 2-ROOM house with bath, lot 80x100. $1000. Take cheap vacant lot or anything of - val ue wit h little cash ; easy terms on balance. Main 4ai. BKAUTIFUL acreage, near city; buildines stream, -best soil; aleo other tracts; give exceptional value; accept residence. 141 East 69th St. N. KX CHANGE 20 acres good land, wnrth $50 per acre, clear of incumbrance, for auto in good condition; no junk. 265 E. 32d st. FOR SALE OR TRADE A 2-room house, Linnton roaa, jiov; aitx farms. 227 wasningt-on. Jiennigs. 7-ROOM house and lot, $2350. take vacant lot part payment, pal, easy. Main 2596. FOR SALE or trade, 16o-acre Canadian tarm; owner. ya xuta su Mr. Do well. TO EXCHANGE REAI ESTATE. PORTLAND. 189 ACRES EVEN UP FOR HOUSE. 14 miles from station, in Lincoln county; 189 acres; 25 cleared; good 7 room house, large barn and outbuildings, buildings insured for $2500; 2- acres lo ganberries. Price $4500; clear of Incum brance; around even trade for house in Portland. 30 ACRES EVEN UP FOR HOUSE. 12 miles southeast Oregon City. 30 a cms ; 25 acres in cultivation ; best of land, lies good; 6-room house large new barn, numerous outbuildings; orchard and berries; hard road all way from Portland. Price $4000. Even up for house in Portland. 39 ACRES, EQUIPPED. Good rich soil, 24 miles south of port land; mile electric station; 30 acres cleared; 8-roonf house, good barn, nu merous outbldgs.; stocked and equipped. Price $6500. Take house to $4000, bal ance -6. 25 ACRES, 6 MILES OUT. No better land anywhere, lies perfect ly; no rocls or gravel; 25 acres; 20 cleared; 5 acres pasture and timber; 8 room house, good as new, plastered, full basement, fireplace, sleeping porch. laTge barn, numerous outbuildings; 2 acres fine orchard; lots fruit, berries and grapes; 6 miles city limits, east side. Price $8500. Take house to $4000. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th St. Phone Bdwy. 4381. FARM'S SALE OR TRADE. Stocked and equipped, 320 acres. 80 acres in cultivation. 40 acres nearly ready to plow, bal. timber and pasture; water on each 40 acres: tractor: T-room nouse. large dairy barn, 15 cattle. 3 horses; near school, church; 30 miles Portland; $20,000; take city income $10,000; little money. 26 acres in cultivation, lots of fruit and berries, stocked and equipped; 250 chickens; 14 miles out, good road; $8500; taice nouse 4500. 77 acres. 43 acres In cultivation. acres burfed and eppded. 5 acres timber; springs; 5-room house, barn, some stock and equipment; level land; 3 miles Hills- ooro; io,uoo; taite modern twmse owu, bal. easy terms. " 35 acres in cultivation, stocked and equipped, level land, 18 miles city; $6500; iaKe nouse $5000, bal. easy. 60 acres, HI acres in cultivation, bal. timber; rolling hill land: 7-room house. barn ; 14 mile Portland ; $7000 ; take house $4000, bal. easy. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 165 4th St, FARMS FOR EXCHANGE. 97 acres, close to electric station, be tween Portland and Salem, practically all in cultivation. Price $9000; will con. Bider small chicken ranch near Portland to $i500, balance mortgage. 160 acres in valley, all good, crops in g-ood buildings, near highway; price sib.ouo; consider town property smaller place. Highly improved place near Portland, with fine buildings, stock and equip ment. Price $5,000, clear ; consider Portland property and assume. 247 acres in Linn county. 140 in cul tivation, crops in, good buildings, fully stocked and equipped. Price $20,000 consider Portland house to $15,000, or go higher on income property. We also have a number of small places near Portland upon which house can be turned as first payment. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. 20 TO 400 ACRES in Cat creek oil field of Montana, some irrigated and Im proved, near oil wells. PRICE $30 TO $50 AN" ACRE. 321 acres, house, barn, eranarv. well. plenty water, drilling oil well 3 miles, good farm, would take pool hall or good property, balance 5 per cent good terms. $25 ACRE. Irrigated stock ranch, 3 years lease, 200 acres alfalfa, balance pasture, 3 crop year, blacksmith shop, all machin ery necessary, 45 cattle, 10 horses, chick ens, hogs, good 9 roomed house, barn and sheds for 500 stock, household goods, automobile, quick trade; cash value $5000 for Portland property, 1 mile of Winnett, Mont., oil town, good high school. A. H. DONNE LL, Phone Wdln. 4053. FOR EXCHANGE. 160 acres, well improved land, 4 miles from county seat, $4500 equity in R. R. contract for 640 acres in oil zone; Ohio oil company now drilling; 160 acres not improved, close to the famous Cat Crut oil field, four-room house, garage, chick en house, on one acre ground ; always rented; close to country seat town; will consider Portland property in exchange; will also assume small incumbrance; all located near Roundup, Mont. Address owner, pox 473. Roundup, Mont. IMPROVED 40-acre farm neat Vancouver, Wash. Will stand investigation ; price $6500. Will trade mfcr 14700 equity in this for small acreage with modern bldgs., near good town in eastern Or.; Wash, or Idaho and might assume small ami. if worth it, or will trade for paying busi- ness of merit. Give full details. AV 23: Oregonian. 6 ROOMS on 100x100, lots of fruit; paved street, 1 block to car; price $3600; will accept small house or good lot as part payment; home now rented $30 per month; can arrange terms. O. O. Slet ten. 415 Railway Exchange bldg. Bdwy. 3400. 54 ACRES, 14 miles north of Spokane, for vacant lots in Portland. Box 114, K. J? . D. 1, Astoria. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE mortgage contract for $4000 and $uo casn, want rurnisnings 01 an apart ment house, will assume.. ' JOHN E. WALTER, REALTOR. 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 3718. HAVE $35,000 mortgage contract bearing o per cent, want apartment nouse, win assume. JOHN E. WALTER, REALTOR. 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 3718. TRADE Curtis plane, best of condition. for auto or anything of value, call Air. Osborn, Broadway 8465. DOUBLE iron bed, spring mattress, kitch en table. 114 Union ave., cor. Alder. WILL exchange dentistry for Airedale puppy. Main uOol. HIGH-GRADE Kimball player piano for tjodge car, least 1314. MARINE corps overcoat, new, small size. for talking machine. S 45 1, oregonian. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. JUST ARRIVED FROM MY RANCH AT WALLOWA. My second shipment of all 5 and 6-year-old horses and mares, consisting of 8 head of as good dark dappled gray Percherons as ever came to Portland ; team of Belgians, 3000, a high-class draft team; balance of load blocky, heavy-bone horses from 1200 to 1900, well broken, single and double; prices right, as they must be sold at once. Call East Side Transfer Stables, ISO East 8th street. Henry C. Hansen. 60 HEAD of hordes for sale or hire, weight from 1000 to 1800 lbs. Some of the. prices: Span of iron gray geldings, 4 Co 5 years old; weight 2850 lbs., $210. Span of geldings, free of blemishes; weight 2500 lbs., $100. Span of young blocky built grays, free of blemishes; weight 2600 lbs., $150. 40 sets of new and used harness, col lars of all sizes, at a very reduced prlo. G. K. HOWITT. Front and Columbia Sth. REAL bargain, $25 horse, 900 lbs., gentle for women or children, work, ride or drive; 1500 lbs. Mare, $65, good worker, also several other cheap horses, har nesses and wagons of ail kinds, corner East 8th and Main, 2 blocks north of Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE One carload horses, weight 1500 to 1800 lbs., 4 to 6 years old; all halter broken, some broke to work. Can be see at Waterman, Or., 60 miles south of Condon, or write for particu lars. Straube Bros.. Waterman, Or. NOTICE to horse ouyers in vicinity of Forest Grove, 10 head of all-around horses, 6 to 7 years old. All stock guar anteed. Smlt h's stables. FARM IMPLEMENTS New and second hand, special prices. P. E. Esbenshade. 360-366 E. Morrison st. FRESH Jersey-Durham, 4 gal. ; gentle and easy milker. 780 Insley st. Sell wood car. VETERINARIAN. HOWES. TABOR 6566. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Call day or night. Automatic 627-64. J ERSEY cow, fresh, 23d and Nicolai st. 4 years old. 727 MULES 2500-lb. team, 5 and 6 years old. 240 East Sth. THREE good Jersey cows, all just fresh, heavy milkers. Tub, tested. 240 East Sth. FRESH cow, 4 years old, $45. First house west Bell station. Gresham car. Planow, Organ and Musical Instruments. KIMBALL PIANO, new, at a snap. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St STEINWAY GRAND PIANO. Reasonable terms. Phone Marshall 23S7. ' CONCERT GRAND PIANO FOR RENT: WONDERFUL TONE. HAROLD S. GIL BERT, 107 WEST PARK. - HINZEMAN PIANO, $125, terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St. CHICKERING PIANO, $150. SF.IBF.RLLNG-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder. PIANO, $150, walnut case, terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder. WILL trade your old piano for phonograph at 409 Union ave. N. PIANO WANTED for practice. Must be reasonable. Will pay cash. Mar. 1532. PIANO in good condition for sale. 559 e. Morrison. WANTED Sweet-toned piano for cash reasonable. East 8882. PIANO WANTED pay Cafih. Bdwy.. 6576 FOR SALE. PianoH, Organs and Musical Instruments. NEW LOT FACTORY REBUILT PIANOS just received from eastern factories now on sale here. No need to buy old worn pianos now when you can buy good as new rebuilt pianos at same price. $550 Ernest Gabler upright piano. . .$2I5 $450 Bauer & Co. upright piano..... 265 $425 Bradford Piano Co., mahogany. 25 $450 Smith & Barnes, mahogany.... 295 $550 Kimball upright piano 315 475 Wilmer upright piano 275 $425 Kurtz BrosV upright piano 245 $800 Stelnway & Sons upright piano 375 $475 H. P. Nelson colonial piano.... 235 $575 George Heck & Co piano 265 500 Emerson Piano Co.. mahogany. 295 $525 Seybold upright, oak 315 $450 Hallet & Davis upright piano.. 195 Terms $10 or more cash, $6, $8 or $10 monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO., 101 Tenth St.. corner Stark! WnvnKHMTI, PIANO KARUAINS. $1000 Steinway, like new $30 Tint Do., l.,(i moh fr,a i50 50 40 650 J. & C. Fischer, wonderful 700 Genuine McPhail, good ... 600 Jewett. mahogany 600 Thompson, latest mah. .. 800 Farrand player, just new. 550 Howard R, S., latest 500 Gaylord, late plain case . . 850 Player piano, just like new 550 Bradford, plain walnut . . 550 Sweetland, plain, like new 475 Wissner, upright, good SOO Sohmer, plain case ...... 650 W. W. Kimball make .... cm TlK 1-. t r-i n n 11 riri trVi t 200 190 225 350 250 170 375 200 170 125 185 lilO 115 nh.t-o Artf n ink lv and eet a bargain. Easy terms. Brokerage Co.. 312 Worces- tei- hldg. Dunvnr.R i Yf RARfiAlNS. Victrola, style X, with records $100 Victrola, style XI; with records.... 125 $150. Columbia, almost new 160 Brunswick new demonstrator, with records I" Brunswick, large gold-plated ma- hogany case, new demonstrator. .. 5 And Others. Terms Given. SEIBERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $475 Irving Piano Co.. upright mah.. $215 $450 Smith upright ebony $19 $425 Hallet & Davis upright ross" wood 165 $750 pianos and a player piano oak. $295 3 parlor organs, $18, $25 and $35 cash, Piano stored, 75c per mouth; bought and sold for cash only. 103 10th at cor. Stark and Wash, sts. $ 35 GRAFONOLA. 10 used records $ 25 $ 95 Stradivara and 10 used records. 45 140 Pathe, cabinet, 20 used records. 68 175 Sonora, cabinet. 20 used records. 145 140 Brunswick, 20 used records... 95 175 Columbia, cab., 20 used records. 115 . $5 sends one home, then $3, $5 and up monthly. Schwan Piano Co., 101 Tenth st., at Washington st, CHASE & BAKER av BEAUTIFUL BLACK WALNUT PLAY- Full 88 notes, perfect condition; just like new. Coat $1000; will take $450 cash, or. $500 on time. Small payment down. Real bargain. See owner, room 620 Morgan bldg., Washington, between Bdwy. and ParK st. S P RIPT AT. RAT.K OS1 PIANOS. WTieelnnk Co. unrieht Piano ....... .$245 Martin Bros, upright piano $225 Wellington upright piano $195 Delmar renewed piano $265 Pianola player plays 88-note $ 65 LIP MAN, WOLFE & CO.. 7tfti floor. WANTED, PIANOS Will pay cash for second-hand uoriffht pianos for shipment to another city; instrument must be free from encumbrances; will call and ap praise; no dealers Strictly confidential. Address AV 220, Oregonian SCHILLER PIANO, plain mahogany case, equal to new. A wonderful bargain. Terms given. SEIBERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth St. Broadway 6576. FOR SALE A Weber piayer piano, 88 note, mahogany case, price, including cabinet and 25 rolls of music, $550; all In first-class condition. AP 449, Oxt gonian. KIMBALL PLAYER PIANO, new, at big reduction. See it. Terms given. SE1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth St. Broadway 6576. CROWN cabinet grand pano, best of con dition, $285. Terms given. SE1BERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St. PRICE & TEMPLE, $250, oak case, new. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St ake WEBER pianola piano for rent, music and bench included, $7.50 per month. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 107 WEST PARK (NEW LOCATION.) $290 CASH secures a $5i0 hew piano, left over from eastern manufacturers carload lot at Security Storage Co., 103 Tenth st. at Stark. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING, any make, AH work: guaranteed. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth St. Broadway 6576. EQUITIES in pianos bought for spot cash, iet rid or that burden, uroiterage tjo. 312 Worcester bldg. Bdwy. 1548 week days PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS WANTED. NEWMAN'S RECORD EX CHANGE, 128 1st, near Alder. Bdwy. 7161. . GOOD PIANOS at prices and terms you can afford. Reed-French Piano Co. 12th and Wash- ington. t PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING, ex pert workmanship guaranteed. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth St. Broadway 6576. KINGSBURY piano, mah. case, all refin ished and in perfect condition ; $245, terms. , G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. PIANOS moved, $3, ground floor ; work done by experts and guaranteed. Call - Broadway 1207. STUDENT'S violin outfit, includes violin, bow, case, rosin and extra strings, $18. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. 1 Eb ALTO CONN silver gold beii saxo phone, $!H. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. 1 TECJOR Bb Buescher saxophone (new), $150; silver, gold bell; forms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. CONN tenor silver, gold beli saxophone, $150, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 6th St. MARTIN tenor saxophone, good as new, silver, gold bell; $135, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. 1 ART MODEL Console phonograph, slightly shop worn; $145, terms. G. F. J OHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th SA. WE WILL trade you a new Victrola or Cheney phonograph for your old piano. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. SCHILLER player, 88-note and extra rolls, good as new; fine bargain, $425, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. $165. Secures $450 Hlet & Davis upright. - Security Storage Co.. 103 10th. cor. Startc. FEW used player rolls, two for 25c. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 107 WEST PARK. WJCnt to buy good piano from private party ior casn; no uuaiers. rnone r,ast 5 25ft. ; FOR RENT Cabinet phonograph with late records. $3 mo. Empire Tfr.. 254 Broad way. Bdwy. 155. $60O GENUINE W. W. Kimball piano, only $, easy mi ms , ucauuim Luuc Worcester bldg. 1 Eb ALTO CONN brass saxof hone, $60. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. WANTED Used piano 'Bdwy. 1548 weekdays. for cash. Call Furniture Tor hale. SAVE MONET. Try our sales department If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates tonoat all points In our through pool cars; expert packing, re pairing and refinishing. Money loaned on goods In storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 62 4th St., Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. DON'T SACRIFICE your lurmture If going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight In our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine street. SOLID oak mission style combination din ing and library table, perfect condition, $40; also .elegant Axminster rug, ?40. See janitor, Douglas Court apts. I HAVE a $150 Victrola and a nice bunch of records to trade for a combination range in good condition. What have you? Call E. 1409. FURNITURE of bungalow, combination range, heating stove, all best of furni ture; no aeaiers. laror wis. MUST sell complete, house furniture, 2 wardrobe trunks, 2 handbags, 2 suitcases, also an 8-room house. Woodlawn 5380. FURNITURE of 6-rm. bungalow, combina tion range, heater, phonograph, etc. Auu 212-73. WOOD and coal range, gas piate attached, good condition, $2o No dealers. 63 Hoyt St. FURNISHINGS of 8-room home, includ ing piano and phonograph.. 1895 East Yamhill st. Tabor fHKil. ONE Vulcan gas range, one gas water v heater, one compilation and wood heater. East 1688. MAHOGANY davenport table and Japa nese hand carved rookwood table for sale cheap. Call 173 KlUlngswsorth ave. COMPLETE household furniture for sale cheap. 1043 Hawthorne ave. HIGH-GRADE furniture and rugs, fine wood and coal range. Aut. 317-38. ONE room, furniture for sale. 211 Sec ond street, room No. 1. FOR SALE Blue enameled wood coal range, $30. 557 E. 54th st. N. FURNITURE for sale. 0 ' Clocks t Call 645-75 after FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. SALE OF THE FORMER MEIER & FRANK STOCK and Other Stocks of FURNITURE, DRAPERIES, ETC., Damaged at Warehouse and Removed to 349-351 Oak St. Bet. Broadway .nd Park. (Across from Telephori Co.) At Prices Unheard of Before. Reg. $100 tapestry over stuffed davenport, loose cushions, special io.QO Reg. $150 veiour davenport nn only Reg. $250 mohair dayenport onlv 1-3.001 Reg. $50 genuine leather overstuffed rocker Reg. $90 leather bed daven ports only Reg. $50 mahogany daven port tables only Mahogany piano lamps only Silk and parchment lamp shades 9x12 wool Wilton rugs with fringe, only 0x12 Axminsterrugsup from 9x12 seamless velvet rugs only 24.00 57.50 lh-00 jy.oo price 37.'50 24.50 19.50 "eil 1.90 Wool fiber, grass and linoleum rugs at 1-3 to 1-2 off. and others too numerous to mention. 24-inch stair carpet t, yd..$ .40 Reg. 85c pro-linoleum, spe-, cial, yards 4- Reg. $13 portieres, all col ors, at, pair Reg. $20 Martha Washing ton sewing cabinet;! Oak extension tables up from Mah. or walnut period ex tension tables Chairs to match Reg. $45 oak buffet only.. Iteg. $37.50 ivory dresser, large plate mirror Reg. $25 Ivory dresser, plate mirror Reg. $H37.50 6-piece ivory bedroom suite, all hard ' wood, special 4.00 10.00 12.50 20.00 price 22.50 23.00 15.00 122.00 14.23 5.00 Pure silk floss mattresses. heavy art ticking, special Double-deck coil springs, size 'Imported Japanese bird cages at less than V price And a thousand other bargains. 349-351 Oak St. COHN BROS. & DIRECTOR. DAVENPORTS. We are manufacturers of all hair davenports and chairs; highest quality line built on the Pacific coast. Frames are as good as is possible to build. Watch your davenport made from naked frame to last stitch, or learn how to buy one elsewhere; we teach you free and glad ly. Our upholstering hair and cotton are high grade and the only filling material we use. Don't take our word for it but come and let us prove all we say. New and up-to-the-minute styles, large line of coverings, fine velours and tape stries, $100 to $176: pure silk and best mohair, $154. to $239. These prices are regular, not special. Everything guaranteed. Sample room open evenings by appointment. Phone 635-27. Evenings and Sundays. Tabor 5797 or 635-27. M1CHAELSON-MAYSON. INC., 54th and Foster Road. GOING away March 1, must sell almost new white enamelpolished top combina tion range with water coil; also Ruud gas water heater and refrigerator. 1255 Division street. Tabor 1149. NEW, beautiful overstuffed mohair veiour davenport and chair, bedroom suite com plete in old ivory, exquisite Chinese im ported rugs, solid brass oriental floor lamp: leaving city. Main 5072. Office Furniture. SOME used office furniture at low prices; desks, files, tables, chairs, counters, etc.; Burroughs fiat model, $150 seven bank; square model, $110; dictaphones, $40 each; a number of fine safes at low prices. D, C. Wax, 24-26 N. 5th St. Broadway 2739. DESKS CHAIRS SAFES. " New and second-hand, exceptional bar gains. Call or phone for salesman. IRWIN-HODSON FURNITURE DEPT. itn ana &xara sis. ouwy. .nn. FLAT-TOP desk, table, 6 chairs, file and rug, by owner. Tabor 8831. OFFICE furniture, like new. Ice Palace A. M.. liU Marsnaii. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. IKON-CLAD GUARANTEE. ALL MAKES. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington SL Maia 568L REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for tale. rent, exchange; we are exclusive 0.1s tributors of Corona portable, $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs of all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO.. 94 Fifth St. Main 3668. FOR RENT L. C Smith typewriters; spe cial rate to students. amitn ec Bros. Typewriter Co., 806 Spalding bldg. Bdwv. (V.t75. RENT Underwood or Remington, $3 month! EJTipire rransier, -o- ruuauway. way 155. . NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark st. Main 1407. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Type writer Inspection Co.. 312 Stark. M. 5549. Poultry. WANTED You to know that DR. HESS POULTRY PAN-A-CE-A will help you get winter eggs. It makes hens healthy, active and industrious. Remember it's the busy, happy, singing hen that lays, the eggs. PAN-A-CE-A gives hens a lay ing disposition. Dust DR. Hess IN STANT LOUSE KILLER into the feath ers and put it in the dust bath oc casionally to keep your poultry froe from lice. For Roup use DR. HESS ROUP REMEDY. Ail guaranteed. Sold by all rialTs in poultry supplies. 05 MAY PULLETS, laying heavy, Tancred strain. White Leghorn, i.sw ov laying heavy brown Leghorn pullets '. Red. B. Rock, White Leghorn, White Wyandotte Roosters, $2.50, 3.00. Rev. Lcroy Whid- don. 505 Williams. C. ENGLISH White jjegnorn setting eggs ior sale, per nunureu; our 10 year 100 or 1000 lota Jos. Saunders, J aiiIk y Pnr 1 1 a n Or. FOR SALE Two fine Barred Rock cock erels. E. B. Thompson strain. 740 Pat ton road. Main 5811. R. I. R. ROOSTER, fine bird, ha me ave., near Union. logw. Rabbits, Birris and Pet Stock. AIREDALE, 10 months old, from regis tered stock, and is one of the finest of lids kind in the city. Must sell limned i atoly. Very reasonable. Call East S509 today only. CAME to our place about Feb. 1. yellow hound about 2 years old. Inquire at Grossen Bros., Hillsboro, Or., Rt. 1. PERSIAN cats for service; large blus, black, white and orange males for' serv ice. 470 E. 53d st N. Auto. 321-37. THOROBRED St. Andz-easburg roller fe males ready for mating. Sell. 143.'1.. FOR SALE Fox terrier pups, well marked. Phone Woodlawn 3fllS. ' Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 306 N. 14th St., near Pettygrove. Phone A 519-19. Machinery. ONE 1-H. P. gas engine, $25. 371 Haw thorne ave. East 1434. Machinery Wanted. WANTED Second-hand valveless centri fugal pump. . AU 217, Oregonian. WANTED Hercules shear and 24-inch or 48-inch sheet metal roll. Bdwy. '2394. C oit 1 and Wood . COAL. Utah King, 100 to 1000 lbs. Coal, "sample delivery." Broadway 3423. HEAVY country slabwood $4.50 per cord delivered. Call evenings East 1S97. 4-FOOT block and railroad ties; also 16 ln. stove wood. Mar. 2043. $5 A LOAD, 16-inch dry plank and small timber. Sellwood 3159. DRY box wood, heavy, Call Woodlawn 5904. $4.50 per load. I COAL, Rock Spring, 100 to 1000 lbs. Coal. "sample delivery." uroadway 3423, UTAH KING COAL now $15.50 per ton. Call East 89H4. 4-FOOT SLABS, $:.75. PHONE EMPIRE 1204. NO. 1 old-growth fir that IS DRY, $7.50, $8. Automatic 616-87. 4-FOOT country slab, $4 per cord. Tabor 7228. 1 " , COAL, Australian, 100 to 1000 lbs. coaL "Sample delivery." Broadway 3423. WOOD SAWING, any place la cltyv Phou Main 8124,