TIIE MOBCTXG OKEGONIAX. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 32, 1922 Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manu facturers, repair men, etc., classified for ready reference. information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling Main 7070, House 40. ACCOUNTANTS. C B. TfJllWILLlGEK, public accountant, income tax specialist, constructive audits, l'hone Marshall 4400. P. O. Box 00(1. ASSAY KKS AMI ANALYSTS. HONTANA ASSAY OKK1CE. 142 Second street, tyold. silver, platinum bought. A ITOKNKVS. E. V. EASTMAN, layer, 528 Chamber of fommprcq building. HAT IIS. KTC. bii. JlcMAHON S bath Portland: steam. showers, plunges, tubs, all for 3.c; tell your friends. Fourth at Washington. M CAKPKT KWKKl'KKS. B1SSELL carpet Bweeper, expert author ized by Hissell company. 5ft3 Morrison. t'Kl.l.lXOII) 151TTONS. THE IRW1N-HODSON COMPANY. 887 Washington. Bdwy. 434. Tabor 1254. CIIIROI'RACTIC. Dii. JIcAIAHON .(McMan), Portland; lath year. Seven post-graduate research courses. Kates: Extended time, 31 ad justments, Slo,retnrlng health. t'HIKOl'ODISTS. WILLIAM, Bstelle, Florello and Dewane IeVeny. the only sclentifio chiropodists and arch specialists In city. Parlors JKI2 Uerllnger bldg., southwest cor. Second and Alder streets. Main 1301. DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles, sci entifically corrected: lady assistant. 512 Morgan bldg. Main 8762. COLI.KCTIOXS. METH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1798. No collections, no charges. Estab. 1900. DAXCiyi TEACHERS. ALIriKY DAXCi-N'li ACADEMY Lessons day and eve. Also fancy dancing. Alisky bldg, 8d and Morrison, 4th floor. Main 4H14. Agnes Summers. DKNTISTKY. DR. B. E. WRIGHT Third Floor Raleigh Bldg. Corner Sixth and Washington Sts. Broadway 7219. Automatic 2110. nCWTICTDV A. W. KEEXE UutllOllW No After Effects Without Pain. X-Ray work. 351 Washington st. Above Majestic Theater. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express to our friends and neighbors our sincere thanks and appre ciation for the many acts of kindness and beautiful floral tributes tendered during the. Illness and death, of our beloved hus band and father. FRANK C. THOMPSON. MRS. F. C. THOMPSON, E. L. THOMPSON, A. J. THOMPSON. FCNERAI, CARS. IJJrIOUSINES for funerals, weddings, shopping. Jones Auto Livery. Mar. 114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. PORTLAND CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM PHONE SELL. ll7. ' MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between 20th and 21st streets, west aide. Lady assistant. Broadway 26U1. Automatic 618-44. DUNKING & GAIN FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 445 Morrison Street, West Side. Phones Broadway 430. Automatic 545-58. HOLMAN & SON (Founded 1854). FUNERAL DIRECTORS. t Third and Salmon Sts. Main 507.' McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlora. with all the privacy of a home, 10th and Everett streets. Phonps Broadway 2133. Auto. 631-33. . SNOOK & WHEALD0N Funeral Directors. Belmont at 35th. Taor 1258. EAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. (F. S. DUNNING, INC.) "The Family Sets the Price." 414 E. Alder. Phone East 52. Auto. 225-25. FINLEY'S MORTUARY MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. MAIN 9. LERCH, UNDERTAKER, East Eleventh and Hawthorne. Phone East 781. cvruro UNDERTAKING CO., ONLMLO Third and Clay. Main 4152. A. R. ZELLER CO., 593 Williams Ave. Thone East 1088. A D. KEN WORTHY CO., 5804 92d st. Lents. Auto. 618-21. FLORISTS. LARGEST RETAIL FLORIST IN PORTLAND Charge Accounts Solicited. CIS MORRISON ST. Phone Marshall 753 MARTIN & FORBES COMPANY 354 Washington St. Main 269 Fine Roses and Orchids a Specialty. Flowers for All Occasions Artistically Arranged. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Main 4737 tW. .Willjrieajrou."XAMHlLi at TENTH, Tonseth Floral Co. Finest Floral Arrangements for Funerals Ml Washington, Bet. 4th and 5th. Sts. Phone Broadway 4527. . 1RV1NGTON-LAURELHURST LANDSCAPE COMPANY. Your lawn needs attention; get ready for-:spring; let us rake, pull the weeds and fertilize your lawn. This is a very important thing and should be attended to every year in the spring. The result will surprise you. Phone Tnbnr KfiOS. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's Progressive Florists. We spe cialize in funeral designs. 14H4 Sixth, opposite Meier & Franks. Main 721a. And Plnral Destlpn. JliSSiU No Branch Stores. icai. un wumaun St., between 4th and 6th Main 7700. ROSEWAY FLOWER SHOP. E. 41ST AND SANDY BLVD. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. WE DELIVER. PHONE US. J. T. JAUNCEY TABOR 7468. NOB HILL FLORISTS. (Estate Alfred Burkhardt.) N. E. Cor. 23d and Glisan. Main 1359. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS , t8 4th St.. opp. City Hall. NEP BKOS. OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS QUALITY MEMORIALS B. THHD & PINE STS PHOME E.T43 S8 Ml'SIC TEACHERS. ANNA LHOMMEDJEU MOORE, teacher , of piano; lessons at pupil's home if de sired. Studio, 391 Mill. Mar. 3103. VIOLIN lessons, reasonable rates. Call Broadway 707; ask for Mr. Gray. L. CARROLL DAY, teacher of piano and voice. Broadway 2555. 148 13th St. MUSIC INSTRUCTORS. VIOLIN, mandolin, guitar, KOL'KENBECK, 409 Yamhill, ments sold. banjo, Instru- OFTO.METRISTS. mi i WHY PAY MORE? Sfi. Glasses in gold-filled frames ! fitted to your eyes, J2.50, double J" vision glasses at low prices; satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. B. Herwitz. optometrist, J.z. v irst st. aiain 101. Out of the HiEU-itent District. Kf), 25 years' experience. Consult us TQSi?" free. Thousands of satisfied patrons. Dr. Samuel Goodman, assoeiate optometrist. Main 2121.' . 209 Morrison. DR. GEORGE RUBEiNSTEIN, veteran opti cian. Eyes tested, glasses fitted, broken lenses duplicated at very reasonable prices. 226 Morrison st. Main 5661. PATENT ATTORNEY. R C. WRIGHT, registered patent attorney 25 years. If invention really valuable, see practicing lawyer, 601 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway building, stomach, bowels, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, and female disorders, without operation. PRINTERS. DC IWTIMft F- w- BAJjTES & COMPANY flUHI InU 1st and Oak. Bdwy. 7165; 511-65 TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan St. Broadway 1281. DRAYAGE. STORAGE. Pour Warehouses on Terminal Tracks. VETERINARY. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. East 7th and Grant sts. Both phonert Day and night service: 3 veterinarian NEW TODAY. KOiffllWESRUG CO. FLUFF HUGS Oldest and beet equipped factory la the northwest. Made out of your old worn-out carpets and rugs. Save half the price of a new rug. Use woolea clothing. 0x12 RUGS STKAM CLEWED (1.30. East 3580, 188 learnt KlgkU. MORTGAGE LOANS Basinet-is properties 6 . Residence loans low rates. Installment repay ments If desired. Loans promptly uioseo. A.H.Birrell-GillCo. 218-219 Northwestern Bank Building STORAGE SPACE Centrally Located on Track We can move and store your goods in a fine sprinklered building. BAliUNG, FACK.IJVU. STORAGES- CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 454 ;lisan St. Bdwy. 3470. Edward E.Goudey Co. MOKTUAGfc LOAMt, United Stutea Bank Buildlnn TO RENT ' 60x50 on third floor of Bush & Lane bldg-., Broadway and Alder streets. Good for merchants' sample room or sales room. Call at room 50$. Phone your want ads to the Ore gonlaru Main 7070. Automatic 560-95. REAL ESTATE. WEST SIDE HOME NOB HrLL DISTRICT NORTH'RUP STREET, NEAR 26TH 7 rooms, hardwood floors, furpace, fireplace. Faces north. Garage. Lot 50x100. Good outlook. Call me for appointment to inspect. HENRY W. GODDARD, Realtor. 243 Stark Street. Bdwy. 7831 SALE OR LEASE. Tliird. Basement and trackage. STRONG & CO.. (WO Chamber of Commerce. For Sale- Flat and Apartment Property. WEST SIDE, high-class apt., make me a reasonable offer; would like to sell my strictly modern apt. house at once, as am disposing cf all my interests in Portland. If you are in the market for a gitt-edg-e investment, write. No agents. A 395, Oregonian. BARNEY JOHNSON CO.. REALTORS, 170 10th St. Main 3160. 40-room apt. bldg.r corner, half fur nished, best west side location; modern; private baths; a splendid money-maker; $S000, half cash, bal. 6 per cent. 31 -room apt. bldg., all furnished, modern, close, west bide, $17,p()0; small cash payment down, b. 7 per cent, both netting 15 per cent. ."We Serve to Please." FOR SALE Income paying apartment and store building, west slue, central lo cation; 15.00C to $20,000 will handia. Will net to 16 per cent above taxes and insura-.ee; balance on terms. Ad dres A 4 17, -Oregonian. 100x200 ON EAST 2SUand E. Stark sts, All street improvements paid. One of the best east side locations for an apart ment house or flats; $4000 if taken im- meniareiy. y or particulars can Alain SSO. LOTS 10 and 12, blortt 3, Laurelcrest, 40x in eacn. au improvements in. Across street from Laurelhurst. A bargain. LADDfa ADD. kliiott ave.. near Haw thcrne, 3 choice lots. 120x128. $5800 L. R. Pnlrrhild, 22ft Sherlock bldg L.AUKKLHUKMT. N. W. comer 41st and nazenern. uuxiuu; want $ uu for my TVo LUIS, street improvements nil in and paid for; 2 blocks to carline;- price . !rl . . . fasy terms, uail Jbtflwy. 8400. IRVINGTON bargain, S. E. corner of 25th ana inomp:son. fziiuu. wain. 6541. For Sale Lots. IRVINGTON $1000. E. 14th. near Stan ton, and another eawt front on E. 10th, near Siskiyou, same price. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LAURELHURST corner snap, on 37th St., 1 blk. to car. 5300 an. ft.: all liens nairi $115). Good neighborhood and level lot. K1TTKK. WWK & CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LAURELHURST oorner bargain, 1175. A biK lot. only 1 blk. to car line; terms to ruii. tan toaay. laoor RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS, 201--3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. COLONIAL HEIGHTS $1500, lot on B. Ulst near Hawtfcorne, cost $3000; big pacm !(-.'. uwnrr out 01 lown. see ua. itl l -l tau.. 1.U w vi c UU KEALTORS, iii--a-o-v Boara or Trade Bids. ll'SU A BARGAIN, 50x100. TOth and Haw thorne. 1 block from school. 4 blocks from iVit. laDor car; email down pay ment. $5 monthly. Phone Main 838. FOR TRADE, a lots. 2 blocks from f ranKiin mgn. i'nee jitoo. Call Cohrm bia 44K. WESTMORELAND lot sacrifice, lllth and Bybee. worth $900. for $675. Bdwy. 4885. lKVi.Nu'i'ON, clear, level lots, 2 feet above sidewalk, $1100. R.'T. Street, agent. REAL ESTATE. For oaie Lots. ALAMEDA PARK AND HOMEDALE LOTS. . PRICES $400 UP. There are 18 of these lots that have ewers in and paid for. Terms can be arranged. A small deposit will hold a lot until .you can make contract. Ex-service men: Investigate our build ing proposition; very easy terms. We will prepare plans to your liking at no additional expense to you. This property adjoins Irvington, con venient to Broadway car in a district that is rapidly being built up until short ly there will be no vacant iota avail able. NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Investigate today. Salesmen on the grounds. Take Broadway car to 24th and Fremont sts. J. A WICKMAN CO.. 2(12 Stark St. Bdwy. 6794. ROSE CITY PARK. $700 E. 46th st. N.. 60x100 level lot, paved St., all imp. paid. J7O0 E. 47th st. N., south of Sandy; level lot, paved st. ; all imp. paid. ALAMEDA PARK. $750 E. 24th st N., 50x100, level lot, paved st; ell imp. paid. $850 Prescott st. corner; paved on both sts.; all imp. paW- LAURELHURST. $825 Laurelhurst ave., level lot, 140 feet deep; all imp. paid. $850 Hazelfern Place, 64-foot lot; all imp. paid. HAWTHORNE. $S50 E. Harrison St., near 38th st, 60x 100 level lot, imp. paid. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 628 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $812;50 $100 cash, $10 monthly; all improvements paid; on Irvington car, 2 bike, to school, surrounded by new homes. . 50x160 S562.50. $100 cash. $10 month ly, sidewalks and curbs in and paid, fine soil lor garden, etc. ; nail diock to car, 2 blocks to school. " 60x100, $500, $100 cash, $10 monthly, sidewalks and curbs in and paid. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. ' Main 3787. $12ol ALAMEDA PARK, southeast cor ner 32d and Shaver, all assessments paid, EOxlO.I. $1473 LAURELHURST, southeast corner of Gllfan and Hazelfern, all as sessments paid. ' A. G. TEEPE CO. Insurance, Realtors. -270 Stark st., near 4th. Bdwy. 6003. LAURELHURST. S1350. 60x130, located on E. Davis st:; near Laurelhurst park. This lot is surrounded by beautiful homes and is worth $1750. This is the best buy in Laurelhurst In the better classed lots. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 628 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. IRVINGTON CORNER Price cut for one week only. S. W. cor. 23d and Fremont. 60x100 beautiful level lot, 1 blk. to Broadway car, all improvements paid. $1650 cash takes it. Will bring $2000 in spring. RITTER. LOWE $ CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HOMESEEKERS, WHY NOT BUILD T It is less expensive. We are interested in how well we can build, not how much we can get for building. See us before buying or building. ROBNETT & McCLURE, Builders, 302 Couch Bldg. , Broadway 6574. IRVINGTON Fine location for duplex house, Weidler, fac. N., 125 ft. e. of E. 21st., 1 blk. to Broadway car; concrete garage goes with it. Take a look and make offer. Might consider cheaper lot or auto as part payment. RITTER. LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $875 $100 cash, $10 monthly, all im provements paid, near school, car and new park. You have a fair view of Mt. Hood and at present. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WEST SIDE LOT. $2500. On Savler st., 50xl00-ft., improvements all in and paid; south front, worth much more; very easy terms. See Mr. Jones. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IRVINGTON, $1250. The best lot left at this price. E. 21st., fac-e., 50 ft. s. of Fremont. Beautiful 80-ft. paved St., 1 blk. to Broadway car. It's a dandy. Buy before it is too late. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. . MONTAVILLA BARGAIN $350. 50x100. E. 80th, fac e., 230 $. n. Burnside; sewer, cement walks and curbs in and paid; right on carline. : You couldn't put. the improvements in for this money. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. REALTORS,' 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK corner, $100 down, $10 mo., n. w. cor. B. 49th and Siskiyou. 50x140, 100 ft." side Daved, hewer and other improvements paid. Take a look, it's a dandy. ; RITTER. LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $1000200x100 ON E. 15TH, fac. w., 100 ftl n. of Ainsworth; cement ivalks, curbs, ' grading paid, sewer in. This is a bargain for cash. Also s. w. cor. E. 12th and Ainsworth for $500. RITTER. LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. THREE nice lots in Rose City Park dis trict, will sell together or separately; some trees; this is a- chance to get a good homesite. HARRY BECK WITH, REALTOR. 104 Fifth Street. Broadway 6318. ROSE CITY PARK. $2250 buys this sightly double corner lot; imp. pd. N. , V. corner 47th and Alameda. J. .A. WICKMAN CO., 2fi2 Stark st. Bdwy. 6794, WE WANT VACANT LOTS. We are having calls for vacant lots. If you really want to sell or exchange your lot come and see us. J. E. SHEARS REALTY COMPANY, 414-15-lfl-IS Henry Bid p. JUST THINK! $550, dandy lot on Ellis ave., near Sellwood carline, paved st., sewers, all improvements in and paid. The cheapest improved lot in Portland. rllTTJBK. LUWlfi & CO.. REALTORS, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HIGHLAND ADDITION. $750 buys 50x100 lot, 100 ft. south of Going, facing west on 7th st. Imp. In and paid. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 2H2 Stark St. Bdwy. 67114. $300 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Nice 50-xlOO, assts. paid. Tabor 6559. For Sale Houses. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. $6200 Ciassy 5-room bungalow. 2. years old; hardwood floors throughout; hall. living room. fireplace. lovely dining room, Dutch kitch en. 2 beautiful bedrooms, attic, full basement, furnace and trays. 50x100 lot with alley, beautiful location, close to car and Jeffer son high. Compare this with seme of the $7000 Piedmont homes that you have been look ing at. can be handled for $L00 down. Let us show you. Will take good Irvington lot 'as part payment. City Homes Dept.. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. Realtors, 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK $5250 6 rooms and garage. The owner of this ' splendid home wants immediate action and is offering this prop erty at an exceptionally low fig- ure. Very large living room, mod- em in every way with full cement basement, furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, finished in old ' ivory and white throughout. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark st., near ; 4th. Bdwy. 6003. East side office. 1170 Sandy blvd. at 40th. Tabor 95S0. I BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA DRIVE). - OLD ENGLISH BUNGALOW. $16,500. Planned by eastern architect, interior supervised by interior dec orator; hot-water heat, plate glass French doors, long mirrors, sun room, breakfast room with beau tiful furniture, elaborate living room and dining room; perfect kitchen with every electrical con venience: tiled bath and electric bath cabinet installed; Grounds beautifully landscaped and ter raced. McDONELL, EAST 419. $300 L-OWN. $2700 Walking distance to city, across Broadway bridge, 5-room cot tage, -modern bath and plumb ing, 2 large bedrooms, full base ment, level lot. room for earse-e . feiacadam street, sewer; pay $300 down, save car fare, and be your own lanaiora; Daiance like rent good American neighborhood; va- cane City Homes Dept. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. VACANT li-KOOM BUNGALOW. $50 Beautiful Groveland Park: semi bungalow', hall, living room, fire place, hardwood floors, buffet, cabinet kitchen, l bedroom, ex tra toilet ana lavatory down. bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch upstairs; beautiful 50x100 jot, paved streets and sewer v close to Hawthorne car: Frank lin high and grade school; free ot incumbrance; some terms. City Homes Dept.. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors. 201-2-8-5-7 Boiird of Trade Bldg. $1700 5-ROOM cottage, fruit trees, imp. all in ana paia; iuu aown. 4Zu Cham. oc com. Diag. aawy. turn. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Folks, here is a bungalow that will stand inspection; -large, well-arranged rooms, numerous built-lns, fireplace, furnace, full basement, garage, beautiful corner lot, select shrubs; two blocks to car; price $4750. Vestmoreland. a real home buy. Seven well-arranged rooms, in the very best of condition; 5 rooms on the first floor, 2 up, besides large closets, fire place, furnace; if it Is a real comfortable home you are looking for at a price you can afford let me Bhow you this one; price $(5500; on terms. EASTMORELAND. EASTMORELAND. I have one of the best bungalow buys in this beautiful addition; NEW and modern; owner is in the east and wants an offer; it must be sold; if you know value and want a good home at the right price I want to meet you. MB. BESS, DERR & POWNDER, 1215 X. W. BANK BLDG. Mar. 2245. GOOD HOUSb BUYS. 7- room modern house, sleeping porch, in first-class condition; near car; Haw thorne district, 35th st.; (4750; terms. 8- room house, Hawthorne district, 35th St.; $4000; terms. 6-room .house, 4 lots, 22 fruit trees, in Sellwood.; $4500; good easy terms. G-room modern house, furnace, nearly new, 2 lots, in Sellwood; $4500; terms. 6-room modern house, large attic, near car in Montaviila, 76th st. ; $3500; terms. 5-room modern bungalow; garage; Montaviila; $3000; terms; a snap. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165 4th St. ROSE CITY PARK 5-room bungalow with attic, 1 year old; large living and dining room across front, piate-gi&ss windows, firenlu.ee and all bullt-ins. 2 large bed rooms, large attic and a dandy kitchen. - Please note, all rooms are large; a good basement, furnace, lawn, shrubs and ga rage. This is the best we have found below the bill at $5500; $1000 cash, 6 per cent interest, too. You cannot beat this. For Sale Exclusively by O. A. PEARCE COMPANY. , 618 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4835. Marshall 1788. 13650. SOLID VALUE. MT. TABOR DIST. Bungalow of 6 good rooms, all built in a. neat and modern excent furnace. large unfinished' attic, full cement base ment; $0x100 level lot, berries, garden, street paved; good neighborhood, close to school, stores and M.-V. car; terms, with about $650 down. Owner, 1569 East JGverett. Tabor 2447. IRVINGTON STUCCO HOME." 593 E. 24th N a real home; best material, 2 complete bath rooms and extra plumbing; 2 white tiled fireplaces; Id ivory and solid mahogany woodwork; best hanlwood floors throughout. Concrete porches. Full lot and garage. Vacant. McDONBLU EAST 419. IRVINGTON COLONIAL $7500. Will show you a beautiful home in the heart of this high-class district ; oak floors all through, furnace, fireplace. tile bath, two sets of plumbing; eeven rooms and reception hail; garage; espe cially attractive; thoroughly modern; terms. . J. R. HAIGHT, Realtor, 325-327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 204ft. IRVINGTON. New, up-to-date bungalow, 6 large rooms and breakfast nook, hardwood floor and papered throughout, bath and Oram board, costly plumbing, plate glass windows, material and workmanship very best all through. This Is a very attractive homo and in the best part of Irvington. 44 E. 24th st. N., near Thompson. Open l to & P. M. wain. 4841 FOR SALE! MODERN 4-ROOM BUNGA LOW, JUST COMPLETED, IN NORTH JONESMORE. SIZE OF HOUSE 26x28; LOT 50x100, PRICE $3275. EITHER CALL OR TELEPHONE UMBDEN STOCK & CO., 2D FLOOR, OREGON BUILDING. TELEPHONE BROAD WAY 1658. EX-SERVICE MEN. We have some real desirable, modern bungalows, ready for immediate occu pancy, very reasonable, terms. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? See our plans and up-to-date ideas. We can help you finance. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK & CO.. 210 Oregon Bl&g. Bdwy. 1658. 7 ROOMS. WALKING DISTANCE. $3150 $1000 cash and $30 per month including interest; 7 rooms all on one floor. E. 14th st. south of Division st. Full cement basement, laundry trays, fruit trees and grapes, chicken house and run. oOxlOO lot. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787, APPLY SOLDIER'S BONUS LOAN. Leaving city, forced to sacrifice beau tiful Irvington bungalow; 7 rooms, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, built-ins, double plumbing, fruit, furniture, in cluding new $200 combination range; furnished, $6200; unfurnished, $5850; owner. 678 E. 30th st. N. East 9103. no agents. $5850 LAURELHURST $5850. Just completed, modern bungalow of 6 beautiful rooms and breakfast nook, plate glass windows, oak floors, tapestry paper, fixtures, shades, pedestal, lava tory, Fox furnace, cement porch and garage. 982 Wasco st., 2 blocks north 33d and Sandy. Owner on property. WEST MOUNT TABOR BUNGALOW. 5 of the dandiest rooms and a choice corner lot. This is not a new bungalow, but in good condition and a real pick-up at $3250. Stop the leak by owning your own home. DERR & POWNDER, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. $1575. 3-room cottage on splendid corner lot, 50x100, electric lights, gas, patent toilet, 1 block from car on 6th st. $250 cash, $25 monthly. Snd garage. See Mr. Price, with Fred W. German Co., realtors, 732 Cham, of Com . IRVINGTON. Owner leaving the city; this beauti ful home must be sacrificed; 8 large rooms; all modern built-ins; 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors ; garage ; best district. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg.. Bdwy. 1658. WE MUST SELL 303 E. Ctticago st.. in SL Johns, this ween, Tills a modern 4 rdom house with full basement on im proved county road. Cement walks and curbs. All improvements oaid. For particulars telephone Main 8HQ. 6 ROOMS REAL VALUE. $200 down and small monthly pay ments will secure this comfortable home. full lot, berries and fruit trees. Price $2600. Will pay you to investigate. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg., Bdwy. 1658. - FOR SALE Modern four-room bungalow, just comptetea, in nortn j onesmore. Size of bouse 26x28, lot 50x100, price S3275. Euner cau or pnone bmbden stock & Company, 2d floor, Oregon bldg. Phone Bdwy. nna. $1200 BUYS a 4-room house on E. 80th st.. aim. nmr-KS souiu oi sunav Diva.: ion mix 100. Will take a Ford or Chevrolet as part payment. Wish a quick sale, hence the price. 404 Piatt bldg., 27 Park st. HAVE clients for houses in nearly every part of the city, ir your price is right we can get tne results you want. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., - REALTORSf 404 -5-6 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6949. WALKING DISTANCE. 8-room modern house, rented $40; can double refit with little expense by mak- InK two flats, fc. uth, near Ankeny. R..M. GATE WOOD & CO., 165 4th St. MUST SELL 6-room bungalow, 3 years old. attractive, nas nawd. iioors, fireplace and all built-ins. Corner lot; assess ments paid; close in; good district. $4000, terms or ponus. jtqwy. s;io. - ONLY $2300. 5-room house, 50x100, lot improve ments in and paid; easy terms. W. W. SAB1N, REALTOR. 1032 Union Ave. N. y Wdln. 589. 5-ROOM modern bungalow; hardwood floor, fireplace, pipeless furnace, garage. roses ana nowers; irvingion .rarK dist.; $4200; only $1400 cash, bal, easy terms. owner, wain. avw. msak vvestmoreiana, oy owner, 5-room bungalow, large iot, fruit and berries close to Sellwood car; some terms. 581 South ave. STATE YOUR PRICE MUST SELL. 1? Ine O-room moaern house, earasre. paved st. paid, $3450, easy terms. DuboisvJ ftpaiaing piag, ALAMEDA DRIVE. Ffne large home, wonderful view and. wonaenm vaiue, terms. air. Howard. Tabor 1KHA. I WILL convince you that I have the best value in Fortiana in new 5-room bunga low, ijeo. k,. nowsra. iaoor 74. $2500 RICHMOND district, 6-room mod ern bouse ana garage. Raved street. Seifwooa nra. FIVE-ROOM cottage. Sunpyslde. $700 will - nanaie, uamnce UM.B rem. no age) D 441. Oregonian. 6-ROOM bungalow, very best part Haw thorne, nice lot with fruit, $3500; $700 5 ROOMS modern, garage; fruit and flowers; well furnished, $3300; $800 down, balance terms. 1374 Greeley. COMPLETELY furnisnea 6-room modern bungalow, with double garage Tabor 8744. - IRVINGTON, 7-room modern house, close in. East 4308. ; REAL KSTATX. For Sale Houses. Sec FRANK U McGTJIRE. To Buy Your Home. 1200 Photographs of Homes for .Sale. AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SELLER. T ALBERTA BARGAINS 7. SELECTED BUYS FROM THIS DISTRICT. PERSONALLY INSPECTED. PERSONALLY APPRAISED. READ THIS ONE! $500 DOWN! $500' DOWN! $2590 $500 down! THE MOST ARTIS TIC, homiest bungalow you've seen for months! Combination living and dining room; all kinds '. of built-ins; chicken house; near car. Jarrett t. COME TODAY! ALBERTA! ALBERTA! $2490 Cozy, practical 5-room modern bungalow .cottage; good value; Glenn ave. Terms. ALBERTA SACRIFICE! $3450 THINK OF THIS! Dandy 7-rm. ALBERTA bungalow, double con structed throughout: with all .kinds of built-in labor savers; 4 Dearooms, etc 15. 32d. Terms. KOZY KLEVER ALBERTA! $3390 $500 down! Delightful 5-room California : bungalow, READY for you to move into. Every mod ern convenience; built-ins. East ,18th st. SIX ROOMS, CLOSE TO CAR. $3190 DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED mod ern 6-room attractive Alberta home. UNDUPLICATED VAL- u;. jsast 2ath. Terms. $500 DOWN! - s.tftn nnwwi $2990 $500 down! Artistic 5-room mod ern oungaiow on East 29th st. ONE OF THE BIGGEST. $2550 $500 down. SNAPS IN ALL AL BERTA; neat cozy 5-room bun galow, with every modern con venience; white enamel finish. etu., uiose to car. isast 17th. NOTE! . We have over 100 Homes for sale in ALBERTA! Let us help you become settled In yours! If necessary, we'll neip you make your down payment. FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home., Realtor. - . Ablngton Bldg. Bdwy. 717L 3d St., Bet. Wash, an Stark. Remember, we're open evenings for your convenience. SEE FRAXK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Largest Home Seller. 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sale, A FEW MIXUTES Spent In this large, modern office will save you time and money and accom plish as much as weeks of aimless. shop ping. Homes irt every district In the city. IF NECESSARY, we'll help you to make your down payment. Open Evenings Until 9. 60 Salesmen with Autos. - 4 HAWTHORNE HOMES i. FURNISHED! $4700 BEAUTIFUL. HAWTHORNE bun galow complete in every detail. FURNISHED. Wonderful, value. Ew 44th t. HEART OF SUNNYSID-E! $371)0 5-room, very cosy and substan tial white bungalow with every 'modern convenience; hard sur face street. Terms. E. 34th st. NEW! EASY TERMS! $3690 ADORABLE 4-room newest of HAWTHORNE BUNGALOWS. Hardwood floors, built-ins. E. Lincoln st. $50O Down! $500 Down! HURRY FOR THIS! $2650 $500 down! VACANT! ONE OF - THE BIGX3EST SNAPS IN HAW THORNE TODAY! It won't last! 4 rooms, spic end span; newly painted; bullt-ins; bath; fruit; garage. UNDUPLICATED VAL UE! E. Taylor st. NOTE. We have over 100 listings in HAW THORNE. Look at ours before you buy. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Realtor. Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. 3d St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. ALAMEDA PARK. DUTCH COLONIAL $7950. Owner leaving Portland and' ' must sell. PRICE REDUCED . FROM $9500 for quick sale. This : splendid home, built by one of , . Portland's best builders, modern to the last detail with finest grade of Tennessee white oak floors throughout; beautifully decorated; two fireplaces, garage built to con form with the style of house, etc. An OPPORTUNITY for someon. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St., near 4th. Bdwy. 6093. East side office, 1170 Sandy blvd. at 40th. Tabor 9586. . OPPOSITE CITY PARK. $350 cash,, balance to suit you. Here is positively a most charming, nearly new 5-room bungalow at a great sacri fice. The living room is very large ; beautiful hardwood floors and electric fixtures; new gas-pipeless furnace; lots of heat at little expense and no worry; full cement basement, laundry trays; Dutch kitchen ; almost new gas range and Ruud heater; curtains, drapes, lino leum; 50x100 lot. 1 will guarantee the street will be paved this year at no ex pense to you. Price only $4250. Pay like rent; only 25 minutes out on best car line in city. "M. V." Vacant. Owner on premises after 1:30 P. M., or phone Mar. 746, mornings, evenings. JUST LOOK AT THIS MR. AND MRS. HOMBSEEKER. 'Beautiful 7-room residence with 1 acres (equal to 12 city lots) of lawn, flowers and vineyard, on the electric car and only $6500. I have many other beautiful suburb an homes from $ 2000 to $6500 each. J. B. HOLBROOK, Realtor. 214-15 Panama Bldg. ATTRACTIVE HOME. 4-room plastered house, built-in Dutch kitchen, electricity, gas, city water; 50x100 lot; chicken house and yard, good lawn, shrubbery. $1500, $300 down, $25 monthly, including" 6 per cent in terests JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S787. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. .Modern 5-room bungalow on paved street. Large living and dining rooms with fireplace, built-in buffet and book cases and oak floors; 2 nice bedrooms, dandy Dutch kitchen, furnace, earaee. etc. All assessments paid, $4750. Terms. can wain. bth. N.EW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. $6500. Save commission, buy frem owner. Terms.- I'lve-room bungalow on very vaiuaoie ana attractive corner lot: mod ern, has hardwood floors and up-to- aate in every respect; new Kitcnen iino- leum mciuaea. ynone Tabor I48tf. GOOD modern 2-story 6-room house, new ly painted and decorated; full basement, wash trays, wood lift, etc.; lot 50x100 some fruit and garden; all improvements in ana paid ; no incumbrance: $3200: easy terms; on car line. 1401 B. Glisan st. L. IS. Steinmetz. 400 Gerlinger bldg. Main mm i or i apor az. 8-ROOM HOUSE. ALBERTA . DISTRICT. 40x100 lot, house is built so that two rooms can be addedrlatex. This Is only half block from oar and a neat little house. .t75, some terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Ma!nS787. FOR SALE: Nifty 6-room bungalow. Ex ceptional conveniences. Must see to ap preciate. Lot 108x105. Nice lawn and everything, on Schiller street, $3785. See today. Montana-Oregon Co., 1020 C. of C. birtiy. Fnone Kdwy. 7S30. $1750, ROSE CITY PARK DIST. 4-room bungalow, electricity. gas, Dutch kitchen,, large floored attic, nice 50x100 lot; fruit, etc. Garage. Tabor ATTRACTIVE new double constructed 5-room bungalow, hdwd. floors through out; tun Daseraeni, xurnace. iirenia.ee. attic. Lots of built-ins. $6500. 784 Williams ave. owner, wdln. 426. 6 ROOMS, new house; garage; everything strictly modern; exceptionally well bunt and artistic. Priced S4500. ChII at building, 327 Dekum or owner after r. yi. Main htuo, room 731. 5-ROOM bungalow, Hawthorne, bkfst. nooK, irrencn aoors, nrepiace. furnace; garage, $5250, $8.00 cash. Owner. Ta bor 7127. ST.. JOHNS. 4 rooms, new. modern: small payment down, monthly payments. East i a. IF YOU want a home around $2000 to $5000 or more or less see Frank C. Robinson, nua welling bldg. Main 2557 $1900 FOR THIS 5-room plastered bunga low on corner lot. Woodstock ave. Can be ftanaiea witn ku. jnone Bdwy. 5654. OVERLOOK ADDITION Dutch Colonial house. Call wain. 4570 or Wdln. 1703. 6-ROOM modern house, high. $4150; $70O down. near Franklin Auto. 610-24. 2-ROOM furnished house for sale. 642-14. Auto. WESTMORELAND lot, sacrifice, 19th and Bybee. worth $000. for $675. Bdwy. 4835. BY OWNER in Kenton, 7-room modern house; nnr "ir ppd srrTool. East 6747. IRVINGTON HOMES, EXTRAORDINARY VALUES. R. T. STREET, AGENT. REAL, ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $6000 $6000. ALAMEDA PARK A nifty B-room bungalow, with floored attic (space I rooms); cement basement, wash trays; hardwood firs, throughout; every Imag inable built-in feature; cabinet kitchen, large breakfast nook, plate glass win dows, artistic light fixtures; all large, airy rooms; inlaid linoleum in kitchen and bath. Really, folks, the best huilt bungalow in the district; 80x100 lot; ga rage and runway; city improvements paid. PRICK ONLY $6000; TERMS rea sonable. (A. L. Anderson, builder.) $6600 DUTCH COLONIAL. A 7-room Dutch colonial bungalow, with hardwood floors, large living room with sun porch, den with fireplace; also fireplace In living room; 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs; full cement hasement, wash trays, furnace and everything; oOx 100 lot, corner; city improvements in and paid. Price of $6600 with your terms. It's a real classy home and worthy of your considera-tloo. Houses and bungalows In all parts of the city. See our list before buying. For Quick sale list your home with. us. RUMMELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark St. LAURELHURST--$8750. COLONIAL. If you are up on values if you have lokoed around you will ap preciate the real downright value In this splendidly constructed co lonial home; situated near the park and car. The high quality of workmanship and material used will appeal to you. Complete in every way, with hardwood floors, throughout, tile bath, recessed tub, etc. Exceptionally large liv ing room; you would expect to pay ' at least $10,000 for a home of this quality. It will be a pleasure to show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St., near 4th. Bdwy. 609a 1170 Sandy blvd. at 40th. Tabor 9586. SUNNTSIDE. Close-in, near Laurelhurst park; beau tiful corner; 8 rooms. 4 bedrooms, Dutch kitchen ; pipeless furnace, garage, per fect condition throughout; dos to' car, school and churches; best of surround ings. Shown by appointment only. East 49U1. LAURELHURST. - New bungalow, 5 rooms, all large and light. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, built-lns, ail you'd want. Hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, everything right up to date. Price, if sold this week. $5800. You can not do better. If you miss this one you'll pay more. See it in our cr today. Phone us now. BROADWAY 5586, ALEXANDER REALTY CO., REALTORS. Suite 702 Title & Trust Bldg. WEST SIDE HOME. $9000. EASY TERMS. 769 Northrup, near 23d; 8-room and large double sleeping porch; leased for $100 a mon-th; good in vestment. DO NOT DISTURB TENANTS. Shown only by ap pointment. McDONELL. EAST 419. HAWTHORNE 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. Fine 7-room bungalow, furnace, fire place, oak floors, cabinet kitchen, < built-in features, cement basement, trays, full lot 50x100, paved st., all liens paid, garage; - In fact, nothing missing to make complete home; 4 bedrooms; oa 44th st., just south of Hawthorne. Price $5450, about $1750 cash. J. W. GRUSSI, 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 7452. IN BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON PARK. FURNISHED 7-ROOM BUNGALOW, $4450, with only $550 cash. A substan tial home with fireplace and good built in features.. An abundance of excellent furniture. When the furniture is fully paid the terms are only $25 monthly, in cluding interest. May be bought unfur nished for $3800. Better see this quick. RALPH HARRIS CO., . 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. ALBERTA BARGAIN. $3250. 4-room bungalow furnished, half mod ern, large living room, dining room, large bedroom, bath and kitchen, cement basement, street improvements in, close to park, car and school ; $500 down, easy terras .Call Bdwy. 1410. QUINN-DEEKS, 333 Cham, of Com. $7500 LAURELHURST, close to park, choice location, r rooms, living room, dining room, real den, Dutch kitchen, 1 bedroom and bathroom downstairs, 3 bedrooms, toilet and lavatory upstairs; 2 fireplaces, in terior old ivory and real mahogany. Alvin Johnson, Realtor, 204 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Bdwy. 37. Evenings, East 2961. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 5 rooms on one floor, space for one more upstairs; finished In ivory; oak floors, papered and decorated through out; tiled bath; best of plumbing; buf fet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen ; break fast nook; furnace, full basement; price below $6000, $1000 cash. Located at 757 East ISth st. N. Owner and builder. Woodlawn 6541. DRIVE UP TODAY and see one of the prettiest view homes on the city's heights. Located at 642 Caples st., and priced at 5400. Splen didly built, hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace, lovely built-in features; 5 fine bearing fruit trees. Drive out Broadway drive to Caples st. RALPH HARRIS CO., 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. WANT POR'ifcLAND GROCERY STORE to $4500, each store preferred. HAVE highly improved 12-acre poul try and orchard tract, near Petaluma, Sonoma county. Cal., full price $SO0O. MacINNES, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. t 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WHERE TRADES ARK MADE. I50O CASH. . A cosy, modern bungalow In West moreland, just being completed. All improvements in and paid. - Balance, easy terms. ZIMMERMAN-WALLER BUILDING COMPANY. "Builders of Substantial Homes," 415-416 Abington Bldg. $4750 ROSE CITY $4750. New 5-room bungalow, street paved and paid for; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace and garage. Buyer has choice of paint, paper, built-lns and window shades for $4750 if sold this week. $15u0 cash, balance on easy terms. PORTLAND HOME CO., 633 Railway Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 2571 YOUR OPPORTUNITY IN ROSE CITY. Excellent home, being foreclosed upon; can redeem it by quick action for $4000 and arrange good terms ; house has 0 rooms, reception hall, fireplace, built 'Ins; furnace and full basement, close to car. Call Air. Church NOW. J. R, HAIGHT, Realtor. 325-327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 204. LET US BUILD YOUR HOME. Consult our engineer regarding your home-planning problems. This service is FREE. We can furnish a lot and as sist you In financing. ZIMMERMAN -WALLER BUILDING COMPANY. "Builders of Substantial Homes," 41-5-416 Abington Bldg. SPECIAL. ALAMEDA DISTRICT. 4 blocks off Sandy blvd.; 4-room bun ealow . - all modern: full basement, lot 50x100; $1500 will handle; $35 per month balance; selling price $5750. Same places selling ail the way from $K50O to $7000. when calling asK ior Mr. J. w. Wilson Broadway 1 73. 5 ROOMS, GOOD LOCATION. Adjoining park, paved street, assess ments ail paid; five choice bearing trees, nice lawn, apienom opportunity ior man of family. $3000. $500 down, $25 monthly, xnis is less tnan rent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. R3,N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. MONTANA-OREGON COMPANY, Realtors. 102li Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 7839. Sell city realty, acreage, farms and ranches at right prices. Bring in your trades, we can match them, ; FOR SALE. Attractive, new, 4-room bungalow hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen breakfast nook and full basement; price $3600; open for inspection 2 to 5; sub stantial payment down, balance easy terms. 1268 Omaha avenue. Owner, 271 134h st., cor. Jefferson. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residence or any building, assist in financing same; 12 years' continuous and complete building service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. Kaiiey, contract ing architect. 924 N. W. Bank bldg. PIEDMONT 7 ROOMS $4500. Thi 7-room home, too large for pres ent owner, furnace, full basement, level lot, paved street, everything all paid up, $1500 will handle it. Call Mr. Hart with j. rv. riAiun i , iiea nor, i 325-327 Board of Trade Bdwy. 2045. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. , Almost new bungalow, 4 rooms, bath room and wieeping porch, cement 'base roAnt. fine furnace, close in. paved street $3400, about half cash. Brooke, Main 434 HOUSE PLANS, 100 designs, $10 to $15, or specially designed at reasonable fee. ' ' 924 II. W. Bank Bids. . REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. WM. A. HUGHES CO. 218 Railway Exchange Building. Broadway 6S08. 39TH ST. BARGAIN ...... $4600 6-room house, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet and pass pantry, newly decorated, full cement basement fur nace, laundry trays; 50x100 lot. a" Im provements in and paid! assorted fruits garage; will take light car in trade or $500 will handle. 21ST ST. BARGAIN. S4000 Nobby S-room bungalow in Al berta; exceptional built-ins, large, , airy rooms, ivory interior, enamel kitchen, la?ge 'floored attic full '' 50x100; garage; consider car or $500 will $3700 'FRANKLIN WSTRIc't-$370O 6-room very' modern, garage. In fun cement basement, all improvements, your own terms, or what have you to trade? $2800 ALBERTA'S BEST DIST. $-800. Sacrifice; owner going south; sacrifice. This 6-room bungalow is best buy In Portland; newly decorated: will take light car in trade. WM. A. HUGHES CO.. 218 Railway Exchange Building. Broadway 6808. BRAND NEW LAURE LHTTRST. BEAUTIFUL COLONUL DESIOT. A TYPE FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE. Colonial bungalow, the aslest and most distinctive design in Laurelhurst. c ous rooms, o Vi; ri, tu built-in bath tub. tile 5th "oow Ula drain boards, ivory ,r'r ' paper. Fox furnace. 13-16 oak floors. Near Imperial Ave. (35th St.) 2 WoclM LAURELHURST-Tr$5850--6 We are offering a splendidly con structed bungalow with hardwood floors throughout, elegantly fin ished and decorated complete to the last detail. Nothing could he done to enhance either the appear ance or finish of thU unusual bun galow; located 1 blocks from car, Yes, there Is a garage. A. U TEEPE CO., 270 Stark fit., nr. 4th Bdwy. 6093; east aide office, 1170 Sandy blvd., at 40th. Tabor S5So. LAURELHURST . .K e.2Vhrt This Bell lurnisnea or UUi"l"D""- j Italian stucco buiLlow of six rooms and sun room, iiiubt. uo - . . narawooa uuors, uib "y" the interior is the most "JiI m tne city; hoxjw uuwc. two cars. Party in house to show tiv tm en loot It over. h" and terms see Frank Mahoney. with COE A. McKENNA & COV, rr to .i. o. -Broadway loS. ' NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. .. $4975 TERMS T5 1009 CLACKAMAS ST., OFF 33D ST JUSt compieieu hardwood doors, fireplace. rna"r, fet, built-in effects, ,l1),utclj,'tc,e"' breakfast nook, large living room, line plumbing and electric Itxluni. a U on one floor; fine locality, paving deluded. See this today from 12 to 5. Take K. C. car to 33d St., then go 2 blocks north. Phone wood lawn ivov. IRVINGTON CORNER COLONIAL. $12,000. 8 wonderful rooms, all large; z fireplaces: best plumbing; large front porch, double garage; almost new; near Knott and lith. McDONELL, EAST 419. . . TTTTem .IQftA GOOD -Km-ai rlv-"JC"" on,,, This is a good house on E 80t i . Will sell on easy terms. Six ro , rte : srarage. Good 122 North 6th St. Phone Bdwy. Joi. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Five rooms, modern In every way. nice large oearooms. j' ,.hle firep ace, launary ---- . garage, all street improvements In and laid, 50x100 lot. Almost new Very LVterms: close In. Don't fail to see it. QUINN-DEEKS. BDWY. 11U. MO villain, v.. ' . ,.,". t..,t.flnw In now THE MUST masnuraui " Tu ' Th i hearing completion in Laurelhurrt. This was DUllt ior my -- - .... pelled to go east, therefore . must sac rlflre Living room 16x30, fireplace, - Su Fth dSonc nYdWn0rneUMry ins, tile bath room, shower btb. tapeatry paper, garagre, anves, ;rvc" 7ooi low cost! $7U5Q Ownr, Bdwy. 42.H. SPF.rTAL. , i hi-o-ikfasit room, bu;H-in kitchen, modern c onveMences; lot 50x133; iuu otisf nirii-4 ""x"r:: c Sandy blvd.; price N57?:$57S will nan- S!.e,V it Resent When calling- v for Mr. F. Porter. Broadway 18 a. . . - .-. ,.icinu'T3 Beautiful colonial 8 rooms, large view lot, best neighborhood, garage, 3 bed rooms, maid's, room, sleeping porch, -fireplaces, library, tapestry paper, a conveniences; owner has eft city, win sacrifice for immediate aifP"81- mnnY BECKWITH. RLALTOR, inj Vifth Street. Broadway - .- r,,T-v. . a i nw New 5-room bungalow, oak floors In all rooms; breakfast nook: French doors between living and lining room: old FvoVy finish: all built-ins; cement baseWn". furnace: fireplace; g arage; lM)0, terms. 226 Chamber of Commerce. "Rdwv. O.M1 ...... .. . r. i.' eTTirv Brand TewroomDutYh colonial. eveVy convenience, old Ivory finish tap estry paper, glassed-in breakfast nook, tile bath and sink drainboards view of mountains, near school and car. "bibA BECKWITH. REALTOR. 104 Fifth Street. Broadway M . . ..... . n A T I.- TltCTRinT When you're tired of house-hunting come out to D57 E. 34th N., near Pres; cott and see a cozy 4-room bungalow. 2 farge bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, f.replaoe, furnace lots of windows. Price J.W.00. SmaU payment down. Call Pllklngton, Bdwy. . ,r,x iiiuv 437nn Brand new 5-room bungalow, garage, fireplace. buffet. built-in bookcases, tapestry paper, lovely breakfast nook. 2 nice bedrooms, cement basement. . u.mv BRCKWITH. REALTOR. 1U Fifth Street. Broadway 6318 . . . ttt-t.pt. pia-nlt.fiy RVAP Classy, nearly new V4 -story strictly modern 6-rm, home with sleeping porch and garage, in best section, near park, S7500- no incumbrances: easy terms. A real bargain. Tabor 4()T : ....t..- nnrnvrn. n nT IT. lKVlftUlU. .... i . w ...... Non-resident owner offers fine 2-story 8-room house with garage, on East 24th, near Knott; built for home; large rooms and oak. floors throughout; Ivory wood work. 1 nrepiacen. tun ... . . T I T-TTDVICUl-n MHMP. Close in. on Corbett 8t. Price $1500. with fair first pavment. Close to school, stores, and walking distance of shopping district House plastered, with bath. I'hone rjqwy. T.H.IMIAVT A beautiful -9-room modern home in Piedmont at a barealn price. WW SABIN. REALTOR, mi. union Ave. N. Wdln. 5S9. ro.invd PITT SELI. BEFORE MARCH 1. A good first-class home, 7 rooms, mod ern in every way; price very low and easy terms. Phone owner at E. i076. MY EQUITY In 4-room double constructed house, 50x100 lot; garage; sidewalk, sewer In and paid, linoleum on kitchen floor gas range. Owner, 1202 E. 17th st N. wain. FIRST mortgage on good real estate either city or ranch, up to $1500 as first payment on fine home, or will trade for 4-room house in good location. Phone Aut. BIZ-.-a. 4-room modern bungalow, furnished, only $750 cash. bal. easy. only w vv SABIN. REALTOR. ina Union Ave. N. Wdln. 589. IRVINGTON Colonial home just completed. Seven rooms attractively arranged. AH hardwood floors, $7500 Without ques tion the best value to be found in Irv ington. A. E. Campbell, 418 Selling h'llr. Main us-. SPLENDID 2-story 7-room Irvington residence. Hardwood floors. The owner is forced fo sell: $6500: cash 3500l A. E Campbell, 41S Selling bldg. Main io.. ROSE CITY 2-story 7-room residence: hardwood floors, beamed ceilings, good irarage beautiful 75x100 lot; shrubbery and fruit trees. $5600. A. E. Campbell. 418 Selling bldg. Main 1682. 16SZ. wv.w KENTON BUNGALOW 5 rooms, barn, garage 12x28. property 125x100. All for $3500. Terms. Owner, Woodlawn 4JJ MUST SELL MT. SCOTT HOME. 5 rooms, semi-modern, near school. Aut. 312-97, evenings, of 320 Swetland bldg. GOOD double-constructed 7-room house for .iinn- aon nr 1400 down. Will take l.lt to $500 value. See owner at 1089 E. 29th st. N-. forenoons only. CORNER lot, 55x73, with 6-room house at rear, leaving room for flat or house on corner; near Laurelhurst. 30th and 'East Burnside, $3800. East 2871. 7-ROOM house, 107 E. 78th N. Owner, REAL-ESTATE. For ale Houses. WB HAVE sevwn of the best buys ta Rose City bungalows, rang ing from $3250 to (6500. If you . are v tooklnff lor e, home, come and look at this selected list. We have worked 4 years la this 'district and know Uxe values. $4K50 Suburban home, 7-room bunpalow, located on 85x100. has fireplace, furnace, cement base-., ment, garage. This Is a little beauty, located near the 8o car, excellent neighborhood. This house Is almost new. Remem ber, no city taxes, no street as sessments, located on corner with hard-surfaced roads; any reasonable terms. $4500 Near Jefferson high school, 5 rooms. Here la a little beauty, has fireplace and & full oement basement. furnace. beautiful yard with cherry trees. You will be surprised to get this bunga low for the price. The owner Is moving on a ranch. IRVINGTON. $4250 Beautiful bungalow. living room, Aeitjs. wall bed, large bed room, kitchen, breakfast nook, hardwood floors, fireplace, ce ment basement. Gaaeo furnace, automatio water heater. Here is one of the most complete, up-to-date little bungalows for the money there is In Portland and it you get it you will have to hurry. HIIjLER BKOS., Realtors, 211 By. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 8625. Branch Office 60th and Sandy. -Tabor 84S5. AXAMEDA. HOME. On Regents drive, central en trance, 2 fireplaces (1 in library), old ivory finish, Gasco furnace, most attractive interior, hard wood floors first floor, beautiful new carpets 2d floor, all hang ings, linoleum, awnings and gas range included in price; garage. MR3. HARRY PRICE PALMER. 1238 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 1786. SOME GOOD BUYS, ROSE CITY; 5 rms., dandy sleeping porch, hdwd. floors, fireplace, furnace, blk. from Sandy blvd., $6100, terms. LAURELHURST, brand new, 5 rms, large attic, built-lns, fireplace, full ce ment basement, garage, J5750, terms. COLUMBIA PARK, 7 rms., 2 lots, fruit, berries; a very good buy; $3325.1 terms. WESTMORELAND, 4 rms., fireplace basement, garage; a cozy home; kitchen stoves included; $2SCK; $750 cash. , WILLIAM WILLING, 401 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 77fl3. m 417 GLENN AVENUE SO. Will sell strictly MODERN 8-roont bungalow, with GARAGE. City liens all paid. Hard-surface street. Must be seen to be appreciated. Near school and 3 carllnea Good condition. A good substantial down payment wfl! secure a reduction in purchase price of $6500. Make appointment for seeing property and securing details. O. G. ROHRER, RENTAL REALTOR. 206 PANAMA BLDG. NEW ENGLAND COLONIAL. Moderate priced cottage type (34x32 with dormers and red roof; a new type to Portland and very, very appealing: compact, convenient economic, complete to every detail; unique in many; ga rage (11x19); splendid location. 801 East 24th N. 300 ft. to Broadway car line at Regents drive. Open from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. Call evenings. Auto. 515-78. "For More and Better Homes." D. M. DRAKE. Constructor-Owner. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW IN KENTON FOR J2000. 5-room bungalow, plastered, good plumbing, gas, lights, basement. It is in good condition and a mighty good buy at 12000. HARGROVE REALTY CO. (Realtors), . 122 North th St. Phone Bdwy. 4381. ROSE CITY PARK 5-room bungalow, with large attic and garage; this beau tiful bunealow is now about completed, is up to date in every detail; built from best material and best workmanship. Come out today, between 2 and 5. to 425 E 3Sth st. N., near Tillamook. Price is rlKht and satisfactory terms can be arranged. C. .1. Johnson, owner and t-ullder. Tabor 8141 evening?. TWO ALBERTA HOMES. One 0-room house with full oement basement and full set of plumbing- and one 5-room house with full set plumb ing; elec. and gas; on one lot; paved street; just one block off Union,, ave. a big snap at $3000; only $R00 cash, O'FARREI.L-FORDNE Y. ms-40 rhm of Com. Hide. Bdwy. 4172. GOOD U-ROOM HOUSE ON DIVISION STKUt l run. ,a-w. Must eell this at once; fronting on Division street, near 3oth street. Work all In and paid; 6-room house, plastered, good plumbing, fireplace. Price only $3200. Be sure to see this today. HARGROVE REALTY CO. (Realtor). 122 North 6th St. Phone Bdwy. 43S1. New 3-room house, not entirely com pleted, on extra large lot, with all im provements in and paid; good garden: two blocks to car line; fino location; $2000 and ver easy terms. t, r n. r , LViDlWHtV 338-40 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Hdwy. 41 13. WHEN you have made up your mind to ....... ......ll.. fha l.est for nulla, OU llttLin ii iij ; - your money. That is our business to give you the best. We build better homes. Consult us. 505 ARTISANS BLDG. Opposite Benson Hotel. m ALAMEDA DISTRICT. Apply soldier's loan. 1 I will sell my equity In 5-room hunga- , low. double constructed, full cement basement. 50x80 lot. Improvements, in and paid, lor $500: value J39.iO; no aeents. woooiawn o-"". , rT.-ix-rnv-. V mnS'KR BUNGALOW. New 5-room modern bungalow, hard-, wood floors, fireplace, furnace. larKe at tic, cement basement, garago, sislitly corner, skldmore and 17th sts., 2 blocks from Irvington car. Phone owner. Broadway 7027. i? v. VP $1300 buvs fine little 3-room home with bcth and woodshed; fln lot: ber ries; three young walnut trees; one block off Union ave.; terms. O'FARREI.L-FORDNEY. . 33R-40 Cham, of Coin. Bldg. Bdwy. 41 i2. HvrTi:TO' HOME. $7100. $500 cash payment will handle this modern 7-room house, ideal location. 50x100-ft.: might consider little , ex change. See Mr. Jones . . F. E. BOWMAN. 210 Chamber of Com. Bldg. PENINSULA PARK DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors In living and dining rooms, buffet, book case full basement. 2 bedrooms, hath between, garage, lot 57x100. This is a derided bargain at $3600: $HKMl cash. Wilbur F- .louno. Henry tiltlg. Bdwy. 4S37. WEST SIDE modern 8-room house and double garage, corner lot. 50x100, with good income, .will pay by Itself: all I want is my equity, am leaving country, have contract at 6 per cent on balance everything In and paid; price $b000. 411 N 23d st. Mar. 451. LEAVING Portland, a very great bargain on 48th, Hawthorne district, beautiful bungalow, built for home, elegantly fur nished; if you have $1500 to pay down you'll get the chance of your life; no agents. Tabnr 3001. LAURELHURST. Do you want a home $1000 below , any other property of the same class, six rooms, modern and new, ready to move Into? If so, call Tabor 7404 for appoint ment. Owner. NEW 4-room bungalow, well constructed; built-in conveniences: cement basement; wash trays; Rood lawn, roses, young fruit trees; good district; $3100, terms. One block from Missifsippt ave. car. 103 K, Hnllnnd ave. Broadway '.M2. 1 ft ROOMS. KENTON DISTRICT. Iarpe house of tt rooms and ba.semcnt, good lot with plenty of fruit, near the MKsisslppi-Kentnn car, iL'oO, on terms. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. Broad way 4H37. HOLLADAY PARK ADDITION. Five rooms and slepine porch,- fur nace, fireplare: half block to car; fur nished or unfurnished. By owner, East RKDUCKD, by owner. 3-room Rose City bungalow, furnace, frarag. cement base ment, paved Mreet, built 2 years: $3HHI; $."iH) down, balance like rent. GiO .Kast 30th t. N. SERVICE. SERVICE. SERVICE. That is our middle name. We build better homes on eapy terms. See ua. 50.' ARTISAN'S BLDG., Opposite P.enson Hotfl. ' ROSE CITY PARK. If you want to buy a real home direct from owner, modern in every detail, don't fail to see colonial bungalow at 430 E. !S2d. YOU CAN buy 7-room. Irvington house from owner at bargain; cash talks. East ftir.a. LARGE lot and B-room house, strictly modern, well furnished; ne!l at sacrifice price, sotne terms. Tbor SHOO. OWNER selling Irvington, 7 rooins-lCast 5753 for particulars, terms. SUNNYSIDE, 5-room house, some built,-ins, 1000 E. Salmon. ;