THE MORXTXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY: FEBRUARY 31, 1!22 FOB S ALE. l'ianos, Organs nnd Musical Instruments. NKW LOT FACTORY REBUILT PIANOS Just received from eastern factories now on sale here. No need to buy old worn pianos now when you can buy good aa new renum pianos at lama price. $.330 Ernest Gabler upright piano... $295 $450 Bauer A Co. upright piano 2K5 $425 Bradford Piano Co.. mahogany. 275 $150 Smith & Barne mahogany 295 $SoO Kimball upright piano 315 47.1 Wtlmer upright piano 275 $425 Kurtz Bros, upright piano 245 $800 Stein way St Sons upright piano 375 $45 H, P. Kelson colonial piano.... 235 $575 George Heck & Co piano 265 .500 Emerson Piano Co.. mahogany. 295 $".25 Seybold upright, oak, 815 $4.10 Hallet & Davis upright piano.. 195 Terms $10 or more cash, $0, $8 or $10 moathiy. SOHWAN PIANO CO.. m 101 Tenth St., corner Stark. w'oN DEKFUL PIANO BARGAINS. $1000 Steinway, like new $350 700 Pease, plain mah., fine 250 650 J. & C. Fischer, wonderful ... 240 700 Genuine McPhail, good 200 600 Jewett. mahoeany 100 600 Thompson, latest mah. 223 800 Farrand player, Just new 3."0 MO Howard K. S., latest 250 6no Gaylord. late plain case ...... 170 8r,0 Player piano, just like new... 375 650 Bradford, plain walnut ....... 200 650 Sweetland, plain, like new .... 170 475 Wissner, upright, good 125 Sort fiohmer. Tlain case 185 650 W. W. Kimball maka 100 600 McCamon, upright ., no Others. Aot quickly and get a bargain. Easy terms. Brokerage Co., 312 Worces ter bidg. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. Vlctrola, style X, with records. .. ..$100 VIctrola, style XI. with records.... 125 $150 Columbia, almost new 100 Brunswick new demonstrator, with records 100 Brunswick, large gold-plated ma hogany case, new demonstrator. .. 223 And Others Terms Given. 6E1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $475 Irving Piano Co., upright mah. .$215 $450 Smith upright ebony $196 425 Ilallet, & Davis upright rose wood $165 $750 pianos and a player piano oak. $295 3 parlor organs, $18, $25 and $35 cash. Piano stored, 75c per month; bought slid sold for cash only. 10:1 loth at cor. Stark and WmIi. sts. $ 35 UllAi'uNOLA, 10 used records $ 25 $ 85 Strad.vara and 10 used records. 45 140 Pathe, cabinet, 20 used records. 68 175 Sonera, cabinet, 20 used records. 145 1 10 Brunswick, 20 used records... 05 175 Columbia, cab.. 20 used records. 115 $5 s-nua one home, then $3, $5 and up monthly. Schwan Piano Co... 101 Tenth yt.. at Washington st. SPECIAL EALIS OF PIANOS. Wheelock Co. upright piano $245 Martin Bros, upright piano $225 Wellington upright piano $195 Dehnar renewed piano $265 Pianola player plays 88-note. , . . j .$ 65 LIFMAN, WOLFE & CO.. 7th floor. SCHILLER PIANO, plain mahogany case, equal to new. A wonderful bargain. Terms given. SEl BE R LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth St. . Broadway 6576. FOR SALE A Weoer player piano, 88 note, mahogany case, price, including cabinet and 25 rolls of music, $550; all in l'irst-elass condition. AP 449, Ore gon ia.n KIMBALL PLAYER PIANO, new, at a big rrduction. See it. Terms given. SE1BEIIL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth St. Broadway 6576. CROWN cabinet grand pano, bestof con dition. $285. Terms given. SEIBERL1NG-LUOAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St. PRICE & TEMPLE, $250, oak case, like new. . SEIBERLING-LUCA9 MUSIC CO. 125 4th St. WEBER pianola piano for rent, music and bench included, $7.50 per month. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 10T WEST PARK (NEW LOCATION.) EQUITIES in pianos bought for spot cash. Get rid of that burden. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bidg. Bdwy. 154b week days. GOOD PIANOS at prices and terms you can afford. Reed-French Piano Co.. 12th and Wash ington PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING, ex pert workmanship guaranteed. SEIBERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth St. Broadway 6576. Furniture for Sale. DAVENPORTS. We are manufacturers of all hair davenports and chairs; highest quality line built on the Pacific coast. Frames are as good as is possible to build. Watch your davenport mide from naked frame Jo last stitch, or learn how to buy one , elsewhere; we teach you free ami glad ly. Our upholstering hair and cotton are high grade and the oniy filling material we use. Don't take our word for it but come and let us prove ail we say, New and up-to-the-minute styles, large line of coverings, fine velours and tape Btrles, $100 to $176;' pure silk and best mohair, $154 to $239. These prices are regular, not special. Everything guaranteed. Sample room open evenings by appointment. Phone H35-27. Evenings and Sundays. Tabor 5797 or 635-27. MICHAELSON-MAYSON, INC., 54th and Foster Road. SAVE MONK I. Try our sales department If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points in .our through pool cars; expert packing, re pairing .and refinishing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 62 4th St., Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. DON'T SACRIFICE your tuiruiun it going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine street. OVERSTUFFED davemport and rocker to match; this set has been In use but sev eral weeks and is like new; price for both $210 cash. Auto. 32771. 1 HAVE a $150 VicLrola and a nice bunch of records to trade for a combination range in good condition. What have you? Call E. 1401). WOOD and coal heater and. pipes, $10; square oak dining table and 4 chairs, $lo; plain Iron bed and springs, $5. . Aut. 621-15. MASSIVE colonial style modern furniture of 6 rooms, electric range;- Grafonola, cost $2500, will take half. Call evenings, 109 E. at., near Washing ton. 1 MAT-TRESS, 1 eiderdown comforter, 1 pair feather pillows, $15 takes the lot. 272 E. 2(th. Phone East fWM. MONARCH malleable range, splendid baker, with gas water heater; Al con dition; 1151 Belmont at 39th. Tab. 6193. COMPLETE household furniture for sale cheap. 1043 Hawthorne ave. HIGH-GRADE furniture and rugs, fine wood and coal range. Aut. 317-38. Office Furniture. SOME used office furniture at low prices; desks, files, tables, chairs, counters, etc. ; Burroughs flat model, $150 seven bank; square model, $110; dictaphones, $40 each; a number of fine safes at low Vices. D. C. Wax. 21-26 N. 6th st. Broadway 2739. DESKS CHAIRS SAFES. 1 New and second-hand, exceptional bar. gains. Call or phone for salesman 1RWIN-HODSON FURNITURE DEPT. 10th and Stark Sts Bdwy. 8144. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. ALL MAKES. CALX. OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington St. Main 5681. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange; we are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs of all makes. Or.EGON TYPEWRITER CO., 84 Fifth St. 1 ' Main 3668. FOR RENT L. C. Smith typewriters; spe cial rate to students. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co.. 806 Spalding bidg. Bdwy. 6975. RENT Underwood or Remington, $3 month. Empire Transfer, 254 Broadway, Broad way 155. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark st. Main 1407. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Typo writer Inspection Co.. 312 Stark. M. 5549. FOR SALE No. 10 Remington typewriter, as good as new. East 6022. Poultry. MAGUIRE'S CHICKS. BRED TO LAY, HATCHED TO GROW. R. I. Reds, O. A. C, Barred Rocks, $25 per 100; White Leghorns, $18 pel 100; $175 per 1000. Vigorous chick. from heavy laying strains; Hoganized and trap-nested stock. Order now. F-GGS FOR HATCHING. T. R. MAGUIRE. 787 Oregon St. E. 1805. 8. C. ENGLISH Wmte -egnorn setting eggs for sale, $7 per hundred; our 13 year 100 or 1O00 lbta Joa Saundera Route 2. Portland. Or. FOR SALE Two fine Barred pock cock erels. E. B. Thompson strain. 740 Pat ton road. Main 5811. FOR SALE 2 fine Barred Rock cockerels. E. B. Thompson strain. 740 Patton road Main 5811. ' 100 FINE Tancred laying White Leghorn pullets, $1.25 each. J. P.. Maguire, 781 Oregon st. SICILIAN Buttercup eggs for setting. Wdln. WW. 1519 K. 10 N. SALMON Faveroile cockerels, trios and setting eggs. Tabor 8000. FOB SALE. Dugs, Rabbits. Biros and Pet Stock. PERSIAN cats for service: larze blu. i black, whi'.e and orange males for serv ice, tin e. 03q st. fi. Auto. 821-37. CAME to our piace about first of Feb., 1 yellow hound about 2 years old." Inquire a. uri)S5en pros., niilsboro, Ur., Kt. 1. FOR SALEA beautiful orange Persian maie cat, u montna old, cheap If taken at once. A. B. Webb, Rt 9, Oregon City. 'Boa..., LauncUes ami Marine jMiuipment, WE WISH to purchase small gasoline boat suitable for work around log boom;, must be in good shape and price "cheap. Mail information 802 Spalding bldg.,.or phone WANTED Columbia river fish boat with reliable engine, at once. Call Woodlawn 6795. Kegs and Barrels. KBOS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 300 N. 14th at., near Pettygrove. Phone A 619-ia. Machinery. FAIRCHILD & CARLSON ice machine works, refrigerating -machinery and equipment; also have several second hand machines we will sell cheap. Phone East 323. 450-454 E. Hawthorne. ONE 1-H. P. gas engine, $25. 371 Uaw thorne ave. East 1434 CONTRACTOR'S ouuit for sale cheap. Call Bdwy. 2448 or 204 Henry bidg. Jlacninery Wanted. WANTED Second-hand . valve-ess centri fugal pump- AU 217, Oregonian. Coal and Wood. - $4 PER ljOAD 2-LOAU LOTS. 16-iaeh fir block and elab, runs partly dry, ready far furnace or heater. We also save you money on 2-load orders of dry wood. Pfompt delivery on west and east side. Oregon Fuel Co., Wood " lawn 4102. H PER LOAD $4. 16-inch, partly dry block and slat mixed ; line lor furnace or heater, de livered in 2-load lota for $8; single loadi $.00. Washington lump coal, ill ton in the basement. NATIONAL, FUEL CO., Bast 2041. COAL! COAL! COA-L!- COAL! fll per ton, put in your basement, city weight, direct from 4wna to consumer, large lump, no clinker r soot; burns to fine ash; try a ton. VkiON& EAST .13- or EAST 9126. iiAU LOajjs oIock. uiu autu,' mixed runs, partly dry. 2 loads $8.00 1 loaa 4.00 Woodlfcwn IMP. fc WooUlawn 3021. LIN COLA coal, domestic, 410.50; Egg nut, $J0 per ton, delivered in your basement. Perfectly dry alabwood, Itf lirch, $0.75 per load. Western JTuei Co., 1.87 K. Morrison at. East 2226. t'lAiST-tiitOWTH fir, kock bprinjfs, Koyju Owl Creek coal. Standard lrick & Tl.a Co., 63 Fifth St.. between Stark and uan. rnone roadway 18. CORDWOOI), on good graveled road, 1 mile south Cotton station; firat-growth, dry, $5.60; dead wooA $4.00. Phone Gresharn 7. C. 1 Ca.thv SiCtii lb-inch, slab, $J.75; best fir, sea soned, heavy or merely graded. $3 load, anywhere, bargain; dry and 16-intn country slab. jiI.2o. Sell. 1700. DRY CORDWOOD, 2-cjrd lots, $14. Beat dry cordwood in town and heavy coun try slab, $4.25 a cord, tieiiwoud 1270. fi4 E. 19th st. DRY BLOCK and slab wood, single load $5, double load $8; short order specialty Broadway 2545 and Woodlawn 1945 DRY Itt-INCH slab, $41.50 a load; "partly dry block and slab, $o; 4-foot dry slab $6.50 a cord. Wdln. 102. Fl Rfi'l'-URO WTH wood, ary, 7.50 cord; second grow tlx, dry, $tf.5 cord. Aut, DRtf COflDWOOD, $7 and $7.75 per cord, block and slab, double load, iJ. Bdwy 8623. BONE-DRY boxwood, ideal kindling, $4 biock and aiap, $4.75; Leavy wreckage $5; large loada. i Wdln. 3649. BOXWOOD $4 PiR LOAD. Fulton Wood Co.. dealers in box and mauwDPu. Macaaam. Mam 4173. GOOD dry. fir cordwood $7.25 cord, heavy country slab $5.23. Rock Springs and Utah coals. East 1750. LEST old-growth ary fir, $7.50: l&rge second-growth, $1. Seliwood 314. BEST dry cord wood, $7 and $7.75 per HEAVY country alabwood $4.50 per cord utmvci eu. -tu evenings iLg-gt 1 S'J 7 , 4-FOOT country stab, $4 per cord Tabor 722S. 4-FooT block and railroad ties; also 16 in. stove wood. Mar. 2043. $5 A LOAD, Iti-incn dry plank and small DRY box wood, Aeavy, $4.50 per load Call Woodlawn 5904. UTAH. KING COAL now $15.50 per ton. Call East 8!H4. - v y 4-FOOT SLABS, $3.75. PHONE EiiPIKi WOOD SAWING, any place in city. Phone Main 8124. UTAH LUMP, $13.50; egg, $12; Cascade NO. 1 old-growth 'fir that IS DRY, $7.50, Automatic oi o-fl j . 4-FOOT couutry ab. H per cord. Tabor 4-FOOT country slab, $4 per cord. Tabor Miscellaneous. LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12, 5 for $20, guaranteed to pass inspection. Wdln. 8791. D1EBOLU Bafes. new am; second-hand-pecial prices. Pacific Scale ft Sudd; Titj ' ui uau way ihkh DIAMOND Over 2 carats, blue-white and perfect; beautiful stone; barsain tlOOO. AC 414, Oregonian. DANDY 3-Iigkt shower fixture comn'ete with shades only i.35. at 207 Chamber of Commerce bidg. Broadway ffi3 TOOLS, hardware, utensils, at clearance sale prices. Chown Hardware Co zzz Morrison, below 2d. ' KENT a sewing machini 2 months S5 Empire Transfer, 2o4 Broadway Broad way 155. " u KODAKS. I " """" " """un si. FOK KENT Slectric vacuum cleaners, kt cents per day, anywhere Woodlawn 125D. "aywuere. SAFE-Size inside 25x20x13; combination lock and In good order. AH 408 Ora gonian. MW POLLTTYjPIS shoe machine, cheap-A-l condition. 5120 j)th st. S. E Auto LATHES, two small machine iathes $35 each. Call room 504 Raleigh bidg. MLST sell this week, leather bed daven port, in good condition. B24 8th st. ts no phone calls. '' FKRTILIZER Cow manure, well rotted, delivered any art of city. Woodlawn 0233. Pll.h.S can be permanently cured without i operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, sea- ond and Morrison. FOR SALE 1 hyaraulio lard press and i drop-bottom rendering tank like new Sheridan Meat Co., Sheridan' Or ADDING MACHINE and comptometer A bargain. Call Bdwy. 3712 or 510 Lumber- mens bidg. SPECIAL SALE Beauty parlor eauin ment. 88 6th, between Stark and Oak. . USED Acorn gaa range, $16. Lynch Bros. A GOOD chicken house for sale. Tabor BKCOJiD-HAND nts ana covers for sale' .t.v-.i.i ,0.. t lat aL KNOCK DOWN bowling alley, solid manH cheap. Call Main 3554. a maple. SECOND-HAND brick tai saiel Intn 1542-14. uuo. FOR SALiS Cash register, safe iririinT tr,chine. showcases. 43 1f "aln ; . "cai Asn. LADIiSS- USED AP AKin. of all kinds in a home. Bargains. Tabor 2S2ji 10 STAR-A -STAR shingles, direct fromm7F Call Taylor-st. dock. Main 8flit GUARANTEED rebuilt batteries for Porri." J10 to $1V Broadway 1492 "u. ' w. nmr Asn, t-a""'" - ' -: a.. u 11,91 WILL sacrifice beautiful showcase at vo'i7r 150 WARDROBE trunk. Uke new sell 1...oI!.,n1lhf.. S8 3d St. "OW, Sell ST1gLKwinD23iaUre dellvere- anywhere. ONE NEW i25 violet ray macuma for u ENGLISH holly, 2oc up, every day .v,..n: Cnrtnv 1177 Powell.' on. c. Sf..wW - . v. o:rn SAFES AND VAULT DOORS BARGAIN"" .yAX IM OREGON Burbank potatoes, si 75rrj free delivery, f hone? Bjoawav Kg1MK' HAVE storage grafonolas for-sale "iFTZZ Emnire Tfr TJ .. J" Jasy . ...j. BOYNTON furnace; excellent conditio USED Hall gas floor furnace, i prlca FOR SALE New F. & E. check writer reasonable. PJ 42". Oregonian. ' TINNER'S TOOLS. Complete set tinker's tools. East 4172. CULL potatoe-s, 2o per sack. Phone "Woodiawn 205, . FOB SALE. Mfcwella neons. ONE LARGE reed davenport, rocker and straight chair, upholstered in rich mul berry velour, perfect condition, cost J289, sell for J150. Beautiful reed davenport table, cost $72.50, seil for J30. One Royal Worcester Wilton rug, 8.3x10.6, cost J145, sell for J65. One reed tabouret, cost $20. seil fox $8. One large fir chest of drawers, sell for $10. Shown only by appointment. Call Main 618 Tuesday, between 12 and 2 P. M. COMPLETE ELECTRIC WINDOW BAKERY EQUIPMENT, INCLUDES ROTARY OVEN, DOUGH MIXER, CAKE MIXER, RACKS, PANS, ETC, ALSO CAFETERIA EQUIPMENT, MA HOGANY FRONT AND BACK BAR, CASH REGISTER. COFFEE URN, ETC., FOR SALE BY TRUSTEE OF ESTATE. VERY-LOW PRICED TO MOVE QUICK. PHONE BROADWAY 3258; SUNDAY EAST 3850. NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS. SECOND-HAND. FACTORY REBUILT. TOTAL ADDERS A3 LOW A? $50. Mechanism and title guaranteed. Repair service by company mechanics. . NEW REGISTERS AS LOW A3 7S. EASY TERMS. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO, Broadway 18X8. 300 Stark St. SAVE YOUR WIFE. Send your wet wash to the Snow Flake laundry; clothes washed snowy white in separate compartments. Monday, Tues day and Wednesday, 15 lbs. for 70c, 4o for each additional pound. THURSDAY, FRIDAY. AND SATURDAY, 15 LBS. FOR 60 CENTS, 4 CENTS each addi tional pound. Valuable premiums given. Phone East 8433. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-third; all styles, finest se lection. Come and see; you are under no obligation to buy. STANLEY LUTZ, 207 Chamber of Commerce- Bidg, Br 0 adway 42a3. DESKS CHAIRS TABLES FILES. All used furniture goes through our refinishing department and the prices are below those asked elsewhere: Burroughs adding machines. dictaphones. time clocks- and typewriters; several fine safes, cheap. D. a Wax. 24-26 N. 6th. Broadway 2739. RADIO FURNACES. PIPELESS, ia. . PIPE. $215 UP. ' Easy payments; 1000 in Portland. Phone Columbia 28 or write Associated Engineering Corp., factory foot of Bur lington st. SACRIFICE. Remainder of the Whits House fix tures; waist, suit forms, 3lJ mirrors, car pets, Singer sewing machines, vacuum cleaner, racks, display table, chairs, re flectors, etc Call Monday at 360 Mor rison, cor. Park. Marshall 5926. IF YOU APPRECIATE splendid watch re pairing or Jewelry repairing, take your work to MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store Sells for Less Gifts' That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. J"ark and vv asnington ata. DOORS, windows, lumber, moldings, mill work, glass, roofing and hotbed sash. See our odd stock of sash and doors for prices. 0. B. Scully Co., downtown lum ber store, 171 FRONT ST., bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Phone Main 4313, SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices; bougut, sold and exchanged; easy terms i de sired. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Broadway 7045 SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for leas; no agents employe? Com plete line of parts for all makes; ma cnines .repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 Third st, near Taylor. Main '9431. FOR SALE French chiffon taffeta dress, .basque effect, with silk lace vest, full skirt, very latest etyie, size 36- or 38. Call East 6874. . RUUD gas water heater, $12.50; 3-burner Vulcan gas range, apt. size, $15; also a 4-burner Vulcan high oven. $17.50: a 10 unit radiant fire as heater, $22.50; all good condition. Eaat 4852. MAtiuGANY piano bench, SIO; child's high chair, $3; 2-burner nickel gas plate and attachments, new, $4.o; enameled break last table. $3; wire cot and pad, $3; no dealers. Pfione East 8135. WHY THE weeping and wailing and moaning about a leakv roof? Why not be cheerful and comfortable under a durable and permanent roof? Phone ail your roof troubles to Broadway 79 A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRAD& MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store, Sells for Less Gifts That Last .Next Door to -Majestic Theater. Park and Washington sts. HOT WATER tanks. 30-gal. $7, 40-gal. $9. tested, guaranteed: stove and furnace East Side Weld. Sh 203 Adams. E. 8519. SPECIAL sale on berry bushes, red, black - currant, very reasonable by 1000; goose berries and strawberry plants. Tabor 3484. CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register & Scale Ex- cnange, 2jq stark st. Bdwy. 7534. WE REPAIR aaytning locks, electrio lights, vacuum cleaners, electric irons, etc. Keys made. Barretts, 154 4th Mam 5131. NEW HUDSON seal coat, size 38 or 40' worn but few times; will sacrifice for $110; reasno for selling, too small. 251 sewing macnine. in good condi- nuu. an anacumenm, 10. ijjast 6tM17. THERMATIC tireless cooker, almost new, 2 1-gal. holes. Reasonable. Main 2012. FOB 8AT;K ArTOMOBII.ES. BOB AND AL'R USED CAR MARKET. Robinson-Smith Co.. Sixth and Main Streefs. USED CARS GUARANTEED TO BE EXACTLY AS REPRESENTED. 1920 Ford roadster, starter, extras:. $325 1918 Ford touring, only 213 1917 Ford touring, special ........ 183 1918 Ford touring, bargain ls IMS Ford truck, with body .... 2"5 1921 Ford touring, lots of extras.. 395 1918 Chevrolet touring, special.... 265 Cash or Terms. STUTZ! , 6TUTZ! LIKE NEW, STUTZ 4-PASSENGER; MUST SELL "AT ONCE; TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED. CALL N. E. BURK- ITT, 20T' SELLING BLDG. STUTZ! . STUTZ! 1918 FORD touring, speedometer, shock absorbers, 1922 license, $175 DUNNING MOTOR COi, ' East Broadwav at Union East 303. APPERSON 8 4-pass., good condition; equipped cord tires: must sell; would consider small car or diamonds, balance cash or terms. Phone Broadway 5303. Car at 325 O-lisan st. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories, tubes, Ford parts, light globes, etc.; also do towing. Open day and night. LONG & SILVA, . v Phone East 6840. 402 Hawthorne BETTER VALUES IN GARAGES. GOOD STYLE, WELL BUILT, DELIVERED ERECTED, STAINED, 10x16. $55- AT TRACTIVE FACTORY PRICES. 299 WEIDLER. EAST 8SB6. 7-PASSENGER Buick. wonderful car for stage run, new upholstery, good paint, motor in wonderful condition. Bumpers, many extras. Will give lowest of terms rnone uawy. zu. 1920 BABS GRAND Chevrolet, wonderful running condition, looks like new car will sacrifice and give lowest of terms! fnone woociawn ius. il'O CHEVROLET, 1920, a wonderful" buy for someone. Must have some cash, but will give lowest of terms on balance. Phono Woodlawn 1088. MUST sell Ford touring; just overhauled fino condition; new tires; shock ab sorbers; speedometer; $175. Call into 633-68. - ' -auto. FORD TOURING, in fine condition; shock absorbers, new tires; must be sold- i;7 . Call Auto. 033-08. . ' BARGAIN Dodge touring, fine condition must sell; $260 cash. Party leaving for east. Call Tabor 6163. HAVE good Willys-Knight car (coupe) want house on which I can apply and' assume. East 5548. CHEVROLET coupe , with white wire w ucciB, imii tuuuer ir&ae on I? ord. 1921 FORD coupe, $575, all new tires than 6000 miles. Moore. East 3151. WE PUT steel teeth in your old flywheel' . crankshaft turning. H. -B. Black Ma chine shop. 534 Aider. Bdwy. 2681 BUICK SEDAN. Will -take diamonds as part payment. Bdwy. 1614. .529 Washington st. COLE 8. 1919 model. Will trade for good dia- mona, tjau Anto. dn-BP after 8:30 P. M, 1917 CHALMERS. Best buy In town for see it at jno. i Grand ave. Mr. tttuott. NEW FORD sedan, $200 less than cost. FORD eoupe from authorized dealer at uisuuuui. mil. -tt.:fv FoRD, 1921, early, J3o cas-h: new tires periect condition, East . 5.T57, FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. 31:- USED CAR TURNOVER AT COTEY MOTOR CAB .COMPANY. Used ear sales volume mean a large new car business. We are not interested In used car profits. But ws must have a large volume of used car sales. Two things will accomplish this the character of our merchan dise and the price at which it is sold. Our rebuilt ears are renewed and finished. Our guarantee as to their condition is nearly as broad as that applying .to our now cars. . REBUILT CADILLAC CARS. We are anxious to display theso cars. We want you to compare them with our new Cadillacs both as to mechanical condition and finish. The purchase of a Cadillac rebuilt by Covey Motor Car Company is an investment. The prices are always attractive., FOR YOUR COMPARISON, 1920 Cole seven-passenger, re painted, dipc wheels $1360 1920 Cole roadster, newly painted 12o0 1921 Dodge Bro& demonstra tor 9"0 1920 Dodge Bros sedan 1150 3920 Dodge Bros, touring ... tf75 3919 Dodge Bros, touring ... 585 1910 Dodge Bros, roadster... 565 1918 Dodge Bros, touring ... 495 1918 Dodge Bros, roadster... 4T5 1918 Dodge Bros, sedan .... ?45 1920 Haynes 7-passepger. re painted . 1165 1921 Marmon speedster, like new 1 27W 1920 Oldpmobile 7-passenger; 896 1919 Roamer. newly painted. 1200 -REBUILT CADILLACS. 1918 touring, new tires, paint. top 2000 1918 roadster, new tires and paint 3800 1917 touring, new top, paint. 3000 1916 touring, new top. paint. 1400 ALWAYS THE BEST CAP.S AT THE LOWEST PRICES. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 21st at Washington St. Broadway 6244. 28-30 N. Bdwy. SIXTY STANDARD USED AUTOS, 1 TO BE SOLD SEE THESE CARS BEFORE BUYING. NO BROKERAGE ON TIME SALES. C. 3. BLEASDALE, 530 ALDER ST, BDWY. 1852. FRANKLTN SEDAN. A real buy. Fully equipped with extras. Has aluminum . disc wheels, tires Al, body finish can't be told from new. Run only 5800 miles and has had the best of care. Mechanically perfect and will stand the closest inspection. Will demonstrate any time. Will con sider right car fn trade. If interested in a fine car, a real buy, call Miller, Main 6465. A REAL CAR. 1918 WILLYS-OVERLAND 6. New paint, good tires, 1922 license, very fine mechanical condition, small mileage, $60C. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st at Washington St. Bdwy. 6244. LIBERTY BONDS tJASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 207 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR. 1921 STUTZ SPECIAL 1921. $1400. Practical'ly oev; car, first-class- me , chanieal shape, 6 wire wheels, cord tires, ' windshield wings and other extras. Car was completely overhauled less than 60 days ago. This ia- a real buy. Call own er, Woodlawn 4434. FORD SEDAN. Owner must sell at once. Car can be seen at 530 Alder st. Bdwy. 1852. BUICK. Late model coupe, cord tires, extras, looks and runs like new. Owner leav ing for Europe. Will sacrifice for cash. Might consider terms to reliable party. Call Bdwy. 5593 - MUST SACRIFICE. Late 1920 6-cyl., 4-pass. Sport model, aluminum body, cord tires, carefully driven only about 4700 miles; just like new; cost $3300; will sacrifice for less than half. Phone owner. East 6250. ESSEX. Fine condition.. Lots of Power. $750. 580 ALDER ST.. NEW APPERSON ANNIVERSARY; will sacrifice 7-pass. Apperson with 5 cord tires and 5 wire wheels. This car has been run 1500 miles. Cost $4000; will sell for "$ 1950. Phone Bast 9007. , NEW GARDNER, run only 1600 miles, extra tire, spot light, windshield wiper, 1922 license; get this fine car for the ' price of an old one. Overlook Garage, Mississippi ave." and Falling st. FORD ROADSTER. Fine mechanical shape. Lots of extras. $250. 530 ALDER ST. MUST SELL. . Late model, 4-pass. Liberty, new paint, good tires and in splendid shape me chanically. Here is a real value. B 453, OrVsonian. $100 DOWN and 6 euual payments, $16 each, 1918 Studebaker, ' 4-5-pass., new top, tires, just overhauled. BRALEY. GRAHAM & CHILDS, 11th and Burnside. Bdwy. 3281. WILL sacrifice my 'lis Buick; wonderfni condition: '5 good tires, upholstery like new, must have some cash, but will give terms to responsible party; privately owned; no dealers. Phone Bdwy. 2707. FRANKLIN. ' Series OA touring, run less than 5500 miles, cheap, cash only. R. p. Grist, 710 E. 22d St. North. 1917 MAXWELL, good condition, body, upholstery and tires like new, will sac rifice and give terms. Privately owned. . No dealers. Phone Woodlawn 1088. 1920 FORD sedan, with $160 extras, runs and looks as god as new; $475 cash Private party. Call after 12 o'clock. Woodlawn 1035. OVERLAND chummy, In good mechanical condition: wire wheels, good tires. Al bargain at $275, terms to suit. 430 Burn side. WILL SELL OR TRADE. Late model Liberty Sport. Motor and tires excellent; paint like new. At least see this. Call E. 2286. 1918 DODGE touring, a renewed car, door open curtains, 5. tires, 1822 license, $495. BRALEY, GRAHAM & CHILDS, 11th and Burnslde. Bdwy. 32S1. 1918 FORD Good condition and ready to go. Gray & Davis starter, shock ab sorbers. $235. small payment; no brok- erage. Blnns. 044 Alder st. Bdwy. 2296. AM LEAVING Washington and will sell 1920 Chandler "Chummy" roadster 40 per cent below cost; mileage 8200. AV -Mid OMvnnian ONE OF Henry's coupes, 1921 model; this one is in good condition and a bargain at FIRST party with $300 cash gets a bar gain in an Oakland touring car. Phone Bdwy. 41 S9. 1918 HUDSON SUPER, A-l condition, $700. terms or cash. See Mr. Woodman at Edwards Fnrn. Co.. 8th and Oak. FOR A GOOD new or used car. come tn ! 132-134 Broadway, across from new postornce. -none iaawy. z-jfj-l. WE TEAR 'em up and sell the pieces .Portland Auto Wrecking Co..' 531 Alder. MUST sacrifice on Ford roadster; in fine condition; new paint- delivery body ilHO. Call Auto. 638-68. ' 1912 PIERCE ARROW 36, Silvartown cord tires, for sale cheap. Phone East 1922 FORD touring, without starter, good a.a nan, .um . ...,. i.i-.. Juiiiaiue, 1921 TEMPLAR roadster, very cheap, will trauc. ivniiii, juwj. 1921 NASH, 4-passenger4tvery cheap, will 1921 H. C. STUTZ, very cheap, will trade. Call Kann, Bdwy. 2994. 1921 PREMIER, like new; very cheap; will trade. Call Kann, Bdwy. 2994. 1920 STUTZ, very cheap, will trade. Call Kann, Bdwy. 2994, ifOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. THE DISTRIBuTJORS OF HUDSON AND ESSEX AUTOMOBILES. PUTTING ON A SALE OP USED CARS at very greatly 'reduced, priors, which more than correspond to the big reduction of new automobiles. We completely renew, overhaul or rebuild Hudson and Essex auto- mobiles. These are in the best of . mechanical condition; they ara also warranted the same as fac tories warrant new cars; In addi tion, we give 90 days' free me chanical service. Other makes, of used automobiles thoroughly overhauled. put in first-class condition and sold with a 10 days' free -trial, subject to being returned and full credit given on any other car of equal price that customer may select. This gives ample time for every purchaser to try out the car he buys, gives him time to have it In spected, and we want only satis fied customers. , 1921 Ford 375 1920 Maxwell 475 1919 Grant six 500 1917 Dodge 450 1919 Olds six 675 1918 Olds eight , 8S0 1919 Liberty sport model.... 800 1920 Chandler 975 1918 Overland chummy 425 1919 Chalmers 600 19.18 Cole 8, SRort model 1150 1916 Cadillac ., 1000 3919 Essex roadster 900 1921, Essex touring 950 1916 Hudson super six . 78S 191T Hudson super six 875 1918 Hudson super six , 1050 1919-1920 (model O series) Hudson super six 1100 1918 Hudson speedster. 950 1920 Hudson speedster 1450 Largest User -Car Branch Store in the City at 40-46" Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evenings. . Phone at Branch Store. J Broadway S739. : Aiso a display at ' Our Salesroom. 615-617 Washington St. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. REAL BARGAINS. 1919 Chevrolet chassis $15 1919 Chevrolet tourings 29-5 1920 Chevrolet touring 350 3917 Maxwell touring 3 85 3916 Overland touring 175 3017 Briscoe touring 10-5 1917 Chevrolet touring 195 1917 Ford touring 14 1918 Ford touring ........... 225 1919 Ford touring 250 1919 Ford roadster 285 1917 Ford roadster 225 3920 Ford touring, starter. .7. 335 1920 Ford roadster, starter... 21tfr . 1920 Ford roadster; starter. . . 325 3020 Ford touring, starter.... 350 1920 Ford chassis, starter 285 1920 Ford sedan 495 1H20 Ford sedan 625 1021 Ford sedan. 62-5 Ford bug 225 DELIVERY CARS. . . 3918 Chevrolet panel delivery. 273 1017 Ford express body 285 1917 Ford express 175 1920 Ford express ;. 395 1919 Ford 1-ton stake body... 395 1918 Ford 1-ton brand new, express body 395 191S Ford 1-ton, express body 325 1915 Ford delivery 145 Open evenings until 9 o'clock and all -day Sunday. Liberal terms. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO., Grand Ave. and Hawthorne. East 3770. USED CARS. PRICED TO SELL. 1920 Briscoe, new paint. 1922 li cense, cord tires 4D0 1918 Cole 8, new paint, cord tires.. 400 1920 Roamer, wire wheels, 5 new s . cord tires, new paint 1500 1919 Paige, original finish. 700 1917 Saxon 6, 5-pass 200 1921 Ford roadster, also inclosed delivery body 450 1913 Franklin, lust the car trt en camping in this summer 300 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., Tenth and Burnside. Bdwy. 62L FORD. Late model Ford with starter and electrical equipment; very good condition, 1922 license, $320 and terms. Call East 30-2. - $9 WEEKLY $9. BUYS '- ' A NEW FORD. Investigate our new plan, buy a new tf-ora, - u a weeK. . vvny ride tne street cars when you can buy a new Ford. WM. I HUGHSON CO., Bdwy. 321. Bdwy. and Davis. 1021 FORD TOURING CAR. Looks fine and in fine mechanical condition; has starter and demountable rims, 5 good tires and 1922 license; a Dargain; win sen on easy terms. Phone Kast iwoj. f 1919 FORD roadster, tip-top shape; will sell for $250 and give terms. Seliwood S166. HAYNES MODEL 45. Refinlshed 7-pass. Owing to the ex ceMent mechanical condition, we will give same guarantee as on new car. HAYNES AGENCY, Bdwy. 1614. 529 Washington St. OVERLAND 4-PASSENUKR. Condition right. Wire Wheels. $300. 530 ALDER ST. 1921 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET touring car, looks and runs like -a new car; will .sacrifice $760 or consider cheap 490 Chevrolet or Ford,- in trade and give terms on balance. Phone East 178. CHEVROLET TOURING. Original finish. 1 " Just overhauled. $290. B30 ALDER ST. 1922 FORD SEDAN, bumpers and every thing in the way of extras; $150 dis. count. This is absolutely new. See Mr. Pawebn at Francis Motor Car Co.. Grand ave. at Hawthorne! 1921 CHEVROLET touring, run 3500 mileai Looka and runs like new car; with 19-22 license; will sacrifice for $375; $165 as first payment; balance monthly. Call Woodlawn 6825. . LATE Oldsmobile six touring for sale, very reasonable: car equipped with 5 cord tires, spotlight and bumper; pri vately owned; only driven on city pave ment. For information call East 1729. CADILLAC. Model 55, 7-pass,, good condition; cord tires. $1150. . . 1 A. C. STEVENS. Bdwy. 1634. 529 Washington St. NEW APPERSON 7-pass., $1950. New Studebaker big 6, $1450. New guarantee with either 'car. , OBYE-GERWIG MOTOR CO., - 329 Flanders, near Bdwy. NEW NASH 5-passenger, never been used, sold at a sacrifice. Will take your old car in trade and give terms; a real buy. Call Propst. Broadway 407'5. LIGHT 6 1920 Buick touring car, good tires, refinished, in perfect mechanical condition; will take light car in trade. Also extra tire. Call Tabor 3548. MUST SELL at once, late model Hup in excellent condition throughout, 5 new cord tires, small payment down, with some terms. Call owner, Wdln. 6625. VELIE SIX touring car for $350; looks . good and bas very good tires; will demonstrate for mechanical condition. Call Propst, Broadway 467-5. 1917 BUICK little 6 touring car; over hauled; pantasote top; 1922 license; 5 good tires; newly painted, $475. Phone Tabor 4459. CHANDLER, the popular 1920 series, 7 passenger: a mighty good buy at the price I will make. Call Jaggor, Broad way 4375. HAS 'TO BE SOLD. A fine family used Velie at 6739 Pow ell Valley road. Cor. E. 8th st. 1912 CADILLAC, good rubber, new bijr tery, ready to go, $100. Call EllidK, East oils, FOB BALE AUTOMOBILES. 34 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUT FROM US. 1 We are selling our used can en basis of dollar for dollar value. ' Prices were never so low on used cars. 2 We tell you the truth .about . the cars. Most of them have been overhauled, rebuilt, refin- . .- " - ished; many of them carry guarantees same as a new car. 8 -We make easy terms with no charges far brokerage. 4 191701ds, 5-8 ...... ....$35 1920 Ford, 5-4 375 , 61918 Mitchell, 7-8 D25 7 -Briscoe, 5-4 825 8 1918 Mitchell roadster .... 500 9 1920 Shandler. 7-8 .......1000 10 1918 Overland. 5-4 200 11 1917 Saxon,- 6-8 200 12 1911 White, 5-4 200 13 1918 Olds, 7-8 750 - 14 1917 Mitchell.' R- ....... 650 - 151919 Mitchell. 7-S 700 16 1918 Jordan, 4-6 .....1350 17 191 8 Paige, 5-6 .. 650 18 1919 Velie. 5-6 . 750 19 1920 Jordan, 7-6 1650 20 1916 Packard 7. Twin six. 1600 21 3920 Mitchell, 6-8 1150 22 1921 Mitchell. 5-8 1275 23 1915 Cadillac, 7-8 650 24 1918 Studebaker, 7-6 300 25 1919 Mitchell, 6-6 70 26 1918 Jordan, 6-6 1350 27 1!)20 Mitchell. 5-6 1150 2S 1921 Jordan, f-6 2000 29 1919 Mitchell, 6- 750 30 1918 Mitchell. 7-6 i 500 31 1919 Mitchell. 6-8 750 32 1918 Liberty, 5-6 650 33 1918 Briscoe, 5-4 375 34 And here is the biggest reason of ail why you should buy one -of our cars; MITCHELL, LEWIS. & STAVER CO., 39 Years in the Northwest. BROADWAY AND EVERETT, BROADWAY 4075. OPEN SUNDAYS FROM 10 to 3 P. M. WHAT WILL YOU PAY . FOR A USED CART Here's your chance to buy a -rood, dependable car at a reasonable price. 1921 Ford, coupe,' extras $575 1915 Ford touring, special 125 1919 Ford truck with body 325 1920 Ford roadster, starter 325 3920 F6rd touring, starter , 3S5 1919 Chevrolet touring, like new... 335 1917 Buick 6 touring, bargain 525 Cash or Terms. ROBINSON-SMITH CO., Sixth and Madison St. Authorized FORD Dealer. HODES AUTO PARTS CO Auto wreck ers, parts all makes cars for leas. 522 Aider, corner 16th. Bdwy. 3638. 1920 BUICK cheap, will trade. Call Kann, Bdwy. 2094. Automobiles Wanted. I CAN use A ffnod late-mode! auto: will trade 160 acres of level land in White Hgrse valley of Harney county. This land is worth a-beut $8 an acre, but I have no use lor it, nut can .use. a goon car, land is clear of incumbrance. Write AJ 7, Oregonian. . CARS WANTED. Bring your car to the auction house for quick sale and full value; small com mission charged; fireproof bidg., steam heated. Phone Broadway 2329. Corner sixth and Everett sts... west siae $900 EQUITY in Bend, balance easy pay ments, 5-room bungalow; modern; gar den, chicken yard, woodshed. Well lo cated. Will exchange for an automobile or fruniture in apta. or rooming house. BC 417. Oregonian. WOODSTOCK. Beautiful little 8-room cottage, 2 lots, over a dozen fruife trees, chicken bouse, rabbit -pen; nice neighborhood. Price $1300. Will accept automobile as first payment. Phone Mr. Krog, Bdwy. 37. LATE 1919 Ford, good condition, and 400 shares Oatman Amalgamated gold mm tner stock: will stand strict investigation: valued $1 share,, par value; will exchange for later model, pnone Auto, I CAN use a good iate Ford touring or roadster in exchange for a girod Bruns wick phonograph, 'about 85 records; val. about $300; may give some cash. What have you? Write K. R 100 Grand ave. LET US sell your car. We charge no com mission. ' OBYE-GERWIG- MOTOR CO., 329 Flanders, near Bdwy. ARE YOU thinking ot a new touring car or sedan in a light car? if so. 1 can use your used car aa first payment. Call Auto. 633-68 . WE WRECK THEM Highest cash price paid tor old cars, condition no oojecu AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. THIRD AND GLISAN. . LATE model Buick or Dodge touring car wanted; price must be reasonable. 615 cnam. 01 com. Diag. CARS WANTED to wreck, parts for all cars tor less. S. & S. Auto Wrecking Co., 15th and Alder. Broadway 636. BUICK LIGHT SIX roadster, not later than 1920. Spot cash. No dealers. AO 412. Oregonian. , TRADE S. E. corner lot, 34th and Prescott. clear, lor nosa coupe. Jfllkington. Cdwy. 5433: WM PAY cash for late model Fords, Dodges, Studebaker or any standard cars. Call at 329 Flanders st. WANT used Ford as part payment on new light car. Call Auto. 633-b. CASH lor all makes of cars, condition no object. 414 Giisan at totn. .powy. zva. EXCHANGE painting on payment pf car. Broadway 5336. LIGHT delivery wanted, reasonable. U16 Union ave. N. Wdln. 148 WANTED Qne good used truck, 5 tons or over. M. Hards & sons. 24U Front st. Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLES and parts, all makes. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-46 Grand Avenue. FOR MOTORCYCLES : AND BICYCLES TRY US. 209 THIRD ST. MAIN 6139. 1920 H. D. MOTORCYCLE, side car . and license, $15Q. Jail Baiior, Bdwy. 403. Auto Tires and Accessories. FORD PARTS. For Your convenience. . Our parts- department will be open every evening until e:au o'ciock, ana an day Sundays, with a competent parts man in cnai sc. TALBOT & CASEY, INC., East Ankeny and Grand Ave. MECHANICS' tools, all kinds of hard ware, at , removal sale. Chown Hard ware Co., 223 Morrison St., below 2d. Automobiles for Hire. OREGON USED CAR EXCHANGE. New cars for rent without drivers; reasonable rates; open day and night. S25 Giisan St., between Broadway and 6th St. Phone Bdwy. 5593. $1.25 per hour. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driv ers. Day and night service. COUCHMAN GARAGE, l!)th and Couch. Broadway 3996 Rpiember our number. Broadway 8696. H. S. BENNETT CARS FOR HIRE WITH OUT DRIVHfRS. ARMY GARAGE, 3D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 368L AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. CITY GARAGE. 132 12th St. Bdwy. 840. 6-CYLINDEK 5-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 3547. For Exchange Automobile. TRADE Chev., new top and battery, for piano or lot. Phone -raoor a4 or can 1063 Hawthorne ave., 8 to 5. TRADE motorcycle and side car for bug. G 462, Oregonian. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. NEW TRUCKS. Why buy cheap or used trucks when you can buy a brand-new Commerce one-ton for $1157, and the H4-ton for $1277? All standard units, electric lights and cord tires. Lafaw Motor Car Co., 9th and Couch. Broadway 118. Open Sunday. USED TRUCKS. ' " Oldsmobile 1-ton, with body .....-..$525 Ford 1-ton, 1920 chassis 325 2-ton, 4-wheel trailer (new) ..... 450 LAFFAW MOTOR CAR CO., 8th and Couch. Open Sunday. - - TRAILER. I have three logging trailers, fully equipped, 8tt and 5-ton capacity; one has special steering device to use in hauling 90-foot Doles. Write F. V. Par sons, No. 7 Grand ave., or phone me East Kll. BIGGEST SNAP IN CITY. New 1-ton Nash truck with Goodyear cord pneumatic tire& Electric lights and starter. Regular pria $2450. Our price $1000. OBYE-GERWIG MOTOR CO., 329 Flanders, near Bdwy. 214-TON NEW Paige truck at a big sac rifice to be sold at less than wholesale - price on very easy terma Investigate this If you can use it. Cook &' Gill, 100 n. Broaaway. I NEARLY new 2 -ton Denby, run only 4 months, cost $2250: will sell for $1300. F. 19. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. Broadway 6776. A-l HAULING contract with purchase of light truck; bona fide contract; bears lnveHrMnn? 11000 will hnnrilA u Mr. Kilton, 430 Burnslde. FOR SALE TKTJCKg AND TRACTORS. 5-TON GMC, a large husky oversized truck that will carry any load your roads will stand $ 750 4-ton Packard, a humdinger for '. 975 ihi -ton GMC, carefully over hauled and repainted, over size tires 2450 2&-ton Republic the motor is out of this truck, rear wheels are off, transmission is open, you will never find - a better opportunity to thoroughly examine a truck 1350 1- ton GMC, thoroughly over hauled 1650 2- ton White. We have thor oughly overhauled, every unit in this truck and will be glad to show you a rec ord of new parts and work done 1650 J&-ton White, overhauled from stem to stern 1250 1-ton White, in good run- . ning order 750 1-ton GMC equipped with 35x5 pneumatic tires, plat form body and cab 875 Z-ton Fprd, worm drive, looks like a new truck 300 1-ton chain drive Ford, body, 1918 motor 150 1-ton Republic, solid tires, good furniture body 375 -ton GMC, 35x5 pneumatic tires, thoroughly overhauled 500 Light delivery Chevrolet, only slightly used 275 Ford light delivery, self etarter, in good shape 350 WENTWORTH & IRWIN, INC.. Main 2892. 200 Second St.. Cor. Taylor. Open on Sundays from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. TWO OR THREE 3-ton dump trucks, 1920 model, very low price or trade for what have you?' East 6228. 'AUTO REPAIRING. FORD overhauling and repairing done at your garage. Price - very reasonable. Phone Main 5787. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. MEYER. THE TAILOR, PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR SUITS, OVER COATS, MACKINAWS, SHOES. WS CALL ANYWHERE IN THE CITY. DAY OR EVENING. CALL MAR. 1229 OR 253 MADISON ST.. NR. THIRD ST. SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS BOUGHT-W pay highest prices. Ore gon Tailors and Cleaners. 117 2d st. N. W. corner Washington. Bdwy. 7241. WE WILL ALLOW YOU $5 to $15 for your discarded suit In payment on a suit ' made to order and you can 'pay us the balance on easy monthly payments. Bring in your u;fd suit and apply it on a new one. Joy, T.he Tailor, 104 Fourth, near Stark. GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES, ETC. BROADWAY 3939. 245U "RtlRVSlDK. BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD IAL.L. ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. FURS FURS FURS. Low rent and low prices; remodeling and repairing, furs tanned and dressed. La France Fur Mfg. Co.. 163 West Park street. . r none Main B."J. MAIN 7714. Used furniture of any kind, tools and general household goods, bought for cash; good -prices . paid. West Portland salvage LP. NOTICE TO PUBLIC. Do not throw things away. We pay good pricea for used furniture, tools. clothing, stoves, carpets and all kinds or junk. Phone Main lu'l'K IF YOU wish to seil your cast-off clothing call Mar. 8223. 209 Madison St. People's Secondhand Store. WANTED 10O0 men to wear $4, $5 and $6 nats at ei.vo. step lively, zoi wash- ington -ST.. petween and 3d. WANTED Maps and equipment for fire insurance otrice. b.i 378, Oregonian. DIAMONDS bouht at highest market HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles, shot guns. Hochfeld, 85 Third, near Oak. SAFfcl Second-hand; will pay cash if price rignt. AO 422, orego n ian. WANTED To buy No. 1 dry old-growth m tum.uuu, taiiumi 10m. pqwy. WILL dj printing in exchaifge. for suit of new ctotnes. ah eta, oregonian. Furniture VT anted. CALL MARSHALL 2(193. I pay absolutely the right price for household goods; a home full of furni ture or one article; 1 need tables, chairs, dressers, beds, chiffoniers and good rugs! roll-top desks and good stools. If you are ready to sell call Marshall 2693. I win pe mere promptly witn casn. CASH FURNITURE CASH. We need used furniture, stoves, ranges, etc., to ship out of town; will pay higher prices than other local dealers: call us for one article or a house full ana a ccurreous, competent buyer wi call. Broadway 22U0, 72 North 3d St., Rosenberg's Furniture Exchange. CALL MAIN 73S. CASH PAID FOR USED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS; WE PAY MORE THAN ANY LOCAL DEALER; GIVE US A TRIAL. USED FURNITURE EXCHANGE, CALL MAIN 738. CALL MAIN S878. We pay the highest prices for used zurnnure. see us oexore you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE, Main 8878. WE PAY as much as any dealer can for used furniture, in cash or in exchange for what you want in up-to-date new furniture. M. H, Calef, furniture, 140 KlUingswortn. wooaiawn Pol4. I NEED furniture, rugs, stoves and tools of all descriptions in single pieces or in lots; will pay more than local dealers; prompt attention given. Call East 2405. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE or any description: nave tne ready cash. Phone today. Main 4H27. or 166 First st. WE WILL BUY your furniture or Bell for you on commission. George Baker & Co., auctioneers. Main 3332. FURNITURE wanted to furnish up a nome. t:au Auto, zo-ai. WANT roll and flat-top desk and adding machine. O. N. Babcock. Bdwy. 2739 EDUCATIONAL. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. You want nothing but the best. Here It Is. Standardized with schools In 60 other cities. Best laboratories, beat shop equipment and instructions. Actual shop pi actice-given on real repair jobs. Results absolutely - guaranteed. The time for you to go to school la while business is quiet, prepare now lor Dig business opening in a tew months. In quire Oregon Institute of Technology. Main st at Sixth. Ex-service men get STATE AID. AN OUTLINE" OF OUR COURSES an acquaintance with our superior fac ulty an Investigation of our methods and service and you will know why we are known as THE SCHQOL OF QUALITY. Link's Business College expanded into the NORTHWESTERN SCHOOL OF COMMERCE. Morrison at 10th (Tilford Bidg.) Broadway 5083 HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN Nation-wide demand at high salaries; paBt experience unnecessary ; we train you by mail and put you in touch with big opportunities everywhere. Write at once for particulars. Desk 1418, Wash ington, IXC. - MOHLER BARBER COLLEGE will teacj you the trade in 8 weeks, furnish a set of tools to you and give some pay while learning; positions secured; former ex service men receive state aid while at tending our school Write or call' for catalogue and particulars. 234 Burnslde. THE LITTLE CANDY FACTORY offers a unique course in practical candy mak ing, which may be completed in less than a week. Afternoon and evening classes at 2:30 and 7:30. Course starts Tuesday. Bdwy. 4599. 510 Dekum bidg. HOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN Nation wide demand at high salaries; past ex perience unnecessary; we train you by mail and put you in touch with big op portunities everywhere. Write at once tor particulars. Desk 1418, Washington, D. C. OREGON BARBER COi.LEGJU will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Morrison. MODERN barber college teaches trade in 8 wks. tools furnished, some pay; posi- '-- tion secured; special rate this month. Write or call for particulars. 234 1st st ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Wells, ex-aasist. state supt, mgr., N. W. Bank bidg. Auto. 512-13. ' MISS MATTINGLY'S Private School, Shorthand. Typewriting, day, evening. 269 14th. near Jeferson. Main 3893. LEARN TELEGRAPHY' Railway Tele graph Institute, 434 Railway Exchange Diag. rNigut mnaacg. NIGHT SCHOOL beauty culture. Madam '-..-.I- 7tHttv AOft'A FISK Teachers Agency Journal bidg. Main 4835. Teaching position, free reg. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bidg. LEARN beauty oulture evenings. Madam Curt's Bdwy. 6B02. IF YOU WANT lo learn the vulcanizing business call 158 Bast Broadway, EDUCATIONAL. FOUR WEEKS" TRAINING FREE. We have hundreds of graduates now successfully engaged In the auto, trac tor, battery and the auto electrical busi ness. We can assist you to a good posi tion, too. We give you a four weeks' FREE TRIAL. No money in advance. The trial obligates you in no way. It affords you an excellent opportunity to size up our school and test your qualifi es tions to lern mechanical work. Full prticulars in our new 112-page cata log. Call or write for it today. Ask for book No. 5; !t's free. ADCOX AUTO AND AVIATION SCHOOL, UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. Wooglawn or Alberta gar, 3d and Alder. BIO DEMAND FOR COMPTOMETER OPERATORS. We are daily receiving calls for com petent comptometer operators. Steady employment, good salariea Take a course pow and begin to earn money. Behnke Walker Business College, 4th. near Mor rison. Phone M 590. The school of private secretaries. BBHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Enioll now and aa soon as you are competent there will be a permanent. well-paying position awaiting you. Sten ography, banking, secretaries, account, ir.g, eta Free catalogue. Phone Mala 690, or call at Fpurthyiiear Morrison. LARGEST SCHOOLS in the west devoted to the training in automotive, storage battery, welding and vulcanizing trades; we teach with tools, not books, in our shops, where you learn, by doing; no time limit on our courses; stay until you are an expert for the one tuition. Our employment department as sists you to find a good position when finished. Branch schools in principal cities in the U. S. and Canada. Free transfers to alL Free catalogue upon request- HEMPHILL'S AUTO-TRACTOR SCHOOLS. 707 Hawthorne Ave.. Portland, Or. PORTLAND DISPLAY MEN'S SCHOOL. Window Trimming, Show Card Writing, Commercial Art. Night classes' beginning March 1. School now located at 330-336 E. Mor rison st. New and complete equipment. Classes instructed by Portland's most prominent display men. For full information regarding courses, call at school or phone East 639. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED by large corporation with many avenues for advancement young men be tween ages of 23 and 28 to enter their employ. Applicants must have high school education, college education pre ferable. Positions open, will give ap plicants opportunity to learn all phases of company's business and advancement will be based upon merit alone. Those possessing selling ability or having well defined desire to associate with publio will receive preference. Make applica tion In your own hand writing giving all qualifications. D 447, Oregonian. ' ' YOUNG MAN! Take tnls tip: The one best place in the city to assist YOU In finding a position in a clerical com mercial or technical line is the Y. M. C A. employment department. You can get reliable information and they will mul tiply your chances and put you next to opportunities that you will never find through your own efforts alone. All young men and especially strang ers are cordially invited to talk wiih - one of the secretaries. Room, 307, Y. M. C. A. FIRST-CLASS experienced retail credit manager for local store: must furnish first-class credentials. Write BC 473, Oregonian, stating references and salary expected. OLD LINE life insurance company wants manager for western Oregon. He must be between 25 and 40 years of age, of good character, possess energy and in telligence and be able to furnish bond. Experience advantageous. Maximum con tract equivalent to $5000 first year. Splendid permanent position. Address W. I. Fraser, director of agents, Pierre, South Dakota. LIVE WIRE to take orders for complete line of hosiery; exclusive territory, big pay and steady work. We have a high class organization of men who are sup porting their families in comfort in a pleasant occupation. If you are too dig nified for honest house-to-house work, do not waste our valuable time, 35 Rus sel bidg., 4th and Morrison. 5 LARGE wood-cutting contracts to let to responsible parties. Everything fur nished, bedding excepted. Cash bond equivalent to 25 per cent of face of con tract will be- required to insure faithful' performance and care of equipment. Particulars from 9 A. M." to 12 today. 26ft 3d st. . WE HAVE a good opening for a book binder who thoroughly understands paper stock for a position as stock cutter and to handle help In a small bindery. Thia !s a good position for the right man. Give references and experience first let ter. AJ 449, Orefronlan NEAT-APPEARING single young man not over 25 to travel with manager on spe cial selling campaign; permanent posi tion to right man; expenses advanced. See Mr. Scharfe from 11 to 12 or 3 to 4, Oregon hotel. . ' TWO WOOD CUTTERS $1.85 cord. "Slash and pile up brush; must be partners and have tools, batch outfit and enough cash to handle yourselves for 2 weeks; cabin and stove furnished. Close in. For par ticulars, see Mr. Heup. 301 Halsey st. LEARN TO SELL REAL ESTATE. If you are a hustler and a sticker you can make good, Prefer men without experience. Kindly call or phone for nnolntment before coming in. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Exch. WANTED A man of goad habits to work on farm for good cows, or will pay email wages. Will board the mar.; a. young single man preferred. Address, R. F. P., No. 1, Box 91. Warren. Or. LOGGERS AND MILL MEN, When In Ceniralla, Wash., Call at DELANEY EMPLOYMENT SERVICE!, 107H South Tower Ave. WANTED Young man over 1. good stenographer, with a view of breaking into duties as secretary to manager. State age, qualifications, phone number, etc. S 408. Oregonian. WANTED One cutup man for window frame factory; must be ' familiar with the stock required; wages $4 for 8 hours: out of town;1 state experience. AV 214. Oregonian. WANTED PLANING MILL SAW FILER, MAN WHO CAN GRIND KNIVES. AP PLY 4-L EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 33 N. 3D. NEAR BURNSIDE. i WANTED Ford salesman. Bigirest op portunity ever for a good man; $9 week Iv buvs a new Ford. Wm. L. Hughson Co.. 60 N. Bdwy. Mgr. MAN who can pack shingles; all summer job. Bring blankets. See C. F. Murray at 454 Belmont, East 7389' before 10 o'clock if possible. FOR HELP PHONE STAR EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, BROADWAY 5286. MAN to sell Ford cars, trucks and tractors! unusual opportunity for man who wiU work. Verdenius-Robinspn Motor Co.. Milwaukle. Or. MACHINE-SHOP foreman for large shop In city; state experience and qualifica tions fully. AR 474, Oregonian. ADVERTISING solicitors, contractors' pa per, official organ; commission. Clyde, Marshall 2310 . WANTED Immediately, expert dyer ar-d cleaner. Apply at once. Idaho Cleaning Work, 138 Ninth St.. Lewlston, Idaho. COUNTY and state representatives for Oregon and Washington, new article. Mr. Conklin, 207 Hotel Eaton. CYLINDER press feeder wanted at once for night shift. Columbia Paper Box; Co.. 25th and Holladay. CYLINDER pressman wanted at once tot night shift. Columbia Paper Box Co E. 25th and Holladay. WANTED Painting, repair work in ex- change for lot. S 453, Oregonian. AMATEUR acts of all kinds; good pay. Little Theater, 23d and Washington. SOLICITOR, percentage basis. Arbor Lodge Tailors & Cleaners, 13SQ Greeley, WANTED Al carpenter-finisher, $6. 39tbj and Royal court. WANT handy man. $1.60 an hour, lona job. C 450. OTegonian.. .. WANTED Man to distribute bills. Mc Coy. 93 Grand ave. East 3426. BUSH ELM AN wanted. Apply Jimmy Dunn, Bush & Lane bidg. TAILOR wanted. Terminal Tailors, 373 : Yamhill st. ' Help Wanted Salesmen. OUR new 1922 Renulife line is now ready. : surpassing anything attempted la Violet Ray outfits; agents wanted every where. Violet Ray Hdqs., 218 Cham, of Com, bidg. SALESMAN with car to take charge ot business chance dept. ; must be a hustler and honest; we get results. McFarland, realtor. Falling bidg. YOUNG man to learn sales work; must not be afraid to work;, can earn goo4 money while you learn. Call 133 loth. Saturday morning. SALESMEN For Astoria, Salem and Thi Dalles; also two men for city: refer ence. Call or write, 3 to 6, 205 Artisan bidg. North Ridge Brush Co. STATE rights open for exclusive sales management with a promising future and good, substantial money-maker. Iim quirie 348 Flanders. PERMANENT position for capable sale, man. with or without car. Aula FaL Ptptrimitlnc . Co., 358 Burnsilda st. I WANT several experienced7 advcriiii solicitors. 210 Stock Exca. bidg. 4 N