16, THE MORNING OREGON IAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1922 REPOHTED HOLD-UP FIE SOIiDIEU FABRICATES IX OR DER TO lET MONEY. Detectives Devote Several Hours to Checking Up Alleged Robbery of John A. McDonald. After four detectives had devoted eeveral hours to checking up a re ported holdup on the Ain-sworth dock, John A. McDonald, soldier in motor transport company 10, 3d division trains, admitted that his story waa fabricated in order to obtain money to last 'him until payday from the American Legion. McDonald is said by the police to have gone to the American L.egion headquarters tn the city and told them that he had been held up and robbed of $18.20 on the lower slip of the Ainsworth dock. He described the robber minutely, saying that he was about 30 years old, six feet tall and wore overalls and a slouch cap. The xobber was supposed to have carried black revolver. Officers of the American Legion took McDonald to headquarters, where be repeated his story. Two detec tives immediately went out to search the vicinity of the Ainsworth dock And worked fruitlessly for several hours. Yesterday Detectives Coleman and i Collins checked up on McDonald. He i had just come from San Francisco and had paid his own way. To get to Portland he paid his fare out of (30 !he had saved during a period of two 'months. When the fare was sub- tracted from that amount It left less ' than McDonald reported he was Jobbed of. Captain Harms and the detectives .severely reprimanded McDonald, but .released him without placing charges. IiCbanon Cannery to Operate. LEBANON, Or., Feb. 17. (Special.) 'Announcement has been made by the present owners of the Lebanon canning plant, formerly the property of A. Rupert company, that the plant will be operated the coming season at full capacity, if fruit and vege tables can be obtained. With the es tablishment of this cannery a few years ago, many persons planted ber ries and small fruits with the object of supplying the cannery, and the closing of the cannery was a severe blow to them. Much of this kind of fruit last year was lost or sold at a price that scarcely paid for more than the picking ana cultivation. These growers have held on to their fields with the hope that the cannery would get on its feet again. i Phone your want ad9 to the Ore gon i a nAIan 7070:Autom UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS A 130. 203, 446, 429, 417, 436, 406, 399, 450, 423. B 112, 408, 386, 401, 446, 403, 888, 418, 43S, 42H, 400. 411, 434. C 428, 410. 301, 415, 432, 425, 430, 416, 445, 14. 414. I) 114. 42!), 20, 303. 241, 495, 304. 447. E 432, 425, 430, 485, 600, 213, 442, 421, 392, 448. 31)3. F 438, 412, 424, 428, 405, 444, 415, 439, 421, 415. 401. ti 406, ' 417, 450. 434, 423, 385, 394, 423, 234. 36S. 435. 431. II 104, 415, 381, 432, 449, 418. 401, 26. ' ,1 31, 423, 445, 407. 411, 442. K 21, 4)6. 430, 443. 381. 412, 421, 424, 880, 420, 455, 433, 415. 443. I. 438, 312, 42. 531. 430, 537, 446. 436. SI 111", 408. 415, 447, 449, 382. N !:, 413. 407, 446, 412. 311. O 128, 394, 411, 427, 362. 425, 145, 369, 417. I" 444, 407, 247. 436, 7S. 428, 436. K (24. 300, 301, 436, 297, 267, 400. 367. S 412. 432, 435, 416. 302, 438, 397. 440, 400, 425. 44. 426. V 150, 431. 435. 447, 418, 428. 411. W 101, 445, 396. 449. 425, 426, 407. X 107, 436, 446, 416, 381, 416, 447, 401, 422, 442, 400, 448. V 20, 06. 873, 81. 401. 412. 393, 65, 443. 423. 422, 874, 425. AB 406. 445. 405. 424. 402. 436, 444. 40S, 403, 430. 449. AC 421, 445. 430. 446. 422, 430. 442. AK 115. 446, 449, 215, 408, 444, 442, 421. AF 401. 449, 426, 448. 434, 447, 442, 444, 410. 437. A(i MIS. 381. 443. 422. 406. 437. 403, 429, 426, 442, 433, 444, 441. 245. , AH 145, 450. 401, 421, 435, 434, 428, 446, 424, 417. 447. 406, 440. A.J 102, 444, 422, 448, 33S, 418, 3S8, 420, 438, 48S, 7. 405, 402. 441. 874. AK 412, 402, 416, 404, 444, 447. 408, 359. rtl. 9-ti, dtn, 9U4, 44U. AM 412, 432. 413, 443. 440, 437, 446. AN 145, 449, 435, 440, 403, 430, 443. AO 370, 09,' 430, 439, 443. 433. 440. AP 404, 411). 430. 414. 401. 400, 37S, 418, AH 408. 411, 223, 405. 410, 3S4, 450. 40: 399. 447. 449. BC 128. 416, 449 HI) 410. 420. 442, 4li. 441. 440. 422, 423. 306. 418, 406, 439, 454, 421, BK 443, 447, 436, 418, 345, 439. lij 435, 440, 422. 433. 420. Above answers will be destroyed if not t-aiifu inr wnnin six aays. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 151) courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its home, 635 Columbia Boulevard. Phone any time. Wood lawn 734. Dogs for sale. Horse am bulance for Sick or disabled horses. hniall animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary and stray animal carea lur. ah aeaa animals, cows. Dorses, etc.. picKed up. Alll'SKMEXTS. IJS THE STORM WITH tMAJ intiOl UKM EDWARD ARNOLD CHlI.3 "I" STUPENDOUS SCENEfft AND ELECTRICAL EFFtCTS BILL ROBINSON gEDrOPD & WINCHESTER nrnrpTniAinvj 13ttfl Foalunn GEORGE R BROWN Worlds ttmiMMtf ' r JESS LIBONATI dUKl UUKUUN PIERCE KEEGAN &MARJ0R1E O'BOBRKE B toVtf 1 V'ib rUKU NOW PLAYING The Great Rural Comedy Drama PEACEFUL VALLEY See the Perpendicular Farm. See the Quaint New England Village Folks. LY RIG MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY "WHOSE BABY IS IT?" That Doesn't Keailjr .Matter, of Course, For lf All In Kun. Afternoons at 2 KveniuKs at 7 and 0. PANTAGEg Mats Daily. 2:30; Eve., 7 and 9 Saturday and Sun., Continuous. The Brilliant Musical Comedy THE ROMANTIC TEACHER With Robert Capron, Muriel Rastrick. THE OKLAHOMA FOl'R MKRED1TH AND SNOOZER. "America's Wisest Dog." 5 OTHER BIG-TIME ACTS 6 reb. 17, 1H. Contlnuou. 1 to 11 P. M. "WHO AM I?" ARTHLK UK AG ON. Musical Comedy Star. Prices: Afternoons. children 10c, adults 20c; evenings, children 17c, adults 3ic. OS THIS RAKED SmJ STOCK COMPANY II AMUSEMENTS. LfrjTT T Broadway at Taylor l 'L.1L1 VJ 1-bnne Main 1 MATISEF! TODAY AT 2 tM TONIGHT t 8 David Belasco Presents did nan IN "THE RETURN OF PETER GRIMM" PRICES EVE'S AND SAT. MAT. Floor, $3; Balcony, J2.50, 2. $1.50; Gallery, jl, 77c. Add 10 per cent war tax. -Curtain RUea at 2 and 8 P. M. THE CIRCLE THEATER Fourth at Washington. Open from 8 o'clock in the morning Until 4 o'clock the following- morning MEETIXO NOTICES. WASHINGTON1 LODGE, No. 46. A. F. and A. M. Special communication Saturday eve ning. Feb. 18, 7 o'clock. East 8th and Burnside. M. M. de eree in full form, followed by public school night as per request of the grand master. An interesting programme is arranged. All members of this lodge urged to be present. Visitors cordially in vited. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Sec HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. Ill, A. P. AND A. M. Special communication this (Saturday) morning at 11 o'clock at lodge room for the purpose of con ductins the funeral services of our late brother, Harry Jerome Kelly. Services will be held at Flnley's chapel. Members urged to attend. Visitors welcome. Please bring autos. C. EX MILLER. Sec. SUNNTSIDE LODGE. NO. 163. A. F. AND A M., 39th and Hawthorns. Special, Feb. 18, at 7 P. M. M. M. degree. BIG MASQUERADE BALL. EUREKA COUNCIL NO. 204, SECURITY BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, Monday evening. Feb. 20, east side W. O. W. hall. East 6th and Alder. Beautiful large well ventilated nan wltn best dance floors in the city. Fine union orchestra. Cash prizes will be given for the best dressed, most original most comic and best sustained character. Admission 35c including war tax. ATTENTION, VOTARIES. Regular meeting of Ab duht Atef Temple, No. 117, D. O. K. K., will be held Saturday, February 18, on the filth floor of the Pyth ian building, 388 Yamhill street. Important busi ness. AIL Votaries are urged Visiting Votaries welcome. to be present. By ,order of the R. V. ThAl) Li. liKAVLS, Bee. B. P. O. E.. N. 143 Members are requested to meet at chapel of J. P. Fin ley & Son this (Saturday) morning at 11 :30 o'clock to conduct the funeral serv ices of our late brother, Harold J. Kelly. Visiting members invited to attend. M. R. SPAULDING, Secretary. COLUMBIA RE6EKAH LODGE, NO. 3, I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Satur- ' 11th. corner Burnside. Initia tion. Visitors cordially invited. ANNA L. OSVOLD, Secretary. IONIC COURT NO. 1. ORDER OF THE AMARANTH. Regular meeting this (Saturday) evening at Pythian temple at 8 o'clock. ALICE C. GIBBS. Secretary. MASQUERADE BALL. SERVICE CIRCLE NO. S50. N. OP W.. give the 4th of their Beries of dancing parties Monday evening. Feb. 20. Lome ana spend a jolly evening witn us at 10th and Taylor sts., N. of W. hall; union music; prizes. Admission 40c. in cluding ttar tax. CHAIRMAN ENT. COM. ROSE CITY MARATHON GUARD OF THE W. B. A Or fH2 MACCABEES are giving a firet-clas entertainment at 8:15 and card party at 9:15 on Friday evening, February 24. w. O. W. hall. 12S 11th st .: grocery card prizes and draw prize; light retresnments will be served: zo cents, ine public invited for social evening. LODGE EMBLEMS, class pins, officers' Jewels, carry large stock to select from; special work to order in our own factory. uavias, jeweiers ana opticians, a-ia Wash ington street at Broadway. HALL for rent Saturdays. Sundays and afternoons; church, lodge or dances. In quire the Maccabees, 720 Morgan bldg. FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblems. ciaBE pins and medals. 810 Washington st. PIED. MAHAN At the residence, 901 Harvard at., Feb. It, Maude Mahan, aged 17 years, beloved daughter of Mrs. Laura Mahan; sister of Mrs. Ruth Lunow, Mrs. Ruby Panaa and Margie Mahan. Funeral-notice later. Remains at the resi dential parlors of Miller & Tracey. FUNERAL NOTICES. MALL In thia city, Feb. 15, 1922, Edward I P. Mall, husband of Maudine Mall, father of Virginia Mall and brother of W. H. Mall, Charles A. Mall of St. Paul, Minn.; Herman von Borstel, Mrs. A. A. Disque and Mrs. C. B. Cooper of Los Angeles, Cal. Funeral services will be held Sat urday, Feb. 18, 11)22, at 1 P. M., at the chapel of Holman Undertaking company. Interment Riverview cemetery. LARSEN Feb. 16, at the late residence. 4"3 Holladay ave., Esper S., aged 76 years, husband of Louisa C. Larsen and father of Henry D., C. A. and Daisy Larsen, and Mrs. L. M. Huggins of Portland and Esper S. Larsen Jr. of Washington, D. C. The funeral service will be held Monday, February 2). at 10:30 A. M., at Finley's mortuary, Mont gomery, at 5th. Friends invited. MAES At the residence, 1303 E. Eighth street North. Feb. 17, 1122, Rollo I. Maes, aged 22 yeans. Beloved son of Mrs. G. B. Williams; brother of A. D. Maes, Walter Maes of this city, Floyd Maes of Reeds berg, Wis. The funeral services will be held at 2:30 P. M., Feb. 20, li22, at the chapel of Chambers Co., 248-250 Kil Hngsworth ave. Interment Rose City cemetery. , KRIMMER At the residence, 225 E. 51st st., Feb. 17, Mary Krimmer, aged 08 years, beloved mother of Mrs. J. F. Rhyner of Portland, and Mrs, Louise ttiltz of Milwaukee, Wis. Remains will be forwarded Saturday, Feb. 18, at 10 A. M.. under the direction of Miller & Tracey, to Milwaukee, Wis., where serv ices will be held and Interment take place. BOBBINS-In this city, February 14, Joe " Robbins, aged 3t years, husband of Mae Robbing, father of Thomas, John and Marcella Robbins. The funeral service will take piace from the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Direc tors, 414 East Alder street, at 10 A. M. today (Saturday), February 18. Friends Invited. Interment Multnomah ceme tery. TRAXLER In this city. February IT. Ruth Traxler, aged 87 years, mother of Mrs. Tony Cress of Garden Home, and v, r. ri arris residing in Centralia, Wash. The funeral services will be held at the conservatory chane! of the East Ririf Funeral Directors, 414 East Ader street, ' at ii a. ivi., .uonaay, i-eoruary o. Friends invited. Interment Lone Fir i cemetery. I BECKER The funeral services of the ; late John-Peter Becker- aged 5ft years, will be conducted tomorrow (Sunday), February 10, at 2:30 P. M., from the St. Johns Lutheran church, corner Penin sular avanue and Kilpatrick street. 1 Friends invited. Interment Columbian cemetery. Remains at Pearson's under taking parlors, Russell street at Union avenue. SOLUM The funeral service for the late Hazel W. Solum of 664 Poplar street will be beld today '(Saturday), at 2:30 P. M., at Finley's mortuary, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Concluding serv ice Riverview cemetery. PARKER The funeral service for the late Olive E. Parker of 7014 51st ave. S. E. will be held today (Saturday), at 3:30 P. M., at Finley's mortuary. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Concluding service Mt. Scott cemetery. SAN DB ERG The funeral service for the late Paul A. Sandberg will be held to day (Saturday) beside the grave at Riverview cemetery. J. p, Finley & Son, directors. THOMPSON The funeral services of the late Frank C. Thompson will be held Saturday. Feb. 18, at( 2 P. M.. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment Greenwood cemetery. ZIMMERMAN Funeral services will be heid. for Nelson M. Zimmerman at Tim ber's funeral parlors, Vancouver, Wash. Saturday, February IS. 192.2, 1 P. m, Friends invited. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manu facturers, repair men, etc., classified for ready reference. Information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling Main 7070, House 40. ACCOUNTANTS. PORTLAND CALCULATING BUREAU. 721 Corbett Bldg.. Main 1248. EXPERT COMPTOMETER SERVJCE. Operators with machines furnished for inventory calculation, statistical work. to fill tenfLorary vacancies, or for any special woAt In figures. RAPID, CONFIDENTIAL. ACCURATE. C. B. TERW1LLIUER, public accountant, income tax specialist, constructive audita. Phone MarBnail 4400. P. O. Box i)Q6. ASSAYEK8 AND ANAUSIS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. "142 Second street. Uold, silver, platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. E. w. EASTMAN, lawyer, S2S Chamber of Commerce building.- ' BATHS. JfiTC. DR. McMAHON'S baths, fortland; steam, showers, plunges, tubs, ail tor 35c; tell your friends. Fourth at Washington. CELLULOID BtTTONS. THE IRW1N-HODSON COMPANY. .887 Washington. Bdwy. 434. Tabor 1254. CUIROI'KACTIC. DR. McMAHO.N IMcMan). Fortland; 12th year. Seven post-graduate re&earct courses. Rates: Extended time, 31 ad justments, I5, restoring health. cm KOPODISTS. WILLIAM, Estelle. Florello and Pewane DeVeny, the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bidg., southwest cor. Second , and Alder streets. Main 1301, DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles scl entiflcaliy corrected; lady assistant. 012 Morgan bldg. Main 8762. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1796. No collections, no ch arges. Estab. 19QO. DEN'llsiKY. OR: fi. E. WRIGHT Third Floor Raleigh Bldg. Corner Sixth and Washington Sts Broadway 7219. Automatic 2119. DENTISTRY L Without Pain. X-Ray work. K. A, W. KKENE No After Effects 351 V4 Washington St. Above Majestic Theater. DANCING TEACHERS. ALISKY DANCING ACADEMY Lessons day and eve. Also fancy dancing. Alisky bidg.. 3d and Morrison. 4th flor. Main 401-i. Agnes Summers. FUNERAL NOTICES. DeLANO At the family home. Ninety sixth and East Everett streets, Febru ary 15, Matilda E. DeLano, aged 69 years. Wife of Joseph S. DeLano, mother of A. J., F. J., Truman, Hatael, Guy J., Roy, George, Ralph DeLano, Mrs.- Eatella Hardesty, Mrs. Frank Reed, all of this city, and Mrs. Earl Crouch, residing in Stockton, Cal.; sister of Miss Carrie Mero of Colorado Springs, Colo. The funeral services will take place at the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder street, at 2:30 P. M. today (Saturday), Febru ary 18. Friends .invited. Interment Mount Scott" Park cemetery. FORTE At the residence, 107 E. 52d st., Feb. 16. Anna O. Forte, aged 61 years, beloved mother of Frances Forte, Max, Marian, Kathleen and Mrs. W. J. Poff, ' all of Portland; sister of T. N. Palmer of Sioux City, la, ; H. E. Palmer of Bemidji, Minn. The funeral cortege will leave the above residence Monday, Feb. .20, at 1:30 P. M., thence to the Wes leyan Methodist church, E. 53d and Giisan streets, where services will be held at 2 P. M. Interment Mount Scott cemetery. The remains will be at the reside-nce after 1 P. M. Sunday. Ar rangements in care ot Miller & Tracey. GASSETT At the home of her daughter, 143 Florida St., Feb. 16, llWli, Helen M. Stuart G-assett, aged 87 years 10 months and 19 days; widow of the late Charles V. Gassett, mother of Edwin Warren Gassett and Ida H. Hannaman. Funeral services will be heid at the chapel of Holman Undertaking s company, Third and Salmon streets, Saturday, Feb. 18, at 2:30 P. M. Friends invited. Interment Riverview cemetery. Sea-ttle and Be-1-lingham. Wash. : Los Angeles. Cal. : Maine and Massachusetts papers please copy. CORN WELL At the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. E. J. Sponner of Kendall sta tion, February l(i. Ann Elizabeth Corn- well, aged Ho years, mother of Mrs. Alice Ferguson of Minneapolis, Minn., and Leland Cornwell of Neilisville, WTis. Funeral services will be conducted Sat urday, February 18, at 2 P. M.. in the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy & Co., 5802-04 2d st. S. E., in Lents. Friends invited. Interment Neilisville, Wis. RATH BUN- At the family home, 129 East Fifty-fifth street S., February 16, Maria Lavinia Rathbun, aged 77 years. Mother of Mary I. and E. J. Rathbun and Mrs. Dolly Hodson, all of this city, and Guy Rathbun, residing in Olympia, Wash. The funeral services will be held at the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder street, at 11 A. M. today (Saturday), February 18. Friends invited. Interment Rose City" cemetery. REHILL At the home of her parents, 670 East Stark street, Euphenia E. Re - hill, aged 28 years; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rehill, sister of Anna M., Gertrude and Joe Rehill, all of this city. The funeral services will take place at the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Akler street, at 1 P. M. today (Satur day), February 18. Friends invited. In terment Mount Scott Park cemetery. LTJRSEN At the residence, 969 E. 20th st. N.. Feb. 16. Frances Mary Dursen. aged 48 years, beloved wife of Edward Lursen; mother of Mrs. Ella Potter and Merle Amdion of El Monte, Cal.; sister of Mrs. Ellen Falmer of Husum, Wash. Funeral services will be held Saturday, Feb. 18, at 2:30 P. M., at the above resi dence. Interment Riverview cemetery. Arrangements in care of Miller & Tracey. KELLY Feb. H5, at the late residence. 1137 Williams ave., Harry Jerome, aged 41 yearst husband of Mattie V. Kelly, father of W. Jerome, Theresa B. and Matthew E. Kelly, and son of Walter J. Kelly of Portland. The funeral service will be held today (Saturday), 11:30 A. M.( at Finley's mortuary, Mont gomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Con cluding service, Portland crematorium. DRESS ELL The funeral service for the late Mary Dreseell of 490 East Burnside street, will be held today (Saturday), at 10:30 A. M., at Finley's mortuary, Mont gomery at oth. Friends invited. Con cluding service. Rose City cemetery. WIICANDER The funeral service for the late Peter Wikander of 2S Hancock street will be held today (Saturday) at 1 P. M.. at Finley's mortuary, Montgom ery at 5th. Friends invited. Conclud ing service, Riverview cemetery. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES Jor funerals, weddings, shopping. Jones Auto Livery. Mar. 111. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. PORTLAND CREMATORIUM o MAUSOLEUM PHONE SELL. 967. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between 20th and 21st streets, west side. Lady assistant. Broadway 26U1. Automatic 518-44. DUNNING & GAIN FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 445 Morrison Street. West Side. I'hones Broadway 430. Automatic 545-58. HOLMAN & SON (Founded 1854). FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon Sts. Main 507. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a nome, ittn ana mverett streets. Phones Broadway 2133. .Auto. 531-33. SNOOK & WHEALD0N Funeral Directors. Belmont at 3.1th. Tabor 1258. EAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. (P. S. DUNNING.' INC.) "The Family Sets the Price." 414 E. Alder. Phone East 52 Auto. 225-25. FINLEY'S MORTUARY MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. MAIN 9. LERCH, UNDERTAKER, East Eleventh and Hawthorne. Phone East 781. AD 7CI I CD Pfl 592 Williams Ave. 111 IXLLXn uUi; Phone East 1088. A. D. KENWORTHY CO.. 5804 92d St., Lents. Auto. 618-21. OlrTVJCO UNDERTAKING CO., 'jOIVLIII.a THird and Clay, Main 4152, MUSIC TEACHERS. ANNA L'HOMMEDIEU MOORE, teacher of piano; lessons at pupil's home if de sired. Studio, 391 Mill. Mar. 3103. .. CARROLL DAY. teacher of piano and voice. Broadway 2555. 148 13th St. UKSERY STOCK. RELIABLE. NURSERY STOCK. Place yjour spring orders now, will call or send catalog on request. Address G. M. Sprague. 96 Florida st., repre senting Toppenish Nursery Co. OPTOMETRISTS. Oat of the High-Rent District. Save Money on lour Glasses. 25 vears experience: most modern and complete equipment at your service. Consult us free. Thousands of satisfied patrons. Dr. Samuel Goodman, associate optometrist. Main 2124. Chas,V.GoodmanmFf0n7lrnd WHY PAY MORE? f23w.Glasaes 111 gold-filled frames ZfigJ fitted to your eyes, $2.50, double 5 vision glasses at low prices; satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A E. Hurwita, optometrist, 225 First st. Main 451. DR. GEORGE RUBENSTE1N, veteran opti cian. Eyes tested, glasses fitted, broken lenses duplicated at very reasonable prices. 226 Morrison st. Main 6U61. PATENT ATTORNEY. R. C. WRIGHT, registered patent attorney 25 years. If invention really valuable, see practicing lawyer. 601 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A PHILLIPS, Broadway building, stomach, bowels, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate and female disorders, without operation. PRINTERS. DRIMTIftlR F- VV.BAL.TKS & COMPANY f fllll I III Ulst and Oak. Bdwy. 7165: BU-65 TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON TRANSFER CO. 474 Giisan St. Broadway 12SL DKAYAGE. STORAGE. Four Warehouses on Terminal Tracks. VETERINARY. ROSS CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. East 7tn and Grant sts. Both phones. Day and night service; S veterinarians. FLORISTS. LARGEST RETAIL FLORIST IN PORTLAND Charge Accounts Solicited. 328 MUKKlSON ST. 1'hone Marshall 753 MARTIN & FORBES COMPANY 354 Washington St. Main 269 Fine Roses and Orchids a Specialty, flowers for All Occasions Artistically Arranged. Tonseth Floral Co. Finest Floral Arrangements for Fanerals. 287 Washington. Bet. 4th and 5th Sts. Phone Broadway 4537. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Main 4737 -We Will Plemss You." TAMHILL at TENTH. Smiths Flower Shop Portland's Progressive Florists. We spe cialize in funeral designs. " 141 Sixth, opposite Meier & Frank's. Main 7215. And Floral Designs. 25 Hothouses. No Branch Stores. 25 Years on Morrison st., between 4th and nth Main 7700 ROSEWAY FLOWER 3HOP. E 41ST AND SANDY BLVD FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. WE DELIVER. PHONE US. J- T. JAUNCEY TABOR 7466. NOB HILL FLORISTS. (Estate Alfred Burkhardt.) N. E. Cor. 23d and Gliaun. Main 1359. MONUMENTS. BE PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS . i 4th St.. opp. City Hall. NEU BROS. OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS I QUALITY MEMORIALS i E. THIRD &MNE STS. PHONE E. 743 NEW TODAY. rug ca F1UFFMGS Oldest and beet equipped factory In the northwest. Made out of your old worn-out carpets and rugs. Save bait the price of a new rugr. Use woolea clothing. .112 RUGS STllaM tLKAVEI) H.T.o East 35SO. 188 JEaet Hlsata, The Improved U9 2Q0 -Bunt to Endure." The Improved construction makes a ft E DIM AD E a bettor, more substantial building at no greater coat to you. They are the best built aectionaJ building on the Pacific coast First-class Houses, Garages for Less. Erected in Portland Practical to sttip Red. made Bldg. Co.. Portland. Or. Phone E. 5114. i E. 11th E. 11th and Market. SEW RIGS FROM OLD CARPETS WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO, Carpet Cleaning. Refitting, Resizing-, Relaying;. 54-56 I iiion Ave. No., Cor. E. Davis. Phone East 6516. J AS. H. UILM), Proprietor. AT LAST A REAL GAS v SAVER Saves You $15.00 a Month or More. THE SPARK MIXTURE COA'TROI, 447 Sherlock Bldg. TO RENT 50x50 on third floor of Bush & Lane bldg.. Broadway and Alder streets Good for merchants' sample room or sales room. Call at room 506. Edward LGoudey Co. ALOltTUAGiu tUAAS. UnlUd State tttuUt Baiidls, K0RTHWEP NEW TODAY. STORAGE SPACE Centrally Located on Track We) can move and store your goods in a fine sprinklered building. HAULiAiU. fAChJXU, alOKAUE CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 454 Giisan St. Bdwy. 3470. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. FOR SALE Income paying apartment and store building, west side, central lo cation; $13,000 to $20,000 will handle. Will net 14 to 16 per cent above taxes and insurance; balance on terms. Ad dress A 417. Oregonlan. LOOK HERE. If you are looking for apartment house site or other business Just look at this 100x100 ft., 1 block west of auditorium. For sale by owner; no agent. SEE A. L. MASON, 275 CLAY ST. NON-RESIDENT ofiers elegant 4-story apt. house in choicest west side loca tion, 21 big airy apts, ground. 90x100; $45.000, reasonable Urms. Phone E. 3225. SPLENDID 3-story concrete bldg., fi . fine apts., all furnished, pays good interest; $2oF000, city or farm to half, mortg. bai. Owner. East 3225 MUST BE SOLD 11 rooms, 3 apts.. in come $30, can bring double; lot 55x82; . 1 blk. school and car. Price only $2000; $50) cash. Searle. 1928 E. Giisan. For Sal" Lots. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. COME OUT SUNDAY. As this may be your last opportunity to buy one of these lots at these prices and terms. $750 up for Inside. $1000 up for corners. All improvements paid. $100 cash, $10 monthly. Only a few left. Handy to car, school and new park. - Surrounded by new homes. Call 605 Fremont bet. E. loth and 16th. Sunday from 11 A. M. until 5:30 P. M. 1 JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. LAURELHUKST BARGAIN. Beautiful, large, level lot. N. W. cor. Multnomah ave. and 37th st. $1550 terms, or sioOO cash. I also have special prices on 87 other Laurelhurst lots. Will be glad to call at your home or office with list.. JAMES H. PRICE. Mez. floor. Sterling Bakery. 251 Morrison St. M. 5fi53 or E. 0160. NEAR 52d AND EAST STARK. 3 lots, 150x159 deep, all .street and sewer improvements paid; bargain at L'4WJ. MALL & VON BORSTEL. 104 Second St. Broadway 7436 10-ACRE garden tract, 2 acres in logans ana raspberries and naif acre in aspara gus; two acres camping ground, balance tomato land on Pacitic highway. 5bi Yukon st. Sellwood car. Call Saturday and Sunday. WEST SIDE Price just reduced $200; macadam st., fac. E., 75 ft. So. of Iowa $000 buys it; paved t., all paid. Who will get it? Ritter, Lowe & Co., Realtors, 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ALAMEDA VIEW LOTS. Two very choice lots, corner 29th and Dunckley ave., $2623, easy terms. Miller, 625 Morgan Bldg. Main 2035. S175 WILL buy cor. lot X. E. cor. 18th and Morgan; lot 50x100. For particulars write Harry Billings, 192 Mechanic St., Ashland, Oregon. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Dots, tracts and houses. All locations and prices. BROOKE. Main 4342. DADDS ADD. EUiou ave.. near Haw thorne, 3 choice lots. 120x128, J Co 00. L. R. Falrchild, U-'Q Sherlock bldg. OWNER 50x300 corner lot, Rose City Park. All imp. paid. JioO cash. Call Ta- ftoor 531. ROSE CITY district. $145: near car and pavement; water, walks taxes paid; 25x 100. 79H N. E. 68th St. FOUR lots in Kenton, half price for cash, Auto o2.-49. IRVINGTON lot. 15th, bet. Tillamook and Thompson. East 514". W0 ONLY for i Broadway 7264. full lots, from owner. For Sale Houses. HOUSE and lot on 21st St., near Wash ington, for less than the value of the lqt. John Bala. 507 Spalding bldg. MI ST BRt.f. P.Y OWNER. 8-R. MODERN HOUSE, OAK FLOORS, lrtTjiiPl irE sr.F.EPING PORCH. FUR NACE, FULL BASEMENT, ELECTRIC SWEEPER AND WASHER. RADIANT F IRE, NEW RUGS AND CARPETS m-T T t nx KiTlin FURNISHED COM- Tt cti? 7ft.i- UNFURNISHED. $tjo00. OWNER TABOR B7l4. 400 E. 44TH. NEAR BROADWAY. PORTLAND BOULEVARD. 8 rooms, new roof, newly painted and tinted, full basement, 200x123 lot, paved street, all street and sewer-improvements paid; variety of fruit trees, chicken houses; excellent, buy at $0000. easy terms. . MALL & VON BORSTEL. 104 Second St. Broadway T438. LAURELHURST. Must sell my new home, just being completed. Ithis is a real home. well, built, up to the minute in every respect, furnace, lots of unusual features, garage, less than cost. $85110. 505 ARTISANS BLDG. Opposite Benson hotel. ALAMEDA PARK. DISTRICT. Cozy new 4-room bungalow, 2 large bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, fur nace; ivory finish throughout; plenty of windows. Price $3000'; small payment down will handle. House 957 E. 34th N. : open 2-5 Sunday. Call Pilkington, Bdwv. 5433. ROSE CITY PARK $5250. New 6-room bungalow, complete with garage, hard wood floors, fireplace; everything one could possibly expect for the money. Below the hill. Paving paid. Terms. A. G. Teepe Co., 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Bdwy. 6093. east side office Tabor 958ti. SPECULATION. Buy an Irvington modern home. Sev eral splendid .bargains within walking distance. Stop, paying rent. Close to Irvington and Broadway cars; easy terms. Dan Keliaher. 480 Belmont East 8433. . FOR SALE 6-room cottage), not modern; has some furniture, barn, garage, other buildings, fruit trees, flowers, shrub bery. No 50 East 88th at., four blocks north of Mt. Tabor car line. See owner at 167 E T2 .N. GOING TO BUILD 7 We design and build residence or any building, assist tn financing same: 12 years' continuous and complete building service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, contract ing architect, vz in. vv. nanK niqg. BY OWNER Substantial home In close-in, highly restricted district; 7 rooms, full basement, shower bath, tile drain board and bath, - toilets. Mueller furnace, shrubbery ; "very desirable. Terms. Phone East 2760. 3J1 E. J3d at. FOR SALE 6-room house, completely modern, full basement, beautiful fire place, built-in features, floored attic, 50x90 lot on paved street near car line. Phone Tabor 6378 or apply 9 East 72d st. BUILD NOW. We build houses and help finance same. Investigate this. 605 ARTISANS BLDG.. Opposite Benson Hotel. BV OWNER, 4-room house and bath, 50x100 lot, improvements paid, gas and lights five fruit trees and berries, half biock Richmond car. 2800, $900 cash. 5:t4 Greenwood ave. A SNAP Cozy 2-room cottage, lot 58x100, close to car and school, 13-minute ride on Oregon Electric; water and gas in, for only J6G5; J225 cash. Call 389 Wash ing tonetreet NEAR S. P. R. R. shops, splendid 5-room. furnished bungalow, ground 60x100, full cement basement, 300: $300 cash, bal. ni onthlv. Owner. East 3225. WESTMORELAND By owner. $27"0. 5 room bunKalow, large lot. fruit and ber. ries, close to Sellwood car. Some terms. 5S1 soutn ave. IRVINGTON New modern 6-room bunga low for leas; hardwood floors through out: a beauty. Inquire 4u9 East 13th at. North. -j WELL-BUILT 5-room bungalow, full base ment, furnace, fireplace, paved street, assessments in and paid; Woodstock dis trict: by owTifr, no agents. Phone 642-01. 3-ROOM house, St. Johns; basement; 50x 100 lot; 1 block to car; $200 cash or Ford 18 or 19 preferred, balance eaey. Price $1250. Owner, East 7S1Q, PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY Houses, lots and tracts. All locations and prices. BROOKE. Main 4342. OVERLOOK ADDITION. New Colonial house. Phone Wdln. 4570 or Wdln. 1703. 7-ROOM house at a bargain; also store room. Price $2300; on paved st. All imps paid. Tel. No Col. 522, $2000 RICHMOND district, 6-room mod em house and garage. Paved street Sellwood 503 5-ROOM hous!. lot 50x100, paved st., N. I rvington, $2650 ; $300 down. Owner, 1248 E. 17th st. N.' FOR SALE; By owner, 18 rent. 48fP Washington ft rooms, iow 6-ROOM Jaouse, 50x100, corner lot. good location. Owner, East 353, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. 500,000 PORTLAND IN 1930.', FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Home. 1200 Photographs of Homes for sale. LARGEST HOME SELLERS IN ' AMERICA. Every Home listed with our office be fore being offered lor your consideration, has first been PERSONALLY INSPECTED. PERSONALLY APPRAISED. FOR BIGGEST, BEST HOMB VAL UES in the city, se us! We're open evenings and Sundays for your convenience. " S salesmen with autos. ? Open evenings until 9:O0. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY! " THE SAFEST INVESTMENT YOUR OWN HOME! SUNSHINE ROSE CITY. 15590 BEAUTIFUL h6me IN HEART OF ROSE CITY. 5 rooms, every one having an east exposure; large living room with huge log fireplace, built-in bookcases, oak floors; massive buffet; beamed ceilings, both living and dining room; long central hall lined with linen closets; 3 sunny bed rooms; wonderful 75x100 grounds with beautiful imported and na tive shrubs, etc.; E. 46th st. ACTUALLY ONE OF THE BEST BUYS IN ROSE CITY. REAL HAWTHORNE SNAP! 13990 HERE'S A DANDY BUY in a 7 room; 2-story modern attractive HAWTHORNE HOME on a good paved corner; 2 lavatories; - ga-1 rage. E. 34th st. Can arrange terms. ACROSS STREET FROM SCHOOL! ALBERTA BUNGALOW BARGAIN! J3790 EASY TERMS! An unusually ar tistic brown bungalow of 5 rooms; built-in bookcases and buffet; paneled dining room; nice white enamel Dutch kitchen: large at tic; full cement basement wltb furnace, etc.; H block to car. A VERY DESIRABLE BUNGA LOW. E. 7th St. $150 AND YOUR LOAN! I790 $150 down and APPLY YOUR LOAN! An attractive substan tial modern o-room Mt. Scott bungalow with paneled dining room with built-in buffet; con venient kitchen; 2 airy bedrooms; bath; close to car and school. See this TODAY. 89th St. PENINSULA, $350 DOWN! $1850 $350 down! A comfortable neat little 4-room Peninsula cottage with bath; good space for a garden. S. Hartman st. CLOSE IN! $500 DOWN! $1890 $nOO down! WALKING DIS STANCE to west side; a practical 5-room cottage right on carline; Mason St. $250 DOWN! ALBERTA! $1250 $250 down! WILL BUY A COZY COTTAGE IN ALBERTA! com bination living and dining room; large kitchen, bathroom. E. 323 st. Lots of berries; A DANDY LOT. see FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Realtor. . Abington Bldg., Bdwy. 7171. 3d St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. NEW BUNGALOW MUST. BE SACRIFICED. PRICE CUT FROM $5500 TO $4S00. YOUR TERMS. Owner is compelled to leave at once and ha:f cut the price of thia strictly modern 5-room bungalow; has fireplace, hardwood floors, breakfast nook and every built-in convenience, glassed in sleeping porch, full concrete basement, furnace, trays, etc. On paved streets; 3 blocks to Rose City car and school; . You cannot afford to pass this up. CITY HOMES DEPARTMENT. RITTER, LOWE & COMPANY, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. $4975 TERMS $4975. 1009 CLACKAMAS ST., OFF 33D ST. Just completed strictly modern 6-room, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, buf fet, buiit-ln effects. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, large living room, fine plumbing and electric fixtures, all on one floor; fine locality. 2 blocks to Rose City car, paving, etc.. included. See this today froiH 12 to 5. Take R. C. car to 33d st.. t-n go 2 blocks north. Phone Woorllawn 3 550. 3- BUNGALOWS. READY TO MOVE RIGHT IN. ROSE CITY 1244 Broadway; all mod etn; $5350. IRVINGTON DIST. 730 E: 30th N. : 5 large rooms with living room and din ing room across the front. Price $6000. CLOSE IN 707 E. Pine; 5 rooms with attic;, everything to make a cheerful home; price $6350. Look these over and catl owner and builder. GEORGE E. WILLIS. 220 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Broadway 5231. Auto. 317-4f. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. The living room 19x30 unusually rare, perfect picture with its imported Eng lish paper, French windows and doors, arched ceiling, large dining with side board, 3 bedrooms, servants .quarters garage; $7500. East 1347. SNAP FOR HANDY MAN. 5-room cottage with bath, on Ganten bein ave.. in walking distance of O.-W. R. & N. car shops. A little work and a little paint will make this a first-class home, or bring you a substantial profit Price" only $1800, small down payment and balance very easy. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 81 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 56M. DIRKCT from the builder, 3 beautifu bunEalowa. double constructed, cement . floors in, basement, furnaces, electric range and water heater plate-glass windows, all the latest improvements hard-surface street and .paid for. Prices $4500 and $4(M0; reasonable terms; half block from Kicnmona car line, osj, 034, 542 34th st. Owner, 1016 Brooklyn. Sell. 2Ko9. APPLY SOLDIERS' BONUS LOAN. Leaving city; forced to sacrifice beau tiful IrvinfTton bungalow: 7 rooms, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, built-ins; double plumbinsr. fruit, furniture, in cluding new $200 combination range; furnished, $0200; unfurnished. $5830; owner. 678 E. 30th st. N. East 9103. No agents. A PERFECT home of 4 rooms. Dreakfast room and sleeping porch, with bearing fruit trees, shrubs, etc; J block off Hawthorne car. IS mm. out : just dec orated throughout, gas and fuel range; easily handled by ex-service bonus; price clear; ior appointment. Automatic 223-19. $4350 TERMS $4350. Brand new Rose City bungalow, 5 large rooms-, large living room, plate-gtasa windows, cement porch and steps, Dutch kitchen, breakfaet nook", hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, electric fixtures; Rose City car to tfith st., then 2 blocks north to 744; owner there from 11 to 5 dal 1 y. FOR SALE. Attractive, new, 4-room bungalow; hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen breakfast nook, and full basement; price (3600; open for inspection 2 to 5; sub stantial payment down, balance easy terms. 1268 Omaha avenue. Owner, all 13th St., cor. Jefferson. CASH TALKS. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. OAK FLOORS ENTIRE HOUSE, GAS FUR NACE, FULL-BASEMENT. MAKE OF FER. ALV1N JOHNSON. REALTOR. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. PHONE BDWY. 37, EVES. EAST 2flfil. SNAP. $2200 -room house with alt built-ins, 50x100 lot; will take a light car in trade; MHi will handle this. Wm. A. Hughes rCo., 21S Railway Exchange bldg. Broad Way 680R. . v $4250. Attractive 6-room bungalow, light gray, white woodwork, stone fireplace, full cement basement, on corner; sts. paved; 150 ft. from car; improvements in and paid: terms. Owner. Wdln. 676. ' LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, good attic, corner lot, mod ern in every way; built for a home; never been occupied; owner leaving city; 1 hlock from car. Bdwv. 5231. 226 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. $300 DOWN. Just finished. 4-room modern bunga low, close to car and school, lot 92x100, paved st., $3650; $300 down, bal. to suit Tabor 8360. B Y OWN E U, 6-room modern house ; will sacrifice for $1200; also a house, 24x24, partly finished" for $800. Will take light car and some cash on either place. 2073 Eugene st., or Tabor 02H evenings. HOUSE PLANS, 100 designs, $10 to $15, or specially designed at reasonable fee. L. R, BAILEY CO., 9 24 N. W. Bank Bldg. VERY attractive and strictly modern 5 room bungatow; garage; furnace;, paved sts.; Rose City; $5300; terms; no agents. Owner. Auto. 310-10. , IRVINGTON. Six, seven and eight-room bungalows for sale by owner. Call at 590 East 25th street North. MODERN o-rm. bungalow, sleeping porch, garage; hardwood floors; furnace: im proved st. ; Rose City Pari, Owner, Tabor 2035. NEW 5-room bungalow, strictly modern. must sell on account sickness; small down payment, balance easy. Bdwy. 4288. NEW BUNGALOW, $4O0O..eaay terms. 138 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $200 DOWN. . 11150 totaL balance 10 monthly: 4 room house, larg Jot, sldewik paid; seven fruit trees, chicken houae, garaga M on ta villa car. $200 DOWN. $1500 total, balance $15 monthly; five rooms and bath, two lots, small fruit; lit. Scott car. $400 DOWN. $3500 total, balance easy; 4-room mod ern, large floored attic, cement base ment, cement garage, sidewalka, streets and sewers all paid; close In, gas oven and coal range- connected hot water goes with the house as well as two ruga, dining room set. etc. GORDON MORTGAGE CO., 631 Cham, of Com. Bidg. Bdwy. 6370. NEW BUNGALOWS FOR SALE.. OWNER AND BUILDER. Irvington district, 730 East 30th N. 6-room, all modern, with garage. Price JOOOO. Rose City, 1244 E. Broadway. 5-room with attic, furnace, hardwood floors, light fixtures and window shades. Price 707 E. Pine, ner 20th, with UvinR room and dining room in front, hard wood floors throughout, furnace, light fixtures end window shades, garage ; everything to make a complete home. Price $6330. Can be seen evenings. Above places small payment down and easy monthly payments. GEORGE E. WELLER. Owner and Builder. Bdwy. R231. t Ant. 317-44. ALAMEDA HOME. On Regents drive, central en trance, 2 fireplaces (1 in library), old ivory finish, Gasco furnace, most attractive interior, hard- wood floors first floor, beautiful new carpets second floor, all hang ings, linoleum, awnings and gas range Included In price; garage. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, 1238 N. W. Bask Bldg. Main 1786. IRVINGTON. BEAUTIFUL CORNER HOTJSB. On 100x100 corner, near Brazee and 16th; 8 large rooms, solid ma hogany, oak and old. ivory wood work; best eastern oak floors throughout ; 2 tile bathrooms, 2 tile fireplaces, hot-water heat, in stantaneous water heater. If you are looking for a real home at a sacrifice, see this. Shown by ap pointment. McDONELL. EAST 419. $3650. SOLID VALUE. MT. TABOR DIST. Bungalow of 5 good rooms, all bullt fns, neat and modern except furnace. large ununisned attic, lull cement base ment: 50x100 level lot. berries, garden. street paved ; good neighborhood, close to school, stores and M.-V. car; terms, with about $650 down. Owner, 1561 East Everett. Tabor 2447. NEW ENGLAND COLONIAL Moderate priced cottage type (34x32) with dormers and red roof; a new type to Portland and very, very appealing; 'compact, convenient, economic, complete o every detail ; unique in many; ga rage (11x19); splendid location. 8ol East 24th N. 300 ft. to Broadway car line at Regents drive. Open from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. Call evenings. Auto. uia-Ts. ' ' "For More and Better Homes." D. M. DRAKE, Constructor-Owner. KING'S HEIGHTS BARGAIN. Beautiful 8- room home in first-class condition, having furnace, fireplace, in laid hardwood floors. 2 lavatories, bath cement basement; all improvements in; 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch. This is view property and tne house is very wen uuiit ana win stana tne closest inspec tion; $7250, $1000 cash and terms. Call Mr, loung. OTTO & HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 6380, FOR SALE MODERN 4-ROOM BUNGA LOW, JUST COMPLETED, IN NORTH LOT 60x100, PRICE $3275. EITHER CALL OR TELEPHONE UMBDEN STOCK & CO., 2D FLOOR, OREGON BUIUDIG. TJJiLJSfllO.MS bKUAiJ WAY 165S. 4 - LAURELHURST S500. Colonial home Dositively one. of the best buys in Laurelhurst; ideally located near Park and car; you wm appreciate tne real value. Central entrance hall with ex ceptionally large living room; finished in ricn 01a ivory ana wnue tnrougnout. You'd expect to p.ay at least $10,000. A. G. - Teipe Co.. 270 Stark st., Bdwy. 6W3. East side office. Tabor i"Sti. ALAMEDA PARK. S4H50 TERMS. Attractive new 3-room bunealow. with garage, nice large living and dining room across tne rront, rirepiace, naro wood floors, handy Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, 2 nice bedrooms, full cement basement: a bargain; easy terms. R. -SO MERVI LL E. Broadway 2478. 320 U. S. National Bank Bldg. PIEDMONT. 10 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, 100x100 lot; all street and sewer improvements paid; fine garage. This place Is located in the heart of Piedmont and is a real bargain at $7000; terms. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St. Broadway 7436. ALAMEDA QUEEN ANNE BUNGALOW. For sale by owner, nearly new 6 lovely light rooms, strictly modern, hot-water host, ivory finish, tapestry paper, fire place, cement basement, all built-ins, garage, garden, fence, shrubs, linoleum, gas range; will sacrifice for quiclft sale. Call East 5in:l. ALAMEDA PARK Dutch colonial; owner moving from Portland arvl will sacri fice; inspect thia property and make an offer; a home of exceptional worth; built by one of Portland's best builders; oak floors throughout, tiled bath, two fireplaces. See this; no obligations. A. G. Teepe Co., 270 Stark st. Bdwy. 6003. East side office. Tabor 9386. BARGAIN IN OVERLOOK CHOICE LOCATION. 8 rooms, up to the minute: built for home in the minutest detail ; this will please you, and the price Is only $5500. $1000 will handle. See us. Pacific Realty company, phone Bdwy 7R30. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. $350 down buys a cozy and complete double-constructed bungalow; bath, fire place and garage; at Multnomah station, 15 minutes' out; cost $2750. Ned Burke, Main 1003. BY OWNER 7-room house, finished in old ivory and white enamel throughout, built-in buffet, large lot, bearing fruit, near Irvington car line; improvements padi; part of fine furniture also for sale. Price $30'H). Woodlawn 1H72. GOOD BUY. $000 3-room house on a 50x100 lot, all kinds of fruit trees, on 75th st. ; will take In a light car; $200 will handle this. Wm. A. Hughes Co., 218 Railway Ex change bld-g. Broadway 6S0K. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE 6-room double-constructed home, full basement, trays, 1 block to car; price $2600; only $600 down, bal, $30 month, including interest. Tabor S56H. $3.V)U $500 DOWN. M-room, 2-family house, walking distance; will easily rent for $40. 476 Vancouver ave., up stairs. FOR SALE At Cornelius, house, four lots. Fruit trees, garden spot, chicken park "with running water. $1200 cash. Address L. Moore. 561 13th ave: E., Eugene. 5-ROOM house for sale, partly ' furnished. only $1300. see owner. iujy 40m ave. S. E. FIVE-ROOM cottage, Sunnyside. $70Q will handle, balance like rent; no agents. D 441. Qregonian. IRVINGTON. Modern 7 -room house with close in. East 4308. , 4-ROOM strictly modern bungalow, Rose City, $450; terms, rso agents, owner, Auto 310-lfr Suburban Homv. 1 ACRES, nearly new 4-room house, with fireplace and gas, garage, hen house, cowshed, one acre plowed, $2500, $500 cash. 1 acre, 4-room. unfinished house, hen house. $1300. $300 cash. B S COOK. 601 Stock Exch. Bldg. HOUSE AND Vz ACRE FOR SALE. Six rooms, outbuildings, fine drilled well, berries, small fruit, trees, city gas connections, eieciric ngnis ano city wa ter near. Call and seet it. Church st. first house east ,of 82d st. Bargain for cash. FIVE acres. Rockwood road, 4-room house. $2300: terma Tabor 2676 For Sale Acreage. 64 ACRES logged-off land on ."Lewis and Clark, a mues irom Asioria; pavea road, partly cleared, ' balance, grown up to ' alder; well watered; cheap at $2300; $500 cash, balance to suit at 7. Mrs. M Hutchins. Brookfield. Wash. WRITE for map of western Washington, -showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma. Wash. 40 ACRES. 8 miles from Vancouver, Wash., on electric line and highway. $3200, terms. Wood sufficient to about pay for piace. AL 411. Qregonian. 80. A. in Lone Pine flat, under new irriga tion district, good, deep soil, no rock. Vog inform, write box 115. Terrebonne', Or. FOR SALE SEVEN ACRES. CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN, 6131 U2D ST. S, E. 616-45. . REAT ESTATE. For Safr Acreage. 14 MILES FROM CITY LIMITS. $23 down, $7.50 month for attractive 0.71 of an acre of good soil, price $325, fine for chickens, berries and fruit. We have other tracts In the same platting, some of which contain over 2 acres on proportionately the same price and terms and some of which are on the proposed , extension of Terwilliger blvd., west side. Fred W. German Co., Realtors, (32 Chamber of Commerce. 1 ACRE, 3-room house, 2 hen-houses, garage, all been plowed $800. $200 cash. 2 1-3 acres, new 5-room house, hen house, garage, all plowed, on gravel road, close to electric station, $2500, $300 cash. B. S. COOK, 601 Stock Exch. Bldg. 10 ACRES garden land mile Park. Place, all plowed, some equipment, barn and cabin. $2230. A big snap. C, A. Keopple, 9th and Main. Oregon City. Homestead, Relinquishments. FREE HOMESTEAD LANDS. J. I PORTE, CANADIAN GOVERN MENT AGENT. SPOKANE. WASH., will be at the SEWARD HOTEL, Port land, Oregon, on February 20th, l!lst and 22d to give free information to parties who are interested in free homestead lands in Western Canada, and will also Issue C. L. S. A. certificates to intend ing settlers entitling them to reduced rates from the Canadian boundary line to points In Western Canada. HOMESTEAD relinquisnment; 640 acres good grazing land, two springs, cabin, half fenced; 13 miles to county seat; wilt take stock. AV 176. Qregonian. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR RELIN QUISHMENT SEE E. VV. HELM, 4-12 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. For iSale Furnit. A REAL COUNTRY HOME. On the Oregon City oar line near Gien Echo station. &.40 acres won derful soil, ail in high state of cultivation ; 1 acre asparagus. 1 acre strawberries, 50 Lambert cherries, 68 pears. 50 assorted ap ples, all fruit trees full bearing; deep well, S-room plastered bunga low, basement, beautiful view, two large modern chicken houses for 1000 hens. This fine place is on the market at $8500. You can make good here. Owner will con sider exchange for modern resi dence In Rose City, Laurelhurst or high-grade residence section In Portland up to $5000. We will show you. FREYT AG-MEEDS CO., Gladstone. Oregon. Oregon City Car Line. Phone Oregon City 260J. SPLENDID STOCK AND FRUIT RANCH. 718 acres, about 63 in cultivation, which is under the ditctu seeded to al falfa and a fine orchard of about 600 tres. consisting of cherries, peaches, apples, apricots, nuts, etc; 6-room house, piped with water from spring, stone cellar, large barn, rati road run ning through place, pumping plant, semi Diessel that furnishes at least 1000 gal lons of water per minute, which is plenty for irrigation, pumped from Snake river; this plant has a storage tank that holds 700O gallons of oil that will last 2 years: this is a fine fruit and stock ranch, it produces 250 tons of fine al falfa hay; included with this place is all household furniture, blacksmith tools, farming implements. 3 horses, one cow, derrick with wire cables; will sacrifice this farm for $12,500; it has a govern ment loan of $6000 that can stand for long time. S. E. Wooster, 322 Railway Exchange b!dg., Portland, Or. FINE FARM of 254 acres of the very best river bottom land in Whatcom couruy, Washington; all clear and under culti vation with the exception of 50 acres; level and well drained and will pro duce 6 tons of hay ,to the acre and from 10O to 115 bushels of oats per acre. This land is also adapted to dairy farming and would support a large herd. In addition it would be ideal for berry or truck gardening, as it is extremely easy to cultivate. Buildings are first-class and Include 9-room house, fine large barn, which will house 200 head of cattle; four silos, concrete dairy house and other outbuild ings; running water in house and barn. Property is situated 11 miles from Bel lingham and two miles from Lynden, on one of the best county roads. Will sell as a whole or in part. For further information address J. G. HULL & CO.. 115 West Holly St., Bel lingham. Wash. SACRIFICE SALE 63 acres good farm land, on main road, 5 miles from Good ing, Idaho; 35 alfalfa, 3 alsike and pas ture grass, balance plow land ; Id;iho irrigation, waters fine; 6-room plastered house, -32x36; barn. 16x36; granary, ga rage, hen house, deep well, fine water, cistern, blacksmith shop. With the piace goes 7, head horses, 5 cows, 2 hogs, 1 gilt, 1 registered boar, binder, mower, rake, corrugator, f res no, slip, 2 riding plows, harrow. 2 low truck wagons, disc, anvil, vise, forge. Wife is sick and we can price this with personal property at $117.50 per acre for next 30 days; ?30M) to $3800 cash, $3600 federal loan. Write or wire, Hodgson, Schmitt & Whipkey, Gooding. Irtaho WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS FOR, SALE OR EXCHANGE. We have a number of especially se lected farm tracts with mixed fruit, ranging from 10 acres upi that we can sell with or without stock and imple ments. They meet the needs of pur chasers with large or small capital. They are situated on paved or graveled roads, near good live city markets. Visit our office we can help you select your home. Ask for Mr.' Mackenzie. FRANK McCRlLLIS, REALTOR, 322-326 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 770. TUALATIN VALLEY, 53 acres. 42 under cultivation, 6 miles from Portland, on excellent hard-surfaced road; fine big barn ; good house and other buildings; fine spring water; also small natural lake. Must see this place to appreciate it. Bargain at $300 per acre. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 1)4 2d St. Bdwy. 7436. ANOTHER FAM BARGAIN. 75 acres, 35 acres in cultivation, about 3000 cords old-growth wood, good live stream ; 6-room house, good barn anil outbuildings; water system by gas en gine; fine team horses, 2 cows. 1 brood sow, all farm implements; 17 miles from Portland on main highway ; -best fann ing country in Clackamas county. $6500. Easy terms. I ... O . G ERUB R. 714 Swetland Bldg. 80-ACRE farm. 15 In cultivation, balance pasture, good family orchard, house, barn, chicken house, good spring wa ter, piped, to the buildings. 1 V2 mile? from station, 10 head milch cows. 40 chickens. 1 horse, buggy, plow, all small farming tools, new cream separator, all furniture; everything goes for $4S00. Rt. 1, box 3!), Kalnma. Wash. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 74 acres, 23 in cultivation, 1 acres berries, family orchard and grapes; good buildings, gravity water system piped in house and barn; all stock and im plements, on state market road, 17 miles from Portland. $5500, terms. L. O. Ger bpr. 714 Svtl:nd bldg. 600-ACRfi wht-at ranch for sale, 10 miles from rreacott. Wash.; 360 acres in fall wheat, 350 acres to summer fallow, bal ance i fine bunch grass; well improved, at $50 an acre. Will take part cash, also some in trade; easy terms on bal ance For particulars write J. McKeely, Walla Walla, Wash.; R. F. D. 6. $173020 ACRES $1750. 4 acres cleared, close to water, rail and highway transportation, free from rock and gravel; red shot soil. If inter ested make arrangements today to In spect Sunday. Easy terms. Owner, 24d Stark. , 165-ACRE si oca ranch, fenced fur goats, house, barn, living water, eood soil. 3.OUO.00O ft. of timber, thousands of acres of out range; I mile from school and 3 miles from town; $30o0 cash. Bux 43. Brownsville. Or. WE WANT to teil you more about the fa mous Deschutes valley in central Oregon. A dairy, potato and stockman's para dise. A card brings full particulars. Redmond Land & Loan Co.. I nc, Red mon. Or. (.King Murphy's capitol.) 48 0-100 - ACRES 4 miles from Gaston: good 6-room house, running creek the year around ; good barn and silo: fine bottom land. Price $6500 cash, $3500. balance terms. Write box B. Gaston. Or. FOR SALE Fine modern 3f-acre ranch home on pavem-nt in heart of K. It. valley. Also acreage. Very reasonable. Trades considered. J. Simerviiie, Klam ath Falls. r. ICO ACRES 30 bottomland; 10 cleared; water piped to 6-room house; fair barn, fences timber ; between Siltcoos and Fackenitch lake, 4 miles to R. R. ; $3500. M rs. M ary McDonald, Dixonvil le. Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, $50 to $5tto per acre, easy terms, best sail; farms fur s.-iie. all sizes Mc-Farland. realtor. 2QS Failing bldg FOR SALE 140 acres, sio-Ued, f uiiy equipped, oak timber, running water, grave! road. A. E. Whit beck. Route 1. Haley. Or. - 80-A. RANCH, 65 grain. 3 A. fruit trees, good barn, fence. Mrs. Bishop. Junction City. Or.. R 1. WILL cut up my alfalfa ranch for soldiers. Cast 6631. W A N T E I RF.AL FS TATE. WANTED 6 to 8-room residence in Laur elhurst, Hawthorne ave. and Ladd's Ad dition; name best cash price, also on what terms S 407. Qregonian. WANTED Full -si zed lot in good district with sewer . and pavement ; will pay cash. V 432. Qregonian. LATE model Ford as first payment or equity on house, west side preferred. BD 426. Oregoniaa. ,