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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1922)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1922 -il "HOW IT CAN BE TOLD" AND "MORE THAT MUST BE TOLD" BY SHI PHILIP GIBBS, WHO SPEAKS AT LINCOLN H. S. TONIGHT, ON SALE BOOK SHOP, FIFTH FLOOR TICKETS HERE "Home Sewing Week" Now is the time to fill up work baskets, sewing tables and machine drawers with dependable sewing needs at saving prices. Meier & Frank's the place. All this week we make special displays of Notions, Sewing Needs, Dressmakers' Supplies Wash Goods, Curtain Fabrics, Silks, Laces Dress Goods, Ribbons, Trimmings, Etc "Pathe" Phonographs The half-price, sale of Pathe phonographs continues. Pathe plays all records and has no needles to change. Pathe is known everywhere for its "jeweled music," its splendid tone. Choose the $100 model 7 in this sale at $50, the $145 model 12 in this sale at $72.50. - "Pathe" and "Actuelle" Records 2 for the Regular Price of 1 Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor. The Quality Store of portland v. ESTABLISHED JKST ' 7 The Big Sale of "Princess" Silverware at Yi Price Continues Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. ' ' Some Surprise Lots Are Limited Please Shop Early Pleasant Surprises Indeed to Find so Much Good Merchandise at Such Large Savings MEIER & FRANK'S 1671 ST FRIDAY SURPRISE $19.50 $19.50 100 New Tweed Suits $ 1 .50 Tweeds ! New tweeds for women and misses. Nineteen fifty! Can it be? You know the vogue, the ubiquitousness of tweed suits this spring, with their casual trig simplicity and extreme serviceability. These in loose and belted models (two sketched). The colors? Gray, tan and brown mixtures and plenty of such "sport" shades as orchid, light blue, rose, helio. An even hundred. Wish we had' five hundred. Come early. Meier & Frank's : Fourth Floor. New Hats . . Sale Offered for the first time yesterday at- $10 New hats! Individualized crea tions! Their purchase from a leading New York designer a bril liant coup by our millinery chief. So many different hats that every taste can be gratified. Small hats and large but neither to an exaggerated degree. Hair cloth, milan, cellophane and horse hair or maline combinations lead with flowers, fruits, ribbons and fancies favored for trimmings. Entirely black hats and new shades of canna, spark, orchid, periwinkle, pheasant, jade, brown, sand and, of course, navy. Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. . MEIER & FRANK'S 1671ST FRIDAY SURPRISE Fine Silk Blouses .95 Average a third less, added to qualities and styles of unusual desirability, is the surprise message from the blouse sec tion on a limited number of tailored and over-blouse models. Of crepe de chinfe, georgette, and satin these evidence unusually fine workmanship, en- hanced in many cases by hand-embroidery. . White, flesh, lark, Gotham, gray, navy and black may be chosen. Because of broken lines , this very attractive price inducement. Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. 31 , ; I ' MEIER & FRANK'S 1671ST FRIDAY SURPRISE Wavy Switches $3.95 Were $5. A new lot of large fluffy hair switches made on three separate stems. Switches $2.79 Were $3.25. Good quality wavy hair switches in 20-inch size. 12 Hair Nets 55 Cap and fringe shape human hair nets in all shades. Transformations Special $2.98 All-around-the-head size transformations of good quality hair, water waved. Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor. 1871ST FRIDAY SURPRISE $1.50 Stamped Pillow Slips 95c 200 pairs- of pillow slips stamp ed for embroidery on service able muslin tubing. Size 42x36. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. $2 Mercerized Table Cloths $1.49 64-inch mercerized table cloths in a variety of attractive de signs. Round cloths with scal loped edges. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. $2,50 Crochet Bedspreads $2.25 Size 78x80-inch crocheted bed spreads at $2.25 for Friday. Meier '& Frank's: Second Floor. 35c Huck Toweling 25c 22-inch extra heavy huck towel ing special at 25c yard. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.. $7 AU-Wool Blankets ' $5.50 Slightly imperfect all-wool dou ble plaid blankets in size 66x80 inches. 4 pounds. Pair $5.50. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. $3 Plaid Blankets $1.98 Softf finish 3-pound double cot ton blankets' in assorted pat terns. Size 64x76 inches. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. , 98c Voile Dress Embroideries 69c 36-inch white voile dtess em broideries with floral effects in rose, black, gold1, nile and maize. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. Cigarette Cases Collar Bags $2.95 Many less than half price. Cigarette cases, writing cases, collar bags, toilet cases and handbags in leather, silk and imitation leather. Some slightly shop-worn. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. " MEIER & FRANK'S 1671ST FRIDAY SURPRISE 2244 Pairs of "Wear-Right'' Capeskin Gloves 79 c These are slightly imperfect qualities of the regular $1.50 grades. Women's one-clasp style "Wear-Right" capeskin gloves. P. K. and PXM sewn. Paris point and fancy em broidered backs. Tan, brown, grey, black. Sizes 5 to 714. Excellent surprise values at 79c pair. Gloves, Pair $1.95 Broken lines of women's1 chamois (12-button), suede, kid, capeskin and doeskin gauntlets in white, natural, sand, tan and black. Sizes 594 to 6. Regular $2.50 to $4.50 values. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. MEIER & FRANK'S 1671ST FRIDAY SURPRISE "Burson" Silk Stockings $1 .19 Limited number of Burson silk stockings in drop-stitch effects. Lisle tops, heels and toes. Seamless, fashioned feet. Black, cordovan and white. Regularly $1.75. Silk Stockings $1.65 Women's medium -weight full fashioned) silk stockings with rein forced lisle garter tops, soles, heels and toes. Regularly $2. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. MEIER & FRANK'S 1671ST FRIDAY SURPRISE Silk Envelope Chemise $.43 ..Women's fine quality crepe de chine and satin envelope chemise in shoulder strap style. Trimmed with bands of lace. Flesh and white. Very special for Friday Surprise. -Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. MEIER & FRANK'S 1671ST FRIDAY SURPRISE All Silk Black Satin $249 Regularly $2 yard. Limited quantity of all-silk yard wide black satin for Friday Surprise. For dresses, skirts, waists, etc. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. MEIER & FRANK'S 1671ST FRIDAY SURPRISE Hair Bow Ribbons 25c MEIER fc FRANK'S 1671ST FRIDAY SURPRISE All-Wool Tricotine' Regularly $5 yard. New, perfect weave 54-inch all-wool tricotine in navy and midnight blue. 1000 yards of this ultra-fashionable material at $3.79 yard for Friday. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. Regularly 50c to 65c yard. Thousands of yards of beau tiful plaid hair bow ribbons in dozens of color combina tions all the new shades at this extraordinary sur prise price, yard 25c. 1671ST FRIDAY SURPRISE 70c Chocolate Cocoa Rolls 38c ?. Vanilla cream fondant dipped in Stollwerck's chocolate and rolled in fresh, flaky, grated cocoanut. No deliveries. Pound box 38c. Main and Ninth Floods, Basement Balcony. Women's Good Cotton Vests 50c Medium weight cotton vests in low neck sleeveless style with bodice and built-up shoulders. Band finish. White. Regular and extra sizes. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. Women's Lawn Kerchiefs 24c Were 35c. Women's and misses' sheer lawn handkerchiefs in dozens of one-corner embroid ered styles. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. 25c and 35c Windsor Ties 15c 2 for 25c. Fine for school. wear. Plaids, stripes and plain colors in brown, red, blue and green. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. "Pollyanna" Stationery 49c Pollyanna stationery in all the popular tints and white. Regu lation or long shape envelopes. 24 sheets paper and 24 envel opes in box. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. Electric Stove and Toaster $1.79 These combination stoves and toasters will fry, boil or toast. Complete with cord and plug. Meier & Frank's: Basement, Sixth Street Books Special 39c Regular .$1 editions. Some of the titles: "Theodore Roosevelt, 100 American,'" by Willaim Roscoe Thayer. "Stories for Boys" by Richard Harding Davis. "The Dora Girls and the Happy Treasure" by Mary Isa bel Martin. "Nan Sherwood at Lakeview Hall" by Annie Roe Carr. ' Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor. -Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. li CENTER AISLE Big Sale of Taffetas, Messalines, Tricolettes, Printed Foulards These Are Standard Quality Silks-Selling in the Regular Way From $1.75 to $2.50 Yard OQ Extraordinary surprise offering of standard silks at $1.39 yard. All new this season. All In the lot are 86-inch taffetas, 36-inch messalines, 36-inch tricolettes and 40-inch printed foulards. The taffetas and messalines are in all popular colors including navy, some evening and millinery shades. The tricolettes are in old rose, orange, navy, green, pink, white, etc. The foulards are shown in a variety of attractive designs. ' ) Come early for best selection as these silks will go quickly at $1.39 yard. ' . " -'. Meier & Frank's: Center Aisle, Main Floor. .39 BARGAIN SQUARE MEIER & FRANK'S 1871ST FRIDAY SURPRISE FOR MEN Surprises which demand quick action because of their extraordinary value, character and the limited lots. Overcoats $9.50 Barely a score of these all wool overcoats reduced to a point where they are almost given away. Good medium and heavy weight cheviots in green and heather mixtures. Belted back or all around. One size 35 five size 37 three size 38 two size 40 four size 42 one size 44. Smoking Jackets and Bathrobes $2.65 Only 33 in all 14 blanket robes and 19 smoking jackets at drastically reduced price to clear away short lots. All wool smoking jackets in cheviots and tweeds. These have patch pockets, shawl collar, cord bound edges. Sizes 38 and 40. Blanket robes in neat patterns with rope girdle at waist. All-Wool Suits $25 These for Friday and Saturday. Every suit of a reliable make. ' Opportunity to buy suits like these at $25 is so unusual that no man should miss it. All sizes 34 to 42, a few stouts and shorts. Men's and young men's styles. Extraordinary. . . Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. " MEIER & 1 HANK'S 1B71ST FRIDAY SI lll'HISE Shirts., Sox, Underwear' Half a dozen rousing specials from the Store for Men, Main Floor. Some of the lots are limited. Sox 25c 6 pair's for $1.35. Regular 40c and 45c grades. 600 pairs of mercerized cotton sox. All sizes in the lot but not in all colors. Union Suits $1.69 Regular $2 and $2.50 grades. Standard makes of medium and heavy weight union suits in gray and ecru. All sizes in the lot but only 144? garments. Work Shirts $1.35 Our standard $1.75 grade. "Dou ble Kind" work shirts of extra good chambray in blue and gray, with double shoulders and sleeves. Sizes 14 to 17. Pajamas $1.95 Regular $2.50 grade. 240 men's outing flannel pajamas. Good variety of patterns. Braid trimmed. Sizes 15 to 1. Golf Coals $3.95 Regular $5 grade. 100 men's all wool golf coats, practical also for home and office wear. Brown, blue and green heathers. Two pockets. Gauntlets $1.95 Regular $2.50 grade. Men's auto gauntlets in sizes 9 to 11 only. They are of the good warm serviceable sorts that drivers want. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. MEIER & FRANK'S 1671ST FRIDAY SURPRISE Two Surprises for Boys for serviceable quality corduroy knickers in the desirable mode shade. Sizes 6 to 17 years. A big surprise at $1.15 pair. 79c for boys' percale, madras and chambray blouses in light and dark color combinations. Kay nee and other makes. 6 to 16. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. MEIER & FRANK'S 1871ST FRIDAY SURPRISE Odd Pairs of Curtains V2 Price Regularly ?2 to $14 pair special now $1 to $7. Odds and ends of Nottingham, filet, scrim, marquisette and Irish point and cluny curtains. Only one pair of a kind. Meier & Frank's: Seventh Floor MEIER & FRANK'S 1671ST FRIDAY SURPRISE Griswold Dutch Ovens Regularly $3.75. Old-fashioned Dutch ovens or "Tite Top" basters made by the Griswold Mfg. Company. Fine for pot roasts, etc. Tn ; t .Trying rans 00c Heavy cast iron individual frying pans in 6 -inch size. - Meier & Frank's: Basement.