m - TITE MORNING OTtEOONIAX, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1033 .. wmmmmWWmmwmmmmmmmmmaWmWtmmmmmWmm - y KF.U FSTATK. t KEU MTAT- J REA,. KSTATK. , I LMATli. 1 WAXTEI-KKAI. KSTATK. t , - riano8, o.n. Mu'fk, .trume FurnUuV'ora... .-.. i n I ytr Nle Houwe. I ftuhurhun Home. - - ; mi it- ! - -"- i HMMKS FOR THK WoRKINGMAN. $825- $0 ranh. $M monthly buy a 3 - room cottae in the Alberta du-tnr-t. rroun.l ;kxl. gas and lights, pa-tent toilet. Rink, city mater, 8 be n n fruit tree, good woodshed and garage. fc0 4150 cuh. $2 monthly buys a 4- roftra box house, ceiled, small cUr. electric hifty, ground JtMx 111 4 fruit trees and sooi ber- 0V f 50 down. $15 monthly, buys a pi-ifl of ground Joxl41. and subJK-nt tally built 2 -room rottge. n-r f'ourtney station, on th Ore iron City lino. This is in nw loaning and yon hav river front nghta and privileges in connection thij piare. $77 $77 cah. $17 monthly buys neat --room ilttl cot t ait, city water, electric hfftu and gas, lot ioxloO; rf op that rent. 1473 $ltw cash. $13 monthly buys a 4 -room. --tory house, has patent tmt sink. fireplace. concrete rioor ail over downstairs., n o use need painting and a little work by Air. Handyman; 1 bloc from Wood.toc car. Don't heaitate on this, as It Is a dandy. S Mr. Lary. with KKED W. UKRMA.V CO. Realtors, 732 t ham. of Com. S AfKIKlCE PIEDMONT HOME. ON LY $JH ONLY. E:s-ht ra.mii modern, with garage, furo!i!id or unfurnished, large living room, dining room, kitchen and recep tion hall ou first floor; a, I oak floor. f:reoIace. bookcases and built-in buiiei; t h ree large bedrooms and bath on sec ond floor; full cement basement, wasn tnvi mnA fiirnacn: fine lawn and roses. This p. ace Is worth $7500 and ill sacrifice $;5'W for quick EASLKY-ROBINSON-SPOONER CO.. 712 "ouch Bdwy. 6T5, BRAXD-.VEW I A UR E LHU R S T. B K A t'TT FTL COT,ONTAL DEPIOV. A TVFH FOR PARTICl'IAR PEOPLE. Coicn.al bungalow, the classiest and jnot distinctive design in LAureihurst: contains finest materials, beautiful spa- ctoua ruonu II hrire Kiate-fTtass wlnaows, feuiit-lr. bath tub. tile bath floor, tile orain boards, ivory woodwork, tapestry pp-r. K furne.; 13-1 oik rioora. HHoXB MWXKR. A I T O . S 1Q-T3 kojiK CITY BUNGALOW. 7 rooms. $5'oj, $2oo0 rash. $30 pr month and interest ; tuxioo lot. pavea si reet. he low the hill, three blocks to Hose City car. hardwood floors, rreneh doors, butlt-in bookcases and buffet : Dui. kitchen, fine light fixtures; nice inn. garage. JmHN.-WDODSON CO.. X. W. Itmk Bid. Main 377. UN A I.AMKUA DRIVE. $5000 buys this new nifty bungalow home of 5 rooms and bath. hdwd. floors, fireplace. buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement un der entire house. Will build ga ng, if desired. Easy terms. Bonus loan can b applied. J. A. 1VICKMAN CO., ?J Stark M. Bdwy. TfM. lU'ILD NOW. W can furnifh a lot and assist you In flnanrinK onuit with our engineer rrarding your home planning proolenia. You will he undr no obiipations. ZIMMERMAN-WALLER BL1LLHNO iUMPANY. "Builders of hubstantia! Home 4j"-41it Abington Bid ir RiK CITV PARK 1ISTRICT. $43ti Lt us ?how you tnis attractive 5-room bunralow home, built-in buffet. rutch kitchen. 2 la rice b-drooms; imp. in and paid. Only one hik. to car. Bonus loan can be applied. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. Sr.nrk Bdwy. 7!4. K SE CITY. 57xlou CORNER. Par dy 4 - room modern bungalow, Jut like nw: French doors between den and liv ng room; Iuth kitchen; also garage: price J;:oO. TOO cash and terms on b-ila -i-. hl'PRET INVESTMENT CO.. 500-10 PAN m A BT.rC, BDWY. R?42. lA'EA.N PARK COTTAGE. Kurnisheil. Six rooms. Dutch kitchen, fireplace. rew; pamied. on 1oOxIn lot. surround ed hy lovely home, clear of debt. Will trail and pay cash for modern o-room bun a low in the citv. E. R. ft!., 71 Couch Hide, Bdwy. R'JE CITY PARK. :t ".'. Bra nd nw 3-room bungalow, living room with fireplace and bookcases, din in k room, but ft. beautiful breakfast nook. 2 nic bedroom-, garage. HARRY BECKW1TH. REALTOR. 1Q4 arh i-it. Broadway tt.'iia. LA 1 : ; E, li t. MJ M Y 1 1 M M E. f-l20. J.vui cash. $:;o monthly Includ ing inierst; mx rooms on one ftor. Ttt-it r school and p:rk. good basement, small fruit. 7xI0O iot ; a ral home In a good dN'rirt J' H NSON-DODSON CO. N. W Kmk Bldg Main .ITT. KSE CITY. 15roo ArtistH-. nt'w 5-rnnm bunga low, iarce living room, fireplace, hard wood floors, plate glaits windows, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. 2 nice airy J bedrooms, furnace and garage; below the hili: trms. R. SQM KR VTT.LE. Pdwv. 247. II A VV THi RN E One of the pr.-ttii S room bungalows you ever inspected t this price; bui.t-ins are the finest and most expensive materials and workman ship. Fusly modern In every way. Price $47.00: terms or bonus. O. A. Pearce Co, Bdwy 435. 61H Henry bldg. Mar. 17 ROSE CITY PARK, $4.X Brand new ti-room bungalow. Ivory finish, tapestry paper. maKniUle bath j and drain board, b-jffet. bookcases, fire- 1 HARRY BECK WITH. I'M .Vh St. HH ,Vh st LA URELlU'R-sr. At $-no I am losing on thia class new hom no, view lot; must ro awav and will sacrifice : must b seen to b appreciated. Kvery convenience, lots of luxuries; garajce; perrolas, walks, drive, wonderful place. Bdwy. 4231 or East 4M. EX-S LDI ERS. $--rt Apply your bonus on this new. rtlsilc 5-room bungalow; large living rooms, fireplace. French doors to dining room, hardwood floors, 2 nice bedrooms, Dutch, kitchen; corner lot, paved street, ciose In. R SMFRVTLLE. Bdwv. 247 tJtiu DOWN This $2 "." modern home. 4 rooms; room for garage: lot 51x230; out pretty well; good garden spare. Will take Ford as part; balance like rent. tee Wo' f ha g-n. FRANK C. ROBINSON 30rt S-lhng Bldg. Ma;n 2537. JFOR SALE rt-room cuge, not modern; has some f urnit ure. barn, garage, other bui.d.nirs. fruit trees. flowers, shrub bery. No 30 East Ksth St.. four blocks north of Mr. Tabor car line. See owner at P;7 R. 72d N. A LA M r. DA PA R K E X . 1 KPT I ON A L. A 6-room, u am-heated, story and a r.alf bunija.nw. fire p. ace, attic, garage; excluMve ieighborhood . only $5750; easy terms. J- R. HAIGHT. Realtor. 2."v-327 B.ard of Trade Bdwy. 2045. ALBERTA HOME. Six rooms. 3 blocks to school and one to car; just been reshincled and painted. A real bargain for $Jow with only $m0 down. O'FARREI.L-FORDXEY, "S.4rt Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4 1 72. THOROUGHLY modern bungalow in St. Johns, nearly new. only short distance from the business center, facing im proved street, all improvements paid for. Only $2330; on very easy terms. Owner compelled to sell. For particulars call Main Se. HEART OF SlNNYSIDE $r304.. $ i .mo cash and J5 per month nd Interest; two blocks from S. S. car. nice 3-room home, paved street, fruit and grapes. JoHNSOX-DODSOX CO, fftt X W. Bank RMg. Main 3717. J1HH DOWN NEW Bl NGALoW. erv easy terms may be had on this fine home in select district ; oak floors f replace, etc.: alley ; priced low, $o250. Xr, Church will show you J. R, HAIGHT. Rea'tor. 2-327 P'ard of Trade. Bdwy. C4 3 . C.C I NO TO BUILD? We design and build remdenca or any building, assist in financing same: 12 years continuous and complete building service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. U R Bailey, contract- architect. 024 X. W. Bank Mdg. $750 BUYS thi 43xUo lot with nice 2-room home, you will enjoy living in. Fine fruit tree, flowers, perries; room for g ax ago. You'll ilke thi. FRANK C. RuBTNSON. V3 Selling Bldg. Main 233T 1 5uo V EST S i D E V I E W. A low price on a beautiful home; -room modern, best condition, excellent location: terms. Call Mr. Wiles, with J- R. HATGHT. Realtor. 32VS27 B-a-d of Trade Bdwy. 2043. BY OW.NER Substantial home In c.se-in. hlahlr restricted district; 7 rooms, full basement, shower bath, tile dram board and bath, 2 toilets. M ueiler furnace, shrubbery; vrr desirable. Terms. Phone Fas-t 27. 321 E 23d st. S.1M U N N YS 1 1 E i-rmMii modern bun galow, full cement basement, improve ments in and paid; $500 will handle; see S. lRUND. Realtor. I ?2H H-nn- Hi .li Bdwy. 1'ftft, j COSY itt:- 4-rom bungalow, bath, 2 bed-' room, fireplace, cement basement, fine double corner, hard street. Hawthorne oar line. $3251. $.mh cash. Owner. Kast fi-'l"- WILL bu;,d and L.iaa. r a Tew homes. For i appointment phon Wdla. 644, I JOVIV'.TDV BEACTIKl'L &1UCCO HOME. Real home on 24th nr Knott, first floor, large living room, din ing room, library. breakfast room, buffet, kitchen, lavatory room; seco nd f i oor. 3 Urge bed rooms, beautifully equipped, tiled bath. 2 large keeping porches with con necting dressing room, containing full J'ngth triple mirrors and lavatory; maid's room has bath; full b.-.-mnt. water heater, abun dance of fu'l. owner out of city. Immediate pojsas:on, Easy terms. McDONELU EAST 41. i:oSK CITY BI NOALOW. 5-rm. modern, very well bultt, new bungalow, hdwd flra. fireplace, furnace, cement basement; has many features usual. y found in high priced houses only. Dutch kitchen, buiit-in buffet, finished In old Ivor and mahogany. Bedrooms have buitt-lns and clothes closets. Pine attic. Terms very reasonable. Auto. S3U.0.V Suburban Home. SUBURBAN HOMES. 6 acres in cultivation, lots of fruit, berries; 3 -room house, electric lights, water in house, gas available; high and sightly; close to river; walking Ui.-tancs . car. 0 minutes out; paved road; $t0VO. x L1HH down, $luOu year; it s choice. S acres in cultivation; fruit, creek; 3 room house, at ry. station on the pave ment, 1 miles out; J J.oO. $."u0 down. A arr In cultivation: fruit, berries. grapes, 4 -room house, barn, chick m house; S bias, Oregon City line; 3ut0. terms. 6 acres In cultivation; 5-rnom house, barn, windmill; water in house; near Clackamas station. Md at. ; S42UO, terms. 1 - acre, fruit, grapes, bcrnea; 7-room house, electric lights, gas, water: clo i- staUon, Oregon City line; $400, terms. HHi acres strictly choice fancy land. New berg highway; 6tK fruit trees; on the pavement, walking distance to ry. ata.; 0OOO, good terms. 6 acres in fruit and berries On the pavement. New berg highway; 3Ctu, terms. It. M. OATKWOOn A- CO.. IrtiS'j 4th St. THIS IS THE TIME to select your build ing site at Multnomah, on the Oregon Electric, only L'O minutes from the cen ter of Portland by the finest electric service running out of the city or 13 minutes over the beautiful Terwilllger boulevard. I have tracts ranging from a lot to an acre, on very easy installment payments. We have all kinds of small houses and up-to-date bungalows on the easy-payment plan. If you are tired of paying rent, see me. I have started many on the right path to secure a home. 1 can start you. Operator exclusively in west side suburban homes. City office. 404 Piatt bldg. Office at Multnomah In charge of Mrs Grant. NICE LITTLE COUNTRY HOME VERY CHEAP. Consists of half acre one block from electric station near Oswego, nice little 3-room house with run ning water, electric lights, chick en house and park, ail fenced. Price only SHOO. IGuO cash, ba. ance eay terms. STEWART A JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. SMALL CHICKEN PLANT. Large, complete poultfy houses, brooder house, storeroom, etc : fi room bungalow, modern plumbing, ground 15uxl't ft., with all kinds of bearing fruit and berries; S blocks to car. An Ideal place. All In flrst-ciass condition. Price $4730, $l.0O cash. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Broadway 0u34. LOOK ! LOG BU NCALO W N E A R OA K grove: Three rooms with provision for 2 more rooms to be added ; massive fire place in large living room; electricity and ras ; close to station and river; COMPLETELY FURNISHED with over stuffed davenport and 2 large chnirs, fine stove and other furnitur; garden tools; EASY DOWN PAYMENT WILL HANDLE. Ask for F. C. Marshall, it FRANK L. McGUlKE. 20. Abington Bidg. Broadway 7171. Thrrd St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. NEW 4-ROOM BUVGALOW WITH.ACRE! barge am:, BUii.iinr mi . iucihb i' desired ; pantry. bath room. cement basement, house wired, gas and electric ity available, city water. 0 minutes from station, close to school. 23 minutes to Portland on good road; IDEAL FOR CHICKEN RANCH. $ 2 130. with a c re. Some terms ; bonus appliable Ask for K. C Marshal!, with FRANK I- McOVIRE. 2KV Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. OSWEGO BARGAIN. PRICE ONLY $3MR. About l- acre, with 3-room modern bungalow ; has all but It-ins, bath and toilet, laundry trays, full basement, gas. water and electricity. Some bearing fruit. 2 I a rice walnut trees and shrub bery, $1200 cash and mortgage for bal ance. Pl'PRET INVESTMENT CO.. 300-10 Pannm Bldg. Bdwy. M2- ACRE HOME FOR 1hi. SMLL DOWX PAYMENT WILT HANDLE! 4-room bungalow, city water, garage and chicken house, acre ail in cultivation with some fruit and berries; just 1 block off of pavement; Sc car fare. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE 20." Abington B!dg. Broadway 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. FOUR-ROOM HOME FOR !fc50? will accept piano as i art payment: Mr. Handyman, t hia is the place for you. 4 rooms, unfitilshfd inside, gas and city water, over half acre in cultivation. Sc carfare. EASY TERMS. Ask for K. C. Marshall, with FRANK I- McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bids. Broadway 7171. Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. OAK GROVE PRICK ONLY $30O0. 140x 140 ground, wit h 5 -room houto. electricity and gas: orchard of 18 trees. Wood shed and chicken house: liberal terms. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. SOO-IO Panama Bldg. Bdwy. fKM2. M ULTNOM All. $2650 ONLY $40O DOWX. One-quarter acre and 4-room modern house: only 2 blocks to station. We also have other good buys, same district. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. nn?-I0 Panama Bldg ltd wv. O042. F INK t S VEG LAKE HO M E. Four rooms, bath, lights, water; three blocks Good in station ; sleeping porch ; 140 foot lake frontage, piers In for boathouse: $5000, half cash. "This Is 1del." McFarland, Realtor, Failing bldg. HtBER STATION. 5 acres, with ft-room bungalow; city water, gas and family orchard; a real buy st $4500. liberal terms. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 5V-tO Panama Bldg. Bdwv. 6fM2. MODERN BUNGALOW, nearly new, close to Multnomah station, on large tract of ground. Owner non -resilient, compelled to sell. Easy terms. Ben Riesland. 4U4 Piatt bldg.. or Mrs. Grant at the Multno mah offsce. MULTNOMAH. $2650 ONLY $4M DOWN. li acre and 4-room modern house: only 2 blocks to station: we also have other good buys. am d ist rict. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO. 500-10 Panama Bide. Bdwy. T42. FOR SALE or trade, tne last 5 acres of my farm; rich, level, close in; this will make fine home: can use livestock, light car or truck, musical instruments, house hold goods or carpenter work as first payment. Auto. 33-0. CIA.I&E I'nwrll Valley highway This lit t le suburban phioe of an acr. nearly new 4 -room bungalow, partly furnished, garage, poultry house, younif fruit trees, city conveniences, only $2150; easy terms A. K Hill, 42t Lumbermen bidg. ONE ACRE IN CITY. One acre nice and level, good soil ; here is your opportunity to keep chick ens and be close to market. Price $750. J o H X S O X -1 o DS O N CO.. X. W. Bank H'dg. Main 37S7. GRESH AM One acre with shack, barn, fruit trees, finest kind, of soil, cultivat ed, or hard road; $50 takes It; $)0 down. W M. I'mbdenstock &c Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. lft.VS. FOR your chickens. 3 acjres and 3-room ceded house, near station. 30 minutes 1 stock A. Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy 138 $30O CASH 4-room House, gas; Uc fare; fruit, berries, hennery. barn. creek; acre; $25oO takes this nice little home. McFarland. Realtor. gOH Failing bldg 4-RooM bungalow on Johnson creek, about an acre fruit, berries. 1 block to car; $2400; terms. A. A. Auspos, Beil station! Estaeada line. $2HI CASH New 3-room but. k alow, two blocks electric station. 30 minutes out ; pretty acre, trees; electric lights; $15O0. McFarland. ReaUor. 208 Failing bldg. 6li ACRES highly improved, some live stock, near Beat erton. Price $40o. Cash. $15H). Johnson Bros.. 445 Waah- 1 n gton hide. AT OAK GROVE Over an acre rich loam soli with nifty new 5-rcom bungalow. fr $3300 A K H:'l. I.utnbermens bldg. FIVE acrejs. Hoc k wood rnia, 4-room housa, $2i00, terms. Tabor. 2670, WHV PAY RENT? BUY A HOME ON EASY" TERMS! New 4 -room hunpwlow wit h 2 bed rooms, gas and city water; only 3 blocks to eiectric station, nearly 1 acres with half In cultivation. 'rt."rt. Soldiers bo nus appltable. Ask for K. C. Marshall, with fRANK L. McC.riRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St.. bpt. Wash, and Stark. For Sale Acreage. WELLEQCTPPEO POULTRY RANCH. . 10 acres, in Lewis county. Wash ington. 1 miles from good town with free bus to high and grade school ; woven-wire fenced, bear ing family orchard, creek, well, 4 room bungalow, 4x32: barn, large chicken house. 'JOx-'O; brooder house, capacity 500 chickens. In cluded with place 4'M laying pul lets. White Leghorn. Tancred stmln; good Jersey- cow. heifer caif. large horse, bufegy. harness, plow, tools, feed, brooder stove, etc. Price for everything S-CCO, terms. . MODERN HOME WITH PLUMBING. 2 acres, on macadamized road west of Portland. near paved highway : all In berries, good 4 room house with white enameled plumbing; other buildings; close to station ani school. Price $3uu0 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. ALL PLOWED AND READY FOR PLANTING. SUNDERLAND ACRES, at East 2!thJ sf. North and Columbia bouievara, ciose in and convenient to cars and schools; several choice A to 20-acre tracts, very best of soli, all plowed and ready for planting: $400 to $000 per acre; 10 per cent down, balance eisy terms. ELROD & DRYER. Owners. LS3 Stark St. Bdwy. 1183. ACRE AND ONE-HALF. $U3 DOWN $15 PER MO. 44KI yards from the end of Killings worth; paved street, and city limits; hiKh. level grounds, good roads, elec tricity, water and telephone close by; best of gardening soil. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. C034. SUBSTANTIAL HOMH IN ORE-SHAM-BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS. 1 i acres, with all kinds of fruit, berries, English walnuts; fronting Powe'l a li-y road ; splendid view ; w ell-bulit 6-rooin house, bath, toilet, etc., electric lights. Bull Run water, good outbuild ings; this is the best buy on the market and can net be equaled at the price ; $4000; reasonable terms. KRiDER ELKINGTON, GRKSHAM. OR. GET IN ON THE, GROUND FLOOR. 10 acres fine level bottom land, 20 miles out on electric line ; 2 acres in cultivation, soma beaverdam; rustic bun galow; fine spring and water; 7 blocks from ."tore, railroad, school ; total price $1400. $MH cash, balance $13 per month, 7 per cent. See J. C. Culhertson. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg Bdwy. 32tt. BEAVERTON. Here i a wonderfully fine tract, only few blocks from business center ; con sists of one-half block and 1 acres ad joinirg; level, rich soil; offered at sac rifice to close e&ttte. $3300 for ali: very easy terms. FRED C. PRATT, 534 Chamb.-r of Commerce Bldg. Broadwy lr3. A REAL SNAP. 13 acres at Cottrell station, on Bull Run e.ectric. 14 miles from city limits, good roads. 9 acres under cultivation, beautiful view, ideal place for berries and ptultry. Price only $2.00, very easy terms. W. M. Umbdnstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1Q.'8- CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. 5 acres, good buildings. HO fruit trees bearing : take ' bonus loan ; $3.00 ; 10 a., tt-r. house, barn, garden land. $4000; a., highway building, gas lights, water. iame as city, $37S0. Law son. OOl McKay bldg. 12 ACRES, 2 blocks from car line at .lenninzs' Lodge. 500 each. Would like io sell whole tract as chicken rjneh. f Will aivioc. lerm.s. .j-Hrnen ji. i net, Sterling Bakery, 231 Morrison st. Main 3t;.-.:t FOR SALE BY OWNER Beautiful 5 to 7-acre tract of land on paved Pacific highway, 5 miles north of Salem, planted io strawberries; auto staee ser ice, elec tric lights soon, no buildings ; priced riirht. Foley's Ca5h Grocery. Salem. Or. BY OWNER, to 2 aer-s and modern 5 ,room bungalow; will sacrifice for quick deal; only 13 minutes from town; dandy place fr chicken ranch: all city con veniences. Call Bdwy. 244, Sundays and eveninc. Main or L'tn Henry bidg: showing location. low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma. Wash. LADY must sacriiice two acres rich land on county road. IS miles out at Boring, 5 minutes from car; $300 cash. 5S East Davis st. G ACRES on paved road and electric line, part in cultivation; shack; price $u50, 1 30 down. $ 10 per month. DRAPER. 4ni Board of Trade. Hi ACR ES creek bottom land. .2 acres . cleared. located one mile from logging camp, half mile from sa wmill. Write L.- Lencacher. Deer Island. Or. usi bain, outbuildings, family orchard, smffil fruit; close to Oregon City; A210O; terms. C. AV, MILLKKSHIP. 1 H3 S 4th St. 1UO CHOICE acres, near city limits; fine speculation or subdivis.oti ; very low pric. rmm owner. r.-ist $10 DOWN Nice wooded acre tracts, close to electric and Port la nil, Oswego lake. M crariann. rteaitor, railing omg. FOR SALE SEVEN ACRE?. CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN. 6131 l2D ST. S. E. 616-45. F1VK acres. 3S Woodlawn fiii7. utiles from courthouse. MONTANA land, on oil anticline; $0 per acre; terms. AN 423. Orcgcnian. Hnropitlruilw, ReliHnuihments. TWO Improved relinguisnnienis. joining $30,000 fruit ranch; SO rods to nice little town, near .Grants Pass; $20(0 tpent on one, running water. $00 and $700, all cash. 3Q1 Corbet t bidg. 1 1'0-ACRE K fcl 1 .1 N y L' I S H M E T . Tulamook county, 3 miles from the ocean ; lies good ; Fome very easily cleared, some good timber, creeks and springs; A-l soi.; price 273. 018 Cham ber of t'tdnmerce b dy, HOMESTEAD relinquishment; 640 acres good gracing ianii, two springs, cabin, half fenced; 13 miles to county seat; will take stock. A V 176. Oregon ian. for a good homestead or relin quishment SEE E. W . HE LAI . 422 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. For Sale Farms. DAIRY fanners, investigate :hs unusual opportunity to own fine-paying irri gated dairy and alfalfa rancn, valued llo.oOu ; located In famous Deschutes vaiiey of central Oregon. Buying same ou entirely new plan, very little cash re quired Full particulars upon request. REDMOND LAND & LOAN CO., luC. Redmond. Oregon. "WILLAMETTE KIXEK FARM." 33 acres. 17 a. in cultivation, bal. timber and pasture ; running water power for ram; fair buildings, iruit and nut trees; river frontage. II miles Portland. 1 mi. ferry, 3 m Can by ; price $4000, S25o0 down. tal. mortgage. II. M. GATEWOOD CO.. H15U 4th St. OWING to recent personal injury owner offers his unincumbered 70-acre Gresnam Heignts farm with lm provements. 2 houses, 2 barns and outbuildings, for low price of $10,500. ill consider other un incumbered property up to 30 per cent. R. F. Walters, Gresham. Oregon. 1G5-ACRE stoek ranch, fenced for goats, house, barn, living water, good soil, 3.t.H.OOd ft. of' timber, thousands of acres of out range ; 1 mile from school and 3 miles from town; $3000 cash. Box 43. Brownsville. Or. 117 3-5 ACRES, 2 mi. N. E. Lebanon, mL li. R- sta.. adjoining mkt. road, fenced woven- Ire, 3 a. clear, timber, good spring, drilled well, house, barn, outbuildings. Price $35o(. terms. K. W. Esch. route 3. Lebanon, Or. 4B y-100 ACRES 4 miles from Gaston : good 6-room house, running creek the year around ; good barn and silo: fine bottom land. Price $o.00 cash. $3500. balance terms. Write box B. Gaston. Or. FOri. SALE Fine modern oO-acre ranch home on pavement in heart of R. R. vaiiey. Also acreage. Very reasonable. Trades considered. J. Simervilie. Klam ath Kails, or. 100 ACRES 30 bottomland: 10 cleared ; water piped to 5-room house; fair barn, fences, timber ; between Siltcoos and Fackenltch lake. 4 miles to R. R. ; $3300. Mrs Marv McDonald. DixonviUe. Or. $12.00 FARM for $75o cash. 127 acres on Yaqusna bay. 60 acres on tide land, good improvements. b38 Woodward ave. Phone Sellwood 1721. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $50 to $5u0 per acre, easy terms, best sail; farms for sale, all sixes. M c Fans n a. re a 1 tor. railing mag b0-A. RANCH. 65 grain. 3 A. fruit trees, pcod barn. fenc. Mrs Bishop. Junction City, or . R 1. WILL cut up my alU ranch, tor soldier, feast tio3L OVER 12 acres, on rocked road be tween Beaverton and Hillsboro. hk mile to school; all under cultiva tion; good loam soil, 2 acres bear ing orchard, acre loganberries, tt-room house with water system and" plumbing. Portland gas; good barn. double garage. chicken house for over 12iW) chickens. 1."00 cash, balance $5ou per year, G. Personally Inspected 40 acres, 60- miles northeast of Portland, 2 miles - from good town with high school; all in standing timber, over 1 million feet. scond-growth fir and some oak: good creek; all cn be farmed when cleared. Total price $300. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor. Gerlinger Bldg. GET A MT. SCOTT FARM. ft-room house, modern, steeping porch; lot tHxJ0; several varieties of fruit; will sell for $3so0; nicely furnished for $5.VHr; would trade for nice apt. house. 7-room modern house and 8 50x loo ft. lots; some chicken ranch; exchange for smaller farm or acre age; price $7KM. h-room house; cement basement; garage; lot 8ox22H; a real buy at S4JOO; trade for acreage or larger farm. If you would trads see Linn WM. A. HUGHES CO.. 218 Railway Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. HbOti. HERE, FOLKS. IS A REAL BARGAIN. L acres near Reedville on good rock road, with milk end mail route. 8 acres cleared, balance in good pasture, not hard to clear, 2 room house, newly painted, barn, fruit and berries for family use. Place is well fenced and several acres of good swale land. A real bargain for $3300. Some terms. STEWART & JOHNSON. 313 Northwestern Bank Bidg. ONE MILE FROM HIGH SCHOOL. Splendid 40-acre tracts of black loam soil. 31 acres in cultivation, junt slightly rolling, ail fenced, 40 assorted fruit trees. 7 years old, 7-room plastered house with concrete foundation, full basement and furnace, barn 36x56. silo 8x30, good garage, house alone could not be built for less than $30iH; 1 mile from Battle creek, Wash., about 2. mes from Port land; total price $4500. $10o0 cash. $500 yearly, a real snap. See Mr. Campbell, with Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 732 Chamber of Commerce. wiiow is forced to sell good 25- ACRE PLACE. ONLY 14 MILES OUT, .IN WASHINGTON COUNTY. 23 acres In high state of cul Ovation : good 2-acre orchard in full bearing: fair -room house, barn, new poultry house; with place goes 135 White Leghorn hens. i bronze turkeys, good cow, 2-year-old heifer, "ome Implements and tools: on mail and milk route; price for all $0000. about half cash. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315North western Bank Bldg. HOME WITH INCOME. 10 acres, located only short distance from Clackamas; all ' level and under cultivation; about 8 acres In full bearing aisles; 4-room houpe, large barn; also another barn utfed as garage; this place borders on the Clackamas river; good Foil; the stock and equimetit are in cluded at $4300. $2000 cash. F. L. EDDY. REALTOR. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. " 201-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 20 ACRES, -mi leu from Stella, Wash.; 4-room houso, barn, tool shed, henhouse 20x40. brooder house, 158 chickens; 240 egg incubator, 3 cows. 2 horses, harness, wagon, hack. 3 cultivators, plow, har row, disc, mower, rake. Gas Sow cream separator and small tools. 0 stands bees, 0 acres under plow, young orchard, all kinds berries. Reason for selling, sick ness. No agent; no trade. Price $2.00; $1500 cash, bal. 5 years- I. I. Shoe maker. Stella. Wash., box 33. 40 ACRES, 11 MIL1S FROM VANCOUVER 7 acres prunes. 2 acres of walnuts, family orchard, variety of fruit and ber ries; 7-room modern bungalow with fur nace, fireplace, bath, all bui It-ins ; good outbuildingn. garage. 1 horse, 1 cow. chickens, all Implements; will take home in PortKand or Vancouver up to $4500. long time on balance. See Rock, 403 Couch bldg. Bdwy. (1363. HIGHEST TYPE FARM LANDS, mostly level, valley and bottom; settled dis trict, roads, markets. At Onalaska. in Newaukum valley, near Ohehalis; 20 acres or more, $15 to $50, ten-year terms. Employment in mills or woods. Sales man cn ground, or write Graham-Par-dew Land Co.. 1008 American Bank Bids:.. Seattle. 80-ACRE FARM FOR $1200! 2 acres in cultivation, 4-room cottage, chicken house and other outbuildings ; good road. 17 miles toySeastde and 3 miles to Hamlet. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 203 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. NEAR HILLSBORO. $750 CASH WILL HANDLE. 31 acres, 3 mi les from Hillsboro ; 20 acres in cultivation ; 6-room house, barn and chicken house; has federal loan of $2500; price $0000; will accept $750 cash down, or will trade equity for city home. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 300,-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. T42. 60 ACRES, 21 miles Irom Portland ; 25 acres culilvative. 6 acres fine timber, bal. slashed; all fenced and cross fenced; new 5-room bungalow, new ha rn. out buildings, family orchard. Fordson trac tor and equipment, all new farm imple ments, close to school ; $li500; consider house up to $300O. B. H. STEWART. 16514 4th St. bOO-ACRE wheat ranch for sale, lu miles from Prepcott. Wash.; Jl'0 acres in fall wheat, 350 acres to summer fallow, bal ance ii fine bunch grass; well improved, at $50 an acre. Will take part cash, also some in trade; easy terms on bal ance. For particulars write .1. AlcKeely, Walla Walla. Wash. ; R. F. D. 6. 40 ACR ES Near station, on r. r. ; some cleared ; house, barn, spring; work near by; price $750. $100 down. DRAPER, 408 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED REAL F STATE. WE ARE LOOKING FOR ITS ANYWHERE IN THE CITY. IS YOUR LOT FOR SALE? SEE US. RICH EN BACH & CO.. 207-S Couch Bldg. WANTED -West side, close in. 6 and 8 room houses, flats and apartment houses. . we have clients with cash, ready to buy. E. J. GEISER, 417 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5252. WANTED 3 to 5 acres, cleared or stump land, on public highway, not over 23 miles from Portland. State price - and location; must be cheap for all cash, fro.n owner only. AB 445. Oregonian. WE HAVE 50OO CASH. How good a home have you? If you will talk price and we can see the value our particular client will buy; cithei t ungaluw or 2-story. Call Bdwy. 75 H, or writ.' AG 403. Oregonian. I AM IN THK .UAKKtiT for a 4 to 6 room modern home, in good district; have 1-ate model Dodge sedan, excellent shape, good tires, as first payment. Ta bor 6048. RANCHES TRADED FOR CITY property: many letters daily. Do you want to got 011 a farm? Good propositions. FRANK C. ROBINSON, 5Q3 Selling Bidg. Main 2537. 1 WA.NTKLJ Immediate possession strictly modern 4-room bungalow, not over 3 blocks from car line; prefer Rose City Park or Alameda; half payment cash. t'hn! Bdwv. 7S30. ; WANTED 1! lots In Ir'ington lor cash, must be between Broadway and Fre mont, loth and 3."th. For appointment call Bdwy. Mr. B. WE HAVE BUVEKa Al ALL TIMES IF YOUR PKICE IS RIGHT. PORTLAND HOME CO.. 633 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Broadway 2571. WANT attractive, well-located suburban homes, any.Mze; values $154H) to $0lMi. A. K. Hili. 42(i Lumbermens bldpr. RELIABLE PERSONAL SERVICE. FIVE or six-room home, preferably in Hawthorne or Rose City district. I40U0 to $4500; can pay dubstantlal down pay ment; no agents. Tabor 8892 WANT to buy strictly modern home. 6 to 8 rooms, Irvington or Laurelhurst, about $.MiO0; wtli pay cash. Write complete description to 1204 E. Couch. HAVE cash customer for five-room bun galow in Rose City Park on paved street, not over 4M0. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Ore?r.ii bldg. Bdwy. 1H.1S. 1RVINGTON. Want to buy. lot for cash. Oregon ian. AO 370, WANTED 5-room bungalow. $2000 to $:tOOO, $350 down, not in Mt. Scott or St. Johns. Wood lawn 3457 after 7 P. M. LIST your 5 and 6-room bungalow with Sherman Nelson, realtor, 706 Gasco bldg. Main 2072. . WANTED Strictly modern $6000 to $7000 bungalow, nice neighborhood; cash deal. Bdwy. 7S3Q. " WILL pay cash for lot, Westmoreland, H price right. AO 424. Oregonian. HAVE client lor 5 or 6-room bungalow in Rose City. East 2081. LOT IN A LAM El nd cash for room house O'll Wdm. 625S. IF UL'K price is right we can seU your lot. Aiin 7b?. CASH FOR THE FOLLOWING. Client who can pay all cash must have at once & good four or five-room home on east side, w aJking distance of Broadway bridge; will pay up to $3500 CASH; must be worth the money. Another client for new modern 5 or 6 room bungalow, Irvington or Laurel hurst, will pay up to $7000; this must be a bargain, as buyer will pay ALL CASH. Another buyer requires a modern ft room home; must be in a good district, not over $5000, which will be all CASH. We also have buyers for modern 5 and ft-ro-m bungalows not over $6000, that can be handled for $2000 down. Many calls daily for 4 and 5-room bungalows orcottages between $3500 and tnat can be handled on down pay menu of $500. If you are desirous of making a quick and satisfactory sale get In touch with us at once. For a prompt Inspection call Broadway 7507. CITY HOMES DEPARTMENT. RITTER. LOWE & CO., REALTORS, 20J-2-S--7 Board of Trad Bldg. $50,000. IN CASH AND NEGOTIABLE SECURITIES. Together with 2 income prop erties valued at $32.O00 and pay ing better than 10 per cent net. To exchange for good income prop erty at price of not to exceed $100,000. 1 Full information apply to Mr. Taylor. F. E. TAYLOR CO., Inside Property Dealers. Twelfth floor. Yeon bldg. . WANTED SUBURBAN HOMES. We have the buyers; list with ua for results; personal attention. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. APARTMENT HOUSE WANTED. We have buyer for email apartment house in good district up to $35,000; will give part cash and mortgage for balance. Another client has good west side im proved property on 'Broadway, worth $12,oim), clear and paying lOf-t, to give as first payment on apartment , prop erty. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WE HAVE clients who are anxious to buy homes of the better class on the west side. If you want to sell and your price is right, we can give you quick action. J. R. HAIGHT, Realtor, 323-327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED We do not care how old and dilapi dated they are, or where they are. we can sell them if your price is right and terms easy. Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 732 Chamber .of Commerce. WANTED City improved property to ex change for improved acreage. Johnson Bros.. 455 Washington bldg Farmn Wanted. WANTED 4 to 8 acres, improved. A-l land, with or without buildings, for cash or trade for Portland property. Must be good buy. State description and lowest price: private party. A J 422. Oregonlan; Wanted to Item arms. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buj equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific CoasL FOR RENT FARMS. 42 ACRES. 20 acre In cultivation, near Oak Grove; stock and equipment $750; rent $300. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. TIM BER LANDS. A GRAND opportunity to get into a prof itable lumber business with little or much capital. This will be worth your while Let us supply you with particu lars. AV 32, Oregonian. QUARTER section cruising over 6.000,000 feet fir, $5000 for a quick sale for cash. FOR SALE 2020 acres Oregon timber, ail or part. C, D. Jones, 123 East 48th St., Chic ago. 111. PILING timber wanted, close In. O. Gamble, (Much bldg. ROUGH lumber and timbers for sale. Bdwy. 3669. 419 Lumbermens bldg. TO F.XfHAXGR REAL ESTATE. MODERN HOME IN SEATTLE. $6500. CLEAR OF DEBT. Will exchange for Portland in good district, close In, will assume or pay cash difference. E A SLEY-ROBINSON-SPOON ER CO.. 712 Couch bldg. Broadway bi.. MODERN brick building, income about $200 per month; price $26,000: will ex change for well improved, well located farm up to $20,000, $6000 can run long time. Owners only. V. J. Schmauch. Realtor" McCIure & Schmauch Co.. 306 H a 1lw.1v Kxcnange ping. LIBERTY SIX or new Sterling 2 -ton truck with trailer for house equity or close-In acreage or lots. Lot In Mt. Scott for close-in lot. Rose Citv, Irvlnpton, Laurelhurst or Haw thorne. Will pav cash difference. 464 COUCH BLDG. - FOR EXCHANGE One lot and fraction, fair grounds, addition to Seattle: nice, clear, clean property, will trade for some thing here in Oregon; house equity; auto. WIhU have you? M. McCRACKIN. Hubhard. Oregon 160 ACRES Montana wheat land. 60 acres broke. 80 additional tillable, possible oil producing; price including oil rights, $4S0i, mortgage $1500; will take good automobile or anything of value for cquit v. B.f 420. Oregonian. APARTMENT and flat building, 17 rooms, partly furnished; fine income, closo in west "side; $7500; will consider eyhanpe for small residence and some cash. VV. B H inkle, 31S Chamber of. Com. Bldg. Bdwv. 3340. 10 A.CRES fine land, facing lower Colum bia, highway; will trade for anything of value ; prefer late model car; this land is worth $1500: will sacrifice. 505 ARTISANS BLDG. Opposite Benson Hotel. WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade for you; bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit Lots houses, acreage, farms or stocks of merchnnoise. E R. S.. 712 Couch bldg. TRUCK WANTED. Good 30x1 '" lot on ' Kerby st., near Bryant, in Swinton, to exchange for 1 ton truck. J. W. GRUSSI. Til Bonrd of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 7452 FOR EXCHANGE Half interest in 130 acres timber. Stevens county. Wash. Want something here; what have you? C. M. CRITTENDEN. Hubha rd. Oregon. IDEAL CHICKEN RANCH. 20 a., near Reedville. near school. Ideal for chickens, nuts or berries, price $.j."00; will take home in city for full amount. .T B Rock, 4t3 Couch bldff. Bdwy. fi'MXl. HAVE equity of i.WOO in $7."00 home, acre of ground, fruit, etc., 1 block from car, on paved street; will trade for a small home, acreage or good car. Bdwy. FOR SALE OH TRADE so acres, irri gated, improved; good soil; near Die trich, Idaho; loan value. $55 an acre. Auto, or what, clear, for $:1000 equity. Christian. 7740 Cnion ave.. Chicago. 111. YOUR choice of three very finest dairy farms on coast. WTill sell on easy terms or exchange for mortgages or part de sirable city property. In answering furnish full particulars. AV 32, Orego nian. t , (i-ROOM. strictly modern home ai. Billings, Mont., value $7000, encumbrance J33O0. will exchange equity for anything of enual value. HJ 41S, Oregonian. ONfc3 OR TWO good trucks, 2-ton or 3Mr ton dump bodies; will exchange for Portland property or farm or what have you. Answer quick. A 447. Oregonian. WILL exchange new -4-room plastered house on 200x100 lot in The Dalles, for suburban home or acreage within 15 miles of Portland. Eat 614!) 234 ACRES, some cleared, some timber, running water, dose to highway; want city property up to $5000. Johnson Bros., 445 Washington bldg TO TRADE Ten-acre ranch on Mt. Scott for Portland business lot. W. D. Davis, Aberdeen. Wash. . MODERN 5-room bungalow, furnished, trade for small equipped farm to $6000. Tele phone hast 4. WILL trade my $lool equity Tn" 6-room house for your equity in small bungalow. DdWJ. . VALUABLE equity in quarter block on Belmont st. for late auto or what have vou? Owner. East 6228. AUTO for lot or small business; a popular light six touring in fine condition, value UP to l. V I wi e ; uu lit 11 EOUITY in fine ld-rootn for 3 or 4-room, r,A rlncc In 4 1 ft Williams n vt WILL trade Olds coupe as first payment .1 .A,iU TJ V (iPAirnniiin. UU -" .!.. --- -m, - . TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. v i.; T L- u uunu'cp ml.' TRAD EL New and second-hand furniture and hardware store. Willamette valley town, 3O0; trade for acreage, some under cultivation, balance timber or pasture. See Biackwell, 817 Northwestern Bank bldg. 160 acres timber near Medford. 4 mil lion feet yellow pine, cedar ana nr. $2400; trade lor Portland home or va cant lots. 43 acres. 2 miles from Hillsboro, new h-ouse, garage. barn, chicken house, I8O0O. with J150O cash, -or trads lor Portland property. ISO acres near Hood River. 30 cleared, 10 acres orchard, 500O cords wood, $7oH); trade for Portland home about 0 rooms. List 13ti. 30-room modern new brick hotel, newly furnished, loop highway. Willam ette valley; also 5-room residence, in cluding 4 nice stores and large pool room; $27,Om), some cash, good larm up to $10,000 part payment, balance IO years, tt per cent. See Biackwell. "WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY, 817 Northwestern Bank Bldg. MUST SELL OR LOSE THE PLACE. Mortgage has been foreclosed. Time of redemption about up. Owner must sell or lose everything. Has 620 acres of very rich level land, all tillable; 300 acres cultivated. Fine large house, barn with stalls for 125. head of cows, several other large outbuildings, 3 acres orchard. Near the paved highway,- only 20 miles from Portland. This land is worth over $10 per acre, but you can buy it at your own- price. Mortgage and attorney's fees now against the land, J19.000; $000 must be paid, balance can be arranged. If you have something to trade for the owner's right you can make $20,000 or $30,000 on this land. RALPH ACKLET, 527 Corbett Bldg. Main 7141. TRADE FOR THIS. BE INDEPENDENT. New 2'i-ton Sterling truck and 2V5 ton trailer, 1022 licenses paid, bunks and 6th wheel on trailer, wood rack on truck: will trade for moderate-priced residence. See J. S. Culbertson, uti i vp pros . Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. wtidi.- A XTf enp pnnTT.4"D. . l.lrtlj-a frivm A o-ruom i esiufui-c. ....- courthouse, Spokane. Wash., on corner lot iwximi, now reiiteu iui no incumbrance. WANT Portland home in good district will go to $.".,-)00. MacINNES, EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. W7here Trades Are Made. NEAR NEWBERG. WANT PORTLAND PROPERTY. 11 ultli 41 nnros ill hilfh State of cultivation; 60 walnut trees; fruit and all kinds of berries; 6-room house, barn, garage, chicken house, etc.; gravel road; price $s000; want city property; no junJf. T , n v rvirpOTll'V-T fn HUl'llCI l.Ml.uia.'J ni 500-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 604 TKA1 OUR EQUITY FOR GOOD f i L.-r i i j i OTi T V LJ IZJJ. IV A .1. C v i. i i a -i. Good 7-room house and 4 lota, value $4000; also 1 acre, 3 blocks from end of Haihorne car line; value $2300; will erty on paved st., close in, or will divide. 315 N. W. Bank Bidg. CANADIAN FARMS. Well improved, some with hardwood rich prairie land, all sizes; $30 to $50 per acre; exchange for farms and city mens bldg. 1 ! SOME TRADE ! I 2-ACRE ORCHARD. io --,.r,es. unrt annl.'S. 11.000 Straw berries; 4-room house, painted and plastered; 2 niile from railroad station (vnfui v wi l exenanse iur nuuae equity or sell for $10-00. STAR REAL ESTATE & IN. CO Bdwy. 3tHh. 51--23 Wilcox Bldg. TO EXCHANCK MTSCKtXANEOITa. FOR SAIE or exchange. 300-chick brood er. What have you? Call Tabor FOR SALE. H orses. Vehicles. I.iveHtock. PUBLIC AUCTION SALE. EST OTH ST. FEED BARN. EUGENE. . m-i t it n i" r-i A v 'W. RRIIiR V 1. SALE STARTS 10 A. M. SHARP. ABOUT So HEAD of mares and freldings. This bunch of norses consists im'sn.' w ."w -i ,.., n.nll Virnli-p. for farm work; fat, 4-- -j .. a -o.. A ir fir- -urnr-lt weisr ht Kinl'l ifu oil" ' v t. j " ' ... V i -i.rt iu., . ..,,0 ffnm 3 to 10. VPH.ra a'u 10 1 1 w iu--. . -- - T old Most all blocky built, heavy boned chunks of the Shire and Percheron breed ing All kinds of well-matched teams of mares and geldings. About 0 head of single farm-broke horses, weight 1100 to 1400 lbs. Several head of cheap work horses will D S0 IU . O Iicrt.li v J- qiwu 10 head of haiter-broke colts irom to 4 years oia. If you need a horse or team of any kind, come to this sale. Every horse must be sold, and guaranteed as rcpre BCULeu. This bunch of stock is the best ever offered at auction in Eugene. About 15 seta of good work harness, 3 wagons, also a gooa sau'iies. Everybody invited. Come early, and don't forget the date Thursday, 1-ebru Terms of this sale: All sums under $30 cash, sums over J1.1, mree or ix months' time will be given, purchaser lurnisning oaimituia nutu. CHARLES TAYLOR. OWNER, I ic fiRRKR. AUCTIONEER. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK, nTH'.K TO FARMERS. Toam fif sorrel sreldlnCH. well mated. n-eiht 2750 lbs.: price $145. Team of bay geldings, well mated. 3100 lbs.; price $1H0. Team of bay Belgian mares, 5 and 6 years old, full sisters, weight 2800 lbs. Team of black Porcheron geldings, 5 years old, weight 2100 lbs. Black mare, 6 years old, weight 1600 lbs. 15 head of horses and mares, 4 to 7 years old, weight 1300 to lsuo ids. ,ji Jf ront, foot of Alain st. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. Will sell all our horses, wagons and harness and buggies at a sacrifice; must clean up quickly, as our lease expires shortly. Call at No. 20 urana ave. w. .T. Sullivan. East 1314. J UST arrived from Union Town, Wash., carload of tops Prom 4 to t years, weign inir from 204K) to 3650 ner pair: reason abio price for quick sale. Corner of 50th street ana roweu vaney roau. lz. ocoit car. Air. Steel. ' FOR SALE cheap, 200-lb. team, or. ex change for anything 1 can use," as 1 have no further use for them. G. F. Elliott, Yamhill. Or. FARM IMPLEMENTS New ana second hand, special prices. P. E. Esbenshade. 360-3OH E. .Morrison st. 5-Y EAR-OLD blue roan Belgian mare, weight 1450; gentle, broken single and double. ISO E. 8th st. ' t;ool cows, very cheap. Corner E. 8th and Main, blocks norih of Hawthorne a ve $275 FOR A PAIR of 5-year-old horses " weighing 2500 lbs. See them work. Call Tabor jt62 for address. A-l WORK HORSE, weighs 1550; blue Durham mixed cow. 864 Rodney ave. N. ' VETERINARIAN. ' . DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Call day or night. Automatic 627-64. FISHERS milling products, hay and grain. For our price, ran wooniawn m.i. TEAM of. good work horses, 6 years oid, working every day. S300. Woodlawn 65 1 0! IManoH, Organs mid Musical Instruments. H n ill rao i 1 uiurjj rAll. Will pay cash for your piano. Bdwy. 20 1 0. A FEW used player rolls, two for 25c. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 107 WEST PARK. BUESCHER tejior saxophone, silver with gold bell, $150, terms. G. F. Johnson i'l a n o iro.. n "in bi HlNZEMAN, $125; old style, small size; terms given. Seiberling Lucas Music CONCERT GRAND PIANO FOR RENT; WONDERFUL TONE. HAROLD S. GIL 1 BERT. 107 WEST PARK. PIPE ORGAN tuning and repairing; expert workmanship. Seiberling Lucas Music Co., l'5 4th st. Broadway 6576. KINGSBURY piano, mahogany case; a splendid bargain; only $245, terms. O. F. Johnson nano to., 14 6th st. CONN C melody saxophone, silver witn gold bell; $125. terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., Din st. PIANOS moved. $3, gxound floor; work done by experts and guaranteed. Call Broadway izut WILL trade furs or fur work for good piano. The Fur Shop, Broadway 6463. PIANO wanted; pay cash lor bargain. Broadway 6576. ' KIMBALL, $395. new ; ori easy term Seiberling lucas aiusic v.o.. iz.t 4tn st. WILL trade your old piano for phonograph at 409 Union ave. N. PIANO wanted for practice; must be cheap. Marshall 1532. STEINWAY GRAND PIANOi ' Phone Marshall 23S7 for appointment. KIMBALL piano, fine condition, bargain, cash, or terms. Tabor 4508. PHnvnc.R x BARGAINS. VICTROLA IX, mahogany, with cabinet 63 VICTROLA X. mahogany, with records VICTROLA XI, almost new, with 123 records t COLUMBIA, oak case, with auto mafic ntnn ln.rfiA flize.... 100 BRUNSWICK, new, used for dem- onstratlon only, with records. . . - l- BRUNSWICK, gold plated, large aize, mahogany case, with records.- 140 All Guaranteed Easy Terms. SEIBERL1NG LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St., Bet. Wash, and Alder. SECURITY STORAGE CO., CLOSING OUT $475 Irving Piano Co., upright mah, $3j $450 Smith upright ebony $D- $425 Hallet & Davis upright rose- - wood r!m? $750 pianos and a player piano oak 3 parlor organs, $18, $25 and $35 casn. Pianos moved. 75c per month; bought and sold for cash only. 103 10th at cor. StarK ana vvasn. era. $ 35 GRAFONOLA, 10 used records $ 2j $ 5 Stradlvara and 10 used records. 45 140 Pathe cabinet, 20 used records. 63 175 Sonora. cabinet, 20 used records. 14j 140 Brunswick, 20 used .records 05 175 Columbia, cab., 20 used records. 115 $5 senda one home, then $3. $5 and up monthly. Schwan Piano Co.. 101 lentn st., at vvasmngioa c. ONE $295 model Edison, mahogany, $17, ; one Avalon, art console model phono graph, $145: Columbia table phono graphs, $20, $27.50 and $30; Victors at $25, $45 and $50; and many other good phonograph bargains at our store. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 140 6th st. C TJ L-.-T A T C i T IT! riP 'PIANOS. Wheelock Co. upright piano Martin Bros, upright piano -- Wellington upright piano J.? Delmar renewed piano ;-?? Pianoia player plays SS note $ L1PMAN, WOLFE & CO., 7th Floor. EDISON graphophone 111 Al condition, used 1 year. Graphophone and records cost over $20O; will take $100. Going east. Phone Broadway 5561. Call 121 N. 15th st. FOR . SALE A Weber player piano, 88 note, mahogany case, price, including cabinet and 25 rolls of music, $550; all in first-class condition. AP 440, Ore gonian. PHONOGRAPH repairing; all work guar anteed ; experienced workmen. Seiber ling Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Broad way 0570. WEBER pianola piano for rent, musio aftd bench included, $7.50 per month. HAROLD S. GILBERT. . 107 WEST PARK (NEW LOCATION.) PIANO tuning and repairing; expert workmanship; all work guaranteed. Seiberling Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Broadway 6576. GOOD PIANOS at prices and terms you can afford. Reed-French Piano Co., 12th and Wash ington KIMBALL PLAYER. $525; new; this is a real bargain; see it; terms given. Seiberling Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th Bt., between Washington and Alder. SCHILLING &. SON, $275; plain oak case; some snap; terms given. Seiberling Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th St., b&tween Washington and Alder. STUDENTS' violin outfits, including violin, bow. case, rosin and extra strings, all guaranteed, only $1S. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 140 6th St. PIANO, $150; walnut case; a fine practice instrument; terms given. Seiberling Lucas Music Co., 125 4th St., between Washington and Alder. A FINE BUY in a standard SS-iifhe player piano and rolls, $425; don't miss this if vou want a fine player; terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 140 6th st. $165. Secures $450 Hallet & Davis upright. Security Storage Co., 103 Hth. cor. Stark. MARTIN tenor saxophone, silver with gold bell, $135, terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 140 6th st. CONN bass-alto saxophone, only $60, terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 14'J Gth st. . COMPLETE drummers' jazz outfits; everything you need, only $75. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 140 6th st. WANTED Piano to k-ep for storage; god quarters, no children in house. Phone after 6 evenings. Main 4754. MY $1250 baby grand piano, new. played not over 12 times, price $1000 cash. Call evenings 32ft North 17th St. WANT E-D to exchange, Sonora phonograph for good Martin guitar. Tel. Bdwy. 7001. Ask for AVtllard. PHONOGRAPHS at wholesale cost, stand ard, make, your own terms. Factory salesroom, 100 Second St.. upstairs. CH1CKE Kl NO. $150; old style but in good condition. Seiberling Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. CROWN cabinet grand. $285; see this snap in a real piano; terms given. Seiberling Lucas Music Co.. 125 4rh st. CON N a Ho saxophone, silver with gold bell; $00, terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 140 6th st. Furniture lor Sale SALE OF THE FORMER MEIER, & FRANK STOCK and Other Stocks of FURNITURE, DRAPEBIES, ETC., Damaged at Warehouse and Removed to 319-351 Oak St. Bet. Broadway and Tark. (Across from Telephone Co.) At Prices Unheard of Before. Reg. $100 tapestry over stuffed davenport, loose cushions, special $ 45.00 Reg. $150 velour davenport only 75.00 Reg. $250 mohair davenport only 125.00 Reg. $50 genuine leather overstuffed rocker 21.00 Reg. $!JO leather bed daven ports only 57.00 Reg. $50 mahogany daven port tables only 15.00 Mahogany piano lamps only 9.00 Silk and parchment lamp shades . price 9x12 wool Wilton rugs with fringo. only 37.50 9x12 Axminstor rugs up from 21.50 9x12 seamless velvet rugs only 19.50 9xl seamless Brussels, spe cial v 15.90 Wool fiber, grass and linoleum rugs at 1-3 to off, and others too numerous to mention. 24-inch stair carpet at, Reg. S 5c pro-linoleum, cial, yard yi..$ spe- .40 .42 Reg. $13 portieres, col- ors, at. pair Reg. $20 Martha Washing ton sewing cabinets- Oak extension tables up from 4.00 10.00 12.50 Ala h. or walnut Period ex tension tables 20.00 Chairs to match prion Reg. $45 oak buffet only. . 22.50 Reg. .$37.50 ivory dresser, large plate mirror 23.00 Reg. $25 ivory dresser, plate mirror 15.00 Reg. $60 Ivory dressing ta bles, triple mirror 15.00 Reg. $237.50 6-piecc ivory bedroom suite, ail hard wood, special 122.00 Pure silk floss mattresses. heavy art ticking, special 14.25 Double deck coil spring, -7i size 5.00 , Imported Japanese bird cages at less than price SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points in our through pool cars; expert packing, re pairing and ref inishing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireprodf storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 52 4th St., Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. ' GOOD bedroom, dining-room and kitchen furniture tor saie cneap ; line kitchen range with hot-water front, big new phonograph for half price; going east, must sell at big sacrifice. 792 East 32d st. Soutfr. FUMED oak dining table and 7 leather- seated cnairs, $to; large reed rockers with cushions. $1250 each ; mahogany davenport, table. $10; Wheeler-Wilson machine $10. Tabor 561. 495 E. 40th N. DON'T SACRIFICE your zurniture if going east or to California. we can save you money on your freight In our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine street. OVERSTUFFED davenport, chairs, ivory bedroom set, imrary taDies, chairs, ranges, new rugs, splendid condition. Auto. 219-09. . CHARTER OAK com. range, ivory bed room suite, witn cane inset, vv nitnau Wilton rug, wicker rocker and other articles. Woodlawn 936. HIGH-GRADE living room and bedroom furniture, rugs; practically new wood and coal range. Auto. 317-38. 1 COIL bedepring, 1 silk floss mattress. 1 eiderdown comtorter. Appiy i- vm st. East 8068. . FOR SALE -1 rug, 1 bed with springs ana mattress, ca.i. apoug, biicc. j E. 29th N. OAK BUFFET, dining table and chairs i COUCH, reaauuauiv. u.u. i-ia. And a thousand other bargains. S49-351 Oak St, COHN BROS. & DIRECTOR. DAVENPORTS. "QUALITY THROUGHOUT." Wholesale and retail. Manufac turers of ail hair davenports; tongue-tied frame construction and the best of workmanship; lat est coverings in mohairs, tapes tries, velours, etc; styles that ar different. Few samples at good prices. Telephone 635-27. Eve nings and Sundays. Tabor 5797 or 635-27. MICHAELSON-MASON. Inc. East 54th St. and Foster Road. INLAID -Sheraton dining and bedroom set. enameled set, console table and mirror, davenport and overstuffed and mahog any chairs, oak; willow furniture; an tique walnut chairs and settee ; piano, pictures, carpets, rugs, hangings, M 1 it ton and llaviland china. glassware, hrif-a-brac, cooking utensil. Main 737 Office Furiiituro. DESKS CHAIRS SAFES. New and second-hand, exceptional bar gains. Call or phone for salesman. 1RW1N-HODSON FURNITURE DEPT. 10th and Stark Sts. Bdwy. 3144. FINE office furniture for sale, including rugs. Apply between 10 and 11 A. M., 206 Piatt bldg. Nurnery Stock. PLANTS FOR SALE. The famous Perfection currant and Oregon Champion gooseberry, from 1 to 4 years old, and other nursery stock ; ground must be vacated. Tabor 1S5L Address 128 East 7lst. on Morrison Ft. PLANTS FOR SALE. The famous Perfection currant and Oregon Champion gooseberry, from 1 to 4 years old, and other nursery stock; ground must be vacated. Tabor 1851. Address 12S East 71st, on Morrison st. Tyfriewr i t c rs. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. ALL MAKES. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington St. Main 50S1. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for tale", rent, exchange; we are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $50 com plete with carrying case; bupplies aud . repairs of all makes. OP.EGON TYPEWRITER CO.. 94 Fifth St. Main 3663. FOR RENT L. C. Smith typewriters; spe cial rate to stude-nts. L. C. Sripth & Bros. Typewriter Co.,. 806 Spalding bldg. Bdwy. 61)75. N E VV, l rates. e built second-hand rentals at cut P. D. Co., 2;:i Stark st. Main 1407. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Type writer inspection Co., 312 Stark. M, Tv5 19. CORONA portable with case. $22.50. Em pire Transfer, 254 Broad way , Hd wy. 1 55. Poultry. WANTED You to know that DR. HESS POULTRY PAN-A-CE-A. will help you get winter eggs, it makes hens healthy, active and industrious. Remember It's the busy, happy, singing hen that lays the eggs. PAN-A-CE-A gives hens a lay ing disposit ion. Dust DR. Hess I N STANT LOUSE KILLER into tho feath ers and put it in the dust bath oc casionally to keep your poultry free from lice. For Roup use DR. HESS 'ROUP REMEDY. All guaranteed. Sold by all dealers in poult ry supplies. FOR SA LE 12 young laying W. Wyan dotte hens, $1.25 each, or $13.80 the Int. Also a beautiful genuine Ring house W. Wy cock., 2 years old, price $S. Mrs. W. 71. Hall. It. 2. Winlock. Wash. 150 S. O. WHITE LEGHORN hens for sale, 2 years old March 3, 19 22; $150 takes tho lut; a fine Jot of hens; owner is going to move. It. If. Walls, Sherwood, r.. Route 2. S. C. ENGLISH White egnorn setting' eggs for sale, $7 per hundred ; our 18 year 100 or 1000 lots. dos. Saunders, Route 2, Portland. Or. BARRED ROCK pullets last April stock, also roosters. O. A. C. sLrain, now lav ing. 80 E. 16th N. East 1S15 evenings. SALMON Favorelle cockerels, trios and setting eggs. J.SN3 E. Madison st . THOROUGHBRED White Ruck cockerel at a bargain. Auto. 327-66. TANCRED and O . A . C . W J i i t n Leghorn chick.-, ready now. Tabor 3S22. I og h. Kahh itM, Bird and I'et Stock . PERSIAN cats Iur service ; large blue, black, white and orange males for serv ice. 470 E. 53d st. N. Auto. 321-37. ANDREA SB ERG rollers. imported and domestic songsters, bet strain, females. Ea-st 4529. GOOD rollers, also lUrtz mountain sing ers cheap; toy fox terrier puppy 6 months old, $10. Phone Main 511. SCOTCH COLLI I pups. weeks; males S. 1 AAray, route 4, $10, lemales $. Beaverton, Or. AIREDALE puppies. choice. registered stock; healthy, fine specimens. Tabor 2474. PURE rollers, ed birds, fei el low. mated pair, import- BEAUTIFUL spotted St. A n d reasburg sing er, reasonable, HoO E. Stark. Tabor 116. PE I JGR E h I) Holou toy bull for bl eeding, ("ail East 9007. BoutM. Launches iiii Murine riqmpmciit. FOR SA 1 .E M Oder n houseboat, 1 urn isiied, 4 rooms and bat h, all conveniences, a I most deal rah In moorage on river ; cheap lor cash, terms to the right parly; Im mediate possession. Phone Sejj. 2H5M. FOUR-ROO U f urn i sued or unfurnished houseboat ; I m media to possession. Main 1105. . Keg and BiirrelH. KEGS AND BA RRET.S Fir and whits oak. Western Cooperage Co.. 3oU N. 14th st., near Pettygrove. Phone A 519-19. Coal and Wood. $4 PER LOAD $4. 2-LOAD LOTS. 16-inch fir block and slab, runs partly dry, ready for furnace or heater. We .also cave you money on 2-load orders of dry wood. Prompt delivery on west and east side. Oregon Fuel Co.. Wood- lawn 4102. COAL! COAL! CO A LI CO A L! $11 per ton. put In your basement, city wef Kb t. direct from mine to consumer; large lump, no clinkers or soot; burns to line ash ; try a ton. p H O N'KKA ST 1 31 or K A ST 9126. Fl R ST -GROWTH fir, KocK Springs, Royal Owl Creek coal. Standard Brick & Hie Co., S3 Fifth st.. between Stark and Oa k. Phone Broadway 18. NICE 16-inch slab, $3.75; bcsL fir, sea soned, heavy or merely graded, $5 load, anywhere, bargain; dry 12 and 10-iiicn country . lab. $7.25. Sell. 1709. DRY BLOCK $.", double I' Hroad way - and slab wood, singlo load ad $8; short order specialty. VI 5 and Woodlawn 1945. iO. 1 OLU GROWTH fir $0.5O and $7 per cord delivered, cail t-penccr alter noon, Marshall 309. , FIRST-GROWTH wood, cry, $7.60 cord; second growth, dry, $6.25 cord. Aut, 629-77. , BONE-DRY box wood, """ideal -kindling, $4; biock and slab. $4.75; heavy wreckage, S5: large loads. Wdln. 3019. DRY CORDW'OOD, $7 and $7.75 per cord, block and slab, doublo load, $9. Bdwy. 3128. BOXWOOD $1 PER LOAD. Fulton Wood Co.. dealers in box and slabwood. 1261 Macadam. Main 4173. BEST green and dry fir corduood and dry sfabu ood from country mill. hnuie diatc delivery. T.umr 7228. GOOD dry fir cordwood $7.25 cord, heavy country slab $5.25. Rock Springs and Utah coals. East 17.'.'. MOST all kinds of wr.od, 4-ft., or by load, 1" or 16-in'h from $3.50 a load up. Marshall 1917. DRY SLAB, $6.50 a load; partly dry block and slab, $5 a load; 4-ft. slabwood, $6.50 a cord. Wood law n 4 122. COAL Lincoln, $10 egg, $11 lump; invest $1 in sample sack. Save $5 ton there after. Broad wsy 342 COA L ShiiipU plo delivery. it lust, 100 lbs. $1 "tarn ' Broadway 3 123. i -r vii KING COAL now J15.50 per ton. Call East 8984. q 1 old-growth fir that IS DRY, $7.0, Autoipatic 616-87. BEST old-growth" dry fTr $7.50; lrga second -growth, $7- Sellwood 314. LiFT dry cord wood, $7 and $7.75 per cord: can't be beat. Broadway 4110. 10-1 N. W R E C K A G E wood, load d e 1 1 v e r e d, j 5" ' Residence phone East 8254. 4-FOOT country blab, $4 per cord. Tabor HEAVY block and siab, hardwood, countrv slab. Woodlawn 2019. 4-FOOT block and railroad tie; also 16- in. stove wood. Mar. 2013. $5 A LOAD, 16-inch dry plank and small timber. Sellwood 3159. CORDWOOD. 7.50 a cord; slab wood, S4. 50. East 29U BELLI NGH AM Lump Coal, now $12.50 per ton delivered. Call East 80H4. BELLI NGH AM Lump Coal, now $12.50 per ton delivered. CaU East .8984. 4-FOOT country slab. Jifain 6133. jwQOD $i Per load, Woodlawa 66b, A