II E Help Fill the Community Chest! Subscriptions Taken at Booth on Main Floor. MwingPidureNewj TOE MORNING OREGONTAN. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1922 AD CLUB TO MAK HOOD RIVER TRIP We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More Closer Friendship Is Aim of Portland Party. .SCENERY TO BE BOOSTED Pleasure to Be Combined With Neighborly Meeting With Busi ness Men of Other Cities. A trip to Hood River and other nearby points under the auspices of the Portland Ad Club for the purpose of cementlnr a closer feeling of friendship between Portland and those, cities and to boost Oregon scenery will be taken by about 100 members and their families on Wash ins ton's birtnday. according to an an nouncement made yesterday by the chairman of the general committee. The excursion will be in the nature of a pleasure trip and a general neighborly meeting with Hood River business men anil members of the Kiwanis club at The Dalles. According to the arrangements al ready announced a special train of j.ine parlor cars and a baggage car will leave the union station at 9:30 Wednesday morning. February 22. fcnd will make a leisurely trip up the highway, stopping at Multnomah falls, the fish hatchery. Oneonta grge. Horsetail falls and other points. anl will arrive at Hood River at 12:30 P. M. MTle Mea 1 Go A lone The baggage car will hold four motion picture outfits and at . each of the stops the -large party will Ifbark while the movie cameras record the scenery and the antics of the excursionists. These films will later be released in Portland and all over the. state. Ieslie Butler of Hood River, chair man of the Hood River Business Men's club, will meet the Portland business men at Hood River and a committee will be appointed for a conference to arrange a greater r.gon publicity programme. Ir. C B. dinger, president of the Ki wanians of The Ialles, also will be there and has assured the Portland delegation of the co-operation of the Kiwanians in the publicity project. At Hood River the delegation from t"-.at community and the Kiwanians from The lalles will meet the Port- landers and automobiles will be provided to take the entire party to the Columbia Gorge hotel for lunch and a get-together-jass pro gramme. The party will return to Portland at S:30 o'cloc"- In the afternoon. (oventor to Along. Besides the 3"0 Portlanders who In t.nd to take the trip, governor and Mrs. Oicott and Mayor and Mrs. Baker, together with a number of the city and county commissioners have al&o agreed to go. A special rate of j has beei ar ranged with the railroacr and covers the entire day. Including luncheon The chairmen of the various com mittees In charge of the programme for the dav are William P. Merry general chairman: Fred S. Young programme committee: day S. Morse pictures: George ncber. outside co operation; Ted Emerson, publicity John Boyer. Rosarlans. TODtTS FILM FEATl'RES. Columbia Three Live Ghosts." Liberty 'Hoot' Gibson, "Headin' West." Peoples Elaine Hammerstein, 'The Way of a Maid." Majestic Nilimova, "A Doll's House." Rivoll Alice Brady. 'Hush Money." Blue Mouse "Over theilL" Star Harold Lloyd, "A Sailor Made Man." Hippodrome Viola Dana, "The Fourteenth Lover." Circle Herbert Rawlinson, "Cheated Hearts." reel, a "Snub" Pollard comedy and Trapped." a story presented with beautiful scenic backgrounds, com plete the Columbia bill. Screen Gossip. When Shakespeare wrote "the play's the thing." he pronounced a truism for motion pictures of today, according to Frank R- Adams, the well-known magazine writer, who in C. Gardner 1 ar HREE Live Ghosts" was a de- ightful comedy on the stage nd it makes a scream of a picture, as it Is being presented at the Columbia theater this week. It is a George Fitzmaurice picture, filmed In London, so the settings are all "cor rect." The production gives everyone who has been in good old London town an opportunity to tart.'When I was in Kngland the last time" "Three Live Ghosts" is crammed with humorous situations. with enough romance and plot Interest thrown in. so that all classes of film fans are bound to love it. The three ghosts who refuse tb stav dead are Jimmy Gubbins. a cockney; Billy Foster, an American, and "Spoofy." hose mind is a blank from shell shock. They return to London on armistice night. after -a year in a German prison camp, and then the fun starts. Spoofy" and Jimmy's mother, who cannot be parted from her gin, supply much of the mirth. "Spoofv" has a careless habit of helping himself to anything which strikes his fancy and his pais are in constant fear that he will rob the bank of England. When he steals Into the home of an earl and escapes with the family jewels and the heir of the- household, in a baby carriage, he starts a series of com plications which lead to an entertain- ng climax. Clare 'Greet keeps the spectators aughing constantly with her antics as Mrs. Gubbins. Cyril Chadwick is poofy." who walks with uncon cerned air with a sheep and baby car riage along London's busiest .thor oughfare. Norman Kerry is likable as Billy, and Anna Q. Xillson is his beautiful sweetheart. Ivis. Kdmund Goulding is the boyish Jimmy. The plot includes some melodra matic momenta in the lives of Billy and Ivis, but the comedy is the chief interest. j An interesting ScreenTand News Sullivan, autnor oi me j. nomas Ince epochal drama. "Hail the Woman," expressed his enthusiasm for the picture. Something to praise besides the acting and production was seen in "Hail the Woman" by the famous novelist. j Alter seeing . tne picture. nc wrote. "I listened for a while to con siderable raving on the part of friends as to what wonderful acting it was. until I finVlly felt obliged to tell them that they had been seeing the ettme players or others equally as competent in at least 50 per cent of last year's, offerings. The reason 'Hail the. Woman' made 'era forget their chewing gum was because it had been written and not concocted out of odds and ends on the lot." "Hail the Woman" opens at the Lib erty Saturday. The rural types that Charles (Chic) Sals impersonates In his first mo tion picture. "His Nibs." have proved so much fun for movie audiences that Mr. Sale is writing another small town story to serve as his second production. "Chic" Sale is spending the season as a vaudeville headliner and has a continuity writer traveling with him so that the new picture may be ready for spring production. Lon Chaney, whose portrayal of Blixzard in "The Penalty" stands out as one of the finest things that the screen has ever seen, and who also scored such a big hit In "The Miracle Man." adds to his triumphs as the king of the underworld, an entirely different role, in The Xight Rose." which will be the attraction at the Blue Mouse theater for one week only, starting Saturday. It Is an original story by Ler'oy Scott. Pay Day' has been chosen by I Charlie Chaplrn as the name of his new comedy which i in two reels. After he makes one more short pic- i lure ior J-irst .National. Chaplin pro- a poses to-devote himself to feture-f? length comedies for United Artists. I . jU Two stars who will appear in a new orbit are Gareth Hughes, until re-1 K cenuy wun -Metro, atid Besede Love. ney are to be reatured in a scries of special productions by Louis tsursion. sages by Rev. and Mrs. Hills will also be heard. J. Wiliard i j rkle.v Green Tarent-Teacher asso ciation will meet today at 2:30 o'clock The KUbject of "Thrift" will be dis cussed and an interesting afternoon Is promised. The current literature department of the Portland Woman's club will be entertained Thursday, February IS. at the home of Mrs. I. M. Watson. 21 Cornell road. A-sHrting hostesses will be: Mrs. W. 1. Swan. Mrs. George lineman. Mrs. 11. I.. Stevens. Mrs. J Karl Klse. Mr. K Bron and Mrs Katherine Daly. Mrs. Wildes Veazie will read "Pruscllla with a Million" and Mrs. Fred A. Kribs will be soloist An interesting event of today will be the colonial tea by the Cout h Par ent-Teacher association in the school assembly from S to 5 o'clock. The ladies in charge will appear In colo nial costume and the children of the school will present a colonial dance Tea and cakes will be served and the public is Invited. The monthly business and social meeting of the Women's Soriety of the White Temple will be held today at the church. Sewing will be from 10:30 to 11:30 o'clock and luncheon will be served. An important busi ness meeting will be held at 2 o'clock. Officers will be elected at the reu 1r meeting of the American War Mother, this afternoon at 2 o'clock in room S-5 courthouse. ThV Girls' Friendly society of St. David's parish will meet at the Com munity club today. All members ana their friends are urged to attend. Mrs. August Schaefer will entertain he members of the Portland Women's New Thought club today at 2 o'clock at her home. ES Northrup street. All Interested are invited. Chapter C of the P. K. O. Hsterhoort will meet Friday. February 17. at the home of Mrs. Mary Steinme-nte, 1520 East Taylor street, when Mrs. Steln ments and Mrs. J. F. Tatterson will be hostesses. The day wtll be spent sewing for the Fruit and Flower mis sion and, luncheon will be served at 1I:S o'clock. . The Woman's Fsychlc club, auxil iary of the First Spiritualist church." Eait Seventh and Haasalo streets, will give a silver tea this afternoon. Mes- Simple Way to Remove La rid ruff There la one sure way that has never failed to remove dandruff at once, and that Is to dissolve it. then you destroy it entirely. To do this Just get about j four ounces of plain, common liquid arvon from any drug store tthts Is all you will need), apply It at night when retiring: use enough to moisten the scalp and rub It In gently with the finger tips. By morning most. If not all. of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more-appllcatione will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of It. no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find all Itching and dig ting of the scalp will stop instantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, siiky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. Adv. Tomorrow the National League of Women Voters will give a luncheon at 12 o'clock at the Multnomah hotel, honoring Dr. Esther Pohl Lovcjoy. Mrs. Murray Warrens of Eugene and Mrs. Ellis Meredith. The regular meeting of the Port land Grade Teachers association representatives will be held in the clubrooms. 331 Chamber of Commerce building, today at 2:30 o'clock. A full attendance is urged. Officers and members of Mount Tabor Parent-Teacher association will join with the Portland council of Parent-Teacher organisations in acting as hostesses for the teachers and principals of their school, at the reception to be given in Franklin high school Friday evening. Febru ary 17. There will be an interesting programme of speakers and music followed by a social hour. All resi dents, both men and women, of the Mount Tabor school district are urged to attend. The Portland women's realty board will hold its next regular meeting at noon on Saturday in the Wash ington Hazelwood. These semi monthly meetings of the board are attracting an increased attendance. one of the Interesting features be- rng three-minute talks by members on topics dealing with features of the realtors' profession. An interesting and Instructive programme has been arranged for Saturday's meeting. An effort wil he made to confine the proceedings to one hour s duration. The directors of the Portland Wom an's club will hold a card party of bridge and 500 today In the ball room of the Multnomah hotel. Mrs. Mary Dearborn Schwab, accompanied by Mrs. Ralph C. Walker, will give several vocal selections of composi tions by Mrs. Walker. There will be feature dancing by junior par ticipant and prises will be offered for high score In cards. Refresh ments will he served at 4 o'clock. expect to tour France. Italy, Ger. j in a n v L'n p!.. .-1 --,... . i , ...... i A many, England, Scotland and Wales I Klaber Hon Crop Sold. CHEHAL1 S, Wash.. Feb. 14 (Spe cial.) The hops held for some time by the Klaber Investment company at its yard at Klaber, 12 miles south west of Chehalis, recently wire sold and are ready for shipment to Lon don. The lot Included 438 bales and the price is said to have been 25 cents a pound. The hopyard of the Klaber company for 1822 will contain 135 acres in Tull bearing. Of this, 25 acres is the old yard, while the 110 acres will be two years old this season. This company also has five'acres of logan berries that wil! come Into good bear ing the coming season and another three acres that were set out last spring. f 15 Kuffcnltes to .Tour Europe. ICCGENE. Or.. Feb. 14. (Special.) Mr. and -Mrs. W. F. Osburn of the Hotel Oshurn, and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Burden left todety fnr a trur of Europe. While they will cross the American continent by separate routes they will meet in New York city and depart March 1 on the steamship Homeric for C1erhrure FVance. They Si-io Citizens Going to Mexico. SCIO. Or.. Feb. 14. (Special.) Dr. S. C. Browne and J. W. Hirons, who have bought land on the island of Pallmito Del Varde. Sinaioa. Mexico, have completed arrangements for the transportation of their stock and per sonal property to their new home. "Both own a large amount of real es tate here. Orpheum matinee today. 15-:5-5fl-Ad. Orpheum mat inoe tods v. 1 S-jS-SO-Ad. 3- K Nit I T-ftr.r! If you care for- CONVENIENT LOCATION MODERN COMFORTS UNFAILING COURTESY SERVICE-WITH-A-SM I LE. MODERATE RATES ENTIRELY FIREPROOF make the HOTEL FRYE your Rome when in SEATTLE Science Now Shows Why Thousands of People Are Always Weak,Thin, and Run -Down No Matter How Much They Eat What to Do to Help Put on Good Firm Flesh, Increase Weight, and Obtain a More Beautiful Form and Figure Get a FREE $1.00 Package of Genuine Yeart Vitamine Tablets Today as Explained Below Try Them for Ten Days and Watch the Results Science has at last shown bow we acrno timea grow weak, thia, and emaciated on an abundance of food (lacking in vitamioes) while with a much smaller amount of food, rich in vitamine. we may quickly take on good firm nesh, increase in weight, and make a remark able frain in strength, energy and en durance, provided your blood contains sufficient quantity of oxygenated or franic iron to enable your body to as similate your food property. Without organic Iron both food and vita mine are absolutely useless as Tour bod? can not cbans niweas inert nod matter into r0 NOT BE MISLED BY IMTTATlOttS Hvin cells and tuaae mntrm roe have plenty WHJCH OFTEN CONTAIN DRUGS. or organic Iron ta roar Dtooa. For centuries acienttsts tried in vain to make arranie iron. At last tbe prebiam was solved so that ro mar now obtain pare oceanic iron like the iron in roar blood from anT'druccist under tbe name of "Nnxated iron". tMm rom to om racvlar Sl-OO paekwra It has been arraiMted to si to every POT- a Gmmk Yst Vtom Tablrta. afc- eha ?Rffi $l"G0"Cou"pon j 1 This coopoa. it mmm wttUo f 4ar. mm. It nas oeen arraaced to sive u every par- 'Tz1 i ,rr' "7 rof Ntrated Iran, who withe omethinsr it wrmm "r7"" - to belp pat on flesh or increase we iht, a lam Ilrom tbt Tm pmrchi J . 1 . j: rernlar Si .00 package of Genuine Yeast Vita- mmT -i-.-.- thawm far rm i mint Tablets absolutely free. Be lure to take M1 n,M i, ...... Cat oat tbia air N'oxated Brand Yeast Vitamine Tablcta j a4 m wittlNnattMilrow. I -i i I i i i Butter 87d No deliveries except with other purchases made m the Grocery Department. Glenwood Cream ery Butter on special sale C'T. today, 2 pounds for only O I C RELIABLE MERCHANDISE RELIABLE METHODS, dflr MERCHANDISE RELIABLE METHODS. WEST PARK. NB TENTH T MORRISON. ALDER STREETS-!" LECTURE BY SIR PHILIP GIBBS Friday, Feb. 17 Lincoln High Auditorium Tickets and Sir Philip Gibbs' Books for Sale in Book Dpt. Wednesday's News of Important Sayings Featuring Economy Offerings of Timely Interest to Every Thrifty Shopper . f".-"l.,'V' asement Undernrice Store Wednesday's Special Sales in the Basement Store Present Unusual Opportunities to Save on Wanted Articles for Personal Use and for the Home. Eead Over the Following Items and Profit by the Lowered Prices. S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Given ;an Additional Saving. Basement Sale Women's Suits Formerly Priced to $29.50 One Price - One Price The woman who is looking for a serviceable Suit at low cost cannot do better than choose one of these. Good practical styles, such as will give splendid service now and later. Made up in NAVY BLUE TRICOTINE MATERIAL one of the popular fabrics for Spring Suits. All are beauti fully tailored and coats are silk lined. Only a limited number in the sale, therefore early choosing is to your A AA advantage. Regular $29.60 Suits, on special sale uAtUU Showing New Spring Coats at Popular Prices Pumps and Oxfords Spring Shipment Just Received Basement Women's Pumps in the popular one-strap style with flexible soles, military heels, perforated quarter and tip. Of brown or black vici kid. Smart up - to - date footwear for Spring wear. Full range of sizes. Extra PO QK values at, a pair POi7J Street Pumps at $4.95 Basement Women's new street Pumps of patent leath er. One and two-strap styles with covered military and flat heels. On sale today, & Q"T at special, a pair MiddyBlouses 95c Basement Sizes for women .and misses in this lot. Made up m splendid quality white material with red or blue col lars and cuffs. Get a good supply of these for QPCp Spring. Priced, special 7Jlx Dresser Scarfs 50c Basement 18x54-inch White Dresser Scarfs with attractive colored border. No telephone orders accepted on account of limited quantity. Spe- Cflp cially priced for. today "Jwv Jersey Sport Goats Special $4.45 Basement Jersey Coats are again the vogue for all sorts of sport occasions and also for business and street wear. Light in weight and neat appearing they are the ideal garments to take the place of Winter coats. Black, brown and navy. (Si A K Belted styles with tuxedo collar. Basement special DrfcrxJ Women's House Dresses 1.19 Petticoats at 98c Basement Attractive new House Dresses of splendid quality percale. Trimmed with piping, f a n c y ' collars and fronts. Small sizes only. On special sale today, j" Q in the Basement, at 3XX7 Women's Fiber Hose 48c Basement Beaver shade only, sizes 9, 9V2 and 10. Double heel, sole and toe. Jlose that will give excellent' service. 300 pairs priced for quick dis- AQs posal. Special, the pair "iOv Silk Hose 59c Black silk with lisle top, heel and toe. Slightly im- KQ perfect. Broken sizes. OUKs Women's Lisle and Cotton Hose Special 35c Pair Basement You will pay 50c and more for Hose of this quality at many stores. Splendid grade lisle and cotton with double heel, sole and toe. Black and brown only. Sizes from OFT 8Va to 10. Specially priced for this sale, 3 pairs $1 pair OtIU Basement Plain and fancy Sateen Petticoats, in neat at tractive patterns. It will pay you to buy several of these, for the values are exceptional. Assorted colors. Spe- QQ cially priced today, at OU Toilet Paper 12 for $1 Basement Large size rolls containing 1000 sheets. Not more than 12 rolls to a cus tomer and no telephone or C. O. D. orders filled. I- ff On sale, 12 Tolls for D-LUU 5-Eyelet Oxfords with mili tary heels ami walk- (JJQ AC ing soles, the pair DOeJ Rubbers, odd lines, for men, women and children. AQn Priced special, a pair tO' Hair Nets 12 for $1 Basement These Nets are made from real hair and every one is guaranteed. Durable double mesh weave. Shown in black, brown and blonde. No telephone orders. (P"J (f Special, 12 for only D AUU Handbags 98c Basement CJean-up sale of several odd lines. Many dif ferent styles and sizes in the assortment. Values in the lot up to $1.50. Don,'t fail to get one of these. Specially QQf priced for this sale at Ot Tbilet Soap 12 for $1 . Basement 01 - o - Palm and Castile Toilet Soaps, put up 12 cakes in neat box. No tele phone or C. O. D. orders. 300 boxes in this sale. !" ff Box of 12 cakes for tDlVl We Give S. & H. Stamps. 8 . Union Suits 98c Basement Women's Union Suits in Spring weight. Sleeve less, low neck, ankle length, high or Dutch neck, long or short sleeves. French and bodice tops. Broken QOp range of sizes. Special JO Child's Hose 35c Basement Medium and heavy ribbed cotton Stockings for boys and girls. All siz.es 6 up to 10. Just the thing for school wear. JJoubie neeis ana-toes. On special sale today, 3 pairs for Jjl; pair 35c Women's Brassieres Only 35c Basement Extra Special Back-fastening Brassieres of a well-known make.- Pink ma terial. Neatly finished and perfect fitting. All sizes from 32 up to 44. A Brassiere gives the figure the fashionable OPT slim silhouette. On special sale today in Basement, at Otll Mixed Wool Blankets Formerly Priced $7.85 $ A .73 m b - . . . 4r Made by one of Oregon's largest woolen mills. Splendid heavy Blan kets and good large size. Gray only, with fancy bordered ends. Wool prices are advancing take our advice and buy one or 'more of QA 7Q these excellent Blankets, at I O Damask Table Cloths Special $1.39 Basement Mercerized damask Table Cloths hemmed, ready for use. Beautiful finish and very durable. Choice Q" QQ of several patterns. Regular $1.98 Cloths. Special wltuU Pillow Cases, Special 50c Each Men's Ties 49c Basement Large assortment of new patterns in all the best col ors. Popular 4-in-hand styles with medium wide ends. ACkn On special sale at, each Men's Undershirts 2for$l Basement Men's Knit Under shirts in Winter weight. Odd lines priced for immediate clear away. Broken range of sizes, but phenomenal values. Cfl Priced special, garment Men's Cotton Hose 20c Pair Basement Men's good grade black cotton Hose at a very spe cial price for today's setting. Split foot. Sizes 9 to Ofjp 11. Priced special, pair Ask for S. & H. Green Stamps Basement Sale Men's Trousers Super Values at the Price! 1 H ' 'it A selling event that is sure to crowd the Basement Men's Store. You will want to be here and share in this notable offering. Special purchase sale of 295 pairs Men's Trousers in the latest cuts. Dressy enough for any occasion and exceptionally well made. Wool mix tures, corduroys and worsteds in medium and heavy CQ Q K weight. All sizes 30 to 42 waist Basement special j50OeJ Boys' Knickers at 95c Broken Range of Sizes Less than a dollar for Boys' Pants1! And good1 serviceable Pants they are, too. Particularly for the boy who is hard on his QETf clothes. Novelty mixtures and corduroys. Priced special t)C Save Money by Saving S. & H. Trading Stamps 32 4th Floor f- Wednesday's Special Lunch 69c Serrtce 11:30 A. M. to 2:3Q F. 31. CHOICE OF English Beef Broth -with Barley Chicken Mullig-tawny Fried Salmon Steak Escalloped Halibut In Shell Old-Fsishioned Steak .with Country Gravy Currie of Veal and Rlc. (WK Baked Beans and Boston Brown Braad Cold Meat. Potato Salad with Red Mexican Beans CHOICE OF Pie Icecream Pudding1 Tea Coffee Milk Main Floor - A TREAT! Special in Our Candy Shop on Main Floor. Lucas delicious hand-rolled Chocolates in assorted fla vors. Priced, a pound, (500 "Choco-Coco" Nut cream hand - dipped Chocolates put up in spe cial gift boxes. Priced' 500 Creamed Filberts A universally popular sweet. Pure and whole some. Special, pound, 350 Old Fashioned Chocolates, priced special, a pound 270 Corn Crisp per bag J50 Main Floor f- $1.00 Rag Rugs, At 50c 24x36-inch Rag Hugs in plain colors. .Suitable for bathroom or bedroom. Regular $1 values. Priced special a( 27x54-inch Rag Rugs in solid colors. Regular $3.25 C0 J?f values; priced special 0tlvr These are extra heavy and the colorings are most desirable. i 50c Bargain Circle 2d Floor Nestle Hair Waving Have your work done here by experts! The Nestle Wave gives an added charm to one's appear ance that cannot be overesti mated. Phone for appointment. Beauty Shop, 2d Floor Main Floor 1 House Aprons $1.59 Women's House Aprons of Amoskeag ginghams in checks and plaids. Latest slip-over, styles with short sleeves, sashes.-' belts, etc. Sizes 36 r(V to 46. Priced special DXOV Blanket Bath Robes in large selection of patterns C A A( and colors. Special at Center Circle Basement f" Set of Three Sauce IJans $1.29 a Basement Aluminum Sauce Pans as sketched. One each 1, IVt and 2-qt. sizes. J- OQ On sale today at only tD-L7 Special low prices on Alumi num Kettleb, Sauce Pans, Etc. g i 8 V 4 P. r- f t t. t f n K t v 9 t. t t