IT, THE HORNING OREGOMAX, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1922 FT TfL For fsUr lrnu. 1H E CANAMAX PACIFIC RT. CO. tw f -ti j opne4 tip for ettfment their 11 iarre bio- ol fertile park ind In tn L.oyd minuter and Ba:t.eford d! t--t t in central Albert and .Sit tc. he wan, where rin gruw.njr and mixed Jrrnlng: condition- are Meal. Ths Int: can be bourht on )-er term at v.i vrai ddi of Sift ter acre 3AS- captfa with no further pa meat t'fincipai until in end of the lourt 3 r 1 ,o interest oniir certain con dit:cn of CH-cuDattnn and dvf,opnfn n'y -j" .merest nrt t yarn re. i'r nally conducted parties of iandaeeli r with reduced rat en. Kor furrh partlcn:ar app.y nr write Canadian la ctflc Jty. Co., 1" Kailway Kxrhange t.i.. l orrland. Oren. U P. Thorn VVJI.LAJtiTTtC VALI.t Y FARH.3. FOH SALE OR EXCHANGE. w tiave a number of especially lectori farm trwoia with mixed fruit. rangmf from 30 arrea up. that wa can ti With or without tiock and .tuple menta. They meet the needs of pur chars wnh la rice or small capital. The are situated on paved or gravel! road a. rir soo.i. live citjr market. isit our fic we can heip jrou select your bom. AM H ror 3".r. Alarikenaie. FRANK McCKiLLiS, REALTOR, 31' . Hnry H.n. It.Jwy, TTt H ACii tZS dairy, true it an berry farm. ic-ated Just out'Hie city limits of ta side. Jut off h ghway. Aii ncn a-dei bortom iand fronting on fresh - watei lake. All in hih state of cultivation, r? about L' acre or rraa and amal rump land; 10 acrs of loganberries, 1 acres or stra waerrie. , acra rspbr tses. a 1 bearing under extert care; 10 acres ready to p. ant to truck. This wl pay 4ood returns on Investment this yar. V ondf rfu! market for ait von can grow. Fries l.'O.m'O; H Ch. Writ 4i-. Sfaul-. Oreiron. FARM HrYERS. RfiAiy 139 acre. 10O t'tus cultivated, balance fm r.tsture. jargg dairy barn. a silos. gTVd 7-rm. hou st, water system, other sutbuitdinga, on rook, road. 15 miles J'ort.and. in AV'ash, Co.. choioa Tualatin rrrer bo'tom land. Price only i3 pei Tf. Term. I abo hav Wash. Co. farms, ail stan and prira R. HOARD. FQt jHftflt Exchange BMc. XA 1T.T farmers, Investigat th a unueual oDDortunitt ti own a fineDaina Irrl tai dairy and alfalfa ranch, valued H5,0; located In famous Dtcbilt vtntr of cn:ral Oregon. Kuyirg sam on en tlrelv new p un. very iitt.e cash re quired. Fii partU ulars upon request. i;r-DMONi I.A.VD LOAN CO., R -'lrnnnd. Oregon. A KfclAI, HAKiiAl.V TH acres. ekcelNnt sotl. fin ToosrfVm 3it t- bioK) out or Ufaverton. tlld. ftn - orchard and small berries r-Ml e-room hu--, g-arage, irtro chicken boib ana run. cacrtiic, suuv. V. W. SA BIN. Keaitor. Th?a 'n i n Ave- N. WdTn. B1, X1 i:t CHE A P for quick sale. 313-acrs farm, in nua as county; itors. P. O hi eh and grade school on piace: spring t'-r wped to bouae and ator. tioods and fixtures, au farina for sale; ll'O mts til.ab.e ; dally nval'. ; on pa bite h ghwar. g-d auto road to town. Ad 1:e3 K-iT rm al'ey. Or. iAKGU -rxcn fcpu furnishrd cwmpta ly, aiumtnUTii caking utensils, 47k thor oughbred K. L Rd chickens, good cow, 4 corda wood; Ideal place for chickens; shade ana running water: 4 acres land: rent reasonable, near Oregon City; all for $4-J cash; mut Sell quickly. AK 4 41. V 1 1-L sacrifice -Oti acres near Lrain. Ore- son, on main Itne 8. P. highway through piace; near school and sawmill; over hundred acr-e cultivated; creek through pia'e, we,l fenced; fair buildinga. Smail la ment down, bataocs long tin. JL 4U t - recnljin. INO to rM-.'nt personal Inlury owner offers his unincumbered 7 O-acre Oreaham ll-:chta farm with Irn provemenia, 2 houj-'J, 2 h:rn an'l out bull dings, for low rru-a f 11V.J. Will consider other on incumbered property up to AO per cent. K r. Va.ters. (trehsm. Oreron. j(Mt. -5 A'HK. 3M0, About baif t: tear-d. house, barn, chtck- 4n houee, other outbutldmcs. fruit, ber riK. live spring. mara.lamtzed road riht to place; iT30 cash, baiaoc terms. wner. -fr-s S:rk st. .11' --5 ACKE. 2V ml. X. E. Ltbuuun, H ml. R. H. eta., adjoining mkt road, fenced aveb- ire, 3 su clenr, timber, gooi spring, drilled Weil, hus, barn, outbuilding. Prica $'iO0. terms . W. K'-h, ruee 3. Lebanon. Or 4 ACKM, I J, inues iroui i'urtand: room bouse, p. altered, hot and cold water; acres cleared, large barn, 8 cows, 4 heifer. 2 horses, ail farm im ptementK, $13000, $'Knn caali. rvst easy tnr. i ri. rrenn-i, urfgon City Ht- 4. V OW.MLK lt acres. 14 tui.tfS from 1'on hind ; &-room hone, be rn. ore hiirU ; 6 acrm cleared, mlio frrwo pavement, on gravel road; fine sofL $42UU, terma K. A Royor.rt. PJO Key. Mar. 814. W TFI HE Mi F STATE. WOrSES WASTED that a small payment will handlo. Any dist r tvt. Apply la persua. bmall places prefeireX o. r. vxmrn a co.. 40i Stock Lxcnanga Bids:. YTK HAVTC a bnrr for H to 1 scrs, clos to car-Hoe. with city convnlences; must have fruit and berries; can improve the aoue if not too bad; must be very close to Portland if not la the city. ?Tf.WART s JOHNSOV, Sll XorthwesUra lianK Bldgt. t'.IKM TO l.Vl.lMM). TThat have you to of'r III trsds for 1" lots from liiOd to $1"0 each, free nd c.ear of til incumbrances; located bK n-eeri E. OUsan and Lnvision snd &Ath to Toth. 1 for an equity in a bunga. ow, building of apartment )..vuso wt h.n these t gurea. TH. T.f'N'i Mar. II K jic.S W AN i CL. Wa fcsve c. iwrits for houses of all tvre jf your hu. u priced rig at ill show you quick action. Watca McKwinai lit of bousw bar (a:na. Thy get resuits. OOH A. AlcKENNA A CO.. Fourth fit. ltdwv. 7.".'J2. ii'OT CASH. WANT IRVINCTuN HOME. Tf yu hav a KhiAL bargain In me dluTn s.xe Irving ton hon.e, phone or rt; u imnndta::y. Huyer wailing. vjj.i k tieai snd a.i rs-h if good l'll'KKY IN ' N T CO., 10 Para-ra HM Bdwy f42. 1 A I -i HAVE r.!!, ev-ry frm l.Ho to fJ.vou that can b bar.dltd on term ir itm aer rt payment. If you 1ia !u h, vmII itroadaay tfbott or we w til ral and m yu . L. liLANt'HARD, Realtor. 4"! J MtM! nd ni.tjf. V A XT ti I T or fi-Miiiu mo-ier n houe, ab ut .-h or 3mH at W down. l-'O a m-mth; no than JO minutes s: reel car ide from town ; prelerab.y Vver;- Ho.chti or Jiawthorn. John Ray. Jn'-.f nt . citv. Wdln. SI J. 1 uiLL v. up t f.v;vo. m caea scd f -i ter month ft Itit Interest, for S tt rootn house ith basement on lot not loa thaa ' located between Hoila ciay aud Rae I st and et of L-iuoa averue. A' 4 treg oni arL i AM, K I.NM for a 3room cw::aj;e or bungalow In cood location; can pay s,'m ra-ii ior gvd aiue up to $34.'4; csn ti ae aood monthly pament. aK 4s, , 'ti -lt-M iiiwdein bu:.(.ow m firet c a i-o-,;tion, on paved street, about at. imw rh: g(o fu:i description snd ;o. st.mi. Y 40I. t'regonian. Ws; liAVE 'IiL VKrv.- A T ALL TlMtd IE VOI R PRICK 1.4 HK.HT. POHTIMM) MOM K CO.. Jt-iX Rr. E v 1 ;:,;g. Uroadw If ?r.Tl. r;'K or sra-roorn h-'me. prelerabiy la lw.horne or Rose Ci'y dlstrjct. f40u0 to $lH; csn pay tutxi'snnai dwa pay ment; rv in't Tabor 2 &M M.L. niprmel n. re tr-t wHh houie and ot rr b-ji.din. convenient to car !'. smaU payment down. K 420, Orw- .vr "irv K -CLi 'I K it wants t-riiu Rose City home, 'not over 4MH; will pay f.X down and ?. month until bonui received and f ttio. t her-fi AM 4.14. ttrepontsn. II A iC trad a f K K!;aU persons & to a.i kinds of property. Frank C. -n S- ' n b .!c Va n 'JT. A V r Ei o A ! lot. not over more t ban 4 b.ocks from car- b-.r 3M. lTKI Lot In H" City. Alameda or rvtigton district; second rntg privilege, nth ev tr-". Or-T'misn. -iST Y I ' R hi'Ml KuK vi. "U'k; ISA Li w :ih F'snk r Bobiasoa. 6t-I beiuog i h t: ho as Uur hunt that uiv AK 44. n t ej to Kerns- r arm. UA.VTRJ TO KENT iilAi.L PLACES. He aeeral peop'e wanting to rent irrrit or small farms, c.ose to Port land preferred. t-ome petp will buy the p a-" aT:er ielrs. for ear or nrore. We n aks l-: Of th.s way. YYUl buy M i'Test if pr.-ed r'gt. JOHN FKKOI'.h?X. Gerlingsr Bid. T-ants? Fs'tti I'-a er -q Vmc fc Coast. DAlKY RANCH l N" ilAK'K.". TV an t f Uiiy equ. TP-'d; 2i to 30 head vn' n b man and wife; both g-ood m;.kers and Al da.ry paopls. AO 43, ml fTl stoc ke! and we;i A V l-!, Orrof Inn. is fuxnlAacd. 44 J, Or4uniaa WILL trade 6 acrea Umber, asseaaed 9 ' for rxd uttd oar. 1. a. tioiuar, Hoe-burir. Or. W A T ED LL'M B E R LI M B Ell. Fpruce or hemlock box. Portland da livery. mm Lewis Did.. FOR iALE aw-'o acres Oreaon timber or part. C, D. Jones, 1-J Kaat 4sth st-. PJ i.lNvJ timber wanted, close In. Oamble, Couch bidg. .OUI.JH Bdwy. lumber and ttmberi for ;i. 41 LumbermensMdg. FOR BKT FARM Orl Riv.NT or lease. 150-acrs farm, about 70 acres under cultivation, good barn, buildings and home; somo equipment and stock on Dlace. arrina itr In housa. 1 m!!es from highway. e or wri'e to j. w Murkle. Ht. Hns. rr. FOR KENT 10 acres, ideal stock ranch, SO miles from city, 2 mile from eiec- xnc rt. rt.; creek runs through place new equipment st sacriflse; wi;l accer labor for principal part of rent- AJct a1. rre-soTi;an. 24 ACRES. Columbia highway, stock and equipment. Iao. or will selL Cal Wdln. 4i!M. . Strom, Troutdalf. or. TO T.XCTf A "SG B RKA T, TSTATBL 20 ACRK3 NSAR OREOOS CITT. HIGH STATE OF CULTIVATION. Largs orchard, berries of all kinds, -room modern house, water system. rood barn, all necessary outbuildings. sJrhtly location, r Ideal poultry ranch. Pries $7(K0; small payment down, long time on balance at per cent interest X miles from Oregon City. Will take houje la Portland , or Oregon City up M S4UVU. A. C. HOW1AND, 6?0 Mala St., Oregon City. Or. SlOOO TO A50.tMM. What haveyou to offer In trade for i'hj iota xrom i.iw to jkkmi (Acn, rree snd clear of all Incumbrances: located between E. Gllaan snd IHvtsion snd 5Mh to utb. I will trade for an equity In a bungalow, flat building or apartment house within these figures. MR. LONTl. Mar. li ACi:iMi located 4 miles from Mood River; 12 acres hoaxing spples snd pears : creek through place ; good mod ern a: x-room, house, barn, apple house, two chicken house: srraded school ad joining place. Owner, stis S. Morrison sr. Knone k 4 l-'l JORDAN PEP AN A3 PART PAT- iiExr on modern 5 or 6-room KIX.UU)W. CAR VALlKD AT $300. HOLSE BE IN OOOL DISTRICT AND PAVED STREETS. R A LANCE SHOT CASH. P.J 441. OREGONJAN. SPOKANE, or eastern Washington pre ferred. 340 acres, mils Kcab, Lewis county, Wash. All best of soil, stock or dasry. Abundance of free rang. Lots of stock. Improvements good ; 40,000 for all. Lee Rlchnrrtson, Knah. Wash. WILL TKAi'K. Ws are prepared to arrange a trade for you; bring in your proposition and ws will match you on anything of merit. Lots, houses, acreage, farms or stocks of merchandise. K. R. 3.. 7 1 Couch bldg WANT suburban or city property for 240- acre stock ranrn, wun juw acres open range, which includes stock) also 6-acr ranch close by. stocked and equipped. Total price fftOOO. Clear of Incumbrances. 419 Lumberman's bidg.. Wlnslow Co. bJ R SALE or trade OA-acrs irrigated ranch, fully equipped with stock and machinery, would consider acreage or city property. Address C. W. Oarrett. R. F D. No. I, Ontario. Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE SO acres. Irri gated, improved; good soil ; near Die trich, Idaho; loan vaiuo, l5 an acre. Auto, or what, clear, for 3'oo equity. Ch rl stHn, 7T40 T'nlon ave.. Chics go. 111. WANT OOOD LOTS OR LAND, llavs small west side apartment atle, will accept good lots or land In ex change. W. 1L Rosa, 11O0 Northwestern Park hTdg. . WILL se.l or trade 0-acre ranch, 4 acres Irrigated, stocked and equipped, zi acres alfalfa; good terms; IOoOO. Wife Is eiok. must sell. Owner, Ernest Frank, Rainier Hotel. ' 10 ACRES tins land, facing lower Colum bia highway; wiii trade ior anything oi va.ue: prefer late model car. This land Is worth S1300. but will sacrifice. Su3 Artisans liidg., opposite Bnion hotel. d'-o Egl ITV in S -room house, completely lurnitftieu, ooxi'ru lot. street imp. in ana paid, baO duo $117o, paabls VMS per and int., for ciear imp. lot or acreage. AJ 4t7. Oreronian. KAcHANUE ldo acres land iT-ar Edmun- ton, A.berta, Cana ls, tor property in or "hear Portland. i.07d &aginaw st. Sa lem. Or. I HAVE a Frank. in car in good condition. except batteries, to trade aa rart or rirst payment on house and lot. Call Tab r liO ACRES on Pacific highway. 1 nule from good town; value i:nuu; wane garage equipment of equal value. 1407 jdorgan St., Aberdeen, Wash. . WANT lot for auu. value up to IflOO; popular light six touring in fins condi tion. V 4'JS. Oretfonian. F(.R tfALE OR EXCHANGE for residence. 2S acres close in, good sub-division proposition. S 4S7, Oregonlan. . HAVE SEVERAL persona desiring to trade ail kinds or property. Frank t;. Robinson. 50S Felling bidg. Main 2357. to KxcHAVflE eTTscrT.tAyrors. WANT to trade a hot water heating plant. compwte, for b-rom House or laie moaei ued auto. AB 4-'X Oreg-onian. FOR SAff K. Morses, Vehicle, Urentock. KEYSTONE FEED STABLE. Pair young Shirs mares, weil mated, weight saw lbs.: team brown Percheron mares, weight S1O0 lbs.; span bay Bel gian horses, a years old. we.ght S-'ov lb.; team young horses, weight S00O lba; black horse, weight, 1700 lbs.; team work horses. 10 years old, weight 21H-0 lbs.; rood workers and in good shape; price 140; 2d head horses and mares. 4 to 0 years old. weight 10K to 100 lbs; har ness and wagons. obi Water St., cor. Montgomery. 30 HEAD of horses, weighing from 1OO0 to IToU lbs., some or the prices: Span of Iron gray geldings, ag S and t years, weight 2o; 4230. 7-year-old shire mare, free of blem- 1hes, weight 1400. a little street sore; Span of gelding, weight 2500: 1M; :so large stock of new snd used har ness at a reduced price. G. K. iiowett, S'J Front sw. corner of Columbia. FARM HORSE 8. 13 head of rounf. sound. gsntle horses and mares, lloO to 16"0 lba. at very reasonabi prices, several well matched teams. 4 to 6 years old and real chunks. Will show you that thes horses srs as represented, Nice team jnarea, sound. 5 and e years. 2300 lbs.. 9140. Jake's feed barn. Oth and Columbia at., Vancouver. Wash. J ' . HORSES JUST ARRIVED. On carload of horses from my ranch In eastern Oregon for sale; can be . seen at Exposition bldg. For Information In quire Hunt commission Co., for Fred W. Hull. ONE C.KAY horse, about 11. -W Kirstin stump puuer, new. txira 975 Would trade both- in on team weighing about Jtaotx A. Bohnbring. Portland, Or.. RL Box 2b, A mil north of Tigard on highway. REAL bargain. lJoO-ib. mar, ao; ioo-io. ray horse, 4A; aso several omsr uwi horses, harnesses and wagona Corner Fast Mh and Alain, S blocks north or Hawtborne ave. NICE Jersey cows to freshen soon. S45 to irt each. Nice 4-yeer-oid Jersey to frehen in two weeoke. 970. Montgomery and Water streets. NICEST pure-bred Jersey cow in Portland, g;vine; a gallons, u-w n - ouner, nu dav o d tt.-ifer calf, priced reasoned. 01a iv cor.si1ere1. Mar. 8315 ARM IHI'LKM EST hind, special prices. 3 riti-a f E Mrr:son New and second P. E. Eabenahade, GiH'l milk iii cheap, coming freah spring, fvii.g lu pts n E. 21wt st.. cor. Harney milk now. 11 9-Y EAR-OLD b.u roan Belgian mare. e'cht 14-'": fcr.t:f. oroaen smgis uu ,ub. lo K S:h SL MULES. . 2MK-lb, team 9 and 9 years old. Fast fl,h. BG Hoisteln cow miiktng e gTV.iii. calf 5 davs (kO. liuernsey-ivurnam. muaing 5 ga ona 91 Water. ilfe-Sit ls-qurt young r.ih snd easy milker. 8 ;ooj car Jersey -Guernsey, 7aO lnsley ave.. A' AN of god, sound and true work horses, pr.c w0. 542 Commercial court, be tween Cnmmerrial and Kerby at Russell. Gi-'LUNcit; Y cow. Just fresh, 5-gailon, tub. tested; a. so g -od im:-7 cow. with cui 2 weke o:d. f-V 24 Esst 8th. 173 FOR A PAIR of o-vs-r-oM horv-i. w r eight ng 234et lba See the in work. Ca.l Taiior frtij for addresa M..WK 1 lba; twn's hors eitling, ti years old. 1 price 973. Ask for at 34 N'orthrun. reiahing McMul- h KVROLET delivery ar.d farm imple ments tor a nee p. jobu cosiatua 4 ; -esh a m. Or. VETERINARIAN PR. HOES. TAPOR 6569. IjEAD horss and oatt.e Taken quick-y. H dwy or n'KPi. automatic n.-i-oi. ; 2 Ut'iii of line horses and e ghtng lbs 226 Russell su ISHiH.S mil F ir our pri UK froduots, ha and grain, e csil Wood: awn 3143. yiuiirt Jws-y Cvw. giving 8 gai. V ave fej?. mr THREW C W "U R fALI pHOVf! VAT.N a2.tft. Xor aaiSk Cvi. 9id, FOR SALE. Hornes, Ye hides. Livestock. GOING OCT OF BCSLNES. Will sell all ottr horses, wsgona and harness and buggies at a sacrifice; must Clean up q ulckiy, as our lease expires shortly. Call at No. 20 Grand ave. W J. SulIlTsn. East 3314. A GOOD work S JTiX S10 E. wagon and harness. Po k n?. col Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. WONDERFUL PIANO SARGAfNS. Xfnt Kail Ortiflt- Easv Terms. $ fW-0 NJre Emerson, walnut JlffT.IM) TOO rhickHnr A Anna, rosewood 1 2.1 0O OM) Kingsbury, watnut 13.00 JW-"0 Bradford, latest walnut.... 2OO.00 M Jewett, nice dull mah'y.... 1H3.00 ftrtA Andrew Kohltr lalAit tnah. 2l5 00 S.V) Fin Baus. mahogany..... 170.00 7tk Hrhrt M Chie- brand new &47.R0 W0 Latest Thompson L23.0O .87! Adam Schoof. late mah... 2O0.W TfH Chickering. equal to new.. 815 00 5'.M Lindman & Soar, latest.... 5 00 frAO W. W. Kimball make. fin. 17.V00 70 McPhail. wonderfui tone... lwO.uO 75 slcCamon, upright, good... 200.00 B75 Kohier Campbell, latest 237.50 ATA Yoas A Sons, fins tone..... 1&3.00 Othera Act quickly and get a fin fitano at a Dositiva barzam. Terms. BROKERAGE CO., 112 Worcester Bid. PHflSOflRAPH BARGAINS. VTCTROLA VI, almost new f 26 VICT KOLA X, xnahg. case and rec ords 100 COLUMBIA, oak case C.niA'.M RIA. lafeat modeL almost new. taka 100 BRUNSWICK with Tecords, oak case 120 sKL.iaWICa, iarg yn. siae, wim " records 240 ALL GUARANTEED. EAST TERMS. SEIBERXdNO-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 4th St., Bet. Wash, and Alder Sta. PI 1 Vfl KMP)1 MANSFIELD, walnut case, sell J 150 CHICKKLa A SON, old styla, snap 150 HINZEMAX. small siZ. See It.... 223 PRICE TEEPLE. oak case 250 KIMBALL PLAYER, new 025 BTOHY A CLARK, fine piano. See it UAMBKIDGK man. case, a snap... -;ao And othera Easy terms given. SEI BE RLING-LUCAS MUdlO CO., 125 4th St., Bet. WasD. and Alder Stay SJfiCL'KITI STORAGE CO.. CLOdlNO OUT A 4 75 Irvine- Piano Co.. UDriaht matw $-13 $4o0 Smith upright ebony 14o f42o Haliet A Uavi upright rose wood lft3 IT 50 pianos and a player piano oak a Danor organs, sis. so ana 350 casn. Pianos moved. 7ic per month; boug-ht and said for cash only. 10.1 Iftth at cor. Stark and Wasn. sxa. I H GKAFO.NOLA. 10 used records S 9 Wd Stradivara and 10 used records. 43 140 Psthe. cabinet, 20 used records. 63 173 Sonars, cabinet, 20 used records. 15 140 Brunswick, 20 used records Vo 175 Columbia, cab., 20 used records. lib $5 sends one home, then $3. S5 and up monthly. chwan Piano Co. 10a Tenth St., at Washington st. ST&P in and look over our used phono grapha Two cabinet mah. Brunswick at i3 and SiOO: Columbia cabinet wal nut, $S5, and many otiicrs from. $S and up, lernia U, F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 14W Sixth Street. SPECIAL SALE OP PIANOS. Wheelock Co. upright piano 1244 Martin Bros, upright piano... 2J3 Wellington upright piano Delmar renewed piano ............ .9203 Pianola player plays fcS note 4 Oo L,irMA., w uLt ii. & cu.. ith Floor. STL DENT'S VIOLIN OUTFIT. includes violin, Dow, case, rosin and extra strings. These Instruments ara ail picked and iesieu uy xne expert xn our violin as partment. 18. U. b JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 14! Sixth street. BUY. SELL OR TRADE $ RECORDS AND PHONOGRAPHS. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. 12S FIRST ST.. BrTT. ALDER AND WASH. BDWY. TlOl. ACT. 627-40. 625-S2, PIANuLA player piano, extra vaiue, 8b- note, witn extra roiia 9470. Don't over look this; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth street. MARTIN "C" melody saxophone, sKver, with cold beiL complete with case., terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 14 Sixth street. JAZZ drum outfit, includes bads drum. snare arum, loot peua:s, cymbals, drum tana, wooa morn ana triangle. . O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Kixth street. KIMBALL piano, 9!o, a snap at this special price; terms given. Seiberiing Lucas Musio Co.. 125 4th at. near Wash ingtun at. Wt v LL.L, trade you a new ictroia or Cheney pnonograr n ior your old piano. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth street. W LliLH pianola piano for rent, music and nenen inciuaea. per month. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 107 WEST PARK (NSW LOCATION.) PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING, GUARANTEED WORK. pelberllng-Luoas Music Co., Bdwy. 6376. 1 5 4tn st.. near washing ton. PIPE ORGAN TUNING AND REPAIR ING, expert workmanship; estimates given. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 sin sr.. ngTtr w agnina-ton sc. GOOD PIANOS at vrlces and terms you can afford. Reed-French Piano Co.. 12th and Wash- ington EVERETT piano mah. case. aU rsfinished, fin tone, 9-')5, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth street. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING, ANY MAKE guaranteed work, prompt service. Sei- brung-btcas music co., lis 4th mU, near Washington. SI 65. Secures $40 Ballet A Davis upright. beouruy Morage to., ju.i iutn. cor. Mtark 573 R. S. HOWARD piano, just new, 9235, 930, 15 a month. 312 Worces ter bids;. 9bV0 FARRAX1) player piano, 60 rolls and bench, perfect, latest style. Some snap, 1373. easy terma 812 Worcester Bldg. 91MS BUYS 9SOO Sohmer. upright piano, f 30 down, 912.50 a month. 312 Worcester bldg. PHONOGRAPHS at wholesale cost, stand ard make, your ywn terma Factory salesroom", lnt Second st, upstairs. A FEW used player rolls, two for 25c HAROLD S. GILBERT. lf7 WEST PARK. CONCERT GRAND PIANO FOR RENT: WONDERFUL TONE. HAROLD S, GIL BERT. 107 WEST PARK. WANTED Player piano, spot cash, bar gain; consider equity. Call Bdwy, 1548 before 5 P. M. J KINGSBURY PIANO, some bargain. See It. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st., bet. Wash, and Alder sts. PIANOS moved, $3. ground floor; work don by experts and guaranteed. Call Broadway 1207 SCHILLING A SON. 975. almost new, terms given. Seiberling-Lueas Music Co.. 123 4th St.. near Washington st. CROWN PIANO, orchestral grand, only 9-'S5, terma Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 1 2. 4th st.. bet. Wash, and Alder st. WILL trade your old piano for phonograph at 409 Union ave. N. PIANO wanted, cash proposition for food upright piano. Marshall 1532. PIANO wanted, pay Broadway o576. cash for bargain. WANTED) Used piano for all cash. fm-42. WANTED Sweet-toned piano Bdwy. 134S, week days. WILL pay cash for your piano; m bargain. Broadway 210. must be WANTED A good used piano, cash. Auto 331-11. .Will pay 1 MAHOGANY upright piano, 94 per mo. C!l Main 2137. STUDIO for rent 442. Oregontnn. 1 vf 2 dt a week. AF WANT to rent grand piano; no children. exclusive h"me. V 427. Oreironir.n. l'nrnltui4 for inle. DAVENPORTS. Manufacturer to .you direct: superior frame construction beat filling material used, expert workmanship; new styles, large assortment of coverings In mohairs, veieurs, tspes tries, denim etc. Phone 4U5-27; evenings and Sunday Tabor 5717 er 633-27. A41CHAKLSON-MAYSON, INC.. 9-43 Foster Road. FURNITURE of rooms; gruy, enameled b-droom set. dining tnhie, t chairs, brass bed. mahosrsny chiffonier and desk. l-t her cushioned chaira electroHer, Hoover sweeper. sjardn too la, fruit jars. STt K Salmo::. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. W can save you money on your freight In our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer ??ora; Co,. ?4, P'ne gtre-t. ANYONE In need of gas range, $25; elec tric sewing machine, velvet rug. $23; new Ivory whits baby's bed, 915. Private parties. Tabor 725. yuR SALE 1 chlfiomer. 1 library table. 1 settee. 1 rug and 1 alngle bed springs and niattrets. 1 extra spring, 1 Morris chair F. 2?th N. BEAUTIFUL overstuffed davenport, mo hair v lour j finest; new; bargain. Main S.T2. OAK BUFFET, dining tab; and chairs, couch, wood range, with coil. Auto. SOM E exquisite oriental rugs: marvelous colorings: gems; bargain; leaving city. Main 372- FU RN I TU R E. U vl ng room, bed ror, ni a nd kitchen: alo rugs and one child's elec tric train with transform-"-. Kast FURNITURE of J-room flat for aaie; no dealers. 175 a WUoa sw TOR SALE. Faml tare for JSaie. SAVE MONEI. Try oor sales department If yon want to bay or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to mo afl points in our through pool' cars: Expert packing, re pairing and refinishing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 52 4th St., Opp. Multnomah HoteL Phone Broadway 8713. ELEGANT high-grade furniture complete for 5 rooms, jut like new, used less than S months. eDecia!lv suitable for newly married couple; must sell quickly lor casn only, in reply give pnone num ber; no dealers need answer. C 400, Oregon ian. Office Fnrnitare. NEW AND USED roll and flat top deeka, files, tables and chairs. Wonderful bar gains In used safes, dictaphones, adding machine and time clock, Offic fur niture rented. D. C Wax. 24-26 N. 6th. Bdwv. 2739 ' DESKS CHAIRS SAFES. New and second-hand, exceptional bar fains. Call or phone for salesman. RWIN-HODSON FURNITURE DEPT. 10th and Stark Sts Bdwy. 8144. ONE large of fire safe, 9125; one 6-foot floor case, $00; one Oliver typewriter, $23. Call at 2tH Gerlinger bldg., Second ana Alaer. 1 LARGE office safe, $15. 1 6-fl. floor case $00. 1 Oliver typewriter $25. 204 GerHr.ger b'd.. 2d and Alder. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. ALL MAKES. CALL OR WRITE FOR KETV PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 921 Washington SL Alain 5081. REBUILT typewriters all kinds', for sale, ren t, exchange ; we ara exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $50 com plets with carrying case; supplies and repairs of all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO, 94 Fifth St. Main 3S. FOR RENT L. G. Smith typewriters; spe cial rate to students. L. C. Smith A Broa Typewriter Co., 0d Spalding bldg. Bdwy. (K75. NEW, rebuiU second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark st. Main 1407. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Type writer Inspection Co.. 812 Stark. M. &549. BARGAIN TODAY Visible only $20. 3M Oak. typewriter LAI E niouel Remlniftun typewriter. Call Auto. 31-15. Poultry. YEAR-OLD White Wyandotte pullets, cockerel, 1 year old and 2 year old; Buff Orpington and White Wyandotte eggs for hatching. Setting hens for sale. Auto. 631-10. tf00 41st S. E. WHITE LEGHORN cockerels from Young's Poultry farm. Mo wry. N. Y., $3 apiece. M. F. Miller, 45th ave, S. E., hiat- urday afternoon or eye. FOR SALE Buttercup cockerel and But- tercup setting eggw. wain, .bus. Dogs. Rabbits. Birds and Pet Stock. PERSIAN cats for service; large blue. black, whits and orange males for serf ice. 470 E. 03d st. N. Auto. 321-37. ST. ANDREASBERG females, ready lOT mating ; sing era bol to, 4tfth st. is. Tabor 37ft. AIREDALE, choice, registered stock ; healthy, line specimens. Tabor 2474. FOR SALE Beautiful female bird, ready for mating. St. Andreasherg, Harts mountain, linnets. Tabor 1131. KING KAABBA biack Persian at service; eastern stock, none like him on th coast. Marshall 1402. PEDIGREED French bull and Great Dane for services. Jordan, Tabor 1905. 15 72d street. THOROUGHBRED fox-terrier pup. 1713 r. ntn St. 2 SMALL female puppies 6 weeks old for 1 r.Uaa.n T-. Kn- 1M41 Poultry. S. C. ENGLISH Whit Legnorn setting eggs for sale, $7 per hundred; our la year 100 or 1000 lota Joa. Saundera Route 2. Portland. Or. rtoatt. Launches and Marine Equipment. A FINE tugboat for sale or exchange, (J 4 reet ion&, ju-ioot beam, efc-zoot arait. 125 h. i. triple expansion engine. Sher ry boilers, fully equipped at a very cheap price. F. L. BLANCH ARD, Realtor. 1-2 Pwetland Bldg. Bdwy. 6850. GOING away, will sell houaeboat, fur nished, bargain; to see is to buy. Stock yard oar to end of line. See N. J. Jessmu, after 4 P. M. Cash or terma MAKE me an offer. 3 -room houseboat at foot of Pendleton st. Fulton car. AJ 411. Oregonlan. FOUR-ROOM furnished or unfurnished nouseooai; lmmeaiaie possession., jaam 1103. Kegs and Barrel. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 308 N. 14th St., near Petty grove. Phone A 519-19. Nursery Stock. PLANTS FOR SALE. The famous Perfection currant and Oregon Champion gooseberry, from 1 to 4 years old, and other nursery stock; ground must be vacated. Tabor 1831. Address 328 East 71st. on Morrison St. Coai and Wood. $4 PER LOAD $4. 18-inch, partly dry block and slat mixed: fine for furnace or heater, de livered In 2-Ioad lots for $8; single loads $4.50. Washington lump coal, $11 ton in the basement. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. East 2041. 94 PER LOAD $4. 2-LOAD LOTS. 16-Inch fir block and slab, 'runs partly dry, ready for furnac or heater. We also save you money on 2-load orders of dry wood. Prompt delivery on west and ast side. Oregon Fuel Co.. Wood lawn 4102 COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! $11 per ton, put In your basement, city weight, direct from mine to consumer; large lump, no clinkers or soot; burns to fine ash; try a ton. PHONE EAST 134 OR EAST 9129, NICE 10-ln. slab, $3.75; best fir, seasoned. heavy or merely graaea, so loaa, any where, bargain; dry 12 and 16-in. coun try slab, 97.25. Sell. 176. flhST-URuWTH fir, Koci Springs. Royal Owl creeK coai. utanaara -tines, sc xne Co., 83 Fifth st.. between Stark and Oak. Phone Broadway 18. FIRST-GROWTH wood, dry, $7.50 cord; second growth, ary, cord. Aut. 62t-77. BONE-DRY boxwood, Ideal kindling, $4; block and slab, 94. o; heavy wreckage, 93: large loads. Wdln. 3049. DRY CORDWOOD, $7 and 7.75 per cord, block ana siao, aouoie ioaa, u. Aawy. 32S. BOXWOOD $4 PER LOAD. Fulton Wood Co., dealers In box and slabwood. 1201 Macadam. Main 4173. BEST green and dry fir ccrdwood and dry siabwooa xrora country mill. imme diate delivery. Tabor 7228. GOOD dry fir cordwood $7.25 cord, heavy country sian o.o. noes, springs ana U t ah coals. East 1759. MOST all kinds of wood, 4-ft., or by load. 12 or lo-incn xrom fo.ov a loaa up. M arsh all 1917. . COAJj. Lincoln, $10 egg, $11 lump; Invest si in sampie saca. save ion tnere sfter. Broadway 3423. COAL Sample it first. lOO lbs. 81 '8am' pie deliver?-. nroaaway bijw. UTAH KING COAL now $15.50 per ton Call EHJtWM, $5 A LOAD, 16-inch dry plank and small timber. yeiiwooQ aiw, NO. 1 old-growth fir that IS DRY, $7.50. IH. Automatic nm-rw. DRY CORDWOOD, 4J6.50 and $7.50 per cora. ae.iverea in -cora lots, wain, odu. BEST old-growth dry fir. S7.50; large second-growtn, . yenwooq ai. BEST dry cord wood, 97 and 97.73 per corn: can t oe nwii. pnaawaT situ. 16-1N. WRECKAGE wood, load delivered. j.V Residence pnone ga. CORDWOOD, I7.50 a cord; slab wood. 94.5U. JJiast -vi. 4-FOOT country slab, 94 per cord. Tabor 722S. HEAVY block and slab, hardwood, dry ountry slab. o"iiawn zM. 4-FOOT block ar.d railroad ties; also 10- ln. stove wood. atar. :mw. BELLINGHAM Lump Coal, now $12.50 er ton delivered. ian cast pd?s. BELLINGHAM Lump Coal, now $12.50 per ton delivered, can tnnz sas4. Machinery. s'OR SALE At a bargain, Cleveland tractor ana equipment ; also general farm machinery. Closing out. Call WoodTawn 3i. One NO. 4 BUFFALO tan blower; price 40. May riarnware io., i - -1 -m rront. Machinery Wanted. WANT from 2 to 5 horsepower single- phase, alternating current motor; state price and condition. Walter Nelson, Tniarrmok. Oreron. WE ARB in th snarket for 60 to 70-ton Rod locomotive, suiTaoie ror logging op rationa National Lumbar A Mfg. Co., H oqutam. Wash. M iscellaneous. FOR SALE An Aiaska martin skin scarf of two hides; A-A. cneap. aii nsurr hotel, room 2. ORIENTAL poarl necklaces, several lengths and t:ms. yry reawnanip. ,'iar. i BLACK satin pumps, cott 910; worn once. seu lor ; sue a. Automatic -du. FOB SAUK. Mlsc e Han eo us- NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS. SECOND-HAND. FACTORY REBUILT. TOTAL ADDERS AS LOW AS $50. Mechanism and title guaranteed. Repair service by eompany meehanica. NEW REGISTERS AS LOW Ad 979. EASY TERMS. THE NATIONAL CASH R EX r I ST EH CO Broadway 1S1. o0 Stark St. KOiiE BUSHES Now ns the time to plant them. The Portland Rose NurserT 1 th place. All the newest, best varieties at the lowest prices. Also a large assort ment of ornamental shrubs. We do landscaping. Let ns figure on your joft. Telephone us. We do th rest. Phone fiao-70. 1SS2 Division St.. corner of -73d. . ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-third; all style, finest se lection. Come and see; you are under ho obligation to buy. STANLEY LTJTZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. . Broadway 42o3. IF TOU APPRECIATE splendid watch re palring or jewelry repairing, take your work to MILLER'S Bis; Lltt! Jewelry Store Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. . Park and Washington Bta. USED DESKS, CHAIRS. TABLES. Our refinlshing department turns them out clean and In perfect mechani cal condition. Far cheaper than same quality new. Safes, dictaphones, add. machines, etc. Furnltur rented. D. C. Wax. 24-2R North Fifth. Bdwy. 2739. PORTABLE bakers oven for sale cheap. Call between 8 A. M. and 9 P. M. 8o5 Sandy blvd. SEWING MACHINES. Giving away stocking darner with sate of each new 6r used machine. Slightly used. $15 to $30. Phone Main 6333. To rent or buy. Singer Store, J. G. Walters, manager. W-i 4th t near Taylor. . STORE fixtures for sale cheap. . showcases, carpets, suit forms, waist forms. Hoover vacuum cleaner, mirrors, electric fix tures, window valance. Singer sewing machine. Call at 800 Morrison, corner of Park. Ask for Mr. SI gel. DOORS, windows, lumber, moldings, mill work, glass, roofing and hotbed sash. See our odd stock of sash and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co., downtown lum ber store, 171 FRONT ST., bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Phone Main 213. SEWING machines, new and secnd-hand, sold for less; no agents employed Com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 100 Third St., near Taylor. MsTin 9431. SAFES Fire and burglar -proor safes, new and second-hand, at right prices; bought, sold and exchanged; easy terms If de aired. NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO., 1Q3 Second St. Broadway 7045. WHY THE weeping and waiiing and moaning about a leaky root? Why not be cheerful and comfortable under a durable and permanent roof T Phone all your roof troubles to Broadway 70. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADifl. MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store, Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. RUUD gas gater heater, $l2.oO; . S-burner Vul'can gas range, $12.50; also a Re liable gas range, rrght-side oven, good condition; 925 will deliver and Install reasonable. East 4852. LADIES We can sell your slightly used misfit clothing, suits, coats, furs, dresses for every occasion. 4th floor, 403 Alisky bldg.. 3d, near Morrison st. PATENT RIGHT FOR SALE FOR ORE GON; VALUABLE INVENTION; WILL ' MAKE BIG MONEY IN THE NORTH WEST. ROOM 14. 152 RUSSELL ST. HOT WATER tanks, 30-gaL 97, 40-al. 9. tested, guaranteed; stove and furnace coils, gas heaters Installed; plumbing. East Side Weld. Sh., 203 Adams. E. 8510. CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash' Register & Scale Ex change, 226 Stark st. Bdwy. 7534. MUST sacrifice, will sell 10 shares of Hopkins & East Estate leasing and de velopment corp. below par. M 417, Ore gonian. WE REPAIR anytning locks, electric lights, vacuum cleaners, electric Irons, etc. Keys made Barretts, 154 4th Main 5131. TEARING down house, first-class lumber for sale of all kinds. Will sell for S&: scrap wood $1 load. Call at 510 Albina FOR SALE Handsome round brass-framed antique mirror, beautiful desigr ; rea sonable price. 544 Washington st., or phone Mar. 3S34. FERTILIZER. Cow manure, well rotted, delivered, any part or city, wooaiawn caa. LICENSED Independent electrician wires 8 rooms for $ia, a for iao, guaranteed to paps Inspection. Wdln. 3791. DANDY 8-light shower fixture, complete with shades, oniy, at au7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 4253. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer ; also vacuum cleaning gone. urast 4043. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Seo ond and Morrison. DIE BOLD safea new and second-hand; special prices. Pacific Seal & Supply Co., 4S Front st. Broadway 1966. KODAKS. W buy, sell, rent and exchange ko- daks, banay. o-a vvasnington st. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. 85 cents per day, delivered anywhere Woodlawn 1259. MRS- S. W. HERMAN APPAREL SHOP. We buy, sell and exchange ladies' and gents' clothea. Mar. 1009. 284 H Park st. GEM doughnut machine, 950; root beer barrel, $25. White, 1226 Main St., Hills- boro, Oi SPLENDID cash register for sale by pri vate owner, retiring from basinesa. No dealers. Call East 4073. 21-JEWEL W. C. Bail standard railroad watch, 5 adjustments, $40. Woods, Broadway 7481, Broadway 3633. 10 NEW SINGER sewing machines, foot power and elec. ; net wholesale;' cash or terms. AM 438. Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL 10-foot showcase, bargain, suitable for jewelry, etc.; private party. 410 Washington. SHOWCASES, wailoases, cash registers, scales, safes, adding machines, pool tables, back and front bar. 129 1st st. PRIVATE collection stamps, coins, Indian baskets and beads. BF 441, Oregonian. $600 DIAMOND, 1.28-karat, stone. $390. Bdwy. 1548. wonderful ROUGH lumber and timbers for sale. Bdwy. 3i69. 419 Lumbermens bldg. BO IN TON furnace, excellent condition. East 2827. GUARANTEED rebuilt batteries for Forda $10 to 915. Broadway 4492. APPLES, -,nlce Spltzenberg. $L35xcooking apples, 91-25 per box. East 6923. POTATOES, $1.85, delivered; Italian prunee. ' lO ids., sl pan Mam 5B1. ONE LARGE-SIZE bake oven for coal. May Hardware co., i4-xu rTont st. FOR SALE Fine new Hanan riding boots, .i 1ft Ca 11 Rrl -v tf 77ft FURNITURE repairing, mirrors, medicine SAFES and vault doors, bargaina. St. HCl Wy. MHt. SECOND-HAND BRICK. For sale. Automatic 642-1 4. FOR SALE "Quick Meal" gas range, good ior m iraLquiatu. J lTSt St. HOPE CHEST for sale. AK 447, Orego nlan. ; SPECIAL SALE Beauty parlor equip- pnt. Q'-' o-- uci tcu oLttm. ana oak. SECOND-ri a-nu lenis ana covers for sale. Pacific Tent ta. Awning jo.. i o. i jat st. FOR SALE: Cash register, safe, adding marnine. kixv--q--. x il, near abji. LADIES' USED APPAREL of all kinds in a home. Bargains. Tabor 2825. SAFE Second-hand office safe, good as new; bargain, a-, pop, urtgonian. Acorn Press. 286H Wash., near 5th LOTS of free dirt at 692 Mallory ave. Phone Broadway .627. VOSH & SONS piano, walnut case, $175 East 3483. STAR-A -STAR shingles, direct from mill. Call Taylor-et. dock. Main 8065. U-KARAT beautiful sem; forced sale, $AS5 cas-h; worth double. Eaet 6228. SLIGHTLY usvd A.-B. comoi nation range, 10 5 cost $150. 907 E. 2fith st. N. FOR SALE 1 Koken barber chair and pink. Pan laoor oooi. BABY BUGGY, 95; Oriole, 910. 7751 Wil son St; FOR SALE 9 window shades, new, 60x30, color 2S; 1 box Couch. Woodlawn 6642. STOCKYARD manure delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 2363. GOOD 2x10 plank for sale cheap. Phone FOR SALE reasonable electric brooder, J SOP capacity. Call Woodiawn 184. J Has: g SF.nil'D-HAXD sevvimr machine, (or sale PRC-ific Tnt A- Awning Co.. 1 let Bt. BARGAIN only -'. TODAY -S04 Oak. -Visible typewriter FOR SALE Ona niiilinery wail case. Call 214 Third at. FOB SALE ACTOMOBIM-S. CHAXULER; cannot be toid from new. psbv terma. Wdln. S4H1. WII.I. trade Ford sedan body for roadster body. Auditorium (Parage. 338 2d st. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED CARS. Nearly any kind, all different prices. Liberal terma Open Evenings and Sundays. Be fair with yourself and see our stock before buying. x 1&16 Chevrolet touring, extra good tires all around an complete ly overhauled 1-5 1914 Overland touring, extra ' good ail the way througn. bee mis car It's good 1918 Dodge delivery, all good. 1918 Briscoe touring ... Model "N" 7-pass. Hupp, extra con dition 1919 Dixie Flyer, new paint 1810 Overland touring:, tires and all food laxwell touring, overhauled and good 3917 -ton Kissel truck 1918 5-pass. Oldsmobile, jw paint 1919 5-pass. Chalmers; a real car.. 1ul7 r'nrfilln.e; lota nf extras. 3 new 75 475 205 4PP 875 173 130 300 525 450 tires, new top 1000 1917 Franklin, overhauled and new painjt 1917 5-pass. light six, Buick, S new tires, car good 1918 5-pass. Paige, good throughout 1913 Oldsmobile e, chummy, real class 1919 Big Buick touring 1913 Big-4 Buick roadster, all good 1918 Dodge touring, some car 1918 WiIlys-6 Chummy, don't judge this car by the price 'iota r-rti-f r i Lr V o rfiartstflr. v far 900 530 725 475 700 250 425 .350 used very litle and all good.... 300 1917 6-pass. Velie 8, We also have a complete stock of USED FORDS, Trucks, Sedans, Coupes, Roadsters and Tourings. All priced at their real value. TALBOT A CASEY, INC., " East Ankeny and Grand Ave. "The Used Car Corner." Open Evenings and Sundays. FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDSI 1920 Ford touring, starter $295 1920 Ford roadster, starter 295 1920 Ford roadster, starter ....... . 825 1920 Ford touring, starter ......... 8o0 toyt TTorrt tourins. starter ...... .-. . 450 1919 Ford touring 2o 1919 Ford roadster 28o 1918 Ford touring 1? 1918 F"ord touring -v 2-a 1918 Ford touring 21" 1915 Ford touring - 1918 Ford coupe - 29o 1920 Ford sedan- 49o 1920 Ford sedan 1921 Ford sedan 53o DELIVERY CARS! 1922 Ford delivery, express; thl car 1- nranfiiatlv hrond TlOf COSt ' " S725 7 600 1918 Ford delivery express 275 1918 Ford delivery express . . 9 1920 Ford one-ton truck, stake body 42o 1919 Ford one-ton truck, express body f JO Ford light delivery express - 12o Open every evening until 9 o'clock and aU day Sunday. Terms if desired. We give you. the same service on a used jrora as you get on a new one. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANT, East 8770. grand Ave, at Hawthorne, SiRfill S INT ATTTOS. 1 Buick 6 9500 1 1921 Dort. wire wheels 62o 1 1921 Ford touring 400 "I 1tt91 TTnrrt trtiirlnz S50 Fords 9125 to 200 1 Buick 4 i 175 1 Maxwell truck with cab and body 2W LON G & Kiev A, 402 Hawthorne. $530 'NEARLV NEW ROADSTER $5SO. Will sacrifice mv almost new Scripps- Booth roadster. This car has only gone a little more than oXMX mllds, can hardly be told from new. Mr. A'enaergrass, Broadway 3-tkm. 9375. Will you give $375 for a dandy 1921 Ford touring car ? Terms. Call Mr. Black well, East 303. 1921 FORD SEDAN, 1922 license; best of shape, 9595. 1921 Ford coupe, 1022 license, many extras, Call Mr. Williams. Broadway 3251 - Braley, Graham & Childs, 11th and Surname sts. , NEW STANDARD 8, 91882. license in cluded; astounding value. Built by the Standard Ste'el Car ' Corp., builders of steel passenger coacnee. An autoinoone built with the comparative strength of a steed coach. Park and Couch sts. Bdwy. 788. ' RBO,' 1917 5-PASS. New $100 leather top, paint and upholstery like new, good me chanical shape, four cord tires, like new, two extra tires, 1922 license. Car has never been off the pavement. Must seliK A snap at $300. Terms if desired. East f:259. BY OWNER. 1922 Buick six roadster, -1922; has been driven only 1600 miles; can't tell from a new car; has $100 worth of extras and cord tires. I'm going to ask Just what money I loaned on it; also 1922 license. East 4619. BUTCKS! BUICKS! EU1CKS! Buick 6. just like new. Only $950. Owner must have money and obliged to sacrifice. Car can be seen at Portland Auto Sales, 350 Burnside St., between . Broadway and Park. Open evenings and Sundays. .. I HAVE a late model Premier, equipped with magnetic gear Bhift. Safest car made far a lady to drive. Looks just like a new car and Is .guaranteed in per fect mechanical shape. Dirt cheap. Easy terms or will consider trade. Bdwy. 32715. Ask for Kelly. . DODGE COUiPE In perfect mechanical condition, looks like new car; extras, Including spare tire. This car has al wavs received best of attention. Would consider terms with responsible party. Call Woodlawn Jo-43- ANNOUNCING unheard of bargainsl New Standard Eight automobiles, that pow erful motor car, including 1922 license and at Portland for $1882. STANDARD EIGHT MOTORS CO., Park and Couch Streets. Bdwy. 788. ELGIN 6, late model. In fine order. Ready to go. Original paint, almost like new. Only $350. Owner leaving city and must sell; can be seen at Portland Auto Sales, 350 Burnside st., between Broadway and Pa rk. Open evenings and Sundays. ATTENTION, Mr. Car Buyer, will make a sale to the first person who sees my Columbia six demonstrator for $1200. Have got to see to appreciate. 354 East Broadway, ask for Brown. TALK about bargains in new cars New Standard Eights, 4 and 7-passenger, in cluding 1922 license, at $1882. STANDARD EIGHT MOTORS CO., Park and Couch Streets. Bdwy. 788. OH, BOY! HupmoUile for only 9i25. This car Is in wonderful shape-and is guar anteed. Nothing in Portland like It for the monev. Very easy terms. Phone Bdwv. 3275. Ask for Kelly. j,;t 5-PASSENGER OTGE $300. I have got to sell my Dodge touring. It will stand any kind of inspection or demonstration; price $300. Mr. Pender grass. Broadway 3606. 1022 FORD COUPE. This car was used 30 days; speedom eter and Hassler shock absorbers. Will give new car service and sell at a big discount. Call Mr. Dean. East 303. FORDS FORDS FORDS. Good running Fords from $90 Up at Portland Auto Sales. 350 Burnside, be tween Bdwy. and Park. Open evenings and Sundays. 1920 CHEVROLET, like new, many extras, 9370. call Mr. wimams, nroauw ay oji, Braley, Graham & Ohilds, 11th and Burnside sts. FORD roadster, with shock absorbers, ex tra good tires, double wishbone, fine mechanical condition, 9250. 530 Alder St. Broadway 1852. a 7"S C AD1 LLAC 975. 1917, new top, new extra tire, good paint, Al mechanlcal'Iy. Williams, East SUM. 1 HAVE a high-grade 7-pass. auto which me an offer. Phone Bdwy. 327o. Ask for Keny 1921 RBO 6, 5-passenger, 5 cord tires, 1922 license. Here is your cnance, jiwv, terms can be arranged. 421 Burnside. Bdwy. 321. 1922 FORD coupe, Hassler shocks, speed - a rt ovtro a - -tin loaa t Vl n n 1 0OO mi les. at a sa crif ice for quick action. Call Tabor i tzi PATT.R LIGHT SIX. Latest style, run only OOO miles, 91200. Will take piano or diamonds up to 900 value. Mr. Argo, Broadway 7T5Q. STUDEBAKER big 6, 7-pass., run only 800 miles, jubi iiH-e new, wuuiu con sider small car in trade. Price $1450. East 9UQ7. OVERLAND roadster. 85-4; thoroughly Overhauled; BOOU. urea, iminmueu, "c" ton. $450. 530 Alder st. Bdwy. 1852. CHANDLER touring, like new. must sell today. w in Bacnutc , oniy oi ivcu uvw miles. Call -owner. Bdwy. 2399. OVERLAND 4 -pass, Country Club; 5 good i .rlfftng TV lilt ! PXt.rA EOOd ton: aaa oi a Mr wt RmsdwdV 1832 1"7wTi CHANDLER sedan, cord tires and one ip"i " VS.." neW. lin.aie pim.ic. uju. ...tip. w-P TEAR 'em up and sell the pieces. Foruanu " " .u. pnRD sedan: 1922: brand new: at a dis count; must sell; - easy terms. Tabor 5S3-3. 41)0 CHEVROLET touring. 1922 model, in perfect condition; will give easy terms. Taper MTINROB touring cheap for quick sale, run about 3000 miles. Wdln. 358. 823 MISS, ttve- i4Hi FORD, bargain. This car is in best snaiJq- . 1B16 OLDSMOBILE 4 touring, fine shape, $KiO. Call Kast SW4. I have an Overland 4 which I wish to - iiu. hmin. iiOO. Wdln. 23ST. rm s a i f; automobiles. 1 AUCTION SALE.. Two sales a week. Thursday evening 7:30 P. M- Monday T:30 P. M. This la th place to nuy your switomobila. Wa sell about 40 automobiles week. Different makes. There's reason. Com and see. . JAKE'S AUCTION HOURS, Corner 6th and Everett. Phone Broadway 2329. $100 IN GASOLTNS TICKETS "WTLL BB OrVEN FREE" TO THREE) PURCHASE R S OF USStD CARS THIS MONTH. See ns for particular 60 cars to select from. Priced from 9.75 up. CASH, TERMS, OR TRADE. Open evenings and Sundaya OLDSMOBILE COMPANT. Broadway and Couch Sts, MARMON chummy, look like new and we guarantee it mechanically; we have had this car for some time and offered It as low as $1500. We want to sell it at once so will consider any reasonable offer. COOK & GTLL, Broadway Salesroom. 100 N. Broadway. Phone Broadway 7750. K K W 8TRPHK X S S ACRIFICE. Owner leaving for New York. Sport model. 4 or 5-nnssenjrer. 5 cord tires. Car only run 1000 miles. Not a scratch on It With all the extras represent $2300 Investment. Will sacrifice for 9176. terms. Guarantee. D. P. Argo, Bdwy. 7750. . USED-CAR MARKET. 6th and Main sts. Bargains Bargains Bargains. FORD. Coupes, jgedans, touring and roadster a Cash or Terms, Owned by authorized Ford dealer. ROBINSON-SMITH CO. WILL SACRIFICE my 1921 666 Lakewood Paige. This car has been used for dem onstratlng purposes and is In very good mechanical condition; will demonstrate by appointment; will consider trade, terms on balance if desired. Call Troeh at Broadway lotfs. 19?1 BUICTr COUPE. LIKE NEW, RUN ONLY 2000 MILES, LUKD XlKKi., Al t'UA'UlXlU.N. CALL ADAMS. MAIN 4697, APARTMENT SI NEW STANDARD 8, 91882, including license; revolutionary price. Let us dem onstrate, and we will show you the per formance that you have wanted your car to make. Park at Couch st. oawy. 783. IF YOU are In the market for a real, hleh-clasa. oowerful car. I would sug gest you look at the New Standard Eight for $1882-1 Just the biggest bargain ever. Yor 1922 license Included, park and' Couch sts. Bdwy. 788. THINK of this! A price that astounds the whole automobile trade; a new Standar Eight car; power, speed and comfort: a new car with 1922 license, and only $1882. See at Park and Coutch sts. Bdwy. 788. NEW Standard 8. $1882. license Included. Built by the Standard Steel Car Corp., builders of steel passenger coaches. An automobile built with the comparative strength or a steei coacn. - . Park and Conch Streets. Bdwy. 788. 2 BUICK BARGAINS. Private owner has two Bulcks and will sell either one; both in splendid condl tion and will guarantee; cord tires. See cars and make offer. Mr. Argo, Broad way 1 o. CHEVROLET touring, late 1920 model. looks and runs like a new car; has $100 worth of extra equipment: will sacri fice for $350; terms. $160 down, balance monthly, r'none Kast 1 1 i. 1922 HUPMOBILE demonstrator. $1275; cord tires, extra on rear; bumper, moto- meter, shock absorbers; easy terms if desired, can jar. Ireland, Bdwy. 2T7, Tabor 303. NEW Standard Eights, 16S2, license in cluded just like buying sugar for 4V4 cents per pound. r STANDARD EIGHT MOTORS CO.. Park and Couch Streets. Bdwv. 788. ANOTHER tremendous bargain In auto mobiles New Standard Eight cars at 91882, delivered at Portland, 1922 license included. btandara .bight Motors Co. Park and Couch sts. -Bdwy. 788. LATE model 490 Chevrolet touring; good overhauled; need the money and 'must 1920 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET tour- - ing. just painted and completely over hauled; 5 new tires; will give easiest of terms. Phone wood lawn 108'S. MUST sell Ford roadster with delivery body, car just overnauiea; rubber and paint in good condition; 9160. Call Automatic 633-68. DODGE touring, new top and paint, 5 good tires, good mechanical shape; an excellent buy for 9400. Terms if de sired. East 6259. 1920 FORD COUPE, used as my demon strator, thoroughly overhauled, 1922 li cense, many extras, 5 good tires; terms if needed. Call Mr. Bates, East 303. PRACTICALLY new 1922 Chevrolet, model 490 sedan, car has had excellent care. Owns. Bdwy. 391 evenings, Sunday Main 29 SS 1916 CADILLAC 7-PASSENGER. Privately owned, splendid condition throughout, cord tirea. Sacrifice for $1675. A snap. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 7750. 1920 - FORD TOURING, with starter, full electrical equipment. In first-class order; you will like it at $3oO. Call East 4338. 1917 HUDSON SUPER SIX. Fine condition every way; sacrifice for $690, terms. See this if you want a snap. Mr. Argo, Broadway 7750. BUICK, 7 passenger, good cord tires, good mechanical shape; will take small car in trade, balance easy terms. Call Mr. Ireland', Broadway 217, Tabor 303. 5-PASSENGER 1917 BUICK, good mechan ical condition; win sen tnis car ror J37o, quick sale; terms If deelred. - Call Troeh at Broadway 1S95. HAVE a deposit of $750 up on new Buick; What am 1 oiierea r ovo Artisans bldg., opposite Benson hotel. DODGE touring at your own price. Broadway bozs, ask ror jAeniey. 1920 OAKLAND 6 touring, overhauled; win tae good ora iirst payment. John son. h,aKt 43(. 1919 LIBERTY 6, in perfect condition and 2461. ' ' REO ROADSTER in Al condition through out; good cora tires, ror tne exceptional price or yao. sen, aua. EXCEPTIONAL bargain in Chalmers dem onstrator, terms, no trades. East 531, week days MUST sacrifice my 191S, 8-pass. Buick for $400 cash. license ana in good shape from top to bottom. Call Marshall 3954. STUDEBAKBR special, used little. cord Pri- tires; Immediate sacriiice, $50. vate. East 6228. MUST sell at once my late model Chevro let, will sacrifice ior szo. need the money, some terms. Call Wdln. 6625. 191& CHALMERS touring- car, cannot be told worn new; uuiy tow, easy lerms. Wdln. Z4i HODES AUTO PARTS CO. Auto wreck ers, parts all makes cars for less. 22 ' Alder, corner 16th. Bdwy. 8138. A FINH buv, Velie in fine condition, for only $850. J. B. Holbrook. 211-215 . Panama bldg. . NASH sport model, new tires, spotlight, mechanically good as new, fine condi. tion. Phone 69 Gresham. SEVERAL bargains: a rebuilt late Max well fully guaranteed: better investi gate. East 531. week days. rsEX touring, nearly ! 100 extras; car . nanr -a 1 (t forma H319. or Broadway t033. 'l41 N. 6th St. w PUT steel teetn in your old fiywheel; : i,.,gft turning. H. B. Blarw M. chine shop. 3 Aiqer. pqwy. IF YOU are contemplating purchase of lieht economical factory used car, bet--p! 531. week riav. er ; WILL, sacrifice my Chevrolet coupe, in ex cellent condition: will consider trade. for Ir org or .-." . rs MODEL. Overland roadster, giving good e,verv day, sell or trade far nearly new car. K 447. Oregonian. r.ear'v new t a tE 1918 Overland 90, new battery, 6 good tires, license, ready to go, JiaO. 802 WHITE touring to l.uo ui ue.ivery or light truck. 525 Alder St. 1921 OVERLAND taken on debt; terms. Call JdQwy.. ..pp.. FOR SALE Ford touring car in fine con dition: S150. Call Automatic 633-68. 19 IT BUICK touring, rebuilt, J375 takes it. loO union ave, L.t,a.a,.o. SPORT model 1921 Chalmers, sacrifice, terms no trades. East 531, week days. MAXWELL demonstrator, priced for quick pale, no trades. East 531. week days. laltt FORD BUG, good rubber, $150 takes it. 150 Union ave.. upstairs. FORD sedan, refinished, good shape, $285. 150 i; nion ave., upstairs. 1419 OAKLAND SIX TOURLNG. CHEAP. EAST S0i6. FOR 8AI.E ACTOMOBTT.'BS. C X BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. THU DISTRIBUTORS OF HUDSON AND ESSEX AUTOMOBILES. PUTTING ON A SALE OK USED CAM at very grenfly reduced price, which more than correspond to the big reduction of new automobiles. W oompWwTy renew, overhaul er rebuild Hudson and Essex auto mobiles. These am in the best or mechanical condition; they are also warranted the same a. fac tories warrant new cars; in addi tion, wo give 00 days' free me chanical service. Other makes of used automobile thoroughly overhauled. put in first-class condition and sold with a 10 days" free trial, subject to being returned and' full credit given on any other1 car of equal price that customer may select. This gives ample time for every purchaser to try out the ar he buys, gives him time to have it tn speoted, and we want only satis fied customers. 1?1T Maxwell 1921 Ford 1920 Maxwell 1919 Grant six 3917 Dodge 1919 Olds six 1918 Olds eight 1919 Liberty sport model. 3 920 Chandler 1918 Overland chummy .. 1919 Chalmers 1918 Cole 8. sport model.. 1918 Cadillac 1919 Essex roadster ...... 1921 Essex touring ...... ...250 ... S78 ... 47S . .. P0 ... 450 ... 67S . .. 8..0 . .. 800 . .. 975 . .. 425 . .. 600 . . . 1 1 50 ...1000 ... i.M . .. 850 ... T85 ... 87S ...1050 1016 Hudson super six . 1917 Hudson super six 1918 Hudson sniper mix. 1919-1920 (model O series) Hudson super six 1100 1918 Hudson speedster 950 1920 Hudson speedster 1450 Largest User Car Branch Store in the City at 40-48 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evenings. Phone at Branch Store. Broadway 5739. Also a display at Our Salesroom. 615-817 Washington Bt. C. I. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. USED CAR QUALTTT AND PKDCISS AT COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANT.. 50 USED CARS SOLD IN, JAN UARY, TWO THINGS made that record possible; QUALITY AND PRICES. The REBUILT CARS listed below have been RENEWED they are not Just repaired. They are backed by us as being ME- -CHANICALLY RIGHT. Our one ' aim is to have every purchaser of ' a used car a satisfied owner. We are constantly In touch with the used car market. We know that in order to move our stocks rapidly our prices MUST BE LOW. Examine our prices THEY ARB LOW. We attach no sentiment to our cars they are nothing more or less than merchandise. REBUILT CADILLACS. When you purchase one of these very fine automobiles, you have a right to expect everything which can be demanded of any car. The finish .and the tire equipment are always in keeping with the mechanical condition. For Tour Comparison. 1921 Buick 4-pass. coupe.. . .Il50 1920 Cole, 7-pass., repainted disc wheels 1350 1921 Dodge Brothers demon strator, license 900 1920 Dodge Brothers sedan.. 1150 1920 Dodge brothers touring. 875 1920 Dodge Brothers roadster 855 1919 Dodge Brothers touring 685 1919 Dodge Brothers roadster 565 1918 Dodge Brothers touring. 49 3918 Dodge Brothers roadster 475 3918 Dodge Brothers sedan.. 745 3920 H a y n e s 7-paas re painted 1185 1921 Harmon speedster like new 2750 1920 Oldsmobile 7-pass 895 1919 Roames, newly painted. 1200 REBUILT CADILLACS. 1918 Touring, new tires, paint, top 12000 1928 roadster, new tires and paint 1800 1917 touring, new top and paint 1800 1916 touring, new top and . paint 1400 V ALWAYS THE . BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES! COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANT. 21st at Washington St. Bdwy. 6241. 28-30 North Broadway. fORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! 1917 Ford roadster, all rebuilt 1250 1920 Ford roadster; starter 325 1919 Ford touring; .tarter t295 1918 Ford touring 1145 1920 Ford touring; starter 50 1919 Ford touring; starter 295 1919 Ford coupe $295 1919 Ford sedan 1495 1918 Ford coupe; starter 25 1920 Ford sedan 475 1920 Ford sedan $485 1919 Ford 1-ton truck, brand new express body $375 1919 Ford 1-ton truck, with brand new stake body . . S395 1918 Ford 1-ton truck ?325 1938 Ford chain-drive truck $95 Don't fsll to see these cars before you buy. They are priced about $50 each be low market value. Terms if desired. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, East 471. Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill. REAL BARGAINS, USED FORDS. All kinds and prices: liberal terms If wished. Open evenings till 8:30, and Sundays: 1918 touring , ." t 245 1918 touring 2'.i5 3918 truck, completely overhauled. 2S0 3917 touring 195 1919 touring 205 1921 coupe 676 1920 bug, starter, loaded with ex tras son 1921 roadster, starter 400 1917 touring 235 3920 touring 875 1920 touring 895 3921 touring, starter, nearly new.. 450 1917 touring 195 1916 touring, 1922 license 325 1917 bug with $200 body 850 1920 truck with, body and cab 450 1919 touring 250 1921 roadster, starter 876 TALBOT & CASEY. INC., IDast Ankeny and Grand Ave. "The Used Car Corner." GOOD CARS CHEAP. We are no longer selling new Oak lands at retail, but we have several good used Oakland six-cylinder, 5-passenger cars that we are anxious to close out at a very low price. These cars are in fine running order with good tires, paint, etc. Small payment down and balance on small monthly pay ments. See these light 6-cylInder, 5-passenger cars before you buy. NORTHWEST OAKLAND COMPANY, Bdwy. 82. 344 Burnside St. LIBERTY , BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON . BO?7D & MORTGAGE CO.. 207 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOlJR. 1921 FORD touring, starter and in perfect meclvani 1 condition: $310; liberal terms. Phone Col. 656. FOR SALE Cheap, a Studebaker Special 6 touring car, 1910 model, in first-class condition: owner has no use for it, must be sold; at Broadway garage. East 24th and Broanway. WE CARRY a tull line or auto accoa-ories, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc.; also do towing. Open day and night. LONG de eULVA Phone East esw. to: Hawthorne. . BETTER VALUES IN GARAGES, GOOD STYLE, WELL BUILT, DELIVERED. ERECTED, STAINED. 30x16. AT TRACTIVE FACTORY PRICES. 2ltli WEIDLER. EAST 8S68. 1922 STEPHENS SPORT MODEL. Brand new, at big discount See Splldsboel and Rawlins, the Stephens specialists. Sixth anu.fEvcrett.