TTTF MORNING OH EG ONI A X. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 922 nr.t r wanteij mai e. MAX iO or In Ul,ir;r tie pa rt men: ; must t- good presser and understand al terations on men r.o;ninj; : job. S : : e m try e 3ipTt ed. D ores; rt :a n Help V antH Nalf,mi. -IVK YoUNG SAI.LailAN WITH CAR. By FRANK. I. Mcv;t'!RK. largest H me in America. A wondr?u. opportunl-y to get :n the real tatdi- bu:neni an. I max ton monr. Aociatd :tn a II. prrgre: v. re liab e. fi:iah. office provide! you have (li mb:un. 2 determination, 3 opiimTHrTi, (4 a sense of hum''f, i5 can the best i-f rff'rmrtij e are wiiiinf to work Thousands of new romwi sr:'l be crowding into oor city to lot-are. Tn-tuMndi of new homM ir being citrucTed Port. and Is on the fne of one of the tratet: real r.itt cuvitifi m her history. We need a ;ve aa today, e-ee F. E. Mar shall. w:-h FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abtcvtoa Hdr liJwy. 71 71. 31 s . P-t H'ahfnrt-n and Sts-k. lU A REAL HE SALESMAN WITH EXPERIENCE In se'Tlng to homes, we havs a nationally advertised artlci with real merit and profit. No competition. No de;tvenng or collecting. Nor h west Distributing AgT,.v, '7 Henry bidg. L.M'KKIK.VCKL htel and apartment house man can find a first -cta.-a position with an oid-PBtablifhed. reliable firm C im orporated ; niut have referenc". j Apply m person, u3 Panama bids;., 3d i and A try. j JSALLMt..-Vr,te f .r . Lnt s and f ml particulars; earn lM to 9 10.4IUU ccmmiMiioii yearly; tunc den:and (r men, lnexpe-nvnced r experienced. city or t rave, in at."nai iitn.en s Tr. Asaa., I-pt. -74. Chicau-j. A NATIONAL , n-ed of dirrx org.niiutfn in : manag-m for SaLm. ie. .r th"r-e who jUal- JK 4 Lor I u and H u v n r l-'.ir thc who l;Lln ify we hvf an unuUMl opportunity. Call! Mr. Stewart, jj.' urtgun bldtf- Bdwy. 1 .-37 .APKi:iKXCED huUM and .ten-age can futd a first -cIm-s position with an d-e-.taoh-hed. re. table firm mrorpo - rated; nuj hae ref.-r-nces. Apply in . I - r ipn.i !' dg . 3d and Aider. Si-E IALTY SALESMEN. We require 1 or 2 high-class salesmen rap hie of t sieet mg busim-ss men ; our method a-":sis you in getting rapid- f i Tf husi m-m. a .'7 Vorcet-r bhis. b.VLESMKN Titrt neat appeanitg men. 4 trj io years, can g I p r ma n en t po i -tions; mu; furnrsh references. Call S3 AriiMas biiK 'J: to 6. North Ridge Kun 'o A N T t tt i a i lion. .-man with "mai and s-r vices : bona fide position and propoai- S it 'RLAND. Rettr. -I'S M"nry H dg Fourth and Ojk f oltl' sal siitii. inuat t experienced and a producer; good coinmiaaion propoat Hon. Kobmson-Sniitb Co.. aalea mgr., ith and M-i.-nson. SPECIALTY sa; eat nan for permanent po sition with old grocery brokerage house; state experience, full particulars first letter. AM 41.1. Orexonian. NEW SUBDIVISION adjoining cU iim.te. good iropofition for active workers, lome up and find out about it. 5oL MeKav htrtg. SALESMEN Thr.-e hUt-tjrs. sell new de vice; ltai p-r cent profit. See Mr. Knabb, New Prksji hoei. viiKT.ti vs . . ...... n f.n-i rM side, and one for country trade wnh auto pr-ferre,f ; 4.'C. Qregnian. ? WANTED E p r need oi: stock sales men on Te-!s oi. bet i proposition. Write j It. L Camphef . CUco. Teas. at once f CLOTHING SALESMAN a;i;d. uo tail J Y trim window. Apply Jimmy Dunn, sec- i - ond f:.tir. Ilu!h Lane bids. J SALESMAN and otU't tor with car, steady ! work, i iu orand ave. 1IKI.P W AMtn KriMU-E. EX PE II I ENCED record aalesiady head salesperson in a r. i or 1 d part mr.t This is the leading d-partment In '; FAINTING. papering ka is-.ii, in Ing ; get toa of 23.IHIO inhaoitants with.n a few 1 Prices first ami save money. Tabor mi.ea of Portland. Kind y s:ate amount i .. . "f,,,"1" '-4-3Q. of experience and saa;y expected. AV ! CARPENTER finisher; French doors, win 1 74. iregonian j dow seats. bui:t-ins; A-1. quick. Bdwy. acnption solictlMtton. to introduce Trade Journal: t.13 a week aiiy earned; give . experience. sCt? and r ft rence lo Pa- ifsc Indiifctru?-, hi -ccond x., San Fran- 1 'a I THE WOMEN'S Protective u.vniun. c.ty ! of Portland, offrrs i's service in a.l mat ters pertaining to the welfare and pro- tectton of women and giria; interrews; confidential .".14 Worcester bldg.. Third; and (Hk ts Bdwy. 74-2. LICITuRS lo a-ril from hou to house f fi ul dv f ixiil nroil uct in and out r f town t Oood imome for competent workers. Give experience- if an v. address and prion-- AF 47. Or.gor.i-n KELlAliLK. competent woman. 23 to 4o,"ANTEI Work of any k-no. painter by ears. gen. nswk . good wages: no wash-! D-ad: experience auto painting. J. L Ing. Bdwy. S72I. Mrs. R. hi. Grand, i S i ith. E t 675 mute 1. B-averton. or WANTED Lad. cal htm-. sll hoa taold necessities of merit. 100 per cent i rrofit to hostlers and good wonting 1 !d. 871 East Viprrlaon st. i ANY GIRL iu need ot a inend. apply to tho Salvatlou Army Reacu Home. May f:r and Alexander streets. Phone- Main 3 45Q. DM car WANTED AN EX PE K I KXCED SECOND MAID; CI 1 Y REFERENCES; G'Hl! WAGES. BROADWAY 2"kV Si XuKTH I -I'TH ST i Y l" N' J w oman w ui private Idimhi 111 ' typewriting. Underwood, bt U.iy -n! : el.e in. t side ; state 1 1 me and com- pens-rti.-n expetted A.l 41'. "rn: 'man Oi'PoRTUN tTY for d ;en g.t ged tta.-her or Will educa led peron to promte educa - j tinna!; permanent; good salary. Di 3iH. orego-i:sn ! M RE.IAll to take tre of children; references deir-d 23 Corne!! He.i.l of M t 1 SIT14 I Main 5550. I r-h.C... ! ll. 11 i K K K V! f l rm rui.ri . ' t lo he;i. S- ui for Dn-u.un WUI.aim. l'eronal Service. .V4 Spa!d :ng bidg I VA X T neat appea ring oung lady a alt res I for lunch counter work, must be expe- ) rseneed ! W et Park m. i WAXTEl Lady . lo e product; M;ry and commission. Wet -h s;.. Vancouver. Wish new! u 1 : WANT lady to act as wnh Ford car as parin.-i monst ralor ; no capita Uired Phone Wdln WANTED Ity chnd - ..truig 1 ni it u: ion. Chriaiian omen, aasialaiil n u r s s lit,". Burnside St. V ANTED E.der. l.ght housework. t Auto 324- ly. lo he.p with d home and smail WANT Ki '1 v o it-t a piM-arm outig ladies for ad vertiaing crew. Apply 220 Artisan Bidg. AV A X T E it T nance; off: 2D Hc!..v for business t comm.aston. ; Etch - me h il ! f HE KLuatAt'e, .iulTi ready to help an irl Fast Giiiart 'MV cr .e distress Ft 316 AV A N T El E vp-r i nn d iady presa r. one who can cperate a press machine. Cas cade Dye Works. 564 E Onk YcU NG g.rl wr w oman and small wages. C ave . near Wvxant. o work f.r biard 1 CI likiO W.Uiams GENERAL housework, on:. $45. house- YOUNG housekeeper, suburban home; two child-en; waxe-. $25. II 415. Oregonian ; Vol Nd iadv to take order." 11 r Oregor.tan. I 1.1HL d.ha:ter wanted. A M 3!1 Ha theme l Cail betore lit T LADY b-roer Third street, App.y 4 1 Aj North j AV ANT experteii. ed b and eperieno kkeetier, give . D 44Q. Ore go r"f- 1 iRlS AN1 ' in qua . : f ' BOYS- koo1 , ; r ''n ood hot. Wanted I lomeM ic. COMPETENT g.ri for ra; hcue - rk. ) references required ; 2 m fami.y Ai :n i ' "i 1 "WANTED By m.Utr. :u to h um. more for home than wages 4. Oregon -n P 1 AE l W AX r E D Schooi g:r to w un housew ork f -r room, board and some T-C'SE. 212S AV ANTED a:niigton 1 work :or room arid w a sen. Phone Tabor ! l GIRL f . 1 g r. e 1 a . hu. ment ; go home n;ghta. rri'-.r-'rtcs 1KL fvr g'.eri Bdwy .3-i2 hwUM ufk, good Mage, j GIKL (r g 3 a.Tu.ts r r; hu-.:wurk in apa-i T'T Vn hrun. apart men t GIRL for neral houM.ork. $G , CAPABLE girl for general housewur Phone Eat 557 S. $2i Hflf WWTFP-MUK OR FFM.U.E. 12 ENERGETIC men with uwimil expert- ' ence who can make small mvem-ni in' going proposition and lake t ti r parti in the operation and management - E. Our Ptant j paid for and ready to op- 1 "' have itiwimited timber r.- money uoprnwj ta i pe useU Tor op erating purpose- We can u.e a aood aawrer millwright 2 engineer. p;n-rmn. Kcaer. of fi. man. experienced dry kiln nmn. edaer- man. tal.y man and 1 or 2 rough tar- 1 Yol NG o A. C man nu-:ies position as p n er f correspond nt or a st. bookkeeper ; good Thi is a per-nnem prop wti n nn-i penman, van operate I " i-e writer: epe one that wid Mml 1 toe-t investigation ! .T te and rf'rrr f Mar-hai 25'S' AJ 4. it n j; "TliiTii. 1 IV AM.VTKl'I.S- Pool R-1 HI.U N.i a V i sa n e 241 F1KST-CLASS retouchers needed; training school opening. Peas. Studio, 40; Morrison. A T KD A f ; fc T9. WAXTKD Agents, men and w omen, to eil high-grade neckties. I" profit: un dersell Morf ; inexprneneed agents av erage $n daily. If si not-re send fs.u for 14 assorted stales; r'und privilege. California Silk T-e Co '"'7 Howard at.. San Kram-iwo. OCR 1022 fteisu.ife Uti is now ready, sur passing any chine; attempted m ray outfits; agents warned 'everywhere. Violet Rr HMdquanen, 21S Chamber of t Vm: rr.err b SA I-ESMAN w ith ir to seil reai estate. App'y 415 Chamber of Commerce bMg. hAi,TH. iiCiQetit ana no-pita msuraaca B;g Coram i sat on 5ol Cr bett bids; MTTATION WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED farmer wants to hear j Irorn ranch owners who want a married) ' i i ai ii mat nno iarm ri , r i. , chare of sma 1 ranch or drv f.rni eatt of Cascad mountain and one that will :ick if Riven a square deal. All t a repara.e houc and a chance to proe wnat I kay. State waxes and con dition of ranch in firt lt;r; no al!ey farmer ned anw er. M. L". Dewar, 71 ii ar.'j ivnuf N . BOOK K BINDER and paper ruier. years of age, married, at present employed outside the. state of Oregon and wish Ins; to leave his present employer, win se hit services to growing- concern that h-is a promi'inf future. .My ability to produce sat;fac:ory work has been test ed during my employment in two shops tne east, wnose ipec:a.ty is county AV 17h. Oregoninn, (TO WOMB OWNERS IN LACRELHFRST. 1 Let me give you estimate on your In- . terlor decorating Am working there now. Phone Tabor b30. Frank Rlgncy I BT FIRST-CLASS inside lumberman, age :t t present emp.oyed as bookkeeper and cost accountant, also can oversee all offjc routine and take care of all fre-ght claims, etc.; would like an in- terview. if Interested, in the near future. I A V 1 7.1. regonian. J EXPERIENCED window trtmmer and L card writer wishes a permanent posl- ! tion with a reliabie firm; will go any place References furnished. Address i W. D. Gi.imore. 322 A si.. McMinn tile. J fr"ifnfl. Phone Blue 131 I. I TRUCK driver, married. x-ervi e ian. i knows Portland and a.l northwest coun- J try. capable of caring for and driving) any make ; , years experience ; refer ences : employer's interests paramount A 1. 43. rexon!an YOUNG man. 20. going to h. s.. wants work after 12. weekdays, ail day Satur day or Sunday. Must have work. Can do anything. Best references, good ex- pertence. Call Sell. 2fr?6. JAPANESE, experienced cook, desires po sition in private family, willing to do (townstairs work If necessary; no wash- jng. AG 43. Orexonian. NEAT young man. 21. wishes work. 18 months' experience in grocery business; will take anything permanent; best of r-ferences Automatic 21S-23. EX -SOLDIER, married man. wants work drivinic preferred, any make car. but 1 will accept mai anything; can give Auto. 3tt7-2S, .room 12". i ENGINEER, electrician, gen-ral mechanic. ! x--rvi.e man. numin-r of years experi- . 'nee. government li-'en-s-; accept any- thing f.dy. RF 433 Oregonian. . KI(V capatiie oi.lce man. four )(ar.V v a uatde ex per ience, wants posi tion with change for advancement; salary second consdrteratmn. AL 4'Jtt. oregonian. M A X g'ng i u.le want job i-ooking in log- camp or mill crew; good -cooks, j Phone Hroad ay ;337. room 2 B.irr hotel. , p. I 1 I N ii. k i.sominiig. u buy paint, ne put. on; first-class work reasonable. en. Tit.. rirt. M A RRI Ei ch tuf f -ur. w ;;iing to act; handy man for private family; good mechanic. Hl 4-iI. Oregonian. MAX with loxa irg team lumber haung work. E .v S--.i wants lodging or E. J Hackett. I'A PER HANGING. PAINTING. TINTING, lowest prices on firs -class ork. East j PAINTING, tinting and interior finishing; en pertence d workmen ; moderate prices. Phone Ma n 33s. .HAVE your pruning ano garden work dune i r exper'eneed men Phone Automatic 25-4 2 BaTC , CONCRETE ourwi n pouied 111 1 day;'- po we mixture; ratcfi reasonable. Mar- U din. tXI Kn;h.'. ED gaidei;ei will lnkt cxre of r.inlrn v am w ork ; ers an! d r-.-re rond the hoile. P'oTdVHV 64ns. I EX I'KKIKNv'KI). all-aroun.l 1 n-.sdy work. 2nh Third JAPANESE man work by d.ty or -h'rt h"U vith family. Automatic .' i :?.r,5 : orge. MAX nnl work in slaughter house, in or out of city; s-tmc emperlencc. AL 431. t rec.intn. FL(Gt furia-'ing. electric nanuins. hand scraping, waring and poSih tng W. H. Tibret- 4sia 3'd ave S E TiMr IOT-2. YoUNG -i.ati wants truek. p-rtriced jM.-.;t ion trv.r; on delivery do any- thine Call Main 14s! CA HP ENTER, build-r. f ....-( .1 in j. rerm.d eang. Kuill-tn. buildings a specialty. 'JAPANESE young ma n wihet store, of - hotel or any other kind of work. MARRIED man w ith Ford would like work, city or country. AK 421. Orego- PA 1 X T I NG. pa peri n ? and k.i Isomi . pre-w nr prices. Phone Tabor 2325 or Em: 65 I Kl NINu Expert and horticul turist, landscaping. c- of lawns promptly attended to. Tib"r l'Hft. I A PE K H ANO E R, 15 years Bennett. 770 Williams ave 2vH. EXPERiEXt'ED oung couple, must hae work as cook and wa it ress. in or out of c'ty AH 4 V.. Oreconian. MAX and w .f 1-. pt-f.enced hotel or camp cook, nut of town preferred. AP 417. 1 reron:nn M A X 1 3342 an kliid. Marshal A 11 c N e u Tr. a n . FOR SEWER WORK. RAIN DRAIN. ETC., It H A l W AY 56SU. SA l.STKt'M. SHINGLING. resh!ng ing . able; work guaianieed ;rice reason Auto 325-16 LE'i" ME figure -.our a ml new. Wood ';i w n CARPENTER. 3u work Automatic FA I N Ti Nil. t.niu.n. e n u 1. .int.. Iirt-clas. winter pric s. Grtither. Mar. 2703. CARi'EN I Ek JOLiiJNO. Repairing and p.Cnttng. East 53f6. :,-,h;r.c hv the mh ,,,.7 a-.ii I X X EU wants ' nil) work, in or out of CEMENT a n teed. 1 a . ha e i.i before wjrk guar Tabor 67i. PAINTING and ka.soiu.n:ng. 42. FIX IT. ci built-lns. rpfnt er repairs, roofing s.terations. " din, tfuia 1 BRICK couiractor. tile houses, garaaea Lfi.p.acca, prices right, labr bTua Mam work, uo any job rea- ) . s:imator. Bdwy. -j:, s3. cMiN. u. -a. Ei I M FAiNTlXG. calsomining. firat-ciass work, i i,i.siii.i' Wdin. 5414. 1 FAINTING, iintii.g. rcJisotiabie Se-I p.periiig; good ork; ' Aid'KXTKK. g ood f i n is .1 e r. a u i 1 1 ontract. Main 7422. iainTix ' " I J APi-iIiAXi ing and t .r ten's Bookkeepers. .enug raphefx. Office. iNsiAI.l fcna cpr-r Oo3 I iynm inc:ud!n income ;at j service (indorsed by iea-l:ng mercha.ts I Stacciatlons) : work dons by experi ac countants for lu to 15 montnly. Re tst.err' ervicw Bureau. 717 Gasco b.dg I Mi n 33 WANTEl An kin.i of p..t.on. am mar red age 4ii ear. experit- need book-keeier-stenograpr:er and office man: no . - bievtion to leaving city; salary $lt0 to $125 per montn. 1'hone Main 7537. BC 'reents n -SE i:TC E man ii e- poit;on as bookkeeper: can opetate typewriter: no or.ence: a Hi stait with Mina.l aalarv. EXPEKT Kikkeeper, exprirnced in con trol, in g accounts, financial statements: !n r":'.rid ? ants position. !o ra::rad c.aiuia, wants T.ihir 2M i S EXPESiENi cD vt'Uin r. ; . audits i. in- , b-.H Kent, i.stcn. mMa'Y vo imx returns prvpareo. O 4'2. Ore- X oME TAX r.-iura vr -.;d. system s t'l. books kept; reasonable. 30t Couvh bLig. WITl ATIOXS W WTKM M A I K. Bookkeeper. tiiun;riiiihfr, Office. COM 1'KTK.N'T general olf ice man. sten ographer, bookkeeper, desires poaittou AX 433. Oresoman. RITt'ATIONS W ANTED FEM A LE. EXJ'SttJE.WED saleslady wants position in mi.iinery or ladies suits and coat de partment: have been In business 15 veara; am eapabie of buy in x stock: speak French fluently. AP 41ti. Orego nian. TWO sisters, strangers in this citi . ex perienced in cafeteria, short order, chamber work. clerking, and need work at once. CaM Main 3230, apt. 2- FIO lith st.. so;ith of Morrison. RELIABLE eideny womnB ill assist with lia;ht nousvworlt where there is r.o irkneaj; city. Wasea i'S pw week. t. 43. Oregonin if'l-CiAlC n ,i mut desires EHMltlon, very efficient, will Rive best of city ref - ! 'fences. i li consider position oui ui DAY WORK, will care for children by day or month. References given- Cali East 41 IV OFFiC E a-irl wants room, or room and board in exchanice for services morn ins; 5 and evTi in r A H 41". Oregonlan. EXrt i.IiiXCED. trustworthy iady wants houi cie.minx, washing or trier work: Itncc wck Cone. Wood 'awn 6305. EXPERIENCED woman or house oi k. Jiisa matic ." J 1 02 wants day work Andrews. Auto- ; APARTMENT . HOUSE manager, expen- t-nced. references,, desire first-class pure. Bdwy. 5777. Mi1Dl.E-AGEL woiran will care for chil dren ; rr-fcrejices. Ta br 4R-'. Co.M PE'I EXT woman u anu general house work. Broad way 1411. WANTED Washing, ironing and clean ing. Auto. ia.vfri. LAl'Y H-oaM Hke practica nursing. Main Sltt), to -Y rhone LADY piano teacher wishes pupils at their home:' reasonable. Auto. 5lM-3i. WOMAN wants dav work Friday. Seil i'JS1. .anu housework in Cathoiic fam H 423. (reirni;in. i' wants nome with family for services. Twbor N!li2. e xrhrir' AMY wishes position in doctors or den tist's office Have had experience. R. ti's. BookK.eep.-rs. .Htenograpner. Office. A K yi. j n stenographic pu.'.in.a lor a tdo w ;th a ill hilt, to support ? If so, oil the Free Employment Hureau. IMwv. 13:!. for particulara. WAN VfZiy out-of-town posit ion by first r'nss stenog-apher; best of references Address F. B. P.. 40 East 6Mb St. S.. Portland. lJUUKKEEi'ER wisat-s work. part time only. Can audit and install system; best references. Broad way 2732. STENOGRAPHIC work of any kind. Rea sonable rates. Mlaa Lytic. Bdwy. 5173, 624 Henry b!dg. i YOUNG LADY with office experience wishes position, typing, filing, etc.; best of references. P 443. Orfrgonian. STENOGRAPHER, beginner, would like po sition, willing to work hard. Woodlawn EX PERI ENCED stenugraoner rit-sires half dav position, law office preferred. AK 430. Oregon lan. OFFICE ht-Ip. of ever aeJcr:ptiop : quick frvce. Cs II Broad wav IW33 Williams Srrvifp. ?04 Spa'd.nK h'lls r rkgINNER wishes si -no :aph:c position Pas-e c' East SSC't. WANTED Muitigraphing and t pewriling in do at home. East PoS IT ION wanted as general office girl. Ptione Main 2S73. .ires office u ork w ages no objecr. 42'it. itret-tm-e ST EN OG-tioo K ' P R ral office Wriln. 32 Tr nc ! : t 're BY STENiMlUAI HER perler.ce. M s in 5 T 3 2. live years cx- lfri'htiiiitkirv Mcl.ERAN. Dressmakinx. lesigning. remodel ins. dyeing and cleaning. Announce arrival of exclusive spring styles. 10" North If. Call Broadway 4251 for a ppnintment. J CLE'S nil! make your frocks, gowns and wraps for ail occasions and also do remndenn a: reasonab pr.ces 4J1 Artisans bidg. Brodilwav ."606 THE GLAD SHOP. Gowns for every occasion copied from sketches or original designing. Main 5:i.V IQOl Broadway bl.ig. ARE YUU .-ToUTT Then call Tabor 4iWM. 1111 E. Taylor street. Prices reasonable references. W ILL lake orders for Infants' layettes, from simplest to more elaborate: very reasonable. Auto. 626-72. DiFesSMA K 1 NG. satisfaction guaranteed. o.Urfwn 4211 ni in home or away; $: -'.ut. 6IO-K4. lrt Ef-. A K ING. children s sewing alt v. Automatic .?21-05. HEMSTITCHING, cot ton or ailk- Ideal I :roadway bidg. - H LMSTlTCH ING Sc. hile you w ait. P: n a m a h!dg.. Third and Alder. HAVE m I. -rial. hat from new or used ma r s36. Ea PE :tl EX' ' ED ir csmaker wishes by day. Tibor M56. SILK re it speciaitv; prices reason 6724 4iith ave. S. E able. Smith. PRIVATE ma ternity home, oest care p:lt.en:F K:t s'V'i ,14 ATa aid practical uurrc. Tabc T it 1 pi act i;ur.- phttnt :S. unde. graduates Mar. 31. I .1.1TM lll.i.-U wulow. 40. w isnes lo keep hous-e tor widower who has a mod ern h-me I:, the vi'y ; no trillers. AJ 4f. - nyniiitn. N EAT. re-lined iady, 3H. wishes house for widower with homo, box 525 to keep P. O. W ILU oj hou'-'k ,l,t child I t p;tig in sin. , niKii. lis II family. LA l Y vvi.vs . !'. O Box 3't lluuaec.eDing. HOUSE CLEANING Expert white and Ivory enamel, brick and tlie fireplace, cleanlrg. Loots waxed, furniture pol ished, carpets cleaned, windows washed CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE, iss Ch-pman at. Phone Main 1157 VER1BEST WINDOW CLEANERS. COLUMBIA 1027. House cleaning, floor waxing and vac uum cleaning; estimates cheerfully giv en, best oi references. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED t Broad way WANTED To rent 4 or 5-room house with acre or two; house need not neces sarily be modern but must be within reasonable distance of god school; elec tric line preferred ; might buy after leasing a year or mor; can furnish the best of references. Write G 433. Ore gonian. or phone Tabor 433. WE HAVE many calls for n o u se s and flats and can rent yours; let us handle our .propertv and collect your Tents. C. A WAGNER CO.. 23" Stark St. aii Ai.b in'Uf e or l at. t urtiisued or part ly furnished, at reasonable rent: must be modern, clean and in good locality. AC 4 PI. Oregon. an WANT 5 or 6- room modern bungalow in good district, from owner, by reliable couple; no children; will lease. Answer 2t' Mason st.. city. I WANTED Furnished 5-room bungalow 1 for H months. 3 or 4 blocks from Sandy j b!vd. B( st of care; references; 4U or tio. ; Tv,- adults. Tibor 14s7. RX in buiia.LW. vVa.n. 2104. ; oYri E R em p oy. u wa nt s room with k 1 1 h e n e t . e where boy of 4 cou Id be teken care of; walking distance, west side. S35 per month. Rose Johnson, )i k ey hot? . nV t t , iiirtl. ui .G man and w ife want bjard and ri'i.m in r fined hnm.-. Must be walking d-sisnce. moderateiy priced. K 41o Ore- ;,.n .an. 1UL Mi iii.ii uuU.ii l;Ke room and board, pr: vale f am . I y ; rf- other boarders; ga. r;ige. AF 444. Cneiii n in. 9 ttini'.e keeping l'wm. OR 3 Kuu..iS for nieda or A I berta 1 AVood '.awn -M'05. housekeeping in Ala listrtct; aduit couple. BuIneM I'laces, WANTED Loct.on for variety store in good suburban business district. Cali Coi. H3?. FOR RENT. t VERY light, nicely -furnished, steam heated front room. Lots of hot water. Apartment house west side, close in. Phone Bdwv. 2266 before noon. Furnished TH K EE lfrse partly Itt'Jl Foster street. liirn.shed rooms. COSY HASEM ENT SI.EEP1 XG ROOM. $2.5Q PER WEEK FAST V.!U. N i C E L V luriiished .e- i!.g room ; othr p nt pccomri.icfons. 201 W Park. L.,;;o.i iron; r i.. n heat 554 Ti i; la b: !or st for 2; fur- t t;ii; Uii.K room ' - ' ' si. E s-'i N room. c.e to hospuU. .unn 23d. phone Main 452. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT. Kura Mhed rooms and suite In high class apt. hou&e, 23 and up. Refined sjntleman or emploved lady- Reference required, ltitt St. Clair, cor. WaabinsJtoa. Bdwy. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST 8IUE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TH. QUIET, mONIFIED AND REFINED; PER DAY. 6 PER WK. AND UP; CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT GARAGE. HOTEL IROQUOIS. Thoroughly renovated from top to bot tom; permanent rooms, now ready, $3 prr week and up. trajifient 1 per day and up. Corner 12th and Stark. Broad yy 3.'4 CALL AT Y. M. C A. to see free list of moderate-priced rooms for young men in ( u II paru ot the city, includins rooms at the V. M. C. A., with phone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. AN SON I A HOTEL, 124 14th St.. a Washington Ratea $5 per week and up. $1 day: fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close ta amusements and shopping center. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13TH ST. AT WASHINGTON. Rates, SI a day, a week $a and up; private bath . $; fireproof and clean, close to business center. WASHINGTON HOTEL, 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason abfe rates by week or month. NEAR hospitals, very desirable front room, aLsa garage; nurses or business people, 253 North 21st st., cor. Northrup. Auto. 51!-32. ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington St. Marshall 19S0. Large, attractive lobby with fireplace. special rates to permanent guests. Hotel conradine. 22 North 10th st., 2 blocks north of Washington St.; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement, 652 .a Washington St. Modern, private baths, free phones; reasonable rrftes. $3 5d week up. Main 31. EMPRESS HOTEL. 6th and Stark; single or double comfortable rooms at moder ate prices; special rates to permanent guests. EL C LI D HOTEL. 573 Washington St. Cheerful, clean rooms, with or without private baths; transients and permanent. HOTEL BROADWAY. Broadway and Burnside St. Rates: day. M and up; week. $5 and up: private bath. $it and up. Free phone. LORRAINE BOTEU 212 N. 20TH ST.- Modern, nicely furnished rooms, with or without board; reasonable rates. FURNISHED room on car line. P63 Al bina ave MA car to Precott No chil dren KENTON HOTEL, at Kenton station Sleeping and H. K. rooms, hot water, steam heat. I2.30 and up per week. ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 Eleventh St., near Morrison Clean and modej-n rooms by day, week or month at reasonable rates. STANDISH HOTEL. 54Nt, Washington at 18th -Nicely furnished rooms, steam heated, reasonable rate, 83.50 up. week. LIGHT, comfortable sleeping room, close in. west side, quiet place. 208 17th St. Main 7H2. HOTEL OOvLBY, Morrison St.. at 10th $1 day. weekly $" and up. Free phone and baths: light and airy. Steam heat. STEAM-HEATED room, all modern con veniences, walking distance : references. Broadway 1420. after 5 P. M. WELL furnished sleeping rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water; reasonable. I'faiu. Fifth st. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Washington and Fifth Streets. Sneci 1 permanent ra tes. ' THE ST. FAIL Fourth and Alder. A RE SPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HOTEL. $1 up. Rates by week or month. 50c DAY. $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cadi llac. 3d near Jefferson. I n f 11 rn i s lied Room s. LA KG E unfurnished room, steam heat. " 30S Grand ave. N., 2 blocks from Broad way. 4 UNFURNISHED rooms, in private fam- Hv and garag-. Hi:) K. Mam. FuruUlicd Kouina In Private Family. TWENTY minutes' walk to downtown: best car service in city. Fine large room in refined home: located between 20th and 2It on East Madison; excellent environment ; suitable for two young men. East 4 ss. $20 per month. WALKING distance, good district, attrac tive residence Weil furnished room, heat, hot water, garage. Breakfast If. desired. East 5715. , ATTRACT I V ELY lurnLshed corner, front room, neat, pieniy noi ter, iuveiv. home, kitchen privileges; also iigntf cheery, warm front attic room. 2S3 . 24th street. 2 BEAUTIFULLY furnished front rooms, one to use as office with typewriter; all home privileges; walking distance; also 2-room beaui iful apt., reasonable. Main 7M55. (!1 N. 21st. , TWO ROo.oJ. nict-iy lurmshed. newly decorated. bath adjoining: nice for school teachers or business women; ladles only. 35u ' Harrison st. Rear house. 2 BEAUTIFULLY furnished front looms, one to use as office with typewriter; nil home privileges ; walking distance ; a I so 2-room beautiful apt., reasonable. Main 7s.-,:,. HI N. 21st. NICE, clean, lig nt 1 outn. lacing ea.-d : 3 big windows, big clot lies closet, electric lights, bath, phone; suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; may have separate beds if df-. d Cal! M-in 57 5M. TWO well furnished rooms, one with twin beds, for gentlemen; use of shower phone, steam heat: walking dis tance: reasonable. 40 Trinity place, apt. TO Bdwy. 6526, FOR "GENTLEMAN, room comfortably furnished in private family's apartment; steam heated ; Ford ham Apartments. Mars-halt 16 .'u. LARGE, wcH-l urn isned room, steam heat, close in. 307 11th st. near Columbia. Marshall 4M. ' TWO NICELY turnishtd rooms; walking distance, hen t. lisht, bath, phone. 120 E;it ir.Th. Ertst 771 I. NICE rooms, rtasonaliie. good location, firrnace heat. 253 North 21st. Main 4078. COM P LET ELY' f urn i.-bed room in new modern home. Tor gins empioyeo; every thing new. Ea'st 0216. or call 275 E. 46th. TWO ROOMS in steam-heated apt. house. near hospitals; kitchen ana laundry privileges. Bdwy. 4546. MY NEW HOME, just completed; one nice bedroom to rent to gentlemen; garage close Tabor 77nt. Cc M r V- uT able lurnace-neateu room. 4At East ottn st. oet. rtawtnorne ana Division. Tabor 8126. 269 14TH. NEAR JEFFERSON Furnished room, modern conveniences, walking LADY, alone, deserving and appreciative comfortable nome. wants tew roomers. 304 E. First X. East isn. EST SIDE apartment house room, close In : plenty heat anu not water. Main 3622. - CONGENIAL young man wishes roommate. twin beds, ail conveniences, piano, etc.. rate $3.50. 61 N. 18th St. Bdwy. 2721. COZY front room for man accustomed to nice things, quiet, mouern piace. in: Park St., corner of Mill Marshall 170. TWO very aesirab-'e lurnisned couple, close in. aaai unt. ROOM with dressing room and sleeping porch, west side, gents. Bdwy. 4329. SLEEPING rooms. After 15th si. East 9002. 5 P. M., 30 E. FCRN 11 room."-. w'.th board. cl"se In. quiet place. or without Wdln. 4123. NICELY furnished room, very reasonable, close in. Mar. 3462. 71 '3 Hoyt. LARGE trout room, cio3e in; rea son a ble. Bast 71M CLEAN 1 month. lep;ng room for gentleman, 5ci: Jefferson st., near 14th. $8 Looms V til Boa 1 a. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STREETS, CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $.5o a day up: rates by day month. Metis served ;o trnnsients. NGKTuNlA HO TEL. Portland's J n ntown h:gh-c:ss family hotel; rooms er suite or single. With or without b-jard, for tamiiies and business men and women. We g ve you all the comforts of s home R-asor.ble rates. TH E MAKlAN Nicely furnished rooms and splendid home cooked meals; all conveniences, a refined and homelike place for business people; moderate rates. 565 Glisan. Bdwy. 2438. ROOM and board ; beautifully furnished room, with or without sleeping porch, at $:2.50 each for two young ladies: also room; laundry privijegas. Bdwy. 2 CIS. PORTLAND'S EXCLUSIVE EAST SIDE RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. Can accommodate one or two guests. 223 E. 2iTH ST. EAST 7384. FURNISHED room wltn private bath small boarding house; suitable for Main 4S7 Kuuil and board for business girls; ail modern conveniences, walking distance, $5 per week. Auto. 210-74. 12 E. 7th St. 452 MuiiRtSON. corner 13th Choice rooita and board, walking distance, modern conveniences. MARTH WASHINGTON Room, board for g:r?s m.d rates. 3 SO loth. Mar. 1251. ROOMS with or without boaro, son St. Main 3746. 738 Johu- FOR RENT. Kikhdn With Board. RESIDENTIAL BOARDING HOUSE. 6M Hawthorne ave. at 15th. Nice, large room and sleeping porch, suitable for two; could accommodate few table boarders. Rooms With Board in Private Family. Two furnished rooms, with or without board; private, modern home; telephone, furnace heat; nice clean rooms, all home privileges; -walking distance. 44H E. Lincoln at., corner bth. Phone East ';. -i. FOR RENT Large front room, -with board, suitable for two ; furnace heat; garage; close to car; walking distance; reasonable. East 6503. WELL-FURNISHED warm rooms with board, piano, phone, bath, just like home, near Adcox school and dental college. 3Wi Halsey. near Union ave. NICE, warm room, 3 windows and a large closet; excellent board ; very reasonable to man and wife or 2. employed men. 101 11th st NICE, warm room, 3 windows and a large closet; excellent board; very reasonable to man and wife or 2 employed men. 11 11th st. NICE, large room for 2: home privileges; you'll like our meals, also our "family.' Mar. 41. ROOM with board Included; lady pre ferred; within walking distance. Auto matic 513-32. WIDOW with 4 children to care for would like to find home for girl 9 years old. Musi be reasonable. East tU-'fv ROOM and board in beauhful home, fine view, excellent meals, for 1 or 2. 734 Hawthorne ave. $25 2 MEALS and room to share with girl, high school student; single beds; references exchanged. Phone Tabor P-437. WILL CARE for 1 or 2 little girls m our modern home; reasonable terms. Call after 4 P. M. Tabor 6432, LAJiGE front room In modern home. Irving st. Marshall 4410. NICE room, quiet family. 2 meals, to lady employed. Mar. 4440. " ROOM and board in private family; walk ing distance. East 586. ' ROOM, board, one gentleman; private home. 5 1 6 Ladd ave. ast -jjj. ROOM and board, $30 a month. 121 E. 11th St.. cor Alder. Call East 2522. BACHELORS' HOM E. one vacant room. modern. 2 meals. 246 E. 6th st. N. NICELY furnished room with board: no other roomers. 5iH Glisan st. Bdwy. 2562. BOARD and room. East. SSdi.' Ciose in. Furnished Apartments. STELWYN APARTMENTS. -HIGH-CLASS. The handsomest furnished apts. In city. Outside rooms and sleeping porches. Also lovely suite on corner, top floor, 8 windows, very choice ; will rent to re fined gentleman; also single rooms for bachelors or ladies employed. R-fer" ences required. Broadway 5830. 166 St. Clair St., co r n er Washington. LOVELY, LARGE, OOMPIiETELY FUR NISHED FRONT ROOM. MODERN APARTMENT, $60 MONTH; equipped for two to six persons; immaculately clean and classy; first-class janitor serv ices guaranteed. THE COLUMBIAN. 11TH AND COLUBIA. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Franks store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apts., out side and French doors and balcony; per manent and transient. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Four-room, newly painted and papered, all newly furnished throughout ; corner apartment; only 3 blocks from Wash ington st. Rent $60: references required. Broadway 1245. WASHINGTON HIGH APTS. Three-room furnished modern apart ment, large outside rooms; hot -water heat; walking distance. 575 E. Stark St., corner 14th. Phone East 8636. LEAVING city, 4-room apartment for rent, furniture for sale; 4 blocks from Broad way bridge; nothing better for the money. 255 Cherry, apartment 2. East 1000. . PA K K APARTMENT Nice, clean fron 4-rm. apartment, nine outside windows; oak floors, fireplace. 3 clothes c'osets, mats, carpets and draperies. $75. Phone Marshall 2381. NICELY furnished outside 3 and 4-room apt., newly tinted and enameled; will give hotel services to bachelors; Nob Hill district. Mar. 245. BONNIE BRAE. Three rooms and bath, nicely furnished and clean: adults. Irvington district. 514 Ha ncock a rooms, sleeoina uorch and bath; new tv decorated and stove heat ; close in ; $30. including light and phone. Auto matic 324-94. SPECIAL 3-room newly painted and fur nished. downstairs private entrance, run ning water; suitable for 3 or 4 aduits $25 412 19th st. X.. cor. Vaughn. PARK APARTMENTS Four-room front apartment, on third floor of first-class house: electric elevator. $60. Phone Marshall 23K1. THE E V ERET 1 , 644 EVERETT STREET. Furnished 3-room corner apt., all mod ern. Conveniences. $65. Bdwy. 4400. A VERY NICE front room, suitable for two gentlemen ; also a smal two-room uni v best location, modern. 57 Trinity Place Bdwy 1796 k'lVil AI-UERT APARTMENTS. a-room strictly modern, elevator, tile bath: 11th and Montgomery. Main 850. CLEAN, sunny, two-room apartment, close in. west side, quiet, .no n.ii - Main 7628 Hol'RMAX APTS. Large 3-room apt., separate bedroom. 4 closets, desirable. 730 Hoyt. .Main l.J. .nnnf furnished aDt.. sttam heated; close in: reasonable rent. 30 E. 8th st. North. JULIANA APARTMENTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FURNISHED 2 AND S-ROOM APTS. -t-r vKiirn aoartment. nice, light and large, 3 or 4-rooms. $20 and $25. 1299 Kellv st. Take f ulton car to r mwer sr. THrt EEONCE 1S6 N. 22D. Furrished 3-room apt., newly tinted ; private bath- ?4.v Mar. 2-'r.O. NOTICE. Will give rent of apt. for wiring apt. house. Call at 39 Sixth st. Main !I529. DR1CKSTON APARTMENTS. 44S HIM & l. Nice, modern. 2-room apartment. 2-ROOM apt., nice home for nice people, private entrance, first floor. 6G0 Bel mont. Col-LEGE 3 rooms, modern, walking dis tance, sleeping porch, light and warm. 3d and College. Ma:-. 5555. THE REXFORD. 2-room apartment T0, including steam heat and phone.. Main 553. 3- ROOM fur. apartment. Very desirable, second floor; heat, light and telephone furnished. $30. 109 N. IPth. THE ALTAMONT APTS. 3-room furnished front apartment and bath. $50. Main 6375. HADDON HALL, 11th and Hail. 3-room apartment; private balcony; hardwood floors, tiled bath. JULIANA APTS., 45 TRINITY PLACE. 3-ROOM FURNISHED APT. ALL OUT SIDE ROOMS; TWO BEDS. 3-ROOM apartment, pleasant front room. 35 North 10th. 2 FURNISHED apts and 2 single rms. New York apts.. East Tth and Belmont ALCO APTS.. E. Couch. Union ave. modern 2-room apt., reasonable. -Clean, a AND 3-ROOM modern , apts.. tile bath. Main 1052 Buena Vista apts. UNION AVE and Killingsworth, fur. apt-. S4.0v. an i-uiuoiCL--, conrieie QUllQing. DOUGLAS COU RT has 4-room furnished apartment. Marshall 423. 425 West Park. FURNISHED apartment, outside rooms; running water. 214 13th st. AND 3-ROOAI apartment, west side, walking distance. Chetopa. Hii X. 18th. NIC- 2-room apartment for rent. 620 First gtreet. BEAUTIFUL 3-room front apartment. 341 llth st. NEW 2-ROOM apartment with sleeping porch, walking distance. Main 2309. FURNISHED 4-room and bath. Westmin ster -o- sixtn st. aiain oofsi'. litjji iJ 1" P i S., 3.J Funtshed 2-room T-UN1T" PLACE. pt. Bdwy. 5151. 'TWO-ROOM furnished apartment; large kitchenette; private family. 12i X. 2,'id. ,i furnished --room apt.. 2Uth and iU'. Bdwy. 2052. SAN MARCO ATTRACTIVE, MOD. 3-RM. -APTS. WALKING DIST. EAST. 1900. CHOICE 3-room apt.. well clean, light, airy'; adults only. furnished. East 85 ; Unfurnished Apartments. BRUCE APT. ; 6 outside rooms, modern, steam heated, sleeping porch, janitor service, newly decorated, west side. East 1360. . UNFURNISHED APT. Lovely 4-room ivory enameled apt.; steam heat and telephone. 4U. 863 E. Glisan st. 4 ROOMS, newly finished and strictly modern; adults only. 1259 Belmont st. Tabor 7458. HIGHLAND COURT APARTMENT. 5 rooms, unfurnished. Mar. 3181. THt AM EKl CAN Moaern rnent. Broad ay 3360. -room apart- 5 ROOMS, modern, steam beat, gas stove. 561 Glisan st. C la 1 POO I E A PTS. 3 rms., 2 beds ; adults. 424 Clay st. 4 ROOMS, 1 block school and car. S? r!e. 1928 East Glisan. $13. 3 KOOMS and bath, 1005 W li Hams ave. garage it desired. FOR KENT. Unfurnished Apartments. WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 5-room, newly painted and kalsommed. steam heat and telephone, close in. walk ing distance, only 3 blocks of W ashing -ton st. Rent r0. Call Bdwy. 1245. BEAUTUFUL five-room apartment; best Irvington residential section; all mod ern ; rent $85 ; no children ; references. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 p. of C. bidg. Broadway BTTfi. ARBOR COURT. 14TH AND COLUMBIA. Three - room unfurnished apartment, excellent condition, south exposure. Adults. References. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Upshur apts., 406 N. 26th. 2, 3. 4 and 5-room apartments, steam heated, fur nished and unfurnished: reasonable rates. BOWMAN Apartments, Irvington 5 out side rooms ; hdw. floors; French doors; steam heat; washing men. ; vacuum cinr.; Jnh. service: adults: 75. E. 13(1. Furnished or t d furnished Apartments. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Upshur apts., 406 N. 26th. 2. 3. 4, and 5-room apartments, steam heated, fur nished and unfurnished: reasonable rates. Flats. 5 LARGE, airy rooms; east front, southern exposure; ivory enamel finish; hardwood floors throughout ; fireplace, gas range and Ruud heater; choice close-in east side location; rent $50. Call Broadway 24I4U or go to 2l7 E. 21st, near Haw thorne. 6-ROOM modern lower, front and back yards, linoleum and gas range in kitch en ; full cement basement, stationary trays; very reasonable for right tenant. V 418. Oregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Three-room flat with bath, large private porch with un obstructed view ; gas heating system. Phone Marshall 27S. . NEW7 MODERN 0-room unfurnished fiat, first floor, good location, two blocks from car, n Sell wood. Tallmadge Realty Co., 610 Henry bidg. Phone Bdwy. 675. IRVINGTON attractive 4-room flat, sleep ing porch, furnace, $40. Adults. East 8015; also 8-room flat, $57. NEW, . modern 5-room- lower fiat, hot water heat; also garage, 576 Elliott ave., Ladd's add. . 5-ROOM modern flat for rent. 634 4th st. Main 61S6. ' FOR RENT 6-room upper flat, modern. Call Main 5653 after Sunday SIX LARGE beautiful rooms, bath, Dutch kitchen, on car line. Wdin. 3558. $30 MODERN 5-room flat. 538 Second st. City Garage. 132 12th st. . 4-RM. MODERN flat, $18; Shaver and WillUams ave. DESIRABLE lower 5-rm. flat. $35. 1 70S E. Morrison and 69th. 3 ROOMS, partly furnished or unfurnished; fruit, garden. 846 Bowdoin st. 4-ROOM unfurnished flat, $15; walking distance, downtown. Inquire 422 First. Furnisiicd Tlau. 4-ROOM furnished upper, flat, bath, gas, elec., .2 blks. to Union. 3 blks. to St. Johns carline; $27; suitable for couple employed: adults. 040 Mallory ave. $35 5-ROOM modern, clean. $2SJ 3 rooms, modern, clean ; whole floor to Itself; adults only. 572 Mill st. FOR RENT UPstars flat, electric lights, garage, $35. 737 E. 22d st., near Bush. Sell. 3147. - ' WEST SIDE, 4-room Hat, walking dis tance, gas range and rugs; good condi tion, cheap UPPER, clean, neatly lurnisned 4-room flat; rent reasonable; modern. 800l East Sixth street North. S-ROOM furnished flat, reasonable rent Inquire 711 Union ave. r. 4-ROOM, modern, nicely furnished flat. 016 Commercial st. Phone 319-01. 3-ROOM lower flat, nicely furnished with piano. Tabor 3063. . LOWER near J. furnished flat, bath, H. S. Tabor 3H79. built-ins; NEWLY done flats, very nice, fireplaces. Couple. 568 East Main, walking distance. FURNISHED 4-room flat; adults only. 516-87. FURX'ISiHED flat, 3 rooms and bath. 460 Fourth st. Call afternoons and evenings. NEWLY tinted 5-room upper. 12th North, near East Couch. 27 East Adults. CLOSE-IN 3-room flat, partly furnished; $25. East. S368. LARGE rooms with bath; beautifully furnished. Woodlawn 3558. 5-ROOM furnished flat, $25; walking dis tance, downtown. Inquire 422 First sr. HouseKeeping Rooms. TWO BASEMENT H. K. rooms, clean and dry; attractively furnished; just right for 1- or 2 bachelors or couple with child ; close in, block from Adcox auto school, between Union ave. and 3d st. .".OS Mulnomah st. Phone East i'1 86. THE NICEST housekeeping rooms in the city, everything new and clean, excel lent heat, everything furnished, $15, $20, $25 and $30 per month. 408 12th st. Main 3820. CHOICE large room and kitchen, fur nished, newly papered, clean, light, steam heat, electricity, gas range, running wa ter, walking distance. 658 Glisan. Bdwy. 2125 . CLEAN, steam heat, H. K. rooms, with free electric light, gas. use of bath and laundry; single, $3 to $3,50; double. $5.50 to $6: walking distance. Hendricks Apts.. 510 Flanders st.. corner loth. FOR RENT Two furnished h. k. rooms with water, lights and heat furnished 1 sleeping room, Jarge. 665 First st, X. S. car. TH R REAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur Dished H. K. rooms. $15 up, including hot water, electric lights. laundry room. BUSH MARK, Wash, st., cor. 17th Clean, modern, one and two-room outside apts.; also sleeping rooms. Broadway 5463. siVRl.K H. K. rooms, $7 to $12; 2 and 3 room suites. $12 to $22; free bath, dandy lobby. The Vaughn, n. ltun ana vaugnn 1 SMALL basement rooms for light h. k. .Everything furnished. $17.50. 507 Clay street. clean H. K. room with . kitchenette. lights, private phone, steam heat, close in. -Hi LQiumom. NICE, clean housekeeping rooms, Clack amas ap"ts.. 272 Williams ave. East 2376. SINGLE h. k. room, heat, reasonable rent. 341 Broadway. 1. and c. water Harrison, cor. x-ttw y-ROOM H. K. apt., just comnleted hot and cold water; furnace heat. East 8'.54. LOVELY large room with kitchenette, 693 . Madison St. ast niui. ONE LARGE single clean housekeeping room 281 Larraoee. ROOM and kitchenette. $4.50; single, $3.50 a week. 327 3d. opposite auditorium. TWO rooms. $5 per week up; one and sleeping. S3 up. 208 Washington, STEAM-HEATED modern 2-room apart ment. 3iU sixtn street. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, $11 or up. Fur nace neat. -:o i-in st. 15 DAXS' STORAGE FREE. Moving for less. Phone Bdwy. 2445. SINGLE, steam neated . housekeeping rooms, ?4 to 30 per ween. 147 13th st. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. Ankeny court. aquus, ast od3. CLEAN, well-f urnished housekeeping room, e v erytning lurnisnea. jortn iitn st. FOR RENT Two desirable unfurnished h. k. rooms, ciose in. dttzy. an st. CLEAN, comfortable h. k. room. $2 week ana up. Ji riawthorne. NICE, clean housekeeping room, suitable for bachelor, $3.50 per week. 341 llth st. BASEAI ENT h. k. rooms and garage, $22.50. 368 Multnomah. East 9186. LOVELY, large, clean housekeeping room, $25. 63 East Madison. East 8011. 1-ROOM porch. h. k. apartment with sleeping 745 Hoyt st. Marshall 2541. TWO ROOMS, $15 monthly; hot water al ways; bath, laundry. 655 Flanders. Housekeeping Koomw In Private Family. $22 GROUND floor, water, e.ectric lights free; 2 nice large, fully furnished H. K. rooms, vestibule, 2 porches, range, gas, ' fireplace; good neighborhood; walking d istance. 134 Porter. See Mrs. Fay. JUST what you have been looking for; clean and nicely furnished h. k. rooms. In desirable residence district at 1020 E. Main st.', cor. 34th. Hawthorne car to 34th. 2 blocks north. ATTRACTIVE large front room and kitch ennette, furnished, electricity ; Nob Hill district, walking distance; reasonable. 624 Flanders. Bdwy. 2125. 2-ROOM h. k. apartment, modern home, beautiful location; nicely furnished, heat, light, gas. phone included; no chil dren. Sellwood 1068. 2 LARGE bedrooms with nouse privileges including piano, in large modern "Pied mont home, very reasonable to adults; reference required. Wdln. 170. H. K. FRONT room upstairs, niceiy fur nished, furnace heat. 441 E. 13th st. East 1441. NICELY furnished large room with kitch enette, gas funge, clean home for nice couple, reasonable. d N. 22d st. ONE AND ; stove heat. East 9118. - -rm. apts., plain but clean, 325 Schuyler st., close in. NICE, clean, newly furnished housekeep ing rooms, good location, reasonable rent. 700 Irving st. Main 5927. UNFURNISHED 4 modern h. k water, light, gas and- phone, $ 20. Se 1 1 wood 32Q1. TWO HOUSEKEEPING rooms, very large homes. 110 E. 20th st South. 3-ROOM apt.. Nob Hili light, water, phone. , walking distance; 666 Hoyt. 2 LARGE rooms, hot-water heat, partly furnished or unfurnished. 78!) Kearney. LARGE steam-heated h. k. room; electric lights; $5 per week. 445 Columbia. FOR RENT. Houses. 6-ROOM modern. Al condition. 10S1 E 26th st. N. ; adulLs. $30. 7-rm. house. 746 E. 20th St., $20. 6-rm. modern house, 721 E. Burnside. $35. Large bungalow, garage, 1204 Mixter St.. $45 . FRANK L. McGUIRE, Bdwy. 7171 . FOR SALB or lease, modern 8-room house and garage, newly painted; 20 minutes from Washington and Broadway. Owner called out of state on business. Apply 830 E. 32d st N. CALL BROADWAY 580 FOR Is ORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER H EAT. WASHINGTON AT 10 ST. ATLAS TRANSFER. Pianos moved, $3 and up; furniture moving in proportion ; get our prices uu wnr-t guaranteed. awy. LV WILL RENT nny beautiful Beaumont bungalow to responsible people ; refer ences required. Tabor 1765. 732 E. 42d street Xortn. IRVINGTON $6ti, duplex, corner 12th and itiiamooK, nnt-st condition, lease; $75, resmence, aoubie garage, lease. u. T, Street, agent. J45 E 1IITH A N li DA VIS 14.1 7 nice, large rooms, walking distance: new ly renovated, partly furnished. SMITH-W A G ONER CO., Stock Exch MODERN 6-room house, fireplace, furnace, garaee. Central en at sirfo. S4U See Mr Hunter with John Ferguson, Gerlinger ""ik- ELK TRANSFER STORAGE. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. Moving fur less. Broadway 2445, rOK KENT tine modern nome. fine lot. nuit. pernea, etc.; 530 per month. C. L, , Becker. 183 1st st. BEAUTIFUL, modern garage, 1 2-room house and large grounds. per mo. iauor neigrus. Jiam FOR KENT New, strictly modern S-room Laurelhurst home, lease. 1185 East Davis st. Automatic :;! s. YOUR rent small payment buys half acre, b-room house, west side, 9c fare. 4614 c-HPi -ISt St. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Transfer ;o., Ai am 2l. 202V Alder street MOVING Pianos, furniture and long dis tance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck service 10., 4U -j jt. Phone Bdwy. 0121 G-ROOM houae, 71 E. 10th st., near Everett. Inqtiy-e 13 6th st. Main 6278. NEW 4-ROOM. bath and basement: lot 56x124. cor. 84th St.. $22.50. Auto. 627-15. 7-ROOM house with garage. 707 Tilla mook st. Inquire Frank. 0 North 2d st. ,6-ROOM house. X. Nash St., $25. Wdln. 4164. 4-ROoM cottage fop rent. Sellwood 101 3. Furnished House. 5-ROOM modern; nicely furnished, piano; 111 E. 71st st. N.; $50. 6-rm. strictly modern house, garage, 378 E. 30th st.: $60. 8-rm. Irvington home, 861 Thompson st.; 51MJ. FRANK L. McGUIRE, Bdwy. 7171 7-ROOM house, suitable for two families completely furnished; 2 gas ranges; 582: 46th st. S. E. Price $50. One .block north WW car. FOR RENT to resoonsible nartv. 11 rooms. 2 baths, partly furnished, close in. near school. Present income $60, easily in creased. Inquire at 546 E: Alder. FURNISHED modern 5-room bungalow, including piano, fireplace, furnace, hard wood floor. Dutch kitchen and all built ins. $65. Phone Auto. 237-03. 0 ROOA1S. well furnished, in good resi dence district; rent $75; garage. Phone Tabor 8422. WELL-FURNISH ED 3-toom duplex house; Radiantfire. Inquire 543 E. 17th; block from RM car. Rent $25. Adults only. 5-ROOM furnished flat on Thurman st., $30 per month. Rummell & Rummell, 274 Stark st. 4-ROOM furnished flat on Lara-bee St., $35. Rtimnip!!. 274 Stark st. $35 COTTAGE, 6 rooms, walking distance, east side. Nelson. East 2138. $15 st. -2-ROOM apt., clean, yard. 122 Idaho Fulton car. 4 LARGE rooms, modern; 624-16. 5650 83th St. S. E. free phone. Houses for Kent furniture tor Sale. COMPLETELY FURNISHED CORNER 7 ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, FURNI- " TURE FOR SALE; FUEL IN BASE MENT: CENTRALLY LOCATED. WALKING DISTANCE. CONVENIENT FOR RENTING ROOMS. 580 MARSH ALL ST.. COR. 18TH. BDWY. 1782. DANDY 5-room cottage to rent to person buying furniture $450 cash, bargain. 327 Wheeler. 3 blkf. E. of Broadway bridge. 5-ROOM flat, completely furnished; furni ture for sate; $90; rent $16.50 if furni t ure is bought . Inquire 422 First st. 6-ROOM house for rent, $30; turniture for sale, $475; walking distance. 293 Crosby street. HOUSE for rent and 6 rooms good grade furniture, cheap. East 8069. FOR SALE Elegant furniture 2 flats for rent. 567 Everett. PA RTLY furnished East Burnside. 5-room house. . 415 FURNITURE of 5-room flat for sale rea sonable. Rent $0. 502 Market st. Stores and Business Places. FOR RENT One of the best business corners in city, suitable for any line of' business, from February 15 until May 1. Call Mar. 5926. Mr. Sigel. LARGE warehouse for lease; make your wants known. See Mr. Washburn, -- I. E. Spencer Co., 517 Cham. Com. Bidg. RETAIL store, nar Broadway and Wash ington, long lease .only $250 month. Ad dress AF 426. Oregonian. FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof ware house, enonb uroaaway 371a. STORE. 230 Vb Washington st. Apply &5 Stars; street. STORE, 332 1st st.. 1114. $30. Phone Tabor STORE for rent, suitable for butcher or tailor. 1523 E. Giisan st, STORE ITOOM for rent. Good location. Inquire at 30 N. 3d st WANTED Store for retail bakery, down- town location'. u uregonian. COR. STORE, 1st and Mead st., $30; 5 liv- mg rooms. ;pio. fnone vv din. 3634. Offices. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. Well-lighted and heated offices, single or in suites, central office building in financial section of city; low rentals. Sea Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 Second, street, corner stark. SPACE with window in excellent ground floor location; with desks, typewriter, etc WiR make alterations to suit. Broadway 5044. - FOR RENT Attractive office space, about 1250 square feet. Inquire A. C. Ruby, pecond floor, Gordon bidg., Fourth and Stark. Broadway 3007. FHYSICI AN An old-established suburban location for rent ; excellent opportunity for good man. Main 702. FURN'TURE of 2-room suite for sale,. suit able for real estate oince. one Bdwy. 5387. a OFFICE and desk room for rent. In quire 432 Chamber ot commerce. Mon day. FRONT office. modern, in Railway Ex Apply room 312. change bidg FINE offices, best service, $15 up. Exchange. 3d and Yamhill. OFFICE desk room for rent. Inquire 432 Chamber of ommerce. DESK room with telephone and steno graphic service. Phone Bdwy. 3715. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUSINESS OFFICE PAYING $150. Office business suitable lady or gen tleman; dignified. af350. SMITH-WAG OXER CO., Stock Exch. CIGARS AN D CONFECTIONERY. A clean, fine business on a busy street; has low rent, business $35 day. A bar gain at $2500 Room 511 Railway Exch. TRANSFER BUSINESS. $600 buys equal half In old established transfer business, centrally located on west side 6Q7 Couch bidg. SHOE repairing shop with $1560 worth of machinery, ngnt in town; nas 4 living room and cheap re-nt, for $1000. 504 Buchanan bidg. WANTED Private party, going business. purchase price securea oy real estate, big returns on investment; make appoint ment; no agents. A B 431, Oregonian. $2500 MEAT market, fixtures and stocK ; receipts aauy; nne location, oncK building. Lease. Worth all asked. 718 Dekum bidg. SPECIAL PARTNERSHIP in a growing business; manufacture auto and truck bodies, auto tops, etc.; profits good. Room 401 Dekum bidg. . A CASH BUSINESS. Partner wanted to check goods, deliv eries., etc.; good pay; $550 required, fully secured. Room 401 Dekum bidg. A LARGE MODERN GARAGE. Fine location. Sell gas, oils, tires, stor age, etc.; good lease. $2400 handles it. Room 401 Dekum bidg. WILL trade $15,000 grocery stock in busy down-town location for a general store in a country town. G 440, Oregonian. IF YOU want a grocery call and see us; have some good buys with living rooms. Room. 511 Railway Exchange. DESIRABLE office space for rent, use of phone, with or without desk. 212 Rail way Exchange bidg. $2O0 MONTH CLEAR PROFIT. Handling lumber contract with truck oniv $606. Room 401 Dekum bidg. 5300 WELL established down tow n ladies - apparel business; nets $150 mo. or better, 425 Cham, of Com, bidg. FOR SALE! Card room and soft drink, $550. See owner, 33-A N. Third. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. DON'T delay if you want to get into a clean going business, your chance if you have $500. Have you a Ford in running order? Are you out of work? But have a little laid by? Don't use it up. get into a good business for yourself. Your money secured and good sa iary to start. The only business of its kind in the city. No get rich quick scheme but a clean business. We have more than we can handle. No dealers need answer. If you want to deal direct and get something - steady and you mean business answer now. Give phone number. A 314, Ore gonian. - AN EXCELLENT PARTNERSHIP ft.can be secured in long established auto top and painting business. Splendid lo- , cation with an established steady trade; plenty of work on hand; no busier shop in Portland; experience in this line not necessary if you are handy with tools and willing worker, as your partner is an expert and will teach an honest and congenial man the business. If you are satisfied with $160 per month from the start, be sure and see this before vou buv. Price only $550. Call 620 Cham, of Com. h!dg.. 4th and Stark. CIGAR STAND REAL BARGAIN. We hfeve just listed exclusively the best cigar ft and opportunity ever ottered in city. Ideal location in lobby of one of Portland's best known and busiest ofTlce bidgs.. downtown. Complete staple stock and attractive fixture No night or Sunday work. One person can conduct this business. Any lady or man will easily clear better than $175 every month here. Only $850 cash required. This is positively a real bargain that is hard to find. Cal! early. App.y 316 Pittock h!k.. Washington at loth sfi AUTO PAINT SHOP PARTNERSHIP. Here's splendid opening for a willing worker to connect with an expert paint er; have all the work two men can han dle; doing work for some of the largest frrms in Portland; fully equipped bake oven. etc. Can each draw $175 month and share monthly profits ; experience not necessary if congenial and willing to work. Price $650. 3 10 Panama bidg.. 3d and Alder sts. TIRE AND ACCESSORIES SHOP. Best of west side downtown location; splendidly equipped, large slocks of tires and accessories. If you want to get inio a real live business investigate this proposition. Full value for every dollar. Your earnings will never be less than $200 month in this place, A splendid opening for a willing worker. An in vestment of $850 required. Cali 620 Ch am. of Com. bidg.. 4th a nd Stark BEST BUY IX PORTLAND PARTNERSHIP. Splendid opportunity for a willing, congenial worker to buy equal half inter est in most fully equipped auto acces sory, tire and vulcanizing shop; owner has too much work to handle alone and cannot depend upon hired help; full value for your money; experience not necessary; good drawing account and equal share of profits; only $700. Call 310 Panama bidg., 3d and Alder sts. AX ECEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. Here is an opening for an ambitious, steady and reliable man to secure an equal interest in an old established busi ness downtown: experience not essential if you are capable of meeting the public A clean and interesting line where you can easily clear better than $20O every month for yourself. Price only $45d. Call 620 Cham, of Com. B'.dg., 4tti and St ark. GARAGE MEN. ATTENTION. One of the bet garages in city, fully equipped ; long lease. ;iooo will handle, balance $100 per month. Buy from owner. GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES, restaurants, rooming houses and hotels. Any kind of a business, you may like. Also a drug store. C. Burr, business chance dept. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Bdwy. 4751. REALTORS. 41Q Henry bidg. $1150 GROCERY, no fixuTes to buy. four beautiful living rooms, bath, first-class district, doing a good business. $2000 or invoice, grocery, west side apt. -house dist. ; cash and carry, doing $45 to $60 day; living rooms; must sell by Sunday, act quickly. Our stores are skillfully selected and are worth seeing; many others not men tioned above. Z. EAKI.VS, 31." Couch Bidg. 100 4th st. AUTO-REPAIR SHOP PARTNERSHIP. Congenial, willing worker can buy equal half interest in best west side, downtown repair shop in city. Experi ence not necessary. Am expert mechanic and willing to teach you the business. Drawing account of $160 month and equal share of profits-. Price only $600. Call 310 Panama bidg., 3d and Alder streets. RESTAURANT BARGAIN. - CLOSE IN. WEST SIDE. Completely equipped restaurant, close in. west side. Price ONLY $1100. Two months cash rent on lese included ; $700 cah and terms on balance. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 50il-10 PANAMA BLDO. BDWY. 6042. $3500 CONF. AXD LIGHT GROCERY. West side ap. housu location with 3 2-room apts., 5-year lease, doing about $-10 day business now. summer up to $150 day; cost $14500 to equip this place. Dis agreement of partners reason fur selling. KEIPPER & CROSBY. 514 Railway Exch. Birlg. Bdwy. 6650. BARGAINS. " $1850 Corner grocery, 3 living rooms, opposite school; sales $35 per day. 050 Fully equipped meat market. 2950 Grocery and meat market; terms. 2650 Corner grocery, rent $35; sales $60 to $80 per day: terms. 404 COUCH BLDG. GROCERY SXAPS. $2000 or Invoice; $(i0 per day; 4-year lease, brick bidg., steam heat, modern living room. 31350; furnished living rooms; lease. $750; no fixtures to buy; 3-year lese. 8 1 8 -8 1 s i (,'hamber of Com. M 1 d g. $200O GROCERY. " 7 modern living rooms, doing about $40 day; rent $68; sub-rent 3 rooms for $30; garage. $5; good lease. This is on good corner location. KEIPPER & CROSBY, 514 Railway Exch. Bidg. Bdwy. 6650. SHOE SHINE OPPORTUNITY. One of the best locations in the city; 5 chairs ; long lease : for only $15O0; easy terms. Don't miss this golden op portunity. See George, 230 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. Broadway 7581. $2050 GRO. AND CONF. With soda fountain, doing good busi ness ; three modern living rooms and bath; clean stock and Al fixtures. KEIPPER & CROSBY. 514 Railway Exch. Bidg. Bdwy. 6650. OWNER of a well-located garage is willing to sell equal interest to get interested help: have acetylene welding outfit, electric drill, full line of hand tools and a service car. Only $500 required. Room 401 Pekum bidg. $800 CONFECTIONERY AXD CIGARS. East side, rent $10 month; doing $25 day business. This beats working for wages. KEIPPER & CROSBY. 514 Railway Exch. Bidg. Bdwy. 6650. $1200 CIGAR STAXD. West side, in one of the meat hotels' in Portand, doing good business, rent $35 month. Fine place for lady. KEIPPER & CROSBY. 514 Railway Exch. Bidg. Bdwy. 6650. GARAGE PARTNERSHIP. Equal interest in a large garage. Owner needs a partner to sell the gas, oils, storage, etc.; draw $441 week; also profits: $1750 required. Room 401 De kum bidg. $250 R EST A U K ANT. ' West side, good location, jost the place for man and wife; no night or Sunday work. . KEIPPER & CROSEtY, 514 Railway Exch. Blrig. Bdwy. 0650. $0u0 RESTAURANT. West side, doing $40 to $50 day. This i modern equipped ; will give good terms. See this. KEIPPER & CROSBY, .114 Railway Exch. Bidg. Bdwy. Qn.10. INVEST $1250 for half interest Tn San Francisco office, already representing 30 publications; manage business, hire so li ictors. References exchanged. Excep tional opportunity. Box 309, Portland, Oregon. , L WANTED AT ONCE. From owner, 50 or more room hotel; have $10,000 to pay down and will as sume balance: price must be right and furnishings good. BF 446. Oregonian. GROCERY store. 6-room house, lot KOxlOO; garage; property $6500; will Invoice stock about 2500; receipts about $60 per day. Will consider 6-room house in trade. Linton & Welch. 418 Railway Exch. G A R A G E $ 5 50 0 G ARAGe! " Fully stocked and equipped, all new stock, showing good income; owner leav ing state, will give lease. Rock, 403 Couch bidg. Bdwy. 6363, ATTENTION Half interest Tn" ESTAB LISHED plumbing -shop: god location. doing wonderful business : u I pay you to investigate Cal! East 3230. GROCERY Cigars and delicatessen, four living rooms with furniture, on Grand avenue corner. 505 Artisans bidg., op posite Benson hotel MOVING-PICTURE theater for sale, through property owner; small invest ment; good money maker. Inqlre A. Rvgg. 4o0 En Ft Morrison. WILL start you in business for $50 and up; big seller; big profit. See Mr. Dren dall. New Perkins hotel. GROCERY, by owner, must sell on ac count of sickness; well located, doing eood business. 800 Clinton st. RESTAURANT. 4th and Washington, dan dy location: lease over fair; attractively priced; take small car. 332 Rwy. Exch. C1G A R ST A XD on Washington Ht reet : a big snap, cheap. See V. S. G. Quick, 505 A rt'Rns hldg.. ormostto Benson hotel. RESTAURANT, only S650; half cash; rent onlv $60 See this today. Linton & We'ch. 41 RaEway Exch. FOR RENT Bakery and will sell fixtures cheap. Apply afternoons, 284. Beech sit.