tC THE JIOItXIXG OITEGOXIAX, FRIDAY, FEBHUAEY 10, 1922 REAL rTTT. THIhTT-TlVO LoTS THHtiO-K GO M rOTTAHf, ALI, IN CULTIVATION; H ACRE r.N UKiA.BERRlEl LA RGB TEXT HOUSK. AM'IXtN(; COL'XTKV CLUB. SNAP? WELL. RATHER. PRICK S2473. FLUS BON UK U Aiai'SiMESTS OF $KJ. TERMS. .V- CASH, $13 MON'THLT. REASo.V KuH SELLING? TO CLOSK AN ESTATE. HAD YoU BETTER HL'KKl? ffK BHOL'LD SAY SO. See Mr. Price, with FRED W. GERMAN CO.. Realtors. 732 ( of Com. i-R ) A1 4 .KrtN HL NGALOft'. BKT I'FFtR TAKEs IT. A wmtll1. fr the m u n who wants (ro-Mtl itttie hcm at a sacrifice. OwDr in struct us to accept best offer today; jooms., hardwood floors. Dutc Kit:hea. z d-tmiy Didrnorr s. bath be ttcn, fu',1 bailment. 4ixlOO lot- Close in. fc. kei.y st.: walking distance to S. P. ihf)p to :hcMi. located good homey n-ie h borhoo-i ; a bar rain at S37UO, but yoan today at any reasonable fer; w;.i take car up to $35o and aom rah as firt pyn..'nt. or wii. accept .h Eirt pa ment and bal. J3& mo. lurlurimic tnt This rr.ei.ns exact. y wha li s and if you are looking for a nom )ou had better mvrijit at once. CITY H'MES DEPT. RITTBR, Low K A- O ' . RraTtors, -'? -2 3 ' 7 f..AM of Tr(! B!-U. BEALTUTL HOME $500 DOWN. rrrtit. cozit. 3 -room buncJow yon wvt t wr Tor $ 4.Hr on your own terms living room. 14i:.'. ; all fine room, beau- t.f u i hrd 'od f (wor. l'f of windows awfur.y prtty -;cctrtc fixtures; splendid r.w si. urnar, new gas ramte. ga tr heater: Dutch kitchen w tin I rf buii:-ms: nn-i.urn: hack porch ail p'afed In; front port h -ry attractive. Come out anI pee it quickly; vacant: owner on premise afternoons. 12. 30 tl'I 6 P. M E. 82d N.. at Gllan. ; MV cars. i' minui'i from downtown. Alar T 4t rr -- njr ani evening-. IRVINGJOX. ST0O0 -7-room home on IHth and Bra per ft-it condition, hardwood floors, fine il sec, furnace, tapes- '7 pper, out ivory woodwork. tui lot una garage. $$0',K) Colonial type bom of T beautiful rooms. In perfect condition, lull lt and r;irage. AlclMNEI.U East 419. iov L. 14th St. N. snap u. kg.un: . ROK CITY BUNGALOW. Look at tii. fur a bargain! Attractive -ro.n buRidio. 3 nice bedroom, fire . p. ace. Dutch k.tchen, furnace. 50xlM l-t. iaed streets, close to Sand v. Every I thinx paid for. $:;::m. Raance at $40 $r month, tnvud:ng interest. R. N)MKnfI,I.K. Bdwv 2478. 3,o I s. Nat. Bank B !d g. LAL hELHl'HST SACRIFICE. 7 Hi. H .MS J;tHM. AUTO AS PART PAYMENT. Owner wants immediate action. Splen td home. i.)-a!ly Ittcated. A!mlrn. with trrt wixuj 1 uor.f. fireplace. Full cement bawmrnl, furnace and irtrase. Will take mU auto as part pavmcnt. laspect. A. O. TEEPK CO.. 27n Stark St.. n.-r 4th. Hdwy. O03. East Side (ffic. 4ri and Sandy. Tabor !T.Hrt. POKTLA.NUS tiET. Colonial Interior, center entrance Ball, larite livtni; room cro end of house; be v el plate French doora to large sun room: ivory finish and oak floor throughout ; brkfsl. room, tile fireplace, tile bath, several very fine bedr. and l. porch; itaratte. If you will ever own a Kod home, see this now. Best value in the city. R. T. STREET. Tt M R".. Kaat liEAUr K ROSE CITY. -VHl CASH. On 4lh street, close to Sandy: extra t re i-rmm bun ca tow. all hardwood f 'oors. fir place. bookca-e. buffet, Iutch Jcttchen. two n ice. airy bedrooms. cem-n l bjt mt nt with furnace : ba ! nc like rent. Ex-oldier!. see this. Free of al ilcii". App'v v.iur bonus. It. St IM ERV 1 1. I.E. Hdwv 1M7S. r. JQ . S. Nat, B. r. k HMg. $32"0-l ROOMS. Junt completed, sood sized llvlnr and dimn room., built-in buffet, all bul!t 1ns in kitchen, breakfast nook, laundry t!jj in basement, teas furnace; rca.ona t terms: thU is on 74th st.. first house north of Hai-ey; W. front. W. M. I'mb d. mj-tock t Co.. 210 Oresoa bidg.. Bdw. rt.M M IRVINiiTON. d-rm. mioniHl bungalow type. Ilka rew ; (tout hern colonial porch ; wonderful nrulibcry, fruit tree-, extra iarce hvins room, i;ood-:xed den or sunroom. I'd fior ha 3 bedrooms lone i vry large with fine cloaeta. Ivory finish, up-to-date e metric fixture?i. Owner moving to country. Rv appointment only. R T ST H K.KT. PKTTKR HOMES. ltl'ILl) .NOW. Ave can furnish a lot and assist you In f.nanetn- Consult with our encineer regardinc your home planningr prob lems. You, will be under uo ob.isationa to i:s. 5IAI TtUILPINO CO.. "ilu.i.J.-ri of substantial horaca," 4I.V4M Ab:ng:on lljdf. "PIK1-MO.NT HAKGAIN. 9 lar rooms, hardwood f.oora. fire- l,ace, luu cement basement, furnace, Wash trays, cnrait?; im'x loo lot; paved skt beau: fut district. Real bargain (. .iuu. icrn-J I'OTT E R. wt!h M ALL A VON BOKSTFU ?d St. ltd w jr. 743. HKXRT OK sl NNYSIUE ;:,aM; aiiHto cash and per month and interest: 0 room and attic, on paved tret t . i x I ih) lot. 1 ruit l rees, shrubbc-ry ani ben us; 1 biocks from fcunnjsidc jonvsov-nonsoN ro.. V. V Hnk H'.dc Ma n S77. IK V I .NOT N ULNGALoU'. Khf rtoni strictly intnlrrn bunralow In North lrvmrton. The conxtruction of thii himie will bear the cloeji inseciion a nl ii)ut b n to be appreciated. IT ice l.iW; lrnis. ' K. R K EI .L -K 'RDXET. 4rt Chan of Com. ItMpr. l!wv. 417 Jr'oR sA LE. At t rart lv. ne w. 4 room bunralow : hardwmd fioora, fireplace. Outch kitchen rr.ikfa.n nook, and full basement: price I.Imki; open for inspection - to 4; aub tMnt lal pay mem down, balance easy t-inm 1-tW tmaha avenue. Owner, 271 13th -, cor. Jeff .Tftm. A LAJIEDA. Must sell new. mmiern. up-to-date, atorv ard baif bunnaiow; four bed rooms, sleeping Porch, so r room. Csro irnaee. Ruu.l water heater: bejt loca tion : ca-r terms. W. M I'mbdenstovk A- 1.1, ri' (r.-c.'n b'dc. Rdwv. !.-.( ISOINO TO !'.L'ILL? TV design and build residence or any vutldtnr. h -'( in financing aame: U ears con? i tis and complete bunding rrvtee. S E KIT Y A N'l I SATISKAC 1 KN ASSl UEtt. U R. I. alley. contrct architect. N W Hank bldg. A LliK KTA HI XGALtlW t :t M Kl. Ti w-rih)m bunca low with full bae ITient. lutch Kuclivti. fireplace, etc. Near mr and chooi. Attractive home with cry air.a II down pa vment. PAKKELL-KoHl 'NET. 3tt 4i Omni. .f '.!- Til.Iir Hdwy. 1172. S .. i;,o J J. M .THl,V. Modern A-riTi bunsalow. 1 bVck from car, carace. Lutch kitchen, built in. K t.r:v.s. HARRY RECK WITH, to 3S ST.-.t MIS. ALAMEUA HOME. A real acr.f . of IS -story, 7 -room home with garage; In most exclusive wvtion. reir car; large rooms, ivory f :r. ;h. sun and break !sst rooms; 2 f ire- . vc cas Tqrrace- Ca'.I Tab.-r 407. " f KV I Nil ro.S I I'lA'XiAL Hi M E. Non-r.:ent owner offers fine 2-tory -room house with garage, on East 24 c h. &ear Knott. bUiit for home; large rooms and caa f :r throuchout: tvory wood- "k. J f'-r'af. C;i Tahfr 407. XRVINOToX Hi Seven i ooii.s a nd ! M K. ping porch on Kt Hroadway on overai-e lot A snap SI I .VMM! V-M-.S i' KARKt I.L-FOR ON E Y. 5t 40 Cham of Coin. Hi !g Hdwy 4172. J,.V CKELHLKSr li L" .NO A l.c W SNA P. Ctasay. near.y new 1 v. story strictly IT! oder n -rtn. home with sleeping p.irch and garage. In best section, near park. 11H). nj inrum brances : easy terms A r-! ha-ca n. TNr 'T. 1 iovkj 7 Koo XI S Hew much can yju pay down on good, we.t-bui.t 7-roru home ? 1 bedroom lown. 3 ups:a:r: i iarge fruit tree grapevines. 4 biocks to car. Owner. T ood awn rM. h'OH ALE It"a n.ful Hutch Colonial lorn m Insure -i.ursi, near i'ark. must bw seen to b a rtree!ated : a snap at IM-'. E. Askeny st. Tabor ovki. N , a e rs : s RSM CITY PA UK. To not mls this nearly new 5 -room fcunga!ow; d. u:- eonairur ted, all buiJi jr.s. s4w S 7m c.i sh. A u to. 311-13. iToo t CASH. H w thorre 4-r-r. shack w:th garage, a Marcuer Te. 1 bv fc from Haaihornc K X'M.IVII.I K. ltd ay ;4Ti XK VI N;TvN M.-nVcv, tL",i'o, S rooms, fj bssemtnt, furnace. bath, extra Loai"- on i;d floor, limxltki ground l'a: 4!t fA'.'V. ir.odcrn ;. tie bungj..-, ga. f ur-pac-'. bardood f!o.ra. full bement. hr J-u f seed street: owner's home -Vo. IioO down. MW Clew d ave Vil-l. t-.u: d r.o flr-aace a I.wr hOic. for svi-poiaiaicnt phone WtUn. uML, REAL ESTATE. For ?ale -House. "See FRANK L. McCl'IRE To Huy Your Home. 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sale. LAKGE.ST HOME-SELLER IN AMERICA. -PERSONAL APPRAISAL. I'HHSUNAL INSPECTION. Are features of the .McGL'IRE SYS TEM OF SERVICE to Home Seekers. No property is offered for your considera tion, unless it is worth the money asked. A HOME TO SATISFY VOIR EVERY REQUIREMENT. If necessary, we'll Ulp You laake your down payment. 8ERVTPR MEN! YOUR HOME 13 WAITING FOR YOU! Why not select It NOW! APPLY Your Loan, Abater. 60 Courteous Salesmen With Autos. Open Evenings Until 9. LOVELY COLONIAL. . U00 JUST ONE P.LOCK TO TH8 PARE. Is this distinctive LAU RELHURST OtTTCH COLONIAL. replete with beautiful features a nd exquisite detail throughout; tile fie place : sun parlor; recess floor. bih. breakfast room. etc. irarage. E. Ankeny street. HOME OF ULTIMATE REFINEMENT! BEATTI Ft'L ROSE CITY! $47iO THIS IS A REAL HOME, clever U-room send -bungalow with un usually artistic huea, splendidly c o n st ru c t r d AND MADE FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OK BE ING LIVED IN. Living and din ing rooms across the front with cheery fireplace and bookcases, den. built-in labor saving devices, 3 light, airy bedrooms and -bath upper floor; 2 garages (one used as children's playhouse) ; Tiila mook tot. LAPP'S ADDITION. G750 HEART OF THIS EXCLUSIVE CLOSE-IN RESIDENTIAL DIS TRICT, a Home of infinite HOS PITALITY and charm; rooms; large living room with fireplace; also very commodious dining rrrt. J with massive outlet, etc un.rsc Larch St. ItBAL HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. laU'J CHEERFUL LITTLE 5-room very modern bungalow with built-in. Including bookcases, buffet, full white enamel Dutch kitchen; fire place, sunny breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms and white porcelain bath; furnace; garage; paved liens paid. E. Car ut hers. WALK OVER TOWN! WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL! 41P0 A WO.WERFUL BARGAIN In a close-in home, convenient to high school. Benson poly technic, and several grade schools; ft rooms very substantial and practical bui It-Ins. furnace. 3 bedroon and hMth- tunestrv wall paper. GOOD HUY IN AN EXCELLENT LOCATION: garage, t. Ztn tot- BIO ALBERTA SPECIAL! 131 50 IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR NICE LITTLE HOME in Alberta, now's your chance. 5 rooms, very neat and practical: every niodwrn convenience; uui hub. v. KTKL'UTED; all kinds of built ins; garago with cement drive way. E, 17lh St. MONTAVILLA BARGAIN. J.VH) DOWN! J"tM DOWN. 3-.n l.MHi down: K1GHT-ROOM. pret ty home, newly renovated, both out aide and in: old ivory and tremrv finish: bedrooms down. 3 up; garage; $MH down. Terms like rent. imb &t. 1 a OO DOWN! BROOKLYN. 11700 J300 down! DON' T WAIT FOR - THIS! It's a snappy little Duy Five-room substantial bungalO' pntiirt! all modern conveniences, w hite enamel plumbing, elec. ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN AND PAID. Half block from car. very close to school. NEAT LITTLE fa.. MT. SCOTT KURNISHSD i oriit KTHVKllKK' KASY TERMS 4 -room kOZY KOTTAGE. tiOth St, SEE FRANK L. McGl'IRE, To Buy Your Home. Realtor. Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. IRVINGTON. $17.oOO. Real homo on f block, near Ifith and Braxee: largo rooms, hardwood floors throuhout; liv ing room, dining room, library, breakfast room and kitchen on first floor; second floor has 3 large bedrooms and 2 large glues-inclosed sleeping rooms with hard wood floors and heated ; - bath rooms. 2 fireplaces and best hot water heating plant; beautiful grounds with natural trees and double garage. McDONELL. East 419. 50O K. 14th St. N. OWNER GOING TO SPOKANE. PRICE ONLY $:;J00 HALF CASH. will buv this neat 0-rooin bunga low if you know values, as the price is far tinder lli market. It Is located on Wasco street near -Hth on the very edge of Irvlnrton. This place Is modern. built about 7 years, has 5 well-arranged rooms, large replace anci run onsen-tent. P'.sum linn 'i Mk if it has hardwood firs. throughout or furnace. It has not. but it has two lots. 5uxS0 each, with most s-lect and choice fruit trees of every kind Including walnuts. Furniture may be bovlkht if wanted. t i liM'iRTHY. Exclusive Agt Ahtnrtnn Bdg. Bdwy. T. WE ARE NOT ASHAMED to offer you this bungalow at $.1A.M1. Has 5 rooms and bath, breakfast nook: paved street and sewer In and paid. K50 E. Frank lin st., near K. 2Sth St., 1 block to car. Look It over and call Air. Hurd, with J. L HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Corumerco Bldg. Broadway 6034. Evenings call Sell wood 2853. Tijui'i.' i - in tu i-: iilAi KS. $;..4Hi Kfl Broadway, close in : good house in excellent condition. furnace, cement basement; a good dis trict ; Iht is a bargain. itr.o- K!t First, near Claekama; rand 7 -room house. furnace. cement basement. This is in walking distance ami a good buy at the price. 1 4 Fine Rose City Park bungalow: 5 rooms and very nicely finished throughout; full lot. good district; term- A. II. RIRR ELL-GILL CO.. 2TH.N. W. Bank Bid? Mar. 4114. NEW ENGLAND COLONIAL. " Moderate priced, cottage type '34x32) with dormers and red roof: a new tpye to Portland and very, very appealing; compact, convenient, economic, complete to every detail; unique in many ways: garsge M lxi: ; splendid location, sm E. -4ih N. 3K ft. to Broadway car line at Regents drive. Open from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. Call evenings. Auto. 51.V7&. -For More and Better Homes. D. M. DKA K E. Con5:rucTir-lwn'r. $3n0U ,V R oM U.UX'i ALOW. PAVEI STREET. Attractive, nest, five-room bungalow; fireplace. buQt-ins and concrete base ment; just a eosv Rose City Park bunga low that you can afford to buy; located 1 S blocks north of Sandy b'.vd. on paved st. and sewer; ful lot. $1000 down. CITY HOMES PEPT. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. Realtors. 2tl-2-3-.-7 Board of Trade Bldg. EX-SoLDlEKS. $4?fkVAppiy our bonus on this new, artistic .1-rooni buncaiuw. Large living room fireplace. Frctich doors to lining room", hdw. floors, 2 nice bedrooms. Dutch kitchen. garage. Corner lot. paved street Close in. R SPMKRV1LI.K. Bdwy. 247. WEST SIDE. -ROOM HOI'S E 200. Three rooms on the ground floor and S upstairs; plum, cherry and pear trees; also some grapes; foOO casa and $30 per mom h DUPRET INVESTMENT CO.. S0f-10 PANAMA PL DG HDWY 6iM2. l.Ai KfclUlL"Kl Just completed. tf-room bungalow, every modern convenience; a house that ou will be proud to call your own: now ooen f p your inspection : price $o,v0. Waaco at.. I block north 33d. Sandy; owner "i property, MODERN BL'NGAIA)W. 5 rooms, new; fireplace, hajrlwood j Il ,Hrs, i i c iv 4 -- 4 h'uiii. wc-ii. iuu cciiit'ni baeii-ent. all buill-lns. near car line; hoO down, balance easy terms. E a.- 1 y -Robinson- pooner Co., 712 Couch bidg. Bdwy tf7vV ONLY $-0 PER MONTH. In.jding interest. S17tH; $.".00 will handle; 4-room bungalow, bath, lawn, ruafs, etc. Seilwood car line. JOHNSON -IH DSON CO . . ft::t N. W. Hank B'dg Main "77. $ lb5o l-KUU M houj-e. a .1 lumihki, paved. sew er, light, ga. cellar; bargain; located at 326 Kaillng jt. CaU 3L' Kaillng or phone C. WHi Garlner. E.wt 3W2 N E W wpanment buuga.ow. hardwood floors. French windows, fireplace, full lot. paved streets, ail paid. $4OU0. Wood la n 79 Ow ner. MODERN HUNGALOW. $40iMl. Completely furnished, hardwood floors, fireplace. sleeping po-ch. lra a etc R. J M.-Guire. 545 North Union a v e. t-ROM. buns alow, batn. toliet. clothes , cloaet. furnished or unfurnished: re- uaabie. By owner. Woutlawn oOJsX I REAL ESTATE. For ShIc iIouie. IRVINGTON HOMES. IF LOOKING FOR AN IRVINGTON HOME FROM $5000 TO $23,000, WE HAVE WHAT TOU WANT. MOST EX CLUSIVE LISTINGS. PLEASURE TO SHOW YOU OUR HOMES. TELEPHONE INFORMATION AT ANY TIME.. McDONELL. East 419. THIS HOUSE WILL SELL QUICK. $-JjB cash and terms buys a four room house In the Roselawn district, two blocks from the car, hard surfaced street. Modern In every respect: heating siove, range. bookcae. 3 tables, dining room set. ico box., uresser. oea stead and snrinca. sewing machine rockinr chairs. 2 rujts and some di&h go with the place. Lots of fruit on property. A real foreclosure price. Only l-'lOO for everything. Call Mr. Young OTTO Ac HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. S3O0 DOW N. WALKING DISTANCE. 5 -room cottage in rood repair, recep -tion hail, living, dining room, kitchen, pantry. 2 large bedrooms and good bath located over .Broadway orioge wiin easy walking distance to heart of cit and 1 V. blocks to four car lines: pa J3ui down, balance like rent. Let us show you. CITY HOMES PEPT. RITTER. LOWE &. CO.. Realtors. 'Jot -2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Blrig. OVERLOOK ADDITION 34600. By Owner An a tractive 5 -room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, bullt-i ns fire place, furnace, full ceorent basement- Lot 50x100. sswsr. waiks, gas and paid for; no assess ments to assume. Price, $4800. reasonable terms. ' Owner. Overlook Land Co. Tel. Main 216. AN ABSOLUTE BARGAIN. MODERN ALAMEDA PARK HOME. tir! HKIU'CKD TO Stil'oO. $luvo cash and almost your own terms on balance; 8 rooms, 4 bedroom and sleeping porch, all bullt-ins. hardwood floors. French doors, fireplace, splendid ba.sement and good furnace. 50xlM lot and garage. See this home: it s a money saver at the price Quoted. E. M. BROWN. 1122 N. W. Bank Bid g. Main 2422. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. AT T. KIXDS FRUIT AND BERRIES. a n ahAlntA furrlfire on this 6-room bungalow, ground 150x100 ft.; first-class poultry no use a. Drooaer noma, vc. nuu Is modern and in iirsi-ciaae iruimmuu A Kiu- tn Mniint Tabor car. If you wan lots of room and a fine garden, this will interest you. Let ua show you. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. e34.'RKI.Hi: ItST. A re vou looking for a new home? I so come out to 1257 GHsan st. today Sa-turdav or Sunday. 12 to 5 P. M-, I KA nan Moet the OffTlPr If suits you: get a bargain. Hardwood fio tiie bath, in fact everything tha go w'tih a modern homo of 6 rooms. Large room on second floor unfinished- Tabor 74'M: ALBERTA DISTRICT. r.iKliN. CORNER. $4000. 5 rooms downstairs, and two up: on ISth st. near Alberta; garage, and hard surface street: itiOO cash, and liberal terms on balance. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. r.iW-lit Panama Bldg. Bdwy. fi!4 powi,' .mtv lie ng A I.O W : new. oui.t fo a" home. Liv. rm. 12x20, with fireplace and disappearing bed; large bed mom, with Aiout nretiv dinlnsr room ana tractive Dutch kitchen. Overlooks soeedwav and golf links. Wonderful view. Price only $4200: good terms. uil Pit HARRIS CO.. Sin Cham of Commerce. Bdwy. RfiM. S-ROOM modern bungalow, all late built- in 5. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, cement basement, garage, $500 cash, balance terms. ALAMETVA. Coxy 4 -room home. Will take good nr chevrniet a.q first payment Price $2300. W. W. Sabin, realtor, 1032 Union ave. Wdln. oS'.i. vviNT iim.: ii ROOMS. $250 CASH. Good 8-room plastered hoase, good huh fiirnMee 3 bedrooms, in good con dilion; on Kelly st., near Porter; price a snap. $250o. $250 cash and $25 per mo., tt Der cfnt. home atone would cost $3000 or more to build. J. W. GRUSSI. 31 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 7452. ROSE CITV. S Tt 1 iMfe CORNER. Dandv 4 -room modern bungalow, just like new; French doors between den and living room: outcn Kitcnen; aiso garage nrice S35O0. $700 cash and terms on balance. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. SOp-10 PANAMA HLIMi. BDWY. ofM2. rt.i;no1 HUNGALOW SNAP. This Is a beautiful home with all the latest bui!t-lns ; lull basemen i; oeamea ceiling, pane4ed doors, fireplace, up-to-ri-Ate finished Lot 100x100: all improve- merit in ; near Jefferson high school. Price $5750. Terms. Bdwy. b252. bis SIS'- Cham, of Com. bldjr WEST MT. TA BOH 0-room double con- strucud. eolidiy and artistically ouni, a home that can be enjoyed with the mini mum of expense, modern throughout, plentv closet and storage room, at cor ner of E. 4!tth and Salmon; terms. Price right. Call at owners. 1S5 E. 4th, cor ner Taylor. Opened Sunday afternoon ROSE CITY. PRICE ONLY $4750. TloTtdv ft -room bunealow. 50x100 lot fireplace, furnace and all built-in: also garage; accept good lot in good district for part. DUDREY INVBPTHENT CO., SOO-IO PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. !M2. IRVINGTON BEAUTY, x 10.000. worth $15,000. 8 large roomf, 2 fireplaces: corner lot. double garage, strictly modern every respect; srhall cash payment nr. mm balance easy. This must be seen to be appreciated. Broadway 4288 or East 47 for appointment. T.a I'Rh'l.HITRST COLONIAL HOME. Consisting of 7 lnrge airy rooms, fin ished with everything you could wish for to make a real home; beautiful loca tion with fine view; open for your in spection a fu moons from 2 till 5 at 101ft K. Couch st. . m T. P. W1NSH1P. builder. Aut. 312-24, MULTNOMAH. $2fi54 ONLY $400 DOWN. One-quarter acre and 4-room modern house; only 2 blocks to station. We also have other good buys, same district. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., niio, Panama Bldg. Broadway fg42. T-ROO.M HOUSE SNAP. Modern in every way; on corner f Eugene street; walking distance; full basement, furnace heat, laundry trays, fireplace. This Is a fine home for $4200. Terms. Bdwy. 6252. 818-bl8i Cham, of Com. bldg. ROSE CITY. 30x100 CORNER $4200. R-room strictly modern bungalow on corner; also good garage; $1000 cash down and $40 per month. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 500.10 PANAMA BLDG. BDW Y. B042. ALAMEDA PARK DISTRICT. New 4-room bungalow. 2 large bed rooms. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, plenty of windows. Price $;!0. Small Prt vment down will handle. Houe open 2 to 5. 157 E. U4th N.. or call Pilklng- ton. Bdwy. .4-..t. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. 4-room bungalow. fireplace, full plumbinj?. gas and electricity, basement. $0tM, terms. JOHXSON-PODSON CO.. N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 377. HAWTHORN E district. 4-room modern bungalow, 2 bedrooms, iirep.ace. cement basement, fine corner. 92xllH; liens fully 'paid; $3200; $500 cash. Owner. East H22S. WEST SIDE RESIDENCE. Mill st., near 14th: 7 rooms, furnace, $ fireplaces, large sleeping porch; $t250. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR. 21.1 Stark St. Bdwy. 731. SM ALL, neat home, very desirable neigh borhood, beautirui location overlooking river, close- to Seilwood park; improve ments in and paid: lot 50x100. 494 Rex h venue S Hwood car. BY OWNER New b-room house with one acre or grouna, xruit ana snruDbery; would consider trade for smaller house close in. 7125 Powell Valley road. Auto. 640-7G. OK S"ALE Beautiful Dutch Cownial home in Laurelhurst near prk; must be seen to be appreciated. A snap at IHOOO. lH E. Ankeny st. Tabor 303. (No ncnt.O b-ROOM house, can be made into flats at small expense, close in. east side: almost half value, and half cash; buyers only. Cal! Bust 93tV OWNER must sell modern bungalow, beautiful corner lot. near car. 1454 Ala meda, cor. 54th. IR l.NGTON iot. SlixlWl, E. Uth. bet. Thompson and Braace. J150O. Bdwy 742V. Bdwy. 4794 eve. 601 McKay bldg PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY Houses. lots and tracts. All locations' ana prices. nuv-'txr., Jiam 44 $5uhi $sim CASH. 5-room up-to-date bungalow. E. 4S:h t.. Hawthorne. Scott & perry. 103S Belmont. 5 ROO Mi close in : bor 33 , 6 lots. barn, garage, fruit fine chicken ranch. $2500. Ta . SMALL cottage on lot 5xl50; fruit trees chicken house. $650. 5M 1 88th st. S. e! MODERN buneaiow on M. X. car ilne. bJUi st. $4ovo, lex iiia. REAL ESTATE. For Saie House. WB ARE in position to build houses in Rose City Park or any restricted dis trict lor ex-service men who are en titled to the bonus loan on very smail payment, and in some cases without any payment down providing the month ly payment is large enough. We have unlimited amount of money to finance building operations. It will be to your interest to drop in and talk it over with HUler. $4750. ROSE CITY PARK. A new 5-room modern bungalow, beautiful hardwood floors. fireplace, cement basement, in fact is right up to the minute, terms $750 cash and $50 per month. An ideal buy for the man who can get the bonus loan. $5000. A new 5-room modern bungalow, with all the features you have been looking for. extra large living room, plate glass windows, hardwood floors, fireplace, French doors, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen with a complete breakfast nook : two light, cheery bedroom ad Immaculate bath, a 4arge attic, 'tut a block off Sandy boulevard. $5O0 will handle. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. Branch office 50th and Sandy. Tabor 845. ALAMEDA PARK. DUTCH COLONIAL MUST BE SOLD. The owner moving from Portland and must sell at once. Is willing to sell at great sacrifice to make immediate sale. Here, truly, is a wonderful home, built arrangement is ideal, the material and j worKmartsnip speaK for tne-mseives hardwood floors throughout, two fire' places. See this and make an offer. A. G. TKBPE CO.. West S4de office. 270 Stark. Bdfwy. 6093. Eawt Side Office. Tabor 9.6. ROSE CITY DISTRICT $4100 A new 5-room bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch Kitcnen. etc. Jxcentional v lance livin; room : old Ivory finish, taoestrv Daper paving and acwe-r paid. Below the hill. A. G. TKfcjr'K CO., West Side office. 270 Stark. Bdwy. 6093, East Side Office. Tabor 9586. WILL take lot and small amount of cash on this 5-room bungalow, which is In excellent condition, close to car: good basement; 50x1 0O loL Price $2900. What nave you r RALPH HARRIS CO., 816 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 5654. A DANDY 5-room modern bunsralow in the very best of condition; French doors oei ween aining ana living? rooms, nice fireplace, Dutch kitchen, furnace, beau tiful yard and shrubbery. Lots of roses. rice s4uo. can be handled with terms. Call Auto. 530-05. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. $3990 $1180 CASH. Attractive 6-room bungalow at 680 E. 61st L N. : furnace, fireplace, 3 nice bed rooms, close to Sandy, paved streets. $2350. Cash $5O0, balance like rent, for i acre, bearing fruit trees, grapes, berries, o-room nous, garage, chicken house 4 block from car. J. C. COR BIN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. WEST SIDE. . S. W. corner Front and Sherman, 100 xl064. with 2 houses, by owner. 634 4th st. IRVINGTON New S-room bungalow, fac; ins Thompson, corner 18. By owner. Auto. 237-51. MODERN 6-room English cottage. East 5th North. Tabor 044. Suburban Homes. PARKROSE BUNGALOW. Cosy home of 5 rooms and bath; has fireplace and kitchen, electrio lights and gas, on macadam street (Craig road). 8 blocks to car, grounds 100x150 feet. Price $4250; $1500 cash. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. TfllT CAN'T HEAT THIS BUY! Two acres near Powell, Valley road with fine bungalow. 6 rooms, modern in every detail, bath, toilet, cement base ment, fireplace, Dutch Kitchen, garage and innrn chicken house: an ideal iocs tion and 'close in. Priced for QUICK SALE AT $4300. GOOD TERMS. Can be bought on soldier's loan with small down payment. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with. FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. WHY PAY RENT? INVEST YOUR MONEY IN A NEW HOME! S rooms, bath and toilet, gas and city water, stationary tubs on back porch, close to car and school, at Capitol Hill; A ft MALL DOWN PAYMENT WILL GIVE YOU POSSESSION; ONLY $1500. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. OREGON CITY LINE. ONE ACRE. 5-ROOM HOUSE. Full basement with laundry trays, liv ing room with fireplace, all built-in fea tures, bath and toilet, gas, water and wired for electricity. Some berries; house one year old. Prico $4600. Want equity in cash or will trade for .good $3500 house. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 5OA-10 Panama Bide. Bdwy. 6942. OSWEGO BARGAIN. - PRICE ONLY $3000. About acre, with 5-room modern bungalow ; has all built-ins, bath and toilet, laundry trays, full basement, gas. water and electricity. Some bearing fruit, 2 large walnut trees and shrub bery, $1200 cash and mortgage for bal ance. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bids; Bdwy. 6942. $500 U-N'DEKPRICED. Good 6 -room home on beautiful acre at Clackamas, only 2 blocks from de pot, close to school; lots of fruit, chicken house to hold 200 chickens, good barn, acre in high state of cultivation; $2500, TERMS. Ask for F. C Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. LOOK! 5-ACRE HOME FOR $1300. 5-room house, 1 acre in cultivation. 2 wells, spring and creek, some oedar; garage, chicken house, graveled road to Bell Rose station: GOOD TERMS. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St.. BeC Wash, and Stark. MULTNOMAH. ONLY $500 DOWN. Dandy 5-room modern bungalow with all the city conveniences, on one-half acre of ground; 3 blocks to station. A real home. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942 ACRE AND BUNGALOW. 4 ONLY $1450. Three blocks to S. P. electric station electric lights; new 3-room plastered painted and tinted; small payment gives possession, oaiance iiae rent. uwner, 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. PRICE CUT IN HALF. E. 91st n.ear Glisan st.. 1 acre under cultivation, water, electricity, gas, city car service; just what you want for chickens and berries; $800 with easy terms W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. MULTNOMAH. $2650 ONLY i400 DOWN, acre and 4-room modern house; only 2 blocks to station; we aiso have other good buys, same district. DUIaREY INVESTMENT CO., 5O0-1O Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. $150 CASH. New 3-room bungalow, acre, pretty tract. 30 minutes out, near electrio sta tion; $1450. McFARLAND. Realtor. 208 Falling bldg. 1VE acrea, Rockwood road, 4-room house. $ 2300 ; terms. labor L'tuB. 1GHLY improved 3 acres, close down in Portland. Automatic 631-50. For Sale Business Property. HALF MILE EAST LENTS. OREGON. Furnished 8-room house, fully equipped for sanitarium; every city convenience; 3 fireplaces, 2 acres ground, also 4-room furnished house, garage, barn; ideal lo cation; paved road; $15,000; $3000 cash. WM. WILLING, 401 Panama B'dg. Bdwy. 7763- For Sale -Acreage. ROCKWOOD. I or more acres at station on Trout da: electric, ail cleared, close to Base Line road, $500 per acre, terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. COTTRELL. 15 acres adjoining station, 9 acres un der cultivation, beautiful view, ideal place for berries and poultry. Price only $2300, terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon b!dg. Bdwy. 1658. 20 ACRES. 20 miles from Portland Or., H mile of gravel road, good soil and fenced ; spring water; 3 acres cleared. Bargain. $1230. terms. G 439, Orego nian. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. FOR SALE 16o acres Columbia county, good farm land, some cleared, rest tim ber, 2 running streams. $1200, terms to suit. Call eve. Mar. 95. 3 ACRES, close in; 4-rm. U. ; fruit trees: all cleared; easy terms. Call at place, 76th st. and 70th ave. S. E. FOR SALE SEVEN ACREo. CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN, 6131 2D ST. 8. E. 610-45. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. EQUIPPED CHICKEN RANCH. Five acres, 4 miles from New berg, 1 mile to school; rocked road; all under cultivation; 2 acres bearing orchard r house, barn, large chicken houses; ca pacity 6oO chickens. Included wirh place cow, horse, 525 chick ens. 1000 chick brooder, 200-egg incubator, machinery and equip ment; prico $4000 for everything-, $1500 cash. Or consider unim proved acreage near Portland or small place close to Portland up to $2500. ALBERTA DISTRICT. 1 acres, on paved street; pav ing and walk's paid for; nearly all In berries and fruit; in Al condi tion; good 5-room plastered house with basement: $1500 cash, bal ance long time 6 per cent. Or will se41 -acre with buildings for $1000 cash, balance $25 per month, 6 per cent. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg;. 40 ACRES irrigated land, within 30 ft. of ditch, 4 mi. from good town in wasn. aeWssible to Seattle. SDokane and Port land. Lad will produce 4 crops alfalfa, also suitable for truck gardening, two weeks earlier than other sections. $75 per acre: $300 will handle, balance in 10 years, first payment in 2 years. Land In thia section sold for $150 per acre - 2 yrs. ago. Good roads, school bus. telephone; mi. from electric service. Pacific Finance Co., 320 Pittock blk. ACRE TRACT. ALL IN BERRIES. $200 DOWN, $20 PER MONTH. Ciose to carline, in Parkrose; richest of silt soil. This place will pay for itseir. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., ' Broadway 6034. ACREAGE. On Foster and Powell valley roads; from $3O0 up to $2000 per acre. Some of this is suitable for subordinate homes while some of it will make chicken ranches of high Quality; some of th acres are improved with homes and chicken houses; all kinds of fruits and berries. This acreage is priced right. on very good terms. See Northwest Investment Co., 735 Chamber of Commerce. BEAVERTON. Here Is a wonderfully fine tract, only few blocks from business center; one- nait block ana 4 acres adjoining. Level, rich soil. Make an idea) poultry plant. Offered at sacrifice, to close estate. 1 $3500, with very .easy terms. FRED C. PRATT, i 534 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Broadway 1853. 100 ' BEAUTIFUL ACRES, 15 MINUTES' DRIVE FROM MEIER & FRANK'S, NEAR CITY LIMITS. Covered with native trees. "Tinest soil, very low price for quick sale, or would sell half interest to responsible parties; that would help subdivide and sell in 5 acre tracts that would yield huge profits. Write owner at once. W 405. Qregonian. GILLIS STATION. $100 down gives you possession of 5 acres, rich loam soil, under cultivation, on rocked road, near station, store, school. 10 miles from city limits on Mt. Hood electric; price $1400. W. M. Umb denstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1 6.VJ. JENNINGS LODGE. ACREAGE. Choice acre or one-half acre, all cul tivated on hard surface. Bull Run water; gas and electric lights; best of soil; terms. EASLEY ROBINSON-SPOONER CO., Bdwy. 6785. 712 Couch Bldg. GRESHA M 2 choice cultivated acres. wich black soil, 2 shacks, on hard road, only 7J,4 miles from city; price this week $400 per acre, easy terms. W. M. Umb denstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. 1 TO 4 ACRES. CITY WATER AND GAS. Ideal berry and garden soil, close to car and paved highway; price $900 per acre: terms to suit you. Call Bdwy. 5317. 6 ACRES near Tobias station, 5-room house, barn, hen house, 1 aeres straw berries, creek running through, can make good living on this place; price for a few days $4000. half cash. BAR RAN DRE A LTTCOJ 49 Salmon st. MONTANA land, on oil anticline; $30 per acre; terms. AN 4'.i, Qregonian. Homesteads, Relinquishments. HOMESTEAD relinquishment; 640 acres good grazing land, two springs, cabin; half fenced; 13 miles to county seat; will take stock. C. H. Zevely. Moro. Or. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR RiN- CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. OVER 15 acres, on rocked road, 2 miles from electric station between Portland and Hills bo ro; dl acres under cultivation, no waste land, 4 acres pasture; spring and creek; bearing orchard; good 4-room - house, barn, chicken house. In . eluded with place team, cow, 50 chickens, complete line of farm machinery and feed. . Price $4500. Large cash payment, balance 4 years 6 per cent. Inspected by Hunter. ONLY $500 DOWN. 22 acres 23 miles from Port land, Vs miles from good town, with hig"h school; 12 acres under cultivation ; 10 acres can be farmed when cleared; good dark loam soil; creek on place; over 50O cords f rrst growth fir wood ; bearing orchard and berries; 4 room house, barn 26x40, chicken house; included with place, horse, cow, harrow, harness, plow, buggy, 12 chairs, steel range, heating stove, cooking utensils, etc. Price for everythnig $2100. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, Gerlinger Bidg. DAIRY farmers. Investigate this unusual opportunity to own a fine-paying irri gated dairy and alfalfa ranch, valued $16,000; located in famous Deschutes valley of central Oregon. Buying same on entirely new plan, very little cash re quired. Full particulars upon request. REDMOND LAND & LOAN CO., Inc., Redmond, Oregon. DIRT CHEAP for quick sale. 313-acre farm. In Douglas county; store, P. O., high? and grade school on place; spring water piped to house and store. Goods and fixtures, also farms for sale; 120 acres tillable; daily mall; on public highway; good auto road to town. Ad dress box 28. Camas Valley. Or. " LARGE 3-room house furnished complete ly, aluminum cooking utensils. 45 thor oughbred R. I. Red chickens, good cow, 4 cords wood: ideal place for chickens; shade and running water: 4 acres land; rent reasonable, near Oregon City; all for $425 cash ; must sell quickly. AF 443. Qregonian. 8o ACRES, mostly bottom land, some cul tivated ; about 2000 cords wood ; 17 miles from Portland on good road; old building, spring; $80 per acre. .Good terms. Consider car. some cash, first payment. C. W. Millership, 1656 4th st. Main 5275. W'lLL sacrifice 200 acres near Drain, Ore gon, on main line S. P. highway through .place; near school and sawmill; over hundred acres cultivated; creek through place, well fenced: fair buildings. Small payment down, balance long time. A 407, Qregonian. OWING to recent personal injury owner offers his unincumbered 70-acre Gresham Heights farm with improvements, 2 houses, 2 barns and outbuildings, for low price of $10,500. Will consider other un incumbered property up to 50 per cent. R. F. Walters. Gresham. Oregon. 40 ACRES in Columbia county, close to highway, well watered; about 12 acres cleared, balance pasture, abundance of wood; fair house, small orchard. $2000. one-half cash, bal. terms to suit. Owner. East 8308. FOR SALE An l&.afta, s acres; will cut 20 tons hay; 2 cabins, best set-net fish ing grounds on Tillamook bay; a good' Independent living for a fisherman. Price $2500. $500 cash, balance terms. Write Box 443. Tillamook. Oregon. BY OWNER 10 acres, 14 miles from Port land: .-room nouse. Darn, orchard ; 6 acres cleared, mile from pavement, on gra el road ; fine soil. $4200, terms. Main 5814. SALE or rent, 50 acres, Barr and Rock wood roads. 5 miles city limits; no gravel ; plenty water ; good buildings: 2 acres in orchard ; terms. M. Multhauf, 1978 East Taylor st. WANT dairyman who has JSOOO to $10,000 to put into good proposition, with retail market for milk. Ask for owner, "201 Oregon mag. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $50 to $500 per acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarlsnd. realtor. 208 Failing bldg. 80-A. RANCH. 63 grain. 3 A. fruit trees, good barn, fence. Mrs, Bishop. Junction City. Or.. R. 1. IRRIGATED ranch, Yakima valley, $110 acre, part trade. Bargain. F 415. Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. For Saie Farms. 55 ACRES d airy, u-uck ant! berry farm, located just outside city limits of Sea side. Just off highway. All rich alder bottom land fronting on fresh -water lake. All in high state of cultivation, . except about 20 acres of grass and small stump land; 10 acres of loganberries, 1 acres of strawberries, acre raspber ries, ail bearing under expert care; 10 acres ready to plant to truck. This will pay good returns on investment this year. Wonderful market for all you can grow. Price $20,000 ; cash. Write Box 412. Seaside, Oregon. FARM BUYERS. READ. 129 acres. 100 acres cultivated, balance fine pasture, large dairy barn, 2 silos, good 7-rm. house, water system, other outbuildings, on rock road. 15 miles Portland, in Wash. Co.. choice Tualatin river bottom land. Price only $125 per acre. uerms. x also have v ash. jo. farms, all sizes and prices. R. HOARD. 501 Stock Exchange Bldg. 117 3-5 ACRES, 2Vi ml. N. E. Lebanon. mi. R. R- sta., adjoining mkt. road, fenced wo-ven-wire, 3 a. cle,ar, timber, good spring, drilled well, house, barn, outbuildings. Price $3500, terms. E. W. Esch, route 3, Lebanon, Or. , WANTED REAL K STATE. WANTED AT ONCE. We have clients for the following homes on the following terms that want to locate at once. If you have one for sale that fits the requirements of any of the following, please get in touch with us immediately. $5000. ALL CASH. Client wants 6-room modern resi dence with large rooms; will consider 2-story, if a bargain. Rose City, Irv ington or any good district. $2500 DOWN. Client wants modern 5-roora bungalow with attic or sleeping porch, any good district not to exceed $6000. $2000 DOWN. Client wants modern, nifty 5-room buftgalow ie Laurelhurst or Irvington, not to exceed $7500. WB MEAN BUSINESS. Call Bdwy. 7567, ask for city homes department. RITTBR. LOWE & CO., Realtors. 20j-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Houses wanted that a small payment will handle. Any district. Apply in person Small places preferred. G. C. ULRICH & CO.. 405 Stock, Exchange Bldg. WE HAVE a buyer for to 1 acre, close to car-line, with cltv conveniences; must hat'A fj-nl- a n H horrlpfl nan imorOVe th house if not too bad; must be very close to jfortiand u not in tne city. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. wnrsKsi WANTED. We have clients for houses of all types. If your house Is priced right will show you quica action. Watch McKenna's list of house bar grains. They get results. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. Bdwy. 7522. SPOT CASH. WANT IRVINGTON HOME. IT vou have a REAL bargain in me dium size Irvington home, phone or write u immediately. Kuyer waiting. Quick deal and all cash it gooa. niinREV INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942 WANT a home; will give a good 12500 contract as payment; won't assume. S04 Commercial. WANTED 5 or 6-room modern, house, about $2500 or $3000 at SoOO aown, a month: not more than 20 minutes street car ride from, town ; preferabl Waverly Heights or Hawthorne. John a. nay, ni; junior l-uj. vim. COLONTAL HOME WANTED. A cash customer who will pay $8500 for good colonial home in Irvington. See Air. Love. T VTKK STATE INVESTMENT CO.. Bdwy. 4751. REALTORS. 410 Henry bldg. T.IST vour nroDertv with US lor results best of service ana personal auenuou given each listing. WM. WILLING, 401 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 7763, WANT modern 1 to 5-acre homes close to carline and on good roaasu wave Duy ers NOW if price Is right. bee us a once. McCORMIC CO., "207 Failing bldg, Broadway 7420. WANTED. a ?ond 4-flat buildinff rierht now. W. C. Becktell, 933 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 620O. MUST have at once. 1 or more lots in Rose City Park, Laurelhurst, irvmgton Hawthorne district. .T L. KARXOPP & CO.. Bdwy. 0755. 319 Railway Ex. Bldg. HAVE SEVERAL CIENTS and constant calls for lots in Rose City and Irvington. We can sell any well-located lot if price is right. Frank C itoDinson, ouo oeiung jiidg. aiain z WE HAVE BUYERS AT ALL TIMES IF YOUR PRICE IS RIGHT. PORTLAND HOME CO., 633 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Broadway 2571. pnrw cit.rnnm home, preferably in Hawthorne or Rose City district, $4000 to $4300; can pay sunstanuai aown pay ment: no agents. mum oo. RESIDENCE Give either improved acre arra near Vancouver. Oresron City. Eu E-ene or vacant Portland lots. 141 E. 69th st. N. smalt, imnroved acrease tract wfth house and other buildings; convenient to car line: small payment down. K 420, Ore gonian. iv a vTinn A modern 5 or 6-room bunga' low, in a good district. Have $1000 to pay down. If it is a good buy wilt take it at once. Call Auto. ooP-Qa. IF YOU have a 4-flat, 2-story building anrt want to sell, call us at once. Have client, with $10,000 cash. If price is right. Bdwy. Soil. H a v V. customer witn x-uou casn wno urnta hpst 4 or 5-room bungalow that monev will buy. Ralph Harris Co., 816 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 56; WANTED Rose City lots; builder's terms. Opposite benson notei. 5 OR 6-ROOM bungalow, Waverleigh Heights or w estmoreiand. Large cash payment, uaoor wanted 1 or 2 acres, with 4 or 5-room modern house. Apply soldier's bonus or would rent. .Stewart, n,. oi. H AVE SEVERAL persons desiring to .-aHe all kinds of property. Frank C. Tinhinson. 503 Selling bldg. Main 2557. WANTED A good 50x100 lot, not over $700 or more than 3 blocks from car line. Tabor 3351. - WANT IRVINGTON HOME. The best that $6500 CASH will buy. Bdwv. 6528. Evenings, Tabor 436. EQUITIES WANTED. Have clear property and a little cash. SMITH-WAGONER CO. Stock Exch. LIST YOUR HOME FOR QUICK SALE with Frank C. Robinson, 503 Selling bldg. Main -ooi. THE BEST house in Laurelhurst that SSoOO will puy. An. uregonian. ROSE CITY or Westmoreland lot wanted for cash. C. R. Greison. Parkwood, Or. WANT modern west side house, $6000 to $S0UQ. Lee Davenport. Bdwy. o800. Wanted to iteni rarms. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small larms, close to -fort-land1 preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots ot sales tnis way. wiu ouy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. DAIRY RANCH ON SHARES. Want fully equipped; 20 to 30 head milking by man and wife ; both good milkers ana Al aairy people. As zo, Qregonian. SMALL farm on shares, where everything is furnished. AE 449, Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. 30-AC RE farm, five miles from city boundary, on paved road; on milk route; near school and store; about 20 acres In cultivation, balance stumpage pasture; S-room house, large barn with cow stanchions; implements, electricity, wa ter system; 100 bearing fruit trees. Owner, 405 East 40th st. N. Tabor 561. 13 ACRES, under cultivation, orchard; 7 room plastered house, 7 miles from courthouse? rent $225 per year. Phone Wdln. 4958 before 1 P, M. TIMBER. LANDS. TIMBER WANTED. Nicely located body of timber wanted in exchange for $100,000 worth of clear . Tacoma, Wash., real estate. May as sume. Might also consider farm land. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC., 4418-11 Couch Bldg- Bdwy. 67S7. WILL trade 80 act es timber, assessed $1060. for good used car. D. S. Ho user, Roseburg, Or. WANT ED L UMBE R LU M B E R. Spruce or hemlock box, Portland de- ii very. NU4 Lewis ping. FOR SALE 2920 acres Oregon timber, all or part. C. D. Jones, 123 East 4Sth st., Ch i cago. HI. PILING timber ws-zitd close in. Gamble, Couch r.c-g- ROUGH lumber and timbers for sale. Bdwy. 3669. 410 Lumbermens bldg. TO EXCHANGE-REAL ESTATE. AN OPPORTUNITY To get a good home and a paying" or chard. 2 hi miles from Hood River on a paved road at two-thirds its actual vaiue. 25 acres, 21 In cultivation: 1000 bear ing apple trees of best varieties; 000 pear trees, balance In alfalfa. Paid up water right for irrigation, running water iti iiouse. Good 5-room house, also small cabin for pickers. Large barn, new apple no use cost iooo. Team and all equip mer.t to operate property. This orchard belongs to a Portland business man and has had the verv best of care; is well located and in first-class condition. Price for all $9000. no in- vumorance. WANT residence to full value. MacINNES. EXCHANGE DEPT., RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trad,e bldg. Where Trades Are Made. SEE. US ABOUT YOUR TRADES. 3 acres improved. 14 miles from Ore gon City, macadam road ; price $3150; trade for home in Portland. 7-room house, fine condition, paved street, double garage, good .location; price $3000; will take your car as part payment. , 3-roora cottage, chicken house. 12x80 ft., lot 127x150; fine for chickens; price $2000; want to turn this property as first payment on nouse to uw. Good income nronertv. Price $7000, inenmp si m) o,r ver. want residence. We have dozens of fine listings. See us if you want to trade. Mr. Stephens with Fred w. German Co., iieaiiora, o Chamber of Commerce. 20 ACRES NEAR OREGON CITT. TTTGH STATF. OH CULTIVATION. Large orchard, berries of all kinds. S-room modern nouse. water system, vnnd hum. nil npppssarv outbuildings. sightly location, ideal poultry ranch. Price $7000; small payment down, long time on balance at 6 per cent interest; 2 miles from Oregon City. Will take house in Portland or Oregon City up tO 4UUO. A. C. HOWLAND, 620 Main St., Oregon City. Or. BEAUTIFUL IDAHO ALFALFA FARM and Income for Willamette valley farm. Fine farm of 243 acres near Council, Idaho. 85 acres alfalfa, some timothy and fruit. Good bldgs. and waterrignts also 2-story brick in town. Good income. Both properties at $o,000, cash value, clear. Will take a farm here, or city income. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC., 40S-11 Couch Bldg:. Bdwy. 67S7. NEAR NEWBERG. WANT PORTLAND PROPERTY. 11 acres with 9 acres in high state of cultivation; 60 walnut trees; fruit and all kinds of berries: o-room house, barn, garage, chicken house, etc. Gravel road. Price $8000. Want city property. No junk. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 694! ONE OF WESTERN OREGON'S BEST RANCHES. Over 1300 acres, hundreds of acres tillable; near good town, Benton Co Good bldgs. A fortune for a dairy or stock man. $50 an acre. Will take good city, vacant, or acreage for one half. Bal. terms. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO., INC., 408-11 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6787. CANADIAN FARM. 640 acres, good bldgs., creeks very rich soil, 160 acres in fall grain, 30O ready for spring wheat, 20 cattle, 16 horsea full line machinery, reea, seea, nay ana au tomobile. Cash oriee S35 per acre: ex change for farm here. C. Cole, 426 Lumbermens bldg. WILL accent hisrh-class vacant or indus trial property in Portland up to $40,000 in . exchange for one of the finest 600 acfe farms in Yamhill county. Price $125 aa acre; all tillable. , What have 0?UH. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC., 408-11 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6787. FLATS TO TRADE. Good flat building, close in. fine large modern flats, rented for $100 per month. Price $11,000. Will take house as part pay up to $7000, balance mortgage. LUE DDE MANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. WANT CITY PROPERTY. Have one acre, all improved; 4-room house with bath; lots of fruit and ber ries. Close to station. Price $2900. Ac cept city property. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6042. 15 ACRES located 4 miles from Hood River; 12 acres bearing apples and pears; creek through place; good mod ern six-room house, barn, apple house, two chicken houses ; graded school ad joining place. Owner, 563 E. Morrison st. Phone E. 4053. WANTS APARTMENT HOUSE. We have good Portland property (west side) paying 10 on price, $12,000 clear, to give as first payment on apartment house; will go to $35,000. LUE DDE MANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce bldg. iOO-ACRE irrigated bottom land In Idaho, stocked and equipped; $50,000; will take improved Willamette valley farm up to $30,000, balance long time on easy terms. PETERSON AND YORK. 437 Northwest Bank Bldg. SPOKANE, or eastern Washington pre- ierred, 3411 acres, mue ivnao. Lewis county, Wash. All best of soil, stock or dairy. Abundance of free range. Lots of stock. Improvements good; $40,000 for all. Lee Richardson, Knab. Wash. . WANT A WILLAMETTE FARM up to $30,000. Will pay cash and trade in mercantile stock and clear property. Must be a good farm. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC., 408-11 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 67S7. WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade for you; bring In your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit. Lots, houses, acreage, farms or stocks of merchandise. E. R. S.. 712 Couch bldg. 1921 JORDAN SEDAN AS PART PAY MENT ON MODERN 5 OK 6-KOOM BUNGALOW. CAR VALUED AT $.1000. HOUSE MUST BE IN GOOD DISTRICT AND PAVED STREETS. BALANCE SPOT CASH. BJ 449, QREGONIAN. 640 ACRES $12.50 PER ACRE. Section in Lake county; will sell all or half or trade for Portland property and assume. . J. R. HAIGHT, Realtor. 325-327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 204.' WANT suburban or city property for 240- acre stock rancn. witn uou acres open range, which includes stock; also 80-acre ranch clOBe oy, stocaea ana equippea. Total price $!ooo. Clear or incumbrances. 419 Lumberman's bldg., Winslow Co. FOR SALE or trade 80-acre irrigate. ranch fuliv eauippea witn etocic ana machinery, would consider acreage or city property. Aaaress o. w. Garrett, R. F. p. No. 2, Ontario. Or. TRADE your houses or land for a lime property at wenatcnee, wasn. iou can go to work at once. Price $10,000, clear. Call or address, 149 Russell St., Portland, Or. WILL sell or trade 80-acre ranch. 40 acres irrigated, worked and equipped, 27 acres attaita; gooa terms; tuw. wire is sick, must sell. Owner, Ernest Frank, Rainier Hotel. . FOR SALE OR TRADE 80 acres, irri gated, improved ; good son ; near oie trlch, Idaho; loan value, $55 an acre. Auto, or what, clear, for $3000 equity. Christian, 7746 Union ave.. Chicago. III. WANT GOOD LOTS OR LAND. Have small west side apartment stle, will accept good lots or land' in ex change. W. H. Rosa, 1100 Northwestern Bank bldg... ' ; MODERN 7-room house, in select resi dence section of Seattle, to exchange for good residence property in Portland; price S650O. Mr. Hunter, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bidg. $050 EQUITY in 3-room house, completely furnished, aoximjMot, street imp. m and paid, bal. due $1175, payable $3u per and int., for clear imp. cor. or acreage. AJ 407. Oregonian. TO TRADE 2000 cedar fence posts for car tJjorai, or norses or cattle, or what nave you? Also 50 tons of corn silage. A. Nagely, route 2, box 93, Ridgefleid, Wash. 10 ACRES line land, facing lower Colum bia highway; will trade for anything of value; prefer late model car. This land is worth $1500, but will sacrifice. 503 Artisans Bldg., opposite Benson hotel. TRADE car for lot; 5-passenger. medium weight, b-cy Under; good order and looks: about $600 value. Automatic 561-S6. room 221, evenings and Sunday. WANTED To trade my $700 equity in $1700 Federal truck. What have you? Marshall 1218. HAVE SEVERAL persons desiring to trade all kinds or property. Frank C. Robinson, 503 Selling bldg. Main 2557. ROOM house and old barn; price $1500; will take lot for part or all. Main 2596. NEW COLE 8 roadster, Bpecial built, trade for jot or eojiity. navvy, aosjij. EQUITY" in alfalfa ranch, near Redmond, for lots in good district. Tabor 8023. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. ONE OR THREE autos to trade lor what have you. I. E. Spencer Co., ol7 Cham, of Com. bldg. See Williams. WILL exchange cabin cruiser for late 248 model car. interstate Land Co., FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. JERSEY cow, fer; parties miiking;: make me an of leaving. Auto. 627-04. FOR SaLE 2 teams of fine horses and mares weighing 3000 lbs. 226 Russell st. YOUNG fresh cow, 6 gallons. 629-12. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. KEYSTONE FEED STABLE. Pair young Shire mares, well mated, weight 3300 lbs.; team brown Percheron mares, weight 3100 lbs.; span bay Bel gian horses. 6 years old. weight 32O0 lbs.; team young horses, weight 3600 Iba; black horse, weight. 1700 lbs.; team work horses. lO years old, weight 2900 lbs : good workers and in good shape; price $140: 20 head horses and mares. 4 to 8 years old, weight 1000 to 1800 lbs; har ness and wagons. 381 Water St., cor. Montgomery. 30 HEA D of horses, weighing from 1000 to 1700 lbs., some of the prices: Span of iron gray geldings, age 5 and 7 years, weight 2850; $250. 7-year-old shire mare, free. of blem ishes, weight 1400, a little street sore: $60. Span of geldings, weight 2500: $150; also large stock of nqav and used har ness at a reduced price. G. K. Howett, 302 Front St.. corner of Columbia. , FARM HORSES. 15 head of young. sound. gentle horses and mares, 1100 to 1600 lbs., at vary reasonable prices, several well matched teams, 4 to 6 years old and real chunks. Will show you that these horses are as represented. Nice team mares, sound. 5 and 6 years. 2300 lbs., $140. Jake's feed barn. 5th and Columbia ts., Vancouver, Wash. BARGAINS. 1 YOUNG COW, FRESH, $50. 1 COW. FRESH. 8 4-GAL., $60l 1 COW. FRESH 1 MONTH. 3 GAL., $35. 2 COWS JUST FRESH; BIG MILKERS. 1967 K. STARK ST.. COR. 78th ST. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. Will sell all our horses, wagons and harness and buggies at a sacrifice; must clean up quickly, as our lease expires shortly. Call at No. 20 Grand ave. W. J. Sullivan. East 1314. REAL bargain. lOO-lb. mare. $35. .50i)-ib. gray horse, $45: also several otlu r cheap horses, harnesses and wagons. Corner East 8th and Main, 2 blocks north of Hawthorne ave. QUITTING business will dispose of two young teams, 2S00 and 2900 lbs., priced to sell. 67th-street Fuel Co., corner 43d ave. Mt. Scott car. FARM IMPLEMENTS New hand, special prices. P. JE. 860-306 E. Morrison st. and second Esbenshade, GOOD milk goat cheap, coming fresh in spring, giving IH pts milk now. 1704 E. 21st St.. cor. Harney. 5-YEAR-OLD blue roan Belgian mare, weight 1450; gentle, broken single and double. 180 E. Sth st. FRESH. 18-quart young Jersey-Guernsey, rich and easy milker. 780 Insley ave., Seilwood car. SPAN of good, sound and true work horses, price $90. 542 Commercial court, be tween Commercial and Kerby- at Russell. GUERNSEY cow, just fresh, 5-gallon, tub. tested; also good family cow, with calC 2 weeks old, $53. 240 East 8th. MULES, team 5 and 6 years old. 2500-1 b. East 8th. 275 FOR A PAIR of 6-year-old horses, weighing 2500 lbs. See them work. Call Tabor 902 for address. CHEVROLET delivery and farm imple ments for sheep. John Cheldelin. Gresham. Or. VETERINARIAN". DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Call day or night. Automatic 627-64. fiitnow. Organs and Musical Inut rumfnls. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. VICTROLA VI, almost new $ 29 VICTROLA X, malm, case and rec ords 10 COLUMBIA, oak case So COLUMBIA, latest model, almost new, take 300 BRUNSWICK with records, oak case 120 BRUNSWICK, large man. size, with records 240 ALL GUARANTEED. EASY TERMS. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 325 4th St., Bet. Wash, and Alder Sta. PIANO SNAPS. MANSFIELD, walnut case, sell $150 CHICKER1NG & SON, Old, style, snap 150 HI NZ EM AN, small size. See it.... 125 PRICE & TEEPLE. oak case 250 - KIMBALL PLAYER, new 525 STORY & CLARK, fine piano. See it 300 CAMBRIDGE, man. case, a snap... 285 And others. Easy terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St., Bet. Wash, and Alder StS. SECURITY STORAGE CO., CLOSING OUT $4(o Irving Piano Co., uprlgat man, $450 Smith upright ebony..'. $195 $425 Hallet & Davis upright rose wood $165 $70 pianos and a player piano oak $295 3 parlor organs, $18, $25 and $35 casn. Pianos moved. 75c per month; bought and sold for cash only. 103 10th at cor. Stark and Wasn. sts. $ 35 GRAFONOLA, 10 used records $ 25 $.95 Stradlvara and 10 used records. 45 140 Fathe. cabinet, 20 used records. 68 175 Sonora, cabinet, 20 used records. 145 .140 Brunswick, 2 used records 95 175 Columbia, cab., 20 used records. 115 $5 sends one home, then $3, $5 and up monthly. Schwan Piano Co.t lOl Tenth st., at Washington st. STEP in and look over our used pliono- grapns. Two cabinet man. Brunswicks at $75 and $100; Columbia cabinet wal nut, $S5, and many others from $8 and up, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth street. SPECIAL SALE OF PIANOS. Wheelock Co. upright piano $244 Martin Bros, upright piano 225 Wellington upright piano 195 Delmar renewed piano $265 Pianola player plays 88 note $ 63 LIP MAN. WOLFE & CO. 7th Floor. STUDENT'S VIOLIN OUTFIT. includes violin, bow, case, rosin and extra strings. These instruments are all picked and tested by the expert in our violin de partment. $18. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth street. BUY. SELL OR TRADE RECORDS AND PHONOGRAPHS. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. - 128 FIRST ST.. BET. ALDER AND WASH. BDWY. 7161. AUT. 627-40. 025-82. PIANOLA, player piano, extra value, 88- note, witn extra rolls, x-iio. Don t over look this; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth street. MARTIN "C" melody saxophone, sliver, with gold bell, complete with case, $161.75, terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Uxth street. KIMBALL piano, $393, a snap at this special price; terms given. Seiberling Lucas Music Co., 125 4th St., near Wash Ington st. WE WILL trade you a new VIctrola or Cheney phonograph for your old piano. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 Sixth street. WEBER pianola piano for rent, musio and bench included, $7.50 per month, ' HAROLD S. GILBERT, 107 WEST PARK (NEW LOCATION.) PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING, GUARANTEED WORK. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., Bdwy. 6576. 125 4th St.. near Washington. PIPE ORGAN TUNING AND REPAIR ING, expert workmanship; estimates given. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 123 4th st., ntar Washington st. GOOD PIANOS at prices and terms you can afford. . Reed-French Piano Co., '12th and Wash ington. ' EVERETT piano, man. case, all retinished, fine tone, $205. terms. , G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 349 Sixth street. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING, ANY MAKE, guaranteed work, prompt service. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 123 4 th St., near Washington. $165. Secures $450 Hallet & Davis upright. Security Storage Co., 103 10th. cor. Stark. $375 R. S. HOWARD piano, just new, $235. $50, $15 a month. 312 Worces . tcr bldg. $800 FARRAND player piano, 60 rolls and bench, perfect, latest style. Some snap, $375. easy terms. 312 Worcester Bldg. $185 BUYS $800 Sohmer upright piano. aown, j..ou a montn. aiz worceuter bldg FEW used player rolls, two for 25c HAROLD S. GILBERT, 107 WEST PARK. CONCERT GRAND PIANO FOR RENT; WUNLJCKr UIj n .AftULU S. GIL- BERT. 107 WEST PARK. WANTED Player piano, spot cash. b r 1348 gain; consider equity. Call Bdwy. before 5 P. M. KINGSBURY PIANO, some bargain. See it. setberiing-j-.ucas music tjo., 125 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder sts. PIANOS .moved, 3, urouna floor; work done by experts ana guaranteed. Call Broadway izm SCHILLING &. SON, $275, almost new, terms given. eiDernng-i.,ucafl Music Co.. 1-5 4th st.. near Washington st. CROWN PIANO, orchestral grand, only $28o, terms. BeiDerung-jjucas music Co., 3 25 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder st. WILL trade your old piano for phonograph at 4uu union ave. PIANO wanted, cash proposition for good upright piano. Marshall 1532. PIANO wanted, pay cash for bargain. Broadway 6576. WANTED Used piano for ail cash. East 8SS2. WANTED Sweet-toned Bdwy. 1548, week days. Piano, cash. FOR RENT Beautiful mahogany player piano with music. $7.50 mo. Bdwy. 1 55. WILL pay cash for 'your piano; must b a bargain. Broadway 2910. WANTED A good used piano, cash. Auto 331 -1 1. Will pay 1 MAHOGANY upright piano, $4 per mo. Call Main 2-157.