2L THE MORNING OEEGOXIA, THURSDAT, FEBRUARY 9, 1922 Extra SPECIAL VALUES FOR MEN and BOYS A li P. Ilk Hc FOR MEN All-Wool Suits Saving You $10 to $25 In this fine lot of 200 all-wool suits for men and young men we offer: (1) All new suits. (2) From famous makers. (3) In all regular sizes. The sale is for Thursday, Friday and Saturday while the quantity lasts. It would be difficult to exag gerate the importance of this offering. fsmm Sale of Raincoats . No better time than now for securing: the indispensable rain coat. We offer the celebrated "Mandelberg" and U. S. "Kaynster" coats at big savings. T x. 1 Raynsters of double texture cloth with plaid LrfOL X backs. Belted. Neat mixtures.- 80 of these serviceable waterproof garments to close 95 T . .i. y Mandelberg double texture raincoats with plaid -LaJ L 4 and silk backs. Box models. Tan and green. These are waterproof garments of splendid utility. Just 60 of the regular $20 and $22.50 raincoats 4- T y-.4- 5 Mandelberg raincoats in "good looking tan and J-aJ L O gray tweed mixtures. Plaid backs. All around belted models, with raglan shoulders. These afford ample protection from rain andare dressy enough for other occa sions. Just 12 of the regular $30 raincoats 93 All-Wool Overcoats $18.75 Probably the last of these fine garments when the 100 in this sale are gone. Just the dependable service-giving sorts in demand at this season. A variety of good models for men and young men. Sizes 34 to 42. Mler & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mall Order Filled.) FOR BOYS Overcoat Sale Were $20 to $40 Were $12.50 to $18.50 We've made the prices so low in both cases that no boy should want for a good overcoat. At $14.95 100 overcoats that sell regularly at $20 to $40. The opportunity to buy such garments the very cream of our stocks at savings in many instan ces half and more should find ready response. Sizes 2'2 to At $8.95 100 overcoats that sell regularly at $12.50 to $18.50. Serviceable fab rics, handsome patterns, all popular colors. The smart belted models ap peal instantly to active boys. 15 in each lot. Meier & Frank's: Third Flotr. (Mall Orders Filled.) COME TO THE OPTICAL SHOP FOR BINOCULARS, FIELD AND MARINE GLASSES, OPERA GLASSES, EYE GLASSES IN ALL FRAMES MEZZANINE Fashion-Favored .Girdles Dame Fashion decrees girdles for one-piece dresses and suits. We have many new metallic girdles com bined with bright colors, also black, brown and iris steel beaded girdles and wooden bead girdles in vivid color combinations. Attractively priced at $1 to $10. Me-ier & Frank's: Main Floor. ESTABLISHED L aT the Quality Store of Portland TheS ale of Jar -" Half Price and Less -Is the Greatest We've Ever Known New, perfect, standard phonographs PATHE phonographs at half price and less. That is what one can buy at Meier & Frank's now and while present supply lasts. No wonder the wonderful response these last three days. Still a fine selection. More than ten distinct styles of Pathe phonographs are now half and less today's regular list prices. We guarantee every instrument a genuine Pathe. Pathe plays all records and has no needles to change. Pathe is known far and wide for its "jeweled music," its splendid tone. Below we illustrate three of the most popular styles of phonographs in this half-price sale. t $50 3 R Hrr! rrTT $60 buys this regular $100 model No. 7 Pathe phonograph. Ma hogany, American brown and fumed oak finishes. buys this regular $120 model No. 10 Pathe phonograph. Ma hogany and fumed oak finishes. $72 buys this regular $145 model No. 12 Pathe phonograph. Ma hogany, American brown and fumed oak. Make Your Own Terms in Reason 30,000 Famous Pathe Records JLJV rice In this sale you can buy any TWO Pathe records and pay only the regular price of ONE,. Regular prices of records ae 75c, $1, $1.25 to $2.50. Pathe records play on any machine with universal tone arm. (Victors, Columbias and Edisons require attachment.) Meier & Prank's: Sixth Floor (MaU Orders Filled.) CENTER AISLE Thousands of Yards New Spring Silks $.59 Another big silk sale on the Center Aisle Bargain Squares. This time we offer more than 3000 yards of new spring and summer silks at $1.59 yard. 5 to 10-yard lengths of im ported foulards in beautiful pat terns on navy, brown, black, white and copen grounds. Some printed crepes de chine. All are 40 inches wide. Also "Radia-Knit" silk jersey or tricolette in full bolt lengths. Desirable shades of navy, brown, burnt orange, jade, henna, old rose, copen, gold, pink, flesh, ivory, black and white. 36 inches wide. Choice $1.59 yard. Meier & Frank'3: Center Atsle. Main Floor. (Mail Orders Killed.! w . a9 ? -"v ; jr j M Q rh. L - P 33 The "Universal" Electric Washing Machine Saves Time Saves Labor Saves M oney The Universal is the washer that YOU and every efficiently conducted home should have. It combines the advantages of the revolving and oscillating types. All moving parts are entirely enclosed eliminating any danger to children or to the operator from clothes being caught in the motor or driving mechanism. We will gladly demonstrate the Universal at any time. Your Own Terms in Reason Meier & Frank's: Basement Sixth Street ' (Mail Orders Filled.) Sealing Wax Miss Hodnett of the Den nison Mfg. Co. will show patrons how. to use seal ing wax in covering ar ticles, to make beads and dress trimmings, in the Stationery Shop. Main Floor. For Valen tine Day Cards 3c to $1. Dennison Valentine Novelties place cards, stickers, napkins, etc., at moderate prices. Whitney sets, materials to make valentines, priced at box 45c. Main Floor. -Ifail!! TFly jriiono graphs JNew Suits; Finest in Years Excelling Those of Seasons Past in Fabric, Design, Tailoring For Spring 1922 the suit is triumphantly re-established, its glory no longer obscured by an apparent preference for its sister fashions. The suits in this presentation besides being new and smart are ex amples of extraordinary value. . Tricotine and Twill Fabrics of the most finely serviceable order fashioned into garments of admirable distinction with braids, beads, em broideries contributing to the modish, ensemble. For Women and Misses Plain tailored, semi-tailored, box, bloused, ripple, belted, straight-line all the approved types may be chosen in the predominant blues and blacks. Meier & Frank's: Fashion Salons, Fourth Floor. NEW! Introductory Showing and Sale of "Queen Make" Dresses 1000 Charming New Dresses 16 Distinct Styles for Porch, Morning and Street Wear $2.95, $3.95, $4.95, $5.95 to $12.95 We have been appointed the exclusive Portland distributors for famous "Queen Make" wash frocks famous for their better styles, better materials, better work manship, better fit and finish. Styles for misses and women. Made of percales, ginghams, beach cloth and pique. Neat stripes; checks and small all-over designs, in light shades. A revelation in bouse and porch frocks at $2.95, $3.95, $4.95, $5.95, $6.95, $7.95, $9.95, $12.95. All regular and extra sizes. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) A 4