TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1923 21 OPPOKTrVlTTKa. TIRE AND WLCAXIZiN'fJ SHOP. Are jroa harwjy wit toois and want te et (mo buir.et for ourwiif? Hre is an oper. m in a f ;rt-cia.e vulcaniz ing vd t.r ho wtier yoa can t-p 1 in and mak nrnre than r-ltht ' from the 'rt; best of equipment r.d iyuirffi. hifh vcurfi yon an eqoaJ f inirt tn th.a bu?.Ti. Kor fur- iher information call at Cham, of 'tv h dsr . 4-h and Ssrk. At TO Kti'AIR PARTNfcR WANTKD. I 7i g.t-ft you position of an iuai onc-ha'f in threat tn the bu-et and b--i imaii nhop in Portland ; no better 'nM-atioo ; fu;;y equipped ; teady eatab Itond trade. Need man woo la me chanical.? tnciined and wlllinc worker. Tur chanee to learn the bus.neaa and c.er better than llftO per monifl tor yourne f from the a:axt. Don't fail to - th;s b-fore you buy. ApP'y ld Pm-k b'nt-k.. Waohmm-'n at Tenth at. T.T'NCH COUNTER. Doing nu a da- rent cood lease; tit ide, te:er and hotel district. f:rtc'a?ii trad; co better piaca tn Port laud. ocd rfajorui for felling. You will nave to nupiie to get this p. ace. as it a a baraam at $1Q. some term. MM MS. t.10 Ht.NRT Bl.r'J. At'T') PAINT .-MOP PAKTNCRSHIP. l"nforeeen rlrcumata nces forcea me to wll ni ir.:eret tn auto paint ahop; my partner la At pa ntt-r and la willing to i-cn a ii -nx worker the buncw; if j -u an !nvet f LOO and are aa::af:ed to mK ;. month rigr-t from the atari :i.i will pr,)pcTj f incrt:n this e ri mi ;: Cham, of Com. bide.. 4th t t - - H Nfcl.V SfAPtCR IIARGAIN. P-.r one of the o.dest and best -!- p.iwr in Ortron. t3)0O !orl -teT:ing contract for Build- g n-l i,vng rooms. Chance for aii- -'ji.d man l.i-health only reason. ll.Vei cajh. fct.enty t:me on balance. Acl tu-fK. t a.: or a r.te to jStock Kx- ne b !c . Portland. i ;--n Li 1j rntiurtct ouU.t at cut price. Co.uno:a h icnwa. ciry and rier trade gooa saw mi. I town, county seat; the r.grit buver wl!i get trade; ahips load eargo-s of lumber every week near th.a restaurant : f ae-looking, ciean place, w h comp;e fixtures . ihown by auto. -w-e aser.t f-T tne owner. Prii'e $7iO. M Par. a-.'. P.-a tr. Failing b:dg. .wo t'ASji. S-s.ory brlcK. stewm heated hotel In lle ti.wn in Washington on riunset high wsy. roornjt and sum pi r.. large d.n tng r . lubbv and parlor, all mceiy f ur-niMh'-d; ini-ome from rooms MK to ti0t montn. pi.t 1 1 . 0"0, bal. easy terms; nt. iri.i. 4i Chin. of 'om. Mdg. O 'N KK-'TI -N"fc:!t 1. I.IOHT I.I'.NCH ANU GROCERY. Located iri thirkiy settied district. eq i;pnn nt and .x k will Invoice about Jon. t'hrap rent and long lease. Across ;reet from b.g srhoo ; will sacrifice fto4-k and fix;nr-a for 1 1."0: some terms. Knr ii a Si hv oa rer. Broad wa v fi'M'J. GET A MACHINE AND GET THE MoNEY. A new patented refreshment, sold at rrhs, beach e. county fairs and at all aathering. See owners between 10 and 4 at 4.'4-4?3 Plied ner hldg.. 10th and Wa -1: in t; ton sts.. ci v lfiiI.N'i cir.i-tf nre op;iiii,g. Unemploy ment I be in if relieved. Now !s the time to start a c ah-and -crrT grocery in the K-.trmerV Public Market in Klamath FmUm. r.. the second largest lumber and payroll center in Oregon. Writs Market M.fTer. HAKIAVA RE atore tn live town. Willam ette va"y. ifoing excellent business; fine country surrounding: stock will In voice around $l4.tx; cash only takes possession; no trades. O. V. JACKSON CO., Cl Oregon BI.1g. MOCI.OERH att ntion Foundry for sale part cash, balance easy terms: 35 saw nulls in 14-raile radius with capacity 1 OoO.rtoo feet per day. Only foundry in nuiea; sluing uui account nealtn. Write for detalia James reeney. Cot 1' Orov. Or. iiAV E bet tiionev-iiiAker on the market for state and county, right man who has a tew Hundred inlars and services tnvear. This is no cheap, catch-penny proposition but one that Rets results; beat of reference given. N 417. Orego nian T' l..A r. Battery service and sa'es station spate, close in. downtown garage, west side, four blocks from old postoffice oiog; meat location: plenty or business reosonab; e rent ; good lease ; ready U w-rupy. M 2'7. Orernnian. Xit.-wR EST A I' RANT. Wet side, good location, just the place ror man and wife; no night or Sunday wora. K KIPPER CROSBY. M Railway Kt. h. BJdg. Rdwr. tMMk wonderful buy. In cafeteria completely equipped, do ing to."l business: will ieaae until aftei fir; cash will handle, bal. ptr nmnrn. SM ITIf-WAGOVVR CO Stock Fxch UAKAdh,. ft'-ady ,trK .ure shop. ,"hx I.M; eu'pment of th- b-Kt. additional etortig space A050. fireproof building: bueints is paying well but owners h - Hh rnu re change. Will s-U all. VHNKi: gr.x-ry at.tre. c.ose in. stmk and f ix t urs. w :'l Invoice ; f J,VW; daily re ceipts (Aft-s mi; rent 115; give m an of-f-r on this; no agenta. W:n. Rrockman. 2d', Stark at., room S. Phone Bdwy. GAKAGi-i In f.r.v i long stM.bliHhed wntown location with and profitable trade: ry uttie cr. .nt : n i equipment u p-toil -it e. Need assistance experienced man for front end; fl'.'tUO bundles. TUl Ore gon hi.ig. CAUTK'N. HCVKKS-Btfort Closing a deal of so-ca'.lrd interest in established real esta'.e business, get ad vies of Portland Realty Board 421 Oregon bids. Phona B r oadway f.H'S. HAVE A-l a .xd job. requires purchase of a truck. $ lai down, balance monthlv, may mnaider your car as fir-st payment Ci:i Frentxel, Bdwy. 6H1. evenings East 7.174 4!." P.iV. mr. lrt;h. Foil SALE Army gxi and men's work clothes st re in Yakima. Wash. The most prosperous town in the northwest. ST.Yitfto businens last year. Cash talk a AV 14. Oregonian. R SALE Moving picture tneater in one of the best towna In Oregon. 3ott) popu lation, first class equipment, doing good business; reason for selling, poor beaith. AV lM. Oregonian. SMALL -try g.o.ls store, east side; only store like !t f-r b.ocka around; wilt In voice about tJKM, Just right lor isdy; living room; can do aswmg; rent Ml McFr and, ro'tor. JO Failing bi.lg W ANTED Private party for going busi neps. purchase price secured by real es tate, big returns on Investment: make appointment; no agents. AB 4U1, Ore- LU NX'IL fountain, confectionery; a giod rises for young man and wife or two gir a, long Ieaae; $JM to WO net per month; $70 will handle. 21 Broadway sfTerrioons. WANT dairyman who has $000 to $10,000 to put into good proposition, with retail market for milk. Ask for owner, 01 -i i-"ti nil B. s,m Kr.fTA I. RAN T, corner location. $30 .-.. vu'nirKi, gooa 1 tx 1 u res, furnished I ving room: terms. Morris, with O. O Slef'en. tv.Ut-r. 413 Ry. Kxch. bide. HAVE teita on fine wat Mde garage, all necesvary equipment; long lease profit able buslne ; ant good mechanic as Twrtn-r: $ 1 nx handles 21 Oregon Mdg. -...o- n1D oc equipcwa an op on east aide-: established t years; we will Away and su Law son a uto Cn. CONFECTION EKY for aaie, soda fountain, cigars, caadv. fruit, everything See owner; no agenta, t3 Broadway. Bdwy. IF YoU have $.;! t inveat you can maks $100 qu.ck and acqmra a worksng ln- spe.s rrf't. O 4T. Oregnn'.ari WE N EEl a business man with $40O to ass. st extending business. A sure thine trial given. Oiva phona. AI 446. Ore- gon:an. 'K aALK ons of the bet paying im. Inerv stores in southwest Wasbingtoa Owner leaving city. AV 112. Oreg j n t a a. FILES can be permanently cured wuoout operation. Call or writ Dr. Deaa. orid and Morrison. LUN""H ro.Mu. n.ake pries; co reasonable r-E used ; must iav this monUa. T"!t N l in SU IAN location ff for a- o odr -An 4;d--tab;4hed suburban rent . exc-Uent opportunity RKS "Al'RA.XT t'b'aji, good for man aud wife. See ua quicK 3oi Artisans Bid., oiwtw P'-nsou hotel. l'KV uviS and n.i.,.mi. w in good local ton, stock about l.V ra!h AC 4:12. ii eslabi ished and fixtures. Oregon'an. OKvhHRY. by ownr. i:.ut se.i on ac count of s:ckn; weii located, doing siHiid rtlT Clinton sr. FoU SALE- Modern t-snMuhM ;pUn. business, w th stock and fixture- good imati-t. . $o. a N 424. Orrgonian FILL I.N station ana vutcaniztng shop, a ti on. for sa!. or vulcanising .ocanon. tor m:. or vu.canlslng -guipmrnt rhrm p. 33 K It; h at $i'.0. CUT I'luCK, c.fao col fee house, heart of c.t y; nice trade; two c.n handie. vicFar and. R ran or. 2 Failing b. d g Oi-D- KST A li.i S H ED fuel ard. withTsTde tra4k; purchaser can lease property; aeil chi-p H 4i'.". Oregon iaii N i RS K S. ATTKNTMN. raal:or:um : terms Main 542$ partner. 34 3 fjr e. 1 chair, gocd ave. and K'tli rfiwort h. HAVE :v0 to Invent in sum light bust essu H 41. Oregon:an t'LiMM.Nvl arid prcasnar shop, niaa ma am otter. fcC C:h st. BrSINK OPPORTt'MTIES. $..tu CItiAR. confecLonery, xuagazinee; f ;ne location, cheap re at. (oo-L lea; terms. j $ IOOO buy the beet located small rea 1 taurant Id Portland; good equipment. r.JMnaiii rr. t ; .MWJ cl-ii. bal. term. . BORLAND, Realtor. TV H-nry Hl.ig , 4th at Oak, OPP'.'RT L'N 1 T i far reliable man to aecure hnlf interest fn a fin curate, to look after front end; pay irod aaJary and profits, which are large; acme terms to rttrht party. Room 111 Railway Ex char.jr. GARAGE SPECIAL. 0x120 brick, on busy atreet, large tftorage and b:g repair trade ; priced riant, sum terms. All Railway Ex change. A NKIUHBuRHOOD grocery on car l:ne at invoice. Cn have free rent: about $1400. Huahue. Groc Specialist, 518 Cham, of Com, bide KKSTAI RAXT and confec. on buaineas at. r'tne location, cheap rent; owner leaving city. Sen 7. Small rash payment. GROCERY and light conlectionery ; buy fixtures and invoica stock. Phona Auto. B3-34- Mt. Bcott district. WILL trade J15.ooo grocery stock in busy down-town location for a general at ore tn a country town. O 440. Oregonian. BY UVV.NfelK. pool hail and confectionery store; good location, doing; good buai- n-a. Phone East 774. WAN i a p i-1 tie r tn a fine auto repair shop; show it is paying 4t0 month : ;iM rah. Room 511 Railway Exchange. Kf T d n ii k and restaurant, card room; owner leaving city. 6$ N ad. Bdwy. 4KR. LftulH ABLE office space for rent, use of phone, with or without desk. ZIH Raii vray Kxchar-ge bTjg. ttUKinrww Opp4riunitiea Wanted. SI.I IN TEX UAYS. FOR QL'ICK ACTION, ilst your buai nesa with a live concern. We have real bayer waiting. BL'SINK'SIS 13 4KOD with us. Iowest rates, best serv ice. Expert aaiesmen bring our buyers direct to you. We can aei your busi ness in TEN DAYS; MAKE Lt PROVE IT. Phone Broadway "iWl for imme d;ate service. 1J Succeswful Years in Thi Businesa" GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE COMPANY. Suit 31 Pittock B:k . Wah. at Iftth St. URL'G tfTORE WANTED. OI.TSIDK TOWN. Want rood drug store in some outside town, preferably lit Oregon. Agents or owners please answer. Buyer waiting. Dl'DREY INVESTMENT CO.. 5ftft-lo Panama Bldg. Bdwy. gSMg. EASTERN" OREGON man wishes first class nifn'i furnishing or dry goods business. XHHt to Sl.VUOO; owners only; state lfti'l business and fullest details. AE 446, Orcgonian. WANTED Butcher kuainesa. country dis trict, payroll town. il. O. V., 18 l. 84th St.. Seattle. WANT modern apartment house. have J;i.".,0V) first payment; owners only. BD 441. Uregonian. HAVE $M to invest in small grocery with three living rooms in connection. a.m 4.. orgonian. HAVE live buyer lor confec t loncrv $3iKK. S4-e U. S. U. Quick. 5os Artisans i-tuig . opiosite Hnron hotel. U't DAVENPORT caa seil ycur business. roaaway !:o 1 HAVE up to t-00 cash for going busi- nens: no agents. am 4J1. Oregonian Motels and Rooming iloue. WANT TENANTS for NEW APARTMENT HOTTSES. We will build S or more thoroughly modern apartment bouses in choice lo cations, buildings to contain from 16 to uu apartments, equipped with everv con venience or to suit. Financially respon sible; experienced tenants may secure long-time lea sea on equitable terms and may co-operate with our draftsman on tne plana OTIS C. BBTK. Income Property Specialist, AmM Henry Bldg. 4 ROOMS, part h. k. for M ', with good terms, cheap rent with lease and a net income better than $JOO a month; close in west side. 1 - rooms extra well furnished for 9 1 JW, V ..u cash, good weat side loca lion: rent $25 and a good Income. 10 rooms right downtown, well fur nished and nice and clean. This Is an exceptionally good buy for 10o0 with lerma TRT-VS REALTT CO.. lfin West Park St.. Auto. 513-48. ROOMING HOUSE. 11 h. k. rooms at Montgomery St.. rooms newlv finished ; stove heat, $45 rent now. FINE INCOME. This is a pick up for $1.V0. $400 wiil handle. Ask for r. C Marshall with FRANK U McGUIRB. 205 Ahington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. NEAT LITTT.B PLACE. 7 room a. all new furniture, fine house, rent tC including garage: nmall cash Payment and $10 per mo. contract. Full price i.o. MRS. SNOW, BDWY. 464. APARTMENT HOUSE. 107 rooms. 10 3-room and 34 2 -room. This place Is one of the best money makers in Portland and baa long lease. It requires only $7000 caab to handle. Ask tor r. i;. Marsnau. wttn FRANK I. McflVlRB, 20 Abington Bldg. Brosdwav 7171. Third St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. APT.-HOUSE SNAP. 4! rooms. 7 3-room and f 2 -room. All with private bath; 0 single rooms GOOD LEASE. Verv good furniture, steam heat, SlO.ouO. $xooo down bandiea Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK I, McGTTRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. WHITB TEMPLE DISTRICT. 31 rooms, all b. k. suites, well fur nished, water In all rooms, very fine house showing large Income, $3000 will handle. MRS. SNOW, Bdwy. 4664. WHITE TEMPLE APT. HOVSfi. 81 rooms. 17 apta. Furnace heat, good furniture; very reasonable rent. This place is a money-maker. $3.00 down. See this today. We have others. Ask for F. C Marshall, with FRANK U McGUIRK. 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St. Pet. Wash, and Stark. M-ROOM BRICK APARTMENT.. White Temple diatrict; modern; always fuH: excellent furniture and carpets; r.Hi-s $400; 5 -year Ieaae. Prc $14,000; $hoh cash. F. H. McCrea, . -'SO Cham, of Com. Bldg. Rdw-v. 7SM. BEAT THIS IF YOU CAN. 11 rooms h. k.. White Temple dist , near Morrison st. Clearing over $H5 now. Only $450 down, bai. easy. Full price $i2.a AS T'SXTAL NICK. HENRY BLDG. APARTMENT HOUSE SNAP. 80 modern apta., 11Mnh, terms; clears more than $0O per month. See this through A. P. Templemsn, with BKUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch Bldg. 10 LOVELY VIEW ROOMS. $1450. Jood house and cheap rent; wH4 fur nished and clean; clears $60 month and makes good home besides. Some terms. SEE OOPPARt'', 5QI-2 Couch Bldg. BEAUTIFUL. NEWLY FURNISHED 1 2-room place In White Temple dis trict, $l90i on terms- It's a beauty; furnace and modern; just listed. Bruce ttooMaJ-d. .'-'2 Couch Mdg. W ROOMS HOL'SEXEiSPING. Rnt $k; clears $125. Prtce $2100; $124ai cash, F. H. McCrea. 2.11 Cham, of Com. Pldg. Bdwy. T581. bo- ROOM hotel, brick, first -class, modern, close in on Washington; tease: $25,000; some trms. 832 Railway Exch. LOST Biack and whtte bob-tailed shep herd pup. Tabor 6632. 1 ILL BET The ; HE'S 'WTtT CLE. 3o93P IS OUT TalkjaJ' t 7- j II ' ' ' . ' . . ' ' . BrSIVESS OPPORTTV1TIM. Ho tela sad Rooming UoDsea. MART B. "LENT COMPANY. Northwestern Bank, Bdg. Phono Main KOTICE. Mra Zemp with, this office in charge of small and medium houses; If you have any bargains, list them for Quick sale. 14 ROOMS. An attractive place on the. east side affording a good home for owners has fourteen housekeeping rooms; tease at reasonable figure; nets $Su per month. Can be bandied with tiOQ cash, easy terms on balance. 12 ROOMS. Don't miss this pick-up, 13 rooms netting 90 per month. Can be bought for $150 cash. 0 ROOMS. A good west aide location, has lease. 60 rooms. 20 unfurnished. Thia place shows a profit of $$2S. If you have $MXH) let us show you this. Very easy terms on balance. HOT EI GOOD TRANSIENT AND PER MANENT PLACE. REGISTER A N D BOO K S WILL S HO W PROSPECTIVE BUYER JUST WHAT THIS PLACE IS DOING. FOR A QUICK SALE WB HAVE THE RIGHT PRICE. CLEAN AS WAX. G. C. ULRICH CO. 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. SACRIFICE ON HOTEL. 52 ROOMS 12.1KM LEASE OVER FAIR, Owner will sell absolutely modern 32 room. hot and cold water in ech room, newly furnished with everything of the best, complete In every detail, steel sDiin a. Dlemy of linen, etc Inspection of books will show net clearing of over $00 a month, and can be handled for JTjoO caeth. l nuestionably tne best hotel propoFition on the market today, It cost $15,000 eight months ago to fur nish, bhown by appointment only. See MISHKIND, with DEKl'M A JORDAN. Bdwy. 2'4y. Cham. Com, Bldg. $J1.000 tiO-ROOM hotel, weat side, walk jng distance; 2 private baths, six pub lic baths: running water and phone in each room; reasonable rent, lease until after fair; first time advertised; $12,000 will handle. $47.0 buys one of the beat 20-room furnished apartments on west side, net ting about $200 per month: rent f good lease. This Is a beautiful place. See this at once. 9. BORLAND. Realtor. 223 Henry Bldg.. Fourth at Oak St. ATTENTION. JUST THE PLACE FOR A MAN AND W I FE. 21-room apartment, good furniture, hot and cold water in a!I rooms, also grocery underneath with $1000 stock included In this price; no fixtures to buy; new 3-year lease; this place is netting $300 per month: on account of sickness will sac rifice for $4000; flfiOO will handle. See MacCauley. KILLER BROS.. Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. bldg. Bdwy. 3C2ft. HOTEL BARGAIN. 44 rooms, modern west-side corner brick bldg., rent $2u0 per month, lease to 1921 This house is in good location for either transient or permanent trade. See thia one before you buy; $or00 cash will handle; full price $S.xM). See HOME INVESTMENT CO., 610 Henrv Bldg. M. E. LENT COMPANY. 523-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOl'E AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL. COM E IN AND TALK IT OVER. 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE AND HOME. Not an ash can bargain, but a mag nificently fumiahed home, at ?ess than furniture price. Good rental location. Call Tavlor. Broadway 6787 today. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO., INC. 40S-11 Couch Bldg. Broadway 6787. FO R QL'U'K SALE. -List your hotel, apartment or rooming houses with us; our Interests will al ways be protected; we have cash buyers waiting for your proposition. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yecn Bid. BEST BUY ON THE MARKET. Lease and new furnishings of 10 rooms. atrlctly modern house, everything good, ciean and most desirable; greatest bar gain. bes terms. THOMSON A THOMSON, REALTORS, 62d-21 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4SS0. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, rooming or apartment houses of any kind, anywhere, see Chester L- Florence, RTTTER. LOWE & CO.. 2A1-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. STRICTLY modern brick hoteL right cen tral. N. w. neat, some private batns, o years leafe. unwmaiiy large returns, furniture and carpets very good, lot of first -class unen- r or lull particulars, see MRS. THOMSON, 620 HENRY BLDG. 70-ROOM brick hotel, water in most of them; price fvaoo; good term a MRS. DAWSON. JOHN E. WALTER. Realtor, 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg Mar. 3718. NOB HILL. lO-room apt., all 2 rooms, beautiful furniture, all new; good income and lovely home; you will have to see this to ap preciate it. 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Bdwv. 6M8. Newton. FOR SALE. 1 4 -room apartment houe and lot 80x 100. in fine condition; $3500 down, bal ance in payments. See Sims. 610 Henry bldg. 18 ROOMS, modern. be.t of furniture, right n .irvington: oniy trma LINTON" A WELCH. 418 Railway Ex. Bldg. 5-ROOM flat with lease, nicely furnished. rent $3ft: win sen Tor .MXl. want to leave city. 24 North 16th, corner Waah lngton. Broadway 3427. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 18 rooms, all light outside rooms; cheap rent; leaving town reason for sell Ing. 480 Washington St. 14 ROOMS housekeeping, right in town; stove heat; netting $125 per month: cash to handle, $600; small bal. 218 Railway Exch. bldg. Bdwy. 6S08. 17 1. 2 AND 3-room apis, good lease, first class tn every respect, best west side lo- cat ion. $5P0O. Main 2596. NICE paying rooming rooms, all outside; O 432. Oregon ian- house for sale. 14 small investment. B-ROOM housekeeping, very reasonable, by owner; might take some trade. East 02. 14-ROOM apartment. 12 rooms furnished; A-l condition; 2200 will handle, balance terma Owner. 110 E. 2Qth st. South. OWNER sick, must seil 200 rooms. 5-year lease, cheapest rent in Portland. See this at once. 527 Chamber of Commerce. 2tfecUDE- to Them ) OH. TAfH.6. VfeR NXAAiTErJ j Ot "The. viR C?i6hT f 1 J ) SotETRT A life mm! w I-C-C- & Bnti-B f-t-iti yd BCPTNESS OPPORTrNITrRS. Hotels ana Rooming Hues. FREEMAN-SMITH. Broadway 1873. 36 ROOMS. H. K. White Temple district, furnishings ex tra good, ail in two and three-room apartments, has a gross income of StiOO per montn: lease; verv- reasonaoie rent nets around $MX per month ; price to handle $0OO cash, balance to suit pur chaser. '2 ROOMS. H. K. Excellent location, good furnishings, rnt $140 per month, nets $207, price $3000 to handle, balance easy terms.. 27 ROOMS, il. K. Workingmen's Dlace. good furnish IngR, good location, has a net income of $135 per month; lease; rent oniy $30 per month; will sacrifice Tor Sioou casn. 7-ROOM FLAT. Close in. excellent f urnishlnjfs. rent $20 per month; netting JJO per month; nice apartment for owner; 3W casn." H ROOMS, H. K.. SPECIAL. Located in the business district: lease, furnishings are all of the very best; very immaculate, nice apartment for owner: nets $120 per month; $1000 cash will buy. FREEMAN-SMITH. Brokers. Broadway 1873. 630 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ROOMING HOUSE BUYS. $1200 9 -room, well furnished; west side. Sacrifice; terms. 13750 24 -room ant. and rooming house; west side; in brick bldg. Wash ington street; terms. $3000 Handsomely furnished rooming house; 16 rooms; heart of west side. Good reason for selling. Terms. BOARDING HOUSE BARGAIN". $2100 34 rooms; always full ; sacrifice ; runs over $500 monthly. See this; best location near dental college. Terms. FRANK C. ROBINSON, 503 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 2557. $5O0 HANDLES. 17 rooms, all on one floor, all house keeping but 3 and these could be con nected in suites; very good net income; tenants furnish own fuel, hence very low overhead expense. If you can recognize a bargain you will look at this. $500 cash and $35 per month will make it yours. -PEE MRS. ALBAUOH, JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. STRICTLY HIGH CLASS. 14 lovely rooms and 2 sleeping porches, some oak floors, 4 fireplaces, 3 baths, tiled. Immense living room, several suites. This is a beautiful home and elegantly furnished in mahogany, inlaid ivory, birdseye maple; has a lovely yard and fine garage and is in an ideal lo cation. MRS. SNOW, BDWY. 4064. DOWNTOWN TRANSIENT HOTEL. Will sell my strictly modern hotel on account of sickness, nearly, 300 room.", very large, attractive lobby, elevator. 60 rooms with bath, very fine furniture and -carpets, good lease, cheap rent, house is now paying over $lfi(0 and will do bet ter. If you have $30,000 cash and want a real hotel, see my a gents. THOMSON & THOMSON, Realtors. 620-21 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4880. BEAUTIFUL "NOB HILL CORNER. Nine lovely mis., ideally arranged for renting; rooms exceptionally well fur nished with overstuffed furniture, piano, phonograph and lovely bedroom sets; three fireplaces. Very reasonably priced at $2500. MRS. SNOW. BROADWAY 4664. 320 Lumbermens Bldgr. HOTELS AND APT. HOUSES. 15. We have a fine list .of hotels and apt. houses, any size. Prices right; also a good apartment house site. 1 uoxiuu, close in, only $16,000. C. Burr, Businest Chance Dept. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. B d-w.v. 47 51. RE A LTORS. 4 1 0 Henry bldg. ONLY $3500. TERMS. 22 ROOMS. The best furniture in town at this price; owner forced to sell; let us ex plain it to you: best west side loca tion; Income $20O net average monthly with beautiful apartment for owner. Bdwy. r173. Residence, Bdwy. 6777. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. . 10 rooms h. k., splendid location, very clean nouse ; gas ranges in an suites. Rent J 60. $2noo will handle. MRS. SNOW, BDWY. 4664. DANDY BOARDING HOUSE. 14 rooms, fine location, income $500. At present rent only $55, lease; very small cash payment, easy terms, full price $2100. M RS. SNOW, BDWY. 4664. 14 ROOMS, housekeeping. Nob Hill; good furniture: rent ss.: lurnace neat: clear ing about $100. Price $1050, terms. See air. C-urrie, J. W. ORUSST. 318 Board of Trade. Broadway 74: A HIGH-CLASS PLACE. 11 rooms, in the Nob Hill district,-all the best of furniture. Good lease and money-maker, $1250 down, balance easy terms. 504 BUCHANAN BLDG. 14 H. K. ROOMS, Nob Hill. All built-ins, water In rooms; garage, $2000, $1000 cash, bal. arranged; rent $40, nets $115. HOOVER REALTY BROKERAGE, 400 Exch. Bldg. 2d and Stark. List with us for quick action. 20 ROOMS, all h. k. Stove heat, walking distance, $1)00 cash will handle. Bdwy. 4664. OWNER WILL SELL. 13 H. K. and sleeping rooms, west side, walking distance, a good net; furnish ings above average ; long lease ; no agenta 57 Trinity Place. WALKING DISTANCE. SI h. k. rooms, rent only $75; furnace heat, furniture good. Bdwy, 4664. 3&-ROOM hotel, corner location. 5-year lease, nets $400 per month, right in heart of city. LINTON & WELCH. 418 Railway Exchange. APARTMENT HOUSE SNAP. 46 rooms, rent $ 100, 5 years lease. Private baths, hot and cold water; al ways full. Price $5500, 818 Cham, of Com. NEW APARTMENT' HOUSE. 24 apts., 2 and 3 rooms, all modern, $6000 and it fa yours. See MR. MA GOON. 226 HENRY BLDG. A BARGAIN. $800 or $S50 with terms, 9 H. K. rooms, extra good furniture; nets $35 ; dandy 2-room apartment for self; furnace heat, electricity. Bdwy. 595. $700 GIVES you possession of 19 rooms in DriCK Diag. in tne soutn ena. Always full, good furniture. 504 BUCHANAN BLDG. I HAVE BUYERS WAITING to get located. Call up Bruce Goddard and get results. Broadway 6267. 501-2 Couch Bldg. FIVE-YEAR LEASE. 35 -rm. apartment house. White Tem ple. See MR. MAGOON, 226 HENRY BLDG. 9 ROOMS H. K., good furniture, ciean. double garage, walking distance, nets $ 47.S0. Owner East 4854. 21 ROOMS, brick bldg.. rent $30; $450 cash handles this. 20tt East Fifth st-, Vancouver, Wash. L5 ROOMS, $1250. $350 down, balance $35 month; wm UKe car as xirst payment. 4ft Hoyt street. 9-ROOM apt.. $1000; $450 will handle; e-vlng city. Marshall 7925. 55 ROOMS, close in. $2900; good buy. In quire Hunter Realty Co.. 25 Grand ave. POLLY AND MA HAD OXLY THE NEIGHBORS IX BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Booming H oases. RIERDON REALTY CO. Here is an opportunity; one of Portland's first-class hotels; al ways full; running about one third transient; well, furnished and beautiful ground-floor lobby; leas over the fair. .Call and get price and terms. 3S ROOMS 38. "West side brick with steam heat; hot and cold water In all rooms; several private baths; good lease; netting about $4O0 per month. Price $0000, some terms. APARTMENT HOUSE. All 2 -room apta: well furnished and good lease; west side brick: strictly modern : good for $500 per month net profit; $10,000 will do business. RIERDON REALTY CO., Realtors, 637 Pittock Block. LOOK AT THESE. rtrneerv nnnf ecti onerv and hakerv. west side; 4 living- rooms; ale. sales $65 cash-arad-oarry ; rent i nis is an opportunity to get a good business. Will invoice. Grocery and confectionery, east side location: living rooms; rent $35; ave. sales $30. $2500. A suburban store, 3 living rooms, small stock, will invoice. 91100 wui take it ave. sales $30. See us for other Hstinjrs. De GRAFF & SCHOUBOE, 403 Exchange Bldg.. 2d and Stark, Bdwy. 5996. APARTMENT HOUSE SPECIAL. FRAME BLDG., 10 - YEAR LEASE; VERY CLOSE IN; NETS $700 PER MONTH. A VERY SPECIAL PRICE AND GOOD EASY TERMS. G. C. ULRTOH & CO.. 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. ' APARTMENT HOUSE. IN VERY GOOD LOCATION, DOING A VERY GOOD BUSI NESS. WE CAN GIVE YOU A REAL PRICE. G. C. TJLRTCH & CO 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. HOTELS AND APARTMENT HOUSES SEE G. C. ULRICH & CO.. 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. HOTEL DOWNTOWN DISTRICT. LONG TERM LEASE. Corner brick bldg.; has more than 50 rooms, owner will aaa more rooms 11 you desire; 20 baths; rooms furnished in mahogany and oak ; automatic electric elevator: netting fine income: the price, first payment and terms will surprise you. RICH AN BACH & CO., 20T-8 Couch bldg. Broadway 4143. BOARDING HOUSE. SEE THIS AND MAKE AN OFFER. 14 rooms, good furniture, including piano; 3,6 steady boarders, also waiting list; rent $55, netting $220 per month; this can be bougnt very cneapiy. See McCauley, HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Exch. bldg. Bdwy. 3626. FOR HOTELS. APARTMENTS. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. INCOME PROPERTY, SEE G. C. ULRICH & CO., 405 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. MISHKIND FOR YOUR ROOMING HOUSE. 9 rooms, cash $ 500; price $50 32 rooms, cash 775: orice ...1750 13 rooms, cash JHW) ; price 1800 16 rooms, ca4h 800; price. ....... .2100 24 rooms, cash 1500; price 2tK0 28 rooms, cash 20O0 : all cash. THEtiE ARE GENUINE SNAPS. DEKUM & JORDAN, Bdwy. 2J49. 323-4 Cham. Com. Bldg, DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. Here, folks. 30 rooms, W. S., $800 cash- Fine H. K. location. Completely fur nished, Elec, gas. Lease. A big value at S17UU. full price. About nan casn Double your money. Buy this. A few touches will bring more money. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO., INC. 408-11 Couch Bldg. Broadway 6787. HOTEL. $175 rent for 50-room hotel, down town corner, transient location, 'clears over $2C0 per mo. ; lease. Price only S6000. on easy terms: buy this to sell and make big profit or keep it to make money, bee M. teorge, 2:i0 Cham, of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 7581, HIGH -CLASS brick apartment house, ex cellent furnishings throughout, 33 apts. all full and waiting list; long lease at $5 per room, just thins: 01 it, your in vestment is doubly secure at $21,000; $10,000 cash. JOHN E. WALTER, Realtor, 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 3718. 14 H. K. ROOMS, close in, nta $120; for quick sale, ji'iw, some terms. 9 -room flat, beautifully furnished, in White Temple districti $1350, part cash. See us for good buys. BARNEY JOHNSON CO., REALTORS, 170 10th Street. Main 3160. OWNER OF HIGH-CLASS SITE. Stands ready to build apt. house to responsible tenants. Small cash guar antee on lease necessary. Full particu lars at office. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO., INC. 408-11 Couch Bldg. Broadway 6787. DIRECT BY OWNER. Nine rooms near Wash, and 15th. Ideal h. k. location; will sell furniture and year lease for $65 a room. Some terms. Broadway 6787. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. HsTC. 4QS-11 Couch Bldg. Broadway 6787. SNAP. 10 rooms, house keep in?, 9 rooms fur nished ; can make 2 more rooms; good furniture; will net $60; ca.n get lease for quick sale; $4-50 cash, easy bal. Bdwy. 6808. Lee. TRANSIT HOTEL. 39 rooms, hoteL brick bldg., located in heart-of city; 22 rooms of netarly new furnishings, netting $400 per month; has 5-year lease. 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Bdwy. 6808. WANTED AT ONCE. From owner, 50 or more room hotel: have $10,000 to pay down, and will as sume balance; price must be right and furnishings good, 1 50-ROOM hoteL netting $400 per month: cheap rent, lease; best transient street in city; price only $6000, $4000 cash. LINTON & WELCH. 418 Railway Exchange. FOR A fair exchange or a fair deal in a hotel or apt. house consult the Fair Ex change Realty Co., 202 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. Bdwy. 7478. HER PALS vAtRt y'T That HIND. BT CXIFK STEKRETT. 7 uttiuv ajct. ) r c ursrvESs o ppo r tu ni ttt:s. Hotels and Rooming Houses. WE HAVE a dandy boarding house, only a few hundred dollars necessary. Come up and talk it over. Goddard, 502 Couch bldg. I-OST AND FOUND. PERSIAN black and brown tabby male cat, strayed from home Tuesday morn ing, anyone having him behind closed dpors please let him have his freedom to come back to his lonesome mate for 7 years past or call Mar. 1402. or ad dress 455 13th. LOST Leather wallet containing checks for $91.90 and $112.7-5 and $5 bill, also other papers. Finder keep $5 and phone or mail to Ziegler & Meisner's feed store. 430 E. Clay. H. Babier. owner. LOST A. blue silk umbrella with white handle and tips, initials C. B. D. en graved on handle. Either in Board of Trade bldjr. or Oregon City car. Phone Bdwy. 7606. LOST An automobile robe, Feb. 6. some where between 6 th and Morrison and the east side. Finder call Main 7190. Reward. LOST Gold lodge pin with date and 'Mrs. Josephine Shank" inscribed on back ; finder please return to 540 E. 14th N., or call East 7406. Reward. LOST Monday between E. 43d and Mill sts. and. 26th and Powell sts., a pair of shell-rimmed glasses in large case. Call Tabor 8-507. LOST Maltese cat, partly white in neigh borhood of 10th and Burnside. Liberal reward. 426 Burnside. Broadway 1584. LOST On Saturday string pearl beads, diamond clasp. Finder please call Miss Biliie Bingham. East 4858. Reward. LOST One black leather brief case con taining cards, equipment and literature. Call Broadway 1764. Reward. LOST Tuesday evening, bunch of keys attached, traveler's insurance chain. Call J. Hesbv, East 4513. Reward. LOST Pair bone-rimmed glasses, Tues day at Orpheum. Call Mar. 3877. Re ward. FOUND Bag. in dining room of Camp bell-Hill hotel, Sunday evening. Owner please call and identity. Main iDW. LOST A short-haired brown shepherd pup; black muffs around eyes. Call Marshall 332. LOST One gray glove, bldg. 407 Broadway LOST From 534 East 50th St., N smai yellow dog. Tabor 5324. LOST Pair of shell-rimmed glasses in case. Call Bdwy. 63. LOST Collie, 7 months, brown with white collar and chest. Reward. Wain. I4i7, UMBRELLA, taupe color, shepherd handle, Reward. Broadway 2a4d. LOST 3 Englisn notes, 1 denominations. .binder call mast olOl; reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. I, G. F, NE1SS, have this day purchased stock and fixtures from W. F. Kerr lo cated at 677 Borthwich st. Will not be responsible for debts prior to this date. Miscellaneous. AUTOMOBILE BANKRUPT SALE. The undersigned will sell at 10 o'clock in tne iorenoon. on February w. ivm. at La Grande, Or., to the highest ac cepted bid for cash, all the remaining stock, fixtures, parte, accessories, office fixtures, etc., as shown- by the inventory of same, belonging to he bankrupt estate of the Inland Motor company. Said property is located at La Grande, Or., and a branch place of business at enterprise, or. An inventory and in spection of all said property can be seen and made at places of business of said company, at La Grande and Enterprise. Or., by applying to the undersigned. TERMS OF SUCH SALE. An j tending purchaser shall send to the address of tfce undersigned at La Grande, Or., a sealed bid, for either the separate property at either Enterprise or La Grande. Or., or the entire property at both places, to be received not later than 10 o'clock in the forenoon of Feb ruary 20, 1922, accompanied by a certi fied check of not less than 10 per cent or such bid, payable to the order of the undersigned, the amount of such check to be applied on purchase price of bid, if accepted, and forfeited to the estate of said company if t-e bidder fails to comply with terms of sale, on demand. If bid is not accepted check to be re turned to bidder. It is a part of the conditions of any bid that the successful bid shall be credited with the appraised value of any item or items named in said inventory that may have been dis posed of prior to date of acceptance of bid. Undersigned reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and the accept ance of any bid shall be subject to ap proval of creditors and confirmation of a&ie oy reieree. Dated at La Grande, Or., Jan. 30, 1922. H. A. BODMER, Trustee bankrupt estate Inland Motor company, a private corporation. SEALED BIDS will be received at the ottice or tne undersigned, 401 Court house, Portland, Oregon, until 7 :30 P. M., Wednesday, February 15, 1922. for 21 M select common and 34 M common brick of a size 2x4x8 inches, or as an alternative proposal, 23 M select com mon and 38 M common brick of a size 24x3x7 inches. All brick to be well burned, of even color, smooth faces and square, sharp edges. No "salmon" or soft bricks will be accepted. Delivery to commence Immediately upon award of contract and to be completed within five (5) calendar days. For further informa tion call on superintendent of properties. Bids will be opened at a meeting of the board of directors to be held in room 304. Courthouse, at 7:30 P. M., the same day. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, (payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk and business manager, must accompany each proposal. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or divide the award. (Signed) R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated February 4, 1922. BILLINGS, MONTANA. Responsible party leaving Saturday for Billings, Mont., will look up business af fairs for parties who have interests there. Phone Vancouver 104O. FINANCIAL. MORTGAGES. WB BUY WELL -SECURED MORT GAGES IN ANY AMOUNTS. PROMPT CONSIDERATION. FEAR & GRAY, MAIN 35. 102 4TH STREET. SHORT-TIME loans on mortgages, con tracts or other collateral, second mort gages. Multnomah Finance Co., 822 Gasco bldg. 4 COM. AND 4 PREF. U. S. A. C, H. W, DUBISKE CO., All or part; will discount. Phone East 6492. WIiLL sell for $85 per share. 12 shares of western nnance corporation, par value $100; cash. only, see walker. 618 N. W. Bank bldg. WILL party who took blue silk umbrella irom J. t. uook s, iDU itennont. Kindly call Bdwy. 4162? Valued as keepsake. WILL buy smaller sellers" contract or sec ond mortgage, uoraon, odt chamber 01 Commerce bldg. . SELLERS CONTRACTS and second mort gages oougnt ana sola. u. ueiouag A Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. CASH. For mortgages and seller contracts. F. 6. BELCHER, 1010 Wilcox Bldg. WILL cash mortgage or seller's contract. stfou to fizuu; prompt attention, see A, K. Hill. 426 Lumbermens bldg. . WILL buy first aad second mortgages and sellers contracts, r . bowman & (Jo., 210 Cham, of com, bldg. Main 02. BUY NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis, 713 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. LOANS and securities. Bdwy. 5890. Davenport, 612 Buchanan bldg. Lee FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO TtTT.lC WR VrRl STf THE MONEY OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. CASH oaid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate. Washington, Ore' gon. H. E. Noble. 816 Lumbermens bldg. Stocks and Bonds. FOR SALE An investment, of $15,000 has oaid 2 ner cent monthlv dividends 101 19 consecutive montha Check for $300 comes regularly every month. W ho wants this stock. P. O. box 93, Boise, idano. FOR SALE A few shares of Pacifi States Fire Insurance Co. Make an of fer. P 440. Oregontan. Money to Loan on Real L.itate. MO RTIiAOK I.OAXS. RESIDENTIAL LOANS. 6A PER (TENT. Five-year period repayment privilege 01 iuu or any multiple tnereox. INSTALLMENT LOANS. 6 PER CENT. Five-year period; will loan 60 per cent of the value of your home; only small monthly oavment reauired with interest; you may pay more or all on tne iirst or each montn; no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. PER CENT. Five-year period, repayment privileges. RRTPR MORTfiAfiB CO.. Portland Mortgage Correspondent the i-ruaentiai insurance to. 01 America. 1210-1217 Yeon Bldg. Main 8308. THE BEST and easiest method of paying a loan, is our monthly payment pian. $32.26 per month for Se months, or $25.36 per month for 48 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $16.60 per month for 84 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months, pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Other amount in same nrooortiona City loans on improved property or for improvement purposes. io Luuiiuauu. Ke payment rri vi leges, EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N., starK :st.. roniana, kjt. JT4RM LOAN'S Wo hnve unlimited funds to loan on improved farms at low rates: liberal repayment plan. CITY LOANS. We make loans on city property at current rates; no delays. TvOAN DEPARTMENT, COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. Broadway 7522. MONEY to loan ' on Willamette valley farms and city property. Lowest current rates. Liberal repayment privileges. P T-it rr n t rlnsino' COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY. 93 Third St., Portland, Or. HOME PURCHASE LOANS, Monthly installment plan; 6 per cent simple interest, with protection for the family in case 01 aeatn. pnon vu up any time, sso commission. WILLIAM MacM ASTER, 328 U. S. National Bank Bldg., IiOans Insurance. SEE US TODAY We loan money on city property; lowest rates, no commission on Cnoice loans; long tune auu nuwn monthly payments; pay as you can, Kiim to suit: contracts, second mort gages bought. 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder sts. CBLLARS-MURTON CO. WE BUY CONTRACTS. MORTGAGES AND NOTES. PACIFIC SECURITIES CO.. 1403 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 237 WE HAVE some stocks and bonds in dif ferent local corporations 01 ejiuenem. standing, paying 8 per cent to 15 per cent. Write or call ior particulars. xuwy. 6897. Harrington Co., Title and Trust bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. in any amount at lowest rates on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service. p A nTTT Xr PAGET. Realtors. 283 Stark st., bet. 4th & 5th. Bdy. 3794. yODTCAliE LOANS. Monev available for loans on first class inside retail and financial prop- ' erty at 6 per cent interest. WILLIAM Mac MASTER. 328 U. S. National Bank Bldg. WE HAVE funds available for good resi dence loans; also insurance money ior business property at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO.. Main 2831. Wilcox Bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission, no aeiaya, DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO.. 87 Sixth St. Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or citv nroperty : prompt and helpful service: liberal repayment priv ilege; lowest ratea WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 80 FOURTH ST.. PORTLAND. OR. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or aeray. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD. 309 Piatt Bldg. Main 5371. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any . amount; low rates, promptly closed; attractive repayment privileges. A. ti. Hi ti.n&L,Li-Lil i. u 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114, $300. $400. $5K. $700, $1000. J1UOO, $1500, uhiu ana u u . wwtsi rttLea, uuiub ituiiuii. pay off $10O orf more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage to., 001 -nam-ber of Commerce bldg. Main 337Q. MORTGAGE LOANS. Residence and City Property. 66 and 7 Per Cent. UNION ABSTRACT CO., Ground Floor, Henry Bldg. 11000 $1500 $2000 $2500 $3000. NO DELAY. We are loaning our own monev. Loans quickly closed. F. H. DESHON. 615 Cham, of Com, bldg. MORTGAGE loans in sums to suit; city, farm or suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY, WILLIAM Q. BECK. 215 Failing Bldg. PRIVATE money to loan on well located residences; any amount, miv to ztHHj; lowest available rates. See A. K. HilL 426 Lumbermens bldg. $500, $1000 AND upward on improved .real estate; iavoranie terms, no aeiay, no brokerage. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. TO LOAN $500, $lOO0, $1200, $1500, $2500 on real estate security, i per cent, per cent. Geo. P. Lent, 417 Corbett bldg. SEE OREGON INV. &. MORTGAGE CO., 210 BXgHANOB iJUllJl-Nli. SJUXJOJNJJ AND STARK STS. HAVE money for a number of loans, $1500 to jow. uitiespie, 7i3 uekum bidg. $200, $400, $500, $750, $1000 AND UP Low rates, quicK action. u rea w . uerraan Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN $800, $850, $1200 and $2000 on improved city property. Phone Bdwy. 60SO, or call oxo coucn Diag. LOANS at current rates on well-improved farms and city property. K. K. Baxter. Spalding bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rates of interest. Otto & Hark son Realty Co., 415 Chamber of Commerce. PRIVATE money to loan on real estate, low rates, no delays. C De Young & Co., 810 Spalding bidg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; sums to suit 7 and 8 per cent. Witham-Reed CO., Main HAVE $1500. $2000 to $4000 for immediate loan, 7 per cent. H 417, Orego.n1 a n . $32,200 DIVIDE, $1200, $2000, $2600, $3000, $5500, $18.000. East 7504. Epton. MORTGAGE LOAN'S, 6 and 7 per cent. Salomon & Co., 307 Railway Exch. bldg. $10,000 TO $100,000 FOR immediate loan. G 385, Oregonian. The. aJEJ5hBRSJ T ml tit FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. DO TOO NEED MONET AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE T YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS. VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS, ETC If your payments are too large on your automooile or furniture contracts, we will pay them tip and advance you more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave tha se curity in your possession, and you can repay us in small monthly payments WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private offices. A4 business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, (Licensed), 806-SO7 Dekum Bidg. Broadway 5S5T. S. W. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY LOANS SALARY. WE LOAN MONEY to salaried and working men on their personal notes; rates reasonable, easy payments. NO SECURITY NO INDORSER. Call and investigate our modern money lending methods. All business confiden tial. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, (Licensed), 218 Failing Building. MONEY TO LOAN. Money loaned on household goods or merchandise placed in storage with us at regular bank rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. Fourth and Pine Sts., Opposite Multnomah HoteL Phoaa Broadway 8715. DAN MARX & CO., 815 Wasnington St., near 6th st. Established over 85 years; only high-C'Svss jewelry store in city with loan department in connection; private room for ladies; business strictly confi dential; under state supervision; all ar ticles held one year. Do business with an old-established firm. MONEY to loan on diamonds and jewelry; confidential service, government licensed and bonded brokers. Zell Bros. & Co., 2X3 Washington st. Bdwy, 6725. MONEY to loan ; diamonds. Jewelry, etc.; legal rate; articles held one year. Vines, jeweler, corner 3d and Washington. AUTO and other snort-tune loans. Mult nomah Finance Co., 822 Gasco bldg. Loans Wan tea. FRANK L. McGUIRE. with his years of experience and expert knowledge of values, is in a position to safeguard your every interest in locating your money. Hundreds of applications for loans. Of fice or personal services. Let us loan your money. See J. Logie Richardson, v manager loan department, Abington building. Bdwy. 7171. WE HAVE several applications for first mortgage loans in amount $350, $350 and $1000 to be secured by real property in city. These are first-class investments and will pay you 8 per cent; we will be glad to show the property. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. IMPROVED FARM. " $1200, 7 per cent, 3 to 5 years, $5000 security. $600, 7 per cent, 3 to 5 years, state Land Co.. 248 Stark. Inter- $5000 WANTED. 8 per cent interest, on W acres cnoice (joiumoia nignway property with $8000 improvements: will pay brokerage. Private party. Tabor t $1300 FIRST mortgage at 8 per cent, well secured, on o acres wtm uoa oui-a. good title end abstract, will discount 5 per cent. Phona Main 3S69, or call 201 Sd street. - WANTED To borrow J25O0 from private party, 3 years, 7 per cent; gooa irving ton residence as security. K 445, Ore gonian. WANTED at once 200O on Rose City prop erty, 1st mortgage. sunnquisi eiLy Co.. 415 Chamber of Commerce. Bd-wy. S222. 11500 ON" IMPROVED acreage. worth -HKK, plaslerea nouse wun concrete oe ment: crop sown. Tabor 7055. JoOOO RESIDENCE, just completed in Rose City Park, on which I2OO0 loan at 7 per cent is desired. Broadway 5512. IX) AN WANTED 5 2K) 00, new modern bun galow with garage; legal rates, au Oregonian. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO. 210 EXCHANGE EU1.1J.UN.. z Au STARK STS. I HAVE $100,000 worth of security, timber and mill, near city, want tiLwi tor ys-ars. N 427, Oregonian. TO BORROW 12600. gilt-edged security, S per cent interest. r u. nox in. WANTED $2500 on city property. Wdln. 153. MORTGAGES for sale. John Bain. 601 Spalding bldg. PEKSONAT-. PSYCHOLOGY. Find out what you were meant to and start to do it. The most Important thing In the world to you Is YOURSELF. Human analysis as given by Mrs. Anna bel Malone at the Multnomah hotel de termines the work you are fitted for. You were born to be a success at some thing. Find out what It is. A 15-minut, Interview free by appointment only. Phone Broadway 4080. TAKAKA ANTISEPTIC POWDER IS a soothing, cleansing, healing, germi cidal and Invigorating douche ; a great aid in female disorders. 60c and II P box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. PILES PERMANENT HEI-.IEF. . Legal guarantee given. No need ot knife no pain, continue work. Ask to see Gle-o-nis Pile treatment. Stout Lyons Drug Co., 3d and Morrison. Bth ?fl Washington, Broadway and Stark. JTjj NETTIE BENSON Nervous and chronlc disease ub.u " , , ODS traction for weak backs, mineral iteam bath, showers, violet ray massaga andTlnusoldal treatments for both sexea TtrnaflwaV Q(f. BB-TifBSON'S are selling 3O0 new spring PEiSC .f f 19,60. 124.50 and 28.60; .wrv one Is a oeauiy , . faTk of the town; taffetas, cantons, sat Ini and noiret twill; come early for the &Velectons.. Second floor Pittock blk. DR. MARGARETAYNIE chiropractor trement noA - surgical. ' For trained nurse T assistant and bath .massages, aak for Miss Hanaaii. ,i. "rR ADA SCOTT, nervous and chronic dis ekses a specialty; steam bath, hot or CHo.rsBh?0Wet. mil" Swetland bTd,: Bdwy. 4170. vit-o-NET, sweat, body massage. Radiant viJr. ' n.tf treatment for colds. IS-Mra neuritis, circulation; 10 to 5c'Si.lea-R0 Morgan bldg. Main 7579. i MTS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's, 1.G.E,.o?V;inrIST and ARCH BPLST.. who doesn't hurt you; 8 yra here.; exam. free. Globe blag., inn at wa.u, oi. -o-. Krirw ATiDRBSS. VIOLBTT RAY HEADQUARTERS, 218 Chamber of Commerce Bide. tS t OIIISE NETZISL, treats rheumatism, c"'Jl; -i.trtc blanket, vibrator, mas sage bath; lady assistant Ml Columbia lfS ieir 17th St. Main 5508 e rf am BATHS, scientific massage for h'tv neuritis, rheumatism, lumbago. Graduate nurse assistant. i-o-o aeu- lng-Hirsch. VTT O-NET PARLORS, SALES. TREAT. wi mi DR. G. ' LOCKE, EXCLUSlVa firfea RIGHTS. BDWY! 48. AmZ piano, beginners, 10 lessons; popu lar sones a ,caw. ... "- vanced course for players. 514 Eilert buiWlng. ut iccicK baths, rheumatism, con-tlpa- Sorenson. 508 Panama bldg. Bdwy. TOSt). itEJCVlfi'N'ATE your tired and nervous honv Dy a b.jbuiuik ..ltt-. . '. La.rsen. fi34 Morgan bldg. Main IffOQ. MASSEUSE- Well equipped . office and practice in Salem; owner leaving for Ku rope. AV 17-.. Orpyonlan. ELECTRIC sweats given for la grippe, bad colds, rheuraatism, by killed nurse. Call Bdwy. ttlSo. room HM. OSCAR Write Mrs. Martin, lormeriy ot Newport, Or. 779 Marshall st.. Port tand. Main 4S78. ' STEAM baths for bad colds, and body massage; lady assistant. 322 FUiedner bidg 10th and Washington at a. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts, re mo ed by 10-need.ie method , t rial free. Jose Flnley. BM Bush & Lane. Main 6363. TRAINED NURSE, BATHS MASSAGE See Miss Randall for bath, man sage and electric treatment. 215 Swetland bldg. ' MASSAGES FOR LUMBAGO. BTC 415 Buchanan bldg.. Wash., bet. 4th and 5th. 30 to 3 P. M., also Sundays. H M EDWARDS, write to Mabel Ed wards Mays, Walla Walla. Wash,, Bar rett bldg. . FEB VET & HANEBUT, leading wig and toupe makers; permanent marcel and water waving. 341 Alder. Main 546. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write JDr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison DR. ROBERT FISHER, chiropodist. specialist, now at 713 Dekum bldg. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently re " moved. 54 Swetland bldg. Bdwy. 67tf. WHY BE FAT? Elizabeth Marshella obesity specialist. 807-S Broadway bidg. SULPHUR steam baths, massage, violet ray. Hours 10 to 8. 4L'6 Clay. Main 83.j PROSTATE trouble cured without opera te n-9 DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay youf See vlereck, collectors. ueaum oiag. LEARN good trade evenings. Beauty cui ture. Madam Curtis. Bdwy. 6i02. S. ti. SETTING not yet completed!. In good shape. A. Boat PRIMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm ol V iE 844 . 330. fcfclL 2213, momlnft.