20 THE MOILNLNG GREG OS 1 AX, THURSDAY',' FEBRUARY 9, 1922 WFM WAXTFP WITH PTTFSTMTr. taA.M a p&rmr, wcxlfv business; mall inreitment required; plenty work. .ir.Arxn bidg. PAHTN ER wnh il amount monty to !nvrti in fr-XMi paying pmpoettlon. Knight I'AP.T.VER for woodyard bui!n"M cavs truck and yard. 750 Invest ment required. 5 "4 Buchanan bidg. HFir WINTTD-MAir. OR rTMALK. WANTED To IIv wire capabl of handling sealing couna Apply 1 to 4 P. M apt. D, Barton hotel. 14th t en- trar.ee 11A' and wife. experienced hotl or camp cvk. out of town preferred. AP 417, FIKT-CLAS3 retouchers needed; training school opening. Pley Studio, u7 Morrison. MTTATIOyfl WANTED MA1.FL JiuMKKiil.NUKK and ppr ruler, 27 years of age. married, at present employed outside the state of Oregon and wih Ing to leave his present empor. will I his service to crowlnr concern that has a promt! ng future My ability to prod j c satisfactory work has been test ed during my employment in two shops in the edit, who specialty is coumy work AV lTO, Or'riian, TO HOMH OWNERS IN LATTRELHT-RST. Let nie rive yoa estimate on your In terior decorating Am working there dow. Phone Tabor 630. Frank Rignty. A;" i"ItiT-CLASi Inside luratwrman. a fee 36. at preeent employed as rook keeper n t cost accountant, aieo can averse al. office rou;lne and tan Cfi.r of ad fre.ght calms, etc.; would like m In terview, if interested, lo th future, AV 1 71. tregonian. LXPeKIENTEI) window trimmer and card writer wishes permanent posi tion with reliable firm; will pro any p ace References furnished. Address W. ri. GU more. 322 A at.. McMinnviiie. -g-n Pnn Piue '-'31 1 CVMPKTt.N'T architectural draftsman to prepare plans and pecif ications for hous-s. building. in pr time- at rinabi compensation, roniin AV loo, Ors- yOl'X'i man. 20. going to h- -. wants work after 12. weekday, all day Satur day or Sunday. Must bav work. Can do anything Best reference, grood x- rerl-n'-e. Ca" Sell. 2a"0. WASTE i Work with 1-toa Ford trucx; can do moving, baggage or anything and cordwood - first and d-grow:h- Call AmericMB Legion, - u. KmKS repaired, nun or siiine; eve crougus cUsned and repaired; ail work guaran teed. Portland Roof Repair A Paint Co, Ms!n 3JO jAi ANE.-E. ex(.eriencd cook, deaires po sition in private family, willing to do downstairs work if neceary; no wash in tX-l.lIKR. married man. wants work; driving preferred, any make car. but will accept most anything; er sTve rtf-renc-s. Auto. S67-2H. room 420. SALESMAN, a yers' experience in gro ceries and general mdse., can sell any thing; beat of reference. I 446, Orego- "ol'N; narrid man, badly in need of work wants position; will take anything; experienced in restaurant ard confec ttorerv: r fer.-ncea "uiwy. 4.1 CLK N )ouii(( mn atu-nuing iecniiKi sc hool wants work for room and board with refined family: handy around au- nrrhi'.. N 414. Oregonlan. P l TI G. kalftominlng. you buy paint, we put on; f!rst-clas work reasonable. AVen. S-il. lW . E.XPKKIENi'KD crpenter. butldir.g, re pairing, very reasonable, contract, day. PAISTING. papering. kalsomining ; get our prices first and save money. Tabor 3.42 or Autort24-3jV MAX with loSKing team wants iogxlng or lumber hau.ing work. B. J- Hackett. r!t Si2!. FA PK it H A N t 1 NG. PAINTING. TINTING. lowest prices on r.rt-cias work. Eat 7" 12 PAINTING, tinting and interior finishing; eienen-ed workmen; moderate prices. Phnne Main 3S3 . liAVK your pruu.ng and garden wora aone by exper en.-ed men- Phone Aulomauo Z 2-42. f a i w i n . EXPERIENCED gardner wishes position on private place; good reference. BJ 431. Oregonian. JAPANESE schoolboy wants a position in private family. Plea call &23-33 and FL-R surfacing, electric sanding. hnd scraping, waring and polishing. W. H. Tihh.tv 3 3LM ave. S K. Tabor 4Q.-2. YOUNG man wants position on delivery truck, experienced dr:ver; will do any thing Oa'.l Main 4-1 C A K PENT E K. buiidT. finishing, remod eling, built-lna. buildings a specialty, Ewst ?"37. . rA IN TING, papering and kalsomining; pre-war price. Phone Tabor 2320 or East fr3.V . PRUNING Expert gardener and horticul turist, landscaping, care of lawns oroniptly attended to. Tabor 1T16, WKLDKit and machinist wants any work; A 1 references: married: cant leave town. C a : ! Sell. 2 1 4 2 or BF 442. oregonian. MARRIED n an with family n eds bad . v, experienced driver, clrk hnke'r s h-lpr Woodlawn S133 ftork and FIKST-CLASS Chinese cook wants posa.on private family ox country hotel. K 450, ( tres..n'.an. PAPEKHANGER. 15 year' B-nnetu 770 Williams av. ro:. . LAXItfOAl'E liARKENEU. Plans made-; eet (mates given ; shrub bery sot: pruning, etc. Wd n. 4123 YoUNG man can operate i:U Job in a show lioUe; moving picture machine. II l.ai E a t 5.14 7 . FOK SEWER WORK, RAIN DRAIN. BROAD WAY 5rtSn. SAI.ST ROM. bii ! NGLING. reshlnd ing; ab; work guaranteed. prlce reason Auto. 325-16. LET ME and nei L jr our wiring; Voo.l!un 5450. CARPENTER JOBBING. Repairing and painting East 5316. BRICKS lor a:e. cesspool digging by the fo.t. p.un-.b.ng by the Job Auto. 642-14. CEMENT w anteed. rk . hav be for mixers, work guar 7 P. M . Tabor 6TM. CHIN ESE wants house, leaning work The imv or hour AL 442. Oregon: r CARPENTER, builder, f .n.h:ng. o'.-.r hu:id:rg a specialty. E;y.t FVlNllNG and ktom;n;ng. w o: k W.-Un. 2S4-. MAN with ing tor no truck ants lights haul- Main 4r.s. F1X1T. carpenter repairs, built - ins, jubbnt. roofing. alteration. BKK'K vomractor. tile houses. graga. j.rgp.acfs: prices right. Tabor TH3. FLl MHER wora; do any job rea- son : t' e (ytwnator. Hdwy. I'5s3. HAULING wanted for 24-i-'n truck, by h"iir or contract. ltdwy. 21' J 7. TEAMING, plowing, sxcavauug, etc. Eaat lo 24Q E st ytn St. T4K P ENTER. FIRST-CLASS W ORK; RK4StNABI-K. CALL WP1.N. 6!5. PAINTING, i re a so n a b e. mining, first-claa work. d!n. 5414. W PAINTING, untmg. papering; good work; reasonable. Seil CA lU'KN TER. p' .! or good finisher, built-in contract. Main 74-2. PAI.VTiNG. Ur. iir.g. roaibia. East 1 a;: 5 Ca'l IV M. PAPEKHANGIXi i"i and t rti-g m a roll; paint- n i M UK R w ants Work by day or job. M AN" ANTS 314 2- Aug of any k.nd. Marshall tUx.k kw ter. i cuog ra-pher. Office WE INSTALL and cperat- a tprcui book keeping system, including income tai service indorsed by leading merchants associations); work don by expert ac countants for $10 to $15 montmy. Re. tauers Servio Bureau, 717 Ga-ico hag V.:n 4H3-4. ENPrlRT bok keeper, experienced In con trotltng accounts, financial statements: aia ra i i rod claims, wants position. Tabor 2tMwl BY KXI'E Ki ENC ED accountant, audits made, books kept, systems instated. In -cotne tax returns prepared. O 422, Ore- ENGINEER, electrician, general mechanic, ex-srvc man. number of years' experi- governmn: iionw. accent any- BK 4ii3. Oregonian. A-l GENERAL office man. bookkeejer. d'sirvs ptisitlon. Tabor 7116. w 4IL Or' Pi. miu'er, bet of reference. ; ni to charge your system if necessary to get ru:tat. AC 4JS. Oregocian. INCOME TAX returns prvj. ystc:-s (nsraied: books kept; reasonable. 3 C -u h bli'ir Co M i'ETENT iccneral office man. sten- ojcraj ner. ooort Keeper, desire position. AS" Oregonian. SI TrTlQNS WAXTT'O TV. M A I K. l-ach-r w.Kh' pup-.s at b e Aut y 5J1 -51. '- s work by day Hiwv 5K5i LOP. Eo k'ar.Ls day oik.. Call wDlo iMooX reioui;hr. CaU Ja 274. PTTT ATIONS W A VTFD FF MA T.K. REFINED yonnf lady with general office experience desires position; Deu ox rex ereoce Q 4 JO, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED sales. ady wants pes-tion In miiiinery or ladies' suits and coat de partment: have been in business 13 years; am capable of buying stock ; speak French Luently. AF 416, Orego- riian. TOL'XO !sdy wishes position as cashier: experienced, food reference. IX 4UL Ure- gomaa. ANNIE HL'NTER would like day work, laundry or cienDing, 14 a day. 50c an hour; any overtime, no lunch or car Tare. Phone Auto. 014-41. o3 onn 2 1 t sr.. corner Everett m. REri.VED and capable young- lady who can meet the pubic wishes position as dootor'i or dentist's assistant; 2 years" f j.pori-'nrc. Sal. wood 2W75- after 7 P. M. TWo sisters, strangers in this city, ex perienced In cafeteria. short order, chamber work, clerking, and need work at once. Call Main 31-30. apt. 2. 170 imh Bt.. soiith of Morrison. CAPABLE, experienced woman wants can. p cooking or dishwashing. Wood lawn 3827. Address 510 E. Holland street. c:ty. REFINED. ua.nL- umbered woman, middle ae. wants charge of working mens home, with or without children, AF 431, Or-onian. VEST f:n:iu-r. wants work in a tailor shop, can make button holes, can leave citv or. short notice. P. O. box .e2s, Portland. lioolJ cook wishes wortt, small camp or wora:ng man's hotel, fine at pastries and all around. Bdwy. 5J52. room -4. or Wdln. 3o46. RKLlAiiLE elderly omD will assist with light housework where there is no sickne; city. Wage $4 per week. 43t. Orpycninn. G1HL experienced In dressmaking wants employment. Call Main S054 and ask for M !! Erwrt. . Lay WORK, will cre for children by day or month. References given. Call East 42T.V . EXPERT Mrinelio scalp treatments, fa cials, hair dyeing, shampooing, mani curing, etc.. in your home. East 2752. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wants hou-c:enmg. wa-sfiing or otner work; gooo wc.ik none- Wood'awn 6305. BY NEAT trustworthy lady for convales cent, good ook; city references. Phone Columb a 13.'. APARTMENT HOt'SE manager, experi enced, references, desire firat -class pinre. Bdwy. 5777. CA PAULS .m Marshall l--'.. n. tjiceiient cook. Phone ii.iUiLi;-Aufci.) woman will care for chil dren: references. Tabor 4V.V Woman wauin day work Wednesday. Thursdavs ; experienced. Wd'.n. oS3H. CuMPETKXT woman wants general house- w.irk. Broadway 1411. RELIABLE thorough i by day or hour. Ka jrker wishes work t 1 WANTE1 Washing ing- Auto. 3.VM. iromnfi and clean- 1R N1NG. cookintf, Woodlawn 45. 35c pr hour. Ref. LADY W4uld line practical nursing. Main Sltwl, 9 to .V Phone CAPABLE WOMAN NEEDS WORK. wii.N. se-. Bookitecperw. stenographer. Office. REFINED young lady with general office experience desires position; beat of ref erence. G 42u, Oregonlan. HAVE you a stenographic position for a widow with a small child to support? If a call the Free F'.mployment Bureau, Hdvvv. 430. for particular. WANTED out-of-town position by first class stenographer; best of references. Address F. B. P.. 460 East 6bth si. S Portland. yol'NG lady, experienced in private ex change and stenography. must have work. What can you offer? O 437. Ore- oninn. . BOOKKEEPER wishes work part time only. Can audit and install system; best r"frenc-s. Broadway 2732. STENOGRAPHIC work of any kind. Rea sonable rates, atlas Lytle, Bdwy. 51.3, -J4 Henry bldg. SCHOOL TEACHER wants cashiering or office work, experienced in both. O 42L Orearnnan. POSITION General office work, stenog rapher, assistant bookkeeping, experi enced. Marshall 104. ioUNG LADY with office experience wishes position, typing, filing, etc.; best of reference. P 43, Oregonlan. ST E NOG -BOOK" PR, beginner, pleading personality, willing worker. Elva, Mc intosh. M!n 2-'u.Y STENOGRAPHER, beginner, would like po sition, willing to work hard. Woodlawn EXPERIENCED stenographer desires half day position, law office preferred. AK 450. Oregoif mn. OFFICE Ip of every cecr:pt;on : quick service. Cell Broadway 6553. William Service. 54 Spalding bidg. BKGINNER wishes stenographic position. p:eae call East STENOGRAPHER; nth ; accurate, rapid. half days; $45 Marshall 2310. TV PIST wants Call Main HO position, ex-civil service. WANTED Multigraphing and typewriting to do at home. Ean POSITION wanted as general office girl. Phone Main - Prfwrnalirni. JULES will make your frocks, gowns and wraps for all occasions and also do remodeling at reasonable pncea Artisans oiog. Broadway 560. THK GLAD SHOP. Gowns for every occasion copied from kirhe or original designing. Main 5.;;.4. loi Broadway bidg. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, home or out; MUihfaciion guaranteed. Main 33t4, apartment 7. ARE YOU STOUT? Then rail Tabor 469. lill E. Taylor street- Price reasonable; reference. W ILL take orders for inrant layettes, from simplest to mnrf elaborate; very reasonable. Auto. 626-72. DR ESSMAK1NG. satisfaction guaranteed. Woodlawn 421fV LADY wjshrs sewing : a day. Phone Auto. n home or away; $-B10-S4. DRESSMAKING, children's sewing c:a ty. Automatic 321 -Q5. SiLK dres.-es a specialty; prices reason able 4 22H Morrison, room 6, upstairs H KMSTlTl'H I NG, 7c. cotton or silk. Ideal Shop. 717 Broadway Mdg. HEMSTITCHING He. P.i nam a h 1 d g . . T h : while you wait, -d and Alder. Fl RST-C1.A; S-!l 174S. 5 DRESSMAKER. Call after 6. $3 a day. EX PER I ENC ED . : r.smakcr wiahc work by day. Tabor S456L DRESSMAKING. tailoring draft patterns for any styles d '-;gntng. Mar. 36S5. HAVE a new hat from tertal. Tabor V new or used ma- S1LK or wool dresses. tsi wort .1 ofterson. Oppownt- vnj nan. Nune. EX PEKIKXVBD, pratical nurae can take case at once, women or children: w:ll engage for maternity case. SU wood NCIvSE will . home : diet re for patient In her own i specialty Tabor 5733. WOMAN wants work by day. Thursday. Would like ironing. Woodlawn 70. FR 1 V AT E ir. a t e r n : t y h ome. best care patients. E.iPt S6, EXPERIENCED practical nurse. 2:;2i. YOUN5 widow wifhts p. ace as house keeper in city or country. Ap 419. Ore- gon'.n. NEAT, re.iable woman, widow, middle Mtced. wants housekeeping in good home. M am i3 N 4-. Oregonian. NLAT Norwegian lady wants housekeep ing, good cook ; city references. Phone i V.ubmta 13VS. NEAT, refined lady, 3, wihf to keep ho ue f or widow er with home. P. O. box 525 H oun-ec I cam i ng. HOUSE CLEANING Expert whit and Ivory enamel, brick end til f; replace, c eanirg. floors w axed, furniture pol ished, carpet cleaned, windows washed. city house cleaning service. Chapman t. Phone Main 1157. VEKIB3ST WINDOW CLEANERS. COLUMBIA 1027. Housec'eaning. floor waxing and vac uum cleaning ; est! mates cheerfully giv en, best of reference. WANTED TO RENT. W A N'T K I to rint 5-r-m hou Wdln. 5M Bros a wiy IIoiMrft. 0- REWARD TO Tili MAX OR WOMAN" that will i-how me a house of 10 to 15 rooms vacant that I can rent and put my furniture In. that is. if I accept same at rental 5ked ; only place close in on east side or one on the m t ; toe CTVdred Cal! Peilw o d 2.V. . WE HAVE many calls for houses and fiats and can rent yours: let us handle our pr-pertv und colle-t your rents. C. V W A'iS'KR CO.. 230 SrarV St Al'l LT $4, 1 u p . e w , th jrar Tabor ir.t 4 or 5-ioi ni buQtdiiow, $35 without ; reier- WANT to rtnt 5-room furniaheti Uui.ajw s4 aoottt W ood4rwa ltd WANTED TO RENT. House. WANTED To rent 4 or 5-roorn house with acre or two; bouse need not neces sarily be modern but must be within reasonable distance of good school; elec tric line preferred; might buy after leasing a year or more: can furnish the best of references. Write O 433, Ore- fir on! an, or phnrt T a bo r 4 3 3 . ' WANT' 5 or 6-room modern bungalow In good district, from owner, by reliable couple; no children; will lease. Answer 26 Mason St.. city. Rooms With Board. Y oUNli nun wuuid like room and board, private family; no other boarders; ga rage. AF 444. Oregonian. STK.N'OilRAPHER waou home, west aide. AO 447, Oregonlan. Rou- keep log Rooms. HCl'HBKEEPIXiJ room with wood stove preferred; must be cheap. P. O. Box 209. Business Pisces. AN EQUIPPED auto repair shop, west side. near in on east siae ; must d rearou- ab.e; give full particular in first letter. AC 444. Oregonian. ft'iVTKii titration f ru- variety store rood suburban business district. Call Col. WANTED to rent, room for auto repair shop. M ust be tow rent and on good street. J 445. Oregonlan. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT. Furnifhed rooms and 'suite in high- lnM ant. house. S'JA and up. Keiineo rentlenwn or employed lady. Reference required. 166 St. Ciair. cor. Washington, Bdwy. 5830. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST - 6TH. QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REPINED; 1 25 PER DAY, 6 PER WK. AND UP; CON V EN I EXT. A LL NIGHT GARAGE. HOTEL IROQUOIS. Thoroughly renovated from top to bot tom; permanent rooms, now ready. $5 per week and up. transient $1 per day and up. Corner 12th and Stark. Broad way 374. . HOTEL HARRISON. ROOMS 2 WEEK. Clen furnished rms. , &tee.m heat, hot water, bath. etc.. 3c and 50c per night; 5-storv brirk. 4(3 Front, cor. Harriaon. CALL AT Y. M. & A. to see free list of modern to-priced rooms for young men in all parts of the cKy, including room at the Y. M. C. A., with phone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. AN SON I A HOTEL, 124 14th at., at Washington Rate 5 per week and up. $1 day; fireproof, large, attractive. pot lews rooms, close ta amuirements and shopping center. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13TH ST. AT WASHINGTON. TLfLte. 1 a da v. a week $3 and up private bath $S; fireproof and clean. cKee to buisines-s center. WAS H I N GT O N H OT E L. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suite at reason able ratea by week or month. NEAR hospitals, very desirable front room. also garage; nuroes or Duainose peupiw. 255 North 21st L. cor. Northrup. Auto. 519-82. . ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington St. Mars-hall 1950. Large, attractive lobby with fireplace. Special rates to permanent guests. HOTEL CON R A DINE, 22 North 10th St., hincka north of Washington St.; fire proof: pleasant rooms and suites at very rasonaoie rates oy aay or t- v HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement. 6ri!S wasnington st. .uoucmi. private baths, free phones; reasonable rates. .i.ou tppk up. jiam ji EMPRESS HOTEL, 6th and Stark; single or double comfortable rooms at moder ate prices; special rate to permanent guegts. EUCLID HOTEL. R71 Wnahinftnn St. Cheerful, clean rooms, with or without private baths; transients and permanent. T , A I X- L' UATIM . 91'! V. 2flTH ST. Modern, nicely furnished rooms, with or without board; reasonable rates. KENTON HOTEL, at Kenton station- Sleeping and ri. v. rooms, um stenm heat. S2 50 and up per week. ARTHUR HOTEL. 170 Eleventh St., near MnrHon Clean and modern rooms bv day. week or month at reasonable rates. STANDIPH HOTEL. 548 Washington at IKth Nicely furnished rooms, steam heated, reasonable rate. $3.50 up, week. LIGHT, comfortable sleeping room, close in. west side, quiet place. 208 17th st. Main 762. HTEL OCKLEY, Morrison St.. at 10th $1 day. weekly $5 and up. Free phone nnd baths: light and airy. Steam heat. . Kiii. fnrniKhed sleeping rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water; reasonable. 2H01 Fifth st NKW PERKINS HOTEL Washington and Fifth Streets. Sperm I permanent rai-s. THE ST. PAUL, Fourth and Aider, a ntu SPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HOTEL, $1 ud. Rates by week or month. 50c DAY $2.50 WEEK up; clean. Dams t- lintel Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson. COSY HAS EMKN'T S L E E P 1 N G ROOM. . 50 PER WEEK. EAST lttPO. Unfurnished Rooms. 4 UNFURNISHED rooms, in private iam- lly and garage. 103f E. Main. FurnNhed Rooms In Private Family. WALKING distance, good district, attrac tive residence. Well furnished room, heat, hot water, garage. Breakfast it desired. Fast 5i15. 4 COZY rooms, nicely furnished, moaern private home, refined district, west side, $15 month. To each roomer who brings another I will allow $5 discount. .12 Flanders st. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front rooms, one to use as office with typewriter; all home privileges; walking distance; also 2-room beautiful apt., reasonable, aiain HI N. "-'1st. AT TRACT IV ELY f urnihed corner, front room, heat, plenty hot water, lovely home, kitchen privileges; also light, cheery, warm front attic room. 283 N. 24th street. JUST what you have been looking ior. Large tront sleeping room, jusi home, close in, reasonable rent. EaBt 34 30. ATTRACTIVELY furnished room. ivory finish, iumace neat, me " every convenience. walking distance. Marsnan FOK GENTLEMAN. room comioriaoiy furnished in private lamiiy s apunmrui, steam heated ; Ford ham Apartments. Marshal! 165V SUITABLE for -one or two ladies, front room In modern nome; in mmuirs out on three car lines. Breakfast and din ner if desired. Woodlawn 1976. 3 SLEEPING rooms, eacn suuaoie ror - occupant? ; not wa-ter nea l. aim u If desired; 1 block from Woodlawn car. Wdln. 5W. a FOR RENT Two ' nice.y turnisnea. ciean housekeeping rooms; lurnavw m water, phone, etc, reasonable. 2bl Chap man st., walking diytar.ee. i LARGE, well -t urn ished room, steam neat. close in. 3V lltn St. near vuiumuia. Marshall 4M, TWO ROOMS in steam-heated apt. house. near hopita s: Kite n en ana i a unary privileges. Bdwy. 4546. 'j&tt 14TH. NEAR JEFFERSON Furnished room, moaern conveniences, warning distance. .TTRAOTIVE room in west side apt. h ou.se, steam heat ana plenty hot water. Main 3622. LADY, alone, deserving and appreciative comfortable home, wants lew roomers. 304 E. First N . East I KM). CONGENIAL young man w;nes roommate. twin beds, I ail conveniences, piano, etc., rate $3.50. 61 N. 18th st. Bdwy. 2721. COZY front room for man accustomed to nice things, quiet, moaern piece. Park St.. corner of Mill. Marshall 1780. TW'O very desirable furnished rooms for couple, dose in. East litti. NICELY furnished basement room. 215 West Parle. ROOM with dreasing room and sleeping porch, west side, gents. Bdwy. 4329. FOR RENT Three rooms, partially fur nished. 656 Upshur street. SLEEPING rooms. After 5 P. 30 E. 15th st. East 902. FURNISHED rooms. with board, close In. quiet pte.ee. or without Wdln. 4123. CLEAN steepmg room for gentleman, $8 month. 50i) Jefferson st.. near 14th. Rooms Witn Board. ROOM and board ; beautifully furnished room, with or without sleeping porch, at $32.50 each for two young ladies: also single room; laundry privilege. Bdwy. 24,iS. 223 E. 2uTH EAST 734. Portland's exclusive east' side residen tial hotel; can accommodate one or two gucats. FURNISHED room with private bath In small boarding house ; suitable for 2 Main 4S7. ROOM and board for business girls; ail modern conveniences, walking distance; $5 per week. Auto. 219-74. 11 E. 7th st 42 MORRISON, corner 13th Choice rooms and board, walking distance, modern conveniences. MARTHA for k rls WASHINGTON Room, board mod rates. 380 IQth. Mar. Il'51. ROOMS with or without board. 738 John on st. Main 37:tl Room With Bosid tn Private Family. GOOD home and moUier' cafa ior 1 cAiid. Tabor FOR RENT. Room a With Boa rd. CAMPBELL HOTEL, 2SD AND HOYT STREETS, CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tela on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. $2.50 a day up; rates by day c month. Meals served to transients. NORTOXiA HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms n suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. THE MARIAN Nicely furnished rooms and splendid home cooked meal; alt conveniences, a refined and homelike place for business people; moderate rates. SUM Ohsan, Bdwy. 2438. . RESIDENTIAL BOARDING HOUSE. 600 Hawthorne ave. at 15th. Nice, large room and sleeping porch, suitable for two; could accommodate few tame ooamers. WARM room for 1 or 2. $8 wk. Hot water, excellent meals. 513 Montgomery. Rooms With Board in Private Family. IRVINGTON Love.y room. mahogany furniture: every convenience; refined home; also sleeping porch, garage. East ATTRACTIVE room In private family for 1 or 2, with board, in lovely district, home privileges. 318 3th st. 1 block sou'h of Hawthorne carline. FOR RENT Una front room, with board, suitable for two; furnace heat garage; cioae to car; walking distance reasonable. East 6503. . WKT.r-FTTR VTSHET1 warm rooms Wit board, piano, phone, bath, just like home, near Adcox school and denta college. 3W Ha'.sey. near Union ave CHILDREN' will revive mother's care in widow mother's home, reasonable. 184 W. Wlnchell st. Kenton car. NlCiC larrA ronm for 2 : ' home orivilege you'll like our meals, also our "family." Mar. 41 ROOM and board in beautiful home, fine view, excellent meals, for 1 or 2. 734 Hawthorne ave. $25 2 MEALS and room to share with girl, high school student; single peas, references exchanged. Phone Tabor 9437. LOVELY light front room, h. and c water; fireplace; w. s. Bdwy. 4ttJd. LARGE front room In modern home. Irving st. Marshall 4410. NICE room, quiet family. 2 meals, to lady employed. Mar. 444U. ROOM and board in private family; walk ing distance. East atm. ROOM, board, one gentleman; private home. 576 Ladd ave. East J.66&. ROOM with board, lady preferred; home privileges. Bdwy. 3.s. ROOM and board. $30 a month. 121 E. Uth st.. cor Alder, call East zaa. LADY wishes two children to board; mother's care. Auto. 613-91. ROOM and board. $30 11th st., corner Alder. a, month. 121 E. Call East 2522. ROOM for young man, reasonable. 6049. 595 E. Taylor, cor, loth. Furnished Apartments. 8TELWYN APARTMENTS. HiiH.rr.Asa The handsomest furnished apt. In city. Outside rooms and sleeping porches. Also lovely suite on corner, top floor, 6 window vrv nhnir: will rent to re fined gentleman; also single rooms for bachelors or ladies employed. Refer ences required. Broadway 5830. 16ft St. Clair st., corner Washington. GRANDESTA APTS. Nicely furnished apts., 3 rooms and bath; best steam-heated brick bidg. m Htv intu of hot ai(r 24 hrs. a day; all other conveniences necessary for your comfort at a. very reasonable price. 6 Grand ave.. cor. Stark. LOVELY. LARGE. COMPLETELY FUR NISHED FRONT ROOM. MODERN APARTMENT, $00 MONTH; equipped for two to six persons; immaculately clean and classy; first-clase janitor serv ices guaranteed. THE COLUMBIAN. 1TTH AND COLUBIA. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apts., out side and French doors and balcony; per manent and transient WELLINGTON COURT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Four-room, newly painted and papered, all newly furnished throughout; corner apartment; only 3 blocks from Wash ington st. Rent $60; references required. Broadway 1245. HANTHORN APTS. Completely furnished 3-room apt., two disappearing beds, vacant now; will nave front four-room vacated February 10, 3 disappearing beds, suitable for several people, .u i-in st. PARK APARTMENT Nice, clean rrom 4-rm. apartment, ouisiae wmuowo. b- finnr f i rT! 1 ftoe. 3 clothes closets. mats, carpets and draperies, $75. Phone Marshall lmbi 'wu-iJlvilTnV HlfiH APTS. Th,u.rnnm furnished modern apart ment larre outside rooms; hot-water heat: walking distance. 575 B. Stark st. corner 14th. Phone East 8636. LEAVING city, 4-room apartment for rent, turn rn t if 4 n ocks irum xioj- wbw hriri?e: nothing better for the money. 205 Cherry, apartment East 1 tM KJ. PARK APARTMENTS Four-room front apartment, on tnira nour house; electric elevator; $60. Phone Mar. 23S1. ; . t u a ITT .MWOOD. Strictly first-class 2 and 8-room apt?- completely furnished. $55 and $75. 4lo Tenth st. Aiain pop'. NICELY furnished outside 3 and roo.m o-fv.l' hotfi services to bachelors; Nob Hill district. Mar. 2145. THREE outside rooms, clean ana weu furnished; gas. eiecinniy, i.u.i plenty hot water: phone: large lawn. Adults only. Phone East 858. uoi:IA' APTS. Large 3-room apt., separate bedroom. 4 closets, desirable. 730 Hoyt. Main 1552. HAVVIS! RRAR. Three rooms and bath, nicely u"lis??d and clean; adults. Irvington district. 614 HnnrocK. SPECIAL 3-room newiy paimru .nu niched, downstairs private entrance, run ning water; suitaDie ior o ui -' $25. 412 19th st. N.. cor, vaugnn. THR RV ERETT. 644 EVERETT STREET. Furnished S-room corner apt., all mod ern. Conveniences, $65. Bdwy. 4490. NICE warm room, 3 windows and a large closet: excellent board; very reasonable to man and wife or 2 employed men. 191 11th st. i - t t itwnT A PA RTM ENTS. 3-room strictly modern, elevator, tile bath: 11th and Montgomery, aiain o.y. CLEAN, sunny, two-room apartment c lose In. west side, quiet place. 208 17th st. Main 7628. L 3-ROOM furnished apt-. Bta.m heated; close in; reasonable rent. SO E. 8th st. North JULIANA APARTM ENTS. 45 TRUM i i r-Lv c FURNISHED 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. JULIANA APTS.. 45 TRINITY PLACE', 3 ROOM FURNISHED APT. ALL OUT- IDE ROOMS; J wo n . isv. FURNLSHED apartment, nice light and large, 3 or 4-rooms, $20 and $2.5. 129 Kellv st. Take Fulton car to Flower st. COLLEGE 3 rooms, modern, walking dis tance, sleeping porch, light and warm. 3d and College. Mar. 5555. 'pwi.- l.RO'f!E 186 N. 22D. Furnished 3-room apt., newly tinted; rvrivate bath- $45. Mar. 2250. CLEAN tenant wanted, none otner neeq applv; newly furnished 2-room apt.; $27.50. Bdwy. 2Q-.t2 4-ROOM apt., partly furnisned, ground floor - light, water and phone; walking distance. 546 E. Aldei DRICKSTON APARTMENTS. 448 XI I xx si Nice, modern. 2-room apartment. 2-ROOM apt., nice home for nice people, private entrance, first floor. 660 Bel mont. THE RBXFORD. 2-room apartment $50, including steam heat and phone. Main 553J HADDON HALL, 11th and Hall. 3-room apartment; private balcony; hardwood floors, tiled bath. 2 FURNISHED apts and 2 single rms. New York apts.. East 7th and Belmont. SAN MARCO. E. 8TH AND COUCH ROOM MOD. APT. EAST 1990. ALCO APTS.. E. Couch. Union sve. Clean, modern 2-room apt., reasonable. THE CHELTENHAM. 19th and Northrup. 4-rm. apts. All outside. Bdwy. 8658. 2 AND 3-ROOM modern apta. tile bath. Main 1052 Buena Vista apta UNION AVE. and Killingsworth, fur. apt., $24 50: all complete, concrete Pulldjpg. DOUGLAS COURT has 4-room furnished apartment. Marshall 423. 425 West Park. FURNISHED apartment, outside rooms; running water. 214 13th st. 2 AND 3-ROOM apartments, west side. walking distance, inetopa. W n. 18th. NICE 2-room apartment for rent. 629 First street. BEAUTIFUL 3-room front apartment. 341 11th st. NEW 2-ROOM apartment with sleeping porch, walking distance. Main 23Q9. -ROOM modern furnished apt.; steam heat. Belknap apts.. 187 17th street. FURNISHED 4-room and bath. Westmin ster 262 Sixth st. Main 5582. BERKELEY APTS., 3i TRINITY PLACE. iTurniahed A-rooxa apt. .Bdwy. 515J, FOR RENT. Unfurnished Apartments. WELLINGTON COURT UXDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 5-room, newly painted and kalsomlsed. steam heat and telephone, close in. walk ing distance, only 3 blocks of Washing ton st. Rent 50. Call Bdwy. 1245. BEAUTUFUL five-room apartment; best Irvington residential section; all mod ern ; rent $85 ; no children; references. F. B. Bowman Az Co.. 210 C. of C bldg. Broadway 6776. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Upshur apta, 406 H X. 26th. 2, 3, 4 and a-room apartments, steam neatea. tur nished and unfurnished: reasonable rates. ATTRACTIVE 5-room modern apartment, garage and garden, corner E&st 17th and Lambert avenue. Res., Sell wood 291 or Main 435. BOWMAN Apartments, Irvington 3 out side rooms; hdw. floors; French doors steam heat; washing mch.; vacuum clnr. ; Jan. srvloe: adults; $75. E; 1369. BRUCE APT. ; 6 outside rooms, modern, steam heated, sleeping porch, janitor service, newly decorated, west side. East 13'50. - 4 ROOMS, newly finished and strictly modem; adults only. 12594 Belmont st. Tabor 7458. FORD-HAM APARTMENTS. 3-ROOM COURT APT. MARSHALL .1881. 3-ROOM modern apartment, partly fur nished; steam heat; close in; $32. Sell. S620. HIGHLAND COURT APARTMENT. 3 rooms, unfurnished. Mar. 3181- THE AMERICAN Modern -room apr ment. Broad .ray 3360. 5 ROOMS, modern, steam heat, gas stove. 561 GHsan st. CLAY POOLE APTS. 3 rms., 2 beds; adults. 424 Clay st. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. 4 ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, close In, west side, very reasonable rent, aleo 14-room home, suitable for apartment, partially furnished, $6 a room. 415 Northwest Bank bidg. Main 7472. , UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. . Upshur apts., 406 V N. 26th. 2, 3. 4,nd 5-room apartments, steam heated, fur nished and unfurnished: reasonable rates. Flats. 5-ROOM modern lower, front and back yards; linoleum and gas range in kitch en; full cement basement, stationary trays; very reasonable for right tenant. v 4i. oregonlan. NEW MODERN 5-room unfurnished flat, first floor, good location, two blocks from car, n Seliwood. Tallmadge Realty Co., 610 Henry bidg. Phone Bdwy. 675. FOR RENT 4-rooni modern flat, sleep ing porch, French doors, large attic; atl modern conveniences ; $30 per month. Call 10O0 Williams ave., near Wygant. NEW, modern 5-room lowar flat, hot water heat; also garage, 576 Elliott ave., Ladd's add. 5-ROOM flat, walking distance, nice view. good order, lirepiace, iumace, oi.oj. 5-ROOM modern flat for renu 634 4th st. Main 6186. FOR RENT 6-room upper flat, modern. CalI Main 5653 after Sunday SIX LARGE beautiful rooms, bath, Dutch kitchen, on car line. Wain. a.-03. $30 MODERN 5-room flaL 538 Second st. City Garage. 132 12th St. , 4-RM. MODERN flat, $18; adulta. 272 Shaver and Willnams ave. DESIRABLE lower 5-rm. flat. $35. Call 1708 E. Morrison and 6!ith. Furnisiied Flat. TWO BASEMENT H. K. rooms, clean and dry; attractively furnished; jut rignt for 1 or 2 bachelors or couple with child; close in, block from Adcox auto school, between Union ave and 3d St. 368 Multnomah st. Phone East 9186. WEST SIDE, 4-room flat, walking dis tance, gas range and rugs; good, conai tion. cheap. Bdwy. 6011. $35 5-ROOM modern, clean. $28 3 rooms. modern, clean ; wnoie iioor w iiaeii, adults only. 572H Mill st. 4-ROOM flat, walking distance, nice view. good order, 532.50. 3sy ittn sr., soutn of Montgomery. Vinney. COZY 4-room furnished lower flat, private bath, gas, electricity; 2 axiuits. call Wdln. 4739. IRVINGTON attractive 4-room flat, sleep ing porch, furnace, 40. Adults. Ji.ast 8015: also 8-room flat, $57. . FOR RENT Upstars flat, electric lights. garage, $35. 737 iu. zza st., near isusn. Sell. 3147. 5-ROOM furnished flat, reasonable renL Inquire 711 Union ave. ss. 4-ROOM, modern, nicely furnished flat. 616 Commercial st. none aitf-ui, 3-ROOM flat. modern, adults only. E. 22d st. S. WELL-FURNISHED flat, 6 rooms and S. P., Nob Hill. Mar. 346Z. 3-ROOM lower flat, nicely furnished with piano. Tabor dlftJ. LOWER furnished flat, bath, built-ins; near J. H. S. Tabor 3879. NEWLY done flats, very nice, fireplaces. Couple. 5-68 East Main, walking distance. FURNISHED 4-room flat; adults only. 516-87. ' Housekeeping Rooms. FOUR blocks east of Broadway bridge; entirely separate suite; two connecting living rooms, kitchenette and bath first floor; private home; stove heat; gas range; laundry tray: furnished except linen and silver; no children; $30 includ ing heat and light; references required. East 1512 NEAT h. k. rm., well ventilated and com fortably furnished, perfectly clean and good condition; el. lights, h. and c. wa ter, free phone and laundry, privileges; easy walking dist., suitable for 1 or 2 emp. ladies; $21.50 per mo. Delmonte, 167 Stout St., 1 blk. B- of 20th and Wash. THE NICEST housekeeping rooms in the city, everything- new ana ciean, excel lent heat, everything furnished, $15, $20, $25 and J30 per month, ws lth Main 3820 CHOICE large room and kitchen, fur nished, newly papered, clean, light, steam heat, electricity, gas range, running wa ter, walking distance. 658 Glisan, Bdwy. 2125. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished . . rooms, io up, mciuaing hot water, electric lights, laundry room. BUSHMARK, Wash. St., cor. 17th Clean, modern, one ana two-room ouisiae apts. also sleeping rooms. Broadway 5463. 461 E. MORRISON ST. 1 and 3-room H. K. apartments, reaaonanie. Auto, 223-38. OXB LARGE), clean, well-furnished room hot and cold water, heat, light and phone furnished. 161 N. st. 3iar. aa-sa. SINGLE H. K. rooms, $7 to $12: 2 and 3 room suites, $12 to $22; free bath, dandy lobby. The Vaughn, N. iMth and Vaughn. SMALL basement rooms for light h. k. Everything furnished. $17.50. 507 . Clay street. TWO NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms and 1 large single .housekeeping CLEAN H. K. room with kitchenette, lights, private phone, steam heat, close in. 291 Columbia. LARGE room, ground floor, $4.50 week suitable for 2 working men or women 327 3d St., opposite Auditorium. NICE. - clean housekeeping rooms. Clack amas apts.. 272 WlUkuns ave. East 2376. ' - WILL give room and kitchenette to couple in exchange for woman looking after place. CaU Mam r3o. between 11 and 6. SINGLE h. k. room, heat, h. and c. water reasonable rent. d41 Harrison cor. Broadway. NEW 2-ROOM H. K. apt., just completed hot and cold water; furnace heat. East SO 54. LOVELY large room with kitchenette, 6y3 TWO rooms. $o per week up; one sleeping, $3 up. 208 Washington. STEAM-HEATED modern 2-room apart' ment. 370 Sixth street. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, $11 or up. Fur nace neat. -o-a st. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. Moving for less. Phone Bdwy. 2445. SINGLE, steam heated housekeeping rooms, 4 to go per week. x-i latn st THREE furnished housekeeping room. AnKeny court. aquus. ji;ast 653. CLEAN, well-furnished housekeeping room, everytnmg mrnisneq. pj Tvortn 17th St. FOR RENT Two desirable unfurnished h. k. rooms, close in. 3a 6th st. CLEAN, comfortable h. k. room, $2.25 week and up. 372 Hawthorne. . NICE, clean housekeeping room, suitable for bachelor, $3.50 par week. 341 11th st. $25 COMFORTABLE housekeeping rms., sink, water in kitchen. 195 13th. BASEMENT h, k. room and garage, $22.50. 368 Multnomah. ESost 9186. Housek eeping Rooms In Private Famil y, NICE, LIGHT, CLEAN H. K. APT. IN LARGE HOME. VERY CLOSE LN. 243 11TH ST. , 3 OR 5-ROOM apts., or h. k. rooms, neat and clean, downtown district. 147 Lownsdale. near Alder. Bdwy. 271 7. ONE AND --rm. apts., plain but clean, stove heaL 3251 Schuyler st., close in. East 9118. IRVINGTON 1-room apt., everything new; front room. 441 E. 13th st. N. East 1441. NICE, ciean, newly furnished housekeep ing rooms, good location, reasonable rent. 7O0 Irving st. Main 5827. NICE 8-room apartment, reasonable. Phone East 3451. 260 East 23d st. 2 ATTRACTIVE front rooms, house keep Ing. private residence. 660 Belmont. $36 3 H. K. ROOMS: adults oniy: no smokers, 42S East 57th; also garage. THREE clean, fur. front H. K. rms.. 6ucUy; adult. 13 & lnh. East 1323. FOR KENT. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. MOTHER, employed, wants room with kitchenette or housekeeping room where boy of four could be taken care of dur ing day; walking distance, west side; will pay J35 per month. Mrs. Rose John son. Ockley hotel, room L ATTRACTIVELY furnished corner. front room, heat, plenty hot water, lovely home, kitchen privileges; also light, cheery, warm front attic room. 2S3 N". 24th street. 2 LIGHT, clean, partly furnished house keeping rooms, sleeping porch, bath, light, water, telephone furnished. 792 Vancouver ave. . ATTRACTIVE large front room and kitch enette, furnished, electricity; Nob Hill district, walking distance; reasonable. 624 Flanders. Bdwy. 2125. 2 LARGE bedrooms with house privileges including piano, in large modern Pied mont home, very reasonable to adults; reference required. Wdln. 170. TWQ-ROM H. K. apartment, modern home ; beautiful location ; nicely fur nished; heat, light, gas, phone included. No children. Sell wood 1068. TWO large front rooms with fireplace, fur nace heat, electricity, gas for cooking, use of phone, bath and laundrv tubs, 141 North 33d st. Phone Main 5!HH. IRVINGTON 2-room apt., hot and cold water, furnace heat, gas range, very nice furniture. 441 E. 13th N. East 1441. NICELY furnished large room with kitch enette, gas range, clean home for nice couple, reasonable. 71 N. 22d st TWO HOUSEKEEPING rooms, very large homes, no E. 20th st South. CLEAN single rooms, $3.50 week; also fine 2-room apt., reasonable. 7o Park St. 5-ROOM bungalow. Gladstone ave.. near I 34Kb. St., $25. 6-room house, 11th and Rex streets, I senwooa; 9o. THE LAWRENCE CO.. Realtors. ' 212 Corbett Bidg. FOR SALE or lease, modern 8-room house and garage, newly painted; 20 minutes I irom Washington ana uroaaway. owner called out of state on business. Apply 83Q E. 32d st. N. $45 E. 10TH AND DAVIS $45. 7 nice large rooms, walking distance, newly renovated, partly lurninea. "SEE THE YELLOW SIGN." SMITH-WAGONER CO. Stock Exch. UNFURNISHED 6-room modern bungalow with garage and fruit on paved street.' 2 blocks from car, .library and stores; Mt. Scott car to Arleta. north on 65th to 4110. CALL BROADWAY 580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT 10 ST. ATLAS TRANSFER. Pianos moved, $3 and up; furniture moving In proportion; get our "prices I iirst; all work guaranteed, aawy. izih. MODERN 6-room house, furnace. 2 fire places, sleeping porch and garage, $65. East 62d and Stark. Fred S. Williams, Panama bidg. 6-ROOM modern house, sleeping porch. hardwood floors, firenlace. furnace, va cant 12th. Hawthorne ave. car to Glen ave. Owner. 933 S. Jersey. St. JohTis. BEAUTIFUL 10-room house with garage and every modern convenience, 20th and I Knott sts., $80. Fred S. Williams. Pan- ama bidg. WILL RENT my beautiful Beaumont I bungalow to responsible- people; refer- I ences required. Tabor 176-5. 732 E. 42d street North. IRVINGTON $60, duplex, corner 12th and iiiiamooK. finest condition, lease: it residence, double garage, lease. R, T. street, agent. ELK TRANSFER & STORAGE. ., 15 DAYS" STORAGE FREE. Moving for less. Broadway 2445. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Transfer Co., Main 1261. 202 Alder street. MOVING Pianos, furniture and long dis tance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co., 4u 2d t. Phone Bdwy. 5121. 5-ROOM house, 71 E. 19th st., near Everett. Inquire 130 6th st. Main fj-is. FOR RENT 7-room house on the west side. 1G8 N. 15th st. Call East 7356. 5-ROOM cottage, 670 Taggart street. $16. ; Adults, w. w. car. Seiiwood 2107. NEW 4-ROOM, bath 56x124, cor. 84th St., and basement: lot $22.50. Auto. 627-15. 7-ROOM house with garare. 797 Tilla mook st. Inquire Frank. 9 North 2d st. 6-ROOM house, east side, $25; north 9th st. Wdln. 4164. $30 ELEGANT home, close in, 5 rot adults only. 291 Hancock. MODERN 5-room bungalow. Wdln. 2104. Furnished Houses. 1 ACRE. 1 mile outside city limits, 6-room house, small basement, woodshed ana poultry house, 16 fruit trees, some ber ries, city water, near car and pavement; $25 per month, long lease. See Mr. Hunter with John Ferguson, GerlingeT bidg. 4 OR 6-ROOM, well-furiiished cottage, fur- 1 nace, stationary tubs, bath, gas stove and gas water heater, electricity, nice I yard, lots of roses, best car service city. 169 E, 26th. East 5260. $40. 5-ROOM cottage, range and linoleum in kitchen; garden; oiock irom car; rem J 25. 7 -room modern furnished house, $45. BUSHUE, olS Cham. Commerce I31ag. NICELY furnished 6-room bungalow. 882 Pardee S. E. Take Woodstock car to 28 and Gladstone, walk 1 block south of Hoigate. FURNISHED house for rent, including j piano and garage; phone, garbage and! water paid for; adults only. 1239 Gar- I field ave. FOR RENT to responsible party. 11 rooms. 2 baths, partly furnished, close in. near! school. Present income sou, easny m-1 creased, inquire at o4K t. Aider. 0 ROOMS, well furnished, in good resi dence district; rent $75; garage. Phone I Tabor 8422. WELL-FURNISH ED 3-ioom duplex house; Radiantfire. Inquire 543 E. 17th; block from KM car. jtent s-a. Adults only. 7-ROOM modern furnished. $4.5 month; year's lease or longer. Interstate Land 1 Co., 248 Stark street. 6-ROOM, fully modern house, with sleep ing porcn, close in. oo . sta st. jNortn, : - or call mast iyus. a-ROOM furnished house, yard; rent rea sonable. 6O0 Clinton, corner E. loth st. Richmond car. $35 COTTAGE, 6 rooms, walking distance, east siae. rseison cast -wax. $15 2-ROOM apt., st. Fulton car. clean, yard. 122 Idaho 4-ROOM furnished house, ket st. $23. 620 3Iar- 4 ROOilS. furnished. Including new piano. near A. B. car. 696 Emerson st.. after lO. H ouse for Rent burniture mr Sale. COMPLETELY FURNISHED CORNER 7- ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNI TURE FOR SALE; FUEL IN BASE MENT: CENTKADL y located, WALKING DISTANCE. CO N V EN IEXT FOR RENTING ROOMS. 580 MARSH- A LL ST.. COR. 18TH. BDWY. 1782. FURNITURE MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT FOR SALE. FLAT FOR RENT; WALK ING DISTANCE; EAST SIDE. CALL EAST 6084 OR BDWY. 4252. DANDY 5-room cottage to rent to person 1 buying furniture m casn, oargain. a-. Wheeler, 3 blks. E. of Broadway bridge. I 6-ROOM house for rent, $30; furniture fori sale, $4o; warning aistan.ee. jua crosoy j street. HOUSE for rent and 6 rooms good grade I furniture, cneap. x-ast atw. FOR SALE Elegant furniture 2 flats for I rent. 5B7 Kverett. WELL-FURNISHED 5-room steam -heated I flat tor sale cneap. no jo-nnson st. Stores and Business Places. . WANT TENANT. Wa will build and lease a concrete warehouse suitable for transfer or other business. Building to contain rrom 80,000 to 160,000 sq. ft. floor space. Central lo cation, terminal trackage and very at tractive terms. OTIS C. BECK, Income Property Specialist, 525 Henry Bidg. FOR RENT One of the best business corners in city, suitable for any line of I business, from February 15 until May 1. call Mar. dzo. ,vtr. aigei. FOR RENT One of the best business corners m city, suitable for any line of business, rrom t eoruary io until May 1. uau .war, ov-v. jyir. otgei. DRUGGIST. One of the best locations In cltv. competition, attractive proposal for right man. interstate Lana to., stark. OFFICE and desk room for rent. In quire 43 Chamber or Commerce, Mon day; -. FOR RENT A modern sma.ll store, or will lease. inquire at 104 west Park st. Phone Broadway 7094. FOR DESIRABLE space In fireproof ware. house, phone .tsroaaway gio. STORE, 230 Washington st. Apply 252 Stark street. STORE, 352 1st art,. $30. Phone Tabor 1114. STORE for rent, suitable for butcher or tailor. irz3 r- ijiisan st. STORE ROOM for rent. Good location. Inquire at ar j. .v.i st WANTED Store for retail bakery, down town location. u a, uregonian. PHYSICIAN An old-established suburban location for rent ; excellent opportunity for good man. Main 792. OFFICE and desk room for rent. In quire 43i Chamber or commerce. Mon- day. FRONT office. modern, in Railway Ex Apply room 312. change biag. DESK room with telephone and steno- xapiuc service, rwon &awy, i io FOR RENT. Offices. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. Well-lighted and heated offices, single or in su:tes, central office building In financial section of city; low rentals. Se Donald G. Woodward, agent. 104 Second street, corner stark. SPACE with window In excellent ground floor location : with desks, typewriter, etc. Wm make alterations to suit. Broadway 5044. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. DON'T delay if you want to get into a clean going business, your chance if you have $500. Have you a Ford in running order? Are you out of work? But have a little laid by.' Don t use rt up, get into a good business for yourself. Your money secured and good salary to start. The only business of its kind in the city. No get rich quick scheme but a clean - business. We have more than we can handle. No dealers need answer. If you want to deal direct and get something steady and you mean business answer now. Give phone number. A 314, Ore gonian. GROCERY and meat mar Ret at invoice, about $2000. doing SftO daily, fine loca tion, "close in, low rent; one living room. 4-year lease. - $2ti50, grocery and bakery, doing $S6 da.ilv cash business, good equipment. best location in. city, brick bidg., 3-year lease, $35 rent. $1400. grocery or Invoice. $35 dally cash business, corner location, low rent, 2 furnished living rooms, lease, -some term r. Morris, with O. O. Sletten, Realtor. 415 Ky. Excn. bidg. STATIONERY STORE. About $5000 up-to-date stock. A money-maker, right in the down-town location; very low rent; long lease. Owner must sell, very liberal terms If desired. PETERSON & YORK, 437 N. W. Bank. Bidg. Main 8p05. PARTNER WANTED - AUTO TRAILER MANUFACTURING. One of the best auto trailer manufac facturing businesses in the city; owner is expert mechanic; also assembling oth er lines such as gas engines, tree sprayers, etc. Want capable man to at tend to office and handle books. No ex perience necessary. Can easily make $250 month. Full price $900. Call 310 Panama bidg.. 3d and Alder sts. FURNITURE STORE. In the suburbs of city, store room 75x 80, rent only $25 per month; this place is fully equipped, including a delivery truck; present owner has been here 6 years and is retiring, will sell at invoica which will run about $4000. For furthar information See McCAULEY. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. bidg. Bdwy. 3626. OFFICE BUILDING CIGAR STAND BARGAIN. Lobby of most prominent west side downtown office building; beautifully equipped ; large staple stock in trade ; no night or Sunday work. Free lights and janitor service; experience not nec essary. This stand never clears less than $170 to $200 month net. Full value. Price $1750; very reasonable terms. Call 310 Panama bidg., 3d and Alder sts. $5000 GROCERY WEST SIDE. Doing $75 to $150 day, oas-h and carry, no cut rrice: located in the best apt. house district In Portland; 3 living rooms and bath: rent S70. .with 3-year lease. This is a modern store and worth price oked. Family trouble reason for sell ing. No trades wanted. KEIPPER & CROSBY, 514 Railway Exch. Bidg. Bdwy. 6650. LUNCH counter, west side. $600 cash fully equipped throughout; lease; rent $60; nets $250 month. We have others to select from. Cleaning estab., west side, Haufman press and fully equipped, $K50, $500 cash, bal. arranged ; rent $15. Nets $250 mo. iri OO V titt KBALTI IJrtOivllirt AOKi, 409 Exch. Bidg. 2d and Stark. List with us for quick action. WANTED A person who is thoroughly competent to take charge of the office end of an established automobile dusi ness. must be able to do the stenographic work, bookkeeping and a good corre' sponden-t; this position Is open to one who can invest JO-Kio (not necessarily an cash). This position will carry a fair salary as well as their share of the profits. L 443, Oregonian. AUTO REPAIR SHOP PARTNERSHIP. Congenial, willing worker can Duy eaual half interest in best west side. downtown repair shop in city. Experi ence not necessary. Am expert mechanic and willing to teach you tne Dusiness. Drawing account of $160 month and eoual share of Droflts. Price only $6i)0. Call 310 Panama bidg., 3d and Alder sts. GROCERY SNAPS. $2000 on invoice, 4-year lease, $60 cash per day. Brick bidg., steam heat. $300 or invoice; rent $20, $85 to $100 per day. $1050 Rent, $15; 3 livrag rooms. $750 No fixtures to buy; rent $20. 3-year lease. 818-8184 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. HAWTHORNE DIST. $2100 grocery, nice living rooms, fur nished; average $35 day. $3150 grocery, fine location, busy cor ner, living rooms, terms. Average $50 day. RAPID SALES CO., 404 Couch. SPECIAL PARTNERSHIP. Owner of a well located garage Is willing to sell equal Interest to get in terested help; have acetylene welding outfit, electric drill, full line of hand tools and a service car. Only $500 re - quired. Room 401 Dekum bidg. WANTED A man who is a thorough auto mechanic to take charge oi tne snop, m sales agency and garage, must invest $6500 i.n the business (not necessarily all cash); this position will entitle him to regular mechanic's wages and share of the profits. K 439. Oregonian. LIST YOITR PROPERTY with a man who can sell it. 20 years ex perience buying and selling business chances. F. Robinson. FRANK C. KOK1NSUJM, 603 SELLING tiiOO. Main 2557. STATIONERY, books and office supplies, established business in downtown dis trict. Invoice about $5000, rent for store and fixtures, $TO per montn ; must oe sold by the 15th. See Columbia Strap & Beit Works, owners, 203 Vine st., or phone East 5935. WIU pay brokerage. CONCRETE 60x100 GARAGE. Fine location ; 2-5 cars steady storage. also transients; good sale gas, oils, tires, etc., and plenty repair work in shop; have good lease. $1500 will han dle it. Hoora 4ui oeKura viag. RESTAURANT, located in industrial 4'9- trict, rent only $J0; lease, seals 4U, re ceipts $65 per day, good equipment; bar gain at $2000. terms. LINTO'N & WELCH. 418 Railway Exchange. CONFECTIONERY, pool hall, card room. with 9 furnished living rooms, aany average $3o, rooms pay rent ; pay rou town, Z4 miles rrom r-ortiana ; ov, $2000 cash. INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Stark street. A CASH BUSINESS. Owner busv in shoD. needs help of a steady man handy with tools; prefer a nartnpr to hired helo: will pay good wages, also profits. $300 will handle It. Room 4"i. oeKiim oiag. AUTO SERVICE STATION. Owner needs a tartner to sell the gas, oils. etc.. as he is busy In vulcanizing shop; also carry auto parts ana tires; good profits and $500 will handle It, Room 4q ueKiim Ding. GARAGE $5500 GAkaGE. Fullv stocked and equipped, all new stock, showing gooa income; owner leav ing state, will give lease. xtocK, 4Ud Couch bidg. Bdwy. 6363. $15,000 JROCERY stock in a busy down town iUUHlluil aaie u - "io- count with or witnout a lease; no rix tnres to buy; must be sold at once. G 434. Oregoniar . BARBER SHOP SNAP. One of the best locations in the city; rent $27; lease. Excellent equipment Don t miss this, bio Cham, or com. Bidg. A PARTNER WANTED. TTandv man able to jnake a small In vestment can "buy in auto business with good mechanic; can each clear $200 mo. Konra 4Ul oeKum oiag. $1800 BUYS half interest in well-paying card room, lunch counter and soft drink stand, located In heart of city ; long lease. Morris, with O. O. Sletten, real tor. 415 Ry. E-xoh. bidg. CASIH GROCERY, meat market, $35 day business, 4 living rooms, 2 stores, corner building; garage; all improvements in and paid, $3750 : some terms. INTER STATE LAND CO., 248 Stark street. GROCERY and living rooms; your money's worth In this store; fine district, corner location, ji'joo. UNIVERSAL SALES CO., ' 602 Railway Exchange Bidg. CIGAR store in office building; street frontage; long lease; $35 rent; a sacri fice; $2650 buys stock, fixtures, lease. Investigate. F. Robinson, 503 Selling bldg RESTAURANT, on Washington street; bargain at $750; reasonable terms. LINTO-N & WELCH. 418 Railway Exchange. PARTNER WANTED. Tend to books, sell oil, etc. , large storage and repair shop. Front St. Ga rage, 208 Front St. DRUGGIST Best locaLion in city, no com petition; attractive proposal for right man. INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Stark street. A WOOD and coal business clearing $250 to $300 month. A real bargain. Room 401 Dekum bidg. 2-CHAJR barber shop; a bargain for quick ftala, kx MAia at., Vancouver WaU. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO.. Suite 316, Pittock Block, Washington at Tenth St. ( . Phone Broadway 2651. OREGON'S LIVEST BROKERS. 12 Successful Years in This Bu Bines. All titles guaranteed. Our buyer pro tected. Best banking and commercial references. GARAGE AUTO REPAIR SHOP PARTNERSHIP. Here is the best opportunity in city to buy an equal haif interem in a first class garage and auto repair business, ideal location in center of downtown au tomobile district; completely equipped shop; storage of cars pays all expenses; repair shop receipts all clear profit; profer steady partner to hired help; it you are mechanically inclined and will ing to learn the business, this Is your chance to associate yourself with a first class mechanic in the best possible lo cation. You can easily clear better than $175 per month for yourself from the start; only $650 required ; be sure and see this before you locate. CIGAR STAND REAL BARGAIN. We have just listed excluive-ly th best cigar stand opportunity ever offered in city. Ideal location in lobby of one of Portland's best known and busiest office bldgs., downtown. Complete staple stock and attractive fixtures. No night or Sunday work. One person can conduct this business. Any lady or mn will easily clear better than $175 every month nere. Only $850 cash required. This is positively a real bargain that la hard to find. Call early. BEAUTY PARLOR BARGAIN. Here is a real bargain that is seldom offered: $700 will give you possession of an established, well known beauty par lor; complete, modern electric equip ment, electric wall piate; hair making and dyeing a specialty; low rent, long lease. More value in sight than price asked. Investigation will prove this is a real bargain. PARTNER WANTED. $650 cash will enable right man to get Into big paying business, handling fast selling product ; need man able to meet the public; investment amply se cured; a bona fide small lnveatiueut with a splendid Income. BATTERY AND ELKrCTRICAL REPAIR BUSINESS. Her is an exceptional opportunity t secure a rapidly growing and steady paying business. Finest west wide, down town location. Complete and modern equipment. Good stock of parts and accessories; official service stat ion for leading battery and also two well known ignition systems; business will positively cloar never less than $400 per montn. Only $200 cash requircid. Other inter ests cause sacrifice. Value in sight for every dollar Invested. RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTER. Choice downtown location, west slda, fully equipped. A clean, attractive place. Seats 25 people; very low rent. Man and wife can easily clear over $20O per mo. here. Price only $850. A real snap. FIRST-CLASS MACHINE SHOP. Hero is one of the largest and most fully equipped shops in Portland; es tablished 8 years; handles all classo of machine and reipair work; has 7 pita, lathes, drill presses, shapers, etc., can keep 12 men busy; a big money-maker: $450 cash will handle ; an exceptional opportunity for any kind of manufactur ing plant. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE) COMPANY, Suite 316 Pittock Blk. Wash, at 10th fit. PARTNER WANTED AUTO PAINTING. Here is a fine opportunity for a steady and reliable man to secure an equal half Interest in a large, well-known auto painting business; best possible location right downtown, west side; doing busi ness with a number of largest firms In Portland; has more work than can handle alone; prefer honeot, congenial partner to hired help; experience not necessary if you are willing to learn and work up with the business; you can eas- ily clear better than $175 per month for yourself from the start. If you are the right man $-050 will buy equal half Interest. A chance that is seldom of fered. Apply 316 Pittock block, Wash ington at Tenth street. AUTO REPAIR PARTNERSHIP. If you are mechanically inclined her Is an opening to secure an equal half Interest in wel! established auto repair shop; no better location in the city; no experience required if you are willing to learn; have all the equipment neces sary to conduct this business; If you are looking for a business that can be handled on a small Investment investi gate this; $375 secures an equal half interest. Call 620 Cham, of Com. bidg., 4th and Stark. $45,000 BLDG. AND STOCK. General merchandise, doing now $3000 to $ 40O0 a mo. b usi n ess ; bid g. 2-s tory. 50x70, on 50x123 lot, 9 large roxnm and bath, furnished complete, with large dance halL fine maple floor; will lnvoko stock and Ieaie bidg. Owner wishes to retire; will cost about $10,000 for utook and fixtures. This is new bidg.; $25,000 cash will han-'lle deal. KEIPPER & CROSBY, 514 Railway Exch. Bidg. Bdwy. 6650. TIRE AND ACCESSORIES SHOP. We can offer you an equal half In terest in splendidly located west Bid tire and vulcanizing shop; also handling a full line of accessories and where we can show value for every dollar Invested. If you want to associate yourself with a live wire In a business w here your earnings will be better than $200 month, and you can make an investment of $850 come and see us- at 620 Cham, of Com. bidg.. 4th and Stark. GARAGE O PPO R TU N IT Y. Here is one of the best-paying garage In Portland. Capacity for 60 cars. Bat tery station; fully equipped repair shop. Gas station ; doing targe business la tires, oils and accessories. No opposi tion; residential district; no better value in city. Books open for inspection. Leas and v.ery low rent, $5000. Terms. 310 Panama bidg., 3d and Alder sts. LADIES' BARBER SHOP. West side, busy street, 4 chairs, worlc Ing 3 at present. This Is one of the be.t places in the city and always busy. Hr is your chance; price $130O cash, SIMMS, 610 HENRY BLDG. $3500 CONF. AND LIGHT GROCERY. West side apt. house location with 3 2-room apts., 5-year lease, doinr about $40 day business now, summer up to $150 day; cost $4500 to equip this plu-oe. Dis agreement oi paruunrs reason, ior BttiiW Ing. . KEIPPER & CROSBY, 514 Railway Exch. Bid g. Bdwy. 6650. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Has living rooms, doing $45 a day now: will run $80 or $90 m summer; rent $2l5 per mon'th; can have loaso; $1500 cath will hamdle; $2200 In all; or nor idea tkxn. UNIVERSAL SALES CO., 6Q2 Railway Exrhango Bidg. MOVIE. Good lease, rent $75, newly decorated, seating capacity nearly 400; good inside lobby; 2 Powers machines, first-clans west side location, no competition. For particulw-rw. see MR. TICE. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. $1200 CIGAR STAND. West side, in one of the best hotels fix Portland, doing good business, rent $35 month. Fine place for lady. KEIPPER & CROSBY, 514 Railway Exch. Bidg. Bdwy. 6650. WANTED To get In touch with a party who can start a brick and tile works; best opening; no opposition, and the backing of the valley: It will take onlv $10,000 to .handle; will stand the best of investigation. AP 414, Oregonian. $2100 GROCERY AND CONFEC. Close to largo school, 4 nice Uvlmr rooms, rent $30, doing $40 to $00 day business. KEIPPER & CROSBY, 514 R-allway Exch. Bidg. Bdwy, 6B30X CIGAR, CONF. AND SOFT DRINK. East side, corner location; doing $25 day business; rent 10 months; will mU at invoice, about $800 total price. Ke-ip-per & Crosby, 514 Railway Exch. bidg. Broadway 6650. FOR SALE Business place, soft drinks, cards and lunchroom; everything com plete ; low rent ; lease for 2 years ; lo cated at 48 North Second st. Phon Broadway 2050. $2000 RESTAURANT. West aide, doing $40 to $50 day. Tht Is modern eq uipped; will give good, terms. See thi&. KEIPPER & CROSBY. 514 Railway Exch. Bidg. Bdwy. 665ft ALMOST new 24-passenger stage on best run in the state; pays J25 or better per day, all pavement; good reason for sell ing. Will take trade and give term. B 383, Oregonlan. WHO HAS a well located grocery with living rooms to trad for good rooming House or z- rooms. db u. jv kj. wuick, 505 Artisans Bidg., opposite Benson hotel. ELECTRIC bakery with all up-to-dat-equipment, 5 years lease, doing $60 a day now, more in summer. WiU glv trial. lv 44.t. Oregon GROCERY Will invoice about $1100; rent . $25; doing $45 day, cash and carry; liv ing rooms. This is a bargain. Z. Eakina, 313 Couch bidg., 109 4th st. POOL hall and soft drinks place for sale; 3 pool and card tables; bar fixture and stock. Inquire 502 Main st., Vancouver, Wash. DRUGSTORE, old established, fine loca tion, down town, large prescription busi ness; stand full investigation; no junk or bonus- AJ 415. Oregonian. MUST sell cor. store building with four comfortable living rooms and bath; lot 90x100, on Alberta st. Owner, 14H 4th st. FOR SALE Soft drinks, restaurant and card room, on 69 A, MU (rood loc iioa, Ior busmeaa, ...