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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1922)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9 1922 19 V f roR KALE, EOONOMTZEt TXVrsrriOATB! buy herei YTNION SUITS for ladles. nice qui- J-v And coriff Uoa f -rt BOYS' PANTS. cord'jroy. 10c to....$ J.ADIES' SPRlVil KI'IT ! And nil chf. es 31 1 W 1BV ARMY COAT. good quality ta w i - a cua r an u is, fooo rwiy at .tractive ddcm. NuTtf at 15.75 A1EN8 fU'ITK. They sr selling a f ast aa bring thm to ths wora No use mentioning; any par ticular uit it ny be sold before oy come. HI T IT WILL PAY YOU To ( AU AC THE STwKB OFTKN. l EN rt FAXTA Von rn&v buv . d-ent pair for 11 m to I2.0O I'STKICJi Nfcl KFl fcl' E verf COM aiu $1.00 rrRMTrRE Rocking chair, coochea. tbies. baby carnages, pi cl urea, etc- at Ww pritea SHOES. C-od materia!, rood look and comfort for very little money. It do-s not pay on to bav your o!J shoe fixed. BUY t R NKW L K1NG HHOKS. THEY "WILL NOT COST MOP. hL The reason, fc'i'nu are not art er proiits. W ARM TBYIN'i TO GIVE JOHS TO THE HANDICAPPED OF PORTLAND. PUBLIC 'WELFARE STORE, (In buMneea far ser vicenot profit) 1J Tnird fiu. near Saunoo. VATTOVAl CASH ROISTERS. 0HCu.NU.HAVD, FACTORY REBUILT. TOTAL AI-DtRi AS LoW AS $5X Mechnim and title sua ran teed. Repair service bv company n. hnirt NaSiV REGISTER Arf LOW Ad 7A. EASY TEHV1S. THE N ATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., Broad way 1M6. 3'H S".ark St. Eufibl'SH ts Now 1 tn tims to p-ant thsm. The Portland Ross Norwry la the f:ac. All to newest. best vsrietl-s a; he lowest price. a large assort ment of ornamental shrubs. oo landsca ping. Let us f .gurs on your Je. 1 - - phone us. We do ths rest. Phone ISoJ Dlvuion st-. corner klLiXTRIC HXTt'RKS. Bay them from the fa tory show room nd sats one-lhird; ail aiiea. f;nt e Ktlon. 'omc and a; ou ara under so obligation to buy. jtTANLBf IATZ. 207 Chaorber of Con. mere Bldg. Firoadway 4-3. KIVK A11I H W 1 K HL Send your wet waah to the Hnow Flak laundr ; c.othea w asfted snowy whit In a para t n compartments. Tlll'RSUA Y. FRIDAT AM SAT I KTVVY, 15 LBS. OR bO CENTS. 4 CENTS earn addi tional pound. aluab premiums given. T hfne Kat R 133; 1 VOL A 11' Ft K "I AT B ar;endid waich re pairing or jeweiry repairing, taka your -rk IA Allf-I.KRS Btg UttU Jewelry ftora tila for L-sa t(ta That Last. .Next loor to Majentlc Thater. Tark ml Waahinctnn i a. IMriD LEKS, CUAiKS, TAULL8. Our ref imshlng department turns Ihein out ciia and In perfect mechani ca condition. Far cneaper than same uality new. ife, dictaphonea add. machine, etc Furniture r nid. T. C. - - L North Fifth Bdwy. S739. FORTABT.K bakere oven for vale cheap. Call between 8 A- M. and F. M. bxi tndy bivd. ' iTuUE f.xtures fur u cheap, ahowrases. carpets, suit forms, waiat iarms. Hoover auuui tinner, mirrors, electric fix tures, window valance. Singer sewing machine Call at litiO Morrison, corner n Park, A-k for Mr. Flgi. fci't'Kr: (.itutt- for sai chp. lwwtat sarpt, auit forms, waiwt forms. Hoover vacuum e leaner, mirrors, eiectrio fix tures. Wimlow vaiinre, PinrT sewing ntarhine. Call at 3i-4 Mnrnsun. corner f Park. Ask fir Mr. 5J gel. J I V rturnd from the vrie ui with a v eral lug a- grade hand-tufted Chinese rues of beautiful and ncusi deaigna w huh mu.n turn Into cn. immediately. Will aacrtfice for quick aaia. ioi North at Anrtmerrt - iX)U Ri. winuowa, luir.ber. moid nga. mill work, glasa, roofing and hotbd Mxh. tte our odd stock of sash and doors for pr;cea D. B. HcuMy Co.. downtown lum ber arore. 171 FRONT M . bt. Morrtsoo and Yamhill. Phone Main 1M3. JfcWlNii n.achlnea. n w and acoiid-band, sold lor !: no agents employed. Com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chine repaired and rent!. SEWINO MACHINE KMPOR1UM. I Third t.. near Taylor. Main 9431. A1 ' i-.s Kira and burglar -proof saes, no and second-hand, at right prices; bought. o d and exchanged; eacy tar ma if tie aired. NORRI3 SAFE I.OCX CO.. IftCi Second St. Broad way 7Q4S V li Y T il E a c and and moaning about a i-aky roof? Why not be cheerful and comfortable und-r a dura 01 and permanent roof ? Phone all our roof troub es to Rroadway 7l A PEPENOAHLK PLACE To TRADE. Mll.l.KKS Hft Litt e Jewelry Store. S-Iis for 1-sa ;ifts That Last. Next I -oor to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sta. fZu PA 1 ICS b.ankra. ftrxt-grada all aiol and wool mixed, at less than wholesale prwyt; no aeconda or damaged; any quantitv you 603 Tit.e and Trust blciy. P-lny. SONoRA phonograph. mahoganv cse. 40 rc.rd a, all good aa new, ail $ liO. Table lamp, 1-V twin metal beds and matire.ea, new. S-'O each. cor plte. Kant r . 1 .V X. A I I KS can e-l! your shghtly ued itit.tfit clothing, sutta coats, funt. drees fr every K-asin. 4th floor. 4U3 Aiisky bl'c. S1 n-ar Mfrnin st ?A1 ENT RliiHT FwR fAI,B FOR oRB ;iVV: VAIAAHI.K INVKVTTONr WILL tKE BHl'MONEV IN TH: NORTH WW5T RO"M II. 1o2, RCSSKf.L ST. livvr WA1EH Ikiiki, UO-gaL $7, 40-gal. '.. tested, guaranteed; stove and furnace roila. ras heaters In t ailed ; plumbing. BaM P-de Weld. Sh.. 'JKi Adams. K. H.Mrt. CASfi Ktti!."TER" and computing scale biUfM. sold, exchanged and repaired, pon land Cash Register Ac Scale Ex change. 22ft S:ark s:. Bdwy. T.k4. V K REP A 1 ii anything locks. tec trie lighta. vacuum cleaners, ecirlc irona fie. Kys niada Barretts. 1J4 4th X!.r S-I3I i IK'N'T nd ihts Sxt-foot f.or case, as I have r o room for it; JIS taks it. so hurry. Tenth, bet. Morrison and Yav.httl. FERTI LIZtR. Cow manure, well rotted, delivered any pa-, of c.y V.'toii:an 6'-:. tlCENSEi mdieQ-'rnt e.ectrician wires for $12. 3 for $20. guaranteed i-e.-t stin M din. S7fll. 3 rooir.i to p99 A N DY S l.k at shower fixture, complete with shade, onlv J3. at 2U7 Chamber of Comr-erce b-dg. Broadway 42' 3. LfS waaned on your floor with- Hanii." t on-Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 4t4.V FTCtS can be permanently cured wiiaoui operation. Call or write Dr. Daan, bee una and Mrrlaon K 1 TCH K.N h-a:er, f .n shape, w od o r.v:. double coil, bargain for $22. Wdln A .Lo. :e-L. ton 2.-gw.lloa tank; Al snape; $17 pump; Mar. VK SALE W al lent Ixli. IO-or duck, practically new. fir half value. Hadow a a-h irit-ery. 1 r. st X.Elio I U vatt-a new aoi second-nana. petal prices Pacific Scale A Supply Co. Front st Broadway 1S64. KUUAKi buy. selL rent and exchange ko- S.mdy. S2H Uaahingioq at. dak l.n-liAL I M'UKtliiul N L Mturage tani htap With pump Call bet. V and 11 A M Wdln 33. SVR RENT Elecirc cuu:n cleaner a &A cents pr day. W,,-dlan 12is detivared any w nara. AKS S. NV . HHKM AN APPAREL SHOP. We buy. and ex. nanve ludiea' and r-nta -othfs. .Viar l jst lark st. . i. M liu ri nut rr-mn1 oarrd. White, 12. rorv Or. $-"'0. root beer o Main St.. H.l.- rMlTli Ac W EpSvX itVolvcr. inch brrei, very reasonable. Mi:n Tv'S Wood, new sin;er aewir.g ina. hin.a. foi'. net wholesale; cash or tirgoniwn. power and elec ; !mit At 4-. fc.Vi KS an. I vai .r Bdwy H ! t jovirs, barg toiiiNti of k'i- ti r prl be a N'jin. W d . 1! j n 7 4S invhea. S KO N D 1 1 A N D Kr jt'f A U' o a BlUv ic fi4-J tej K 1 Al. S ALE H Tf-nt, S- h. bet uty par.or e,m,i. en Sa-k and tak -HAND T r: tenia and totera for aa e Awn PgCo.. No 1 t 'Bt FOR .LE-:-h r- .rr. f. addtg rc p-r. 43 it yt. n.r a; La d t es- l ft.t IhlS' lKi At i AtiDii, of kinua h- -rte ntrn n 1 a nor k '-Kon an. r.ura delivered anywhera VKYAHD n.i iotilawn 2:..' .U I I SINVS i'AKLfjJ $1 ,V Acor a I n m V oii aw 4 FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. SnuWOAJSS, wa.imee, cash rw-gisters, c. . safe. adding machine, pool Ubinu hartc and front bar. 129 1st st. $160 NATIONAL caah regist r, ued monibi; for quick aala $100 cash. N. 2d st Royal cafe. $oOO WAStaSD. 12flkart. rone. $39Q- Rwy. 1M wonderful KOIGH jW, wy. lumber and timbers fr S'.itf. 419 Lumbermen bldg. C RIENTA L pearl ceck.aces, several ienaihs a r. '1 t . :s. V7 reasons p, p. jt sr. Bc V NTuN furaa:. East 227. exceLent condition. SINiJ&rl sewing math in a, uulor'i model. rh-njv Ha th at. Kill NECKFl&'S price Wd'n lflJ caw-, at aoout naif GUARANTEED rebuilt baitene for Forda $10 to Broadway 4412. APPLES, nica SpitsenbarK. SI-3A: cooking' PP. 1.2S per box. t,aa: -J bLASS'LN -4sh and doors; two Edr an to top iritr"'r' macnine. I'OTATutS, pr-.i f. IO Lb5. delivered ; CM Main Italian O.N K LAKiE-SIZE bake oven for coal, vr.. fa.. 14-12 Front t. OH, TO E, NEW. i- 61 NURTH 2lix HT R E K T- FOR SALK- Fna new Hanan riding boots, r:l Rdwy. 6TTB. '7e 104. FOR RENT Sowing machine. I months. $5. Empire Transfer. 2-'4 Broadway l.vs. A VACL'fM c S.V Ca.l B( aner. alight ly uwd. price wy. 310.V M6 Giisan. FOR r.ENT Sewing machines. 2 mo.. $5. E m pi re Transfer. Bdwy. 150. Fl'RNlTURE repairinp. mirrors, mfdi cabireis. etc Ca?' Wood lawn 14S7. LXWl'lSiTR yalenum a cards. US N. V. Bark ocirning ALMoT n-w mns suit, S7-3.S; was 40; if 1 ! 1 . . worn i e w timpa. nm. i w. BBU-UAVENPuRT Sacrificed, if sold to day. 4mh Acramenio si. iim. FRONT and bck bar and two card tables. ft rhnirs. I. nion ave. . Liirap. LLECTRIC bke oen, 3-apirtinent; ho. da 120 Iomvm 01 orena. i;b wcona si. mt HA 1.1 -AFTOMOB1I.EB. NEW STEPHEN'S SACRIFICE. Owner leaving for N-ew York. Sport model. 4 or 5-paseenjcer, 5 cord tirea. Car only run KKK) miles. Not a scratch on It. -W:th all the extrA represents I.Mio Investment. Wilt snorifioe for ir.0, term. Ouarantea. U. F. Argo. Rdwy. "T.'.O. 1?01 BI7ICK rOTTE. I.IKE NEW. KIN ONLY L'OOO MILES. CORD TIRES. Al CONDITION, t CALL ADAM.1. MAIN 40V7, APARTMENT t. NEW STANl'A RD 8. Including llcenffp; revolutiooary pneo. Iet us dem- nnii r-Mte and wa will ahow TOU the Per- iormtnet that you have wanted your ch r to ma&o. ram at touco aw xuw.r. T ; ESP EX" SRDAX. RTVS AND I-OOK3 NEW, CORD TIRES; T'ILL TAKE to MALL CAR AS FART PAYMENT. CALL MAIN 4007, APT. -31. THINK OF THIS! A price that aatounds the, whole automibile trade: a ; New fstandard Eight car; power. pcd and comfort; a rew car with 192 ltce-ne. and only 1SSJ 8e at Park and Couch s Bdwy. 7i. IF YolT ara in the market for a reai, hlgh-chu. powerful car. I would mig gost you look at the New Htandard Eight for $1MS. JuHt the biggest barpHin ever. Your lloene included. Park and Couch yt.i Rdwy. 7S. ANNOUNCING unheard-of bargaina; New Standard Eight automobiles, that power ful motor cat. Including V'-Jt lieenae. and at Portland, for $IhsJ. StaKrd Eight Motors Co.. Park and Couch at. Bdwy. THINE of thi.: A price tht astounds the who automobile trade : a new Mmndar Eight car; power. Rpeed and comfort; a new car with L'2 license, and only $18, Sea at Park and Coutch siw. Bdwv. 7. JM19 BU1CK 6. a-pass.. overnauifd and re painted, looks like new; guaranteed and one week's approval; $7?Hi on terms. COOK ac OILU Broadway Salesroom. ltKt N. Broadway. Phone Broadway 77.T. N KV Standard . $ I license included. Built by the Standard Steel Car Corp.. bullde-rs of ateel paMi-odT coaches. An automobile built with the comparative strength of a steel coach. Pt-k and Couch Streets. Bdwy. TSW. CH EVKOLET J921 touring; thin car has had best of- care and la in excellent condition throughout; will aacrUlca and can arrange reaaonabla term. Call Automatic a'J-w.V CH AN DLtil chummy roadster. 1S model engine overhauled, new curtains, car in excellent shape. Will trade for real es tate, (ierman msrks or what have you A ' 44.". Oregonian. NEW Standard 8. $ 1KS2, including licence. Iet us demonstrate-; we will show you 4ha performance that you have wanted your car to matte. Park nd Couch Streets. Bdwy. T4 U-l KuKD in fine condition, at a bar gain, lots of extras, cost me $1000; also a rebuilt sport roadster, new eastern body, claseieat In town. Journal Garage, B1 2 Jefferson at. Auio. B?rt-.'t. NEW Standard Kighta, $ 192. license in cluded juat like buying sugar for 4 hk cents per pound. STANDARD EIGHT MOTORS CO. Park and Couch Streets. Bdwv. 7 ANOTH ER tremendous bargtt in In auto mobiles New Standard Eight cars at $1H2. delivered at Portland. 1922 license included. Standard Eight Slotora Co., Park and Couch tts Hdwy. 1HS. NEW STANDARD 8. Sl.VO. license in eluded. Th real quality car you have wanted at a price you can afford. Park ami Couch sta. Bdwy. 7SS. PRIVATELY owned 1020 Ford tourln starter. Se at Brooklyn garage' or call iseilwood 7:12 or Sell wood 643. Cash or terms. son. LATE model 4;t0 Chevrolet touring-; good tiro and in perfect running order; Just overhauled; need the money and must se!!: terms. Call Tabor 31!3. WANT new or nearly new l:nht model 3 passenger car in exchange for my Over land country club and lot in E. SL Johns. AV 171. Oregonian. LADIES' SrEClAL. 121 FORD COUPE. NICEST OOTTE rN CITY: EVERY EXTRA POSSIBLE; $330 HANDLES. PHONE MAIN 7516 A REAL ItUY. 1120 Ford coupe, good mechanical con dition, good tires, speedometer, dome TiB-ht. ( a. I Tnftor DoIOE touring, new top and paint. 3 good tlrea. good mechanical shape; an excellent buy for $4isj. Terms if de- 9 i re d . E a s t 62 CADI LL AC, mode; Z. Si?ven-paaaenger; bargain. A. C. STEVENS. Bdwy. 1614. .MM) "Wash. St. OWNER must eWl a U1S Chevrolet tour lnr rew ton and paint, rood tires, fine running order, make cash offer. Phone East 224. NKW Stsnuard 8. $12. license included. The real quality car you have wanted at a price you can afford. Park and Couch Streets. Bwy. 7Sfl. tltiCUMSTANCES compel saia of HJ1 Crow-Eikhart car. 0 per cent new. 1022 license, new tires. Owner, bt H. 12th st. Bdwy. 444. PR VCriCALLY new llt2 Chevrolet, model 4lu sedan, car haa had excellent care, itwner. iidwy. 301 evenings, Sunday Main TALK about bargains in new cart4r Stand ard Eights. 4 and 7-pasa., InctudHnir 1922 Mcen?e. at 1S2. Standard Eiht Motors Co.. Fark and Couch sts. Bdwy. 78. HMtt CADILLAC J-PASSENOER. Pnvateiy owned, splend d condition throughout, cord tires. Sacrifice for 1 fi-y A !nap. Mr. A rro. Bd wy. 77 rt. NKW STANDARD ElOHTS, $182. license im-luded; Juctt like buying sugar for 4V,c p-r pound. Standard Eight Motors Co., 1 ' a rk and Cou. h at.- B dwy. 7S. 2 FOTVD Sedan, over $".0 equipment, car m first-class cond'tion; run .sa then l.VV mi!". East 713V Privately ond. KEO ROADSTER in Al condition through out; good cord tires, for the exceptional p-;. e of $323. Sell. 3071. RKO, j-paienger; late mode.. $SoO A. C. STEVENS. Bdwv. 114. 320 Wash. $175 HUDSON -40-ln. ready to go; owner going east; Ci" at Auto Park garatfe, 1 3 -i2 Ww-dlawn 4S11. MUST rll at my late model Chevro let, wiil sacrifice for $22.1. need the men v. a"Tve term. Calt Wd'n. '2V HOD ES AUTO era parts a.l Aide r. rorn-r PARTS CO Auto wreck makes car, for ieaa 62 Bdwy SfiSS ii'SEX !h)Ks tourinr. nearly $1N extra; car like new car, $1 loo. terma. Eat or Broadway 43-V 141 N. 0th st OVER I-A N D roadater. S3-4: thoroughly overba'iled: ft good tires; refirtished. zkw top. ,3 A!der yt Broadway 1 .VJ. We PUT steal teetft m your old flywheel; crankshaft turning. H. B Black Ma ch n ghop- 33 i Alder P.iwv. 2tiSl I LI sacrifice my CheTolet coupe. In ex cel ent condition; will consider trade for Ford or Chevrolet. Wdln. 2.7. 75 Mo DEL Overland roadster, giving good servtte every day. sej or trade for r e it -! v r. c w car K 447 O rr or. : a n. ly i FORD bu. gvod ehape. Rood tins, $i,V l.n Union upntafrs. kil TE luuriDK ta tr,,! Tor di.very l-cht tr-i-k S'JA Alder St. 1m:m v'VEKUNM Uta on debt; Call Aid y. frval. -AUTOMOBrLTTS, CSED CAR QTJALTTT AND PRICES AT COVET MOTOR CAR CO MP ANT. W rSED CARS POLD IV JAN- CART, TWO THINGS made that record poawib'.e; QUALITY AND PRICES The REBUILT CARS Lsted below have been RENEWED they are not Just repaired. They are backed by as as being ME CHANICALLY RIGHT. Our one aim Is to have every purchaser of a used car a satisfied owner. "We are constantly In tooch with" the nsed car market. We know that in rdr to move our stocks rapidly our prices MUST BE LOW. Examine our prices THEY ARB LOW. We attach no sentiment to our cars they are nothing mora or leaa than mere hand taw. REBUTLT CADILLACS. When you purchase one of these very fine automobiles, yon have a right to expect everything which can be demanded of any car. The finish and the tire equipment are always In keeping with the mechanical condition. For Tour Comparison. 121 Bnick 4-pasa coupe $1S4 ISao Cole, 7-paea.. repainted disc wheels 1359 1921 Dodge Brothers demon strator, license .' 00 120 Dodge Brother edan.. 1150 120 Dodge brothers touring. 75 1S20 Dodge Brotners roadster 63 If 1 1 Dodge Brothers touring 53 11 Dodge Brothers roadster 503 1918 Dodge Brothers touring. 413 1918 Dodge Brothers roadster 473 1918 Dodge Brothers sedan.. 743 IS 20 H a y n e a 7-pass re painted 1165 1921 Marmon speedster like new 270 1020 Oldsmobil 7-pass SOS Roamer. newly painted. 1200 REBUILT CADILLACS. 1919 Touring, row tires, paint, top $2000 1918 roadjfter, new tlrea and paint 1300 1917 touring, new top and Paint 1600 1910 touricg. new top and paint 1400 ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES! COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st at Washington St. Bdwy. 624 L 2S-30 North Broadway. FOR DP! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS' FORDS! . FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORD! FORDS! FORIW! FORDS:! roadster, all rebuilt $2M roadster; starter $325 touring; tarter $295 touring $143 touring; starter 9330 touring; starter $2it-i coupe $2i3 sedan $493 coupe; starter $243 sedan $47 sedan $483 1-ton truck, brand new lf!9 Ford 1118 Ford 120 Ford express body $373 rord i-ion truck, with brand new stake tody $303 101 Ford 1-ton truck 4)323 l&l Ford chain-drive truck $iKl Don't Ia'l to see these cars before you buy. They are priced about $."0 each be low marnet value. Terms If desired. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. East 471. Grand Ave, and E. Yamhill A SAFE PLACE TO BUT BEST USED CAR VALUES We have them all makes, all models Low Prices. DODOES BUICKS VELTES CHANDLERS STPDEBAKERS DOKT3 MAXWELLS HUPMOB1LES Open Sundays and Evenings. W. R. DeLAY MOTOR CO., INC. Distributors Velie and Peerless Used Car Salesrooma X. W. Cor. Broadway and Burnside. GOOD CARS CHEAP. We are no longer selling new Oak- lands at rtaii. nut we nave several good used Xakland six-cylinder. 6-pass enger cars that we are anxious to close out at a very low price. Thesa cars are in fine running order with rood tires, paint, etc. Small payment down and Baiance on smau mommy pay ments. See these light 8-cyllnder, 5-pasaenger cars nerore you ouy. NORTHWEST OAKLAND COMPANY. Bdwy. 62. 344 Burnsido fit. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU BUT OR SELL AV AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICK HILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTOAGB CO.. 207 S ELLIN ti BLDU, SECOND FLOOR. 191 BUO. completely overhauled, new tires, new top, 2 apot lights, clock, dash light, disc wheels, many other extras, including '22 license. Price $203. Phone E. 302. Ask for Mr. Bates. ARE YOU In the market for a 1120 7-pasa. Nash? Car has just been thoroughly overhauled and painted; la mechanically like new, bumper and 5 cord tires, equipped al most new on rear wheels. Will give easv terms or take smalt car In on trade with terma on balance. Call Tabor 6003 to see. AUTOMOBILE FOR LOT. Private Individual haa light 6-cyL, ff-oass. tourinsr car. 1920 model, used only 4000 m i 1 es ; g ood cmdl t io n ; d isc whoela and cord equipment. Will trade for good building lot with all improve ments paid; valuation of I WW. AO 440, Oregon ian. MARMON chummy. looks like new and we sruarantee it mechanically; we have had this car for aome time and offered It as low as $130". We want to sell it at. once so will consider any reasonable offer. COO K, ae GILL. Bros d w a y Salesroom. 100 N. Broadway. Phone Broadway 7730. ANOTH ER tremendous bargain In auto mobilesStandard Eight cars, new, at $132. delivered at Portland, 1922 license Included. STANDARD EIGHT MOTORS CO., Park and uoh Street. Bdwy. 7S.S. 1923 CHEVROLET. I have a brand new 1922 Chevrolet touring that circumstances force mo to sell ; wlil consider cheap Chevrolet or Ford In trade and give terms on bal ance. Phone East 173. IF YOU are in the market for a reaL nlgh-ciasa, powerful car I would suggest you look at the Standard Eight at $1S2. Just the biggest bargain ever. Tour 1922 License included. Park and Couch Streets. Bdwy. 78S. WE CAR R T a full line ol auto accessories. tubes, t ora parts, npui g:oues. etc; a:ao Co towing. Open day and night. LONG & SILVA, Phone Eat 640. 402 Hawthorne. BETTER VALUES IN GARAGES. GOOD STYLE. WELL. BUILT. DELIVERED, ERECTED. STAINED. 10x1 t. $33; AT TRACTIVE FACTORY PRICES. 209 WEIDLER. EAST SSfi. 1920 FORD roadster, all new tires, body iust naintea. regular t ord starter, soeedometer. shock absorber, only $323, at the Used Car Market, 6th and Main sts. ; BU1CK touring, thoroughly overhauled; 5 gooa iire; i-pn mi iopi piate glass in side curtians; $550. 3v0 A'1er St. Broadwgv 1 .V 1922 STEPHENS sPORT MODEL. Brand new. at big discount. See Spitdboel and Rawlins. the Stephens specialists. Sixth and Everett. IW20 DOIH3E aedan in first-class condi tion. 4ee car at ei .th st. S. E.. and make cash offer. Phones Main 9471, TaHir 7339. VUKU roadbter with shock absorbers. extra good tires, oounie wishbone, fine mechanical condition. $250. jwa Aider St. Broadway 1 32. VE TEAR 'em up and sell the piecea Portland Auto Wrecking Co.. 531 Alder 17th Broadway 3254. FORD sedan; 1922; brand new; at a dis count; must aeti. terms. Tabor h CHEVROLET touring. 1922 mode!, in peneci numiuuu, a" easy terms. Tabr SWW. M UN ROE touring cheap for quicia aale. run about uov miiea. am. 08 fc;i3 iy; OLD-SMOR1LE 4 tourreg. fine shape. 1 50. ( al. t-iM CLASSY Ford bug: fully equipped. Al con dition 1 at: 1 'irryi'n. "i ay. ;;$. HAVE an Overaud 4 which I a Lh to n-il; bargain. $rnQ. Wdln. 23S7. IV 17 GRANT SIX touring. 2 new tires, new r-a'tery. $173. l.W U-niori ave. FACTORY rep. offers new, popilar, $1Si0 liUl a-X, car ir xv-x. vt FOR SAUB ACTOMOBIXE9- C L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO., THE DISTRIBUTORS OF - HUDSON AND ESSEX AUTOMOBILES, PUTTING ON A SALE OF USED CARS at very greatly reduced pricea, which more than correspond to tna big; reduction of new automobiles. "We crrmplere-Tv renew, overhanl or rebuild Hudson and Essex auto-mobtl-e. These are in the beat of mechanical condition; they are also warranted the same aa fac tories warrant new cars; In addi tion, we give 9u days' fre me chanical service. Other makes of used automobiles thoroughly overhauled. put in first -chaas condition and sold with a 10 days fre trial, subject to being returned and full credit given on any other car of equal price that customer may select. Thi give ample time for every purchaser to try out the car ha buya. gives him time to have R in spected, and wa want only aatia-f.-ed customers. 1017 Maxwell 3230 1921 KarA 373 1W20 Maxwell 475 1919 Orant six 5O0 1917 Dodge 450 1019 Olds eix 675 1918 Ol da eight 830 1919 liberty sport model ; So 1921 Chandler 975 1918 Overland chummy 425 1019 Chalmers 600 1318 Cole 8. apart model 1150 1916 Cadillac 1000 3 919 Essex roadster 750, 1921 Eassx touring 950 -J 1916 Hudson super six 7S5 1917 Hudson super six 875 1918 Hudson euper six 1050 1919-1920 (model O aertos) Hudson super six 1100 1918 Hudson speedster 950 1920 Hudson speedster 1450 . Largest User tjar Branch Store in the City at 40 4tt Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evenings. Phon at Branch Store. Broadway 5739. Also a display at Our Salesroom, 615-617 Washington Ft. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. USED CAR SNAPS. Here are some genuine bargains In good used cars. Cars of quality, good looking and in remarkable mechanical shape. Most of them have been overhauled and rebuilt In our own shop and we can tell you exactly what sort of service you can expect from them. Before you buy, see Mitchell s good used cara 1918 Olds 8, 7-pasa.... $ 750 White touring 200 1918 Mitchell, 5 -pass S50 1916 Briscoe, 5 pass 400 1918 Jordan Sport Marine.... 1350 1918 Paige, 5 -pass 700 1920 Oldamobile, 5 -pass 730 1910 Velie 800 1020 Jordan T-pasa..... 2000 1916 Packard Twin 6, 7-pasa 1500 1920 Mitchell, 5 -pass 1150 1921 Mitchell, 5-pasa 1350 1915 Cadillac 650 1918 Studeba'ker. 7-pasa 300 1918 Mitchell. 5-pass 650 Liberty Chummy 650 1919 Mitchell, 5-pass 750 1921 Jordan, 5-pass 12000 EAST TERMS. NO CHARGES FOR BROKERAGE. We save you money and embar rassment by handling our own notes. We are in a position to make you easy terms on the car of your selection. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVER CO. Broadway and Everett Sts. 3S Years In the Northwest. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. BUICKS. I have two roadsters, both first-class, late models and ready to go; liberal terms and small payment down, balance monthly; take car In trade. 20 ESSEX TOURING. This fine light four, ref intoned the latest colors; low price of $785, with aom down, balance easy. 20 CHEVROLET TOURING. Refinished and looks and rune as new; low price of $335, with $lo0 down, bal ance easy. FORD RACE ABOUT, Take $5 down, balance monthly, and the car looks fine; all newly refinished; balance monthly. ESSEX SEDAN, LATEST MODEL. Will do Us own talking; is like new every way; low price and liberal terms; take car in trade. Phone 513-67. Call 514 Alder st. MURPHY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. AUCTION SALE. Two sales week. Thursday evening 7:80 P. M., Monday 7:30 P. M. Thia la the place to buy your automobile. Wa sell about 40 automobiles a week. Different makes. There's a reason. Cams and sea. JAKE'S AUCTION HOUSE, Corner 6th and Everett. Phone Broadway 2329. $100 IN GASOLINE TICKETS WILL BH GIVEN FREE TO THREB PURCHASERS OF USED CARS THIS MONTH. See us for particulars. 50 cara to "select from. Priced from $75 up. CASH. TERMS. OR TRADE. Open evenings and Sundays. OLDSMOBILE COMPANY. Broadway and Couch Sts. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN USED CARS. 1915 Ford roadster $ 85 1916 Ford touring 115 1919 Oakland 6 touring 185 1916 Dodge pouring 175 1916 Hup touring, like new 275 1918 Chevrolet roadater 225 1917 Chevrolet tour., good shape 150 Fiat bug 75 We have many Ford tourings, road sters and bugs for you to pick from. Come and look shem over. VRANSON'S USED CAR EX. 150 Union Ave., upstairs. EL 4S76. NEW STANDARD 8. $1832, licence in cluded; astounding value. Asuut by the Standard Steel Car Corp., builders of steel passenger coaches. An automobile built with the comparative strength of a ste4 coach. Park and Couch sta. Bdwy. 7S. ANNuUNCINOi unheard of bargains! New Standard Eight automobiles, thai pow erful motor car, including 1922 license and at Portland for $1882. STANDARD EIGHT MOTORS CO., Park and Couch Streets. Bdwy. 7$A. ATTENTION. Mr. Car Buyer, will make a sale to the first person who sees my Columbia six demonstrator for $1200. Have got to see to Appreciate. 354 East Broadway, ask for B rown. TALK about bargains in new cars New Standard Eights, 4 and 7-passenger, in cluding 1922 license, at $!SS2. STANDARD EIGHT MOTORS CO.. Park and Couch Streets. Bdwy. OVKRLA-ND 4-pass. Country Club; 5 good tires; original paint : extra good top; 1. To Alder st. Broadway 1 S-r2. im FORD touring, good shaie, $115. 10O Lnioa av e- upstair. for Sale automobiles. FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! 1020 Ford touring, starter $295 1&2D Ford roadster, atarter 205 1920 Ford roadster, starter 325 1920 Ford touring, starter 350 1921 Ford touring, starter 450 1919 Ford touring 275 1919 Ford roadster 2S3 1918 Ford louring 185 1918 Ford touring 223 1918 Ford touring 215 1913 Ford touring 145 1918 Ford coupe 295 1920 Ford sedan 495 1920 Ford sedan - 430 1921 Ford sedan 605 DELIVERY CARS! 1922 Ford delivery, express; this car is nractically brand new: cost $725 600 191S Ford delivery express 275 1918 Ford delivery express 285 1920 Ford one-ton truck, stake body 425 1910 Ford one-ton truck, express body 450 Ford light delivery express 125 Open every evening until 9 o'clock and all day Sunday. Terms if desired. We give you the same service on a used Ford as you get on a new one. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COM PANT. East 3770. Grand Ave. at Hawthorne. USED CARS. 1918 Velie, Al condition. .$400 1910 Cole t, new paint and top..... 400 1S17 Saxon; think of this 2tX 1915 Cote 8, good shape 20O 1920 Liberty, wire wheels TOO 192U Briscoe, 5-pass., new paint, cord tires 450 Wo will take as low as $50 down on soma of these. Where can you beat it? PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., 10th and Burnside. Bdwy. 521. 1922 BU1CK SIX ROADSTER 1922. BT OWNER. I'M GOING TO SELL THIS NEW CAR. THAT HAS BEEN DRIVEN ONLY IOOO MILES AND NOT FASTER THAN 25 PER HOUR AT ANY TIME; HAS $100 WORTH OF EXTRAS AND CORD TIRES, FOR $12501. EAST 4010. REAL BARGAINS! 'REAL BARGAINS! J910 Chevrolet touring ....$295 1917 Chevrolet touring 105 1920 Chevrolet touring 375 1918 Chevrolet panel delivery 275 1917 Chevrolet panel delivery 175 1917 Maxwell touring 225 1916 Overland touring . 185 1915 Franklin touring, starter 275 Open evenings. Terms If desired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY, East 3770. Grand Ave. at Hawthorne. FRANKLIN SEDAN. A REAL BUY. Fully equipped with extras; has alum inum disc wheels, tires, A-l body finish, can't be told from new; run only 5700 miles; has had best of care; mechani cally perfect and will stand the closest inspection; will demonstrate any time. If interested in a fine car, A REAL BUT. CALL MILLER AT MAIN 6463. BARGAINS IN AUTOS. 1 BMlck 6 $500 1 32l Dort. wire wheels 625 1 1921 Ford touring 400 1 1021 Ford touring 350 Fords $125 to 200 1 Buick 4 175 1 Maxwell truck with cab and body 200 LONG & SILVA. 4H2 Hawthorne. USED-CAR MARKET. 6th and Main sts. Bargains Bargaina "Bargains. FORD. Coupes, sedans, touring; and roadsters. Cash or Terms. Owned by authorized Ford dealer. ROBINSON-SMITH CO. OAK LAND 5-pass., looks iike new and only run 3000 miles, one week's trial and guaranteed mechanically at $600, on easy terms. COOK A GILL. Broadway Salesroom. , 100 N. Broadway. Phone Broadway 7750. LATE model Ford $30O cash takes it. touring", almost new, 430 Burnside. A utomoblles Wanted. CAN use a good late model auto: will trade 160 acres of level land In Whits Horse valley of Harney county. This land Is worth about $8 an acre, but I havt no use for it, but can use a good car; land is clear of incumbrance. Write AJ 7. Oregonian. CARS WANTED. Bring your car to the auction house for quick sale and full value: small com mission charged ; fireproof, bldg., steam heated. Phone Broadway 2329. Corner Sixth And Everett sta. west side. WE WRECK THEM Highest cash prict paid tor otd cars, condition no onject. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO THIRD AND GL1SAN. THREE-TON truck transmission wanted. Must be In good condition. Give price end description. Address box 101, Bend. Or. CARS WANTED to wreck, parts for all cars tor lesa. S. 15th and Alder. S. Ad to Wrecking Co., Broadway 636. WANTED Light touring or" will pay cash. roadster, AH 450, must be bargain; Oregonian. VB WILL sell your machine at least cost to yourself and buyer. Wayside Garage, Eat 53S4 AUTO WANTED 40 acres with water right, Idaho, for small late modei car. Be LI wood 2H64. FURNITLTRE and household goods trade for Ford or Bulck touring. 14th st. M-ain 2856. for 806 WANTED Lace model Ford cars; will pay cash. Used Ford Sales Co.. cor. 6th and Davis. FOR SALE Confectionery and luncheon ette ; will take gdbd car as part pay ment. AB 436, Oregonian. WANTED Late model Ford coupe; will pay cash. Woodlawn 721. CASH for all makes of cars, condition no object. 414 GHsan at 10th. Bdwy. 203. WE WILL loan money on your automobile, Granning A Treece. 542 Alder st. AUTO Co., storage, $5. 525 Alder. Western Warehouse WILL with pay $21 starter. 5 cash for Ford Woodlawn 4197. WANT late modei Dodge or Buick; price must be right. 615 Cham, of Com, bldg. PAY CASH for Ford or Chevrolet, today. Tabor 1669. Motorcycles. HARLEY - DAVIDSON motorcycle, ex change for Ford, diamond, phonograph or piano. Give or take difference. 106 10th street. Main 2820. $75 TAKES contract on Indian motorcycle, tandem and sride car paid for. Call Sid ney, Main 1523. MOTORCYCLES and parts, ail makes. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44-49 Grand Avenue. EXCELSIOR motorcycle and side car, will sell a great sacrifice for quick sale. $50 down, balance easy terms. E-ast 8879. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 200 THIRD ST. MAIN 6139. Auto Tires and Accessories. USED tires and tubes, all sizes, $3 and up. GANDY & RUSSELL, 210 Fourth st. Main 6074. Automobiles for Hire. OREGON USED CAR EXCHANGE. New cars for rent without driver reasonable rates; open day and night. 325 Glisan St., between Broadway and 6th Bt. Phone Bdwy. 5593. $1.25 per hour. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driv ers Day and night service. COUCHMAN GARAGE. 19th and Couch. Broadway 3696. Remember our number. Broadway 3696. H. S. BENNETT CARS FOR HIRE WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. 3D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 16S7. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. f CITY GARAGE". 132 12th St. Bdwy. 840. 6-CYLINDER 5-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE WITH DRIVEtR. BROADWAY 3547. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. PACKARD 4-ton, another truck going at dirt cheap price of $400. See these trucks before you buy. Phone Frentel, Bdwy. 691. Evenings East 7374.. 415 La v is st., cor. 10th. PACKARD truck, 2-ton, with 10-inch tires, good for wood haul and ready to go; terma. Price $300. Phone Frentzel, Bdwy. 691. Evenings East 7374. 415 Davis st., cor. 10th. t HAVE A-l wood job, requires purchase of a truck. $400 down, balance monthly, may consider your car as first payment. Call Frentzel, Bdwy. 691, evenings East 7374. 415 Davis, cor. TOth. 1 NEARLY new 24-ton Denby, run only 411 months, cost S2250: wiM sell for $1300. F. E- Bowman & Co.. 210 Chamber of Com m e rce. Broadway 6776. PACKARD, 3-ton, real value ; sale price $250. Phone Frentzel, Bdwy. 691. Eve nings East 7374. 415 Davis st.. cor 10th. FORD 1-ton truck, pneumatic tires alii around; a'so has cab windshield; big sacrifice. 530 Alder st. Bdwy. 1852. llrJl REO SPEED v quick sale; $'J50. 1 852. a?on; will sacrifice for 530 Alder st- Bdwy. l--TON WHITE, fine shape, with steady city wor ; terms. Tabor a73. FOB SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. - 1-ton Ford truck. express body, no top $ 150 S00 l-ton worm drive fotq truck. platform body, AA1 1-ton Ford truck, worm drive. pneumatic tires, extra good express body and cab. This truck haa been used but a short time and is an excel lent buy at -ton GMC. Thia truck has been thoroughly overhauled, is in good shape, pneumatic tires in good condition, an exceptional bargain 1-ton Buick. Thia truck has been overhauled from one 473 750 end to the other 375 373 1-ton Republic, solid Urea. Kood express. body 1-ton White, in first-class condition .... 1250 1-ton White, in good run- nine: oraer . . . T50 2-ton White. "We have thor oughly overhauled every unit in thia truck: the transmission, rear axle and universal joints have all been taken apart and re paired. The motor has been out. all new bearings in stalled, new pistons and wrist pins. This truck la as near a new truck as me chanics can make it 1650 2-ton Reo, an excellent truck for cord wood or similar work 2-ton GMC. thoroughly over 450 hauled and backed by the Wentworth & Irwin, used GMC guarantee. You can not go wrong on thia truck 1650 2 -ton Republic, absolutely new tires on all 4 wheels, thoroughly overhauled, used but a short time 1350 3-ton GMC. This must be seen to be appreciated..... 2450 4-ton Packard. It will be worth your time to give thia truck the once over... 975 5-ton GMC, chain drive. This is a powerful brute that has years of hard work left in it. Just the thing for a log haul 750 8-ton Columbia logging trailer -950 OPEN FROM 10 A. M. TO 2 P. M. SUNDAYS. WENTWORTH A IRWIN, INC., Main 2892. 200 Second St., Cor. Taylor. REPUBLIC, en pneumatic tires. This truck has' been completely over hauled and is in excellent condition. Has aood exDreaa body and cord tires. A bargain at ...$4 ez.tnn GMC. enuftmed with good ex press body and cord tires. If you are in the market look at this lob. as it cheap at 650 1-ton White chassis on pneumatic tires motor has been overhauled and new cylinder block installed. This truck is 33 1-8 per cent under market value . at ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO.. Broadway 1369. Park and Everett Sts. TRUCES AND DELIVERIES at the USED-CAR MARKET. 6th and Main St. Fnrd delivery $2 Ford delivery 33o Dode delivery 26o Studebaker panel delivery 245 Mn y well delivery Bnirlr rie.ltve.rv . .' 215 Ford 1-ton truck and body 785 Ford ton truck and cab 325 Ford ton chain drive chassis 150 Cash or .Terms. USED TRUCKS. OldsmobMe Speedwagon, good condi tion, good body $'3: Vnrri 1-ton chassis. 1S20. . J.V Commerce 34 -ton J... $450 LAFFAW MOTOR CAR CO., j 9th and Couch. Tt; kpi TRLIC truck, real bargain. 3 Va-ton, overhauled, new tires. 2-ton, perfect shane. new tires. 1-ton, perfect shape, new tires. 16, fair cpndition, cheap for quick sale. Terms if desired; nc brokerage. Phone Frentzel, Bdwy. 691. Evenings. East 7374. 415 Davis st. MAXWELL light delivery, just the thing for light work. &30- Aider st. aawy. j.s.13. GARAGES. BETTER VALUES IN GARAGES. GOOD STYLE, WELL BUILT, DELIVERED, ERECTED, STAINED, 10x16. $55; AT TRACTIVE FACTORY PRICES. 9! WEIDLER. EAST S866. PRIVATE garage for rent. Corner - East 17th and Ash sts. Call Bdwy. 6157. AUTO REPAIRING. AUTOS repaired at your home private shop ; work guaranteed. 1146 or 220-12, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. JECOND-HANTD CLOTHING WANTED. MEYER, THE TAILOR, PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR SUITS. OVER f fiATS. M f!KTNA WS. SHOES. WE CALL ANYWHERE IN THE CITY. DAY OR EVENING. CALL MAR. 1229 OR 253 MADISON ST., NR. THIRD ST. SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS BOUGHT We pay highest prices. Ore gon Tailors and Cleaners, 117 2d st. N. W. corner Washington, Bdwy.' 7344. WE WILL ALLOW YOU $5 to $15 for your discarded suit In payment on a suit made to order and you can pay us the halance on easy monthly payments. Bring In your used suit and apply it on a new one. joy tne Manor. Hhk jcourtn. near Stark. GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES, ETC. BROAD WAX 4ii St. t UiliNrtl lJHi, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD, CALL ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. FURS FURS -FURS. Low rent and low prices; remodeling and repairing, furs tanned and dressed. La France Fur Mfg. Co., 163 West Park street. Phone Main 6529. MAIN 5631. Used furniture of any kind, tools and general household goods, bought for cash. Good prices paid. West Portland Salvage Co. TRAILERS. Have several used logging- lumber and baggage trailers; will sell, low price. Call F. V. Parsons, Bdwy. 321. Make appointment. WANTED First-class second-hand mim eograph or multigraph. Marion County Realty Ass'n, 405 Masonic temple,. Sa- Irm, Or. SAFE Second-hand; give size. lowest price for cash and address. AL 386," Oregonian. WANTED Used lady's suit in dition; give description and fair cob- pnee. AJ 418, Oregonian. IF YOU wish to sell your cast-off clothing call Mar. 3225, 209 Madison st. People's Secondhand Store WANTED Maps and equipment for fire insurance office. BJ 378. Oregonian. DIAMONDS bought at highest market price. E. Deeds, -340 Washington St. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles, shot guns. Hochfeld. 85 Third, near Oak. WANTED Used engineer's transit in good condition. Broadway 2447. WANTEU Dressmaker's form on reasonable. Call Wdln. 4102. WANTED Flat or roll-top desk. Oregonian. Fumiture Wanted. CALL MARSHALL 2S93. I pay absolutely the right price for household goods; a home full of furni ture or one article; I need tables, chairs, dressers, beds, chiffoniers and good ruga, roll-top desks and good 8 too la. If you are ready to sell call Marshall 2693. I will be there promptly with cash. CASH FURNITURE CASH. We need used furniture, stoves, ranges, etc., to ship out of town; will pay higher prices than other local dealers; call us for one article or a house full and a courteous, competent buyer will call. Broadway 2200, 72 North 3d eL, Rosenbergs Furniture Exchange. CALL MAIX 733. CASH PAID FOR USED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS; WE PAY MORE THAN ANY LOCAL DEALER; GIVE US A TRIAL. USED FURNITURE EXCHANGE, CALL MAIN 738. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE, Main 8878. WE PAY as much as any dealer can for used furniture, in cash or in exchange for what you want in up-to-date new furniture. M. H. Calef. furniture. 140 KiHingsworth. Wdln: 6604. NEED furniture, rugs, stoves and tools OI Btl OeHWipiiuiio n 01116 id jjijd vt i. lots; will pay more than local dealers; nrtmiTJt attention given. Call East 2405. BUFFET, about 60 inches long, dark oak or Jacobean, to be used with William and Mary table. Auto. 327-08. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description: have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627. or 366 First st WE WILL BUY your furniture or sell for you on commission. George Baker & Co., auctioneers. Mam WANT roll and flat-top desk and adding machine, O. N. Babcock, Bdwy. 2739. FOUr ATT OX AT.. FOUR -WEEKS' TRAINING FREE. We have hundreds of graduates now successfully engaged In the auto, trac tor, battery and the auto electrical busi nefs. We can assist you to a good posi tion, too. We give you a four weeks' FREE TRIAL. No money in advance. The trial obligates you in no way. It affords you an excellent opportunity to size up our school and test your qualifi cations to learn mechanical work. Full prticu lars in our n e w 1 1 2-page cat a log. Call or write for it today. Ask for book No. 5; It's free. ADCOX AUTO AND AVIATION SCHOOL, UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. Woodlawn Tar Alherta car. 3d and Alder. BIG DEMAND FOR COMPTOMETER OPERATORS. We are daily receiving calls (ior com pel en t com p t om ete r opera to rs.' Steady employment, good salaries. Take a course now and begin to earn money. Behnke Walker Business College, 4th, near Mor rison. Phone M 590. The school of private secretaziea BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Em oil now and as soon as you arc competent there will be a permanent, well-paying position awaiting you. Sten ography, banking, secretaries, account ing, etc. Free catalogue. Phone Main 590. or call at Fourth, near Morrison. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. You want nothing but the best. Here it is. Standardized with schools in 60 other cities. Best laboratories, best shop equipment and Instructions. Actual shop piactice given on real repair Jobs. Results absolutely guaranteed. The time for you to go to school is while business 4s quiet. Prepare now for big business opening In a few months. In quire Oregon Institute of Technology, Main st. at Sixth. Ex-service men get STATE AID. HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN Nation-wide demand at high salaries; past experience unnecessary; we train you by mail and put you In touch with big opportunities everywhere. Write at once for particulara Desk 1418, Wash ington. D. C. MOHLtiR BARBER COLLEGE will teact you the trade in 8 weeks, furnish a set of tools to you and give some pay while learning; positions secured; former ex service men receive state aid while at tending our school. Write or call for catalogue and particulars. 234 Burnside. HOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN Nation wide demand at high salaries; past ex perience unnecessary; we 4rain you by mail dnd put you in touch with big op portunities everywhere. Write at once for particulara Desk 1418. Waking-ton. D. C. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Morrison. MODERN barber college teaches trade in 8 wks. tools furnished, some pay; posi tion secured: special rate this month. Wrifte or 'call for particulars, 234 1st Ft. ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Wells, ex-aasist. state supU, mgr., N. W. Hank bldg. Auto. BI2-13. LEARN graph bldg. TJSLEURAPHI R-iiway Tele Ins titu to, 434 Railway Exchange Night e lasses. NIGHT SCHOOL beuty cultuie Curtis. Bflvv y. 6902. IF YOU WANT to learn the- vulcanizing business call 158 East Broadway. FISK Tea-cUeTa Agency Journal bldg. Main 4835. Teaching position, free reg. xATES-KioHEK Teachers' Agency Fret registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. GARDNER shorthand Fiftldner bldg". scnool, 5 th flour LEARN beauty culture evenings. Curtis. Bdwy. 6002, HELP WANTED MALE. YOUNG MAN! Take this tip: The one best place in the city to assist YOU in finding a position in a clerical com mercial or technical line la the Y. M. C. A. employment department. You can get reliable information and they will mul tiply your chances and put you next to opportunities that you will never find through your own efforts alone. All young men and especially strang ers are cordially invited to talk with one of the secretaries. Room 807, Y. M. C. A. W ANTE"D First-class sticker men; two fast-feed planermen; cabinet and bench men; sash and door layout men; frame cutters and frame bench men ; ahaper hand; one all-around sash and door ma chine operator; sanderman to operate "Berlin" or "American" 8-drum sanders; must be all first-class, steady machine men. Steady employment, top wages, 8 hours. Give address and phone number. AK 444, Cregonian. SALESMAN for your city and adjacent territory by the largest manufacturer on the Pacific coast of advertising calendars. A most complete line of over 100 sub jects; we want a man capable of calling on the largest and best trade. Lucra tive compensation paid weekly. State age, business references and sales ex perience. V. S, Walsh, 560 Mission at., San Francisco. Established 1900. EDUCATED man not less, than 30 years of age to learn insurance salesmanship with old line company; salary and com mission; unlimited possibilities to man who can meet the public; must have ca pacity for work; men with previous life insurance experience not wanted. AG 444. Oregonian. CEMENT wall man, especially cement block work or general house builder; one living Sellwood, Milwaukie or Ore gon City carline preferred. Woodlawn 1824. after 5 P. M. TWO SINGLE young men of neat appear ance not over 2y to travel with manager on special selling campaign ; expenses adrvanced and permanent position. See Mr. Ho ward, Orego n h otel. WANTED A first-class cabinet shop fore man and first-class sash and door fore man, top notch wages, steady job Cali fornia, state experience, give address aud phone number. AF 434, Oregonian. LO-GERS AND MILL MEN, When in Centralia. Wash., Call at DELAMEY EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 107 South Tower Ave. WANTED Foreman to take charge of re pair department or tfora agency; oniy man with experience and plenty of in itiative need apply. Give references. Box J 442. Oregonian. FOR HELP PHONE STAR EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. BROADWAY 52S6. WANTED Experienced milker and barn man, 10 to 14 cows, sju per montn ana board. Address D. W. Carter, Prescott, Or. WE REQUIRE the services of a salesman who can show successful selling recora; please give full particulars in first let ter. AH 400, Oregonian. MAN TO work in tailoring department; must be good presser and understand al terations on men's clothing; steady job. State salary expected. D 392, Oregonian. WANTED Stenographer and bill clerk. out of town. Answer own nanawnting. experience, salary expected, N 413, Ore- gonian. STAGE on good run, all pavement will East take good car as part payment. 6H32. WANTED -No. 1 plasterers, open shop, $3 per day. Armory bidg.f A. Lombard, box 62. McMinnvllIe, Or. STATION gang, 10 or 20 men, 15,000 yards, good prices, tools furnished. Apply Burnside st. JANITOR, married man, who can do calci- mining; $75 ana apartment. a . 42 i, Oreg-onian. WANTED Two markers on green chain. $4.40 ; state experience ana references. AV 028, Oregonian. WANTED Singing, talking and dancing acta for amateur night; gooa pay. Apply manager Star theater. ARCHITECTURAL draftsmen with Port land experience wanted. Strong & Mc Naughton, 701 Corbett bldg. YOUNG man to do porter st. North. work and de- livery. 229 23d WANT cabinetmaker. Important message at Y. M. C. A. for J. IS, Lewis. A JANITOR wanted. Call at 521 Wasfa- ington. WaNT strong boy with wheel for delivery i grocery: good wages. 11J22 Belmont. MAN with Ford apply 368 Hawthorne ave. Help Wanted Salesmen. WANTED By wholesale paper company. salesman experienced in line papers; only those with full knowledge of lines required by printers need appiy. AB 450. Oreg o nian. ' SALESMAN distributor. man well ac quainted auto trade, financially respon sible with references can make exclusive connection. Wm. Brown, 348 Portland Hotel. WHOLESALE house needs salesman. 28 to 45. with light car to sen groceries wholesale to farmers (on commission). Give age, experience, qualifications In fu'I. phone number. P. O. Box 2090. FORD salesman, must be experienced and a proaucer ; gooa commission proposi tion. Robinson-Smith Co., sales mgr., 6th and Madison. SPECIALTY salesman for permanent po sition With 01a grocery oroKerage nouse: state experience, full particulars first letter. AM 413. Oregonian. WANTED First-class wholesale grocery salesman to put a good specialty on the market. If you can't produce results don't apply. X 204. Oregonian. GOOD job for man with $100; can easily make $H0 per day. Out of town. Call 84 Broad way . WANTED Experienced oil stock sales men on Texas oil belt proposition. Write R L Campbeii. Cisco. Texas, at once. SALESMAN and collector with car, steady work. 110 Grand ave. HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Salewmcn. LTVTS YOUNG SALESMAN WITH CAR. BY FRANK L. McGUlRE. Largest Home Seller hv America. A wonderful opportunity to get in the real estate business and make big money. Associated with a live, progressive, re liable, established office provided you have (1) ambition, (2) determination, (JJ) optimism, (4) a sense of humor, (ft) oan give the best of references, 6) are willing to work. Thousands of new comers will be crowding into our city- to locate. Thousands of new homes are being constructed. Portland is on the verge of one of the greatest real estate activities in her history. We need a live salesman today. Ask for F. C Marshall, with FRANK I McGUTRB, AMngton Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. 3d St bet. Washington ana star. A R ELI ABLE MALE'S M AN W ANTED WITH CAR FOR OREGON TERRITORY IMMEDIATELY FOR RBLIABLB COM PANY ; POSITION PERMANENT; NO INVESTMENT: LINE STAPLE AND REPEATER; FIELD MANAGER WILL WORK WITH YOU UNTIL YOU ARE THOROUGHLY FAMILIAR WITH LINE AND WORK; WILL PROVW TO YOU BY ACTUAL SALES MADE IN YOUR PRESENCE THAT YOUR COM M ISSION WILL RUN FRO M $ 15 TO $25 PER DAY: THIS AD MEANS JUST WHAT IT STATES; READ SAME CAREFULLY: BE SURE YOU CAN COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS. GIVE TELE P HO KB NUMBER AND ADDRESS. Y 893. OREGONIAN. SALESMAN wanted to cover Portland and surrounding territory selling gasoline pumps to garages and service stations; good proposition for the right party ; none but thoae with previous experience noed apply. M. ChrlsUance, Seward hotel, between 11 and 12 A. M, HONEST MEASURE PUMP CO., 381 Chemeketa. Salem. Oregon. SALES MANAGER WANTED! Large western syndicate wants man with experience in handling salt-Kmen to take charge of sales force. Good open ing for right man. Give references and past experience. Address manager. BD 439 Oregonian. TO A REAL HE SALESMAN WITH EXPERIENCE in selling to homes, we have a nationally advertised article with real merit and profit. No competition. No delivering or collecting. Northwest Distributing Agency, 607 Henry bldg. WANTED Phonograph salesman ; man who has enough confidence in his abil ity to work on commission basis; top grade machine. Apply In own handwrit ing, giving experience, AP 401, Orego nian. SPECIALTY salesmen wanted to nell ex tra high-grade aluminum cooking uten sil to hardware and furniture trade, commission basis paid receipt orders. Exclusive or side lino; sta te experience and references. Pacific Aluminum Co., Mfrs.. Fresno. Cal. A NATIONAL sales organisation ia in need of district managers for Salem, As toria and Eugene. For those who can qualify we have an unusual opportunity phone S. H. Van Dyke, room 410, Hotel Benson. EXPERIENCED printing salesman, den & Co., 123 1st st. Ham- WAN TF.D AGENTS. OUR 1922 Renulife line is now ready, sur passing anything attempted in violet ray outfits; agents wanted everywhere. Violet Ray Headquarters, 218 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HUSTLERS for graphic coupon. a quick selling photo Call Main 8.19. HEALTH, accident and nospitai insuraaos. Big Commission 501 Cnrbett bldg. ITKLP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED record FAlesUvdy to Be head salesperson in a record department handling Victor and Brunswick records. This is the leading department in a town of 25,000 inhabitants within s few miles of Portland. Kindly state amount of experienc and salary expected. A V 174, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced and success ful saleswoman for high-grade women's specialty store; coats, suits and dresses; exceptional salaries and opportunities for producers; give experience, recent con nections and phone in first lelter. AR 441. Oregonian. THE -WOMEN'S Protective Division, city of Portland, offers Its service In all mat ters pertaining to the welfare and pro tection of women and girls; Interviews confidential. 514 Worcester bldg.. Third and Oak sts. Phone Bdwy. 7422. WANT 2 neat appearing yT)ung ladies be tween the ages of 18 and 22 for adver tising crew. Guarantee $2-,. a week. Call between 9 and 12 today. Miss Kinder, Oregon hotel. WOMAN wanted to do general housework; must be steady; no cooking or washing. Apply in person at 575 E. 12th N near Knott RELIABLE, competent woman, 25 to 40 years, gen. hswk., good wages; no wash ing. Bdwy. 3721. Mrs. R. H. G randy, route 1. Beaverton, Or. EXPERIENCED trimmers and makers wanted for city and out-of-town posi tions. Apply Lowengart & Co., Bdwy. WANTED Ladies call home, sell house hold necessities of merit, 100 per cent Froflt to hustlers and good working leld. 871 East Morrison St. SALESWOMAN for an easy seller, com mission and deposit for sample, experi ence unnecessary. Apply all wek, 9 tc 12:30 A. M. onlv. . 51 1 Artisans bldg. WANT Jady with Ford car as partner and . to act as demonstrator; no capital re quired; must have had experience as actress. AK 445, Oregonian. SALESLADY wanted to aeLl real etate; must have car. RICHANBACH A CO., 207-8 Couch bldg. Broadway 41 43. ANY GIRL in need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 3450. DM. car RBFINED girl asist with light houte work and children in small west side apt.; good home to right girl. Broadway 5 HQS. Steady girl only apply. Thu rs d a y . WANTED Stenograpner an hour or so after 5 o'clock for both typewritten and longhand transscribing. Answer in own handwriting. AB 438, Oregonian. GIRLS for laundry work, 1 marker and distributor and girl to starch and op erate; wages $16 and $18 per week. Lewis Employment, 43 k N. 2d at. OPPORTUNITY tor disengaged teacher or well educated person to promote educa tional work; permanent; good salary. D 301, Oregonian. THOKtViUHLY experienced nursemaid for 2-year-old boy; references required. 340 10th st. NURSEMAID to take care of two sma children; references desired. Miiln 5 243 Cornell st. Head of Marshall. 0. BOOKKEEPERS, stenograpners, ortice help. See us for position. Williams Personal Service. 504 Spalding bldg. THE FLORENCE CKlTT EN TON horns t ready to help any girl in distress 95A East Glisan. "MV" car. East 318. WANTED Experienced lady presser, one who can operate a press machine. Cas cade Dve Works. 564 E. Oak. "WANTED An experienced second maid, city experience; good wages. Broadway 2065. 85 North 20th st. FINISHER wanted on ladies jackets; also dressmaker. L. Bergman & Co.. 83 5th st. YOUNG girl or woman to work for board and small wages. Call 1000 Williams near wygant. WANTED 3 neat appearing young ladies under 20 for advertising erew in Port land. Phone East 2948, 9-2 P. M. APPRENTICES wanted for beauty parlor work. 604 Eilers bldg. LADY barber at once. Third street. Apply 47 North WANT experienced bookkeeper; give ref- erences ana experience, vj virjunmu. GIRL for general housework, $30 a month. East 3121. WANTED Experienced millinery saies ladies. Bon Marche. 3d and Morrison WANTED Girl tor confectionery. 459 Washington st. EXPERIENCED WAITERS WANTED. 67 N. 6TH ST. TWO waitreHses. Montgomery st. Parkview hotel, 3sti anted Domestics. EXPERIENCED maid for cooking and general housework; city references re quired; wages $55, Apply mornings 12S0 Sandy blvd. Auto. 317-91. WOMAN to do general housework in fam ily of 3 in Laurelhurst; no laundo. wages $20 per month. Broadway S2. Call Mr. Brown. GIRL for cooking and general housework in family, 4 children, 3 in school. East 44 58. COMPETENT girl for general housework; references required; 2 in family. Call Main 1091. GIRL or woman to help do. light work; good home; salary $15. Broadway 331. 591 Marshall 81. WANTED - Hy widower, lady tc house, more for home than wage keep AK 4 4 2. Oregonian. NURSEMAID to take care of two small chPdren; references desired. Main 5S50. "43 Cornell st. Head of Marshall. WANTED School girl to assist with housework for room, board and some w a ges. E. 2125. . EXPERIENCED girl work; no washing; wages. Phone Auto. for gsneiai hout"" small family; good ;'1R-'7. EXPERIENCED womwn wanted for gen eral housework, family of three; citi : references required. M arsha 1 1 7H4. GIRL for general house work, uod Bdwy. 5382.