THE MOKXIXG OREGONIAN, AVEDXESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1022 15. IV 1 PORTLAND SPUED mr nmnniiin nnmn All 502 Type Steamers Are Already Allocated. ACTION IS KEPT SECRET C". Alnswortli Reaches Capital and Lays rians to Fight for Oregon Interests. THE QREOOXIAX XEW3 BL'REAV, V.ihlniion t. C Feb. 7. Members nf iha Portland delegation to the shipping board meeting here learned for the first time since comlnff- on to Washington that their petition for equal recognition in allocation of leMnser cargo ships, presented last November, haa been overrules, a' though no formal notice baa been Is sued to them. They find that all the 0J type, of eteamera requested, nave h..n assigned to other runa; the hinnliir board did not seem to think It necessarr even to Inform Portland that their petition iiad been turned down. Portland's representative on the committee summoned to Washing-ton for discussion of future shipping oard operations on the Pacific. J. C. Ains-worth. reached the casual today, ecompanied by W. X. B. Ipdson. general manager of the Chamber of Commerce. '. E. Daat Attead. C. E. Cant, of Pant Russell, and principal stockholder of the Columbia-Pacific Shipping company, also cams from New York this morning: to Oiscusa the future ot his steamship enterprise. An Informal conference with Her bert Kleischbacker and Chairman Lasker. of the shipping: board, was te'd hr'Mr. Ainsworth and Mr. Pant this afternoon. The formal meeting ot the committee from the Pacific coast with the shipping: board is to be held tomorrow afternoon. At that time It Is expected that the Pacific plan being prepared by the committee headed by Mr. Pleischhacker will be presented and discussed, by the wools board. . So far as the Portland men could learn today Chairman Lasker has In mind for the combine or pool com pany on the Pacific only the passen ger cargo chips. How a company operating only cargo ships Is to be treated cannot be forecasted yet from v. hst has ao far been revealed. Partlaad Plaas Fla-ht. The tendency seems to bs to tret special term for the passenger cargo ships of an extraordinary character, and try to put all the government's ai2a and benefit behind the company that undertakes to handle these larfter ships. If this forecast is cor rect, the effect, it Is declared, would be to discriminate against any com pany handling- cargo ships alone, and t might prove Impossible to operate tli em In competition with the liners the favored combine receives. Ktom. the current talk in Portland circles it is clear that the men from Oregon are ready to put up a deter mined fight for what they term ao American right In shipping- develop ment. What this fight may develop Into no one seems to wish to try to un fold. Conferences hsve been held with members of the Oregon delega tion In congress and the plans under d.scusslon preaatre a bitter struggle unless the board grants . fair and eoual recognition to all ports on tht Pacific, under whatever common ttrms may he preaenttM by the board. SHIP BOAKD AXXOUXCF.S PtAX l;cbate to Buyers at War Prices Is Intimated in Outline. WASH1XGTOS. I. c. Feb. 7. A programme to ameliorate the -"acute situation" confronting about 70 ship ping concerns which 'for the first year or two after the armistice bought tonnage at the then approximate price of from $150 to IJ00 a ton" and to preserve these pioneers" In the up building; of an American merchant marine- "from extinction" was an nounced today by the shipping board. The programme was evolved. It was said, after a publio hearinir and in testigatioa of the individual com panies. The plan announced provided for preserving "in their operating in tegrity and efficiency approximately 7. shipping concerns now actively engaged In commerce from all the seaboards of ths L'nltetf states" and "for a further increase In American flats tonnage In the hands of these operators" wfth "no financial sacri fice on ths part of the government." DAILY MrrrtOROIOOICAL REPORT. PORTTAVD. Tsh. 7 Maximum temper s' U's. 4 a d screes ; jn in in: um, 4 J decrees River readtng, g A. M., 2 f ert : change tn lat 2 hours. 1 fot rise. Tfta! rainfall i. P. V. to S P. M . none: totl rainfall s.n-a Septr-Tiber 1. 1121. 211 inchea; nor tal rainfall sine 8 pi ember 1. 27 Ificha; rtefi',ncv cf rainfall atnoe 6p t ember 1. ft 17 Inches. iuun, 7:S A M : sUTiret. P. M. Total aunshine February 7, 1 hur 1 minute: poeibls aun ahino, v hours Ad mtnm. Mooting, 1 :T I. M : mvinaet, 3 2 A. 11. Barometer (reduced to sea le;t at P. il.. - Inobea. Relat tva humidity st 7 ier eent; noon, L per cent 73 per cat. 5 A. ; J P. K W '. n 4 - H 3 5 II o ? STATIONS ;?5-T Waather. ; t r s - s ' ' ; : ; Baker Boisa Hron 1 a 1 c a ry . . . . Thu-aao . . . I e n v er ... W Moinra Kureha .ivMion . . J I - en 0 WV..'SR Clou1v 4b..0 . . mo i :oudy 1J N Snow ) iw .. !ourty S O rtv . . w 't-ear N rt .. NV I'lnr a o.4H . . s ic.ear M1 O! 12S9 R.un v.. . s : "ar S4 i,P ..5iV c.ouJy ' -j i 4-' 0.11 . . SB I'lmr 7Ui t 14 ri'ioudy . -J 4 . . ,-4 U'tnudy poms 18 sH 'ourty 3.1: 44 . .1 14 J utu . . . . 1 Kanaaa City.! 1? J.iva Ant!f(. I ft4 Marsbfr.d Med ford ... X'l nnea po(t New Orleai N ew To-h . . North Head Phoania . .. 34 S-t .i.fl.) 44 rV Clnudv 4 0.i- jiio "ou1v 74 v . . k. H'loudy 3 3 I'ocatel'o 34 . . N" V Cloudy 4rttt . . N W Cloudy M w . . s Cloudy IW IrtfK ,Hain 34 .! . . nw" -'irar 3 i tut xwMoudy ai O 01 it s Rain Ijtrt t 16 C loudy 4- . PI,. . B) iRasn Jn.arJ ... Poeebur "Sacramento . t. Lou s. . .. ia)t lake., fan Iiegv . I Franc laco. featt F.iaat I -poans ..... T.-om . . . ..( Ttri lad.i . . o 00 . . 3. ho ii;s . . . . SO tr 4. 9 lit B . . ! ...... fioudy Rain 'iuudy Wa"a 4t $1 t.0 1?SE c'Toudy S'-' "t 4tM VV4Vear vaphtncion W innipeg . . TikiTi ... . j 1 120. ai... SB I'lear 4-.o tM . . sv Pt cloudy A. U. tOds. aP. L rtport of prcUiuc fiav. - FORECASTS. Portland and rtclnity Ra!n; winds most- ty 8ooifi,ater'r' Crean and wn tnc'on Rain or snow; abides, freah southeaat winds. Whre the pioneer purchaser has defaulted In his obligation," because of the "insurmountable handicap of having to compete with foreign flag vessels, whose tonnage vsliie was not one-fourth that contracted for" by the American operator with the ship it self as security for his obligation, the announcement continued, "it was a case of preserving the pioneer and his organization, or taking back the ship." t "It was preferable therefore." It was found, "that the pioneer keep the ship and acquire additional ships at a present market value, if In so doing the government received. In ad dition to whit was psid in cash by the pioneer and equivalent to the present market value of the ship that would otherwise be returned to the government with a cost to the gov ernment In caring for the ship pend ing a new sale on a price no higher than will be realized under the plan provided." Four Persons Xaturnlized. SALEM. Or, Feb. 7. (Special.) Four persons received citixenshlp papers by order of Judfre Bingham to day, when 24 petit-Ions were presented to the court. Those who were granted papers included Henry Fred Parley, Oermany; Arnold Augustine Schrew bachler. Switzerland; Frederick Wil liam Moore, England, and Kmil Ron ner, Switzerland. too i.atk to riAwrrr. OKhAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO., Putt 811, Pittock Block, Washington at Tenth St. Phun Broadway 2i5L OREGON'S LTVEST BROKER? 12 Successful Tear in Thia Business, All tltlea guaranteed. Our buyers protected. Beat banal n a; and commer cial references. GAKAU, AUTO REPAIR SHOP PARTNERSHIP. H re is the beat opportunity In cltyH to buy an equal half interest in a firat rlaaa garage and auto repair business; ldal location In center of downtown au tomobile district; completely equipped bop; at or age of cara paya ail expends; repmr shop receipts ail clear profit; prefer Meady partner to hired help; If you are mechanically Inclined and will ing to learn tbe busineaa, thia la your chance to associate yourself with a first-class- mechanic In the beat possible lo cation. You can easily clear better than $ 173 per mont h for youraelf from the start; only $50 feqnired; be aura and aee thia before you locate. PARTNER 'WANTED AUTO PAINTINO. Here la a fin opportunity for a ateady and reliable, man to secure an equal, half Interest In a large, well-known auto painting busineaa t beat possible location right downtown, west aide; doing buai nm with a number of largeat firma in Portland: haa more work than can handle alone; prefer honeat, congenial partner to hired heip: experience not necessary If you are willing to learn and work up with the business; you can eas ily clear better than $176 per month for yourself from the atart. If you are the : right man $tttO wilt buy equal half In- I t ere at. A chance that is seldom offered. ' REPAIR. BUSINESS. TTera la an exceptional opportunity to aecur a rapidly growing and ateady paying busings. Kin est weat aide, down town location. Compieta and modern equipment. 0od stock of parts and accessories; official service station for leading battery and also two well known Ignition avatema; business will positively clear rtf'ver l-aa than $400 per month. Only $200 cash required. Other interests cauae sacririce. vaiue in aigui for avtry dollar in vested. 'RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTER. Choice downtown location, weat aide, fntiv onulnned. A clean attractive nlace Seata 25 iveople: very low rent. Man and wife can eaaily clar over 'J0O per mo. here. Price only $350. A real anap. PIHST-rLASS MACHINE SHOP. Here la one of the largest and most full v nnumm'd ahoDl In Portland: I tabliahed yeara; handles all classes of machine and repair work; haa 7pits, lathee, drill presaea. ahapera. etc., can kep 3men busy; a big money-maker: S4;oJ cash will handle; an exceptional opportunity for any kind of manufactur ing plant. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE COMPANY. Suite Pittock Blk. Wash, at 10th wt. ALT j;KPAIR PARTNER WAN'TKI. IS75 will give you possession of an equal one-half interest in the busiest and bst small shop in Port land : no better location ; fully equipped : ateady estab lished trade. Need man who Is mechanl callv Inclined and willfne; worker. Tour chance to learn the busineaa and clear better than $lMi per mqiith for youraelf from the atari. Don't fall to sea this beiore, you buy. Apply 310 Pittock blk.. Wash, at 10th st. RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING la sntf t. ttra the man thaa .n. lira. rmt. adTerttaiDa But tu im caa Matlv. luuflt. On. tlms 13cpr1ln Two tlmss (.nch ln) 11c per litis Three times (ott iseue) lOo per line The sbvTe rl apply all btadinss with the followlna ext-eptiuns: Seven limn tecb lMue . . . .So per Use One to a.x month, per month ia.60perllas Six to twelve months, per month ...12.25 per line Pltaation Wanted. Each Insertion . ..c per Uas Help Wanted Nntleea lot and lound hnreinl Nofleea Peraoaal Funeral Notices Pnipo-itls InTlted Meetins N olives On tims ..v 15c per-Hns Two times teach Issue). 14o per lins Three times teach issue) .... 13o per Una Seven times teach Uue) .. .llio per lino One mouth .... U Pr Una NKW TOD AT Kates Par Line: Dalty. Sunday. One time lOo 0o Two times (per Issue) ISO lo Tbrea times (per issue). ..14o lc Sven times (per issue) lHo 17c Oas month, daily and Sunday.. . ., Count flv words to ths line. Ne ad taken for leas thaa two lines, Ada run Sundays aniy charged at Dae-time rate. Adertlaementa except "Pergonals nd "Mtualions Wanted") will be taken aver the telephone if the advertiser is a ubeTlber to either phone. Tha Oirfnniaa will revel va eopy by maul proatded auf fie lent remittance for del inite number of leuea la sent. Arhso ledseauvnt will be forwarded promptly. Ade.-tlementa are taken for The Oaily trea-niaa until 1:H P. M. t fr The Sunday Uresuauui bub til P. SI. Saturday. ACCTIOX T.ES TO DAT, At Witaon'R Auction Kona. 10 Furnttura. 19-171 Second atraet. A. K. AMI yrMFNT. PANTAGES Mats IailT, t:S0: Et.. 7 and t vut inuou Saturday, and bus. AL WW K FT AMI HIS BIN;lf BAXD "THE SliMXH.l" ritK (.I.OBt Of FATE.' In UII.Iy OH EES ANU HARI.KY IH NBAB UIUt.K B1U-TLMK ACTS. LYRIC Ml SIC A I. COMEDY COMPANY "Ikie, the Pawnbroker'' Bark ur Trmnhlee at the Iwar ud Kajoy asurvell. Afternoons at t Kvenlngs at T and s. FRIDAY. KEBHfAHY IT SIR PHILIP GIBBS noted eras eorrespenoVnt will lectara on THE CHA( K OK WORLD I'KACE' I.larola H. S. Aadltorlnm Tk-ketK. raU Main 417. $i. fl.6e. l. ISe THE CIRCLE THEATER rrth Wuilartem, Open from 9 o'clock. In ttaa morn lac tt& ill 4 o'clock lh0 Xoliowiotf morning :MVErURCls;A DRESS ' e!!?,. REHEARSAL en y?"iUvg''Js twisty m one tCl tvARJ) BROTHERS' "J SEN BERNIE t&m- BAKED STOCK COMPANY IT V Now Plarlng A fw Comedy of American Home life "ADAM AND EVA" A Delightful remedy Aasoag tas Very BaU. vontuiuou AurrouuD and Night 1 to 11 P. M Monday. Tueaday. ediHsa day. Feb. , 7. , PM LJE PKKIEKICK "The Lure of the Jade" KA LA LI HI'S HAHAIUVS Prices Afternoons, tiildren 10 Cents; Adults 20 Cent. Evening. Coiidren 17 Cental Adults 9 Cents. MEETtXO NOTICED, GUI- REAZEB GROTTO, "No. W Wednesday lunch eon, Washington Hazelwood. Prophet O. M. Hlokiy, speaker. HARRT A. McRAE, SC WAStHLNOTON" CHAPTER. NO. 18. R. A. M. Regular convocation -this Wednesday ) evening. East 8th and Burn side at a Business meeting. Companion George L. Rauch will give a ahort art dress on Amerlcaniaatfon. Visitors wel come. A targe attendance) will be appre ciated. By order E. H. P. ROT QTJACKBNBUSH, Sec. PORTLAND CHAPTER, NO S, R, A. aL Special convoca tion today (Wednesday), at 5 P. M. RoyaJ Arch degree at 5 and 7:90, MASONIC EMPLOT11BNT BURATJ lOmployers naedlna; tielp of any description telephone Broadway ftttM. Only Masonic hsin furnished from this of fice No charge to employer or smpioya. N. H. Atchison, manager. Masonic head quartsra, Multnomah tioteL FRIENDSHIP LODGa NO. 160. A. F. AND A. M. K. A. deajree. Examinations in F. C-dea-rea tonight (Wednesday) Feb. 8. at 7 o'clock. at 43d and Pandy road. MT. TAbOR LODGE NO. 42, A. F. A A. M. Special commu nication Wednesday. P. M. stated communication 7:30 P. M., Pythian temple, AL. M. de gree. THE SOCIAL CLTJB of Sun oystda chapter will s;iva a da oca Saturday, February 11, Sunnyaide Masonic templs. Admission 0e. MASK BALL. "LETS.ALL GO." Grand benefit vaantlne mask ball. Friday, IVbru ary 10. fine largo Swiss hall. Third and Jefferson; 20 fine srlsea: Hlch's fa mous five-piece orchestra; admission only 30 cents, racludinjr war tax. Come for a-nvff tlm And halo orovida relief funds for th distressed and unemployed. Given by Kirkpatrlck Council.27. 8. B. A. SAMARITAN LODGE. NO. 2. I. O. O. F. Meets every Wednesday evening at a N 11th st.. at 8 o'clock. After our business session tonight we will confer tha third de gree for Orient lodge. No. 17. in their hall at B. vrh and Aider iU Visiting brothers always welcome. H. H. BAR STOW. N. O. JESiSH T. JONES. Reo. Sec. COURT MOUNT HOOD. NO. L FORESTERS OF AMERICA Meets every Wednesday night at Kaat Side Business Men's hall. 1144 Grand ava. SooiaL fourth Wednesday each month. GUS H. CRAMER. 713 SELLING BLDU. Main 6lT2o. Jewel and embiem manufacturer, watch and Jewelry repairing. DIAMONDS. Diamond Bettins and Mounting. LODGE EMBLEMS, claas pins, officers jewels, carry large stock to select from; special work to order In our own factory. Davids, jeweler and opticians. 343 Waah- ton street at Broadway. COURT OF HONOR HFB ASSOCIATION. will give a dan-ce Wednesday. February 8. at l- 4th St.. Forreaters' hall. Public invited, good music. Admission 35c. HALTj for rent da turd ay. Sundays and afternoons; church, lodge or dances. In quire the Maccabees. 7-0 Morgan bldg. EMP r.ETM jewelry, button, charm, pins, new designa Jaeger Broa.. 131-3 tfih el FRIBDLANDERS for lodge emblem a claaa pin and medal a 810 Washington at. DIED. SMITH At her late renldence. 67 East Thirteenth etreet North, February 7, lft2. Mrs. M. A. Smith, widow of the lute Captain W. H. Smlih and mother of Mrs. A. P. Rittenour, Xra A. M. Hedges, K. P. Pmlth, Mrs. A. K. Hawkea. W' E. Hmith of Crawford, Wh.; Wisa lB. Smith, Mra B. J. Tyer of San Fran cisco. Cal. ; Mr. K. N. Dick of Lewis ton, Idaho, and Edward JU Smith. Fu neral announcement later. KRNMKOY At the residence. Iftfl4 Val lory aver.ue, February 7, 192'2, John Ken nedy, aired, 62 yeara. beloved huoband of Joh-m Kennedy, father of RHsabetli and John D. Kennedy. Tha body ia at the parlora of Chambera A Co., 248-50 Killingworth avfnue. Funeral announce ment later. Yakima papers pleas copy. KABRCHBR In Ortonville. Minn.. Feb. 6, at hia borne. Brother ox U M- ka-rcher of Mllbank. South Dakota, Julia A. Hickmau, At Clinton at. of this city and Mra, Ueorgo Moealey of .South Band. Waah. WATSON In thia city. Feb. T. Agrtea, v.. ased -7 yeara. wife, of Frank R. Watson vt T a com a. Waah. Tha remain are at Kin ley's mortuary, Montgomery at Oth. Notice of funeral hereafter. HKATH Xt Ppokane, - Waah.. Warren ileath, agctl 26 yeara. son of Mra. K J. Heath. The remains ar at FinleVa mortuary, Montgomery at &th. Nolics of funeral hereafter. FI NERAL KOTlCESs rOANTC-Tn thia city, February 5, Anna N. Doane. aed C4 years, beloved wife of A. I. Doane. Friends are Invited to at tend tha funeral service to be held at the chapel of Snook A Whealdon. Bel mont at 35th street, Wednesday, Febru ary , at 2:80 P. M. Cone. tiding- services, at. Scott cemetery. POANK Tft this city. February 8. Anna N. Joan. aged 4 yean, beloved wlfa of A. 1 LoanN Friends are invited to at tend the funeral servlco to be held at tha cbapol of Snook A Whealdon. Bel mont at 35th street, Wednesday, Febru ary 8. at 2:30 F. M. Concluding, services alt. Scott cemetery. 2ECH Ths funeral services of the late tattizar Zech. who diel In this citv Feb, 5. will b held Friday. Feb. lo. at 2 P. M., from the chapel of the JSkewes Undertaking Co.. cor. 3d and Clay. Friend a invited. Intermanl, Rose City cemetery. WOOD In this city, Feb. 5. Thomas H. "Wod, brother of Miss Harrletie K. Wood of Indianapolis. ln., and brother-in-law of W. II. Baaa Funeral services will b he'd Thoradar, Feb. 9, at 2:3ft o'clock P. at ths chapel of Ho4han Undertaking Co., 3d and Salmon aia. GRAHAM The funeral service for the late Hannah M. Graham of 421 Eaot Uth st., mill be he'd Wednesday. Feb. 8. at 2:30 P. .M.. at F1nleys mortuary, Montgomery at 5th, Friends invited. Concluding servisA Hoa Ci.y cemetery. FORBES Tha funeral aervlces of the late Fltsanth. M. Forbea. who died In this citv. Feb. 5. will be held today (Wednes day), at 3 P. M.. from the chapel of the Kkwe Undertaking company, corner 3d and Clay. Friends invited. Interment Multnomah cemetery. AU.KN At 221 10th street, February . 122. IE Mis Allen, ag-ed 61 years, beloved hue band of ttophia Allen. Tha body will be, forwarded to Iebanon. Or.. February 8. 1P'22, by Chambers Co. for interment in the .Uasooic cemetery. w Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business 'firms, professional men, manu facturers, repair men, etc., classified for ready reference. Information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling Main 7070, House 40. ACCOO'TANT. Portland calccIsATLno bureau. 721 Corbett Bldg. Alain 124H.' EXPERT COMPTOMETER SERVICE. Operators with machines furnished for inventory calculation, statistical work, to tilt temporary vacancies or for any special work In fig-urea. RAPID, CONFIDENTIAL. ACCURATE. JlLIl'S K. BLACk, public accountant, auditor. Income tax service. Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. Phono Bdffy.- 7443. C H, TKRVV1LLIGEK, public accountant. Income tax specialist, constructive audita Phone Marvial 4H. P. O. box asj.i:ks ami ANALYSIS. MONTANA ASAX wFFICK, 14U Second street- Oold, silver, platinum bought. ATTORN Kit S. E. W. EASTMAN, lawyer, of Commerce building. Cnamber BATHS. JfcTC. DR. McMAHONS baths, Portland; steam, showers, plunges, tubs, all for 33c; tell your frier.d.s Fourth at Washington. CKLLLLOID BITTONS. THE IK WAN -HUDSON COMPAXX. 3e7 Washington. Bdwy. 434. Tabor 12 CHIROPRACTIC. Ivit, McMAHON McMan, Portiand; 12th year. Seven pot -graduate research coursea Kates: Kxtended time, ol ad- jUJtments. 115, restoring haltn, CfUROPOUlSXS. WILLIAM, Esteila, Floreilo and Dewane I Vany, thw only aoientUie chiropodista and arch specialists in city. Parlors 302 Ger Linger bidg., south wast cor. SecoaU and Alder streets. Main 1301. UK. O. O. FLKTCHEH Foot troubles sci entifically corrected; lady arirrf " r. ol2 Murgai bldg. Main S7ti2. t-OLL!X.TION. NETH & CU Worcester bldg. Main ITS!. No collections, no charges. Estab. 1900. DANCING. AL1SK.X Dancin Acad.; instruction in ball room and fancy dancing; lessons day and eve. Aliaky biUg.. 3d and'Mor .. 4tta floor. D1NT1JS iKY. OR. B. E. WRIGHT Third Floor Raleigh Bldg. Corner Sixth and Washington Stst Broadway 721. Automatic 21 la. DENTISTRY "'ZfZl Without Palo. X-Ray Work SMS Washington Above Majeallc Theater. EXCAVATING. LXCAVATI-NU AND GRADING. General teaming, reasonable. R. 887S. I KWELKY Ml'V. AM) KEPAIRIXO. BOSS k CO., UIAAIONU SihJTThiKS. 3111 MOHAWK BLDG.. 3D AND MOKKISU.N. KMTTI.VU WORKS. WE MAKE! sweaters and wool stocking! to order. A'enlnsul. avc near Lom bard. FUNERAL NOTICES. VOTGHTRITTER At her lats residence. 306 East First at. I., t.arrie josepum. Voightritter, wife of George Voightritter. mother of Nellie P. and Bessie A. Schaeffer. sister of Edward Kelly, Jessie and Charles Kelly of Champaign. 111., and Mrs. Anne Huliinger of Illinois. William Kelly of New Mexico, Ort Kelly of St. Louis. Mo., and Rose Kelly of White Saimon, Wash. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, Feb. 8. at 2:30 P. M., at the chapel of Holman Under taking company. Third and Salmon sts. Interment at Riverview cemetery. DOHBRTY At the residence. Linnton, Qr., r etiruary . josepn is,, iwnei i, hbcu years 10 months, beloved sou of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. lohert. Funeral services will be held at the residential funeral parlors of luntving & Cain, Mor rison st. at lath, Wednesday. February 8, at 10:30 -A. M. Friends invited to at tend. Interment ML Calvary cemetery. DeCLARK Ths funeral services of the late Glenn A. ueciark win oe neia Wednesday. Feb. 8, at 2 P. M.. at the Portland crematorium. Arrangements in cara ot Miller A Tracey. FREEBCRO The funeral services of the late Arthur Freeourg win oe neiu yveu nesday, Feb. 8, at S P. M. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment River view cemetery. . rCNERAlCARl LlMOUiilNlia tor tunerais. weddinaa bopplDg. J ones auiu utvtary. mi. ax-s. FTJyRRAL DIRECTORS. PORTLAND CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM I'HONK SELL. HOI. - I MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Lees. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between lioth and Slst streets, weat side. Lady assistant. Broadway atJWl. Automatic 61o-44. & CAIN FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 445 Morrison Street, West Side, Fhnnea Broadway 430. Automatic 545-58. HOLMAN & SON (Founded 18S4). FUNERAL. DIRECTORS. Third and Saimon Sts. Main GOT. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all tha privacy of a home, 16th and Everett streets. Phones Broadway 2133. Auto. 531-83. SttOOK & WHEALDON Funeral Directors. Belmont st SSth. Tabor 12.1g. jiASX SIDE FUNERAL. DIRECTORS "The Pho Family lets tlie I'rice." 414 ST Alder hone East a-. Auto, j-a. FIN LEY'S MORTUARY MONTGOMERT AT FIFTH. MAIN 9. I.KKCH. UNDERTAKER. ast Eleventh and Hawthorns Phone East "81. A. B. ZELLER CO., B93 Williams Ave. Phone Kast 1088. A. D. KENWUigTHf & CO.. not H2d St.. Ients. Auto. 618-21. SKEWES UNDERTAKING CO., Third and Clay. Main 4152 FT.ORIST9. LARGEST RETAIL FLORIST TS TORTLAND.. Morrison Rt, Portland Hotel. Phone Marshall "353. MARTIN & FORBES COMPANY S54 Washington St. Main 269 Fins Roses and Orchids a (Specialty. Flowers for All Occasions Artistically Arranged. Tonseth Floral Co. Finest Floral Arrangements fern Funerals 87 Washington, Bet. 4th 'and Sfh Sts. Phone Broadway 4527. rLOWEfiS FOR ia occasions Main 4737 "W wm Pftne Tea." TAMHLUi t TEXTR Smith's Flower Shop Portland's Progressive Florists. We spe cialise In funeral desia-ne. 141 H Sixth, opposite Meier & Frank's. Maid 7215. And Floral Designs. 25 Hothouses. No Branch Stores. 25 Years on Morrison. street. between 4th and Sth. Main TT09. ROSEWAY FLOWER SHOP, E. 41ST AND SANDY BLVD. FLOWERS FOR ALL. OCCASIONS. WE DELIVER. PHONE US. J. T. JAI'NTE Y. TABOR "4a. NOB HILL FLORISTS. Estate Alfred Burkhardt.) ' K. E. Cor. 34 and UiLsaa. ilala 1359. MrSIC TEAOfERS. AIRS. ANNA I HOMMEDISS MOORE, teacher ot piano; lessons at .pupil's home If desired. Studio 3VI Mill. Mar. 3103- l CARKOLL DAY. teacher of piano ana voice. Broadway 3.-55. 148 19th et. OPTOMETRISTS. SW Oat at the High-Beat District. ;Ws. save Money oi Var. tiliuuies. a&- 23 years' experience-; oe modern and complete equipment at your service Consult us free. Thousands of satisfied patrons. Dr. Samuel Goodman, associate optometrist. Main 211. . .w r.J.I0 mwiIms St Bet. Chas. W.Goodman Kront nd nt. ii. WHY PAT MORE? ..23!ass In gold - filled trama 53T5raited to your eyes, 2.5S. double -tS vision glasses at low prices, satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. B Hurwltz. nntnmetrlKt. 225 First St. Main 4S1. H. GKORGS HUliKNSiIN. veteran opti- cian. a.yes teateu, -aic aL.v, -- duplicated at very r "le nriP Morr son st. Main ofaol. PATENT AlTOftN"' R. C. WR1UHT, registered P" "0'?f 25 years. i Hve1"'" "JS aee practicing lawyer. 601 Uelcum bldg. PIPES REPAIRED BY Experts. rf. Pine Shop. 1T2 Wsshlngtsn at. PHYSICIAX8. UK. R. A. FUlUUya. Broadway bulidins, stomach, bowels, liver, todfa''..".t,rt rectal, prostate and female dlaoxdera without operation. PWNIKBS. DDIMTUlf! F. W. BALTES & COMPAN Y rKlllllflbist and Oak. Bdwv. 7165: 511-65. Sewing Machine Emporium Machines sold for Jess. No agents employed. Guaranteed used machines cheap. Parts and repairing- for all makes. Machines Tented. . liain SIJol. 190 Third,, Near Taylor St IHA N SFKit AXP STORAGE. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisan St Broadway 1281. DRAYAGE. STORAGE. Four Warehouses on Terminal Tracks. VETERINARY. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. Bast 7th and Grant sts. Both phones Day a.d night service; 3 veterinarians MONTMFVTH. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS R6 4th St.. opp. City HU. NET BROS. OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE MOCKS QUALITY MEMOS ALS E. THIRD LWNE STS. PHONE E.T43 NEW TODAY. FLUFF M6S Oltfest and Deat equipped factory la to. northwest. Made out of yonr old worn-out carpeta and rugia. Save aalf ths prica of a new rug;. Css wooisa - clothing-. Ea2 RVG1 SX1SAM CLBAXED si .30. ISas SS8A. - 18S auas Eighth. LA ND The kind that' will produce over 200 sacks of ootatoes Der acre, and other jcrops in proportion; located only 25 minutes' 1 1 the city postoffice. Have two acres or more at J300 per acre. The crops will more than make the payments required. RALPR ACKLEY LAND CO. 527 Corbett Bids;. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved Property. . Installment ite paymenta It Desired. Balldias; Iiaana, Cur re at Hates. lr om jr- er vice. A. H. Birrell-Gill Co. 210-219 NsrtkwMten Bank Marshall 4114. BnUdlas. FRESH EGGS FOR LESS Vol! CAST Bl'Y SPEER'S WILLAHE1TE VALUil K It VZ S II GRADEIl BOGS Grade 1 33c; Grade 2 30c la grande: creamery to, Portland'. Selling; Agrents STORAGE SPACE Centrally Located on Track We can move and .store your goods in a fine sprinklered building. HA t'LlXti, PACKING, STORAGE CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 4S4 Glisan St. Bdwy. S470. Laurelhurst, $10,000 T-jaurelhurst, beautiful white stucco bungalow on 100x100 triangular cor ner, near 3:id-St. gate, at 103S Has&al0 St. Open from 2 until S F, 11 . SIcDOVEU, East 419 Edward EsGoodey Co. MORTGAGE LOAMS, Unites. States Ban fee Building;, Phone your want ads to The Ore ponian. Main 7070. Automatic 560-95. REAt 'ESTATE. -Flat and Apartment Property. BKST BUY IS PORTLAND. Tlight on th corner, two-family flat, autifnl building. sttrtctly modern throughout; two fireplaces ; five large rooms in each flat; double basement, ftirnac heat, large halts, built-in fea ture, fine yard, first-claes neighborhood, Sre Frank C. Robinson. 53 Selling bldg. MODERN apartment house of 2- rooms. Two-itory. Electric heat, basement un der entire structure. Condition A-l. Splendid location. Price only $20,000. Good terms or owner will take trade in part. VTST. A. HIXrHES CO.. 2T3 Jtallway Bxfh. Bldg. Bdwy. 6Sn, $5775 I.Al-'RldL.HURST. 2-famiIy 6-room apartments, aemi modern. Just remodeled; best of loca tions;' paved street; rents or $K0; this la A-l Jnoome property; $2000 will handle. Bdwy. 14T0. Qulnn-TVekw. 333 C. C. Bldg. INVESTMENT Income paying apartment and store building, wwt aiae, central lo cation; $1,O0O to $20,000 will handle. Will net 14 to 16 per cent above taxes and insurance. Balance oa terms. Ad dress A 417, Oregonian. HOME WITH INCOME. THREE 4-ROOM FLATS. Overlooking city, good income, excel lent condition, double garage; tak lota aa part payment. T. O. BIRD. 528 Chamber, of Commerce. 075), 2a-"0 CASH 12-rooin house, un- nysiae comer, itiumw; iirepiace, iur nace, easily turned into apt, house. Scott Berry. ItVtS Belmont.' APT. HOl'SB and irround, close in. east - aide; goou ouy. -ts. owner, jlusi KORTHWERUG CO. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. FLATS 4-flat building; 2" 5-room, 2 six room; paying 13 pr cent on investment. Hot water heat; fine- west side location; walking distance. Positively the best buy in Portland. Pricir 17.00. cash. Why pay halt aa much for a home with no income ? iet us prove: our claims. O. G. MrCORMTC CO., 2PT Faitinjr Bldg. Jtdwy. T4. 50 ON INVESTMENT. Irvlngtoft corner, 100x100, with five apartments, new farnisJiinffS and mod ern. Income $265 per month; on two ear lines; $6000 will handle. AF 392. Orejronian. WEST SID1S 1 ROOMS. $S0OO gets nice home, walking dla tance, h. w. floors, bis basement, fur nace, 7 bedrooms, sleeping porch, sight ly location, suitable for h. k. rooms; just placed on sale. Bdwy. 7672. McFARLAXD, Realtor, 2JH Falling bldg. For Sale Beafh Property. BEACH FRONT AUK 64- acres ft miles north of Seaside. Lies west of a- fresh water lake, with 2100 feet of oeean frontage. This would be Meal for a beach resort. One mile from Columbia River highway and railroad station; S0 per acre, hi cash, b&lanca easy. Write Box 412, Seaside, Oregon. For iSaie Lots. TRTIXGTON rI STRICT. $800 E. 17th. fac. W. 60 ft. S. of Failing. JS30 E. 28th. fac. E.. bet. Russell and Knott. I1O0O E. 10th, fac. B., near Siskiyou. I10O0 E. 14th, fac. W.. near Stanton. $12n E. 22d, fac. W.. near Stanton. tl200 Ella, fac. W.. 30 U. N. of Tilla mook. 11200 E. 8ts, fac. B.. 200 ft N. of Siskiyou. oSHxlOO. S12S0 B. 13th. fac. E 109 ft. S. of ISraaee. 11250 E. 9th. fac. B., 15 ft. N. of ' Stanton. J130O N. B. cor. HI, 29th and Hancock. also inside lot adjoining at moo. (100 E. 20th. fae. K.. 10O ft. N. of Stanton. 1250 E. 21st. fac. B., 50 ft. S. Fre mont. 91250 Inside lots In bloclt bounded by Klickitat, Fremont. 23 and 24. J140O S. W. cor. E. 10th and Brasee. $1650 S. W. cor. E. 23d and Fremont. $1700 E. 17th. fac. E. 150 ft. N. of Siskiyou. J1700 E. 21st, fac. W.. 2O0 ft. N. of Stanton. $2000 N. W. cor. E-. lTth & Klickitat. S1706 Inside lots in block bounded by - Stanton, Siskiyou. 22d and 23d. S2SO0 N. W. cor. E. 7th & Broadway. J2750 75x100 E. 19th. fac. W.. 75 ft. S. of Brasee. J2500 Weidler, fac. N.. 125 ft. E. of 21st, with concretft garage. Might consider .cheaper lot or auto as part payment. -$3506 100x100 S. W. cor. E. 27th and Thompson. J3S00 100x100 S. W. cor. B. 26th and Thompson. 13000 75x100 S. B. eer. B. 18th and Stanton. 4000 100x100 S. E. cor. E. 18th and - Thompson. 14000 100x100 N. B. cor. E. 26th and Hancock. , $4000 100x100 S. B. cor. B. 16th and Stanton. $5000 N. B. cor. E. 15th and Thomp son. 100x100. ( $5000 S. E. cor. E. 21st and Knott, 100x100. . BITTER, LOWE & CO., REALTORS. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. . LAURELHURST LOTS. BTTiLDERS. HOME-SITE SEEKERS. We believe we are better equipped to locate you In this district than any one else in Portland, our past connec tion with the Laurel horst Co. has given us the advantage of . obtaining a large and complete listing or lots ana nouses for sale. , Room 1 Railway Exchange Bldg. Broadway 7519. Mccarty, maxwell & downey. Tab. 5057 Tab. 6531. 214-17. ROSE CITY PARK, $700 to $1200. tots that are fully Improved with paving, sewer and sidewalks included at these prices. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. $25 DOWN $15 PER MO. LARGE LOTS, 100x100 Ft. and TJp. ' NEW WILTSHIRE ADDITION. Adjoins Alameda Park; cleared or with trees. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 603. " lRIXGTON DISTRICT. Corner $1000, Inside 875; 100 cash, $19 monthly; all improvements paid; near school and Irvington car. Sur rounded by new homes. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. We have continual Inquiry for lots priced right, near this carllne, anywhere this side of 72d st. See our Mr. Dwyer, who is In charge of the lot department. Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 732 Cham of Com. IRVINGTON. $1500. 50x100, facing east on East 20th near Knott; a:ll Improvements paid. $3500, 100x100 S. W. corner B. 24th and Siskiyou; all improvements paid; $1000 cash, balance easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 33 N. W. Bank Bids. Main 3787. ALAMiSDA PARK. Fine building site, southeast corner E. 81st and Prescott. All impts in and paid. $850. FRED C. PRATT, 534 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 1853. WE HAVE 15, 20 good building lots in different sections of East Portland for sale with a smaJl payment down and balance monthly or exchange for income property. CITY HALL. REALTY CO., 267 5th St. Main 6429. WANT A HOMEY If you do not have a Jot. let ns build for you on one of ours. JUberal financial assistance extended. Solfiier's bonus may be apnlied. ROBNETT & McCLURE. Realtors. 302 Couch Bldg. Bdwy. 6574 WHY PAY HIGH RENT? Tvot 64x100 ft. on Mt. Tabor car line; cement sidewalks, paid. Price $375. Terms, $10 per month. Build a tem- porary house. Tabor 5196. " 50x100 EAST 18TH ST. Near Division st., close in, an car line; all improvements paid. $O0. RICH A N BACH & CO., 207- Couch Bldff. Broadway 4143. MAKE an oEfer on lot iso. 20 on south side Hamilton st.. west of Oregon City road, "Oregon Homes" addition, Clack amas county. AV 101. Oregonian. t. 4TTT? W.t .H ITT?iST LOTS. Any and all locations, from $900 and up. RUM M EM Ar rt-l 31 :u CjWK.. aiaiK pi. SEE SCOTT & BERRY for Sunnyside and Laurelhurst lots, ranging in price from $700 to $000.- 30aS Belmont. Tabor rati j rose city Park. Beautiful Roao City lot, everything paid, $1000. RUM MEL.L A RUMMELL, 27-4 Stark Ft. LAURELHURST LOTS. . beautiful 4ots on Hassalo .St.. 107 feet west ot Imperial ave.r facing north, $1290 each. Will sell one. Tabor 5190. 100x300 FINE orchard and garden, I block from car; m.aao uue uumc, tw. ou, 3003. "PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Lots, tracts and houses. All locations and prices. bKUUhti, jviain 50x100 FEtT on 21st -street, near Wash ington; a bargain. John Bain, &07 Spalding bid 8 LADDB A DP. Elliott ave., near Haw thorne, 3 Choice lots. 120x128, $5800. L. R. Fairchild. 220 Sherlock bldg. FOR SALE 5 lots, all for $050; 86th and Braze. Call Main 725. KENTON Lot oOxlOO1; $150 cash. Ida R. Gillette, 1761 Denver ave. SVAP 18 Ia, Se lots; R. C. car 75th; $U0 "each; clear. Thomson, Mohawk bldg. SACRIFICE for quick sale, lot in Pied- mnnt. $100- Owner Bust 3463. dash CITY PARK lot, assessments paid; 1 rnh Wriln. 4-120. WESTMORELAND Tot, sacrifice, worth jtor SALE Lot in restricted district, near t'tn i -- Tor Sale Hoqses. COLONIAL HEIGHTS. 5 rooms, strictly modem bungalow, brand new, colonial; breakfast ndpk, ga inlaid linoleum In bath and kitch- IRVINGTON BARGAIN Fine 7-roora home, larg living room, fireplace, oak floors, garage; on 24th st.; $7000, terms. Neuhausen Co., Main S078, 1036 N. W. IKV'INGTON BUNGALOW, $000, terms; 5 rooms, attic, sleeping porch, fireplace, art paper, east facing, near Brazee. Npu hausen Co., Main 8078, 1036 N. W. Bank oiag R RAND-NEW BUNGALOWS. tTnder construction, best values In Portland. Howard. 1115 N. W. Bank. Main 8031. $ jaCQi. SMALL down payment, 4-room house on nice 100x100 corner. ,Good buy. See WM. A. HUGHES CO. tailwaf K Bdwy. "0. $2500 MODERN 6-room house, first-class condition terma, - SeiL 503. - - REAL KSTAT-. 1'ec S'aie Hu, FRANK I McGUIRE, , To Buy 'Your Home. AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SELLER, y 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sale. AN AVALANCHE OF HOME BARGAINS. PERSONAL INSPECTION, PERSONAL APPRAISAL ARE IMPORTANT . features of the McGUIRE SYSTEM of Service to Homo Seekers. W safeguard your every in terest and put you in immediate touch with the Iftime of your requirements. If necessary, we" 11 help you make your ; down payment. " SERVICE MEN! TOTT FOUGHT FOB. YOUR HOME ENJtY IT! Come in and select yours now? 12 of Our Salesmen Are Ex-Service men. DEAL WITH YOUR COMRADES! Open Evenfngs Until 9. At Your Service 60 Courteous Salesmen! HOME BEAUTIFUL SACRIFICE. $7090 RARE CHARM AND D1STINC Tl N characterize this lovely K hi ART OF IRVINGTON home. -c- - Eight rooms, ultra modern ap pointments throughout ; glassed in sleeping porch; every con ceivable built-in fpattffe; garage On Bdwy. carline. OWNER LEAVING FOR SOUTH. E. 22D Street. NEWEST OF ROSE CITY'S. $4400 HOW DO YOU LIKE THIS? . Brand new 5-room very com plete up-to-the-minute bungalow. VACANT Cfose to car. A per fect 'love' of a little place. SHINING WITH HAPPINESS. E. 67th St. .nnnnD,FFERET-T. TABOR. $6990 Beautiful in all of its details, both of workmanship and ma terials used a desirable 8 -room, 2-story REAL home; 2 lavato ries, massive built-ins of evory kind ; sleeping porch ; fireplace, etc. Oarage. WHERE THE AIR IS GOOD TO BREATHE. E. tilst street. , SUCH- A CHUMMY BUNGALOW! $4190 THIS 13 A VERY NEW LIST ING in HAWTHORNE and one you'll b "rarin to see! Little IJomemaker, your every wish is anticipated here; 6 rooms, all on one floor; double constructed ; hardwood floors, artistic built-in features; 3 cheerful bedrooms and j actio; large enouga for 3 or more. Fruit, paved st. Convenient to scneot ana a carimea. J. 43d st. DON'T WORRY ANYMORE! $400 WILL DO THE WORK! $3190 $400 down! PRETTY BROWN BUNGALOW that's a positive bargain! It's worth your while to SHE IT NOW! Five rooms; living; room has cheery fireplace with full width marble mantel and bookcases; attractive dining room. Nice white enamel Dutch . kitchen with lota of built-ins. White enamel bath ; 2 bedrms. Garage. Paved st. UNDUPLICAT ED. COME EARLY FOR IT. E. 31st St. FRAGRANT NATURAL GROVE. $500 DOWN $500 DOWN! $2750 $500 down! Just a few blocks to Peninsula Park;, convenient . to Jefferson high, etc... on a largo lot is this nearly new 5-room ar- irstic monern Dongaiow witn buiit-In; VACANT! Minnesota , ave. feautiful trees. TWO ALBERTA SNAPS! : $3490 A WONDERFUL bungalow In Alberta, unusually well con structed. BUILT TO ENDURE. Cement block pillars, fireplace In living room; paneled dining room x with built-in buffet. Tapestry paper; disappearing bed book cases, hardwood floors, white Dutch kitchen; full cement base ment with furnace. Paved st. 1 blk .to car. E. 15th st. ONE OF THE BIGGEST BUYS IN A LONG TIME, $500 DOWN ALBERTA! $2350 $50O down! JUST AS NEAT AS A PIN! Cosy 5-roo-m bungalow type home with lots of built-in labor-saving conveniences; white enamel finish: 2 light, airy bed rooms and white porcelain bath. E. 17th. . SELLWOOD FURNISHED! $129 $500 down! A LITTLH WARM RBOWN BUNGALOW of 4 rooma; cosy Dutch kitchen with built " ins; elec, gas. Woodshed, 2 lota PLAN FOR THAT- GARDEN. Ochoco St. $360 DOWN 100x100. $1190 $360 DOWN I COMFORTABLE little 4-room cottage in Wood lawn district; lots of fruit, High . land avenue. 1 ' " SEE - FRANK L. McGUTRE, To Buy Yonr Home. Realtor. Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. NOTE We have an opening on our sales force for a Live High-Class Salesman with a car. LAURELHURST. $6200, - BARGAIN. POSITIVELY ONE OF THE BEST BUYS IN LAURELHURST. New bun galow with lots of class and distinction. You will find here everything one could possibly expect in an expensive home. Hardwood floors throughout, tile bath, recessed tub, shower, etc. , Expensive tapestry paper. All we ask is an in spection. You would expect to pay at least $7000 for a home like this. A. G. TEEPE CO., INSURANCE REALTORS, 270 Stark St., near 4th. Bdwy. 6003. 1170 Sandy blvd. at 40th. Tabor 9586. $4500 IRVINGTON. R-room double-constructed bungalow now under construction; will finish to suit; hardwood floors, breakfast nook, tapestry paper, built-i-na. fireplace and light fixtures; large attic, garage, -street improvements in and paid. Act quickly for it won't last. LUNDQUIST REALTY CO., 415, Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 3222. . East 8 1 30. BUIIJD NOW. We can furnish a lot and" assist you in financing. Consult with our engineer regarding your home -planning prob lema. You will be under no obligations ZIMMERMAN-WALLER BUILDING CO.. "Builders of substantial homes." 415-416 Abington Bldg. '-. ' OWNER ORapRS' SALE. $2eS0O COfTAGE. Dandy 5-room cottage, just off Ains worth ave; nicely arranged home, good plumbing; -50x100 lot'; 7 fruit trees ; a bargain at $2800, $300 cash, balance at $30 per month, including interest, will take good lot as part payment. ' Mr. Henrr. 230 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. BDY. T581. $32i50 ROOMS. Just completed, good sized living and dining rooms, built-in buffet, all buflt ins in kitchen, breakfast nook, laundry trays in basement, gas furnace; reasona ble terms; this is on 74th St.. firt house north of Halsey; W. front. W. M. Umb denstock & Co.. 10 Oregon bldg., Bdwy. 1638. ' LAURELHURST DISTRICT. $3750 LOVELY BUNGALOW. $300 down, balance monthly to suit buyer; a beautiful new 5-room bungalow, has hard wood floors, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook ; old ivory finish ; truly a grand little home at a bargain. Mr. Henry. , 230 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. BDY. TSfll , NEAR WOODSTOCK CAR LINE. $3350; $1500 cash tind $40 per month and interest. New moxiern 4-room bun galow, old ivory finish, breakfast nook, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, ga rage, lawn, trees, 80x105 lot. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ROSE CITY. 50x100 CORNER $4200. R-room strictly modern bungalow on corner; alao good garage. $1000 caab. down and $40 per month. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 0942. MUST LEAVE CLIMATE. SACRIFICING ROSE CITY HOME. Bungalow, 5 rooms, hardwood floors, every modern built-in, fireplace, large attic; $47oO, $750 cash, own terms on balance. Bdwy. 6011. T O. BIRD; 522 CHAM. OF COM. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residence or any building, assist in financing same: 12 years' continuous and complete building a-rvice, SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, contract ing architect. 024 N. W. Bank bldg. MODERN BUNGALOW. Located at Oswego, on 100-ft. boule vard; 4 rooms, bath and basement; 105x 120t on corner; splendid view of Mt. Hood; 9c commuter's fare; terms. See owner. 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. WEST SIDE, 9 ROOMS, $4300 $1500 CASH. Irving street, close in; furnace. A real bargain. Bdwy. 6011. T O BIRD, 526 Cham, of Com. BY OWNER New 6-roora house with one acre of ground, fruit and shrubbery; would consider trade for smaller house " close in. 7125 Powell Valley road. Auto. 640-76. WESTMORELAND, 5 extra large rooms, fireplace, very attractive, attic, flowers, shrubberv, etc., only $4000. $1000 cash, balance to suit. Owner going to Cali fornia Bdwv. 6011 or Sell 2706 eve. KXf'KPTIONAL BARGAIN. West side, 9-room modern home, close in partly furnished, only -$4500, easy - terms. Dubois, 804 Spalding bldg. REAL TOTATE. ' IRVINGTON. Irvington . block, near 16th and Brazee, large rooms, hard wood floors throughout; living room, dining room, library, break fast room and kitchen on firttt floor; second floor haa three largo bedrooms and two largo giass-in-cloeed sleeping porchea with hard wood floors and heated; 2 bath rooms, 2 fireplaces and best hot-, water heating plant; beautiful grounds with natural tree and double garage. i McDONELL, East 4191 500 JE. 14th St. N. COMPLETELY furnished 5-room suburban home, mod-rit plumbing, electricity, wa ter, gas piped into the street, half acre of ground, on car line, hard -surf aee street. $4000 will buy. half cash. Modern 6-room house, $?0OO; has 2 beautiful fireplaces, 3 bookcases, large buffet, large living; room, dining room, den and kitchen; has 3 good-sized bed rooms, large sleeping porch, furnace boat, good garage, beautiful full-sized lot with all kind ot fruit and shrub bery; between 2 earlines, near Pied mont and Jefferson hlyh. Some tei ma STAR SALES SERVICE INVESTMENT CO.. 512-1J WiiCOX Bldg. Broadway 5618. Woodiawn S622. OWNER GOING TO SPOKANE. PRICE ONLY $3200 HALF CASH. You will buy this neat 5-room bunga low if you know values, as the price is far under the market. It is located on Wasco street near 2Sth on the very edge of Irvington. This place i modern, built about 7 years, has 5 well-arranged rooms, large fireplace and full basement. Please don't ask If it haa hardwood firs, throughout or furnace. It has not, but it haa two lota, 50xS0 each, wfth mwt select and choice fruit trees of every kind Including walnuts. Furniture may be bought if wanted. J. J. MCCARTHY, Exclusive Agt. Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 67. 4ti2lM) ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. New, classy, 5-room bungalow with hardwood floors throughout; furnace. fireplace, breakfast nook, every imagin able built-in feature, cabinet kitchen, up to date plumbing,plat glass windows, floored attic (.pa;e for 2 room), cement basement, laundry traysv artistic light fixtures, shades, etc. All finished in ivory and tapestry paper. Cement porch. Large garage and runway. City improve ments paid. Only , $tl200v your term. Immediate possession. A. L. Anderson, RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Clark" St. Bd.-wy. 6720. IRVINGTON HOMES. IF LOOKING FOR AN IRVINGTO.N HOME FROM $5000 TO $23,000, WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. MOST EX CLUSIVE LISTINGS. PLEASURE" TO SHOW YOU OUR HOMES. TELEPHONE INFORMATION AT ANT TIME. ' McDONELL, East 419, ALAMEDA DRIVE. OLD ENGLISH STYLE. EIa.borate home of 6 rooms and den; most unusual architecture, beautiful view of fntlre residential section ; grounds are beautiful ly landscaped. This home must b- ' seen to bs appreciated. Is being , soid for t cost to present owner. McDONELL, East 419. NEW ENGLAND COLONIAL. Moderate priced, cottage type (34x32) with dormers and red roof: a new tpye to Portland and very. , very appealing; compact, convenient, economic, complete to every detail ; unique in many ways; garage (11x19); splendid location, . S01 E. 24th N. 3'0 ft. to- Broadway car line at Regents drive. Open from 10 A. M.-to 5 P. M. fall evenings. Auto. 515-78. "For Mora and Hotter Homes." D. M. DRAKE. Constructor-Owner. HEART OF ROSE CITY. . , $500 CASH. On 44th street. cLosa to Sandy; extra fine 5-room bungafow, all hardwood floors, fireplace. bookcases. buffat. Duch kitchen; two nice, airy bedrooms, cement basement with furnace : baia nee like rent. Ex-soldiere, see this. Free of all liens. Apply your bonus. R. POMERVILLE. Broadway 247.S. -4. 320 U. S. National Bank Bldg. IRVINGTON $10,000. 8-room. home on 17th njear Knott, eentral entrance and large- rooms, , two fireplaces, tw bathroom. hardwood floor throughout, oid ivory solid mahogany and eastern" oak woodwork. Full lot and ga rage. . MDONELL, East 419. ROSK CITY PARK, $4500. On East 50th st.. new 6-roorn Dutch colonial bungalow, ivory woodwork, tap estry paper, bedroom and bath on he flTPt floor, glassed-in breakfast nok. buffet, 2" nice bedrooms upstairs, cement basem?nt. See it today. HARRY BECKW1TK, Realtor. 104 Ffth St. Broadway nST.1 ; WESTMORELAND 52000. A cony little double constructed house on extra large lot; excellent location, with all improvement in and paid; built so it can be enlarged Latfr: lot alone worth price asked; very small down pay ment; cull todr.y. t. O'FAIiRELL-FORDNEY. 3-T-40 Cham, cf Com. Hid?. Bdwy. 4172. . ROSE CITY. 57x100 CORNER. -Dandy 4-room modern bungalow. Just like new. French doors between den and living room. DuLch kitchen- A is) garage. Price $a500 $700 cash and terms on balance. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 50O-1O PANAMA BLIXi. BDWY. 6012. H A WT HORNE DISTRICT. $3800 5-roomed bungalow with attic. Dutch kitcfien ,all built -inn, paneled woodwork in dining room; furnace, warsh trays; improvements all in and paid;-2 blocks from car. Leaving tity. WiJi eacrifice. S. BORLAND, Realtor, 223 Henry Bidg Bdwy. 1 ROSE CITY BARGAIN. SyWK) $80 CASH. See this a i tractive 6-room bungalow, nice bedrooms, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, pipe furnace 5oxl00 lot ; paved st reel : block to Sandy. $:13U0. includes all street Hens. Balance a,t $40 per month, in cluding In Levest. R. SOMERVILLE, Broadway 2478. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW 3U1JMM Very attractive (i-rnom bungalow, in good location; thoroughly modern, with furnace, fireplace, garage and hurdwood: priced for quick sale at $0300, with $1500 Cijsh. O'FARREM.-FORDNEY. P3B-40 Cham, of cvm. Bldg. ndwy. 4T2. I RV1NGTON $7750. A wondrrfnl bungalow, t rm. and- den. all on ground floor: breakfast nook, all modern built-ins, hwd. firs, throughout, garage, and only 1 blk. to car. Terms. Mccarty, maxwell & down by. Room 1, Ry. Exih. Bldg. Tpb M)a7. Bdwy. 7-M?. HAWTHORNE ADDITION. Large, splendidly constructed 8-room house, in excellent repair, with full lot. An ideal home or could readily be con verted into apartment. ONLY $6000. i PAGET & PAGET. Broadway a74 2:'t Stark ft. ! $2.Mu 2? MONTHLY. " 4-room bung-alow, all modern Improve ments, white enamel plumbing. gas heater; 76x100 lot; all kinds of fruit and . berries, HARRY BECK WITH. Realtor. 104 Fifth St. Brortd-vay r,18. LAURELHURST. Just completed, fl-rocm bungalow, every modern convenience; a house- that you will be proud to call your own: -now-open for your inspection: price $5hn0. 182 Wasco at., 1 block north 33d, Sandy; ownfr on property. ROSE CITY SPECIAL. $olM). New 5-room bungalow. 1 4 "blocks to car, paved street, thoroughly modern; at: attractive home, with down payment of $500; will take good lot as part. O'FARRELL-FOR D N E Y, 3:-40 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4T7J. MODERN BUNOALOW. 5 rooms, new; fireplace, hardwood floors, breakfast room. den. full cement basement, all built-ins. near car line; $800 down, balance easy terms. " Eaeley-Robinson-Hpooner Co., 712 Couch bhJg. Bdwy. 67S.V " $.V0 CASH $-1o0. $3650 Brand-new, 4-room bungalow, with garage. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, hardwood floors, two nice bedroomn. connecting bath. cement basement, laundry trays: close to MV car. VR FOMERVn-LE, Broadway 217. S&700 $1MK DOVVN. bai. rent, for th;s - room bungalow close to high and grad schools, just 50 fet from car; jes. a Tabor 0531 or Bdwy. 7."i1!. Mccarty, maxwell & downey Room 1, Ry. -Exch. Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK $37.0. New 5-room bungalow, hardwood rtr., ivory woodwork; tapestry paper, buff'.'t, fireplace, 2 bedrooms, g;trage. HARRY BBCKWITH, Realtor. 104 Fifth St. Brnadv-ay $040 EQUITY in 4-room furnished couge. Went Alberta, val. $1750. for $540; pave- ment In and parn. Bdwy. 433. a-ROOM bungalow, bath, toilet, idnthes closet, furnished or unfurnished: Ce" sonable. By -owner, Wuodiawn 002iQ