14, THE HORNING OREGONIAX, MOXDAT, FEBRUARY 6, 1922 M lc I la Dfuo . XATIOVAL CA!H RE-TIPTKRS K'l'ND-IUNP. FACTORY REBl'ILT. Tt"TAL AI'bKRri AS L'V AS $:-0. M-( hniim and tit; fuinniwd. Pyair rvi-e bv company mechanira. NaVW aailaTKrtS AS Im W As $73. L.aT TERMS. THR NATIONAL t'ASH R;iT7R CO. Hwk.Ihk l! 5'" r'rk SI SA E1 VuL'K WIFE. Send your ft nil) to the Snow Flake Mm. dry; ciOtha wuhH axiowy whit in avjrt cMtiipart-tenia MONDAY. TI WHAT AND WKDNEPDAY, 13 LBv FOR TO CKNTS: THl'haUAV, FRIDAr A VD SATU FtDAY. 15 LPS. FOB 60 CENTjf. 4 CENTS each additional pound. t.uUa pi tnuumj given. Phone East 4...:. Koj-fC BLSHEn Now is the tiros to p-aat t..nu Tht Poraiand Hom Nursery is the p Ail tne newest. Lest varieties at c !eti; prices. Also a Isrge aasort rt.ect of onaroentai shrub. We do UaaKHpicf. Let us figure an your Js T-:- :hon as. We do the rl- Pr;n tkiC-;u. Division St.. corner of 7:M ELECTRIC FIXTL'RES. Buy tbem from the factory show room ant aav one-third. :i style, im; se lection. Corae and sec; jrou sri under no o.:gauon to !uy. TAXUY LUTZ. SOT Cl-Lmr of Comr-erce Be". Broad way F TjL' Ai PKElIATE aplend'.J watch re ps.nr.g or Jewelry repairing, take your Work to MILLER'S B'g LltUe Jewelry Btoco S.ts fr Less Gsfts Tflftt Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Wan:r.gton Sta LiV'i-l wtndnvi tufflbtr. motdiDia, mil wrk. glut, roofing and hotbed iah. Se our odd stock of aih ana doors lor prMrtt. D. 14. Scully Co . dontown lua fcer store. 171 FRONT ST. . bet. Moiriaoa ir-! YamhllL Phone Main 42 IS. ..Vi.Ni, machines. tc and cond-hi nd, sod for !; no agents employed. Com p irtt l.ne of parts for U makes; ma-ct-nfn repaired and rented v;;VIN. MACHINE EMPORIUM, loo Third st.. nar Tay'or. Main 0431. tKii SAi'K CAP I NET: DICTAPHONE cabinet. $125; dictaphone, $' caan. n-w and ued desks, cnatrs, fiiea. type wr.ter". aeis. etc. Our prices are low est. We ran office furniture. D. D. Wax. 2 -2 N. :?v Bdwv. MAKE a ematl paymant and wear year r(SMs and pciac:ee as you pay for them. Whttiw Optical company, ccoad Loor. Oregon lan bids. 4AFK Fire and burglar-proof sa.'es. hew and secotd-hand, at right price, bought, ao.d and exchanged; easy terms if de- VORRTS SAFE IXKK CO.. TOS .-nr.d St. nrftJayTMV Vh V THE weeping and waii;n and moaning about a leaky roor? Why not be cheerful and comfortable under a durable and perman-nt roof? Phone a.l your roof troub -s to Proxrway 79. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRAUi. iliLLEH S H.g Little Jewelry Store. for Less Gift That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. fJ-I-T. iVA La CAe. old ivory finish, built tar ago for blouses, has upper ana lower compartments, sliding dovrs, have no room fur it. name your own price. Yranc'i Gown hop. ISO i:h st. tAMES s 'gntly ud grmenta. best ma terials; autis 5 to l-A; coats, dreaaa lowest pnee-a Fourth f'oor. 403 Allsky b:ig . Vogue. 3d. near'Morrison. xlxOT WATER tanks. 3u gau. 7; 40 gal.. $; tested, guaranteed; stove and furnaca coi.s. gas heaters Installed . plumbing. Kan. Fi-i"- We d. Eh . ZirA Adams E. VS REPAIR anything locks. electr.c Ighta. vacuum cleaners, electric irons, ec Kys mada Barrens. 124 4io Ma n r,r.n. 1 A I N T V . a r I t : c p ! ecea f or prizea Ltttia Art shop. wcnTprn Ttark building. hnme g-fts. Nortn- FuK SALE UO-t-gg X-ray ncuiator In good condition, reasonable. Phone Sell '.m1 34:4. . n.i A.NIING outfit for sale. For further inforn.ailon se Charles Trowbridge, guimiij hotel. 4th t. CASH registers and computinji scales bought, sold an.l re pair-a ..u aiarn. tt -1 . l-t sn-1 2 Broadway tW4. in t. ec inuepenuent eectrician w.re 1 rooms for 31-. 3 f'"r 3-U. guaranteed to pass in pec t ion. Wdln. Sittl. BY trovy bed. springs, mattres. h.gn natr. auiky. Mum s.l. today. Spienaid iireatn. Tabor -- 1A SU 3-light shower fixture, com pie te with ahaoea only 30.33. at -07 Cbamotr o? Commerce bldg. Broadwsy 4-.'3. K L AiS waehed on your f.oor with Uimil ton-Beach electric carpet waaher: a.ao vacuum cleaning done. East 4043. PILES can ba permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, oeo or.d and Morrison. Lifc.fciol.D safea new an: second-hand s ical prlcea Pacific Scai A Suppiy Co.. 4S Front st Broadway iag. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks Sandy. - vasnington at. l.M-GAU I M'KRijKOt .D storage Unk cheap With pump. Call bet. and 11 A. M Wdln. 33S. i-tiALLoN gaaulme pump and ground storage tan it fur sale t-rn.a I i. opt j7. Portlanl under cheap; VR KENT En'cirw vacuum oeanera S3 cents per day. aetivered anywhere. Woodtawn 123H iiw S. W. HERMAN Ai'PA RE L SlluP. We buy, s-ll and exchange ladies' and rents' clothes. Mar H4S Park St. FK SALE To-.hair barber outfit. peterwn Cutlery A O rind tug Co., lu3 fith t. A i riVCl l E rvd t.u.:t rug, almost new woven from Axmtntor rug. Sue ltrxlL Prlre 313 Phone East J'-'Hl. -K SALE 1'ure loganberry Juice. 3 gallan lots. 31-3 pr gal. on. Johnson iler Co. 247 Yamhill. Main 4J4V 1o,'Kk;a.I,ON tank. pump and tire for B.ile chr -in. Telephon Kiist 84, "ij. OLD 31 ASTERS wo mi. Stock E-srhanjre. lt3u. J loo cash. A.-vJl 1S1TK u.i Bank building. a JO N. W. mg IJC .FTMBII.Ei. lH-'l STl'TZ 11-1. Car In ftrst-clas. shape, cord tires, equipment over $-0 ex:ras; car has be-n driven less than UtH miles: will take umal.er car and some cash as first psvrrtent. Wdln. 44:t4 1A B i' iiKANU Clivro.rl touring car, 1'J0 ntode in excellent condition, sacrifice for 3VSO. consider Ford or Chevrolet In trade with cay terms on balance. Phone Eat CH E' KOLET lif-0 touriuic. new tirea, Al condition: for quirk sale 3-73. terma Frentzei. 4 1 1 lntvia corner of loth. Even:nrs East 7 .1 7 4 11 liLK'K. tt tounng. motor Al condition : w 111 consider Krd a Fhore owner. Tbor 3 all Rood tires, rill demonstrate; i part payment. '79, JVTj CHK V KC'l.KT touring car. run 4.1.1 miles. iU discount and give asy terms on bance. Giod reason for selling. Phone Kut 17h NEW Hl'tAN. Hare $43 credit on new Hudson tour ing or i!He.t!t-r. will sacrifice for $230- :i Tbcr 3i13. JuK'.i delivery with practically new body; will demonstrate; 1 need the money, asking only $-3. Phone owner. Tabor 1S40. LATK Chevrolet coupe, r.-w w.ce wheels and Lres, excellent condition In every ifupect. U trade for Ford or Chevrolet W .1 n 237 111: iT sell at on ce. n ee i t he m i e v fs than $' but H::.1.'n; in good shpe. Call Wojd.nwn u:5. Will g.ve tt-rriiS to responsible party. JiiT HAY N KS 4-paei.cei 6-cylinder. sport model, excel lent condition. Sacri f.ie for cash. Can be seen at 495 East MM ft N. Auto. 313-Ort. liODES AUTO PART'S CO. Auio wreck ers, parts a.l makes cars for .ess. 322 ,Vr. p-rr.or 1''h. Bdwy 3tS3S ,ili 'S 1" n. worth of E: 331 Kae- toii-tng; nearly $10O extras, $110, some terras. We PUT t- crankshaft ch r. e r-"P- lf t h ;n your ol turning. H. B 334 AU?er Rdi 2 f.ywheel; Black Mi- y. 2bil 19l CHEVROLET. 3 good tires, run only J.Vmm mties. i.oks like new, w II sacrt fic e and give t' rms Ph one Wdln. 10 . FHi'M - t 3' i.l lauit jour ear-Tf uu have it done at once. B 443. Ore gttntan $,oo BU S my bus. In h lh otarter. If sold terma. Woodlawn tl J exce'lent shape, awt once. Some UUA NO new Ke, ner r run a mile cord titrs. $2"' off the price. WiU give tens Ca'. Tab'T 132 AIU s'-.an. like new. lyI model. Will ike Ford touring as part i-ayment. n OV Kill ANI ro.'.Ter. tt-v a. Al conntfon. J25 ca Morrison. K"o.nlaay 3441. model 90: 6 Hi. 12th and : TEAK em u. and sell the p;ecea Portland Auto Wrecking Co.. 531 Aider K:h H !way 5234 !ate mo! .. starter; monthly. small East Mmmi dowi ! STUTZ. ft p S.. 1:1 1 Ca : 1121 CHEVROLET tint t runs and looks like n-w trv. - S-H ood 3'T1 urine for $475. . would consider 6-pASSKNGKU Chalni'-rs. This cj wl I go qutfk- better phor.e Bdwy. 23.' OAKLAND roadster, fine sltaoe. 3 tire at aecr;Lce, i-X Phone 61-10. fOR SALE ArTOMOBn.E. USED CAR QUALITY AND PRICES AT COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. -V rSED CARS SOLD IN JAN TART. TWO THINGS msle that rcord poewible; QUALITY AND PRICES. The REBUILT CARS listed below have been RENEWED they are not Just repaired. They re backed by u as being ME CHAMCALLT RIGHT. Our. one aim la to have every purchaser of a used car a satisfied owner. We ara constantly in touch with the used car market. We know that in ordtr to move our stocks rapidly our prices MUST BE LOW. Eia rmne our prices THEY ARB LOW. We attach no sentiment to our cars they are nothing mora r leas than merchandise. REBUILT CADILLACS. When you purchase one of thea very fine automobiles, you have a right to espect everything which ran be demanded of any car. Tna finish and the tire equipment are always in keeping iih the mechanical condition. For Your Comparison. Bulck 4-pasa coupe, ... $I , l'j'M Cole. 7-paa. repainted dac wheels 1330 321 Dodge Brothers demon strator, license JHM lfl?0 Dodga Brothers a dan.. ll.'.O IW'JO Dodge brothers touring. 073 1 Dodge Brothers roadster 6.5 lttl Dodge Brothers touring 5S5 Jwi Dodge Brothers roadster SfH MS Dodge Brothers touring. llt Dodire Brothers roadster 4T3 It in Dodga Brothers aedan.. 743 lvitt H a y n e 7pass.. re painted 1163 2921 Marmon speedster iike new 1750 1920 Oidmoblle 7-pass Mt3 119 Rosrrer, newly painted. lliuO REBUILT CADILLACS. 1918 Touring, new - tires. paint, top 12000 1918 roa-ia-fer. new tire and paint 1800 1917 touring, new top and paint 1600 1916 tour:ng. new top and paint 1400 ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRPCES! COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st at Washington St. Bdwy. 6244. 2-ou North Broadway. AUCTION SALS. Two sales a weak. Thursday evening T:80 P. M., Monday 7:30 P. M. Thl la the p.aca to buy your automobile. We sell about 40 automobllea a week. Different makee. There's a reason. Coene and see. JAKE'S AUCTION HOUSH, Corner 6th and EveretL Phone Broadway 2329. 1922 MODEL 40 CHEVROLET SEDAN Run 3300 Miles. EQUIPPED WITH 10.000-MILE GUARANTEED CORD TIRES. Present cost of car. 3 1 120; extra for wire w hele. $23; new spare cord tire, 319.37; new spare tube. $2.82; tire lock and cable. 31.73: large steering wheel. 312.30: parking light and switch. 33 50; spotlight and sw itch, 36: dh light. 31 ,5rt; automatic W. S. cleaner. 38.10; motometer. 37.30; bar radiator cap. $2.30; hood fasteners, $1.30; oil cock handle. 8c: 4 extra spark p!ugs. $4: 1 pair chains new $3 , $2 30; tear view mir ror. 33; total. $1222.94 PRICE $550. $710 Cash, Balance 40 Per Month. OWNER BROADWAY 391. EVENINGS AND SUNDAY. MAIN 293. GOOD CARS CHEAP. We are no longer selling new Oak lands at retail, but we have several good used Oakland six-cylinder. 5-pas-enger cars that we are anxious to close out at a very low price. These cars are In fine running order with good tires, paint, etc Small payment down and balanoe on small monthly pay ments. See these Tight 6-cyllnder, 5-passenger carp before you buy. NORTHWEST OAKLAND COMPANY. Bdwy. 82. 844 Burnaide St. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OCR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 2o7 SELLING BLDO., SECOND FLOOR. 1322 ESSEX TOURING CAR, Used as a demonstrator, run only 2000 miles. A bargain. Will sell with a fac tory guarantee. Will take a good light car as part payment and give easy terma Buy this car and save money. Phone owner. East 1962. HL'PMUBILE 1921. I Driven less than ttOOO miles: In first class shape; original paint; looks like new, fine tire equipment and extras. Can be bought at a bargain. Woodlawn 41 U MONITOR IlKht six touring car, motor Just overhauled, new tires, cars fully equipped, also extras: sickness in family compels me to sacrifice car for $500 cafh Car at 124 East 6th st. David M. Flil. 4iW Penrose apts. IV 19 BU1CK light s:x touring, new paint and tires, runs perrectly. biggest buy in town t $H05; terms Bdwy. 4231. , 303 ARTISANS BLDO.. O p posite Benson Hotel. - UJ2 ESSEX TOUR I NO. Just like new. run 1 NOO miles, cord tires and never been off pavement; will sell at a sacrifice; privately owned. Call Wood! awn 391 ti WE CARRY a mil line ot auto accessories. tubes, h ord parts, ngnt giooes. etc; also do towing. Open day and night. LONG A SILVA, phone Et 4H2 Hawthorne. BETTER VALUES IN GARAGES. GOOD STYLE, v t-i-L in v fc.lt ED. ERECTED. STAINED, 10x16. $35: AT TRACTIVE FACTORY PRICES. 99 WEIDLER. EAST SS66. 1919 CHEVROLET 490 model touring. Just overhauled and painted: you cant Judge by the price, let me demonstrate; It's a genuine bargain. Phone Owner, W-od-lswn 1920 FuKl roadster, ail new tires, body lust parted. regular Ford starter, speedometer, shock absorber, only $325, at the Used Car Market. 6th and Main st s. FORD SEDAN. Brand new 1922. never run; will dis count or trade for small car. Very easy terms Tabor 5h35. FO RD, 1916 New top. good tiree, good slmpe throughout; for quick sale $135. term. Frentxei. Broadway 691. 415 Davis st. Evenings. East 7374. 191V 5-PASSENGER DoDGE, 5 cord tires, lota of extras, for quick sale $400 cash. Phone East 91 or apply 300 E. Morri son st. 4 PASS, BU1CK COUPE. $973. A real closed car. fine condition, good paint, late '18 model, cord tires. '22 l:oT.-". Qvner. Wdln. 597. 1922 STEPHENS SPORT MODEL. Brand new, at big discount- See Spidsboel and Raw i ins. the Stephens snclaMsts. Sixth and E erett. 191M CHANDLER 7-panger in fine con dition. $373; take IlKht car to $3O0. iwncr. W oo d 1 a w n 3 U-4 . H22 FORD coupe, driven less miles. This ia a real buy. Forrest. Briav. 616 tii an 20v Call Mr. 75 MODEL Overland roadster, giving good service every day. seU or trade for nearly new car. K 447. Oregonian. 19-1 CHEVROLET, run AtkN) miles, looks like new, 5 g od tires; will sacrifice and take terins. Woodlswn HS. BA B grand ll'-O Chevrolet touring, la perfect condition: new paint. A snap. Tahor 3915. iKHHiE antea Have $.150 cash. Bring car to 14 W. 3d st.. Vancouver. Wash , Monday morning and get the money CHALMERS sport model, only run three thousand miles. 1921. with extras. Price SUmVI y 416. Oregonian. 490 CHEVROLET touring, splendid condi tion ; must sell at once ; niil give very t asy terms. Phone Tabor 593 3. LATE model coupe. tnut sell and sacriftee. Call owner. Wdln. 53S7. ll NEW PREMIER roadster, very cheap -iU traie. Broadway 29W4. Mr. Kann! 1920 DO DO E touring. hHU'erl : cs-h P 437 Ike new. just over Oregonian FORD 1921 Wood's w i touring, 3214 after run ."V"0. 9 A M. FORD ROADSTER. nod e 1. S2S3 W (2 1 n . LI T243. 1921 NEW PREMIER. 4-pAs.. very cheap. - V trade Broadway 29?4 Mr. K a r. n. JACKN car, $ inodei. for $50. Call 101 TenCa aU rOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. WINTER BARGAIN SALES CONTINUE AT VERY LOW PRICES ON USED AUTOMOBILES. We completely renew, overhaul or rebuild Hudson and Essex auto mobllea. These are In the beat of mechanical condition; they are aiso warranted the same as fac tories warrant new cars; In addi tion, we give 90 days' free me chanical service. Other makes of used automobllea thoroughly overhauled, put in first-class condition and sold with a 10 days' free trial, subject to being returned and full credit given on any other car of equal price that customer may select. This gives ample time for every purchaser to try out the car he iuya. gives him time to have It In spected, and we want only satis fied customers. 1P1T Maxwell $230 1921 Ford 375 1920 Sfaxwell 473 1M19 Grant six 5H 1019 Chalmers six 630 1917 Dodge 450 DM9 Olds six 673 111 Olds eight 850 1919 Liberty sport model ..... 8K 1920 Chandler 973 191b Overland chummy 423 1919 Chalmers 6u0 1918 Cole A, sport model 1130 1916 Hudson super six.. 1917 Hudson super six.. T85 873 1913 Hudson super six 1030 1919-1920 model O series) Hudson super mix. 1100 1918 Hudson speedster 930 1920 Hudson speedster 1450 Largest Used Car Branch Store In ' the City at 40-46 Broadway. Branch, Store Open Sunday and Evenings. Phone at Branch Store Broadway 5739. Also a display at Our Salesroom. 613-817 Washington St. C, L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. FOR SALE: 1920 Dodge touring car. in good condition; has had the attention of good mechanic since It was first placed In serv ice. This is a good buy. Car can be seen at our WtUbrldge plant any weekday between 8 A. M. and 4:30 P. M. After you have Inspected this car make us an offer. Standard Oil Co., Yeon bldg. FORD SPECIAL BY AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS. Sedan, a most new $630 1921 Sedan, like new 085 1919 Touring, starter and demount able rims 333 1!20 Touring, with starter 340 1914 Touring, fine shape l 1917 Roadster 130 Chain drive truck chassis 13o ARMS NT R Ol" T-WICKE MOTOR CO.. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS, bd and Foster Rd. Phone o;;S-48. BARGAINS IN AUTOS. 1 Bulck 6 $300 1 1921 Dort. wire wheels 623 1 1V21 Ford touring 4H 1 ltf2I Ford touring 330 Fords $125 to 200 1 Bulck 4 175 1 Maxwell truck with cab and body 200 LONO & SILVA. 4t2 Hawthorne. USED-CAH MARKET. 0th and Main sts. Bargains Barga ins Bargains. FORD. Coupes, sedans, tourinir and roadstera Cash or Terms. Owned by authorized Ford dealer. ROBINSON-SMITH CO. CHEVROLET 1921 touring; this car has had best of care and is in excellent condition throughout; will sacrifice and can arrange reasonable terms. Call Automatic 32S-R.V Automobiles Wanted. I CAN use a good late model auto: will trade HtO acres of level land in White Horse valley of Harney county. This land la worth about $8 an acre, but I have no use for it. but can use a good car; land is clear of incumbrance. Write AJ 7. Oregonian. CARS WANTED. Bring your car to the auction house for quick sale and full value; sina.il com mission charged: fireproof bids steam heated. Phone Broadway 2329. Corner Sixth and Everett st . west side. OVERLAND 75 roadster, mechanically fine; good tires and tubes; not much for looks; want trade for nearly new Essex or similar car; full particulars first letter, G 422. Oregonian. WS) WRECK THEAl Highest cash price paid for old cars, con dk ton no object. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO THIRD AND GUISAN. CARS V ANTfciiD to wreck, pans for all cars for lesa S. & S. Auto Wrecking Co.. 13th and Alder. Broadway t3G. WILL trade a lot in the Richmond district for a light car in good condition. Call 243 E. 43d st. WANTED Late model Ford cars; will pay cash. Used Ford Sales Co.. cor. bth and Davis. W ILL exchange some good young work horses for late model automobile. Route 1. box 163. Orchards. Wasn. ANTE model Ford. coupe; will pay cash. Woodlawn 721. CASH for all makes of cars, condition no object. 414 Giiyan at 10th. Bdwy. i3. WE WILL loan money on your automobile. G ranning A Treece. 542 Alder st. WANT Ford roadster; easv terms. K 43". must be cheap Oregonian. Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLES and parta all makes. IQAdT SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44-46 Grand Avenue. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 2K THIRD ST. MAIN 6139. A it to Tire- and .M-foriew. 32x41 NEW CORD tire and tubes, cost $34 for $20. Call after 2 M. today. 530 Stark street. Automobiles for Hire. OREGON USED CAR EXCHANGE. New cars for rent without drivers, reasonable ratee; open day and night. 325 Glisan at., between Broadway and 6th st. Phone Bdwy. 5393 $1.25 per hour. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driv er Day and night service. CO U C H MAN GAR AG E. 19th and Couch. Broadway 3696. Remember our number. Broadway 396. H. S, BENNETT CARS FoR HIRE WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. 3D AND TAYLOR. MAIN IflJST. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. CITY GARAGE, 132 12th St. Bdwy. 840. 6-CYL1NDER 3-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 3347. FOR SAL F- T RICKS A N DTR A CTO RS. TRUCKS AND DELIVERIES at the USED-CAR MARKET, 6th and Main St. Ford delivery $275 Ford delivery : 3H5 Dodge delivery 2rt3 Studebaker panel delivery 245 Maxwell delivery 235 Buick delivery 215 Ford 1-ton truck and body 7S3 Ford ton truck and cab 325 Ford ton chain drive chassis 150 Cash or Terms. ONLY $100 down, rest easy monthly pay ments, for this famous model 16 GAIO 1-ton truck: has reinforced springs and large, strong body for hes.vy and all kinds of haulin-; in good paint and me chanical condition; 3 new cord pneu matic: must sell tmmed'ately. East 94th fnd Glisan. Tahor 3or4. TRUCKS TRUCKS. T can save you 23 per cent on new or used trucks, any make: will pay you to write me. Easy terms; trade any thlrg C. French. P. O. box 1X)2. I NEARLY new 2 -ton Denby. run only 4 months, cost $2250; will sell for $1300. F. E Bowmen & Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. Broadway 6776. DENBY" 1-ton. guaranteed; will take some trade and give terma. Frentxei. Broad way 691. Evenings. Ewst 7374. MACK 3-ton. dump, guaranteed same as new, priced right : see it. East 7374. ;HT trucks and del i cry. best offer takes them. 434 Felmont. REPUBLIC m-ton. terms. $70. Frentzei. Broadway 691. Evenings. East 7374. MACK 2-ton. oveV hauled and guaranteed a&cu aa new; arma. at 774, FOR 9A1.1- TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. -TON REPUBLIC, on, pneomatlc tiree. This truck has been completely over hauled and ts in excellent condition. Has good express body and cord tires. A bargain at $473 8 Hi -ton GMC, eqo!pped with good ex press body and cord Urea If you are in the market look at this Job, as It is cheap at $630 1 H -ton White chassis on pneumatic tires, motor has been overhauled and a new cylinder b.ock installed. This truck is 33 1-3 per cent under - market value at - $950 ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO., Broadway 1369. Park and Everett Sta. REPUBLIC TRUCKS. 1 hi -ton, fair shape, reasonable. 2-ton. overhauled, dandy shape. 3 -ton, overhauled, perfect new rubber. All Size and Prices. See me and aave money. - I will take your oid truck in trade and give terms. Frentzei, Broadway "691. Evenings, East 7374. 415 Davis, corner of loth at. G M C,. GOOD as new. at a big reduction; take your cor or truck In trade. Phone Fren tzel, Broadway 691 ; evenings. East 7374. GARAGES. FOR SALE -Used portable sarage. - Ta- bor b6. W ANTED MISCKLLANEOUS. JBCOXD-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. MEYER, THE TAILOR, PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR SUITS. OVER COATS, MACKINAW'S, SHOES. WE CALL ANY W HERE IN THE CITY. DAY OR EVENING. CALL MAR. 1229 OR 233 MADISON ST.. NR. THIRD ST. W E WILL ALLOW YOU $5 to $13 for your discarded suit in payment on a suit made to order and you can pay us the balance on easy monthly payments. Bring In your uaed sjiit and apply it on a new one. Joy the Tailor,-104 Fourth, near tark. SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS BOUGHT We pay highest prices. Ore aon Tailors and Cleaners. 117 2d st N. W. corner Washington. Bdwy. 7244. GOLDSTEIN. THE" TAILOR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES i'UK JW1W a SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES, ETC. BROADWAY !4- H HUKSlLiB!, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD. CALL ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. F U R S F U R S FURS. Low rent and low prices; remodeling and ruairinsr. furs tanned and dressed La France Fur Mfg. Co., 163 West Park street. Phone Main 6329. MAIN 3631. Used furniture of any kind, tools and general household goods, bought for cash. Good prices paid. West Portlan Salvage Co. TO BUY, sell or traae second-hand furni ture and household goods, see OKI FURNITURE CO.. 209 Second Main 4197. SAFE Second-hand; give size lowest price for cash and address. AL 3S6, Oregonian. IF YOU wish to sell your cast-off clothing can Aiar. ao, uw aiaaison sl people s Secondhand tore. WANTED Maps and equipment for firs insurance ollice. liJ ai. Oregonian. DIAMONoS bought at highest market price. E. Deed-, 340 Washington at. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles, shot- guns. Mochfeid. a5 Third, near Oak. SAFES Second-hand, fireproof; cash. Clement. 70 Sixth st. WANT cash regi Cash. Bdwy. ster and showcase at once. ;41J8. Furniture W antei. CALL MARSHALL 2093. I pay absolutely the right price for household goods; a home full of furni ture or one article. 1 need tables, chairs, dressers, beds, chiffoniers and good rugs, ro.l-top desks and good stools. If you are ready to sell, call Marshall 2693. 1 will be there promptly with cash. CASH FURNITURE CASH. We need used furniture, stoves, ranges, etc., to ship out of town. Will pay higher prices than other local dealers. Call us for one article or a house full and a courteous, competent buyer will call. Broadway 2200. 72 North Third St., Rosenberg's Furniture Exchange. CALL MAIN 7ob. CASH PAID FOR USED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS; WE PAY MORE THAN ANY LOCAL DEALER; GIVE US A TRIAL. USED FURNITURE EXCHANGE, CALL MAIN 7118. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest price for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. Main 6878. WE PAY as much as any dealer can for used furniture, in cash or in exchange for what you want in up-to-date new furniture. M. H. Calef. furniture, 140 Klilingsworth. Wdln. 6H04. I NEED furniture, rugs, stoves and toots of all descriptions in single pieces or in lots; will pay more than local dealers: prompt attention given. Call East 2405. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 427 or 166 First St. WE WILL BUY your furniture or sell for you on commission. George Baker & Co.. auctioneers. Main 3332. EPCCATIONAL. FOUR WEEKS' TRAINING FREE. We have hundred of graduates now successfully engaged in the auto, trac tor, battery and the auto electrical busi ness. We can assist you to a good por tion, too. We give you a four weeks' FREE TRIAL. No money in advance The trial obligates you in no way It affords you an excellent opportunity to size up our school and teat your qualifi cations to learn mechanical work. Fu. particulars in our new 112-page cata log. Cail or write for it today. Ak for book No. 5. it's free. ADCOX AUTO AND AVIATION SCHOOL UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. Woodlawn or Alberta car. 3d and Alder. BIG DEMAND FOR COMPTOMETER OPERATORS. We are daily receiving calls for com petent comptometer operators. Steady employment, good salaries. Take a course now and begin to earn money. Behnke Walker Business College. 4th. near Mor rison Rhone M. 590. The School of Private Secretariea BBHXKB- WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Enroll now and as soon as you are competent there will be a permanent, weli-paying position awaiting you. Sten ography, banking, secretaries, account ing, etc. Free catalogue. Phone Malll 590 or call at Fourth, near Morrison. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. You want nothing but the best. Here It is. Standardized with schools In 60 other cities. Best laboratories, beat shop equipment and instructions. Actual shop practice given on real repair Joba Results absolutely guaranteed. The time for you to go to ecQcol is while business is quiet. Prepare now for big business opening in a few months. In quire Oregon Institute of Technology. Main street at Sixth, Ex-service xuen get STATE AID- MOHLEP. BARBER COLLEGE wiil teach you tre trade in 8 weeks, furnish a set of tools to you and give some pay while learning ; positions secured ; former ex service men receive state aid wmle at tending our school. Write or caii for cara.ogue and particulars. 234 Burnsida OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; too.s free; positions guaranteed: pay white learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madlaon. MODERN barber college teaches trade in b wks.. too.s furnished, some pay; posi tion secured; special rate this month Write or call tor particulars, 34 1st sl. MISS MATTiNGLV'S Private School Shorthand, typewriting, day, evenings! 269 14th. near Jefferson. Alain 3S93 ROCKY MT. Teachers' Aeency. Enroll free. Frank K. Wei.s. ex -assist, state supt mgr.. N. W Bank bl-ig. Auto. 312-13 LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute, 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Night classes. NIGHT SCHOOL beauty culture. Madam Curtis. , Bdwy. 6902. IF YOU WANT to learn the vulcanizing business, caii 15. East -Broadway. FISK Teachers' Agency Journal Bldg Main 435. Teaching position, free reg YATES-FiSHLR Teachers Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. PRIVATE tutoring. history and Rates reasonable. Main 829S. LEARN beauty culture evenings Curtis. Bdwy. 6902. Madam HELP WANTED MALE. ADVERTISING irolicitors. commission. 'J00 Tl'ford b'd. WANTED tors. Rc Several live advertising sollci binson. 210 S?ock Exchange bldg. GOOD baritone wanted for local profes sional work. 202 Tilford b:d. ffHixi;i.KRS wauled. . &7U at. HELP WANTED MALE. YOUNG MAN! Tska this tip: The one best place In this city to assist YOU In finding a position in a clerical com mercial ox technical line is the Y. M. C A employment department. You can get reliable information and they will mul tiply your chances and put you next to op port unities! that you wi!l never find through your own efforts alone. Ail young men and especially strang ers are cordially invftea to talk with oca of the oecretariea Room 807. Y. M C. A. BOOKKEEPERS, STlIiNOORAPHEJiS Oparators, railroad and office clerks and all pen user wanted to demon strate our high-grade fountain pens. $13 gold-plated fountain pen free. AMERICAN CO-OPERATIVE PEN CLUB. Box 1572. Salt Lake City. Utah. PROD CING comedian with scripts for long-time stock tabloid ; second come dian. Juvenile lead, with voice, charac ter man; pianist who can transpose. Write all, stating lowest salary. If you deliver you stay, otherwise you go. Send photo. Box 442. Walla Walla, Wash. THREE neat single young men to travel in crew demonstrating and selling;; must have pep and furnish $25 cash bond; experience unnecessary ; expenses ad vanced weekly. See Mr. Stanley, Hotel Portland, 10 to 12 A. M. Monday. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 249 ANKENY STREET. One piledriver foreman. See the boss in office at 11 A. M. One sash machine operator One pony edyerman. GOOD, all-round cook wanted for first class commercial hotel at Pullman. Wash.; steady job for clean, competent man; no cigarettes; wages $100 and room; wire or write P. O. box 87, Pull man. Wash. MANAGERS, HANDLE STATE RIGHTS. PLACE DISTRICT MANAGERS. MUST HAVE REFERENCES ALSO CAPITAL. AMERICAN BUSINESS MEN'S ASS'N. 2r7-3r PEYTON BLK., SPOKANE, WN. SINGLE young man, from 21 to 25, to travel wuth crew of advertising sales men. Must be neat appearing and am bitious". See Mr. Scharfe from 10 to 12 or 2 to 5. Qckley hotel. LOGGERS AND MILL MEN, When in Centratia. Wash., Call at DELANEY EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 107 South Tower Ave. MAN FOR collector for credit store; must know city and ride wheel; salary $5 i er month; married man preferred; state age. and references. H 393, Orego nian. WANT man with stump puller or team to clear 5 or 6 acres, $60 an acre; close in. Apply Buns & Oake Employment Agen cy. 224 Burnaide. WANTED A first-class sash and door, machine and layout man, steady employ ment to Competent man. Spaulding Log ging1 Co., McMtnnville. WANTED Solicitors in and out of 'town. High commission. Write for appoint ment. Young, 454 Going st. F1U.ST-CLAK bushelman. Phegley & Cav ender, 4th and Alder. RELIABLE man with stump puller to clear land. V 388, Oregonian. Help Wanted Salesmen. LIVE YOUNG SALESMAN WITH CAR, BY FRANK L. McGUIRE, Largest Home Seller in America. A wonderful opportunity to get in the real estate business and make big money. Associated with a live, progressive, re liable, established office provided you nave '( i ambition, (2) determination, (3) optimism, 4 a sense of humor, (5) can give the best of references, (6) are willing to work. Thousands of new comers will be crowding into our city to locate. Thousands of new homes are being constructed. Portland is on the verge of one of the greatest real estate activities in her history. We need a live salesman today. Ask for Mr. Knappen burg, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngrton Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. 3d St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. WANTED Salesman by very reliable manufacturer to travel Oregon and Washington. Applicant must have a successful -and profitable selling: record. Should have some engineering experi ence and especially experience in deal ing with city, county and state munic ipalities. One experienced m municipal water systems preferred. It is an un usually good and permanent position pay ing salary and commission. A real sales man should earn from $5000 to $10,000 a year; no application considered without age, experience past ten years, and ref erences from former employers in first letter. If record satisfactory in first letter Interview will be given. It is a fine position for a real salesman, with business experience. All applications strictly confidential. C 432, Oregonian. SALESMEN SEVERAL FIRST-CLASS MEN OF INTEGRITY TO SELL HIGH GRADE LOCAL SECURITY. PREVIOUS SELLING EXPERIENCE DESIRABLE; EXCELLENT INCOME AND REAL PERMANENT FUTURE WITH LARGE OREGON CORPORATION OPEN TO THOSE WHO QUALIFY. CALL 1401 X. W. BANK BLDG. HIGH-PRESSURE SALESMEN capable of quick production, will find a worthy local company has an EXTRAORDINARY commis sion arrangement. Two live men required. Plant in Portland. 412 Journal bldg. WANTED Office engineer by manufactur ing concern making metal products; must be thorough hydraulic and mechan ical engineer, familiar with economical design of new products and economical production; must have an address and command of language that would equip him to do selling: no application con sidered without complete recrd in first letter of experience for last ten years and references as to past employers. U 4 w . Oreponian. SOMEWHERE in Portland or vicinity there is an aggresslvve clothing sales man with large following who is not exactly pleased with his present connec tion, vvno would preier a change witn better opportunity for advancement and larger income. If you are this man, write Premier Tailorinc Company, Cin cinnati, Ohio, giving name and ex perience. Strictly confidential. WANTED Salesmen trained In selling groceries and hardware, excellent opportunity with great earnings. A 399, Oregonian. SALESMEN; MEN OF BRAINS AND ENERGY are offered permanent connec tions with an EXCLUSIVE distributer, selling a device of universal demand direct to the housewife; no competition; no delivering; no collecting. Northwest Distributing Agency, 607 Henry Bldg. 1ARGE sales organization, nationwide in scope, can use 2 men 25 to 40 years of age In Portland. Reference required; quick advancement if efficient. A real opportunity for a real man who can con nect with us permanently. Call after 9:30 Broadway 4320, for personal in terview.. Ask for W. H. Coulter. SALESMEN One of the oldest and most reliable automobile houses In the city requires the services of several real automobile salesmen. Call the sales ma n a g erBdwyl460 FIVE advertising salesmen for high-class statewide publications; permanent posi tion. Call 708 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Bdwy. 4Q26. - FORD salesman, must be experienced and a producer ; good commission proposi tion. Robinson-Smith Co., sales mgr., 6th and Madison. WANTED Experienced oil stock sales men on Texas oil belt proposition. Write R. L. Campbell, Cisco. Texas, at once. SALESMEN -Two neat appearing men with A-l references. Apply 205 Artisans bldg.. 2 to 6. North Ridge Brush Co. SALESMEN for1 a large firm in this city. You must nave a good record; Portland men : references. Bdwy. 61' 1 . SALESMAN with light car on commission basis. -Call Monday, 301 Hawthorne. WANTED AGENTS. HEALTH, accident and nospitai insurance. Big commission 301 Corbett bldg. HELP WASTED FEMALE.' W" ANT ED A well- educated woman for educational work ; good salary and op portunity for advancement. C 391, Ore goniah. WOMAN to keep house for bachelor; good home, small wages. tsox. tyw, route 1, Portland, Or BOOKKEEPERS. stenograpners, office help. See us for position. Williais Personal Sen-ice. 504 Spalding bldg. THE FLOKEA'CE CK.1ITEN TON bonne U ready to help any girl in distress. 933 East Glisan. "MV" car. East 316. WANTED Solicitors in and out or town High commission. Write for appoint ment. Young. 454 Going st. GOOD home to refined woman., se r vi c f e. V 391, Oregonian. C. S., for GIRL for general housework. 271 N. 22d st. Main 3894. WANTED Teachers ijar mis Apply 1Tp' First st.. from lion school. ! to 4 P. M. WANT first-class pastry cook for . light lunch room. 9 Broadway. MAID for general housework; aauita. Call j Tabor m. j WANTElU Experienced waitress. Norton is. hotel. 11th and Stark. Apply LADY wanted for N. 23. ilteration work. 22o" WAITiU-oS wanted. &Ua U HELP WANTED FEMALE. THE WOMEN'S Protective juivision. city of Portland, offers its service in all mat ters pertaining to the welfare and pro tection of women and girls; Interviews confidential. 514 Worcester bldg.. Third and Oak sts. Phone Bdwy. 7422. RELIABLE, middle-aged woman for gen eral housework; must be competent to take full charge of house and children if necessary ; references. Sell wood 1 79. Mrs. Walter Henningsen. 394 B. 24th south. A LARGE automobile firm desire experi enced stenographer; must he neat and accurate; answer In own handwriting, statong experience and references; salary to start, $S0. W 43Q, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED couple on farm near Portland will take several children to board; excellent care, nourishing food, school near, rates reasonable, beet of references furnished. Y 4SS, Oregonian. WANT a young girl between 15 and 18 to . look after small children while mother works. Phone iJJoadway 1609, or see Mrs. Beauregarda at 170 Stout street. PRINCIPALS and chorus girls for stock tabloid production; give all details in first letter and Inclose photographs, which will be returned. State salary wanted. Box 442. Walla Walla, Wash. WANTED Ladies call homes, sell house hold necessities of merit; 100 percent Front to hustlers and good working leld. 371 East Morrison st. RELIABLE housekeeper for man and wife; 5-room modern house, some personal laundry, all flat work sent out; 1 hour from Portland Box E. Camaa. Wash. ANY GIRL in need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 3450. DM. car. Wanted Pom est ics. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work and cooking, city references re quired. Apply mornings, 741 Irving St. Main 7057. COMPETENT maid under 35 for general housework; city references rexiuired. Ap- piy mornings 773 .sortnrup. mar, wji. . GIRL for general housework and assist with care of child; no washing. Ref erences, 584 E. 19th St. N. Auto. 311-01. WANTED Middle-aged woman for house work, one who is looking for a home. Tabor 2-64'8. 3 SO Sherman WANTEiU Experienced girl for cooking and downstairs work; city reference. SOW Pettyrove st. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and downstairs work. References. Ap ply 183 N. :0Ch st. WOMAN wanted for light housework, one who prefers a good home. Woodlawn tSlt. ItV.i Hi. ll.II -L. J- U l WANT girl for house work in family oi 3. Automatic 312-38. " HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. WANTED Two truck drivers; must have SltMKI to invest m n -them all the hauling they can do and ail they have to do is deliver the goods. If you are looking for a good proposi tion with steady work, address Box 121, Tillamook, Or. PARTNER with $235 casn, good paying concession. Bill. Broadway 4860. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FIRST-CLASS retouchers needed; training school opening. Peasley Studio, 407 Morrison. SALESMEN and saleswomen to call at 137 Russell st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. TO HOME OWNERS IN LAURELHURST. Let me give you estimate on your In terior decorating. Am working there now. Phone Tabor 830, Frank Rigney. EXPERIENCED window trimmer, and card writer wishes a permanent posi tion with a reliable firm; will go any place. References furnished. Address W. D. Gillmore, 322 A st., McMInnville, Orpgon. Phone Blue 2311. COMPETENT architectural draftsman to prepare plans and epecif ications for houses, buildings. In spare time at reasonable compensation. AV 160, Ore gonian. . MAN HAS CAR. best of Portland refer ence, wishes position wholesale house or salesman preferred; salary or salary and commission. Phone Marsh. 6882 8 A. M. to 1 P. M. YOUNG man. 20, going to h. s.. wants work after 12. weekdays, all day Satur day or Sunday. Must have work. Can do anything. Best references, good ex perience. Call Sell. 2820, EX-SEJRVICE man, 24 years old, wants position as driving for private family; have had 5 years' experience with -H. H. Franklin Mfg. Cail for Martin. 235 11th St.. or Marshall 4009. KOOFS repaired, rain or shine; eve troughs cleaned and repaired; all work guaran teed. Portland Roof Repair & Paint Co, Main 6320 - YOUNG married man, badly in need of work, wants position; will take anything; experienced in restaurant and confec tionery: references. Marshall 828. PRINTER-operator, stereo ty per and Mil ler pressman; all around; 18 years ex perience, desires "sit' at once in country shop. S. Pierce. Stanfield, Or. JAPANESE man will do short hour work or general work by day for family. Aut. 5 1 3-05. Japanese George. HAVE your pruning and garden work done by experienced men. Phone Automatic .25-42. Baldwin. CARPENTER contractor, new or altera tion, large or small, aay or jod. Auto matic 630-25 JAPANESE, 20, attending school, wants a position in good family near Lincoln H. S. Phone Auto. 515-90. CARPENTERING, concrete work and re modeling, painting done reasonable, sat isfactory CHEF, A-l. wants position, hotel or res taurant, city or country. Y 412, Orego- PAINT1NG. KALSOMINING. PAPERING. First - class work, winter prices, save money. Tabor !3-S or Auto. .-3U. JAPANESE schoolboy wishes position. Call Japanese M. E. cnurcn, oxo-t9. at is. 16th st. PAINTING, papering and kalsomining; pre-war prices. Phone laoor East fls35. JAPANESE man will do short-hour work or general wor Dy aay or nigm, ciiy or country. 1 1 ' aixtn street. PRTrx'TNfl Expert gardener and horticul turist, landscaping-, care of lawns promptly attended to. Tabor 116. PA PERH ANGER, 15 years' Bennett. 770 Williams ave. 209. CARPENTER Changes porches, addi tions, garag-es; prompt and reasonable. Marshall 3h3. rippRNTER and cabinet work; blueprints free of charge. Main 7526. 483 West Park. SHINGLING, reshingling ; prices reason able; work guaranteed. Auto. 325-16. LET ME figure your wiring; and new. Woodlawn 5450. old house PLUMBER, PRICES. DO ANY JOB; WOODLAWN 6084. RIGHT WANTED Work for 1-ton truck. Mar. 1218. . CARPENTER wants work by day or con tract. Phone Broadway 1822. CARPENTER JOBBING. Repairing and pamting. East 5396. KALSOMINING, plaster repairing, paint ing, reasonable. Main 2865. BRICKS for sale, cesspool digging by the foot, plumbing by the job. Auto. 642-14. EXPERIENCED pruning, ail kinds, hour; estimates given. East 5873. DISH WASH EtR wants work of any kind. V 420. Oregonian. WANTED Hauling Sutton. Wdln. 3036 for two-ton truck. PAINTING, papering, 2 or more rooms 25c roll: Efood work. Col. 10-78, PAINTING and kalsomining, work. Wdln. 2542. MAN with ton truck wants lights haul ing: forenoons. Main 4668. EXCAVATING AND GRADING. General teaming, reasonable. East 8873. PAPERH ANGING, 30 cents a roll; paint ing and tinting. Mar. 2493. TEAMING, PLOWING, EXCAVATING. PHONE EAST 8924. OTT. EXP. pile driver foreman, hammer man and bridge work. K 407, Oregonian. FIXIT, carpenter repairs, alterations, bullt-ins. Jobbing. roofing. Wdln. 6018. SPECIAL prices on painting and tinting. Marsha 11 1416. BRICK contractor, tile houses, garages, fireplaces; prices right. Tabor 8793. PLUMBER wants work; do any job rea sonable ;estlmaorBdwy2583. TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc. Eaat 210. 240 East 8th st. KALSOMINING, PAINTING. FIRST CLASS WORK. AUTOMATIC 623-40. CARPENTER, FIRST-CLASS WORK; REASONABLE. CALL WDLN. 6295. PAINTING, calsomining, first-class work, reasonable. Wdln. 5414. CARPENTER wants work finish; or any kind. W 417. Oregonian. YOUNG man, zo, wishes any kind of work in city. X 435, Oregonian. WANTED Work of any kind with truck. Phone East 7423. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work; reasonable Sell. 1399. MAN WANTS work of any kind. Marshall 334 :. Aug N'-uman. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. WILLING worker wants bookkeeping beat reference. Phone Tabor 2000, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. WE INSTALL and cperate a special book keeping system, including Income tag service (Indorsed by leading merchants' associations) ; work done by expert ac countants for $10 to $13 monthly. Re tailers' Service Bureau. 717 Gasco bldg Main 4333. HIGH-CLASS prosthetic man wants po sition with dentist with large practice; can deliver the goods; post-graduate in Wadsrworth method. AB 433, Orego nian. WE TAKE care of your income tax quickly and accurately, close your books, make out annual statements and collect ac counts, 326 Chamber of Commerce Broadway SQ76. AMBITIOUS young man. 20. wishes posi tion; good education; restaurant and clerical experience. Call Main, 7482, or 824 H 2d st. INCOME TAX I will prepare your return form 1040-A $10, form 1040 $15; systems installed, duoks kept. k. p. .haqipis, public accountant. aoor 79 its. STENOGRAPHER with experience as tel ephone operator would like position. juarsnaii 477. A-l GENERAL office man. bookkeeper. desires position. Tabor 7116. W 411, oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. REFINED young lady with general office experience desires position; oast or ret erencea G 420, Oregonian. YOTJNG ady wishes position as caahler experienced, good reference H 42L Ore gon ian. K ELI A BLR elderly woman will assist with light housework where there is no sickness; city. Wages $3 per week. E 436. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants general h ouse work, whole or part time. Phone t-;ast i nxn. EXPERIENCED chambermaid with ref erences wishes position. Phone Broadway WANTED A place to do Ileht house work, more for home: reasonable. 284 East First st. North. Broadway car. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wants housecleaning, washing or other work; good work done. Woodlawn 6305. WANTED Position as waitress in camp, can give reference as to character and ability. O 413. Oregonian. WORK wanted, 5 or more hrs., Tuesday and Wednesday. Good laundress. Wdln. SOrfV ' EXPEiRIENCED second, maid wishes po sition; references. Marshall 8854. EXPERI EN C ED wait res Telephone Main 7865. wants work. WOMAN wants day work, washing1, house cleaning. East 6475. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED. 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE. EAST 61fW. COMPETENT elderly lady wants position as housekeeper. -Marshall 2493. WANTED Washing. Ing. Auto. 633-81. ironing and clean- OOLLEXJE girl wants to work for board, room and wages. Sellwood 3313. COLORED woman wants day work. Phone W oodlawn 2841. EXPERIENCED colored dav'f work. E. 5703. WASHING and cleaning; experienced. -Apt. fi. Main 8118. . WOMAN wants day work. 35c an hour. Call room 14. Bdwy. &052. CHILDRE'N cared for during parents ab sence: references. Wdln. 1Q11. Bookaeepers. rttenogra pliers. Office. EXPEtRT law and business stenographer wants steady half or part day work; prefer office near Stock Exchange bldg. where am working part time daily now; . can operate mimeograph and multi- graph machine. Phone Mar. 2310. REFINED young lady with general office experience desires position; best of ref erences. G 420, Oregonian. OFFICE help of every description ; quick service, call it roadway ovoa. wiiuams Service. 504 Spalding bldg. STENOGRAPHER, experienced and cap able. Gail after 6 P. M.. Woodlawn 4545. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, clerical work, filing, greatly in need of work. Wdln. 5523. Dressmakers. JULE'S will make your frocks, gowns and wraps for all occasions and also do remodeling at reasonable prices. 431 Artisans' bldg. Broadway 5606. DRESSMAKING at my home or yours; remodeling; re duced rates during February and March. Wdln. 6715. THE GLAD SHOP. Gowne for every occasion copied from sketches or original designing. Main 5354. 1001 Broadway bldg. DRESSMAKING, alterations, relinlng; work guaranteed1; prices reasonable. Mrs. lva Ground, 407 Tenth st. Main 17fi0. DRESSMAKER, tailoring, designing or copied from sketches. Day. Marshall 36H5. FIRiST -CLASS seamstress will do sewing in your home; references; $4 per day. Call after Sun. Marshall 1746 ARE YOU STOUT? Then call Tabor 4669. 1111 E. Taylor street. Prices reasonable; references. WILL take orders for Infants' layettes, from simplest to more elaborate; very reasonable. Auto. 626-72. Si.LK dresses a specialty; prices reason able. 4226 Morrison, room 6, upstairs HEMSTITCHING, 7c, cotton or silk. Ideal Shop. 717 Broadway bldg. HEMSTITCHING 8c, while you wait. Panama bldg.. Third and Alder. NURSE will care for patient in her own home : diet a specialty. Tabor 5733. PRIVATE maternity home, best care to patients. East S68. WOULD like nursing of any kind for faru to California. Call Tabor 8957. Housekeepers. EXPE'RlENCEiD middle-aged housekeeper wants work; employed people preferred; reasonabi wages. jdwy. jom. YOUNG widow wishes management of re spectable apartment house. Phone Bdwy. 3S85. LADY wishes work by hour, housework, washing and ironing; honest; can give references. Phone Woodlawn 3468. RELIABLE woman wants general house work. East 6248 from 9 to 12. Moueceanin. HOUSE CLEANING Expert white and ivory enamel, brick and tile fireplace, cleaning, floors waxed, furniture pol ished, carpets cleaned, windows washed CITY" HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE, 188 Chapman St. Phone Main 1157. VERIBEST WINDOW CLEANERS, COLUMBIA lUZi. Housecleanlng, floor waxing and vac uum cleaning; estimates cheerfully giv en; best of references. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED TO RENT Suburban 5-room modiern house, unfurnished. Electric line preferred. Must be in good location, within reasonable distance of school. H 429. Oregonian. SIX OR seven-room modern house,, injrton preferred East 7673. Irv- Rooms With Board. WANTED -By a teacher, room and board in refined home, reasonable. P 426, Ore gonian. FURNISHED rooms for rent, street. Main 5213. 453 Market Miscellaneous. WANTED To le3e a well drilling ma chine. AV Ii65, Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington St. Marshall 1950. Large, attractive lobby with fireplace. Special rates 10 permanent guests. HOTEL CONRADINE, 22 North 10th sL, 2 blocks north of Washington st. ; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement, 652 Washington st. Modern, private baths, free phones ; reasonable rates. $3.50 week up. Main 31. EUCLID HOTEL. 573 Washington St. Cheerful, clean rooms, with or without private baths; transients and permanent. LORRAINE. HOTEL. 212 N. 20TH ST. Modern, nicely iurnisneo rooms, with or without board; reasonable rates. KENTON HOTEL, at Kenton station Sleeping and n. iv. rooms, not water, steam heat, $2.50 and up per week. ARTHUR HOTEL. 170 Eleventh St., near Morrison Clean and mooern rooms ov day, week or month at reasonable rates. jjlGHT, comfortable sleeping roomL close in, west sioe, qu-iei. jjihw .uo iin si. Main 7628. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st., at 10th $1 cay, weeKiy so auu up, r ree pnoas and baths; light and airy. Steam heat. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Washington and Fifth Streets. Special permanent rates. ATTRACTIVE rooms with steam heat, lo cation oesiraDie. renrose apt., uraaa ave. at Belmont. Esst 4548. THE ST. PAUL, Fourth and Aider. A RE SPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HOTEL. $1 Rates by weeK or montn. 50c DAY, $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT. Furnished rooms and suits In h!gh- class apt. house. $25 and up. Refined gentleman or employed lady. Reference required. 166 St. Clair, cor. Washington. Bdwy. 5830. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TH. QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; $1.25 PER DAY, $6 PER WK, AND UP CONVENIENT. ALL 7S1GHT GA RAG IS. HOTEL HARRISON. ROOMS $2 WEEK, - Clean furoJ-hed rms.. steam heat, hot water, bath, etc., 33c and 50c per night 3-story brick. 403 Front, cor. Harrison. CALL at Y. M. C A to see free lUt of moderate-priced rooms for young men In all parts of the city. Including rooms ax the Y. M. C A., with phone In each room, shower baths and club facilities. ANSON1A HOTEL, 124 14th st., at Washington. Rates $ per week and up, $1 day; fireproof large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusements and shopping center. WASHINGTON HOTEu. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason ably rates by week or month. COSY BASEMENT SLEEPING ROOM. $2.50 PER WEEK. EAST 1990. Unfurnished Rooms. 4 UNFURNISHED rooms, in private fam ily and garage. 1030 E. Main. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. TWENTY minutes' walk to down tow n; oest car service in citv. Vin irr rm in refined home; located between 20th and 21st on East Madison; excellent environment. Suitable for -two youu men. E. 4898. $20 per month. WALKING distance, good dlstrlot, attrac tive residence. Well furnished room, heat, hot water, garage. Breakfast If desired. East 5715. NEATLY furnished room, in home of a private family in a choice apartment, steam heat, for a gentleman. Marshall BEAUTIFUL furnished corner front room, furnace heat, plenty hot water, parlor, piano, home comforts, rent reasonable; uuemess giris. .x. a4th. fLHASANT FRONT ROOM, REASONA BLE, 2 BLOCKS BROADWAY BRIDGE ssa ROSS ST. ATTRACTIVE room in west side apt. house, steam heat and plenty hot water. Main 3622. NEAT, clean room in beautiful home; steam heat; lots of hot water; easy - - . ik mamnce. zxo l.tn St. BURNISHED sleeping room in desirable location, suitable for 2 gentlemen. Call at 552 Yamhill. NICELY turniahed front room, nice home, in. Laureihurst, with breakfast; lady or b""b"""' ciupioyeq. la-Dor DL'OH. NICE, clean, newly furnished rooms, fur nace heat, congenial surroundings, $12 . and up. 712 Flanders st. J69 14TH, NEAR JEFFERSON Furnished room. modern conveniences; walking $20 F U RNISHED upstairs, private e"nt trance. Light, water, rbae. J..94 E Harrison. CONGENIAL young man wishes roommate twin beds, all conveniences, piano etn rate $3.50. 61 N. 18th st. Bdwy. 272L COZY front room for man accustomed to nice things, auiet. modern -i- ..:, v.w0. ui uiu. Marshall 17K0. LARGE room modern hom for 1 or li v -.... ,r r modern home, $10 per month. Walkln! distance 667 Glisan st. Bdwv 9iw u-ti.Hu sleeping room, suitable for 1 or 2, al conveniences. Cail mornings or In the evening after 6. Bdwv 21 rf in PRIVATE home, 2 modern, furnished rooms, gentlemen or business couni preferred. Woodlawn 3618. C8a cou PLEASANT modern front room for rent west side, walking distance. 443 nth st 725 1Z v'ELL furnished, clean rooms, close $S and $10. Mar. 8462. 71 1 Hovt FURNISHED light front attic room, he."- eo; pienty not water. 2S3 North 24th xJcaitiAni.iL iurnished room, walklnir dis tance. 041 th st. Marshall 34H . lur"1Hna rooms In modern home m-aBL 11 UfSire d. .VI a T. 4 ;i 4 7 .uj, mueiy iurnished rooms, furnace neHc: u.e piano; modern. 327 Sixth i'SUnBieVinf otm- Glisan. Marshall . .... Hw-jnu isnii car line. .sleeping rooms and private sitting room. Call East 0728. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL 23D AND HOYT STREETS CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL 741 WASHINGTON ST. ' Two of the best-known residential ho tels on the Pacific coast American plan, with or without bath. J.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients ixuKimiA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. LARGE, light, warm room with excellent home-cooked meals, family style; also single room; piano, fireplace, walking distance. Nob Hill; rates very reasona ble gentlemen preferred. Phone Main THE MARIAN Nicely furnished rooms and splendid home cooked meals; all conveniences, a refined and homelike place for business people; moderate rates. 565 Glisan. Bdwy. 2438. PARK VIEW hotel, residential. 3ttO Mont gomery st., cor. W. Park; rooms, single or double, with private bath, reason able rates. F U RN ISHEO room with pri vat e bath in small boarding house; suitable for 2 Main 4878. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences, walking distance; to per week. Auto. 210-74. 12 E. 7th st. 45 MORRISON, corner 13th Choice rooms and board, walking distance, modern conveniences. MARTHA WASHINGTON Room, board for girls, mod, rates. 380 10th. Mar. 1 25 1 . Rooms With Board in Private Kami! v. v iLAMa,'i -ra -HEIGHTS Charming modern home, laree front roam, with porch and wonderful view of city, river and mountains; $45 for 1 or $75 for 2 person.-. 2 meals. Marshall 746. NIiJPL,Y furnl-hed room with board; near Ad cox auto school and dental college two in rooms, $7 per week each; 387 Oregon st., bet wen Union and Grand aves. East 3084. I 8 'lve 1 or 2 men larsT front room, home privileges, breakfast or dinner. On Broadway car Hue near Union. $25 per month- 370 East Seventh North. East BOARD and room in pleasant, refined home, steam heat, exceptionally bright cheerful roome. 254 E. 16th st. Phone Est 234. W EI-FURNS1ED warm rooms with board, piano, phone, bath, just like homo, near Adcox school and dental college. 305 Halsey, near Union avp IRV INGTON Lovely room, mahogany furniture; every convenience; refined home; also sleeping porch, garage. East 6645. GOO'D. furnished front room. suiLable for two; reasonable; with board. Phone Eiast 71 1W. LARGE front room, clean, light and warm fireplace, walking distance, block from" carllne; good meals. 295 W. Park jOAKJJ and room for one working nights $30 per month; fine place. 2 blocks to car. 698 Harold ave. Sellwood 1929 CHILDREN will receive good care in sub urban home of responsible party. Phone ROOM and board to man and wife; em ployed couple preferred; 395 Harrison st. Automatic 517-64. LARGE room, two single beds, suitable for two. with board; 395 Harriuon st. Automatic 517-64. NICELY furnished room witn board, near Adcox auto school and dental college. 365 Halsey Pt., near Union ave. WILL give home and motherly care to one or two little giris. in modern home. CaM mornings or evenings. Ta bor 643 2. LARGE room, suitable for '1, with board; furnace heat, reasonable rates; on two car lines. 742 East Clinton on 22d st. EXCEPTIONALLY well lurmsned room. BfV-akfast. dinner; garage. East D2H7. ROOM and board in private family; walk ing distance:E3S6 LOVELY liKht front room, h. and c water; fireplace; w. s. Bdwy. 4H33. ROOMS with or without board, son st. Main 3796. ROOM and board, $20 Alder st. all East : LARGE front room in modern home. 770 Irving st. Marshall 4410. LADY would like working man to board. Home privileges. Sell. 3509. LOVELY fron,t room, all c Lu-retia st.. near Wash. nviniences. 46 Mur, 2-M1.V Furnished Apartment a. 2 AND 3-ROOM furnished apts., distance. 328 Mill Pt. walking MODERN 3-room front apartment; adults. Godfrey Court. 500 Vancouver ave. 2 AND 3-ROOM modern apts., tile bath. Main 1052. Buena Vista apts. NICELY furnished housekeeping room also flat of 3 rooms. 376 Yamhill. UNION AVE. and KUiingsworth, fur. apt... $24.50; all complete, concrete bunding. 3-ROOM apartment in Rose City Park. Tabor 3071. A ROOM, front apu, &05& JeXfarsoa u corner Sth