la THE 1 3IOKXIXG OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1922 i toeTaxFacfrlESIiould aw . V' HE nvemt act of 1911 contains two new and important pro visions with respect to deduc tions for bad debts. Iebts ascertained to be worthless and charged off dur ing the year 1911 may be deducted and when satisfied that a debt is re coverable on;? la part, the commis eioner of Internal revenue may allow auch debt to be charged off In part. nere a taxpayer, as a matter of established business practice, sets up annuany a reserve for bad debts, bitted upon experience, reasonable additions to euca reserve during the year, wur.ia tne discretion of the commissioner, may be deducted. In euch a case, debts written off on the books of the taxpayer must be charged aealnst the reserve, and muat not be c. aimed as a deduction from ro$s income. Partial Dvdoetloma Allowed. iieiore deducting- a debt in part, a taxpayer must be able to show with a reasonable degree of certainty the amount uncollectible. In determin ing whether a debt la worthless In whole or in part, the commissioner will consider pertinent evidence, such as the value of collateral, if any, and the financial condition of the debtor, l'artial deductions will be allowed T-ith respect to specific debts only. Taxpayers who, prior to 1921. have vna.inta.ined reserve accounts for bad debts may deduct a reasonable addi tion to such reserves during the last year in lieu of a deduction for. spe cific bad-debt items. Those who have not heretofore maintained such re serve accounts, may now elect to do fo. In auch case they may determine the amount that reasonably should have been set up at December SO, ISiO (which sum shall not be de ducted In computing net Income), and fr 1921 and subsequent years, may add a reasonable addition to such re serve, and deduct the amount in com puting net income. What constitutes such "reasonable addition" must be PIDEH DECLINES TOGA J-EGIOX COMMANDER REFUSES TO SUCCEED KEXYO.V. Jlends Are Told to Cease Efforts In Behalf Because Place With Veterans I Preferred. BALTIMORE. Md., Feb. S. Hanford JracNidea, national commander of the American Legion, refused to accept appointment to the United States sen ate from Iowa to eucceed William S. Kenyon, Colonel Washington Bowie, Jr announced at a meeting of the Maryland executive committee of the legion yesterday at which Colonel AiacXider was present. Colonel Alac ."ider made no comment. Colonel Bowie said Colonel Mao Nider declined the post to remain at the head of the American Legion. Colonel Bowie said today that his Information came from a member of Colonel AlacNiders party. EES MOINES. Iowa. Feb. S. Colonel Hanford MacNider, of Mason City, ooes not want to be considered as a . .. . Slates senator, succeeding W. S. yon. according to information re ceived today by Governor Kendall. Governor Kendall said that while the appointment had not been offi cially offered to Colonel MacNider, h was being seriously considered. Friends of Colonel MacNider here, who have been urging his appoint ment, received word from the national commander requesting them not to continue their efforts, it was announced at state legion head quarters. BOLINGERS SEE HARDING AYashington State Senator and Wife ( Are at White House, THE 0EGONTAN NEWS BUREAU. Washington. I. C. Feb. S. State Sen ator and Mrs. W. A. Bolinger of Me thow, Wash., were presented to Presi dent Harding today by Senator Poin eexter. The president seemed to en Joy the chat with the Bolingers, say ing that he once had some close friends in Ohio by the name of Bo linger. He was told that they were distant relatives of Senator Bolinger. The president took occasion to ex press his interest In Senator Poin-4-exter's resolution extending for five years use of naval radio stations for transmission of press news at low rates. j Aberdeen Elks Nominate. AHERDF.EX. "Wash.. Feb. 3. (Spe cial.) Katph Allen and K. W. Hastert were placed in nomination last night for exalted ruler of the local Klks lodare. Oiher nominees were: M. B. l.ytle. leading knight: Pat MeNamara, loyal knight: Kdward Skrondal. lec turing knight: W. W. Maxey, secre tary; G. W. Ripley, treasurer; W. A. Brockmole. tyler: Or. Hartlett. retir ing trustee, to succeed himself. Aberdeen Klks to rtuild. APERnEEX, Wash.. Feb. S. (Spe cial.) Aberdeen lodge of E'.ks last jrght by unanimous vote decided to go ahead with the - construction of RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING la ortler to rn the more than one time t-riie. advert lain mmi ram ia ca ertttlie lwae. One time 12c per line T- tim-o (each luc. ...,11c pr tint Tnr-e ti'Tiea (f,rh tiir. lVprline The ahote rale- aiMtr all ivradin with the folluainc eaveptitm: !ivi tune it-av.-n iaue . . . .ec per line On to mix months per month $50 per line S;x t tW'. months, per month $2.25 per lino fMtaatkiM Wanted. Each insertion c per 11ns Help Wanted Notleea 1 (Mi and Fouad fneeliil Notice I'erwonal uneraj Notice Frupw-Mtto lnT.tcd MeettttjE Ntic-co One time . . - l.V per-Mn Two I ft ft teach te ....14c p-T line Threo l;m- tench i:u) .... IS.- per line ,sf en limri irth iksue) . . 1V pr line wm Biouih pr Un H TOIV Katea IV r Line: .Patty. Sundnv. One tfTe ile Tw.i tin- Pr Issue) l.c l:c Three tirns t per ii) . . . 14o lfc a t:iTis ll"T iMut?i...lJo 17c t on monto. daily and Iuadar - .W.i Caaat I "re word t the line. No ad taaea fir leM thaa taa linen. Ad ran anda at charsed at ar-uwe rate. Ad rf l-nwnl except " Persona I and it ( Wanted s will he taken er the teteptaae if the advvrtiMsr ia ah-riher t either phAae, Th r:onta will reeee eapy Hy saail preidel saffielent remittance I ,tc aaihber t Wc U cnt. Arin-wWdctafiil alii he (aramrued Aihrr'ivmntU are takes for The rHiK recMtha anltl :-K f. M. : f.r llie'hMndajr Urrguauts ualii 4 P. M. NilMnUjr. J i I determined In the light of facts, and will vary as between classes of busl ness, and with conditions of business prosperity. Specific items of bad debts ascertained to be worthless should be charred against the reserve fund and not deducted from gross in come. Ortala Qualities Reanlrea. A taxpayer using the-eserve method should include in his return a state ment showing the volume of his charge sales or other business trans actions) for the year, the "percentage of reserve to such amounts, the total amount of notes and accounts receiv able at the beginning and end of the taxable year, and the amount of debts ascertained to be worthless or par tially worthless, and charged off against 'the reserve account during the taxable year. To be allowed, claims for deductions of bad debts must have certain Qualities. The debt, or that portion which is not recoverable, must have been determined to be worthless and charged off within the taxable year. The return must contain evidence that the ordinary means of collection have been exhausted and that legal action would in all probability not result in collection of the debt. Unpaid loans made to needy rela tives with little or no expectation of their return, are not deductible, but are regarded as gifta. Where the creditor continues to extend credit to a debtor, a debt may not be charged off as worthless. If a debt ia for given, it cannot be claimed aa a de duction, because It Is then regarded as a gift, which, is not an allowable deduction. A valid debt proved to be worthless Is not always a proper deduction. For example, unpaid amounts representing wages, salaries, rentals or similar items of taxable income are not al lowed as deductions unless included as Income in the creditor's return for the year in which the deduction is sought, or previous years. The fact that expected income was not received does not reduce the amount of tax able income. - p their proposed new club building. The decision followed explanation of the plans by Watson Vernon, the archi tect. A. J. Morley, A. W. Middleton, William Donovan, Gus Carlson and A. S. Hoonan were appointed trustees to carry on the work. The plans call for a four-story building to cost ap proximately 1175.004. Salmon Packer Meeting Called. ASTORIA, Or.. Feb. S. (Special.) The board of directors of the Colunv bia River Fishermen's league has re quested the salmon packers on the Columbia river to meet with the league directors February 25 In the chamber of commerce, rooms to dis cuss the price to be paid for raw fish during the season which will open on May 1. The letters sent to the packers by Secretary Somppl called attention to the fact that If tRe prices are set early the fishermen will know what preparations to make lor tha season. Koad Fonnd Passable. VANCOUVER, Wash., Feb. 3. (Spe cial.) Following' reports that the road between Woodland and La Cen ter was impassable Walter A. Schwarx, county engineer, was sent as a deputy to investigate. He re ported that the road was passable and that he covered the entire distance, I except one-half mile, at 30 miles an ken-l:;... .j .,' , , . hour, and a half mile in from 20 to 22. The road is paved from Van couver to La Center. Parent Pays Fine, VANCOUVER, Wash.. Feb. 3. (Special.) W. P. Smith, who was ar rested for not sending his children to school, today appeared before Frank K. Vaughan, Justice of the peace, and paid his fine with costs, which amounted to $30.20. He prom ised to have his children in school next week. He is well to do, it was reported AMrSKMrTNTS. Now Flaylnc The Tremendously PleasLn Comedy DnimB. JIM'S GIRL Mow Would You Like te Be JLmT PA NT AG Eg Continuous 1 P. M. to II P. M. The Irlph Actor-Tenor ' LARRY RE1I.I.Y CO.. Supported hr MIKV HAMPTOK. In "The Knd of the Koad" I1 NBAK AMI TVKNER. MtHII. HAKl'KK. ALICE JOVCK In "THE INNER CHAMBER." BAKED STOCK COMPANY m iVft-E HARRIS 'A DRESS r c ?c?' . REHEARSAL 'i b"ncoparjfS J rtmz'y iw oz cr . WARD BROTHERS' ' AS ' BrgTX X ' f i wi ruin- t,:mcitgs w mTy sw BEN BERN IE 1 fcMtaa-da-Aa-aaaaaarJaaas Xuda, ton itch t. continuous show 1 to 11 P. y . bruary . 3 and 4 Fddie "ai!id.T, famous mlnstroL One, Two, Three, musical awvuette. Kobe Mr Kim. "A Certain Rich Man" ; "His tory of a Raindrop. 1'rices. afternoons, children 10 cents, adui:s v; eve nines, children 17 cents, tttuitt 3t cents. LYRIC Ml MCA L COMEDY COMPANY "THE TWO THIEVES" GoarsHlerd te Steal Away lwr Troablea. Afternoons at t Evenings at T and THE CIRCLE THEATER Fsmrta at Waastlasrfoa. Open from 9 o'clock In tna morn Ins; I until 4 o clock tna following- morning. i -,.,,. t ( j MEETING NOTICES. . OV9 H. CRAMER. 713 SRLLINO BLDG. Main 0'-". Jewel and emblem manufacturer, watch and Jewelry repair-.rg DIAMONDS. Diamond fretting and Mounting. TjODCK KMBI.EMS. class pins, officers' lew;, carry lance stock to select from: mjeoiAl woric to order in our own factory. I laviu. 3wIer and opticians, 3-3 Wash. -; ;u(Un street at B-dway. 1 a HAl.L for rent Naturday. Sundays nd 1 fir rnHr.: church. Idee or danoea ln- 4U.r the Al-cc-b. T - Morgan btdg. I EMBLEM Jewelry, buttoca rharma. pins, j new dc-.iina. Jsen-r Bros., 131-4 Sixth st. I FRIEDLAVDER S for lorf-r mHlMn ciaaa d, t4Ua vlO WaJ-xoa u MEKTINO NOTICES. WASHi'GTOy LODGE, NO. 4S. A. F. AND M. tht Special communication (Saturday) afternoon. 8:3o o'clock. East 8th and Burn side, to conduct the funeral of our late brother, Daniel C. Bowers. Funeral commit; e take notice. P!eape brlnct autoa Ordor W. iL J. H. RICBMOXP. Sc WASHLNliTOM LODOB, NO. 46. A. V. AND A- M Special communication this Saturday) evening, 7 o'clock. Bast Sth and Bumside. 2. A. decree. Visitors welcome. Or J. H. P. 1-CMitO.NX). Sec OREGON LODGE KO, 101. A. F. AND A. M. Stated, to day at 8 P. M. Business, CAMBL1A CHAPTETl, NO. 27, O. J. S. Members in vited to attend the funeral services of our late brother. Francis Austin Watts, at 2 P. M., Saturday, at East Side funeral directors. 414 E-a-St Alder, under auspices of the O. E. S. Pri vate cremation. By order of W. M. MARTETTE ROBINSON. MARTHA. WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. 14, O. K. S. I Officers and members request d to attend funeral of brother ym u. s. cowers at uunninj s, I Eaat 6tii and Akier. 3 P. M. Br order W. 1 BSLTJS RTGHMOOTD. Sec COLUMBIA RKBEKAH LODGE NO. 8, I. O. O. F. Regular meeting will be held this itiaturd&y) evening at 04 11th st.. cor. Burns. de. Short business session, followed by a social eve ning. fi.ebeM.ans and friends cordially In vited. VERA RANEY, G. AXXA I. Q3VOL.D. Secretary. UTOPIA SOCIAL CLUB dance and card party this evening, February 4, Unnea hall. 686 Irving street. Good prizes. Black's orchestra. Depot -Morrison car. Admission 60c, including refreshments. UTOPIA REBEKAH LODGE Members are requested xo attend the funeral of our late sister, Mrs. Savannah Daily, at the Highland Baptist church. East Sixth and Alberta streets. Saturday, at 2 P. M. DIED. LONG In this c!ty, February S, John C. P. Long, aged 61 years, beloved brother of W. A. Long, C. D., Mrs. J. J. Spiess and Mrs. C. H. Dixson and Mrs. Marga ret Bartlett, all of Portland, and Mrs. J. W. Ingrain -of Reardam, Wash., also survived by 3 children, all of North Yakima. Wash. Funeral notice later. Remains at the residential parlors of, Miiier A- Tracey. . PERAXZI-At the residence, 423 East 6th t., February 3, .Baby oira peranzi, aged 13 months, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peranzi. Funeral notice later. Remains at the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. BAIRD Feb. 3, at the late residence, 415 iemn sc., Jiary xsaira, agea m yrunt, mother of Mrs. E. L. French of Port land. The remains are at Finley's mor tuary. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. KITTNER At the residence, Prescott street. February 3. Francis J, h.ittner, aged 33 years. Funeral notice later. Re mains at the residential parlors of Mill er & Tracy. EASTMAN At the residence. 645H First street, February 3. Frank Eastman, aged 69 yeara Funeral notice later. Re mains at the residential parlors of Mill er & Tracey. ROSENCRAXTZ At her late residence. 6ti4 First street, Diana Rose nc rant a, agea 4 years. Notice of funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICES. WATTS Francis A. Watts, aged 75 years. a t thA fa ri i I v hnmA 44 .Iffprson street. Husband of Emma G. Watts, father of Mrs Linnte M. Lak n and lawrence ti. Watts, residing In Tennessee. Member of Oregon lodge No. 301, A. F. & A. M., and Rose City camn No. 11. W. O. w. The funeral services will take place at the conservatory chapel of the East Sido Funeral Directors, 414 .fc-ast Aiaer st., under the auspices of the Eastern Star, at 2 P. M. today (Saturday). Feb. 4. Friends invited. Concluding service at the Portland crematorium. BENEFIEL At tha home of her daugh ter. 4703 TOth st, S. E., Feb. 2. .Mary Caroline Beneflel, wife of the late V m, H. Benefiel. Mother of Mrs. Nicholas Snrins-er. sister of Mrs. Mary E. Miller, Hugh O. and Wm. R. Worthington. Member of the Artisans fraternity, in funeral services will take place at the conservatory chape! of the East Fide Funeral directors. 414 E. Alder St.. at 4 P. M. today Sa.turday, Feb. 4. Friends Invited. Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery. PARKER At Reliance, Tiriamoofe county, Oreeon. Jan. SI. Robert D. marker, aged 47 years 2 months 11 day a De ceased Is survived by a widow, Mrs. Alice M. Parker, and two sons, also one brother in Washington. D. C. Funeral services will be held today (Saturday) at 10:30 A. M. at the chapel of the Skewes Undertaking Co., under the auspices of the Knights of Pythias. Friends and members of the K. of P. In vl ted to aitend. Interment Vancou ver, Wash. BOWERS Daniel Bowers, aged 72 years. at til; residence. fc. Tavior at., r eo. 1. Husband of Orvilla Boweis. father of Mrs. Edith Avery and Curtis Bowers, all of this city; brother of Mrs. Jennie Bunker of Coeur d Alene. Idaho. Mem ber of Washington lodge, A. F. and A. M. The funeral services will take place at the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral directors. 414 E. Aldr St., t 2 P. M todav (Saturday. Feb. 4. Friends invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. PAUL Harold Paul, aged 22 years, in this city. Feb. 2. Huwoand or Pauline Paul, father of Mary Alien Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will lam Paul. Veteran of the late world mar. The funeral services will take place from the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral direc tors. 414 E. AMer St., at 11 A. M. today (Saturday). Feb. 4. Friends invited. Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery. Services at the cemetery under the auspice's of the American Legion. CHRTSTTANSOX February 2. H22. at St. Vincent s hospital, Mien eienna trnrie tianson. aged 32 years beloved wife of Theodore Christiansen, of 1130 East Twentieth street North, beloved mother of Carl Theodore and Helen Viola Chris t fan son. Funeral services will be con ducted Saturday. February 4. 3J22. at 2 P. M.. from Pearson Undertaking par lors. Russell st Union avenue. Friends Invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. BLANCHET Tn this ctty, Feb. 2. Olive B'.anchet, aged 5o years, beloved wire of Omer Bianchet. Funeral will be held from the residential funeral parlors of Dunning A Cain, Morrison st. at 12th, Monday, Feb. 6, at 8 A M., thence to St. Peter's church. Lents, where requiem mass will be offered at 9 A. M. Friends Invited to attend. Interment St. Jo seph's cemetery. RFDOrCK Funeral services for the late John Marion Keddick. who passed away February 2. 1922. at the family residence. 1167 Wilbur street, will be conducted Saturday, February 4. 1922. 11 A. M., at Pearson Undertaking parlors, Russell street st Union avenue. Friends invit ed. Remains will be forwarded Sunday to Clatskanie, Or., for final services and interment. HAYMER At the residence. 88 East 76th st. N.. February 2. Robert S. Hayner. aged 3 months 18 days, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Hayner. late of Ilwaro, Wash,, brother of. Laren and Theodore Gray. Funeral services will be held Monday. February 6, at 1 P. M. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Inter ment Rose City cemetery. ANDERSON The funeral service for the late Augusta K.. Anderson of ftSl East 19th st. N. will be held today (Saturday) at 2 P. M. at the Grace Memorial church. East 17th and Weidler streets Friends invited. Concluding service Port land crematorium. J. P. Finley $on, directors. MURPHY 10010 Foster road. Feb. 2 , Ar thur Floyd Murphy, age 5 months, in fant eon of Marion and Huda Murphy. Funeral services will be conducted todav, Feb. 4. at 2 P. M.. at the residence. In terment ML Scott Park cemetery. A. D. Kenworthy A "o.. directors OS02-04 &2d 1 st.. S. K.. in Lents. SANDERS The funeral services of the late Barbara Sander, who died in this cstv Feb. 1. 1!22, will be held toda (Saturday) at 2 P. M. from the chapel cf the Skewes Undertak !ng Co.. cornet Third and Clay. Friends invited. In terment Rose City cemetery. , WTEST The funeral service for the late Francfs Wiest of 40 Grand ave. Sout n will be held Monday. Fb. at 10:80 A. M. at Finley's mortuary, Montgomerv at Fifth. Friends invited. Concluding service Portland crematorium mauso leum. McGOURTT The funeral cortege of the late Charles McGourty will leave the chapel of Miller A Tracey Saturday. Feoruary 4. at 8:4. A. M.. thence to St. Mary's pro-cathedral. ITith and Davis sts.. where mss will be offered at 9 A. M. Interment Ml Calvary cemetery. NElSON The funeral service for the late Amos Nelson of 4410 4th st. S. E. will be held today (Saturday) at 2:30 P. M. at Finley's mortuary. Montgomery at Sth, Friends invited. Concluding service Riv er view cemetery. WEEK LT The remains of thr late Mary Weekly of .Ht7 Yamhill st. will be for warded this (Saturday) morning bv J. P. Finiey A Sn to Fossil. Or., whera service wiU be feeid and interment mads, j der W. M. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms? professional men, manu facturers, .repair men, etc, classified for ready reference. Information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling Main 7070, House 40. ArrorTA-TS. PORTLAND CALCULATING BUREAU. T-'l Corbett Bide. Main 1249. KXPEKT COMPTOMETER SERVICE. Operators with machines furnished for Inventory caicuiation, statistical work, to fill temporary vacancies, or for any .special work in figures. RAPID. CONFIDENTIAL. ACCURATE. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, suditor. income tax service. Concord Mdg.. Jd and Stark. Pbone Bdwy. 7443. ASS.WfcRS AMI ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second street. Gold, silver, platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. E. W. EASTMAN, lawyer, 5ii Chamber of Commerce building. AITO STORAGE, CHEAP auto storage, . house Co., 525 Alder. Western Ware- BATHS, ETC. DR. McMAHOX'S baths. Portland; steam, showers, plunges, tubs, all fojr 35c; tell your friends. Fourth at Washington. t'AKTKT SWFKI'KKS. BISEL carpet sweeper repairman, "au thorized by company." 5."3 Morrison. CKLXI'LOID BITTONS. THE IKWIX-HOUSON COMPANY. yg7 Washington, Bdwy. 434. Tabor 1254. CHIKOPRACT1C. DR. McMAHON (Median), Portland; 12th year. Seven post-graduate research courses. Rates: Extended time, 31 ad justments. t!5, restori ng health. CHIROPODISTS. WILLIAM, Estelie, Florelio and Dewane De Veny, the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists In city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg., southwest cor. Second and Alder streets. Mam 1301. DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles sci entifically corrected; lady assistant. 512 Morgan bldg. Main 8762. COLLECTIONS. N'ETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1796. No collections, no charges. Estab. 1100. DENTISTRY. DR. B. E. WRIGHT Third Floor Raleigh Bldg. Corner Sixth and Washington Sts. Broadway 7219. Automatic 2119. nCWTKTDY K- -A- w. KEEXE U till 101 ll ! xo After Effects Without Pain, 851 Washington st. X-Ray Work Above Majestic Theater. FUNERAL NOTICES. DAILfiTY The funeral services for the late Savannah I. Dailey of aoo Wasco street will be held today (Saturday) at 2 P. M. at the Highland Baptlst church, East Sixth and Alberta sts. Friends invited. Concluding service Mt. Scott cemetery. J. P. Finley & Son, directors. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES tor funerais, weddings, shopping. Jones Auto Livery. Mar. 114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. PORTLAND CREMATORIUM IAXO MAUSOLEUM fUQMi SELL. 967. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between 20th and 21st streets, west side. Lady assistant. Broadway 2611. Automatic 518-44. DUNNING & CAIN FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 445 Morrison Street. West Side. Phones Broadway 430. Automatic 545-58. HOLM AN & SON (Founded 18M). FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon Sts. Main 507. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home, 16th and Everett streets. Phones Broadway 2133. Auto. 531-S3. SN00K & .WHEALD0N Funeral Directors. Belmont at 35th. Tabor 1258. EAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS (F. S. DUNNING, INC.) The Family Sets the Price." 414 E. Alder Phone iast o-- Auto, z-n-i'a. FINLEY'S MORTUARY MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. MA IX 9. LERCH, UNDERTAKER. East Eleventh and Hawthornfe. Phone East 781. i n 7FI I CD Pfl 692 Mliaras Ave. Hi Hi tl.LLl.ll UUif Phone East 1088. A. D. KE.VWORIHI & CO.. R04 l2d gt., Lents. Auto. 618-21. PVCUItO UNDERTAKING CO., OrXllLO Third and Clay. Main 4152. TT.ORISTS. LARGEST RETAIL FLORIST IV rORTLASb. S?X Morrison St. Portland Hotel. Pbone Marshall 153. MARTIN & FORBES COMPANY 354 Washington St. Main 269 Fine Roses and Orchids a Spec laity. Flowers for All Occasions Artis tlcally Arranged. Tonseth Floral Co. Finest Floral Arrangements for Funerals 287 IVasbinKton, Het. 4th and St Sts. Phone Broadway 4527. PIXWERS rOH ALL, OCCASIONS Main 4737 Hi WiB Mease Ton." TAMHIIX at TENTH. Smiths Flower Shop Portland's Prorressive Florists. We spe cialize in funeral designs. 141 Sixth, opposite Meier & Frank's. Main 21o. And Floral Designs. 25 Hothouses. Xo Branch Stores. 25 Years on Morrison, street. between 4th and 5 th. Main 77tm. ROSE WAY FLOWER SHOP, E. 41ST AND SANDY BLVD. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. WE DELIVER. PHONE US. J. T. JAl'XCEY. TABOR 746. NOB HILL FLORISTS. (Estate Alfred Burkhardt.) E. Cor. 23d and Glisan. Main 13M. Mt'TME'T3. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS.- fid 4th St., .pp. City Hall. XEr BROS. OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS QUALITY MEMORIALS E. THIRD .PtNE STSl PHONE E. 743 OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 1 courthouse. Phone Main S78 from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. The society has full charge of the citv pound at its home. 635 Columbia boulevard. Pbone any time. Wood lawn 784. Dogs for sale. Horse am bulance for sick or disabled horses, ferriair animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary and stray animals cared for. All dead aniiuaia. cowa, hor&ea. elo oicjLed. UA . . MFC. AXI BEPATRrN'O. ROSS & CO.. DIAMOND SETTERS. S1U MOHAWK BLDG., 3D AND MORRISON. KXHTLNti WORKS. WE MAKE sweaters and wool stockings to order, 1597 Peninsula ave., near Lorn- . bard. Ml SIC TEACHERS. L. CARROLL DAY, teacher of piano and voice. Broadway 2f55. 148 13th St. ( OPTOMETRISTS. Out of the High-Rent District. Save Money on Your. Glasses. 25 years' experience ; most modern and complete equipment at your service. Consult us free. Thousands of satisfied patrons. Dr. Samuel Goodman, associate optometrist. Main 2124. . w r-J-t Morrison St Bet. P WHY PAY MORE? ift.31as8es -In gold - filled frames 5faVrfitted toyour. eyes, $2.50, double - vision glasses at 10 w prv;. satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. E. Hurwitx, optometrist, 225 First st. Main 451. rR P.RnRr.R RiiRv s T F,IM veteran op tician; eyes tested, glasses fitted, broken lenses duplicated promptly; very reason able prices. 226 Morrison Bt. Main 566L PATENT ATTORNEY. R. C WRIGHT, registered patent attorney 25 years. if invention reany vaiuaDie, see practicing lawyer. 601 Dekum bldg. PIPE REPAIRING. PIPES REPAIRED BY Experts. Pipe Shop, 272 Washington St. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A- PHILLIPS. Kroadwav buildine, stomach, bowels, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate and female disorders. without, operation. PRINTERS. DDiklTINO F- W. BALTES & COMPANY I Hill I lflUt?t and Oak. Bdwy. 7165: 511-65. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisan St. Broadwajyl281. DRAYAGE. STORAGE. Four Warehouses on Terminal Tracks. VETERINARY. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. East 7th and Grant sts. Both phonea Day and night service; 3 veterinariana UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS A 394, 423, 389, 367. B 383, 333, 388, 155. 381, 414. C 216, 3SI3. 380, 316. 15. 385, 380. SS7, 395, 3S1, 392, 126, 402. t) 356, 303, 382, 45, 389, 205, 483. 393, 377, 33ti. 403, 407. E 389; 388, 444. 400. F306. 112. 388. 384. 3S1. G 118, 387, 19, 390, 396, 381, 300v 393, 397. 363, 395, 383, 421, W3. H 422, 394, 38, 396. 231. J 430, 383, 355. K 426. 3SI7. 307. 377. 386- Ii 432, 281, 381, 432, 382, 284, 3S8, 24S, 390, 264, 3(7, 3O0. M 212. 386. 397. 393. 395. 467. 367. O 392, 4, 393. 307. 308, 239. 409. 400, 388, 394, 432. p 3to, 360, 394. 449, 369, 382, 425, 389. 433. J& 444, 393, aV V, 3&, OW4, 3U1, dU, dud, OOO, 376 S77 '809. 397. 390. 386. 395. S 409. 389, 399. 393, 392. 152, 388, 384, 367, 284, 302, 382, 407. 449. V 353. 413, 384. 401, 395, 186. 380. W 2M5, 4, 3, 369. 368. 365, 383, 398. 394, 930, 360, 870, 384, 398. X 397, 409, 940, 403, 395. 400, 327, 38i 202, 268, 384, 273. 212. 351, 364. 354, 393, 389, 382, 398. T 378, 375, 382, 383. 380, 394, 393, 373, 368, 398. 400. 391. 31. AB 399, 397. 379. 378, 395, 380. 389. 392. 370 , 394. AC 237, 293. 340, 390. 339. 3S4, 387, 331, 380, 711, 342, 294. 393, 392, 379. AE 384, 397. AF 381. 384, 3S7, 383, 391. AG 3S6, 390, 383. 393, 382. 378, 396, 381, 314. 143, 368. AH 3S9, 392, 393, 398. 380, 381, 385, 378, 382. A.T 400. 381. 395. 292. 376. 143. 366. AJ 201. 20, 359. 395, 394. 390. 378, 379. Mil. 373. AT. 397. AM 412, 414, 360, 389. 385, 299, 361, 382, 381. 349. AN 375, 3S0, 390, 383, 422, 393, 383, 388. AO 388, 357, 385. 386. 378, 380. 383, 389. 397. AP (00, 391, 393. 399. 397, 377. 23. 305, 369. 390. 387. 383. AB 382. 391. 378. 309, 380, 399, 383. 397, 3B6. BC 384, 381, 294 . 385 , 306. 382,' 400, 389, 392, 298. 358, 394. 387. 288. 289, 308. 360, 383. BO 383, 421. 397. 385. 395, 367, 391. 388. 396, 384. BF 376, 393, 384, 37, 385. 349. , I BJ 387, 381. 376. 422, 386. 344, 388. 390, 240. 379. 3S2. 387. 380. 290. Above answers will be destroyed if not caiiea ror wicnin o days. NEW TODAY. KORTHWESRUG CO. FLUFF HUGS Oldest and beat equipped factory In the northwest. Made out of your old worn-out carpets and rugs. Save half the price of a new rug. Use woolea clothing. Dxl2 RUGS STliAM CLEANED SI. SO. Bast 3580. 188 Uaat Elsath. The Improved 9 200 Built to Endure." The Improved construction makes a REDIMADE a better, more substantial building at no greater cost to you. They are the best built sectional building on the Pacific coast. First-class Houses. Garages for Less. Erected in Portland Practical to ship. Redimade Bids- Co, Portland. Or. E. 11th and Mar Iter- Phone EL 5114. I 1 STORAGE SPACE Centrally Located on Tract We can move and store your goods in a fine sprinklred building. HAIXIXG, PACKING, STORAGE CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 454 Glisan St. Bdwy. 3470. FRESH EGGS FOR LESS YOIX CAN BUY SPEER'S WILLAMETTE VALLEY FRESH GRADED EGGS LA GRANDE CREAMERY CO, Portland's Selling; Agents Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOAMS. C Sifted States Bank; Buildlns Phone your want ads to The Ore Ionian. Main 7070. Automatic 560-95. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. $L2,500, WORTH $15,000; modern. 4 flats. 4 rooms each besides- baths, sleeping porches, built-ins, laundry trays, full cement basement, individual heating plants. Al building on Albina ave. near Killings worth, ha if cash, easy terms R. H. Sharlnghousen. owner. Bdwy. 7478. INVESTMENT Income paying apartment and store building, west side, central lo cation; $15,000 to $20,000 will handle. Will net 14 to 16 per cent above taxes anil insurance. Balance on terms. Ad drps A 417. Oregonian. TWO-FAMILY flat, income $75 per mo. A bargain for half casUu Phone Wdln, 5L REAL ESTATE. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. SMALL rooming house, west side. Pries $850. Broadway 6241. For Sale Beach Property. BEACH FRONTAGE 64 acres 6 miles north of Seaside. Lies west of a fresh water lake, with 2100" feet . of ocean frontage. This would be Ideal for a beach resort. One mile from Columbia River highway and railroad station; $80 per acre. H cash, balance easy. Write Box 412. Seaside. Oregon. For Sale Lots. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. COME OUT SUNDAY. To 605 Fremont, between B. 15th st. N. and E. 16th st. N. from 11 A. M.. un til 6 P. M. and select that lot for y.our new home. We have only a few left at these remarkably low prices and terms. JNear school, Irvington car and new city park, surrounded by new homes. $750 UP FOR INSIDH. $1000 UP FOR CORNERS. $100 cash, $10 monthly, paving, side walks, curbs and sewer in and .paid. JOHXSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 378T. IRVINGTON" CORNER LOT -&210O. 50x100. S. W. cor. 20th and -Siskiyou; paving paid; best home en vironment; 2d mtg. privilege given. J. W. CROSSLEY. Main 5073. SEE LOTS. 33 D A-N'D HOLMAX. Alberta car. Cement walks. Some with electricity, gas, sewer. Kennedy school. y2b0 up. Build small hornet $4 monthly. Roger W. Cary, 1219 3. W. Bank bldg, . ROSS CITY LOT Two lots on 51st St.. near Tillamook.sEverytbing in and paid. $1000 each. RUMMELL & RUMMBLL, 274 STARK ST. RESIDENCE building lot, 50x100, located on West Aiberta, on paved st.; lot free from all liens; $775 cash. J 428, Ore- gonian. TWO LOTS, NEAR ALAMEDA Two lota on Alameda Drive in Rose City district, size 125x100; a bargain if sold at once. Phone Bdwy. 4288. $250 TAKES 50x100 on 74th. 100 ft. S. Broadway, 1. facing; cement walks paid. Tabor 6441. AT SEASIDE Beautiful $800. Tabor 1543. lot near ocean. LOT 5xlX in Laurelhurst, $675; paved st. Small payment down. Owner. Tabor 2189. For Sale Houses. linn nnwrj. $1150 total; 1 acre, small house, chick en nouse, water, gas, eiec J250 DOWN. $1550 total; 4 lots, good 4 -room plas tered house, outbuilding, xruiu 2Rft DOWN. $1550 total; 4 rooms and bath: lot 80x100; email fruit. 1400 DOWN. $1950 total; 6-room modern, large lot. furnished or unfurnished. m isftft DOWN. $2500 total; 4-room, modern, with floored attic, cement basement, cement Fflra btr. rinse in : furnished or unfur nished; at foreclosure cost if taken at once. . GORDON MORTGAGE CO., 631 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6370. CLASST Alameda home, very at tractive modern house,, hardwoods floors throughout, all woodwork . throughout house quartered oak; hot water heat, also automatic hot water heater; garage; every thing the very best. Price $7000. Will consider taking In smaller home' property as part payment. J. W. CROSSLEY, Better Types of Homes. Main 5073. SEVEN CENTS CARFARE. JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS. 4 rooms and bath, electricity, sewer connections, large lot, 50x210 ft. Best of garden soil, 14 fruit trees, grapes and berries. A good buy. $1975, $300 cash, $25 per mo. J.- L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chaxnoer of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. SOLID VALUE. Five-room bungalow. paved streets good neighborhood, near Mt. Tabor school: all built-ins, neat and modern exceDt furnace : full cement basement. large unfinished attic, garden spot, ber ries; two blocks to car and stores. $3800, on reasonable terms. Owner, 1569 East Everett. Tabor 2447. SEE THIS $300 DOWN ONLY $1650. Dandy 4-room bungalow, bath, toilet, gas, elecricity, 2 blocks to car. MARSH & McCABE CO., ' 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Bdwy. 652S. Evenings. Tabor. 142. NEW ENGLAND COLONIAL. Moderate priced, cottage type (34x32) with dormers and red roof; a new type to Portland and very, very appealing ; compact, convenient, economic, complete to every detail; unique in many; splen did location. 801 E. 24th N. 300 ft. to Broadway car line at Regents drive. Open from, 10 A, M. to 9 P. M, Call evenings. Auto. 515-78. D. M. DRAKE, Constructor-Owner. IRVINGTON. See 530 East 17th st. N. If you are in the market for a good home. Central entrance, large rooms, best eastern oas. floors throughout, 2 fireplaces, 2 bath rooms, instantaneous water heater, four large bedrooms, full lot and garage; for mer price $12,000, now $10,50o, easy terms. East 419. ROSE CITY. $T000 BELOW MARKET. Beautiful strictly modern 8-rm.- bun galow with 2 fine bathrooms, fine lawn and roses and garage with cement run way. If you see this you will buy it. Shown only by appointment. $1500 cash and liberal terms. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 50f-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 6042. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS. $350 cash, $25 monthly, buys a large, well-built 5-room bungalow, Dutch kitch en, full basement, .splendid garage with concrete foundation, large holly trees, 6 or 7 assorted bearing fruit trees, chick en yard, chicken house and run, 2 blocks from Woodlawn ear. Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. $3840 $789 CASH. Attractive 6-room bungalow, block to Sandy, at 680 E. 61st N.; fireplace, 3 nice bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, furnace, paved steet. A bargain. Let us show you this at once. R. SOMERVILLE, Bdwy. 2478. 320 U. S. Nat. Bank BTdg. FOR SALE. Attractive, new, 4-room bun pa low; hardwood flotfra, fireplace. Dutch kitchen breakfast nook, and full basement; price '$3600; open for inspection 2 to S; sub stantial payment down, balance easy terms. 1268 Omaha ave. Owner. 271 13th st., cor. Jefferson. MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS. $3850 very attactive new California bungalow, 4 nice rooms and a sleeping porch. Hdw. floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. Furnace and garage. Pretty and distinctive. Close to MV car. Any reasonable terms. R. SOMERVILLE, Bdwy. .2478. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residence or sny building, assist in financing same; 12 years' continuous and complete building service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, contract in g ahitectaIWBankbLdg ROSE CITY BARGAIN. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. $.12o0 Attractive 5-room bungalow with hot-water furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, full cement basement, floored attic R. SOMERVILLE, Bdwy. 2478. 5 ROOMS $187.i 5 ROOMS. $250 CASH 250. Owner moved away and property must be disposed of. Yes. all st. improvements in and paid ; go to 736 Minnesota ave., -see for yourself; house is -vacant, move right in. Phone East 34S4. LAURELHURST COLONIAL. Seven rooms, folly complete in every detail; if you are looking for something up to date come and inspect this at 1016 East Couch st. Open afternoons. T. B. WinshiP- Auto. 312-24. FOR QUICK SALE 3-room house; fin ished outside, but not completely fin ished inside; on lot 100x100; rich soil, ready for gardening; street assessments . in and paid for; $350 will handle. Ap ply 6330 E. 4th St., Woodstock car. WOODBURN." For sale A 7-room house, on corner of 3d and Garfield. Wdodburn, Or. Phone Tabor. I960, or write owner, 361 Glenn ave.. Portland. Or. A BARGAIN -Must be sold. 6-room house 2 blocks from Mt Tabor car line, 50x100 ft- lot, 50 strawberry plants, young fruit trPes; $1600. $250 down and $15 per month. Call Frank. Bdwy. 6808.' 3-ROOM furnished house for sale; new; good district; paved street; reasonable. Tabor SUftfV BY OWNER, modern 7-room Kenton home, near car and school: terms. East 6747. 5-ROOM modern house, $2500, $300 down, balance terms. Phone 227-16, FEAT, ESTATE. For bale Houses. "WONDERFUL BUT. $4500. $500 cash, balance fc suit yon; fine nearly new modern bungalow, very large living room; in fact, all rooms are of good size ; price includes nei shades, curtains and drapes, new gas range and hot-water heater, new gas furnace, laundry trays, linoleom, full cement basement; on good hard street (paid), only 25 minutes out on best carl i no in cityM and, opposite new city park (a very valuable consideration). )wner on premises 10 A. M. to 5 P. 3fc.. Marshall 746 mornings and evenings. M.-V. cars, 120 E. S2d N. at Glisan, . furnished irvington home. $1000 cash:. Leaving city and 'must sell fine 7 room home, completely furnished with overstuffed mahogany furniture, has hardwood floors, furnace and is a weil built, modern place with garage; beauti ful 50x100-foot lot in the best. part of Irvington. Will take $1000 down and the balance in monthly payments to re liable parties. For appointment to see It, phone East 4991. WE HAVE a number of good light cars. Through these cars we may save you a considerable sum of money on the purchase of a home or lot which you may contemplate buying. We will finance the purchase of any property for you on long time paper in order to dispose of our cars on your purchase and will al low you a rebate on the price obtained on the cars. Pacific Finance Co. 20 Pittock blk. $300 DOWN. WALKING 'DISTANCE. San Rafael st., neat, clean, 6-room plastered' cottage, reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen and pantry. Two large bedrooms and bath, concrete basement. Within 2 blocks to four car lines and easy walking distance to heart of city. If you are paying rent, you can't afford to turn this down. Full price only $2700, $300 down, balance $25 month. Let us show you. CITY HOMES DEPT. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors. 01-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MUST SELL 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, LOT 5 Ox 100; ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN AND PAID; HARDWOOD FLOORS, FIRE PLACE, FURNACE, SLEEPING PORCH; SELL FURNITURE COMPLETE, IN CLUDING ELECTRIC WASHER, RADI AN TFI RE, PIANO. 4 BEDROOMS COMPLETELY FURNISHED. A GOOD HOME FOR LESS THAN WORTH ; $6000 UNFURNISHED, $7500 FUR NISHED. (OWNER, 404 E. 44TH ST. N. TABOR 6704. IRVINGTON. ON COR. PRICE $7500. Beautiful 7-roora bungalow-style house with all the latest built-ins and every modern convenience; Gasco furnace; also good garage. All enamel and ivory finish throughout, $2500 cash and liberal terms - on balance. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 6042. . STAR SALES SERVICE. - SSloO FURNISHED $3150. A dandy 5-room semi-bungalow, com pletely furnished with built-in Dutch kitchen, cement basement and on a full 50x100 lot; fruit, shrubbery and berries on place, lours lor jiuiw casn. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV CO., 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. Broadway 5618, $3800 FURNISHED COMPLETE. A R-room house with full basement, Washtrays, some built-ins; 50x100 lot. Corner. House is furnished with prac tically new furniture. For immediate sale $3800, with $500 down. (Soldier's loan can apply on tnis. 1 RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 STARK STV SACRIFICE SALE. 39th st., near Sunnyside car; modern R-ronm house, full cement basement. pipeless furnace, fireplace ; 4 bedrooms and sewing room;,extra lavatory; corner lot; garage; streets paved and paid ; owner moving oul wiunn ou ua-ya .u u must sell. ir rice $ouuu. mr. liucius, East 4991. ROSE CTTY Furnished In mahogany and black walnut, 5-room bunga low, strictly modern. House and furniture $8000, $5500 cash. 501 - East 47th st. N. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. S dandy rooms, full attic, very inod ern, close to the Sandy, east front; pries $tJ000. See me at once. Mr. Derr. DERR & POWNDER, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 2245- IRVINGTON HOME, JUST COMPLETED. 5 rooms, old ivory finish, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, tile bath, stand lavatory vjtrolite drain board, large at tin and hasftment. all street work in and paid Price $6750, terms. Discount for y cash. Owner, East 6933. IRVINGTON. $10,000, WORTH $15,000. Lovely 8-room home, very large liv ing room and dining room, 4 lovely bed rooms and sleeping porch; double ga rage; corner property; beautiful grounds; small payment down; easy terms. Bdwy. 42S8 or East 6407. ROSE ,CITY PARK BEAUTY, 7 rooms, modern in every respect; house on 2 lots, 125-ft. frontage; beau tiful shrubbery; the price is right and terms easy. See this before you buy. Broadway 42S8. " FOR QUICK SALE 3 room house; fin ished outside, but not completely fin ished inside; on lot 100x100; rich soil, ready for gardening; street assessments in and paid for; $350 will handle. Ap ply 6 to S:30; E. 49th st., Woodstock car. . ROSE CITY PARK, modern 5-room bunga low and attic; nam wood rioors, nre place, large plate-glass window, builtin buffet, Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook, cement basement and all- assess ments paid; $4500, $500 down. 740 East 63d street North. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. Four lovely rooms, bath, breakfast nook, enameled throughout; oak floors, best plumbing; shades, swell electric fix tures; garage; fruit and roses; $3200; terms. 1005 E. 30th st. N. $300 WILL HAN D LE. 9 -room house arranged for two fam ilies; some furniture included; no incum brance; price $2200; payments like reni HENRY W. GODDARD, Realtor. 243 Stark s Bdwy. 7S3l. -ROOM cottage, corner lot, 50x100 ; 15 minutes ride on Oregon electric, inside city limits, 2 blocks from school, 3 blocks to car, water and gas. For $700, $235 cash. Call at 389 Wash, st. A SPLENDID HOME CHEAP. 5-room semi-modern, poultry houses, garage, 3 fine lots, assorted fruit, ber ries; $4000, terms. See this today. A. 6Z3-K. 6-ROOM furnished, payed st., cement base ment, irayo, 4HJi.ii., uctti vjja.uai.oiie ; good house, good fur. ; $3500, $500 down, balance easy. Owner, East . 3225. LEAVING Portland, will sell attractive Portland neiguia uume, Linee uearooms, sleeping porch, large living room, sun rooms. Buy direct from owner. Main 956. 1 CHEAP, BY OWNER. S. W. corner Front and Sherman, 100x 106, with 2 houses. Inquire 634 4th st. Main 6186. ' WILL sell my equity in beautiful 4-room modern oungaiuw iuu pari vl lurmture at a sacrifice for quick sale. Call Wood lawn Jl4D. HAWTHORNE. 5-room bungalow, white enamel fin ish, hardwood floors; garage; a snap at the price; easy terms. Bdwy. 4288. HOUSE PLANS, 100 designs, $10 to $15. or SDeCiauy uwigncu a-- i ca,auuUlH ISO. L. R, BAILEY CO., 924 N. W Bank Bldg. 4-ROOM house and bath, bargain, $1600; iraprovemeuia m paiu. v iier, o Failing st. Call in morning or phone C H. Gardner, East 3532. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Nearly new, ruuui, Daiiiruom, sleep ing porch, cement basement, good fur-q7a- S3400. BROOKE. Main 4342. OWN YOUR own home; we build at reas- 505 ARTISANS BLDG. Opposite Benson Hotel. MY $6500 modern home, quick bale, will fair. 4900. S800 down, balance contract. This is a splendid bargain. Tabor 6493. BEFORE you buy a house ask to see our listing, it is most complete. 609 Cham ber of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 4288. $'900 MODERN 4-room bungalow, nearly new or will trade equity for lot in Jonesmore. 280 E. 97th, N. S480 EQUITY in $2000 5-room bungalow; sell for $200 cash. Fred V. Spear. 552C 65th st. Auto. t?j-i. , "PORTLAND HEIGHT3 EXCLUSIVELY. Houses, lots and tracts. AH locations and prices. BROOKE. Main 4342. pad CUE T V nWVITD . FOR .SALE. BY OWNER. 5-R. BUNGALOW, modern; cash or terms; fine condition 542 Rex Sellwood. IF YOU are looking for a Dargaln in a 6 room Sunnyside home, call Tabor 8310, or call n- XL.asz o.un- si. -500 MODERN 6-room house, first-class condition: terms. Sellwood 503. $3000 MODERN 6-room house, good con dition: terms. Sellwood 503. BY OWNER 5-room Glenn ave. N. FOR SALE Small house, Sandy assessments paid. Tabor 292. RFAL FSTATK. For Sale Houses. SATURDAY SPECIALS. SEE FRANK L. McGUlRH To Buy Your Home. AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SLLF7R, 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sale. If necessary we'll help you make your flown payment. Service men; BUY YOl'R HOME THROUGH OUR OFFfCE. We have hundreds of homes upon which you CAN APPLY YOUR BONUS. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY. Open Sunday and evenings until 0. 60 salesmen with autos. REAL HAWTHORNE BARGAIN". $4190 Unusually HOMEUKE, warmly constructed six-room bungalow type home, with every modern convenience, bullt-ins, cheery fireplace, 3 larire bedrooms with roomy closets. Radio fumeless gas heating system (don't bother with . wood); NEWLY RENOVATED, paved street. A WONPERFUL BUY. Last Madison street. TWO HOUSES FOR ONE. BIG ALBERTA SPECIAL 44190 IN THE HEART OF ALBERTA, the cosy home district; 2 houses on one nice corner lot; large house has 6 rooms, bath, very convenience; other has 8 rooms, !astered, neat and substantial. 1VE IN ONE, LIVE OFF THE' OTHER. EAST 17th st- WEST SIDE, $500 DOWN. $3150 COSY WEST SIDE COTTAG15 HOME, a few minutes walking distance from business center; JUST COMPLETELY RENO VATED, in, spic and span condi tion; lots of built-ins; Dutch kitchen, bath, electricity, gas, ' gas floor heaters. Market St. SERVICE MEN'S HOME. $2690 EASY TERMS TO SERVICE MEN. Pretty 5-room modern bungalow with breakfast nook, built-ins. bath, 2 bedrooms and large attic, 120x120, close to oar. 6-d avenue. WABASH PARK. $2030 $500 down; axtistic a-troom bun galow with furnace, bullt-ins. white enamel plumbing, electric ity, gas, full basement. Wabash, avenue. MT. SCOTT9 BIGGEST. $2495 SNAP ! SNAP 1 SNAP I A real star bargain. We'll show you to day; 6-room neat and comfort able home with every conven ience, white enamel bath, elec tricity, gas, 3 light, airy bed rooms, close to car. 65th ave. "A BEAR OF A BUY." $1025 E ASY TE RMS. Snu 4-room j bungalow cottage with built-in buffet and white enamel Dutch kitchen, bath, white enamel plumbing, gas, chicken house, ga- rage. Foster road. COME IS TODAY. . SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO Buy Your Home, - REALTOR. Ablngton Bldg. Broadway 717L Third St., bet. Washington and Stark. There is an opening on our sales fore for a live, high-class salesman with car. NEW BUNGALOWS FOR SALE. East 20th and Pine, 5 rooms, attic, garage, furnace, tile bath, hardwood floors throughout. 50x100 lot. Price $6350. 1244 East Broadway, a well-arranged bungalow with attic; breakfast nook, hardwood floors throughout. Price $5250. t 730 East 30th North, 5-room, .attic; g'arage, furnace, breakfast nook; every thing right up to the minute. Price $6000. 56th and Klickitat, Rose City, modern in every way. Price $5650. GEORGE E. WELLER, 226 Cham, of Com. Bldg., Broadway 5231. Auto. 317-44. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Very attractive modern 7 -room .house, fine view, big living and dining room, hardwood floors, fireplace, large inclosed view porch, four fine bedrooms and bath, furnace, full cement base ment, 50x100 lot; price $7500; will consider exchange for well-improved suburban acre convenient to trolley. J. W. CROSSLEY, MAIN 5073. A ROSE CITY SACRIFICE. $3300. Owner has just arranged purchase of larger residence and must sell his neat 5-room bungalow in order to meet pay ment or lose heavily. Fireplace and concrete basement. On paved St., 1 y blocks Sandy blvd.. East 60th Bt. Don't fall to take .advantage of this splendid opportunity- Terms. CITY HOMES DEPT. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MENNEFEE RESIDENCE. 958 FAIRVIEW BOULEVARD, ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. Tou people who have looked at this wonderful place, as any othtr person in terested in a home of this class, come in and make an offer; best offer gets it; owner will be here for the next few days; sell on easy terms at 6 per cent interest. See Frank Mahoney. with COFJ A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Bdwy. 7522. SOLID value in this B-room bungalow; paved street, near Mt. Tabor school, good neighborhood, 2 blocks to car and stores; all built-ins, neat and thoroughly mod ern except furnace; full cement base ment, large unfinished attic; price $.'1S00 on reasonable terms. Owner, 1569 East verett. Tabor 2447. NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE. Five rooms, breaktast nook, attic, large enough for 2 rooms with tile floor, built in medicine and linen closet; kitchen has linoleum on floor; hardwood floors throughout ; furnace ; garage, tile fire place; good grade of light fixtures and window shades; 50x100 lot at 707 East Pine, near 20th ; for appointment call Bdwy. 5231 or Auto. 317-44. If you have cash L will make you attractive price. Open between- 2 and 4. HEALTH DEMANDS SACRIFICE. IT'S AX ILL WIND THAT BLOWS NO ONE GOOD. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. NOT NEW, BUT A GOOD HOUSE. FOUR BEDROOMS AND TWO BATHS, FIREPLACE AND FURNACE; FULL, BASEMENT; FRACTIONAL LOT. BE TWEEN HOYT. AND GLISAN f WALK ING DISTANCE. MAR. 16S4. MRS. BERRY. ONLY $4250 New, just being completed. tnis modern i-room oungaiow, aoutue constructed, hardwood floors, has the modern built-ins, full cement plastered basement, on a full 50x100 corner lot. We want a good lot to build on and . some cash for first payment. The bal ance can be arranged to suit you. Phone Woodlawn 6652. $3500 WITH $350 DOWN. A 4-room bungalow with good base ment, laundry trays. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, etc. -Vacant and in fine con dition. U'Ull lot. IKVIKO'IUN rAKK. 1I3 TRICT, $350 down, balance like rent. It's a real buy. Folks investigate. RUMMELL & RUMMELL, , 274 STARK' ST. ' BEAUTIFUL, substantial modern 7-room home with garage, all in perfect condi tion, for sale by owner;' finished in ivory , and mahogany; four bedrooms, hard ; wood floors, fireplace, furnace; furnished in mahogany, walnut and vetour; for sale furnished, $7000; without furniture, $6000, terms. 610 E. 3Sth st. North. ALAMEDA PARK DISTRICT. New, cosy 4-room bungalow, 2 large bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, nook, fire place, furnace, ivory finish throughout. Plenty of windows, faces east. -Price $3750, small payment, down and easy terms. House at 957 E. 34th St. N. Call Pilkington. Bdwy. 5433. ROSE CITY PARK. New 5-room bungalow, oak floor, fur nace, fixtures and shades. pavd r-uut, block to car; price $450O Phi owner, Tabor 528. $1000, $200 DOWN, $14 per month. Buy from owner, cozy 5-room bungalow; ce- ment basement, bath and sunporch; &ox 100 lot. Inquire at store on 52d st., at 74th ave., S, E. ' f Cmall residence.) WEST SI DE, Nob Hill, 9 rooms, full lot, furnace, fire place and garage, ivory enamel, oak floors, good income; a fine home; $7100. Broadway 3093. FOR SALE Houseboat, 3 bedrooms, din ing and drawing room: large covered sieeping porch; hardwood floors; beauti ful finish. Days, Bdwy. 6S63; evenings. Sell. 2659. LOOKING for a home ? Will build you one to suit. Easy terms. Nice, level lot 60x100; block1 from car. Phone . 2009 OWN ER muat sacrifice furnish od i-room bungalow, near Union-ave. ca..; $&0C0, $ r, 0 cash. 423 Sumner street. 3-ROOM bungalow, bath, toilet, clothes closet, furnished or unfurnished ; rea.- SOnabie- iiy owner, yyuin wn oj. 5-ROOM house and lot; old barn can be made into garage, $1500; take good building lot, part or an. Mam FRED G. LAWSON CO., 001 McKay bldg. Farm and houses to sell with bonus loan flcrrnterl: bargains. Bdwy. 7429. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY Lots, tracts and houses. All locations and prices. BROOKE, Main 4342. 5-ROOM "bungalow. $3500; take bonus; 2 blocks to car. Bdwy. 742Q. Bdwy. 4794. $2500 MODERN 6-rom house, first-cia condition; terms, fiellwood C03.