TIIE MOliXIXG OIIEGONIAX, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1923 U fl i". i FOR THE COMMUNITY CHEST DO YOUR PART QUICKLY, CHEERFULLY, GENEROUSLY MUCH DEPENDS ON YOUR SUPPORT New Tilings for Spring Are Ready in Advance Displays The showings are wonderfully interesting and varied for so early in the season and have this pleasing thing in common a new lower price plane. Patrons are cordially invited to view them. They have our assurance that styles are author itative. ' ' - Z This Is Oregon Products Week at Meier & Frank's The products of 200 Oregon manufacturers, some of whom in turn produce several lines of goods, are the subjects of special displays in our windows and in many departments. . Numerous working-exhibits show stages in actual manufacturing processes. the Quality Storb of Portland Here Again The Sale That Is Distinctively Meier & FrankForemost in Value, Quality, Helpfulness ESTABLISHED 1657 - S2 ai i . 8: Meier Frank 1669tfa Friday Suirpr ise Out They Go! 125 High Grade Suits Buy them not for what they were many of them several times this price but for what they are and that is suits of finely serviceable character priced far below pres ent worth. Plain or fancy, with fur or self trim ming, exhibiting refinements that dis criminating women and misses demand Of-decidedly the better fabrics in blues, browns, Jblack, tans and other colors. Women's and Misses' Suits, While They Last, $25 Meier & Frank's: Fashion Salons. Fourth Floor. Women's Pure Silk Hose Surprise sate of women's pure1 thread silk stockings with fancy embroidered patterns in fronts some have embroidered clocks. Black, cordovan, gray and navy. Fiber Silk Hose 55c A large assortment of women's heavy weight fiber silk stock ings, some with elastic ribbed tops. Black and cordovan. All sizes. Seconds of the regular $1 grade. Meier ft Frank': Main Floor. Women's Cotton Union Suits . 75c Medium weight fleeced cotton union suits, nearly all in high neck, long sleeved, ankle length style. Some of the famous Munsing union suits (seconds) in the lot. Cotton and Lisle Vests 25c Women's cotton and lisle vests in medium and light weights. Bodice top and built-up shoulder styles. Regular and extra sizes. Meier Frank's: Main Floar. Sale of Women's Gloves Pair 69c Surprise clearaway of odds and ends women's kid, cape and sueded lambskin gloves. Some are slightly soiled from han dling. Black, white, beaver, mode, gray, tan and cream. Not all sizes in each kind. Meier A Frank's: Main Floor. Just in by Express New Silk Blouses $465 About normal present wholesale price and less for 300 brand-new overblouses and tuck-in waists. Developed of georgette crepe and crepe de chine. Shown in brown, navy, mohawk, bisque, yellowstone, gray, scarlet, black, jade, taupe, flesh and white. Embroidered, beaded and hemstitched models with long and short sleeves. Some collarless effects. All sizes 36 to 44. ' ' 3 of the styles are illustrated. Come early for best selection. Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. Friday Surprise Sale Women's High Shoes Pumps and Oxfords $0.69 Less than half price while lots last. t Short lines taken from regular stock and priced at $2.69 for clears way. In the sale are patent pumps, kid pumps, high shoes,, oxfords and small lots of party slippers. Nearly all sizes but only a few. sizes in each kind. No phone orders, C O. D.'s or exchanges, no mail orders. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. SURPRISES Marshmallows Lb. Box 29c 2000 pounds large square vanilla marshmallows made in our own candy factory of pure sugar, Ore gon honey, egg white, gelatine and corn syrup and toasted in flaky macaroon cocoanut. Packed in pound boxes. No deliveries. Main and Ninth Floors, Basement Balcony. Silver Polish Can 22c Regularly priced 30c can. Well known "Shinon" silver polish un excelled for cleaning silver, gold and glassware. Meier & Frank's? Main Floor. Handbags $1.95 Regularly priced $3.50 to $6.50. A special lot of leather, suede, velvet and duvetyn handbags in black and colors. Fitted with coin purse and mirror. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. Stationery , Box 43c Regularly 60c box. Rose Petal long fold box paper in white and tints. 24 sheets paper and 24 en velopes in box. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. Flouncing Yd. 69c Regularly 98c yard. 200 yards of 36-inch white voile dress flouncing prettily embroidered in silk floss designs maize, rose, pink, blue, nile and black. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. New Girdles $1.29-81.49 Regularly priced $1.75 and $2 each. Attractive new beaded gir dles for wear with spring frocks. These may be had in. black, iris and changeable colors. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. Kerchiefs 49c Regularly 75c each. Men's plain white pure linen handkerchiefs with quarter-inch, hemstitched Jjems. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. Corsets $3.95 Regularly priced $5.25 to $7.75 each. 150 Nemo corsets slightly shop-worn and soiled from han dling. Nearly all sizes. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. White Outing Yd. 17c 2 to 7 -yard lengths white Amoskeag outing flannel, 36 inches wide. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. Neckwear 25c Regularly priced 39c to 50c each. Lace, organdy and net trimmed collars and collar and cuff sets. Also silk boudoir caps effectively trimmed with lace. . Meier & Frank's: Main Floor: Needlework 25c A large collection of needlework stamped for embroidery. Includ ed are centers, laundry bags, aprons, scarfs, luncheon squares, etc., etc. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. Remnants Regularly 50c to $2 now 25c to $1 each. 500 linen remnants suit able for use in all kinds of fancy needlework. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. Knit Coats $12.50 Regularly priced $25. Just half price for a-limited number wom en's knitted jersey coats with de tachable sleeves. Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor. Blankets Ea.$1.95 Regularly priced $2.75 each. Neat plaid single -cotton blankets in various colors with bound edges. Size 66x84 inches. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. Blankets Pr.$3.75 Regularly priced $5 pair. Good weight soft finish double blankets in plaid effects. Size 66x80 inches. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. Blankets $5.95 Seconds of our regular $7.50 pair value. Double size 4-pound all wool blankets in plaid patterns. Size 66x80 inches. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. Baskets 59c Regularly priced 75c. ' Durable willow shopping baskets 13 inches long, 10 inches wide and 6 inches high. Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor. Hair Switches $3.93 Regularly priced at $5. Depend able quality hair switches made on 3 separate stems. 24 inches long. Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor. Transformations 15,000 Pairs of Men's SOX . . : . Sa le in 1, 2 and 3 Pair Lots . Onyx 10-strand thread silksox at 47c pair! And that's only one of the four outstand ing values in this 47c sale. Whether it's service or style you look for first there's hosiery here for you at generous savings. 3000 Pairs of Onyx Silk Sox ......... Ten-strand pure thread silk sox with mercerized lisle tops, double reinforced toes, heels and soles. Black, cordovan, navy and gray. Sizes 9 to 11.. Were 65c. 1200 Pairs of Pure Wool Sox ........ Famous "Weber" pure wool steam shrunken medium heavy weight sox regularly priced at 75c pai. Black and natural only. Sizes 9 to 12. ' Pair- 47c Pair 47c 4200 Pairs of Fine Mercerized Sox . . Honest Jarico" 220-needle full mercerized cotton sox with double soles, heels and toes. Black, cor dovan, navy and gray. Sizes 9 to 11. Were 35c pair. 6000 Pairs of Good Durable Sox ..... Fine quality "Puncture Proof" cotton sox that are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Double toes and heels. Black, cordovan, gray, navy, white. All sizes. Were 20c 2 Pairs 47c 3 Pairs 47c These Surprise Values Are for Friday Surprise Only Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. . $2.98 All around the head size water-wave transformations in a good assortment of shades. Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor. Hair Nets Doz. 55c Cap and fringe shape human hair nets. Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor. Play Suits 79c Regularly priced $1.25. Good weight khaki play suits in roll collar, long sleeves, button front style. Sizes 1 to 8 years.. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. 700 Pieces 'of "Wilwear" Bathroom Supplies A most unusual Friday Surprise sale of the well known "Wilwear" bathroom supplies. All Willwear articles are nickel plated over brass. In the as sortment are: , Combination Tumbler and Tooth Brush Holders. 5xl8-inch Glass Shelves and Brackets. 24 and 30-inch Towel Bars. 18 and 24-inch Glass Towel Bars. Tumbler Holders. Wall Soap Dishes. Faucet Soap Dishes. Soap Stands. Bath Tub Soap Dishes. Special Note No more than one piece of each kind to a customer. Meier & Frank's: Basement. $2 All-Wool French Serge $249 Fine quality 44-inch all wool French serge suitable for dresses, waists, blouses, skirts and suits. Perfect weave and finish. , Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. Odd Pairs of Curtains 100 odd one-pair lots of voile, marquisette, lace and net cur tains at half price and less than half price while any remain. Pair special $1 to $10. Meier & Frank's: Seventh Floor. Friday Surprise Sale i 50 Wardrobe Trunks 33 Made in Portland by the Multnomah Trunk and Bag Co. Serviceable 3-pfly veneered wardrobe trunks in open-top style. Complete with nine hang ers, two pockets, laundry bag and large drawers. Brass-plated hardware. Buy one of these good ward robe trunks at a big saving for Friday Surprise. Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor. Friday Surprise Sale of Large Pabcolin Rugs Limited number of large size pabcolin rugs suitable for kitch ens and dinirfg rooms. Can be cleaned with soap and water. Some of the nigs are slightly im perfect and are sold as seconds. . 9x9-ft. rugs, $4.95. The 9x10 ft. rugs, $6.95. The 9xl2-ft. rugs, $7.95. Chenille Bath Rugs Y2 Exactly SO washable chenille bath rugs in light shades of gray, rose and pink. $2 rugs, 18x36 inches, $1. The $4 rugs, 24x56 inches, $2. The $5 rugs, 30x60 inches, $2.50. The $6 rugs, 36x60 inches, $3. Meier & Frank's: Seventh Floor. Dangler Oil Heaters A .49 Regularly $7.25. Black japanned oil heaters that stand 25 inches. Circular wick, central draft, mica in front. Limited number. Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor. Regular $2 Hot Water Bottles $1 Half price for two-quart seam less hot water" bottles guaran teed for two years. $1.25 infants seamless hot water bottles, guaranteed two years, 79. 35c Vivomint tooth paste and a 25c tooth brush, both for 25. 15c Armour's Bath Soaj, rose, witch hazel and buttermilk, doz. $1.29. Meier & Frank : Main Floor. J