THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXI VX, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1923 The Portland Plant ft I if tUncm. for your ABOVE IS A REPRODUCTION of the "Silent P. C. B. Demonstrator" youll meet in most grocery stores.. The attractive P. C. B. girl, offering you real samples of delightful cookies and crackers, typifies the immacu late P. C. B. baking plants, where girls in spotless uniforms help bake the matchless P. C. B. creations. cDon't ask for crackers, SnowFlmis Snow Flakes come first in the P. C. B. line. Snow Flakes are the thin, dainty soda crackers with the baked-just-right crispness. Buy Snow Flakes in the red package or bulk. - enjoymeiit IN OUR great, spotless, daylight bakeries with our exclusively-owned, time-tested recipes we bake every P. Q. B. food to the exact point of fullest flavor. No wonder they taste so good! And for your enjoyment we keep them fresh and crisp. Our system of great baking plants located at points of logical demand in the West insures unmatched speed in distribution knowledge of local markets and needs and the shortest, quick est route between factory and table. P. C. B. crackers and cookies are as varied and inviting as the courses of a well-ordered meal some divertingly light and dainty some simple and substantial all delicious. You discover in them fragrance and flavor that stir grate ful memories of childhood adventures in appetite. Mel low confections of chocolate, shredded cocoanut baked in mealy wafers, crunchy macaroons to be nibbled appre ciativelycertainly these are delightful temptations for dainty appetites! And you also find crisp, wholesome crackers of soda and graham rcomplete satisfaction for lusty hunger! All of these products we make individually rich and appe tizing for your 'enjoyment. Carefully we choose the highest quality of Western flours. Conscientiously we test every additional ingredient for utmost purity. You can have P. C. B. enjoyment any time anywhere. There's a P. C. B. brand for every occasion. Fitting for the dinner or buffet 'lunch satisfying in the out-of-doors or between meals at home. Handy for your pantry shelves as near as your grocer's. They're real enjoyment! Memorize this end label it appears on every P. C. B. package, so you can identify all P, C. B. products. 1 t, X i -" '.' Jt, r - I . srl Eh il't a tali AX SEATTLE SACRAMENTO SPOKANE PORTLAND LOS - - ANGELES 100.0 13 r SAN FRANCISCO "V"