THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1922 2t HIGHERW0DLPR1CES JUiE NOT FOLLOWED Good Market Fails to Reflect Strength in West. r&wa, making th total stocks on hand January- 1, 121, l,l&!.$$3 tona. com parr a -ritli 375.111 tona oa the same date In the preceding year. Butt Withdrawn Fran Btoeaffew Local .Horace holding of butter were reduced 4459 pounds in the past wee it. The official report of storage holdings of dairy and poui try products at Portland com pares with, a week ago and a year ago as follows: This wk. wk, Last yr, Butter. ,. . C h-ese. lba. . Kgrs. ca . i'uUitry, loa. IS 241 . .. &U.7V4 l-'7 18 ' 81.7 132.5V1 SEVERAL LINES ARE LOWER Mill Disposed to Hold Price Down as Long as Tbej Have Wools in Hand. The opening of the wool goods eeasoa disclosed lower trend of goods prices. aorwlthstanding the strength of the mar ket for the raw material. At ths formal opening ?or fall by the largest manufacturer la the east, prices showed some reductions, aotably oa some of the staple worsteds, where price con cessions ranging from To to 12Ho a yard were noted. On some of the wool oioaklngs and heary woolen dress goods price concessions were particularly notice able. On many lines no changes were made, and the failure to advancs prices vss accepted ss aa ad mi sot on that reduc tions were conceded. Tbs raw wool markets havt been rising o steadily of lata all orcr Lhe world that it was expected In many quarters that ad vancea In prices could not be avoided. SHini to have been decided that the new prices on a somewhat lower level sha-I continue so long as thers la -wool In hand Co fill orders, Mill agents were asking for hiit her prices, and the change Is rec ognized as an acknowledgment of the ne cessity for attractive prices it mill orders are to be ftlrauisted. Buyers of wool- dress goods snd cloak In operated more promptly than others Some of the fine overcoating fabrics were also ordered freely on the f:rst few days. Less attention was given to the cheaper overcoating, and all-wool goods attracted mors buyers, as a rule, than worsted fabrics. The volume of Idle machinery In wool goods centers has been increasing In the past few weeks. The restriction of trade Is due to the unsatisfactory prices asked for made-up goods. This is a condition re sulting from high costs of production In cutting houses, and a movement Is now under way to se if these costs cannot be reduced before the fall maktng-up season starts. Iairy Produce Exports De-cone. Total ex nor La of dairv nroducts. etc., from the United States in 1921 and IDl'i are reported by th bureau of markets as follows: Butter, rbe. . . Oleomargarine, ChwK, lbs. . . Eggs, do. ... . 8 419.737 . g,3nt.U41 .33.4i7.7 17.47.733 3 6 M7 74 24S.&4. 1,772 Baak Clearings. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday wers as follows : Ciearlnrs. Balances. Portland $4,713 OTa S V2A.7A3 Seattle A,323,C&3 1.143.L:3 Ticomi transactions 2(k.t!2 Spokane tranaacTinns 4,2"J3,748 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain. Floor. Feed, Etc. Merchants Exchange, noon seion: BOND PRICES ADVANCING VICTOUY NOTES SELL AT XEW HIGH RECORDS. ?n so 23.00 24. SO 24.1:5 2l 00 2d.50 24. SO 24.25 Tlj( . Fb. Mar. Hard whits $1 134 1 13H Soft white 1 1US l l')1 White c:ub l.ios 1.104 Hard winter 1124 1.12 Northern spring l.M J.u Rd Waila LutiSs i.U Oats No. 2 whits feed.... No 2 gray Barley Brewinr Standard feed Corn- No. JET shtoment. No. SET shipment. r"LOtR Family patents, $7 2 per bbl.: t I whole wheat, 40; graham, lJ 20; bakers ents. .: valley soft wheat, 3 05; straights - 15.43. MILLFEED Pries f. o. b mill: Mill run, top lots. 122: mixed csrs. S21; strsight cars 20 per ton ; middlings, $34; rolled barley. S34t36: rolled oaia. S3t; scratch feed. (44 per ton. CORN White. 132; cracked, 3o per ton HAT Buying price f. o. Portland: Alfa:ia. $13.50 per ton; cheat, tlOOOUll; oat and vetch. $14.5'n clover. $11; valley timothy, $14615; eastern Oregon timothy. nai7. hMALL CROPS IN' EASTERN EUROPE Kouroanian Outlook Is for Half of Last Tear's Yield. Cab'.lng on crott conditions abroad. Broomfield said: In the center, west and south of Europe weather Is seasonable and considerable snowfall haa been experienced in part a Koumante From present Indications it la beiifved the next wheat crop will be about ha:f that of 1U21. BuicarU This country will most likely nave a small outturn of wheat, as autumn oowtnra have been short. North AfricaCrop prospects can be do scribed a fair. Argentina l n new crop or corn la pro gressing favorably. Farmers are offering their old crop epsring:y and the prices Bold reiativeiy firm. Tho 1V21 wheat harvest of Greater Roq manla. which now comprises the old king dom of Roumsnla, Transylvania, Bessara bia and Bukowina, amounted to 7d.9SO.000 bushels from . 1 49.000 a ere a. according to a cable received from the representative of the United State department of agrt cluiuro In southeastern Europe. This amount U only a tittis mors than ha:f the pre-war five-year average of 174.OOw.O00 buahe.a for these territories. The requirements for food and seed during tho present yesr are estimated at approximately bushels. This would leavo aa exportable surplus of leas than 10.0V0.900 buahe.a. which is less than one-fifth f the amount formerly exported from old Roumsnla alone. During the five years 19s-1913 tho annual wheat exports of old Roumsnla, which had less than fcaif of ths wheat area now contained In new Roumania, averaged &S.370.OO0 bushels. 1TRMER FEELING IN WHEAT TRADE Rids Aro Half Cent Higher oa All Grades at Eachauage, There was a firmer feeling la ths wheat market yesterday and hither prices were bid. A moderate amount of business was reported done. Offers at the exchange were advanced half a cent on ail gradea. The on.y export business reported from the east was in Manitoba. The Liverpool market Cuiaed VU fa she r Th Pries Current says: "The wintering condition of wheat Is reported largely javoraoie la Indiana. Illinois god. MUscurl. with considerable territory report ins un favorable. Th reports from Ohio. Ne braska. Kansas and Oklahoma aro largely unravorao.e. B. W. Snow says: "It is worth notins- that oneo more storm conditions In ths oathwost dxy belt have passed over with out bringing any moist ur relief. The period tor spring winds) will soon be feer and with a dry soil and feeble plant the outlook is disquieting ' Terminal receipts, la cars, were reported by ths Merchants Kxchsng ss follows: Portland Wheat Uar Fir Oats Hay WeJnptir ,V... 8 ii Tear ao 53 . . . 4 30 Bc-a.-n to date. . .2102-3 14 jsw 612 UH-i 1 ear ago ...... 1U..'7 la 32 T j liJtf Tuesday Tear ago .. Bf'n to date Tear ago 4. Siratt !e i!n'jidjr . . Tear as . . Season to dale Tear ago .. Hairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras. 33c per lb.; parchment wrapped. box lots. 41c; cartons. 42e. Butterfst, buying prices: No 1 Rrsde. 37c. delivered Portland. EOGS Buying price. 278; 28c. case count; jobbing prices, case count. SOQSlc; candled ranch, 33$ 34c; association, se lects. 30c; association, firsts, 34c; associa tion pu!!ets, 32c. CHEESE Tillamook triplets, price t jobbers, f. o. b. Tillamook, 26c; Young America. 27c pound. POULTRY Hens. 13f?24c; springs. 22c; ducks 22tf-'8c;- geese, 20c; turkeys, live, nominal ; dressed. 4"c. PORK Fsncy. 12913c per pound. VEAL Fancy. 174xl74c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. Tocl jobbing quotations: FRUITS Navel oranges, $4.754?6.50 box; lemons. $77.30; grapefruit, $77.&0 box; bananas. 8 9c per pound; apples, $1.35 & 3 per box; cranberries, eastern. $18 pr bar rel. POTATOES Oregon. $1.RO0 1.7ft per 100 pounds. Yakima. $1.762.23 per 1U0 pounds; sweet potitoen. &W03o per pound: Nancy Hall, $20 per crate. ONIONS YeUow, $77.&0 per 100 pounds. VEGETABLES Cnbbace. S4e per pound; lettuce, 93.7S4f4.30 crate; carrots, $2 2 50 sack: garlic, 15c per pound; green peppers, 4550c per pound; beets, $2 2.50 per ssck; celery. $7 508 30 per crate; cauliflower. $2 9 223 per crate; squash. 4c; sprouts. 20c; turnips, $2 per sack: para nips. $2..t04y3 per sack; tomatoes, $5.50 per lug; artichokes, $1852 per dozen. Liberty Issues Also Gain New Seine Seven Ter Cents Are ' Sold by Subscription. NEW YORK. Feb. 1. The stock mar ker today resumed its dull and uneven course, various specialties establishing highest prices for tno current movement, wnile standard shares wers dull and ir regular. Any tendency toward general bulllleh operations was discouraged by ths money market. Call loans opened st $ per cent, but advanced to t per cent at midday as a result of heavy February payments. Activities of pools centered in such Is sues as American Ice. Gulf States SteeL United Fruit,. Electric Storage Battery, Davison Chemical, Remington Typewriter, Kresa-e, Kayaer. Central Leather. Hide A Leather preferred, and Endicott-Johnson at extreme gains of 2 to 5 points. United States Steel was unresponsive to the adverse financial statement for the final quarter of lifZl and most kindred is sues were equally apathetic. Coppers and local tractions helped to steady the mar- , ket In the final dealings. -Further cuts announced by automobile manufacturers. occasioned moderate selling of that group and Sears-Roebuck becam heavy following tho publication of January statement. Sales were 4OO.OU0 chares. British exchange continued upward, d mand bills rising to $4.28, tho btat price in over two years. All allied exchanges were better, as were also the Dutch and other north European remittances, but German marks sagged. In th bond market the trend was t ward higher levels, victory 3s and 44 making new records at $lo0.30 and $100.3 respectively. Liberties also moved forward, but other domestic Issues were hesitan Announcement was meule of the sale by subscription 01 me recent issue or tne ae panment of the Seine (France) 7 per cent goia tonos. Total sales, par value, aggre gated ai4.3td.uvu. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATION'S. (Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke com pany 01 Portland. ) 4 mm 1 8 7. .V (it lOOft IrtJ 5; t.-M 47 044 7 t04 n 1 1 3 4 1 .0.' K-0 134 2il lieo 3 47 IJ i0;4 Fgg Prtcoa Drpead oa Heather. Tho egg market was abois) steady yes terday. There was only a fair demand to take care of the modera: receipts. The course of the market in the next few days wtli depend on weather conditions. butter prices were unchanged, but the market was unsettled. pou.try continued slew and dressed meats were firm. country Record Cosmo aaptisa of 8ogmr. Accord: ng to The American Sugar Bulle tin, consumption of sugar in the United Mates in 121 amounted to 4,264,773 tons, a new h:gh record and an increase of 208.-s-31 tons over that of the previous year. The carryover Into 1921. owing to the large crop of 120. was very large, consisting ot 7u ot0 tons of American beet sugar. 113, M3 tons of Louisiana suvsr and 319.350 tons of refined sucrar made from foreign Staple- Grocofie. Lrcnl Jobbing quotations: SUGAR (ssck basin) Cane, granulated. 0. hk? pouna; oeet, o mc per pouno. NUTS Walnuts, new crop. 23 36c per peanuTs, 11 4 14c per pound. RICO Blue Rse, 61sj7e per pound japan sine, nc per pouna. COFFEE Roasted, buik. In drums. 180 so-NC per pouna. SALT Granulated, bales. $3 20Q4.KS osii (frouna, ton. ws. i 1 : iuus. sis HOXBI Comb, new crop. $5.504? 6 per case. i'Hipn FRUITS Dates, 18&23c per pound, flsr. $14063.50 per box: artleL ioc pouna; peacnes, lo; apricots. 23C prune, luuftisc. BEANS Small white. 6c: large white. lad pink, 6c; bayo. JSc; red, 6c Hideo, Hops, Etc. HIDES Salt hides. 5tr6c: salt bulls. 449 3c; green burls lc less; salt calf, 12c: salt km. 7c: salt horse hides, $12 each; dry norse nines, noctrsi each: dry hides. 9c dry cull hides, half price. rLT Lry pens. 1 Off 13c flonr wool: dry short wool pelts, hsif price; salt pelt. 30c 9 $1 ooch; dry goat skins, $10 (long hair); shearings and abort wool skins at value. TALLOW No, 1. 4Hc; No. 2, SHe per pound. C A SCAR A BARK 8c pound delivered. ron ;anu. HOI'S 1921 crop. 184x20c rer ioand. WOOL Eastern Oregon, 15 Q 30440 per MuH AIR Long staplo, 20c; short staple. 100 pouno. Provisions, Local jobbing quotations: HAMS All sixes. 2Wtf33c; skinned. 26 panics, i"c; conase roil. 24c. BACON Fancy. 326; 42c; choice, LARD Pure, tierces, 14c pound; com pressed, tierces. 13c. tRY SALT Backs, lff2lo; plates. 15c Oils. LINSEED OTT- Raw, in barrels. 95c, 0-gaiHm cans si.10; polled, in barrels 97c, -(i.)on cans si z. TURPENTINE In drumo, $1.13; fi-g- on cans, ii.ju. WHITS LEAD 100-pound kegs. 2m per pouna. GASOLINE Tank wagons and Iron bar ren. 2c; cases. 3Hc. QUOTATIONS ON DAIRY PRODUCTS Choi MORE MEATS Receipt Still LlE-ht. Market Verj t" 1 m. TM1 H THE TIME TO SELL Chtcia by Keturn MaiL Write for TK THE StllNAR f l r, 1 Krl Sliwl, Port la Or. ABE IOr LOOKIM! rON A DE-l-t0(BI.E 1'Huril fK DEALtMf (nil Rmrt.r fork (kKH l-oallry . I t(, Amy lmSmrt A.k f.r limit M. ( a . .. prtfirt aa I anaraia f.r klavker prkwa, HlBk at CU. it Pmt f P.rtla.d. or. CmrrnJ Price. Kahnx .a Butter, ami Kvca. 8AV FRANTISOO. Frb. 1. Butter Ex. trail. 40c: prtm, fira, S5c. Extra, 8J",c: extra pulleta. Sic: Cbee i'alirornla flat rancr. 26c: youna America fancy. 2ftc NEW TORK. Feb. 1. Butter unsettled: creamery bisber than fitrta Si'(3iSc: creamery eaLraa, 3tf38Hc; firata. 332 ftrm weak: freah lathered extra flrat. 41ti4e: flr.ta. a4Ur. Oheeae ateady: receipla T7S: state whali millc flat, t r-ah apeclala OOic; do. average, IVSe CHICAGO. Feb. 1. Putter, unrhanc-il. Frfti. lower, receipt, 'ko caea: fr.h ftrata, 3HWI7Stic; ordinary first.. S3&34 cents; miscellaneoua. 33Uc: refriarerator SEATTLE. Feb, 1. Eiri and butter, un. chanced. Metal Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 1. Copper Heady: electrolytic apot .ad nearby, 13S914c; fu turea, 1J t 14c Tin easier: epot and nearby 31.87c: fu ture.. 31. -6c. Iron, steady, unchanged. . Iad. steady: apot. 4 70 4 900. Zinc quiet: East Su Ioula deliver, idol .SAc. nttmony. .pot. 4.4!lc. N aval Store. SAVANNAH. Ga. Feb. 1. Turpentin, firm. HI Vc: aalea 63 barrels: receipts, 3. barrels, shipments. b37 barrel,; stock, 10, 21. barrels. Roam Firm: sales. Sr.9 casks: receipts. 601 casks: shipments, 1279 casks; stock. ti"X7 casks. Quote: B, D. K. F. O H, 14.H1: I. Hd2Stl lO; K. 4 53fi40: M. IJPSf?5 10; N-. I3.3oes.30; HU li-iio S.IS; WW. J.S j w Y.rk Suiar Market. NEW TURK. Feb. 1. Raw sugar, cen trifural. 3.73c; refuted, fin. granulated. VOO3.10c ' natea Unseed Market. PIXrTH. Feb. i. LJnseed on track and arrl r. iaic. - Cttoa Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 1. Spot cotton steady. Miauunc. ii-ios. Adams Exd . Adv Rum ... do pfd .... Ayr Chem do pld . Ajax Rubber.. Aiaka (lold . Aiask Juneau. Allied Chem.. Allis-Chal do pf d .... Am Beet Sug Am Bosch ... Am Can Co... do pfd .... Am Cr & Fdy do Did .... Am Cot OH... do old .... Am Ira; Synd Am Hide at L, do Did Am Ice Am Intl Corp Am Linseed . Am Loco .... do pfd . Am Saf Razor Am ship c Am Smelter . do pfd .... Am Steel Fdy Am Suftar ... do pfd .... Am Sumatra. Am T T... Am Tobacco. . do B ... Am Wool ... do pfd .... Am M P pfd. Am Zinc .... Anaconda .... Assd oil Atchison ..... do pld .... Atl Glf W I Baldwin I.oco Baldwin pfd . Baito at Ohio. do pfd .... Beth Stl "B". Booth Fish B R T Butte C 4 Z. Butte & Sup. Burns Bros. . Caddo Oil ... Calif Pscklns. fet .... do pfd .... Canadian Pac. Cen Leather . Corro de Pasc Ciiand Motor. Chgo N W. Chito Gt W.. do pfd .... Chill Cop .... Chino C M St P do pfd . . Coco Cola 7.. C A O Colo F 4 I. .. Colo Southern Col O A Eleo Col Graph ... Con Gas .... Cons CiRar. . do pfd .... Contl Can . . . Clt SVC Bkr. Com Prod . . do pfd .... Cosden OH .. C R I P. . . do "A" pfd do "B" pfd Crucible do pfd .... Cuba Can, .. do pfd .... Cub Am Sua; Del A Hudan Home Mine, . 1'el A Lack.. I'avlson Chm. Endicou Jn,n Erie do 1st pfd.. El Stor Btry. r'am Players. Fed M &S... do pfd .... FIek Tire ... Gaaton Wma. Gen Cis-ar, Gen F.iec ... Oen Motor .. Glen Alden . . t.en AsDhalt.. ioodrtch Goodyear .... Granby Ort Nor Ore. Grt Nor pfd. Greene Can... Gulf s Steel. . Houston Oil Hupp Motor . ins t:ent Inspiration .. Int A Cor cm do pfd .... Interboro .... do nfd Inter Callaho. Int Harv Int Mer lar. oo pfd . Int Nickel .. Int Paper ... Invinc OU .. .land OU i.. Jewel Tea . . . K C Southern do Df.i KeUy-Spstld . Kennecott Keystone Tlr. La-k Steel . . , Lee Tire Lehig-b Valley Loriliard Low. Theater. I. A N .Marland OH.. JIj'n A Parry May Stores. .. Mex Pet M .ami Mid State Ofl Mi.lvale Stenl M K A T "Wi" do pfd "WI" Mont Power.. Mont Ward... Mo Pac do pfd M St P A SjSX Nor Ami...., Nat Biscuit.. Nat Bnajnel.. Lead .... Nevada t"Vn . . New Havei.. Norfolk 4 W. Nor Pac Nova Sco Steel V T Air Bralc N" T Central.. Okla Prod rf Ontario Silv.r Ontario A W. Otis Steel..., Ifk; IW. . Pac a A Elec. Punta Aleerr. Pacific Oil... P.n t"ii Pt Sales. 100 100 5(i 2.4U0 "ino 300 ""560 3.200 300 Hifth. i2 S3 56 H 15?, 80 .17 Low. 32 33 5-) 14 57 V. 43 V, 8& b "33 "i 36S Close. 52 10H 32 V, 500 20V4 0 DUO 1.5O0 5.H00 200 00 14 H 63 40V, 511 200 103 V, 200 1.700 2"0 2U0 1.7O0 1O0 I.80O 1.500 "506 2.1O0 4O0 100 8', 41 V, 8SV, 31 65 91 V 29S, 117V, 129 12 104 27ii 14 61 82 40 Vi 31V, 103 8H 44 SSV, SO 64 Vi 91V 2S 117 129 80 V, 104 27 Vi 1.200 48)4 47V, 600 100 2O0 1.400 "Ho l',9o6 10,000 4t0 2. 6O0 400 2K 1.0O0 loo 2.000 1.400 2O0 1.1W 4u0 85V, 86 V, 25 93 V, "ii" 'eo'" 'iiii 5? 27 116V, II 69 V, 46 V, ii3H 82 V, 34 SS 62 V, 2300 llOO 7"0 900 3900 "266 " '300 900 I60O 1000 . t. . . 2W00 ' 300 3'K 20O IOD lOoO " 600 eo 000 "260 IrtO 870O 20i0 10O "iino 4100 "200 300 200 S60O UK) 57X loa 100 00 li.ino 1"0 300 17V. 27 18 31 25 hi es" 2Vi 91V, 53 'vi 102'vi si"" 31 86 71X 61 9H 21 t. 17V, 22 V4 11J co 1 144" 78 88 Vi 12 144 67 93 Vi etiv, 23 V. 84 '33 T4 '59 V4 "ioi, J sev, 115 11 69 Vi 48 Vi iiiv, si v, 83 V, 57 62 V. lVi 26 V. 18 30 43 25 2"i 90 53 loi'vi 33 31 S.l 71 58 "svi" 21 17 V, 22" 112 5!Vi 7S 8 140 " 76" 38 12 142 Vi 8 44 V, M 30 SI 72 io"" 73 18 300 100 I'M 38 Vi 2cO 5l0 1500 o(W t0 loo 500 8.oo 140 3fO 700 1000 200 S.IOO l.ouo "ioo IS KJ 80 o0t "in 1.31NI 2iwi sv. 36 2 8 82 15 68 3-' 49 14 2 SB 28 , 16 57 Vi 1A0 11 "is 31 103 . Ill 470 3.SOO 4.100 80t i'.ino 4' 2U0 "'ioo "300 L510 2 8m 21 ) LtMW 100 400 "ino 200 "iw 1N1 S.OtlO 2 I2V. 29 8 2S "ii 16 44 'it" "S7 91 14 1S 9S 77 73 2 "20 10 "i 86 43 M 31 72 is 12 10t 38 8 SA I! 67 12 47 13 2 96 27 16 57 I4 U 31 IO.I llov, 2v, 29 S 24 "is 1 44 "m S3 80 14 13 S 76 73 2 2 IO 64 So 57 44 89 34 84 37 93 143 11 19 42 5 14 62 96 40 01 103 113 8 46 88 SO 64 91. 2 11 133 12t 81 10S 26 13 48 99 83 86 23 95 10a 83 0, 60 7 11 -5 27 115 10 69 48 eo 122 32 33 5 62 , 6 14 1 i 1 30 43 65 25 38 6. 2 80 20 60 63 101 114 34 31 S3 71 GO pi 8 21 17 ,107 22 112 511 aoii 8 12 142 78 9 38 12 a 67 144 ' 8 44 6 36 10 7 SI ) 72 ! Z 72 73 12 8" 38 8 33 ev 8S H 67 12 4S , 13 11 22 63 36 2S 16 43 37 14S14 " 110 23 SI 106 111 36 11 29 J" 24 68 12 1 44 64 S3 ISO 37 90 14 13 98 76 23 67 74 2 4 20 10 l 5 45 do "B" 800 46 43 45 Penna l.Sta) S4 S3 33 Peo Gas & 68 - 6v Pere llarqueu 100 20 20 19 Pure Oil 0 33 33 S3 Phjilips Pete.. 20 19 20 2 Pierce Arrow. TOO lo 14 14 Pi tree OU IOO 9 9 8 Pitts Coal 59 Pitts 4 W Va. 6O0 23 23 23 do pfd 73 Pred Steel Car 63 Pullman 2.4(0 HO - IOO . 109 Ray Com SoO 14 14 14 Reading 7uo 72 71 71 Remington .. 3.8WO 32 31 32 Replogle Steel 4' HI 20 V, 2S 2s Rep I A S DUO 51 50 60 do pfd..... .. . .. ..... 83 Rep Motors... ..... ..... T Ryl Dutch Oil 1.500 4 8 47 47 Ry Steel Sp. 2 85 85 83 Saxon Motors. 3v0 2 2 2 Sears Roebuck 7,800 61 59 60 Shatluck, Aria 8 Shell TAT.. IOO 30 38 36 Sinclair 2.0OO in 19 19 Stand Oil Ind. 1.7O0 S3 84 85 Stand Oil N J IOO 174 Sioss Shef 39 Sou Pacific... 1.000 81 80 81 Sou Ry 300 IS 17 17 Mand Oil Cal. 900 93 93 93 StL&SF... IOO 21 21 21 Stromb Cart.. 400 37 37 37 Studebaker ... 13,300 89 87 88 Swift A Co 100 Tenn Cop&Cb, 300 10 10 10 Texas Oil 4.8O0 44 43 44 Texas Pacific. 14.4O0 28 27 28 Tex P C A O. 1.400 24 23 24 Tob Products. 7oO 62 62 62 Iran Cont Oil. SO0 9 9 9 Union Oil Del. 20O 18 18 18 I'nion Pac 1.200 127 126 128 United Alloy 28 United Drue.. 1.100 TO 68 69 United Fd Prd 5.400 5 3 5 United Fruit . 2.000 131 12S 130 Unit P.ds N J. 100 8 8 8 Union B A P 69 Un K-t Stores T.60O 63 52 53 U S Ind Alco. 6.800 44 43 44 U S Rub 3.5O0 63 53 63. do 1st pfd.. 100 99 99 99 U S Smelting 34 U S Steel 11,700 85 84 85 do pfd 500 117 116 116 Utah Copper.. 800 62 61 62 Va Chec SoO 29 29 29 do pfd 67 Vanad Steel.. 1,000 S3 82 33 Vlvandou 6 Wabash 6 do A pfd... ." 100 19 19 19 do B pfd 12 Wells Fargo 79 Western Pac. 500 14 14 14 do pfd 100 61 61 51 Western Union 2O0 91 . 91 91 West E A M-. 300 51 51 51 West Md 8 White Motors. 100 S8 38 87 Willys-Over .. 800 5 5 3 do pfd 211 Wilson Pack.. 300 31 81 31 Wise Central 23 Woolworth ... 800 146 145 144 Worth Pump.. 400 47 47 46 W A L E 2lK 6 6 6 White OU 1.500 8 7 8 Denmark 83 1945 108 Danish Mun 8s 1945 107 Dupont 7s ...1931 103 Grand Trunk 7s .....1940 110V, Goodrich 7s 1925 97 Goodyear Ss 1941 111 Gulf Oil 7s 1933 103 Great Northern 7s 193S 107 Hershey 7s 1930 99 Humble Oil 7s 1923 101 Int Hap Tr ref Ss 1968 64 do 7s 1921 85 Int Mar CT 6s 1941 92 Kelly Springfield 8s 1031 102 Kennecott 7s , 1930 102 Libby. alcN'eil 4 Libby 7s 11131 99 Morris A Co 73 t. ..1930 103 Mexican Pete 8s ............. .1936 99 1 v. can 13 .......... Norway 8s N P 4 O N Jnt) 6s. tr 03 BONDS. BOSTON-. Feb. 1. Closinir Quotations: Allouez 38 iNorth Butte ... 12 Arizona Com .. 8 Old Dominion .2a Cal 4 Ariz 58 lOsceola 34 Cal and Hecla.272 Qulncy 44 Centennial 12'Superior 2 C Ran Con Co. 43S 4 Bost Mm 11-1 E Butte J Un. 11 Shannon 1 Franklin Vtlftah Con US Isle Ryl (cop). 24Winona ....... 40 Mohawk 56 IWolverine 11 Liberty Bond Quotations. Liberty bond and victory bond quota tions at New York as furnished by Over- beck & Cooke company of Portland: Open. High. Low. Close. Liberty. 8a ... 95.26 S 5.70 95.20 9 3.60 do 1st t 96.40 do 2d 4s . 98 00 96.24 96.0O 96.20 do 1st 41 ... 96.34 96.76 88.34 86 70 do 2d 43 96.HO 98.46 9 6 00 9 6.42 do 3d 4Vs 97.16 97.50 97.14 97 46 do 4th 4V4s ... 98.16 96 54 96.16 96.50. Victory. 4s ...100.24 11X1.32 1 00.22 1 00.30 do 38 IOO. 26 100.30 100.28 1OO.30 New Tork Bond List. U.S. 2s, res; ..101 IN T C deb, 6s. P9K U.S. 2a, cou...101 Nor Pac ,4s... 84 U.S. 4s. reg. ..104'Nor Pac. 3s... 60 U.S. Cv "43 cou"104 P T 4 T. 5s.. 94 Pan 3s. reg 82!Penn, con, 4s 94 Pan 3a, cou... 82. Sou Pac cv,5s. 98 A T 4 T cv. 6s 110 Sou Ry. 6s 89 Atch a-en. 4s.. 88 union Pac. 4s. 1 V4 D 4 R con,. 4s 73U. S. Steel, 5s. 101 Bii. Swift C. Stocks. Closing prices for Swift 4 Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by the Overbeck 4 Cooke company of Portland as follows: Swift 4 Co 100 I.ihbv. McNeil A Llbbv 5 National Leather 20 Money", Sliver, Etc. NEW TORK. Feb. 1. Call money strong; high,-6 per cent; low, 6 per cent; ruling rate. 5 per cent: closing bid, 5 per cent; offered at 6 per cent: last loan. 6 per cent. Time loana firm; OO days, 4 tco per cent;'90 days, 4o per cent; six months, 4 to 5 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 4ajo per cent. Bar silver, foreign, 66c." Mexican dollars, 59 c. LONDON. Feb. 1. Bar silver. 35 d per ounce. Money. 2 per cent Discount rates,: Short bills, 3 .per cent; three-month.' bills, 3j3 9-16 per cent. Northwest Tel 7s Ohio C G 7s Ohio Power 7s ........ Pan Amer 7s .......... Penna 6s Rus Rubles 5s San Pauio 83 Southwt Tel "7s Swedish Govt 8s Standard Oil fo Cal 7s. Steel 4 Tube 7s Swiss 8s .............. Sears Roe 7s do 7s Sinclair 73 Swift & Co 7s Un Tank 7s ........... Uruguay Ext 6s ....... U S Rubber 7s Wilson 1st Ss West Elec 7s Westinghouse 7s ....... Zurich bs ' ...1930 ...1940 .. .1938 ...2(147 ..,1941 . . . 1925 ...11151 ...1930 ...1936 ...1926 ...1936 ...1925 . . .1939 ...1931 . . .1951 ...1940 .'..1922 ...1923 ...1925 ...1925 .. .1930 I!!l930 ...1928 ...1925 . ..1S31 ...1945 106 110 107 107 IMS 10 101 95 105 4 -100 101 96 105 98 114 100 93 99 IOO 102 66 105 84 104 105 103 Foreign Bonds. Foreign bond quotations furnished by uveroecK 4 uooke company of Portland: Bid. Ask Belgian rest 5s 69 71 d prem 53 75 78 do 7s. 1945 107 107 do 8s, 1941 ...105 105 uo 03, lHO ............. 90 95 41 Brazil 8s, 1941 103 103 British 5s, 1922 87 89 CO 192 87 89 do 1928 84 86 do VKy 4s 70 72 do ref 43 66 68 ooraeaux os. itM, 82 v 83 Canadian 5s, 1937 95 9i do 1928 97 97 do 68, 1929 88 99 do 5s. 1931 96 96 do 6s, 1927 96 97 Chinese 5s. 1951 44 45 Chilean 8s. 1941-C 101 IOI Currency 8 10 Denmark bs. 1945 108 108 French- 4s, 1917 49 50 do 53, 1920 73 74 do 1931 63 64 do 7s. 1941 94 84 do 8s. 1945 100 100 German W L 3 4 Berlin 4s 4 4 Hamburg 4s 4 6 ao 4V23 4'4 D'.k Leipsiz 4s 4 5 ao os o 6ft Munich 4s 6 7 do 6s 6 VI 7 Frankfort 4s 6 6 Jap 4s. 1931 73 74 do 1st 48, 1925.... 87 87 do 21 4V4s. 1925 8 87 Norway Ss, 1940 109 109 Russian 5s, 1921 17 19 do 1926 3 b do 83. 1919 . 17 19 Swiss 5s. 1920 97 87 ao OS. 1U4U ................ 113 114 San Paulo 8s 100 100 U K 6s, 1922 100- 100 do 1929 101 101V4 do 1937 98 88 Foreign Exchange. Foreign exchange rates at the close of business yesterday, furnished by North western National bank of Portland. The amount quoted is the equivalent of the foreign unit in United States funds Austria, kronen Belgium, francs ........... Bulgaria, leva Czecho-Slovakla, kronen Denmark, kroner England, pound sterling ......... r-iniana. iinmara France, francs ................... Germany, marks Greece, drachmas .............'... Holland, guilders Hunitary. kronen Italy, lire : Jugo-Slavia, kronen .............. Norway, kroner Portugal, escuaos ................ Roumania, lei Serbia, dinara Spain, pesetas Sweden, kroner Switzerland, francs , China Hongkong, local currency. Shanghai, taeis Japan, yen S W Penn OH... 68 .61 S O Ind 84 85 . 8 O Kansas 650 570 S O Kentucky 460 470 SON Y 359 882 S O Ohio 383 395 do pfd ..113 115 Swan 4 Finch 30 35 Vacuum : 330 835 Washington 28 32 S O Nebraska 165 175 Imperial Oil 102 104 SAX FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET i-j Prices Current on Vegetables. Fresh Fruits. Etc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 1. (Stat, divi sion of markets.) Fruit Apples, 8 and t-tier, S1.403.50; navel oranges, $2.50 5.50; lemons, 345.75; grapefruit, .33 5; pears, box, $1.752,75; cranberries, 4. 501 5.50. Poultry Broilers, 3638c: roosters, 20 S2c; old, 1620c; hens, 2430c; ducks. 232Sc; turkeys, live. 36 38c; dressed. 3oS4c. Vegetables Artichokes,, large crate, $14 20c; beans, nominal; carrots, sack, 80c $1; celery, crate, 33.50014; cucumbers, dozen, S2.00oj2.50; eggplant, pound, 60 10c; lettuce, small, crate, -$2&4; mush rooms, nominal; olives, pound, 59c; onions, brown, cwt., $66.54; white globe, S7.5O08; peas, pound, 1015c; bell: pep pers, pound, 15(20c; potatoes, S1.9O0J 3.25; pumpkins, sack. 75c$l; rhubarb, box, S33.25; summer squash, small ciute, ,33.50; Hubbard, sack, Sl1.50; Bprcuts, pound, 14gj)15c; spinach, pound 2oc; tomatoes, crate, 75c $ 2. Coffee Future. Market Quiet. NEW, YORK, Feb. L Reports of stead ier tBrazilian markets failed to stimulate buying in coffee futures here today, but offerings were very light and prices were well maintained. The market closed net points lower to 3 points higher. Sales were estimated at about 7000 bags. March, 8.47c; May. 8.42c; July, 8.34c; September, 8.32k:,- October. 8.31c; December. 8.28c. Spot coffee, quiet; Rio 7s, 8c to 9c; Santos , llftc to l2c Dried Fruit at New Tork. NfflJW YORK, Feb. L Etfaporated apples, quiet. Prune, irregular. Peaches, firm. Seaside Construction Active. SEASIDE. Feb. 1. (SpeciaL) The outlook for Seaside for 1922 is bright er than it has been at any time in the past. People who own concessions along Broadway are already making preparations to open their places of business as indications show that there will .be an early season. The year of 1921 showed ah increase in Duuainfr aoume tne amount . ot any. previous year. There were 138 building permits, with contracts let for. civic improvements amounting to $200,000. The Pacific Light & Power company is making arrangements to extend its service to all parts of the city and water mains are being laid to accommodate the new building in the outlying districts. Business Property Is Sold. COTTAGE GROVE, Or.. Feb. 1. C. J. Kem has bought the Joslah Porter brick block and hotel annex, at the corner of Main and Sixth streets. In which the Oregon hotel is located. The hotel lease runs for an other year, so Mr. Kem has made no plans as to what he will do with the property, but it is understood that he contemplates tearing down the brick portion of the building one of Cot tage Grove's landmarks, and putting in its place a modern business block into which he will move his drug store. It is understood that the con- t We own and offer: R Dated June 1, 1921 $24,000 Republic of France Twenty-year External Gold Bonds. Due June 1, 1941 Principal and semi-annual interest June and December 1st, payable in United States Gold Coin in New York City. NON-CALLABLE These bonds are a direct general obligation of the entire Repubjic of France. The French Government covenants to pay as a sinking fund $9,000,000 cash per annum to pur chase bonds in the 'market which will have a marked effect in maintaining a continuing and substantial market for these bonds. PRICE TO YIELD ABOUT 8 BOND DEPARTMENT OPEN 8:30 TO 5zOO Saturdays 8:30 to 2:00 lADD & TILTON e BANK f jgrHB. Oldest in the Northwest ' gair Washington . -IjSsinst hp MIS. at THIRD XpT . f7MVim-i'T'tiTi'rmTii?Tyi?T?rTTTTrr;Tin-i'T';nra A New Tork Bonds. New York bond quotations furnished by Herrin A Rhodes, Inc.. of Portland: Am Tel A Tel 6s... 1022 100i do 6s 1M24 1 00 Am Tob 7s ll22 101 do 7s 1H23 102 Anaconda 7s B 192 101 Aneconda 6s A l2t) 8 Armour cv 7s 1930 101 is Argentine Q I 5s 145 7 Am Ag Chm 7s 1H41 100"4 Beth Steel 7s 1U22 10O4 do Steel 7a 1H23 loo do Kq 7s 1935 101 Belgium Ext 7V4s 1945 106) do 6s 1925 96 do 6s 1940 105H Bergen 8s. City of 1945 105 Berne 8s. City of 1945 108 Brazil 8s 1941 103 Canadian Ss 1926, 97 do 5s 1931 96 do 5s 1937 Can Nat Cq 79 1835 105 Chicago N W 7s 1930 105 C M St P gn A rf 4s A. ...2014 54", Can Nor 7s 1940 110 Chile 8s 1941 101 Christiana 8s. City of 1945 107 Copper Exp 8s 1922 100 do 8s 1923 102 do Ss 1924 102 do Ss 1925 103 Cuban Amer Sugar 8s 1..1931. 103 Con Gas cv 7s 1925 103 f a Match 7s 1935 log .0471 .0038 .1595 .0836 .0080 .0150 .1530 .2546 .1950 .S550 .7700 .4850 NEW YORK. Feb. 1. Foreign exchange firm; Great Britain, demand S4.28, cables S4.29; France demand 8.36, cables 8.36; Italy, demand 4.70. cables 4.70; Belgium, demand 7.95, cables 7.96; Germany, de mand .49. cables .49; Holland, demand 37.02. cables 37.09: Norway, demand IS. -88; Sweden, demand 25.45; Denmark, demand 20.15; Switzerland, demand 19.50; Spain, demand 15.20; Greece, demand 4.43; Po land, demand .03; Czecho-Slovakia, de mand 1.96; Argentine, demand 35.87; Bra zil, demand 12.75; Montreal, 95. Standard Oil Stocks. Standard OU stocks at New York, fur nished by Overbeck A Cooke company of Portland: . . .0007 .VKU4 .0082 .0198 .2023 4.3000 .0708 .0841 .0055 .0450 oo"o sideration was $10,000. Phone your want ads to The Ore gonian. Main 7070. Automatic 660-95. i WE OWN AND OFFER $100,000.00 VERMONT CENTRAL RY. CO. Dated Mayl, 1920 Due May 1, 1930 If l FOUNDED JLAND NEW ENGLAND OIL REFINING COMPANY FIRST MORTGAGE 8 BONDS This company during; the year 1921. earned 15 times the interest charges on the above bonds. The assets of the company amount to $3000 for each $1000 bond outstanding;. Price 100 to Yield 8 E.H.ROLLINS &SOXS hnxrtmmt 'Bonds 411 LEWIS BUILDING PORTLAND vs. OSTOIV - NEW YORK CHICAGO SAN FKAKC1SCO LOS ANGELES JOHN PURSE & CO. CONJri.TINO PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS all ARTISANS BCILDLNG. Broadway 2858. Balaam RhMa laeana Tax. Financial Examtnarioiu. PUTS AND CALLS (Guaranteed) The safest way to trade. Saw an ad in the Saturday Post no so lar.r aifo. Lt. said. JOHN DECKER PIT UOWN $10 AND DREW OUT $100. We don't know Decker, but had lie purchased a Call on Standard Oil N. JS or Mex. Pet. or some of th other live stocks he would have bad more than a 100 profit. Puts ft Calls limit the risk and roar profits are unlimited. Xo Margin Calls, no Interest charges, and no com mission unless closed at a profit. Write for booklet. "How to trad In 1'ut- & Calls." Prompt attention to ntall orders. WATSON & COMPANY Investment Semrttles, SS5 Stock EirbssSF Kid-.. Los Ancelea, Calif. An?lo Borne Scrysmer Buckeye Cheesebrouffh . ....... do pfd Continental Crescent Cumberland. .......... Eureka Galena com Galena Old pfd Galena New pfd Illinois Pipe Indiana Pipe National Transit ..... N Y Transit Northern Pipe Ohio Oil 264 International Pete 14 Penn Mel 18 Prairie Oil 52S Prairie Pipe 23T Solar Rets 370 Southern Pipe. 86 South Penn Oil 185' Bid. Asked. .. 175a 1744 . .33 .. 02 . .180 ..107 ..128 . . 32 . .150 .. 86 . . 40 ..103 ..100 ..167 . . 89 ..28 . .144 ...95 I K J sui.iijii)jiII".i IIJI. 11 J' u n i ii mw. .iih Hill ..J ij 31 : ' 191 , .sjV5S s no SC i f 14i Iv- , ,."- 8S ft -- iii'iin'ir a si' i-ni-J 190 ' Principal and semi-annual .interest (May 1st and Nov.' 1st) payable at the New York Trust Company, New York, N. Y., or at our offices. Callable at any interest date on 60 days at 101 and interest. Guaranteed principal and interest by the Grand Trunk Railway Co. by endorsement. A first lien on 248.6 miles of road and 121 miles of leaseholds. Normal income tax of 2 paid at source. PRICE 84.82 TO YIELD A. F. BERNSTEIN & CO. 536 Northwestern Bank Blog. Main 2672 Portland Complete Derails on Request Phone or Wire Orders Collect If WUUIIHJHJI 7 We have obtained an additional allotment of Dutch East Indies 25-year 6 Bonds Non-callable daring first ten years From 1915 to 1920 the Dutch East Indies had a larger favorable trade balance than any other country except the United States. Price 94V2 and interest to yield 6.45 to 6.75 We still have a few copies of our new booklet explaining very plainly the oper ation of the new Income Tax 'Law. Write, phone or call for your copy. Loan Oversubscribed The books for the Department of the. Seine 20-year 7s at 90 to yield 7.95 to 8.75 have been closed. We have available a small amount of our participa tion which, subject to prior sale, we offer at the original sub scription price. Wire orders "collect." Freeman, Smith a Camp Co. LUMBERMENS BLDO.. PORTLAND L pevereaux 5i(5mpany INVESTMENT BONDS 8T SIXTH STREET PORTLAND. OREGON BROADWAY 1043 GROUND FLOOR WELLS-FARGO BUILDING FIFTH yMfiW fltl&vv PH0NI AND 3siyk 1! B'WAY ' ITARK SMk" 8740 Phc Main 4195 Before selling your bonds - ask for our bid it will pay you. Before investing money ask for "The Choicest List" of bonds, selected for every need. G. E. MILLER & COMPANY PORTIAVD SEATTI.M Kortbweatera Bank Huildlnv SKfOVD FLOOR PORTLAND, OR, MA1X 4185 Northwestern Municipal Bonds WE OWN AND OFFER: "Arlington (Oregon) Funding. . . 7 North Bend (Ore.) Fire Equip't 6 Union (Ore.) City of, Gen. Oblg. 6 Ephrata (Wash.) Water 6 Grangeville (Idaho) Gen. Oblg.. 6 Kate Maturity 1941 1931 -1927-41 1927-35 1931-41 Tleld 6.50' 5.85 5.85-5.90' 6.00 6.00 EXEMPT FROM FEDERAL INCOME TAX Western Bond and Mortgage Co. 80 Pourto Street Portland. Oresoa Ground Floor Board of Trade Bids;. Telephone Broadway S464 Telephone or Telegraph Ordero Collect baestmad Opportunities and Oar Twenty Payment Plan fha iMjHiis tail of il ! sot stacks, vaios. mu k. ynmhsssd a smsH samSBts axt4toc a snod W twt.atr noaxoa. This plaa wis oncraatsd srussaim. Tm saa so sstafraa. Writ far X7-,. J tO Eaehango Placo. Now Tork HERRIN & RHODES, Inc. EstabTf sited ISM STOCKS, BONDS, COTTON, GRAIN ConwpndRtt E. F HTJTTON A COw WLTL Members all kt&dinc exchanges XSa baton rrtce ii FU. BtfwT. 4723. itOi Kailway h.Trhany Bid We BuyP.RL.&P. 8 Gold Notes U. S. D. & Trust Co. 284 Oak St.