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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1922)
13 TITE MORNING OREGOMAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1923 In HFI P MALE. ,IVK TOUVO SALESMAN WTTH CAR. By FRANK 1- McGClRE. La ; eat Home Seller la An.ffic. A vonderfui opportunity to gi m the reai estate business and make bur money. Associated with a .iive, progressive, re-lib-, eta4.isned office provided ow have 1 anib.tioti, 4 2 determinatien, (3) optimism. (4 irnw of burner, (i) can kit the bmt of references, (6 ar wUing to work. Thousands of Bew comers wiH be crowd. ng into our city to o ate. Thousand of sew borne are constructed. Portland la oo the verge of one of the ur-act real eta activities? tn her history. We need a liva today. Aa fur ilr. Koappen burg, wirh FRANK I McOriRE. Ablngton bidg. B-iwy. 7171. 3d st.. Bt- Wash, and Stark. EALESMEX SEVERAL FIRST-CLASS MEN OF INTEGRITY TO SELL HIGH GRADE LOCAL SECURITY. PREVIOUS SELLING EXPERIENCE DESIRABLE; KM'r.LLEM INCOME AM) REAL PERMANENT Fl'Tt'KK WITH LARGE ORE i-jS CORPORATION OPEN TO THurfE WHO QlAHFY. CALL Hul N. W. fiA.Na BLDG. SALESMAN Au'.o.-i, salesman wan ltd to ae.i a w-n-known Lne of. prired utomobi et. This Is an oppor tunity to connect with a direct factory Experience va:ab.e. but not es sential; must be of ffuud presence and w.iuug to work for results. W 3. Or- sa Lr..,i t.N : MEN OF BRA INS AND EN EKG V sure oitered permanent connec tion with an EACLL Si V E distnouter, a device : uoivenn; UrmnJ to tne house-wife, no compliUup; no a-i!eririe. no coi.ectmg. S Nortnwr-.: Distributing Agency. fiAtt iit-nry U.tig. W ANTE A i t: NT S. i. CHANCE t.. capitiie your earning power . g-n-rsl ax- nts and crew man agers wanted in (tr- iron, Washington and lUiiio; jrnianent ronnection fr live rn-n; cotfee. te. houwhold necessities and auto prialtiea. Wm. Spry Mfg. "o . !1T l"n;..n itc. V. o&ALIIi. .-.. a cut and :a idiumc H-K t(mm:inog 51 Cor be it btdg H KI P WTEO FEMU.E. THE VV uEN'S Protect e til vision, clt of Port.aac. offers its service to all mat ters pertaining to the weire and pro tection of women and gins. in;crv:wi conflunt-al. S14 Worcester tld-r Third at.d Cak fii, Phons Bdwy 42'2 ll.l. tjive nutldte-aiced moinrrly lady g-wd noma and small a ugrs fur iint housework and cure of ---ar-old a.ri; parents emp.oed. Would cons:der no man With amali child. E 444, Ur- .'ANTE Hr.ght int-,i nat g;rl stenu rapher. quick at figurfm. good longhitad wr.ter. pttnuient position If utisfac tcry. bfg.nner considered; state f iiwri r'f f nr ir.: .tv' r- w AO i rr g.ntan. Sk'LICITI'RS to CH.U n hooo -ri v-s and mh-grd food product . hrxurh the grocer. gxxd In roue lor apai-ie women; aioo two or Ih ee women to ir-'vl AP 3. Oi-fjoinn. WANi'ElJ Mtiiojtra(lK:r . wi. take ben.n ner t: wiling to work hard and Imrn. Answer in uwq handwrtt;ng. stating pnone, age and amim.ry wanted. AK 20, i reg.nian. LADIES. Make your spire time bring you In doiirs by selling what every household nevda. No experience necessary. Phone M in WANTED Stenographer who hits had not I less than two years experience in ma- i cninery or simi sa: try ex pecteii . sr lin- and D 43. W ANT E D An ed ucat tonal we. I are work er ; must have at least high school edu cation or experience equivalent to sam; I-'si! ion permanent. X 317. Oregon ian. ANY GIRL In need ol a Ineni, apply te lb Sa.vatlon Army Rescue Home. May fa r and Alexander afreet. Phone Mats a4"0 DM. car. WANTED Ladles cal homes, sell house hold iieccaaitie of merit; 100 per cent profit to hu tiers and good working fit-id 371 East Momaon st WANTEI A lady to work tn coffee house, one who understands making of dough nuts, pie and cakes. 23u Burnside st- f;-r 12 nr!fH-k P. M. MAN! PACT! HER well-known require services of registered nurse for wen'are work In city: permanent position. Phone Bdwy. 124 for interview. l eaucuted woman, over 25. Ai' experience preferred but not neces sary; exceptionally large remuneration. Mr Hmilev. room SO.Y 132 Tenth at. RELIABLE cafter:a waitress wanted, union house; oa eaat side. AB S7. Ore- Konian. SALESW OMAN for drap ry department, experience, education and energy re in'rr.l R 4. Oregnnian. CHi'KUS GIRLS wanted, txpenence tint necessary. Call Sellwood 2k;o between ! t ant ! 1 Th urfjay morning. BoilK.K.EEl'ERS. r.ei. help. See us for p Persona? Service. jtraphcr. o! rice itJon. WilLams Spalding Mdg Tii & KU iibCt CrtiT 1 EN ION home is read to help any girl in distress W5 Kast H.laii "MV" car 31. i'ut lady to do i ree-hand d ra w ing, a';-o water-color work; state experience. tvaee epecrl, age. W 2tf, Oregonian. . 1 e. must h. -- Experienced camp waitress, e ioicing camp experience. Cil . aNTKl C 3 hours per imb-rmaul; Hit i ty. Apply per week. d room for light j I t L to - j (oI h.'tr.i- i:;h hou;eor.. 2 cn dren; i' Marsha!!. Ma:n 7555. An'I ' h hM.M.-ork E.isf H '1 SKKEEPER lor Lacuclor. AH 32. UEI (rm vd for houae- GIKL for an sing. App y i7. tn own hand- W an ted IKune-tics. STRONG, able woman, experienced with children, out-of-town em ployment; no encumbrance; future gvHU ; private room ; modern con ven.ences. good home. pteasant aurr.tuudinn References re quired. Phone Mam 1517. W AN 1'r.t' M.ddte-aged woman having od ne!th to do and down work in f:mi!y of 3. 3 miles east anrouer. on the Nrth Bank htgh wa; good wages, permanent place to r rht prrwon; wij met applicant at 12 :W Thursday in the Y. W. C. A. wait- WANTED Woman for general housework. ntut be kh1 cok and abW to keep up i-roorn house. 1 in family: Scandinavian pre t erred; wages month, perma nent. Ad.lres Mrs. C. H. Daggett. Klaina'h F s. Or. W ANTED Experienced girl for cooking and general housework: city references s N. 1 tth su Broadway 14iL Cad mornings WANT EL Experienced girl for cooking nd housework ; must understand tfrv itig; no washing or Ironing; gas fur- nti.-e- city r-fert-nces r-v)uir-vl. Mam 6HV EM'KKIKNCED OIRL for genera; house work and eook;ng; reference required. App.y m.rn:r.g. 741 Irving st. Maih To7. Ei-lEliLV lady wanted in good country h'Ki.e to he.p care lor 2 chLiircn. Ca;i Bdwy I4T0 Wt'MAN to work for room and board and ;nail wagoa. plain home, 2 In family. T.thor ;i hi. t A III . i a. t 1 n general house w ork in ol 2 Fhon Main 3354 morn- W A XTK D Strong. capab.t w, a-;d motherly, to care for tnva man. and id. Tabor GliU. and f-.r , wac thorr; a h"me E. 33 d. s for right g:rl. car. T . bo' 313 4 53. W NT fcr iir.i lu uwork. ApiJ.y 2T4 N' 25; n !t jT. 'pPLICSttN hi:h sch.'.l rmvt, bi'. r.l a d wsfs iri to w'ora. for 3?'.-2W AMKI Kp. n. nc d took, in f.iini S adu.ts. Lglit laumlry. Call East HFI W NTEO V ITU INVESTMENT A KEFiNED. educated lady or gentle nvan with $lo t.h and services as 2t-; partner in clean business paying a bout " per c nt monthly on your (n v est orient . easy work ; m ximt travel states I'nf jn. Washington. Idaho. Yott prac hj.nd.e our own money. AL ii4. W A N 1 K D Tw o truck or r. mut have (iO" to met m a truck. Will gi ;h in a.: the hauling they can do and CI t':te have t. do is deliver the rood-v If ou are lo'kitia fr a good propoi :',-n m th st tiy work, address Box 121. T. AT -"k. O-. SAI.E-IAN" with $J.'-0 rtpit.l c-4,n aecur ek.ciu.-Ue Oregon axencv for line of of fset dicv. Phone Mr. Lancaster at Muitaoiiiflh hotel after A V. M.. Thura- n. or Fr A iy. t'EADl Uu.-ik contract, good propo: t.on. small pay meat dow n, es rv erm t n b la n See Mr. K 1 1 ton. 40 M;jr" -'!' st w-st Me A T y. - - P X KTY C PA RLE OF V E. TIV'I AND S E K V IC ES. !! "jhV.MA. IN AR WANT r.rtot r, w.s d w, Making a ,-d m me; r-a'i investment required. 1 aca ira b-U4C- HKI.P WANTED MAf.F. OR FEMALE. LA DT or genLman manager for occult Iwturei and mind-reading act, experi enced; mum furnish references. Room 7. HoteJ Del Mae Jo. 151 .North 0th. CaOJ h-!,r 5 P. M. CoUPLE. no children, janitor service, mail apt. house; husband employed but handy man; apt. and umill salary. Cat I ben-pen 11 and 12. 735 Morgan bidg. H AM 1 en nsen and wum-n lor Hjuw to-house salesmanship: liberal commit aton paid. Apply 419 A bin ton bids., be tween 8 '30 and 10 A. M- SEVERAL MEN and women to travel and appoint agenta 2 to 4 P. M., Apt. D, Hart n hotel. ISth St. entrance. SALtME.N' and savswouic hus;i st. FITl'ATIOVS WANTED MALE. 70 HOME OWNERS IX LAURELHURST. 1h t me give you estimate on your In terior decorating. Am working there now. Phone Tabor 730. Frank Kigney. MARRIED MAN wants Job running or re pairing gas engines. Trouble shooting preferred. 7 years' experience running and repairing Holts; wife can cook; satisfaction guaranteed. State wages. Write J. -Scott. Gen. D-l., Hood River WANTED Permanent employment of any kind; let roe prove my aoi:i:y; good edu cation, neat aaid accustomed to meeting pubiic. A K. 39o. Oregonian TOCXO O. A. C. man wishes position writ ing t-atta, collection and atljuKtmcnt let ters or ast. ttooKkwptr; experienced and .r :-rfr.c-iv A L 3;?, Oregon:an NEAT-APPEARING young man wishes position as usher, stage helper or any otheV a oik in a theater; will do any thing. Ca!! Main 44M. WANTED t'uoiiibD a mar.aiitfr on big grain or stock ranch by man with lots of experience. Write ltT75 tfaginaw at., Sa'ein. i Tetton. (JkX.'D lioneM Japanese boy 15 ears old, now attending achooi. wants position in pnaie famii)-. Phor' Auto. &4!-IrlJ, Tru Nanta. AMltlTloUS young man wants work after noons and Saturday ; can do anything ; good experience driving car. truck, r.crk. et. ; reference. Call Sell. 2S2&. 1'OrW man, trade with shall 3il. wishes all salary. to learn some Phone Mar- EX PErW JuXc ED hardware man, married, deres position ; student of scientific salesmangmp. AO 42, oregonlan. MAN WITH 5 chudren to support would like work. Can do any kind uf common lanor worn. Phone Sell. 3t5. WANTEu Work of any kind, p.intr by traue, exper.enced In auto painting. J. L. mnh. l.V'a Ruswell st. Eajt 75. ARMV itian. expert chauffeur, wants steady position, age J-: good references, neat app.a:ance. waes no object. Tabor 6225. Vt E Ail ILL iina.l bou, garages and repa.r o.d ones at rock bottom prices. 7;i. Han Main. East 355U. jBLi'.rtlENCfci PRUNING, TREE SURG ERY; 25 VRS." EXP. LA N DSC APIN G. H 1 ' W V. 7!'2 M A I N 1 3. IAN aad wit a, experienced cooka, dinner or snort order, country hotel preferred; references, p 437. Oregonlan. UL.u married man would like Job where t.nere is cnance to get sales experience. UK 424. Oregoruan. lUC.Nti Jupaneie, now attend. n school, wants place in good private family. A T-nlo. 34 N. 3d st.. city I-'IK T-C1-.ASS bliickamith wanU work, no hi)ifehior. i'hone Bdwy. f52 or 455 Alder Ht.. opt. 22. Barton hotel. tiXI ElilENCEU driver, ce.ivery or light truck; best of references. Call Tabor JAPANuE nun will do short hour work or general work by day for family. Aut. 513-f,5. Japanese George. VoLNG Japanese boy wants petition, any kind of work; can drive any kind of car and truck. Olara, 2W Front st. FIltST -CLASS shoe repairman or shoe maker would like job. Box 584. Enter prise. Oregon. LAVE your pruning and garden work done by experienced men. Phone Automatic "2V42. Baldwin. EXPERIENCED young man wants work In rt-staurant as dishwasher or waiter. Call Main SW9. ask for Mr. Gruwell. MARRIED man wants tinting, kalsomm ing. hardwood finishing. Sell. 350U, rea- CA RPENTER contractor, tion, large or small, da matic rKo-2.Y new or y or job. altera-AutO- EXP. 9 YEARS as janitor, hotel porter or clerk; go anywhere and start on small wages. P 44S, Oregonlan. lol.'NU MAN. IS. wants job on farm; ex perienced and good milker. R 443. Ore eon ian. PAINTER Married; Auto. VJl -."m . or contracL VoUNG work. man wants any Wood lawn 3S27. WANTED Work of Phone East 7423. any kind with truck. PRUNING by expert Hood River and Mo si.t valley methods. Tabor 131ft. PAINTING, tinting, papering, reasonable. Sellwood 13.. good work. CARPENTER JOBBING. Painting and repairing. East JANITOR v.J r-a'l 3312. work of any NVuman. EXPERIENCE!1 d.shw asher w illing to do any kind cf work. A.1 304. Oregonlan. ALL-ROUND janitor ana furnace man. first class, wants position. Bdwy. 410H- PA I NT ING. tinting, enameling for less; wintT prices. Gaither. Marshall 27Q-3. LET us- bid Woodiawn : CARPENTER, f.nisner and jobber, day or contract. Wdln. 6101. Reasonable. FIX IT. carpenter repairs, built -ins, roofing a.teratlons. Wdin. 6018 BRICK contractor. fireplaces, pr.ces tile .houses, garages, right. Tabor 873. TEAMiNo. plowing, excavating, etc East 2!w. 240 East tb st. KALSOMiNlN I. CLASS WORK. PAINTING, AUTOMATIC F1RST-628-40. CARPENTER, new or repair, day or con tract: plans, estimates. Phone 227-16. Ctil-XT WORK, C KSSPOO LS. CON N ECTKD. WDLN. 2133. PA IM't.Vo, . re.ion;t!. nsoininmg. first Wdln. 514. class work. KAl-SoMIN 1 Nil. piaster repairing, palnt, Ing. Reasrnab. Main 265. AUTO repa.nng done at our home, work It ua r anteed. Tabor 2vJt POSITION by experienced man as janitor or eleator operator. Tabor fr77B. JAPAN ESE btutleni w ants position in small family Phone Auto. 515-61 LXPEKIKNCEW pruning, hour ; est una tes g:vn. all kinds. bOc East 573. PLUMBER wanis work Bros.! war 4'VJX ty day or job. EXPERIENCED trucK driver wants w-i' .to an v thing. Auto. 320-46. work; 1 too kkeeitera. Menugraphent, Office. SITUATION w anted by college graduate, single. ;4 years old. ex-service man. ex perienced civil engineer, some knowledge of bookkeeping. Absolutely honest, thorough, quick to learn and can take responsibility. Has initiative and good appearance. Desires connection with any business where work will count. Initial salary immaterial. Investment later if satisfactory. S 445. Qregonian. DISABLED ex-aervlee man, married, rery much In need of work. Wants position as bookkeeper and typist In or out of town. Has had government training In bookkeeping at O. A. C ; also some ex perience. Cat! East 7534. WK INSTALL and operate a special book keeping system. Including Income tai service (indorsed by leading merchants associations) ; work done by expert ac countants for SlU to $15 monthly. Re tailers' Servic Bureau. 717 Gasco bidg Main 53s. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper - accountaint. typist, married, w-eii educated, thor oughly familiar with office routine; gro cery. dr goods and lumber mill experi ence; and permanent. Auto m.V 223-4". cr AK 33. reironian. WK TAKE care of your income tax quickly and accurately, dose our books, make out annua! statements and coiiect ac count. 32A Chamber of Commerce. Broadway 3'76. PoSt'llON wanted with wholesale iumher tN.ncern by youn-g man. 23 years of age. Experienced stenographer and capaole handling all office routine. S years' ex-per:e-:ce; A-l references. Wdln. 13-10 INCOME" TAX 1 w;Il prepare your return form I040-A $10, form 100 $15; systems installed, books kept. E. I. H ample, public accountant. Tabcr 7178. ACCOUNTANT Public accountant and In come tax experience: member National Association Coat Accountants: wilting t o leave city S 392. Orego man. C R E i I T M A N , bookkeeper, will accept po sition w ith good future. BD 3tl. Ore- gon;n. EM PLOY MKXT w anted, s-tore or office; well acquainted with city; age 32. mar fed: references AL 3S7, Oreeoman. ILLING worker wants bookkeeping; best references. Phone Tabor "H0 Sale-, men. k. Ilu;H-CLASS salesman of unlimited ex perience in securities and automobllea, convincing personality, capable of han ding men: been associated with best: know conditions and people here; no WLin-eat propos!on considered; best of gwlarsacaa. X $VI. Oreguiuaa. srrrATioNS wami:d female. RELIABLE elderly woman will assist with light housework on small farm just out aide of city; small wage. AN 480. Ore gonian. - A JAPANESE glr! wants situation as housemaid in-small family in city. Call phone Broadway 3S34 between 10 A- M. to 4 P. M. TWO GIRLS want employment as house keeping in private family, or caring for children while parents work. East 2&&, room 41. GOOD cook wishes work; fine at pastries; all around ; 10 to 25 men. or more If helper is kept. Call evenings. Bdwy. 5Ci2. room 24. ' WOMAN. 3d years old. with daughter 13. wishes work as housekeeper or to take charge of rooming or apartment bouse. P 449. Oregonian. PRIVATE exchange operator desires posi tion, west side; good references. Salary tw. N' 433. Orepor.ian EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wants housecie-aning, washing or other work; good wo. k aone. Wood'awn 6305. EXPERT crochet, to order, reasonable; fin ished patterns for sale. For informa tion. B-iwy. 31 24. Mrs. Greeve. OFriCfcl hf.p ol every description; quick service. Call Broadway 0953. Williams Service, TH Spalding bidg. - WANTED Lhi.arn to even In is Mar care tor alteraoon 1701. EXPERIENCED cashier wants work; quick id making change. Bdwy. 13s7 CHAllittK.UAlu w ants v, orc in reopect nh e plice. Phone Bdwy. 11. Rm. 35. u.AN waau da.y work. 35c hr. Aut WOMAN wants Wrodlawn 3"7 work; go home nights. EKiENCED wishes position WORK wanted; wash, iron, clean; Thun. and Friday; 5 or mere hrs. Wdln. -3046. DAY'S work, by colored lawn 6l'34. Call Woofl- REL1ABLE girl; will do any kind of work in home. ly day or hour. Main "-Sfil. WILL care for children d uring parents' aJisnre; reference. Woodiawn 1H11. WO A! AN work. ants position as maid or day Bookkeepers. Stenographer. Office. POSITION wanted Ly lady bookkeeper and stenographer with several years' ex perience in large manufacturing plant. La st four years has been chief clerk and prt va te secretary to manager. AP 3U2, Oregonlan. WANT young lady who is competent sten ographer and can be generally useful around office; state experience and sal ary expected AJ 4H'. Oregonlan. EX PERI EN CED bookkeeper, cashier and general office woman desires position. Have executive ability and am a good manac. r. Tabor 2."74. BOOKKEEPER, expert, wants small sets of books to keep or will work by the hour at your office; beat refeiences. Broadway 2732. EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer desires general office work. Columbia 52. EXPER1ENCED stenographer desires po sltlon; good references. Marshall 832. 1 re mm makers. J CLE'S will make your frocks, gowns and wraps for all occasions and also do remodeling at reasonable prices. 431 Artisans' bidg Broadway 5i06. THE GLAD SHOP. Gowns for every occasion copied from ketcbes or original designing. Main VV4. 1001 Bdwy. bidg ARE YOU STOUT? Then call Tabor 4869 1 1 1 1 E Taylor sL Prices reasonable; reference. DRESS.UA KER, tailoring, designing or copied from sketches. Day. Marshall DRESSMAKING Nifty lingerie. fine needlework. Auditorium Nifty Shop, 329 3d. DRESSMAKING, alterations. relimng; work guaranteed; prices reasonable. Mrs. Iva Ground, 407 Tenth st. .Main 1 TMt. DRESSES, Market ! $2. io up; cca.s, A up. 50O1 DRESSMAKING and tuLoring, also modeling by day. Tabor 3213. fixLK dresses a specialty: prices reason able. 422 S Morrison, room 6. upstairs EXPERIENCED dressmaker by the day; references. Main 33o5. ALL kinds sewing, long experience, fat. Phone 313-17. SlJ-n or Wool dresses. i; best Jefferson, opposite city hall. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes work by day. Tabor 45t. NURSE wants nervous, mental, rheuma tism, paralysis or other case where health is desired. Tabor 24. CAPABLE female and maie nurses; calls answered day or night. Marshall 22i4. 8W4 12th st. YOUNG woman will do practical nursing, light housework or day work. Wdin. 142. PRACTICAL nurse wants cases, go home ntghts Call Bdwy. 26H2. room 27. Houhc keeper-. CAPABLE woman wishes housekeeping, few working men; good home; small wages; farm, town ; must have work. N 424. Orgonlan. CAPABLE woman wishes housekeeping po sition without laundry; wages $45 per month. Columbia UWJ. Call between 9 and 12. EMPLOYMENT bv widow, with 18-month-oid baby. Call after 6 P. M.. Sellwood EX PERI ENCED w oman wants housekeep ing position, rooming house, bachelor or widower's home. 546 Hoyt st. LA lj Y, 4u, alone, desires Housekeeping in gentleman's home, city or country. . AN 3!tO. Or- tfonian. YOUNG widow wifhes management of re spectable apartment house. Phone Bdwy. 3S5. REFINED woman with daughter 15 wants housekeeping position. Box 634, Aber deen. Wash. HOTEL housekeeper. experienced ; best references furnished. Broadway 374. Room 408. WANTED Position as peat, clean woman. 7 2 noutjdKeeper by 1 E 21st st, s. H. K. . K-XPE-R1ENOE-D. midd-ie-aged American widow, good cook. Bdwy. 41.V!. CoOKING and downstairs work wanted by competent woman. K 44S. Oregonian. HOUSEWORK by middle-aged woman; adults, good cook. Mars-hall 260. Housecieunlni;. HOUSE CLEANING Expert white and ivory enamel, brick and tile fireplace, cieanirg. floors waxed, furniture pol ished, carpets cleaned, windows washed CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. 1SS Chapman st. Phone Main 1157. VERIBEST WINDOW CLEANERS. COLUMBIA 1027 Housecleanlng, floor waxing and vacum cleaning: estimates cheerfully given; best of reference WANTED TO RENT. MAN and wife want 4-room modern bun galow; state rent desired and location; will take lease. AM 414. Oregonian. H1 LT couple want 4 or 5-room house. Will take best of care. References. Call Woodiawn 5S9. OR 5-ROOM furnished, modern bunga low; must be reasonable; permanent. AJ 3'-5. Oregonian. WANTED Clean 6 or 7-roomcmnturnlshed house; pe rmancnt. Ea st 22Q9. Apartments. UNFURNISHED apartment, 3 to 4 rooms, modern, weet side. Phone Broadway 5798 or write 407 Wilcox bidg. A ROOM with private family; Catholic preferred : walking distance ; limit $15. AL 301. Oregonian. LADY employed desires room in privats family where baby 21 months old will be cared for. Wdln. 65P6. NICELY furnished room in widow's home by refined gentleman; garage nearby. V 413. Oregonlan. Rooms With Hoard. WANTED Room and board by two young men. west side. G 421, Orecwnian. WANTED to rent, rurmshed flat, doss la. Call Main 5200, room 5. BuslnesH Place. WANTED Central location for children's haircutting and beauty parlor; will lease. H 423. Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Room. HOTEL OCKLEV. Mornaon at., at 10th $1 day, weekly $5 and up. Free phone and baths: light and airy. Steam heat. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Washington and Fifth Streets. Special permanent rates. ATTRACTIVE rooms with steam heat, lo cation desirable. Penrose apt.. 149 Grand ave. at Belmont. East 4548. THE ST. PAUL Fourth and Alder. A RE SPECTABLE DOWNTOWN HOTEL. $1 up. Kates by week or month. COZY BASEMENT SLEEPING ROOM, $2.."rf PER W r'.EK. EAST lif0. 5oc DAY, $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson. NICK clean sleeping rooms. $3 and $4 per week: opp courthouse. 231 Sth sL C Y FASEM KNT SLEEPING 2.30 Pifeii. Wifc&ix. EAST 1MA ROOM, FOB RENT. Fnrniahed hoomfc HuTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TH. WC1ET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; l.a PER DA ST, $o PER WK. AND LP CONVENIENT- ALL .SIGHT GARAUil HOTEL IROQUOIS. Thoroughly renovated from top to bot tom; permanent rooms; now ready, (3 per week and up; transient 1 per day and up. Corner 12th. and Stark. Bdwy. 374. an son: a hotel. 124 4th st., at W asuingtoo. Rates $5 per week and up, )1 day; fireproof, large, attractive, epoUess rooms, ciose to amusements and sooppiag center. hotel Harrison, rooms $2 w kek. Clean furnished rmi, steam heat, hot water, bath, etc, 35c ami 5oo per nigat 5-story brick. 403 Front, cor. Hamsun. CALL at l. ii. C. A. to 6ee free lUt of mode rate-priced rooms xor young men In ail parts of the city, including rooms at the Y. M. C. A., with phone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms suitable for one or two gentlemen; ail modern conveniences ; free phone ; cexuraiiy lo ca ted ; 1 1 th st retM N or th, 533 Flanders. B road wa y 4 2U". WAS HI N G T ON H OT E L. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason- bls rates by week or month. ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington St. Marshall 1950. Large, attractive lobby with fireplace. Special rates to permanent guests. NiCE, warm. higk-cias3 rooms under new management; reasonable rent and walk-' ing distance. til4 Everett at, wst side. Phone Main 10H3. ROOM, and bath, private entrance, first floor apt. with refined coupie, two blocks from Portland. noteL Main 32b; reter eneee. HuTEL CON R A DINE, 22 North 10th st,, J blocks north of Washington st. ; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. HOTEL B LCKINGHAM, under new man agement. 6o2" Washington st. Modern, ppivate baths, free phones; reasonable rates. $3.50 week up. Main 31. EUCLID HOTEL. 573 Washington St. Cheerful, clean rooms, with or without private baths; transients and permanent. KENTON HOTEL, at Kenton station Sleeping and H. K. rooms, hot water, steam heat. $2,50 and up per week. S t' AN DISH HOTEL, 548 H Washington at ISth, nicely furnished rooms, steam heated, reasonable rate. $3.50 up, week. LIGHT, comfortable sleeping roomo. close in. west side, quiet place. 2tt 17th su Main 72H. - ARTHUR HOTEL. 170 Eleventh st., near Morrison Clean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable rates. I- urulshed Rooms Tu Private Family. WALKING DISTANCE Good district, at tractive residence, well -furnished room, furnace heat, hot water; garage if de sired; excellent table board near by. East 5715. CLEAN, warm, front room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; twin beds; very rea sonable; no car fare ; 5 min. walk to business district. Call at 22 ii 10th at, or phone Main 5 1 5S. -- NICE sunny tront room in modern home, walking distance; must be seen to be appreciated; good home cooking, garage if desired. Call 35b Larrabee, or phone East 4433. NICELY furnished room for one or two; furnace heat, home privileges, walking distance. $ 12 and $16. Call after 6 P M.. 712 Flanders st. 2 LARE ROOMS FOR 1 OR 2. BOARD IF DESIRED. HOT WATER ALL THE TIME, BATH AND PHONE. 617 MAR SH A LI. BDWY. 3355. ROOM, piano lessons, home privileges for girl or woman employed who wishes to study music; walking distance; C. S, preferred. Main 3018. I HAVE an elegantly furnished private home for congenial young people only, $20; one $30 for two. 712 Flanders St.. cor. 22d. NICE clean warm room, free phone, use of piano, home privileges; rent reason able ; walking distance. 470 Park st. Main SOU. A BASEMENT housekeeping roam, run ning water, light, gas, private encran.:o, very reasonable. 512 lay. NICELY furnisned room, modern conven iences, in a private home. Phone Mar shall 2003 or call at 30 11th st. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, REASONA BLE, 2 BLOCKS BROADWAY BRIDGE 8N2 ROSS ST. NEAT, clean room in beautiful home; steam heat; lots of hot water; easy walking distance. 215 14th st. CONGENIAL young man wishes roommate, twin beds, all conveniences, piano, etc., rate $3.50. 61 X. 18th st. Bdwy. 2721. LA RGB room for 1 or 2 young men in modern home, $10 per month. Walking distance 667 GMsan st. Bdwy. 2948. FURNISHED Bleeping room, suitable for 1 or 2, aU conveniences. Call mornings or in the evening after 6. Bdwy. 4434. GOOD, warm, conveniently located, nicely furnished room, modern. 145 E. 12th st. East bbO. IN PRIVATE home, 2 modern, furnished rooms; gentlemen or business couple preferred. Woodiawn 30-8. IRVINGTON. sunny front . room; $lu. Bdwy. car. East 8250. N ICELY furnished room in refined home. S4 N. 21st St.. cor. Everett. NICE, clean, fur. room close in, west side. 4284 Mill st. ALL CONVENIENCES, walking distance. Bdwy. 2782. West side. 657 Flanders. KUUil for gentleman in home near Campbell-Hill hotel. 52 Lucretia. SLEt-plNG rooms, gentlemen; after 5 o' clock. 3 0 E. 15th st. East ftQi'2. Rooms W ith huara. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two ot the best-known residential ho tels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. " 223 EAST 20TH. Portland's exclusive east side resi dential hotel; an unusual place, catering to discriminating people; beautifully furnished; - good home cooking. East 73S4. NORTOMA HOTEL, Portland's downtown hugh-ciass lamlly hotel ; rooms en suits or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you alt the comforts cf a homa. Reasonable rates 52 Morrison, cor. 13th, choice rooms and board; modern conveniences; walking distance. HEREFORD HOTEL Nob Hill, 735 Hoyt. Modem, nicely furnished rooms, with or without board. Prices reduced. ROOM and board for ousluess girls; all modern conveniences, walking distance, $5 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 K. 7th at. BIG, well fur. room for 2; excellent meals, home privileges. Block from Good Samaritan. Mar. 416. MARTHA WASHINGTON Room, board for girls, mod, ratea. 3s0 10th. Mar. 125 L ATTRACTIVE room for 2. with 2 32( Uth st. Marshall 672. Koome With Board In Private Family. LARGE, well-furnished front room, two bede, three wardrobes, two closets; home cooking; reasonable rates; to employed business people only; west side. Main isai. BOARD and room in pleasant, refined home, steam heat, exceptionally bright, cheerful rooms 254 E. 16th st. Phone EJast 23. COMFORTABLE room wltn sleeping porch and reasonable board tor two; conven ient for nurses. 211 N. 23d near Love Jo yMaj352L LARGE room, suitable for 2, with board; also single room; furnace heat, garage, close to car; walking distance. Phone East 6503 LARGE room, suitab-e for 2. with board; also single room; furnace heat, garage, close to car, walking distance. Phone East fiaOS. NICELY furnished room with or without board, with ail home conveniences. Main 60i4. NURSE will care for one or two children; would board parenL Room 12, 544 Petty grove st. EXCLUSIVE home among lovely trees of fers rooms; home cooking, cidse in; 194 N. 19th st. Broadway 4314. NICELY furnished room with board, near Adcox auto school and dental college. 365 Halsey St.. near Union ave. 2 CONNECTING rooms, private bath and private entrance; excellent table board half block away. East 73S4. LARGE front room in modern home. Irving st. Marshall 4410. WoULD like one or two school children to care for in private family. Sell. 3534. 394 COLUMBIA, cor. join. Main First-class board; good heat. EXCEPTIONALLY well furnished room. Breakfast, dinner; garage. East 9267. LARGE room. 2 single beds, suitable for 2, young men prrferred. 3'. Harrson. nild to board. A. 515-74. ROOM and board, private family. 5-66 Gan tenhein avenue. LADY, alone, board and room, $40 or $35 for tw o. 3M East 1st North. E. I ft0. W iSijL furnished warm room fur 1 or 2, with board, private family. 705 Hoyt. WILL give mother's care to 1 or 2 chil Grea reasonable. East room 4U, FOR RENT. Rooms With Board In Private Family. ATTRACTIVELY furnished steam-heated room, suitable for one or two young tedies or couple employed ; excellent me-als. all conveniences; a refined and homelike place; easy walking' distance; moderate rate. 565 Glian. Broadway 243 S. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Charming modern home, lanre front room, with, porch and wonderful view of city, river and mountains; 45 for 1 or $75 for 2 persons. 2 meals. Marshall 74ti. 2 ELDERLY ladiea or man and wife or 2 elderly gentlemen to room and board in a suburban home on Portland Heights; home like surround 1 n gs and a comi ort able home. Call Mar. 152. BOARD and room to man and wife, em ployed couple. 395 Harrison St., corner loth. BOARD and room in private family for 2 business men; good and clean, close In. Kf. 2374. Furnished Apartments.. $70 ONE OF THE MOST ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS in the city, Ideally lo cated, within easy walking distance to heart of business center; 5 unusually large, light, airy rooms; in immaculate condition; good furniture, music room with disappearing bed ; large living room; dining room; white Dutch kitchen; pri vate bedroom; bath; steam heat; tele phone and janitor ' service included; ar ranged so that two families can easily be accommodated. THE MEDA APTS.. Just across the Broadway bridge; half - block north of Broadway. No. 377 Van couver ave. Adults only. STELWYN APTS High Class. The handsomest furnished apts. In city. Outside rooms and sleeping porches. For Feb. 1. Also lovely suite on corner, top floor, 6 windows; very choice; will rent to refined gentleman Also single rooms for bachelors, or ladles employed. References required. Bdwy. 5S30. 166 St. Clair at., corner Washington WELLINGTON COURT UNDEIR NEW M ANAGEM EXT. 8-room, newly painted and kalsomined steam heat and telephone, close in, walk ing distance; otnly 2 blocks of Washing ton st. Rent $50; reference required. Call Broadway 1215. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 8-room furnished . apts., out side and French doors and balcony; per manent and transient. ONE of Irvlngton's finest apartments for rent, furniture for sale. Ideal home for 2 or 3. 4 rooms and sleeping porch. Furnished complete. Use a vacuum clean er, electric washer, included in rent. Possession at once. East 5385. LEAVING town, 4-room apt. for rent; furniture for sale. 4 blocks east Broad way bridge; nothing betier in city for the money. 25tf Jnerry street or wain. 5737 before noon. BONNIE BKAE. Corner aoartmenL 3 rooms, with a! cove, sunny, newly tinted and painted in white enamel, nicely furnished; in Irvington. 14 Hancock. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms suitable for one or two gentlemen; all modern conveniences; free phone; centrally lo cated; 10th st. N. 533 Flanders. Bdwy. 4205. . FOR THREE months, attractive and nice ly furnished apt., four rooms, rent 125. Must furnish best of references. Call Main 7102 or Main 4001. ALICE COURT Modern corner, 3 large rooms, all outside; 2 beds, fireplace, bath, $50, including phone. cor. East Sth and Burnside. East 3566. IRVING APTS. S large outside room apL, furnished, mahogany, complete; piano; adults only. Phone Main 9230. THE HEREFORD. 735 Hoyt St.. 2-rm. apt., front, corner rooms, hot and cold water, steam heai, free phons; $-30. Also sleep ing rooms. Main 3305. CUMBERLAND APTS. 8-room furnished apt.; all outside rooms; adults only; walking distance. West Park and Columbia. Main 1QS6. HADDOvN HALL. 11th and Hall. Front 4-room apt., private bath and balcony; hardwood floors. CA KM hi LIT A APTS. Five-room furnished, beautiful suite, white enameled, close in, first-class, in eve ry respect, aiain zvb. FOR 3 months, attractive and richly tur nlshed apartment; rent $125 per month; must furnish best of references. Call Main 7102 or Main 4O01. THE EVERETT, 644 EVERETT STREET. Furnished 3-room corner apt., all mod ern conveniences. $60. Bdwy. 4400. HANTKORN APTS. Completely furnished front 3-room apt. with 2 disappearing beds and balcony. 251 T2th ; BOW51AN apts.. Irvington. 5 outside rms , steam heated, hardwood floors, French doors; janitor service, $75. Feb. 1, East 1 3!. 2 AND 3-ROOM apts., free phone, water and light. 15 minutes to west side, $20 and $26. Sellwood 2440 or Seilw. 1024. TH E R EX FORD. 2 -room apartment $50, including steam heat and phone. Main 55fl. 2-ROOM apartment, stove heat, runn-ing water, S24 a month. 305"& Grand ave. Phone East 2725. ; KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 3-room strictly modern, elevator, tile rmth: 11th and Montgomery. Main 35,9 , PARK APTS. Nice front 3-room apt., fronting on the park; hardwood floors and fireplace ; $55. Phone Mar. 2381. LOVELY apt., hdwd floors, private bath, walking distance. Reasonable rent. E. 4276. WILLIAMS APT., 557 Williams ave., for warm apts. and sleeping rooms. East 31S7. ; H A LSE Y APTS., 1 2 and 1 steam heat, private bath; 3-room ant., $35. East 3273. FOR RENT Furnished modern apartment in Piedmont: no children. Phone Wood- lawn ISO'. or 31 am oi. 2-ROOM apartment, newly furnished, fur nace heat, iirst noor, wanting distance, rent reasonable. 625 Everett. Bdwy. 4145. CLEAN, sunny, 2-room, apartment, close in, west side, quiet place. 208 17th st. Main 7628. YOUR CHOICE of 3 nice, clean, newly fur. apartments, a iarge rooms eacn. yv 3 rving street. Main 1358. DINING-ROOM and kitchen, bath; oak furniture, sink, oupooaras, gas. o-iWfc Market. FURNISHED modern apartment in Pied mont; no children. Phone Wdln. 1309 or Main 6t0. THE1 CHELTENHAM, 19th and Northrup a ana am. xtuwy. 36oa. 2 AND 3-ROOM modern apts., tile batuT Main 1052. Buena Vista apts. CLEAN, completely furnished 2-room apt. $23. 680 Lombard st. Phone Col. 617. FINE bungalow apt., E. side, 1st floor: reasonable rent. Bdwy. 2t56. UNION AVE. and Killingsworth, fur. apt., MORTON APTS., 3-room furnished apt. 697 Washington St. Bdwy. 1Q98. 3-ROOM front apt., 1 room and kitchen ette. 328 Mill, near Broadway. NICELY furnished 3-room apt. The Ar cad ia, 703 Everett. Mar. 3716. 2-ROOM Sth st. fur. apt. Harrison Court, 394 LARGE three-room basement-apt., white enamel, newly finished, $35. 357 12th st. 2-ROOM apt., modern, ,17th and Lovejoy. Arline Apts. Bdwy. 1812. COSY li-room furnished apt,, steam heated, walking distance, 3Q East 8th St., N., $40. LUZERNE APTS. 2-room furnished apartment. 1 AND 3-room furnished apartment, close in. ltV East 11th st. NICE LY furnished 2-room apt., 1 block from Bdwy. bridge; adults. 164 Cherry. Highland court a pts. nished apt. .Marshall 3181. -room tur- LOVEi.Y 8-room front apt. 341 11th st. tnfurnished Apartments. NEW IRVINGTON APARTMENTS. Will take reservations now for apts. in the new 4-family building, 22d and Hancock, sts.; building ready for tenants Feb. l. Each apartment has 4 rooms, tile bath, fireplace, hardwood floors; all beautifully finished; heated by individual gas furnaces; rent $65; references; no children. F. E. BOWMAN & OO., 210 Cham, of Com. Bidg. Main 776. ANCHOR COURT. 14TH AND COLUMBIA. S-room apt., excellent condition: adults and references. - CEDAR HILL 187 GREEN AVE.. 3-room, light, front apartment. Adults onlv. Reference. Desirable for 2. Phone Marshall 5345. UNFURNISHED APT., 3 rooms, modern, except heat; $18. Call before 10:3O A. M., 4HOV4, Larrabee street. KING ALBERT APTS. 2 rms., dressing rm., bath, kitchen ele vator. 11th and Montgomery. Main 359. UNFURNISHED, big corner room, next to kitchen and bath in a first-class, ateam heatod apt. West side. Mar. 1611. HAS E LET APT 3., 3 large outside rooms, modern, unfur., adults only. $35. 358 13h st. Mar. 3273. ' PARK APTS. 4-room light front apt. on 4th floor of first-class house ; electric elevator: $50. Phone Marshall 2381. THE AMERICAN Modern, o-room apart ment. Broadway 3360. HIGHLAND COURT Apia; 5-room unfur nished apt. Marshall 3181. ROOMS, modern, steam heat, gas stove. 561 Glisan st. 4 T'.OOII apt,, $30. Bdwy. 7429, or Bdwy. 794, . FOR RENT. Unfurnished Apartments. 35 TENTH ST., near Clay, west side, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, heat, hot water, gas range, re frigerator and linoleum on kitchen and bath, all newly papered and enameled. Unfurnished. ONE 5 -room. unfurnished apt. for renL 742 Everett, Wllmar apts. Main 503O. Furnished or Cn furnished Apurtments. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Upshur apts., 406 28th. 2, 3, 4 and B-room apartments, steam heated, fur nished and unfurnished; reasonable rates. KINGS HILL APTS. Furnished and un furnished apartments; 4 and 6 rooms; very desirable ;, references. Broadway 5126. - NICELY FURNISHED 4-room apts., with bath, reasonable; close in. 42S Columbia, near 11th. Marshall 2277. Flats, FOR RENT. E. 23d and Taylor1 Lower Hat, con venient to car line; $20. E. 60th and Glisan Upper flat; $21. A. H. B1RRELL-GILL CO., 216 N. W. Bank Bidg. Mar. 4114. NEW LOWER FLAT, just finished, on th Capital highway, near Multnomah, ga rage in connection; heat, hot and cold water furnished;- for rent or lease to re sponsible tenant. For particulars call Main tS0. MODERN lower flat, tour rooms and sleeping porch.. Furnace, fireplace, laun dry trays. Irvington district, near Broadway car. Vacant March. 1. No children. G 442, Oregonlan. LOVELY modern 4-room flat, disappear ing bed, linoleum and gas range, furn ace, fine neighborhood. Rent $35. GEO. T. MOORE CO..'' 1007 ,Yeon Bidg. MODERN1 5-rooni upper flat, large bal cony, fireplace, furnace. E. 18th and Ash. 6-ROOM flat, walking distance, nice view, good order, fireplace, furnace, $37.50. 3M H 16th St.. south of Montgomery. BEAUTIFUL 5-room fiat and garage, $60. Call 5t5-8 Ladd avenue. 5-ROOM unfurnished flat, near Chapman and Mill; $2U per montn. Mam &kiz. LOWER 5-room flat, newly tinted, 179-8 East Morrison. Mt. rapor car. Furnished Flats. WANTED Refined couple to occupy flat with lady until May 1; piano, everything furnished but aisnes, oeaaing ana uaenn, references. Call Auto. 624-41 or 524-42 after 10 A. M., or 563 Everett. CLEAN, modem, 4 rooms, sleeping porch, bath, front balcony, private furnace, basement space; west aide, walking dis tance, business center; references. 464 Hall St.. near 13th. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 3 rooms and 2 inclosed sleeping porches, universal com bination range, fireplace, Rado heat. Fine yard. Strictly modern, $48.50. 710 E. Madison, near 20th. $30 5-ROOM well furnished flat between Laurelhurst park and Sunnyside; elec tricity, gaa stove and Ruud heater. 1484 E. 33d. East 5260. fiXT.V S25 4-room. well-furnished flat, stove heat, electricity, gas stove and gas water heater, near school and best car service. 150 "A E. 33d st. East 5260. FOR RENT 2 beautiful furnished house keeping rooms with sleeping porch, walk ing distance. 367 H Vancouver ave., near B roadway. EIGHT-ROOM flat tor rent, furniture for sale, $500 cash, including Brunswick graphophone. 545 Fourth. FURNISHED upper flat, modern, living room, dining room, kitchen, large sleep ing porch. too Hi. mam, nawiaunie ar. 3-ROOM furnished flat. 42X Columbia; easy walking distance. Main &S9 after 5 P. M. 4 ROOMS, bath, sleeping porch; no chil dren; rent $35; Hawthorne district. - Tabor 3560. NICELY furnished lower flat, all con veniences, Montavilla dlstricL Call Ta bor 1631. MODERN 3-room lower flat, nicely fur nished, water, garbage service; walking distance; 3o. o" aim st. $5; WELL furnished upper 5-room flat, separate basement and furnace ; refer ences. 565 E. Davis St., near 13th. 4-ROOM, modern, nicely furnished iiat. 616 Commercial st. Auto. 319-01. 4-ROOM furnished flat, modern, $40; no children. Cail 346 Va Montgomery st. B-ROOM furnished flaL Call afternoons. 552 Third st. 3-ROOM flat, modern; E. 22d st. S. adults only. 504 NEWLY dona flats, very nice, fireplaces. Couple. 568 East Main. 4-HOOM flat, furn'ished, $30 per month. 1259 Hawthorne ave. References. NICELY furnished 6-room flat for rent. 623 Vancouver ave. Call Main 7120. MODERN, 4 rooms, furnished. Inquire 268 Easx 4otn St., corner aawmorim. FURNISH WD flat,- four rooms, $17 per month. Inquire 682 E. Taylor. FURNISHED flat, adults only. $35. 265 Clay street. Housekeeping Rooms. LARGE, airy H KL. room, good and warm, very clean and comfortable, furnished ; electric lights, hot and cold water, free phone and laundry privileges; no linen; easy walking distance; just the place for desirable lady employed during day. $21.50 month. DEL MONTE, 167 STOUT ST. One block south of 20th and Wash. A CHOICE large room and kitchen, furn ished, first floor, gas range, good furn ace heat, electricity, running water; 1 walking distance. 624 Flanders. Bdwy. 2125. . SEE these h. k. rooms and you will go no further; phone, bath, walking distance; garage if dslred. 566 Market st., ground floor. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished H. K. rooms, $15 up. Including hot water1, electric lights, laundry room. LARGE, comfortable H. K. room kitchenette. - 693 East Madison. SOU. lth East ELEVENTH ST., cor. Alder, 141. H. K, rooms for family, a or d lurnisnea n. k. rooms, free phone, hath, electricity, 1st floor. " BUSHMARK, Wash. St., cor. 17th Clean, modern, one and two-room outside apts.; also sleeping rooms. Broadway 5463. 1 AND 2 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water ; special rates ; $3. 50 up. Hotel Ohio, 266 Front St., cor. Madison. SINGLE H. K. Rooms on 4th floor, steam heat, free lights, none ana gas. . oxo Flanders, cor. 15th. NEW 2-ROOM H. K.. apt., just completed. Hot ana coia water, f urnace neat. nm.. 8954. 2 AND 3-ROOM furnished housekeeping apartment, steam neatea, gas iurnace. walking distance. 423 Pacific St. E. 8494. H. K. ROOMS, close in; one 3-room apt., $25, and Z-room apt., ; .aiso smaii rooms. 261 Broadway. DOUBLE, clean, furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms; naming uibiauce. 4824 Washington St. CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, 1 and 2; cheap rent. 69-5 Wrater st. Walk- ' Ing distance. Marshall 3836. 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms) and 1 large sini Housekeeping room. 281 Larrabee 2 SMALL basement rooms for light h k. Everything iurnian-ea. u.av, opt may st. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. Moving for less. Phone Bdwy. 2445. TWO rooms. $5 per week up; one and sleeping. S3 up- 00 w asnrngton. SINGLE, steam heated housekeeping rooms, 84 to o per weea. it j.atn st. H. KL. ROOMS, JJixtn su. light and pleasant, carmw. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent. 384 Parit sireci.. 2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms, central; nhone. etc., free. Main 3465. BRAND-NEW, large, 2-room tront suite. 302 Tillamook, at Williams ave. 2 H. K- ROOMS, furnished; elec. lights, gas, heat inc., $30. 769 E. Broadway. H. K. ROOMS, nice ana cieanr cheap rent. 312 Clay street. LARGE, light, newly decorated rooms, electricity and telephone. 421 2d. SEE THESE: smaii room and kitchenette, $15 monthly. 655 Flanders. NICELY furnished H. K.. rooms. Overton. Main 5309. LOVELY 2-room apt., 4366. 695 Davis St. Main SINGLE h. k rooms for rent, steam heat. 162 N. 22d st. 2 NICE front rooms, furnished for light h ousekeeping. reasonable. 293 Wreidler. GOOD, clean basement H. K. rooms. Multnomah st. East 918-6. DOWN-TOWN furnished H. K. rooms, cheap rent. 253 Wash., cor. Third. THE MAPLE, 30. N. 17, near Wash., h. k. & sleeping rms. h. c. water, steam ht. Honsekeeping Rooms in Private Family. THREE housekeeping rooms, gas and water; no children, $22.50. 362 Sacra m-ento st. TWO NICE houseKeeplng rooms, light, phone and bath. East 3883. 535 E. Burn side. . HOUSEKEEPING suite for rent. 498 Com mercial. Phone East 2643. NICE 3-room apartment, reasonable. Phone East 3451. 260 E. 23d st. 2 NICE H. K. rooms, light, phone, bath. 535 East Burnside. East 3883. LARGE, pleasant room with kitchenette 501 Olay. FURNISHED rooms with housekeeping nrivi leges, warm and light. East it-62 2 H K. ROOMS, $23 a month; no children, ajid he-at; adults. 403H 12th st. HOLIS'SK.EEPING rooms, everything -fur- ni?hM3. 475 Pacific E- 6003. NICELY furnished H. K. room and good garage, ana t)tn. aV-ROOM, aaxt nit-lit, JcXu-r.yoa at . FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. FURNISHED, 2 large, clean, lower, sunny room apt., private; sleeping porch, fire place, steel range, hot and cold water, electric, gas, phone, garage included. $30. Wdln. 1375. THREE suites of 2 rooms each, furnished housekeeping apartments. - Apply 700 Irving street. Bdwy. 321HS. 2 SUNNY, light, housekeeping, iuraished rooms, electric HSjITss, private tntra.nce and garage. 321 E. 8th N. Phone B. 2iin. NICEt, clean housekeeping rooms. $2.50 week up. The Buckeye apt. 364 East Morrison- st. -ROOM apartment with iarge kitchenette; one neat h. k. room, private family; business telephone. 121 X. 23d st. $2i3 3 LARGE, sunny, fur. h. k. rooms, private bath, porch and entrance; adults. 572 E. 6th SL Sellwood 165. GARAGE furnished for light h. k.. $12 month. Inquire 14S3 Cleveland ave., 8 to 4:30. 721 Oswego St.. evenings. LARGE front room and kitchen, 3 lights, linen and phone, $6 per week: easy walk down town. Marshall 1455. 8t0 6th jt Houses. PIANOS moved, $3; stairs extra, $1 each flight: 30 days' free storage on all house- hold goods. Furniture moving, one-ton truck. $2 per hour; large truck, $2.75 per hour. -We are experienced and have good packing. Call Broadway 1207. Atlas Transfer & Storage Co.. 104 N. Fifth St. Open Sundays ana evenings. $iH BEAUTIFUL Alameda coioniai. six rooms and sleeping porch, 2 fireplaces, all hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, 3 large airy bedrooms, furnace and garage. R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 2478. 7 ROOMS, newly tinted, fine furnace, every convenience, easy walk to Thompson grade and Jefferson high schools. Call at 822 Commercial st. Key at grocery, next door, after Feb 1. CALL BROADWAY 5S0 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LI G H T PO W E R H EAT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST. 5-ROOM modern house, 300 feet of ground, fruit trees, gas, stove connected; adult preferred. ML Scott car line. Tabor 8895 0-ROOM modern house, 221 Shaver, corner Haight ave.. fine condition; rent $40. PARRISH WAT KINS & CO.. 252 Stark St. 5-ROOM modern house, 300 feet of ground, fruit trees, gas, stove connected ; adults preferred. Mt. Scott car lino. Tabor 8Sf5. LESIRABLE 7-room house, 392 San Rafael, near Union; close in. Inquire 399 Han cock street. S-ROOM house and sleeping porch, good condition, suitable for roomers. 403 Russell st., near Union ave. Adults only. 8-ROOM house on Flint st.. near Tilla mook. Ward, 403 Railway Exchange. Broadway 6834. MODERN, furnished bungalow, $30 per mo. Hot and cold water, lights free. Lo cated on Board man ave., Oregon City carline. Ashdale station. Thompson. ELK TRANSFER & STORAGE. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. Moving for less. Broadway 2445. DESIRABLE modern 7-room house ; has all conveniences; to adults rent $65; ref erence required. 589 E. Broadway. BEAUTIFUL modern 8-room house, ga rage, $65 lease ; reference. 298 East 56th st. Tabor 3048. GOOD 6-room house at 1217 Borthwick st,, $3 per month. C. H. E 1st on, owner, Osrwego, Ot. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Transfer Co., Main 1261. 202 Alder street. MOVING Pianos, furniture and lonff dis tance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co., 40 2d at. Phone Bdwy. 5121. 7-ROOM modern house, fine location, fur nace, gas fireplace, 2 toilets, bath, buil't ins. 3 bedrooms; adults. Call Tabor 3451. 5-ROOM house for rent, 127 E. 55th L N., between Glisan and Hoyt. 15 E. 30TH ST., corner E. Burnside, 6- room house, 26. East us 11. IRVINGTON DuDlex. choice 8 rooms, fur nace, fireplace, etc. Owner, East 8015. 5-ROoM house, Webb, 414 E. 3y Leebe St., $11. G. Stark. East 988. MODERN homes, Piedmont and Sellwood, Phone Mitwaukie 44Y. FOUR-ROOM house, large orchard, year's lease. Wdln. 4245. call iu to 12. IRVlNGTOXi choice, clean, modern, house. 589 East Broadway. UNFURNISHED 6-room house, close in Call East 3HI3. ' IRVINGTON 540 Tillamook, cor. 12th. Wonderful duplex lease, $60. R. T. Street. Furnished Houses. SIX ROOMS, strictly modern, all furnished with good furniture, 3 $65 per month, will give lease for one year to party wno can give sacisiactory rer e-rences. 722 East Davis st. between East 20th and East 22d sts. If interest ed, go and look at it and then see us at 300 tauway .uxenange Diag. cawy. 1 503 " FURNISHED S-room house in Irvington for rent: garage, piano, electric washer and alt modern conveniences. 3 months and possibly longer; references required. EaSt 0344. . 8-ROOM bungalow, newly painted, strictly modern, 2 baths, well iurnisned. lu-min- ute ride. oU. oau alter iu:du. M.&T shall 3342. FOR RENT J&-room, modern cottage, fur nished with luriuture ana rugs; lull basement and garage; Reed college dis trict. Automatic 631-40. 8-ROOM bungalow, newly painted, strictly modern. 2 baths, well turmshed, 10-min ute ride; $50. Call after 10:30. Mar shall 3342. MODERN house, high-class house and fur niture, reasonable rent. os Tillamook. J. T. Peters. East 3280. MODERN home, 8 rooms, handsomely fur nished ; piano; attractive location; $00. Call North sixtn St. ATTRACTIVE home, grounds 100x100 fruit ana nowers. mast Morrison st. Phone Tabor 8i7Q. . 2-ROOM furnished apt., lights, gas. fuel. yard, very clean. 12,2 hiano St., Fulton car. FURNISHED 3 -room cottage for rent. No. 15 East 22d. pnone inast &m2 or East 1415. $110 BEAUTIFUL Irvington colonial on i liompson st., uoinpieieiy mrnisnea. R. SOMERVILLE, BDWY. 2478. MODERN home, 8 rooms, handsomely fur nished; win lease e mo. or longer; rer eren ces; attractive location. Main 4711 5-ROOM, furnished cottage for rent. Tabor 5777. COZY 4-room home, nice grounds, fruit, walking distance, west sme. o4-a 3d. 8-ROOM furnished N. 15th. bouse. . Call at 108 FIVE-ROOM cottage, newiy tinted; also three-room apt. 014 jb;. uist st. km car. 9 ROOMS, well furnished house, close in. on east siae: garage, rnone raoor 8422. 5-ROOM modern house, fur., 103 East 84th st. N. Take M v depot car. FURNLSHED 5-room cottage, adults, $20. 4410 63d st. 3. E. Mam BOWL 9-ROOM up-to-date Irvington home rent furnished. Tabor 5582 4 ROOMS, partly furnished, walking dis- tance. east side. Nelson. Kast letMa. A NEW furnished modern 5-room galow; no children. Auto. 617-14. FIVE-ROOM cottage, $35, furnished. Call 11 to 'Z. 04M Hi. mm si. Houses for Rent urnitare for Sale. FURNITURiE FOR SALE Flats for rent, on 5-room, one 6-room; good furniture, dandy place for roomers or boarder; nothing sold separately and nothing for dealers. Will sell on terms or sacrifice for cash; make an offer. 380 East 9th PL N. East 9295. 5-ROOM light, well-furnished, steam heat, hot and cold water, free phone, one room ronte-d pays hair of the renu Hdwy, 4-5 3 ft. DESIRABLE 7-room house, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, garage, west sid-e; furni ture, including oriental rugs, for sale $1500 cash. K 431, Oregonian. 3-ROOM, up-to-date flat for rent, furni ture for sale. Auto. oia-.j. 6-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sa you can make rent of It. 208 11th at. 5-ROOM house. $16, to party buying fur niture. 257 Blandena. Williams ave. car. FURNITURS, close in, 5-room income flat, $4iK cash. M-a.In 2550. MODERN cosy fiat, rent $20. Good .furni ture at bargain. 4626 6th st. Stores and Business Places. CORNER store- and basement and 5 large rooms upstairs; new, modern building, onnosite auto stage depot. Park and Yamhill. Donald Macleod, 534 Chamber of Commerce. 18x60 DOWNTOWN store, rent $85; 12x20 downtown store, rent $5); 13x17 office, $12.50; 40-room up-to-date apt. house to leasre. Ed. Diamond Realty Co., 439 Chamber of Commerce bidg. . STORE FOR RENT. . For any kind of business, especially for bakery, big oven and other equip ment. 230 Burnside. FOR RENT, downtown store, 4 years lease, good retail location, 2 extra large show windows. BD 386, Oregonian. STORE. 10x2O, on Alder St., for sale or rent, long lease, 120 Broadway. Ready March 1. $30 STORE 18x50, Columbia St., near 3d., now vacant. W. G. Cox. 505 Stock Exoh. bidg. Main 4388. FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof ware house, ptione uroaoway a no. STORE. 230 Washington st. Apply 252 Stark street. STORE, 352 1st St., $30. Phone Tabor 1114. $50, 228 Morrison, 2 stores, lease 3 years. Marshall 4440 FOR RENT Half stora, $12 nioniia. 50 FOR KENT. Stores and Business Places. GGOO SQUARE F EET of warehouse space, including balcony, to lease at a ridicu lously low figure; ideally located ad jacent to municipal dock; railroad ter minal at entrance; you can save money by helping us reduce our overhead ex pense in rent. R. M. Hollingshead Co.. Portland Branch. Broadway 41W12. FINE, light, top floor, 90x100, suitable for factory; steam beat, eievator. watchman service, automoatic sprinkers, low in surance. Apply on premises, N. W. cor. Grand ave. and East Stark st. Offices. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. Well-lighted and heated oifices. single or in suites, central office building in financial section of city; low rentals. See Donald G. Woodward, agent. 104 Second street co rnerstark. FRONT office, modern, in Railway Ex change bidg. Apply room 312. DESK room with telephone ai graphic service. Phone Bdwy d steno 8715. OFFICES for rent, and Wash. sts. FUedner bidg.. 10th BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN. Do you want a business? Why look farther? We have everything in this line, all parts of the city. Grocery Stores, Drug Stores, Restaurants, Confectioneries, Pool Halls, Garages. Etc. We also have some excellent buys In outside towns. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 Panama Bidg. Bdwy. 6942. PARTNERSHIP AUTO TOP AND PAIi"T SHOP. The largest and most fully equipped place in the city; incorporated under the laws of Oregon; doing work for the largest and best business firms In city, employing number of expert men; need man to attend to outside end of busi ness; no previous experience snecessary, a your part of the work is pleasant; will guarantee you $v per week to start, and equal share of monthly prof its; investigation Invited ; owner cannot handler-business alone. Price $1500. Call 310 Panama B!dg., 3d and Alder sts. HEALTH of partner necessitates disposal established wood and fuel business; will consider auto, house or bankable paper in part. Confectionery, soft drinks, cigar stor excellent location, splendid business, new fixtures. $2000 takes control factory manufac turing well advertised auto accessory, established trade, ready market. O. V. JACKSON & CO.. 2)1 Oregon Bidg. SWELL close-in apartment house, $5500; long lease, easy terms. Downtown hotel, $25,000, easy terms. 84-suite apartment house, downtown, $16,000; easy to handle; large net in come. Lunchroom, downtown, $1200. Candy store, wholesale and retail, $6000. Restaurant, warehouse district, $450. ED DIAMOND REALTY CO., 439 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. $250 WILL handle waffle house and res taurant, doing" good business; fine loca tion; easy terms on balance. $325 Small - restaurant and lunch counter, doing good business, well lo cated; rent $20. $575 Restaurant and lunch counter doing $35 daily; best of equipment, low rent, long lease. Morris, with O. O. SLETTEN, 415 Tty. Esrh. Bidg. FOR SALE Special bargain In beautiful mahogany bar and light lunch outfit. Cheap if taken at once. AUSTIN O' LB ART REALTY CO.. 335 Cham, of Com, Bdwy. 1571. CONFECTIONERY, LUNCHES AND GROCERIES. Dandy light lunch, confectionery, and light groceries. In fine business dis trict, opposite large school. 2 good liv ing rooms. Rent $30, two-year lease. Price $1500. Some terms. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bidg.. Bdwy. 6043, DENTAL OF'FICE SACRIFICE. Select location in high-class down town building; complete modern equip ment; long established clientele; operat ed by present ownr over 5 yrs. ; will pos itively clear never less than $600 per month; must go east; $1250 cash will handle; a genuine sacrifice. Apply 316 Pfttock blk., Washington at 10th st. MODERN CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT LUNCH. Right downtown, west side, elegant fixtures, mezzanine floor, A-l business; too many fixtures to mention; pleased to show this place: $20OO will handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 404-5-6 Panama Bidg., Third and Aider GARAGE. $1000 NET PER MONTH. Don't be a skeptic, but come In and let us show you this. This ad means just what It says, and all we ask is an opportunity to show you. We also have other good buys. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bidg., Bdwy. 6042. AM MANUFACTURING highest grade re fractory brick and tile and have more orders than can fill; need experienced men for office and outside details and prefer financially Interested party; will give one-third Interest, bonus and salary $175 month in return for InvestmenL C 402. Oregonlan. GROCERY AND BUTCHER SHOP. Corner location on east side; good building and lot, 35x80; 4 living rooms; impovements In and paid ; stock, fix tures and property. $3800, half cash, or will accept close-in improved acreage t $2000. 425 Chamber of Commerce. Bidg. SMALL GROCERY STOCK WANTED TODAY. Partv with $850 cash wants grocery, close In, with storage room; rent rea sonable. See us today. RAPID SALES CO.. 405 Couch Bidg. SELL THAT BUSINESS TODAY. We have buyers waiting and wanting all kinds of small businesses.- Call us at Broadway 6523 and tell us what yoa have to sell. RAPID SALES CO.. , 405 Couch Bidg. $3000 CONFECTIONERY AND FOUNTAIN. New fixtures, downtown location, fly ing $45 per day; handle magazines, fruit, cigars and groceries. MORGAN CO.. 533 Cham, of Com. RESTAURANT, fully equipped and doing good business is for sale at $1400. Low rent and very desirable location. METZGER- PARKER COM3 ANT, Realtors. 260 Oak 5t. Bdwy. nSrtfl, EQUAL PARTNERSHIP. In a growing business, making aute bodies, track and bug bodies, auto tops, etc.; profits large: prefer office man; owner oversees the work. Room 401, Dehum bldg LISTEN HERE. We have some dandy buys. Groceries, restaurants, lunch counters, $300 to $5000, or land for trade, cash or terms RAPID SALES CO., 405 Couch Bidg. CLEANING AND PRESSING. Nets $250 per month: Hoffman Presai dandy equipment; $1100, $750 cash, F. H. McCREA. Broadway 7581. 230 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. PARTNER WANTED. EQUAL INTEREST IN HIGH-CLAPS BUSINESS. SMALL INVESTMENT FULLY SECURED. 327 WORCESTER BLDG. CAUTION, BUYERS Before ciofling a deal of so-called Interest In estahiisnea real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon bidg. Phons Broadway 1902. BUILDING containing 4 stores, ground floor, two o-room ana rour .t-rnom apts., unfurnished, second floor. Will consider Jese covering fair ic responsible party. Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark pt. DRUG STORE, excellent location, new stock and fixtures; owner not a drug gist, lump or invoice, about $1700. Bu shue, 518- Chamber of Commerce. 1 75 LUNCH ROOM, a real place, good business, gooa iene, esy lerina, or will exchange for rooming house. Owner, lOfl North 6th st. GOOD restaurant man. must go to Col. Sunday; this is a snap at t ;u; 4uu casn. LINTON & WELCH. 418 Railway Exchange Bidg. CONCRETE 60x100 GARAGE. Good storage, plenty repair work: alm sell gas, oils, etc.; good lease; price only $1900. Room 401 Oekum bidg. $850 GROCERY, nice, clean place; living rooms; linl-CiaSB nei 11 uur vim , jum uih place for man and wife. Z. Eakins, 315 Couch bidg.. 109 4th st. GROCERY and meat market, also build ing, doing e-rt) to jw a any, gooa loca tion; will trade for acreage; price $3VM, some terms. Bushun. 518 Cham of Com. PARTNER with $600 to $700, business proposition. von l wui vo.11 Stock Exchange today. FOR SALE One of tne best paying mil linery Stores in soutnweat w BBniiiRioQ. Own er leaving city. AV 112. Oregonlan. BARBER SHOP, 2 chairs, good location and business, east eiue, aieei unuge, 193 Adams st. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. can or write xsr. yean, oao- ond and Morrison. RESTAURANTS 2 well located, west sida. $7-5 a day: $ww ana 3ow; win isk car. Broadway 4336. ALL AROUND auto mechanic wanted to join us m promising concern, jb ww